Mi contacts. Cloud service Mi Cloud - what it is and what it is eaten with

Our daily life is increasingly dependent on all kinds of gadgets and devices. They accumulate a ton of content we need. In this context, a breakdown or loss of a gadget can be disastrous. The situation was improved by cloud services that accumulate all the important data of your device. Storing information on remote servers gives access from almost any device. So what is Mi Cloud?

Mi Cloud is a Xiaomi cloud service that has no fundamental differences from many others like it. Its direct purpose is to create backups and store all the necessary files. In addition to safety, this cloud allows you to save device memory by unloading information that is not the most relevant.

Let's take a quick look at the main functions:

Mi Cloud Xiaomi in Russian is currently not presented. But even basic knowledge of English will be enough to work with the service.

How to download and install the Mi Cloud application on a computer

You can work with the functionality of the service through the web interface. But for more convenience, you can download the Mi Cloud Photo app. Application installation is available only for owners of PCs running Windows. The software is limited in functions, you can work only with photos and videos, but this solution will come in handy when working with a large amount of content.

The appearance is quite ascetic, at the same time simple and straightforward. You must enter the program using your

At the present time, cloud services are gaining more and more popularity, allowing you to store information on the Internet and access it anywhere. In this article, we will consider the Mi Cloud service (mi cloud) - this is the cloud storage of Xiaomi devices. Thanks to this service, you can store your personal information in the cloud, as well as transfer it between xiaomi phones. With Mi Cloud you will save a lot of storage space on your phone. Let's take a look at all the functions in order.

Login and basic functions

To log into your account in my cloud, you must have a xiaomi account (register a xiaomi account), no additional registration is needed. Login to mi cloud is available at https://i.mi.com, unfortunately, there is no Russian version of the site, only English.

Click "Sign in with Mi Account", enter your id (login) and password from your account. After authorization, you will be taken to the main menu page. In the middle at the top there will be information about connected devices and available memory. You can read how to free it or increase it in this article. At the top right is your nickname, just below it is a window through which you can send text messages to all your devices. In the middle there are sections that store information from a smartphone.

Contacts - Phone book, all your contacts are stored there, it is very convenient, even if something happens to the smartphone, all the data in the address book will remain with you. Moreover, you can import, export and even restore contacts deleted 2 months ago (Restore contacts).

Messages - Through the cloud, you can also view all your messages and even correspond.

Gallery - The gallery contains all your photos and videos, which you can download from there in original quality at any time. It is very comfortable. There is a basket in the gallery, all deleted photos are there and take up space.

In the notes section, you can find all your notes that you can edit or delete.

Recordings - all your voice recorder recordings are stored here (when synchronization is enabled).

Find device helps you find your device or erase all data from it. You can read about how to find your device in this article.

In addition to the visible information, there are many other synchronized data in the cloud, it can be backups of your applications, music, data on wi-fi networks, browser history, call history, blacklist of contacts.

All cloud settings are carried out through the phone menu: "Settings"> "Mi Cloud". There you can disable unnecessary sync functions. In almost every new firmware, more and more data begins to sync with the cloud, therefore, it is quite possible that at the time of reading this article, there will be more functions. It is worth recalling that it is recommended to enable the smartphone search option, thanks to it, many owners were able to recover the devices stolen from them.

Initially, you can use only 5GB of free space, with the possibility of free expansion up to 10GB. If you run out of free space, then we advise you to read this article.

Sync contacts

To sync contacts with the cloud, you need to go to your phone settings and enable this function.

Sometimes contacts do not want to start synchronizing themselves, for this we need to open the contacts menu and select "Import and Export", then "In my account".

Possible synchronization errors

If mi cloud notifies about an error in syncing contacts or SMS, there may be two reasons:

  • Incorrect device firmware (garbage left from the previous firmware)
  • Xiaomi server glitch (localization and Cyrillic problems)

The following actions help many:

  1. Switch phone language to English
  2. Delete temporarily numbers from the black list of contacts.

Computer program

For more convenient data transfer between the computer and the cloud, xiaomi has released a program called "mi cloud photo manager". This program is quite simple to use, it has only two functions:

Switch language

Sometimes mi cloud photo manager is installed in Chinese. To change the settings and language of the program, just click on the triangle in the lower right corner of windows, right-click on the program icon and select the language there.

If the first method did not work, then there is an alternative option:

Open the windows command line (win + R).

We type regedit there and press enter


We select MicPChelper, on the right side of the program we find the line "locate", make a double click and change its parameter to en_US.

Unlink from mi cloud

Many people have a question: "How to remove a synchronized phone from mi cloud?", In fact, everything is simple. If you need to disconnect a device from your account, you need to click on the number of connected devices on the main page at the top (for example, 1 connected). In the list of devices that opens, select the desired one and then click on the red "Delete Device" button.

We hope this information helped you. Be sure to comment and share your experience. The article will be supplemented.


MI account in Xiaomi - what is it and what is it for?

As you know, Xiaomi is a Chinese manufacturer of not only smartphones, but also other wearable gadgets. By analogy with Google, which is not very popular in China, Xiaomi has created a “mi account” - an account necessary to link all the services of its ecosystem into a single whole.

Why do you need a mi account?

This account is needed to synchronize the work of all services developed by Xiaomi. Among the most interesting of them are: the Mi Cloud, the ability to find the phone in case of loss, synchronize notes, calendar entries, contacts and messages, as well as store data from all kinds of additional accessories. In the case of wearable gadgets, which include Mi Band fitness bracelets, smart scales, watches and sneakers, using my account is a must.

How to create a mi account?

To create a mi account, if you are using a Xiaomi smartphone, you will need to go to the settings section and click on the "Mi account" item.

In the window that opens, you need to decide to click "Register an account" if you want to register an account on a phone number or "Other methods" to register an account on your e-mail.

In case of registration using e-mail, enter your email address and come up with a password to enter. A "captcha" will appear, which will need to be entered, after which a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to activation.

We go into our mail and click on the activation button in the received letter. We return to the account registration window again, where we click "Account already confirmed".

On the login page, again click on "Other methods", select the entrance using e-mail, enter the address with a password and click on the "Login" button.

All that remains is to give permissions to the account to collect various information from the smartphone.

In the event that you need to register an account without a smartphone, you will need to go to the official Xiaomi website.

How to unlink mi account from phone?

When selling a phone, it is desirable that my account be unlinked from the mobile device, otherwise the new owner will not be able to untie it on his own, without resetting the system settings.

To do this, go to the smartphone settings, open the "mi account" item, where we click on the "Log out" button.

We enter the password for the account and choose whether we want to delete data from Mi Cloud or not. After that, the account will be unlinked from the mobile device.

What to do if you forgot your mi account password?

If you successfully forgot your mi account password, you need to restore it.

To do this, next to the window where you need to enter the password, click "Forgot your password?" and go to the official Xiaomi website.

We confirm our e-mail, enter the captcha and wait for the security code that will come in the letter. In case of registration by phone, you will need to receive a secret code by SMS.

Enter the received code into the field and press the "Submit" button. Next, a form will appear to create a new password. We fill it in and click "Send".

This completes the mi account password change.

How to delete mi account?

Attention! Deleting my account must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, the tied devices can be irretrievably lost.

Before deleting an account, untie all devices connected to it: smartphone, smart watch, etc.

After that, you need to go to the official MI website and confirm your intentions.

In this case, the account will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.


What is a mi account, how to register and what is it for in xiaomi

Xiaomi is becoming very popular day in and day out. The variety of devices of this brand, as well as special services for them, is growing. To use them, we need to create an account. Let's figure out what this mi account is in xiaomi phones, how to register and what it will give us.

What is a mi account for?

A registered mi account is a profile that contains your data, is tied to xiaomi devices and gives you the opportunity to use the following features:

  • Sync Xiaomi Mi Band Fitness Bracelet with Mi Fit App
  • Receive information from smart scales (Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale)
  • Change themes on Xiaomi phones
  • Receive updates and new versions of firmware for phones
  • Unlock the bootloader to completely change the firmware (including Russian)
  • It will be possible to control the phone using a computer (block or delete all data if you have lost your device)
  • Use services Mi Credits, Mi Wallet, Mi Pass
  • And the most important thing is to use the Mi Cloud cloud service, contacts, messages, photos and videos, notes will be stored there. In addition, thanks to this service, you can view the number of the inserted SIM card and track its location in case you lose your phone.

This account is provided free of charge for the entire period of use.

Create an account

Registering an account is quite simple, there are 3 ways, we will consider each of them.

Option 1 - Registration in the browser via mail

We fill in the data: the country of residence and your e-mail address, before it was necessary to fill in the date of birth, but at the time of this writing, this was no longer required.

If you do not want to receive news and offers from Xiaomi (in Chinese), then uncheck the box next to the inscription “Stay up to date with news and offers from the Mi Store”.

Click "Create Mi Account".

On the next page, create and enter a password twice, it must be at least 8 characters long and include both Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the captcha (random text from the picture) into the next window and click "Submit".

Registration is complete. Login is your mail (phone number), and the password is the one you entered during registration.

Then you must confirm your mail, which will receive a letter within 30 minutes, do not close the registration page, it may be needed if the letter does not arrive. You just need to enter your mail in another tab and check for a letter. In the letter itself, click on the confirmation link.

If you were not redirected to your created profile, then you can log into your mi account using this link https://account.xiaomi.com

If you have not received a confirmation letter in your mail, check the "spam" folder in your mailbox. Otherwise, click "Resend Activation email" on the page you left on the previous tab. If, after another 30 minutes, the letter does not arrive, then you should use the second option, which is described below.

Option 2 - Registration via mobile number

Go to the registration page https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/register

Click below on the button labeled "Create using a phone number".

We select the country if not selected, fill in the phone number, without +7, and enter the captcha (code from the picture) and click "Create Mi Account".

You will receive an SMS with a code on your phone, enter this code and press "Next", if for a long time SMS does not come, press "Resend code".

If you entered the correct code, then you will be prompted to set your password, it must consist of at least 8 characters and include both Latin letters and numbers.

If everything is done correctly, you will see an emoticon on the next page.

Your account has been created!

Option 3 - Registration via the app

If for some reason you are unable to use the browser for registration, you can register in the same way through the application, initially installing it on your smartphone. The disadvantage of this method is that to complete the registration, your phone will send an SMS abroad (roaming), which will cost you more than a regular SMS.

In the application, click "register"

We enter your phone number, after that you will be asked to send an SMS to roaming to complete registration, if you are ready to pay for this SMS, then press "ok".

Your account is ready to go.

Update. Recently, a new version of the Mi Fit program was released, in which the developers made a mistake, due to which it is impossible to log into the account, the "log in" button is simply missing. We discussed the solution to this problem in a separate article.


Clearing and increasing the amount of memory in mi cloud

Advanced users of the Internet and all kinds of mobile devices, tablets and other things, by the usual word "cloud" does not mean clouds in the sky at all. Virtual clouds allow us to use free space on the servers of equipment manufacturers in order to keep the memory free on the devices themselves or to store important data that ensure the correct functionality of certain software. In this article, we will talk about how to clear Mi Cloud for Xiaomi device users.

Virtual storage volumes

If earlier the owners of Xiaomi technology could get 10 GB of free space in the cloud, now they are given only 5 GB, and the reason for this is already clear. With the rapid growth in the number of users, manufacturers were forced to limit this possibility, since their resources are still not unlimited, although the initial 5 GB is allowed to expand. You can achieve this result in paid and free ways, which we will talk about below, and we will also teach you how to clean space.

The process of freeing up memory in the cloud

We will go to the analysis of this issue from the very beginning, and therefore we will mention that in order to get a place in the Mi Cloud, you must have a Xiaomi account, and each of you must already own such an account. So go into it, after which you will see an infogram about what the cloud memory is spent on. Basically the place is occupied by:

  • multimedia files, that is, photos and videos;
  • backup of the applications available on the device (you can disable it);
  • voice recorder recording.

It is definitely worth noting that, in addition to these points, this includes phone book entries, notes, but since their share in the entire cloud is insignificant, you can skip these and similar points.

If you went to Mi Cloud, then select all other items through the cloud interface, and this is elementary. If you want to carry out the appropriate manipulations through the phone, then first we study the state of the cloud along the path: "Settings - Mi Cloud - Memory". Then we proceed as follows:

  • go to the "Gallery" tab, where we immediately jump to the "Cloudy" sub-tab, and here we delete all unnecessary wallpapers, screenshots, videos, and so on;
  • after clearing the most voluminous category, it remains to launch the "Dictaphone" application, and then select the menu item "Records", then "Cloudy" and delete them;
  • the backup of applications is deleted through the Mi Cloud menu, from which we started, and by going to the "Backup applications" tab, we will see the entire list of programs. By clicking on any of them, at the bottom of the window that opens, click on the "Delete backup" button.

Thus, you will be able to quickly and easily clean up space in the cloud in order to soon fill it with new files. But what if you don't have enough space anyway?

How to expand the volume of Mi Cloud

Go to account.xiaomi.com, login and click on the account information tab, and then click on the Locate field. There, select the 中国 item and click on the checkmark in order to change your region (the account language does not change). Then we go to i.mi.com, where we start working.

  1. Click on the free space indicator, and when an additional window appears, click on the Get more storage field
  2. Next, we see windows with available plans to buy an additional seat, where we select the desired one and click on the Buy now button.
  3. There you will see what you pay for, how long the space is given, and so on; click on Ok.
  4. In a new window, we see the balance of Mi credits, and if you do not have enough of them, you can add funds at www.micredits.com/buy-mi-credits.
  5. After a successful purchase, we will see that the tariff plan is connected, after which we can close the window and start enjoying the purchase.

All the same can be done through the phone along the path "My Account - Mi Cloud", and there we are already "pumping over" the membership according to the plan chosen below.

Earning Mi credits

For those who do not want to spend money, can earn credits on the official Xiaomi forum. Go to en.miui.com/forum.php and start working. Credits are credited here for activity, messages, time spent on the forum itself (hours), experience, prestige, and so on. To earn prestige, we create new topics, experience is gained for participating in discussions, votes in polls, rating topics, and so on.

If you do not go into details, then you will be rewarded for useful actions, active replenishment and promotion of the forum, so go for it. Right now, this is the only free option to get extra volume for your mi cloud account. For those who need details on how to earn mi loans, we have written a formula.
It should be borne in mind that at any time, Xiaomi can change the algorithm for obtaining loans or completely cancel it.


How to unlink a xiaomi smartphone from a mi account

Currently, manufacturers of mobile devices are trying to make stealing smartphones an unprofitable business by linking the owner's phone to his personal account, without access to which it is not possible to use the phone. But there are situations when the user needs to somehow untie xiaomi from the mi account. Of the popular reasons, two can be noted:

  • Selling the device and the need to remove all previous data from it. You can read the instructions on this here.
  • The device asks for a password when booting, but you forgot it. You can read about password recovery methods in this article.

In this article, we will consider several ways to unlink the phone from the account, depending on your case.

You have access to mi account

Unlinking the phone from my account

You need to unlink my account through the device itself. Be sure to write down your account id and password, as you may need these details to log out of your account on your phone. Go to the settings of your smartphone, then to the menu item "Mi account".

At the present time, cloud services are gaining more and more popularity, allowing you to store information on the Internet and access it anywhere. In this article, we will consider the Mi Cloud service (mi cloud) - this is the cloud storage of Xiaomi devices. Thanks to this service, you can store your personal information in the cloud, as well as transfer it between xiaomi phones. With Mi Cloud you will save a lot of storage space on your phone. Let's take a look at all the functions in order.

Login and basic functions

To log into your account in mi cloud, you must have a xiaomi () account, no additional registration is needed. Login to mi cloud is available at https://i.mi.com, unfortunately, there is no Russian version of the site, only English.

Click "Sign in with Mi Account", enter your id (login) and password from your account. After authorization, you will be taken to the main menu page. In the middle at the top there will be information about connected devices and available memory. How to free it or increase it, you can read in. At the top right is your nickname, just below it is a window through which you can send text messages to all your devices. In the middle there are sections that store information from a smartphone.

Contacts - Phone book, all your contacts are stored there, it is very convenient, even if something happens to the smartphone, all the data in the address book will remain with you. Moreover, you can import, export and even restore contacts deleted 2 months ago (Restore contacts).

Messages - Through the cloud, you can also view all your messages and even correspond.

Gallery - The gallery contains all your photos and videos, which you can download from there in original quality at any time. It is very comfortable. There is a basket in the gallery, all deleted photos are there and take up space.

In the notes section, you can find all your notes that you can edit or delete.

Recordings - all your voice recorder recordings are stored here (when synchronization is enabled).

Find device helps you find your device or erase all data from it. You can read about how to find your device in.

In addition to the visible information, there are many other synchronized data in the cloud, it can be backups of your applications, music, data on wi-fi networks, browser history, call history, blacklist of contacts.

All cloud settings are carried out through the phone menu: "Settings"> "Mi Cloud". There you can disable unnecessary sync functions. In almost every new firmware, more and more data begins to sync with the cloud, therefore, it is quite possible that at the time of reading this article, there will be more functions. It is worth recalling that it is recommended to enable the smartphone search option, thanks to it, many owners were able to recover the devices stolen from them.

Initially, you can use only 5GB of free space, with the possibility of free expansion up to 10GB. If you run out of free space, then we advise you to read this article.

Sync contacts

To sync contacts with the cloud, you need to go to your phone settings and enable this function.

Sometimes contacts do not want to start synchronizing themselves, for this we need to open the contacts menu and select "Import and Export", then "In my account".

Possible synchronization errors

If mi cloud notifies about an error in syncing contacts or SMS, there may be two reasons:

  • Incorrect device firmware (garbage left from the previous firmware)
  • Xiaomi server glitch (localization and Cyrillic problems)

The following actions help many:

  1. Switch phone language to English
  2. Delete temporarily numbers from the black list of contacts.

Computer program

For more convenient data transfer between the computer and the cloud, xiaomi has released a program called "mi cloud photo manager". This program is quite simple to use, it has only two functions:

You can download the program at this link. This program does not support Russian language at the moment.

Switch language

Sometimes mi cloud photo manager is installed in Chinese. To change the settings and language of the program, just click on the triangle in the lower right corner of windows, right-click on the program icon and select the language there.

If the first method did not work, then there is an alternative option:

Open the windows command line (win + R).

We type regedit there and press enter


We select MicPChelper, on the right side of the program we find the line "locate", make a double click and change its parameter to en_US.

Unlink from mi cloud

Many people have a question: "How to remove a synchronized phone from mi cloud?", In fact, everything is simple. If you need to disconnect a device from your account, you need to click on the number of connected devices on the main page at the top (for example, 1 connected). In the list of devices that opens, select the desired one and then click on the red "Delete Device" button.

We hope this information helped you. Be sure to comment and share your experience. The article will be supplemented.

People keep all their lives on the phone - videos, a bunch of photos, useful notes, music and much more. But if the smartphone breaks down, all this will be lost, which I would not like to allow. The Mi Cloud service on the Xiaomi phone will solve this problem, since it allows you to save data not only on the device itself, but also on the network - in the cloud, where you can go from another phone and view your archives at any time.

Thanks to this feature, you can save a decent amount of space or transfer data to your computer, using it remotely when the need arises. In general, it is very convenient, so let's take a closer look at this feature of Xiaomi smartphones.

What is Mi Cloud and what are its functions

In fact, Mi Cloud is the storage of information that is on the phone. Similar applications from other smartphone manufacturers operate on the same principle. In order to get the same cloud for yourself, you need to have, that is, register and get the right to access. Only when registering is it better to come up with a complex password, but such that it can be remembered. This will protect your information from hacking.

But there is only one drawback - the official website https://i.mi.com cannot yet provide users with an interface in Russian, therefore, without knowing English, it will be difficult to register, which means entering the cloud, but it will be possible. So, the login procedure looks like this:

  • Are looking for "Sign in with Mi Account" and in the opening field where we enter the login, followed by the password;
  • We go to the main menu, where we view information about the stored data. Each section is responsible for its own data type, which is very convenient if you need to quickly find something specific;
  • Also, there is a section here "Contacts", which is a regular phone book where all contacts are stored. And not only those that you have on your smartphone, but also those that were deleted no more than two months ago;

  • V "Messages" the user can not only view his messages, but also correspond with subscribers;
  • In chapter "Gallery" collected all photos, as well as videos. You don't have to clutter up your phone's memory if you can download everything right now without any effort. But if you deleted a picture, it does not immediately go nowhere, but remains in the gallery's basket in the cloud and also takes up space, so the resources need to be cleaned periodically;
  • Chapter "Recordings" stores recordings from the voice recorder, but they will be sent to the cloud only if synchronization was enabled.

If you use the Find device function, you can connect any synchronized device to the cloud, be it a smartphone, TV or computer. By the way, the place can be occupied by invisible data, in particular, application backups, information about Wi-Fi networks, unclean history of browsers, calls, etc. To prevent this trash from accumulating, it must be periodically cleaned.

Give gifts

Cleaning Mi Cloud

Unfortunately, this virtual storage is not unlimited. Modern models have the ability to fill only 5 GB, which is not nearly as much as we would like. In addition, the fact that earlier users were allowed to use 10 GB is doubly offensive, but when the number of users increased, the developers realized that they could not cope with such an influx of information.

Although instead of Mi Cloud, you can use a PC as storage, but there will be no virtual access to it. In addition, for PC users there is a special Mi Cloud program that can be used on computers, and it is installed as easy as on a phone.

The process of freeing memory in Mi Cloud looks like this:

  • Go to "Settings" – « Mi Cloud ""Memory";
  • We are looking for a gallery, and after entering this menu, we are looking for a sub-item Cloudy, and remove unnecessary screenshots, videos, photos;
  • After we go to the "Dictaphone", as the second sub-item, which takes up a lot of space in the cloud. Choosing a sub-item "Records"Cloudy"Delete";
  • The backup is deleted via the Mi Cloud application. Entering the tab "Backup applications", put a checkmark in front of those that are not needed, and gradually delete everything in order to fill the vacated space with other data today.

Cloud applications are constantly popularized, since they allow you to transfer any information not only to the hard drive of a laptop, computer, or microSD, but also to the provided storage on the Network. Such services include Mi Cloud from a well-known manufacturer with a proprietary MIUI shell.

The cloud from Xiaomi allows you to save all user data or transfer it to connected devices. We will describe in detail all the functions of the program below.

Login and interface

Creating an account in Mi Cloud is completely free, so you just need to register in the system and log into your account. You can go to the cloud by. You can log in from both a computer and a mobile device. It should be noted that the resource is displayed, in particular, in English, since there is no Russian design.

Then log in with your password and username. For the latter, the mobile number specified during registration is often used. You also need to come up with your password. If the procedure was performed correctly, then when you get to the main page, the center will indicate the amount of free space. If necessary, the available memory can be increased to more than 10 GB in the basic version, which requires payment.

In the upper part on the right, your Nickname will be displayed, and slightly below the section for transferring notifications to your smartphones. The large section on the right is for displaying information about the data structure of the phone. The menu is designed in a peculiar way, so the following items will be present:

  1. Gallary. All photos and videos will be moved here, and you can upload them to another drive at any time. There is also a recycle bin for deleting all unnecessary data;
  2. The component contains all audio recordings made with the voice recorder. To move them to the cloud, you must activate the connection while recording;
  3. Your SMS. Here you can check old messages or start new ones;
  4. Department of preservation of phone book numbers. If there is a breakdown or theft of the device, you can continue to contact your friends or acquaintances. Contacts can be uploaded or sent, which is most effective for recovering a deleted number that was erased less than two months ago.

The project site recommends the "Find device" option for situations with the loss of a smartphone, and you can delete any personal information from it. In addition, the service provides finding the location in which the gadget is currently located. However, this is only relevant in situations where the finder will try to access the Network with MIUI.

Settings and sync

After setting the appropriate parameters on your device, you can connect mobile numbers to the cloud service. To do this, check the box next to the "Synchronization" section. If the result did not follow for an unknown reason, then it is likely that the problem lies in incorrect software, or due to the fault of the server. To fix the problem, try to erase all items from the "black list" and change the language to English in the phone settings.

You can set the conditions for transferring any information to the cloud, for example, photos. The procedure is carried out through the phone settings in the Mi Cloud section. The current software versions independently synchronize most of the data with the application, while the user can partially or completely deactivate the function, and the files transferred before are erased as simply as possible.