Fir cream. Fir balsam: Application and reviews


Cocoa butter, honey, bee wax, fir oil, fir bolt, brunting, marsh saber extract, Whew white bark extract, bee poison, podmors, stone oil, water.


Improves the motor activity of the musculoskeletal system, eliminates rheumatic and gout pain, pain in the joints, pain in muscles, pain in the back and neck, has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, painful effect, natural analgesic. Improves blood circulation, contributes to the removal of edema, hematomas, eliminates the numbness of the limbs, returns sensitivity and mobility, has a soothing effect.

Mode of application:

Cream Select on a finger pad and rotating movements to be applied to a problematic or pain area. In severe pain, it is recommended to apply a cream and wrap with warm cloth, leave for 15 minutes. Cream does not wash off.

The cream of the "Dobiy" series is very dense - for better absorption, it is necessary to preheat in your hands. The smell of natural cream, without fragrances, is determined by its key component.


Individual intolerance to the components.

general description

Cosmetic "fir" cream - natural cream based on fir oil, shirts of fir, honey, stone oil, barsuka fat, saber extract, white causta extract, bee poison, bee replacement. The cream does not contain synthetic emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and other structures, has high activity and intensively penetrates through the upper layers of the skin.

Questions and reviews:
The cream "fir" in the pain in the back, joints and muscles, 30 gr.

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Latin name: Arthro Acus
Active substance: Vegetable ether
Manufacturer: Don LLC, Russia, etc.
Pharmacy vacation condition: Without recipe
Price: from 200 to 295 rubles.

"Artro-needle" fir cream balm for local applications. The drug has strong painkillers and soothing effects. Used to treat the musculoskeletal system, nervous and respiratory. And can also be used as a warming agent to physical exertion.

Indications for use

Due to its warming, antiseptic, lining, painful properties, fir balsam are used in comprehensive therapy and the prevention of the following ailments:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the peripheral nervous system:
    • Arthrosis
    • Rheumatism
    • Gout
    • Osteochondrosis
    • Radiculitis
    • Miosit
    • Neuritis
    • Crick
    • Dislocation and bruises.
  1. Diseases of respiratory organs, LOR organs:
    • Tracheitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
    • Pleurisy
  1. For massage and heating muscles for the period of physical activity
  2. With cold and cold, for prevention
  3. To strengthen hair bulbs.


The cream "Artro-needle" is presented with a combination of unique components in its properties. The components of the drug have an active action on the process of recovery of cells, relieve inflammation, pain. Its composition:

  • Fir oil

The main, valuable component. It consists of thirty-five types of biologically active substances. Some of them have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, similar to antibiotics, but without detrimental consequences. It contains an important broadcast of Bornill acetate, thanks to him, the cream balm has a deep effect on the affected place. Saturated with vitamin E, microelements, carotine, flavonoids, phytoncides.

  • Sabelnik oil

Effective remedy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system containing anthocyans, essential oils, resinous substances, organic acids, flavonoids, saponoids.

  • CO 2 Fir Extract

The storehouse of ascorbic acid, the concentration of trace elements, phospolpides, carotenoids, other substances that stimulate peripheral blood circulation. The extract has an antioxidant, wound-healing effect.

  • CO 2 burdock extract

Restores metabolic processes in the joints, normalizes neuromuscular functions. It contains a highly active substance - polysaccharide inulin, as well as vitamin B, ascorbic acid, protein, organic acids, other components with antibacterial properties.

  • CO 2 Pad Pepper Extract

It is known pronounced warming effect. The active substance cappsycin has vasodinating properties.

  • Glycerol

Softens, protects the external covers of the skin from negative factors. Helps to deliver acting active substances to the place of dislocation of pain. The gel base makes it easy to apply balm, consumption is minimal.

The cream "Artro-needle" contains a high concentration of vitamins and vital trace elements.

Medical properties

Under the action of bornelacetate, fir oil component, in the focus of pathology there is an extension of vessels. An increase in oxygen flow into injured tissues stimulates blood circulation, which entails the normalization of metabolic processes in cells, cleansing slags and toxins.

Anti-inflammatory compounds actively act on the source of inflammation: they remove pain, reduce the swelling of muscle tissue. The cream balm "Artro-needle" activates the work of the organism's own regenerative processes. With its soft, warming effect, it will be stopped by all unpleasant symptoms, relaxes the fabric. These properties allow it to use it with bruises, stretching, when preparing muscle to load, in order to prevent injuries.

The components of the cream with antibacterial compounds penetrating the source of inflammation, neutralize it. Such activity gives results in the treatment of colds. It is easily derived from the body, as it consists of natural elements.

The average price is from 200 to 300 rubles.

Form release

Colorless homogeneous texture with a pleasant coniferous smell packaged into a soft plastic tube. It is extruded with a slight press, not flowing. Packing volume 30 or 50 ml.

Mode of application

Squeeze balm to the place of inflammation, massage movements vigorously rub to easy redness. Apply one - twice a day. With intense pain as needed. Elderly people suffering from chronic joint diseases, long-term use is shown to reduce discomfort in the field of pathology.

To prevent ARVI, with a runny nurse, rub the nose around the wings. It is important to make prevention during epidemics. Preventive measures are not limited. It can be used for children as a means of heating (mustard effect), in the absence of allergies to components.

The diseases of the bronchology system are treated with the method of warming up: to lose the pectoral section to the sensation of heat, not the assisted heart area. There should be no burning path. Preheated place to bite. Repeat two - three times a day.

Cosmetic hair strengthening procedure:

  • Apply balm on the skin, vigorously rub in the roots of the hair from five to ten minutes.
  • Wear a hat, keep fifteen minutes.
  • Wash off shampoo with warm water.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cream "Artro-needle" is allowed to women for use in these periods. It gently eliminates pain symptoms, reduce the risk of infection during the ORVI. Its use will not affect the health of the fetus and the quality of milk. Comply with the recommended application cycle, not abuse.


Balzam is contraindicated to people with increased sensitivity to fir oil.

Side Effects and Overdose

The natural composition of the cream is safe, does not have side effects, it is addictive. Overdose does not entail serious negative consequences. There is no skin irritation.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store two years in a cool place inaccessible to children.


Preparations are completely similar to the spectrum of operation. To the analogs, on a vegetable basis include:

Massage cream "Mumina"

Biolite Ltd., Russia
Price from 200 to 300 rubles.

The main active ingredient - mumina, a known natural substance of a diverse action. Auxiliary: Glycerin, Esobel, Gerben 2e, vegetable oil, Vaseline, water. Packaging: Soft 50 ml tube.


  • Can be used pregnant and nursing
  • Affordable price
  • Not toxic, harmless


  • "Mummy" is sensitive to storage conditions, with non-compliance with which its quality deteriorates
  • To obtain a strong result apply for a long time
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Massage cream "Esobel" with a saber

Biolite LLC, Russia.
Price from 200 to 260 rubles.

The main current component - Esobel. This is a dry extract of sulfide healing mud. In its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, indomethacin is not inferior. It has an anesthetic, anti-edema, absorbing effect on the inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, stabilizes the functions of nerve cells. Rejuvenates, restores problem tissues. It has an anti-cellulite property.


  • Low toxicity
  • Affordable price
  • Anti-cellulite effect noticeable after first use


  • Apply pregnant with caution
  • Allergy to the components of the drug.


Indications for use

Effective natural tool for pain:

With the back area;
- Muscles of legs and hands;
- improves articular mobility;
- helps with various injuries, damaged tendons and ligaments.

Cosmetic cream "Dobiye Pihtoma" - natural cream based on fir oil, shirts of fir, honey, stone oil, barsuka fat, saber extract, white, bee bark extract, bee bee, bee renovation.

Improves the motor activity of the musculoskeletal system, eliminates rheumatic and gout pain, pain in the joints, pain in muscles, pain in the back and neck, has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, painful effect, natural analgesic. Enhances blood circulation, contributes to the removal of edema, hematoma, eliminates the numbness of the limbs, returns sensitivity and mobility, has a soothing effect.

The cream of the "Dobiy" series is made solely on the basis of natural components. These include artificial components.

The components of the cream components are highly active, brightly painted, but during use do not leave coloring pigments, because they quickly penetrate the epidermis.

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Various medicinal herbs creams can be bought at the pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, as well as order by mail. The price depends on the packaging volume. The fact that the cream natural is useful - fir (strong joints, bones), which treats how it takes, you will learn by contacting the page of our site.

Structure:cocoa butter, honey, bee wax, fir oil, fir bolt, brunting, marsh saber extract, Whew white bark extract, bee poison, podmors, stone oil, water.


Method of cooking and applications natural cream - fir (strong joints, bones):

The cream of thick consistency is to select to the pillow and rotating movements to apply on a problem or pain of the body. In severe pain, it is recommended to apply a cream and wrap a warm tissue, leave for exposure for 15 minutes, then to the problem area once again put cream massage movements. Do not wash off.

The joint use of the cream and the screaming cream cracks the wrinkles, improves the complexion, heals the wounds, cuts, corrects skin defects after acne, eliminates skin inflammation. Cream can be used daily as cleansing and prophylactic agent.

Reviews indicate that the results of this application give wonderful results. It is necessary to tune in to the treatment before getting the result and try not to interrupt the procedures. If you do not know where to buynatural cream - fir (strong joints, bones) In your area, please contact our online store "Russian roots".


Contraindications for use natural cream - fir (strong joints, bones):

Individual intolerance to the components.

Buy natural cream - fir (strong joints, bones)
You can in our online store "Russian roots",
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Natural cream price - fir (strong joints, bones)
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Weight: 30 gr.
Storage Term: 1 year. Store at temperatures from 0 to + 25c. After opening the packaging to store a closed lid, in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight from more than 3 months.

Manufacturer: SASHERA-MED, OOO, Russia,659315, Altai Territory, Biysk, Industrial Zone Polyex OJSC, Management Building, 122.

Attention! All materials published on our site are protected by copyright. When re-publishing an indication of authorship and reference to the original source is required.

Fir massage warming cream balm is designed for rehabilitation and wellness massage. Successfully fights with articular and muscle pain, activates the metabolism, improves blood circulation in the application zone.


As part of: Medical Vaseline, Siberian Fir Fir Oil, Skipidar Living, Lanolin, CO2-extract of red pepper.

Properties of components

Fir oil It has vasculating properties. The components of the oil of fir stimulates the blood supply to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe body, improves the flow of oxygen, increases local immunity, enhances the metabolic processes, displays slags and toxins. As a result, pain appear and disappear, inflammation decreases.

Fir oil tones and restores the body. It is a source of provitamins and phytoncides, has an immunostimulating effect, has anesthetizing and antietal properties.

Red pepper Provides and enhances the warming effect of cream-bliss.

Instructions for use

  • with general fatigue;
  • with problems in the field of joints (pain, limited motion, swelling);
  • with muscular discomfort;
  • under therapy of colds;
  • for the preparation of muscles, joints, the skin before the active load on the muscles is not only for athletes, but also in everyday life, when there is a high physical activity;
  • to reduce the risk of obtaining stretching or injury;
  • to enhance blood circulation.

Mode of application: Cream to apply massage movements to full absorption.

Contraindication: Individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Where can one buy Fir cream balm massage with warming effect, 50 ml by price 350 rub.? In Argo. You can: Check an order on the site, call by phone 88002003224 (free for Russia) or +74997044028 , come to the store. Delivery, pickup.

Fir is a plant belonging to the genus of the voted, the family of pine. About 50 species grows in the northern hemisphere, mainly in a temperate belt. Siberian fir has the most widespread use of pharmaceutical purposes. The essential oil obtained from the paws of the plant (ends of young branches and needles) is considered a biologically valuable product, the raw material for the production of medical camphor is the main component of various drugs. In addition, her therapeutic properties have long been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of colds, pulmonary, skin and rheumatic lesions. For this, often fir balsam is used, the reviews are shown in the article below.

Chemical composition

This is a coniferous tree that reaches 30-40 meters in height, has a round trunk and a narrow popiomidal crown. The branch of the branch is drooping and thin, smooth bark of saturated gray. Thickening of different values \u200b\u200barising from the displacement of the cortex and the growth of the trunk are called gaps. They are filled with a savage, also called fir balsam. Coupling (leaves) flat, fragrant and unlikely, slightly curved or straight, dark green shade. A tree blooms in May-June, while the seeds ripen by September.

For medical purposes, young branches, bark, kidney and wood needles are applied. Of these, fir cream, balsam, brazers and infusions are preparing. It is harvested by a bark all year round, in March - kidneys, while it is desirable to store the fir foot in winter, keeping it on the flooring together with the layers of snow - thus the raw material maintains valuable essential oil.

It is worth noting that in the composition of the needles found:

  • phytoncides;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins E and C;
  • microelements: cobalt, iron, manganese, zinc, copper.

In addition, in the amount of more than 3% essential oil, the composition of which is presented:

  • camfen;
  • bornelacetate;
  • apinene;
  • borneol;
  • santena;
  • dPENTEN;
  • bisabolen;
  • A-Fellandren;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C.

Carmine, olein and vitamin E part of the seed. The components of the Alluines are essential oil and resin, the cort is rich in tannies and fir balsam.

Beneficial features

Explained by its composition. It is widely used in therapeutic purposes (for example, the fir balsam "Siberian Health"). In official medicine, synthetic camphor is used, which is made from plants oil, all kinds of preparations are prescribed to treat cardiovascular and nervous systems, rheumatism, infectious lesions. The use of fir-shaped fir is advised as soft analeptics to activate respiration and blood circulation in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, strokes, bronchospasms, in the poisoning of narcotic and sleeping equipment or carbon monoxide.

Antibacterial, expectorant, toning, anti-inflammatory and constructive properties of the plant are used when using plants oil in the fight against infectious and colds, stress, increased fatigue and neurosis. It is treated with external use of stretching, bruises, in muscles and joints reduce pain in rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

In folk medicine, the use of fir in the form of water dishes and kidneys, which have diuretic and antibacterial properties, are advised at colds, queing, cystitis, renal lesions. Preparations made of needles are prescribed locally for rinsing mouths and throats with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and larynx, and compresses are applied to the skin and expanding the veins. It is also worth noting that the evaporation of the needles at the expense of phytoncides included in its composition strengthen the body, disinfecting air.

Fir balsam

Balsam fir use found in a wide variety. It has excellent wound-healing properties, good for the treatment of injections, fastened wounds. His use inward contributes to the strengthening of immunity, normalization of metabolism.

Fir balsam today is sold in pharmacies. You only need to remember what is extremely important when dosing compliance with internal use. More than enough teaspoon means taken to a glass of water. There is also a number of interesting features. For example, the light is refracting under the same angle as the glass. Due to this in optics, they glue the lenses in glasses.


The composition of the Balzam contains the following substances:

  • tannins;
  • resin fir.

It is made by extracting from the shoots of Siberian fir growing in the environmentally friendly parts of the Siberian Taiga of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The fir balsam is a saturated brown substance with light shades from dark-brown to greenish, thick, the taste is bitter, having a pasty homogeneous consistency. It is worth noting that with further storage in an open container or technological evaporation turns into a thick dense substance of a black color having a coniferous bitter taste. It reminds the appearance of Mumiya, the shelf life increases several times.

Positive impact

Fir balsam is used in the following cases:

  • helps the rapid restoration of fabrics;
  • this is a potent antiseptic soft tool that has the effect of rapid rejection and localization of necrotic tissues;
  • eliminates the body from vitamin hunger;
  • cleans and healing the burdens, purulent wounds, inflammatory internal and external processes;
  • from the body displays poisons and slags;
  • suppresses dysenteric, rotten sticks;
  • recommended at low pressure;
  • in diabetes, reduces sugar levels;
  • improves metabolic processes, due to which the mass of the body normalizes;
  • in the body improves lymphotok, while inflammation of lymph nodes is reduced;
  • helps detention in the body of vital trace elements, including iron, magnesium, calcium;
  • reduces the risk of liver diseases, hearts;
  • helps a rapid splicing of bones;
  • the filtering effect has all sorts of harmful components to the body, which fall into the body due to the violation of the ecological balance;
  • reduces the percentage of colds diseases;
  • provides skin health;
  • inchene-alkaline balance is restored, rapid healing of the stomach ulcers, as well as all gastritis stages;
  • actively used for disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the form of ointments in diallos, burns, fungal diseases, purulent wounds, wet and dry eczema;
  • eliminates the possibility of suppuration on postoperative seams, tissue regeneration accelerates, pain effects reduce;
  • the inflammation of the mucous membrane eliminates the prevention and treatment of stomatitis, angina;
  • it is to replace the best toothpastes, while saturating the necessary microelements of the tissue of adhesion and teeth and eliminating a rotten bad smell;
  • violation of metabolism, deposition of salts, branches of the body;
  • heals corns, cracks, small tissue wounds;
  • eliminates polyps in the intestine, restoring the natural intestinal microflora inherent in a person;
  • with a high mucus of the mucus in bronchops, a nasopharynk, intestines, lungs, heals inflammation of lungs, bronchitis, tuberculosis.


Balzam tea spoon must be diluted in a glass of drinking clean water. It can also be used as an additive to medicinal compositions and ointments. If you wish to provide precious help to your immunity, then use systematically balm with honey, boiling water, milk. It is worth noting it separately that it is recommended to use nursing and pregnant women.

The use of the means should be attentive because due to its ability to drive out the slags, stones from the body, the aggravation of the disease may occur due to the overload of the excretory system, therefore, the initial dose of application should not exceed 1 teaspoon for half an hour before meals, preferably on an empty stomach . In case of ulcers, drink balm with honey in a 1: 1 ratio.


The use of Balzam is contraindicated at:

  • suggestions for cramps;
  • hypersensitivity to the plant;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • epilepsy.

Fir balsam: Application, reviews

After examining the feedback on the use of Balzam, it can be understood that he is actually able to cope with the most different problems arising with the human body. Some in their positive comments also celebrate its availability. But there are skeptical statements of people who trust exclusively with medication treatment. There is nothing to answer for this - this is a personal choice of each.