Home work for retirees, which option to choose? Work for retirees: overview of available options Types of work from home.

Just 10-15 years ago, people simply did not understand that money could be made on the Internet. The generation of young people is mastering the network much faster than older people. Working for pensioners on the Internet from home without investment is additional income, the opportunity to realize new ideas and dreams. It is more difficult for older people to learn how to make money online, there are reasons for this:

  1. A retired person simply does not understand where to start, how to find an Internet job. Experts recommend choosing the right niche in which to operate when making money online. The important point is to get satisfaction from what the network user will do.
  2. Uncertainty in one’s ability to master working on a PC and a feeling of fear before working with new equipment arises from the misunderstanding that the Internet is the lot of young users.

Important! Experts believe that a modern computer network provides enormous opportunities for earning money on the Internet not only for young users, but also opens up work opportunities for retirees. You need to undergo training and go step by step towards realizing your dreams and achieving your goals.

Remote work from home vacancies for retirees

Remote employment has many areas that cover different specialties. Experts recommend that retirees use the skills they acquired in offline work to find a job without investing or cheating online.

The following part-time jobs are offered online for pensioners:

  • work in the field of programming;
  • execution of design, marketing;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • writing texts (copywriting);
  • work on social networks;
  • administration of Internet resources;
  • completing tasks;
  • other areas of activity.

If a person worked as a designer and retired, but did not work on the Internet using special programs, it will be difficult for him to master this specificity of online part-time work. Experts attribute “reverence” to the computer to the peculiarities of Internet work for pensioners.

Often, the cessation of online activities for retirees is a matter of misunderstanding of receiving money for their work. You need to open a couple of electronic wallets online: QIWI, Yandex Money or WebMoney. Through these payment resources you can withdraw money to your card.

Where can a pensioner look for work on the Internet?

Earning money on the Internet for a pensioner is not a problem if the user has the skills to write correctly, create programs, and understand programming languages. Services for filling websites with content always have a lot of orders that will become available after registering for them. Working on the Internet means finding a good employer, many freelance exchanges offer different opportunities, vacancies open up, and there are options to find stable, remote work on the Internet.

In order for the customer to be able to see who he is working with, it is necessary to fill out his profile in detail in his personal account on large remote job search sites. Sites offering remote earnings for pensioners use paid registration, you need to be mentally prepared for this, describe your skills and choose the right job, submit an application. Payment for registration is confirmation of the seriousness of the user’s intentions.

Copywriting – writing articles for money

  • project – Etxt;
  • resource – Advego;
  • site for buying and selling content – ​​TextSale.

Pensioners can organize the sale of handmade products through an online store, which can be opened on the Internet. For this:

  • no need to have a separate room;
  • no warehouse space required;
  • there is no need to “knock down thresholds” in the administration.

There are many options for opening a store online; in fact, it is an online resource that you can make yourself or using online designers. Next, the user needs to place product cards on the store pages and find a potential buyer. You can use social networks for advertising.

There is another option for developing an online store, when the goods are taken from official representatives of famous brands. Money for “promotion” of the online store is taken from the sale of the first batches of products.

Important! You can create an online store online for free, but promoting it is much more difficult. High competition will require a lot of time to promote your store online. Experts recommend an alternative - a thematic group on a social network. Knowing the prices for your product, you can sell it through well-known message boards: the ABITO resource, Yula and other sites.

Maintaining a channel on YouTube

The concept of video bloggers is firmly established in the modern understanding of the activities of bloggers on video hosting. The YouTube channel allows retirees to try themselves in this type of activity. Pensioners are a treasure trove of life advice, and the best resource for distributing it is YouTube.

Attention! Earning money on YouTube depends on the number of subscribers on the channel, for this reason the video material should be interesting, in a short summary.

Experts note that village life is also interesting to many residents of Russia; now the Internet is available almost everywhere.

Advantages and disadvantages of working from home for retirees

When considering the issue of obtaining additional income for pensioners on the Internet, it is necessary to note the advantages and disadvantages of this type of employment.

Advantages of making money online:

  • organizing your working day as you wish;
  • the workload schedule is made independently;
  • no need to waste time on the road;
  • comfortable working conditions.

Disadvantages of working online:

  • there is no social environment for communication;
  • difficulty in getting stable orders;
  • there are no legislative standards for this work;
  • the possibility of falling into fraudulent schemes, loss of personal money;
  • If the PC breaks down, there is no way to finish the task or take another one.

Making money for a pensioner on the Internet is real! There are many opportunities; the lack of qualifications can be filled through educational video materials and articles. Tutoring can be arranged remotely via the Internet using Skype. It must be remembered that many vacancies are now offered by employers for remote work retirees. This helps solve many issues: organizing a workplace, finding a specialist with the required qualifications, and other tasks.

I am glad to welcome you to my blog! Today we will talk to those who have retired and found that they are not ready to sit back. After all, the size of payments causes outrage: even in Europe, 60% of older people are looking for additional sources of income, but in the Russian Federation the situation is sadder. Working for pensioners at home and outside will help you cope with difficulties, since you have Internet and offline capabilities at your disposal. But what do you need to know to avoid being scammed and improve your financial situation?

What kind of work is available to a pensioner at home?

Options for working from home for seniors are divided into the following groups:

  1. You will continue the activities you were doing before: teachers will switch to tutoring, accountants will offer services to several companies.
  2. Home business is good for those who want to plan their day on their own. You will not have restrictions on your salary, because you will set the income bar and begin to strive for it.
  3. Thanks to creative activity, you will realize potential that was not revealed due to lack of time and improve your financial situation. After all, work should bring more than just money, especially considering that you spent most of your life on your career. If your financial situation allows, focus not on what you have learned in the past, but on mastering new things.

Finding a job for retirees is not difficult when you have not lost your self-esteem. After all, you have experience, knowledge of your chosen field and understanding of business processes on your side. Once you take up the business, you will not be dependent on the modest amount paid by the government.

How to choose a field of work for a pensioner: at home and not only

Whether it was financial problems or boredom, you decided to find a job while retired. First of all, determine your scope of activity by answering a number of questions:

  1. What makes you look for a new activity?: the need to improve your financial situation or the desire to be useful?
  2. What amount is missing? for a prosperous life?
  3. What activities bring you pleasure?? What type of work do you prefer?
  4. Do you agree to engage in responsible activities? or do you want to do it without any burden? Will you undergo additional training?
  5. Do you need a flexible schedule??
  6. Are you planning to go into private business??

Having identified these nuances, you will understand whether you want to work in a familiar field or take on a new activity.

Working on the Internet: is it a scam or real? Distinguishing fraud from real money

You can find a job at home for a pensioner without investment using the Internet. There is no need to spend money on expensive equipment: a regular tablet is enough to gain access to the necessary functions. But older people, not understanding the principles of the World Wide Web, become victims of fraud. How to avoid falling into the traps of deceivers? Remember the following rules:

  1. An employer should not ask for money in exchange for providing materials or access to tasks. Don't believe stories that a home pen assembler is required to pay a deposit for the parts. Scammers take money and do not buy the finished product.
  2. Another common option is when a pensioner is asked to pay for a professional to improve his resume: supposedly this will allow him to impress the bosses who make the final decision.
  3. Pensioners are misled by offers to buy and install programs. Although using new software for work is not uncommon, look for free versions or contact official distributors.
  4. Some sites offering real earnings require fees for expanding the functions of your account. But before you make transfers, use the capabilities of your free profile and make a stable profit.
  5. It happens that “employers” request bank card information, supposedly to transfer money. Don’t rush to provide information, because gullible pensioners even hand over codes. As a result, money disappears from the card.
  6. A sign of dishonesty would be high pay for simple tasks. After all, if in real life you meet a person promising 100 thousand rubles. For activities that do not require specialized skills, you will recognize a fraudster. Apply this approach online too.
  7. If management asks you to complete a lengthy “test task,” then you most likely won’t see the money.

How to determine that part-time work from home online will bring finances

First of all, the potential customer puts forward clear requirements and lists the required skills. The descriptions from the scammers are vague, and anyone falls under them: age from 18 to 65 years, access to the Internet and Russian citizenship remain the only requirements. During a telephone conversation, clarity is not brought, and you hear: “Don’t worry, you will be trained.”

To avoid being scammed, check the information you receive first. You will find reviews about an enterprise or a way to earn money by looking at the sites “Otzovik” or Irecommend.ru.

Before you believe the promise of quick money, check the employer's information

Also rely on intuition and common sense: ask a lot of questions and analyze the answers. If a potential manager avoids explanations, it is better to refuse cooperation.

What to consider when working from home online

Remote work on a computer will bring money even to pensioners in small towns. But those who are planning to improve their financial situation using the Internet need to consider the following:

  1. To carry out financial transactions, create wallets in electronic systems: “Yandex.Money”, “WebMoney”, QIWI. They have a high level of protection, which will protect your funds. You will subsequently use the money for online purchases or withdraw it to a bank card. It is important that you do not provide wallet access passwords: this data will not be needed to transfer funds.
  2. The main problem when working online is the remoteness of the employer. Once you have established a name for yourself, you will ask for upfront payment (50%). But how can you protect yourself from profiteers at the initial stage? After all, the employer may simply not pay! You can avoid difficulties by using ESCROW systems: it has been implemented on freelance exchanges, where customers post tasks. When you take on a job, the employer immediately transfers the payment to the intermediary’s account. Then you send the finished result, and the money goes to your wallet. In case of misunderstanding between you and the customer, the claim is considered by arbitration of the selected site.
  3. When looking for home-based work for retirees, you are likely to find a customer who will ask you to register on a certain website. Don't panic, there are plenty of handy tools online. But If you are asked to provide personal information during registration, you should refuse cooperation.

Do not lose your critical assessment, check the nuances that raise doubts, and you will be able to avoid scammers.

Work and part-time work for young retirees close to home

Elderly people have to look for additional sources of income. But while age discrimination is illegal, even young retirees face hiring challenges. Some options are still available, especially for those who have conserved energy and are not homebound. If you wish, you will find a job if the need to earn money remains more important than personal ambitions.

How to become a nanny: work for young retirees

Women over 55 years of age have experience in raising children. Apply it by becoming a nanny, and look for wards of senior preschool and primary school age. After all, it is difficult to look after children due to the high level of responsibility and excessive mobility of the wards. But a young pensioner can do educational games with her child, feed him lunch and help with homework.

However, the following requirements are put forward to candidates:

  • availability of pedagogical education;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • mastery of modern development methods.

If the duties also include help around the house, then in Moscow the payment starts from 10-15 thousand rubles. in Week. But applicants who simply raised their own children will also find vacancies, although the earnings will be lower. In this case, the nanny is required to feed the child, put him to bed during the day, and take a walk on the playground. Payment starts from 15 thousand rubles. per month, but the responsibilities are not burdensome.

What can a man do: options outside the home

Pensioners who do not have in-demand qualifications will try themselves as security guards. Once you get a job in a store, you will learn to control what is happening in the room. At administrative enterprises, the implementation of access control is also implied. The salary will be 25 thousand rubles. in Moscow, but sometimes there are offers to earn 50 thousand rubles.

The position of a security guard is suitable for those who do not get tired after standing on their feet for 8 hours. If the workload becomes too much of a challenge, look for a position as a janitor or concierge.

Hostel administrator: for those who need an accommodation option

If you are interested in accommodation options for retirees, pay attention to hostel administrator vacancies. Despite the apparent ease of work, it requires health and strong nerves, but you will be able to communicate with different people: tourists, foreign students and just visitors who did not have time to find a rented apartment.

Responsibilities include the following:

  • meeting guests;
  • check-in by numbers;
  • collection of payment;
  • maintaining order, cleaning.

The work involves a 2 to 2 schedule, and the remuneration is 2 thousand rubles. per day. The day begins with counting the money that the partner hands over for sold coffee, shampoo, washing powder and other goods. Then the pensioner will have to check in the arriving guests, remind the remaining guests about the length of their stay, and make adjustments if necessary.

After the hostel guests leave for work or for a walk, you clean the room, wash the bed linen, and order household supplies. In the evenings you observe the observance of order; at 12 o'clock at night the doors are usually locked, and visitors are asked to take their sleeping places.

With proper reporting and no fines, income will be 30 thousand rubles. monthly.

According to statistics, every fourth pensioner in Russia works. Among the entire employed population of the country, more than 17% are people of retirement age. Many of them, after retirement, are faced with the question of how to live on social benefits. Not everyone’s pension size allows them to live with dignity, but everyone wants to be able to have a good rest and enjoy their free time, of which there is now plenty.

That is why many retirees are trying to find an opportunity to earn additional income. Some choose work that does not require special skills (couriers, subscription agents), others are looking for an opportunity to apply their own knowledge (tutoring, consultations). Is it worth mentioning that such work for retirees requires good health and some effort?

Technological progress today allows you to go much further and earn money without leaving home. This opportunity is equally available to students, mothers on maternity leave, and pensioners. Moreover, most homes have had a computer for a long time and it is not so difficult to master the minimum skills to operate the device. There is a whole list of vacancies for which people of retirement age are ready to take. The only thing that is required of them is the desire to earn money.

Ways to make money on the Internet

There are many options for how to make money on the Internet; you just need to set your priorities correctly, since not every option can bring good profits.

Posting on sites

One of the options for making money on the Internet for pensioners is posting on sites (active advertising services), for which a certain amount of money is paid into an electronic wallet. The advantage of such work is the opportunity to make a profit without using any special knowledge or skills.

The disadvantage of this option for earning money is considered to be a rather low income, with a significant investment of time, since you need to spend from 15 to 60 seconds visiting each site, and the payment for this time will, at best, be within the range of $0.05.

Currency exchange online

Pensioners can exchange currencies on the Internet, making money on the difference in rates. At the same time, the higher the starting capital, the more profit you can earn, but this capital should not be 5 or even 50 dollars, but 150 or 1000, so that you can at least somehow exist on the income from exchange operations. The disadvantage of this type of work for retirees is the high risk involved. Not every exchanger will faithfully return you the required amount requested, and searching for reliable currency exchange offices on the Internet can take a lot of time and loss of personal funds.

Earning money on file hosting services

Another way to earn income is to make money on file exchangers. This type of work for pensioners is especially good if the person has his own published works, which he will distribute online. By posting links to the downloaded file on various thematic forums, you can earn from $10 per month. The amount is small, but if you try really hard it can be increased several times. The disadvantage of such work is the need to distribute materials for which you (in most cases) do not have copyright, as well as a relatively low income with a significant investment of time.

Some work for retirees still requires certain knowledge and skills, but compared to previous options, it can bring more significant income, as well as additional experience, and provide interesting pastime doing what you love. Its essence is to write texts for numerous article exchanges. If a person is well versed in certain issues, be it law, medicine, philology or technical sciences, he can easily make money by writing high-quality articles that will be bought by people who need to fill their sites. This type of income is called copywriting. The person who decides to do this does not require special education or specific work experience (although having them can be a significant help). The main thing in this matter is the desire to earn money, put in your efforts and constantly learn something new.

You can engage in copywriting either by posting your own texts on article exchanges, and then wait until they are bought, or for a specified fee, perform specific tasks provided by the sites. Finding a good resource that will not only offer work (specific tasks to complete), but also help you learn the rules of creating quality texts is not so easy, but they still exist.

For example, real pleasure, as well as decent regular income, can come from working at sdff.ru. There are more than enough tasks that are systematized by sections and topics, and experienced administrators are always ready to advise how to correctly fulfill the customer’s requirement. When working on such a resource, you can be sure that your efforts will be appreciated and your work will be paid on time.

You can work for any amount of time, depending on your strengths and desires. In principle, the income from writing articles is unlimited - with a little experience, and you will succeed. Working for SDFF "Freelance Factory" is an income that does not require any investment, but gives profit instantly. From the outside it sounds fantastic: there are no investments, but money is paid, but hundreds of authors who write texts for sites on various topics have already been convinced of this.

You can become one of them. Unless, of course, you really need money.

Other projects for making money from texts:

Every pensioner needs a computer

In this article you will find out what working from home (remote work) is like for pensioners in Moscow.

Dear guests of the project!

During the existence of the site, we have helped many pensioners who contacted us find remote work. Basically, all our vacancies are related to writing informational articles. It's always relevant, so don’t hesitate to write to us at [email protected] if you have a good/interesting style!

The operating procedure is simple: We give you a topic - you reveal the questions in detail based on the technical specifications.

According to statistics, former teachers of Russian language and literature, and even mathematics, can easily cope with the job :)

What to do for those who don’t know how to write, but want to earn money for their grandchildren to buy ice cream. Next you will learn how to become our author and earn money using only personal experience and charisma.

Every day we receive letters from applicants of retirement age asking us to try our hand at writing articles. But it often happens that not everyone is able to write according to the technical specifications. Therefore, we decided that we will pay for your life experience, and, as they say, you won’t drink it away and everyone can write about it!

The best way to write an article is to experience something, photograph it and talk about it.

We are about money and laws. We write about personal finance, travel, emigration, life in cities and countries, business, etc. Our main goal is to help the reader not lose, multiply, save and earn money.

Our favorite topics are documents, laws and law, property and real estate, litigation, medicine, housing and communal services, taxes and deductions, investments and savings. It is especially important for us to write about the problems of ordinary people.

Here you can write about everything unusual and strange: how much it costs to own a boat, how much they pay as an extra on television, how much Lenin’s double earns on Red Square. Sometimes we write about smart consumption; topics like "How to choose a lawyer."

Russia is a country in which you need to be on your guard. Therefore, we feel special tenderness for articles about how they make a fool of, deceive, cheat, deceive, set up, twist, twist, merge, dilute, mix and in any other way try to fool honest workers. We are unlikely to get an article “How to choose kitchen furniture”, but we'll easily take it “How kitchen sellers deceive you.”

We are not talking about money and laws. Not our topics - everything related to food, raising children, psychology, personal life and politics. On the other hand, we might have articles like this: “How to teach your child how to manage money wisely”, “How much does a psychologist cost?” And “How to start talking about divorce and division of property”. We are all about money and laws.

Work calmly. You are free to organize your work as you wish. Use this to your advantage: write at a comfortable pace, don’t strain yourself, and don’t perform feats of labor out of the blue. We want you to write a ton of articles with us and earn money, so save your energy and have fun.

Payment procedure. Payment immediately after checking the article is made via payment to Yandex.Money/WebMoney electronic wallets or a Sberbank card.

If all this doesn’t scare you and you are ready to write your first article, welcome :)

Postal address for communication: [email protected]

Well, okay, indeed, situations in life are different and you are determined to work in retirement. There is only one problem - the only place of work acceptable for you is your own home. Well, you can find a way out of this situation. Although we note that the way out is by no means:

  • not due to your reluctance to communicate with the white light - on the contrary, you are ready to do everything “100”, if not for the circumstances;
  • does not relieve you from the need to continue to actively take care of your health; let you be attracted to work within your own “four walls”, but as always you will strive exactly at “7:00” (even at “19:00”) to go out onto the track of a nearby stadium and run your required 5 laps, 2 kilometers, a little more 10 minutes; then shower, breakfast and back to work, everything is strict and no deviations, self-discipline is the strictest, because age has taught this, that’s what pensioners stick to, that’s why they are valued.

Both conditions are extremely important. They are the key to your successful work in the future.

The first condition will determine your readiness to actively seek and find such work in the end. The second condition is your ability to work, because constantly sitting at home, and even at the computer, is not at all conducive to health and work, in the end, either.

Such freedom is a double-edged sword; it requires the obligatory ability to manage your time, self-discipline.

We immediately apologize to those for whom such work is the only way out of a difficult life situation. There’s nothing you can do about it, and home work is simply a salvation to be closer to the world. So, who said that “you need to give up singing in war.” It’s just that this song is different, we still sing with those who have come out and are still quite ready for work, both physically and emotionally.

Why are we talking about working on a computer? It’s just that this type of work is assumed initially (unless, of course, we are talking about assembling ballpoint pens or jewelry).

First, you'll start by searching the Internet.

Secondly, we can say with a high probability that the work will involve a computer.

Any search engine will produce a lot of offers. But here you need to be very careful. The range of conditions when it comes to working from home is very wide. At first, most likely, you will not be able to do without support from your family.

Here is the well-known Russian company “Elar”, as it recommends itself - a leader in the market for translating documentation from the old paper form of Soviet times into electronic computer - offering work from home to everyone who knows a computer and is ready for this type of activity.

The company provides salary payments twice a month to a bank card, which will be created by the direct owner of the documentation. The work is carried out under an employment contract, therefore, one day it will still be necessary to appear at the Elara office.

Very good offer. According to the reviews of experienced “homeworkers” who have already collaborated with this company, everything is extremely honest, and the company really works from “Moscow to the very outskirts.” Perhaps the prices leave much to be desired, but there is plenty to choose from; the list of jobs offered is quite large, from simple typing to scanning documentation on your own computer.

Here is a whole series of proposals from individuals and groups on social networks to engage in network marketing - these are Oriflame, Avon, etc. In such online work, a lot depends on your inclinations, but the first thing that is offered to a pensioner is to correspond and conduct consultations. In any case, you will be guaranteed interesting and lively communication with the whole world.

Here is another layer of offers and an overwhelmingly large one - an online store manager with mandatory training in the intricacies at the company’s expense. Here it must be said right away that this work can even bring in a very good income, and by the standards of the capital, too, but under one condition - you are an active person in life, you are ready to communicate, you are ready for problems that you are used to solving with a constant smile. If this is not the case, if you feel uncomfortable with this modern computer-based method of communication, then you should not get involved with such work from home. You will just waste both time and hopes.

There is work that does not require, however, any close communication with the customer - I received a “photographed” text, typed it, sent it, received a salary and that’s it, we continue further.

Here, however, be prepared to get yourself an electronic wallet and learn how to transfer money from it to a bank card - many customers pay in “electronic” rubles.

This is how it is, home work in Moscow for a pensioner, more depending on the circumstances. But someone also finds in it rest for the soul, which wants to plan its own workload and not obey anyone, to a certain extent, of course. After all, he took an order and must complete it on time, and no one is interested that the employee was so upset by the heroine of the next series, and he doesn’t want to do anything.

People receiving government subsidies often do not have the opportunity to get official work. Part-time work for retirees at home will help increase your monthly income. Find out the requirements for candidates by profession and the conditions of popular vacancies.

Dispatcher at the call center

Home work for retirees exists. Elderly people can work in an organization as call center dispatchers - with the conclusion of a contract, payment of “white” earnings, and payment of required taxes. You can not leave your apartment and work in the following areas:

  • taxi service;
  • organizing vehicle evacuation;
  • courier company delivering goods to the client’s home;
  • any business that requires receiving incoming calls from potential clients and redirecting them to the administration or a specific specialist;
  • social organizations;
  • technical support service if required.

The main requirements of employers for job applicants are as follows:

  • well-delivered, competent speech;
  • ability to work with clients remotely;
  • computer knowledge at the user level;
  • constant access to the phone;
  • responsibility, conscientiousness, ability to multitask.

The scope of the candidate's responsibilities depends on the profile of the organization. If a pensioner gets a job as a dispatcher in a taxi service, then he will need good knowledge of the area where the company provides services and the ability to quickly navigate incoming orders. To work in a support service, you need to have the skills to provide technical assistance to customers remotely. If you plan to work in a towing service, then you need the skill of accompanying drivers over the phone, knowledge of the nuances of maintenance, and the location of such stations.

Growing seedlings for sale

Pensioners who live in an apartment but do not have a summer house take great pleasure in growing mushrooms, vegetable seedlings, and berries. The hobby becomes a home-based activity, bringing a good increase to the budget. You can sell the resulting products:

  • through acquaintances, friends, relatives, neighbors on the landing and in the summer cottage;
  • with the help of colleagues who work at home;
  • at the nearest vegetable market.


Many older people enjoy learning knitting and sewing. When starting a business, you can first serve close relatives, then work for money. High-quality fulfillment of orders and a responsible approach to work can bring a good income to a pensioner. You can disseminate information about your activities in the following ways:

  • through relatives and close friends;
  • placing advertisements in newspapers;
  • posting information via the Internet on special resources for handmade craftsmen.

Ads may look like this:

  • “I knit to order for children and adults.”
  • "Sewing holiday outfits."
  • “Special finishing and embroidery of carnival costumes, dance clothes.”

Nanny, nurse, tutor

Those who love children can try working as a nanny. The profession is in great demand. Parents trust qualified nannies who offer child care for an agreed period of time. The following requirements apply to nannies:

  • availability of pedagogical education (not required);
  • experience working with children;
  • age and health condition that allow full care of the child;
  • availability of a medical certificate.

Elderly citizens and seriously ill people require qualified caregivers. The applicant must be able to provide care to people who are unable to care for themselves. Sometimes it is necessary that the person looking after a bedridden patient has a medical education, knows how to give an injection, and place an IV. If a pensioner feels the strength to work in this specialty, then he can earn good money in Moscow.

Retired teachers can try tutoring. This work can be done at home or on the customer’s premises. All terms of cooperation, duration of classes, their number per week, are negotiated individually by the parties. The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • have the required specialization and teaching experience;
  • be able to find a common language with the child;
  • explain incomprehensible topics clearly and clearly;
  • work “for results” if you plan to pass an exam, pass a test, or enter a university.

Earning money on the Internet

If a person receiving a pension confidently owns a PC and has constant access to the Internet, then remote work for retirees at home is suitable for him. You can try yourself in the following professions:

  • copywriting (writing texts on a given topic to order according to the client’s technical specifications);
  • translation of special and ordinary texts from foreign languages;
  • writing laboratory, course, diploma projects, essays for university students.

To start working in such specialties, you can


  1. Go to the official website of the selected exchange/system.
  2. Click the registration button.
  3. Enter personal information - last name, first name, phone number and email address.
  4. Choose a login and password.
  5. Continue registration activities by clicking on the link sent to the specified mailbox address.
  6. Log in and open your Personal Account.

Orders become available to the registered user. In your profile or elsewhere, you can indicate a suitable area of ​​activity (translation, copywriting, or writing coursework or essays) by clicking on the desired button. When choosing home work of this type, you need to observe the following safety measures:

  • do not provide personal data or secret bank card details to anyone;
  • do not follow suspicious links;
  • do not cooperate with clients with low ratings and negative reviews;
  • remember that any work does not require investments or transfer of funds to the editorial office, company or individual employer.