What is added to the soldiers so that. Why was bromine given in the Soviet army

Bromine is a poisonous chemical element with a very pungent unpleasant odor. However, in small doses, this element does not have negative impact on the body. It is even used in medicine. Sedatives are made from it.

There are rumors that bromine in the army is added to drinks, and this element can also be found in food that is given to soldiers. This is supposedly done with the aim of suppressing sexual desire. Men thus do not think about women and completely focus their attention on serving in the army. Many people worry about this, thinking that this element can lead to negative health consequences, since it is poison for humans. Some soldiers even doubt that they will be able to have children after serving in the army due to the fact that this poison is added to food and drinks here.

Debunking the myth

In reality, everything is different. Nobody adds bromine to soldiers' drinks and food. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Contradicts the law.
  2. Bromine has no effect on potency.
  3. It has a calming effect, reducing concentration and physical activity.

That is, bromine is not added to food, tea, or anywhere else simply because it doesn't make any sense. In addition, if given to soldiers on a regular basis, it will lead to negative health problems. Side effects are possible. At the same time, employees will not be able to fulfill their duties, since the sedative effect of this element makes itself felt already within a short time after taking the drug.

If you add it to a drink or food, it will be very difficult not to notice it. This element has a very salty unpleasant taste.

Bromine and sex drive

It is easier for soldiers to believe that they are being given bromine. After all, how else to explain the fact that after the start of the service, many people really have a decrease in libido? In fact, this is due to a change in lifestyle, daily routine. The army is very large physical exercise... A person must give all the best to cope with all the tasks. By the evening, when everything is done, he has time to rest. The soldier spends the night hours on sound healthy sleep, so that the next day he can continue to carry out his duties and cope with all the tasks. Therefore, he simply does not have time to think about women.

At first, some may indeed have no erection. This is due to a sharp change in the situation, with separation from loved ones and relatives. A person is under stress, he is completely immersed in army life. Along with this, sexual desire decreases due to excessive physical activity.

The fact that bromine negatively affects potency is nothing more than a fiction. No studies have confirmed this relationship.

The benefits and harms of bromine

Knowing that adding bromine to food in the army is nothing more than a myth, it is worthwhile to figure out how this element affects the body. Due to its calming effect, bromine preparations are used to treat disorders of the nervous system. Also, this substance is necessary for the body to prevent endemic goiter. A lack of bromine in the body can lead to insomnia and a host of negative health effects. Therefore, the body must still receive this element. It is found in such products:

  • hazelnut;
  • peanut;
  • almond;
  • wheat;
  • barley grits;
  • fish;
  • pasta.

Almost everyone knows that bromine in the army is regularly given to soldiers. It is worth figuring out how close this is to the truth and how bromine really affects the body. Those who have knowledge of chemistry know that the chemical element is quite poisonous. Then why add bromine to food? In medicine, they really use chemical properties of this drug. It is used in the treatment of nervous diseases. In small doses, it can have a positive effect on human health.

What is bromine and is it used in the army? In its pure form, the chemical element of the periodic table is a poisonous substance with an unpleasant smell, which is used in medicine as a means on the basis of which sedatives are made.

Many people wonder why bromine is given in prisons and colonies. There have long been persistent rumors that this element is added to food in all organizations where men have been for a long time. It is done ostensibly for the purpose of suppressing libido. As a result, men are more comfortable with the absence of women in their lives.

The news that white powder is being added to tea for soldiers in the army worries both men and women. Everyone is interested in the question: is its use in the army a myth or truth? And what is the effect of bromine on the male body? If this is true, then how will the regular intake of the substance into the body affect men's health? Some men are sure that this will negatively affect the possibility of having children in the future.

First you need to figure out what properties bromine has and - in particular - what role bromine plays for men.

It is used in the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system and not only.

So, its properties are useful for:

  • neuroses;
  • insomnia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • hysteria;
  • epilepsy.

This substance is a prophylactic agent for endemic goiter.

The human body needs it to be stress-resistant.

The question of whether bromine is added to food in the army was not born out of nowhere. The fact is that during the service, many soldiers did notice a decrease in sex drive. Immediately, a myth was born that they must be poured something into their food. It was no coincidence that bromine was chosen as such a remedy, because its properties to calm down, which means to reduce attraction, were known to many.

In fact, this is just a myth. No additional ingredients are added to soldier's food, let alone chemicals or compounds. Currently, young guys in the army are engaged in sports training a lot, their daily routine is quite strict. And the only feeling that unites them is the feeling of tiredness. It lasts for a similar long time and is due to a decrease in sex drive.

Such a radical change in lifestyle affects the health of every person. Full workload during the day gives way to sound sleep at night, so the soldiers have very little time to think about women. With this lifestyle, there may be problems with erection for a while. But this is not a pathology.

The effect of this substance on the body has long been studied.

A person needs this element, but not in its pure form, because getting it on the skin, mucous membranes or in the form of vapors in the air leads to the following consequences:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • skin burns.

Therefore, the question arises: "How can a person receive this element?" Only as part of medicines or with food, because in fact, its share in the body is normally negligible. A man needs bromine as much as a woman.

Man makes up for the lack of bromine by eating nuts, legumes, durum wheat pasta, and fish.

There is no need to listen to soldiers' tales about the use of bromine in the army. It is against the law to mix anything into food or drink without a person's knowledge. Today it has been reliably proven that this substance cannot affect potency. Therefore, the effect of bromine on a man's body is the same as on a woman's body: in reasonable quantities in the composition of drugs, it normalizes the nervous system.

You should know that it is prescribed not just for calming, but for certain pathologies of the nervous system.

In addition to the fact that such a drug prevents nervous breakdowns, it has side properties:

  1. Reduces concentration of attention.
  2. Reduces physical activity.

Is it possible to ask the question: "Why do soldiers add bromine?" The question is really pointless. If this were the case, then the young guys did not have the strength for physical training. Therefore, drugs with its content are contraindicated if they are not taken for the treatment of pathologies.

Bromine is not used in medicine to reduce potency. Therefore, it is not added to food in the army and is not added to tea.

Moreover, prolonged use of drugs with bromine leads to a gradual poisoning of the body.

This makes itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • digestive problems;
  • skin rash;
  • memory problems;
  • speech disorder;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy.

These are signs of an excess of a substance in the human body. With so many side effects, drinking bromine tea in the army makes no sense. A person completely immersed in a soldier's life must be constantly in good shape and in good physical fitness.

If a person lacks this element, then his hemoglobin level decreases (although this is a minor indicator), growth and development slows down (this applies to adolescents). The soldiers are given balanced food so that they have enough strength to fulfill all the requirements.

Rumors that the army is giving bromine for some reason do not have any serious grounds. The fact that bromine inhibits potency in men is nothing more than an anecdote, like the stubborn thought in the air that bromine is added to tea in the army in the form of a white powder. And the same is allegedly done in neuropsychiatric dispensaries and prisons. Bromine mixed into food or drink cannot be overlooked. Such food becomes salty and unpleasant.

It is impossible to lower an erection by giving bromine to men to lower potency. This is a folk fiction, one of the soldier's tales.

Preparations with such a component are prescribed only by a doctor and only according to indications, because bromine affects the higher nervous activity of a person.

Under the influence of bromine, inhibition processes occur in the brain, and this is necessary only for diseases of the nervous system.

This substance is used not only by pharmacists and doctors, but also by specialists in the manufacture of chemical warfare agents. Therefore, an element that has toxic properties requires very careful handling.

The army does not imply a lot of women. Therefore, it is often in the army that the question of a decrease in male sexual activity and potency arises. For this, preparations containing bromine can be used in the army for men.

Effect on the human body

Bromine is a very toxic substance, and therefore no one adds it directly to food. It is a poison you can die from. All preparations containing this substance in the composition have only its compounds, which are safer for use. Therefore, stories about the use of pure substances in the army are a myth and nothing more.

If we turn to food products containing bromine, then a large amount of bromine can be found in nuts, as well as in peas, wheat, pasta.

Usually, specialists prescribe such drugs to patients with increased irritability, as well as insomnia and poor growth in children. These drugs help to lower hemoglobin levels in the blood. If this trace element is not enough in the diet of a pregnant woman, then there is a risk of miscarriage. In any case, such a drug should be prescribed strictly by a doctor and taken under his control, especially if there are contraindications.

Effect on male potency

An excess of bromine in the body can affect the digestive tract, as well as the heart.

How bromine affects the potency is of interest to many. Concerning male potency, then scientists have confirmed that it does not give a direct effect.

That is, the regular use of bromine to reduce potency will not make a man powerless in an intimate sense. But those depressing properties that affect the nervous system also indirectly affect the decrease in potency in men.

For those places, in particular the army, where you need to cool down a little male ardor, it is best to use preparations with bromine, since they are safer than hormonal ones. The substance gently reduces the production of excess testosterone, while not at once, but with a course intake. In addition, it relieves depression and has mild sedative properties. Very often, preparations with a trace element are used not only in the army, but also to reduce the sexual activity of adolescents, so as not to affect the hormonal background.

Basic drugs

There are several well-known drugs that are used in the army for men to reduce potency. These pills can be found at the pharmacy and taken in everyday life to reduce a man's temperament. But it is better to consult a doctor first.

  1. Adonis bromine. Includes potassium bromide and adonis extract. It has a fairly pronounced sedative effect. It is recommended to take one tablet three times a day.
  2. Androkur. It also contains a trace element and some other components that affect potency. TO side effects is the increase in body weight.

Prescribing such medications is necessary only after consulting a doctor who can choose the optimal dosage. If you do not follow the dosage, then you can provoke an excessive accumulation of the substance in the body.

Signs of an overdose include:

  1. Inhibited state.
  2. Cough.
  3. Problems in the digestive tract.
  4. Insomnia.
  5. Bronchitis.
  6. Skin reactions in the form of a rash.

In any case, taking medications to reduce potency takes as long as the attending physician tells you, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the body. The effect of bromine on the body is always dose-dependent. It can be both an excellent sedative and a powerful poison.


If a man who is on duty has problems with sexual activity and frequent erection, then you may have to take drugs to reduce potency. At the same time, many pay attention to medicines containing bromine. They do not directly lead to impotence, but due to their calming effect, they can reduce potency for a while.

Although the very concept of military service has long become understandable and commonplace for everyone, there are still many myths regarding military service. Thousands of conscripts are trying to find out in which units bromine is used in the army, what it is used for and what the consequences for the body may be. But in fact this is another myth regarding the modern Russian army.

How does bromine affect the body?

As a chemical element, bromine interacts with the body, leading to the following changes:

  • The relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition is normalized.
  • There is a general strengthening of the nervous system.
  • Decreased sex drive.

Normalization occurs not due to a decrease in excitability, but due to an increase in the power of "inhibitory" processes. Even in the presence of a pathogen, in such conditions the system is in a state of equilibrium, and a person experiences something between "icy calmness" and "knowledge of Zen."

Bromine salts are used, because in its pure form this substance has a toxic effect on the body and in large doses can be fatal.

Bromine preparations are prescribed by neurologists and psychiatrists to put in order the nervous system of patients and slow them down a little.

What do soldiers in the army do?

Even without bromine, a soldier's life in the army is full of other "problems." Of course, the situation depends on the type of troops and the specific military unit, but most commanders rightly believe that a soldier should not have free time. After all, the more time a fighter has for idleness and recklessness, the more problems his immediate leadership will have in the future.

Therefore, the soldiers are trying to load "in full":

  1. Outfits and drill.
  2. Cleaning and beautification of the surrounding area.
  3. Fire training.
  4. Acquaintance with military equipment, its study and use.
  5. Physical training.

This is only a small fraction of what the future defender of the Motherland will face. But by and large, no “over” requirements are imposed on the employee. If a person is not able to do something, they will teach him in the process. The main thing is to "grasp" quickly and not have to explain something ten times.

If you are not at all lucky with the unit, the whole service will be limited to regular cleaning of the territory, doing absolutely pointless work and drill drill.

Ideal physical shape is also not a requirement, but the better your preparation, the more chances you will get into military unitwhere they really teach something... Sports ranks in this regard will be another added bonus.

What are they doing in the army?

It can be said with pathos that the army is repaying their debt to their country. In part, this is true, but let's approach the issue from a practical point of view.

In the army, conscripts:

  • They master a military specialty.
  • Get acquainted with modern military equipment and its capabilities in the field.
  • Master the technique of shooting firearms.
  • Additional courses are taken, depending on the military unit.
  • They are engaged in physical training, including martial arts.

At first glance, all this should contribute to self-development. But in reality, everything is a little different. The main task of the army is teach a soldier to obey and give orders... This requires a minimum of thought and a willingness to obey the senior in rank unquestioningly. But to give an order, you need to think at least a little.

But it just so happened that there are not so many sergeants, petty officers and officers in the army, from the bulk of the employees. But even despite this, the army really helps many in life, helps to deal with internal problems and make certain decisions for oneself, to be responsible for their own decisions.

What is demobilization in the army?

But urgent service will not last forever, there is a limit to everything. In a year, the gates of the military unit will open and ask demobels to exit. That's what it is demobilization, no matter how funny it sounds.

To avoid confusion, two meanings of the same words:

  • Dembel is a demobilized soldier who fully paid his debt to the Motherland and served his due time. However, they are beginning to call a demobilization an employee who will soon return to his father's house.
  • Dembel is the demobilization of soldiers itself, the process of preparing and signing an order and sending conscripts home.

Every soldier is waiting for demobilization, counting the days remaining "in captivity". And already preparing to send home "demobilization" believes that he has a number of advantages over the rest of the soldiers. In most units, colleagues and commanders do not try to dispel this opinion and are supportive of those who will soon leave the barracks.

The main problem of "demobilization" is not to run into an outfit. The heady smell of freedom and the taste of a couple of bottles of vodka, especially in a noisy company, can lead to undesirable consequences.

Therefore, the “demobilizer” needs to learn a couple of things:

  1. A family is waiting at the house of the soldier. They have been waiting for a year already, it is not worth prolonging the separation.
  2. Any "jamb" will not be followed by a reprimand from the commander, but administrative or criminal punishment.
  3. There is a small chance to fall into the hands of the military police and continue their service, already in the disbat.
  4. Nearby are the same people who may not like some of the soldier's antics and jokes.

What to take with you to the army?

Sending service is not confinement in "places not so distant", but there are some similar points. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance that what exactly should you take with you:

  • Personal hygiene products. This long list includes everything that can be seen in the bathroom. Starting with a bar of soap and ending with solid deodorant.
  • Toothbrush and soap cases. Better not to experiment with colors.
  • Nail pliers. Ordinary stainless steel wire cutters can be found at any hardware store.
  • Shaving kit. The cheapest foam and half a dozen disposable machines will do.
  • An ordinary plastic hairbrush. You will have to take care of yourself for a whole year, on your own.
  • Socks, laces and a white shawl. The minimum gentleman's set that can come in handy in the army.
  • A pair of envelopes.You may have to send letters home. For some, this kind of communication will seem like "greetings from the past millennium."
  • Notepad, a couple of pens. Stationery never hurts.
  • Big pack band-aids.
  • Some cash. It is best to take in small bills and no more than a thousand. Part of the amount can be "hidden", you never know.
  • The simplest and cheapest telephone... There is only one principle - to call.

The conscript will most likely never see the bag in which all this will have to be carried. You should prepare for this in advance. From clothes - a simple tracksuit, no frills.

Does the army use bromine?

Today the Russian army does not use bromine or its preparations... Unless - as prescribed by a doctor, in the presence of problems with the nervous system.

Perhaps, once, back in Soviet times, this substance was actually used to somewhat reduce the ardor of the newly arrived fighters. Or maybe even this assumption is another untenable myth.

When you go to the army, you shouldn't worry that something will be mixed into your food. Today there are oversight organizations that monitor the situation with food, living conditions and other aspects of military service. The food of all soldiers is standardized and does not include pharmacological additives. It would be too expensive, dreary and risky due to possible lawsuits.

All those who do not take their word for it can be tested after demobilization. In the case of regular use of bromine throughout the year, its traces will persist for a long time. However, especially "convinced" even this can dispute and call "a conspiracy of doctors."

Today you will no longer find bromine in the army, for which it was used before is easy to understand. Calming, relieving tension and suppressing libido is not so easy when it comes to a couple of thousand young men. But a chemical preparation is able to cope with this issue without too many problems.

Video: is bromine poured into soldier's tea?

In this video, Artem Maratov will tell you whether bromine is added to a soldier's tea in modern military canteens, or is it just a myth:

Service in the army has long become an everyday concept, a test through which every healthy and full-fledged young man must go. Nevertheless, the army life, like a sponge, absorbs a lot of rumors that bother recruits and their loved ones. And this is not only Spartan conditions of existence, rude attitude and other "charms". We want to talk about whether it is a myth or a truth that many people believe that soldiers in the army are sprinkled with bromine in tea or food in order not to allow them to think about sexual pleasures.

For many decades, boys have been taught from childhood that the army is a school of life, the most the best way learn to be a real man, easily overcome any difficulties, etc. However, not everyone is eagerly awaiting the moment of conscription, realizing that at least a year that they will serve in urgent service, they will have to completely change their usual way of life and deny themselves in many ways. Close relationships with ladies are not the last on the list of forbidden joys. And this, as you understand, is very important for any normal young man, and it is not easy for him to forget about sex for such a long time.

Back in Soviet times, there was a rumor that the army was using bromine to reduce potency in men. The powder of this trace element is allegedly poured into tea, and, drinking it, an unsuspecting soldier stops thinking about everything related to sex. And if a person is not distracted by such "nonsense", he definitely focuses on military duties.

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How to be treated if deception is everywhere? The journalist Sheinin conducted his own investigation. IN this articlehe discovered a drug that gave significant results in the treatment of prostatitis and the restoration of erectile dysfunction is Urotrin.

Years have passed, much has changed, but the bromine theory is still alive and well and is a matter of undisguised concern. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that this substance can cause irreparable harm to health, and some recruits are not even sure that after such a test of strength they will be capable of procreation. In short, there is something to think about ... Let's figure out whether bromine is added to food in the army, and how it can affect a man's body.

Since the Soviet era and until now, many are convinced that in the army, soldiers are sprinkled with bromine to reduce potency and sexual desire. In fact, it is worth understanding the effect of this trace element on the human body, as the whole groundlessness of these rumors becomes clear.

What is bromine and how does it affect the body

Bromine is one of the halogens and is a strong oxidizing agent. IN environment it can be found almost everywhere, but there are especially many salts of this element in sea water, as well as in certain rocks and plants. In the human body, bromine is present in the blood, thyroid, pituitary, bones and muscles. Its most important role in the normal functioning of the nervous system was noted by I.P. Pavlov, arguing that without this trace element it is impossible to be a normal, balanced person. Since then, many studies have been conducted on the effect of bromine on the functioning of various internal organs and systems, and it has been proven that the element:

  • Participates in the activation of digestive enzymes synthesized in the pancreas, without which the breakdown of carbohydrates and lipids is impossible.
  • Prevents the increased activity of the thyroid gland, leading to the development of goiter.
  • Contributes to the normal ratio of excitation and inhibition processes occurring in the central nervous system - its anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic effects are based on this property of the element.
  • Decreases brain activity, allowing normal sleep and rest.
  • Stimulates the adrenal glands.
  • Increases the activity of sperm.

With insufficient intake of bromine in the body, a person may suffer from:

  • Excessive irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Decrease in the content of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Decrease in gastric acidity indicators.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

If men were sprinkled with bromine in the army, the consequences for their health would be as follows:

  • Digestive disorders.
  • Dizziness.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Redness and tearing of the eyes.
  • Cough and shortness of breath.
  • Memory problems.
  • Deterioration of reaction to external stimuli.
  • Skin rashes.

Does bromine affect potency?

What is the effect of bromine on the male body, and are there views on its potency-lowering properties? After all, it is believed that this powder is given to soldiers precisely in order to temporarily transform them, in essence, into asexual creatures.

Studies have shown that the claims that bromine weakens sex drive and potency are completely unfounded and not true. Whereas his ability to diffuse attention and dull reactions is beyond doubt. And if bromine preparations are not recommended for people whose work requires maximum concentration and concentration, then how, then, can it be given to conscripts.

Can a person, after taking a sedative or sleeping pill, engage in drill training, overcome an obstacle course, or just stand on duty? There is only one answer: no, it cannot. In addition, it is unlikely that the army command will be delighted with the need to treat soldiers suffering from the consequences of excessive intake of bromine.

It can be argued unequivocally that rumors that conscripts regularly add bromine to drinks and food are a myth that has no foundation. In fact, the element does not suppress sexual desire and potency, but only has a sedative effect, distracts attention and impairs memory.

Debunking the myth

So, let's finally decide on the answers to the questions, do they give bromine in the army, why do they do it and what can it lead to?

As we said above, adding bromine to soldiers is not only pointless, but fraught with very unpleasant consequences for health. Often, the recruits themselves explain the weakening of libido and potency precisely by the fact that bromine is added to their food. But, if you think about it, everything is completely natural: in the army, especially during the first months, a young man's habitual lifestyle and daily routine changes dramatically, physical activity increases, and fatigue accumulates.

It is clear that in order to be able to get out of bed the next day and carry out the duties assigned to him, the soldier must sleep at night, and not indulge in amorous pleasures, even if in imagination. After all, the body exhausted during the day needs rest, not sex, so spontaneous erections are observed much less often than before the call.

In addition, the composition of army food is carefully monitored, and if any impurities are detected, suppliers may simply have their license revoked.

Stories from our readers

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