Population of the globe by country. How many people are able to withstand the planet Earth? Why density is important

The question of the number and density of the population of people in the world is engaged in special analytical organizations.

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No need to think that they are approximate, on the contrary, this data is fairly accurate and you can safely imagine the overall picture of the world.

The Internet with its numerous resources will help find all the necessary information on this topic.

It is only necessary to introduce the name of the country in which you are interested in the state of the demographics of the population, or request common indicators.

Let's summarize the last census of the population behind states, and make a common picture of the leaders of the race, medium and low indicators for the population of the world.

Initial aspects

How are these indicators define? All data are taken from the annual census of the population, which is carried out in each district, the city and the country.

Everything is brought into one common world base and analysts summarize. These calculations can also use other available methods.

Consignment also take into account civil and legal norms of legislation. The average life expectancy of a person in a particular state also contributes to the mathematical calculations by analysts.

A small complexity in these calculations constitutes still available places in the world, where there is a fluidity of citizens from the country to country, as well as unregistered settlements, such as Bhutan in Brazil.

States in nature arise and unite into the composition of others, which respectively leads to the migration of humanity.

List of the first states with the largest number of residents (table)

The total number of human representatives in the world is equal to seven billion. Mainly, all nations of the world are distributed not evenly on the planet, in some places and areas it is even more than it is supposed than the earth can feed.

We present to your attention these indicators in the form of a table "10 countries of the world, which occupy the leading places behind the population and high density":

Country Population, million Density, pers. / Quad. KM
China 1389 145
USA 326 33
Indonesia 262 132
Brazil 207 23
Pakistan 212 226
Nigeria 194 190
Bangladesh 165 1156
Russia 148 8,7
Japan 128 337

China is the largest country in the world with residents 1,389,996,000 people on 03/25/2018 according to data (on 03/25/2018 according to official population meters).

Only two countries with a population of more than 1 billion people. India is the second, with a population of 1,329,590,000 people.

The most interesting thing is that the calculations of the future foreshadow significant rearrangements in the indicative table. For example, approximately 2030, India can overtake China for population.

When calculating for the next 100 years, then approximately 2120 from the list of third place will take Nigeria, and the Russian Federation will open the top ten.

Demographic Race Leaders

At 2020, India and China are leaders of the demographic race. In China, in the eighties, the government adopted significant measures to stabilize the increasingness of residents (fertility).

This law states that there should be only one child in the family. A kind of punishment for the birth rate of the second child and more in the Chinese family was deducting to the state treasury from parents' income.

If the family adhered to the rules and laws, on the contrary, the state provided a family of various preferential programs, even when buying housing.

In India, it is similar to control the number of population growth, but these attempts do not yet give results.

In most cases, skirmishes arise with declarative slogans and rallies. If in the family of the Hindus five children, then this is a norm adopted by society. To date, the population is still growing.

On the density of the population

The density of the people is important. It is determined based on the number of residents per square kilometer.

The population density is calculated with the exception of non-residential territories and water spaces.

Calculation of population density is determined not only for large cities, but also for rural areas, settlements, etc.

Following the statistics, it is not evenly distributed on the planet, but on the contrary, chaotically. Average Each country is significantly different from other countries.

Even in the cities themselves, if you take the population density in areas, it can also be essential. The most populated territories on the planet are Asia (South-Eastern Parts) and Europe (Western).

The territory of the Polar region, deserted terrain, alpine landscapes cannot compete with them, there are practically no settlements there.

Please note that the territorial area of \u200b\u200bthe entire country does not depend on its population density, because we already know that the latter is not evenly distributed throughout the planet.

Therefore, it can be concluded - about 7% of the general territory of the planet is employed by 70% of the population of all people in the world.

If you carry out calculations on the density for 2020, then statistics tires us about the average - about 40 million people per square kilometer.

With all this, the indicator has a property to change into a large or smaller side with rather sharp jumps.

Countries with rather low density indicators of the population:

The lowest population density Low density Average population density
Namibia Great Britain Iraq
Australia Belgium Tunisia
Libya Korea Magia
Mongolia Lebanon Mexico
Greenland Netherlands Marroco
Salvador Ireland

The Russian Federation on the area occupies the largest territories on the planet, but, oddly enough, in the density of the population, it gives low indicators.

On average, its density is one person per square kilometer. Consequently, the country can actively take migrants from other corners of the world.

Video: Basic information

Every day the number of inhabitants on our planet grows. This is due to a variety of factors and in different occasionally occasionally. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. However, approximate data still exist.

Population of Planet

Today, about 7 billion people live in the world, it is difficult to call the exact data, because someone is born constantly, and someone dies. For the most part, the number of people of a particular country depends on several factors, among which the level of state development and, in particular, medicine, the standard of living, and even temperament of a person.

Many centuries ago on earth was much less peopleBut over time this indicator rapidly grew. Despite the world epidemics, illness and terrible continue to multiply and settle every piece of the planet. Most of the population lives in the most developed megalopolis, where the standard of living is higher than in small cities, the same applies to countries. About half of people live in the most populated countries.


The first place on the right occupies this country almost reaches the numbers of 1.5 billion, that is, almost 1/5 part of how many people in the world today. Despite the fact that government authorities are trying to deal with the settlement of the birth rate in all possible ways, the number of residents of the country is still rapidly growing, increasing by about 8.7 million annually.


If we talk about how much a person in the world is now, the second place among the most populated states belongs to India. About 1.17 billion people live here, which is about 17% of the world's population. The annual increase in the population in this country is about 18 million people, that is, the Indians have every chance to bypass in the number of Chinese.


Thanks to the permanent influx of immigrants from less developed neighboring countries, the United States has a leading position among the most populated countries of the world. In this state, there are about 307 million people of various nationalities.


The fourth position in the list is occupied by the state located in Southeast Asia. About 240 million people live on its territory, which is about 3.5% of everything


The top five concludes this sunny country, which is part-time is the most populated state. South America. Exactly 3% of how many people in the world live in Brazil. The number of residents of this state reaches 198 million inhabitants.


The sixth place belongs to Pakistan, in which, according to the latest data, about 176 million inhabitants live, which make up 2.6% of the total population of our planet.


The country located in South Asia is a house for 156 million people. That is, the number of Bangladeshns is about 2.3% of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.


This African country is also included in the top ten in the number of residents. The number of people living here reaches the figures of 149 million, that is, 2.2% of all the people of the planet. In addition, Nigeria occupies a leading position and in the birth rate, which may soon help her overtake Bangladesh.


The weighty part of how much people live on the planet, falls on Russia. Despite the fact that Russia in the number of population it is only 9th place. This is due to the fact that the mortality rate is significantly superior to the fertility. The territory of this state accounts for about 2% of the population of the entire Earth, that is, about 140 million people.


Closes the first ten country of the rising sun, which, however, is the most developed of all presented above. Approximately 127 million people live here, that is, 1.9% of the Earth's population. What is important, since the country is in a somewhat canned state, almost all of its population is the indigenous Japanese.


The World Health Organization is engaged in regulating the population of states and controls how many people in the world. In order to somehow decrease the fertility in very poor African countries, regularly send missionaries, which lectures for the local population and provide them with the necessary contraception. Other measures are taken in other states. So, for example, in China, the authorities are struggling with a too high fertility rate, establishing taxes for families who want to make more than one child. But such measures are extremely necessary, because the resources of our planet are limited, and they are very affected by how many people in the world. Therefore, it is easy to avoid to prevent an environmental disaster in the future and serious exhaustion of all natural resources Our planet Earth.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock.

Is it enough for the land of resources for the life support of the rapidly growing human population? Now it is more than 7 billion. What is the limit number of inhabitants, if the sustainable development of our planet is exceeded, will not be impossible? The correspondent was designed to find out that researchers think about this.

Overpopulation. In this word, modern politicians are frozen; In discussions about the future planet, the Earth is often called a "elephant in the room."

Often about growing population they speak as the biggest threat to the existence of the Earth. But is it true to consider this problem in the separation from other modern global challenges? And is it really threatening a lot of people live on our planet now?

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It is clear that the land in size does not increase. Its space is limited, and the resources necessary to maintain life are finite. Food, water and energy can simply not be enough for everyone.

It turns out that demographic growth is real threat Well-being of our planet? Not necessarily.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Earth something non-resident!

"The problem is not in the number of people living on the planet, but in the number of consumers and on the scale and nature of consumption," says David Satterty, Senior Researcher of the London International Institute for Ecology and Development.

In support of his thesis, he cites the consonant statement of the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, who believed that "in the world there is enough [resources] to meet the needs of each person, but not universal greed."

The global effect of increasing the urban population into several billion may be much smaller than we assume

Until recently, the number of people living on Earth (Homo Sapiens) was relatively small. Just 10 thousand years ago, no more than a few million people lived on our planet.

Only in the early 1800s the human population reached a billion. And two billion - only in the 20s of the twentieth century.

Currently, the population of the Earth is over 7.3 billion people. According to UN forecasts, by 2050 it can reach 9.7 billion, and by 2100 it is allegedly exceeded 11 billion.

Population began to grow rapidly only in the last few decades, so we have no historical examples yet, leaning on which we could make forecasts regarding the possible consequences of this growth in the future.

In other words, if it is true that on our planet, by the end of the century, more than 11 billion people will live, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to say whether sustainable development is possible with such a population - simply because there were still precedents in history.

However, we can better imagine a picture of the future, if we analyze where in the coming years the most significant increase in the population is expected.

The problem is not in the number of people living on Earth, but in the number of consumers and the scale and nature of the consumption of non-renewable resources

David Satterty says that mainly demographic growth in the next two decades will occur in metropolisms of those countries where the level of income of the population at the present stage is estimated as low or medium.

At first glance, the increase in the number of residents of such cities, even if several billion, should not have serious consequences across the entire planet. This is associated with a historically low level of consumption among citizens in low- and middle-income countries.

Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are a good indicator how high can consumption in a particular city can be. "On cities in low-income countries, we know that carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide) and its equivalents are less than a ton per person per year," says David Sattetva. - In countries, with a high level of income, the values \u200b\u200bof this indicator fluctuate ranging from 6 to 30 tons. "

Residents of more economically prosperous countries pollute the environment in much more thanWhat people living in poor countries.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Copenhagen: high standard of living, but small gas emissions with greenhouse effect

However, there are exceptions. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, a country with a high level of income, and Porto Allegre is located in Brazil, where the level of income is higher than the average. In both cities, a high standard of living, however, emissions (per capita) are relatively small in volume.

According to a scientist, if we look at the lifestyle of one individual person, the difference between the rich and poor categories of the population will be even more significant.

There are many urban inhabitants with low income, whose consumption level is so low that it does not have any effect on greenhouse gas emissions.

Upon reaching the population of the Earth of 9 billion, an additional load on its resources may be relatively small.

However, the world is changing. And it is possible that in metropolitans with a low level of income, carbon dioxide emissions will soon begin to grow.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. People living in high-income countries should contribute to the preservation of the sustainable development of the Earth in a growing population

Concern causes both the desire of poor countries to lifestyle and consumption at the level, which is now considered normal for high income states (many will say that it would be in some way to restore social justice).

But in this case, the growth of the urban population will bring with them a more serious burden on the ecology.

Will Steffen, Honorary Professor of the Fenner School ambient and society State University Australia, says it corresponds to general trend, manifested in recent century.

According to him, the problem is not in the growth of the population, but in growth - even more rapid - world consumption (which, of course, is unevenly distributed in the world).

If so, then humanity may be in an even more difficult position.

People living in high-income countries should contribute to the preservation of the sustainable development of the Earth with a growing population.

Only provided that the richest communities will be ready to reduce their level of consumption and allow their governments to support unpopular measures, the world as a whole will be able to reduce negative influence A person on the global climate and to more effectively solve such problems as the economical use of resources and waste recycling.

In 2015, the Journal of Industrial Ecology Journal I tried to look at ecological problems From the point of view of household, where the focus is consumption.

If we will follow more reasonable consumer habits, the environment of the environment can significantly improve

The study showed that private consumers account for more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, and in the use of land, water and other raw materials their share is up to 80%.

Moreover, scientists came to the conclusion that the load on the environment differs from the region to the region and that, based on the household, it is above all in economically prosperous countries.

Diana Ivanova from the Scientific and Technical University of the Norwegian city Trondheim, which developed the concept for this study, explains that it has changed a traditional point of view on who should be responsible for industrial emissions associated with the production of consumer goods.

"We all strive to shift the blame on someone else, to the state or to the enterprises," she notes.

In the West, for example, consumers often express the opinion that China and other countries that produce consumer goods in industrial quantities should be responsible for emissions related to production.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Modern society depends on industrial production

But Diana and her colleagues believe that equal share of responsibility lies with the consumers themselves: "If we will follow more reasonable consumer habits, the state of the environment can significantly improve." According to this logic, radical changes are needed in the basic values \u200b\u200bof developed countries: the emphasis should move from material benefits for such a model where the most important is personal and public well-being.

But even if favorable changes will occur in mass consumer behavior, our planet is unlikely to support the population for a long time at 11 billion people.

Therefore, Will Steffen proposes to stabilize the population somewhere around the nine billion, and then begin to gradually reduce it by reducing the birth rate.

Stabilization of the population of the Earth suggests both reducing the consumption of resources and the expansion of the rights of a woman

In fact, there are signs that some stabilization is already occurring, even if the population continues to grow in statistics.

The population growth slowed down since the 60s of the last century, and research on the birth rate conducted by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs indicate that in general the world's birth rate per woman fell from 4.7 children in 1970-75 years to 2.6 in 2005-10.

However, so that there are some really significant changes in the art, they will need centuries, considers Corey Bradshow from Adelaid University of Australia.

The trend towards the growth of fertility was rooted so deeply that even a large catastrophe would not be able to radically change the position of things, the scientist believes.

According to the results of a study conducted in 2014, measles concluded: Even if the population of the Earth would decline tomorrow by two billion due to increased mortality or if the governments of all countries, following China, adopted unpopular laws that limit the number of children, then by 2100 The number of people on our planet at best would remain at the current level.

It should be, it is necessary to look for alternative ways to reduce fertility, and seem to be selected.

If some of us or we all increase consumption, the upper limit will be reduced for an acceptable (in terms of sustainable development) of the population of the Earth

One relatively simple way is to increase the status of women, primarily in terms of their education and employment opportunities, Will Steffen believes.

The United Nations Foundation in the field of population (UNFPA) calculated that 350 million women in poorest countries They were not going to give birth to their last child, but they had no opportunity to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

If the basic needs of these women were satisfied in terms of personal DevelopmentThe problem of the overpopulation of land due to an excessively high birth rate would not stand so acute.

Following this logic, the stabilization of the population of our planet suggests both the reduction in the consumption of resources and the expansion of the rights of a woman.

But if the population is 11 billion unstable, how many people are theoretically - our land is able to feed?

Corey Bradshow believes that it is almost impossible to indicate a specific number, since it will depend on technologies in areas such as agriculture, energy and transport, as well as how many people we are willing to sentence to life, full of deprivation and restrictions, including And in food.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Slums in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay)

It is quite common that humanity has already exceeded the permissible limit, given the wasteful lifestyle that many of its representatives lead and from which they are unlikely to want to refuse.

As arguments in favor of this point of view, such environmental trends are given as global warming, a reduction in bio-diversity and pollution of the World Ocean.

To the rescue comes and social statisticsAccordinglain, according to which one billion people in the world actually starves, and another billion suffers from chronic malnutrition.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the problem of population binds to equally and with female fertility, and with soil fertility

The most common option is 8 billion, i.e. A little more of the current level. The lowest indicator is 2 billion. The highest - 1024 billion.

And since the assumptions regarding the permissible demographic maximum depend on a number of assumptions, it is difficult to say which of the calculated counts is closest to reality.

But ultimately the defining factor will be how society organizes its consumption.

If some of us - or all of us - will increase consumption, then the upper limit for an acceptable (from the point of view of sustainable development) of the population of the Earth will decrease.

If you find the opportunity to consume less, Ideally, without refusing the benefits of civilization, then the planet will be able to contain more people.

The permissible population limit will also depend on the development of technologies, the sphere in which it is difficult to predict something.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the problem of population binds equally both female fertility and the fertility of agricultural land.

In his book "Shadow of the future world", published in 1928, George Pubbs suggested that if the population of the Earth reaches 7.8 billion, much higher efficiency in the processing and use of lands will be required.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. The invention of chemical fertilizers began the rapid growth of the population

And three years later, Karl Bosch received the Nobel Prize for the contribution to the development of chemical fertilizers, the production of which has become necessary to assume, the most important factor in the demographic boom, which happened in the twentieth century.

In the remote future, scientific and technological progress can significantly raise the top plank of the permissible population number.

Since people have been in space for the first time, humanity is no longer content with the observation of stars from the ground, and seriously talks about the possibility of relocation to other planets.

Many prominent scholars, including physics Stephen Hawking, even say that the colonization of other worlds will be crucial for the survival of a person and other biological species presented on Earth.

Although within the framework of the NASA's exoplanetic program launched in 2009 and a large number of planets similar to the land were found, all of them are too removed and have little studied. (Within the framework of this program, the American Space Agency was created equipped with a super-sensitive photometer Satellite "Kepler" to search for such land planets out Solar systemso-called exoplanet.)

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Earth - our only home, and we need to learn how to live in it eco

So the resettlement of people to another planet is so far not exit. In the foreseeable future, the Earth will be the only house, and we must learn how to live in it eco.

This suggests, of course, a general reduction in consumption, in particular, the transition to lifestyle with low CO2 emissions, as well as the improvement of women around the world.

Only by making some steps in this direction, we will be able to approximately calculate how much planet Earth to maintain the people.

The population is a numerical value that describes the number of residents in the countries of the world at any time.

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This is one of the main indicators of demographic development. Below will be considered a table of the population of the countries of the world in 2020.

Important aspects

To calculate the number of people in the world, statistical data are used, which are provided by national institutions and international organizations under the influence of the UN Fund in the National Population (UNFPA).

Each year, the United Nations publishes information about the number of population on Earth in a specific report.

The magnitude of the population in different states is constantly changing, while UN reports are mainly issued within a few years, since data need international comparison after printing information by national statistical accounting services.

According to expert data, today the population of the planet is approximately 7.6 billion people. In the past century, the natural increase on Earth was three times more than all periods before.

But the last few decades this value has a tendency to reduce. It is worth noting that the UN forecasts by 2088 an increase in the population of the world to 11 billion people.

Top states by year

Speaking of the population of the countries of the world, it is necessary to take into account the fact that today the world's migration processes are actively occurring in the world.

Some do this due to the unstable political situation, others - due to unsuitable natural conditions, Someone just want to change the country of residence.

Nevertheless, analyzing the situation in general, it can be concluded that China and India lead by the number of residents.

In these countries, approximately 35% of the total population of the Earth lives. A high fertility rate is kept due to the high level of life development, stability in all spheres of the Company's vital activity.

The next place is located the United States of America. This is followed by Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russian Federation. Closes a dozen leader leaders Japan.

Since many states are very rarely held by the population census, information is provided in accordance with the latest updated data.

The table of the population of the countries of the world for last years presented below:

The name of the country Population 2017-2018 Population 2014-2016
China 1 389 672 000 1 374 440 000
India 1 349 271 000 1 283 370 000
United States 327 673 000 322 694 000
Indonesia 264 391 330 252 164 800
Pakistan 210 898 066 192 094 000
Brazil 209 003 892 205 521 000
Nigeria 192 193 402 173 615 000
Bangladesh 160 991 563 159 753 000
Russia 146 804 372 146 544 710
Japan 126 700 000 127 130 000

The smallest population has some of the islands of Great Britain, France and New Zealand.

Pitcairn Islands - 49, Vatican - 842, Tokelau - 1383, Niue - 1612, Falkland Islands - 2912, Saint Helena Island - 3956, Montserrat - 5154, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon - 6301, Saint-Bartelev - 9417 people.

In the African continent among the world's leaders after Nigeria, Ethiopia can be distinguished - 90 076 012, Egypt - 89 935,000, Congo - 81,680,000, South Africa Republic - 51 770 560, Tanzania - 43 188 000, Sudan - 42 749,000, Kenya - 45 010 056, Algeria - 37 100,000, Uganda - 35,620,977 people.

Close thirty the largest countries In the number of people in Africa Guinea - 10,481,000, Somalia - 9,797,000, Benin - 9,352,000 people.

On GDP per soul

The gross domestic product is the value of produced goods and services manufactured in a certain state. This indicator is determined in dollars, since this currency is leading in the world.

To calculate the per capita GDP, the overall GDP indicator is divided into the number of residents of the country.

For today, the leading countries in terms of GDP per capita are:

USA with an indicator of GDP 18.1247 trillion dollars Such a large amount of GDP was formed due to the US National Monetary Unit - the dollar. You should also pay tribute to such organizations as Microsoft and Google. Each year, the gross domestic product of the state increases by about 2.2%. GDP per person in America is 55 thousand dollars
China has gDP level 11,2119 trillion dollars PRC holds in the list of leaders in economic Development in the world. Annually there is an increase in GDP in the country by 10%. This is significantly ahead of the rate of increase. this indicator in USA. Therefore, the PRC has every chance to take first place in the world.
Japan occupies the third position The size of the GDP of this state is 4,2104 trillion dollars. In accordance with statistical data, an increase of 1.5% increases annually. This is realized due to the production and sale of technological goods, computers and electrical engineering. GDP per person is 39 thousand dollars
Next is Germany with GDP size 3413.5 trillion dollars. This indicator grows thanks to the sale of German cars, household appliances, production equipment. An increase in the size of GDP, on average, is 0.4% per year. The magnitude of GDP per capita is 46 thousand dollars
In fifth place is the United Kingdom Which has a GDP level of 2853.4 trillion dollars, which gave the opportunity to overtake France

By density

The population density indicator characterizes the number of citizens per 1 square meters. km. This value is determined without taking into account water areas and uninhabited places. In addition to the total density, this indicator also counts for villages and cities separately.

It should be noted that the number of people on earth is unevenly dispersed. Therefore, indicators B. different countries significantly different.

By the magnitude of the population density, you can identify 4 types of states:

The greatest density is allocated by the states of Asia, Africa and Europe, where 6 out of 7 billion inhabitants of the planet are focused. The territory of the state does not affect the density indicator of people.

According to the results of statistical data, it can be concluded that seven percent of the territory of the world occupies 70% of the total number of people on Earth.

The average value of the population density is 40 million people per square meter. km. In certain territories, this magnitude may be two thousand people per square meter. km, and on some - one person per square meter. km.

With megalopolis, where many people live and fuss, the expanses of the desert are neighboring, where a person practically does not live. From what territories (denomotive or incomplete) are more common in one or another state, it depends, as far as it is populated by people. In the top 10 largest countries in the population in the world, I will tell you about the ten most "inhabited" countries of our planet.

10 Japan.

The population of this island state is approximately 126958,000. The territory of the rising sun country has 377944 square kilometers. Japan has a population density of 336.3 people per square kilometer. The capital of Tokyo is also one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. The population of this prefecture is about 133,70200 people, and the area is 2188.67 square kilometers. People inhabit the Tokyo Prefecture with a density of 6108.82 people per square kilometer.

9 Russia

The territory of Russia has a population of about 146804370. Country Area - 17125191 Square kilometer. People inhabit it with a density of 8.56 people per square kilometer. Moscow - the capital of Russia - has a population of approximately 123,80660 people. The territory of the capital is 2561.5 square kilometers. Population density in Moscow - 4833.36 people per square kilometer.

8 Bangladesh

In Bangladesh lives approximately 168957745 people. The area of \u200b\u200bthis state includes 14,7570 square kilometers. Population density in Bangladesh - 1154.7 people per square kilometer. The capital of this country is Dhaka. About 6970105 people live in this city. The area of \u200b\u200bthe capital is 815.85 square kilometers. People inhabit Dhaka with a density of 23234 people per square kilometer.

7 Nigeria

Nigeria is home for approximately 181562060 people. The area of \u200b\u200bthis country is spread to 923768 square kilometers. Population density in Nigeria - 189 people per square kilometer. The capital of Nigeria is the city of Abuja. Abuja has a territory of 609 square kilometers. About 778570 people live in the capital of Nigeria.

6 Pakistan

Pakistan's population is about 193885500 people. The area of \u200b\u200bthis state is 80,3490 square kilometers. The population density in Pakistan is 224.9 people per square kilometer. Islamabad - the capital of Pakistan - has a territory of 851.5 square kilometers. In this city lives approximately 1082260 people. People inhabit the capital of Pakistan with a density of 1271 people per square kilometer.

5 Brazil

About 205738,000 people live in Brazil. The area of \u200b\u200bthis country is 8515770 square kilometers. Population density in Brazil - 22 people per square kilometer. The capital of this state is the city of Brazilia (another version of the title of the capital: Brazil). The area of \u200b\u200bthis city is 5801,937 square kilometers, and the population is approximately 2610000 people. The population density in the capital of Brazil is 441.74 people per square kilometer.

4 Indonesia

In Indonesia lives approximately 257563000 people. Square of the country - 1919440 square kilometers. The population density in Indonesia is 130.85 people per square kilometer. The capital of Indonesia is called Jakarta. The population of the capital is approximately 9607790 people, the territory is 664 square kilometers, population density - 14469.56 people per square kilometer.


US population is approximately 325310280. This country covers an area of \u200b\u200b9519431 square kilometer. Population density in the USA - 32 people per square kilometer. The capital of the United States - Washington - has a population of about 601720 people, an area of \u200b\u200b177 square kilometers, a population density of 3771 people per square kilometer. Cyatay

About 1380083000 people live in China. Square of China - 9598962 square kilometers. The population density in this country is 143.7 people per square kilometer. Capital of China - Beijing - has a population of about 21705,000 people. Beijing Square - 16801 square kilometers. The population density in China's capital is 1292 people per square kilometer.

The population of each country is constantly changing due to mortality, fertility, people who are moving or leaving from this country.