Motor activities in 2 younger group of the Card file. "Motor activity report in the younger group

Software tasks:

  • Improve children running in a column one by one, on socks, walking with a wide step, in the half-one.
  • Fasten the ability of children in the jump from the hoop into the hoop, landing on the socks; in the subject under the arc.
  • Develop dexterity in children, attention, speed of the reaction.
  • Crane interest and desire to do physical education.
  • Relief kindness, responsiveness, the desire to help others.

Material and equipment: Gymnastic sticks for jumping - 3pcs, ribbed board, balls for each child, arc for subjects, tracks for the prevention of flatfoot, "Magic Penc" with a surprise. Toys: hare, wolf, bear, fox.

1. The introductory part. (Children enter the hall).

Educator: Guys, I know an interesting fairy tale. Do you want to visit her? Then go on the road.

On the track ran and not at all tired.

We walk with each other.

Well, funny, that's how we can.

Here by pebbles

Right in the fairy tale will fall.

Educator:So we are in the fairy tale.

Baba lived and lived grandfather.

It was about them for years.

Asks the grandfather old woman:

"You want to eat a bit

I bake me a bun. "

And he did Granny,

For slave slave

Yes, and put in the oven.

Bulk speckle

All the guys gave ( Take!)

(Massage balls lie in a circle in sockets, and in the center of a big bang)

2. O.R.

How rose kolobok in the furnace? (ball up - down)

And what kind of ruddy became a kolobok? (The ball rides on the cheeks).

How did the grandmother from the furnace delivered a kolobkin? (ball laying on the floor)

And in the sour cream as dodged? (riding the ball in palms)

Put on the window so that he cooled a little (on his palm ball, children blow on him)


Kolobochek Palsa

And the window ran into the window.

Opened per gate

In the path of the road set.

And we will go beyond the kolobom.

And behind the river on the hill

The hare met near the mink.

Hare: .

Kolobok: Do not eat me, bunny, I am as clever, like you, and I can jump high, high. See how.

1. Jumping on two legs through gymnastic sticks, landing on socks

(Walking on the track for prevention flatfoot)

Educator: I did not have a bang. He let go of him and rolled out our bang on.

Whether the path is lying

Breaks all running.

And in the ravine met wolf ..

Wolf: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you"

Kolobok: Do not eat me, wolf. I am very fast and go away from you, and you do not catch me up.

2. Subsection under the arc.

3. Walking on the track for prevention flatfoot

Educator:That's how the bun from the wolf ran away.

Whether the path is lying

Breaks all running.

Here is towards the road

Break bear to his burgroge.

(Walking along the massage path - traces of the bear).

Bear:Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you "

Kolobok:Bear, do not eat me, Bear. Let's play!

Movable game "Bear"

"Teddy bear whites manites lape

Invites everyone to walk

In the catch-up play "


Kolobok rolled faster

So that the bear in the side does not dug.

On the edge in the forest

Met red fox.

A fox: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I eat you"

Kolobok: No, do not eat me, Lynoka. Let's play with you!

Final part.

The game of small mobility "catch a kolobka". (Children stand on the floor in a circle, keep the ball in an elongated hand. Fox walks in a circle and wants to catch a ball, children hide the ball behind his back).

A fox:What are you clever

Educator:Guys, and let's open what we are clever (riding the ball with foot).

A fox:Well we played with you, made friends. And for friends, I have a magic funeral, in which there are always gifts (there are a pennies on the wheels, and in it candy).

Educator:Let's say ryonka thanks and goodbye . Guys, did you like the journey to a fairy tale? And in what fairy tale we were? But we have time to go home.

Our legs stare, top - top - top.

Right along the track, top - top - top.

purpose : Provide a pupil opportunity to preserve health for the period of finding it in children's garden, to form him necessary knowledge, skills and skills healthy image life and teach the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of the child. During this period, its health is laid. Among the many factors affecting the growth, development and state of health of the child, motor activity belongs almost a major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, thinking depends on the degree of development of the natural need of a child in motion. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the motor experience of the child, which is its motor status.

Moving, children know the world, Learn to love and purposefully act in it. Movement, even the simplest, give food of children's fantasy, develop creativity, which is the highest component in the personality structure, is one of the most informative forms of the child's mental activity. In addition, in the process of motoring activities, self-esteem of preschoolers is formed: the child estimates his "I" on the immediate efforts that he attached to achieve the goal.

The immobility for small children is tedious, it leads to a slowdown in growth, mental developmental delay and resilience infectious diseases. In a huge number of children's movements, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested.

Another indicator is the duration of the motor activity of preschoolers. Children should move at least 45-50% of the entire wake period, which makes it possible to fully ensure the biological need of the body of the child in motion.

Depending on the degree of mobility of children, it is possible to distribute them into three main subgroups (high, medium, low mobility).

Children of medium mobility are distinguished by the most even and quiet behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Movements are usually confident, clear, targeted.

High mobility children are distinguished by unbalanced behavior, more often in conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to delve into the essence of the activity, as a result of which they have a "small degree of her awareness." From the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, avoid movements requiring accuracy, restraint. Their movements are quick, cutting, often aimless. The focus of the development of the motor activity of children of great mobility should be given to raising the focus, controllability by movements, improve the ability to engage in more or less calm movements.

Children of small mobility are often sluggish, passive, quickly get tired. The volume of motor activity is small. They try to go away to not interfere with anyone, choose activities that do not require large space and movements. Lovely children need to educate interest in movements, the need for moving activities. Special attention is paid to the development of motor skills and skills.

Thus, the organization of the motor regime should be directed to the development of motor skills and children's skills in accordance with their individual abilities and health.

Giving a special significance of the role of motor activity in strengthening the health of preschoolers, we determine the priorities in the day.

The first place in the english day of the day belongs to physical well-recreational activities. These include well-known types of motor activity: morning work-out, mobile games and exercise during walks, fizminutki in classroom classes, etc. Also also include such activities: wellness running in air, jogging through massage tracks in combination with airbags, gymnastics after day sleep, individual work With children on the development of movements and regulating the motor activity of children on an evening walk, walking, vigoring gymnastics.

Second place in engine mode training activities by physical culture - as the main form of teaching motor skills and the development of the optimal motor activity of children.

The third place is given independent motor activities arising from the initiative of children. It gives a wide space for the manifestation of their individual motor features. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity, and therefore the pedagogical management of independent activities is based on the level of motor activity.

Along with the listed types of classes in physical culture, important importance is allocated to active recreation, physical cultural events. These include health weeks, physical education, physical education sports holidays In air and water, competitions, sports games, the Olympiads are preschool.

Morning gymnastics, gymnastics after day sleep, walking, moving games and physical exercises on a walk are performed by organizational and wellness problems.

Fizminutki remove fatigue in children and increase their mental performance.

On the physical classes Children learn, acquire the necessary skills, skills, knowledge.

Health Week, Physical Leisure, Sports Holidays are an active holiday.

Mugs in interest are developing motor abilities and creativity of children.

Individual and differentiated work is intended for the correction of physical and motor development.

The above-described types of classes in physical culture, complementing and enriching each other, in the aggregate, provide the necessary motor activity of each child during the entire time stay in the preschool institution.

Morning gymnastics is one of the most important health events forming the basis of the motorcycle culture of preschoolers. We start your day with morning gymnastics. We include walking in gymnastics, running, exercises for various muscle groups, end walking and running. We carry out gymnastics and in unconventional form: a movable game, in the plot. Conducting morning gymnastics in our group is closely related to the organized beginning of the day, switching the attention of children to regime processes, self-service, occupation games, etc.

Working with children early age, often use when conducting exercise One of the forms of imitation is to imitate the movements of animals, birds, etc., for example, show how chickens peck the grains, like birds drink water, as it is important walking cock and much more. Via gaming exercises Not only create conditions for teaching children movements, but also increase their interest in targeted action, stimulating their motor activity. A significant place in working with the kids is given to the exercises with the ball. Children love exercises with sultachiki, game with stuffed bags, roll hoop, jump into it.

One of the features of this age is the peculiar emotional orientation of kids. Therefore, I try to call an emotional response to the motor task: I am rejoicing how the ball jumps, quickly rolls, as the "dancing" the sultachik in his hands, learn to stop the rods, jump, jump, merrily "ride a carousel".

Moving games occupy a big place in the life of kids and are effective tool The development of motor activity, in the course of which they do a variety of movements: run, jump, throw, climb, etc. By performing these movements, children enrich their motor experience, learn to navigate in space, develop dexterity, speed, stamina.

For the development of motor activity of children, I use musical and rhythmic games that like children of our group. In these games, children are walking with different movements of hands, cotton, which has a positive effect on the development of a rhythm feeling, helps to relieve tension. Baby loves such games in which there is rhythm, repeating words, movements. A large role in maintaining the interest of children to fulfill various movements. surprise momentsWhen unexpectedly "jump out" from the basket of tails with tails, colored ribbons unfold and turn into a spiral when toys come to the guests: Matryoshka, snowman, parsley, doll.

A variety of speech accompanied games quickly involve children in their rhythm, switch them to friendly slamming in your hands and tops, combine children, set a positive emotional attitude. In these games, even shy and closed children gradually overcome the inner barrier and come to contact with adults and children.

Like our cat turns torso right

The fur coat is very good, left.

Like a quotation mustache hands from breasts

Amazing beauty, and back.

Eyes-bold, teeth-white. Turns of the head to the sides.

Cote in a garden will come out - walking in place with high

The whole people will be angry. Lifting legs.

And rooster and chicken slop forward.

From a village street

Will be a visit to visit, the cockles on the spot (you can

Will the kitche treat. Promotion forward).

Motor Activity Games:

· Games, developing coordination of movements - "We Top", "Hyperships", "game in the horses" and others.

· Games, training quickly run - "run to me", "catch me", "catch the ball" ...

· Games, training jumps - "Varobushki", "Ball" ...

· Games that form crawling skills - "kitty stealing", "Obstacle track", "kittens and puppies" ...

· Games, developing the movements of the brush - "finger" gymnastics "Ladushka", "My family", "Fucking the fingers walk" ...

· Games, developing a sense of equilibrium, "Swing - Carousel", "Through the River" ...

· Games with the ball - "throw balls", "who will fall" ...

· Story-moving games - "Cub and Chickens", "Cat and Mice" ...

· Games are dancing.

When creating conditions for independent motor activities, I use bands of obstacles. For example, children go along the ribbed board, then overpanded through the items of different heights, lie down under the arc, etc. Children perform their own movements on their own, we follow them, encourage the word.

In the game, the children gradually learn to perform all the regime moments associated with the development of motor activity. Daily Morning Gymnastics, Physical Attilities in directly organized activity, physical education and musical classes, invigorating gymnastics after sleeping in combination with hardware procedures, a variety of mobile games for walking, leisure, entertainment, sports holidays are factors that contribute to the development of motor activity of children in kindergarten.

In our group, card files "Moving games" and "finger gymnastics" for classes with kids are made.

I spend the motor workout during the break between the classes. It allows you to relax from mental load and static poses, contributes to an increase in the motor activity of children. Muscular workout may consist of 2 - 3 game exercises like "Kolzebarros", "Saltle", "Ramot - do not drop", etc., as well as arbitrary movements of children using a variety of physical training benefits (balls, hoops, kegli, etc. ). Gaming exercises should be familiar to children, simple content. The duration of the workout is 10 minutes. You can organize several gaming places, providing children with the opportunity to choose the type of activity. During the motor warm-up, I also use low-lifting games: "Customers", "do as I", "Carousel", etc.

Especially difficult is the organization of motor activity of children on a walk. During the dressing of children for a walk, we, using game techniques, encourage kids to independence.

Very often adults deliberately limit the child's mobility. The hands of an adult hurry to fulfill what the baby intended to do himself. We give the child to act yourself.

Great opportunities for the development of independent motor activity are opened on a walk. At the site, in addition to stationary benefits, actively use and remove benefits: balls, hoops, kegli, etc. Going for a walk with children, thinking through various motor tasks. For example, run to the tree, slip on the track to the bow, bring up to the bush, call the bell and so on.

During the day (in the warm season), children walk twice: in the morning and in the evening. Walk - a favorable time for individual work with them and the organization of independent motor activity. Diversify games, fix and improve familiar movements help special equipment and material made on the street. On a walk, moving games of different characters are appropriate. It is necessary to strive to ensure that all children take part in them.

I use the features of each season:

In winter - skiing on sledding, skiing, throwing snow;

In the spring and autumn - run, jumping, walking;

In summer - games in the fresh air.

The gymnastics after daytime sleep in combination with contrasting air baths helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, contributes to the prevention of foot disturbances. I use, mainly gymnastics of a gaming nature, consisting of 4 -5 imitation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, create various images ("Tree", "Rooster", "Geese flew", "train", "Porridge", etc.). In addition to the respiratory gymnastics, I spend walking through massage tracks, consisting of objects that contribute to the massage of the foot: circles with spikes, rugs with sour buttons, covers, wovers, rollers with pebbles, bumps, cords.

An independent motor activity during the day is equally important. After independently, the child focuses on the actions leading to the achievement of his goal. To achieve successful exercise, it changes the ways of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate. Independent motor activities are organized in different time Day: in the morning to breakfast, between classes, after day sleep and during walks (in the morning and evening). During self-moving activity, the active actions of children should be alternate with calmer. I take into account the individual features of every child, his well-being. To organize independent musculoskeys, it is necessary to create an appropriate physical cultural and gaming environment: take care of the game space sufficient for movements (in the group and on the street), about the diversity and periodic replaceability of physical culture equipment and inventory. To create novelty and maintain interest in actions, for more organized independent motor activities, I not only offer children a variety of physical education and gaming material, but also in a different grouping benefits, show how to use them. For example, the kegli can be used for throwing, overpanding, walking between them, as a reference point in the game-relay; Hoops - for jumps, subjects, throwing, rolling each other, as a "house" in rolling games. This avoids the monotony of the motor activity of children, increases their motor activity, develops creativity.

It should be remembered that the motor activity is optimal in the case when its main parameters (volume, duration, intensity) correspond to individual data physical development And the motor preparedness of children, also when it provides its compliance with the conditions of the environment (natural, subject, social) rules for the alternation of stress and recreation, a gradual increase in physical exertion.

Model of motor regime in the 2nd junior group

Work forms

Algorithm for holding


Features of the organization

Physical and health events

Derbentseva E. P.

Bibliographic description of the article:

Derbentseva E. P. Summary of motor activity in 2 youngest group (together with parents) "Spring has come" // Educational projects "Soviet" for preschoolers. - 2016. - № 44. - Art 134895. - URL: - State. Reg. EL NO FS77-55136. - ISSN: 2307-9282.

The paper presents a description of the motor activity aimed at enriching the experience of the engine-gaming interaction of children and parents.

Full text:

The child can independently compare, group, classify various objects. Increases the amount of memory. Children remember to 7-8 names of the items. Arbitrary memorization begins: children are able to take a task, remember the instructions of adults, you can learn a small poem, etc.
According to clause 3.2.3 of the standard, when implementing educational program preschool education The DOO may assess the individual development of preschool children in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring). Conducting pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) of individual development of children is provided for by the authors of the project of an exemplary basic educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school" (ed. N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Assessment of individual development of children may be in the analysis of the development of the content of 5 educational areas. (slide)

If necessary, the psychological diagnosis of children's development (identification and study of individual-psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (psychologists, psychologists).

I implement monitoring in the form of regular observations of children in everyday life and in the process of educational activities with them throughout school year in all age groups. I also use the following methods: (slide)


Studies of children's activities

Uncomplicated experiments

Conversations, games

Indicators of the development of children fix in the table at the beginning and at the end of the school year in the verbal form:

Not formed

Located in the formation stage (partially formed);

Formed. (demonstrating tables)

When filling in diagnostic tables, it is possible to carry out "horizontal" (conclusions for each child) and "vertical" (conclusions according to the objectives of the section) analysis. Thus, teachers see what particular attention should be paid when planning the educational and educational process, how to build individual work with children. Since I have a multi-year group, I carry out the diagnosis for each age separately. Data for each section is entered into a consolidated table. As indicators of the evaluation of the identity of the child, allocate external (observable) manifestations in his behavior, activities, interaction with peers and adults, which reflect its development at each age stage and, therefore, throughout preschool age.

The overall picture of the group will allow to allocate children who need a special attention of the teacher and for which it is necessary to adjust, change the interaction methods.

To determine the level of formation of a child of a particular estimate parameter, I use a toolkit that is a description of those problem situations, questions, instructions, observations. I believe that the selection of material and equipment for the diagnostic task is of great importance. They should be interesting to their novelty, unusuality. external view, way to use or obtained with its help. I will give examples of the description of the toolkit for some educational areas in medium group kindergarten.

Educational region " Cognitive development». (slide)

Specification of the area "Cognitive development is represented by several blocks:

Acquaintance with the subject

Acquaintance with the social world

Acquaintance with the world of nature.

Development of educational research activities.

Cognitive activity enriches the child's experience, stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise and enshrines social feelings. So, for example, with the aim of revealing the level of development by the section of familiarization with the social world I spend the conversation "Family photography"(Slide), where I use the storybook, where the family is depicted (Ba-Buka, Grandfather, Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister), or the photo of the Sea (family holiday, tourist campaign, etc.). I ask questions

  1. Show the picture of children (give them names).
  2. Show parents, how do children call them? (Father and mother)
  3. What do you like to do the whole family?
  4. What is your favorite holiday?
  5. Why? etc.

The result see that the child is correctly answering questions, with parliament tells about the family, family life, Traditions.

Reveal the level of knowledge by section "Introduction to the world of nature»Help didactic games "Collect the harvest" (slide), where the level of knowledge about vegetables and fruits is estimated, "Where is the house?" (Slide), "Hunter and Shepherd" (slide), where the level of knowledge of the life of wild and pets, the characteristics of the structure, behavior is estimated.

I ask clarifying questions:

Who is the hunter?

Who is shepherd?

Then he asks the child to consider the subject pictures with the image of animals and place them so that all wild animals are next to the hunter, and near the shepherd - home. Then, organize a conversation on questions:

Why does a person take care of pets?

What pets give milk?

What pets give fluff and wool?

What are food?

I evaluate the ability to call young wild and pets (slide)

During walks and in educational activities, I observe as children call some plants (slide), they can determine the weather status, allocate the most characteristic seasonal changes in nature (slide)

Surveillance results fix in diagnostic tables.

Check the level of knowledge formation "FMP" Helps me such tasks "Cut the cubes", "butterflies flew" , which allow you to check the level of knowledge about the quantity, the ability to read within 5; I evaluate the ability to draw up: groups of homogeneous objects (slide); in color (slide); in form (slide); largest (slide); allocate one subject from the group (slide); Understanding the meaning of the designation at the top bottom, on the left and right (slide), i.e. Orientation in space is improved, understand the meaning of the words "morning", "Day", "Evening", "Night" (slide), the ability to find geometric shapes among those surrounding items. To assess the level of knowledge formation in this area, I use didactic games "Look around" (slide), "Where is the subject", "part of the day", as well as conversations and electronic trainings.

Education area "Speech Development"

Includes: developing speech environment, dictionary formation, sound culture Speech, grammatical system of speech, connected speech, admission to the artistic literature.

Average preschool age Improved sound pronunciation and diction. It becomes the subject of children's activity. They successfully imitate the voices of animals, intonationally distinguish between these or other characters. The rhythmic structure of speech, rhymes cause interest.

The grammatical side of speech is developing. Children can independently come up with a small fairy tale on a given topic.
In order to reveal the level of formation of the grammatical side of the speech I give the task "Tell about the boys."

I use material: Scene picture with the image of two boys: one - clean, neat, cheerful, second - sloppy, sad.

I offer the child to consider the picture with the image of two boys. Then I organize a conversation on questions:

What can you say about boys? They have the same mood?

One boy is cheerful, and what's the other? (Sad)Why? (Because he fought)

To be slightly good?

What should I do in order to be clean and tidy?

What boy do you like? Why? etc.

As a resultthe child actively uses words denoting emotional states (angry, sad), ethical qualities (tricky, kind), aesthetic characteristics

To identify the level of formation of a connected speech, I use the didactic exercise "we serve the table".

I suggest to consider the dishes and answer the questions.

How can I call all items? (Draws attention to the tea service.)

Name famous objects of dishes.

Result: The child forms new words by analogy with already familiar. Understands and uses pretexts in speech. Comprehensies causal relations and is comprehensive, complex proposals.

Indicators speech Development Helps determine pilot experimental activity. It makes it possible to find a child to find a solution, confirmation or refutation of your own ideas. Children get a task: "How to see the air?

They offer answer options - you can pour into the tube into a glass with water. These are air bubbles.

Others offer to inflate the balloon. As a result of the experiment, they conclude: how can I see the air? What is easier or water?

I use methods: a problem situation, observation.

The form of conduct may be individual, subgroup. I evaluate the ability to maintain a conversation, uses all parts of speech, understands and uses antonym words

In a developing environment, in our group, the schemes are represented for the reconnaissance of the Tales "Rack", "Teremok", "Kolobok"; for descriptive stories About animals, times of the year, which corresponds to the program and age of preschoolers.

At the beginning of the year, conducting diagnostics, I revealed the following flaws:

Connected statements short;

Differ inconsistency, even if the content is familiar to the child;

Fragments of statements are not logically interconnected.

After analyzing, concluded that the knowledge of children is sufficient, according to age, but the child cannot arrange them into connected speech statements.

Educational region "Artistic and aesthetic development"

aims to achieve the objectives of formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfying the needs of children in self-expression through the decision of the following tasks: development productive activity children (drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work); Promotion for art, constructive activity

In the medium group, significant development is obtained by visual activities. The drawing becomes subject and detailed. Graphic image The person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eye, mouth, nose, hair, sometimes clothes and its details. The technical side of the visual activity is improved. Children can draw basic geometric shapes, cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc. . slide

In this area, I spend a survey: I give the child to the paper and ask the one item first. After that, I ask for a person, and then - a tree. Training is not held. I evaluate the actions of the child: as the task is understood, I analyze the pattern, as is done, whether there are prerequisites for the subject pattern or a drawing was performed.

Complete design. Buildings may include 5-6 detects. Construction skills are formed by their own design, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

To conduct a survey, the screen is based on the screen of flat sticks. Then I show the construction and ask the child to build the same. With the difficulty of a child, I ask to build on the show. I evaluate the actions of the child: how to accept the understanding of the task, it is able to work according to the sample or by showing, learning, attitude to the result.

Educational region "Physical Development". (slide)

In the process different species Activity I observe and evaluate the level of physical fitness of my pupils. Indicators of the physical development of children are determined not only in the process of specific physical education and sports games, exercises and classes, but also through physical attacks, didactic games with elements of movement, rolling games, morning and corrective gymnastics, individual work with children

Educational Region "Socio-Communicative Development" (slide)

Watching children, I increasingly note that many of them experience difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Children do not know how to organize communication, including: the ability to listen to the interlocutor; The ability to emotionally empathize; the ability to plan the content of the act of communication; the ability to select verbal (speech) and non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime) means of communication, adequate situations; The ability to solve conflict situations.

Children with a low level of development of communicative skills almost completely fall into the category of "unacceptable", and children with a high level - in the category "preferred", "adopted".

To create a cohesive collective, I often use a game form in a circle. At the initial stage, the stage of dating children with each other, such games help to establish a benevolent atmosphere in the group, remove the emotional tension of children. "Give a smile", "Hello", "Good morning", "Let's say hello." When filling out this section, I watch the child, as well as specifically organized conversations, individual and joint creative (plot-role-playing, theatrical, directorial) games; I evaluate all types of independent activities involving communication with peers; performing independent labor operations in nature, household labor; Independent activities in plot corners, corner of richness, theater corner, cargoge and much more

At middle age, the child understands the social assessment of the actions of peers or heroes of illustrations, literary works, emotionally responds. So, for example, after reading the fairy tale "Two greedy bear" (slide) I ask the question "Why was the bear upset? Why was Lisa rejoiced? Who did the right thing? Who did dishonest?

I use conversation methods, I create a problem situation. 25% of children are able to analyze the read-read fairy tale, give an assessment of the behavior of fox, characterize its act, draw conclusions, 60% have partially formed ideas about the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale, in 15% of children are not formed by these ideas.

And in the conclusion I would like to be a story with you an exercise on the formation of socially communicative interaction, which is called it is carried out in the middle group called "friendly palm" (slide) . Please note: you are a sheet of paper and markers. Now circle your palm outline by the color, which looks like your mood now and write your name on it. Then send a sheet with a log space to your team colleagues, and let everyone leave their wishes or a compliment in the form of a picture instead of verbal wishes on one of the fingers of the palm. Message must have positive content. Children can draw sun, smiles, flowers or just paint your finger in bright colors much more for your friends.

Perform job by participants. (2 minutes)

Summarize. All participants coped with the task. So, we conclude that all our participants have a socio-communicative level formed.

Let these palms carry the warmth and joy of our meetings, remind these meetings, and maybe help us at some difficult moment. Thanks for attention. (slide).

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purpose : Provide a pupil opportunity to preserve health for the period of finding it in kindergarten, to form him the necessary knowledge, skills and skills on a healthy lifestyle and teach the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of the child. During this period, its health is laid. Among the many factors affecting the growth, development and state of health of the child, motor activity belongs almost a major role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, thinking depends on the degree of development of the natural need of a child in motion. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the motor experience of the child, which is its motor status.

Moving, children will know the world around, learn to love and purposefully act in it. Movement, even the simplest, give food of children's fantasy, develop creativity, which is the highest component in the personality structure, is one of the most informative forms of the child's mental activity. In addition, in the process of motoring activities, self-esteem of preschoolers is formed: the child estimates his "I" on the immediate efforts that he attached to achieve the goal.

The immobility for small children is tedious, it leads to a slowdown in growth, mental developmental delay and decrease in infectious diseases. In a huge number of children's movements, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested.

Another indicator is the duration of the motor activity of preschoolers. Children should move at least 45-50% of the entire wake period, which makes it possible to fully ensure the biological need of the body of the child in motion.

Depending on the degree of mobility of children, it is possible to distribute them into three main subgroups (high, medium, low mobility).

Children of medium mobility are distinguished by the most even and quiet behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Movements are usually confident, clear, targeted.

High mobility children are distinguished by unbalanced behavior, more often in conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to delve into the essence of the activity, as a result of which they have a "small degree of her awareness." From the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, avoid movements requiring accuracy, restraint. Their movements are quick, cutting, often aimless. The focus of the development of the motor activity of children of great mobility should be given to raising the focus, controllability by movements, improve the ability to engage in more or less calm movements.

Children of small mobility are often sluggish, passive, quickly get tired. The volume of motor activity is small. They try to go away to not interfere with anyone, choose activities that do not require large space and movements. Lovely children need to educate interest in movements, the need for moving activities. Special attention is paid to the development of motor skills and skills.

Thus, the organization of the motor regime should be directed to the development of motor skills and children's skills in accordance with their individual abilities and health.

Giving a special significance of the role of motor activity in strengthening the health of preschoolers, we determine the priorities in the day.

The first place in the english day of the day belongs to physical well-recreational activities. These include well-known types of motor activity: Morning charging, mobile games and exercise during walks, physical attacks in classes with mental load, etc. Also, such activities include: wellness running in air, jogging through massage paths in combination with air Baths, gymnastics after day sleep, individual work with children in the development of movements and regulating the motor activity of children on a walk.

Second place in engine mode, children occupy training classes in physical culture - as the main form of teaching engine skills and the development of the optimal motor activity of children.

The third place is given independent motor activities arising from the initiative of children. It gives a wide space for the manifestation of their individual motor features. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity, and therefore the pedagogical management of independent activities is based on the level of motor activity.

Along with the listed types of classes in physical culture, an important value is given to active recreation, physical cultural events ..

Morning gymnastics, gymnastics after day sleep, walking, moving games and physical exercises on a walk are performed by organizational and wellness problems.

Fizkultminutki remove fatigue in children and increase their mental performance.

In physical education, children learn, acquire the necessary skills, skills, knowledge.

Health Week, Physical Leisure, Sports Holidays are an active holiday.

Individual and differentiated work is intended for the correction of physical and motor development.

The above-described types of classes in physical culture, complementing and enriching each other, in the aggregate, provide the necessary motor activity of each child during the entire time stay in the preschool institution.

Outdoor games They occupy a great place in the life of the kids and are an effective means of developing motor activity, in the course of which they do a variety of movements: run, jump, throw, climb, etc. By performing these movements, children enrich their motor experience, learn to navigate in space, Develop dexterity, speed, endurance.

For the development of motor activity of children, I use musical and rhythmic games that like children of our group. In these games, children are walking with different movements of hands, cotton, which has a positive effect on the development of a rhythm feeling, helps to relieve tension. Baby loves such games in which there is rhythm, repeating words, movements. A big role in maintaining the interest of children to fulfill various movements is played by the use of surprise moments when toys come to the guests: Matryoshka, snowman, doll.

A variety of speech accompanied games quickly involve children in their rhythm, switch them to friendly slamming in your hands and tops, combine children, set a positive emotional attitude. In these games, even shy and closed children gradually overcome the inner barrier and come to contact with adults and children.

Like our cat turns torso right

The fur coat is very good, left.

Like a quotation mustache hands from breasts

Amazing beauty, and back.

Eyes-bold, teeth-white. Turns of the head to the sides.

Cote in a garden will come out - walking in place with high

The whole people will be angry. Lifting legs.

And rooster and chicken slop forward.

From a village street

Will be a visit to visit, the cockles on the spot (you can

Will the kitche treat. Promotion forward).

Motor Activity Games:

· Games, developing coordination of movements - "Let's go on the bridge", "Hyperships", "Rhinestone and not back", etc.

· Games, training quickly run - "run to me", "catch me", "catch the ball" ...

· Games, tutoring jumps - "Varobushki", "Bunks - soft paws", "Through a swamp" ...

· Games that form crawling skills - "Doplezi to rattles", "crocodiles", "Prickles and not back" ...

· Games, developing the movements of the brush - "finger" gymnastics "Ladushka", "My family", "Fucking the fingers walk" ...

· Games that develop a feeling of equilibrium - "Swing - Carousel", "Through the River", "In the Forest along a path", ...

· Games with the ball - "throw the balls", "who gets", "rode and catch" ...

· Scene moving games - "Cubs and Chickens", "Cat and Mice", "Train" "Going by Bus"

· Games are dances.

When creating conditions for independent motor activities, I use bands of obstacles. For example, children step over through the items of different heights, lie down under the arc, etc. Children perform their ways on their own, we follow them, encourage the word.

In the game, the children gradually learn to perform all the regime moments associated with the development of motor activity. Daily morning gymnastics, physical attacks in directly organized activities, physical education and music classes, invigorating gymnastics after sleeping in combination with hardening procedures, a variety of mobile games for walking, leisure, entertainment, sports holidays are factors that contribute to the development of motor activity of children in kindergarten.

In our group, card files "Moving games" and "finger gymnastics" for classes with kids are made.

I spend the motor workout during the break between the classes. It allows you to relax from mental load and static poses, contributes to an increase in the motor activity of children. Muscular workout may consist of 2 - 3 game exercises like "Kolzebarros", "Saltle", "Ramot - do not drop", etc., as well as arbitrary movements of children using a variety of physical training benefits (balls, hoops, kegli, etc. ). Gaming exercises should be familiar to children, simple content. The duration of the workout is 10 minutes. You can organize several gaming places, providing children with the opportunity to choose the type of activity. During the motor warm-up, I also use low-lifting games: "Customers", "do as I", "Carousel", etc.

Especially difficult is the organization of motor activity of children on a walk. During the dressing of children for a walk, we, using game techniques, encourage kids to independence.

Very often adults deliberately limit the child's mobility. The hands of an adult hurry to fulfill what the baby intended to do himself. We give the child to act yourself.

Great opportunities for the development of independent motor activity are opened on a walk. At the site, in addition to stationary benefits, actively use and remove benefits: balls, hoops, kegli, etc. Going for a walk with children, thinking through various motor tasks. For example, run to the tree, slip on the track to the bow, bring up to the bush, call the bell and so on.

During the day (in the warm season), children walk twice: in the morning and in the evening. Walk - a favorable time for individual work with them and the organization of independent motor activity. Diversify games, fix and improve familiar movements help special equipment and material made on the street. On a walk, moving games of different characters are appropriate. It is necessary to strive to ensure that all children take part in them.

It is necessary to use the features of each year of the year:

In winter - skating on sledding, throwing snow;

In the spring and autumn - run, jumping, walking;

In summer - games in the fresh air.

The gymnastics after daytime sleep in combination with contrasting air baths helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, contributes to the prevention of foot disturbances. I use, mainly gymnastics of a gaming nature, consisting of 4 -5 imitation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, create various images ("Tree", "Rooster", "Geese flew", "train", "Porridge", etc.). In addition to the respiratory gymnastics, I spend walking through massage tracks, consisting of objects that contribute to the foot massage: mats with sour covers, wovers, cords;

An independent motor activity during the day is equally important. After independently, the child focuses on the actions leading to the achievement of his goal. To achieve successful exercise, it changes the ways of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate. Independent motor activities are organized at different times of the day: in the morning to breakfast, between classes, after day sleep and during walks (in the morning and evening). During self-moving activity, the active actions of children should be alternate with calmer. I take into account the individual features of every child, his well-being. To organize independent musculoskeys, it is necessary to create an appropriate physical cultural and gaming environment: take care of the game space sufficient for movements (in the group and on the street), about the diversity and periodic replaceability of physical culture equipment and inventory. To create novelty and maintain interest in actions, for more organized independent motor activities, I not only offer children a variety of physical education and gaming material, but also in a different grouping benefits, show how to use them. For example: kegli can be used - for throwing, stating, walking between them; as a guide in playing plates; hoops - for jumps, subjects, throwing, rolling each other; As a "house" in rolling games. This avoids the monotony of the motor activity of children, increases their motor activity, develops creativity.

It should be remembered that the motor activity is optimal in the case when its main parameters (volume, duration, intensity) correspond to the individual data of the physical development and motor preparedness of children, and when its compliance with environmental conditions (natural, subject, social) rules is ensured. Alternations of voltage and recreation, gradually increasing physical exertion.

Model of motor regime in the 2nd younger group

Work forms

Time spending


Educational activities

Morning gymnastics


5 min. * 5dn. \u003d 35 min

Physical Culture Classes

3 times a week

15 min * 3r. \u003d 45 min

Physical leisure

1-2 times a month

1 time per month * 20 min

Musical classes

2 times per week

15 min * 2 r. \u003d 30 min.

Moving games and exercise (including physical attacks) in day mode

daily (2-3 times a day)

5min * 3r. * 5 days. \u003d 75 min

Exercises after sleep (hardening)


5min * 5 days. \u003d 25 min.

Individual work with children in the development of movements during the day


7 min. * 2 r. * 5 days. \u003d 70 min

Total per week:

4 h 50 min.

Independent activities

Independent games and other movements in the day


1 hour \u003d 60 min

Independent games for walk during the day


1 hour \u003d 60 min

Creative game

Daily in front of breakfast on a walk in the evening

15 min * 5dn \u003d 75 min

Total per week:

3 h 15 min

Total motor activity during the day: 8 h 05 min

Inna Goncharov

Tasks: Provide a pupil with the opportunity to preserve health for the period of finding it in kindergarten, to form the necessary knowledge, skills and skills on a healthy lifestyle and teach the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of the child. During this period, its health is laid. Among the many factors affecting the growth, development and health status of the child, motor activity It belongs almost a major role. On the degree of development of the natural need of a child in motion, development depends motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, thinking.

Moving, Children will know the world around, learn to love and purposefully act in it. Movement, even the simplest, give food of children's fantasy, develop creativity, which is the highest component in the personality structure, is one of the most informative forms of mental the activity of the child. In addition in the process motor Activity is formed by self-esteem preschool children: The child assesses his "I" in the immediate effort that he attached to achieve the goal.

Immobility for small children tediousIt leads to a slowdown in growth, the delay of mental development and a reduction in resistance to infectious diseases. In a huge number of children's movements, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested.

Another indicator is the duration motor activity of preschool children. Children must move At least 45-50% of the entire wake period, which makes it possible to fully ensure the biological need of a child in motion.

Depending on the degree of mobility children You can distribute them into three main subgroups(High, medium, low mobility) .

Children of medium mobility are distinguished by the most even and quiet behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Movements are usually confident, clear, targeted.

High mobility children are distinguished by unbalanced behavior, more often in conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to delve into the essence of the activity, as a result of which they are celebrated "Small degree of her awareness". From the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, avoid movements requiring accuracy, restraint. Their movements are quick, cutting, often aimless. The focus of the development of great mobility should be given to raising the focus, controllability by movements, improve the ability to engage more or less calm movements.

Children of small mobility are often sluggish, passive, quickly get tired. Volume motor activity they are small. They try to go away to not interfere with anyone, choose activities that do not require large space and movements. In low-wear children It is necessary to bring up interest in movements, the need for moving activities. Pay special attention to development motor skills and skills.

Creating Conditions walk proceed from the characteristics of age and individual characteristics children of our group.

The child begins to master the main movements, discovering when performing exercise, the desire for goal (quickly run, then jump, accurately reproduce movement, etc.). 3-4 years - also a favorable age to begin targeted work on the formation of physical qualities (speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, endurance).

Organizing walk we take into accountwhich classes preceded her. If they wore a moving character (physical education, music, then walk We start with observation or independent activity children. If the children in classes were limited in movements, then walk We start with moving games, game or sports exercises.

In winter, it was opened the opportunity to create new conditions for muscular activity of children. Therefore, we settled our snowy plot. They played well in them well in hide and just overwhelmed, from one building to another. Joy U. children caused the labyrinths, fortresses made of snow. Christmas tree around which in New Year holidays Children willingly drove round dance.

In our work, we are widely used by P \\ games. Games are developing not only physically, in the process of mastering various movements children The ability to exercise decisiveness, dexterity (mice and cat, attention (find your color, imagination (\\ I will catch a snowflake, confidently act in the team (Once, two, three - run).

Logomic exercises (on matching speech and movement) N.

-R: "Bunny gray is washed", "We are in kicking", "Bubble".

We pay attention to orientation in space through exercises "Run to me", "Find your place".

During walking We carry out individual work with children, all exercises are conducted in a game form.

for example: jumps on two legs on the spot, exercises are held "From the bump on the hammer", "Through the streams", and etc.

The main individual work is carried out with low-level children. (Timofey, Sasha, Tolya, Aziz) in all directions.

Special place B. walks occupies independent game activity childrenIn which the knowledge gained in the classroom is fixed. Provides the development of relationships between children: Combining them for joint games, upbringing a careful attitude to toys, teaching order in the game space.

Children choose themselves than they do, the educator plays the role of guiding children's activities. IN junior Preschool age, the child cannot yet occupy himself for a long time, so the independent activity at this age is carried by a short, periodical character and needs a constant direction of the educator.

We work for 9 months at first academic year, the dynamics are already traced. for example: Children who previously refused physical studies began to show interest and with great enthusiasm together with the rest of the guys playing rolling games (Tolya, Azizbeck, Timofey).

Thus, each child should be as much as possible in the fresh air - it is absolutely necessary for his health.

stroll - this is a wonderful time when an adult can create conditions for active activities of childrenuse non-standard equipment, natural conditions, remote equipment, which contributes to the development of the physical qualities of the body. In addition to developing and educational significance, properly organized and interesting walk Brings invaluable contribution to the health of our pupils.


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