Smartphone turns off when charging is turned on. The phone does not turn on - what to do

Has your phone suddenly turned off and won't turn on? Discharged to zero, and does not start even when connected charger?

Many mistakenly believe that the battery is out of order, and spend money on buying a battery, although in most cases the problem is not in it.

The battery cannot fail suddenly. If up to now the phone has been working properly, and the charge was enough for at least one day, then it is unlikely that the problem is in it. More precisely, it may be in the battery, but the problem is solved not by replacing the battery, but by other actions.

So, if the phone turned off and does not turn on, then the problem may be in the battery, in the phone's firmware, and also on the motherboard (in the power circuit).

Before taking your phone to a service center, we recommend that you do the following:

1. You need to take a charger with increased current (more powerful). Nominally, modern phones consume 5 volts, the current strength sufficient to support the charge is from 0.4 to 1 ampere. But if the phone's battery is completely discharged, then it may require increased current to start, more than 1 ampere, and on some smartphones - more than 2 amperes.

Therefore, we recommend taking a power adapter from any tablet with 5V 2A or 5V 2.1A characteristics. Connect your phone to it using a data cable and leave it to charge. If after 15-20 minutes the phone does not turn on, then the problem is not in the battery.

2. If the phone turned off suddenly, or during charging, or during firmware, and does not turn on anymore, then most likely, you need to flash the phone with bootloader recovery. Please contact the service center.

3. The most common problem is damage to the charging socket (system connector). Nest soldering - 1000 rubles. Replacement - 1200 rubles.

4. The most unpleasant, but alas, the most likely option is the burnout of the board, damage to internal elements.Usually, a service center diagnoses this problem as a failure of the power controller.

This can be cured in 90% of cases, although repairing the power circuit on a smartphone is classified as an increased complexity, and not all service centers can help. Why? On most phones, part of the power circuit is under the compound (resin on the board), it is very difficult to remove it without damaging the tracks, special equipment is required. Our service center has both equipment and masters who can help in solving this problem, and most importantly, a spare parts database, including power microcircuits for most smartphone models. Work costs from 1500 rubles + the cost of spare parts.

How to avoid damage to the board and failure of the power controller?

The advice is very simple: do not buy cheap Chinese chargers. The current strength in them does not exceed 0.7 amperes, while the voltage regulator is either very weak or absent altogether. The same applies to most car chargers. With any heavy load in the mains, increased voltage can get on the phone, which leads to problems on the board. Any element can burn out - both the power controller and the processor, or flash memory.

Use either the original charger or certified chargers with a current of 1A or more. Ask at the point of sale for a certificate for chargers. As for charging in a car, it is better to purchase an external battery (Power bank) and use it, or do not change the mains voltage when charging the phone (turn on additional electrical appliances, headlights, fog lights, heating, etc.).

If you need a good quality charger for your phone, then in our service center you can buy chargers and network adapters for all phones, smartphones and tablets at wholesale prices. Contact us!

Phone won't turn on? Need a charger? Bring it to our phone repair service center, we will try to help.

It would seem that a phone with a 100% battery charge should last no less than half a day, or even a whole day of hard work. But alas, no one is immune from problems with their gadget, and after a while, many users are at a loss to guess why the phone turns off when fully charged, given that they practically do not use it.

This happens with all modern devices, including devices running the android operating system. It is extremely problematic to understand immediately why the androyd behaves this way when fully charged. In some cases, even when charging is connected, the phone turns off. Let's see why this happens and how to deal with it.

  • Let's mention right away that these can be system or hardware problems that can manifest themselves suddenly or after a certain time. Most often, the cause is physical damage, which includes: falls, blows, strong pressure.
  • Then there is the problematic battery. This includes contamination of the marks, damage due to a strong impact, or its complete wear after several hundred charge-discharge cycles. Sometimes, which is enough to take measures to dispose of it and purchase new components.
  • The charger needs to be checked. Due to inadequate supply of electricity, it is able to cause irreparable harm to the battery and gadget. And under the most deplorable circumstances, disable the motherboard of the device.
  • Perhaps due to a system failure, the firmware suffered. This happens due to the installation of applications from an unprotected source or viruses getting into the internal memory.
  • If a fully charged phone turns off or restarts on its own, one of the internal modules may be faulty. It will not be possible to detect this by external signs; you will have to resort to a full-fledged diagnosis and subsequent replacement of the faulty part.
  • Additionally, check the charging socket. Small debris or dirt could get in there, contributing to poor contact with the charger. Things are much worse if the smartphone has fallen and damaged the connector.

Not a single problem is complete without moisture getting inside the device. This happens both in direct contact with a liquid (falling into a bathroom, toilet bowl, puddle, beer), and a change in temperature, when from a cold street, he gets into a warm apartment, which causes condensation that contributes to the oxidation of contacts and disruption of work power controller.

Separately, check the lock button, which is responsible for turning the gadget on and off. Quite often, it turns out to be faulty and entails constant shutdowns and reboots of the device without the knowledge of the owner. Solved by the complete replacement of the mechanical module.


One of the worst options is to disconnect the chip on the system board of the device. This includes a memory card slot, power controller, or processor. In this case, the system will continue to work, but with periodic failures.

This happens after a strong blow. A damaged microcircuit needs to be soldered, however, in order not to accidentally make a mistake and leave the phone inoperative, you need to carry out diagnostics, which is impossible without specialized equipment.

Replace battery

Having found that the battery is the cause of all troubles, it is worth replacing the battery immediately. The easiest way to do this is if it is a removable type. Otherwise, the phone will have to be disassembled, which, without some skill, can lead to new breakdowns.


After making sure that the software has failed, the gadget will need to be reflashed. Again, despite the instructions available on the Internet, an unprepared person will only make things worse by turning their favorite gadget into a “lifeless brick”. Contact a specialized service center for assistance.

Reset all settings

Well possible solution in case of a system failure, it will be a hard reset. Despite the simplicity of the operation, it restores damaged areas and allows you to return the device to its previous state. Don't forget to do it before backups information. Transfer important contacts, photos and music to cloud storage or personal computer. This feature is by no means a panacea for all problems, and it rarely helps.


So, faced with the fact that your mobile device turns off even when the battery is fully charged, should push you to go to a service center. This applies to everyone who does not have specialized tools at home and has never repaired smartphones.

Only specialists will be able to conduct a full diagnosis and identify the cause of the malfunction, which does not allow your gadget to fully function.


This device was brought in for repair with a declared malfunction “turns off when the charger is connected”. I checked - yes, the device really turns off when the memory is connected. The first thing that came to mind was that the connector was faulty, but, looking ahead, it turned out that it was not the problem.

Having disassembled the device, carried out the initial diagnostics, ringing the main power circuits and beacons, no problems were found.

Put on charging - does not turn off????? Fully charged, discharged, and charged again no problems! Well, I think I dreamed))) I assembled the device completely, put it on charge - it turns off!

I decided to disassemble the device again, but gradually, because it became clear that a short circuit was happening somewhere on the body parts, but where it was not clear, because. there are contacts on the cover and on the back plastic of the case.

I removed the back cover, put it on charge - everything works well! Having examined the cover, we see two contacts on it:

These are the NFC ANT2402 antenna pins:

Having clarified with the client whether he uses NFC, and whether he needs to repair this module, it was decided not to repair it, but to solve it in Russian - taped with a small piece of tape))).

A mobile phone is considered a huge multi-functional system, equipped with a powerful processor, large built-in memory and great functionality.

But sometimes the equipment fails and the phone starts to “fail”, for example, turn on and immediately turn off. Not in all cases it is worth contacting a specialist, often you can fix the problem yourself.

Hardware problems often affect turning on the phone. There may be several reasons:

  1. Overheat processor or other parts of the gadget. In this case, you need to pull out the battery and let the phone lie down in disassembled form.
  2. Faults control elements- various controllers can fail. For example, when a charge controller fails, it can always inform the smartphone that there is no charge on the battery, so the phone will immediately turn off. Only contacting the service center will help here.
  3. Oxidation terminals and contacts. Usually this happens if the phone is “drowned” in water, or it has been in a damp room for a long time. You can remove the battery, check and gently clean its contacts, it will also not be superfluous to check the terminals on the phone.

The solution is simple - remove the battery and clean the terminals, or leave the smartphone to charge for a day.

Software bugs

The spontaneous turning on and off of the phone or tablet is also affected by software failures and violations.

The problem may be:

  • installation incompatible software- Resetting the settings and rebooting will help;
  • applications;
  • malfunctions BY- flashing the gadget can help.

Charging or battery problems

Most mobiles that failed were exposed to water. Process oxidation happens for a very long time and it is impossible to predict how the device will behave next time. There are several: hair dryer, leave overnight on the battery or move to a warm place.

Other Solutions

When the phone constantly restarts, turns off or turns on by itself - this speaks first of all of what is happening failure software ensure. Also, the reasons may be hidden in mechanical damage after a fall or shock. In these cases, you can go to the master to determine the breakdown.

But often the reason why a smartphone or tablet turns on and immediately turns off can be a trifle and it is possible to fix the problem yourself by flashing the device or resetting it to factory settings.

Phone turns off by itself

Initially, you need to determine the reason for turning off the phone:

  • software failure;
  • mechanical damage;
  • incorrect battery operation.

If, as a result of a fall, the smartphone ceased to function normally and began to turn off, the reason is damage details instrument. If there are no mechanical injuries, then the battery is good and the problem is with the software.

Mechanical damage cannot be repaired with your own hands, so you should contact the repair.

Battery is defective or loose

The main reason for the breakdown of most smartphones is moisture ingress. To save the gadget, cleaning and drying is required, otherwise the phone may become inoperable. If the battery is defective, it must be replaced.

Battery can just walks away and you can put a thin sheet of paper or cardboard between the back cover and the battery. If the battery is in working condition, then you can only clear terminals from pollution and the problem will be solved by itself.

Low battery

This can happen at any time, even when the charge is full, or maybe at 40 percent, 15 or even 5. If the phone turns off at 5/15/25 percent of the charge, you need to do a full reset and clean the device. Then the battery should be recalibrated. If the situation has not changed within 2 days, you should contact the master.


When the phone or tablet turns off on its own with a charged battery, it's time to check the device with an antivirus. It is viruses that cause most smartphone malfunctions. You should use an antivirus program to prevent infection of the device.

Software issues

There may be several problems with the software:

  1. Not enoughmemory. In this case, you need to free up space.
  2. phone. Do not clog the device with unnecessary programs.
  3. Virus. The pest must be found and eliminated.

System failure

The phone may turn off even when fully charged. The reason may be a failure in the device OS, most often due to wrongfirmware. You need to repeat the firmware procedure or contact the service. If the problem still persists, it's time to upgrade. The device may be malfunctioning by itself.

If the device starts to freeze, then the problem is probably in the flash card. It can be simply changed.

When the phone heats up and turns off, there is probably factorymarriage. It's good to have a valid warranty.

One of the worst and most expensive reasons is damagefees when there are no other options other than replacement.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with careful use, the probability of uninterrupted possession of the gadget is very high. Technology, like people, also needs to be treated with care.

Many are interested in why the phone turns off by itself. Answering this question is not as easy as it seems. After all, there are many reasons for such behavior. Do not immediately panic if you are overtaken by this problem. Try to figure out for yourself what the true causes of this phenomenon are. It is recommended to act by elimination method. But what are the points to look at? Why does the phone turn off by itself?


Very often, our today's problem appears due to the waste of the device's battery. It is not so easy to detect this phenomenon. After all, few people will independently begin to check whether the battery is well adjacent to mobile phone. Especially if there were no problems with it before.

To eliminate this possibility, remove the back cover of your mobile, then press the battery firmly against the phone. It remains only to check whether the device will turn off. Yes? Then the reason is clearly something else. No? Here you have found the source of the problem.


Why does the phone turn off by itself? The next reason for this behavior is nothing more than a battery problem. Its malfunction almost always leads to the fact that the mobile device starts to turn off and on on its own. Don't be surprised by this.

What to do in this case? Think about how long your phone has been running. Did you follow the recommended battery care instructions? Did you always start charging after a complete discharge of the "problem" component? If not, then the reason is most likely in the battery.

To eliminate this trouble, it is enough just to replace the faulty component. Usually, after purchasing a new battery, the phone stops turning off on its own.

Battery charge

The reasons don't end there. Why does the phone turn off by itself? Check battery charge. Not the most common, but the case that takes place in practice. It is the low battery of the phone that causes the device to turn off.

This situation is quickly resolved. All you need to do is charge your phone and then turn it on. You will notice how the problem will disappear by itself. From now on, just keep an eye on the battery charge. Then you won't have any surprises with your phone. In any case, you will be prepared to turn off the device.


Unless the reasons for such behavior lie in something more serious. Why does my phone turn itself off and on? Under such circumstances, the battery of the device and its malfunctions are not always the source of the problem. Everything is much more serious.

The thing is that if you notice how the phone turns off on its own and then turns on, it's time to check the device for viruses. They are the cause of most gadget malfunctions. It is impossible to predict exactly how the phone will react to a particular virus.

To exclude infection, it is recommended to use special anti-virus programs for mobile devices. Or take the gadget to a service center. There they will help you not only to check the phone, but also to "cure" it if necessary.


On this list possible causes the emergence of our today's problem does not end there. Why does a Nokia phone or any other turn off? If all of the above options do not suit you, then you can think about installed programs and applications. Utilities often cause problems with the phone.

Several options are possible here. First - you have little space left on your mobile. In this case, you just need to free up space. Remove a few of the most unnecessary programs or games - and the problem will disappear by itself.

The third is the presence of malware. To fix the situation, you will have to find and fix the problematic utility. After that, you don’t have to wonder why the phone turns itself off and on (Samsung, Nokia or some other). After all, the problem will disappear. Its reappearance is possible when the gadget is again cluttered with programs.

System failure

Why does the phone turn off when charging and not only? The last common variant of this behavior is failures in operating system devices. They happen simply from time, and from viruses, and from the amount installed programs and applications. But most often, problems in the operating system are the result of incorrect firmware.

In order not to understand the correction of the situation for a long time, you simply need to reflash the gadget. Doing it yourself is not recommended. It is better to take the phone to a service center.

Usually after flashing all problems are eliminated. If even after that nothing helped, it's time to change the phone. Indeed, sometimes the reason lies in the malfunction of the equipment. In such a situation, only complete replacement gadget will help. Now it’s clear why the phone turns off by itself. Fixing this problem is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know where to start. By the way, you should think about firmware only after excluding all of the above reasons.