Tactical preparation Theme 1 occupation. Methods of conducting tactical training


1 Questions for Tactical Preparation Exams 1. Structure of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Types and kind of troops. 2. Surprise, strength and means of modern combustive combat. 3.Characteric features of a modern combination. 4. Combat and mobilization readiness of units and parts. 5. Preparation of combat readiness and procedure for their introduction. 6. Organization and armament of SMEs (on BMP) Sun RK. 7. Organization and armament of MCR (BMP) SMEs. 8. Organization and armament of MCV (on state) MSR. 9. Organization of the Motorway Battalion of the Army of Foreign States (USA and Germany) 10. Sea of \u200b\u200bthe soldier in battle. Fire position in defense, its choice and equipment. Actions of a soldier in a defensive battle. 11. Actions of a soldier in the offensive. Takes and ways of movement on the battlefield. 12. Actions of a soldier as a sentiment (when examining the locality, when meeting with small enemy groups. 13. Comprehensive battle. Types of combat provision. 14. Motor suitable company of the armies of foreign states in the offensive (combat missions and the width of the front of the offensive). 15.Motope Rota armies of foreign states in defense (place of the MPR in combat order of the battalion and its tasks, the size of the combat order). 16. The procedure for the work of the MSV commander after receiving a combat mission Solutions by the MSV commander. 20 combat order of the MSV commander. 21. Organization of interaction. 22. Place of motorized rifle platoon in defense. Reinforcement tools and combat capabilities. 23.Baby task and military order in defense. 24. Power platoon and its elements. 25 A platform fire system in defense. 26. Engineering equipment of the platform reference point. 27. Actions of the MSV commander when an opponent occurs. 28. Place MCV in the offensive. B Ore task and combat order. 29. Wides of the offensive and their characteristics. 30. The procedure and content of the work of the MSV commander on the organization of the offensive. 31. Plan management during the offensive. 32. March, its goal, types and conditions of the commission. 33.Greated order of ISS, marching indicators. 34. MSV in GPZ (the task of the GPZ, strengthening and removal from the main forces) 35. The work of the work of the MSV commander assigned to the GPZ. 36. Possession of MCV when locating in place. Location BMP and placement of the personal composition of the platoon. Direct security. Practical questions 1. Branch fire card. 2. Scheme of the support point of the platoon. 3. Fire system in defense. 4. The layout of the platoon on the spot. 5.Shem MSV in the GPZ enhanced tank platoon. 6. Scheme of MCV in the offensive. 7. Scheme of the onset of the motorized rifle department 8. Conditional tactical signs (5 searches for the choice of the teacher)

2 1 Question 1. Answers to exam questions on tactical preparation Question 2 Mass Equipment of troops with automatic weapons, artillery, tanks and aviation led to the fact that success on the battlefield began to be achieved by the agreed efforts of units, parts and compounds of all types of troops participating in it . The battle became general official, the spatial scope of it even more increased. The battle can be generally known, air, controversial and sea. The modern fight of the ground forces is generally known, as units, parts and compounds of all kinds of troops, special troops of the land forces, as well as parts, air force divisions, air defense troops, and on the seaside directions and the Navy are participating. Under the essence of the modern combination of modern combat, it is necessary to understand its meaning, then the main thing that distinguishes it from other phenomena and the processes of armed struggle, and above all of the fights that were conducted in past wars. In the essence of the fight, its internal content, expressed in the unity of all terms, components, elements, is laid. The main content of the general combat is: - nuclear strikes, if the fighting is carried out with the use of nuclear weapons; - the fire of ordinary means of defeat; - strikes and maneuver of troops; - An integral part of the battle in modern conditions becomes radio electronic suppression of the enemy, its troops and weapons management systems.

3 Question 3 Modern fight is characterized by: - \u200b\u200bdetermination; - high maneuverability; - intensity; - chart; - rapid and sharp changes in the situation; - and a variety of methods used; - the deployment of hostilities on Earth and in the air on a wide front, for greater depth and leading them in high rates. The determination of hostilities is predetermined by the determination of political goals, the acute class character of the future war, the use of powerful modern means of combat, creating all the necessary prerequisites for conducting such actions, the high moral and combat qualities of the personnel of the armed forces and the advanced character of our military science. Decisitancy is manifested in order to fight and how to achieve them, in selfless actions of troops, their adamant desire to fully fulfill the combat task in all types of battle and in any environment, acting initiatively, with ultimate perseverance and perseverance. It is important to raise an officer composition in the spirit of decisiveness, courage, perseverance, the skill is irrevocably and without oscillations to bring to the end of the decision to break the enemy, ready to take responsibility for the initiative, to use all the possibilities for performing a combat mission. Indecision and passivity in battle lead to defeat. Further qualitative development of weapons and military equipment will further increase the determination of combat and the requirements for the preparation of the personnel of units, parts and compounds. High maneuverability of a modern battle is the result of the use of powerful means of lesion, a sharp increase in the mobility of combustrial units, parts and compounds due to their full motorization and equipping high-alignment combat equipment, as well as the absence of a solid front in defense and offensive. Modern means of defeat allow the enemy to strike heavy losses, and the high mobility of the troops makes it possible to quickly use the results of nuclear and firing blows, with the go to attack the enemy and rapidly move deep into depth, in a short time to carry out maneuver with various purposes. In the past, maneuver, the troops were usually limited to their movement in order to take a favorable position in relation to the enemy for strikes. Currently, the maneuver is used, in addition, for the troops of the results of nuclear and fire strikes, the rapid transfer of effort into depth or to a new direction, overcoming the zones of radioactive infection, the areas of eavalov, floodings and fires, the withdrawal of troops from under nuclear strikes of the enemy, Replacing parts and units that have suffered large losses and lost combat capability. The tensions of hostilities are a consequence of the desire and possibilities of probable opponents to conduct active fighting with decisive objectives. Under these conditions, the achievement of victory in battle will require from our troops of high combat sweating and moral and psychological training, skillful actions and maximum voltage

4 physical and spiritual forces. The fighting of the battle is determined by the power of modern means of defeat, their speed, the ability in a short time to apply a decisive defeat by the enemy, with the go to rapidly attack and complete his defeat after nuclear and fire strikes, in the high rapid pace to develop success in depth. Under the conditions of a stepship fighting, more than ever, the question of the fight for the time gain in time, the ability of officers to quickly assess the situation and set tasks based on high tactical training and solid management skills. Quick and sharp changes in the situation are a new characteristic feature of a modern combustive combat. The speed of changes in the situation is determined by a short time, during which significant changes in the position, state and nature of the actions of the troops occur. It depends on the ability of modern weapons in the minimum time to suppress or destroy certain enemy objects, as well as from the speed of movement of troops. The sharpness of the change in the situation is expressed in a fundamental qualitative change in the grouping of their troops and the enemy, the balance of forces and means, radiation and chemical situation, in the rapid approach of the reserve, the release of the landing, in the application of powerful sudden strikes by combat helicopters and, as a result, in a sharp change of action methods , in the transition from one type of battle to another. In the past, in the presence of continuous fronts and the elbow bond between units, the battle developed evenly from one turn to another, especially in the breakthrough of the opponent's defense. To change the relation in forces and tools required considerable time. In modern battle, the use of both parties of powerful defeat, high mobility of troops, their big fire and shock force lead to a root change in the situation not only by the hour, but also in minutes, and in the use of nuclear weapons even in seconds. An increase in the impact speed and power of the lesion, especially neutron and laser weapons, as well as the mobility of the troops will increase in the future the value of this feature of the battle. This causes the need to prepare troops to perform any combat missions in the conditions of extremely fast and sharp changes in the situation, and commanders to the ability to quickly and competently respond to its changes, showing determination, initiative, creativity and independence. The variety of methods used by the fighting of the battlefield due to high dynamism and charting, the diversity of the conditions of the situation, its rapid and sharp changes, the possibility of transition from one means of defeat to another, rapid change of types of hostilities, as well as a sharp increase in the combat capacity of troops, a large variety of means of struggle existing in their composition, and tasks solved during the battle. The absence or limited impact of said factors in the wars of the past determined the theoretical development of only several ways to conduct a battle. In one or another battle of the division, parts and compounds elected, as a rule, one of the methods that rarely changed during the task is fulfilled. Deploying hostilities on Earth and in the air, on a wide front, for greater depth and maintaining them in high rates are due to a sharp increase in the combat capacity of troops and the range of means of defeat. This led to a significant expansion of the spatial borders of the battle and the growth of its pace. So, for example, before entering the motorized rifle of new samples of small arms and combat infantry (armored personnel carriers), and for a tank platoon of new tank samples, he could step up to 200 m and defend the reference point

5 on the front up to 300 m and in a depth of 200 m. With the equipment of the platoon with new weapons and technique, its ability has increased dramatically. According to modern views, the platoon is able to successfully advise on the defendant enemy at the front up to 300 m and defend the reference point to 400 m on the front and up to 300 m deep into the depth. In the future, with an increase in the range of artillery firing and the development of aviation, the spatial borders of the battle in depth will continue to increase. At the same time, the similar development of means of conducting the battle of our probable opponents and the growth of the fighting capabilities of their troops will not significantly increase the width of the front of the onset and defense of our units, parts and compounds. Question 4 Mobilization readiness - a complex of national events related to the transfer of state bodies, organizations, armed forces, other troops and military formations, the population, territory and economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Military Region (general mobilization) or any part of them (partial mobilization ); Combat readiness is a state that determines the degree of preparedness of troops to the fulfillment of combat missions assigned to them. One of the main indicators of the level of combat and mobilization readiness is the ability to bring units, parts and compounds to readiness to conduct combat operations on time. Moreover, combat readiness is estimated not only by the time of the exit of the part over the alarm, but also in the ability to arrive at a timely manner in the specified areas, retaining, regardless of their removal of high combat readiness. Question 5. The Ministry of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan established 4 degrees of combat readiness: - the combat readiness "permanent"; - combat readiness "Increased"; - combat readiness "Military Danger"; - Combat readiness "full". Permanent combat readiness is the daily condition of the compounds and parts contained in the states and tablels of peacetime and the security of all types of military reserves capable of moving into high readiness, to the "military hazard" or full combat readiness an increased combat readiness is an intermediate state between The constant combat readiness and state of "military hazard", introduced to conduct a number of measures aimed at reducing the timing of bringing compounds and parts to the readiness to fulfill the tasks supplied by them. The combat readiness "Military Danger" is a state in which the compound, parts derived from the concentration of the compound, and the divisions are presented to the tasks, in accordance with their destination. Bringing compounds, parts and units into combat readiness of "military hazard" is carried out by combat alarm. The combat readiness "complete" is the state of the highest readiness of the compounds and parts derived in the designated areas that have fulfilled the entire set of measures to transfer peaceful to martial law, including full compatibility and direct preparation for combat actions that ensure organized entry into battle and successful implementation.

6 task. Bringing troops in combat readiness "Full" is carried out by combat alarm. Question 6 Organizative motorized rifle battalion on BMP consists of: - combat units: 3 motorized rifle companies, mortar battery, grenaderate platoon and anti-aircraft missile platoon. - combat units: platoon; - subdivisions of the rear and technical support: the platoon of battalion and the medical station of the battalion.

9 Personal composition BMP "MARDER" BRM LUKS KSHM M577A1 BTR TPZ-1 "FUKS" BTR M113A1 120-mm CM SPU "Jaguar" Milan FIGR "Milan" RPG "PARCHARFAUST" 7,62 mm Machine guns Bram "Standard" Motorcycles cars Radio Station Personal Composition BMP M2 "BREDLI" SPU PTU "TOU" PU PTU "Dragon" Total 120-mm cm 12.7-mm machine guns 5,56-mm RP M249 7,62 mm M113A1 machine guns M577A1 KSHM M577A1 Radio Station Cars Question 9 Motorway battalion (MPB) is designed to solve the following main tasks: Entry into direct contact with the enemy and the destruction of its living strength, fire and other means by combining fire and maneuver; capture and retention of important areas of the terrain; Actions as a tactical air assault. The organizational motorway battalion includes: - battalion commander, - headquarters, - six mouth: pile, four motor suitable and anti-tank. Personal composition, weapons and military equipment Motor-moving battalion PT means of the department headquarters and pile company Four MPR, in each anti-tank company in C EG ON LUND FORWARE FORFORE FRG Bundeswehr battalion (motor suitable, tank) Bundeswehrous forces is the main combat unit And designed to conduct an offensive, defense, deterrent and other types of hostilities. The motor support battalion consists of a command, a headquarters with a department of control and seven mouth (staff and supply, four motor vehicles, mortar resistant and spare). Personal composition, weapons and military equipment of the Motorway battalion Rota Division Staff and supplying four MPRs, each

10 MINOMETNOVOUSTING NOTE ROTE ROTIC ROTE IN C E G Q QUESTION 10 Each soldier in battle when moving to defense or when fixing the reached line, should choose a place for the trench, so that it ensures defense, observation and disguise, the shelter from the enemy's fire, It should be convenient when running fire. If the specified place does not fully cover the soldier, it is necessary to equip and disguise it using shovel or local materials. On the firing position, the soldiers must first of all: - to clear the area to improve the observation and maintenance of fire, is a single (paired) trench; Then: - Single (paired) trench is connected to other trenches in the turn to the compartment, which is communicated to a complete profile, and with unstable soil, in addition, the clotted clothing is enhanced. Having found the enemy's transition to the attack, on the commander's command (observer signal), the branch is immediately manufactured to battle. The fire on the enemy opens up with the approach of its valid fire of the branch weapon. The soldiers are armed with modern small arms, the automatic fire of which is the main view. The most effective fire from: AK-74 to 500 m RPK up to 1000 m RPG-7 to 800 m and within these limits and the zone of solid multilayer fire is created. Question 11 The offensive is carried out in order to defeat the enemy and mastering important areas (boundaries, objects) of the area. It consists in defeating the enemy by all available means, decisive attack, the rapid advancement of units into the depths of its combat order, the destruction and captivity of the living force, the seizure of weapons, technicians and the planned areas (frontiers) of the terrain of soldiers on the offensive receives the task in the form of a combat order of the Commander of the Department The start of the offensive of the soldier is secretive of the initial position or the place specified by the commander - usually in the trench. With the approach of the tank to the trench, the Commander of the Command on the command (signal) of the platoon commander submits the command: "Department, designate a passage for tanks." The soldier must prepare for the attack. To do this, a team is served: "Get to the attack". Preparation to the attack includes: - Requesting weapons; - adjoining the bayonet - knife; - checking fitting equipment and refueling of uniforms; - Device of the excavation (stops) at a height of cm for quick popping. On the battlefield, the soldiers can move:

11 accelerated step or running (in full growth or crumbling), overwhelming overlap. The way of movement depends on the terrain, the density of the enemy fire and other conditions. Plots of the area hidden from observation of the enemy and not shot through it with fire, are overcome by an accelerated step or run. When moving accelerated step, the speed reaches the steps per minute, when running, it can make steps per minute. Question 12 If the intelligence of any object from the machine is difficult, then the separation commander sends footing (two or three soldiers), assigning one of them elders. The machine is located in the shelter. The person who remains in it leads to monitor the actions of the sentigible and surrounding terrain in readiness to support them with fire. Hiking in the inspection of the object act at a distance m one from the other. Persons will be sent with the task: - directly offering separation, - inspection of the terrain and local items, and also in order to detect the enemy. Personal can be sent forward or aside for removal up to 300 m. This distance provides observation and support for sentigible fire. With the immediate inspection of the object by one sentient, another (other) should be in willingness to support it with fire of their weapons Question 13 The battle is divided into: - combat, technical and rear-fighting security will be understood as a set of events conducted by commanders and headquarters of all degrees, as well as troops with The goal of preventing the sudden attack of the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of his blows, creating its subdivisions of favorable conditions for an organized and timely entry into battle and successful leading. The following types of combat support are organized in the company (battalion): - Intelligence, - Becing, - protection against weapons of mass lesions, - Tactical disguise, - engineering support - chemical support - protection against high-precision enemy weapons Question 14 Motor suitable US company Stop on the front to meters. Up to 3 motorized rifle platforms can defend up to 3 motorized rifle plans on the tactics of actions. In the offensive motorway company to increase by 1-2 tank platforms, 1-2 offices, Ptthi, 1-2 settlement of the CRKK "Stinger", sperm units. The company's offensive will be maintained by a battery with 155 mm and mortars. The US motor support is assigned the nearest and subsequent task (object). The nearest task is to a depth of 1.5-2 km. Subsequent task - to the depth of 3-4 km

12 MPR occurs, as a rule, in one echelon with the allocation of the reserve. Having 2 MPV in the first echelone, in the second one, or vice versa (when on the narrow front, it is not sufficiently prepared defense, or if the occurrence object is at a significant distance). The depth of combat order is up to 1.5 km. FRG combat order is built depending on the task and the nature of the opponent's defense most often in two echelon, the company on BMP usually occurs at the front of 1.5-2 km, and in the hurked orders - at the front 1-1.5 km. It is appointed the nearest task, within which the objects of the attack of KM are determined. Recycling: Tank platoon;

13 before the platoon of 120 mm mortars Question 15 The Rotary Tactical Group of the US Army in Defense. In the defense of the motorized (tank) company can be in the first or second echelone (reserve) of the battalion. It usually prepares and defends the reference point on the front to 1500 m and in a depth of 1000 m, the platoon defends the support item to 400 m at the front and up to 200 m in depth. Sometimes the reference point of the company can be prepared in order to create a fire trap or ambush. The combat order of the company can be built in one or two echelon, two platforms are defended in the first echelon, in the second one (with the location of the platforms in line, an angle back and forth, as well as the ledges to the right and left). The second echelon (reserve) is recommended to be located not further than 500 m on the position of the platforms of the first echelon. Mortar and Ptur "TOU" (amplification means) occupy firing positions between the first and second echelons, dodged tanks, as a rule, occupy positions in the support points of the first echelon.

14 Germany Motor subsoil company prepares and defends the support point to m at the front and up to 2000 m in depth, and the motor vehicle is up to 400 m at the front and up to 300 m in depth. The battle order of the motor support company is built in one or two echelon. With two echelon constructions of combat order, two platforms defend in the first and one in the second echelon, which are prepared for conducting circular defense. When building a combat order in one echelon, a small reserve is allocated. Typical is considered a combat order in two echelon. At the same time, the platoon of the second echelon equips the support point in M \u200b\u200bon the position of the platforms of the first echelon. The company includes the support points of the platforms, the location on the front and in depth, and the position of fire facilities. The gaps between the support points of the platforms can reach 300 m or more. Question 16 Work on the organization of battle The platoon commander begins with the acquisition of a combat. It is usually carried out in such a sequence to clarify the task obtained; Estimation of the situation; decision-making; Recognition;. recoil combat order; organization of interaction, combat and management; checking the readiness of personnel, weapons and techniques for battle; Question 17 Calculating the task received, the platoon commander must understand: - the problem of company and platoon; - What objects (goals) in the direction of the actions of the platoon are amazed by means of senior commanders; - the tasks of the neighbors and the order of interaction with them; - The readiness time for the task.

15 Question 18 When assessing the situation, the platoon's commander studies: - composition, position and possible nature of the enemy's actions, the location of its firefighters; - condition, security and possibilities of platoon and attached divisions; - composition, position, nature of the number of neighbors and the conditions of interaction with them; - the terrain, its protective and masking properties, the conditions of observation and maintenance of fire; - the most likely directions of actions of airplanes and helicopters on small and extremely small heights; - season, day and weather state. Question 19 In the decision, the platoon commander usually determines: - the procedure for performing the task obtained; - tasks of branches (tanks), dowry departments and fire funds; - Order of interaction. When carrying out the reconnaissance, the platoon commander on the ground indicates: - landmarks - the position of the enemy (the direction of its actions) is the location of its firefighters; - Specifies the tasks of the branches (tanks) - and indicates the places of injecting motorized rifle departments (places of positions of separations, firing positions of combat vehicles of infantry, armored personnel carriers, tanks and other fires). Question 20 In a combat order, the platoon commander indicates: - the composition, position and nature of the enemy's actions, the location of its fighters; - the problem of company and platoon; - objects and objectives in the direction of the actions of the platoon, affecting the means of senior commanders, as well as the tasks of the neighbors; - combat tasks of branches (tanks), attached departments and fire funds, and the commander of the motorized rifle platoon, in addition, Snieper and FrelorkiSanitar; - the readiness time for the task; - His place and deputy. Question 21 The organization of interaction depends on the type of combat and conditions of the situation. The platoon commander should: - agree on the efforts of full-time and populated fires for successful fulfillment of the task, - to achieve the right and unified understanding of all commanders of branches (tanks) of combat missions and methods of its implementation - to organize a continuous connection and assistance to each other, especially the fire of all species of tasks, turns and time - as well as indicate signals of alert, control, interaction and procedure on them

16 Question 22 Defense type of battle. It can be carried out forced or deliberately when the offensive is impossible or inexpedient. The purpose of the defense is to disrupt or repel the offensive of the superior enemy forces, to apply significant losses, keep important areas (frontiers, objects) of the area and thereby create favorable conditions for the transition to a decisive offensive. Conditional coefficients of combat effectiveness of anti-tank funds in defense Name on the turning on the unprepared PTS of the turn of the turn of RPG-7 0.3 0.2 SPG-9 1,0 0.8 BMP-1 2.0 1.5 PTS 2.0 1.5 Tank 2.5 2.0 Consider combat branches in defense. Initially, we define the width of the fire of fire supply, which can be calculated by the formula: SHF \u003d F ½ (P1 + P2) where the SF-Width of the Fire Supplement Front of the FRONT Positions of the P1IP2 separation position of the gaps with neighbors is thus. ICF \u003d 150m knowing the combat speed of the branch weapon, we define the number of bullets produced by the personal compartment per minute. For the maintenance of fire, the compartment has 4 AK-74 automatus, 1 Machine gun RPK-74, 1 PKT. Machine gun PKT-250, RPK, AK shots in min. Thus, the separation can produce (x4 \u003d 800) i.e. 800 shots per minute. Knowing the width of the fire of fire support, you can calculate the density of the separation fire, for which it is necessary for the total number of bullets to divide into the front of the fire supply (800: 150 \u003d 5), as a result of which we obtain 5 bullets per minute per 1 m front. Experience shows that as a result of the firing enemy, 30% of its personnel and weapons are dismissed. So Taking into account losses, the department can produce 540 bullets in mines those density 3 bullets per m in min. At the front of defense, the department can occur to 1.5 opponents of the enemy. When running fire lying at a distance of 300m to defeat one goal you need 4 bullets, and when the fire is running on the move 25. Those. Fire efficiency in defense 4-6 times higher. Experience has shown that for reflection of infantry attacks you need to create a fire density of at least 3-5 bullets on m. Such a density provides 50% of the destruction of the attacking infantry. MSO is able to reflect the attack of 2 motor vehicles and defend the position up to 100m on the front. The sequence of calculating the fire capabilities of the suspension of the live strength of small arms can be as follows: the amount of this type of small weapon is determined in a platoon to the beginning of the offensive, which can participate in battle; Based on the military rapidity of the weapon, the number of bullets, which can be released in one minute used in the battle of weapons are determined; Based on the front of the undertaking of the platoon, by dividing the number of bullets The length of the front in meters is determined by the density of fire

17 Question 23 Motionless platoon, skillfully, using its weapons, terrain and its engineering equipment, as well as barriers, is able to apply large losses to the upcoming opponent and retain positions occupied. It defends himself as a rule, as part of the company, may be in the reserve of the battalion, it is assigned to a combat hosted, a BRD and a fire ambush, part of the strength or in full-time in the armor group of the battalion (company). The platoon defends the support item to 400 m. On the front and up to 300 m. In depth. The combat order of the platoon is based on the task and conditions of the area. The positions of the departments of MCV in defense are located, as a rule, in one trench in line. In the support points located at the most likely direction of the opponent's occurrence, the position of one of the separation offices in order to enhance the defense stability can be equipped in the depth of the reference point (on the second line) in the m. For trenche. In the threat of an attack from the flange, the combat order can be built by a ledge right or left. BMP occupy firing positions usually in the depth of the reference point so that the possibility of maintaining fire from machine guns is mainly the side of the flanks and in the intervals. The anti-tank branch and the separation of flamethos can be located on the positions of motorized rifle compartments, and the grenaderate separation unit between them or on the flank of the platoon support point. The possibility of maneuver of these departments during the battle for the most dangerous direction and for the occupation of circular defense. In the support point of the platoon and on its flanks there may be firing positions of anti-tank agents and tanks, not subordinate to the platoon commander. The MCV commander should know the tasks of these funds and maintain close interaction with them. Question 24.

18 Question 25 The platoon fire system is based on the fire capabilities of all types of weapons, platoon and fuel attached to it, on the close interactions of all kinds of weapons in combination with engineering barriers and natural obstacles. All barriers and approaches to them should be well visible and spread. The platform fire system in defense includes: - sections of a concentrated platoon fire prepared before the forefield edge; - zones of anti-tank fire, BMP (tanks); - zones of a solid multi-layer fire of all other fire means of the platoon in front of the front edge, in the intervals, on the flanks and in the depths of defense; - prepared by the maneuver fire BMP (tanks) and other fire funds for threatened directions. The fire system is considered ready if all the fires occupied firing positions, data for shooting was prepared and there is a necessary amount of ammunition. Question 26 Engineering equipment of the reference point includes: - excerpt of the trenches, trenches, messages of communication for the personnel of the divisions; - equipment of the main and spare fighter positions of combat vehicles, other fires; - equipment of the command and observation point, overlapped slots, dugouts; - equipment engineering barriers; - disguise.

19 When organizing defense in the conditions of direct contact with the enemy in the reference point of the motorized rifle platoon, first of all, are open: - Single (paired) trenches for shooting from automata, machine guns, manual anti-tank grenade launchers, which are connected to the trenches to the compartment, - Trenx for BMP (BTR, tanks) on the main positions, and also the command and observation point of the platoon commander. At the same time, the terrain is cleared of the improvement of the conditions of observation and maintenance of fire. 5-6 hours are usually spent on the fulfillment of these works: - the trenches on the separation in the rotary reference point are connected by a solid trench, - the trenches on the spare (temporary) firing positions for tanks, infantry combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and other fires - as well as the moves of the message to the firing positions of infantry combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers), are settled by the slots (blockblocks) for each department (crew). In the future: - the blonde on the command and observation point of the platoon commander is arranged - and in the presence of the time there is a move of the message to the rear, which adapts to the maintenance of fire, - after which the improvement and development of the entire engineering equipment of the reference point continues. Question 27 With the beginning of the enemy's fire training, the platoon commander and observers lead to observe in order to determine the moment of transition to the attack. The personal composition of the team of the commander is covered in willingness to immediately take its place in position to reflect the attack. The defending platoon should always strive to reflect the attack of the upcoming opponent before the front edge. It should be remembered that the reflection of the attack before the front edge is largely predetermined by the success of defense, since the enemy suffered certain losses in the lively strength and technique and spent a significant part of ammunition will be difficult to create the necessary densities in the vibrant and fire for re-attack. When moving the enemy to the attack, the platoon at the command of the commander occupies its position and is made to battle. The platoon commander, assessing the situation, chooses the most important goals for defeat and with an opponent's approach to a valid fire gives teams to the opening of fire for destroying first of all tanks and other enemy armored vehicles. As the enemy approaches the front edge, fire from all types of weapons is communicated to the highest voltage. The platoon of anti-tank agents destroys the tanks and armored personnel carriers of the enemy, and fire from machine guns and automata cuts off its infantry from tanks and destroys it. If necessary, the platoon's platoon (signal) of the platoon commander focuses on the most important goals. As soon as the place of doing the opponent will be determined in front of the front edge, the platoon commander organizes the maneuver to this direction of anti-tank agents for a more effective lesion of tanks (especially fire and stern), overcoming the boom of the attack of tanks and infantry of the enemy coming on armored cars without

20 hurrying, reflected by the fire of the combat vehicles of infantry, tanks and anti-tank platforms on the head (representing the greatest danger) tanks and tanks with trawls, and then by the rest of the attacker tanks and other armored cars to force the infantry to hurry. Then fire from small arms hurked infantry is cut off from tanks and destroyed. The attack of tanks and the coming infantry on them is reflected in the fire from the combat vehicles of infantry, tanks and anti-tank platform tanks on the tanks of the enemy and at the same time fire from machine guns, automata and false flamethrower on rush infantry in order to cut it from tanks and destroy. With the approach of the infantry of the enemy to the reference point at the distance M, the platoon throws it with grenades and destroys fire to the focus. The tanks of the enemy, which burst into the positions of departments, are destroyed by the fire of manual anti-tank grenade launchers and manual anti-tank grenades. The enemy, bursting into the support point of the platoon, is destroyed by fire in the emphasis, mines of directional action, grenades and in a hand-to-hand fight. Tanks of the enemy, who passed through the trench, are destroyed from the rear and flanks with fire from anti-tank grenade launchers and manual anti-tank grenades. At the same time, the infantry tanks are destroyed from small arms fire. To reveal the propagation of the enemy into the depth of the reference point and on the side of the flanks in trenches and moves, hedgehogs, slingshots and other, pre-prepared portable barriers are quickly installed. The platoon with the support of the fighter funds of the senior commander should, by all means to keep the support point and prevent the development of the opponent's offensive. When the enemy is contrused on the position of the neighbors, the platoon, continuing to defend its supporting item, highlights part of fire facilities for firing and in the rear in the opponent and takes measures to strengthen defense at the threatened direction. In the case of bypassing the opponent of the supporting point, the platoon proceeds to circular defense using the spare positions and the course of the message. A solid and continuous platoon control with Boy is surrounded to achieve success. The personal composition of the platoon, acting decisively and boldly, firmly holds the "positions, destroying the enemy by the fire of all types of weapons, or acts at the direction of the company commander. Question 28 The place of the platoon in the offensive battle is determined by the senior commander. A significant impact on the definition of a platoon's place is provided by its staffing, training L \\ C, including commanders, as well as combat experience. During the offensive, the position of the mouth (platoon) in combat order of the battalion (company) can be: - in the line, - an angle forward, - an angle back, - the ledge right, is a ledge left.

21 MSV its tasks, as a rule, performs as part of the company, however, making up a battalion reserve, in a combat intelligence doser, in the assault group can act on themselves. In addition, MCV can act in an advanced group from the tactical air landing. Conditional coefficients of the combat effectiveness of anti-tank funds in the occurrence Name of anti-tank funds at the occurrence of prepared defense at the occurrence of a hastily occupied defense when reflecting the counterpart RPG 7 0.2 0.2 0.2 LNG 9 0.5 0.8 1.0 BMP 1 1.0 1.3 1.5 p t in P 1,0 1.3 1.5 T A N to 0.5 0.8 2.0 Fire capacity to combat tanks are determined taking into account the following source data. There are three RPG-7 and three BMP under the condition of the prepared defense, the platoon is able to destroy (3 BMP x 1.0 + 0.2 \u003d 3.6) to four enemy tanks. But in this case, all BMPs of the platoon can be destroyed, as a result, the platoon will lose frequency. Therefore, when maintaining the combat ability of the platoon and performing the setting MSV problem, it is able to destroy up to two enemy tanks (50% of their capabilities). The calculation of the fire capabilities of the suspension of the alive force of the enemy is based on comparing the densities of the fire arms of the parties expressed by the number of bullets per 1 m front per minute. The sequence of calculating the fire capabilities of the suspension of the enemy's live strength of the enemy from the small arms can be as follows: - the amount of this type of small weapon is determined existing in a platoon to the beginning of the offensive, which can take part in the battle; - based on the combat rainfreetness of the weapon, the number of bullets, which can be released in one minute used in combat weapons are determined;

22 - Based on the front of the undertaking of the platoon, by dividing the number of bullets on the length of the front in meters the density of fire is determined. Similarly, the density of the enemy fire is calculated. After that, the ratio of fire densities is determined. We will make calculations, provided that the platoon is fully completed, it comes in a foot on the front of 300 m. To maintain fire in these conditions in a platoon, it can be attracted: automata AK-74-13, RPK-74-3 machine guns, PKT-3, SVD -1, the combat rate of which respectively amounts to 100, 150, 250 and 40 shots per minute (driver mechanics and deputy commander of the platoon, which is in the infantry combat vehicle, three pomegranate and platoon commander from the calculation are excluded). At the same time, the condition can produce (13 x 100) + (3 x 150) + (3 x 250) + (1 x 40) \u003d 2540 bullets per minute. Based on this, the density of the platoon fire will be 2540: 300 \u003d 8.5 bullets per minute per 1 m front of the offensive. There may be a tank, pool. Department, automatic grenade launchers and flamets. The combat order of the ISM, which comes to BMP, consists of a combat line of the BMP with intervals between them up to 100m - and amplification means acting in the battle line or for it. As a rule, MCV acts after the tanks at the removal of the m. When attacking, the l / s is acting in the chain directly behind the battle line of tanks on the removal, ensuring its safety from the breaks of the shells of its artillery and support the advancement of tanks with small arms. BMP using the folds of the terrain by jumps from the turn to the Rube region are moving behind their offices at the removal, ensuring reliable support for the fire of their weapons of attacking tanks and l / s. Question 29 Ways of an offensive depending on the situation may be: - on the defendant, - on the coming (counter fight), - and the exhaust enemy (pursuit). The attack on the defendant enemy is carried out: - from the position of direct contact with him - or from the go. The attack on the defendant enemy usually begins with a breakthrough, which is to break the defense with nuclear strikes or blows of aviation, fireman's fire and a decisive attack of motorized rifle and tank units with subsequent progress in the depth and side of the flanks. When using nuclear weapons, the offensive is the main way to go to the offensive. This method is more profitable and when applying conventional weapons, as it provides a largerness of the training, suddenness of actions, the preservation of forces and weapons from all species, especially the WTO, and also creates more favorable conditions for engineering equipment for the initial area for the offensive. The essence of this method is that the organization of the battle is carried out at that time when the units are outside the opponent with the enemy, and their extension, deployment in the presets, combat order and the transition to the attack is carried out non-stop with the go.

23 Question 30 Preparation of the offensive begins with obtaining a task. It includes: - organization of battle (decision making, reconnaissance, combat tasks, organization interaction, comprehensive battle and management); - preparation of the unit for the combat mission; - preparation of the source area; - practical work of the commander of the unit, his deputies in subordinate divisions and other events. The battle of the platoon commander, as a rule, organizes on the ground, and if it is impossible - in the source area on the map (Scheme) or on the layout of the area. In this case, the combat missions of the branches and dowakes the platoon commander clarifies on the ground during the period to nominate them to the cross of the transition to the attack. At the occurrence of the position of direct contact with the enemy, all the work on the organization of combat is carried out on the ground. The order of this work depends on the specific environment, the task obtained and the presence of time. Having received a combat challenge, the platoon commander: - understands the task; - evaluates the situation; - decides (usually during the reconnaissance conducted by the senior commander); - conducts reconnaissance; - gives a combat order; - organizes interaction, combat and management; - Checks the preparation of personnel, weapons and military equipment to the offensive - and at the prescribed time reports the commander of the company's readiness of the platoon to perform the combat mission. Question 31 At the attack within a walking order, the platoon commander is dismixed and moved by a platoon chain at a distance of up to 50 m in such a place where it is more convenient to observe the actions of the platoon and manage it. The control of the fire and movement of the combat vehicles of the infantry commander of the platoon through its deputy on the radio, and the personal composition - commands of the supplied voice and signals. Question 32 Marsh is an organized movement of troops in columns on the roads and column paths in order to exit the designated area. Conditions - he can be committed in anticipation of a meeting with the enemy or beyond the threat of a collision with him. And in the direction of movement - to the front along the front or from the front to the rear. In all cases, the march is carried out hidden, as a rule, at night or in other conditions of limited visibility, and in a combat atmosphere and in the deep rear of his troops - and during the day. In any conditions, the division must arrive in the designated area or on the specified border in a timely manner and in complete readiness to fulfill the combat mission.

24 The movement of troops can be carried out in various ways: - march, - railway, - water - and air transport - or combined. A one or another method of movement is applied depending on the purpose, distance, the time of allocated to the movement, the state of the communications, the availability and capabilities of vehicles, as well as on the nature of the operational and transportation situation. To regulate the speed of movement, the divisions are indicated by reference (regulatory points). They are prescribed after 3-4 hours.

25 Question 33 Matching of the platoon on the march of the column. It should provide high speed and fast deployment in the leaving and combat order. The specific construction of a march's hiking on the march depends on the task, places for other platforms, the conditions of the situation, the presence of strengthening facilities, as well as on the state of the roads and the level of training of drivers mechanics (drivers). The emerging order of the ISV column with a distance between machines M (in the column of three-fold). When moving in an open area in the conditions of threats to an opponent of intelligence and impact complexes of the distance, primarily between combat machines, increase and may be m. Under the marching capabilities, it is customary to understand the ability to move them to their move from one area to another at the set time with the preservation of combat Readiness. The main indicators of the military capabilities of the platoon are: - average speed; - The value of the daily transition. The decisive indicator of the marching capabilities is the average speed of the column - the real speed of the motion of the platoon on the march without taking into account the time for the privals. The average speed of movement: - motorized rifle platoon (on BMP, BTR) without taking into account the time for the privals can be km / h - automotive km / h, - in walk 4-5 km / h, - Skiing 5-7 km / h

26 When making a march in the mountains, deserts, wood-marsh terrain, in the northern regions, in the Rasolitical, fog and in other unfavorable conditions, the average speed of movement can decrease to km / h. In all other cases, the march must be made as much as possible for these conditions. Taking into account the average speed of movement (20-25 km / h), as well as the time of direct movement, the amount of daily transition is kilometers. Question 34 Forcing the column on a march from the battalion following in an advanced detachment, a head hiking outpost is prescribed as part of a suspension with reinforcement. When acting in hiking, the platoon can enhance with tanks, 1-2 chemists with scouts. Engineering with a self-compartment. And in some cases there may be a suspension unit. Removing a head hiking outpost from a protected column of 5-10 km., Place assigned to the head hike, the starting station is held at the set time and moves along the specified route at the set speed. The platoon commander is located in the head of the head hiking head column watches the map behind the route of movement, the actions of the sentiment (tank), personally leads the opponent and the observation terrain and reports the commander who worst about meeting the opponent, barriers and infected areas on the route. The railway station (tank) is moving in the direction indicated by him from shelter to shelter, leading to surveillance area. Closed areas of the terrain, individual buildings, forest edges, inputs in the gorge and tunnels, where, possibly, the hidden arrangement of the enemy and a sudden attack of an ambush, as well as narrow passes, bridges and other objects, it inspects and, if necessary, sets the established warning signs. Everyone discovered on the path of movement and the meeting with the enemy commander of the sentiment (tank) immediately reports his commander. Minor enemy groups The head hiking outpost (head watch, sentiment, tank), as a rule, destroys, and samples of weapons, topographic maps and other documents captures and continues to perform the task. When meeting with superior enemy, it acts depending on the situation: a sudden fire with a favorable position and a decisive attack destroys it, and if he is not able to destroy the enemy on its own forces, but hardly supports the position occupied and ensures the deployment and entry into battle protected column. Question 35 The platoon commander, having received the task of actions in the GIP: - Calculates the task; - evaluates the situation; - decides; - gives a combat order; - organizes interactions; After that, he gives an indication of the provision of march, protection against the incendiary

27 weapons, organizes the replenishment of ammunition, flammable and food to the established norms and checks the readiness of personnel, weapons and military equipment to perform a combat mission. On the willingness of the platoon, he reports the battalion commander (company). Question 36 In the combat atmosphere, the motorized rifle platoon will often have to be located in any area in order to prepare for the upcoming actions or bring themselves in combat readiness after the fight. Such placement of units in the original area, areas of concentration, expectations and recreation is customary to be called location. The location area must meet the following requirements: 1. The secrecy of the placement of equipment and personnel. 2. Fast platoon collection and extension in the right direction. 3. Establishment and recreation. 4. Favorable sanitary epidemic. It is impractical to be placed near: 1. major settlements. 2. Railway stations. 3. Airfields. 4. Bridges. 5. Gas and petroleum products. 6. Under power lines. Platers are located: if the terrain is open or there is a threat to the strike of the opponent's hands on removing m one from the other. Taking into account the convenience of managing separation and machinery, as well as the necessary degree of dispersal, excluding their simultaneous defeat by one ordinary aviation or artillery ammunition, the area of \u200b\u200bplacement of the platoon may be m. At the same time, the distance between the machines in the area can reach the m. Place on site is usually located along The route of the nomination, using the protective and masking properties of the area, in constant readiness to reflect the attacks of the ground and air enemy, the destruction of its sabotage survey groups (Fig.)

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2 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation combat charter on the preparation and conduct of a combination of a combination part 3 platoon, a branch, the tank is enacted by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces from

2. Forms and methods for conducting tactical training.

To successfully solve the tasks of the educational process, it is important to understand correctly, and skillfully apply various types of classes and methods for conducting them.

The most common types of classes in teaching on the discipline "Tactics" are:

Group classes;


Tactical classes;

Tactical classes;

Practical lessons;

Group exercises;

Tactical pavement;

Tactical teaching;

Performing coursework;



Each type of classes is inherent in certain methods of its holding: lecture - lecture method; seminar - conversation; group lesson - story, explanation; group exercises - exercise (training); tactical agents - training; tactical teachings - practical work; independent work (including under the guidance of the teacher) - the study of literature and exercise (training). In the course of classes and exercises, explanations and show (demonstration) apply to a greater or lesser extent. In the course of the course papers, cadets are mainly working independently, applying such methods as a study of literature, exercise (training) in the development of any theoretical provisions or documents.

In addition to the main method, during each type, a few more auxiliary methods can be applied, for example, an explanation and show during the group exercise, etc.

Methods for conducting classes are ways of joint work of training and trainees. Each method consists of a plurality of techniques, through the use of which the teacher with a support for activity and consciousness of the student transmits them with knowledge and produces their skills (develops professional qualities of students). Such techniques can be: a story, an explanation for a lecture method; Discussion of the material studied when conducting a seminar by conversation: practical work and independent study of literature during the independent work of the student.

The choice of the method of classes and used techniques is determined by the purpose of this classes and its content.

The lecture method is applied when reading lectures for the presentation of theoretical issues. It consists in oral presentation of the material (story, explanation) in combination with the demonstration of visual benefits to the lecturer. This method allows you to systematically, consistently and solicitably disclose the basic provisions of the topic of the topic within the allotted time, giving the trained directions for further independent work.

The conversation is used for systematization, deepening and consolidating knowledge of students. It also makes it possible to develop their skill with them accurately and briefly formulate their thoughts in justifying the theoretical provisions of the charters and instructions, the report and justification of the decision, the ability to speak in front of the audience. The essence of the conversation lies in the fact that the head of classes consistently puts basic, and, if necessary, additional and leading issues, and the studied in deployed form (usually with justifications) give answers to them.

The conversation is used in the case when the trainee can be relying for something known (personal experience, read the material that has developed views and concepts). Conducts are usually held seminars, interviews on individual topics, tests may be taken, or oral exams.

The conversation may be in the form of a dialogue, discussion. It can also be combined with an explanation and demonstration of visual benefits.

The show (demonstration) is used to form the learned proper ideas about the content of the provisions under study, performing a particular action or reception and is to perform the execution of actions or acceptance by the leader himself, or in the actions of the actions of the troops, demonstration of films, video films, or individual fragments and other Tools of clarity of studied action or reception. Showing usually accompanies a brief explanation.

The value of this method is that the students have the opportunity with the lowest time to perceive the questions studied and create a specific and correct idea of \u200b\u200bthem on this basis. The show method is widely used on group exercises when the teacher gives exemplary formulations of designs, orders, shows fragments of the work of the commander to organize a battle or to manage divisions during its management.

For the formation of the tricks of the proper presentation of the discipline "Tactics" and the ultimate goal of studying, the showful classes are of great importance. They are held to establish the unity of views on the preparation of cadets and the introduction of advanced receptions and methods of organizing and conducting classes, as well as to show the results that need to be achieved as a result.

Exercise (training) is used to teach cadets to apply the knowledge gained in practice. The essence of the exercise is a multiple execution of trainees, on the task of a teacher or independently, certain actions and techniques in order to develop and improve skills and skills.

The difference between the "Exercise" method from the "Training" method is that the first one of them is used at the initial stage of developing practical skills and skills, and the second - after developing initial skills and memorizing a trainee (s) in a whole action.

These methods are widely used during group exercises, when solving tactical ages, during independent work, on tactical and tactical and construction classes.

An independent study of literature is used to acquire knowledge learners. Working with literary sources, cadets get used to think independently, draw conclusions and generalizations. The teacher usually organizes and sends the work of cadets, if necessary, gives advice. For self-study of literature, the following techniques are recommended: view, solid reading and reading with outline.

When determining the scope of literature for self-study, real time should be taken into account that the learners have, specifically specify the sections, chapters, pages.

Practical work applies to improve cadet skills. It lies in the performance of functional duties in the composition of the management bodies in the conditions as close as possible to combat reality.

Due to the fact that practical work requires from trained high independence and a certain level of preparation, it should be proceeded only when they learned certain knowledge and formed certain skills at the preceding classes.

The most wide use of this method is based on the mouth, polygon practice.

Practical work in difficult conditions allows students to make sure that those skills and skills were needed during the preceding classes, and the leaders of classes are to check the degree of training of trainees.

3. Methods of preparation and conduct of classes

The quality of working out the program on the discipline "Tactics" largely depends on the level of methodological training of managers produced by the officer in the process of methodical work.

The purpose of methodical training is to influence the teachers of the ability to conduct all types of classes on a high theoretical and methodological level, it is intelligible to convey their knowledge of learners and skillfully educate them, qualitatively develop educational materials.

The main objectives of the methodical work are: improvement of the methodology, improving the efficiency and quality of all types of training sessions, increasing the pedagogical skill of the teaching staff, improvement of the organization and ensuring the educational process.

The main forms of methodical work is:

educational and methodical (methodical) fees and meetings, scientific and methodological conferences and seminars;

meetings of the Academic Council, and subject and methodological commissions with the consideration of the methods of training and education;

methodological classes (instructive-methodical, displacement, open and trial, as well as lectures, reports, reports on the methods of training and education, general and military pedagogy and psychology);

development and improvement of educational materials, improving the material and technical support of the educational process;

conducting pedagogical (methodical) experiments and the introduction of their results into the educational process, the study and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience and the experience of combat training of troops;

conduct training of training sessions.

Educational-methodical (methodical) fees are held before the start or at the beginning of the school year. The results of the methodological work in the past period of study are summarized and tasks for a new school year are put by the experience of teachers' methodological work, and the best pedagogical techniques of learning and education are popularized, uniform views on educational, educational and methodological work are developed; Instructive-methodical, disassembled and other classes are held, lectures are being read; An indications of implementation in the educational process of new requirements of the guidance and experience of troops are given.

Methodological meetings are held as necessary to solve specific issues of the educational process: determining the methods of conducting exercises, classes. Ensuring the relationship of related accepted academic disciplines and others.

Instructive-methodical classes are held on the most important and complex topics of the curriculum, before the development of seminars, tasks, steaming, group exercises. They are held in order to develop a unified organization and methods of conducting classes, mastering the most effective methodological techniques. In these classes, in addition, knowledge of the teachers of the organization and the fighting capabilities of troops, theoretical provisions and educational material is checked; The possible options for decisions of cadets on the appropriate setting are discussed and their assessment is given; The study time is calculated and the content of private and general parsing is determined. After their conduct, teachers continue personal preparation for classes. At a seminar, tactical feud, a group exercise and a small problem, one, and in a comprehensive task, several classes are carried out.

Instructing is conducted by the head of the teaching before conducting the teachings. The occupation is usually carried out within two days. On the first day, issues of the organization of teachings are dealing with teachers, the plan of its holding and other educational materials is being studied. On the second day - the methodology for the development of educational issues in the teachings stages. If the doctrine is carried out on the ground - then this day is dedicated to the work in the field, where the procedure for the development of educational issues on the situation at a certain time is specifically considered.

The most difficult questions on classes are practiced directly on the leaders who act on the situation in the role of certain officials and consistently work out actions in classes or teaching. Such a methodological admission allows teachers to a deeper to learn the training material and, if necessary, to show a fragment of the commander's work, in the role of which students will act, foresee the possible solution options and work out the situation adequate solutions in advance.

Showing classes are conducted by the best methodologies to show a model organization and the methodology for conducting classes, the methods of efficient use of technical training. Showing classes are organized in accordance with the schedule of training sessions.

Open classes are held on in order to exchange experience, assisting teachers in organizing classes and methods of their holding, as well as in order to control training sessions.

Trial classes are held in order to determine the preparedness of the teacher, and to admit it to independent classes, as well as the consideration of the organization and methods of conducting classes on new topics and issues, the determination of the use of new technologies and training methods during classes. Trial classes are held only before leaders. An analysis of the open classes and its assessment, in addition, is entered into the journal of control training.

Preparation of the head for the lesson includes:

Calculation of the content of the classes and the definition of its didactic goal, and specific educational tasks (goals);

Determination of the structure of classes, major learning issues and time to study them (work out);

Selection and study of the appropriate educational material that ensures optimal disclosure of the subject of classes and the solution of the educational and educational tasks (goals);

The choice of methods and teaching methods;

Preparation of material support classes;

Drawing up a work plan.

The main types of training classes with cadets foreigners are: lectures, seminars, group exercises, group classes.

Lectures are one of the most important types of training sessions and constitute the basis of theoretical training. They should give the systematic foundations of scientific knowledge on tactics, to disclose the most difficult issues in a dynamic relationship. Lectures should be, as a rule, a problematic nature, reflect current issues of theory and practice, modern achievements of military science, contribute to the development of student creative thinking and their in-depth independent work.

Lecture preparation includes: clarification (clarification) of the source data; drawing up a calendar plan for training lectures; development of lecture material, discussion of lectures at the department or in an objective commission, refinement to it after discussion; Registration and preparation of didactic materials for lectures, developing a plan for its reading, as well as the training of a lecturer and trainees.

The initial data of the lecture are its topic, educational issues and duration, instructions for whom it is read, as well as material and technical support. These data are contained in the subject of the department. As a result of the clarification of the initial data, the author must determine: the place and role of the lecture in the theoretical course of the discipline; educational goals, the main content of the lecture and its borders; What questions of the lecture must be set forth by the traditional method, which consider using the elements of problem learning, with which provisions to familiarize cadets, which issues of the commander's activities are disclosed on specific examples; What qualities need to be brought up when reading a lecture.


Seminars are one of the main active species of theoretical training of the trainees, during which the teachable discusses questions are deeply discussing the questions and come under the leadership of the teacher to reasonable generalizations and conclusions under the guidance of the teacher. Seminars are held on the main and most complex topics (sections, issues) of the curriculum. The objectives of the seminar are to deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge gained by cadets at lectures and during independent work on educational and scientific literature, as well as in the instigation of their search skills, generalizations and presentation of educational material. In addition, seminars develop creative independence, contribute to the formation of scientific and professional knowledge.

In seminar classes, several functions are performed. The main ones are: deepening and consolidating knowledge of students; Purifying the skills in creative thinking and skills in the logical presentation of the material; Education learned. In seminars, various teaching methods are used: an oral presentation (story, explanation); Discussion of the material being studied (conversation, discussion, controversy); Show, demonstration (personal show, showing or demonstrating slides, posters, etc.); Exercise, exercise using the EVT. Along with the above methods, other effective methods should be widely used, such as a problem learning method, a discussion on individual issues of the seminar using the "military game" and "round table" methods, modeling, etc.

The seminar begins the introductory word of the teacher. In it, he must reveal the relevance of the topic, educational and educational purposes, issues submitted for discussion at the seminar, as well as the procedure for their consideration. The provisions set out by the teacher in the opening of the word are supported by the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GK explosive, the experience of wars and exercises.

Group exercises

Group exercises are one of the main practical types of training sessions when studying tactics. They are conducted against the background of a specific tactical situation in order to attract learned skills and skills in planning, organizing and comprehensively ensuring battle, managing divisions during its maintenance, deeper theoretical provisions, as well as the formation of high moral, combat and psychological qualities.

Group exercises on tactics are carried out in the development of educational, integrated, tactical tasks, and as an independent lesson in classes and on the ground.

Methodical tasks allow: on a specific tactical setting to study with cadets the content and methodology for the work of the Commander for the preparation of combat and management of units during its management; Teach them to comprehensively assess the combat capabilities of their troops and the enemy, correctly take into account the influence of various factors of the situation on the course and outcome of the fighting; Prepare cadets for independent creative work when studying a practical course tactics.

Tactical pavements

Tactical pavement is one of the types of individual practical training. It is intended for training trainees, as well as to verify their knowledge, skills and skills in self and rapid analysis of the situation, making decisions and justify them with calculations, clear and competent production of combat missions, as well as to identify the weakest places in their preparation.

Practical lessons.

Practical classes are carried out in order to master weapons and military equipment, mastering the methods of their use, operation and repair; development skills in solving problems, performing drawings, production of calculations, mapping, developing and designing combat and service documents; development of techniques and standards defined by charters, instructions and manuals; practical mastering foreign languages. Practical classes can be carried out by training (simulating). The main content is the practical work of each trainee.

Some goals of practical classes are achieved through other types of classes, such as group exercise, tactical pavements. As an independent, a separate view of practical classes at the department should not be applied based on its goals. A methodological error occurs very often when the concept of "practical occupation" is replaced by tactical, tactical-building occupation, group exercise.

Tactical (tactical and special) classes.

Tactical (tactical and special) classes are the basis for the practical training of the organization and ensuring the combat operations of the units (separation; platoon and they, equal) and the management of them in battle.

Tactical (tactical and special) classes are intended to improve skills and skills in the organization, ensuring combat operations and management in battle by divisions (separation, platforms and equal). Trainers perform in the class of responsibilities of the commander of the divisions. This type of classes is well studied, the methodology for its implementation is worked out at the institute for decades and in this manual it will not be considered.

Military games.

Military game is one of the types of classes for training cadets, which consists in solving participants in the game of various tactical tasks on the ground and on topographic maps (schemes). During the military game, each of the participants performs the functional responsibilities of the position held on the game. The topic and scale (battalion, companies) are determined by the objectives of the classes. In the form of military games there are teams, command-staff and special, and on the organization - single, bilateral or unilateral.

The military game is carried out on the most important topics of tactical and military-special disciplines in order to give practice in the performance of specific positions in planning, organizing and conducting the battle and its comprehensive provision.

With this type of occupation, it is planned to study the methods of actions of troops and management of them during the battle.

Trainees are distributed through the roles (positions). During the development of educational (theoretical) issues, they create a combat model.

The drawing of a particular episode for the created model of combat should not be cumbersome in no time or on the organization. It should be carried out in the interests of better assimilation and consolidation with cadets of educational material.

In addition, there are great opportunities for the use of the ETT. This contributes to the intensification of classes, expanding the tactical horizon of students, provides an in-depth analysis of the situation, including the foresight of the possible results of the confrontation of the parties. There are great opportunities for both deepening knowledge and for the development of cadets.

However, this type of classes is used extremely rarely. The reasons are the following. First, the complexity and bulky of training, both managers and trainees. Secondly, this approach largely duplicates the group exercise, which a certain extent adversely affects the fulfillment of the functions of a military game.


The continuous development and complication of the tactics of international units, all increasing requirements for the preparation of officer personnel impose an increased demand for teacher training.

Realities of modern life and the state of affairs in the troops lead us to the thoughts of the need to further improve the quality of the preparation of highly qualified officer personnel capable of successfully solving the tasks of both training and raising subordinates and on the management of those entrusted to them in modern battle and everyday life.

In this regard, the role of the teaching staff directly participating in the organization and conduct of the educational process is increasing, for its further improvement, quality of training and education.

Improving the knowledge of teachers in matters of teaching methods tactics is on many channels. The main ones are the questions of the theory of tactical training techniques, the study of the experience of the best teachers-masters of their case, setting pedagogical experiments, giving reason to assess the suitability of the method or acceptance of training.

The complexity of the task is that the improvement of the teaching method is carried out while reducing the learning time on discipline. Therefore, a prerequisite for the improvement of training is the introduction of new teaching techniques, modern technologies for obtaining and assimilating knowledge that ensure the necessary intensification of the educational process.

Saratov Military Institute of Internal Forces

Department of Tactics

"Right"\u003e Approve "Right"\u003e Scientist leader "Right"\u003e Lieutenant Colonel "Right"\u003e Kazantsev L.Yu. "RIGHT"\u003e "" 2005


Performance course work

Topic: Methodology and organization of tactical training


Cadet: _____________________________

Cadet ______________________________

"Right"\u003e Approve "Right"\u003e Scientist leader "Right"\u003e Lieutenant Colonel "Right"\u003e Kazantsev L.Yu. "RIGHT"\u003e "" 2005

Term paper

Introduction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Influence of army hand-to-hand fighting on the development of physical qualities

As we have already noted, in 1921-1923. The unitimate institution has not yet received widespread distribution in regular combat units of the Armed Forces. However, by the beginning of 1924, both party and military leaders of the country ...

Military clothing form: origins and features

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The activities of the Deputy Commander of the Department of Educational Work on the Prevention of Drug Abuse among military personnel

According to the requirements of the Guidelines and Methodological Recommendations, the main emphasis in the prevention of drug addiction is made on the selection of personnel, identifying persons inclined to use at the very first stage ...

Aircraft maintenance in various climatic conditions

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Organization of training and population groups to emergency situations

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Application of modern scientific and technical means in the process of combat training

Combat preparation is a system of planned, organized and systematically held events on military training and education of personnel, felting divisions, military units ...

Countering terrorism

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Radiation, chemical exploration and control in the motorized rifle battalion on the combat vehicle of infantry in the offensive

The purpose of radiation, chemical, biological protection of units in battle is to minimize the loss of troops and ensure the fulfillment of the tasks under actions under radioactive conditions ...

Almost all countries that produce ordinary ammunition have always come across the problem of their disposal in relation to obsolete and removed from weapons, as well as unsuitable for use in direct appointment ...

Impacting ammunition using dry ice

In fully equipped ammunition small and medium, and sometimes large caliber stored with fuses, to ensure access to the Sun, it is enough to unscrew the fuse. This operation is carried out or manually ...

Israeli special services

"Israeli intelligence must act as a guarantor of the security of Jews around the world. Secret activity should be based on modern technology, use the latest achievements in spying ...

Watchman project "Petrel"

The overall completeness coefficient (provides better conditions for operation of the GAS): d \u003d V / LBT \u003d 0.450 where V-volume displacement. The completeness coefficient of structural waterline: B \u003d S / LB \u003d 0, 201 where S-Square kv. Middle-Swinger's completeness coefficient: B \u003d uch / bt \u003d 0 ...

Sun Tzu. Philosophy of war

Next should be discharged on the issue of the forms of hostilities, as Sun Tzu understood them. The main forms he considered the defense and the offensive, which was attributed to different properties. Sun Zi wrote: invincibility there is defense ...

| Material to the section "Fundamentals of military service" to prepare for practical classes on the basis of the military unit | Tactical training

Basics of life safety
Grade 10

"Fundamentals of military service."
Preparation for practical training on the basis of military unit

Tactical training

Tactical training is one of the most important items of combat training.

It includes: studying the theory of battle, organization, weapons, combat capabilities, techniques and methods of action in the battle of their troops (forces) and the likely enemy; training personnel by the skillful use of weapons, military equipment in a complex setting in a variety of terrain during the day and night; Education from military personnel of high moral and fighting qualities and other questions.

The battle is the main form of tactical actions of troops. Under it understands concerted, fire and time strikes, fire and maneuver of compounds, parts (ships), units for the purpose of destruction (defeat) of the enemy, mastering important areas (turns) or keeping them and performing other tactical tasks in a limited area during Short time.

The battle can be generally, anti-aircraft, air and sea. The main features of modern battle (along with maneuverability and dynamism) are fast and sharp changes in the situation, the unevenness of the development of combat on the front and in the depth, a variety of ways of keeping, an increased moral and psychological and physical stress of personnel.

The main types of combat - offensive and defensive.

Offensive fight It is crucial to achieve victory. It is used in order to defeat the enemy and mastering an important area. Success in offensive battle is achieved by the firing defeat of the enemy, a decisive attack, the destruction of a living force, the seizure of weapons, military equipment and the territory of the enemy, the rapid development of the promotion of troops.

Defensive boy It is used to disrupt or repel the offensive of the enemy by applying to him significant losses, keep important areas and create conditions for transition to the offensive.

In battle, the serviceman is obliged to show resistance, initiative, discipline, excerpt, determination and perseverance. He must act actively and suddenly, boldly and boldly, skillfully own a personal weapon. Of great importance are the resourcefulness and mutual revenue.

Each warrior is obliged to know the combat challenge of separation and platoon. During the battle, he must observe, and discovering the enemy, immediately report to the commander. In the offensive, the soldiers should act boldly and decisively, in defense - persistently and stubbornly. In all cases, he must destroy the enemy with all means and means, to show courage, initiative and resourcefulness. It should also skillfully use the terrain, individual means of protection and protective properties of machines, be able to quickly equip the trenches and shelters, overcome the barriers, natural obstacles and contaminated areas of the terrain, to produce sanitary processing, deactivation, degassing and disinfection. He is obliged to protect and protect the commander in battle, and in case of its failure, boldly take command of himself. With the injection or defeat by radioactive or combat toxic chemicals, it must take the necessary self-help measures and continue to perform a combat task.

In modern battle, the situation changes quickly, the warriors have to use various ways and acceptance of actions. The soldier should be able to swell on the battlefield at any terrain, under the enemy's fire and at the same time apply their weapons. Under the actions in a walking order, depending on the terrain and fire of the enemy, the soldiers can move around in various ways: an accelerated step, running (in full growth or swollen), fade or overwhelming. During the attack, the soldier moves a run or accelerated step, and after the pomegranates throw - usually running. In the depths of the defense of the enemy, all methods are used depending on the situation (Table 8).

When reflecting the counterattack or when moving to defense, each soldier chooses a favorable place for firing and equips it. This place should be chosen with such a calculation so that you can watch the opponent and fire, remaining hidden from his observation and protected from its fire. In an open level area, you need to quickly choose or take the place specified by the commander, open and disguise the trench.

Pit For shooting consists of a notch in the ground with a length of 170 cm, a width of 60 cm, a depth of 30 cm and a height of up to 30 cm. For the convenience of shooting in the front of the front, leave a step of 25-30 cm. In the shelling sector in the BRUSTER, the longitudinal conical recess (height Bruisters decreases to 10 cm). Between the brush and the edge of the excavation, leave the platform with a width of 30-40 cm (Fig. 59). On the device of such a trench, the trained soldier spends about 30 minutes.

To open a single trench for firing under the enemy's fire, you need to put an automatic (machine gun, grenade launcher) to the right from myself at a distance of an elongated hand to the enemy to the enemy, turn on the left side, remove the shovel (Fig. 60) from the cover and, taking it A stalks with both hands, to trim the turf or the upper sealing layer of the Earth, denoting the front and from the sides of the border of the excavation. After that, with shocks from ourselves to remove it in front and proceed to the excerpt of the trench. The shovel needs to be embedded into the ground, it's not stupidly, and burned, thin roots to cut the sharp edge of the shovel, to throw the earth first ahead, and then on the parties to get a brush, who will serve as shelter from the enemy's fire and emphasis for weapons. Having achieved the necessary depth in the front of the trench, you need to move back and continue the passage so that you can cover all the torso and legs.

Bruisier must be dissolved and disguisedSo that the enemy could not detect the trench. If the situation allows, the soldier can deepen the trench, adapt it to firing from the knee, and then standing. During the excerpts, the opponent should be continued to observe the opponent, being ready to open fire at any time.

Tactical training

The most effective weapon is not tanks and artillery, and the ability to plan fighting in such a way as to achieve the maximum result, without losing neither people or technique. Anyone, even local, battle must be controlled, providing superiority over the enemy, even if the forces are unequal. This is what the tactical training program teaches.

Tactical training: goals and objectives

Training tactics consists of theoretical and practical classes, on which, mastering a certain luggage of knowledge, the personnel is trying to build a fight. They have to:

    know theoretical foundations of the general combat;

    be able to predict the situation in the short and long term;

    learn coordination and clearly understand the technical capabilities of the group;

    act a weathered, with a minimal risk for military personnel, and try to fulfill the task.

Tactical preparation gives an additional motivation for further service in the army, instills respect for its work, forms high moral, combat and psychological qualities.

Development of tactical techniques in practice

After fixing the foundations, practical training begins in conditions as close as possible to combat. It is used as heavy machinery (tanks, bRT) and small arms. The servicemen must instantly respond to a change in the situation, to clearly follow orders and work in a team, coordinating their actions with others.

For senior personnel, additional lectures and seminars, training both to the efficient management of the group and the creation of an optimal psychological and moral attitude of the soldiers.

reference Information

The combat capabilities of the armament of the corporate entry units, their vulnerable places. Takes and methods of dealing with tanks, armored cars and anti-tank agents of the enemy, features of fighting them in the village, in the mountains and in the forest Fight as a concept, its components (blow, fire, maneuver). Features of modern combustive combat and requirements for it Maintaining fire on command of the commander and independently. Changing the firing position (place for shooting). Fight with an opponent who burst into the trench, helping the comrade Negotiating communication Types of US combat readiness and their characteristics Choose a place of location for recreation, device overnight, heating in winter conditions Action for the transport of troops Action when captive enemy Actions soldier-motorized row in battle Seeking a place in BMP (BTR). Preparation of weapons to use. Advance to the frontier of the transition to the attack, rushing, action with an artillery (mortar) enemy shelling Study of the standard: "Washing units with BTR (MT-LB) and deployment in a chain" Study of the standard: "The actions of the division in defense upon leaving the shelter" Studying the standard: "Delivery of ammunition under the fire of the opponent" Studying the standard: "Egg, trench, position (firing position), a reference point or a specified place of servicemen." Preparation for fire management during the day (at night): study of the area; Determination of distances to landmarks; closed (unaffected) sections of the terrain and probable enemy traffic routes. Observation of the opponent and terrain day (at night), report commander about observation results Study of the standard: "Detection of goals" Study of the standard: "Movement on the battlefield (hidden nomination to enemy objects)" Study of the standard: "Landing a personnel in cars, BTR (MT-LB) on the spot" Study of the standard: "Landing units in BTR (MT-LB) during the offensive (movement)" Study of the standard: "Deploying from a hiking column in a precursor procedure under actions in a walking order" Studying the standard: "Changing the fire position (position, reference point) in defense (waste of combat effort (fire ambush)) to a new (main or spare position)" Study of standards: "The actions of the division in defense on the occupation of the shelter" Norms of international humanitarian law. Code of Conduct of the Military Sun of the Russian Federation - Participant of Combat Providing military security of the Russian Federation General responsibilities of a serviceman in battle Common duties of a soldier in battle and on his staff Acquaintance with weapons and military equipment of the military unit Basic documents regulating the organization of combat duty The main tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops The main parameters of the US Armed Forces The main threats of military security of the Russian Federation Responsibility (obligations) of officials and personnel on compliance with safety requirements Overcoming minno-explosive barriers in the separation of the junction in the column one by one (two) or on the combat vehicle on the predetermined passage. Overcoming obstacles with a support on the shoulders of a comrade, with the help of remedies, assisting one serviceman to another serviceman in overleezes through obstacles, etc. Training of insanitious and reference jumps Overcoming minno explosive barrage, leading fire on the go, the attack of the front edge of the defense and the destruction of the enemy in the first trench with grenades, focus on emphasis and in hand-to-hand combat. Actions during the detection of enemy fire facilities, meeting with the enemy armored vehicles, the sign of the enemy's sniper, when the aircraft appears (helicopters). Actions when stopping the attack. Support for a neighbor with fire for its advance Cooking food Takes and ways of movement on the battlefield (accelerated step, running, running and overwhelming), their use, depending on the intensity of the enemy's fire and terrain. The combination of fire with the movement, the use of local items and shelters during movement for observation and maintenance of fire. Observation of the enemy and terrain during movement, report commander about observation results

Training goal: Give the concept of the general combat. Talk to students about what is a modern combination.

Educational goal: to raise students to study the science of fighting. Developing goal: knowledge of tactical fighting.




Head teacher: _______________

"__" _____________ 2015

Plan - Abstract

Conduct lesson in initial military training

by section:

Tactical training(10 classes)

Subject: Characteristic of modern battle.

Training goal: Give the concept of the general combat. Talk to students about what is a modern combination.

Educational goal: to raise students to study the science of fighting. Developing goal: knowledge of tactical fighting.

Time: 9.00-9.45

Method: Lecture.

Place of classes: Cabinet NVP.

Guide and benefits: Tutorial on NVP.

Educational questions:

2. Types of combat.

Travel course. Introductory part 15 min.

1 Building a platoon and checking the appearance of 5 min.

2 Checking homework 10 min.

Most 30 min. Entry 5 min.

  1. The battle is an organized armed clash of warriors, divisions and parts of warring parties. It is the only means to achieve victory and is carried out in order to destroy or captivate the enemy, as well as the seizure of important areas or their retention. In modern battle, parts of the ground forces, mobile forces, its and ships of the marine units of border troops are involved.
  1. Modern battle is the main form of tactical actions of aviation and fleet troops, an organized armed clash of compounds, parts and units of warring parties, which is coordinated by goal, place and time strikes, fire and maneuver in order to destroy (defeat) enemy and perform other tactical tasks in A certain area for a short time.

Presentation of the main material 20 min

The battle is the only means to achieve victory. The defeat of the enemy and victory in battle is achieved by powerful blows of all types of weapons, timely use of their results, active and decisive actions of compounds, parts and units.

Modern fight in nature is general official. It is conducted by the joint efforts of all the troops involved in it with the use of tanks, infantry combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers), artillery, air defense, aircraft, helicopters and other military equipment and weapons.

The combination of nuclear weapons and other means of lesion or the use of ordinary weapons can be carried out using nuclear weapons.

Nuclear, chemical and bacteriological (biological) enemy weapons are called weapon of mass lesion (OMP).

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful means of defeating the enemy. It allows in a short time with high efficiency and reliability to destroy the troops of the enemy. The nuclear weapon includes all types of nuclear ammunition and their means of delivering to goals.

In battle using only ordinary weapons, the focus of artillery, tanks, infantry combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers), anti-aircraft carriers and small arms combined with aviation strikes. The usual weapons make up all firing and percussion agents applying artillery anti-aircraft, aviation, rifle, engineering ammunition and rockets in conventional equipment, as well as incendiary ammunition and firecases.

The modern combination combat is characterized by decisiveness, high maneuverability, tensions and tunes, fast and sharp changes in the situation and a variety of the methods used.

Determination of the battle- lies in the desire of personal composition by all available means in a short time and with the smallest losses to destroy the enemy and achieve complete victory. This is achieved: the comprehensive knowledge of the enemy; The courage, perseverance and perseverance of the personnel in the performance of combat missions, the rapid use of the results of fire damage, as well as the results of the fire of their weapons, skillful and initiative actions of the whole personnel. The determination of the battle is provided by the high moral and combat qualities of the personnel, his inexperienced will to victory, excellent knowledge and skillful use of weapons and military equipment, as well as the manifestation of high activity, courage, perseverance and constant desire to impose their own enemy, holding the initiative in his hands.

High maneuverability- It is expressed in rapid movements (actions) of forces and means to put themselves in a more advantageous position in relation to the enemy to strike on it, combining fire with movement.

During the battle, it is widely used by maneuver forces and means, as well as fire.

The maneuver forces and means is carried out in order to occupy a favorable position for applying a decisive strike on the most vulnerable place in the fighting order of the enemy or to strike it to flank and rear, as well as for the withdrawal of units from under the strike of the enemy.

In the offensive and in the counter combat the divisions, using open flanks, gaps, as well as the folds of the terrain, should make coverage, traversal of the enemy and rapidly penetrate his rear.

Coverage - Maneuver, carried out in order to go to the strike to the fence of the opponent.

Bypass - A deeper maneuver committed in order to hit the opponent from the rear.

Coverage is usually carried out in close fire and tactical, and bypass in tactical interaction with units operating from the front,

In defense, the maneuver is carried out in order to strengthen the divisions that have suffered losses, occupations of spare positions, fire lines, the destruction of the enemy, published in the flank or in the rear of the district (reference item), and for counterattack.

Waste - This is a maneuver, used in order to withdraw its units from under the strike of the enemy and more favorable position. It can only be held with the permission of the senior commander.

Fire maneuver is used to more effectively defeat the enemy. It lies in the concentration of fire, distribution and in the transfer of fire with one goal to another.

The concentration of fire is used if necessary to fire all the available means of the unit or mostly on one important goal or a group of goals in a limited area. Focused fire is conducted at the command of the commander of the unit.

The distribution of fire is applied with the need for fire by the unit simultaneously for several purposes. To destroy each goal, those fire funds should be assigned, the fire of which is the most damage to the highest extent.

The transfer of fire is applied if it is necessary to change the direction of fire or shooting range to defeat another target.

When maneuver, fire is taken into account the location of fire products relative to the target front.
Fire in the direction can be: front-point - aimed at the front of the target; flanking - aimed at the goal flank; Cross - leading from two or more directions for one purpose.

Fire from machine guns and automata, which is opened suddenly from close ranges in one direction, is called daggey.

Tension and tank.

The modern battle of the division, lead continuously and at night, at any time of the year, in the conditions of use or threats to the enemy of the OMP, high-precision weapons and other means of defeat. Continuity allows you to constantly keep the initiative in your hands and fully use the results of suddenness for the faster defeat of the enemy, deprives its time on the organization of resistance.

Application in the battle of modern means of lesion and movement with high power causes a fighting speed, especially counter.

Modern conditions of combat require a large voltage of moral and physical forces from a soldier, which makes new, higher demands on the warrior, to its upbringing and learning, so it should be a strong spirit, morally hardened, who has an unshakable will to victory, well physically prepared and capable overcome any difficulties and deprivation.

Fast and sharp changes in the situation in modern battle occur as a result of the use of nuclear weapons, as well as high mobility of troops. The ability of nuclear weapons to almost instantly change the ratio of forces and means on a particular direction, the high mobility of troops and their large fire and shock force lead to the fact that the situation on the battlefield changes not by the hour, but literally minutes.

Final part 5 min.

  1. Remind the topic, lesson goals and how they are achieved.
  1. Declare the section and topic of the next classes, as well as the form of clothing.

3. Task for the house:

1. Characteristics of modern battle.

2. Types of combat.

Lecturer-organizer NVP: ______________ Avramenko V.Yu.