Didactic cook game. Didactic game for children of senior pre-school "Cooking

Nikiforova Elizabeth Kirillovna,

Madou DS KV "Nest"

Yanao G. New Urengoy

Brief abstract benefit

Didactic game: "Cook".

Present manual intended for individual and group classes with children from 3-5 years old cognitive development (Formation of a holistic picture of the world, the expansion of the horizon by themes: "Vegetables", "Fruits"), on the formation of elementary mathematical representations By topics: "Color", "Color and Form", "as much, more, less", "numbers and numbers 1,2,3, 4", "Circle", "Left, right."

Purpose of the game:

The ability to recognize color, in form, correlate colors with objects of the surrounding world, distribute objects into groups in color, expand the range of colors known to children;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rhythm, the ability in the simplest cases to see the pattern of alternating items;

Form the experience of independent opening and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;

Secure the ability to operate the concepts of "one" and "a lot"; - to train mental operations analysis, comparison and generalization, develop attention, logical thinking and speech;

Empty selfishness.

How to work with a guide:

The table lies large and small cards (7 * 12cm, 4 * 5cm). Two-way cards. Little cards with a picture of vegetables and fruits, from the back side, the corresponding fruit or vegetables. Large cards with a picture of circles of different color, on the back of the green and red. If the child chose a card with green, then he needed to cook a vegetable salad if he chose a red card - fruit salad. To small circles, you need to choose the appropriate color of the fruit or vegetable.

Game options: "Multicolored carpet"

Large and small cards on the table with color. Ask children to make a colorful carpet.

"Truck" Ask for children to see pictures. Immerse in a red trolley - fruit, green - vegetables.

"Delicious Borsch" Children sit at the table. The educator proposes to take big cards and pick vegetables in color of circles for borscht.

"What is superfluous?" Cards with circles lie on the table. The educator proposes to find the appropriate color cards, but among the cards there is one fruit. Ask: "What is superfluous?" Similarly, three red big cards and one green. What is the extra charge? Why?


Little cards with vegetables and fruits are decomposed on the tables. Ask for children to choose 2-3 big cards. Talking about the fact that the beasts love vegetables and fruits, send them treat. To do this, you need to immerse in a green wagon - vegetables, in red - fruit.

"Fences" The educator offers children to build fences for vegetables and fruits. Children are sitting at the tables where big cards of different colors are on the tables. Ask to build a fence in this order: red, green, red, green. Or offer a scheme of the construction of the fence.

"Draw a picture" Each child is offered a set of fruit cards and with vegetables. Ask left to plant - fruit, right - vegetables.

"Name Store"

Children form a semicircle. The educator explains that they need to create their own store. To do this, either you take cards only with vegetables, or only with fruit. When they decompose the cards asking: "What is the name of your store". Why do you think so?

"Buying goods"

The educator offers children to go to the store, choose a vegetable and fruit. Child, when spread all the cards on the table to ask: "What fruits or vegetables he bought?"

"The fastest"

The educator shows two boxes for children, in one fruit in another vegetable. Offers to play. Two players are selected. On the team: "Once, two, three - the game start" the children begin to lay out. First you need to choose those who are faster. At the end of the game can be asked to count. Did it really happen? During the game, educational purposes are solved, in parallel with this their mental operations, attention, memory, speech, activity abilities are trained. Successful independent (under the guidance of the educator) Overcoming obstacles helps children survive the joy of victory, forms the desire and the ability to overcome difficulties. Tomorrow the kid will do what he did today along with the educator.

Dear teachers and parents - exhibitors!

Nina Mullina

Scenario of entertainment "Merry Cooks" Senior preschool age

Purpose: To form ideas about the work of adults and its social significance. Consider knowledge of the profession and expand the presentation of children about the profession of cook. Develop interest in cooking, the skill of the right use of the knife, the ability to cut vegetables and fruit cubes. Educate respect for the work of adults.

Tasks: Systematize the ideas about the work of the cook, promote the ability to work in a team together, to develop dexterity, speed, educate respect for people of this profession.

Preliminary work: conversation about the profession of cook, learning poems, songs. A selection of proverbs and sayings. Consider the plot pictures and videos. Excursion to the sickery of kindergarten.

Equipment: Vegetables and fruits, chairs, tables, tray, plates, forks, knives. Each merge, napkins

Products for cooking sandwiches and salad (decorations in advance sliced)

Healthcare. ISEMENSEME.

Become kids in a circle. I am your friend, and you are my friend. Help the hands will take, and smile to each other. Today we do not have an ordinary game. And what we will play and what will be speaking, we will find out when you guess the riddle

Walks in a white cap

With cook in hand

He is preparing to everyone lunch

Porridge, soup and vinaigrette. (COOK)

(a video about the work of the cook).

Educator. Correctly - this is a cook. What do you know about the profession of cook?

Always nice to people have

When tasty food

And good chefs

The food is always tasty.

Roast, fish, vinaigrette.

Okroshka and Borshi,

Salad, cutlets and omelet

And buns and soup.

Always all the freshest

Well, how should and be

Food can not burn

And should not burn.

That's why they hurry to them,

Dining to them go.

And for a long time thanks

For this delicious work.

Educator: Yes, guys, you are right. The cook is a person whose profession is cooking. The cook is tasty and satisfying adults and children in schools, in kindergartens, at the factories. This is very responsible and hard work. The best meal is the one that is cooked with love. From generation to generation passed people secrets of preparation of various dishes. Each people have their own national cuisine. What national dishes you know (children call and on the screen show slides: loaf, pancakes, Russian dumplings, Gubady, Baursak, Echprovek.) Responses of children (photo dishes)

Educator I have a proposal for you. Let's try to become crabs. I will chef (dresses apron and cap, I will manage the process of our work. You will be my assistants.

I want a cook i be

Soup, potatoes, cooking soup.

Delicious cookies

And the glory treats

To say our mother

What a miracle, your porridge.

Give cooks products:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Fig. Potatoes ... and then

Waiting for you delicious food.

Educator Today we will prepare fruit, vitamin salad and sandwiches. T. K on Winter Street and our body requires vitamins. What do you think, what is more vitamins in vegetables or fruits? (children's responses)

True in fruit more vitamins.

Guys, what is a salad? (children's responses).

Bananas, pears, grapes

To give divine salad

To the table to decide only worth ...

And here are the beauties of gentle flock

Salad in the Ethoma flies,

Caresses the eye such a split,

Vivat, fruit salad!

Right. Salad is a cold kushan from finely chopped vegetables or fruits. And what is a sandwich?

R - K: What is a sandwich?

It is on, and this is under.

What is put on top-in?

Oil, fish, ham.

Cucumber, caviar and cheese,

Bread placed below - under

And the sandwich comes out.

The teacher for sandwiches will need bread -Ipi, oil - May, cucumber -kyar, sausage, green dill.

And so we have on the table there is everything you need for work can be proceeded to work. But the work of the chef requires purity in everything. You can not start cooking in dirty clothes with unwashed hands. Before work, you need to wash your hands and dress apron (we wipe your hands with wet wipes).

P-C: We guys - Cook.

Mom love to help

And now on our kitchen

We will walk fun.

And so you can proceed to the manufacture of fruit, vitamin salad with beautiful title "Delicious", still with unknown tastes. And sandwiches.

(Girls make a salad, and boys sandwiches.) Lisa M. cuts Apple -alma, Angelina - Bananan, Dasha H. - Pear, Elina-Cyvi. Danil - Bread - Epi, Roma -Golbas, Seryozha - Cucumber - Kyar, Arseny - Oil - May.

But remember! What you need to work with knives carefully and carefully not to cut down.

As soon as the cutting is ready, all the fruits we will lay down in a salad bowl and make it yogurt, mix well, and the salad is ready.

(Slideshow - Children with parents prepare at home)

Do you know the riddles about fruits? (Call riddles from which fruit, vegetable)

Delicious fruit from hot countries

Called ... banana.

Fruit looks like a nevack,

Wear a yellow shirt

Silence in the garden violating, with a tree fell .... Grush

Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch, love me adults

And little kids ... Apple

Fruit dusty - velvety

Sweep the skirt sweet sour

With the outside with potatoes are similar

Inside the gooseberry looks like ... Kiwi

Without windows without doors

Full of hill - "people"

While children are preparing, I read the proverbs, and they have to finish them. Do you know the proverbs? I read, and you must finish:

Porridge butter ... (do not spoil)

One with a cook, and seven ... (with a spoon)

Every vegetable is your ... (time)

Tastes could not be discussed)

First pancake ... (komom)

Well done teacher! You are already completing your work, fruits are ready for salad. All lay down in a salad bowl with yogurt. And the salad is ready. But the salad should not only give pleasure, but also cause appetite. And what would he arouse appetite it should be decorated (decorated with salad in advance prepared billets from fruits). Salad ready. With a salad coped with, let's see what we happen to sandwiches. Well done coped with their work and turned out to be wonderful sandwiches and they should also be decorate (in advance prepared figures from vegetables and decorative umbrellas)

Educator and now cover the table and guests of all call.

Take treat, and praise us.

Here our holiday comes to an end, all the guys tried very much, let's all together the dance "Little Cooks".

Publications on the topic:

"Caporyal Book of Nature" - a cognitive game in the senior group "The plaintive book of nature." Cognitive game B. senior group. Tasks of the game: Teach children carefully pepper in the worldsee.

The goal of the game: the activation of the dictionary on the lexical themes "vegetables", "fruits", "berries and mushrooms"; Confusion and differentiation of the concepts of "vegetables", "Fruit",.

Objective: to expand the presentation of children about the work of the cook, promote the ability to work in a team, develop dexterity, speed, bring up respect.

Friday, April 13, 2018 11:25 + in quote

IN lately An increasing percentage in preschool institutions occupy children with a general underdevelopment of speech (ONR). This contingent of children has the level of development vocabulary It does not correspond to age indicators, and its mastering is an important condition for mental development.

Children with the general underdevelopment of speech cannot be spontaneously to become an ontogenetic path of development of speech, peculiar to normal children. For overcoming, special correctional events are needed.

Everyone knows well that in preschool age leading activities is that the child is most fully developed in activities. The greatest effect of the correctional work on the development of a vocabulary of a preschooler with a general underdevelopment of speech will be obtained, if conducting it through the diversity of games. One species is a verbal didactic game. Using interesting game It encourages a child to free speech communication, the assimilation of the right grammatical forms of the language, the use of words known to him in phrases and suggestions, is activated by the already existing vocabulary. Enrichment of the life experience of the child, the complication of its activities and the development of communication lead to a gradual quantitative growth of the dictionary.

Starting with itself early age The child actively knows the world, exploring everything that happens around. Therefore, developing didactic games occupy the most important place in the life of the child. They expand the concept of the baby about the world around, teach the child to observe and highlight the characteristic signs of items (magnitude, form, color), distinguish them, as well as establish the simplest relationships.

Educational classes will help the child to prepare for school, as didactic games for preschoolers allow us to not only learn something new, but also to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Undoubtedly, such skills will be the basis for further successful learning. Solving simple developing game assignments Each child will rejoice in its results and achievements. And good mood is the key to successful development!

Didactic game "Mysterious ball".

Purpose: activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children by meaningfulness. Drawing up a simple description of the subject. The assimilation of the design of complex proposals.

Development of verbal and logical thinking through riddles.

Game description:

Option 1:

Guys, Dunno came to occupation today. He loves to travel in a balloon. The ball is different. Balloon - it is made of rubber. So what is he? - ... Yes, the toy, children play them. And what else ball do you know? The window opens only when you guess what a ball denoting another object may still be. What is the name of our planet? - (Land). As you can call the planet, where people live - ... the globe. Sunny planet You can call ... - Sunny ball. Athletes play tennis. What do they play? ... tennis ball. What decorate the Christmas tree on New Year? ... Christmas ball. On flowerbed Bloat beautiful flowerHe is yellow and called it .... Golden ball

Option 2: Riddown mysteries. The window will open if the riddle is correctly guess. What words helped you to guess?

Nor start, no end,

Neither the nor nor face.

Know everything and young and old

That she is a great ball.

How many rides nor go,

You do not find the end here.

(Earth )

You warm the whole world

You do not know fatigue

Smile in a window

And everything is called you -

(Sun or sunlight)

On a green fragile leg

Rose ball at the track.

Breeze pasturs

And dispelled this ball.


Blooming the valley in May

Astra blooms in the fall.

And in winter blooming

I'm on the tree every year.

The whole year was lying on the shelf,

All forgot about me.

And now you wish on the tree,

Quietly ringing. (Ball)

Didactic game "Bureau of Finds".

Purpose: Activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children by themes: "Migratory birds", "Winter birds". Education of nouns with diminutive suffixes. Fastening the skill of the formation of relative adjectives. Drawing up a simple description of the subject.

The assimilation of some forms of word imposition: endings of nouns in the parental case, in the only and multiple number, verbs of the present time and the past time.

Game description: Option 1.

Smart bird, please descend.
You lost the feather.

On the yellow allee, where maples are aleut

Waiting for you a find in the "Bureau".

Let's look at the "Bureau of Finds" and let's see whose feathers hit the foundation bureau. Pen Sparrow - .... Cheka Pen got to the Bureau? - (Sparrow feather). Pen nightingry .... Whose feather? - (nightingale). Feather crows ... Whose feather? - (Vorona). Pen of the crane ... Whose feather? - Crane, etc.

Option 2.

  1. Name affectionate birds. Nightingale - Solovushka, Sparrow-Parking, Crow - Voronushka, Cranevolya, Zhuravlik, etc.
  2. Let's call the birds when she is alone and when there are many of them.

One nightingale is a lot of Solovyov, one crow-to-aim crows, one crane, a lot of cranes, etc.

3. Let's play with birds. What makes the bird? - ... (Poultry flies - flew the bird - fly the bird in the spring, etc.)

Option 3.

In the "Bureau of Finds", children came, who lost their mittens, socks, hat. Help them find your mittens, your sock, your hat ...

Didactic game "Cheerful cooking".

Purpose:activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children on the topic "Food. Fastening the skill of the formation of relative adjectives. Drawing up a simple description of the subject.

Game description:

Option 1: Mom prepared breakfast. She cooked her favorite porridge for her daughter (son). Porridge turned out very tasty.

"Mom porridge

Daughter obedience

And the whole bash ... I buried! "

Guess, what kind of cereals Mom welded porridge? What a porridge turned out if it was prepared from Manka, buckwheat, rice, milking, etc.

Option 2: Mom came from work and very tired. Dad and daughter, (son) decided to cook dinner. Boiled milk and put the croup. Delicious turned porridge. What porridge will eat mom and the whole family? - ... Porridge from Manka - Manna; from rice - rice, from buckwheat - ....; From the milf - ...

Tumchenko E.A. . teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category MBDOU DSCV №66 "Funchawka" G. Nizhnevartovsk.

Series message "":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 - didactic games for expanding the dictionary of senior preschoolers with ONR
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 21 -

Nikiforova Elizabeth Kirillovna,

Madou DS KV "Nest"

Yanao G. New Urengoy

Brief abstract benefit

Didactic game: "Cook".

This manual intended for individual and group classes with children from 3-5 years old, in cognitive development (the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of the horizon by themes: "Vegetables", "Fruits"), on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas on the topics: "Color "," Color and shape "," as much, more, less "," Numbers and numbers 1,2,3, 4 "," Circle "," Left, right ".

Purpose of the game:

The ability to recognize color, in form, correlate colors with objects of the surrounding world, distribute objects into groups in color, expand the range of colors known to children;

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rhythm, the ability in the simplest cases to see the pattern of alternating items;

Form the experience of independent opening and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;

Secure the ability to operate the concepts of "one" and "a lot"; - to train mental operations analysis, comparison and generalization, develop attention, logical thinking and speech;

Empty selfishness.

How to work with a guide:

The table lies large and small cards (7 * 12cm, 4 * 5cm). Two-way cards. Little cards with a picture of vegetables and fruits, from the back side, the corresponding fruit or vegetables. Large cards with a picture of circles of different color, on the back of the green and red. If the child chose a card with green, then he needed to cook a vegetable salad if he chose a red card - fruit salad. To small circles, you need to choose the appropriate color of the fruit or vegetable.

Game options: "Multicolored carpet"

Large and small cards on the table with color. Ask children to make a colorful carpet.

"Truck" Ask for children to see pictures. Immerse in a red trolley - fruit, green - vegetables.

"Delicious Borsch" Children sit at the table. The educator proposes to take big cards and pick vegetables in color of circles for borscht.

"What is superfluous?" Cards with circles lie on the table. The educator proposes to find the appropriate color cards, but among the cards there is one fruit. Ask: "What is superfluous?" Similarly, three red big cards and one green. What is the extra charge? Why?


Little cards with vegetables and fruits are decomposed on the tables. Ask for children to choose 2-3 big cards. Talking about the fact that the beasts love vegetables and fruits, send them treat. To do this, you need to immerse in a green wagon - vegetables, in red - fruit.

"Fences" The educator offers children to build fences for vegetables and fruits. Children are sitting at the tables where big cards of different colors are on the tables. Ask to build a fence in this order: red, green, red, green. Or offer a scheme of the construction of the fence.

"Draw a picture" Each child is offered a set of fruit cards and with vegetables. Ask left to plant - fruit, right - vegetables.

"Name Store"

Children form a semicircle. The educator explains that they need to create their own store. To do this, either you take cards only with vegetables, or only with fruit. When they decompose the cards asking: "What is the name of your store". Why do you think so?

"Buying goods"

The educator offers children to go to the store, choose a vegetable and fruit. Child, when spread all the cards on the table to ask: "What fruits or vegetables he bought?"

"The fastest"

The educator shows two boxes for children, in one fruit in another vegetable. Offers to play. Two players are selected. On the team: "Once, two, three - the game start" the children begin to lay out. First you need to choose those who are faster. At the end of the game can be asked to count. Did it really happen? During the game, educational purposes are solved, in parallel with this their mental operations, attention, memory, speech, activity abilities are trained. Successful independent (under the guidance of the educator) Overcoming obstacles helps children survive the joy of victory, forms the desire and the ability to overcome difficulties. Tomorrow the kid will do what he did today along with the educator.

Dear teachers and parents - exhibitors!

Low-standby game "Clasp - Tops"
Objectives: develop the speed of the reaction, memory, motor activity; Educating honesty while complying with the rules of the game.
The teacher tells children that he wants to check how carefully they are and how well know food.
If I name the product that does not need to be cooking, you raise your hands up and slam your hands, and if I call the product that needs cooking, you will come. Be careful! The one who will be mistaken will pay Phanti, which will then play. The teacher uses a trial, fixing the rules. Then starts the game.

Didactic mathematical task:
I decided to bake the old woman -
Put the dough, and the furnace flooded.
I decided to bake the old woman -
And how many need to be completely forgotten:
2 pieces - for granddaughter, 2 things - for grandfather,
2 pieces - for Tanya, Daughters of a neighbor.
I thought it believed yes, I got up.
And the stove - it completely passed!
Help the old woman, count the cheese!

Didactic exercise "Fort the mistakenki error"
Objectives: Develop attention, thinking (analysis), logic; To form a desire to help a friend if he was wrong.
The teacher in the role of dusting reads a grammatically incorrect proposal. Children correct mistakes and explain the correct option.
Lena bought a strawberry juice. (Strawberry juice.)
Bath ate chocolate ice cream. (Chocolate ice cream.)
Masha cooked potatoes mashed potatoes. (Mashed potatoes.)
Dad brought a cab chuck to caviar. (Kabachkovy Icra.)
Grandma baked an apple pie. ( Apple pie.)
Lida welmiel soup. (Vermishel Soup.)
The store sells meat minced meat. (Chopped meat.)

Didactic exercise "Guess and Name"
Objectives: Develop attention, imagination, speech; To form the ability to comply with the sequence, do not interrupt the peers.
The teacher reads in its choice of definition to the concepts. Children guess what it is.
Fruits and berries welded in sugar syrup is ... (jam).
Slice of bread with butter, sausage, cheese - this is ... (sandwich).
Horsepo milk is ... (Kumys).
Groats, cooked on milk, is ... (dairy porridge), etc.

Didactic game "Where did the bread come from?"
Objectives: develop memory, logical thinking, dialogic; Educate respect for the work of the chopboard and bakery. A source: .
The teacher sets questions to which children should respond quickly, and then find a picture confirming the answer and the depicting stage of bread production. If the child does not respond, he pays Phanti, but asking the following. When all the pictures are laid out, the teacher together with the children checks the correctness of the built-in sequence of bread production. At the same time, the teacher can scare children, to express doubts, encourage them to explain their answers and make conclusion.
Where did the bread come from? (From the store.)
And in the store how did you get? (From bakery.)
What do in the bakery? (Bake bread.)
What do bread bake? (From flour.)
What makes flour do? (From grain.)
Where do the grain come from? (From the chap of wheat or rye.)
Where do wheat take? (Rose in the field.)

Training game "Cook"
Objectives: Develop Communicability; To form a sense of community with peers, interest in joint games.
Children get up in a circle - depict a saucepan. The teacher says that children will prepare soup (or any other dish: compote, salad, vinaigrette, etc.). Each child comes up with that it will be potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, parsley, salt, etc.). The teacher shouts in turn, that he wants to put in a pan. Finding. Himself jumps into the circle and takes over the hands of a preparing. While all the "components" will not be in a circle, the game continues. The result is a delicious, beautiful "dish."

Didactic game "perfectly true"
(if the children agree, they say "correctly, right, quite right", if we do not agree - to keep legs)
Eat for - more oranges, drink carrot delicious juice.
And then you will definitely be very designed and high!
If you want fat to be a sweet to love,
Eat sweets, Zhui Iris - Tolstoy Become, like cypress!
To eat correctly you remember Tip: Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and vinaigrette!
Do not forget to have a snack with a cake in front of the dinner, eat a lot to download your more stomach!
Our Lyuba Wood eaten and terribly fused. Wants to visit us come, but the door can not touch!
Not good to product - Delicious vegetables and fruits - and Seryozhe, and Irina, vitamins are useful!
If you want to be healthy, I'm right, eat, eat more vegetables, do not know with diseases!

Cafe, gives tasks to prepare 3 dishes from the proposed food product.
The child in the role of the chef should pick up the picture with the image of the product pictures depicting different dishes from this product, and tell about what it consists of what is the taste and how it is prepared. Additional points get children who have told about more dishes.
It is possible to complicate the game by the fact that the children get pictures not depicting dishes, but with the image of parts that make up the dish. To play simple dishes available for children.

Didactic game "At the grocery store"
Objectives: develop memory, attention, ability to classify, compare; To form interest and respect for the profession of the grocery store.
Option 1. The teacher as director of the store gives children to the sellers task to equip your department for the opening of the store: choose the necessary products (pictures, duzhi, boxes, jars from under products) for milk, meat, fish, bread, vegetable, confectionery, grocery departments, place a shop window, tell about the products sold, their appointment and benefits. Wins the one who is faster and more correctly projects his department and tell about food, correctly calls products, picking up words.
The didactic game can be translated into plot-role.
Option 2. The teacher as director asks "vendors" to be attentive to bringing new products on specialized cars. In the picture, which shows the machine for the transport of certain products (milkosose, flour, fishing, a bread machine, a car carriage for transporting vegetables and fruits, a machine for the carriage of ice cream), determine which products can bring this machine in what conditions they are transported . "Accept" products in the department, swing the necessary pictures.

Didactic game "What happens from products"
Objectives: Develop attention, memory, speech; To form interest in cooking, to educate the desire to help mom.
Option 1. The teacher in the role of mothers says that it is necessary to prepare for receptions - to prepare a festive lunch. But only the one who corrects the dish will call him that can be prepared from the proposed products and will tell about it: where did the product come from to the store, in which department it was bought, how the dish is the taste. The loser child loses the right to catch independently and becomes an assistant "Mom".
Option 2. The child must call as much dishes as possible, which are prepared from one product. different ways (cook, stew, fry, soar, oven, tomorrow, etc.).
Option 3. The child must call as many ways to store the product for its use for a long time (dry, saline, marine, frost, knit, smoke, preserve) and the possibilities of using billets.

Didactic game "Cook"
Objectives: develop memory, imagination, monologue; To form interest in the work of the cook, respect for the results of his labor.
Each playing teacher as director of the dining room or
Cafe gives a task to cook three dishes from the proposed product. It is possible to complicate the game by the fact that the children get pictures not depicting dishes, but with the image of parts that make up the dish. To play simple dishes available for children.

Didactic game "What is stored"
Objectives: Develop the ability to classify food by storage method, generalize, compare features; To form a careful attitude to food as the result of man's work.
The teacher offers children to visit the role of leaning owners of a city apartment and a village house. Children should decompose the proposed pictures with the image of food in storage facilities (wardrobe, refrigerator, freezer, pantry, underground), tell where data should be stored, why, in what form, how much time. The winners are getting the medal of the most leaning owner.
Didactic game "We buy oil"
Objectives: Develop attention, logical thinking, dictionary, dexterity, accuracy of movements when throwing and catching the ball; Educating attentive attitude to a joint activity and responses of peers with the teacher.
The teacher offers children to finish their proposal. Children stand in a circle, teacher with a ball in the center of the circle. Replies the one to whom the teacher throws the ball. Incorrectly responding skips con.
· Olive oil made from ... (olive).
· Sunflower oil Made from ... (sunflower seeds).
· Rapeseed oil is made of ... (rape).
· Palm oil made of ... (palm fruits).
· Rose oil is made of ... (rose petals).
· Sea buckthorn oil is made of ... (seeds of sea buckthorn berries).
· Linseed oil Made from ... (flax).
· The fir oil is made of ... (coniferous fir).
· Cedar oil made of ... (cedar nuts).

Didactic exercise "Continue offer"
Objectives: develop logical thinking, phrase speech, the ability to build difficult sentence; To form a careful attitude towards activities related to thinking.
The teacher reads offers for their choice, children finish them.
If the porridge is not resolved, then it ... (it will be unsalted, tasteless).
If you do not put sugar in tea, then ... (it will be carried in a temper, tasteless).
If potatoes do not do, then it ... (it will be raw, unsung, tasteless).
If the potatoes are remembered, then ... (it will be dry, burned).
If the peas cook for a long time, then ... (it is welded, the pea porridge, puree).
If in a glass glass pour steep boiling water, then ... (it can burst).
If you do not distribute a spoon, then ... (there will be no soup). If you cook the egg for a long time, then ... (it is welded by screwing).
If the egg is cooking, having consisted up to 10, then it ... (welded skeyka).
If the porridge does not put the oil, then ... (it will be tasteless, then).
If there are some sweets, then ... (teeth get sick).
If you eat only flour products, then ... (you will become thick, burn the stomach).
If there is very little, then ... (you will be weak, patients).
If there are many vegetables and fruits, then ... (you will be healthy). If you do not wash your arms before meals, then ... (you can get sick).
If you talk while eating, then ... (you can choose).
If there is inaccurately, then ... (the whole table will be dirty, the other is constantly unpleasant for this table).
If the bread is not removed in the breadbox, then ... (it can fire).
If the dairy products are not stored in the refrigerator, then ... (they can blame).
If meat products do not remove in the refrigerator, then ... (they are turned).

Control questions and tasks:

· What are the products? (What you can eat, edible supplies.)
· Why are they created?
· What food do you know?
· Which groups can be divided into all foods?
· Where are food for sale?
· In what form are they sold?
· For what in stores use packaging, container?
· What kind of dairy products do you know? Meat? Fish? Confectionery? Bakery products? Groceries?
· Tell me which departments are in the grocery store?
· Why do different products need to be sold in different departments?
· How are different products stored in the store and houses?
· How can I find out that the product is fresh?
· Why many products can be stored only in the refrigerator? Freezing chamber?
· Why should a person eat a variety of products?
· Why don't you have a lot of sweets?
· Why can not be overeating bold, flour, sweet?
· Why do you need to observe the power mode?
· Why not there is a lot overnight?
· What products should have children to grow quickly and be healthy?
· What products are ready to use, and what you need to cook?