Causes of fires on locomotives. Fire-fighting equipment

6. Refrigerated Sections (Trains) and Autonomous Refrigerated Wagons (ARV)

6.2. When operating the refrigerated rolling stock, the following fire safety requirements must be performed:

a) keep cylinders with refrigerant, including empty, only in places installed by the instructions;

b) Daily check the health of oil and fuel pipelines. When leaks are detected, immediately eliminate the malfunction, and the spilled liquid is collected and removed from the carriage;

c) prevent accumulation of flammable materials, utter ends in pallets installed under diesel generators;

d) exclude the ingress of diesel fuel and oil to insulate the wires and other nodes and parts of electrical equipment;

e) in the deadlines established for the maintenance of electrical equipment, check the health of the power on the device, the absence of jams of moving parts, the reliability of fixing the devices and the wires connected to them, the health of the exhaust cameras.

6.3. When operating refrigerated rolling stock, it is prohibited:

a) apply for milling boiler and kitchen stoves operating on the corner, combustible fluids, as well as folded flammable materials near the heating devices;

b) smoke in machine, diesel and battery compartments, as well as near batteries and during fuel and refrigerant refueling period;

c) apply temporary wiring and install an inepar or not corresponding to this chain by current protection equipment;

d) hang overalls and other items on electric motors, diesel engines, graduation pipes of diesel engines and electrotopying devices;

e) add any items in electrical distribution cabinets (hardware);

e) launch diesel engines during train equipment (sections) diesel fuel;

g) to keep open doors at the same time between diesel and panels, as well as between the shield room and the kitchen when working as a plate or heating boiler and diesel.

6.4. The duties of the train brigade in the fire are determined by the instruction manual for refrigerated rolling stock.

7. Cars-clubs and technical propaganda cars

7.1. The device and equipment of clubs and technical propaganda are produced only in drawings or typical projects agreed with fire protection.

7.2. Fire safety requirements outlined in section 6 "all-metal passenger trains" section, respectively, extend to the clubs-clubs and technical propaganda cars.

7.3. The number of spare outputs from visual, lecture, etc. The wagon branches should be at least two, not counting the exits through the tambura.

The device of one output is allowed if there are no more than 30 seats in the hall (separation). The doors intended for evacuation should be opened in the direction of exiting the car. Door width should be at least 1 m.

7.4. Film equipment must be separated from visual, lecture, etc. Premises with fireborne partition, isolated roofing steel for non-flammable insulating material with a thickness of 10 mm, and have an independent way out.

7.5. Walls, floors, film equipment ceilings are rude steel steel on non-flammable insulation material. The filming of the film equipment is equipped with filmlights or special metal boxes with storage covers for movies.

7.6. Cinema officers twice a year should be checked for knowledge of fire safety rules, which is done by the corresponding entry in the fire safety tone.

7.7. The lighting is allowed only electrical (including from battery) with closed lamps.

7.8. Scraps and cutting film should be folded into a special metal box with a tightly closing lid.

7.9. For the service personnel of clubs and technical propaganda cars, instructions are being developed with specific actions to prevent fires and in the event of their occurrence.

8. Wagons with video gallets

8.1. Re-equipment of restaurants, interregional wagons and jigging cars built from 1960 to 1989. It is carried out in accordance with the requirements and project documentation "Regulations on video galleons" (N 577-CL-90D).

8.2. A document resolving the video gallery with a video gallery to contact the railway networks as part of the speed and passenger trains is an act of commissioning, registered in the main passenger administration of the MPS (CL).

8.3. The commission is created for the reception of the car, the commission is created, which includes representatives:

leadership of the enterprise operating the car;

leadership of the enterprise owned by the car;

leadership management of departmental road protection;

passenger service leadership.

After acceptance, the act is sent to the main passenger administration of the MPS. The re-equipped car assigns the registration number of the CL, which is entered into the act.

8.4. When converting cars is allowed to additionally, in coordination with the fire protection, install shelves, brackets under video equipment, dismantle partitions for equipment video materials in jewelry cars; In the restaurants of restaurants, install bar racks, showcases, refrigerators, friezers, jukelectors.

8.5. Additional furniture (chairs, seats, etc.) must be attached to the floor, partitions, walls.

8.6. Capacity (Number of seats) Videos must comply with the requirements of the Regulations (see paragraph 8.1).

8.7. The electrical equipment of the wagons with video gallets must comply with the requirements of the Regulation (see paragraph 8.1), the following basic requirements of fire safety should be performed:

a) Put-protection and measuring instruments are installed in special metal panels. Place of installation of a shield to cut roofing steel on non-flammable insulating material with a thickness of 5 mm;

b) all current-carrying wiring must be laid in metalworks and metal pipes. Coaxial cables for video transmission is allowed to lay without mechanical protection;

c) All electrical wires from one connection place to another must be integer, without damage to isolation. Connections Wiring-terminal, the use of twists and adhesions of the wires is not allowed;

d) mounting wires must be collected in harnesses bonded by bandages;

e) metal electrical housings should have grounding clamps, the attachment of grounding conductors to electrical equipment should be made by a threaded compound, metalworking and pipes for laying wires must be grounded to the wagon metal structure;

e) To install, apply the brands of the wires provided for by the Regulation.

8.8. The video system includes:

vCR (domestic or imported);

tV one or several, recent years of release having a pulsed voltage stabilizer;

decoder fell / semen;

control and distribution device.

In case of insufficient sound level, an amplifying acoustic systems are allowed.

8.9. Composite parts of the video systems are installed on the shelves, tables, laid rubber sheets 10 - 20 mm, and are attached by brackets, brackets, other devices that protect against falling.

8.10. The newly installed wooden structures and parts of the car must be impregnated with antipirens, in accordance with the requirements of GOST "railway track cars 1520 mm. Details of wood and wood materials."

8.11. The car must be equipped with a fire alarm installation. Fire alarm sensors must be in all rooms, except the tambourists and toilets.

8.12. The car must be equipped with OU-5 or OP-5 fire extinguishers, which are installed in the viewing room, the operator coupe, the hardware in addition to fire extinguishers included in the carriage of the carriage of the car, according to the current standards.

8.1z. The rooms in which televisions are installed must be equipped with a fire-fighting tissue of 2 x 2 m (coarse or asbestos).

8.14. In all rooms, the use of electric heating devices (tiles, teapots, samovars, boiled), other than those who are included in the equipment of the wagons, as well as smoking and the use of open fire is categorically prohibited. This should notify signs with clear inscriptions and signs.

8.15. All windows in the car with a video gallery must be equipped with emergency exits, with the exception of those that are in close proximity to possible fire foci (TVs, electrical panels). There should be free access to emergency outputs.

Re-equipment is performed during major repairs (CR-2) on the draft PKB CV.

An "Alarm output" and an arrow indicating the opening direction of the window are applied on the glass outlet (windows) or next to it with bright red paint. Temporarily allowed next to windows selected for emergency outputs, installed on special hammers brackets, painted in red, to break the glass in the windows in the fire.

8.16. Video tapes should be stored on racks or in cabinets made of non-aggravated materials.

8.17. Wagons that do not have fireproof partitions between the service department and the lounge must be equipped with such partitions in accordance with the drawings of the PKB CV.

8.18. The door in the corridor adjacent to the fire-resistant partition should be equipped with heat-resistant glass.

8.19. Wagons must be equipped with fire cranes for connecting the inventory hose in the boiler room and in the removable toilet.

8.20. Put transient tambour doors on plugs and outputs from the cabin while watching video films is not allowed.

8.21. Specialized equipment of wagons with video galleons (VCRs, televisions, etc.) should be operated in full compliance with the instructions of manufacturers.

8.22. Special equipment should not be installed near the heating devices, in niches or places that do not have enough air exchange. It is forbidden to close the ventilation holes in the covers, walls, bottoms and equipment housings.

8.23. Food lines Special equipment of the video gallery must be made separately from the lines of other electricity consumers and have their own disconnecting devices located in a place available for service personnel.

8.24. For each unit of special equipment at the site of its installation, an individual socket mounted in a place is available to quickly disconnect the equipment from the network.

8.25. Only standard fuses, the nominal current currents of the manufacturers should be applied to the special equipment of the video galleons.

8.26. It is forbidden to leave unattended special equipment unattended. For a long time, non-working equipment must be disconnected from the network. Installing TVs on evacuation paths is prohibited.

8.27. All installed special equipment must be grounded, and the place of installation of televisions is inhabited by roofing steel for non-flammable insulating material with a thickness of 5 mm.

8.28. For any emergency situations (sparking, overheating, the smell of smoke, etc.), immediately turn off the special equipment and inform the train to the boss.

When a fire occurs, the serving composition of the car and the train team must act in accordance with the requirements of the "Fire Safety Instructions in Passenger Train Wagons" and the local instructions on fire safety measures in vagons with video galleons.

8.29. Persons admitted to the service of the car must pass fire and technical training on a special program. Persons who have not been trained or not surrendered tests under the training program are not allowed to work.

8.30. Persons admitted to the carriage of the car are responsible for its fire safety.

9. Wagons with installations of internal combustion engines, recovery and fire trains

9.1. The internal structures of the bodies of the pumping cars, the staff wagons for recreation must comply with the project.

9.2. Refreshing in the wagons without coordination with the fire protection, separating the walls and ceilings with combustible materials is not allowed.

9.3. Walls, ceilings, gender and doors of the engine room (separation for installation of internal combustion engines) must be protected by sheet iron by non-flammable insulating material with a thickness of at least 5 mm.

9.4. The exit from the engine room should be arranged directly outside or in a vestbar with outward output.

9.5. Internal combustion engines (firewalls) should be installed on a metal pallet.

9.6. The exhaust pipes from the engines along the entire length should be included in the metal casing with holes for air exchange or isolate the non-combustible material. In the fields of the exhaust pipe pass through the floor, the wall or ceiling, typical cuttings are arranged with the insulation of wooden structures with roofing steel by non-flammable insulating material.

9.7. The re-equipment of the typical heating scheme of wagons on the combined is allowed only by a specially developed project when coordinating with fire supervision and energy reports.

9.8. Installation of the gas stove in the kitchen is allowed if there is a project coordinated with fire protection. At the same time, the gas cylinder must be installed in the outer tambone, and the gas supply pipe is passed under the car.

9.9. Power plants in the kitchen must have fixing devices.

9.10. The wall adjacent to the gas stove (electric stove) must be protected by a non-aggravated screen.

9.11. The stock of fuel in a metal hermetically closed container in the pumping car (and other wagons with internal combustion engines) can only be stored in typical metal boxes under a car having doors with antiquities that do not cause sparks with a sharp closure. Barrels or canisters with flammable should be securely fixed in boxes. Storage in drawers of any other items and materials is not allowed.

9.12. Directly in the separation of internal combustion engines of the wagon-power plant, the storage of combustible is allowed within the capacity of the engine of the engine tank.

9.13. All fuel carriers must have reliable compounds that exclude the leakage of fuel and oil.

9.14. The filling of engines is combustible only in daylight and when the cold engine is stopped.

9.15. Spilled fuel or oil should be immediately removed. The wiping material is allowed to be stored only within the replacement need.

9.16. Specially equipped places should be defined for smoking in the wagons.

9.17. For trains, which include wagons with internal combustion engines, local instructions for fire safety measures should be drawn up.

9.18. In wagons with installations of internal combustion engines, it is prohibited:

a) smoke (except for specially selected rooms) and use open fire;

b) keep wrapped woolproof materials, as well as equipment, items and materials not provided for by the technology of work;

c) allow the leakage of oil from the hydraulic system of lifting devices;

d) store fuel reserve, except for filled consumables;

e) leave the operating engine without supervision;

e) work on faulty engines, with a flow of fuel or lubrication;

g) Fill out portable containers from barrels with a gasoline reserve by overflow (for this purpose there must be a special hand pump).

10. Shop wagons

10.1. Equipment of railway cars for shops is made according to drawings (typical projects), agreed with fire protection.

10.2. Typical fire safety rules for trade enterprises, respectively, extend to shops-shops.

10.3. The heating of shops is allowed water, electric lighting with closed lamps.

10.4. In the boiler room and in service compartments when installing the walls of the wall, the floor and the ceiling are protected by roofing steel on a non-flammable insulating material with a thickness of at least 5 mm.

When device and operation of the kitchen stove and heating boilers, the requirements set forth in the relevant sections of these rules must be followed.

Shop wagons must be operated in a technically good condition and contained clean.

10.5. Lighting kerosene delivery on linear stations should be made in specially equipped cars (tank wagons).

10.6. In store wagons are prohibited:

a) leave without supervision the cross boilers and kitchen plates;

b) use prims, electric stoves, kerosecles, kerogaz, alcohol;

c) stir the boiler without water or with water below the permissible level;

d) keep in the official branch inventive material values \u200b\u200band containers;

e) transport and store hazardous materials and substances (varnishes, solvents, etc.);

e) operate wiring with damaged insulation;

g) apply non-corresponding non-nominal smelting inserts and various handicraft fuses;

h) set temporary furnaces;

and) make redevelopment of premises without coordination with the fire protection.

11. Hotels wagons

11.1. Hotels (shopping passenger cars) installed on permanent sites in a single group should only be used for recreation of transit passengers and other citizens.

The firebox of boilers for heating water and heating of food by any heating devices, as well as smoking in the wagons, including in Tambura, is prohibited. Storage in wagons of flammable and combustible liquids is not allowed.

11.2. Typical fire safety rules for residential buildings, hotels, hostels and buildings of administrative institutions (PPB-08-85) apply to hotels.

11.3. The door of transitional sites should not close on the locks. Maintenance of hotel wagons is carried out by duty administrators for which the service coupe from two ends of the group of cars must be reserved. Persons admitted to the service of hotels wagons must undergo a special instruction in a fire and technical minimum program. The service coupe of duty administrators must be equipped with a negotiation device with each car and telephone communications.

The entire newly published operational documentation in terms of fire prevention and use of existing fire equipment on diesel locomotives of the TEP70 series, the TEP70BS must strictly comply with this Instruction.

1.3. Responsibility for fire safety operated locomotives are carried:

machinists - for the locomotives adopted by them; Deputy head of the depot of the depot - for locomotives attributed to the depot.

1.4. Control over the timeliness of the quality of conducting classes and briefing on fire safety during the operation of locomotives and accounting covered by study is assigned to the instructors-instructors of locomotive brigades.

2.1. Fire safety rules.

2.1.1. In the cabins of machinists, diesel premises, high-voltage chambers, hardware chambers and other service rooms of locomotives, it is forbidden to store and transport foreign objects. Service premises and all locomotive components must be constantly kept clean.

In the cabins of the machinists must be installed and enshrined ashtrays in places that are convenient for the serving brigade. Throw off the unpleasant cigarettes and matches are prohibited in the windows.

2.1.2. Lubricants must be located only in metal tanks (bids, oils, etc.) with narrow necks and tightly closing covers, and versed ends, both clean and contaminated - in metal boxes, buckets with lids. Storage of lubricants and versed materials is allowed only in strictly defined areas of service offices or in special depricted boxes.

2.1.3. All protective devices of electrical equipment must be in complete condition.

Sections of cable cables, wires to them, as well as grounding devices must comply with the requirements of the drawings.

The inputs of cables, power and low-voltage wires and electrical apparatuses, terminal rails, transition boxes and outputs of them must be performed using transitional seals and bushings in accordance with the requirements of the drawings and rules and repair.

Places of electrical connections must have reliable contacts. The distance between the cords and grounded parts should be within the limits set by the drawings of the appropriate equipment.

2.1.4. When de-energizing for any reason for individual sections of the electrical circuit, the electrical wires must be disconnected from the terminals on both sides.

Disconnected ends should be carefullyroidered and tie to exclude contact with electrical contacts and movable parts.

2.1.5. Electrical wires and separate parts and electrical equipment sites located in the places of possible exposure to themselves oil or fuel should be covered with oil-resistant paints or reliably protected by conjitations, housings, etc.

2.1.6. It is not allowed to use non-type protection equipment or inappropriate this circuit for a trigger current.

2.1.7. Operate electrical equipment without extinguishing chambers, with impaired electrical wiring insulation, not fixed with contacts, connect electrical about water with a cold twist, enable or disable the contacts with a relay forced method.

2.1.8. Installed electric furnaces should be only closed performance, with good jackets, securely strengthened and isolated from adjoining structures made of combustible materials.

In diesellers, the inner parts of the electro-equipper chain cabinets, the chambers of the electrocavoroices and the channels of caloric heating at a length of 1.5 m from cameras should be securely isolated from adjacent structures, made of combustible materials.

2.1.9. Special attention should be paid to ensure that the electrical casing and the supply of electrical wires to them have been cleaned of foreign objects and garbage.

2.1.10. Electric furnaces, electrocavororals, ventilation channels, tambour spaces, cabinets with electrical appliances and the like equipment must be systematically cleaned from dust, combustible materials and debris. Specific cleaning time are set in each depot, depending on the type of locomotive (MVPS) and operating conditions.

2.1.11. For the manufacture of flexible connections of ventilation channels of traction electric motors and other systems, as well as protective sleeves of power cables, a non-combustible or hard-aging material should be used, which retains its properties during operation.

2.1.12. Feeding oil or fuel in pipelines, on diesel engines, compressors, gearboxes and other nodes is not allowed.

2.1.13. Cleaning from the oil products of roofs, spaces under the heights of diesel premises, pallets and other tanks specially intended for the collection of petroleum products, purification of silencers and sparkows from Nagara, checking and cleaning drainage pipes of diesel locomotives should be carried out according to the requirements of the relevant rules of repair and maintenance.

2.1.14. Filling fuel tanks of diesel locomotives should be carried out below its upper level at least 50 mm, having in mind the properties of the fuel expand with increasing the temperature of the outer air and when the fuel heating devices are turned on. The filling gun is discharged from the tank neck only after complete cessation of fuel flowing. The filling gun must have devices for the tank of the tank, the removal of static electricity and the rapid turning off the fuel supply. After a set of fuel, the tube tubes must be tightly closed. Smoking when fueling fuel tanks is prohibited.

2.1.15. On locomotives, besides, it is prohibited:

a) use for lighting and other purposes with open fire (torches, candles, soldering lamps, etc.); b) smoke in diesel room and near batteries;

c) dry overalls and other combustible materials on diesel engines, electric motors, generators, exhaust pipes and other fire-hazardous places;

d) leave open indicator cranes of diesel engines open;

e) rinse with gasoline and kerosene body and aggregates.

2.1.16. In the diesel locomotives, where the design of the exhaust system of the diesel engine provides the installation of sparkling devices, the latter must be working, and the grids are not rejected. At the time being, they should be cleaned from unburned particles and in the car.

2.2. Equipment with fire extinguishing and fire alarm

2.2.1. Locomotives are provided by fire extinguishers and fire inventors:

Manevier diesel locomotives with capotic type body (TGM, TEM, CME):

1 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (OU) with a capacity of 5 or 8 l;

Road locomotives Mains with car body (2TE116, TEP70):

1 Powder fire extinguisher (OP) with a capacity of 5 or 10 l,

2 fire buckets;


2 fire extinguisher powder (OP) with a capacity of 5 or 10 liters each

2 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (OU) with a capacity of 5 or 8 liters each

2 fire buckets.

2.2.2. Food locomotives, in addition, are equipped with fire extinguishing installations in accordance with the design documents approved in the prescribed manner.

On TEP70BS diesel locomotives, an automated fire detection system (ASOP) type TEP70A.55.10.000 (gas) is installed.

On thermal glasses TEP70 - installation of gas fire extinguishing type TEP70.55.02.000

(OS-8M) and air-foam fire extinguishing type TEP70.55.01.002.

On diesel locomotives 2TE116 and 2TE116U - powder fire extinguishing systems of type 2TE116.90.22.000 and1 and the same type with BPSU-2 unit.

On diesel locomotive 2TE116 Nos. 1384, 1673 - the system of powder fire extinguishing type of the SPT EL4-04 T 1826.00.00.

If, due to objective reasons, the installation of fire extinguishing on them is missing, faulty or not charged with a fire extinguishing agent, in exceptional cases, temporary operation is allowed to resolve the deputy head of the road on the territorial management issued for each specific case. At the same time, in addition to the fire extinguishers specified in the table, the main diesel locomotives with the car body must be equipped with a powder or with 2 fire extinguisher with a capacity of at least 5 liters.

2.2.3. The main diesel locomotives used in the cargo movement and serviced by one machine must be equipped with fire extinguishing installation with automatic operation mode (installation start and fire extinguishing process without human participation).

2.2.4. Equipment should be made only by fully charged and sealing fire extinguishers equipped with tags with indications of the date (month and year) of charging and the date of the next recharging, control and technical inspection, depending on the type of fire extinguisher. Fire exhibition of fire extinguishers, in which, instead of the tag, its content is applied by stamped paint on the body from the opposite to the nozzle.

2.2.5. Fire buckets must be filled with dry sand.

2.2.6. Locomotives should be upgraded by fire extinguishing equipment and means alerts about a fire or replace existing more perfect in design documentation, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2.7. In the cabins of engineers of locomotives in a prominent place, memos should be installed with the necessary information about the actions during the fire and the rules for the use of fire extinguishing installations.

3. Fire prevention on locomotives

3.1. Fire prevention is carried out through a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at preventing fires on locomotives, restricting its distribution, as well as the creation of conditions for successful extinguishing fire.

3.2. The main means of ensuring the fire safety of locomotives is to fulfill on time, in full and with high quality of work provided for by the system of planning and preventive maintenance and repair.

3.4. It is prohibited to be commissioned from all types of maintenance of locomotives that have no complete set of fire extinguishing equipment according to the standards of paragraph 2.2 of this instruction, with faulty or uncharged installations of fire-extinguishing, as well as with a faulty fire alarm.

3.5. It is prohibited to be sent to a major repairs to the plant or shipment on other roads of locomotives that have no complete set of fire extinguishing equipment for the standards of paragraph 2.2 of this Instruction.

When sending locomotives in an inadential state, the aqueous solution of the foaming agent from the reservoirs of foam fire extinguishing installations should be merged, the pipeline will sell, and fire extinguishers and other fire equipment must be in rooms for conductors.

3.6. After passing the Locomotive of Maintenance of TW-3 and all types of current repairs, an official appointed by the order of the head of the service depot, in the magazine of the Locomotive (form of Tu-152), the type of type should be made: "Fire extinguishing equipment is equipped, Fire-Naya The alarm is properly, the fire extinguishing installation is proper and charged completely "and the signature is delivered.
Note: For locomotives that are not equipped with fire alarm or fire extinguishing installation, the recording is reduced accordingly.

4. Responsibilities of the locomotive brigade at the acceptance and delivery of locomotives, in the path and when steaming fire

4.1. Responsibilities for acceptance and delivery of locomotive:

4.1.1. The locomotive brigade is obliged to view the magnitude of the technical condition of the received locomotive of the Tu-152 form. If there are configuration records in it, check their elimination, paying special attention to fire safety records. If such malfunctions are not eliminated, the driver should not take locomotive into operation.

4.1.2. When accepting locomotive, after all types of maintenance and all types of current repairs, it is necessary to make sure to complete the staffing and health of fire extinguishing, rope staircase, self-supporters, the control cabins - ashtrays, the health of the fire alarm and the availability of the locomotive (Tu-152 form) Type entries: "Fire extinguishing and evacuation by means of fire extinguishing and evacuation, a fire alarm is proper, the fire extinguishing installation is proper and charged completely." If the locomotive is not equipped with fire extinguishing equipment, evacuation, faulty fire alarm and (or) installation of fire extinguishing, the driver should not take locomotive.

4.1.3. It is necessary to make sure that the received locomotive comply with the requirements of fire safety regulations (see paragraph 2.1 of this Instruction).

Inspection and verification provided by manuals for operation and maintenance approved for this type of locomotive and other regulatory documents. Pay special attention to places, aggregates and design sites representing increased fire danger.

4.1.4. The main nodes of locomotives and MVPS, representing increased fire hazards, and possible causes of fire are given in Appendix 1 to this Instruction. By accepting locomotive, the brigade should be made by the external inspection of fire-hazard nodes in their technically-good condition.

If malfunctions are detected, they must be eliminated. Special attention should be paid to the purity of fire-hazardous places, the presence of foreign objects, leaks, cluster of oil or diesel fuel, unlocked ends, rags, vet, etc.

4.1.5. The locomotive brigade should check the presence of fire extinguishing means in accordance with the norms of paragraph 2.2 and their serviceable state. Fire extinguishers are checked for a seal and the date of examination. The fire extinguisher, uncomclosed or not passed the next survey on time, is considered to be faulty and is subject to replacement.

4.1.6. On locomotives equipped with foam fire extinguishing installations, is checked:

a) the presence of a foaming agent in the reservoir;

b) the presence of sleeves and foam generators;

c) the position of the cranes and the presence of seals on launcher cranes.

4.1.7. On locomotives equipped with powder fire extinguishing installations, is checked:

a) the presence of sleeves and fire trunks;

b) the position of the cranes;

c) the presence of seals on the cranes, blocks of the togglers and filling rods of tanks. In the absence of any of the seals, the presence of a fire extinguishing powder in the tank is also checked and, if necessary, it is recharged.

4.1.8. On diesel locomotives equipped with a gas installation of fire extinguishing, checked: a) pressure in cylinders with fire extinguishing composition, which must be no less installed for this ambient temperature;

b) the absence of mechanical damage to fire extinguishers, installations and their heads, shutters (dents, noticeable changes in shape, strong corrosion, etc.);

c) The presence of a seal on the handle arms, on the installation of installation tools, on the precipitated nuts, fastening collectors to the shutter heads, on a deaf cape nut at the end of the distribution pipeline.

4.1.9. On locomotives equipped with an automatic fire alarm installation, its serviceability is checked. The scheme is considered a good place if the light alarm lights up when the power is applied in accordance with the conditions provided for this type of locomotive. The sound signal should not be turned on. On locomotives, where it is provided for by the design, the automatic fire alarm scheme is checked by simulating the operation of the fire detector. In this case, the beep should turn on, and light lighting up or ground, depending on how it is provided by the device of this automatic fire alarm system.

4.1.10. When surrendering a locomotive, the driver, making a record of the necessary repair in the magazine of the technical condition, must, besides, write:

a) cases of sunbathing, indicating where and when they occurred, which means of fire extinguishing were eliminated;

c) on the operation of the fire extinguishing installation, under what circumstances it turned on, the duration of action and other data necessary to assess its effectiveness and technical condition after use.

4.2. Responsibilities in the following way:

4.2.1. During the next, on each distillation during the green signal of the traffic light, with the train, as well as the reserve, the assistant driver of the locomotive is obliged to inspect the diesel (machine) premises of both sections, paying special attention to the state of fire hazardous nodes and the results of the inspection to report to the machine. At the same time, the help of the driver from the control cabin when follows the prohibition signals is prohibited.

4.2.2. The procedure for inspection and maintenance in the following way should be carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in clause 4.2 of the Fire Safety Instructions on Locomotives and Motor-Vault Mobile Composition No. CTCO-175 dated 27.04.1993. With regard to local conditions.

4.2.3. While following with a freight train, a locomotive brigade should follow the train wagons in order to timely detect a fire and timely adoption of measures in accordance with paragraph 4.4 of this Instruction.

4.2.4. In addition to the above inspections, the locomotive brigade should periodically view diesel and motor rooms through the doors in the cabin cabin and the crew in the open cabins.

Where the design of high-voltage chambers and cabinets with electrical equipment allows (the presence of windows, grids, etc.) to inspect them without opening the door, one should periodically monitor the absence of contact sparks.

4.2.5. On locomotives, in addition, diesel premises and fire hazard nodes should be viewed:

a) after the launch of the diesel engine;

b) when driving diesel engines with long parking at intermediate stations at least every 15-30 minutes;

c) when driving diesel engines in revolving and main depot at least one hour.

4.2.6. In the path of detention of diesel locomotives, the locomotive brigade must monitor the discharge in the diesel engine of the diesel engine. In the event of a decrease in discharge against the established norm, it is necessary to find out the reasons and take the necessary measures in accordance with the approved operation and maintenance manual.

4.2.7. If necessary, assembling an emergency electrical circuit, it must be collected directly by the machine or under its leadership of electrical wires of section, corresponding to this chain using the clamps. Disconnect protection devices when the emergency scheme is introduced, if they themselves have caused its assembly, is not allowed.

On all cases of assembling an emergency electrical circuit, the driver is obliged to record in the maintenance log of Tu-152 indicating the cause and location of connections.

4.2.8. When the automatic fire alarm signals are triggered, the locomotive brigade must immediately check the correctness of the fire signal and proceed to its extinguishing in accordance with the rules set out in clause 4.4 of this Instruction.

4.2.9. If the signal turned out to be false, due to improper response of the fire detector, measures are taken to restore the automatic fire alarm system and bring it to its original position.

4.3. Responsibilities with hot fighter locomotives in the depot:

4.3.1. When laying a diesel locomotive, a locomotive brigade with a working diesel engine is obliged to:

a) make sure that compressed air in the nutrient highway of the air duct pressure equal to the worker; b) check the health of the automatic fire alarm scheme;

c) If you have a powder fire extinguishing installation with automatic mode, set the installation control to this mode with the turn on the corresponding toggler on the block located in the driver's cab. Where it is provided for by the design, the "Automatic Warning" indicator should light up.

4.3.2. After the end of the hot slope or when the locomotive brigade on the diesel locomotive the installation, where there is no time interval between the operation of the fire station from the broadcaster and the installation start, should be immediately translated into semi-automatic mode. If there is an "Automatic Warning" indicator, it should go out. Where the design is provided for the time interval between the triggering is notified and starting the installation, the selection of the mode is determined by the machine.

4.4. Actions of a locomotive brigade in the locomotive and train:

4.4.1. Responsibility for the organization and management of fire extinguishing, the evacuation of passengers, the salvation of rolling stock and cargo before the arrival of the fire department units assigned to the driver in the event of a fire in the cargo train on the route. In cargo trains, the driver of the leading locomotive is responsible for repeatedly. With a fire in the passenger train, the locomotive driver acts as directed by the head of the train, which is responsible for organizing and managing fire extinguishing.
At the stations, the driver of the locomotive of the cargo train operates at the direction of the head of the station or his deputies, and in their absence - on duty at the station. 4.4.2. When a fire is detected on the locomotive or in the train, the driver is obliged to take measures to stop the train, following the following requirements and conditions: a) it is strictly forbidden to stop trains with burning cars, regardless of the type of cargo: at railway bridges, overpass, viaducts, overpars, in tunnels under bridges, near transformer substations, traction substations, structurally combined buildings or other places that create a threat to the rapid spread of fire or preventing the organization of the extinguishing of fire and evacuation of passengers; b) In some cases, when the fire was found in the cargo train on an unfavorable section of the path (recess, high mound, etc.) or when extinguishing the fire available tools is not possible, the train driver, making sure the documents in the absence in the burning and nearby Frames of dangerous goods, 1-3 classes, can continue to follow the nearest station, saying a fire and childbirth, to the train dispatcher or duty station, to which the train follows, to make measures to call fire units and preparation of fire extinguishing facilities; c) stopping the train on electrified railway lines should be done with such a calculation so that burning wagons or locomotive are not located under rigid or flexible crossbars, sectional insulators, air arrows, as well as on the pairing of anchor sites;

d) in a fire in a car with discharge loads, the train must be stopped in such a place so that in the case of an explosion in a burning car to protect people and animals from death or poisoning, and station, storage and other buildings, bridges on the ways of rolling stock - from damage and fire;

e) in case of fire on diesel locomotive, equipped with a foam or powder fire extinguishing installation, while braking should be kept the maximum possible air pressure in the main air tanks, which is necessary for efficient installation operation. 4.4.3. Simultaneously with the adoption of a train stop, the driver must submit a beep signal of the fire alarm and, using a train radio communication or any other way in the situation, report a fire to a train dispatcher or duty at the nearest station to call fire units. 4.4.4. The fire at electrified railways is a special danger, since the wires and design of the contact network are under a rated voltage of 3 kV at a constant current and 25 kV with a variable.

In case of a fire, the following requirements must be followed in the train at an electrical site:

a) if the fire originated on the roof of a locomotive or car and in other cases where there is a danger of leaving the current during action to extinguishing the fire, the driver is obliged to inform the train dispatcher or duty at the station and simultaneously with the challenge of the fire unit to require the removal of voltage from the contact network on the plot where the train stopped;

b) when the fire extinguishes, it is prohibited before removing the voltage approach the wires and other parts of the contact network and the air lines for a distance of less than 2 m, and to the removed about the waters of the contact network and the air lines for a distance less than 10 m to their grounding;

c) The use for extinguishing water or foam fires is allowed only after removing the voltage from the contact network and the air lines and their grounding of the established order.

Contact Network and Airways without Grounding are considered as stress, even if the voltage is removed.

The voltage is considered removed only when a written permission of the electromonter of the contact network area is obtained to extinguish the fire with an indication of the order number of an energy proprietary one, from which devices the voltage and time removal time is removed.

In cases where the arrival of the electrician and receiving a written permission takes the time for which significant fire development can occur with dangerous consequences, allowance for radio permission. The resolution should contain the number of the registered order of the Energy Countercher, from which devices the voltage and the time for removing the voltage are removed. Having received permission, the electric carrier driver must be verified by the kilovoltmeter in the absence of voltage in the contact network, ground it with the established procedure and report this to the head extinguishing. When to make sure that there is no voltage in the contact network, it is not possible, and it cannot be reliably grounded, the written permission of the electromonter is necessary.

On the electrified paths of DC stations equipped with stationary disconnectors of the contact network with a grounding knife, the installation of portable grounding rods is not required. According to the registered orders of the Energy Council, the employee who has the right to turn off the disconnector and simultaneously grounding the contact network with a grounding knife of this disconnector. With alternating current, in addition, portable grounding rods must be installed at a distance between them no more than 200 m.

In this case, notification of the fire extinguishing in this case is the notification of the duty station on the disconnector disconnector and grounding the contact network by the grounding knife of this disconnector, which must be registered in the operational log, indicating the number of the order of the Energy Technology and Disconnector Time.

The disconnection of the contact network and air lines is additionally declared by loudspeakers;

d) extinguishing the burning parts of locomotives, wagons or cargo, located at a distance of less than 2 m from the wires and the designs of the contact network and the airlines under voltage, is allowed to produce only carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers;

e) the extinguishing of the burning items located at a distance of 7 m and more from the contact network and air lines, as well as foci of fire inside the locomotives on electrified areas, is allowed without removing the voltage. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam does not touch the contact network and other stress items;

(e) At the end of the extinguishing of the fire, the driver, if it is according to paragraph 4.4.1 of this instruction by the head of the work, is obliged to make sure that people are removed from the parts of the contact network for a distance of at least 2 m, after which it is necessary to note the time of completion of work on the copy of the written Permissions at the electrical system of the contact network area.

4.4.5. When a fire occurs on the diesel locomotive, the driver must:

a) translate into the zero position of the controller handle, stop the diesel engine of the burning section and stop the train if possible on an inelectricated path;

b) Submit a fire alarm signal and report fire in accordance with the requirements of claim 4.4.3. of this instruction;

c) as the spread of fire in a fire on diesel locomotive occurs quickly, then immediately, if circumstances allow, without waiting for the train stop, send a fire assistant;

d) take steps to hold the train in place, turn off all control devices on the control panel and rechargeable battery panel;

e) with a small fireplace fire to eliminate it using existing fire extinguishers;

e) on diesel locomotives equipped with fire extinguishing installation, with a significant fire or when fire extinguishers can not extend the fire, put the installation and proceed with fire extinguishing in the order specified in paragraph 4.5 of this Instruction.

g) if the fire cannot be liquidated on its own and existing means, to pull the diesel locomotive and take the burning section from wagons, wooden buildings and other structures. After that, with the danger of spreading fire from the burning section to another, the sections are boarded at a safe distance.

4.4.6. If a fire occurs in the cargo train on the way, the locomotive driver is obliged to:

a) stop the train, take steps to hold it in place and clarify the car in which a fire is found;

b) open the package with transportation documents, set the name of the cargo in burning and adjacent cars, and in the presence of a dangerous cargo - its number, the number of the emergency card and the size of the danger zone;

c) submit a fire alarm signal and report a fire in accordance with the requirements of claim 4.4.3 of this Instruction;

d) Before the arrival of the fire department, organize fire extinguishing all available means, guided by the instructions on extinguishing for this type of cargo. For dangerous cargo, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the danger zone specified in the emergency card.

4.4.7. Fire extinguishing in the cargo train should be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

a) in a fire in combustible cargo cars, a locomotive brigade simultaneously with a challenge of a fire division produces a train and removal of burning cars from others to a distance of 200 m and in such a place where in a radius of about 200 meters will not be fire hazardous objects;

b) in a fire in the car, loaded with cotton fiber and other similar cargoes, a locomotive brigade after fulfilling the requirements of claim 4.4.8A) organizes fire extinguishing in place. It is necessary to eliminate the flame burning of bales with existing means without unloading them. The final elimination of the fire with unloading of the cargo is made on the route of the station;

c) in a fire of tanks with flammable (LVZ) and combustible (Gzh) liquids, burning tanks should be left from the train to such a place where there are no fire-hazardous objects within a radius of about 200 meters, including transformer and traction substations. With the danger of the explosion of tanks with the LVG, the radius of such a zone should be at least 250 m. The extinguishing of the LVZH and GJ before the arrival of fire units is made by foam and powder fire extinguishers, earth and sand. The flowing fluid is discharged through the dials in natural and artificial excavations, buttons and cuvettes, with simultaneous popping of the earth. In the necessary cases, barriate earth shafts or taps are created;

d) in a fire in a car with compressed and liquefied gases in the cylinders, the locomotive brigade unfolds and removes a burning car from the train 200 m and at the same time projects it to its extinguishing means at its disposal means of fire extinguishing. In the wagons accompanied by conductors, the extinguishing of the fire is carried out by conductors, the locomotive brigade in the fire extinguishes is not involved.

If the fire accepted large sizes, i.e. The fire spread throughout the car, extinguishing the means available to the locomotive brigade and unload cylinders before the arrival of the fire unit is prohibited. In such cases, after removing the burning wagon at a distance of 200 m, the locomotive brigade organizes its protection in order to prevent people to the car. The persons appointed to protect the car must be behind the shelter in the safe area.

With a fire of tanks with liquefied gas and the occurrence of the danger of its explosion, the burning tank should be left to a safe distance and organize its protection. Extinguishing such a tank with fire extinguishers is prohibited;

e) in a fire in a car with explosive materials (VM), a locomotive brigade is obliged to immediately squander the train, take the burning car from another rolling stock at the safe distance specified in the emergency card, but not less than 800 m and act further in accordance with the requirements set forth in An emergency card for this type of cargo or instructions in the accompanying persons, if any. If there is a dangerous cargo in the train, in addition to the requirements listed above, instructions contained in the emergency card for this dangerous cargo should be performed. 4.4.8. The procedure for the actions of the locomotive brigade when stopping the train on the stretch must comply with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of railways of the current instruction on the movement of trains and maneuvering work on railways, and the order of fencing is the current signaling instructions on railways.

4.4.9. After the fire is eliminated, the supply of voltage to the electric locomotive and the launch of diesel engines on locomotives, where there was damage to the electrical apparatus and wires, is prohibited.

4.5. The procedure for the use of fire extinguishing installations on fire locomotives.

4.5.1. If a fire occurs to stop the locomotive (train), the handle of the driver's crane after braking to put in the position of the blocks without food or put the combined crane handle in the closed position., Stop the diesel engine of the diesel locomotive, omit all current receivers on the electric locomotive, turn off the battery switch, activate the fire extinguishing. .

4.5.2. Giving air-foaming fire extinguishing installation:

Open one of the launch cranes 3 (1) or 3 (2) located in Tambura;

Take a generator 5 (1) or 5 (2);

Strap sleeve 4 (1) or 4 (2);

Send the generator to the fire center and open the crane 2 (1) or 2 (2).

To operate fire liquidation, use both generators at the same time.

After liquidation of the fire, remove the residues of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent from the pipeline and bring the installation to its original position.

4.5.3. Gas fire extinguishing installation:

1 - fire extinguisher (OS-8MD), 2 - spray pipeline,

3 (1), 3 (2) - device start manual (cable), 4 - shutter lever,

5 - switch in a block with a special key.

Appendix No. 1.

fire safety instructions on locomotives

from " 26 » _ september _2014g.

Main fire hazardous units of thermal carriers TEP70, TEP70BS,

I argue:

Deputy Minister of Payments by Message by A.N. Kontdandenko April 27, 1993 N Central CSSU-175

(As amended by the instructions of the MPS of Russia of 04.10.2001 N E-1672U)



1.1. This Instruction establishes the main provisions and requirements of fire safety in the operation of locomotives and the motorwagon rolling stock of railway transport of the Russian Federation.

The instruction is mandatory for all railway transport workers related to the operation and repair of locomotives and the motorwagon rolling stock.

All newly published operational and repair documentation in terms of fire prophylaxis and the use of existing fire engine techniques on locomotives and a motor-auditing rolling stock must strictly comply with this Instruction. When developing and implementing new types of fire equipment, its use is carried out on the technical documentation of developers before entering into this Instruction.

1.2. Responsibility for fire safety of operated locomotives and motor-wagon rolling stock are:

machinists - for the locomotives adopted by them and the motor-speaking rolling stock;

heads of the depot - for locomotives and the motorwalking rolling stock ascribed to the depot;

heads of roads and heads of road offices - for the state of locomotives and the motorwalking rolling stock, respectively, roads and separation of the road;

the main engineers of repair factories - for locomotives and a motor-speaking rolling stock.

1.3. Based on this instruction, taking into account the design features of the locomotives operated in the depot, the motor-wagging rolling stock and the means of fire extinguishing, specific instructions are being developed for each type (series) of a locomotive, a motor-auditing rolling stock, which are coordinated with the departmental service department, are approved by the head of service Locomotive farm and hang in the depot in the prominent places installed for this. Responsibility for their implementation are the chiefs of depot and their deputies. (As amended by the instructions of the MPS of Russia of 04.10.2001 N E-1672U).

1.4. The requirements of this Instruction should be taken into account when developing maintenance rules, current and capital repairs for each specific type (series) of a locomotive and a motor-auditing rolling stock.

1.5. The heads of the depot and the director of repair factories on the basis of the analysis of previous work and the fires that had a place are developing annually and carry out measures to reduce the fire danger of locomotives and a motor-speaking rolling stock, as well as assign orders responsible for conducting fire and preventive measures provided for by this Instruction, with technical services and Repair of locomotives and motorwalking rolling stock.

1.6. The heads of depot are developing and coordinate with the departmental protection service of the roads of training of machinists and assistants of machinists who should cover:

fire safety rules on locomotives and motor-auditing rolling stock;

responsibilities of the locomotive brigade in the acceptance, operation and delivery of locomotives or the motorwagon rolling stock in terms of fire safety;

measures and technical means to prevent and timely detecting a fire;

actions in case of fire, methods and receptions of its extinguishing;

fire extinguishing and fire alarm device.

1.7. The heads of the depot and repair factories are developing and coordinated with the departmental protection service of workers and employees related to the maintenance and repair of locomotives and the motor-auditing rolling stock, which must contain:

major fire hazard and causes of fires on locomotives and a motor-auditing rolling stock;

requirements of fire safety rules on locomotives and a motor-reshagous rolling stock in the manufacture of maintenance and repair;

fire extinguishing and fire alarm system, methods of their repair and safety measures when maintenance and repair;

actions in case of fire, methods and receptions of its extinguishing.

1.8. Training programs should be developed on the basis of specific materials related to actually exploited or repaired locomotives and a motor-speaking rolling stock in this depot or factory.

To disclose the topics provided for by the training program, you should use inventory samples, training models and layouts, schemes, posters, tablets with pictures, photos, as well as technical training (epidias, diametrostics, etc.).

1.9. Heads of the Depot and the Director of Repair Plants In coordination with the department of departmental protection of the road with their orders should be established:

a) the procedure and timing of classes under the program of a fire and technical minimum;

b) the procedure for the direction of newly employed to work for study on the approved program;

c) a list of workers related to the maintenance and repair of locomotives and the motorwagon rolling stock, which should be trained. Machiners and assistants of machinists are trained without exception. Machiners and assistants of motorists of a motorwagon rolling stock, previously not worked in the heating season, must be trained before it began;

d) the place of study on the program of fire and technical minimum;

e) a list of officials on whom classes are imposed. (As amended by the instructions of the MPS of Russia of 04.10.2001 N E-1672U).

1.10. At the end of the study of the fire safety of locomotives and the motorwalking rolling stock, drivers and assistants of the machinists, as well as workers related to the repair of locomotives and a motor-speaking rolling stock, tests must be taken.

The results of tests are drawn up by the protocol (act). Not surrendered tests, not allowed to work.

1.11. Control over the timeliness and quality of exercising on fire safety of locomotives and the motorwalking rolling stock is assigned to the leadership of the department of departmental roads, and the accounting of the study covered - on persons appointed by the heads of depot and repair factories.

As amended Instructions of the MPS of Russia of 04.10.2001 N E-1672U

1.12. The frequency of classes with the subsequent acceptance of tests in the locomotive depot with locomotive and repair teams, as well as with other employees related to the repair and maintenance of locomotives and the motorwagon rolling stock, on fire protection and actions in case of fire - at least twice a year.

2. The content of locomotives and a motorwagon rolling stock

2.1. Fire safety rules

2.1.1. In the cabins of machinists, diesel premises, high-voltage chambers, hardware chambers and other service rooms of locomotives and the motor-auditing rolling stock, it is prohibited to store and transport foreign items. Service premises and all locomotive components and motor-auditing rolling stock should be constantly kept clean.

In the cabins of the machinists must be installed and enshrined ashtrays in places that are convenient for the serving brigade. Throw off the unpleasant cigarettes and matches are prohibited in the windows.

2.1.2. Lubricants must be located only in metal tanks (bids, oils, etc.) with narrow necks and tightly closing covers, and versed ends, both clean and contaminated - in metal boxes, buckets with lids. Storage of lubricants and versed materials is allowed only in strictly defined areas of service offices or in special depricted boxes.

2.1.3. All protective devices of electrical equipment must be in complete condition.

Sections of cable cables, wires to them, as well as grounding devices must comply with the requirements of the drawings.

The inputs of cables, power and low-voltage wires and electrical apparatuses, terminal rails, transition boxes and outputs from them must be performed using transient seals and sleeves in accordance with the requirements of the drawings and the rules of repair.

Places of electrical connections must have reliable contacts. The distance between the cords and grounded parts should be within the limits set by the drawings of the appropriate equipment.

2.1.4. When de-energizing for any reason, electrical wires of individual sections of the electrical circuit must be disconnected from terminals on both sides. Disconnected ends should be carefullyroidered and tie to exclude contact with electrical contacts and movable parts.

2.1.5. Electrical wires and separate parts and electrical equipment sites located in the places of possible exposure to themselves oil or fuel should be covered with oil-resistant paints or reliably protected by conjitations, housings, etc.

2.1.6. It is not allowed to use non-type protection equipment or inappropriate this circuit for a trigger current.

2.1.7. Operate electrical equipment without extinguishing chambers, with impaired electrical wiring insulation, not fixed by contacts, connect the electrical wires with a cold twist, enable or disable the contacts with a relay forced method forbidden.

2.1.8. Installed electric furnaces should be only closed performance, with good jackets, securely strengthened and isolated from adjoining structures made of combustible materials.

In diesel and electric trains, the inner parts of railway cabinets with electrical equipment, electrocavororal chambers and caloric heating channels at a length of 1.5 m from cameras should be securely isolated from adjacent structures made of combustible materials.

2.1.9. Special attention should be paid to ensure that the electrical casing and the supply of electrical wires to them have been cleaned of foreign objects and garbage.

2.1.10. Electric furnaces, electrocavororals, ventilation channels, tambour spaces, cabinets with electrical appliances and the like equipment must be systematically cleaned from dust, combustible materials and debris. Specific cleaning time are set in each depot, depending on the type of locomotive (motorwagon rolling stock) and operating conditions.

2.1.11. For the manufacture of flexible connections of ventilation channels of traction electric motors and other systems, as well as protective sleeves of power cables, a non-combustible or hard-aging material should be used, which retains its properties during operation.

2.1.12. It is forbidden to clutter the passages and exits in the wagons of the motorwagon rolling stock. Dangerous goods in the wagons (flammable liquids, gases, explosives and poisonous substances, etc.) is prohibited. In the salons of the wagons it is allowed to carry household gas cylinders with a capacity of not more than 5 liters.

2.1.13. Feeding oil or fuel in pipelines, on diesel engines, compressors, gearboxes and other nodes is not allowed.

2.1.14. Cleaning from the oil products of roofs, space under the heights of diesel premises, pallets and other tanks specially intended for the collection of petroleum products, cleaning the silencers and sparkers from Nagara, checking and cleaning drainage pipes of diesel locomotives, diesel trains and automobiles should be carried out according to the requirements of the relevant repairs and maintenance rules .

2.1.15. Filling fuel tanks of diesel locomotives, diesel trains and automobiles should be carried out below its upper level at least 50 mm, having in mind the fuel property to expand with increasing the outdoor temperature and when the fuel heating devices are turned on. The filling gun is discharged from the tank neck only after complete cessation of fuel flowing.

The filling gun must have devices for the tank of the tank, the removal of static electricity and the rapid turning off the fuel supply.

After a set of fuel, the tube tubes must be tightly closed. Smoking when fueling fuel tanks is prohibited.

2.1.16. On locomotives, in the machine branches of diesel-trays and automobiles, besides:

a) use for lighting and other purposes with open fire (torches, candles, soldering lamps, etc.);

b) smoke in diesel room and near batteries;

c) dry overalls and other combustible materials on diesel engines, electric motors, generators, exhaust pipes and other fire-hazardous places;

d) leave open indicator cranes of diesel engines open;

e) rinse with gasoline and kerosene body and aggregates.

2.1.17. At the diesel locomotives, diesel trains and automobiles, where the design of the exhaust system of the diesel engine is provided by the installation of spark-and-water devices, the latter should be good, and the grids are not rejected. At the time being, it should be cleaned from unburned particles and ingartes, as well as regulation of providing ejection and gaps that must be complied with drawings.

2.1.18. Steam locomotives working on solid fuel must be equipped with brazing devices and a rubber coal wetting hose. The presence in sparkling devices of the gaps in the places of compounds of jackhamped and other sheets among themselves, in places of fastening the grid, near the cone, steamboatrium pipes, etc. More than 2 mm, as well as grids with cell size, not appropriate drawings, is not allowed.

Cleaning the furnace with a slag ejection when the train moves and in unidentified places is prohibited.

2.1.19. Farmers working on liquid fuel are equipped with locking devices near the oil tank and nozzles. The leakage of fuel from the nozzle with closed cranes is not allowed.

2.1.20. On steam locomotives is prohibited;

a) litter a driver's booth and a tender for customs and other combustible materials;

b) apply open fire when refilling and inspection of the fuel tank;

c) leave open hatches of the fuel tank and not purified from soot and rug smoke boxes;

d) work with faulty tanks and locking devices;

e) to overestimate the depot laboratory the limiting heating temperature of the fuel;
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To extinguish the fire on each section of the diesel locomotive, fire-fighting agents are provided: automatic fire alarm system, fire prevention, wallpapers, sand fabric, bucket and scoop.

Automatic fire alarm is intended to detect lighting on diesel locomotive and alerts about this light and audible signals. Fire alarm is triggered at a temperature of 85 ° C and higher. The thermistors are used as fire detector sensors (Fig. 66), built into a special cover and protected from mechanical damage with holes with holes. Sensors are installed in the most dangerous places of the hardware chamber and diesel location. Powering the fire alarm scheme is carried out from the battery through the circuit breaker. Thermistors (19 pcs.) Are connected into two parallel groups, each of which is connected to its relay.

Fig. 66. Temperature sensor:

1- thermistor; 2 - body; 3 - insulator; 4 - Current drive.

Fig. 67. Fire installation scheme (A), high-time foam generator (b); 1 - foam generator; 2, 3, 8, 9 - cranes; 4 - hose; 5 - valve; 6 - reservoir; 7 - plug for air release; 10 - traffic jam; 11 - pipeline; 12 - dispenser housing; 13 - Vortex Camera: 14 - Collector, 15 - Diffuser; 16 - cassette; 17 - nozzle.

With an increase in the air temperature in a diesel room or in the hardware chamber, the resistance of the corresponding thermistor decreases sharply, thereby current passing on the relay increases and the relay is triggered. With its closing contacts, the relay includes signal lamps in both cabins and on a signal box, as well as a beep. Other closure contacts of the relay shunt the sensor chain, thereby preventing the thermistors from overheating.

The termination of the filing of light and beeps about the fire is made by pressing the "Fire alarm" button. In this case, there is a break of the chain by shunting the sensors, and if the temperature decreased, after the button is released, the diagram comes to its original position. To control the health of the electrical circuits of the fire alarm of each group in the signal box and on the consoles there are "Fire alarm control" buttons, when you press the triggering of detectors with the corresponding signaling reaction.

Air-hearing installation. Consists (Fig.67): Tank 6 with a volume of 235l, located under the mine of the refrigerator and seasoned with a 6% aqueous solution of the foaming agent in 1; Two high-time foam generators (GWP) 1 with flexible sleeves 4 laid in special boxes located in the front and rear Tamburas; Pipelines 11 with cranes 2, 3, 8, 9 and valves 5. The installation is activated by the discovery of one of the launch cranes 3.

At the same time, the air from the nutrient line of the brake system enters the tank 6 and displaces the solution of the foaming agent into the pipeline 11c is constantly open with a tap 8, in the sleeve 4 and further to the high-time foam generator. Through the open crane 3 of the generator 1, the solution enters the cavity of the housing 12 of the centrifugal sprayer and through the tangential slots b passes inside the vortex chamber 13, where it is twisted and comes out of the nozzle opening in the form of a sprayed jet. In the 14th collector, the jet carries the atmospheric air over and falls on the grid of the cassette 16, during the passage of which foam is formed. The foam jet goes to the fire center, isolates it and burning stops.

The multiplicity of the output of the foam (the ratio of the volume of the used capacity to the volume of the resulting liquid) should be at least 70. At less multiple, the state of the grids that must be stretched and clean are checked. After applying the installation, the remaining solution is removed, the installation is washed with hot water, hesitated with compressed air and is charged with a new solution. The capacity of the fire protection reservoir is designed to work one high-time foam generator for 4 minutes.

Installing powder fire extinguishing. Designed to extinguish a fire on diesel locomotive and located near the diesel locomotive objects. The installation can operate at the air pressure in the nutrient line of at least 0.7 MPa (7kgs / ms2). The use of fire extinguishing powder compositions is accompanied by the following by the factors leading to the liquidation of the fire: dilution of a hot medium with gaseous products of the decomposition of powder; cooling the burning zone as a result of heat costs to heating sprayed powder particles, their partial evaporation and flame decomposition. The fire extinguishing powder composition is not toxic, however, the high dispersion of its particles contributes to its breathing organs and the mucous membranes of the eyes. Therefore, the staff performing work on refueling installations and cleaning the room after using the installation must be provided with respirators and protective glasses.

Fig. 68. Scheme of the installation of powder fire extinguishing of diesel premises:

1-resolution; 2 - three-way crane; 3 - sleeve; 4 - powder pipeline; 5 - DGU; 6 - vacation valve; 7 - control unit; 8, 12 - cranes; 9 - nutritional highway; 10 - crane; 11- Elegropneumatic valve; 13 pneumatic pipeline; 14 - fire trunk; 15 - Safety Ring; And - on the powder pipe open; B - openly on the fire trunk; B - spray hole.

To signal the emergence of fire and control management, a signaling and control system is used, consisting of a block located on the cabin cabin, detectors placed on the roof, body walls and a high-voltage chamber, a fire lamp located on a light board in the driver's cabin, signal sirens and installation switching on installation. The installation of the installation is made both automatically and manually or remotely.

Installation of powder fire extinguishing diesel premises. It consists of a reservoir, a pneumatic and powder pipeline, a control unit, a sleeve with fire barrel and cranes (Fig.68). The pneumatic pipeline serves to supply air from the nutrient highway to the tank for the purpose of flavored and displacing the fire extinguishing powder composition in the powder pipe or in a sleeve with a fire barrel. Air is fed to the tank through the control unit consisting of a valve controlling the inclusion of this valve of the electropneumatic valve and dismissal cranes.

Electropneumatic valve in the absence of fire is de-energized; The supply of power to its coil occurs when one of the packaglers located on the block panel, on the body wall in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir installation and on the wall of the refrigerator. You can enable the installation of manually crane 10; But the crane 12 should be closed. When laying a diesel locomotive in hot sucks with a working diesel engine, the system is transferred to the automatic activation mode of installation when one of the fire detectors is triggered. To do this, include the "Automatic Warning" toggle switch on the control unit panel.

The tank of the installation consists of the upper and lower housings interconnected by flanges bonded by bolts. In the lower casing, the tank is placed, the aerator for the flavoring of the fire extinguishing powder composition, and the fitting for connecting the pneumatic pipeline. On bonds are dressed rubber plugs with holes. In the upper case there are fitting with a siphon pipe for connecting a powder pipeline, the neck for refueling the tank powder composition and the nozzle for the message with the atmosphere while refueling.

In the upper part of the tank in the fitting, a safety ring (membrane) is installed, designed to create the required pressure in the reservoir, in which the powder flavor is provided and the subsequent effective installation operation. When the air pressure is reached 0.5-0.6 MPa (5-6 kgf / cm2), the safety ring is broken, and the fire extinguishing powder composition in a mixture with compressed air is supplied by a powder pipeline and through the spray holes in the form of a cloud is thrown into a diesel room. The safety ring is subject to replacing after each case of using the installation. The charge mass in the tank (30 + 4) kg allows the installation through the powder pipeline 15-30C, and through the sleeve with a fully open fire barrel - 35-50c. The length of the rubber-free sleeves for the fire trunk is 20m, and the length of the jet of the powder formed by the barrel is not less than 8m.

Installing the powder fire extinguishing of a high-voltage camera (Fig.69). It consists of a tank having a weight of charge (10.5 + 1) kg, pneumatic and powder pipelines, an electropneumatic valve and dismissal cranes 1 and 2. Crane 1 serves to manually start the installation with a closed Crane 2.

Fig. 69. Powder Fire Extinguishing Installation Scheme in the VKK:

1,2 - cranes; 3 - pneumatic pipeline; 4 - electropneumatic valve; 5 - powder pipeline; 6 - reservoir; 7 - aircraft of control devices; 8 - Safety Ring; A - spray hole.

Fig. 70. Fire trunk:

1 - nozzle; 2 - fairing; 3 - body; 4 - a glass; 5 - spring; 6 - stop ring; 7 - Rubber ring; 8 - rod; 9 - Valve.

Fire trunk. Designed to supply a jet of powder composition on a fire center. It consists (Fig. 70), from the body, a glass, nozzle, which gives the jet, the desired shape, and the fairing, located inside the nozzle and contributing to the uniform spraying of the powder composition. A valve is inserted into the fairing, overlapping the gap between the fairing and the rod. From the opposite side to the stock joins the sleeve. To eliminate the outlet of the rod out of the housing, a locking ring is installed. Rubber rings protect the threads of the rod and the housing from the random powder hitting it. Open the fire trunk is necessary no later than 6 seconds after the inclusion of one of the remote control togglers. To open the trunk, you need to turn the glass relative to the rod with a sleeve clockwise. After removal, the glass is returned to the original position of the spring.

22 topic. Interim control of knowledge by section "Crew

1. The history of creating the world's first diesel locomotive. Designation of series of domestic diesel locomotives.

2. Purpose and device of frame, body and cabbage cabins.

3. Purpose and machine of the jaw truck.

4. Purpose and device of the belligent truck of diesel locomotive.

5. Pumplings. Returning device.

6. Device of a wheel pair of thermal oil TEM2, M62, 2TE116.

7. The device of the wheel pair of thermal oil TEP70.

8. Wheel steam faults.

9. Purpose and device of the traction gearbox.

10. Purpose of a box node. Methods for fastening bexes with a truck frame.

11. Device of hot water seeds 2TE116.

12. Device of TEP70 diesel locomotive.

13. CHME3 diesel locomotive drips.

14. Dressing cargo car.

15. Towing nodes faults. Grease letters.

16. Device support and axial suspension.

17. Device of the reference and frame suspending of the traction motor. Advantages and disadvantages.

18. Purpose of spring suspension.

19. The device of spring suspension of maximal trucks TEM2 and 2M62 diesel locomotives.

20. The device of spring suspension on the caliper truck 2TE116.

21. Thermal suspension device TEP70

22. Purpose of the sandy system of the diesel engine.

23. Purpose and auto arc device.

24. Purpose of the absorbing device. The device of absorbing devices.

25. Checking the auto-charter when accepting. Checking the Aviation Mechanism manually and using templates 873 and 940r.

The procedure for the actions of the locomotive brigade to ensure fire safety on the traction rolling stock and liquidation of fires in the process of its operation

1. General Provisions

1.1. The real procedure for the actions of the locomotive brigade to ensure fire safety on the traction rolling stock and liquidation of fires in the process of its operation (hereinafter referred to as the procedure) was developed in accordance with the rules of the technical operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 21, 2010 No. 286, "The regulation of the interaction of Locomotive Brigades with involved in railway transport workers, whose activities are directly related to the movement of trains, in the event of emergency and non-standard situations on the infrastructure of Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways of December 30, 2010 No. 2817R," Rules for Labor protection in the operation of the locomotives of Russian Railways, approved by the Order of Russian Railways of December 29, 2013 No. 2753r.

1.2. The procedure is obligatory for execution by employees of the Directorate of the thrust -Filiala Russian Railways.

2. Responsibilities of the locomotive brigade when accepting locomotive

2.1. When accepting locomotive, the locomotive brigade is required:

2.1.1. Get acquainted with the records in the journal of the technical condition of the Tu-152 forms of the adopted locomotive. If there are fault records in it, check their elimination.

2.1.2. After maintenance of TO-3 and all types of current repairs, make sure that in the log of the technical condition of the form of the Tu-152 entry on the full staffing of the locomotive by means of fire extinguishing and their serviceability.

2.1.3. Inspection and checking the locomotive equipment provided for in the manual and maintenance manuals approved for this locomotive series. When checking, make sure:

A) In stock Seals on the doors of the high-voltage chamber, cabinets with electrical equipment;

B) in the absence of leaks and clusters of petroleum products;

C) in the absence of a unforgettable material in fire hazardous places;

D) the presence and health of the housings of electrical furnaces.

2.1.4. Check the correctness of the storage of lubricants and vertier materials.

2.1.5. Based on the external inspection of fire hazardous nodes, make sure that they are technically good condition. The list of fire-hazardous aggregates, nodes and line equipment should be approved by the head of the operational locomotive depot for each series of locomotive based on the analysis of fire.

2.1.6. Check for primary fire extinguishing tools in accordance with the "standards for equipping objects and rolling stock by primary fire extinguishing agents" and their health, the presence of a bucket with sand. In fire extinguishers, check the presence of seals and dates of examinations.

2.1.7. Check the health of the stationary fire extinguishing system and fire alarm system (if available) in accordance with the operation manual for this system and the order approved by the head of the operational locomotive depot.

2.1.8. Check for personal protective equipment (self-supporters).

2.1.9. Inspect the diesel premises and fire-hazard locomotive sites immediately after the launch of the diesel engine.

2.2. Locomotive brigade is prohibited to take locomotive:

A) in the presence of confused faults made to the Tu-152 form magazine, which the machinist must inform the depot duty officer;

B) in the absence of recording in the technical condition of the Tu-152 form on the full staffing of the locomotive by means of fire extinguishing and their serviceability after maintenance of TO-3 and all types of current repairs;

C) when malfunctions of fire hazardous nodes are detected;

D) in the absence of personal protective equipment (self-supporters);

E) with faulty fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems, as well as faulty or absent primary fire extinguishing agents.

3. Responsibilities in the following way

3.1. While following the train, as well as a single next locomotive, a locomotive brigade is obliged periodically in accordance with the instructions approved by the head of the operational locomotive depot to monitor the lack of signs of fire or sunbathing in diesel (machine) locomotive premises (including three-section locomotive with a disregard section).

3.2. On locomotives, additionally, diesel premises and fire hazardous places should be inspected:

A) after each launch of diesel;

B) periodically when heating diesel engines with long parking at intermediate stations.

3.3. If necessary, assembling an emergency electrical circuit, to avoid creating a fire hazardous situation, the following conditions must be respected:

A) an emergency electrical circuit should be collected directly by the machine;

B) work should be carried out in accordance with the staffing emergency scheme provided by the manufacturer;

3.4. Fuse inserts of folding fuses and unsolved fuses should be replaced only by typical corresponding to the requirements of the electrical circuit.

3.5. When the automatic fire alarm signals are triggered, the locomotive brigade should immediately check the cause of the received fire on the occurrence.

3.6. If the signal turned out to be false, measures are taken to restore the automatic fire alarm system and bring it to its original position.

3.7. When the fire focus is detected, proceed to eliminate it in accordance with the rules set out in Section 4 of this Procedure.

4. Procedure in the event of a fire on the locomotive:

4.1. When a fire focus is found on the locomotive, the driver is obliged to take steps to stop the train, following the following conditions:

A) if possible, stopping on a favorable path of the path (platform) with such a calculation to ensure that it is necessary to access fire cars (at highway roads, relocations);

B) It is forbidden to stop trains with a burning locomotive at railway bridges, overpass, viaducts, overpass, in tunnels, under bridges.

C) if possible, stopping the train on electrified areas of railways should be carried out with such a calculation so that the burning locomotive is not located under tough or flexible cross

Sectional insulators, air arrows, as well as on the pairing of anchor sites;

4.2. Simultaneously with the adoption of a Locomotive Train Stop

Origada must submit a fire alarm signal (series of one long and two short sounds) and, using train radio or any other type of communication, immediately report on a fire dispatcher or duty at the nearest station to call fire units, indicating location location "Heads" stopped on the train (number kilometer, picket, path number, train number, surname driver). '

4.3. Report Stopping Machinists Counter and Following Trains.

4.4. Take steps to hold the train on the place established by the procedure.

4.5. To send an assistant to the driver to localize the fire focus by primary fire extinguishing (fire extinguishers, dry sand).

4.6. Included in the smoke room is necessary, pre-put on the means of protecting the respiratory organs (self-supporters). The duration of the use of respiratory protection tools should not exceed the time specified in the instruction manual.

4.7. In cases of impossibility to localize the fire for 20 minutes and the impossibility of holding the trains on the brakes to make the rolling stock of the brake shoes, if necessary, actuate the manual trains brakes, make the locomotive from the composition.

4.8. When liquidation of a fire in the locomotive by the forces of locomotive brigades on electrified railways, the following additional requirements must be respected:

A) when steaming the fire is prohibited before removing the voltage to approach the wires and other parts of the contact network and the air lines for a distance less than 2 m, and to the torn wires of the contact network and the air lines for a distance less than 8 m to their grounding,

B) The extinguishing of the burning items located at a distance of 8 m and more from the contact network and air lines, as well as firefighters inside the diesel locomotive at electrified areas, is allowed without removing the voltage. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the jet of water or foam is not closer than two meters to the contact network and other subjects located nearby.

The use for extinguishing water or foam fire extinguishing fires is allowed only after removing the voltage from the contact and air lines and their subsequent order. The contact network and air lines without the ground are considered as stress.

D) in all cases of fire the locomotive brigade

Starts to its liquidation, subject to the absence of a threat to his own life and health.

4 9. If a fire occurs on electric locomotive, the driver is obliged:

A) translate into zero position the handle of the driver controller, turn off the auxiliary machines, turn off the high-speed switch (main switch on the AC electric locomotive), stop the train, lower the current receivers and turn off the battery switch;

B) make sure that the current collectors are omitted and that the contact wire does not concern the roof or the equipment available on it;

C) To put on the means of protecting the respiratory organs (self-supporters) in accordance with the management of their operation and proceed along with the assistant to steam fire at the initial stage, using the available primary fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishers and dry sand). Remove the means of protection of the respiratory organs are allowed only after the exit to the pure unscrupulous space;

D) if the fire can not be eliminated by its own and existing means, consolidate the composition, depart the electric locomotive (or one of its sections) and take about 50 meters from cars, wooden buildings and other fire-hazardous objects;

E) make sure that there are no people in the bodies, run a fire extinguishing system (if available) and leave the electric locomotive, pre-secure it from spontaneous care and closing the door;

E) if there is a remote control panel of the launch system of fire extinguishing system under the body of an electric locomotive to launch it after leaving the electric locomotive;

G) after the fire is eliminated, the supply of voltage to electric locomotive, where there was damage to the electroapplents and wires, is prohibited. Electric locomotive damaged by fire must follow in the depot with lowered current collectors and disconnected control circuits.

4.10. When a fire occurs on the diesel locomotive, the driver must:

A) Translate to zero position of the controller handle, stop the diesel engine of the burning section, turn off all control devices and the switch

Rechargeable battery;

B) without waiting for the train stop, if circumstances allow,

Send a fire assistant;

C) with a small fire focus eliminate it using

Existing fire extinguishers and dry sand;

D) on diesel locomotives equipped with fire extinguishing installation, with a significant fire or when fire extinguishers can not extend the fire, the fire extinguishing installation should be carried out according to the order approved by the head of the depot;

E) If the fire cannot be eliminated by its own and existing means, consolidate the composition, depart the diesel locomotive or a burning section and take about 50 meters from cars, wooden buildings and other structures. After that, with the danger of spreading fire from the burning section to another, the sections are broken up and offered to a safe distance;

E) Ensure that there are no people in the bodies, leave the locomotive, after consolidating it from spontaneous care and closing the door.

5. Responsibilities when leasing locomotive:

5.1. When passing the locomotive, the driver must:

5.1.1. Record in the technical condition log form Tu-152:

A) in cases of eliminating the fires that have arisen during the trip, indicate which means of fire extinguishing were applied, indicate the amount of expended fire extinguishers;

B) on the operation of the fire extinguishing installation. Under what circumstances it turned on, the duration of action;

C) about false or spontaneous response system of the fire alarm system;

D) about all cases of assembling an emergency electrical circuit indicating the reason.

5.1.2. Say out in the report to the head of the operational locomotive depot of the detection of a fire and its actions in the elimination of lighting.