Drawing of a spiral staircase made of wood. How to make a spiral staircase to the second floor, attic

Owners of houses (and, more recently, apartments) with two or more floors are definitely faced with the problem of building a staircase. Since ancient times, a spiral staircase has been considered the best solution to this problem. Firstly, it takes up relatively little space, which allows you to significantly save space, and secondly, due to its design it has a sufficient margin of safety. Of course, the easiest way is to entrust the construction of such a staircase to professionals or buy a ready-made structure at a construction supermarket. But if ready-made “standard” options do not suit you, and there is no desire or opportunity to hire specialists, then you can make a metal spiral staircase yourself. True, we must immediately make a reservation that this is quite a difficult matter, but armed with certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to cope with this task.

  1. On the stringers. The main supporting element of such a staircase is one or more support beams, on top of which the steps are laid. The ends of the steps in this case remain open;

    The main supporting element of such a staircase is one or more support beams

  2. On the bowstrings. In this case, the steps are attached to the inner sides of the load-bearing elements. They can be two string beams, or one beam and a central support column;

    In this case, the steps are attached to the inner sides of the load-bearing elements

  3. On pain. There are no support beams in this staircase design at all. The steps are attached either to the wall (for marching stairs) or, which is important in our case, to the central support column using bolts.

    There are no support beams in this staircase design at all.

Quite interesting and easy to manufacture is the symbiosis of a flight of stairs and a spiral staircase. This design perfectly combines the advantages of both varieties.

The easiest to manufacture is a spiral staircase on rails with a central support column

The easiest to manufacture is a spiral staircase on rails with a central support column. Therefore, we will focus our attention on this design.

Calculation of a spiral staircase on rails

A very important step in the construction of a spiral staircase is the accurate calculation of the structure and determination of all its parameters. To create a competent drawing, we need 5 values: the height of the staircase, its diameter, the number of steps, their width, and the height of the tread. Let's consider the process of determining each of the parameters in more detail:

Stair height

Determining this parameter is simple - just use a plumb line to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling.

Stair diameter

This value is determined in accordance with your personal preferences, as well as the characteristics of the room in which the staircase will be installed. The diameter of the staircase is equal to the length of the step multiplied by two, plus the width of the support pillar.

When choosing a diameter, it is worth remembering that the minimum step length should not be less than 50 centimeters, thus, the minimum permissible diameter of a staircase with a support pillar of 5 centimeters will be 105 centimeters. For more comfortable use of the stairs, it is desirable that this value be 135-140 centimeters with the same thickness of the support column.

Number of steps and height of offense

The required number of steps in each specific case depends on the level of the offense. It, in accordance with GOST, should range from 15 to 20 centimeters.

To begin with, you need to divide the height of the stairs by any value within these limits.

Let's assume that the height of the room is 265 centimeters. You decided to make steps 17 centimeters high. We divide 265 by 17 and the result is: 265/17 = 15.58. Since the number of steps cannot be expressed as a fraction, we round this value to a whole number (for example, 15).

Now, to calculate the required height of the offense, we divide the height of our stairs by the resulting value: 265/15 = 17.66. It is this number that will be the required level of misconduct in our case.

Since the role of the upper step will be played by the platform of the upper floor, we subtract one from the resulting number of steps: 15-1 = 14.

Thus, with a staircase height of 265 centimeters, we need 14 steps with a height of 17.66.

Since it is inconvenient to measure each offense taking into account hundredths, we will round the existing value to 17.7, while changing the height of the lower step. To do this, we use the following formula: 265 (height of the stairs) – (14 (number of steps) x 17.7) = 17.2. Thus, we have the first step with a height of 17.2 centimeters and all the rest are 17.7.

Step width

The steps for a spiral staircase are made in the form of a wedge. Thus, it will be necessary to determine their two widths - external and internal. And if the internal size can be chosen arbitrarily (the main thing is that it is at least 10 centimeters), then the external width of the steps will have to be accurately calculated. To do this, we need to know the length of the ladder along its outer edge.

When making calculations, let’s assume that the angle of rotation of our stairs is 270 degrees (the most common option).

Let's use the school formula for calculating the circumference L =2?R. Let's assume that the diameter of our stairs is 180 centimeters and the radius, respectively, is 90 centimeters. Let's apply these data to the formula and get: 2x3.14x90 = 565.2. But since our staircase is not a complete circle, we need to multiply the resulting value by? or in decimal fractions by 0.75, which will exactly correspond to 270 degrees.

If you are making a staircase with a rotation angle of 180 degrees, then the resulting circumference must be multiplied by? or, more simply, divide by 2. If the staircase makes a full rotation of 360 degrees, then no additional actions are performed.

As a result, we get: 565.2 x 0.75 = 423.9.

Now divide this value by the number of steps:

423,9 / 14 = 30,27.

This will be the width of our steps along the outer edge.

But, since the optimal place for climbing is at a distance of 2/3R from the support pillar, we multiply the length of the ladder by 0.66 (2/3 in decimal).

We get: 423.9 x 0.66 = 279.77.

Now all that remains is to divide this value by the number of our steps. The result should be between 20 and 40 (this is the width of the step that is most comfortable when climbing).

279,77 / 14 = 19,98.

As you can see, this value does not fit within the acceptable parameters, although it is quite close. Of course, you can ignore the missing 2 millimeters, but it is better to slightly reduce either the radius of our stairs or the number of steps (naturally, the previous values ​​​​will have to be recalculated taking into account the changed parameters). We reduce the number of steps to 13 (14-1) and get

279,77 / 13 = 22,84.

Now the width of our steps fully complies with GOST standards, and the stairs will be safe and comfortable.

After all the calculations, we have the following dimensions of our stairs:

  • Height – 265 centimeters;
  • Diameter – 180 centimeters;
  • Number of steps – 13;
  • The height of the offense (taking into account the modified calculations) is 18.92 centimeters;
  • The width of the step on the inside is 10 centimeters;
  • Width on the outside (taking into account modified calculations) – 32.6 centimeters;
  • The average width of the step is 22.84 centimeters.

Using the data obtained, you can easily make a drawing of both individual steps and the staircase itself.

In conclusion, it is advisable to check our steps for compliance with GOST standards for straight stairs. We use the formula 2H + B = 60-64 centimeters (H is the height of the offense, B is the width of the step in the average value).

We get: 2 x 18.92 + 22.84 = 60.68. As you can see, the result falls within the acceptable value, which means all calculations were carried out correctly.

If the result obtained is very different from the norm, you will have to carry out the calculations again, changing the number of steps or the diameter of the stairs.

If calculating a spiral staircase seems too complicated for you, then for this purpose you can use special calculator programs that can be easily found on the Internet.

Calculation of the landing

In addition to calculating the staircase itself, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the upper opening and landing. And if everything is simple with the width of the opening - it should be 10 centimeters larger than the radius of the stairs, then calculating its length is done using a slightly more complex method.

According to GOST, the height from the edge of the opening to the step closest to it must be at least 2.05 meters. We divide this value by the height of our steps and round the resulting result up.

205 / 18.92 = 10.83. After rounding - 11.

We subtract the result obtained from the total number of steps.

Therefore, the edge of the upper opening should be at the same level as the 2nd step from the bottom.

The spiral staircase with a round opening looks quite interesting. Its dimensions should be 20 centimeters larger than the diameter of the stairs.

The edge of the top opening should be flush with the 2nd step from the bottom.

Installation of a spiral staircase on a support pole

The staircase assembly process consists of four main stages: installation of the central pillar, installation of steps and additional supports, installation of railings, and final finishing.

Installation of the central post

Ideally, the central pillar of a spiral staircase is installed during the construction of the house. In this case, its lower part is concreted, and the upper part is attached to the floor slab using dowels screwed into a specially welded heel-base.

It is MANDATORY to fasten the pole at both ends, otherwise the ladder will be unsafe

The depth of concreting into the floor must be at least 40 centimeters.

If the installation is carried out in a ready-made room, then the bases are welded to both ends of the support column. It is MANDATORY to secure the pole at both ends, otherwise the ladder will be unsafe.

Installation of steps and additional support

When the pole is installed, you can begin installing the steps. They can be made entirely of metal; it is best to use steel for this purpose. The steps are welded to the support column starting from the bottom, positioning them so that the front edge of each subsequent step is exactly above the rear edge of the previous one. And of course the distance between steps should be strictly observed.

In addition to the steps, it will be necessary to install one more additional support. It can be either a free-standing pillar located under one of the middle steps, or it can be a stop attached to the wall (if one of the steps abuts the wall).

The additional support is installed before the step resting on it is laid. If it is a pole, then it is attached to the floor using heels and dowels, if the support is on the wall - using anchors.

When all the steps are installed to give the structure additional rigidity and solidity, all steps are connected to each other by metal jumpers, which are welded on the back side of the stairs connecting the front and rear edges of successive steps.

After completing the installation of the steps, it is necessary to remove the scale remaining after welding (just knock it off with a hammer) and grind all sharp edges and burrs.

Installation of railings

Railings or handrails are an optional element of spiral staircases. Their installation is necessary in cases where the width of the steps is less than 90 centimeters, or the height of the stairs is more than two floors. The railings are installed on metal rods, which are welded to the steps of the stairs.

Decorating a spiral staircase

There are three main “classic” styles of spiral staircases: castle, forged and Provence.

The castle style involves decorating steps with stone or tiles, as well as using stone balusters when constructing railings.

The spiral staircase is one of the most popular today in apartments, country cottages and dachas. This demand for it is due to its ability to significantly save space in the house, and at the same time brings some features to the interior of the room.

Device diagram and dimensions of a spiral staircase

In private houses you can most often see the following spiral staircases:

And also according to their intended purpose, all spiral staircases can be divided:

  • Input;
  • Interfloor;
  • For utility rooms or basements;
  • Attic.

Also, staircase structures differ from each other in the following ways:

  • Material used in the manufacture of stairs;
  • Shape and dimensions of the product;
  • Installation location;
  • Design style and aesthetic qualities of the design.

Advantages and disadvantages of spiral staircases

Spiral structures, like other types of stairs, have both their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of spiral staircases include the following:

The disadvantages of such stairs include:

It is also worth remembering that the spiral staircase has one feature - the narrowing of the steps on one side. If the stairs are made quite steeply, then the narrowing also poses some danger when walking along it. This drawback can be easily corrected by making reliable railings.

Types of materials for the manufacture of screw structures

To install a truly durable, reliable and at the same time beautiful spiral staircase in your home, you first need to choose what material the structure will be made of.

Design and construction option for a wooden spiral staircase

The material must be of high quality and meet all safety requirements. Most often, spiral staircases are made of wood or metal.

The simplest option for installing a spiral staircase in a building is modular structures, ready for assembly. This includes finished metal parts, steps made from natural wood, supports made from profile pipes.

Drawings and calculations - their development

Perhaps one of the most difficult moments in working on a spiral staircase project is creating a drawing.
Experts advise developing a drawing of a spiral staircase only after creating a detailed plan of the first floor.

The installation location of the screw structure must be indicated there. The plan also indicates the exact dimensions of the opening, taking into account the scale of the floor plan.

The drawing of the spiral staircase indicates in detail all the parameters of the product. These include the width of the tilt plane of the structure and the thickness of the material.

Drawing with dimensions of a spiral staircase

On their basis, all calculations necessary for the subsequent installation and installation of the stairs are performed. Calculations of details must be done carefully, thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Otherwise, errors can lead to both unreliability of the product and the possibility of injury when using the ladder.

It is important to take into account the following points in the calculations:

The compact design of a spiral staircase ideally combines lightness and strength, introduces an element of originality and unusualness into the interior, and at the same time has a number of other practical and applied advantages.

Let's consider the technology of constructing a spiral staircase, what material to use, how to calculate and how to manufacture structural elements.

Pros of spiral staircases

  • Firstly, the spiral staircase does not take up much space, since it is located around a special support and seems to “hang” in the air. In the case of limited space, this is a compelling argument. 1.5 sq. is enough. m for a device of this design.
  • Secondly, the cost of a spiral staircase is somewhat less than the price of building the usual ones.
  • Thirdly, the manufacturing principle is quite simple; of course, you need to have certain skills and tools, but you can do it yourself.
  • Fourthly, the efficiency of use in your own houses or apartments, where there is no heavy traffic of people and you can easily go up to the second floor.

It is important to remember that the steps of the screw structure are not very wide and with a sufficiently steep climb, this becomes a source of increased danger. Therefore, it is recommended to not walk very fast on such a structure and observe the rules of caution. This disadvantage can be compensated for by installing reliable handrails. Even more important is the accurate calculation of the dimensions of the stairs and, in particular, the winder steps and the width of the tread (horizontal surface).

In fact, you can make a spiral staircase for your home, which will become an exquisite component of the room, yourself, keeping in mind the nuances that are of fundamental importance:

  1. For comfortable movement, professionals advise making the span width at least 100 cm, then the width of the structure is slightly more than two meters, provided that the load-bearing support has a diameter of 20-50 mm.

  2. An inexpensive and at the same time reliable option, which is one of the most common, is considered to be a design where the steps are fixed to a load-bearing support and screw handrails with balusters.

  3. Another design, with bent-glued handrails, with steps and risers attached to them without constructing a support in the center, is much more expensive and requires more labor.

Taken in a horizontal plane, a stair screw can have the shape of a circle or a polygon (when the structure is located near the walls). To install the steps, recesses are made in the wall, where bookmarks are prepared for subsequent installation.

What materials should be used to make spiral staircases?

The strength and durability of the staircase depends on the chosen material. An asbestos-cement or metal pipe is suitable as the main load-bearing element of the structure, onto which the steps are attached by welding, bolting or coupling. Sometimes brick, concrete, stone or wood are used to make supports.

Railings are made of hardwood, metal, and their combined use is possible. In addition to traditional beech, oak, ash and metal steps, glass or plastic steps are often found today.

In order to achieve durability, reliability and increased safety, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. The helical design, in which the inner edge of the horizontal plane is free, reduces the risk of slipping when ascending and descending narrow parts of the steps. This option is called a ladder without a vertical plane, and it has higher safety indicators.

  2. Movement on the stairs usually occurs in the middle of the steps, so it is recommended to make them about 20 centimeters wide. Already 15 cm from the central support, the width of the steps should be at least 10 cm.

  3. The length of the steps depends on the purpose of the staircase. In case of rare use, you can limit yourself to a size of 0.6 m with a diameter of 1.4 m. The optimal size is slightly larger: steps - 0.8 m, diameter - about 2 m.

  4. When calculating design data, it should be ensured that the height for a person’s passage ensures the ability to move along the next turn, which is about two meters.

  5. For the central support, it seems optimal to use a thick-walled metal pipe (about 50 mm in diameter), which gives the entire structure the necessary strength. The support must be installed exactly vertically, and the point on which it rests must be able to bear the entire load.

  6. With a wooden covering, the vertical post is mounted using anchor bolts and the necessary fasteners. An option for fastening is by pouring concrete using bracing.

  7. To secure the steps to the central post, holes with a diameter equal to the diameter of the post are drilled on the narrow side of the step. The steps are installed using bushings; their height should be the same as the height of the vertical plane. Horizontal planes and bushings must be lined with washers to protect the wood from deformation. The size of the bushings should be calculated by adding the size of all the washers, otherwise the height of the entire structure will be greater than the preliminary data.

  8. The length of the steps directly correlates with the size of the opening in the ceiling, and their number is obtained by dividing the height of the stairs by 18-20 cm (the distance between the feet), not forgetting to add the thickness of the steps.

  9. To give the structure strength, subsequent steps are laid with a slight overlap on the previous ones and secured with a bracket, which is placed between the adjacent edges of the steps in their widest part.

Installation of a spiral staircase

The assembly of the spiral staircase is carried out in the following sequence: installation of the supporting post, installation of treads and bushings in the required order. Next comes the installation of the steps, taking into account their exact initial and final position, and at the end the brackets are secured. The installation is completed by fastening the upper step to the ceiling. All that remains is to install the railings and make handrails.

Calculation of a spiral staircase - drawings and diagrams

DIY spiral staircase - video assembly instructions

Wooden spiral staircases - photo

Private construction has several options for resolving the installation issue. However, there are cases in which the only possible solution is to create a spiral staircase to the second floor. Such designs are interesting not only from the point of view of a technical solution, but also have aesthetic value.

Types of spiral staircase designs

The originality of the designs of spiral staircases and the variety of their execution, as well as the materials used, turn a simple device for moving between floors into a real work of art. In general, spiral staircases are divided into the following types:

  • The steps are made in the form of a wedge, the wide end of which is supported on the wall, and the narrow end is attached to the central column of the staircase or to a pillar. It is made of stone, wood, or it is formed by thickening parts of the steps. Bolts are used for fixing to the wall. Options for connecting steps to the wall can be spiral bowstrings or stringers.
  • Steps are installed cantilevered to the central pillar. This staircase is located separately and away from the walls.
The steps are connected to the central pillar
  • There is no support post. The supports are bowstrings, which have a spiral configuration, and gradually turn into supporting railings. This version of the staircase is the most complex, but distinguished by its exquisite beauty.

Bowstrings – supporting structures
  • The central pillar is most often a pipe, which is made of steel or asbestos cement. This is a traditional version of the spiral staircase design, which is simple and reliable.

Pipe support post

Making a spiral staircase with your own hands from wood or metal can be done by a person who has basic skills in working with these materials.

Pros and cons of a spiral staircase

When choosing the type of spiral staircase, you should carefully study its main characteristics.

The positive aspects of such structures are:

  • smaller dimensions compared to flight stairs;
  • more comfortable movement along the stairs than when using folding or attached models;
  • original appearance of the staircase in the interior of the house, the possibility of using various design solutions;
  • affordable price of the product. Simplicity of design and reduction of material costs. Due to the smaller dimensions, the costs of constructing the stairs are reduced.

The negative sides of a round staircase include:

  • the complexity, and in some cases the inability to move objects, especially if they are of significant size;
  • a decrease in comfort to some extent when moving, especially when descending. Errors in design can cause injury.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

Spiral staircase dimensions. Ergonomic rules

Practical research suggests that the safety of using a ladder increases if its geometric dimensions correspond to the average data on the width of a step and the length of a person’s foot. Therefore, when developing the design of stairs, ergonomics must be observed.

Standard step sizes

The width of the staircase must provide unobstructed passage for one person, which is at least 800 mm.

The width of the steps is taken in the range from 250-300 mm. It is generally accepted that the tread size is 280 mm. This parameter significantly affects the comfortable and safe descent of the stairs. With a width of less than 250 mm, the risk of injury when using the ladder increases.

Spiral staircase diagram

The riser has a height that is in the range of 150-200 mm, which is equal to a person’s step. Steps with a height of less than 150 mm lead to discomfort in moving up the stairs, as a person will be forced to take more steps. In the case of higher steps, difficulties arise when climbing, especially for older people and children.

Drawing indicating dimensions

Tilt angle

The slope of the stairs should be 30-40 degrees. A design with a greater slope may cause inconvenience during use, and with a smaller angle it requires more free space. In addition, it must be taken into account that in the case of a circular staircase, during the ascent, the steps at the top may be located above your head. Taking this into account, the staircase should be designed in such a way that safety is ensured. It is believed that this parameter should be 170 mm.

In addition, it is necessary that the number of steps be odd, and the railings have a height of 900-1200 mm, which allows the stairs to be safely used by a person of average height.

These recommendations should be taken into account at the building design stage. In the case when it is necessary to build a spiral staircase in a built house, its dimensions are taken taking into account the available premises and subject to ergonomic rules.

Geometric calculation

Before calculating the stairs with your own hands, you should understand the location of the entrance and the location of the exit at the next level of the building. It is important to take into account that you cannot allow a situation where a person rests his head on the ceiling.


To determine the number of steps, you need to divide the height of the room by the recommended height of the steps. It must be remembered that their number must be odd. The obtained result may not be convenient for practical use, so further calculations are made by selecting the height of the riser within acceptable limits, taking into account ergonomic requirements.

When calculating the width of the tread, it is necessary to keep in mind that a person moves with a distance from the center equal to 2/3 of the width. Therefore, a person covers a distance that corresponds to the length of a circle with a radius Lx2/3, where L is the person’s path. Based on this, the full path of movement of a person along the stairs is determined. Knowing this value, it must be divided by the number of steps, and subtract one from the resulting number.

If the value is within acceptable limits, it is accepted. As a rule, this rarely happens. Therefore, the method of selecting geometric dimensions is again used, taking into account the recommended values ​​and ergonomic rules.

Making a spiral staircase

Material selection

The use of metal as a staircase material makes it possible to locate it outside the building. Structures made of metal are highly durable and reliable; in addition, they are resistant to fire. Metal is universal in terms of the ability to combine it with various materials. When forged elements are used in metal spiral staircases, the ordinary structure acquires lightness and elegance.

Metal staircase

It is most widespread in the manufacture of stairs. This is facilitated by the cost of this material, sufficient reliability and durability.

Spiral staircase made of wood

In addition, carved details will give an unusually attractive look to the interior of the room. Mandatory conditions when using wood for the construction of spiral staircases are the need for careful grinding of all surfaces and their special treatment with paints and varnishes.

The use of concrete when installing a spiral staircase will allow you to create a solid structure with significant strength and durability.

The non-combustibility of the material increases the fire safety of the structure. The aesthetics of the structure are somewhat inferior to analogues made of wood or metal.

Concrete spiral staircase

Installation of a spiral staircase

Before you make a spiral staircase with your own hands, you should perform the required calculations. There are no strict values ​​for the dimensions of structural parts, but the ergonomics of the staircase must be observed.

Having decided on the dimensions of the parts and the entire structure as a whole, they begin to prepare the elements of the structure. To do this, their number is selected and preliminary arrangement is made. Some of them require special machines and relevant skills to manufacture, which to some extent limits the possibility of their independent production. During the manufacturing process of steps, holes should be drilled. On the narrow side they are necessary for fastening with a stand, and on the wide side - for installing railings.

Next comes the process of installing the rack. To do this, you will need a metal pipe, the size of which must correspond to the dimensions of the structure. It is fastened using anchors. If there are doubts about fastening in this way, the base of the pipe can be poured with concrete in the floor.

Installation of a spiral staircase

After installing the central pillar, a sleeve is put on it, which has a suitable diameter. Then they put on a metal washer and a step on it. The process is repeated when installing the next stage. The bushing and washer are positioned at the required height every time.

The second support point for the steps will be the connection to the baluster and railing. A baluster is installed in the hole in the wide part of the step, fastening it using a flange. The installation of subsequent stages is carried out in a similar way.

To complete the installation of the spiral staircase, you need to fix the balusters with the railings. Decorative nuts are used for this.

Other installation technology options

To make the central pillar, a steel pipe is used, to which a heel is welded for support. It is recommended to make the heel round in shape, and drill holes in it opposite each other. Before assembling the structure, you should mark and prepare the floor surface for anchoring.

View from above

The material for the steps can be a profile pipe or, alternatively, a metal corner. When installing a staircase, it is most convenient to prepare all the steps, and then proceed to fix them on the pole. At the same time, the technology is simplified: having produced one step, it is tried on site; if no problems arise, then the production of the rest begins. Preliminary marking with precise determination of the location of parts in space greatly simplifies assembly work. Next, the steps are welded to the support and the opposite side is secured using long pipes that will become part of the parapet.

Next, the structure is covered with wood. If difficulties arise in this process with the support pillar, you can not sheathe its other parts to create a harmonious look of the staircase. After this, the railings and steps are covered.

Varnishing and painting are the final steps in making a spiral staircase. If you plan to add decorative elements to the design of the structure, this should be done before covering.

The best material for steps is oak or beech. Pine is not recommended in this case.

The presence of knots on the wood should be avoided. The presence of knots is unacceptable when making steps.

When choosing a design solution for a staircase, there is no need to complicate it. The simplest design is the key to successful implementation of the project when doing it yourself.

As a result of the assembly, a prerequisite is that the floor level of the upper floor and the last step coincide.

Minimalism in style

Photos of spiral staircases in the interior

As an example, you can look at the attached selection of photographs of spiral staircases in the interior.

Spiral staircase in the museum (Vatican)

Even during the long-forgotten Middle Ages, great architects knew about the advantages of spiral staircases. They were built in all castles solely from a practical point of view, since they served as a kind of protective element during an enemy attack. However, having gone through a long historical path, these designs have not lost their popularity in our time. Wooden spiral staircases transform the interior and also allow you to solve functional problems during home improvement.

Advantages of spiral staircases

The choice of such an interior detail indicates that you are not only the owner of good taste, but also a pragmatist. Screw structures are characterized by a number of advantages:

  1. Space saving. This is especially true for small spaces. Even 1.5 m² is enough to install a ladder. It is located around a special support and seems to hover in the air. It is this design property that allows you to save usable space.
  2. Visually increases the height of low rooms.
    The construction of spiral staircases will be significantly lower in price than marching staircases. This is due to the relatively small amount of consumables during the production of the product and low labor costs during its installation.
  3. The simple manufacturing process and simple installation allow you to make a staircase without the help of specialists.
    Screw structures are perfect for a private house or apartment, as there is no excessive traffic there.

When building a spiral staircase at home, you should not forget about safety precautions. If the structure is steep and the steps are not wide enough, carelessness and fast walking can lead to injury. But this drawback can be easily eliminated due to strong handrails. In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the size of the structure, including winder steps and tread width.

What materials can be used

In the production of spiral staircases, various raw materials are used, on which their quality and service life directly depend.

A metal pipe or a wooden pole most often serves as a load-bearing structural element. Often the support is made of stone, brick, concrete and even asbestos cement. The steps are attached to the finished load-bearing element in several ways: welding, bolts or couplings.

Railings are typically made from metal, hardwood, or a combination of these materials. As for the steps, the traditional options made of beech, oak and ash have been replaced by glass and plastic products.

Plywood is also used to make spiral staircases. Both individual elements and the entire structure as a whole can be made from this material. A spiral staircase made of plywood is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and low cost.

You can use plywood for the stairs: as elements or as a complete structure

Varieties of design

Spiral staircases have several modifications, differing from each other in design features and methods of fastening the steps. However, regardless of their type, the steps are always installed radially with a slight rotation of each of them. In this position, they resemble the threads of a screw, which is why this model of stairs received the appropriate name.

Thus, the following types of spiral staircase designs are distinguished:

  • With the steps supported on an internal pillar and one or two walls located around the perimeter. Such structures are built in a narrow niche or in the corner of a room.

  • With cantilever pinching of steps on the supporting element.

  • With fastening steps to curved bowstrings.

These are the most common types of screw devices that a self-taught craftsman can build. Other varieties are considered more complex, so it is better to entrust their production and installation to real professionals.

Screw design elements

Before we begin making a wooden spiral staircase with our own hands, let’s look at the following issues:

  • what elements it should consist of;
  • location of components;
  • methods of fastening elements.

The staircase structure has the following components:

  1. steps;
  2. final platform located on top;
  3. a post designed to support railings and balustrades;
  4. the main load-bearing element, which is the basis of the structure;
  5. cylinders that make up the support column;
  6. balusters supporting the railings;
  7. jumpers;
  8. screw-shaped railings;
  9. barrier on the top floor.

Structural element diagram

The above components form a single device by connecting them at nodes:

  1. Node "A". Here the supporting post or pipe is connected to the barrier on the upper floor. To do this, a bolt or screw is fixed in the rear part of the post or pipe, onto which a handrail is placed through a through hole. A decorative cover is screwed on top to secure it.
  2. Node “B” is the place where the support post and the bushing, which is installed in the hole of the step, are connected.
  3. Node "B". In this section, washers and a sleeve are attached to the support, performing decorative and pressing functions.
  4. Node “G” is the place where the support and base installed in the floor are attached.
Connecting nodes

Calculation of spiral staircase parameters

The process of manufacturing the components of a structure begins, first of all, with calculations. Moreover, the accuracy of their implementation is directly proportional to the level of safety of the staircase as a whole.

To understand how the calculations are performed, it is proposed to take a specific example with average statistical indicators for clarity. Let's assume that the width of the staircase is 90 cm (as a rule, its dimensions vary from 70 to 100 cm), the height is 270 cm, and the diameter of the support is 30 cm.

We determine the diameter of the spiral staircase, that is, the top view in projection. To do this, double the width of the staircase and add the diameter of the central pillar to the resulting figure:

(90×2)+30=210 cm

We make a drawing of the future structure. Correctly executed drawings of a spiral staircase made of wood are a guarantee of obtaining a good result.

On a piece of paper we draw a circle, the diameter of which we obtained in the previous paragraph (210 cm). For convenience, it is recommended to use a scale of 1:10. Thus, the diameter of the circle in the drawing will be 21 cm.

To display in the figure the trajectory of a person moving along the stairs, another circle is drawn inside. Its radius is equal to the sum of the radius of the support and the width of the stairs, divided by 2.


We calculate the number of steps in each turn. To obtain this parameter, an average step width is required. Considering that the usual width of this part of the structure is 40–45 for the external fence, then for the calculation we take approximately the middle (trajectory of a person’s movement) - 25 cm.

To obtain the exact number of steps, divide the circumference, which reflects the trajectory of movement, by the average width of the step.


Rounding, we get the result of 13 steps.
Find the height of the steps. Divide the first circle into 15 parts of the same size. It should be taken into account that the distance between the first and last step is approximately equal to the height of a tall person. For example, 1m 90 cm. To this indicator, a 10 cm reserve and a step thickness of 3 cm are added on top.

190+10+3=203 cm

We determine the height of each individual step. To do this, the height of the coil is divided by the number of steps:

Important nuances during calculations and installation

Even small errors made during calculations, manufacturing or installation of the structure can make the ladder unsafe when ascending and descending. Therefore, in the process of work, it is not recommended to neglect the rules and recommendations of professionals:

  • the middle of the step is the place where a person’s foot most often steps when ascending and descending; for a confident step, its width should be at least 20 cm.
  • The minimum diameter of the support is 5 cm.
  • a spiral staircase and risers are not the best combination; they prevent you from fully placing your foot, which is dangerous due to the foot slipping and resulting injury.
  • There must be at least 11 steps in one turn of the stairs.
  • the height of the coil is determined based on the height of the tallest family member plus a margin of up to 20 cm; If you ignore this recommendation, then when lifting and lowering you will have to bend over in some places to avoid getting a head injury.

Manufacturing of structural elements

To make the support, metal pipes with a diameter of at least 5 cm are used, as well as pillars made of materials such as concrete, brick and wood. Their diameter can vary from 15 to 50 cm, and in some cases more.

The central pillar is the main load-bearing element of the structure

Metal, concrete or brick supports are the most difficult to work with. To fix the steps on it, welding, bolts, and couplings are used. Elements can be attached to a wooden post without much difficulty using any method. These can be metal corners or wooden blocks, which are installed in a vertical position in the inter-stage gaps.

Since the central pillar is the main load-bearing element, it must be highly durable and withstand not only the total load of the entire structure, but also the weight of a person and luggage.


The most common materials for their manufacture are wood species such as oak and beech. Unlike pine or spruce, they have a dense structure and are able to withstand the load placed on them.

The thickness of the steps depends on the height of the structure. If the staircase is no higher than two meters, then it is at least 5 cm. For taller structures it should exceed 6 cm.

When choosing material for steps, pay attention to the degree of drying and processing. According to experts, it is better to buy planed boards. Unevenly dried wood will begin to lose moisture over time and change its original shape. As a result of this, further replacement of the step will be required, otherwise the strength of the entire staircase structure may be compromised.

Experienced craftsmen recommend using laminated wood for steps, which is easy to make yourself. The length of the panel of bars is equal to the length of the step, and the width should be such that it can accommodate two steps placed in different directions.

To produce laminated wood, you must perform the following steps:

  • Assemble the bars into a panel so that in closely spaced parts the structural pattern is directed in different directions.
  • Coat the component elements of the panel with glue, tighten them with clamps and wait for the product to dry completely.
Scheme for making laminated wood

To save time and effort, you need to prepare in advance a step template according to which they will be laid out. It is prepared based on previously made calculations and taking into account an allowance of 0.5 cm.

When transferring the contours of the template to the block panel, you need to be extremely careful. It is important to accurately display the dimensions of the wide edge of the part and the hole provided for the stand.

The upper stage of the structure deserves special attention. It is a platform connecting the stairs to the floor on the top floor. It is larger in size than other steps. In addition, the length of this element is sometimes deliberately made even greater in order to strengthen the staircase structure.

Making the upper stage

At the end of the work done, the manufactured steps are stacked and firmly fixed to each other on both sides. This “batch” method is used to make holes for the support post.

Fences and railings

The next step is to make the balusters. For this purpose, you will need laminated veneer lumber with a minimum cross-section of 5×5 cm and a lathe. If you are unable to make these elements yourself, you can buy them.

To ensure structural rigidity, the outer racks are shaped so that they can simultaneously connect two steps. This will prevent them from turning on the center support.

There are different methods for attaching baluster posts:

  1. by gluing them into the holes made;
  2. fixation to the steps using special fasteners;
  3. gluing using cuts made at the bottom of the posts.

The final stage is marking and sawing off the tops of the balusters at an angle, depending on the inclinations and turns of the staircase structure. Curved wooden railings give a beautiful look to spiral staircases.

They are made using several methods:

  • cutting out the components of the railing from a single piece of wood and their further assembly;
  • cutting handrails from laminated wood;
  • joining an element made of not very dense wood veneer.

Scheme of twisted wooden railings

Any of these manufacturing methods is quite complex. For these purposes, you will need appropriate material and special tools. Experts recommend purchasing ready-made handrails to order from a specialized company. Your task will only be to install them, although this work can be entrusted to a master of his craft.

As for the assortment, the market offers a wide selection of handrails that differ from each other in appearance, material and price. Those who prefer palace luxury can buy carved railings for the spiral wooden staircases to the second floor. And for more economical customers, there are plastic railings with an imitation of textured wood.

Assembling a spiral staircase

Before you begin installing the structure, you need to decide on its location and whether it will be in contact with the wall. Having completed this task, you can begin to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Cut out a circle of the required shape in the ceiling and make a decorative frame around the edges.

Further actions depend on the characteristics of the support post:

  • If you purchase a ready-made set of spiral staircases, then the support, consisting of separate parts, is assembled simultaneously with the steps.
  • If a monolithic concrete or brick support is used, then marks are placed on it where the brackets will be attached in the future. They serve for laying and fixing steps.
  • The steps are attached to a large-diameter wooden support post using bars, the height of which is equal to the distance between the steps. Bars with a cross section of 3×5 cm or 5×5 cm are attached to the places marked on the post with self-tapping screws.
  • When laying the first step, you can place a large wooden block on its wide side.
  • The upper step is attached to the floor of the second floor.
  • After setting all the steps, it is necessary to install balusters. They can be secured only after their tops have been cut off at an angle depending on the slope and turns of the stairs.
  • The railings are installed and secured with self-tapping screws. To avoid damaging the racks, it is recommended to pre-make channels for screws.
  • Then the plinth is attached, if provided for by the project.

Having carefully followed the instructions for installing a spiral staircase, proceed to the final finishing. Choose a suitable paint, stain or regular clear varnish for the design.

Screw structures are an excellent design solution for your home or cottage. And regardless of whether you chose an expensive option or an economy class, the result will please you in any case.

Video instructions for assembling a modular staircase

Original spiral staircases made of wood - photo