Honey from the cloth useful properties and contraindications. Frost Caucasian: Useful properties

Is there any white honey in nature and, if so, why is it white? Or is it some kind of marketing stroke and the work of the man's hands? These questions arise almost everyone who first meets with such a kind of honey.

This is quite explained. Remembering the honey, most often we present it in the form of a gravity mass of yellowish-amber color or brown shades of different saturation. Much less often occurs white honey. But after all, it is, and the white grades of honey are not known as little.

What is white honey? This question is quite logical to hear the answer that it is nothing more than ordinary natural honey, but only white. But why honey white is a question more complicated. Does he immediately become snow-white after collecting nectar bees or have any magic transformations come with it subsequently?

In fact, the white-colored honey varieties are obtained as a result of the collection of nectar only from a certain type of honeycomb plants - these are fragrant flowers of linden, white acacia, raspberries and donel, lilac flowers. Cyprus, lilac, lilac-violet alfalfa flowers, barb camels and clover white, cotton, Psoralya Kostyannaya (Ak-Kurai) and Esparcet.

Flowers in honeycomb can be completely different color, and this does not interfere with the bees to collect nectar from these plants to get bright honey. Moreover, the white color product does not acquire immediately. Originally fresh honey can be light yellow, with a greenish tinge or transparent. And already snapped, becomes white.

To say that it acquires a dazzling white color, it would be wrong. Most often, it is diluted with yellowish-grayish or other shades. After crystallization, the product does not lose its taste and quality and even becomes more useful.

In nature, the White Honey is not as often as often, because it is monofurral types of honey, that is, assembled mainly from one type of plants. To get such a product, you need to either find sowing of the appropriate crops (Espartzet, donnik, rapeseed cotton), or find such vigoros in nature in the form of wild plants. In addition, the necessary injuries bloom not every year in the right amount.

See also: Mint honey - useful refreshing natural delicacy!

White Honey varieties

So, white honey is not some kind of view. Under this name, various varieties of honey, having white (or conditionally white) color, are combined. They are different in their composition, smell, color, taste and properties. And these features are caused by the nectar of colors that are collecting bees.

Some of them are ordinary varieties that bees are produced everywhere, for example, donkey and rapeseed honey. The best on the healing, taste properties and in the composition relate to unique varieties - it is crimson honey, pure linden, deaging, white andacia and cyber.

Raspberry Med

Raspberry honey is a rare variety of white honey with a gentle and mild taste (literally melts in the mouth) and the aroma of the raspberry flower. This variety is rarely falling in its pure form, although raspberries grows everywhere. But when this plant blooms in the gardens and forests, the bees simply do not notice other turbines (noted by experienced beekeepers).

Fresh raspberry honey - light with golden tint. When crystallization changes its structure and color (becomes cream). This delicious honey is considered a unique product due to its healing properties. They treat colds, respiratory diseases, nervous diseases and strengthen immunity.

White lime medical

This grade of honey is assembled with a blooming linden, which is the first in the huge list of mednel plants. Fresh lime honey is highlighted in a special, slightly sharp aroma and specific taste. In appearance it is light, yellow-amber, sometimes with a greenish tint, liquid and transparent. It is well crystallized and quickly becomes solid, forming large or small crystals.

All their useful and healing properties honey receives from a lime color - a proven medium from a cold. Sickwall, we immediately remember exactly about lime honey, which has a coating effect, fights with a cold, infection and elevated temperatures.

Honey from white dononnik

White donon is a valuable honey, providing bees with pollen and nectar. For donkey honey, a gentle vanilla fragrance and sweet taste is characteristic. This variety is characterized by a large number of trace elements. And many are not in vain consider honey from the Donovka most healing and tasty. Donniki honey is well stored, crystallizes slowly, gradually becoming viscous and white.

Rapeseed medical

This species of white honey is collected from the grown feed crop - rapeseed. The taste of rapeseed honey is a skewed-sweet with a tangible mustard and a rescued smell, which after pumping is destroyed.

In short, honey is more like an amateur. And, although it has similar properties with dononnikov honey, largely loses to him in quality, and it is stored for a short time (it can quickly cry). But for the treatment of the heart and by the ability to bring harmful toxins from the body is considered the best.

See also: Ginseng honey taste and use in one spoon

Honey from alfalfa

Honey, obtained from lilac and purple flowers of alfalfa, attracts an unusual taste and aroma. After crystallization, it becomes white and acquires a consistency of soft oil.

It is used for problems with the stomach and intestines and as a tousing agent.

Fresh cotton honey has a white shade, an air consistency of the sour cream or oil and an unusual taste: sweet, but unstitched, tart, with a high content of glucose and oil, which gives him some fat. This variety does not have a sharp floral fragrance. His taste is fully revealed only after sugaring and crystallization.

White cotton honey is treated with an angina, cough, chronic tonsillitis, is used as a softening agent containing in large amounts of vitamins, nutrients and oil, in cosmetology.

Honey from flowers White Acacia

Honey White Acacia stands out from a gentle sweet taste and fragrant aroma. This variety is difficult to confuse with others (it can remain liquid to spring). Akacium honey is originally very liquid, transparent, colorless and similar to water. It is not suachaded for a long time because of the large content of fructose in it and the low amount of sucrose. When crystallization looks like a white small-grained mass.

While collecting honey with blooming white acacia, which is of great prevalence, it turns out a clean product, almost without any impurities. The usefulness of this variety is also due to the fact that it is during the flowering of acacia in nectar the components are collected, the biological activity of which is very high.

In folk medicine, they are treated with diabetes (for his assimilation, insulin is not required), nerve disorders and eye diseases, also white andacium honey normalizes the hormonal balance in the body of women. It does not cause allergies and is used to treat children.

Esparcet Money

Esparcet honey is a valuable grade of white honey, very fragrant, with a gentle-sweet taste. It gradually from transparent yellowish-golden turns into white. It suaches very slowly, with time turning into a thick soft mass with a creamy tint.

Espartce honey strengthens the body and immunity, improves performance, is also a very good antimicrobial and anti-filling agent.

Cylet medical

Cylet honey - rarely occurring grade of white honey. In the fresh condition, it has a greenish tint and resembles a foiled fat or cream. It quickly suaches with the formation of crystals on the surface, similar to snowflakes.

In Russia, it is this variety of honey collected from Cypsum (Ivan-Tea), loved his healing properties. Rich in vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants, tanning substances, it was used and used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Taiga white honey

Taiga Honey is collected from plants that grow in a taiga on the soils rich in the mineral composition - it is Cyprus, Raspberry, Mint, Dyagil, Rapeus, Dinner, Labac, Sage, Geranium Forest and others.

Caucasian freeznik is a medicinal plant that is used in folk medicine for weight loss, stimulation of the immune system, facilitating pain in the joints.

Scientific medicine uses extractor from the roots of this plant to obtain heart glycosides, immunostimulating agents and painkillers. With improper use, the plant is very poisonous and has a lot of contraindications.

Botanical description refers Caucasian cloth to perennial herbs. Stem short, creeping, roots and rhizomes powerful, branched. The leaves are wide, packed, do not fall. Escape remains greine all year round, for which he received additional recognition from gardeners as a decorative plant.

Flowers at the end of winter - early spring, flowers are large, white, fruitful in the early summer.

The cloth blooms early, so extremely rarely becomes a honey - during its flowering, the bees are not yet active. In the raw form, poisonous - it is impossible to eat it, apply on damaged skin and mucous membranes, especially eye. In decorative gardening, it should be planted in places where children do not play to avoid poisoning.

Chemical composition of Moroznika

Rhizomes contain a supply of nutrients required by a plant for survival and wintering for several years. Among them, glycosides and alkaloids are the greatest interest for a person. These compounds can be used in medicine for the treatment of heart failure and diseases of the immune system.

If you exceed the dosage, they are poisonous, poisoning can be serious and life-threatening. Soothes and berries contain less glycosides, but inedible. Allergic reactions and poisoning are possible, especially when the plant is hit on the mucous membranes or damaged skin.

Useful properties of a plant for health

The plant has a variety of useful effects on the body. It enhances the frequency and strength of heart abbreviations, increases the efficiency of the heart.

In addition, plants extract has the following effects:

  • bactericidal;
  • anesthetic (including migraine);
  • laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • mukolithic;
  • stimulates the activity of the endocrine system;
  • increases the tone of vessels, including veins, reduces the formation of edema;
  • reduces the risk of developing tumors.


Despite all the beneficial properties, the plant is poisonous. The same heart glycosides that are necessary for the treatment of blood circulation diseases, arrhythmias, heart pains, violations of its contractility are caused in large doses. With a strong exceeding, death is possible.

Alkaloids cause severe headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, their overweight can cause hallucinations. The hood from the freezer is sometimes used as a hallucinogen, but the rest of the symptoms of poisoning make such an application is extremely unpleasant and life-threatening.

Such symptoms arise almost always when receiving a plant in a raw form. Entering juice on the mucous eye causes pain, burning, tearing, runny nose. The nose mucosa hit - a runny nose and a decrease in smell, the mouth is a sharp taste and nausea.

Indications for reception

Caucasian frosting preparations are used to treat heart failure, hormonal disorders, blood-forming diseases and immune systems, with pains, especially articular diseases and migraines. It is based on a variety of funds intended for local, oral and intravenous application.

The rules for use and contraindications to use are listed in the article.

Caucasian cloth has an application and oncology, but also a list of contraindications. Medicines based on it are introduced directly to the abdominal cavity in tumors. They increase tumor sensitivity to radiation and chemical exposure, significantly slow down its growth, allowing to reduce the amount of operation.


The frostite is categorically contraindicated to people with impaired cerebral circulation. In case of heart disease, it can be taken only on the prescription of the doctor, in all other cases it is impossible. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years old should in no way be treated with a freezer.

One-time dose leads to headaches, hallucinations and diarrhea - the clinical picture of poisoning with vegetable alkaloids. It is possible a combination with allergic reactions and the development of the laryngeal edema. The most dangerous states are the Otch of Quinka and the acute arrhythmia.

Systematic incorrect use leads to the elimination of the necessary substances from the body due to increased activity of the urinary system and intestines. A seizures, muscle pain, chronic digestive disorders, weakness, headaches, reduced performance are developing.

Preparation of raw materials

Season for the harvesting of a freezer - October-November. In warm areas, it is possible to harvest herbs even at the end of autumn, it is necessary to get acquainted in the beginning of November. The subject of the billet is rhizomes. They are carefully digging out of the ground, divided into two parts - the one that was underground, represents medicinal value, and cut it off, and leave the above-ground part.

Cut roots need to be rinsed from the ground in cold water (in no case in the hot - alkaloids are destroyed in it, the plant loses its beneficial properties, and water can cause irritation in the hands).

Then he should dry the rhizomes - outdoors, but in the shade, without direct sunlight.

All manipulations with raw materials should be carried out in a medical mask to avoid allergenic pollen into the respiratory tract. Ready for use roots are brown, in fault - pale pink. Shelf life - no more than 2 years.

Preparation and use of the roots of the roots of the frost

To prepare the root roots of the plant should be carefully dried and easy to break. It is necessary to work with such raw materials in gloves and mask. It is placed in a mortar and knead the pestle until the brown powder is. You can also take advantage of this purpose with a manual coffee grinder, then the powder will be smaller.

Such a tool is added to the drink - or take spoons by drinking water. It is used to treat arrhythmias, heart failure, epilepsy and mental disorders.

Decoration from the plant

For cooking, the root does not need to grind, it is enough to chop it. A teaspoon of such a mixture is poured with boiling water, keep in a water bath, then give it to be broken. The finished broth is surely filtered and stored in another dish. Everything that has in contact with the frost is needed to wash.

You can use the decoction inward (frequency - no more than 3 times a day) or externally in the form of a mow. Cannot be used in compresses. Helps with osteochondrosis and pains in the joints. The reception inside treats cough, including when pleurite and tuberculosis. With serious respiratory tract diseases, the frost can only be used as a symptomatic agent in complex therapy.


Frost Caucasian, application and contraindications of which must be clarified by the doctor, is used in the form of infusion. For this, the whole roots are poured with boiling water and wrapped in fabric. The remedy is about 2 hours. Then it needs to be cooled to room temperature and applied externally.

The medicine can be applied to wounds, ulcers and other skin damage to prevent the growth of bacteria and avoid purulent processes. It is necessary to do it no more than 2 times a day, otherwise the plant itself will become a source of tissue damage. It also helps with problem skin - acne, traveler and other inflammatory diseases. In cosmetology used for hair growth.


The tincture is a drug that is manufactured on the basis of alcohol. For this, grinding rhizomes are poured with alcohol or vodka, in some recipes they advise cognac, and it is possible to strengthen within 2-3 hours in a dark place. Be sure to profit the tincture - "waste" vegetable raw materials does not benefit, but poisonous.

Take inside 1 tsp. Every day (sometimes 2 times a day) when coughing, disorders of digestion, hormonal failures, chronic constipation, heart disease. Also used for rubbing with pains in the joints and back. A good effect gives the trituration of a tincture of a freezer when heocoled - it allows you to quickly restore the blood supply to the skin.

But it is necessary to do it only in a warm room without drafts.

Tincture on vinegar

Caucasian cloth, the use and contraindications of which were previously considered, is used as acetic tincture. Her differences from alcohol is that a table vinegar or acetic essence is used as a solvent. The tool is intended exclusively for outdoor use.

It is used to treat pain in the joints in the form of compresses, can be used as part of hair masks. With purulent processes in the oral cavity, you can rinse your mouth and with an angina - throat. The drug oppresses the vital activity of bacteria. The main side effect is a sharp unpleasant taste that can cause nausea and vomiting, so the use of it for disinfection of mucous membranes is not recommended.

Pharmacy preparations with frost

On the basis of the freezer, several pharmacy preparations with different effects are produced.

These are the most famous of them. Preparations are produced in different countries and different manufacturers, are used for treatment. The antitumor means on the basis of a freezer is for the most part in the development stage, their effectiveness is confirmed experimentally and according to clinical studies.

For the preparation of pharmacy preparations also use dried rhizome plants, which is subjected to different processing.


Freezer oil is obtained from root. At home, it is extremely difficult to achieve the squeezing of the desired quality, so it is easier to buy such a means in a pharmacy. Sometimes for ease of use, the oil extract of the freezer is added to the basis of cosmetic oil - olive, argan or jojoba. This is done in order to avoid overdose.

It can be used inside, and then it acts as a laxative, stimulates the intestinal motorcy, facilitates the separation of gases, normalizes the production of bile. Also, such a drug will help reduce the number of calories and losing weight. It is freezing butter that is neither paradoxical, used to reduce the amount of lipids in the blood.

Another way of use is externally, the oil is applied to the problem skin, used in the composition of hair growth masks, moisturize and clean the nose mucosa during rhinar and swivel.


Clotter Caucasian, application and contraindications of which must be strictly observed in order not to harm their health, is used as part of special food products - freezes in fiber. This is a dietary supplement that has two actions (due to each of its components).

Frost, as already mentioned, stimulates the activity of the intestine and does not allow it to be excessively absorbed by lipids. The fiber is a vegetable matter that is not absorbed by the human body. Because of his ability to swell, it creates a feeling of satiety and normalizes the peristaltics.

Thus, a double effect is achieved - the wishing to lose weight is eaten less than food, with these fats are absorbed much worse, and the food itself is not delayed in the intestine (but the fiber does not allow the development of diarrhea).


Ointment is obtained by mixing several plant extracts, including a freezer. Vaseline or thick cosmetic oil is used as the ointment base. The medicine is applied on the field of inflammation, sore joints. Sometimes it is advised to be applied to neoplasms on the skin, including the goiter in the pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Scientific medicine to such treatment is skeptical - it can bring not so much benefit, no matter how harm is due to the fact that the therapeutic effect may be insufficient, and the time during which the disease could be cured - missed.


Extraction is obtained by plant treatment with alcohol or butter. As a rule, experienced herbalists have special equipment and knowledge to do this, while retaining all the beneficial properties of the drug. Therefore, those who want to be treated with a hood of a freezer, it is worth buying it in a pharmacy - an industrial preparation is made under conditions that ensure proper quality processing.

It is used externally and inside for the treatment of heart disease:

  • against worms, constipation and excess weight;
  • as a means to combat pain in the joints and back;
  • as a local annoying means for the treatment of runny nose and sinusitis.

How to take a cliff for weight loss

Efficiency for weight loss is due to the fact that the frost is violates the suction processes of lipids and speeds up the advancement of the intestinal food. To achieve such a result, it is used in various forms.

Bales and infusions can be used, which can be taken inside - they have the same, but softer effect. The use of a freezing for weight loss should be agreed with a nutritionist, and the best results gives with rational nutrition and physical exertion.

Course duration

The duration of the treatment course depends on many factors - the disease that is going to cure the patient, form of reception of the drug, the characteristics of the body. The most frequent duration is not more than 2 weeks. During this time, dangerous side reactions and poisoning will not have time to develop.

If there is a need to extend the course of treatment or make the reception of the medicine constant, the patient must be consulted with a doctor to avoid health problems. Self-treatment is categorically unacceptable - with all its beneficial properties, the plant is very poisonous.

Those who decided to prepare themselves to prepare drugs should be remembered about the safety technique - work with floral raw materials only in gloves and mask. In order not to risk it, it is better to buy pharmacy preparations based on a freezer.

Possible complications, adverse reactions

Frost Caucasian, application and contraindications for which were considered in this article should be applied with caution. Since the drug has a versatile effect on the body, side effects are inevitable and associated directly with its composition.

Freeznik based drugs possess the following negative effects:

  • heart rate violation;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • headaches, ringing in ears, hallucinations;
  • reducing performance, deterioration of well-being;
  • local reactions - pain, burning, itching on the skin, mucous burns;
  • allergic reactions up to the post of quinque;
  • with systematic use - deficit states caused by impaired absorption and washing up nutrients from the body;
  • in severe cases - fatal outcome from the violation of the heart rhythm.

These effects can be observed with the proper use of the drug, but from the side of other systems (not those for the treatment of which it has been prescribed) and if the patient exceeds the dose or the duration of the course of treatment. To reduce the risk of side effects, such drugs need to be taken strictly according to the instructions and appointments of the doctor.


The plant is used not only in medicine, but also to decorate your garden. It should not be used as a room plant - a freezer for this is too poisonous. Having planted it at the cottage, you need to make sure that the children will not be played next to him - the poisoning of the frostik is quite dangerous.

The plant is unpretentious to the landing site, steadily on the frost and drought, but it is desirable to plant it in a half, so that the clutter get enough sun in the morning or evening clock and is closed shadow at noon. Ideal will be the neighborhood with large trees. Time for landing - Spring or autumn.

A hole should be prepared in advance - dig and fade by a compost. The plant is planting there and the ground is fused.

Moroznik patient to neighbors - both to large trees that give him half-day and other colors. It is best looks in combination with relatives from the Lutikov family, which bloom in spring. It is advisable to plant such plants with groups - they do not conflict for the soil, and together look much more advantageous than solitary flowers.

Plant care

The plant is not necessary to water - he is enough moisture that rains brings. But that the plant blooms a lush color, it is desirable to drain the soil next to him, add compost to it so that the soil delayed moisture. In the wet regions, this is not necessary - the plant drought resistant, but the swamp tolerates badly.

Caucasian freezing, about the use and contraindications to which was discussed, very unpretentious in terms of care. The feeding occurs once every 3 weeks - it is necessary to bring bone flour or mineral fertilizers. It is not necessary to cover it for the winter - the frost is perfectly tolerating the cold, and the owners will reap the owners in early spring.

Video about the cloth Caucasian, its useful properties and rules of use

Boarding and care for the freezer:

Using a cloth for weight loss:

Caucasian Frostik - A perennial wild plant, since ancient known to its healing properties. As a rule, it blooms in the mountainous terrain from February to March, has beautiful flowers, characterized not only by decorative function, but also a number of medicinal properties.

Opinions about him are quite contradictory, the feasibility of its use, both in traditional treatment and traditional medicine, is disputes and discussions.

Frost Caucasian - Application

The freezer is distinguished by an interesting organic and mineral composition.

Of course, you should not engage in self-medication, and be sure to consult a doctor, before turning on the plant into the composition of medicines:

  • For the treatment of oncologyUsually used concentrated water infusion. For its manufacture, you need to take water and freezer in an equal proportion;
  • For the prevention of heart disease, as well as improved liver functions, you can take the plant powder once a day, a few hours before meals;
  • Mixture of honey and freezer Excellent medicinal drug for urination normalization and the work of the digestive and intestinal tract;
  • The weak introductory infusion of the plant can be used to rinse the oral cavity. It will be effective prevention of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, as well as cure the bleeding of the gums;
  • Spaled corps of the freezer are used to treat sinusitis. Thanks to the active anti-inflammatory properties, you can get rid of the holidays during the week;
  • Solution of the freezer is used for washing wounds, glasses, burns;
  • Weakly concentrated The infusion of the plant is used to treat otites;
  • In body cleaning systems A prescription is often used, according to which there is a teaspoon of plants to pour a liter of water, to boil a long time (at least one hour), take three times a day on one teaspoon.


In addition, there is a circle of persons who are extremely shown its use:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Chronic diseases of the biliary tract, biliary faults;
  • It is impossible to accept children and older people;
  • The presence of allergies to the medicinal plant, or components included in its composition;
  • Not recommended by the individuals, transferred operational interventions on the heart, heart attack, as well as ischemic disease;
  • It is prohibited from the use of a freezer with increased sensitivity to glycosides.

How does the Caucasian frost acting on weight loss?

A pleasant bonus in losing weight is that there is a thorough cleansing of the intestines and the body as a whole. The process is soft enough, so that the getting rid of the toxins and deposits of harmful substances does not give the feeling of discomfort. The ego unique chemical composition allows you to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body.

The diuretic effect allows in a short time to remove the ethnicity and remove unnecessary fluid from the tissues and organs. Excess weight treatment courses, using this phytopreparation, sufficiently prolonged in time and are designed for a persistent and long-term effect.

This is a wonderful option for the minions of a healthy lifestyle wishing to reduce weight and improve your body without extreme methods and means. Just turning on the cloth in the diet and regularly, consuming it, you can lose an average of three or four kilograms in one month.

Of course, moderate power loads and proper nutrition will enhance and maximize the effect.

To achieve a faster result it is extremely recommended to additionally take diuretic or laxatives.. This can greatly harm the metabolism, immunity, and the whole body as a whole.

Harm of cloth Caucasian

As mentioned earlier, the frostite is a poisonous plant, because when it takes, the clarity and correctness of the dosages are important.

An increase in the concentration and dose of intake of the phytopreparation may cause unpleasant consequences:

  • Cardiac rhythm;
  • Violation of blood pressure indicators;
  • Heart failure;
  • Dizziness, ringing in the ears
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Nausea, vomiting, stool violation;
  • Severe shipment;
  • An allergic reaction accompanied by edema of mucous membranes and language;
  • Thirst;
  • Collapse of the lungs;
  • In particularly severe cases - toxic shock and fatal outcome.

Opinions of doctors about the cloth Caucasian

Love and take care of yourself in order to use the drug only a positive effect. Be sure to consult your doctor, weigh all the positive and negative moments, and clearly follow the treatment plan and reception. Despite the wide range of healing functions and the unique composition of the plant, many doctors relate to its use very critical.

Along with ginseng, the frost is distinguished by an extraordinary reaction to his human body. Mostly it is more pronounced by the cardiovascular and nervous system. Eskulapses do not have a general opinion in the matter of appropriateness of its use.

Many of them believe that the consumption of a freezer can cause the so-called "lazy bowel" syndrome - In which the gastrointestinal tract disrupts their work, the absorption of the beneficial substances, vitamins, trace elements deteriorates. In addition, modern science has not yet fully studied this "green doctor" and the degree of positivity of its influence on the body.

Altai Med.

While rested in Sochi, accidentally fell to the exhibition-fair. Among other things, there was a stall with Altai honey. What was just not there! All varieties of useful delicacy and do not list! It is a chestnut, and a frost, and candy, and linden and many, many other fragrant trays with a transparent or creamy sweetness, in which wooden spatulas lay, ready to gain you in a completely peppering miracles. A poster was standing on each tray with a description, for which one or another product is affected primarily. Here, for example, Kandyk (about this before I did not hear) restores the liver, freezing - for weight loss, Valerian-Oilsman - for the heart, white delicious honeymill with uterine milk - the first tool for the health of women, Maral root, is also called Siberian Zhen- Sheen - an indispensable means for the health and activity of men, and, in addition, it will come in handy absolutely to everyone for a happy longevity. Eyes fled! Take everything and immediately. And more) for all year enough! Invited to try all these delights Ruddy Altai girl, dense, cheerful, smiling. Such as immediately becoming clear - here it is, Siberian health that! Real, original, on honey and fresh air found. Where to her eternally sitting on diet ladies with model appearance!?
Since they fell to this exhibition in passing, they did not take much money with them. I didn't take much money. I try to try fragrant useful yummy and I ask my husband - you have a couple of thousands with you? Says - there is probably ... I try further, he also tries. I ask - and there are three? Replies - maybe. I continue - and four, five?
Here the girl selling honey does not stand and gives me advice:
"And you look at him in jeans!" I look at it with a bewilderment, and she, in full, penetrating the situation, continues: "He has nothing to do with him, it means that everything is - jeans. Look there! "
Although stand, even fall. Here it is, women's solidarity! Here they are what, Altai girls who have grown on honey, clever! But, most importantly, that all this is from a pure heart.
Honey we were of course bought. Many) for yourself and for relatives. Yes, and a couple of times later came to this fair for the addition.
And you all drink to all my head, do not hurt, be healthy to be!

White honey: Useful properties of white varieties of honey

Is there any white honey in nature and, if so, why is it white? Or is it some kind of marketing stroke and the work of the man's hands? These questions arise almost everyone who first meets with such a kind of honey.

This is quite explained. Remembering the honey, most often we present it in the form of a gravity mass of yellowish-amber color or brown shades of different saturation. Much less often occurs white honey. But after all, it is, and the white grades of honey are not known as little.

What does honey be white?

What is white honey? This question is quite logical to hear the answer that it is nothing more than ordinary natural honey, but only white. But why honey white is a question more complicated. Does he immediately become snow-white after collecting nectar bees or have any magic transformations come with it subsequently?

In fact, the white-colored honey varieties are obtained as a result of the collection of nectar only from a certain type of honeycomb plants - these are fragrant flowers of linden, white acacia, raspberries and donel, lilac flowers. Cyprus, lilac, lilac-violet alfalfa flowers, barb camels and clover white, cotton, Psoralya Kostyannaya (Ak-Kurai) and Esparcet.

Flowers in honeycomb can be completely different color, and this does not interfere with the bees to collect nectar from these plants to get bright honey. Moreover, the white color product does not acquire immediately. Originally fresh honey can be light yellow, with a greenish tinge or transparent. And already snapped, becomes white.

To say that it acquires a dazzling white color, it would be wrong. Most often, it is diluted with yellowish-grayish or other shades. After crystallization, the product does not lose its taste and quality and even becomes more useful.

In nature, the White Honey is not as often as often, because it is monofurral types of honey, that is, assembled mainly from one type of plants. To get such a product, you need to either find sowing of the appropriate crops (Espartzet, donnik, rapeseed cotton), or find such vigoros in nature in the form of wild plants. In addition, the necessary injuries bloom not every year in the right amount.

White Honey varieties

So, white honey is not some kind of view. Under this name, various varieties of honey, having white (or conditionally white) color, are combined. They are different in their composition, smell, color, taste and properties. And these features are caused by the nectar of colors that are collecting bees.

Some of them are ordinary varieties that bees are produced everywhere, for example, donkey and rapeseed honey. The best on the healing, taste properties and in the composition relate to unique varieties - it is crimson honey, pure linden, deaging, white andacia and cyber.

Raspberry Med

Raspberry honey is a rare variety of white honey with a gentle and mild taste (literally melts in the mouth) and the aroma of the raspberry flower. This variety is rarely falling in its pure form, although raspberries grows everywhere. But when this plant blooms in the gardens and forests, the bees simply do not notice other turbines (noted by experienced beekeepers).

Fresh raspberry honey - light with golden tint. When crystallization changes its structure and color (becomes cream). This delicious honey is considered a unique product due to its healing properties. They treat colds, respiratory diseases, nervous diseases and strengthen immunity.

White lime medical

This grade of honey is assembled with a blooming linden, which is the first in the huge list of mednel plants. Fresh lime honey is highlighted in a special, slightly sharp aroma and specific taste. In appearance it is light, yellow-amber, sometimes with a greenish tint, liquid and transparent. It is well crystallized and quickly becomes solid, forming large or small crystals.

All their useful and healing properties honey receives from a lime color - a proven medium from a cold. Sickwall, we immediately remember exactly about lime honey, which has a coating effect, fights with a cold, infection and elevated temperatures.

Honey from white dononnik

White donon is a valuable honey, providing bees with pollen and nectar. For donkey honey, a gentle vanilla fragrance and sweet taste is characteristic. This variety is characterized by a large number of trace elements. And many are not in vain consider honey from the Donovka most healing and tasty. Donniki honey is well stored, crystallizes slowly, gradually becoming viscous and white.

Rapeseed medical

This species of white honey is collected from the grown feed crop - rapeseed. The taste of rapeseed honey is a skewed-sweet with a tangible mustard and a rescued smell, which after pumping is destroyed.

In short, honey is more like an amateur. And, although it has similar properties with dononnikov honey, largely loses to him in quality, and it is stored for a short time (it can quickly cry). But for the treatment of the heart and by the ability to bring harmful toxins from the body is considered the best.

Honey from alfalfa

Honey, obtained from lilac and purple flowers of alfalfa, attracts an unusual taste and aroma. After crystallization, it becomes white and acquires a consistency of soft oil.

It is used for problems with the stomach and intestines and as a tousing agent.

White cotton honey

Fresh cotton honey has a white shade, an air consistency of the sour cream or oil and an unusual taste: sweet, but unstitched, tart, with a high content of glucose and oil, which gives him some fat. This variety does not have a sharp floral fragrance. His taste is fully revealed only after sugaring and crystallization.

White cotton honey is treated with an angina, cough, chronic tonsillitis, is used as a softening agent containing in large amounts of vitamins, nutrients and oil, in cosmetology.

Honey from flowers White Acacia

Honey White Acacia stands out from a gentle sweet taste and fragrant aroma. This variety is difficult to confuse with others (it can remain liquid to spring). Akacium honey is originally very liquid, transparent, colorless and similar to water. It is not suachaded for a long time because of the large content of fructose in it and the low amount of sucrose. When crystallization looks like a white small-grained mass.

While collecting honey with blooming white acacia, which is of great prevalence, it turns out a clean product, almost without any impurities. The usefulness of this variety is also due to the fact that it is during the flowering of acacia in nectar the components are collected, the biological activity of which is very high.

In folk medicine, they are treated with diabetes (for his assimilation, insulin is not required), nerve disorders and eye diseases, also white andacium honey normalizes the hormonal balance in the body of women. It does not cause allergies and is used to treat children.

Esparcet Money

Esparcet honey is a valuable grade of white honey, very fragrant, with a gentle-sweet taste. It gradually from transparent yellowish-golden turns into white. It suaches very slowly, with time turning into a thick soft mass with a creamy tint.

Espartce honey strengthens the body and immunity, improves performance, is also a very good antimicrobial and anti-filling agent.

Cylet medical

Cylet honey - rarely occurring grade of white honey. In the fresh condition, it has a greenish tint and resembles a foiled fat or cream. It quickly suaches with the formation of crystals on the surface, similar to snowflakes.

In Russia, it is this variety of honey collected from Cypsum (Ivan-Tea), loved his healing properties. Rich in vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants, tanning substances, it was used and used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Taiga white honey

Taiga Honey is collected from plants that grow in a taiga on the soils rich in the mineral composition - it is Cyprus, Raspberry, Mint, Dyagil, Rapeus, Dinner, Labac, Sage, Geranium Forest and others.

The value of taiga honey is that the beneficial properties of these medicinal plants are transmitted. It is recommended to use it after crystallization.

White Bashkir Med.

Bashkir honey is a unique product collected by bees in forests, full of honeybee medicinal plants. This honey is very nutritious, dense, with a slight content of water, transparent with a pleasant pale yellowish tint. Here everything is a medicine - both nectar, and pollen, and, of course, Bashkir Honey itself, which is highly appreciated by the connoisseurs of this product all over the world.


White honey can thicken naturally and whiten without help. But, if desired, any honey can be made white. When hacking, its structure is filled with oxygen, and it acquires such a color. Whipped cream-honey with such a treatment if nothing is added to it is not added and did not heate it, retains taste and useful properties in full. At the same time, it acquires extraordinary tenderness and cream texture.

Useful properties of white honey

Therapeutic properties and taste features of white honey are determined primarily by the fact that nectar is assembled by bees mainly from medicinal plants whose properties are transmitted.

This allows the use of various varieties of white honey to treat colds, angina, bronchitis and cough, to enhance the protective forces of the body, to reduce pressure, improve the work of the stomach.

The connoisseurs and gourmets point out a subtle aroma and the exquisite taste of honey of white color, and cosmetologists do not represent their work without a honey component in the creams, shampoos and masks.

For white honey, only bees do not always need. Sometimes this process depends on the hands and fantasy of a person. Of course, in this case, the processed product, the main component of which honey, can not be attributed to natural products of beekeeping, occurring in nature.

Delicious Honey White Cancer can be prepared independently. To do this, light honey will be required (better than May), gelatin, cardamom and dried bumps of hops. When putting over the ingredients and applying small culinary skills, you can make a fragrant dessert in the form of white honey with spicy and pleasant taste.

With its preparation, honey repeatedly heats up and even boils. The question arises - what is the useful properties? After all, it is known that they disappear at high temperatures. There is already the right to choose for you. In some countries, such a bee product is very in demand, children eagerly eat and love adults.

All that you wanted to know about white honey: what they do and why he is white

Condensed milk or custard? No, no - this is no less tasty delicacy - white honey, and a beneficial natural product. From the cold of the best medication you will not find, I know how a beekeeper. What else is he appreciated among the experts? Let's talk, how do white honey make and from what colors white honey turns out.

Honey white from what do you do?

Such a kind of honey is obtained from certain froth plants with healing properties and special color. Among them - raspberries, donel, acacia, alfalfa, cotton, Lipa, Acacia, Esparcet. They are attached to honey their unique taste and aroma. During the flowering, the bee collect nectar from the honeycomb, but the aroma and color, the useful qualities of plants go to honey.

Types and varieties of white honey

Our honey plants:

Rare White Honey

We already know many types of white honey obtained from plant-honey plants. There are and very rare, which in my life and try something did not have anything: the taiga honey white, the frost is honey white, Bashkir honey. White rose. There are also such varieties of white honey.

    Cywyer fresh honey greenish color, similar to melted fat. At first glance, you can not say that it is honey. After collecting almost immediately suaches and forms grains, similar to snowflakes. It is distinguished by a unique taste that will appreciate any gourmet. Cypea is the grass of Ivan-Tea - in our opinion, in a simple way.

The taiga grade of white honey is obtained from raspberries, rapeseed, sage, forest geranium, dononnok, bear swords and other taiga vegetation. All the minerals are invaluable in their useful properties fall into nectar, and therefore taiga honey is so useful.

Kandyk-honey is a very rare bee product. This is a honey plant is listed in the Red Book. It is found in the forests of Altai, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Honey is considered very useful for diseases of the stomach, heart, lungs. Such honey contains grapplets of the colors of shaken milk, before use it is repeatedly whipped to a creamy consistency.

Known by his good qualities and honey collected in Altai. In its mountainous areas, inhabited honey field grass and flowers, beekeeping developed. Based on the combination of plants, the color of honey changes - from green to amber. After crystallization, it turns out this kind as Altai white honey. It does not cause allergies because it is assembled in an environmentally friendly mountainous area.

It is famous for the whole world of honey from Bashkiria, where the traditions of the Bortfrod region are transmitted from generation to generations - forest beekeeping, receiving wild honey. Refers to elite varieties of honey. One of the main honeymows in the Bashkir forests is Lipa, and linden honey is one of the most valuable. But also other types of flowering plants here apparently invisible, due to the mixing of their nectar, honey is unique in its properties. Bashkir honey do not confuse with any other - he has such an unusual taste and fragrance! Once I tried and fell in love forever in Bashkir white honey. This honey is whiten in just assembled and remains so after crystallization.

One of the varieties of honey collected from a wild rose rose or tea rose, which is also called honey. White rose. In a fresh form, it is liquid, and after crystallization, whites and acquires the state of the paste. It distinguishes the smell of roses and a sweet taste.

Pershed white honey with cedar nuts? This is a honey of cedar - a product of beekeeping, mined in coniferous forests. In its composition of resin, essential oils with antimicrobial effects, and iodine and microelements drive out cold and skin diseases. Cedar honey with turpentine mixed beekeys themselves with nectar from plant cedar forests, such as viburnum or clover. Such honey gives a cheese to taste and smell. By the way, according to GOST, such honey with a honey is considered a honey product: Natural Medoc must contain only substances of natural origin.

Why honey white and thick as cream?

This apiproduct is attributed to elite varieties. The real white honey of natural origin is rare and therefore valuable. Over the ocean, a long time studied his properties and eat, and eating our American counterparts, both white honey and a spoon. Love bread to smear yes. I heard, what is the name of the white honey there, behind the hill? Silk Product or Souffle. In how!

White-colored honey as oil the name was obtained for its similarity with butter, the same thick and viscous consistency. In such a form, when it is imagining, it becomes even more useful. Such properties have a good naked. As a natural product he thick and crystallizes.
We are not necessary for anything for any rugs. Thank you, eat yourself. We will work together with the bees and we get white honey, how proud and treat. This is truly a storehouse of useful medical properties. Helps:

  • From angina and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Get rid of bronchitis and cough;
  • Together with the ENT doctor will cure hymoritis and other nasopharynx diseases;
  • Cope with conjunctivitis, inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Protects against viruses causing colds infections;
  • Reduce pressure under hypertension;
  • Facilitates skin diseases in the form of compress and soap;
  • Improve the appearance of the skin as an assistant to the cosmetologist;
  • Grow healthy to our children.

How to make white honey at home?

Even in the big barrel of honey it is not without a spoonful of tar. They love to cheat, unfortunately, they sin with these novice beekeepers, and communion trades. Heard, how do white honey make as cream. The bees are fitted with sugar syrup, and therefore it will definitely acquire a white shade. Honey is already crystalized whipped to a delicate creamy consistency and on you, get and lay down: honey white as cream. More precisely, to say, similar to honey. This is the same Lipa, granddaughter!

Honey is saturated with oxygen and becomes white. Such simple chemistry. I read that abroad such honey is very loved. Catch the blender in the lush mass and to the table. Therefore, there are so many fat citizens who suffer from obesity and the bouquet of sores associated with him. Here you and premium souffle.
It is believed that any honey will save its properties if it is not overlay. So cream-honey. It is good in its pure form without heating and additives to enhance taste if it is used as for itself, and not for sale.

At home, we still make mixed honey with royal milk. It is said that the mixture is also rich in its filling with vitamins and microelements. I, like a beekeeper with experience, tend to ensure that all the products of beekeeping work on themselves. The royal milk - separately (about its properties we have already spoken last time), and the white honey is separate. Then there will be more benefit.

How to distinguish real honey from fake?

Beekeepers have their own secrets, but for a common cause, I will share. Pay attention to:

  1. Consistency of honey, which is unlikely to be the same as oil.
  2. Name. Do not chase the exotic: Lime, Akacia, Espar, Dongner - Our White Honey.
  3. Color. The product of beekeeping does not paint white paint, so it can be inhomogeneous white with shades.
  4. Places to know should be where to buy. It is better to take from local beekeepers, and not at the visits of the participants of honey faces.

In the old days we did not have a better medicine from colds than white honey.

Our conversation turned out to be long. About the honey songs are foggy, in fairy tales mentioned. No wonder they were talking, visiting the honey beer drank, flowed across the mustes, and did not fall into the mouth. Looks like a lot rant. I note that in the variety of varieties of honey, it is necessary to deal with bees to be friends and do not deceive anyone. And ordinary consumers advise not to succumb to the seductive names of honey masterpieces, learn to distinguish between black and white and honey white real from the fake honey product.

Caucasian Caucasian Grass: Poisonous Molding Root

Frost Caucasian

Clotter Caucasian received its name for unprecedented cold resistance. It is capable of blossoming during freezing, which is just surprising. The healing properties of this mountain flower are even more striking, as well as the danger that he is in herself. Not every folk healer is decided to use this plant in its practice. Caucasian cloth is under the protection of the state as an endangered appearance. The plant is recognized as poisonous, so it is worth considering its workpiece and use with extreme caution.

In the scientific world to this day, they did not come to a common opinion - the medicine of a freezer or poison. The old medical principle wins: "The poison in small doses is becoming a medicine." They are guided by the winds, decided to adopt with the help of a freezer. The scope of application and contraindications of the cloth of Caucasian is wide and contradictory.

Plant Characteristics

Caucasian frosting grass can be found on oak, fir-fir and beech forest edges. The plant perfectly feels at an altitude of up to 1000 m above sea level, so it often grows in the gorges and at the slopes of the mountains.

The healing view of the freezer is common in the Caucasian Mountains, is found in the southwestern part of the Krasnodar Territory. The grass can be found almost throughout Georgia, as well as in the Ukrainian mountains of the Carpathians. Growing along the Black Sea coast, in the foothill, Kuban. Often, the cliffs of the frost can be found along the light shore of the mountain river. The grass is frost resistant, in the mountainous area blooms in February-March.

The plant refers to the number of perennial herbs. It is breeding vegetative, as well as with the help of fruits, therefore often forms the similarity of thickets.

  • Root system. Horizontal rhizome with short apparent roots in the form of cords. Corn color dark brown.
  • Stems. Strengthening, cylindrical, length from 30 to 50 cm. Are flowers, upstairs are a bit branch. On one stem grows 1-2 flower. Occasionally, small sitting leaves are formed on the stems.
  • Leaves. Two or three evergreen long-barrel sheets form a root rosette. Palchaty dissection forms from one sheet of 5-11 widespread-shaped or broad-sized leaf. At the end of each of them there is a sharpening.
  • Flowers. Up to 4 cm in diameter, petals of light green color with brown or reddish veins.
  • Fruit. Posted by unreasonable leaflets, with black, smooth, oblong seeds.

Preparation of raw materials

Caucasian raw material, used for treatment, are dried roots. They are collected in autumn, after full of fruit. Collection of raw materials requires caution, since wet roots are able to distinguish toxic volatile substances that affect the nervous system and causing headaches, dizziness, nausea. Even when digging plants, it costs to protect the respiratory organs with the help of a coal respirator. The process of harvesting the cloth of Caucasian is like seven stages.

  1. Selected adult plants are digging along with the root.
  2. With the help of scissors from the root system, the overhead part is separated, removed spoiled roots or their fragments.
  3. The assembled roots are washed with cool running water.
  4. The first part of the drying implies the rooting of the roots in a suspended state from excessive moisture outdoors.
  5. After drying the roots lay in one layer on cotton fabric in a shaded, well ventilated place.
  6. When using the dryer, you must adhere to the temperature regime 40-45 ° C.
  7. After complete drying, the raw materials are packaged in cellophane packages and hangs in a dry, dark, well ventilated room.

What is the value

Frost is a unique plant that can have a healing effect on the human body. This is due to the high content of biological active substances of different nature and their therapeutic effect.

  • Heart glycosides. In the climber, Caucasian Caucasian concentrates the glycoside Korologorin K. Provides a tonic effect on myocardium, regulates arterial and venous pressure, increases the power of heart abbreviations, normalizes the operation of the conductive heart system, improves peripheral blood flow, providing tissue with sufficient oxygen intake.
  • Complex steroid saponins. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates the production of hormones, increases the speed and quality of the immune response. Normalizes electrolyte exchange, improves the secretion of bronchi, has an expectorant effect by stimulating the cough center in the oblong brain.
  • Fat vegetable oils. Participate in regeneration processes, stimulate cell renewal, neutralize the effects of carcinogens on the human body.
  • Alkaloid connections. Expose anti-inflammatory, painkiller and antispasmodic effect. There are a light hypotensive effect, normalize the work of the CNS. In small doses, the action is sedative, in large - toning.
  • Anthraglycosides. Natural laxatives cleansing the intestine due to the soft irritation of its walls. They have a light choleretic and diuretic effect. Give slags and cavalry concrections.
  • Flavonoids. Normalize heart rate, permeability of vessel walls and peripheral blood flow rate.
  • Cumarins. Antitumor effects have due to the oppression of the activity of atypical cells, normalize heart rate, have antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamins A, C, D, E. act as natural antioxidants, contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, regulate the production of hormones.

Kororborin K. It is considered the most active chemical in the cloth of Caucasian Caucasian. He is recognized as the world of science with one of the strongest natural heart glycosides. This substance serves as an active ingredient of the preparation "Korologorin". It is qualitatively different from other heart glycosides with the ability to maintain its effect when used inward, while everyone else is inactivated under the action of gastric juice. According to its power, the glycoside surpasses produced from the valley and is not inferior to stanfantine. The toxicity of Korologorin is recognized as average. According to the ability to accumulate, the frostic is considered an analogue of a dimension.

Medical effects

The main therapeutic effect of the climber of Caucasian is considered a cardiotonic - the ability to strengthen abbreviations, increase their amplitude, eliminate tachycardia, improve myocardial endurance, reduce its ischemia. Cardiotonic and cardioprotective action only open a list of positive effects.

  • It has the ability to clean the body. At the same time, Caucasian freeznik not just cleans the intestines at the expense of a disgraceing effect, but also helps the separation of felling deposits and bringing them away from the body. The plant shows a light choleretic effect, gently eliminating stagnation and warning the occurrence of bile concrections. The diuretic effect contributes to the removal of sand from the kidneys. Also, the grass purifies blood and lymphatic system, contributes to the removal of toxins accumulated in tissues for many years.
  • Normalizes blood composition. The grass has a soft hypoglycemic effect, appropriate in complex diabetes therapy. It warns insulin jumps, reduces the craving for sweet and fat, which reduces the risk of overeating. Reduces craving for sweet and fat. Reducing cholesterol level contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis. Clotter Caucasian is also actively used for therapy of this disease.
  • Displays salt sediments. Clotter Caucasian gently removes unnecessary salt sediments from soft tissues, as well as from joints, eliminating symptoms and stopping the development of ostechondrosis, gout, nephroolithiasis. Regulation of electrolyte metabolism allows you to get rid of edema.
  • Adjusts the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Substances in the composition of the climber of Caucasian stimulate the work of digestive organs. This contributes to the intensification of the production of food juices, saturated with their enzymes. Gradually normalizes digestion, acidity, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, enteritis disappears. The regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant contribute to the healing of the stomach and duodenal ulcers, eliminate the symptoms of acute hemorrhoids. Positively affects the use of grass at the work of the pancreas and the hepatobilline system. The liver is cleaned by excess fat, and the gallbladder - from flakes - stones precursors. The antiviral action of the freezer helps in the treatment of hepatitis of viral origin (for example, hepatitis C).
  • Restores the operation of the urogenital system. Caucasian cloth has a clearly pronounced diuretic effect and antimicrobial properties. In combination with the anti-inflammatory effect, it treats the inflammation of the kidneys, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis and even adenoma of prostate.
  • Cleans the respiratory tract. The grass of the clock has a light expectorant action, stimulates the production and extension of the bronchial secret. It is used for therapy of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Stimulates glands. The grass of the clutter sincecorable was treated with female and male infertility, as well as disorders of the thyroid gland. The action is associated with the elimination of free radicals and the inflammatory process, as a result of which the glands are able to fully function fully.
  • Normalizes the work of the nervous system. The biologically active substances of the Caucasian cloth have a property to penetrate the nerve tissues, normalize the conductivity of nerve fibers. The grass regulates the serotonin exchange, having a slight sedative effect, manifested by the absence of anxiety, improved concentration of attention, increasing stress resistance. Against the background of prime preparations from the plant, depression, psychosis, fast fatigue syndrome, insomnia are eliminated. Adaptogenic action gives the patient a feeling of lightness, good mood, increases the endurance of the body. It is proved that the attacks of epilepsy against the background of the reception of a freezer happening much less often, and their intensity is noticeably reduced.
  • Helps in the fight against tumors. The freezer slows down the division and accelerates the death of atypical cells, being a means of preventing oncology. Antitumor action is also manifested in slowing the growth of neoplasms, as well as a decrease in the risk of metastases. The Caucasian closure is successfully used externally for skin cancer therapy and internally for the treatment of uterine misa, intestinal polyps.
  • Stimulates immunity. Freeznik improves the work of the body's protective forces not by stimulating the production of leukocytes, but by the normalization of the ripening and allocation of protective cells (T-helpers, killers, macrophages) in response to inflammation. The use of the plant allows you to forget about respiratory infections even during the epidemic.
  • Rejuvenates the body. Clotter Caucasian helps to eliminate worn cells and tissue restoration by developing healthy. Reparative properties affect not only the appearance of a man hosting a freezer (the skin color is improved, she pulls out the hair loss, the amount of wrinkles decreases), but also on the functioning of its internal organs.
  • Used to correct the shape. Freeznik has long been used as an effective weight loss. Regular use of grass will be allowed to eliminate excessive appetite, attacks of hunger. With the help of a freezer, it is possible to get rid of even expressed obesity. The plant increases the energy consumption of the body, by increasing the main exchange and fast cleansing. In combination with a decrease in appetite, it causes the liver to spend fat deposits. A separate advantage is to preserve skin elasticity, elimination of cellulite, the absence of stretch marks after weight loss on the cloth.

Application of cloth Caucasian

Doctors, as well as folk healers warn that the Caucasian climber is a poisonous plant, so its use should be extremely careful for any purpose. Excess dosage can cost a person life.

Powder from roots

Features. Used for complex rejuvenation of the body, eliminating chronic diseases, weight loss. The instruction and method of using a cloth for weight loss or treatment must be respected with particular accuracy. From the first day of reception, it is necessary to use one dose of 50 mg - on the tip of the knife in the morning on an empty stomach. Breakfast is allowed only in two hours. Every ten days is added another dose. From 11 days it is necessary to take the amount of powder equal to two portions at the knife tip. When the dosage comes up to 300 mg (six times on the knife tip) the increase in the dose stops. If any discomfort is felt, the dose is reduced by 1-2 steps. Maximum allowed daily dosage of the freezer - from 150 to 300 mg. In the selected amount, the powder is accepted once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, for half a year.

Preparation and application

  1. Prepared raw materials (fully dried roots) Tuscot in a stupe to a powdered state or crushed with a mechanical device.
  2. The finished powder is folded into the closing can or cellophane package, for preservation.

Features. It is used inward for therapy of diseases of the respiratory system: pleurite, tuberculosis, strong cough. Outwardly - pain in the joints during osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout.

Preparation and application

  1. Half a teaspoon of chopped roots poured 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is heated in a water bath for half an hour, constantly maintaining weak boiling.
  3. The resulting decoction is defended 15 minutes, after which they are filled into clean capacity.
  4. The remedy is taken inside one teaspoon half an hour before meals, three times on the day. In case of pain in the joints, the decoction rubs twice a day, for 15 minutes.

Features. Used with any skin diseases, including bacterial and fungal nature. With furunculese, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, open oncological wounds.

Preparation and application

  1. 8 g of roots powder poured a glass of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is insteaded for two hours, then filter.
  3. The resulting infusion is used to wash wounds or overlapping compresses. Processing is carried out twice a day.

Acetic tincture

Preparation and application

  1. 25 g of the root of Altea pour a glass of cold water, let it stand in an hour.
  2. 50 g of cloth pour a glass of wine vinegar.
  3. Cook the mixture on low heat until it is evaporated half.
  4. After cooling, strain and mix both infusions.
  5. The resulting means to rub into the skin of the head twice a day, paying special attention to highly bald places.

Features. Alcohol tincture is made for the same purposes as the powder: weight loss, comprehensive recovery and complete cleansing of the body.

Preparation and application.

  1. 50 g of the cloth pour half liters of vodka.
  2. Put in a dark place to insist for seven days.
  3. When the tincture ends, another half of the vodka liter is added to the sleepy cake, it is no longer necessary to insist. Manipulation is repeated until the end of the course of treatment.
  4. The tincture on vodka is accepted at half a teaspoon, once a day. It is allowed to add tincture into tea.

Pharmacy drugs

Caucasian freeznik does not apply to the number of pharmacopy medicinal plants. Its positive properties use manufacturers of biologically active additives.

What is it. The plant's vegetable oil of Caucasian is recommended to be taken in all cases under which the powder is used. Fat compounds contribute to the recovery of cells, normalize the work of the nervous system, have a soft choleretic effect, they purify the human body from harmful substances, neutralize radionuclides.

Application. The caucasian frost oil is taken inside by 20 drops under the tongue, per hour before the intended meal. Outside use helps to cope with articular pain and sinusitis: oil rubbing in a sore place. With a runny node to drip into each nostril for four to five drops.

Frost with fiber

What is it. Very popular means for weight loss. All the positive properties of the freezer are supported by the cleansing and adsorbing effect of plant fiber.

Application. They are used inward according to the scheme specified in the table, having previously stirred the dumpled amount of the mixture in the liquid: water, milk, kefir.

Table - Scheme of receiving a freezer with fiber

From 60 days to six months, the dose remains unchanged. After a monthly break, the course is repeated again.

What is it. The ointment of Caucasian cloth is used to grow joints in pain of any origin. The tool is produced as a biologically active additive.

Application. Ointment thoroughly rub in massage movements in a sore place for 10 minutes, twice a day.

What is it. The remedy is called "phytooflury freeznik". The drug differs from the plant with its non-toxicity, with the preserved medicinal properties of raw materials.

Application. Five drops of the preparation are added in 50 ml of water. Used inward three days per day.

Dangerous consequences

According to the reviews about the treatment of Caucasian Caucasian - the grass is very contradictory. Some patients feel the tide of strength and cheerfulness and completely do not feel side effects, others complain about discomfort during the reception of the frost, others do not feel anything. Different opinions are due to the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases in the treatment of Caucasian closure. Negative impact on the heart feel people with ischemic disease, and they may not know about its existence. This condition is a contraindication for the use of Caucasian freezing, like a biliary disease, endocarditis, a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as children's age up to 14 years. Among the side effects of the Caucasian closure:

  • heart rate disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the intestines;
  • raising diuresis;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of appetite.

Treatment by Morotnik

Freeznik perfectly cleans blood and makes a number of other beneficial affairs in the body. I think they are best to be treated with benign tumors, so as not to strive the body with strong poisons. Either after the treatment with strong poisons is over, in order to prevent the annual recovery course of the frost. It will help to cleanse the body from the former poisons and will further restore it. Read the following information and decide whether to apply it and how. Personally, I passed the preventive 9-month course (took a mustard spoon with honey in the evening) and very satisfied. It perfectly destroys pathogenic microbes, fungi (herpes), stimulates the bonement, heals the prostate gland - it all felt at himself.

Hellebore,zimovnik (Helleborus) - the genus of perennial grassy plants of the Lutikovy family (Ranunculaceae). There are several types of frosts in Russia. In the south-western part - Frostynik reddish, in the Caucasus - Caucasian frost painter, clouded cluster and frost name Abkhaz.

All parts of the plant is poisonous.

The roots and rhizomes of the freezer are harvested in the fall, they contain potently in the heart of glycosides. The presence of plant poisons - alkaloids - its poisonousness is explained. And the same indicates that it can be applied with oncology along with Boligol Spotted, tobacco, akonitis and other similar to them. Immediately mention: the stronger the smell from the cloth - the better its phytoncidal, and therefore antitumor properties.

Froster has thin black roots emerging from one rhizoma, like a bow head, and only these roots are used. It grows in dry places.

Due to the fact that the frost is poisonous and highlights evaporation harmful to a person, the people who are collecting him to protect him from his harmful action (the smell of him causes weight in his head), should be the eating garlic and drinking wine before harvesting.

The best frost is medium: not young and not old, not fat and not thin. It is ash color, easily breaks, not too tight, and there is something like a web inside it; He is acute to taste and pinch tongue.

Actions, Properties and Applications on Ancient Sources

The cloud is dissolving, cuts and cleans himself, so it even eats dead meat, if lubricated in a mixture with a vinegar, dead and rotten meat in the wound.

Dissolves ferrous bile and mucus. Therefore, it is useful when painting the black bile and predominantly, it takes it out of the whole body without unpleasant sensations (here is the black one that we see when cleaning the liver). It also displays the yellow bile and mucus and every surplus, mixing to the blood of the remote parts of the body and leather. For this reason, it can cure vitiligo (normalizing the function of the liver, blood and leather).

One of the amazing properties of the frost is that it changes the nature in the body and makes it updated, youthful.

It has relaxing properties. Helps with Paduch, Melancholy, dementia, solar migraine.

With hardened fistulas, the frost tires hardening. From it, the semblance of a wick, which is invested in fistula and leave there for several days. When the wick is removed, it turns out that the clutter touched the hardening by its burning force.

The freezer helps from paralysis and from pain in the joints. If you rinse your mouth with vinegar, it ceases toothpow.

The closure is very useful in tumors in the guts and bladder and drives monthly and urine.

It is suitable for men and husband-like women, as well as for power and boys with body, abundant juice and full, but not suitable for people of chubby and loose. This is a very important remark that indicates that the faces are thin also should take it carefully.

It is better to take the closure in April, and then in October and November, but only before that it follows the three days to avoid coarse food and thick drinks and not indulge in entertainment and entertainment. The patient must after evening prayer two or three times to call vomiting and then take a freezer.

It is considered a good way to use it: take small pets growing from the root, moisten them a little water, remove the peel from them, dry in the shade and use, trusheys and seeking. At one time they give to drink from 1.5 to 3 g. It is better to give it to drink it with seeds of celery and carrots. In some cases, they give to 4.25 g.

It is said that it is harmful for the kidneys and causes a suffocation, 6 g is caused by convulsions. His harmful effects eliminate alhas, parsley and char.

Actions, Properties and Applications on Modern Sources

Medical properties

Normalizes the metabolism (due to the fact that primarily normalizes the function of the liver) and is an excellent weight loss means.

It has a diuretic and laxative action - cleans the intestines, removes sand from the urinary tract.

Promotes the cleaning of the body from slags, toxins, radioactive elements, heavy metals.

It has a pronounced choleretic action.

Improves the work of the heart, prevents the development of vascular disorders and chronic insufficiency, stroke.

It has a pronounced antitumor effect (moma, fibromics, mastopathy, polyps, cancer of the mammary glands, chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma).

Strong remedy for diseases of the joints, spinal osteochondroses.

It has a pronounced effect on the nervous system - it is used for the treatment of neurosis, insomnia, epilepsy, psoriasis.

Increases the protective functions of the entire body.

Recommended course treatment for 12 months. It is observed that in the first 4-6 months there is a primary cleansing of the body. For the next 6 months of continuation of the course of treatment by the clutter, the body gets rid of chronic diseases that "got out" by the previous years of life.

Methods of application

1. Initial dose: 50 mg or a quarter of a mustard spoon (at the knife tip) Frost powder for the night to fill 50 g of any boiled water (room temperature). If necessary, a dose increases 15 days to 150 mg ( 1 /2 Gorh. Spoons) and keep this dosage.

Before use, shake (stir) so that the sediment gets into the body. Take one day: in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals.

2. "Dry reception". 50 mg of the Powder of the Frost Powder Put in the mouth, wash with warm water in the morning on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before meals 1 time per day.

Course treatment - from 1 to 6 or 12 months. The term of treatment depends on the fact that a person wants to: lose weight, clean, improve the work of the liver, heart, etc. This method is recommended in most cases.

As prevention, the reception of the frost is better to spend in the form of monthly courses in spring and autumn.

3. 50 mg of the frost powder stirring with 1 /4 h. Honey spoons. Eat before bedtime at 22-23 hours in the morning, at 7-8 hours, there will be an independent chair.

This method allows to normalize the function of the nervous system, liver, contributes to the normalization of the chair, cleaning the urinary tract from sand, purifies blood and treats skin diseases.

Course of treatment from 1 to 6 or more months.

You can choose any of these methods. Frost can be taken along with other herbs.

But, hoping for the cloth, do not forget about proper nutrition, motion, thinking, etc.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

07.11.2015 admin.

Caucasian Frostik - A perennial wild plant, since ancient known to its healing properties. As a rule, it blooms in the mountainous terrain from February to March, has beautiful flowers, characterized not only by decorative function, but also a number of medicinal properties.

Opinions about him are quite contradictory, the feasibility of its use, both in traditional treatment and traditional medicine, is disputes and discussions.

Frost Caucasian - Application

The freezer is distinguished by an interesting organic and mineral composition.

Of course, you should not engage in self-medication, and be sure to consult a doctor, before turning on the plant into the composition of medicines:

  • For the treatment of oncologyUsually used concentrated water infusion. For its manufacture, you need to take water and freezer in an equal proportion;
  • For the prevention of heart disease, as well as improved liver functions, you can take the plant powder once a day, a few hours before meals;
  • Mixture of honey and freezer Excellent medicinal drug for urination normalization and the work of the digestive and intestinal tract;
  • The weak introductory infusion of the plant can be used to rinse the oral cavity. It will be effective prevention of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, as well as cure the bleeding of the gums;
  • Spaled corps of the freezer are used to treat sinusitis. Thanks to the active anti-inflammatory properties, you can get rid of the holidays during the week;
  • Solution of the freezer is used for washing wounds, glasses, burns;
  • Weakly concentrated The infusion of the plant is used to treat otites;
  • In body cleaning systems A prescription is often used, according to which there is a teaspoon of plants to pour a liter of water, to boil a long time (at least one hour), take three times a day on one teaspoon.


It is very important to remember, Caucasian freezer - a poisonous plant and its overdose can lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is important to comply with doses and proportions in the preparation of various medical products and the use of phytopreparations of this, we participate.

In addition, there is a circle of persons who are extremely shown its use:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Chronic diseases of the biliary tract, biliary faults;
  • It is impossible to accept children and older people;
  • The presence of allergies to the medicinal plant, or components included in its composition;
  • Not recommended by the individuals, transferred operational interventions on the heart, heart attack, as well as ischemic disease;
  • It is prohibited from the use of a freezer with increased sensitivity to glycosides.

How does the Caucasian frost acting on weight loss?

A pleasant bonus in losing weight is that there is a thorough cleansing of the intestines and the body as a whole. The process is soft enough, so that the getting rid of the toxins and deposits of harmful substances does not give the feeling of discomfort. The ego unique chemical composition allows you to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body.

The diuretic effect allows in a short time to remove the ethnicity and remove unnecessary fluid from the tissues and organs. Excess weight treatment courses, using this phytopreparation, sufficiently prolonged in time and are designed for a persistent and long-term effect.

This is a wonderful option for the minions of a healthy lifestyle wishing to reduce weight and improve your body without extreme methods and means. Just turning on the cloth in the diet and regularly, consuming it, you can lose an average of three or four kilograms in one month.

Of course, moderate power loads and proper nutrition will enhance and maximize the effect.

To achieve a faster result it is extremely recommended to additionally take diuretic or laxatives.. This can greatly harm the metabolism, immunity, and the whole body as a whole.

Harm of cloth Caucasian

As mentioned earlier, the frostite is a poisonous plant, because when it takes, the clarity and correctness of the dosages are important.

An increase in the concentration and dose of intake of the phytopreparation may cause unpleasant consequences:

  • Cardiac rhythm;
  • Violation of blood pressure indicators;
  • Heart failure;
  • Dizziness, ringing in the ears
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Nausea, vomiting, stool violation;
  • Severe shipment;
  • An allergic reaction accompanied by edema of mucous membranes and language;
  • Thirst;
  • Collapse of the lungs;
  • In particularly severe cases - toxic shock and fatal outcome.
In all, you need moderation. If you follow the recipes and proportions, Caucasian Caucasian will have an exceptionally healing action for the body and help make your life more long and healthy.

Opinions of doctors about the cloth Caucasian

Love and take care of yourself in order to use the drug only a positive effect. Be sure to consult your doctor, weigh all the positive and negative moments, and clearly follow the treatment plan and reception. Despite the wide range of healing functions and the unique composition of the plant, many doctors relate to its use very critical.

Along with ginseng, the frost is distinguished by an extraordinary reaction to his human body. Mostly it is more pronounced by the cardiovascular and nervous system. Eskulapses do not have a general opinion in the matter of appropriateness of its use.

Many of them believe that the consumption of a freezer can cause the so-called "lazy bowel" syndrome - In which the gastrointestinal tract disrupts their work, the absorption of the beneficial substances, vitamins, trace elements deteriorates. In addition, modern science has not yet fully studied this "green doctor" and the degree of positivity of its influence on the body.