Essential oil of bitter orange properties and application. The most efficient use of essential oil to improve the skin of the skin is the preparation of masks

(Lat. Citrus vulgaris)


Gorky orange essential oil is obtained by cold spin from fresh peel. It is a yellow or brown fluid with fresh, sweet, almost floral aroma.

Oil is obtained from both bitter orange and sweet. These two species have different composition and various proportions of active substances. The oil of a bitter orange is a thinner fragrance than sweet.

Cosmetic action

Orange oil is successfully used in rejuvenation programs, to care for dry, damaged, sluggish skin, to eliminate climatic dermatitis. Bitter orange restores tone, elasticity, skin elasticity, causes a steady reduction of skin, elimination of acne.

Essential oil is effectively used when losing hair, dandruff, reducing elasticity and loss of hair gloss.

Orange baths and cosmetics eliminate hyperhydroposis phenomena, deodorize the skin.

Orange bitter helps to get rid of cellulite.

Healing action

Orange Butter Essential Oil Strengthens Immunity, eliminates anemia and hypovitaminosis, normalizes metabolism. Effectively with sluggish and chronic inflammatory processes as accompanying therapy, which reduces the negative effects of antibiotics. Orange oil has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Increases the elasticity and strength of the connective tissue, eliminates the symptoms of atherosclerosis and aging.

Rubbing with orange oil, compresses and grafts are effective in the problems of joints (arthritis, arthrosis), during injuries (bruises, stretching, wounds). Orange bitter stimulates regeneration, has a cleansing and detox effect.

The drainage properties of orange oil are very applied, which is used in the problems of metabolism, the predisposition of the liver and kidneys to the formation of concrections. Essential oil has a soft choleretic and diuretic effect. This is a delicate spasmolitic, the regular use of which allows you to forget about the arterial hypertension, migraines, frequent headaches, the convulsive muscle activity.

Emotional action

The aroma of bitter orange is a good means against depression. This essential oil stimulates the body, refreshes perception, helps to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness. It creates a romantic mood and helps to feel the taste of life.

Orange flavor protects the psyche from the devastating effects. Inhalations and Baths with bitter orange eliminate the phenomena of chronic fatigue, the state of depression, the sensation of a constant shortage of sleep. The oil has a beneficial effect on sleep biorhymps, eliminates nightmares and fears in children.

Bitter orange warms, increases potency, eliminates psycho-emotional and sexual frigidity.

Bioenergetic action

In bioenergy, the aroma of bitter orange symbolizes energy, desire to up, leadership, fame, nobility.

Household application

Thanks to a pleasant refreshing smell, it is widely used to aromatize the premises.

Security measures

Phototoxic oil, do not apply on the body before taking solar baths.

Non toxic, but may cause skin irritation.

Oranges belong to the group of "solar" fruits, giving taste enjoyments. But not everyone knows that the huge value of citrus is their peel containing a large number of essential oils. An integer production is established to extract such a valuable product used in perfumery and pharmacology from the zest.

Going to the pharmacy, a small bottle with fragrant oils can be found on the storefront. Among them are also an orange, released yellowish-orange tint. Different product and aroma - sweet fruit. Moreover, essential oil obtained from bitter varieties (Pomeranets) has a more tender smell.

Receiver means by pressing fresh peels with a cold way. Used in production and zest (dried skin) by distillation by steam. In addition, the leaves of the tree are used for the production of essential orange oils, getting petitgreine, and its flowers, giving no frills.

Essential oils mined from orange are quickly oxidized under the influence of air, acquiring the smell of turbidar. To preserve the primary properties, antioxidant drugs are added to the composition. With long-term storage, the color of the Gorky oil and its consistency is changing - it becomes a semi-crystalline with a brown tint.

The orange crust contains a large number of different essential oils. They are the main component of the funds selling in the pharmacy. The list of components is quite large, but it is precisely they are saturated after pressing the liquid of a whole range of odors, harmoniously woven into a single drinking fragrance.

The largest amount (up to 95%) in the essential orange oil of Limonen. A-TERPINEOL and Linalolol can also be noted - they account for 0.2%. Aldehyde decylovoy in essential oil 0.1%. A sufficiently persistent component is auraopten. It is contained in the part of the composition, which is not exposed to evaporation.

The compositions of sweet and bitter orange oils are somewhat different from each other. In the orange there is still a high-boiling component containing coumarins. They attach a bitter taste to the fetus.

Sweet orange essential oils have many healing properties used in traditional and traditional medicine.

  • The antiseptic properties of the product make it possible to quickly cope with diseases of the respiratory organs (cold, flu), with inflammation of the larynx.
  • It has antispasmodic oil and analgesic effect, removing the headache. Recommended for neuralgia, pain in the joints, menstrual spasms.
  • Child and diuretic effects are peculiar to the drug, helping to get rid of clasp. Recommended to use the essential oil of sweet orange and with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Useful tool in blood formation and reduction in blood pressure.
  • Impacting positively on many organism functions, oil contributes to their recovery and protection. It helps to increase immunity.
  • It is often recommended to use ethers in the treatment of dental diseases and the refreshment of the oral cavity.
  • It is worth having a given tool at hand to those who are sitting at the computer for a long time, the oil helps reduce the overvoltage of the eye muscles, while maintaining visual sharpness.
  • The ability to stimulate lymphotok allows us to use oils in the treatment of tumors.

Even the etheric composition is favorably affecting the bioenergy field and emotional mood. Found a means and extensive use in cosmetology.

The properties of the oils of bitter orange are practically no different from those that have a sweet product. The difference is traced to the degree of impact - the orange has beneficial properties (anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antispasmodic) more "soft" character. On some moments it should be stopped in more detail.

  • Antioxidant properties make it possible to prevent the development of atherosclerosis by increasing the strength and elasticity of connective tissues.
  • Having introduced pelleran to the accompanying therapy of chronic inflammation, the negative impact on the body of antibiotics will smooth.
  • Contributing to the strengthening of immunity, the essential oil will help to cope with anemia.
  • Drainage properties of bitter orange help solve problems with metabolism.
  • Effectively means and in external use as a binding and rubry on problem joints.
  • Regenerating and cleansing properties are well healing wounds and injuries.
  • Helps Pomeranets get rid of fungal diseases.

The essential oil of bitter orange (as well as sweet) due to its useful properties effectively in leaving the appearance and in the fight against depression and stress. The tool is an excellent aphrodisiac promoting the increase in libido.

Contraindications, harm

With such an extensive list of useful properties, orange essential oils have a small list of contraindications.

  • Taking into account the phototoxicity of oils, it is impossible tools to apply on open areas of the skin when exiting the street. It is prohibited to external use before visiting the beaches and solariums.
  • Sweet citrus oil when taking inside provokes a sense of hunger, so people sitting on diets do not fit.
  • Esters are a strong allergen and contraindicated those who are predisposed to negative reactions.

The concentration of the composition, which in small doses does not make damages. But an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences.

Sweet and bitter oranges are indispensable in many spheres of human life. Application for therapeutic purposes has already been described above. Now you should talk about more pleasant moments - cosmetology, diets, good mood. Found the use of this agent and in cooking. It is used for household needs.

To enhance mood - Aromatherapy

The saturation of orange oils by ether is often used in their practice psychotherapists, assigning Aromasaans to their patients. This is due to the positive impact of citrus smells on the emotional and mental state of people, contributing to raising the mood.

To get rid of insomperics and depressions, it is easy to cope with stressful situations, you should buy home an aromatic lamp and enjoy pleasant relaxation in the evenings. To do this, it is enough to add to the lamp not more than 1 drops of oil for each square meter of the room.

Aromatherapy can be combined with water procedures, adding 4 drops of etheric composition to water (on a full bath). The combination of orange aroma with a bath ferry enhances the effect of each component. This will help not only raise the mood, but also will increase its own self-esteem, giving the opportunity to perceive all the problems from the philosophical point of view.

In cosmetology

Antioxidant, regenerating, the vitaminizing properties of orange oils made them popular in cosmetology.

Essential oils are included in various hair care makeup, helping to fight with dandruff and loss of strands. After applying such funds, the curls become more elastic and acquired a healthy shine. Especially useful properties of oil dry hair.

For this, there are enough 1-2 drops of oil to add to any of the masks used in the care of strands. It is recommended to make massages of the root zone of the head 1-2 times a week using orange esters, as an addition to basic oils (jojoba, almond, refoilant, etc.).

For face (from acne)

Although the orange oils are recommended to use for fading, flabby and dry skin, but the versatility of the means should be noted. Therefore, you can safely apply it for all types. Entering the compositions of masks and scrubies, oil helps clean the skin, toning it and remove irritation. Flowing collagen deficiency and moisturizing the dermis, the tool helps to slow down the aging.

It is indispensable for young problem skin, helping to get rid of acne. The oil has knitting properties, so the tool quickly dryhes the acne rash. And so that it is not formed, the essential components contribute to the narrowing of the pores and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

For skin (for body)

Effectively affects the ethereal drug not only on the skin of the face - it can be used in care for the whole body. For a relaxing massage, a combination of orange oil with any basic is suitable. This will help make the body more tightened and relieve cellulite. Especially if you resort to an additional procedure - wrapping.

Baths with essential oils not only calm the psyche, but also help to care for the body. Strengthens the effect of emulsifiers - a quarter cup of kitchen or sea salt, or milk (serum). Especially well eliminates the fragrant bath poles of the body, acting through the pores on the metabolic processes.

Aromatherapy firmly entered folk recipes, which contributes to the availability of funds. It is desirable to withstand the proportional ratio of components, remembering the strong action of essential oils.

For weight loss

Taking into account the diuretic properties of orange esters, their ability to enhance the withdrawal of toxins and slags, as well as influence on metabolic processes, the drug began to enter into recipes for weight loss. It is enough to add to the morning and evening teas or juices 1 drop of oil to run the necessary processes in the body.

It should be borne in mind that for internal use it is better to use a bitter composition, since the sweet esters enhance appetite. But the latter can be used in massages and aromatic baths, also contributing to weight loss.

From cellulite (wrapping)

To get rid of cellulite, orange essential oil is added to the main components. It can be both basic vegetable oils and cosmetic clay. Taking 3 tbsp. Natural raw materials, bring clay with warm water to a creamy state. The composition is introduced 1 tbsp. Grape seed oils (or almonds) and 10 droplets of the essential agent.

Applying a smooth layer on problem areas of the body, wind by their food film and wrapped. Wrapping withstand 1.5 hours. This time can be devoted to reading, lying under a warm blanket. After the procedure takes a shower. The ethereal massage is recommended.


Inside, orange oils are accepted in medicinal purposes and to establish metabolic processes. Depending on the purpose pursued, the drugs are prescribed or 2 hours before meals, or 1 hour after meals. In its pure form, it is impossible to enter the essential oils into the body. In addition to the fact that they are added to teas and juices, you can use acidified water.

A good effect gives oil mixed with honey - for 1 tsp. Sweet product requires 3 drops of orange ether. This composition is either caught in tea or added to it.

In everyday life, aromatic properties of oils, not only refreshing the air of the room, but also disinfecting it. For this purpose, in addition to the aroma, it is possible to use water containers in which several drops of oil added. This agent is added to the preparations for the care of plumbing and tiles.

In the food industry, Pomeranets is used in the manufacture of marmalade, they are introduced into some varieties of chocolate, cookies, drinks like flavoring. In the home cooking, the essential oil of orange in the baking, cooking of home wines, desserts.

Some hostesses brought to make orange oil at home, using it, as an additive to porridge, casserole, pastries, as well as for medicinal purposes.

  • From the washed orange, they cut the skin and crushed it.
  • Crockers fill the glass jar and poured with vegetable oil.
  • Withstand 4 days in a dark place, the composition put on a water bath and evaporated with 0.5 hours under a loosely closed lid.
  • The resulting liquid is filtering, squeezing there.

The resulting oil is overflowing into the dark tank, bitten and stored away from the sun's rays.

Orange essential oils are available to each consumer - they are sold on any pharmacy without a prescription, at low prices. The cost may differ slightly depending on the manufacturer's firm and ranges from 34 to 52 rubles. for a bottle of 10 ml. Importing products are an order of magnitude more expensive. So, the German production "Blumeneberg" will cost about 240-260 rubles.

Orange Gorky (Pomeranets) - Evergreen tree of the Rutach family (Rutaceae) up to 10 meters with sharp spikes, smooth oval shiny leaves and small white, very fragrant flowers. The fetus is smaller than a sweet orange. Resistant to diseases, therefore is often used to flow to other citrus.

Comes from India and China. Currently adapted in the Mediterranean area. Also growing in the USA (California), Israel and South America. Oil is produced in Guinea, Spain, India, Italy, Brazil and the United States.

There is a very large number of varieties, depending on the place of growth. The most qualitative are oils from Spanish and Guinean oranges.

Bitter Orange Essential Oil Get a cold spin from fresh peel. Oil gets oil Petitgrlane, and out of flowers - oil neroli.

Essential oil It is a yellow or brown fluid with fresh, sweet, almost floral aroma. The components of the terrible orange essential oil are monoterpins (90%), alcohols, aldehydes and ketones.

Oranges and lemons strengthen the heart muscle, reduce the coagulation (reprimandability) of the blood, are useful for rapid heartbeat, bleeding, jaundice, heartburn, dyspepsia. In Chinese medicine, dry orange peels are used when wearing ulcers, diarrhea and bleeding. However, when using a large number of peel children, cases of poisoning were noted.

Bitter Orange Essential Oil It has antiseptic, antimicrobial, antimorrotic, antislerotic, choleretic, antitoxic, deodorizing, healing, painkillers, antidepressive, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, exciting, wind turntable, expectorant, sweeter, stimulating, tonic.

Using oil of bitter orangesimilar to the use of orange oil sweet. In addition, it is used in laxatives, windy and gastric drugs. Finds widespread use in food IndustryAs well as in the production of alcoholic (liqueurs) and non-alcoholic beverages. It is obtained from a natural lemon.

In the cosmetic industry It is used in the production of hygienic creams, lotions, deodorants and supplements for baths. In perfumery The exquisite smell of orange serves as the basis for spirits and colognes, is part of the "sensual" mixtures.

Beneficially affects the skin, mucous membrane of the oral cavity and digestive processes. In cosmetics orange butter Gorky Used to regenerate dry and normal skin.

Its fragrance is a good remedy against depression, stimulates the body, refreshes perception, helps to get rid of hopelessness and indifference, creates a romantic mood, helps to feel the taste of life.

The orange essential oil has a sweet and fruit smell with light summer notes than and its exceptionally positive impact on the general psychological state of a person, its emotional attitude. But this is not the only plus of this oil, it is actively used in skin care, hair, for the treatment of cellulite, and, therefore, it struggles with overweight. Orange oil is considered the most affordable among all representatives of the Aromamacetel group.

Orange essential oil is represented as a yellow-orange composition with a pleasant aroma of citrus. It is produced from fresh orange zest by applying hydrodistillation techniques. A fairly simple way to obtain makes this product inexpensive and one of the most accessible among other essential representatives.

Many countries orange oil are made with orange juice, but its quality does not matter any comparison. The most recognized quality is an orange essential oil allocated from Spanish and Guinean oranges. But not only the sister of orange goes into the case, the leaves of the orange tree are used to obtain other useful petitgrin oil, and the flowers for producing neuro oil. So that the orange oil is not oxidized, it includes antioxidants. It is important to note that this product is obtained from the bitter and sweet varieties of orange, and the final product is different in the composition, and on the aroma. A more refined and thin fragrance is inherent in oil from a bitter orange or orange.

Essential orange oil can be combined with any essential representative, as well as add to vegetable and cosmetic oils. Perfectly complement the aroma of orange oil conifer and citrus oils, as well as juniper oil, jasmine, roses, geraniums, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, incense, chamomile, oregano, coriander, sage, and carnations, and lavender oil is the perfect component that will emphasize the soothing effect Oil oil.

Properties and therapeutic effect of orange essential oil.
Due to the soothing, high anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic, immunostimulating and relaxing properties, orange oil has a wide range of applications, including in the field of cosmetology, aromatherapy and traditional medicine.

Orange oil is an excellent painful and spasmodic, removes neuralgia, head, muscular and articular pains, as well as pain during menstruation.

It is also an excellent immunomodulator, contributes to the restoration of the body after the disease, thanks to the antiseptic properties, the oil helps well in the treatment of stomatitis, colds, the upper respiratory tract infections. In the case of hypovitaminosis and excessive physical exertion, the overvoltage of the eye muscles is perfectly removed, improving visual sharpness. It is effective and with inflammation and bleeding of dereme, periodontal disease.

It should be noted the positive effect of orange oil on the digestive system, in particular restores the operation of the stomach, improving the peristaltics, stimulates the removal of slags, reduces the rotten processes in the stomach, lowers the absorbability of harmful substances, improves appetite.

It is also known for its choleretic and diuretic effect, effectively as the prevention of stones in the bustling bubble. It also effectively facilitates states during constipation and poisoning.

Orange essential oil is able to normalize fat and carbohydrates in the body, struggling with superfluous kilograms, obesity, cellulite, reduces swelling, lowers cholesterol levels, slowing down the development of atherosclerosis.

Orange oil for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and vessels is widely used, stimulates blood circulation, it is capable of purifying blood, normalizes blood pressure.

A bitter orange oil is known for its soothing effect, which is positively affected on the central nervous system, well helps with insomnia, soft and warm fragrance relieves nervous overvoltage, fatigue, eliminates internal discomfort, effectively in stress and diseases caused by them.

Due to the tonic effect, oil helps improve performance, concentration of attention and concentration.

Use of orange essential oil for leather and hair.
Orange essential oil is actively used to care for face, it is known for its protective and restoring ability. It is important to notice that it is useful for any skin. Orange oil Returns her healthy look and color, thanks to the clarifying action, it perfectly copes with pigment stains and freckles, controls the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, normalizing the fatty skin, perfectly cleans it, helps to narrow the pores, stimulates the synthesis cells of collagen fibers, due to which the tone is preserved, The elasticity and elasticity of the skin are slowed down the aging processes of cells. Due to the relaxing effect on the face muscles, the oil helps to smooth wrinkles, equalizing the relief, in addition, it has the ability to remove toxins from skin cells through the pores. Also in his arsenal, beautiful softening and moisturizing properties, which makes it ideal for the care of dry, dery, fading and rough skin with signs of peeling and damage. It perfectly retains the level of the necessary humidification of the skin, and due to the high regenerating action, it helps to update cells and growth of new ones.

Essential orange oil is an excellent means for treating problem skin, struggling with different inflammations of purulent, dermatoses, and is also an excellent prophylactic method for the formation of acne and acne, black dots or comedones, which are so often bothering this type of skin. In addition, bitter orange essential oil helps strengthen the lymphotock and blood flow, relieves swelling or significantly reduces them. It is important to note its ability to fight stains and scars that remain after acne.

In the field of cosmetic industrial, it is added to various facial skin care products (emulsions, lotions, creams, masks, etc.), dry hair care and healing shampoos against dandruff, as well as anti-cellulite means. It is also frequent components in the composition of spirits, cologne, deodorants, perfumes for baths.

Methods for using orange essential oil.
In order to rinse the oral cavity, for example, with an angina, it is necessary to dissolve the drop of orange oil in a glass of warm water. As therapeutic applications for inflamed gums, oil combines with any vegetable oil in an equal proportion or lubricate them three times a day with a mixture of five drops of orange oil and a teaspoon of black cumin oil (you can hormour).

Hot inhalations with orange essential oil are effective in the treatment of sharp viral infections (on a glass of water three drops of ether pre-dissolved in the emulsifier, to breathe five to seven minutes), cold inhalations are useful to increase cheerfulness. But dry inhalations are most preferable (in particular with acute threshing). On the fabric drop three drops of orange oil and inhale closed eyes.

For removal of concern, improving sleep in children (including newborns) it is recommended to use orange oil in the aroma lamp (for every 5 m2 of the room to use a drop of oil). The duration of the procedure is twenty-thirty minutes.

For soothing baths for children, add a drop of orange oil, preliminary divorced in milk (three tablespoons), in a filled bath.

Oil can be enriching various cosmetics (creams, emulsions, masks, shampoos, etc.). Ten grams of money five drops of oil.

It is very useful to use a bitter orange essential oil in a sauna or bath, drunk on hot stones aqueous solution (on half liter of water four drops of ether). After watering with stones with such a solution, you can not be in the bath no longer than five minutes.

To facilitate the condition and removal of pain during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it is recommended to make a light massage of the lower back and the lower zone of the belly with a mixture of 50 ml of grape seed oil (you can any other vegetable) and orange and lavender oils (four drops taken) with the addition of six drops of juniper oil .

Very effectively essential oil of orange use for rubbing in the case of diseases of internal organs. On half of the teaspoon of any plant base (base) take two drops of oil. The mixture must be actively rubbed into the skin over the patient. Very good, such rubbing helps with articular pains, but for the treatment of joint diseases for half a teaspoon, it is necessary to take seven drops of orange essential oil.

For the same purpose, the compresses can be used: half a glass of water take five drops of orange oil. Moisten a cotton fabric in the resulting liquid and impose it on the surface of the body over the patient. Fix with a dry bandage. Such a compress must be withstanding half an hour, in the future the exposure time of the compress can be gradually increased to two hours.

For internal use, orange oil (one or two drops) can be added to a glass of tea or juice, but no more often two times a day. Internal use contributes to the purification of blood, the normalization of intestinal peristals, increases appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, lowers blood pressure, copes with insomnia, having an antispasmodic and light sedative effect.

Recipes for anti-cellulite, healing baths and massages.
To combat obesity, with cellulite, massage and rubbing with a mixture of half a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (olive, germ, almond, etc.) and ten drops of orange oil are recommended. The procedure for all other effectively increases the elasticity of the skin, and also restores its elasticity. It is advisable to do the procedure after taking a shower or bath, that is, on a sparkling body, until the mixture is completely absorbed.

Against cellulite is effective and such a recipe for massage mixture: three tablespoons of liquid honey mix with three drops of lemon and juniper oils, add three drops of orange and lavender oils. Blend rub into problem areas. The amount of the mixture is calculated for one application.

The baths with orange oil are also effective with muscle inflammation, diseases of the nervous system, osteochondrosis, problems with breathing and circulatory impairment: on two tablespoons of milk take four drops of oil and pour into a filled bath. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes, spend a day. The course of treatment includes fifteen procedures. For the same purpose, it is possible to use a mixture of oils: a drop of orange mix with three drops of the sandalwood and the same amount of Levzeye oil; Two fenhel oil drops to join with three drops of orange and four rosemary drops. Blend joint with milk or dairy serum and pour into a filled bath.

Well essential orange oil to introduce into compositions intended for anti-cellulite wraps: a teaspoon of jojoba oil or olive joint with orange oil, juniper and lavender, taken three drops; Two tablespoons of liquid honey combine with five drops of orange essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin previously purified by homemade scrub, paying particular attention to problem areas, wrap these zones with a film, and to warm up from above (you can wear something warm or hiding the blanket). For an hour, it is necessary to lie safely, after which the residues of the mixture are washed with warm water. To achieve maximum result, the procedure must be carried out every other day for two weeks.

Recipes for face masks with orange oil.
To prepare the skin of the face for further care, facilitate the absorption of beneficial substances and in order to enhance the capillary blood flow in the skin effectively conduct a steam bath with orange oil. A couple of drops on the floor-liter of water, for tired skin on the same volume of warm water to take a drop of oil sandals, lessels and orange and add two drops of chamomile.

Masks for the skin of the face with essential oil of bitter orange return the skin smoothness and elasticity, while maintaining beauty, youth and attractiveness. Let me remind you that any mask for the face and any leaving procedures must be done on a pre-purified face.

For example, such a refreshing recipe for tired skin: wipe through a small grater to be sulfilled from the peel to half the cucumber, take two teaspoons of the resulting pulp and mix with a teaspoon sour cream and the same amount of essential orange oil. Mask to withstand fifteen minutes, after which it was washed with warm water and lubricate with moisturizing cream.

Estropy strawberries in Cashitz, you will need two large berries. Then add a teaspoon of oily cream and four drops of orange oil to Cashitz. The composition apply on the face, you can be a little touched by eyelids, and wash off in twenty minutes.

For very dry and fading skin effectively apply a mask from a mixture of essential oils: on 10 ml of almond oil or avocado take two drops of chamomile oil and one droplet of orange, sandalwood and rosewood oil. The composition is made by a cotton disk on the skin of the face, to hold thirty minutes, after which the residues are removed with a cotton disk, moistened in boiled water room temperature.

Also for dry skin it is useful to do such a mask: beat the egg yolk with an orange oil drop and three drops of neroli. The composition is applied to the face and wait until complete drying. Then wash the mask with warm water, and the skin moisturize with the cream.

Improve the condition of dry firewood, soften it will help the mask based on therapeutic mud: four tablespoons of dirt (can be purchased in pharmacies) mix with a small amount of infusion of daisy flowers (prepare according to the recipe on the package) before the formation of thick cassea. Then add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil to this composition, a drop of orange oil and three drops of tubers. The composition is applied to the face and leave until he dry. After that wash, and on the face to apply a nutrient cream.

Here is a recipe for problem skin: a tablespoon of blue clay mix with two tablespoons of grapefruit juice or any other citrus, add a whipped egg whites and three drops of a bitter orange oil. It is thoroughly stirred to stir and impose on the skin, though ten minutes wash the mask, and smear the skin with a nutritional effect.

But another very good recipe for dry, sluggish and fading skin. To combine 10 ml of forest walnut oils, jojoba and avocado, add three drops of orange and rosewood orange and oil, or one drop of jasmine oils, vanilla and geranium on one drop. Mask impose on the face and withstand half an hour. Wash off warm boiled water.

For everyday fatty skin care is good to use lotion: mix 10 ml of medical alcohol with three drops of chamomile oil, as the same amount of orange and geranium oil. All mix and dilute half a glass of water. Again, mix well and pour into a vessel from dark glass. Store lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe the face of the face twice a day.

Orange oil can be added to ready-made cosmetics. On the portion of the cream, the composition of which there should be no orange oil, add a drop of this oil and two droplets of an empty oil and sandalwood.

Mask for hands.
For the prevention and elimination of dryness and peeling of the skin of the hands effectively make such a mask: in one tablespoon of sour cream of high fattiness to enter the oils of Mirra, Gerani and orange, taken four drops.

Recipes with orange hair oil.
This oil is perfect for normal and dry hair, eliminates dandruff. It is useful to add to the shampoo, and also make a mask with him. Masks mostly make clean hair. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, flush with warm water with shampoo.

On 20 ml of jojoba oil take two drops of orange oil and four drops of eucalyptus. All mix and distribute on clean hair, paying attention to roots and dry tips. Mask to withstand half an hour and rinse in the usual way using shampoo.

From dandruff: take on two teaspoons of the ray oil (almond, jojoba) for two droplets of eucalyptus oils, patchouli and orange.

An egg yolk is broken with a tablespoon of honey in a liquid form, add half the teaspoon of olive oil, after which it in the mixture of three drops of cedar oils, eucalyptus and orange.

In order to stimulate hair growth, mix teaspoon of grape seed oil with lemon oils and oranges taken in two drops. The composition is lying in the roots of the hair several times a week.

For thinned hair and excessively dry skin of the head: three tablespoons of olive oils to join with three drops of oil ylang-ylang and two drops of orange oil.

To strengthen hair and reduce the loss will help such a mask recipe: connect a couple of orange oil drops with four drops of chamomile oil and one drop of pine oil. I rub the mixture three or four times a week in the roots of the hair.

To enrich the shampoo, add seven drops per 10 ml of the means.

Contraindications for the use of orange essential oil.
Orange essential oil is categorically projected to use before entering the open sun due to its phototoxicity, that is, it can cause a burn due to the accumulation of sunlight. Long use by the owners of sensitive orange oil leather in large doses can provoke irritation and increase its photosensitivity.

With internal use, it increases appetite. In addition, when allergic is allergic, it should be refrained from its use.

The orange essential oil should be kept in a tightly closed vessel, be sure to be made of dark glass at room temperature, outside the availability of sunlight.

Orange oil is obtained by distillation or cold spin from the peel of two types of oranges - this is a Chinese sweet and bitter orange, or a beans. Bitter orange has a thinner aroma, in connection with which it was widely used in perfumery. Bitter orange is a supplier for even two types of ether - non-orange colors get neroli, and from his leaves - Petitgrin.

Neroli - color of bitter orange, one of the most valuable and expensive oils. The high cost is related to the method of production - to obtain 1 kg. Oils need to recycle 850 kg. Fresh, hand-collected colors. Color collectors work according to special rules - collect flowers in dense fabric, early in the morning, in a warm and sunny day.

Sweet orange oil is most common, but in general, the bitter orange is similar to it by properties.

Essential oil is produced in the USA, Morocco, Brazil and Mediterranean. It has a pleasant citrus fragrance and yellow-orange color. Despite the fact that due to the simplicity and low cost of production, it is extremely rare, it will not hurt to know which properties make it possible to recognize a quality product:

  • the real ether must be packed in a dark glass bubble;
  • if you get on a napkin or sheet of paper, the oil is evaporated, without leaving fat traces.

Some firms from the United States and Brazil combine the production of ether and orange juice - the flow of pulp in raw materials for essential oil does not most effect on his quality.

How to prepare orange oil yourself:

The composition of the essential oil of orange includes:

  • D-Limonen (90%) - natural flavoring, powerful antioxidant, disinfectant and leather skin;
  • phytoncides - thanks to them, has excellent antiseptic properties;
  • vitamin A - activates metabolic processes, rejuvenates the skin cells, promotes the smoothing of wrinkles, improves the condition of the nails and hair;
  • vitamin C - strengthens immunity;
  • vitamins of group B are improving the memory, the metabolism is activated, they are responsible for the production of serotonin, which provides a good mood, appetite and strong sleep.

Pros and cons


  • extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication (medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy and even cooking)
  • availability and low price in comparison with other essential oils, which is explained by the low production cost;
  • suitable for all skin types;
  • pleasant, no one irritating the smell.


  • it is not recommended for use in individual intolerance or allergies on citrus;
  • as in the case of other ethers, it is important to accurately comply with the dosage, otherwise you can get a burn;
  • when used inside, be prepared for an increase in appetite.

Basic properties:

  • moisturizes, tones and cleans;
  • stimulates the current of lymphs, reduces tumors and swelling;
  • eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
  • improves the condition and nails, promotes the growth of new cells and prevents the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • struggling with bleeding and inflammation of the gums, stomatitis;
  • enhances immunity;
  • removes fatigue, improves mood, helps to relax.

Orange properties:

Application in cosmetology

From acne.

Like all citrus oils, orange - an excellent fighter with skin inflammation, black dots and advanced pores, acne, as well as scars and stains remaining after them.

Do not use the oil pure form - dilute it with basic (jojoba oil, grape bones, wheat germs, etc.). With severe skin lesions, it is possible to point clean oil to inflamed acne with a cotton wand, avoiding entering the skin so as not to get a burn.

Recipe number 1. At 20-30 gr. Bases dissolve 5-7 drops of orange. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and apply on the skin several times a day. To strengthen the properties of orange oil, you can mix it with any of the following: lavender, rosemary, lemon, mint, bergamot, cloves or eucalyptus, but not exceeding a total concentration of 7 drops, otherwise you risk getting a burn. Knowing the main characteristics of the ethers, you can give a mixture new properties - so, mixing orange, rose and ylang-ylang, you will get a means about wrinkles.

Recipe number 2. Antiseptic mask with white clay. Mix lemon juice with white clay and 3-5 cap. Orange oil, apply a mixture on a face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Experimenting with clay of different types, you can create masks for different skin types: a yellow clay mask is suitable for oily skin, with green clay - for problem skin, with red clay - for dry and sensitive skin, with pink clay - for mature and fading Skin and wrinkle.

From dry skin. Orange oil for face - just a find! Its properties are such that with regular use, dry skin is softened, the complexion is improved, and the growth of wrinkles is stopped by stimulating collagen.

Recipe number 1. Oil mask. To a mixture of jojoba, nut and avocado (10 ml.) Add orange, rose and geranium (2 drops). Apply on the face, leave for 30 minutes, wash warm water.

Recipe number 2. Banana mask. To make a mask, break the flesh of the middle banana, add 5 drops of orange ether into it and immediately apply on the face. Such a mask is good for mature skin - it contributes to the smoothing of small wrinkles.

From hair loss.
The use of orange oil for hair in any case will have a positive effect on their condition - the dandruff will disappear, the hair will exhibit a gentle citrus fragrance, and with the problem of falling out, orange hair oil can be a real rescue.

Recipe number 1. "Orange combing." The essential oil of orange for hair can be used the simplest way. Apply it on a comb (preferably, a comb with rare and long teeth) and extend the hair as usual, I do not miss any strands.

Recipe number 2. Orange oil for hair with rapid oil. Mix 3 tbsp. with esters of pine, orange, and chamomile (2 drops). Apply on your hair, leave for 30-40 minutes. (not longer, so as not to get a burn), then rinse the head with ordinary shampoo. Make a mask once a week for two months.

From stretch marks. Thanks to its properties, deep into the skin, remove the swelling and contribute to the development of new cells, orange ether if it does not eliminate the stretching completely, it will definitely allow them to make them practically imperceptible and prevent the emergence of new stretch marks - it is only necessary to show patience and perseverance.

Recipe number 1. Massage mixture from stretch marks. To 100 ml. Jojoba oil add 10 drops of orange, rosemary, lemon and jasmine, as well as 20 drops of lavender. Mix the mixture, place in the closed container and send to the dark place for a day. Make a massage with this mixture of stretch marks several times a week for 3 months. This mixture can be used for wrapping.

Recipe number 2. Orange scrub from stretch marks. 100 g. Coffee fine grinding with boiling water to the condition of thick cashee, let it be broken for 15 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. Olive oil and 8 drops of orange and mix. Slip the scrub from stretch marks into the skin several times a week for 10 minutes. The contrasting souls during the washed of the scrub will strengthen the effect against stretch marks.

From cellulite. Cellulite oil is a proven recipe that has received excellent reviews as a result of use at home, but do not forget that the struggle must be conducted on all fronts, so the proper nutrition and physical exertion are required!

Cellulite oil use:

Recipe number 1.
Anti-cellulite wrapping. Mix 2 tbsp. Honey and 5 drops of orange oil, apply on the skin and massage 5 minutes, then blame the food film, and from above - warm plaid and lie 20 minutes. Do not exceed the set of wrapping time, otherwise you risk getting a burn!

Recipe number 2. Anti-cellulite bath. Mix 5 drops of orange oil with a handful of sea salt and dissolve the mixture in the bathroom with warm water. Do not heated the water above 40% - in hot water, essential oils lose their properties. The bath is accepted for 15-20 minutes. After some time, the "tingling" will begin in problem areas - it means that the mixture began to act.

For a better effect, alternate anti-cellulite baths and wraps so as not to get a burn.

Do not add orange ether into purchased cosmetics - the interaction of natural and chemical components can adversely affect your skin!

For nails. Orange nail oil can be used in different ways - baths, compresses, rubbing. They strengthen the nail platinum, prevent the stratification of the nails, whiten, eliminate the lone of nails, remove.

Recipe number 1. Baths to strengthen nails. Mix 2-3 drops of orange with a teaspoon of a base or emulsifier (honey, salt, milk), spread warm water to lower your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe number 2. The easiest way to strengthen nails is rubbing a mixture of the base and 2-3 drops of an orange in a nail plate and the skin near the nails until it absorbs.

Emotional effect

  • powerful antidepressant;
  • aphrodisiac, has to communicate and enhances charm;
  • balancing emotions;
  • improves performance;

You can experience the impact of a fragrant orange on the mental state both specially breathing air in the flavored room and during all cosmetic and therapeutic procedures at home with its use.


Properties of compatibility (complementarity) with other ether you can use when drafting mixtures for aroma lamps and aromatic baths.

Ether both sweet and bitter orange combines well with cypressra, jasmine, cinnamon, coriander, incense, lavender, nutmeg, geranium, rosewood, roses, as well as relatives - Naroli and Petitgrina.


Application for aroma: 3-5 drops.

  • Bath Application: 5 drops on 2 tbsp. emulsifier (sea salt, milk, honey);
  • Application for massage: 5-7 drops for 20-30 grams. vehicle (in recipes with basic oil, clay, etc.);
  • Application in the sauna and bath: 5-7 drops apply on the doors and walls;
  • Application for inhalation: 1-3 drops per 1 liter. water (with angina, bronchitis and viral diseases)
  • Rinse application: 1 drop on a glass of water (for the prevention of periodontal and stomatitis)
  • Application for cooking: 3 drops on a glass of juice (to improve digestion, stimulation of metabolism)
  • Application for cooking cream for cakes: 4 drops per 1 kg. cream (natural flavoring)
The antiseptic properties of the orange can be used in another way - add a few drops into the water to wash the floors. We guarantee that the delicious solar fragrance and the joy of "natural" cleaning will soon be out of your home all chemicals.


1. Before use, you need to make a test for individual intolerance - Mix 1 drop of orange oil with a half teaspoon base and apply to the elbow fold. If after 12 hours on the skin it will not arise - you can safely use. If you pour - you can get a burn.

2. Contraindications for using orange ether are pregnancy, epilepsy, hypotension, photosensitivity.

3. Do not apply to the skin before entering the sun, otherwise you risk getting a burn.

Orange essential oil at home.

Orange oil with all properties of the purchase is not at all difficult at home - for this you need a peel of several oranges and any vegetable oil.

1. Rinse orange crusts with boiling water.

2. Finely cut and frighten your crusts well.

3. Fallulate them in the jar and quarrels once again so that the fluid is separated.

4. Pour vegetable oil so that it is completely covered with a crust.

5. Leave for 3 days in a dark place (if you used dry crusts, extend the period to 1-2 weeks)

6. Put into the pan and warm on a water bath for 30 minutes.

7. Strain through the gauze and learn crusts - vitamins remained in them.

8. Ready! Boil the bottles and deposit into a dark place.