The microphone does not work during a call android. The microphone on the phone does not work: causes and solutions

Not many people know about the existence in the Android OS of the menu with the advanced settings of the device - engineering menu ... And someone knows, but not vkurse how to enter it and what to do with it.
In this article, we will show you how to enter the engineering menu and some of its capabilities.

You can enter the engineering menu simply by writing a special command (but I must add that this method does not work on all versions of Android and not on all devices)

The command to enter the engineering menu: *#*#3646633#*#*

Also, on some versions of Android, the command may work *#15963#* and*#*#4636#*#*

Immediately after entering, the command should disappear and the engineering menu should open. But on some devices, you still need to press the "Call" key

If this method does not work, you can use an alternative one!

And it consists in installing the program (which, by the way, is freely available on Google Play) " Mobileuncle MTK Tools 2.4.0"

This program will open access to the engineering menu (that is, it will work similarly to dialing a combination*#*#3646633#*#*)

There are a lot of settings! The scope for experimentation is huge! You can debug and adjust almost EVERYTHING!

For clarity, let's briefly analyze the volume level setting of the device:

We go into the program ---> select the "Engineer Mode" section

Because we are interested in setting the sound level, select ---> "Audio"

And voila, the menu that interests us opens.

Max Vol - the same for the entire subsection, as a rule, set to 150 (you can change 0-160 - it changes if you select the Media item in the subsection).

If in some submenu, for example, Audio - Normal - Sph, the overall level is not available for regulation, then enter another subsection, for example, Audio - Normal - Media - there it will be possible to adjust the overall volume level.

Sph - volume levels during a telephone conversation,
Mic - microphone sensitivity levels,
Ring - the volume of the call,
Media - volume when playing music, movies, games.

Ring volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Ring
Max Vol = 150
Levels: 120 130 145 160 180 200 (more starts wheezing)

Conversation volume levels in the telephone speaker in Audio - Normal - Sph
Max Vol = 150
Levels: 100 120 130 135 140 145 150

Talk volume levels in the microphone in Audio - Normal - Mic
Levels: 100 172 172 172 172 172 172

Media volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Media

Levels: 110 130 160 190 210 230 250

All the same can be configured for the Headphone mode, by analogy:

Speaker volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Sph
Max Vol = 150 (it is the same for the entire section)
Levels: 80 100 110 120 130 140 150 (more starts wheezing)

Now all volumes are adjusted to adequate ranges.
If you are not satisfied with the volume levels, you can set your own values ​​(the higher the value, the higher the volume when adjusting the volume keys, or the greater the microphone sensitivity)

By analogy, you can customize most of the sections! Experiment!

This procedure can be carried out in two ways: using the engineering menu and through third-party applications. The first option is more complicated in execution, but does not require the installation of any additional software.

Before you increase the sensitivity of the spoken microphone of the device on Android through the engineering menu, it is recommended to write down each step, as well as the normal parameters of the values ​​on a piece of paper. If your manipulations have no effect, you can always return to the standard settings.

The first stage is to call the engineering menu itself. To do this, activate the dialing menu, and then enter the following combinations:

If your phone is not here, then just type the model into the search and find out a unique code to enter.

After getting into the engineering menu, familiarize yourself with its interface and the settings that it provides. The external design of the appearance may differ on different phone models, but the general structure and variable parameters are the same everywhere. Go to the "Audio" section.

All kinds of audio settings will open in front of you. Let's see what each of them is responsible for:

  • Normal Mode - active mode parameters (no audio devices are connected to the phone);
  • Headset Mode - parameters when turning on the headset or external speakers;
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone settings. It is activated when switching to the loudspeaker during a conversation;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - combination of a loudspeaker with connected headphones. It is activated when the speakerphone is turned on after connecting to any external audio device;
  • Speech Enchancement is active during a normal conversation on a smartphone (it is not connected to anything, while it is not in loudspeaker mode);
  • Debug Info - data for restoring a backup;
  • Speech Logger - registration of conversation logs;
  • Audio Logger - built-in software for sound recording with search, quick launch and save support.

It is better not to go into the three most recent sections. Their purpose is not completely clear, and accidental change of any settings can lead to system failure or malfunction of the phone. Other modes offer a wide variety of sound options that are not available in the normal menu. When you click on any of the sections, the following characteristics will open to you:

These values ​​are decoded as follows:

  • Sip - parameters of online calls;
  • Mic - change the settings of the spoken microphone;
  • Sph, Sph2 - settings for the main and additional spoken dynamics;
  • Sid - changing these parameters may distort the phone call. You will hear yourself instead of the person you typed. Better not to touch;
  • Media - volume of media files playback;
  • Ring - parameters of incoming calls;
  • FMR - parameters of the radio playback level.

If you go to one of these sections, the settings menu will open directly. The first point is to change the volume (or sensitivity) of the audio device (Level). A total of seven different stages of this parameter can be selected. Thus, Level 0 will be considered the lowest sound level and Level 6 the highest. Each of these metrics can be fine-tuned using the Value function. It reflects the sound level (or sensitivity) specifically for the selected Level value. The parameter fluctuates in the range of 0 - 255. To change it, you need to remove the previous value, add your own and press the "Set" key.

At the very bottom is the Max Vol parameter. (0 - 172). This is the maximum level of operation of the audio device, it remains constant when the Level characteristic changes.

Having familiarized ourselves with the work of the engineering menu in theory, let's move on to practice. To increase the microphone sensitivity while talking on an Android device, use the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the engineering menu, and then select the "Audio" section.
  2. Go to the subsection "Normal Mode", and in it - in "Mic".
  3. For the best effect, assign all Levels the same Value (for example, 235).
  4. Confirm your selection by pressing the "Set" key. This will save the entered settings in the phone memory.

Many people may not be satisfied with the sensitivity of the microphone when recording sound with a voice recorder or recording a video. To fix this, follow these steps sequentially:

  1. In the engineering menu, click on the "Audio" tab.
  2. Select "LoudSpeaker Mode", and in it - "Mic".
  3. Raise the Value at all sound levels. Adjust the sensitivity to achieve the desired audio capture volume.
  4. We save the parameters by clicking on the "Set" button.

Do not forget to press the "Set" button to save, otherwise your command will not be displayed in the phone memory in any way. Many devices also require a reboot of the Android OS for the changes to take effect.

Changing the sensitivity using third-party programs

If you have problems entering the Android engineering menu or you have not found the desired combination of characters for your phone, then you should not be upset. With the Mobileuncle Tools application, you can unblock this service on any device. To get into the engineering menu using the program, you need:

Using the Volume + program, you can increase the sensitivity of the headset microphone without entering the engineering menu. The application is absolutely free, and you do not need Root rights to work with it. To increase the microphone sensitivity on your headset:

Very often, smartphone owners are faced with a problem when the microphone does not work on the phone or works very poorly. There are actually several reasons why this happens, ranging from a banal software failure to a hardware failure. Actually, this is what will be discussed in our article. The question of why the microphone on the headphones does not work will also be additionally considered, which is also a fairly common problem. In general, it will be interesting!

Software glitch

The first reason why the microphone on the phone does not work is a malfunction of the operating system. It does not matter at all what OS is installed on the device - "Android", iOS, "Windows" or any other, failures are everywhere and they happen spontaneously.

How can the malfunction be dealt with? There are several options here, and the easiest one is to reboot the device. As a rule, in most cases this will completely eliminate the problem and the microphone will begin to function again. The second option is more radical - resetting the settings to the factory state. Sometimes a software glitch can be much more serious than it might seem at first glance, and a simple reboot will not fix it.

Dust and dirt

The next reason why a microphone on a phone may not work well is dust and dirt. Microphone holes on the body of your device are quite small and often clogged with small dust and dirt particles. As a result, the sensitivity of the microphone is significantly reduced, and with very strong pollution, it almost disappears altogether.

This problem is fixed quite easily:

  • First you need to try blowing air into the microphone. You can try to blow it yourself or use a can of compressed air.
  • This may not always work, as dust and dirt particles can build up quite hard. In this case, you will have to use a thin needle (or any other thin object). It should easily penetrate the microphone opening and can be used to remove any dirt that has accumulated there. Only you need to act as carefully and carefully as possible, not pushing the needle too deep, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the microphone itself.

Bad contact

Oddly enough, falls of the smartphone are also often the reason why the microphone on the phone does not work. This is especially true of budget devices from little-known manufacturers, since their build quality is very lame.

Actually, why are device drops dangerous for the microphone? It's simple. In case of a fall, there is a risk that the microphone cable, which is connected to the main board, may lose contact or completely disconnect from its connector. As a result, the microphone will either work with serious interference, or it will completely stop working.

There is only one way to fix this problem. You need to disassemble the device and connect the ribbon cable to its place. You can do this yourself or take the device for repair.

Moisture ingress

Moisture is also becoming a common reason why the microphone on the phone does not work. Here it is not even worth explaining how moisture gets inside: wet hands, using the device in the rain, in the shower, bath, sauna, etc. If it gets inside, moisture can not only disrupt the operation of the microphone, but completely disable it ... The only way to fix this problem is to replace the microphone with a new one.

Microphone malfunction

And finally, the last reason why the microphone on the phone does not work is a malfunction of the "micro" itself. It often happens that, for no apparent reason, the microphone simply breaks down. Of course, sometimes a defect during production can become a factor for breakdown, but, as practice shows, absolutely correctly assembled microphones also break down.

The way to fix the problem here is exactly the same as above - a complete replacement of the faulty part with a new one.

Microphone on headphones

Well, as a bonus, it is worth saying a few words about why the headphone microphone on the phone does not work. This is a fairly common problem, which in turn can be divided into two:

  • The first reason why the microphone on the headset does not work is a banal malfunction of the microphone itself or the 3.5 mm input on the phone. The easiest way to check if this is so is on another device.
  • The second reason is that the sensitivity of the microphone through the headset is set to almost 0. Such a malfunction occurs very rarely and is corrected through the engineering menu.

Access codes for the latter must be searched for a specific model, since they are all different. Once in the engineering menu, go to the Hardware tab and select the Earphones and Mic item (the name may differ).

The Speech Enhancement item is responsible for adjusting the sensitivity. You need to experiment with the parameters and find the necessary values ​​at which the microphone on the headphones will begin to function. It is also a good idea to write down the original settings in the menu in case something goes wrong.

In this article, I will go over the main reasons why the microphone does not work on an Android phone and what you can do to restore its functionality.

It should be noted that the microphone may not work as a whole, or in individual applications (when calling, in Skype, voice recorder, etc.). Each situation is unique and sometimes the assistance of a repair service center is required.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Reasons why the microphone does not work on Android

The reasons why the microphone on Android does not work can be software and hardware in nature.

  1. Moisture penetration into the housing.
  2. Impact, fall or other mechanical impact.
  3. Clogging.
  4. Unsuccessful needle / toothpick cleaning with damage to the microphone.
  5. Software glitch.

If the user can deal with software errors on his own by performing a reset or flashing the device, then hardware faults often require qualified assistance from a specialist in a service center.


If the microphone on Android does not work after moisture or mechanical stress, then you will hardly be able to fix it on your own. It is much more realistic to cope with clogging and program errors.

One of the symptoms of clogging is that the microphone may partially work, but the sound is highly distorted, so that the interlocutor hears almost nothing. If you encounter such a problem, blow out and carefully clean the small hole in the cabinet, which acts as a sound trap. Do not use excessive force, or you may damage the microphone.

If cleaning does not help, but you are sure there is no hardware problem, use software troubleshooting methods:

Use official or verified custom firmware to avoid conflicts between system and hardware.

The microphone does not work in some cases

If the sound periodically disappears, then this indicates a lack of reliable contact. As a result of mechanical stress or ingress of moisture and oxidation, contact may periodically disappear. This problem is solved only in the service center.

To exclude the factor of influence of third-party applications on the operation of the microphone, it is recommended to check the performance.

If the microphone does not work in the voice recorder or communication applications (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram), then the cause of the problem should be looked for in their settings. In rare cases, these applications may refuse to work with the built-in microphone and pick up sound through the headset normally. Reinstalling the application may help.

f Android has stopped working or does not work always and not in all applications the microphone. What to do if you cannot hear me during a conversation.

Many users face the problem when phone or Android tablet starts to play up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that the microphone of the device has stopped working or does not work correctly... This may be due to:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is a software failure

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (that is, it requires replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems microphone operation smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch, which you can easily fix on your own.

We fix the software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings" find there "Backup and reset" where you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, the use of this method is often effective, but it entails the removal of all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving network communication and reception problems phone s and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls system functions, corrects, and fixes all possible settings and synchronization errors is a small and easy-to-use free utility for Android devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. Google play and you can see additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing else is required. The application will completely take over the control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also significantly increase, which will affect the download speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system works on 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Change of device software, or, as it is also called "Per firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. To independently carry out this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website for your device, download the utilities and the firmware itself necessary for the firmware, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

In an Android smartphone or tablet, the microphone has stopped working or does not always work and not in all applications. What to do if you cannot hear me during a conversation.