How to dry the velvet flowers at home. Velhets - healing properties

Application, recipes and properties Therapeutic velvets.

From the kind of perennial and annual plants. Family: complex color or astera. The name Latin on the grandson name of God Jupiter - Tagés occurred, famous to his beauty and the ability to predict the future.

Velchatts useful properties. Video

A plant from America occurs, where they grow wildly from Arizona and New Mexico to Argentina.
In flower growing, numerous usually use varieties of hybrid some species. A sign is one of the main vityatsev varieties The structure of inflorescences is. Distinguish velkhattsi navitic color (from the flowers of the tongue, mainly) and chrysanthemumoids (from tubular large flowers); Simple, semi-grade and terry.

Vitahattsi (Chernobrovі, Saffron) - Flowers of health and beauty

Therapeutic properties of velvetsev. Application of saffron (black constructions. Homemade many plants healing properties have and marigoldSo not only they please us with their beauty, but also with healing qualities. Proved them bactericidal action, choleretic; of Vitytsev Preparations Possess the effect of diuretic. Plant does it affect positively on : on the marigold Reduce capable sahara Number of body.

Saffron cured will help the liver cancer, the properties of seasoning, more than thirty Saffron treatment recipes (velvets). Video

Photo of dried velvet flowers (saffron).

Indications for the folk use of velvetsev . So - use marigold With due to the violation of the emerging: it , diathesis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis ,. Thanks to the properties of medicinal applied marigold Wide B. folk medicine.

In the countries of Europe of some and Latin America flowers dried, as seasoning used in Russia known and in the Caucasus called saffron Imereti . Dried leaves and velvet flowers Used for seasoning Cooking K. salads, sauces and soups.

Marigold. Benefit and harm. Video

Leaves are used in Mexico from fever is intelligible, outer and as a sweetest and, and in doses of large - as a means of vomit.

Folk Recipes for Treatment by Velhets (Chernobring)
There is a huge number of recipes for exchanging substances. Here is some of them:

Internal use of Chernobrivors (velvetsev). Eight Vitytsev flowers Pour four tbsp. Boiling water, boil five seven minutes. On a small fire. Decoction The resulting merge into the capacity of the other and the flowers to fill vitytsev 1/2 Art. boiling water. Boil from five to seven minutes again, see the dishes with decoction firststir. Take a third Before eating in the morning, at lunch and the same evening.
The recommended course of treatment is thirty days, then make a seven-day break and treatment course repeat. Decoction Use I. for applying outdoor (in the form of a mow) for skin diseases.

Folk recipe infusion from the velvetsev. One spoon tea flowers crushed I. vitytsev leaves Pour boiling water with a glass, insist to thirty min., then to write. Take four times a quarter of century. A day for twenty - thirty min. Before meals (for the fourth time - before sleep).

Folk Medicine Velhets (Saffron) recommends for treatment:

Folk recipe tincture of velvets to improve metabolism.

Velchatse tincture: one spoon st. crushed raw materials (leaves and flowers) Pour one hundred c. Vodka, insist 12 - 14 days. Drink five drops four times a day.

Essential oil from velvetsev. The velvets leather areas flap soften, eliminates warts, rapid resorption contributes to the hematoma: for massage cream cooking take ten drops oil twenty ml. Basics.

Saffron. Dear spice. Video

Recipe with velvets for pancreas. For prophylaxis in the treatment of pancreas: Grind flower, st. Boiling water brew and take to ¼ Art. four times a day. This day is enough for Pancreas treatment and diabetes mellitus.

Recipe with velvets as a diuretic and catholic remedy, soothing. 1 spoon st. Flowers 1.5 tbsp. Boiling water to fill out, let it brew 0,500 hours and meat. Take the infusion of 3 r. On a day after a pair of Art. spoons.

Recipe with velvets for blood vessels during bleeding. Two art. Spoons vitytsev inflorescence, tea spoon tolly flowers (Labacker viscous) brew a couple of art. Boiling water, insist 1/3 hours in a closed container. Take Three times / day before meals.

Recipe of tincture with velvets with diabetes sugar. 50 pcs. Flowers Dark pour 0,500 liters vodka Let it breed seven days, take 1 spoon tea before eating three times / day.

Velhets - how to reduce blood sugar people's methods? Video

The folk recipe for the scum with velvets during arthritis. In the event of arthritis of the joints of the hands and legs decoction of the velvetsev Take: 20 - 25 pieces of fresh colors (one spoon. dry) brewing a liter of water (boiling water slightly cooled - about 80 gr. c). It is good to bite and insisted up to cooling. Then write and squeeze. Take 2 liters per day instead of tea - water. The course is recommended - 45 - 90 days. After 0.5 years - the course repeat.

People's recipe with velvets for metabolism of improvement and liver support. Five vitytsev flowers It is necessary to pour a liter of water boiling and boil on a weak heat for 3 minutes. Meet and accept under Art. Before eating in the morning and evening. The recommended medical course is a month, then a break week and need to repeat the course. This decoction for external rims can be applied at skin diseases.

Recipe with velvets at elevated pressure. Take the infusion: Grind and mix in equal parts calendula, velvets and peppermint. Brew a spoon. Mixtures of 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist ten mines .. then follow, stir money A teaspoon and have a drink 0.500 hours before meals.

Be healthy!

Velhets, velvets treatment. Video

Imeretic saffron or velvets belong to the Astrov family.The velvetse plant has a straight, branched, often covered with leaves with a stem length up to 50 cm. Large with bright wrenches, flowers begin to appear from the beginning of July. Dark fruit, brownish seed.

What the marigolds look like

Annolete plant often meets wild in South, Central America. Widely cultivated in Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, France and many other countries.

The velvets bloom only on outdoor sunny areas with fertilous soils. The plant is thermal-loving, he is not afraid of droughtBut moderately irrigated is necessary as it helps the accumulation in the above-ground parts of essential oils so necessary for use in cooking and medicine. We multiply seed or ever.

Velhets collect

The top of the stem with flowers is mounted on the time of intense flowering, then dried on a dark platform. In addition, the seeds are harvested together with seeds of which oil gets.

Flowers of velvetsev Application

For a long time, the velvets flowers are a symbol of health and wealth. There is one custom that confirms the benefits of the velvetsev. On honey saved bouquets light and stored until the next flowering.

Useful properties of vertexes

Tea with velets: A handful of fresh leaves brew 1, 5 glasses of water. Drink warm or cold.

Vegetable oil: not inferior on its benefit sea buckthorn oil. Prepare very simply part of the flowers pour 10 pieces of olive oil, leave overnight. In the morning to put on water bath, withstand half an hour. Well stored in the refrigerator, so you can cook more. Apply the essential oil of velvetsers for the treatment of burns, other skin damage

Decoration of velvetsev: 1st. A spoonful of raw materials fervent boiling water. Boil. The composition leave up to cooling, closing tightly, then to write. During the day you need to drink 3 glasses regardless of meals. The tool helps perfectly from the inflammation of the joints, well reduces pain, swelling. Treatment is long - for three months.

N. austaca Vityhattsev : 1st.L. Raw pour half glasses of vodka, withstand two weeks. Drink 5 drops4 times a day from Seborrhea, various dermatitis, psoriasis.

Children's Pattern: The inflorescence of the velvetsev - 1st.l., boiling water - 240ml. The tool is maintained on a small fire for 5 minutes. Use a lesionable composition for kneading skin problem areas.

Leather velets: Stems, leaves, flowers - 3st.l, water - 0,5l. Boil 10 minutes, give cool. Use for skimming, rubbing the skin. Highly soothes, increases elasticity, elasticity.

Vitya velvets: Adult man should eat up to three flowers per day for a month, child one flower velvetsev.Velhets restore visual sharpness.

Treatment of pancreatic velvets: one flower is wary of 250 ml of water, withstand half an hour and pluck. The velvetse agent needs to drink in the day, dividing on 4 receptions. The month is treated.

Arthritis: with escape Flowers of velvetsev - 4st.l, boiling water - 1l. The composition heat is wrapped, leave until complete cooling. For 45 days drink 2h.l. before eating. Next, a break is needed at least 6 months.

Rubber, cold, sinusitis: 5 flowers, boiling water - 300ml. Raw color boiling water. Use for inhalations. From the cold or at the first signs of the disease. Use inside 2st. useful composition Three times per day.

Collection with velvets: the collection is well helped to adjust the pressure. Mix the flowers of velvets and calendulas taken on a teaspoon, add as much

Velhets are one of the most unpretentious flower crops. They can be found in many cottages. Velhets (Tagetes) are known in Ukraine as black-robes. They are highly appreciated for prolonged and abundant flowering. Despite the prevalence and popularity, not all flowers know about the healing properties of these fragrant colors.

At the moment, a huge number of presentation recipes and decades on the basis of this plant, due to which even desperate people were able to gain hope. Next, we will consider several of the most effective means.

Infusion of flowers

This therapeutic agent is very effective during ascariasis. For this, a glass of raw materials need to take a glass of boiling water, after which it is left to insist for half an hour. Infusion take three times a day. Also, fresh black rings, therapeutic properties of which are also very extensive, also expel the sharp and ask. They need to eat 5 pieces before bed with adults, as well as 2 - for children.

Barchatse oil

The oil in industry is obtained by extraction by plant inert oils. But at home to cook it from the velvetsev is easy. For this, the black-rings whose therapeutic properties are described in this article are poured with vegetable oil (it is best to apply olive). After an eight-hour insteading, the mixture should be withstanding for half an hour on a water bath, colors squeeze and pour the resulting liquid into a cans from dark glass. The oil is stored in the refrigerator. It will help in the treatment of dermatological diseases of the skin and burns.

Decraal of Vitytsev

There is also effective tool For the treatment of arthrosis of the joints, for the preparation of which the black-rings will need (flowers), whose therapeutic properties are described in detail in this article. In glass of boiling water you need to boil the spoon to take about 2.5 liters of this bravery for three months.

Exchange violations

Folk healers in violation of salt exchange are recommended to carry out a decoction of velvetsev. Chernobrring - flowers, therapeutic properties of which miraculously help to normalize the content of salt in the body and bring extra. To do this, on a liter of hot water you need to take 5 flowers, boil with weak boiling for 3 minutes. Take twice a day on a cup of ragger. It is necessary to spend 2 month courses, making a weekly break between them.

Fresh flowers

You can use in salads, if your work is directly related to the visual stress. This refers to motorists, to computerists, etc.


Velhets, therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of which are described in this article, are used for the manufacture of balms. This cosmetic is necessary to apply on lips to protect against cracking (stay in the cold, dying and so on). To make it preparation you will need a spoonful of almond and olive oils, as well as 2 spoons of crushed flowers. The means after two-week insteading is ready for use.

Culinary application

Both flowers and leaves of velvetsev can be used to prepare various salads that it gives a slight sharpness and special piquancy. Chernobrbors can be used to aromatize vinegar, adding a mixture of other spicy aromatic herbs to it (Kanouofer, Issop, Loffant, etc.). When sickling cucumbers, some hostesses are added to the marinated leaves and flower baskets of the tagtetes that canned vegetables gives specific aroma and elasticity.

"Imeretic Saffron"

This is a spicy powder enjoying incredible popularity in the Caucasus Cooking. Prepare it, grinding dry flower in robby baskets. Seasoning is distinguished by pronounced flavor properties and a rich aroma.

Salted baskets of vechatsev

An excellent addition to food is soups with a refueling created from the salt flowers of Chernobrivors. The velvets, about therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of which in this article it was already mentioned very much, differ in a saturated aroma and an interesting taste. For the preparation of the brine, you will need 50 g of salts per kilogram of flower baskets. First you need to prepare brine (such a salt dose by 0.5 liters of water). After the fluid boils, to lower the prepared flowers and cook for about five minutes. Salted flowers are stored in a cool place in glass jars.


Using Chernobrborrds B. therapeutic purposes And the culinary contraindications does not have, although during pregnancy, the use of essential oil of this plant is still undesirable. Individual intolerance may also be, due to which allergic reactions often appear. In this case, you need to stop using velvets, therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of which will be able to interest many.

If you collect velvetse seeds and grow them, you can get a lot of longevity flower. That is how the Chinese call him, and ancient people Maja considered him a magic plant and applied in Witchcraft rituals.

Bright, colorful velvets will decorate any flowerbed as an independent plant or in compositions with other flowers, fill the nearest space with a tart aroma. In addition to external beauty, the velvets possess medical properties, and in cooking petals used in the form of spices.

How to collect velvetse seeds to seed

Because of the unpretentiousness and beauty of the flower a lot of admirers. In each country it is called differently. In Ukraine - Chernobriv residents, in England - Marigold. Bargertz is considered to be Spain. It was there that the flower was called in honor of the God of Tadis - Tagtess, from there he went all over the world.

Choose velvets to decorate areas follows for many reasons:

  • the flower is unpretentious, grow it easy;
  • does not oppress the neighboring plants;
  • he has good survival, tolerates heat;
  • the strong smell scares the flies, mosquitoes and other insects;
  • a beautiful combination of shades of the plant makes a festive any flowerub.

To collect seeds, choose the most beautiful velvets so that the next generation of colors was as attractive.


Two-footed - petals are bought in the center of the velvet. They are self-polls, differ in high rates of germination, while the plant is not very large and lush. Inside it is formed a large amount of planting material that can be placed in large areas.


Same-sex, belong to the female floor. Petals are located on the edges, beautifully surround all velvetz. Very bright, lush, terry flower, but it requires cross-pollination. It forms some seeds, but they grow up the most beautiful, bright and fluffy velvets.

Collection time

The velvets refer to the genus of perennial plants, they can be left for self-sufficient. In this case, the colors will be a bad germination, they will become short and not as colorful.

Full ripening of the plant begins 1.5 months after flowering, at this time the collection of velvetse seeds begin. It lasts from August to October, depends on weather conditions and on the degree of ripening flower.

Determine the time of maturation according to the color of the velvet: he has a faded stem, dried a cup of gray, brown petals.

Velhets bloom gradually, which makes it possible to collect seeds for 2 months. If the collection of planting material starts after frosts - this will affect the quality, there will be a bad germination.

The quality of seeds depends on these rules:

  • different types of black constructions are planted at a distance to avoid cross-pollination and changes in decorative differences;
  • it is necessary to remove unhealthy flowers from the flower beds;
  • water and feed the velvets must be stopped after flowering, otherwise it leads to the enhanced stalk growth, and the petals are poorly formed;
  • too thick flower landing limits the access of the Sun to the base, which leads to the development of fungal diseases and the infection of the planting material.

Important! You need to choose dry weather to collect seeds, because there is not enough dry seeds to start and lose the ability to reproduce.

The size of the seed depends on the type of velvet:

  • proponating, terry - the largest;
  • u rejected with many bright flowers - smaller size;
  • in thin colors, with openwork petals - a small amount of lung seeds.

How to collect velvet seeds

It is necessary to take fully overwhelmed seeds, unreliable can be spoiled when stored. Ripened - a rod shape, one edge of black with a flush.

If the crude climate holds for a long time, you need to cut off the velvets, together with the stem and hang for drying in a dry ventilated room. Under them spread clean tissue or paper, after ripening the seeds will turn there.

To collect velvetse seeds:

  • scissors;
  • large sheet of pure paper;
  • any capacity;
  • packages made of paper or canvas bags.

Cup of the flower is cut from the central stem. They should easily crumble in their hands. They are kneading, get seeds and a thin layer scatter on a blank sheet of paper. Leave in a dark, dry building for 3-4 days for drying.


For a good crop, you need high-quality planting material, so strong, healthy seeds should be seeded for sowing. To separate weak and empty, they are placed in a saline solution of 1:20, leave for 30 minutes. During this time, healthy grains will fall on the bottom, and non-viable will pop up. They are neatly removed.

Dry material scatter on paper bags or canvas bags and stored before sowing. It is dried by plants by type, on the packages make the appropriate inscription.

Important! You can not collect seeds from patients of velvetsev, they can convey the disease by inheritance.

Rules for storage of seeds

The main condition for storage is to prevent the selection of planting material. It is permissible to contain seeds in packages or containers, where air access will be provided. Storage room should be dry, dark and cool. It is impossible to store near the heating devices.

If there is no suitable room, it is better to keep seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But sometimes it is necessary to get them and dry in the air.


Necipryznaya plant: If you correctly assemble the seeds of the velvetsev, then they from the middle of the summer and to deep autumn will decorate the flower beds and lawns, pleaseing the eyes of the owners.

Possessing therapeutic properties, colors will always be available to provide first aid. Dishes prepared with the addition of flower petals acquire exotic taste. Fitoncides and oils contained in it make the skin young, gentle and clean. In addition, velvetz is one of the few plants that have no contraindications.

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These plants come from America to almost every Russian man called "Velhets". Scientific name - TAGETES. Flowers are so unpretentious that grow them on their cottage plot Maybe even a novice flower model. Flowers of velvets are not only very beautiful, but also possess useful propertiesThanks to which they found use in various spheres of life.

Names in other languages:

  • english Tangerine marigold;
  • it. Studennblumen;
  • fr. ROSE D "INDE.

Flowers of velvetsev amazingly beautiful


  • Stems straight, form bushes, the dimensions of which depend on the variety of the flower. The height of the bushes is from several centimeters to a meter and more;
  • The leaves are oblong, pointed, resemble the form of feathers;
  • Round flowers, all shades of yellow, red and orange colors. Types of velvetsev with terry petals are common;
  • Fruits - small black or brown boxes in which seeds ripen.

Such velets can be found even in the meadows


About 60 are known different species Vitytsev.

Those described below are the most common from Tagtess:

  • Rejected (This species is also called the French velvets) in the wilderness growing in Central America, and in Russia it is planted as a decorative plant. This species is one of the highest, stalks grow up to 80 cm long. From this plant produce essential oil, which is used in cooking and cosmetology.
  • Represented(or velvets African) also come from Central America, but quite often found in urban flower beds and household plots in various countries of the world. The flowers of this variety are large, bright yellow or orange. Natural food dye is made of inflorescences. Also, this type of plant is used to purify the soil from heavy metals.
  • Mexican spicy (or velvets spicy mexican). This is one of the highest species - Tagetes Minuta. It grows up to 3 m. Height and has a lemon aroma. Flowers are small and not so fluffy, like other types of Tagtetes.
  • Spicy (narrow) - Tagetes Tenuifolia (comes from Mexico and Central America) has a fruit aroma of mandarin. It grows in a height of no more than 40 cm.

French velvets are used in cooking and cosmetology

Large flowers of African velvets are raw materials for natural dye

Mexican spicy velvets grow up to 3 m high.

Spicy Tagtess grows no more than 30 cm.

Where is growing?

  • Mexico;
  • Argentina;
  • Nicaragua;
  • Chile;
  • etc.

In large quantities, the velvets grow in the North and South America. The rest of the world saw this plant a few centuries ago, when it began to actively export from the natural habitat. The velvets spread pretty quickly in Europe, Asia, the Far East and other parts of the world, as they feel comfortable in any climatic conditions.

Macken Gold Velhets was brought from North America

Method of manufacturing spice

On the homeland of the velvetsev in food, they use the leaves of this plant - instead of the usual parsley and dill.In Russian cuisine, this custom did not take root, but the flowers of the velvetsev were widely used - they began to add to a variety of dishes.

While the flowers did not start, you need to assemble them, dry in a dry, well-ventilated room and crushed. A spice made from the velvetsev is called "Imeretic Saffron". It is necessary to store this spice in a closed container, in a dark place.

Before drying the velvets, you need to disassemble the flowers on the petals

Tagtetes flowers can be freezed

Dried petals of velvets are used in folk medicine and cooking

How to choose and where to buy?

If we talk about the velvets as a spice, then our counters you will find it entitled "Imereti Saffron".

Since the real saffron is a very expensive spice, it is often replaced by dry petals of velvetsev. They give yellow color with dishes and drinks, but do not possess the healing properties of the saffron.

Dry Tagtetes Petals for Medical Application can be purchased in pharmacies.

Seeds of velvets you can find the spring at any store with seeds. In addition, you can independently assemble seeds with flowers after flowering.

Imeretic saffron is often confused with a real saffron


  • flower smell with fruit notes;
  • spicy, spicy taste;
  • bright yellow or orange.

Nutritional value and calorie

The nutritional value 100 gr. Dry petals

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of dried petals of velvetsev

Beneficial features

  • strengthen immunity;
  • is a good anti-grib;
  • has a disinfecting effect;
  • removes inflammation;
  • soothes and relaxes;
  • relieves pain;
  • has an anthelmic effect;
  • reduces swelling;
  • it is used in agriculture as an insecticide and herbicide.

Velhets applied in hammer form as antifungal agent


Velhets is a useful plant that cannot harm the human body.

However, there are two categories of people who are strictly recommended to refrain from the treatment of velvets or eating them into food as seasonings. It:

  • pregnant and nursing women;
  • people with individual intolerances of substances that are part of spices or drugs based on vertices.


Essential oil produced from velvetsev flowers has a unique aroma, with notes of oriental spices and citrus. This oil loves perfumers all over the world, so it is part of many famous spirits.

In addition to a pleasant smell, it has a number of useful properties. The well-known and antibacterial effect of essential oil from velvetsev is well known, so it is used to treat corns, growths and skin infections of various origins.

Vitytsev oil has a pleasant aroma and antibacterial properties


In cooking

  • the spice is added to the bird dishes, meat and fish to give them a golden color;
  • in crushed form, they will not only make bakery more fragrant, but will help her to be twisted;
  • in order for the color and aroma of borscht, it is possible to add several fresh petals of velvets into a saucepan;
  • fresh velvets can also be choke in a vegetable salad;
  • dried and crushed velvets are traditionally added to pickles and marinades;
  • in the homeland of Taguetes based on this flower, a warming and reinforcing drink is brewed.

Oil and marigolds themselves - excellent taste addition

For us to unusually seen the velvets in dishes, but they often make cocktails in their homeland

Velhets - a wonderful decoration of your dishes


Collect kilograms of floral heads and make marinade. You will need 2 tbsp for the marinade. Salts of large grinding, several black pepper peas and half-liter 3%-Assus. Spread flowers on banks, pour marinade and block.


Also with the addition of Tegetse can be prepared delicious cookies.

Required ingredients: 2 tbsp. Dry or fresh petals of velvetsev, 4 eggs, half a cup of sugar, Flour Stub, 4 tbsp. Butter.

Separate squirrels from yolks, squirrels to take a thick foam. Oil grind on fine grater, add yolks, sugar and flowers. Add flour, then proteins. Mix well.

Lay out the dough in a lubricated oil shape and bake in the oven until golden color.

When the korzh cools, cut it into small pieces.

Cookies with velvets - delicious dessert for tea

In medicine

In folk medicine medicinal products Based on the velvetsev, it is recommended to use to eliminate the following health problems:

  • diseases of biliary tract;
  • violation of liver and kidney functions;
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • slow metabolism;
  • elevated blood sugar level;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • lesions of the skin;
  • impairment;
  • hair loss;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Tea with velvets will raise immunity and strengthen health

At home

  • With the help of sachets from the colors of velvetsev, you can fight the mole settled in the wardrobe;
  • If the mosquitoes prevent the rest of the nature of the nature, make several colors of the velvetsev and throw them into the fire - smoke will scare insects;
  • Farmers feed the velvets with a homemade bird so that the yolks of the eggs get bright yellow.

A wonderful bouquet of velvets will raise the mood


Velhets multiplied with seeds.

In our climate, it is better not to land seeds right into the ground, but to start growing seedlings.

Prepare a container for seedlings and fill it with loose soil. Follow the grooves in the soil and place the seeds of flowers in them. Plush the seeds with a thin layer of soil and make it a little. Cover the container with a plastic cover or polyethylene package. Make sure that the Earth always remains wet, and the air temperature was within 15-20 degrees.

When shoots come up, the lid can be removed. Twice a month use fertilizer for seedlings. Water seedlings only after the soil dries. When the first sheets of seedlings can appear, you can dive (send by individual containers), while deepening them into the ground by about 1 cm.

After the seedlings grow up, you can land it into the ground, but before that, make sure that the frosts passed and the new ones are not foreseen. Velhets love loose groundwhy the soil must be prepared before landing. The seedlings are planted into the holes at a distance of about 25 cm from each other, the stem is deepened on a couple of centimeters, the ground is sprinkled and watered.

Special care tagetse does not require. It must be watered as the soil drying, pour from weeds and 1-2 times to messengers to feed special fertilizers.

Velchatts are unpretentious in cultivation


Tagtetes deviated varieties:

  • "KarMen";
  • Bonanza Bolero;
  • "Queen Sofia";
  • "Legion of Honor";
  • "Orangeflamma".

WITH orta Tagtetes direct:

  • "Antigua";
  • "Gold Dollar";
  • "Sweet Crim."

Different varieties of velvets are actively used in landscape design

  • This plant received its scientific name in honor of the Etruscan God of Tagés, the grandson of Jupiter;
  • In the color of the colors, the velvets symbolize the lion, or rather its quality - power, strength and courage.
  • In Ukraine, the velvets call "Chernobring", and in the UK - "Marigold" - in memory of the Virgin Mary