What is the root tongkat and what is his action. What is the root Tongkat and what is his action excitement and stress

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack ), or the root of a long-term heurikoma, also known as Pasak Buma and Staff Ali. This plant is particularly respected in Asia - due to its ability to increase testosterone levels in the body up to 440%!

Mental fatigue

Though testosterone and has a very versatile effect on the human body, after all, in publications available in the Russian-speaking Internet, first of all identify the impact of the root of Eurycoma for sexual health and its strengthening. But the hormonal equilibrium affects not only the libido and the ability to acquire heirs, it is also important for tone, endurance; It plays one of the main roles in the fight against mental overvoltage, which is not as a rare phenomenon in modern, full stress of life.

A little about testosterone.

A general reduction in human life activity is usually explained simply - age. But what directly determines the aging? It is believed that the aging process is directly related to the level of testosterone in the blood. In a publ of it, it is above all and very high to age about 25 years, and then gradually decreases with time. Clinical studies confirm that after reaching a thirty-year-old turn, the rate of falling the testosterone level reaches 2% per year. It should be noted that the rate of reducing the level of this hormone depends on various factors, from the lifestyle and nutrition of the individual. It has been proven that alcohol and smoking significantly prevent the natural development of testosterone, that is, they accelerate aging.

If the body's ability to produce testosterone at 25 years to take 100%, then by 35 years it drops to 70-75%, 65-70% at 40 years, 60-65% at 45 years, 55-60% of 50 years, 50 -55% at 55 years and 45-50% in 60 years. If we take into account that in the next ten years, the retirement age in Latvia will reach the mark of 65-67, and even 70 years, it becomes clear that it becomes sharpling the need to think about the lifestyle and revise the relationship to your health, because it will affect the most directly on the quality of life in the steps.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the seeds. This hormone plays a crucial role in the life of a man. One of the basic functions of testosterone is to promote muscle buildup: the higher the testosterone concentration in the blood, the larger and the muscles become stronger. Therefore, at a low level of testosterone, it is not necessary to talk about high achievements in sports.

As a result of the survey The St. Louis Adam (lack of androgens in men in age) It was found that the following symptoms indicate a decrease in testosterone levels in men:

1. Weakening of sexual attraction(libido).

2. Total lethargy.

3. Reduction of endurance, fast fatigue.

4. Reduction of growth.

5. Lack of cheerfulness.

6. Constant boredom or objency, worsening memory, alarm feeling.

7. Erection deterioration.

8. Lowering sports results.

9. Sleepiness after dinner.

10. Reducing performance.


Testosterone promotes the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the bone marrow. Their disadvantage can lead to anemia with all the ensuing consequences.

Testosterone contributes to burning fat and prevents their intensity, so many men in the age (with a decrease in testosterone level in the blood) begins to appear to appear: men are postponed mainly in this area, but fat can be delayed in other areas, for example, on hips What makes a female figure.

National Geographic explores Testosterone factor (video):

The reduced testosterone level may be the cause of reinforced hair loss or a slowdown beard growth: not in vain saying that a real man shaves his beard twice a day, because a beard for a long time is a symbol of masculinity. Also enhanced hair growth in the nose and in the ears.

Testosterone is also important to increase the life expectancy, as it lowers the level of cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, thus lowering the risk of angina. When the level of this hormone decreases, changes in the skin are also visible: the skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear, the man looks much older than its age.

Perhaps many men will find out the problems described above, but there are no causes for panic - the level of testosterone in the blood can be adjusted (of course, within physiological norms) in accordance with age and general physical condition.

What are the improvements after the normalization of the level of testosterone:

The biosynthesis of proteins is improved (while the set of muscle mass is accelerated), the formation of red blood cells is increased, the skin regeneration is accelerated, the metabolism and combustion of fats is accelerated, the ability to resist stress, improves the work of the brain and memory, is enhanced by sexual attraction.

We note some more risks associated with a reduced testosterone level:

Osteoporosis and fractures of pelvic bones, heart disease and myocardial infarction, diseases of blood vessels, prostate cancer,Senile Dementia ( senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease).

As Tongkat Ali affects the level of testosterone in the body:

Bioactive substances contained in the root of heurick and those responsible for the formation of testosterone and its work, send signals into such glands in the brain, as hypothalamus and pituitary. This tongcat Ali differs from synthetic testosterone (with the use of anabolic steroids, the body receives a testosterone dose, but the seeds stop performing their function, since with an artificial increase in testosterone levels, sex hormones (androgens and estrogens) give a stop signal to iron hypothalamus and hypophism). The body is weakened or at all is lost the ability to produce its own testosterone - this is called negative feedback. Tongkat Ali does not produce such negative feedback signals, giving the opportunity to semennics in full force to continue to produce testosterone.

Tongkat Ali in the rainforest of Malaysia (video):

Since in recent years, Tongkat Ali is gaining popularity and in the Western world, its number in the rainforest of Malaysia is dramatically reduced. Although Tongkat Ali is a source of income of the local population, the local government was forced to take measures to reduce its deforestation to preserve this plant.

Growing demand generates a variety of proposal, often poor quality and even dangerous to human health. Easy earnings applicants sell a useless substance with small additions of the real root Tongkat Ali.

What is better - root or extract?

The specific content of the active components in the root Tongkat Ali is very low, one can say that is insignificant. In the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) on the study "Quantitative measurement of the content of chemically and biologically active substances in Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali)»It is said that" the content of bioactive substances is less than 0.005%. " Therefore, they are not allowed for further research and commercial needs. The plant requires a significant period of growth, so that secondary metabolites are formed, whose compounds may explain the biological activity of Tongkat Ali.

This means that 1 kg of root is needed to obtain 50 mg of biologically active substances. In addition, only ten-year-old and older roots of bushes are suitable for bioactive substances. The ruthless deforestation Tongkat Ali led to the fact that in Malaysia its prey is strictly limited. It should be noted that in Indonesia there is still a 10-20-year-old plant in the wild, which makes this region by the main supplier Tongkat Ali.

Usually for the preparation of one portion of the beverage, you must cook 20-50 grams of the root for at least 30 minutes to extract the active substances. This is one of the most effective ways to use Tongkat Ali. The root of an adult, a 10-20-year-old plant weighs 3-7 kg, and, given that an effective dose - 50 grams, it turns out that from one root can be prepared approximately 60-140 servings.Tongkat Ali grows in tropical jungle, and its root deepens with 1-2 meters. This means that the extraction of one root requires hours of intensive work. Next, the root is crushed, and with the help of special technology, a standardized extract is obtained, with scientifically based efficiency, but expensive.

At the same time, on the Internet there is a huge proposal of food additives with Tongkat Ali, and in the widest price range! What do you really sell in beautiful packages? Most often it is a crushed root powder, which in its composition is mainly cellulose, very lightweight, therefore approximately 300 mg of Powder Tongkat Ali is included in the standard capsule. Typically, bottles are offered bottles with 30-60 capsules, in the price range of 20-40USD.

Elementary arithmetic shows that it can be removed from such a purchase - 30 capsules at multiplication by 300 mg of powder give 9 grams. To get an effective dose (approximately 50 grams) you need to buy five and a half of the 30-capsule bottles, which will cost approximately 100USD! Therefore, when buying food additives with Tongkat Ali, it is necessary to closely monitor the fact that the seller offers a powder or extract.

With extracts, not everything is so simple. Since it is not yet a scientifically substantiated method of standardization of active substances, extracts are difficult to compare among themselves. With extracts even more ambiguities than with powder, whose approximate efficiency and dose can be estimated (in case the supplier conscientiously provides high-quality root powder). Due to the absence of standards, the extract can also be called purified 2: 1 powder, and this means that if you even use 10 capsules (300 mg) of such an "extract", the necessary (efficient) dose will not be achieved, and the positive impact is observed. will not be. Therefore, manufacturers often label extracts, for example, 50: 1, 100: 1 and even 200: 1. These parameters show how many weight units of the root were used to obtain 1 weight unit of the extract. But at the same time, these parameters do not give any information about the content of active substances in 1 weight unit of the extract - for example, two extracts 100: 1 can differ significantly among themselves - both in the content of bioactive substances and by influence.

Do not buy Tongkat Ali, guided by the appearance of the bottle and price. As mentioned above, prices are widely vary, and even when buying the most expensive product, you are not insured against the acquisition of poor-quality powder. It is best to make purchases, relying on your experience or on experienced people you trust.

If you are standing before choosing that buying - powder or extract, you need to keep in mind that the extract is denser, so that at the same size of the capsule with the extract will be heavier.

Extract is very hygroscopic; if you take it in my hands, he will leave a brownish sticky layer on the skin - this is not typical of the root of the root.

Since the sale of food additives in the network is strictly not regulated, unscrupulous traders use the buyer's desire to acquire a valuable product at a low price and get big profit due to the gullibility of customers.

Buyers pay attention to the beautiful packaging, product name, brand, but rarely pay attention to the composition and are not interested in therapeutic doses.

The same situation with other food additives and multivitamin complexes. For example, in the description of some product it may be indicated that, along with the rest of the components, the capsule contains 10 mg of calcium and 10 mg of potassium. This is an example of an absurd situation, since half a glass of milk contains much more calcium and potassium, and the price in this case is much lower.

Therefore, when purchasing Tongkat Ali is preferably:

11. Select extract, not a simple root powder.

22. Among the extracts, choose those for which the ratio of the number of final product and the source material is indicated: 1:50, 1: 100 or 1: 200. If the manufacturer only mentions the word "extract", it may turn out that it sells ineffective, but expensive powder with a ratio of 1: 2.

33. Preference should be given to the manufacturer, which ensures that the extract is almost completely soluble in water - the solids can not exceed 1%. The manufacturer should also indicate the content of active substances (for example, saponins)

44. It is not recommended to choose comprehensive nutritional supplements in which the expensive Tongkat Ali is in a mixture with much cheaper and less effective substances - such as arginine, Damiana, Muira Poam or minerals (for example, zinc). For example, Arginine costs 100 USD per kilogram, which is enough for 4000 capsules, and Damian, for example, is usually not extracted. When purchasing such complexes, the buyer receives less Tongkat Ali, and pays for the pure Tongkat Ali.

55. Since Malaysian Eurick is becoming less and less, Indonesian Tongkat Ali is usually cheaper.

66. In one of the two most popular extraction methods, alcohol is used as a solvent. For another technology, water acts as a solvent, and the extract crystals are obtained during the slow, 72-hour evaporation.

Another DIN method (Freez Dried) is developed in Malaysia itself with the support of the state and in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This method provides a very high content of active substances in the extract. It is clear that such products are respectively more expensive.


Tongkat Ali (Levnoliste Evrica)

Eurikoma Long-Oil (Eurycoma Longifolia), usually called Ali Tongkat or Pasak Buma - a flowering plant of the SIMARUBACEA family (Simaroubaceae), grows on Indonesia, Malaysia and, to a lesser extent, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. The plant is also known as Penawar Pahit, Penawar Bias, Bedara Merah, Bedara Putih, Lempedu Pahit, Payong Ali, Tongkat Baginda, Muntah Bumi, Petala Bumi (Malay); Bidara Laut (Indonesian); Babi Kurus (Yavansky); CSI BÁ BệNH (Vietnamese) and Tho Nan (Lao). Many names of this plant are associated with its medical use or an unusually bitter taste. Penawar Pahit is translated as "bitter charm" or "bitter medicine". Older sources, such as, for example, an article in the ecological journal of 1953, it is suggested that the name "Penawar Pahit" is common to all Malaysia. According to numerous testimony, Eurikoma (Tongkat Ali, long jack) stimulates the ability to conceive and acts as an aphrodisiac, and may also reduce the level of estrogen and increase the potency. There is no data to increase the testosterone data.

basic information

Eurikoma Lengone - this is the official name of the plant, which is more famous as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian ginseng, or long jack. As an aphrodisiac, Evrica has a rather strong impact on many animals. Data on the effects on females of rats a little, but it seems that it is similar to the impact on males. It is difficult to carry out a comparative analysis of plant aphrodisiacs that increase potency, however, as studies show, Evrica is one of the best. In addition to its impact as an Aphrodisiac, Evrica may also accelerate the formation of sperm and strengthen the erection. At least one molecule as part of the heurikoma (9-hydroxykantine-6-one) is associated with ejaculation delay, as well as the enhancement of the erection (although it is accurate and not established whether this molecule will act after making an euritious exhaust). Apparently, at the hormonal level, Evrica can have a significant anti-estrogenic effect in laboratory conditions and after the introduction of the active ingredient acts like tamoxifen. However, currently research on people are not conducted, as well as research on the oral admission of Evrician exhaust. As for testosterone, scientific literature is unreasonably optimistic. There is no documented evidence that Eurick increases testosterone levels in healthy people and rats, but many researchers refer to the reports M.I. Tamby, in which the opposite is approved. None of the studies of Dr. Tamba, presented by him at scientific conferences, was not listed in the medical database "Medline" and the statements specified in them cannot be proved. Other names: Long Jack, Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, Longgex, Kay Bain, Pasak Bumi, Langir Siam, Tung Sava. Notes:

    Evrica Lengone can increase libido and sexual attraction, but no other stimulating effect has

    Can reduce anxiety, but this impact is not well understood

    The active active substances of Eurikoma give her bitter taste

    Is an:

    Testosterone amplifier


Has an enhanced impact when admission with:




Eurikoma is a long-oil - a small evergreen tree, reaching a height of 15 m (49 feet) with spirals located on a spiral, 20-40 cm long leaf leaves (8-16 inches) with 13-41 leaves. Flowers doubtful, male and female, grow in large panicles, each flower consists of 5-6 very small petals. The fruits are green, when ripening - dark red, 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide.

Tongkat Ali: Instructions for use

The standard dosage of heurikoma is long-resistant is the 200-300mg hood in the 100: 1 ratio (depends on the heurickamamamon content), which, in its effectiveness, is equal to the adoption of the 20-30 mg of the dry root of this plant. Such a daily dose is usually taken either at a time or dividing into two parts, but so far it is not for sure whether it is optimal.

Action Tongkat Ali

In 2010, an ethnoparmacological study of the Eurikoma long-dollarmed, during which it was shown that "parts of the plant were traditionally used as an antimalarial, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an aphrodisiac ..." Although Euryoma Lengone can be used in many areas of medicine (As can be seen from the quote above), most residents of the countries of Southeast Asia use it to improve sexual functions. Already in 2001, researchers from Malaysia published reports on the effectiveness of the effects of heurikoma long-dollar on laboratory rats, stating that "Euryoma Long-Rate, known as Tongkat Ali, is known among Malaysian men as a symbol of the male ego and male force due to what can contribute to increasing Male power and sexual opportunities during proximity. " The authors of the article published on the site of the scientific journal Nature are called Eurikoma long-oil "home-grown Malaysian Viagra", and they say that after its application there is a "enhancement of sexual attraction, an increase in productivity and overall well-being." Then this article also appeared on the MEDLINE resource. Some scientific studies have shown that the plant increases sexual possibilities in rodents. Other laboratory tests on animals gave positive results of increasing sexual activity in adult rats, including excitation mechanisms, sniffing and mating. In the experiment conducted on the rats, it was shown that the heurick is long-beyond can increase the amount of spermatozoa. The authors also reported that the level of testosterone in a plasma extracted in rats, which consumed the heurick long science, "was significantly higher compared to the control group and a group of fruitless animals." Another group of scientists has confirmed information that heurick is long-grained can "turn the slowdable effect of estrogen to produce testosterone and spermatogenesis." In the magazine article in MEDLINE it says that "Evrica Lengonee has an effect similar to the effect of testosterone substitution therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis." The Italian researchers of Eurycoma Lengolomo noted that the plant increases sexual possibilities from laboratory animals and concluded that "this effect can be explained by increasing testosterone levels." After the exposure to the heurikoma is long-term for sexual characteristics, it was established that sexual effects are hand in hand with an increase in testosterone level, scientists from the field of sports medicine began to explore the anabolic potential of the plant. In a placebo-controlled study of healthy young men passing program training programs, "there was a significant increment of muscle body weight in the treatment group, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p \u003d 0.012) " In addition, "the increase in force in the group hosting was larger than in a placebo-group (6.78% and 2.77%, respectively) ... The average circle of the shoulder in the group hosting, increased by 1.8 cm ... in While in the placebo-group did not have any significant increase. " The results of the study were published in the British journal of sports medicine. The anabolic exposure to the heurikoma is long resistant was confirmed in animal experiments, where the same size and weight of one muscle were measured at the same size treated and unprocessed rats. "The results showed that with the joint use of 800 mg / kg of butanol, methanol, water and chloroform of the eurycoma fractions Lengoloy, a significant increase was observed (p<0,05) мышцы, поднимающей задний проход…» Из-за того, что Эврикома длиннолистая имеет потенциал увеличивать уровни тестостерона, она была включена, по крайней мере по названию, в состав многочисленных добавок, продающихся в первую очередь для использования в мужском бодибилдинге. В таких формулах минимальная доза Эврикомы длиннолистой не может являться терапевтической по любым стандартам, так как квассиноиды Эврикомы длиннолистой характеризуются плохой биодоступностью. Исследователи сделали вывод: «Результаты показывают, что эврикома обладает плохой биодоступностью при пероральном приеме… Абсолютная биодоступность соединения была снижена на 10,5%… малая биодоступность может быть связана с плохой проницаемостью мембран в силу низкой ценности P и/или в связи с высоким пресистемным метаболизмом». Были проведены исследования эврикомы в естественных условиях с использованием лабораторных животных, употребляющих 250, 500 или 1000 мг порошка корневищ в расчете на кг массы тела, либо от 200 до 800 мг/кг два раза в день, или 50, 100 и 200 мг экстракта Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела. При приеме более высоких доз (800 мг воды/хлороформ-/метанол-/ бутанол- извлеченная фракция Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела), эффект выражался как в плане повышения сексуальной мотивации, так и в увеличении размера мышцы, поднимающей задний проход. Наряду с эффектами, связанными с тестостероном, были зафиксированы также противомалярийные, антибактериальные, жаропонижающие, противоязвенные, противоопухолевые и цитотоксические свойства растения. Тайваньские ученые выделили 65 биохимических соединений из корней Эврикомы длиннолистой, из которых десять указаны как соединения с «сильной цитотоксичностью» к ракомвым клеткам легких и к линии раковых клеток молочной железы. Наряду с более известными квассиноидами, эта же группа ученых также выделила алкалоиды бета-карболина, некоторые из которых обладали активностью против раковых клеток легких и молочной железы. Исследовав активность 24 квазиноидов Эврикомы длиннолистой против раковых клеток, включая клетки, вызывающие рак легких, японские ученые обнаружили, что эврикомалактон в той же мере эффективен в борьбе против раковых клеток, как и уже существующий противораковый препарат доксорубицин. Та же группа исследователей также обнаружила несколько новых биохимических соединений в Эврикоме длиннолистой и исследовала их цитотоксические свойства. Они пришли к выводу, что различные фракции эффективны против различных видов рака. Еще одно исследование подтвердило, что экстракт Эврикомы длиннолистой стимулирует апоптоз у раковых клеток груди. С этих пор экстракт был запатентован совместно правительством Малайзии и Массачусетским Технологическим Институтом. В рецензируемых юридических журналах уже давно идут дебаты о том, что природные вещества, о свойствах которых в совершенстве знают представители коренных народов, могут быть интеллектуальной собственностью этих народов или даже национальных правительств.

Origin and composition


Eurikoma is long-string is also known as the Tongkat Ali, a long jack or Malazian ginseng (which, nevertheless, does not belong to the ginseng family). Eurikoma Lengone belongs to the Simaubov family, for which four main types of plants are characterized (accordingly, the form of leaves): short-stroke, double-sided, wide and long-grade, of which only the latter are used for medical purposes. Eurikoma is also called Tung Sava (Thailand), Pasak Bumia (Indonesia), Kay Bain (Vietnam) and Langir Siam (Bahrain). Bioactive substances vary depending on the plant growing, which makes it becomes extremely careful to approach the standardization question.


The composition of the heurikoma is long-resistant:

For the most part, the heurick is long-grained is based on "quantino-shaped" triterpenoid structures, among whom Eurosconanon is the main. Other bioactive substances include Cantine-6-One class and, probably, evripteertids that increase sexual attraction. The impact of the remaining components is unknown.

Patented and Research Hoods

LJ100 is the patented composition of the heurikoma long-grade (where LJ means a long jack), which consists of 22% from eurrypetides and 40% from glycosaponin. This composition is a hood in a ratio of 100: 1, 1G of which is a bioequivalent of 100g dry weight of the heurikoma long, which includes both of the above-mentioned substances. TAF 273 is a hood enriched with quantinoide, which includes 23.6 +/- 0.9% Eurykomanon, 6.4 +/- 0.1% 13α (21) -Epoxyavricomanone, 0.8 +/- 0.1% 13α, 21-dihydroeavricomanone and 4.8 +/- 0.2% Euroscience. TAF 273 is enriched with euricomanon and molecules related to it.


After oral administration with rats of 50mg / kg of the concentrated eurioscianone exhaust, Cmax reached 0.33 +/- 0.03mkg / ml, and Tmax reached 4.40 +/- 0.98h, which indicates the best, compared with injections, oral biological digestibility - by 10.5%. The volume of the distribution of Euryankomanon after the injection of 10 mg / kg was 0.68 +/- 0.30 l / kg. The injection kinetics caused by injections is always 0.88 +/- 0.19, the half-life is 1.00 +/- 0.26 hours, and immune clearance - 0.39 +/- 0.08 l / h / kg.

Neurology and brain


Eurikoma Lengoneous is the greatest interest in studying with its impact as a sexual pathogen, which is the main cause of its consumption by man. It is believed that it is glycoprotein that is part of the Eurysky, and gives it exciting properties (and partially evripteidid, by increasing the level of testosterone), but this opinion was expressed at the conference and so far not received a single official review. These assertions are based on the patent description of the LJ100 - concentrated hostess of glycoproteins and eurrypetides. The mechanism of action for the most part is unknown and its possible descriptions are minor. As for the research on animals, then sexually sluggish males of rats, which were administered daily at 500mg / kg of heurikoma long-distance for 6-12 days, a reduced latent period of ejaculation was noted. However, after the first administration of the drug, no special differences in the frequency of the cage, the introme examination, the post-cellular interval, but also the post-cell interval (decrease by 24.1%), and the latent period of ejaculation (45.2%) showed more successful results, if the introduction of the drug continued during 6 days. However, in the next 12 days of further improvement was not observed. The frequency of the saddle from the initial indicator is also increased (to the primary administration of the drug), up to 25% in 6 days and up to 37.5% in 12 days. It is believed that these indicators are achieved indirectly through an increase in testosterone. Such a model of sexually sluggish rats was subsequently used with the introduction of 200-800mg / kg for 10 days, however, despite the received promising results, the quality of this study is under doubt, since the measurement of the level of excitation was not carried out properly (not the most common Aphrodian Biomarker), although the authors of the study themselves argued that the indicators are reliable. The first study did not show any improvements in the partner selection test, which went against the previous studies on rats. The authors of the study noted that the cause could be the use of other types of rats, since in this study used sexually sluggish individuals, whereas in the previous ones, virgin and experienced rats, rats that could not join the copulation with a ready-to-face female, as well as sexually - Consumer individuals of middle age. Probably the most noteworthy is an aphrodisiac effect, rendered on virgin and castrated rats, in which, after administration of 200-800mg / kg of the drug, all measured sexuality parameters have increased for 10 days, but the result is still lower than after administration of 15mg / kg testosterone. The best results were observed in rats, which were independently located near the female individuals, they often sniffed the back pass (and that is the signs of Aphrodia), a larger amount of the cage was also noted. The data on the decrease in the latent period of ejaculation and the post-cellular interval (time between ejaculation and the first intro session) is less reliable, but still indicate a significant improvement in the process of research. It seemed effective in the course of research on animals Aphrodisiac, as well as its aphrodisiac effect was patented without problems. According to the study of the data obtained from the tests themselves, enriched 300 mg of Eurycoma aqueous extract, taken daily for 6-12 weeks, is able to increase the libido at 8.4-10.8% (relative to the initial indicator).

Excitation and stress

During the tests conducted in the open area and in a labyrinth, the various hoods of the heurikoma are long-rolled, introduced prior to the start of the test in the amount of 0.3g / kg, showed the improvement of all measured excitation parameters (measurement, limited mobility, errors in the passage of cascade labyrinth) - limited mobility decreased from 31.2% to 36.3%, depending on the preparation exhaust used. With active control, a little more effective was diazepam, which, with the introduction of 1 mg / kg, reduces limited mobility to 25.9%. In mice born from a related pairing and those who fought more than 5 times, a study was also conducted - electric helicate, during which heurikoma long-grade reduced the number of cases of aggression from 18.0 +/- 0.4 to 5.3-6.2, but the results obtained are again slightly inferior Diazepam (3.5 +/- 0.2). At the moment, only one study was carried out, and it showed the anxiolytic properties of the drug. Eurikoma can potentially promote Aphrodia by lowering the likelihood of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. According to data obtained from the subjects themselves, people who are usually susceptible to stress, after the daily reception of Euricks for four weeks, become calmer.

Sexuality and genitals

Erectile function

Either on the background, or together with an aphrodisiac effect of heurikoma, a rapid and enhanced erection can be observed. According to one study on neutered (in order to somehow monitor the effects of testosterone), the rats that were injected with various Evrician extracts equal to 200, 400 or 800mg for 10 days, it was shown that all the exhaust used (aqueous, butanol, methanolic and chloroform) It was equally effective in increasing the frequency of erections and only insignificant differences were observed depending on the dosage. Subsequent study with the same dosages of four hoods on castrated rats and rats that testosterone was administered in advance for 12 weeks, it showed that the dishearters of the rats without testosterone, the pelvic muscle raising the back passage, increased in the amount of 13.2-23.4% under the influence of all hoods What points to the androgen effect of the drug. Evrica Lengone (namely, 9-hydroxykantine-6-one), apparently, is a bioactive compound. In the laboratory conditions, the 9-hydroxykantine-6-one was able to induce the relaxation of the abbreviated epinephrine of the cavernous bodies with an EC50 indicator of 6.7 +/- 0.9mkm. It seems that neither nitrogen oxide nor alpha adrenoreceptors participated in this process. Apparently, the release of Ca2 + is restrained, which causes fenal abbreviations (anti-equally indicator). In tests on rabbits conducted in natural conditions, it was found that injections of 0.2mg of this compound increased intraclevernous pressure, and the injections of 1 mg / kg administered to rats were also effectively contributed to the delay in ejaculation, as well as clomipramine, which is confirmed by pressure on seed glands. The drug may cause an erection and is probably able to delay the ejaculation (the latter approval requires further research).

Seed characteristics

It is possible that the mechanism of action of the heurick is long-grained to increase the amount of sperm and spermatogenic cells works by estrogen suppression, and on the mobility of spermatozoa, apparently, other mechanisms affect. So far it is unknown, which affects the number of sperm itself. After the long introduction of Euryankononon, it was detected in their seed glands. This confirms that the drug is capable of reaching and accumulating. In laboratory tests, 2.5mkg / ml of Eurikoma (from the calculation of oral administration of 200 mg by the drug with a man weighing 80kg) did not have any impact on the viability of sperm, did not cause the launch of the oxidative processes (through AFC), or an acrosomous reaction, and when receiving a dose, up to 20mkg / ml did not happen any reaction. After receiving 200mg, the heurikoma is long can increase the viscosity of sperm of a healthy person, and the amount of spermatozoa to the amount sufficient to fertilize the woman. During this study, it was found that the 200mg of the drug increases the concentration of spermatozoa by 65.5% for 9 months (a smaller result was shown for 3 and 6 months), while the concomitant increase in the amount of sperm itself for 19.3% did not have a significant statistical value, since On the ninth month, about two times more sperm showed a normal morphology - starting from 5.28 +/- 0.66 before the start of the study and up to 10.29 +/- 2.52 on the ninth month (similar results were already on the sixth month). Almost the same increase in the amount of spermatozoa was also identified in a boar, although in a shorter period, but the results of this research are somewhat distorted by the use of anchor-making (annual herbaceous plant) and a levery safflower (a perennial grassy plant). It may increase the amount of sperm and sperm itself. Results to increase the concentration of spermatozoa are ambiguous due to the preceding changes in the amount of sperm. Apparently, increases fertility in men.

Tongkat Ali in bodybuilding

Tests on people

During the pilot study of Eurykoma Lennolistoy, with the participation of 14 men who took 100mg of the drawing of the drug and passed a circular training day (10 exercises two approaches, in each of which - ten repetitions, a break between the exercises - 1 minute) was revealed that participants The experimental group was dialed for 5 weeks to have a bad body weight (from 52.26 +/- 7.18 kg to 54.39 +/- 7.43; which is equal to an increase of 4%), while the group under the action of placebo does not show an increase in inferior mass. The strength of the participants in both groups increased, moreover, those who took Eurykom, this strengthening is much more significant, but the difference in the loss of fat mass in both groups is insignificant. A pilot study, the results of which assumed the potential ability of the Euryomy to strengthen healthy weightlifters, was presented at the conference and no longer repeated. Studies of the drug "Agromas", which is a solution containing 0.1mg / 100ml Water-soluble Evrician exhaust Lengolone and 2mg / 100 ml of the Chinese corticist. In addition, the composition includes sulfuric acid, sodium fluoride, potassium and phosphate. All this was introduced under the test from the calculation of 3 ML / kg every 20 minutes, which, on average, equalizes 0.67mg Eurikoma per person. Tests of oral administration of this drug have shown that, although the drug is in the form of a drink and increases the endurance index by 3.4%, it is statistically insignificant. Because of the small amount of the received drug, another study was conducted with the participation of 12 athletes, which were given 150mg by Eurycoma daily for 7 days. The last reception of the drug was carried out in an hour before the tests on the 8th day (60-minute jogging on a running simulator with a VO2MAX indicator of 60%, then 20 minutes of work on the exercise-cycle), but this test did not show improvements in any breath during running, nor In performance, neither in general in any physiological reaction - be it temperature, heartbeat, glucose level or blood lipids. During the cardiovers, no significant advantages were found.

Impact on skeleton and bones

Androgen-dependent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis caused by androgenic insufficiency (sometimes observed in older men) is associated with a higher percentage of mortality among men than among women (by about 31%). Several studies have been conducted, which studied the impact of heurick on the musculoskeletal and bone mass. A comparative study was also carried out - 8 mg / kg of conventional testosterone was administered to one castrated elderly mouse, and the other - 4mg / kg of testosterone along with 15mg / kg of heurick with an Euryankonon content of 1.6% (androgenic insufficiency research model). In the course of the study after 6 weeks, it was found that these two drugs affect the body equally, which makes it possible to conclude about the possibility of using heurick as auxiliary means to reduce the necessary doses of testosterone.

Interaction with hormones


The ability of heurick's long-fame to increase the level of testosterone is due to the content of the Eurrreeipeptide in it, which is considered to increase the effect of the CYP17 enzyme (17 α-hydroxylase / 17.2.20 liases), which is responsible for the conversion frequency of Pregenetone precursors to Dehydroepiypiderosterone and subsequent androgens . This statement was declared in a university dissertation (University of Malaya) Ali and Saad (1993) called "the biochemical effects of Eurikoma Lenglystoy on sexual behavior, fertility, sex hormone and glycolysis." In the network this thesis is not available. The mechanisms of action are not described in the literature, it is possible to find them only in the description of patents. Introduction with healthy rats of the concentrated Eurekoma extract from the calculation of 15 mg / kg (22% of eurrypetides, 1.6% of Euryoscianone) did not increase the testosterone level for 6 weeks. According to the calculations of the authors of the study, this dosage is equal to the oral appointment of 100 mg drug with a healthy person. The only similar study conducted on healthy non-registered male mice was carried out using much larger dosages from the settlement of 200-800mg / kg, which led to an increase in the size of the muscle, raising the back pass, which indicates an increase in the amount of androgen. In this study, the testosterone level of serum was not measured. In sexually sluggish animals and animals with underdeveloped sexual system, on 12 day after the introduction of 500mg / kg, the heurikoma is long-haired increased serum testosterone by more than 50% (with a little less than 2ng / ml to more than 3ng / ml; data is derived from the diagram) . In a similar study involving neutered rats, there were no changes in the testosterone level, however, the used dosage of the drug was less than in the aforementioned study, in which the ratsterone level rose with the underdeveloped genital system. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that the drug helps rats with underdeveloped sexual system (hypogonadism) and sexually sluggish individuals. There is no data on the impact on healthy rats. In individuals with late beginnings of hypogonadism, the heurick is long-string (namely, its water-soluble extract in a dose of 200mg) effectively increases libido and testosterone serum. This study was conducted in the clinic in Malaysia for 4 years, 320 men took part in it with a serum testosterone level below 6 mkmol / l (clinical hypogonadism) and it was noted that after one month the average level of testosterone rose from 5. 66 +/- 1.51Mkmol / l to 8.31 +/- 2.47 μmol / l (the increase was an average of 46%). This study did not participate in the Panel receiving placebo. Some studies are based on 4 not available on a network of articles published by M.I.Tambi at various conferences. M.I.Tamby is not the owner of the patent for the used hood (LJ100), and the subsequent independent test on healthy men did not reveal an increase in testosterone level. In the course of research on fruitless (hypogonadic) people, a small increase in testosterone level was revealed, but the only study on healthy people without any violation did not show any increasing.


Two quantinoide from Eurycoma, 13α, 21-Dihydroeavricomanon and Eurosconanon, were studied in a biological test using 17α-ethinosestradiol (inspection of a living organism for anti-estrogenity). After administration of 2.44 mkmol / kg of the drug, an anti-estrogenic effect was stimulated, and although both of these quantinoide showed some results, Euryankonon was stronger and in its influence it was similar to the tamoxifen of the same molar volume. Nevertheless, due to low oral biological digestibility and low content of Euryankomanon in Evrica, in a study on a living organism it is difficult to determine the effect of the drug. Based on the molar mass in 408.39916kg / mol, it is equal to the introduction of 996mkg of Eurykomankonon (or 906mkg tamoxifen), and biological digestibility at 10.5% can be concluded that such a dosage should be increased almost 10 times so that the drug becomes bioequivalent. A 30mg tamoxifen theoretically could become bioequivalent of 313 mg of Euryankomanon (approximately 20 m of the dry weight of the plant). Such an impact may anticipate the anti-cancer properties of the heurikoma, given its discovered ability to slow down the rapid growth of the MCF-7 breast cancer, which are too susceptible to estrogen. Moreover, these anti-estrogenic properties can activate spermatogenesis (sperm production) in males. This is evidenced by the results of the study, during which the rats were administered to the estrogen, began to introduce small doses of the heurick long-haired (3mg / kg) and, for 14 days, the eurikom was blocked by the overwhelming effect of estrogen, as a result of which the production of spermatogenic cells and spermatozoa increased (by Their normalization to the control level), and the Evrica itself, without parallel with the introduction of estrogen, continued to increase the amount of sperm. At the mobility of spermatozoa estrogen did not have any negative impact, and Hercoma improved him. Finally, a study was conducted on female individuals, which were injected with testosterone (which caused the ovarian cycles and polycystic cycles failure), and then introduced 50mg / kg of heurikoma long-graded (concentrated exhaust TAF 273 with 23.6% by Euryankomanon), which blocked the negative effects of testosterone, Normalized the number of healthy ovarian follicles and contributed to the improvement of the impaired estheral cycle (an improvement from 10-30% to 40-62.5%, with an initial indicator 100%). The authors of the study put forward a hypothesis that this happened against the background of anti-estrogenic effects to reduce the transformation of testosterone, but the connection between these phenomena was never installed. Although its effectiveness in the laboratory conditions is currently unknown, apparently, heurick is long-beyond, due to the content of Euryankomanon, has an estrogen suppression property

Nutrient interactions


Propranolol is a non-selective beta blocker, which is sometimes used to treat hypertension. After the admission 200mg of the water extract, the heurikoma is long-resistant together with propranolol, it was found that heurick is long-distance significantly reduced the biological digestibility and exposure to propranolol. During this study, it was found that the AUC decreased to 28.7%, Cmax - up to 42.02%, and Tmax is up to 86%. These results, together with several other indicators of the semi-elimination period, conclude that the inhibition process at the absorption level was observed. The authors of the study put forward a hypothesis about the possibility of induction of p-glycoprotein, but did not provide any evidence. Evrica Lengone can slow down propranola

Safety and toxicology

It has been established that the lethal dose of Eurikoma is more than 5000mg / kg for rats, and the dose of 1200 mg / kg causes pathological changes in liver, similar to the changes observed in the human body hosting 1200 mg of Evrica daily.


Fake products, allegedly using Eurick's long-oil, was removed from sale in several countries, but still sold through the Internet, mainly from the UK. The article in the medical journal published in March 2010 was noted that "according to experts, the share of fake drugs sold through the Internet has increased from 44% to 90%," due to the popularity of funds against sexual dysfunction. Buyers of Eurikoma long-oil must be requested from online sellers comprehensive information and evidence on the subject of where the goods were manufactured. In Malaysia, the overall use of heurikoma is long-dollar as food and drinking additives, in combination with a wide distribution of products using cheap synthetic drugs instead of quasi-hydroides of the heurick long-oil, led to the invention of an electronic language that helps determine the presence and concentration of genuine heurick long-dollar in products appropriate for its content. On the other hand, consumers who do not have complex electronic equipment in order to understand the language invented in Malaysia to test the presence of the heurikoma long-dollar in the substance, but they want to know whether the product they received is really a heurick long-dollar or this fake can use Your own language to test the content of the capsule on the object of bitterness. Quasinoids, biologically active components of the roots of the heurikoma long-oil, very bitter taste. They are named after quasina, a bitter element extracted from Cassia tree. Quasin is considered the very bitter substance in nature, 50 times more bitter than Kinin. Everything that does not have such a bitterness, but also strongly, can not contain the quasinoids of Evinoma long-dollar. In the United States, the Office of the quality control of food and drugs has banned numerous products, such as libidus, as part of which the use of heurikoma is long-oil as the main ingredient, but instead the whole composition is based on illegal drugs discharged only by the doctor's prescription, or even Worse, analogues of drug recipe, which have not even been checked for safety, such as acetyldenafil. In February 2009, the Office for the quality control of food and drugs warned about almost 30 illegal additives that stimulate sexual attraction, but the names of these products are changing more often than the control can explore them. Labidus, for example, is currently sold as Maxidus, still claiming the presence of heurick long-dollar (Tongkat Ali) as the main ingredient. The government of Malaysia banned numerous fakes, in the capsules of which instead of Tongkat Ali uses Sildenafil citrate. Scammers selling fake Tongkat Ali from Malaysia use various names for their products. Governments of Canada and Singapore published warnings regarding the product XP Tongkat Ali Super, containing in the description of Tadalafil, which can be dangerous for life. Various products are sold, as part of which the different ratio of Eurikoma's extract is long-roll - 1:20, 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200. Traditionally, the heurick is long-oil extracted with water, and not ethanol. However, the extract of the heurick long-dollar used on sale is based on the extraction coefficient that can be confusing and is not so easy to check. Waiting for competitive advantages, some manufacturers are talking about the standardization of the extract based on specific ingredients. The stated standards / markers contain glycosaponin (35-45%) and Eurosconanon (\u003e 2%). While Euricomanon is one of the many quasi-hydroides of the heurick long-oil, saponins, famous ethnobotanics, primarily as a fish poison, do not play any role in the research of the plant. It has been proven that a large number of Malaysian products that use in its composition with a long-roll (36 of 100) are contaminated with mercury within the limits exceeding the norms permitted by law.

Scientific research

The effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological state in people who are subjected to moderate stress

Eurycoma Longifolia is a medicinal plant, usually called Tongkat Ali (Ta) and Malaysian Ginseng. Ta roots are a traditional aging agent, and modern additives are designed to improve libido, energy, sports results and for weight loss. Previous studies have shown that with proper use, it may stimulate the release of free testosterone, contributing to strengthening sexual attraction, decrease in fatigue and improved well-being.


Stress hormones and mood in 63 patients were estimated (32 men and 31 women), which were subjected to screening for moderate stress and additionally gave standardized Ta or placebo extract (Pl) for 4 weeks. Dispersion analysis (ANOVA) with the value set at P<0,05, использовался для определения различий между группами.


Significant improvements were observed in the Ta group on the Voltage scales (-11%), "Anger" (-12%) and "confusion" (-15%). The stressful hormone profile (the level of cortisol and testosterone in saliva) has improved significantly due to the addition of the case with a reduced effect of cortisol (-16%) and an elevated level of testosterone (+ 37%).


These results show that the daily additive of Tongkat Ali root extract improves stress hormone profile and certain mood parameters, assuming that this "ancient" agent can be an effective approach to the protection of the body from the disastrous consequences of "modern" chronic stress, which may include everyday stress , as well as stress with diet, deprivation of sleep and workouts.


Eurycoma Longifolia is a herbal medicinal plant from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Java, Sumatra, Thailand). In Malaysia, it is usually called Tongkat Ali, and it is believed that the plant has a number of medical properties and is used as a general tonic, including improving physical and mental energy levels and the overall quality of life. Roots Tongkat Ali, often referred to as "Malaysian ginseng", are used as an adaptogen and as a traditional "aging agent", which helps older people adapt to the conditions of reducing energy, libido and low mood, which often occur with age. In modern food additives, Tongkat Ali is found in a variety of products designed to improve the libido and increase energy, restoring the hormonal balance (levels of cortisol / testosterone), increasing sports indicators and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Tongkat-Ali extract on the balance of stress hormone (cortisol / testosterone) and the psychological state in persons exposed to the moderate effects of stress. In men and women, the testosterone level reaches a peak of 25-30 years, and then gradually decreases by about 1-2% per year. At the age of 60, the testosterone level is usually only 40-50% of the youthful level and may be lower due to stress and associated lifestyle problems, such as diet, exercise and sleep. The advantages of maintaining a high level of testosterone consist, among other things, in increasing muscle mass and reducing fat deposits, an increase in psychological energy (mental / physical energy) and a general improvement in the state of health. Evrica contains a group of small peptides called "Eupripettoids", which affect the improvement of energy status and sexual attraction in rodent research. The effect of Tongkat Ali on the restoration of normal testosterone levels, apparently, is not so associated with the actual "stimulation" of testosterone synthesis, how much with an increase in the release rate of the "free" testosterone from its binding hormone, globulin binding sex hormones (SHBG). Thus, heurick can be considered not so much a "booster" of testosterone (as, for example, anabolic steroids), but rather, a means supporting normal testosterone levels and restoring normal testosterone levels (from low to normal range). This makes Eurika especially useful for people with a reduced testosterone level, including those who sits on a diet for weight loss, middle-aged people suffering from fatigue or depression, and intensively training athletes.

Traditional use

The roots of the roots of Tongkat-Ali for many centuries were used in Malaysia and Southeast Asia as an Aphrodisiac with a loss of sexual desire and impotence, as well as for the treatment of a number of parables, including postpartum depression, malaria, high blood pressure and fatigue. In Malaysia, Tongkat Ali is called "home viagra". The Malaysian government invests significant funds in licensing, developing and supporting the research of potential benefits of Eurycoma Longifolia for health through various government organizations, including the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.

Modern extracts

Some commercial additions of Tongkat Ali, allegedly, contain "extract coefficients" from 1:20 to 1: 200, and information on biologically active components, the extraction technique (for example, ethanol or aqueous), or purity of the extract, is not specified. The impact of alcohol extracts of heuricky on mice relative to antimalarial effects of concentrated euriomacton, but was also observed toxic effects at high doses (LD50 at 2.6 g / kg), which eliminates the safe use of people as a dietary supplement for long-term applications. In contrast, hot water hoods of roots, standardized for the maintenance of known bioactive components (1% euricominone, 22% protein, 30% of polysaccharides, 35% of glyco-leaven), were extremely safe at high doses and long-term consumption. Standardized hot water extracts have a clearly bitter taste due to the presence of quasinoids in them, which are recognized as one of the most bitter compounds in nature. Extracts Tongkat Ali, who do not have a bitter taste, or are not the true roots of Eurycoma Longifolia (there are many commercial examples of "fake" Extracts of Tongkat Ali), or they are ineffective from the point of view of bioactive components and, therefore, it is also expected to have Low efficiency. Due to the fact that Tongkat Ali is considered a libido-enhancement tool, there are several examples of nutritional supplements indicated as Eurycoma Longifolia, which are actually roots, but containing prescription drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, including Tadalafil / Cialis, and Vardenafil / Levitra.

Laboratory research and animal research

Bat and Karim conducted an ethnobotanic and pharmacological review of Tongkat-Ali, noting that laboratory studies, such as cell analysis studies, offer possible mechanical support for various traditional uses of Tongkat Ali, including as aphrodisiac, antimoraric, antimicrobial, anti-cancer and contamination funds . There are numerous studies on rodents that demonstrate the reduction of concern and improve sexual activity after the use of Tongkat Ali, while the effects are believed to be due to the restoration of normal testosterone levels. Anxiolytic effects of Eurikoma were demonstrated in various behavioral tests, including a raised cross-like labyrinth, an open field and proceeding, which implies an equivalent diazepam anti-theft effect. Studies on animals have shown that many extract effects are mediated by its glycoprotein components. It was shown that the mechanism of action of bioactive complex polypeptides ("Eurripteids" with 36 amino acids) activates the CYP17 enzyme (17 alpha hydroxylase and 17.20 liaza), reinforcing the metabolism of pregnenolone and progesterone in order to obtain a larger number of DHEA (dehydroepiyndrosterone) and Androtandion, respectively . It is shown that this glycoprotein water-soluble Eurycoma Longifolia extract provides anti-aging and anti-stress advantages due to the fact that it balances the testosterone level. Studies of oral toxicity (Wistar rats) were determined by LD50 Extract of the root of the tongcate ali in the form of 2000 mg / kg of body weight (briefly) and noael (maximum dose that does not cause a detected harmful effect on human health) more than 1000 mg / kg body weight (28-day Reception), which leads to category 5 classification (safely) in accordance with the International System of Classification and Marking Chemicals of the United Nations. In addition to a very good security profile, demonstrated in the study of the toxicity of rodents, there were no side effects in studies. For example, one two-month test for twenty healthy men (age range 38-58 years) found that the high doses of Eurycoma Longifolia extract (600 mg / day) do not affect blood profiles (hemoglobin, red blood tales, red blood cells, etc.) or any harmful effect on the functions of the liver or kidney function. Typical dosage recommendations based on traditional use and accessible scientific data on people, including data of nutritionists and athletes, require a reception of 50-200 mg / day of water extract Tongkat Ali, standardized up to 22% of eipipeptides.

Research on people

Based on the history of traditional use and confirmation of biological activity by cultivating cells and animal research, several studies were conducted on people to assess the potential advantages Tongkat Ali for sexual function, physical exertion, weight loss and power (mental / physical energy). In general, in all the tests in humans, the same water extract of the standardized root of Eurikoma was used, a patent for which was issued jointly by the Government of Malaysia and the Massachusetts Technological Institute (US Patent No. 7,132,117). The patent discloses a method in which the roots of Eurycoma Longifolia are subjected to water extraction in combination with HPLC and chromatography with exception to the size of the bioactive peptide fraction (4300 dalton glycopeptide with 36 amino acids), which is responsible for its effect on maintaining testosterone levels. Bioactive Eurycoma Longifolia root faction provides the ability to increase testosterone levels, muscle size and strength, improving overall well-being, acceleration of recovery after training, increase weight loss, reduced stress and reduce fatigue symptoms. Based on the long-standing history of traditional medicinal use as a "agent against aging" and a series of studies on animals and people exploring the effectiveness of its use as a means to improve physical and mental performance, the effects of adding root extracts of Tongkat-Ali have the tests exposed to Moderate stress. The hypothesis was that the additive Tongkat Ali can affect the balance of anabolic / catabolic stress hormone and the mood parameters from a group of volunteers exposed to moderate stress.


All procedures, measurements and processes of informed consent were considered and approved by an external third party (Aspire IRB, SANTEE, CA). The subjects were recruited in Salt Lake City, Utah. Screening was taken about 75 subjects with a moderate level of psychological stress. The goal was to complete a study with 60 subjects (30 subjects for a group of treatment). A screening survey was used to identify persons with a moderately elevated level of perceived stress. Subjects that have 6 or more points in this screening survey, indicated the acceptability of additional research (estimate 6-10 points to moderate stress). 64 subjects (32 men and 32 women) were randomized to use Tongkat Ali (TA, 200 mg / day Physta ™, Biotropics Malaysia Berhad, 32 subjects) or similar placebo type (PL; 32 patient) for 4 weeks. Duration 4 weeks was chosen as more representative due to long-term mood changes, which may be the result of an excellent hormone balance, unlike short-term changes in emotions that may be more closely related to the stressors of everyday life. At the basic level (week 0) and after the introduction of additives (week 4), the mood and the hormone profile was estimated as primary results. Secondary measurements were carried out with liver enzymes (ALT, AlanineNotransferase and AST, aspartaminotransferase, Alere Cholestech, Waltham, Ma), body weight and fat deposits percentage (Tanita, TBF-300A, Arlington Heights, IL). Mood (energy, depression, anger, confusion, fatigue and anxiety) was assessed by a survey conducted as part of the approved mood state profile (POMS). Hormone profile (cortisol and testosterone) was evaluated in samples of saliva collected at three time points on every day of collection (in the morning, day and evening). Saliva samples were analyzed on free cortisol and free testosterone using an enzymeter analysis (Salimetrics, State College, PA). The results were analyzed by one-sided dispersion analysis (ANOVA) with the value set at P<0,05. 63 испытуемых (32 мужчины и 31 женщина) завершили исследование, при этом одна женщина в группе добавок не вернула окончательные образцы.


Three subjects reported unusual fatigue during the first two weeks of the study (two subjects under the Ta and 1 group test in the placebo group). No other side effects were observed. During the reception period, there were no significant changes in the markers of the liver function (AST / ALT), body weight or percentage of fat deposits. The mood settings showed mixed results (Figure 1), and no effect was observed between groups relative to the indicators of depression, energetic or fatigue, while significant improvements were observed in the Ta group relative to tension indicators (-11%), anger (-12%) and confusion of consciousness (-15%) compared with placebo. A minor tendency (p \u003d 0.083) was found to a general improvement in well-being in a TA group (+ 3% on a global mood scale).


This study showed that the daily additive of the fine-ali root extract (200 mg / day) improves the stress hormone profile (reducing the level of cortisol, an increase in testosterone level) and some mood settings (low voltage, anger and confusion). These results are consistent with several recent tests of additives in humans, which suggests that Tongkat-Ali can be an effective means to protect the body from the detrimental effects of chronic stress, diets to reduce weight, deprivation of sleep and intensive workouts. Previous studies have shown that Eurycoma Longifolia contains a group of small peptides called "Eupripettides", which are known to have an impact on improving energy status and sexual attraction in rodent research. The exact mechanism, due to which the eupripeptides or the extract of the Tongkat-Ali root is restored normal levels of testosterone, is unknown, but it was proposed that it affects the release rate of the "free" testosterone from its binding hormone, globulin binding sex hormones (SHBG). In two recent studies of young men passing heavy training regime, the additive of the Tongkat Ali (100 mg / day) increased muscle mass of the body, increased the muscles of the press and the circumference of the hand to a much greater extent compared to placebo. In a recent 12-week study of Eurycoma Longifolia additives (300 mg / day), men (aged 30-55) demonstrated a significant improvement in comparison with placebo in terms of physical functioning in the SF-36 study of the quality of life. In addition, the libido was increased by 11% (week 6) and 14% (week 12), and the abdominal mass was significantly reduced in patients with CMT\u003e 25 kg / m2. In men with low testosterone (average age 51), one month of the daily reception of the extract of Tongkat Ali (200 mg / day) led to a significant increase in testosterone levels in serum and improving the quality of life, which involves the role of Tongkat Ali as an "adaptogen" against stress associated with aging. Another study of healthy adult men (average age is 25 years old) taking 100 mg / day of Tongkat-Ali extract with an intensive training program (every day for 8 weeks), showed a significant increase in muscle mass, decreased fat weight, increase the strength of the press and circle of hand Compared to the placebo group. These results show that Tongkat-Ali extract is able to increase muscle mass and increase strength, speeding up the loss of fat in healthy athletes and, thus, this extract can be considered a natural ergogenic tool for athletes and nutritionists. One study of middle-aged women (45-59 years) found that a two-week power training plus 100 mg / Eurycoma Longifolia extract day for 12 weeks to a greater extent increases the bad weight of the body, compared with women who adhere to the same strength training program and placebo hosts. Additional studies of people on diet and athletes have shown that 50-100 mg / day of the Tongkat Ali extract can help restore normal testosterone levels with a diet (compared to a typical drop in the testosterone level with a diet without taking the Tongkat Ali) and at the athletes (compared to typical Falling the level of testosterone in athletes who did not take Tongkat Ali). In one test cyclists on endurance, cortisol levels were 32% lower, and testosterone levels are 16% higher than placebo, which indicates a more favorable biochemical profile of the Tongkat Ali relative to the advancement of the "anabolic" hormonal state. People who hold diet should expect an increase in the level of cortisol and reduce the level of testosterone after a few weeks of the diet. This change in hormonal balance (increased cortisol and reduced testosterone) is an important factor leading to the familiar "plateau" with which many people sitting on a diet face (when weight loss slows down / stops), after 6-8 weeks with weight loss mode. Supporting the normal levels of testosterone, a person sitting on a diet can count on maintaining muscle mass and metabolic rate (compared to a drop to lower testosterone level), and at the same time continue to lose weight without lingering on the plateau. For an athlete, the same increase in the level of cortisol and the drop in the testosterone level is an early signal of "overravel" - syndrome characterized by reduced performance, increased frequency of injuries, depressed by the activity of the immune system, increased appetite, capriciousness and weight increase. Maintaining the normal level of cortisol / testosterone in persons using Evrica can prevent or reduce some of these symptoms of overtraining, as well as help the athlete faster and more fully recover after daily workouts. These results show that the daily use of the additive of the standardized Tongkata-Ali root extract improves stress hormone profile and certain mood parameters, indicating that this "ancient" agent can be an effective approach to the protection of the body from the harmful consequences of "modern" chronic stress, which It may include common daily problems, stress with a diet, lack of sleep and excessive workouts.

Eurikoma Long-Oil (Eurycoma Longifolia), usually called Ali Tongkat or Pasak Buma - a flowering plant of the SIMARUBACEA family (Simaroubaceae), grows on Indonesia, Malaysia and, to a lesser extent, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. The plant is also known as Penawar Pahit, Penawar Bias, Bedara Merah, Bedara Putih, Lempedu Pahit, Payong Ali, Tongkat Baginda, Muntah Bumi, Petala Bumi (Malay); Bidara Laut (Indonesian); Babi Kurus (Yavansky); CSI BÁ BệNH (Vietnamese) and Tho Nan (Lao). Many names of this plant are associated with its medical use or an unusually bitter taste. Penawar Pahit is translated as "bitter charm" or "bitter medicine". Older sources, such as, for example, an article in the ecological journal of 1953, it is suggested that the name "Penawar Pahit" is common to all Malaysia. According to numerous testimony, Eurikoma (Tongkat Ali, long jack) stimulates the ability to conceive and acts as an aphrodisiac, and may also reduce the level of estrogen and increase the potency. There is no data to increase the testosterone data.

basic information

Eurikoma Lengone - this is the official name of the plant, which is more famous as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian ginseng, or long jack. As an aphrodisiac, Evrica has a rather strong impact on many animals. Data on the effects on females of rats a little, but it seems that it is similar to the impact on males. It is difficult to carry out a comparative analysis of plant aphrodisiacs that increase potency, however, as studies show, Evrica is one of the best. In addition to its impact as an Aphrodisiac, Evrica may also accelerate the formation of sperm and strengthen the erection. At least one molecule as part of the heurikoma (9-hydroxykantine-6-one) is associated with ejaculation delay, as well as the enhancement of the erection (although it is accurate and not established whether this molecule will act after making an euritious exhaust). Apparently, at the hormonal level, Evrica can have a significant anti-estrogenic effect in laboratory conditions and after the introduction of the active ingredient acts like tamoxifen. However, currently research on people are not conducted, as well as research on the oral admission of Evrician exhaust. As for testosterone, scientific literature is unreasonably optimistic. There is no documented evidence that Eurick increases testosterone levels in healthy people and rats, but many researchers refer to the reports M.I. Tamby, in which the opposite is approved. None of the studies of Dr. Tamba, presented by him at scientific conferences, was not listed in the medical database "Medline" and the statements specified in them cannot be proved. Other names: Long Jack, Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, Longgex, Kay Bin, Pasak Bumi, Langir Siam, Tung Sava. Notes:

    Evrica Lengone can increase libido and sexual attraction, but no other stimulating effect has

    Can reduce anxiety, but this impact is not well understood

    The active active substances of Eurikoma give her bitter taste

    Is an:

    Testosterone amplifier


Has an enhanced impact when admission with:




Eurikoma is a long-oil - a small evergreen tree, reaching a height of 15 m (49 feet) with spirals located on a spiral, 20-40 cm long leaf leaves (8-16 inches) with 13-41 leaves. Flowers doubtful, male and female, grow in large panicles, each flower consists of 5-6 very small petals. The fruits are green, when ripening - dark red, 1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide.

Tongkat Ali: Instructions for use

The standard dosage of heurikoma is long-resistant is the 200-300mg hood in the 100: 1 ratio (depends on the heurickamamamon content), which, in its effectiveness, is equal to the adoption of the 20-30 mg of the dry root of this plant. Such a daily dose is usually taken either at a time or dividing into two parts, but so far it is not for sure whether it is optimal.

Action Tongkat Ali

In 2010, an ethnoparmacological study of the Eurikoma long-dollarmed, during which it was shown that "parts of the plant were traditionally used as an antimalarial, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an aphrodisiac ..." Although Euryoma Lengone can be used in many areas of medicine (As can be seen from the quote above), most residents of the countries of Southeast Asia use it to improve sexual functions. Already in 2001, researchers from Malaysia published reports on the effectiveness of the effects of heurikoma long-dollar on laboratory rats, stating that "Euryoma Long-Rate, known as Tongkat Ali, is known among Malaysian men as a symbol of the male ego and male force due to what can contribute to increasing Male power and sexual opportunities during proximity. " The authors of the article published on the site of the scientific journal Nature are called Eurikoma long-oil "home-grown Malaysian Viagra", and they say that after its application there is a "enhancement of sexual attraction, an increase in productivity and overall well-being." Then this article also appeared on the MEDLINE resource. Some scientific studies have shown that the plant increases sexual possibilities in rodents. Other laboratory tests on animals gave positive results of increasing sexual activity in adult rats, including excitation mechanisms, sniffing and mating. In the experiment conducted on the rats, it was shown that the heurick is long-beyond can increase the amount of spermatozoa. The authors also reported that the level of testosterone in a plasma extracted in rats, which consumed the heurick long science, "was significantly higher compared to the control group and a group of fruitless animals." Another group of scientists has confirmed information that heurick is long-grained can "turn the slowdable effect of estrogen to produce testosterone and spermatogenesis." In the magazine article in MEDLINE it says that "Evrica Lengonee has an effect similar to the effect of testosterone substitution therapy for the treatment of osteoporosis." The Italian researchers of Eurycoma Lengolomo noted that the plant increases sexual possibilities from laboratory animals and concluded that "this effect can be explained by increasing testosterone levels." After the exposure to the heurikoma is long-term for sexual characteristics, it was established that sexual effects are hand in hand with an increase in testosterone level, scientists from the field of sports medicine began to explore the anabolic potential of the plant. In a placebo-controlled study of healthy young men passing program training programs, "there was a significant increment of muscle body weight in the treatment group, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p \u003d 0.012) " In addition, "the increase in force in the group hosting was larger than in a placebo-group (6.78% and 2.77%, respectively) ... The average circle of the shoulder in the group hosting, increased by 1.8 cm ... in While in the placebo-group did not have any significant increase. " The results of the study were published in the British journal of sports medicine. The anabolic exposure to the heurikoma is long resistant was confirmed in animal experiments, where the same size and weight of one muscle were measured at the same size treated and unprocessed rats. "The results showed that with the joint use of 800 mg / kg of butanol, methanol, water and chloroform of the eurycoma fractions Lengoloy, a significant increase was observed (p<0,05) мышцы, поднимающей задний проход…» Из-за того, что Эврикома длиннолистая имеет потенциал увеличивать уровни тестостерона, она была включена, по крайней мере по названию, в состав многочисленных добавок, продающихся в первую очередь для использования в мужском бодибилдинге. В таких формулах минимальная доза Эврикомы длиннолистой не может являться терапевтической по любым стандартам, так как квассиноиды Эврикомы длиннолистой характеризуются плохой биодоступностью. Исследователи сделали вывод: «Результаты показывают, что эврикома обладает плохой биодоступностью при пероральном приеме… Абсолютная биодоступность соединения была снижена на 10,5%… малая биодоступность может быть связана с плохой проницаемостью мембран в силу низкой ценности P и/или в связи с высоким пресистемным метаболизмом». Были проведены исследования эврикомы в естественных условиях с использованием лабораторных животных, употребляющих 250, 500 или 1000 мг порошка корневищ в расчете на кг массы тела, либо от 200 до 800 мг/кг два раза в день, или 50, 100 и 200 мг экстракта Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела. При приеме более высоких доз (800 мг воды/хлороформ-/метанол-/ бутанол- извлеченная фракция Эврикомы длиннолистой на кг массы тела), эффект выражался как в плане повышения сексуальной мотивации, так и в увеличении размера мышцы, поднимающей задний проход. Наряду с эффектами, связанными с тестостероном, были зафиксированы также противомалярийные, антибактериальные, жаропонижающие, противоязвенные, противоопухолевые и цитотоксические свойства растения. Тайваньские ученые выделили 65 биохимических соединений из корней Эврикомы длиннолистой, из которых десять указаны как соединения с «сильной цитотоксичностью» к ракомвым клеткам легких и к линии раковых клеток молочной железы. Наряду с более известными квассиноидами, эта же группа ученых также выделила алкалоиды бета-карболина, некоторые из которых обладали активностью против раковых клеток легких и молочной железы. Исследовав активность 24 квазиноидов Эврикомы длиннолистой против раковых клеток, включая клетки, вызывающие рак легких, японские ученые обнаружили, что эврикомалактон в той же мере эффективен в борьбе против раковых клеток, как и уже существующий противораковый препарат доксорубицин. Та же группа исследователей также обнаружила несколько новых биохимических соединений в Эврикоме длиннолистой и исследовала их цитотоксические свойства. Они пришли к выводу, что различные фракции эффективны против различных видов рака. Еще одно исследование подтвердило, что экстракт Эврикомы длиннолистой стимулирует апоптоз у раковых клеток груди. С этих пор экстракт был запатентован совместно правительством Малайзии и Массачусетским Технологическим Институтом. В рецензируемых юридических журналах уже давно идут дебаты о том, что природные вещества, о свойствах которых в совершенстве знают представители коренных народов, могут быть интеллектуальной собственностью этих народов или даже национальных правительств.

Origin and composition


Eurikoma is long-string is also known as the Tongkat Ali, a long jack or Malazian ginseng (which, nevertheless, does not belong to the ginseng family). Eurikoma Lengone belongs to the Simaubov family, for which four main types of plants are characterized (accordingly, the form of leaves): short-stroke, double-sided, wide and long-grade, of which only the latter are used for medical purposes. Eurikoma is also called Tung Sava (Thailand), Pasak Bumia (Indonesia), Kay Bain (Vietnam) and Langir Siam (Bahrain). Bioactive substances vary depending on the plant growing, which makes it becomes extremely careful to approach the standardization question.


The composition of the heurikoma is long-resistant:

    Quantinoid compounds, which, in turn, are part of all plants of the SIMURABOV family, and Eurosconanon (an average of 1.6% of dry weight) and Eurosconanol are their main bioactive substances. Currently, 150 quantinoids are known, which are part of the four types of heurick


    Metabolites Cantine-6-One, such as 9-hydroxykantine-6-one and 9-methoxycin-6-one

    Eurin and Teourilen, Derivatives Scavalene

    Tirukallanoid compound, known as 23,24,25-trihydroxitirukall-7-EN-3,6-DION

    Evriptetids included in the protein


For the most part, the heurick is long-grained is based on "quantino-shaped" triterpenoid structures, among whom Eurosconanon is the main. Other bioactive substances include Cantine-6-One class and, probably, evripteertids that increase sexual attraction. The impact of the remaining components is unknown.

Patented and Research Hoods

LJ100 is the patented composition of the heurikoma long-grade (where LJ means a long jack), which consists of 22% from eurrypetides and 40% from glycosaponin. This composition is a hood in a ratio of 100: 1, 1G of which is a bioequivalent of 100g dry weight of the heurikoma long, which includes both of the above-mentioned substances. TAF 273 is a hood enriched with quantinoide, which includes 23.6 +/- 0.9% Eurykomanon, 6.4 +/- 0.1% 13α (21) -Epoxyavricomanone, 0.8 +/- 0.1% 13α, 21-dihydroeavricomanone and 4.8 +/- 0.2% Euroscience. TAF 273 is enriched with euricomanon and molecules related to it.


After oral administration with rats of 50mg / kg of the concentrated eurioscianone exhaust, Cmax reached 0.33 +/- 0.03mkg / ml, and Tmax reached 4.40 +/- 0.98h, which indicates the best, compared with injections, oral biological digestibility - by 10.5%. The volume of the distribution of Euryankomanon after the injection of 10 mg / kg was 0.68 +/- 0.30 l / kg. The injection kinetics caused by injections is always 0.88 +/- 0.19, the half-life is 1.00 +/- 0.26 hours, and immune clearance - 0.39 +/- 0.08 l / h / kg.

Neurology and brain


Eurikoma Lengoneous is the greatest interest in studying with its impact as a sexual pathogen, which is the main cause of its consumption by man. It is believed that it is glycoprotein that is part of the Eurysky, and gives it exciting properties (and partially evripteidid, by increasing the level of testosterone), but this opinion was expressed at the conference and so far not received a single official review. These assertions are based on the patent description of the LJ100 - concentrated hostess of glycoproteins and eurrypetides. The mechanism of action for the most part is unknown and its possible descriptions are minor. As for the research on animals, then sexually sluggish males of rats, which were administered daily at 500mg / kg of heurikoma long-distance for 6-12 days, a reduced latent period of ejaculation was noted. However, after the first administration of the drug, no special differences in the frequency of the cage, the introme examination, the post-cellular interval, but also the post-cell interval (decrease by 24.1%), and the latent period of ejaculation (45.2%) showed more successful results, if the introduction of the drug continued during 6 days. However, in the next 12 days of further improvement was not observed. The frequency of the saddle from the initial indicator is also increased (to the primary administration of the drug), up to 25% in 6 days and up to 37.5% in 12 days. It is believed that these indicators are achieved indirectly through an increase in testosterone. Such a model of sexually sluggish rats was subsequently used with the introduction of 200-800mg / kg for 10 days, however, despite the received promising results, the quality of this study is under doubt, since the measurement of the level of excitation was not carried out properly (not the most common Aphrodian Biomarker), although the authors of the study themselves argued that the indicators are reliable. The first study did not show any improvements in the partner selection test, which went against the previous studies on rats. The authors of the study noted that the cause could be the use of other types of rats, since in this study used sexually sluggish individuals, whereas in the previous ones, virgin and experienced rats, rats that could not join the copulation with a ready-to-face female, as well as sexually - Consumer individuals of middle age. Probably the most noteworthy is an aphrodisiac effect, rendered on virgin and castrated rats, in which, after administration of 200-800mg / kg of the drug, all measured sexuality parameters have increased for 10 days, but the result is still lower than after administration of 15mg / kg testosterone. The best results were observed in rats, which were independently located near the female individuals, they often sniffed the back pass (and that is the signs of Aphrodia), a larger amount of the cage was also noted. The data on the decrease in the latent period of ejaculation and the post-cellular interval (time between ejaculation and the first intro session) is less reliable, but still indicate a significant improvement in the process of research. It seemed effective in the course of research on animals Aphrodisiac, as well as its aphrodisiac effect was patented without problems. According to the study of the data obtained from the tests themselves, enriched 300 mg of Eurycoma aqueous extract, taken daily for 6-12 weeks, is able to increase the libido at 8.4-10.8% (relative to the initial indicator).

Excitation and stress

During the tests conducted in the open area and in a labyrinth, the various hoods of the heurikoma are long-rolled, introduced prior to the start of the test in the amount of 0.3g / kg, showed the improvement of all measured excitation parameters (measurement, limited mobility, errors in the passage of cascade labyrinth) - limited mobility decreased from 31.2% to 36.3%, depending on the preparation exhaust used. With active control, a little more effective was diazepam, which, with the introduction of 1 mg / kg, reduces limited mobility to 25.9%. In mice born from a related pairing and those who fought more than 5 times, a study was also conducted - electric helicate, during which heurikoma long-grade reduced the number of cases of aggression from 18.0 +/- 0.4 to 5.3-6.2, but the results obtained are again slightly inferior Diazepam (3.5 +/- 0.2). At the moment, only one study was carried out, and it showed the anxiolytic properties of the drug. Eurikoma can potentially promote Aphrodia by lowering the likelihood of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. According to data obtained from the subjects themselves, people who are usually susceptible to stress, after the daily reception of Euricks for four weeks, become calmer.

Sexuality and genitals

Erectile function

Either on the background, or together with an aphrodisiac effect of heurikoma, a rapid and enhanced erection can be observed. According to one study on neutered (in order to somehow monitor the effects of testosterone), the rats that were injected with various Evrician extracts equal to 200, 400 or 800mg for 10 days, it was shown that all the exhaust used (aqueous, butanol, methanolic and chloroform) It was equally effective in increasing the frequency of erections and only insignificant differences were observed depending on the dosage. Subsequent study with the same dosages of four hoods on castrated rats and rats that testosterone was administered in advance for 12 weeks, it showed that the dishearters of the rats without testosterone, the pelvic muscle raising the back passage, increased in the amount of 13.2-23.4% under the influence of all hoods What points to the androgen effect of the drug. Evrica Lengone (namely, 9-hydroxykantine-6-one), apparently, is a bioactive compound. In the laboratory conditions, the 9-hydroxykantine-6-one was able to induce the relaxation of the abbreviated epinephrine of the cavernous bodies with an EC50 indicator of 6.7 +/- 0.9mkm. It seems that neither nitrogen oxide nor alpha adrenoreceptors participated in this process. Apparently, the release of Ca2 + is restrained, which causes fenal abbreviations (anti-equally indicator). In tests on rabbits conducted in natural conditions, it was found that injections of 0.2mg of this compound increased intraclevernous pressure, and the injections of 1 mg / kg administered to rats were also effectively contributed to the delay in ejaculation, as well as clomipramine, which is confirmed by pressure on seed glands. The drug may cause an erection and is probably able to delay the ejaculation (the latter approval requires further research).

Seed characteristics

It is possible that the mechanism of action of the heurick is long-grained to increase the amount of sperm and spermatogenic cells works by estrogen suppression, and on the mobility of spermatozoa, apparently, other mechanisms affect. So far it is unknown, which affects the number of sperm itself. After the long introduction of Euryankononon, it was detected in their seed glands. This confirms that the drug is capable of reaching and accumulating. In laboratory tests, 2.5mkg / ml of Eurikoma (from the calculation of oral administration of 200 mg by the drug with a man weighing 80kg) did not have any impact on the viability of sperm, did not cause the launch of the oxidative processes (through AFC), or an acrosomous reaction, and when receiving a dose, up to 20mkg / ml did not happen any reaction. After receiving 200mg, the heurikoma is long can increase the viscosity of sperm of a healthy person, and the amount of spermatozoa to the amount sufficient to fertilize the woman. During this study, it was found that the 200mg of the drug increases the concentration of spermatozoa by 65.5% for 9 months (a smaller result was shown for 3 and 6 months), while the concomitant increase in the amount of sperm itself for 19.3% did not have a significant statistical value, since On the ninth month, about two times more sperm showed a normal morphology - starting from 5.28 +/- 0.66 before the start of the study and up to 10.29 +/- 2.52 on the ninth month (similar results were already on the sixth month). Almost the same increase in the amount of spermatozoa was also identified in a boar, although in a shorter period, but the results of this research are somewhat distorted by the use of anchor-making (annual herbaceous plant) and a levery safflower (a perennial grassy plant). It may increase the amount of sperm and sperm itself. Results to increase the concentration of spermatozoa are ambiguous due to the preceding changes in the amount of sperm. Apparently, increases fertility in men.

Tongkat Ali in bodybuilding

Tests on people

During the pilot study of Eurykoma Lennolistoy, with the participation of 14 men who took 100mg of the drawing of the drug and passed a circular training day (10 exercises two approaches, in each of which - ten repetitions, a break between the exercises - 1 minute) was revealed that participants The experimental group was dialed for 5 weeks to have a bad body weight (from 52.26 +/- 7.18 kg to 54.39 +/- 7.43; which is equal to an increase of 4%), while the group under the action of placebo does not show an increase in inferior mass. The strength of the participants in both groups increased, moreover, those who took Eurykom, this strengthening is much more significant, but the difference in the loss of fat mass in both groups is insignificant. A pilot study, the results of which assumed the potential ability of the Euryomy to strengthen healthy weightlifters, was presented at the conference and no longer repeated. Studies of the drug "Agromas", which is a solution containing 0.1mg / 100ml Water-soluble Evrician exhaust Lengolone and 2mg / 100 ml of the Chinese corticist. In addition, the composition includes sulfuric acid, sodium fluoride, potassium and phosphate. All this was introduced under the test from the calculation of 3 ML / kg every 20 minutes, which, on average, equalizes 0.67mg Eurikoma per person. Tests of oral administration of this drug have shown that, although the drug is in the form of a drink and increases the endurance index by 3.4%, it is statistically insignificant. Because of the small amount of the received drug, another study was conducted with the participation of 12 athletes, which were given 150mg by Eurycoma daily for 7 days. The last reception of the drug was carried out in an hour before the tests on the 8th day (60-minute jogging on a running simulator with a VO2MAX indicator of 60%, then 20 minutes of work on the exercise-cycle), but this test did not show improvements in any breath during running, nor In performance, neither in general in any physiological reaction - be it temperature, heartbeat, glucose level or blood lipids. During the cardiovers, no significant advantages were found.

Impact on skeleton and bones

Androgen-dependent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis caused by androgenic insufficiency (sometimes observed in older men) is associated with a higher percentage of mortality among men than among women (by about 31%). Several studies have been conducted, which studied the impact of heurick on the musculoskeletal and bone mass. A comparative study was also carried out - 8 mg / kg of conventional testosterone was administered to one castrated elderly mouse, and the other - 4mg / kg of testosterone along with 15mg / kg of heurick with an Euryankonon content of 1.6% (androgenic insufficiency research model). In the course of the study after 6 weeks, it was found that these two drugs affect the body equally, which makes it possible to conclude about the possibility of using heurick as auxiliary means to reduce the necessary doses of testosterone.

Interaction with hormones


The ability of heurick's long-fame to increase the level of testosterone is due to the content of the Eurrreeipeptide in it, which is considered to increase the effect of the CYP17 enzyme (17 α-hydroxylase / 17.2.20 liases), which is responsible for the conversion frequency of Pregenetone precursors to Dehydroepiypiderosterone and subsequent androgens . This statement was declared in a university dissertation (University of Malaya) Ali and Saad (1993) called "the biochemical effects of Eurikoma Lenglystoy on sexual behavior, fertility, sex hormone and glycolysis." In the network this thesis is not available. The mechanisms of action are not described in the literature, it is possible to find them only in the description of patents. Introduction with healthy rats of the concentrated Eurekoma extract from the calculation of 15 mg / kg (22% of eurrypetides, 1.6% of Euryoscianone) did not increase the testosterone level for 6 weeks. According to the calculations of the authors of the study, this dosage is equal to the oral appointment of 100 mg drug with a healthy person. The only similar study conducted on healthy non-registered male mice was carried out using much larger dosages from the settlement of 200-800mg / kg, which led to an increase in the size of the muscle, raising the back pass, which indicates an increase in the amount of androgen. In this study, the testosterone level of serum was not measured. In sexually sluggish animals and animals with underdeveloped sexual system, on 12 day after the introduction of 500mg / kg, the heurikoma is long-haired increased serum testosterone by more than 50% (with a little less than 2ng / ml to more than 3ng / ml; data is derived from the diagram) . In a similar study involving neutered rats, there were no changes in the testosterone level, however, the used dosage of the drug was less than in the aforementioned study, in which the ratsterone level rose with the underdeveloped genital system. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that the drug helps rats with underdeveloped sexual system (hypogonadism) and sexually sluggish individuals. There is no data on the impact on healthy rats. In individuals with late beginnings of hypogonadism, the heurick is long-string (namely, its water-soluble extract in a dose of 200mg) effectively increases libido and testosterone serum. This study was conducted in the clinic in Malaysia for 4 years, 320 men took part in it with a serum testosterone level below 6 mkmol / l (clinical hypogonadism) and it was noted that after one month the average level of testosterone rose from 5. 66 +/- 1.51Mkmol / l to 8.31 +/- 2.47 μmol / l (the increase was an average of 46%). This study did not participate in the Panel receiving placebo. Some studies are based on 4 not available on a network of articles published by M.I.Tambi at various conferences. M.I.Tamby is not the owner of the patent for the used hood (LJ100), and the subsequent independent test on healthy men did not reveal an increase in testosterone level. In the course of research on fruitless (hypogonadic) people, a small increase in testosterone level was revealed, but the only study on healthy people without any violation did not show any increasing.


Two quantinoide from Eurycoma, 13α, 21-Dihydroeavricomanon and Eurosconanon, were studied in a biological test using 17α-ethinosestradiol (inspection of a living organism for anti-estrogenity). After administration of 2.44 mkmol / kg of the drug, an anti-estrogenic effect was stimulated, and although both of these quantinoide showed some results, Euryankonon was stronger and in its influence it was similar to the tamoxifen of the same molar volume. Nevertheless, due to low oral biological digestibility and low content of Euryankomanon in Evrica, in a study on a living organism it is difficult to determine the effect of the drug. Based on the molar mass in 408.39916kg / mol, it is equal to the introduction of 996mkg of Eurykomankonon (or 906mkg tamoxifen), and biological digestibility at 10.5% can be concluded that such a dosage should be increased almost 10 times so that the drug becomes bioequivalent. A 30mg tamoxifen theoretically could become bioequivalent of 313 mg of Euryankomanon (approximately 20 m of the dry weight of the plant). Such an impact may anticipate the anti-cancer properties of the heurikoma, given its discovered ability to slow down the rapid growth of the MCF-7 breast cancer, which are too susceptible to estrogen. Moreover, these anti-estrogenic properties can activate spermatogenesis (sperm production) in males. This is evidenced by the results of the study, during which the rats were administered to the estrogen, began to introduce small doses of the heurick long-haired (3mg / kg) and, for 14 days, the eurikom was blocked by the overwhelming effect of estrogen, as a result of which the production of spermatogenic cells and spermatozoa increased (by Their normalization to the control level), and the Evrica itself, without parallel with the introduction of estrogen, continued to increase the amount of sperm. At the mobility of spermatozoa estrogen did not have any negative impact, and Hercoma improved him. Finally, a study was conducted on female individuals, which were injected with testosterone (which caused the ovarian cycles and polycystic cycles failure), and then introduced 50mg / kg of heurikoma long-graded (concentrated exhaust TAF 273 with 23.6% by Euryankomanon), which blocked the negative effects of testosterone, Normalized the number of healthy ovarian follicles and contributed to the improvement of the impaired estheral cycle (an improvement from 10-30% to 40-62.5%, with an initial indicator 100%). The authors of the study put forward a hypothesis that this happened against the background of anti-estrogenic effects to reduce the transformation of testosterone, but the connection between these phenomena was never installed. Although its effectiveness in the laboratory conditions is currently unknown, apparently, the heurick is long-beyond, due to the content of Euryoscianone, has an estrogen suppression property.

Nutrient interactions


Propranolol is a non-selective beta blocker, which is sometimes used to treat hypertension. After the admission 200mg of the water extract, the heurikoma is long-resistant together with propranolol, it was found that heurick is long-distance significantly reduced the biological digestibility and exposure to propranolol. During this study, it was found that the AUC decreased to 28.7%, Cmax - up to 42.02%, and Tmax is up to 86%. These results, together with several other indicators of the semi-elimination period, conclude that the inhibition process at the absorption level was observed. The authors of the study put forward a hypothesis about the possibility of induction of p-glycoprotein, but did not provide any evidence. Evrica Lengone can slow down the action of propranola.

Safety and toxicology

It has been established that the lethal dose of Eurikoma is more than 5000mg / kg for rats, and the dose of 1200 mg / kg causes pathological changes in liver, similar to the changes observed in the human body hosting 1200 mg of Evrica daily.


Fake products, allegedly using Eurick's long-oil, was removed from sale in several countries, but still sold through the Internet, mainly from the UK. The article in the medical journal published in March 2010 was noted that "according to experts, the share of fake drugs sold through the Internet has increased from 44% to 90%," due to the popularity of funds against sexual dysfunction. Buyers of Eurikoma long-oil must be requested from online sellers comprehensive information and evidence on the subject of where the goods were manufactured. In Malaysia, the overall use of heurikoma is long-dollar as food and drinking additives, in combination with a wide distribution of products using cheap synthetic drugs instead of quasi-hydroides of the heurick long-oil, led to the invention of an electronic language that helps determine the presence and concentration of genuine heurick long-dollar in products appropriate for its content. On the other hand, consumers who do not have complex electronic equipment in order to understand the language invented in Malaysia to test the presence of the heurikoma long-dollar in the substance, but they want to know whether the product they received is really a heurick long-dollar or this fake can use Your own language to test the content of the capsule on the object of bitterness. Quasinoids, biologically active components of the roots of the heurikoma long-oil, very bitter taste. They are named after quasina, a bitter element extracted from Cassia tree. Quasin is considered the very bitter substance in nature, 50 times more bitter than Kinin. Everything that does not have such a bitterness, but also strongly, can not contain the quasinoids of Evinoma long-dollar. In the United States, the Office of the quality control of food and drugs has banned numerous products, such as libidus, as part of which the use of heurikoma is long-oil as the main ingredient, but instead the whole composition is based on illegal drugs discharged only by the doctor's prescription, or even Worse, analogues of drug recipe, which have not even been checked for safety, such as acetyldenafil. In February 2009, the Office for the quality control of food and drugs warned about almost 30 illegal additives that stimulate sexual attraction, but the names of these products are changing more often than the control can explore them. Labidus, for example, is currently sold as Maxidus, still claiming the presence of heurick long-dollar (Tongkat Ali) as the main ingredient. The government of Malaysia banned numerous fakes, in the capsules of which instead of Tongkat Ali uses Sildenafil citrate. Scammers selling fake Tongkat Ali from Malaysia use various names for their products. Governments of Canada and Singapore published warnings regarding the product XP Tongkat Ali Super, containing in the description of Tadalafil, which can be dangerous for life. Various products are sold, as part of which the different ratio of Eurikoma's extract is long-roll - 1:20, 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200. Traditionally, the heurick is long-oil extracted with water, and not ethanol. However, the extract of the heurick long-dollar used on sale is based on the extraction coefficient that can be confusing and is not so easy to check. Waiting for competitive advantages, some manufacturers are talking about the standardization of the extract based on specific ingredients. The stated standards / markers contain glycosaponin (35-45%) and Eurosconanon (\u003e 2%). While Euricomanon is one of the many quasi-hydroides of the heurick long-oil, saponins, famous ethnobotanics, primarily as a fish poison, do not play any role in the research of the plant. It has been proven that a large number of Malaysian products that use in its composition with a long-roll (36 of 100) are contaminated with mercury within the limits exceeding the norms permitted by law.

Tongkat Ali Root Extract 1 200 Powder Introduction

Extract Tongkat Ali, also known as Long Jack, has an ancient reputation as a herbal aphrodisiac. Its name means "Staff Ali or a cane" in connection with his influence on sexual health of men. Numerous scientific research shows the advantages of Tongkat Ali, male fertility and sexual function.
Rainforest Herbs was the first in the world who developed Tongkat Ali in a modern dosage form and registered in the Ministry of Health, and thus, in our understanding of the influence of this most outstanding grass on human health, we have more practical experience than anyone else !

Due to its unique biochemical composition, Tongkat Ali contributes to the secretion of more hormones, androgens, progesterone, etc., which can regulate the secretion of the human body, balance the yin and yang in the body, improve blood circulation and metabolism, increase the renal power and extend the kidney viability on 50 years to make people healthier and longer.

product Information

Specification Tongkat Ali Root Extract 1 200 Powder



Analysis (HPLC)

100: 1, 200: 1


Brown or pale yellow or not very white powder

Extract solvent

Ethanol and water

Loss of drying

≦ 5,0%


≦ 5,0%

Residual solvent


Total heavy metals









Total number of plates

≤5000cfu / g.

Whole yeast and mold

≤100cfu / g.

Main functions

1. It has many effects, such as improving physical training and control, maintaining strong energy, reduce stress and anxiety, removal of depression;

2. Improve blood circulation and metabolism, improve kidney dynamics and reduce damage to kidney drugs;

3. Improving the sexual function of the person and the rapid restoration of forces;

4. Increase man's fecundity and improve the production of male sperm, improve spermatozoa;

5. Repair and meals the gonad of man and reproductive system, the impact on the elimination of symptoms of prostatitis;

6. Prevention and treatment of malaria. It has been proven that it has a huge potential for the treatment of cancer.

Effect of extract Tongkat Ali:

1. Anti-depression, anti-fatigue, improve physical shape and control, and maintain severe energy.

2. Strengthen the blood circulation and metabolism in humans, reduce the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction.

3. Improve autoimmune ability, antivirus, anti-malaria, can be used as auxiliary agent for cancer and AIDS

4. Remove the symptoms of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gout and rheumatism.

5. Increasing its own secretion of testosterone in the body, 4 times higher, and stimulating the growth of human muscles.

6. Improve sexual indifference, improve the sexual abilities of middle and elderly people, extend sexual time, increase the number of sexual phenomena and pleasure and quickly restore physical strength after sex.

7. Repair and meals the gonad of a person, a reproductive system, as well as a significant elimination of symptoms of prostatitis

8. Improving the production of men's sperm, an increase in sperm mobility and enhance fertility.

9. Antioxidant, rejuvenating, improve cognitive abilities, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease

10. Menopause, postpartum nutrition and acceleration of uterine reductions

11. Regulate the endocrine system, anti-sized, antiallergic reactions, antipyretic, analgesics, tuberculosis, jaundice, etc.


1. Product of the health area, it has a good effect for cardiovascular diseases

2. The pharmaceutical region is mainly used as a pharmaceutical material for the treatment of asthenia kidneys, impotence, sperm, prosthemia, colds, acroisy or cramps, etc.

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* Reviews are automatically translated into Russian, the translation may contain speech errors.

There are tons of fake tongkat there, and this is one of them. I initially bought two different types of Tongkat Ali - Vitax (which is one of the cheapest available) and even more expensive (which turned out to be a real deal). I am a little disappointed in myself, because I usually make an extremely careful study before buying such products. I end up reading a ton about this particular extract and I suggest you do too, before you decide to buy. Here are some things that I would like to get to you: - The root extract Tongkat Ali is very expensive. It comes from the root of the tree on the mountain slopes of Indonesia (and Malaysia, where the collection is prohibited). It will take 2-4 hours for 1 or 2 people dig roots from the ground; Each tree is not inferior that much to extract, considering all the circumstances - plus even finding a tree takes hand-made work, time and expenses. So if the price is low, then it is almost certainly fake. - Extract force (i.e. 50: 1, 100: 1, 200: 1) fully fake. As Tongkat Ali became hot a few years ago, the suppliers raised the ratio as a marketing trick. There is no scientific or mutual agreement that the extract should be standardized to, therefore the attitude does not make sense. In addition, if you look at some of the websites of authoritative wholesalers, you will see they sell raw indigenous chips for $ X, while extract 200: 1 at 20-30 times more expensive. What does it give? Of course, the 200: 1 extract should be at least 200 times more expensive than raw product? In the general respected supplier will be offered extract 50: 1 and extract 200: 1; A variety of 200: 1 will be stronger, but it is difficult to determine how stronger. One key will compare wholesale prices. - Pay attention to the extract of the UD Sumatar produced by Pasak Buma. This is a real case (not paying attention to the ratio of the issue of extract). Filled capsules obtained from this source are appropriately marked (watching it up). I paid $ 120 per 100 capsules of the bottle (normal dose \u003d 2 hats per day). Please note that since you should cycle Tongkat, this amount will last about 2.5 months or a little longer (see below). - Powder has a very bitter and unpleasant taste (although I took the caps, it must have been a little powder on the outer cap, because I can experience it going down). It is not taste and smells * Nothing *, as is the variety of Vitax. Real powder of dark brown, although there could be some color variations from the party to the party. - Considering that this information, know that Shamsters are smart and can offer bottles that claim that manufactured by the company above. Thus, the only real way to know is probably, if what you take is a real thing to try and see if you feel positive effects. Real Tongkat Ali * really * work (I noticed an increase in libido in 2 days and the completeness "there"). Caution, of course, that placebo is always the opportunity if you are deceived in buying a fake diversity. - The last thing I want to mention: if you decide to gain a real case, be aware that the body quickly adapts to the tongkat, so you have to cycle it. The general recommendation is 5 days per, 2 days off, but I personally did not find the time of shutdown long enough - I do not feel that my second cycle. I recommend 5 days on, 5 days off, which works for me. Studies research research! Good luck!

Ask yourself why it is 100 grams bag cheaper than the same amount of all other 200: 1 extracts that can be purchased on Amazon. Resason is the fact that it just does not work. No matter what he speaks on the label, I do not believe that it is true, 200: 1 extract. Not now, whether it was reduced, is a weaker extract or simply raw root powder, which was not removed.