Formation of a Russian centralized state and the structure of public administration (XV-XVI centuries). Features of the formation of a centralized state in Russia and folding the autocratic form of the Board

Short description

The purpose of the study is to study the process of formation of a Russian centralized state.
As part of achieving the goal, the following tasks can be distinguished:
- state the prerequisites for the formation of a Russian centralized state;
- to explore the process of formation of a Russian centralized state "and the formation of a centralized multinational state;
- identify the features of the structure government controlled Russian state.

Introduction .................................................................................... ... 4
1 Features of the formation of a Russian centralized state..6

Breaking Power and the beginning of the formation of a bureaucratic control apparatus .............................................................................................
2 features of the structure of the public administration of the Russian

2.1Reography political system and administrative bodies.22
2.2 General characteristics of the state control mechanism in XV - XVIVV ........................................................................ ... .............. ..............
2.3 Political system and system formation public institutions In the XV - XVIVB ....................................................... ... 34

Conclusion ................................................................................. 42.
List of used sources and literature .............................. ..44
Appendix A Scheme of the authorities and the management of Russian
centralized state ..................................45

States ..........................................................................46

states ........................................................ .... 47

Nested files: 1 file

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational

establishment of higher vocational education

"Komsomolsky-on-Amur State

technical University"

Humanitarian faculty

Department "History and Archive Science"


under the discipline "History and organization of office work in Russia"

Formation of a Russian centralized state and the structure of public administration (XV-XVI centuries)

Introduction .................................................................................... ... 4

1 Features of the formation of a Russian centralized state..6

    1. Background of education of the Russian centralized state ...... 6
    2. Formation of a centralized Russian state ... ... ...... ..13
    3. Grand permanent power and the beginning of the formation of a bureaucratic apparatus of management .................................................................... ....eighteen

2 features of the structure of the public administration of the Russian

xV states - XVIVV ....................................... ... ..................... 22

2.1Realing of the political system and administrative authorities.22

2.2 General characteristics of the state control mechanism in XV - XVIVV .................................................................................. .. ...... ..26

2.3 State system and the formation of a system of government agencies in the XV - XVIVV ..................................................................... ... 34

2.4Social structure of society .................................... .. ............ .38

Conclusion ............................................................................................... 42

List of used sources and literature .............................. ..44

Appendix A Scheme of the authorities and the management of Russian

centralized state ... .............................. .45

Appendix B Scheme Judicial Bodies of Russian Centralized

states ..........................................................................46

Appendix in the scheme of the territory of the Russian Centralized

states .......................................... .. ......... ... .... 47


The problem of the formation of a Russian centralized state has long attracted the attention of historical science. How did the land and the principalities have developed a powerful single state from scattered and warring? How not so powerful in militarily, the state could withstand strong neighbors? What factors predetermined the formation and development of the Russian state? These issues are still set and are solved in historical studies. Many features of this process (the autocratic nature of the central government, the multinationality of the Russian state, etc.) appear now. Consequently, this topic continues to maintain its relevance.

For this topic, many historians expressed their opinion, some of them were used when writing this work. The most significant of them are works L.V. Cherepnin, V.I. Buganova, F.N. Nesterova et al. All of them consider various aspects of the topic.

The purpose of the study is to study the process of formation of a Russian centralized state.

As part of achieving the goal, the following tasks can be distinguished:

State the prerequisites for the formation of a Russian centralized state;

Explore the process of formation of a Russian centralized state "and the formation of a centralized multinational state;

Identify the features of the structure of the public administration of the Russian state.

The object of this study is the analysis of the conditions of the "Education of the Russian Centralized State".

In this case, the subject of the study is to consider certain issues formulated as the tasks of this study.

The source base of the course work is the scientific and publicist works Dmitrieva Yu.A., Isaeva I.A., Karamzina N.M., Klyuchevsky V.O., Soloviev S.M., Tolstaya A.I. and etc.

The methodological basis of the study was the general and private scientific methods of knowledge of the object of study: dialectical, formal logical and historical.

Work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, the main part consisting of 2 chapters, conclusion, a list of used sources and applications.

The work uses descriptive, statistical, analytical and other methods.

In the introduction, the relevance of the topic choice is substantiated, the purpose and objectives of the study are raised, research methods and sources of information are described.

The first chapter is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of a Russian centralized state. It displays the backgrounds of the formation and formation of a centralized state.

The second chapter of the course work contains the features of the structure of the public administration of the Russian state in the XV - XVI centuries. It reveals issues of transformation of the political system and administrative bodies and the state system, given the overall characteristics of the state management mechanism, the social structure of society is considered.

In conclusion, the main results of the study are formulated.

The appendix shows the schemes of the judicial and state authorities of the Russian centralized state and the territory scheme is presented.

1 Features of the formation of a Russian centralized


    1. Education of Russian Centralized Education


If you see the map of Russia of the middle of the XV century, then the first thing to pay attention to is the border, separating Russian lands from the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and Mongol-Tatar Khanni. The border goes close to Moscow. Even Kiev, the former capital of the ancient Russian state, is part of the principality of Lithuania. Russian lands are fragmented; The main one is Moscow, Tver, Ryazan Principality.

At this time, in Western Europe there is a process of formation of uniform states: England, France, Spain. The Ottoman Empire is strengthened in the east. In 1453, the Turks captured Constantinople and established themselves in the Balkans. For Russia it was very important to overcome fragmentation.

The formation of a Russian centralized state was the completion of the long process, the beginning of which refers to XIV.

The famous grandson Ivan Kalita Dmitry Donskoy can rightfully be considered the founder of the power and political importance of the Moscow state. It was after the victory of the Russian troops on the Kulikov field, the combination of Russian lands around Moscow was completed, which finally ended at the end of the XV century. During the reign of Ivan III (1462-1505).

Describing the process of overcoming the feudal fragmentation and folding of a centralized state in Russia, F. Engels: "... In Russia, the conquest of the specific princes was hand in hand with liberation from Tatar yoke, which was finally fixed by Ivan III." The union has become possible only when socio-economic conditions have ripened.

The emergence of centralized states is a natural stage in the development of feudalism, following the early refortel period. It occurs at this stage of feudalism, when more or less strong links are established between the individual regions of the country due to the growth of public division of labor, the development of crafts and commodity production, the growth of cities.

But, as usual, this process had its own characteristics: if the centralization occurred in Europe at the stage of the decomposition of feudalism simultaneously with the beginning of the formation of a single domestic market, i.e. In the conditions of beginner bourgeois development, in Russia, centralization was accompanied by the strengthening and development of feudalism, the growth of serfdom across the country. As a result, the union had insufficient economic prerequisites with pronounced prerequisites for political. Another feature was determined weaker than in Europe, the development of cities. As a result, the leading social force of the association was not citizens and merchants, as in the West, and landowners: first boyarism, and then the nobility. The third feature was the special role of political power due to external danger.

Historians interpret the background of the formation of a centralized state in different ways. The main reason, according to the majority, is the Mongol-Tatar Igo, which forced the Russian princes to look at their relations with other princes. The desire to free himself from the Mongol-Tatar yoke was general, but for this it was necessary to create a strong state capable of defeating the Golden Horde.

The second reason is called historians - the strengthening of economic relations between Russian lands caused by general economic growth. Despite the fact that, in general, the country's economy in the XIV-XVTV. It has become natural, economic relations between its individual parts strengthened. During this period, agriculture is developing in Russia, restored after the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the rise of productive forces in agriculture occurs mainly due to the expansion of the area extended by agricultural crops. During this period, the peasants conduct an intense disintegration of the wasteland - lands abandoned by enemy raids, feudal wars and fault. Agricultural products increased significantly, which made it possible to increase the development of animal husbandry and sell bread to the side. The need for agricultural workers also increased, which resulted in the development of crafts in the village. Crafts rapidly, especially in the city, their technical level has increased, developing blacksmiths, foundries, construction and pottery production, as well as jewelry.

Figure 1 - Central State Education Background

Handicraft production in Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov and other cities received great development. There was a separation of artisans from the peasants, the urban population increased, which contributed to the growth of trade between the city and the village. In the XIV-XV centuries. The old towns grew up and new ones arose. The role of cities as shopping centers increased.

Economic relations were formed on the basis of Russia, and after that, there was a need to develop foreign trade. All these factors demanded the political association of Russian lands.

In this, first of all, noblemen were interested, merchants, artisans and all the broad layers of society.

There were other reasons for the union, in particular the aggravation of the class struggle. In the XV century Along with the economic rise, feudal property is growing to Earth and the oppression of the peasants is intensified. The deepening of the feudal oppression was expressed not only in the challenge of previously free peasants, but also in strengthening their personal dependence, as well as in the growth of the barbecines and long-term. Feudals sought to economic and legal reassurance of peasants, and the peasants sought to freedom and had resistance, which was expressed in the murder of the feudalists, arson their estates and seizing property.

Under these conditions, a powerful centralized state was needed, capable of performing its basic function - the suppression of resistance to the mass exploited. Especially interested were in this small and medium feudalles, who could not cope with the suppression of the uprisings of their peasants. Therefore, it is not by chance that the strengthening of serfdom is simultaneously with the formation of a single state. In the judiciary Ivan III (1497) it was indicated that the peasants could leave the feudal per week and within a week after Yuriev's Day (November 26 each year). Moreover, the peasant was obliged to first pay the "elderly" for the use of self and service buildings. This year is considered the beginning of the universal reinforcement of peasants. Personal dependence goes to the highest form - serfdom.

Consequently, in the strengthening of the central authorities, there were primarily interested, feudalists, both secular and spiritual. Supported the Moscow Grand Delivens and Citizens, hoping that it would lead to the cessation of civil engineers, trade development. The peasants were also expected to find help from the Grand Duke from the oppression of local feudal feudals. Thus, all the segments of the population, although for various reasons were interested in creating a strong centralized state. The opponents of the association were major feudals - the princes that did not want to lose their power.

The history of the state and the rights of Russia. Cribs Knyazeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna

22. State apparatus of a centralized Russian state

Russian state headed Grand Duke, From the end of the XV century. He became known state Duke of All Russia. As the state and subordination of the individual principalities, the Moscow government of the Grand Prince increased. In the XIV-XV centuries. A sharp is happening reduction of immunity rights Specific princes and boyars become lidd by the Grand Duke.

One of the funds strengthening high-rise power was monetary reform spent at the beginning of the XVI century. She introduced in the state unified monetary system Only the Grand Duke could minimize the coin, the money of the specific princes was withdrawn from circulation.

The Grand Duke did not have absolute power, he ruled the state with the support of the Board of Boyar Aristocracy - Boyar Duma. Boyarskaya Duma was permanently operating the body Built on principle locality (appointment to the state position depended on the knowledge of the genus of the candidate). Duma, along with the prince carried out legislative, administrative and judicial activities. The composition of the Boyarskaya Duma was constantly changing.

In the XIII-XV centuries. Active palace-primary control system. The main role was assigned princely Dvor. led by butler and palace departments - ways who headed putting boyars (Stall, Sokolichih, Mustrony, Lovek and other ways). Over time, the court ranks turned into state posts.

The centralization of the state demanded the creation of a special managerial apparatus. From the end of the XV century. There is a formation of new central and local authorities - orders. These were constantly acting administrative and judicial institutions The competence of which was distributed to the entire territory of the state. Were created The Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Local, Robber, Casina, Yamskaya and other orders. Orders combined administrative, judicial and financial functions. They had their own states, ordinar horses, office work, archives. Orders were headed boyfriend, They also included original devils, scribes and special authorized. By the middle of the XVI century. order control systempassed the palace-primary.

Local governance until the end of the XV century. Bashed on feeding system and carried out governors Grand Duke in the cities and volostulas in the countryside. They were engaged administrative, financial and court cases. At the beginning of the XVI century. New were established noble and zemstvo authorities- Light and Zemskie huts.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

21. Prerequisites and features of the formation of a Russian centralized state overcoming the feudal fragmentation and the creation of centralized states is a natural process of the development of feudalism. It was based on socio-economic factors:

67. The state apparatus during World War II on August 1, 1914 began the first world War. Russia entered the war on the side of the Entente (England and France) against Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The prescription began in the management apparatus. Council

State veterinary supervision, state quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision) and state supervision in the field of seed production The activities of citizens may fall into the field of view of the veterinary doctors of Rosselkhoznadzor or regional authorities

1.5. The state apparatus The concept, signs and principles of the organization of the state apparatus The state apparatus is a system of bodies and institutions engaged in the practice of state power, the tasks and functions of the state. References

§ 1. Characteristics of the main legislative acts of the Experienced and Moscow State of the Russian State The military courts in a modern understanding arose in Russia with the advent of a regular army that requires maintaining certain law enforcement law enforcement

5. State system of the ancient Russian state. Territorial structure of Kievan Rus. The legal status of the population of Russia Kievan Rus is an early refortel state. It has not enough formed enough estimates, classes, form of ownership, etc.

12. Prerequisites for the formation of a Russian centralized state. The peculiarities of the Russian centralized state, the Russian centralized state developed in the XIV-XVI V.Groups of the background of the formation of a Russian centralized state. Economic

13. Public system and the legal status of the population during the formation of a centralized Russian state. The development of the process of fixing the peasants during the formation of the centralized Russian state occurred quite significant changes and

14. The state system during the formation of the Russian centralized state of Russia during the formation of a single centralized state was the early refortel monarchy. The presence of centralized power at the end of the XV-early XVI centuries: 1)

21. The trial of the Russian centralized state The trial during the formation and existence of a Russian centralized state on cases of small crimes and property disputes was accusable.

57. Russia on the eve and during World War II. The state apparatus in Russia at this stage of the time the main causes of the First World War: changes in the economy and politics of the great powers; Activation of the colonial expansion of the great powers; Striving to the section.

§ 6. The mechanism (apparatus) of the Russian state The problem of strengthening the Russian state naturally require that its working part, that is, the mechanism, acted clearly, coarsely and efficiently. Mehanism of the Russian state is the system of interrelated between

The government apparatus is an important role in the current work of the government acquired its special bodies and committees. Their meaning in particular was determined by the fact that the office worked, in fact, secretly and decisions were made by the prime minister on behalf of the whole government. First


1. What factors contributed to the fact that it was under Ivan III and Vasili III that the dependence of Russia from the Horde was eliminated and the union of Russian lands was completed?

Factors that contributed to the completion of the union of Russian lands:

Final weakening of the Golden Horde;

The conflict between the Golden Horde and the Crimean Khancy, which supported Ivan III;

Weakening Novgorod and Tver, which allowed Ivan III capture them;

Weakening Lithuania.

Strengthening the power of the Moscow Prince.

2. Give the characteristic of the authority system of the Russian centralized state.

The head of the Russian state stood the sovereign, which was a carrier of the Supreme Secondary Power: published legislative acts, headed the highest judicial authority - the grand-road court, commanded the troops during the most important campaigns. The monarch of the throne was inherited from his father to his son.

The advisory body was a boyars thought. In the circle of twisted ranks, the sovereign discussed economic, diplomatic, military issues. The distribution of powerful powers in the Duma, which means that its members occupied during the meetings depended on the audience and antiquity of the genus. This principle was called locality. An approximate monarch - boyars and seruners were the sovereigns of the courtyard.

Collection and distribution issues money States dealt with treasury. Special service - the palace - the state ownership of the sovereign. As the management apparatus is expanded for the institution, orders, which served as devils and fuckers began to arise.

From 1549 (under Ivan IV), Zemskiy Cathedral began to be conserved, which indicated the formation of a specifically representative monarchy of a special type.

All the state was divided into the treasures, which, in turn, consisted of smaller mills and volosts.

3. What changes in the social structure of the Company led public policyaimed at strengthening the army?

The state policy aimed at strengthening the army led to the formation of new social groups:

1) A landowners are nobles who received the land with peasants for the service. They were obliged to appear in the first call of the sovereign, having a horse, all the necessary weapons and armor, along with their armed servants. The landowners, in contrast to the Western European feudal, were not the most frequent owners of their possessions. Without the consent of the sovereign, the estate was forbidden to sell, transfer to heirs.

2) Sagittarius - these were infantrymen (less often cavalrymen) armed with firearms. Streletsky army was formed from Poshesky people. They were exempted from paying taxes, received a small monetary salary, could be in addition to the service to engage in craft and small trade.

4. How do you understand the political importance of the idea of \u200b\u200b"Moscow - the Third Rome"?

The announcement of Moscow by the third Rome contributed to the elevation of the Moscow principality during Ivan III. Moscow was declared the center of political and church life. It also made a reason to call himself a defender of all Orthodox, which contributed to the accession of a number of new lands.

5. Which of the symbols of the Russian state have survived to this day? What value do they have for us today?

To this day, such symbols of the Russian state have been preserved as an image of a victorious daughter-sitting on horseback and a double-headed eagle.

The current two-headed eagle was crowned with three gold crowns - symbols of the state sovereignty of our country, in his paws - a scepter (sign of the Celebration of the Law) and the Power (symbol of unity of the people).

On the breast of the eagle - the shield, in the smoking field of which traveling to the right for the viewer, standing by the face to the shield, the silver rider in the Lazorus raincoat, striking the black tipped spear and the dance of the dragon.


1. Using Machine number 8 (p. VII), determine which land included in the Moscow principality for 1462. What time is the period of completing the union of Russian land? Name the territory included during this period in the Moscow state.

By 1462, the Moscow principality was included in the Moscow principality, Kostroma, Galician, Uglitsky, Dmitrov Lands, as well as the territories of the Great Vladimir Principality.

Gaining land was completed in 1510 by the accession of Pskov and in 1521 - Ryazan Principality. During this time, they were attached: Novgorod (1478), Tver (1485), territory in the windows of Oki and gums - Seversk land, as well as Smolensk.

2. Describe the relationship between the church and the states that have developed in the process of formation of the Russian centralized state. What could be the prospect of solving the issue of church land tenure?

The church played an important role in the unification of the Russian state. Her hierarchs performed for the unity of lands, sought to reconcile princes. It was in the environment of church leaders after the fall of Byzantium the idea was born that the Moscow State was destined to become the successor of the Great Christian Empires.

The prospect of solving the issue of church land tenure would be the secularization of the land in favor of the state with monetary compensation. Then the clergy would receive funds to spread their lands, and the state of the Earth to strengthen their power.

3. Give the characteristic of the general features and differences in the length of the Russian and Western European medieval society.

Russian society, as well as Western European divided into three main estates: nobility (chivalry), clergy, peasantry. You can also distinguish the fourth estate, which only passed consolidation - the townspeople.

The nobles both in Western Europe and Russia had exceptional rights to land ownership, they did not pay taxes, charged taxes from the third estate (peasants), as a rule, served in the troops and participated in government management. Unlike Western Europe, a local land tenure was common in Russia, not a hereditary (except for specific princes), also the nobles in Russia owned fortress peasants, and in Western Europe did not own.

The clergy in Western Europe and Russia was considered a privileged estate. As in Europe, as the central political power is strengthened, it has lost its influence. In contrast to Europe, the economic position of the clergy has significantly increased significantly intensified, which was expressed in the growth of church land tenure.

The peasants were an unprivileged class, they paid taxes, did not have the right to own the land, but only to use it. The difference in the position of the peasants in Western Europe from Russia was that they were personally free, while in Russia the process of complete reassurance of peasants took place.

Also in Russia in the social structure of society there was such a feature as the presence of Casual estates.

Sovereign all Russia. The hierarchical pyramid of the power of the Russian centralized state was crowned royal power. She was not limited to either politically or legally. Ivan III actually became the first king of the Russian centralized state. He possessed legislative, administrative and judicial authority, which constantly expanded. Its status developed in accordance with the public law, it is also established.

To give weight, the procedure of the Print Application procedure was introduced. For the first time in Russia, Ivan III introduces the symbol of the royal power - coat of armswhich in 1472 became a double-headed eagle. The image of a double-headed eagle in 1497 appears on the royal printing, which becomes already "stamp printing", that is, it becomes more important.

Interesting the fact of acquiring coat of arms. It is known that Ivan III was married to Sophia Paleologist, a representative of the Byzantine Imperial Familia. After conquering the Byzantium of the Ottoman Empire, the two-headed eagle, the coat of arms of the Byzantine emperor, crossed, as if by inheritance, to the only heir to the Byzantine kings - Sophie Paleolog, the daughter of Brother's last emperor Byzantine Konstantin Paleologist. And from Sophia in connection with marriage - to Ivan III. As the successor to the fallen Byzantine throne, husband Sofia Paleolog since 1485because called the king, but more often - " state Duke of All Russia" The Russian word "king" is somewhat distorted by the Slavic translation of the Byzantine word "Caesar".

Ivan III to strengthen autocratic power, conducted significant state-legal reforms that concerned the boyars of the Duma, orders, legal system, etc. Thanks to his reforms, the victims were gradually replaced by centralization.

Ivan III has other merits to Russia. According to many historians, this is one of the key figures of our story. This reformer, in-premium, laid the foundations of autocracy; secondly, he created the state office of the country management; Thirdly, built the residence of the head of state - the fortified Moscow Kremlin; Fourth, set the rules of the court etiquette; Fifth, published a set of laws (judicial), mandatory to fulfill all statements.

Boyarskaya Duma. The Boyar Duma had state administration, judicial and diplomatic function. Solving state affairs, the Duma gradually became an everlasting body under Ivan III. With its participation, the famous lawnier Ivan III was introduced, which established a single legal system of a centralized state. In addition, the Duma led the system of orders, carried out control over the local government, the land disputes solved. The Duma Office was created for business.

In the Boyarskoy Doma except Moscow boyars from the middle of the XV century. Local princes from the attached lands, who recognized the seniority of Moscow began. The Duma has decided by a majority vote. If the consent of the boyar was not achieved, controversial moments were discussed until all of its composition came to a common opinion. I am expressed in modern, the Duma was looking for consensus. If there is no consent for any reason for any reason, then they went to the report to the head of state, and the case was allowed to be a state truck.

Term boyargradually began to denote not just a major feudal, but a lifelong privileged member of the Boyarskaya Duma.Tee the value of the Boyar Duma ocolnic. At the end of the XV century. The Duma included 12 boyars and no more than 8 roundabouts. When solving the most important public affairs, church hierarchs and prominent representatives of the nobility were invited to meetings of the Boyar Duma. In the future, such joint meetings became the basis for the formation of Zemsky cathedrals.

Boyar and rounded steel swear to loyaltygreat prince, confirming it with "abandoned diplomas." Moscow sovereign has given itself the right not only to remove the boyars from the public service, but also confiscateat the same time, their primary, land put on the property.

Casual yard.The main administrative authority of the Moscow state department was a government courtyard. It was a prototype of the government. The future Ordering system has grown out of two nationwide departments: Palace and Casna. The palace ruled the lands of the Grand Prince, the treasury was owned by finances, state seal, archive. The king introduced new positions of sovereign people: state-owned dequeble and the attainnants who are members of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bLocked, Yamski, Financial.

Palace and palaces. A palace was created for the management of royal lands and property. Gradually, its functions were complemented by other duties, for example, to consider land disputes and exercise proceedings. For the management of territories in the field, Novgorod, Tver and other palaces were created, as well as orders.

Central authorities. For execution at the places of royal decrees, other instructions and orders from the center, permanent administrative authorities were created. To lead individual directions in the state was instructed by a proper boyars and nobles. In the jurisdiction of the most authoritative boyars passed separate territories ("ways"), in which senior officials carried out management and legal proceedings. Simultaneously with the creation new system The management took place to strengthen the power of the Moscow Grand Duke, the sovereign of All Russia. The new "vertical of power", created in the Epoch of Ivan III, significantly increased the centralization of public administration, made Moscow by the real capital of a huge country.

The formation of orders, discharges, counties, volosts spoke of rather slim (for that time) system of government. This system was also enshrined in the legal database created by Ivan III in order to strengthen its power, which became more and more confidential features.

Local authorities. Former specific princes retained some powerful powers. Within their possessions, they had the right to collect taxes from the population, to finish the court. From their environment, they were prescribed by the Moscow Prince of Governor and the thousands, which war time Leaded folk militia.

In the cities introduced new position Local departments - city clerks, in the counties administrative functions performed the governors, in the wallands - moays.

The system of central and local government agencies in the Russian centralized state (XIV century - the beginning of the XVI century) is as follows.

System of state authorities

The law of the Ivan III.A huge role in strengthening a single state played a new legal system introduced by Ivan III. She joined the central and local government bodies together, which were guided united by the country with laws and demanded their execution from royal subjects. Published in 1497 Duturenik Ivan III consolidated the new information imposed by the authorities in the country since the "Russian Truth".

It should be emphasized that important innovations related to public law were introduced. For example, the transfer of power in the state was no longer inherited, as before, but by the will of the sovereign. He now appointed a successor. Power began to acquire autocratic features. In favor of small and middle-defense, the new social groupmaster also established some restrictions on the activities of the officials in the fields - feeding places. According to Art. 43 governors and wipers lost their rights to solve the "most important matters".

Outlook Ivan III put the beginning of the reassurance of peasants. He forbade the transition to another feudal for 50 weeks a year, except for the week before and week after Yuriev's Day (November 26), when all work on Earth was completed, and the harvest was assembled in the crust. Moreover, the state in 1497 legislatively establishes another essential condition for the change of legal dependence on the feudal: the mandatory payment of "elderly" - a kind of redemption from this dependence.

Legal, organizational and other measures taken by Ivan III to strengthen state power indicate the creation of a new centralized state.

2.2. Education of the Russian Centralized State

Completion of the union of lands around Moscow. Overcoming feudal fragmentation and association of Russian principalities, the termination of civil workers in many ways contributed to the correct, far-sighted policy of Moscow princes - descendants of Dmitry Donskoy. So, Vasilia.I. (1389-1425), son of Dmitry Donskoy, managed to conclude a special agreement with the Tver Principality in order to counter the raids of the Golden Horde. In addition, Vasily I married Lithuanian prince Sophia, which significantly weakened tensions in Russian-Lithuanian relations. Wasil I managed to get a label to Nizhny Novgorod, Murom, Tarusa. All this contributed to the elevation of Moscow, to unite the Russian lands and the formation of Russian centralized state around it.

Huge merit in expanding the territory of the Russian state belongs to Ivan III (1462-1505). At its board, Joining Moscow, Yaroslavl (1463), was completed, the accession of Rostov (1474) and the Tver Principality. In 1489, Ivan III introduced the Vyatka land rich in the fur. In 1503, the jurisdiction of the Russian state passed the princes of Vyazemsky, Odoevsky, Vorotnsky, Chernigov, who broke their relations with Lithuania.

Independent from the Moscow Prince, the Novgorod Republic remained for a long time, which has even significant strength. In Novgorod, in 1410, the reform of submission was occurred: the oligarchic power of the boyars increased. Fearing the loss of his privileges in the case of submission to Moscow, part of the Novgorod boyarism, headed by Maunda Martha, concluded an agreement on the vassal dependence of Novgorod from Lithuania.

Having learned about the collusion of Boyar with Lithuania, Moscow Prince Ivan IIIRIVED decisive measures to submissal Novgorod. In the campaign of 1471, the troops of all the land suspended by Moscow, which gave him a communional character. Novgorod residents were accused of "disappeared from Orthodoxy to Latin."

The decisive battle occurred on the r. Sheoni. Novgorod militia, having significant superiority in the forces, fought reluctantly; Muscovites, according to the chroniclers close to Moscow, "like landing lions", pounced on the enemy and more than 20 miles were pursued by the retreating Novgorod. Finally Novgorod was attached to Moscow in 1478, two years before liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Ivan IIIZA Gathering Russian Land received honorary title "God's grace sovereign all Russia, Grand Duke Vladimir and Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov, and Tver, and Yugorsky, and Perm, and Bulgarian, and other lands. "

Famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky in connection with this wrote: "If you present yourself new boundaries of the Moscow principality, created by the territorial acquisitions, you will see that this principality has absorbed a whole population ... Now this (Russian) people are connected under one state power."

Joining Moscow Novgorod, Vyatka and Perm Lands with the non-Russian nodes living here and the north-east expanded multinational composition Moscow Principality.

Thus, when Ivan III The formation of a single Russian state- The largest Power in Europe with which other states began to be considered.

The creation of a Russian centralized state is the most important stage historical Development Our country, with which the overcoming of feudal fragmentation is associated.

The formation of a single state has created the necessary conditions for further economic and political Development Russia, improvement of public administration and legal system. The strong state that established under Ivan III ended up with the Mongol-Tatar Igi, which lasted in Russia almost 2.5 centuries.

The final overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke happened under Ivan III after the "great standing" of the Moscow and Mongol-Tatar tart on r. Ugra in 1480 Ivan III managed to attract the Crimean Khan Mengyli-Gury to his side, whose troops attacked Casimir IV, thoring his performance against Moscow. At the head of the Ordane troops was Ahmat-Khan, who concluded an alliance with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV. Stokening in the thief of several weeks, Ahmat-Khan realized that it was hopeless to join the battle. At this time, his capital of Sarai was attacked by Siberian Khanate. Having learned about this, Khan turned his troops to the shed. The confrontation between Russia and the Golden Horde ended. In 1502, the Crimean Khan Mengly-Giri inflicted a crushing defeat by the Golden Horde, after which its existence ceased.

The final overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke accelerated the process of unification of lands around Moscow and the formation of a Russian centralized state.

With Ivan III, in relation to our state, the modern term "Russia" began to use for the first time.

2.3. Power system in the Russian Centralized State

Sovereign all Russia. The hierarchical pyramid of the power of the Russian centralized state was crowned royal power. She was not limited to either politically or legally. Ivan III actually became the first king of the Russian centralized state. He possessed legislative, administrative and judicial authority, which constantly expanded. Its status developed in accordance with the public law, it is also established.

To give weight, the procedure of the Print Application procedure was introduced. For the first time in Russia, Ivan III introduces the symbol of the royal power - coat of armswhich in 1472 became a double-headed eagle. The image of a double-headed eagle in 1497 appears on the royal printing, which becomes already "stamp printing", that is, it becomes more important.

Interesting the fact of acquiring coat of arms. It is known that Ivan III was married to Sophia Paleologist, a representative of the Byzantine Imperial Familia. After conquering the Byzantium of the Ottoman Empire, the two-headed eagle, the coat of arms of the Byzantine emperor, crossed, as if by inheritance, to the only heir to the Byzantine kings - Sophie Paleolog, the daughter of Brother's last emperor Byzantine Konstantin Paleologist. And from Sophia in connection with marriage - to Ivan III. As the successor to the fallen Byzantine throne, husband Sofia Paleolog since 1485because called the king, but more often - " state Duke of All Russia" The Russian word "king" is somewhat distorted by the Slavic translation of the Byzantine word "Caesar".

Ivan III to strengthen autocratic power, conducted significant state-legal reforms that concerned the boyars of the Duma, orders, legal system, etc. Thanks to his reforms, the victims were gradually replaced by centralization.

Ivan III has other merits to Russia. According to many historians, this is one of the key figures of our story. This reformer, in-premium, laid the foundations of autocracy; secondly, he created the state office of the country management; Thirdly, built the residence of the head of state - the fortified Moscow Kremlin; Fourth, set the rules of the court etiquette; Fifth, published a set of laws (judicial), mandatory to fulfill all statements.

Boyarskaya Duma. The Boyar Duma had state administration, judicial and diplomatic function. Solving state affairs, the Duma gradually became an everlasting body under Ivan III. With its participation, the famous lawnier Ivan III was introduced, which established a single legal system of a centralized state. In addition, the Duma led the system of orders, carried out control over the local government, the land disputes solved. The Duma Office was created for business.

In the Boyarskoy Doma except Moscow boyars from the middle of the XV century. Local princes from the attached lands, who recognized the seniority of Moscow began. The Duma has decided by a majority vote. If the consent of the boyar was not achieved, controversial moments were discussed until all of its composition came to a common opinion. I am expressed in modern, the Duma was looking for consensus. If there is no consent for any reason for any reason, then they went to the report to the head of state, and the case was allowed to be a state truck.

Term boyargradually began to denote not just a major feudal, but a lifelong privileged member of the Boyarskaya Duma.Tee the value of the Boyar Duma ocolnic. At the end of the XV century. The Duma included 12 boyars and no more than 8 roundabouts. When solving the most important public affairs, church hierarchs and prominent representatives of the nobility were invited to meetings of the Boyar Duma. In the future, such joint meetings became the basis for the formation of Zemsky cathedrals.

Boyar and rounded steel swear to loyaltygreat prince, confirming it with "abandoned diplomas." Moscow sovereign has given itself the right not only to remove the boyars from the public service, but also confiscateat the same time, their primary, land put on the property.

Casual yard. The main administrative authority of the Moscow state department was a government courtyard. It was a prototype of the government. The future Ordering system has grown out of two nationwide departments: Palace and Casna. The palace ruled the lands of the Grand Prince, the treasury was owned by finances, state seal, archive. The king introduced new positions of sovereign people: state-owned dequeble and the attainnants who are members of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bLocked, Yamski, Financial.

Palace and palaces. A palace was created for the management of royal lands and property. Gradually, its functions were complemented by other duties, for example, to consider land disputes and exercise proceedings. For the management of territories in the field, Novgorod, Tver and other palaces were created, as well as orders.

Central authorities. For execution at the places of royal decrees, other instructions and orders from the center, permanent administrative authorities were created. To lead individual directions in the state was instructed by a proper boyars and nobles. In the jurisdiction of the most authoritative boyars passed separate territories ("ways"), in which senior officials carried out management and legal proceedings. Simultaneously with the creation of a new management system, the power of the Moscow Grand Duke, the Sovereign of All Russia. The new "vertical of power", created in the Epoch of Ivan III, significantly increased the centralization of public administration, made Moscow by the real capital of a huge country.

The formation of orders, discharges, counties, volosts spoke of rather slim (for that time) system of government. This system was also enshrined in the legal database created by Ivan III in order to strengthen its power, which became more and more confidential features.

Local authorities. Former specific princes retained some powerful powers. Within their possessions, they had the right to collect taxes from the population, to finish the court. From their environment, they were appointed by the Moscow Prince of Governor and the thousands, which in wartime were led by a folk militia.

The cities introduced a new local government position - cruise cruise, administrative functions were performed by governors in the vibments, moisture.

The system of central and local government agencies in the Russian centralized state (XIV century - the beginning of the XVI century) is as follows.

System of state authorities

Forensic Ivan.III. A huge role in strengthening a single state played a new legal system introduced by Ivan III. She joined the central and local government bodies together, which were guided united by the country with laws and demanded their execution from royal subjects. Published in 1497 Duturenik Ivan III consolidated the new information imposed by the authorities in the country since the "Russian Truth".

It should be emphasized that important innovations related to public law were introduced. For example, the transfer of power in the state was no longer inherited, as before, but by the will of the sovereign. He now appointed a successor. Power began to acquire autocratic features. In favor of small and middle-defense, the new social groupmaster also established some restrictions on the activities of the officials in the fields - feeding places. According to Art. 43 governors and wipers lost their rights to solve the "most important matters".

Outlook Ivan III put the beginning of the reassurance of peasants. He forbade the transition to another feudal for 50 weeks a year, except for the week before and week after Yuriev's Day (November 26), when all work on Earth was completed, and the harvest was assembled in the crust. Moreover, the state in 1497 legislatively establishes another essential condition for the change of legal dependence on the feudal: the mandatory payment of "elderly" - a kind of redemption from this dependence.

Legal, organizational and other measures taken by Ivan III to strengthen state power indicate the creation of a new centralized state.

2.4. Ivan the Terrible and strengthening of the Russian centralized state

BasilIII. Vasily III, the 26-year-old son of Ivan III Sofia Paleologists continued the case of the Father. He began the fight for the abolition of the system of the lots. Using the attack of the Crimean Tatars on Lithuania, Vasily IIIV 1510 joined Pskov. 300 families of the richest Pskovich was evicted from the city and replaced by the same number from Moscow cities. The eve of the order was abolished. Pskov began to manage Moscow governors.

In 1514, Smolensk, disheighted from Lithuania, entered the Moscow state. In honor of this event, the Novodevichy Monastery was built in Moscow, which was placed the icon of Smolensk Our Lady - Defenders of the Western Lights of the Russian State. Finally, in 1521, Ryazan land entered into Russia, which was already dependent on Moscow.

However, the Board of Vasily II had long. Before death, wanting to preserve power for his young son Vasily III creates a regent council to manage the country. This was caused not only by the problems of the state administration, but mainly the desire of the sovereign to preserve the continuity of the throne for its descendants.

Ivan.IV. After the death of Vasily III in 1533, his three-year-old son Ivan IV entered into a grand-pendant throne. In fact, the state was ruled by his mother Elena, Daughter of Prince Glinsky - a leaving from Lithuania. And during the reign of Elena, and after her death in 1538 (there is an assumption that it was poisoned) did not stop the struggle for power between the boyars groupings of the Veief, Shui, Glinsky.

Boyarski government led to the weakening of the central government, and the arbitrariness of the definitions caused widespread discontent and open speeches in a number of Russian cities.

The young king Ivan Vasilyevich, according to the testimony of contemporaries, was endowed with a non-Runny mind and strong will. However, earlyly lost her parents and brought up in the situation of intrigues and boyars struggle for power, he grew up a suspicious, vengeful and very cruel person. Ivan IV joined the Russian throne at age 17, that is, at a young age.

Wedding to the kingdom. In 1547, Ivan Grozny was Vieden to the kingdom. From the hands of Moscow Metropolitan Makaria, he accepted the famous monomacha and other symbols of royal power. From this point on, the Great Moscow Prince officially became referred to as the king, and Russia officially became a monarchy. Coronation of the king increased the sacred beginning of the royal power.

I.S. Perestelov.A special interest in the holding of reforms was expressed by the nobility. His peculiar ideologue was the talented publicist of that time nobleman Ivan Semenovich Peresvetov. He appealed to the king with the messages (petrot), in which a kind of transformation program was set out. Offers I.S. Perestec largely anticipated by Ivan IV.

Based on the interests of the nobility I.S. Peresvetov, sharply condemned the boyars of government. He saw the ideal of the state device in the strong royal power that appeared on the nobility. "The state without thunderstorms is that a horse without a zlosis," considered I.S. Perestelov.

Zemsky Cathedral. To manage an extensive state with the help of archaic institutions and institutions seemed to be problematic, therefore in the middle of the XVI V.Moloda Tsarnamethyl reform of the state administration. Ivan Ivanged the creation and representative body of state power called the Zemsky Cathedral.

The Boyarskaya Duma, a consecrated cathedral (church hierarchs), as well as other representatives of the metropolitan and local boyars and nobility. The Zemstvo Cathedral was a government body with legitimate functions. It consisted of two chambers:

    upper Chamber: Tsar, Boyarskaya Duma, clergy;

    lower Chamber: Representatives from the nobility and the tops of the Poshess.

Zemstvo Cathedrals were not constantly, they convened at the decree of the king. The initiative of the convocation of the Zemstvo Cathedral could belong to both the king actually and class. The competence of the cathedral was not clearly established, but the very fact of convening the king of representatives of different classes to solve important state problems indicated the formation of a specifically-representative monarchy in Russia. The first Zemsky Cathedral was convened by the king in February 1549 The emergence of the estate and representative bodies of public administration meant that the most important decisions were sanctioned by representatives of the dominant class.

Zemskaya Duma. Along with the Zemsky Cathedral, state issues in Ivan Grozny decided and the so-called Zemskaya Duma. She was a deliberative body at the king and convened to them as needed. So, in July 1566, the king convened the Zemkoy Duma, which consisted of 339 people. It includes church and monastic hierarchs, boyars, roundabouts, treasurers, devils, other government officials, as well as noble nobles, merchants. The purpose of convening such a representative meeting of people of different estates was to develop Russia's position in difficult negotiations with Lithuania.

"Favorites Rada". The insufficient abilities of the young vengeance in the field of public administration led to the creation of another advisory body under it. The Council of approximate Boyar was formed around the young Ivan IV, which contributed to the 18-year-old monarch in managing the state in conducting structural reforms. This advice close to the king of people was called "Favorites Rada" or in other sources - the Holy Union. So called him to the Polish manner of A. Karbsky in one of his writings. In addition to Prince A. Kurbsky, the "elected Rada" included the princes D. Kurlytev, M. Vorotynsky, bedding A. Adashev, Duma Dyak I. Viscous, as well as the Moscow Metropolitan Macarium and the King's confessor, the priest of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin Sylvester. This circle of individuals amounted to an informal government under Ivan IV in 1549-1560.

The composition of the "Selected Rada" presented the interests of various layers of the dominant class. Based on these very reputable people, the young Ivan Vasilyevich successfully carried out those transformations that were called the reforms of the middle of XVI. This is how the interaction of Ivan Grozny with the "Chosen Rada" historian N.M. Karamzin: "The king spoke and acted, relying on the couple of chosen, Sylvester and Adashev, who took their not only the prudent metropolitan in the Holy Union, but also all the husbands of virtuous, experienced, in the mastitimate old age still diligent to Fatherland ..."

On the recommendations of the "elected Rada", Ivan Grozny carried out a personnel policy, appropriated to the responsible state posts of people not only by the dedicated sovereign, but not noticed in the Mzoftiv and other abuses of power. I advise the king to change officials, compromising state power, members of the "Selected Rada", according to N.M. Karamzina, "I wanted to marry a happy state change that would not be cruelly represented by thin old officials, but the best election of the new."

For this short historical period, "Favorite Rada" could act, significant changes occurred in the state structure of Russia. With its active participation in the country, a voivodo-ordinar system of public administration was created.

Voivodo-order management system. As follows from the name of the new government system, it had two components: the Verovodskaya and Claudary. In that time it was a progressive step in the State Device and the Office of Russia. The order of the management subsystem included the following basic orders, a prototype of industry ministries.

Kazimary order He managed the state treasury and archive, as well as all trading persons, masters of silver affairs, a mint.

Discharge order I carried out the management of the noble troops, taking into account the serunens, their ranks and posts. The discharge was called the military painting of the root people with the designation of the position held in the troops. On the discharge order also identified the provision of serving people with monetary and local salary, determination of suitability for military service. This department had the right to increase or lower the employee in the rank, to increase or reduce the salary and even to deprive him of the previously obtained land. In addition, the duties of the discharge order included the appointment of the governors, the governor, the control of their activities, as well as the organization of the construction of fortresses in the Russian borders.

Primary orderi conducted the state land foundation. He highlighted the estate from him to serve the nobility in those sizes that were previously defined by the discharge order. Therefore, these two departments worked closely with each other. The adequate order issued acts for the right to own land on behalf of the Boyar Duma, registering them in a special book.

Embassy Ordercarried out diplomatic functions. Before the beginning of the XVI century. Russia did not have permanent diplomatic missions abroad. Therefore, the main task of the Embassy Order was prepared and sending abroad Russian embassies, as well as the reception and dispatch of foreign diplomats. This departments were entrusted to the repurchase of Russians who were captured, as well as certain orders related to the activities of foreign merchants and artisans.

Hopi order Managed yard, bonded and other dependent people, carried out a court over them.

Robber orderhe headed the system of police officers, argued with the posts of Lamp Starrost, Chatovalnikov and Dyakov, considered cases on the second judicial instance about the scatteries.

Print orderhe ordered questions of typography, supervision of correspondence and publishers of books.

Pharmaceutical orderengaged in the doings of medicine.

Kazan, Siberian and Malorossiy ordersformed after the accession of the relevant territories to the Russian centralized state. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the order system developed and strengthened; With the complication of the tasks of public administration, the number of orders continuously grew, exceeding three dozen.

The head of the order stood a boyar or a deque, depending on the importance of the department. They were major government officials. Orders were made not only by the management of public affairs, but also to tax collecting, managed the activities of county and lifting institutions.

Governor. With strengthening state power in mid XVII in. Positions were established voevodwho chose a discharge order from the boyar and nobles with their subsequent approval by the Boyarskaya Duma and the king. Several governors were prescribed to large cities, one of them was considered the main thing. Unlike feeders, the governors received the state of the salary and could not relieve the local population on legal grounds.

One of the main tasks of the governor was to ensure financial control. They made accounting for the number of land and profitability of land in all farms. Under the supervision of the voevod state taxes collected election headers and toddler.

An important function of the governor was a set of serviced people from the nobles and children of Boyar. The governor constituted the corresponding lists, led the record, conducted military reviews, checked the readiness for the service. At the request of the discharge order of the governor sent serving people to the service place. He also commanded the Archers and Pushkarov, watched the fortress state.

When the governor was special breakdown led by Deca. It contained all the affairs of the city and county. The total number of the country's local institutions in the second half of the XVII century. It began to approach two thousand people. As the governors strengthened their position, they were increasingly subject to luminous and slanders, especially on military and police issues.

Other rights and duties of the governor were so uncertain that they themselves clarified them in the process of activity, which created great opportunities for arbitrariness. Not satisfied with the salary, they were sought with extortion with extraordinary income sources. Especially great was the arbitrariness of these officials in Siberia, where the control of the center for the activities of the governor due to the remoteness was extremely weak.

If you submit the state and local self-government of that time in the form of a schema, it will look like this.


G. Serial Designer P. Efremov Moiseev N.N. M 74 Universum. Information. ... The calculations are partially set forth in the collective monograph: Moiseev N.N., Aleksandrov V.V., Tarko A.M. Man ... printed - in his fatherland The prophets do not happen! Here...

  • Review of the media and blogosphere (7) Press release of the Interregional Public Movement "Family Love Fatherland" dated December 12, 2010


    Fatherland " Fatherland " Moiseev

  • Review of the media and blogosphere (7) December 21, 2010 Press release of the interregional social movement "Family Love Fatherland" dated December 12, 2010


    Regional Departments of Movement "(" Family, Love, Fatherland " /) Ksenia: Re: Exact ... Interregional Movement "Family, Love, Fatherland " and some other public organizations. ... started in the USSR (see Moiseev N. System "Gay" and the problem of forbidden ...