Sambury recipes. Sanberry: the benefits and harm that can be prepared how to use for medicinal purposes

In Russia, for some reason the wrong name of this berry has taken root. This breeding fruit appeared not so long ago in Canada. American scientist Luther Burbank joined two types of grazing: African and European swabs. Michurinets called his brainchild, "Sunberry" - "Sunny Berry". In Europe, it is often called Canadian blueberries or Blackberry Forte - by name produced from it medicinal preparationImproving vision. High, up to one and a half meters bushes unpretentious and give abundant harvest. Each "blue" with a cherry value. And from the bush you can choose a bucket of berries. Therefore, Sanberry began to actively disembark gardeners around the world. Another taste is still felt in fresh berries. Therefore, tea, tincture, wine, jams and jams from Sambury are more often prepared. Let's follow the last form of a home billet for the winter. Below you read several useful Sovietsthat will help you prepare delicious delicacy.

Sambury jam - Solo recipe

Unlike the usual gravel, his direct descendant is not poisonous. But still the taste of fresh berries like not everyone. Improve gastronomic qualities helps rumbling. The crop filled with a smooth layer and give "to reach". Also tasty dried jam recipes are very numerous. But strictly "solo" (Sanberry + Sugar) will not work. To add odor and taste, it is necessary to add or at least cinnamy. The origin is first wrapped with boiling water and give it a few minutes to stand. During this time, an unpleasant washing taste should go into the water that we merge, throwing Sunberry to the colander. And then they are lying with sugar (on a kilogram of berries - 300 g of sweet sand) and keep on fire until thickening.

Sambury jam - recipe with lemon

From a kilogram of sugar and a glass of water, we make syrup. When it boils, lay 1 kg of prepared (pre-collected) berries in a pan. Cook five minutes and retain for 4-5 hours. We repeat this procedure three times. At the end, add a grated zest and the juice of a large lemon or two limes, several leaflets of mint. Once again, we boil and expand on banks.

Sambury jam - recipe vitamin

Most valuable drug properties persist in the following processing method. We run by a kilogram of berries with boiling water and skip through a meat grinder. In the same way, we grind the same amount of ranetock or lemon, as well as the twig of mint. Sugar meter in proportion 1: 1 to the resulting mass. I fall asleep to them the resulting mezdu and leave to let juice for 5-6 hours. We declare on banks that store in the refrigerator.

Sambury jam - recipe with quince

Here we will improve the taste thanks to the scented southern "apple" and the handstone of Barbaris. Optionally, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, ginger in jam. First, clean 6 pins of quince and squeeze them on the grater. Lemon also shred. We add prepared berries - kilograms - and Barbaris. We leave for 6 hours. Then add a half kilogram of sugar sand and a glass or a little more water. Mix thoroughly and put on fire. Cook with an average fire of approximately half an hour. We retain for 12 hours. Add to a cold mixture of spices and herbs (optional). Relieve until the readiness, which is determined by a stable drop. Jam hot decay on banks and ride.

Increasingly, Russian gardeners and subsidiaries show interest in the cultivation of exotic fruit and berry crops. One of these extends is a solar berry or Sanberry - a fruiting herbaceous plant, derived at the beginning of the 20th century by a breeder from USA L. Burbank. As he represents Sanberry, what useful properties and contraindications are its berries, find out from this article and photos. Here are the preparation recipes for jam, jam, compote for the winter.

Secrets of an exotic plant

Garden, he is Sanberry, was obtained by crossing several types of African and European grazers. As a result, it turned out a stronent annual shrub height up to 1-1.5 m, similar to the bushes of tomatoes. Fruit of Sanberry, collected in borders, fleshy berries in black color with a characteristic fair taste. Size of one berry - about 2 cm. Because of fresh taste, this berry is not enough fresh formBut actively used for cooking:

  • filling for pies;
  • marmalade and jelly;
  • vegetable caviar;
  • jam and jams;
  • wines and liqueurs;
  • dried fruits.

Attention! Before use, the berries are recommended to be treated with boiling water to improve their taste.

Sanberry's collection start in September

September is the beginning of the collection of Sanberry berries. The duration of the collection is about a month, but if bushes hide the film, it increases twice. In the assembled, berries are able to be saved for about a month, if you keep them in a refrigerator or a different cool place.

The main reason why the sunny berry is grown around the world - her chemical composition and the ability to influence human health.

About the benefits and dangers of garden

The beneficial properties of solar berries are explained by its composition rich:

  • pectins capable of purifying the body, with toxins out of it;
  • chlorophyll-containing compounds that improve blood composition and antioxidant effects;
  • tanning substances with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, astringent action;
  • saponins that have an immunomodulatory effect;
  • micronutrients - selenium, copper, chrome, silver, nickel and others;
  • vitamins - carotine and ascorbic acid, affecting the vision and immune system.

Sanberry is rich in vitamins and is very useful

Attention! As part of Sanberry is also rare, but dangerous trace elements: mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, but all of them are contained within the MPC.

The use of Sanberry berries will improve visual sharpness and composition, normalize sleep, digestive and liver organs, facilitate the state of diseases of the joints, to overcome chronic fatigue, cure Orz and Angina.

Diluted with water juice from solar berries will be useful when overwork, rheumatism, increased pressure, edema.

Attention! Except berries medical properties Also possess the leaves of the garden toast. Infusions on the leaves of Sanberry an effective remedy for nervous exception and headaches.

Contraindication to the use of Sanberry is:

  1. Predisposition to atypical reactions. Flavonoids contained in solar berry can provoke redness of the skin and the appearance of rashes.
  2. Stomach upset. Pectin, which is part of the berry, is a natural laxative.
  3. Pregnancy. Sunberry use helps to reduce the uterus.

Mainly, contraindications are associated with excessive use of berries and their ability to cause drowsiness.

Excessive use of berries cause drowsiness

Jam, compote and other billets from Sanberry

Preparation of blanks from solar berries is an opportunity to fill the lack of vitamins, diversify your menu.

1. Jam. The berry jam with the addition of lemon and mint has a refreshing-sophisticated aftertaste and will become an excellent addition to tea or dessert. To prepare a delicacy, you will need:

  • berries Sanberry - 1kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water is 1 stack.
  • lemons - 2 pcs
  • mint leaves

Syrup cooked from sugar and water, put the washed berries, cook for 5 minutes. After that, berries leave to climb the syrup for 5 hours. Boil again, and boil jam a few minutes. Turning off, insist for another 6 hours. By bringing the jam to a boil for the third time, enter the juice and mint leaves pressed from the lemons, to break another 5 minutes. Hot pour to banks, roll.

Attention! The use of jam up to 100 g per day will clean the blood and strengthen the immune system.

Jam from Sanberry

2. Cold jam. In addition to classic jam, from Sanberry you can prepare a very tasty raw jam containing a large number of vitamins and other bioactive substances. It will take:

  • berries of garden faucer - ½ kg
  • apples - ½ kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Prepare fruits - berries wash and go through, apples - clean and cut. Grind them with meat grinders, pour sugar. To withstand 4 hours, giving the opportunity to dissolve the sugar in the fruit mixture. Dismix jam in banks, sip, store in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

Attention! Cold jam and sanberry is not only delicious dessert, but also the basis for the preparation of sauces to sweet and meat dishes. If such jam is frozen in small molds, it turns out excellent fruit ice cream.

Other fruits can be added to Jam from Sanberry

3. Jam. For its preparation, grind the berries, pull them on hand or alternate a blender, meat grinder, add sugar and respect until readiness. Proportions 1: 1.

4. Jam with additives. For those who love taste experiments, you can try to cook Jam from Sanberry with ginger. Such an additive will not only improve the taste of the dish, but also enrich its vitamin composition. For the jam, you will need:

  • sanberry - 600 g
  • sugar - 600 g
  • 1 lemon
  • ginger root 5-8 cm

Grind the peeled ginger root, grind in a puree sunny berry, mix them, introduce sugar and leave to appease. After a day, the ginger-berry mixture was heated, bringing to a boil, add lemon juice and a grateful zest, stirring 15 minutes. Transfer more hot in banks, sip.

5. Compote. To prepare a vitamin compote from Sanberry, you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 700 g
  • water - 2 l
  • lemon acid

Sanberry does not lose useful properties even after thermal processing

Locked and washed berries to quit boiling water to eliminate the grazing taste. Pump the berries with sugar and leave for several hours. After that, fill the berries with boiling water, mix so that the remaining sugar was dissolved. Merge sweet water, and then warm it up, add lemonic acid And boil 10 minutes. Berries shifting into a jar, pour boiling syrup, roll and turning over, put cool.

Tip! Diversify the taste of a compote from Sanberry, if a quarter of the berry standards should be replaced with sliced \u200b\u200bapples, cranberries, sea buckthorn.

The useful properties of Sanberry berries are valued all over the world, which contributes to the widespread cultivation of this culture. Its breeding on his site will give an opportunity to receive high vitamin yields annually and prepare delicious and useful billets from them.

Jam from Sanberry - Video

Sanberry berry - Photo

Sanberry is an annual plant belonging to the family of the grated and very similar in the structure of tomatoes. The height of the bush can reach 1 meter. The berries of this plant have a black and purple color, the diameter of each fetus is approximately 2 cm, the leaves of a dark green shade. The breeder from America Luther Burbank crossed the European and Guinean grained, as a result of which a hybrid appeared, which was distinguished by large and delicious fruits, and also containing many useful trace elements. Grow black grained from seeds.

The harvest of Sanberry is assembled in September, but if you cover the bushes with a film, then you can rummage with berries before the first snow. The fruits of this plant can be used fresh, dry, freeze, cook the jam, jam, to make liquor, wine and tincture.

How does Sanberry apply?

These berries have a characteristic taste that is inherent in all the elevation. If he does not really like, then you can get rid of it. For this, it is enough to scream berries with boiling water. The fruits of this plant are applied not only in cooking, but also in recipes folk Medicine Thanks to its healing qualities.

For example, with an angina, the juice of these berries is bred with water (1: 3) and used as rinsing. For the treatment of migraines, you need to take berries and leaves of the plant, put them in enameled dishes, pour water and bring to a boil. After that, it is infusable to strain and use it as a rinse after washing the head. It is necessary to make the procedure every 2-3 days.

In cooking, these berries are used to prepare jams, tinctures, liqueurs and jams. For the preparation of jam, well-affected berries are needed for which there is no sugar sugar.

Jam "Five minutes" from currant: Popular cooking recipes

Recipe for jam from black faucene fruits

For the preparation of this useful and delicious billet for the winter, about 1 kg of Sanberry berries will be required.


  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • two small lemon;
  • 3-5 sheets of fresh mint.

Well-overwhelmed berries should be pouring boiling syrup, cook for about 5 minutes on low heat. Jam is needed all the time to mix so that it does not fit.

After that, the container with jam should be set aside and wait 4-5 hours. Such a procedure must be repeated 3 times. Before the last boiling in the jam, juice, squeezed from two lemons, and mint leaves. Banks predetermined to sterilize the ferry or in the oven.

Important! Banks need to be placed only in a cold oven and only then to include 80 degrees on the temperature. If you put them in a hot oven, they can burst.

You will also need covers and utility key. Hot jam is unfolded in prepared jars, roll with covers and put upside down. From above, it is necessary to cover them with a thick terry towel so that they cooled gradually.

Such jam strengthens immunity, cleans blood. Just just take it at 100-150 grams per day. Selenium, which is in this berry, slows down the aging process.

With an apple

To prepare this workpiece, you will need the following list of products: Near a kilogram of fully rided berries, one and a half kilograms of sugar, six pieces of apples, the variety of Antonovka is best suitable for this recipe.

Step-by-step process description:

  • Berries Sanberry and apples need to be washed, clean the apples from the peel and cut into small pieces.
  • Skip the prepared products through a meat grinder. You can also graze pieces of apples and berries on a large grater.
  • The resulting mixture was covered with sugar sand and retain on 4 -5 hours.
  • After this period of time add to the fruits about 1.5 glasses of water, better boiled.
  • Put a saucepan with jam on a small fire and cook for about 30 minutes, constantly stirring.
  • Remove from the fire, give jam to stand at least 12 hours, and then cook until complete readiness.
  • In advance, sterilized cans pour jam and roll with covers.

Some hostesses for a more pronounced aroma and spicy taste add to such ginger jam, vanilla or cinnamon. On 1 kilogram of berries 1 teaspoon seasoning. You can also put several Cherry leaves or Melissa leaves during cooking.

Important! After the jam is welded, the leaves must be obtained from the tank.

In order to preserve all useful trace elements and vitamins that this berry is rich, you can not bring the boil jam. Berries and apples are poured with sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of berries 1.7 kg of sugar sand and a half cup of boiled water. Heat the container with jam up to 50 degrees and bottled into sterilized banks. They are covered with kapron covers and stored in a cold place (in the refrigerator or cellar).

With orange

The original taste of the dessert can add the addition of oranges. For the preparation of such jam, the following products will be needed:

  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • near kilogram of Sanberry berries;
  • one medium lemon;
  • 2 small or 1 big orange;
  • citric acid - 2 grams;
  • glass of boiled water.

Before the preparation of this fragrant dessert, berries should be prepared: to go through, wash. It is not necessary to use for jam unreasonable and hard fruits, they will be badly welded. From Lemon and Orange to squeeze juice and grasp the zest separately.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. 1. Glass of water to bring to a boil and completely dissolve sugar sand in it.
  2. 2. Next to boiling syrup, pour the prepared berries of Sunberry and peel on a small fire for 5 minutes.
  3. 3. After that, remove the container with the jam from the fire and give to strengthen at least 5 hours.
  4. 4. After this time, bring the dessert to boil and slaughter for a few minutes, retain again.
  5. 5. During the last boiling to jam from Sanberry, the remaining ingredients are added: citrus juice, zest and citric acid.
  6. 6. Boiling jam is unfolded into sterile jars and roll.

Gardening (Sanberry) You will not be able to see in conditions wildlife - Valuable berry culture appeared due to artificial selection. Some recipes workpiece useful berries We will share with you.

Description Sanberry

Sanberry is a one-year plant similar to the structure with tomatoes. The height of the bush on average is 1 m. Breakdowns of Sanberry berry in diameter reaches 2 cm and have a black and purple color.

Sanberry is the result of the breeder's work from America Luther Burbank. Even at the beginning of a last century, he crossed the Guinean and European Panly.

These species are not happy with high flavors of berries, which you will not say about their "brainchild" - the resulting hybrid gives large, delicious and saturated useful elements of the fruits.

Sanberry berry harvest

Vintage berries begin to collect in September. Some gardeners in the fall cover the plant with a film and taped berries up to the appearance of snow.

special instructions

In the fresh form, the fruits of the garden are stored for a month (in a cool room). The fruits of Sanberry are inherent in a special grazing taste that many people do not like - in order to get rid of it berries need to be scolded with boiling water.

Dried berries Sanberry

Berries are moved, wash, dry and laid on a sieve in one layer. Sunberry dried at 50-60 ° C (the process duration is 2-4 hours).

During drying, the berries are periodically mixed.

Under the sunny rays, the garden is not dried - it is believed that in this case it deprives his useful properties.

Frozen Berries Sanberry

Prepared and well-dry berries lay on flat pallets and frozen. The finished product is portion in packages and tightly tie. In the freezer chamber of the household refrigerator berries stored no longer than a year.

There is also a "sweet" method of frost. In this case, the berries are peeping with sugar, stirred, lay out in plastic containers, covered with covers and frozen (1 kg of berries takes 200-300 g of sugar sand).

Liquor from Sanberry

  • Sanberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg

Berries are saturated with sugar and boil on low heat until syrup acquires thick consistency. Then the cooled video syrup is poured with vodka in proportions 1: 1, stirred, pour into bottles and sent to the cellar.

Wine from Sanberry.

  • Sanberry - 3.5 kg
  • Sugar - 3 kg

Sunberry brooded berries are tolten, sugar is added and mixed well.

The mass is shifted into a bottle with a capacity of 10 liters, fill with cold boiled water (to the shoulders), put on the neck of the ball or rubber glove on the neck and allow for about a month.

Then the wine is drained from the sediment, carefully filter and spill on the bottle.

Jam from Sanberry

  • Sanberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 tbsp.

Fully overwhelmed berries are lowered in boiling syrup and boil no longer five minutes.

After that, the jam is removed from the fire and give to stand 4-5 hours. Then 2-3 cycles are carried out. Before completion of the cooking, juice, pressed from two lemons.

To give the flavor to jam, mint leaves are often added. The finished product roll, spreading on banks.

Cold jam from Sanberry

For cooking cold jam, Sanberry berries are used, as well as apples peeled from the peel and core.

Everyone passes through the meat grinder, stirred with sugar in proportion 1: 1 and allow 4-5 hours to stand.

The mass is shifted into pure banks, closed by the drop-down lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Jam from Sanberry.

  • Sanberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 900 g

Berries are grinding on a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and boiled fires until ready, not forgetting to mix. The finished jam is shifted into sterilized banks and shapport.

Vegetable caviar with the addition of Sanberry

  • Sanberry - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 500 g
  • Onions - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • Greens
  • Sugar
  • Salt and ground black pepper

Berries are cut in half and fried on vegetable oil. Separately roasted the grated carrots and chopped onion. All ingredients are stirred, passed through the meat grinder, add chopped greens, salt, pepper, sugar and bring to a boil.

Marinated berries Sanberry

  • Water - 700 ml
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Black peas - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.

Berries blanched in boiling water (3-4 minutes), and then fold on the colander.

The berries treated in this way are laying out into sterilized banks and poured marinade (it is prepared from water, spices, salt and sugar - the fill boil 10-15 minutes, filtered, boiling and added vinegar again).

Banks are covered with covers, sterilize (1 l - 20 minutes), roll, flip and wrapped.

Sanberry in tomato juice

Berries for 3-4 minutes lowered boiling water, lean on a sieve and shift into treated steam banks. The product is poured salted boiling tomato Juice, roll and sterilize (1 l - 20 minutes).

Juice from Sanberry.

Berries warm on low heat (a small amount of water is added to the dishes). Then, the juice is pressed from the mass through the gauze and stirred with natural honey (on 5 pieces of juice - 1 part of the honey). Juice is stored in the refrigerator.

In our region they grown by Sanberry much less often than abroad. It is possible that soon the situation will change dramatically - an increasing number of gardeners show interest in this culture.

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The best recipes for cooking jam from Sanberry berries

Recipes from fruit berries

Sanberry is an annual plant belonging to the family of the grated and very similar in the structure of tomatoes. The height of the bush can reach 1 meter.

The berries of this plant have a black and purple color, the diameter of each fetus is approximately 2 cm, the leaves of a dark green shade.

The breeder from America Luther Burbank crossed the European and Guinean grained, as a result of which a hybrid appeared, which was distinguished by large and delicious fruits, and also containing many useful trace elements. Grow black grained from seeds.

The harvest of Sanberry is assembled in September, but if you cover the bushes with a film, then you can rummage with berries before the first snow. The fruits of this plant can be used fresh, dry, freeze, cook the jam, jam, to make liquor, wine and tincture.

These berries have a characteristic taste that is inherent in all the elevation. If he does not really like, then you can get rid of it. For this, it is enough to scream berries with boiling water. The fruits of this plant are applied not only in cooking, but also in the recipes of traditional medicine due to their healing qualities.

For example, with an angina, the juice of these berries is bred with water (1: 3) and used as rinsing.

For the treatment of migraines, you need to take berries and leaves of the plant, put them in enameled dishes, pour water and bring to a boil.

After that, it is infusable to strain and use it as a rinse after washing the head. It is necessary to make the procedure every 2-3 days.

In cooking, these berries are used to prepare jams, tinctures, liqueurs and jams. For the preparation of jam, well-affected berries are needed for which there is no sugar sugar.

For the preparation of this useful and delicious billet for the winter, about 1 kg of Sanberry berries will be required.


  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • two small lemon;
  • 3-5 sheets of fresh mint.

Well-overwhelmed berries should be pouring boiling syrup, cook for about 5 minutes on low heat. Jam is needed all the time to mix so that it does not fit.

After that, the container with jam should be set aside and wait 4-5 hours. Such a procedure must be repeated 3 times.

Before the last boiling in the jam, juice, squeezed from two lemons, and mint leaves.

Banks predetermined to sterilize the ferry or in the oven.

Important! Banks need to be placed only in a cold oven and only then to include 80 degrees on the temperature. If you put them in a hot oven, they can burst.

You will also need covers and utility key. Hot jam is unfolded in prepared jars, roll with covers and put upside down. From above, it is necessary to cover them with a thick terry towel so that they cooled gradually.

Such jam strengthens immunity, cleans blood. Just just take it at 100-150 grams per day. Selenium, which is in this berry, slows down the aging process.

To prepare this workpiece, you will need the following list of products: Near a kilogram of fully rided berries, one and a half kilograms of sugar, six pieces of apples, the variety of Antonovka is best suitable for this recipe.

Step-by-step process description:

  • Berries Sanberry and apples need to be washed, clean the apples from the peel and cut into small pieces.
  • Skip the prepared products through a meat grinder. You can also graze pieces of apples and berries on a large grater.
  • The resulting mixture was covered with sugar sand and retain on 4 -5 hours.
  • After this period of time add to the fruits about 1.5 glasses of water, better boiled.
  • Put a saucepan with jam on a small fire and cook for about 30 minutes, constantly stirring.
  • Remove from the fire, give jam to stand at least 12 hours, and then cook until complete readiness.
  • In advance, sterilized cans pour jam and roll with covers.

Some hostesses for a more pronounced aroma and spicy taste add to such ginger jam, vanilla or cinnamon. On 1 kilogram of berries 1 teaspoon seasoning. You can also put several Cherry leaves or Melissa leaves during cooking.

Important! After the jam is welded, the leaves must be obtained from the tank.

Berries and apples are poured with sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of berries 1.7 kg of sugar sand and a half cup of boiled water. Heat the container with jam up to 50 degrees and bottled into sterilized banks.

They are covered with kapron covers and stored in a cold place (in the refrigerator or cellar).

The original taste of the dessert can add the addition of oranges. For the preparation of such jam, the following products will be needed:

  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • near kilogram of Sanberry berries;
  • one medium lemon;
  • 2 small or 1 big orange;
  • citric acid - 2 grams;
  • glass of boiled water.

Before the preparation of this fragrant dessert, berries should be prepared: to go through, wash. It is not necessary to use for jam unreasonable and hard fruits, they will be badly welded. From Lemon and Orange to squeeze juice and grasp the zest separately.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. 1. Glass of water to bring to a boil and completely dissolve sugar sand in it.
  2. 2. Next to boiling syrup, pour the prepared berries of Sunberry and peel on a small fire for 5 minutes.
  3. 3. After that, remove the container with the jam from the fire and give to strengthen at least 5 hours.
  4. 4. After this time, bring the dessert to boil and slaughter for a few minutes, retain again.
  5. 5. During the last boiling to jam from Sanberry, the remaining ingredients are added: citrus juice, zest and citric acid.
  6. 6. Boiling jam is unfolded into sterile jars and roll.

Another original recipeWhich is popular with the owners thanks to a pronounced aroma, which gives dessert the fruits of quince. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of Sanberry berries;
  • 6 quince fruits;
  • 1 medium orange;
  • several barkaris berries;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar sand;
  • fragrant herbs: Melissa or mint;
  • 1.5 glasses of water.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Berries go through and wash.
  2. 2. Quick fruits clean from the peel and twisted through the meat grinder (you can lose on a large grater).
  3. 3. Orange cut into slices.
  4. 4. In one enameled capacity to mix quince, Sunberry, orange and a handful of Barbaris berries. All this must be broken within 5-6 hours.
  5. 5. Next, add sugar and water and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. You can add half the sugar norm, then the dessert will not be so apparent.
  6. 6. Put the jam on a small fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring so that it does not fit. Boil at least 0.5 hours.
  7. 7. Next, the capacitance towards the clock at 12 (you can at night).
  8. 8. After this jam again bring to a boil and cook to the desired consistency. At the end, fragrant herbs are added.
  9. 9. Pour the banks prepared in advance and roll.

Such jam can be served to pancakes or just smeared on bread. It is also perfect for the filling of pies.

Some hostesses to Sanberry berries add red or black currant in the ratio of 1: 1. The kilogram of the berries will need 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar. Cooked as ordinary jam. Recipes for making this meal everyone can choose to their taste.


Sambury jam - recipes, contraindications, useful properties

Sambury - This is an exotic variety of South American berry plant, in its essence is a hybrid variety that has been derived thanks to the crossing of several types of gravel.

IN lately its fruits are becoming more popular, and in the middle lane, most gardeners prefer to grow this plant due to a wide range of useful features that it has:

  1. Prevention, as well as treatment of colds and a variety of virus-type diseases. Berries are able to have a positive impact even in the treatment of some chronic diseases.
  2. Normalization of the liver, positive impact on digestive system In general, help in digesting heavy meals.
  3. Pectin, which is one of the components of the berries, helps it easier to carry various food poisoning.
  4. Blood Update and Strengthening of cardio-vascular system generally.
  5. High content of vitamin A provides a positive effect on a state of view and maintain its sharpness.
  6. Increase vessel elasticity.
  7. Accelerating the healing process of burns and various wounds.
  8. Help in the fight against acne and improving the condition of the skin.
  9. Lowering blood sugar.
  10. Prevention of cancer education.
  11. The slowdown in the aging process of the whole organism.
  12. Getting rid of headaches.

Recipe from Sambury Berries

In the preparation of jam from Sambury, there is nothing complicated, but for this you only fit ripe berriesThe recipe itself is given below:

  1. For the preparation of jam, it is best to use no less than a kilogram of Sambury, this amount will need to spend the same amount of sugar and one glass of water.
  2. Berries must be immersed in syrup, previously communicated to the boiling state, the cooking process takes no more than 5 minutes.
  3. After that, the jam must be removed from the fire and give it to settle for about 5 hours.
  4. A cycle consisting of cooking and settling must be repeated several times.
  5. During the last cycle in jam, you can add lemon juice, squeezed out of two fruits. With their absence, it is allowed to replace it with several teaspoons of citric acid.
  6. Depending on preferences, you can add various spicy herbs, such as a snake or mint, it will make the resulting jam more fragrant.

Recipes against various diseases

Useful I. healing properties Not only the berries of the plants are possessed, of which the delicious jam is obtained, but also its leaves, flowers and stems.

The following are recipes that allow you to counteract various diseases:

  1. If a person suffers from strong headaches, then not only the fruits of sambury will be needed for the preparation of medicine, but also leaves and stalks of the plant. They are placed in any container to the top and poured with water, after which the dishes need to be put on a slow fire so that the mixture was brought to the boiling state. After that, it will need to be strain and give to cool, the resulting decoction needs to rinse the head every few days until the painfulness is retreating. Alternative option It is wetting a decoction towels and turning it around his head, it will also soften pain.
  2. Make a mixture from one piece of sambury juice and three parts of water. Rinse the throat with such diluted berry juice is effective tool against angina.
  3. If Sambury's berries are simply untouped to the state of Cashitz and apply to the veins, it helps when dealing with varicose extensions.
  4. Sambury helps well when healing the wounds, but if infection got into Naryvy, or they just managed to drive, then jam or simply confused berries need to be mixed with the same amount sour milk. Application of such a mixture contributes to a quick healing.
  5. The grated plant helps to cope with various skin problems, such as angry rash or infused chirre. In this case, the sambury rods will be required.
  6. There is a universal decoction that helps in some cases: neurological diseases, malfunctions menstrual cycle, Strong cough or sharp pain in the gastric area. For the preparation of a healing beam, both berries and leaves of the plant are used, they are necessary in the amount of 100 grams. It is necessary to soak in 0.5 liter of water, brought to boiling, and then give to stand up to the complete cooling. The resulting mixture is required to thoroughly strain, and then use three times a day, the volume of each portion is 150 ml.
  7. Sambury is a good assistant in the fight against hypertension. For this, the juice extracted from the plant and its flowers is mixed in an equal amount with honey. It is necessary to take such a mixture solely before bedtime, the daily dose is about 2-3 tablespoons.
  8. With such skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis will help the freshly squeezed juice of the plant, which must be mixed with a protein taken from several chicken eggs. Two tablespoons of juice extracted from Sambury berries are added to the mixture, after which the whole composition is mixed and is used as a row for places affected by these diseases.
  9. The high efficiency of Sambury also has when combating rheumatism or other diseases of the joints. For this you need about 200 grams. Khrena Turn through the meat grinder and mix from 250 gr. Honey. Before each meal, you need to use such a mixture on one tablespoon, and it is enough to drink it with freshly squeezed juice from sambury, just half a glass will have enough. Hot baths will also be effective shortwalking to sleep, 50 gr. Khrena and approximately 100-150 ml of freshly sick sambury juice. It is necessary to bathe in such a bath, about half an hour, which will significantly reduce pain in the joints.

Other recipes from Sambury

1. Licker

In addition to the jam and various healing decoctions, many other things can be prepared from the fruits of the plant, for example, the recipe of which is given below:

  1. To prepare a liqueur, it is necessary to use approximately 1-1.5 kg of sugar for each kilogram used.
  2. Cooking candied berries are necessary as long as they take a thick form.
  3. The resulting syrup should be removed to be completely cool, after thoroughly strain.
  4. The remaining syrup is to pour the same amount of vodka, then mix well and pour into bottles.
  5. Store the resulting liquor is best in the cellar, storage room or other dark and cool places.

2. Wine

Another alcoholic beverage that can be obtained from berries is wine, for its cooking the following recipe is suitable:

  1. For wine, there are best suitable berries, approximate quantity of 3-3.5 kg.
  2. Berries need to be frozen and pour 3 kg of sugar sand in them.
  3. The resulting mixture must be placed in a capacity of 10 liters and pour with warm boiled water to the level of the neck.
  4. A rubber glove is put on the neck of the tank, then it must be removed and let it stand for a month.
  5. After the specified period, the wine must be thoroughly strain, after which it can be spilled by separate bottles.

3. Sok.

In addition to these alcoholic beverages, the sambury fruits also turn out and beautiful non-alcoholic juice, it is preparing according to the following recipe:

  1. Berries need to be placed in the container and add a small amount of water there, after which they put on a slow fire.
  2. It turns out the mixture to be pressed, getting juice.
  3. On five parts of the juice, adding one part of the honey, after which the drink will be ready. It is necessary to store it strictly in the refrigerator.

4. Jam.

From the berries of Sambury, not only drinks can be prepared, but also a delicious jam, the recipe of which is driven below:

  1. About 1 kg of sambury berries turn through a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mixture is mixed with 900 grams. Sugar sand.
  3. Place the dishes with a mass on a slow fire and cook to the state of the jam, periodically stirring with a spoon.
  4. After cooking, the jam need to shift into sterilized banks, which are then securely cleaned.


Despite the benefit that Sambury can bring the body, these berries also have certain contraindications.

In order to not harm, it is necessary to remember and follow the following rules:

  1. The high content of antioxidants and some components can cause individual intolerance or an appropriate reaction in allergy. When any side Effects The use of any desserts, drinks or means cooked on the basis of sambury must be immediately stopped.
  2. Top plants can cause poisoning from domestic animals, so it is not allowed to be used as feed.
  3. pectin causes the laxative properties of berries, so their excessive eating can cause disorders of the digestive system.
  4. Berries are incompatible with any kind of dairy products.


Sanberry under the severity of berries

Growing Sanberry for five years, sow seeds at the seedlings simultaneously with tomatoes and put on the greenhouse in one.

The greenhouse is located South - North and Sanberry place at the entrance, that is, I take the northern part of the bed.

Very powerful bushes grow, covered with flowers, and then black berries almost magnitude with cherry.

It is necessary to tie the branches, as under the weight of berries, fall on the ground. For seeds, we take the largest ripened berries. In the Teplice, the horses suffer the coming cold until the end of October.

Breaks with misappropriate berries can be suspended in a heated room until maturation completes. The plant is very unpretentious and almost every year is good fruit. The taste of berries is specific, so in fresh form is rarely used.

There are many recipes for billets from Sanberry.

Before processed to process, fill the berries with boiling water for five minutes, in order to disappear by an elevated taste.

Jamfrom Sanberry.

Berries crowded and 1 kg puree add 0.9-1 kg of sugar sand. Put on the fire and with stirring to respect the jam's density. Dispatch on banks, store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Jamfrom Sanberry.

Previously, it is preparing syrup - by 1 kg of sugar pouring a glass of water and fall asleep 1 kg of berries in boiling. After boiling, I keep on fire for 5 minutes, then, withstand at least five hours without heating. I repeat such a cycle of three times until the jam is ready.

At the end I add to the taste of the zest and the juice of the whole lemon. Can be omitted in the jam leaves of the cherry, then the taste will be cherry, and, if you like the fragrance spicy herbal, I will suit the mint, a snakeholder or a kittnik, then the leaves need to be removed so that the bitter taste does not appear.

Very tasty I. useful billet It turns out from nonclass tight apples and berries Sanberry. I take an equal volume of berries and cut apples, scrolling through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar - by 1 kg of a mixture of 1 kg of sugar sand.

Leave to stand 5-6 hours and lay out on banks, storing in the refrigerator. It turns out a wonderful vitamin dessert - the norm of 100-150 g per day.

Wine from Sanberry.

They write that wine from Sanberry is not only pleasant, but also healing. Admission recommend 20 ml.
Sunberry berries carefully kneading in a homogeneous mass and add apples scrolled on the meat grinder, any.

In an enameled pan or bucket, I place a mixture of berries and apples, add a teaspoon of sugar per 1 kg of mezgi. I put on fermentation with a loosely closed lid into a warm room.

Through four days, I fill 10 liters of water per 1 kg of mezgi and sucking 1 kg of sugar sand. Now I use a bottle with a fitted cork and a rubber tube, lowered into water tank - the system is called a water shutter.

Requires 2-3 months before the end of the clarification process. Next, Ice and spill the bottle.

Therapeutic infusions, decoctions and electricians from Sanberry.

For the treatment of rheumatism, varicose veins, stomach ulcers, asthma, gout, to improve memory and vision, to resolve problems with arterial pressure And the headaches must take 2 tablespoons of therapeutic elixir before eating.

The elixir is prepared from Sunberry juice diluted 1: 1 with water, 300 g of honey was added to 1 liter of a liquid stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

There is a recipe for the treatment of prostate adenoma: dry Sunberry berries and licorice roots are falling asleep with bare 5 g, poured with 0.5 liters of warm water (not higher than 40 degrees). After 10 hours, you can take before meals for 10 minutes to 150-200ml.

It is impossible to store infusion. Prepare fresh every day. The infusion of dried leaves Sanberry helps with headaches, female problems, cystitis, neurosis, soothes with nervous excitement.

The infusion is prepared from 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, boiled twin glasses of steep boiling water, closed tightly and wrapped up for 2 hours. We must take 4 times a day before meals on the tablespoon.

You can prepare the tincture on vodka from dry leaves or berries, for this, 50 g of grass or berries fall asleep to the half-liter bottle of vodka and withstand 2 weeks in the dark. Recommended to take before eating at least 3 times a day at 20-30 drops and drink water.

P.S. At one of the forums, I read that everything was nasty - and jam, and Jam ... someone and tomatoes do not eat, also considers nasty. Do not forget the Council - before processing the berries sprout with boiling water!


There is quite a lot poisonous plantswhich in careless or improper use can cause serious harm to the body. Just as such belongs and isastor.

But breeders managed to grow a safe variety of this plant, known as Sanberry. This plant gives attractive black coloring fruits that are collected in the borders.

Sanberry can be crushed without much difficulty in Russia, but how to use it? The theme of our today's conversation will be the berries of Sanberry, beneficial features We will discuss both contraindications for use, as well as bring recipes with berries of Sanberry.

Useful properties of Sanberry berries

Such fruits have many medicinal qualitieswhich are due to their diverse and balanced chemical composition.

Such vegetable raw materials is a source of considerable amount of vitamin C, carotene, glycoalkaloids, lipids, saponins, etc.

In the berries of Sanberry there is quite a lot of selenium capable of slowing the processes of aging, a certain number of anthocyans that improve the composition of the blood.

In addition, they are a source of silver destroying aggressive substances, and pectins that purify the organism from slags, toxins, etc. Berries of Sanberry also have an American, nickel, chrome, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and sodium.

Sanberry berries are widely used for therapeutic purposes.

Specialists of traditional medicine argue that the reception of drugs based on them helps to lower the degree of fatigue and increase visual acuteness.

Such vegetable raw materials effectively treat rheumatism and promotes osteochondrosis therapy. It is worth taking patients with asthma and atherosclerosis.

The use of Sanberry berries is that their admission helps to improve the composition of the blood, to establish digestive processes and overall well-being. The funds based on them perfectly affect the quality of memory, night rest and appetite. Such fruits return the youth, add strength, beauty and health.

Berries of plants and hoods of them are able to reduce and eliminate spasmodic pains when various diseases intestines.

They also have a moderate diuretic effect and activate the production of bile.

Specialists of traditional medicine often advise them to use them for therapy of renal disease, cholecystitis, arthritis and arthrosis.

Some specialists concluded that the use of Sanberry really helps slow the aging of the entire body. This berry effectively copes with the loss of memory and muscular strength, helps with impairment of vision and with violations of coordination of movement.

There is information that this plant can heal the neurosis, head and articular pain, gastritis and colitis. It is worth taking with hypertension, angina, diabetes, stone formations in the kidneys, cramps, varicose veins.

Sunberry also helps patients with seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis and glaucoma.

Berries of such a plant will be useful to patients with the diseases of the upper respiratory tract and the oral cavity. In addition, they can be used to care for the body, including the skin of the face.

Now let's talk about how to use Sunberry berries, bring recipes with them:

Recipes from Sanberry.

A solution of juice Sanberry will help to cope with the majority of the above diseases. Skip the berries through the meat grinder, squeeze juice. Water, sticking to the 1: 1 ratio. Take one or two tablespoons directly before the meal.

When decaying the forces and after transferred diseases, three glasses of Sanberry and one glass of cedar nuts should be prepared.

Skip these components through the meat grinder or grind the blender. Mix the resulting mixture with one glass of lime or floral honey.

Take a ready-made medicine on a tablespoon immediately before meals.

If you suffer from diseases thyroid glandrelated to the lack of iodine, prepare one glass of honey acacia, a couple of Sanberry glasses, as well as a glass of Faja fruits. Tighten the prepared fruits through the meat grinder, mix with honey and eat on a tablespoon before breakfast, as well as before dinner.

With an angina, it is worth pressing the juice of two kilograms of Sanberry berries. Keep it in a sealed container, dissolving in such a liquid a pair of aspirin tablets in powder. Use for rinsing the throat twice and three times a day.

For the treatment of skin diseases, purulent wounds and injections, you can grind the fresh fruits of Sanberry in Cashitz. Connect such a mass with a small amount of sour milk and attach to a problem area for two or three hours.

When headaches, including migraine, it is worth brewing the stems together with berries with water and bring to a boil on a small fire.

Perfoliate and cool the finished tool.

Use it to wash your head daily, and after feeding the pain - with an interval per day, then in two days, after - even less often.

Do the berries of Sanberry contraindications for use?

Sanberry berries can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, which should be considered as contraindicating to their further use. Do not have them during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Also, such an additive to the diet is not shown to those who are constantly driving or deals with other types of activities requiring increased concentration of attention. After all, Sanberry can provoke drowsiness.

Excessive consumption of such a berry is fraught with the development of the stomach disorder.

Recipes of billets from which we will be presenting in this article is called a different Garden Pastor.

This culture is brought by breeders artificially. The structure of this annual is similar to the structure of the tomato. Low bushes are hunted with dark purple major berries - this is Sanberry. Recipes that we picked up will help you to prepare the incredibly useful fruits of this plant for the winter. Let's start with the description of the shrub.

A little about Sanberry

The recipe for cooking these berries should take into account their bright intensive taste. They are saturated with microelements, so it will be worthwhile to try to save all useful properties in the cooking process. Sanberry berries are usually collected in September. Some enterprising gardeners cover plants with a film. This allows the fruits to be touched until the onset of the snowy winter months. It is also possible to keep Sanberry for a long time (the recipe for cooking does not always provide for the use of the fruits only from the bush) in the cool room to one month. Before cooking, berries are always scalded - it removes the specific grazing taste they possess.

Dried fruits Sanberry

The preparation recipe implies withstanding in the oven at a low temperature. You can use a special drying unit.

Temperature should be from 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. Sunning Sanberry is necessary from two to four hours. Berries are periodically stirred. Before drying, they wash them and move. Lay out on a baking sheet in one layer. In the sun, these berries are usually not dried - this can lead to the loss of the useful properties of Sanberry.

Recipe for making liker

It will take a kilogram of berries and 1.2 kilograms of white sugar. Mixing the ingredients, cook on a weak heat until the syrup becomes thick. Cool. Pour high-quality vodka - it should be as much as the finished syrup. After stirring, pour on bottles, stored in the cellar or other cool dark place. In order to make you need to quickly, and then fall asleep with sugar.

Having placed on the bottle, it should be added to the neck with boiled cold water and wear a rubber medical glove on top. During the month, the wine will be wandering, and then it can be strain and pouring it on storage bottles.

Other billets from Sanberry

Sound berries can be frozen on flat pallets, if you have a good freezer. After the fruits harde themselves, they are postponed by packages, they are tied, stored until the year. You can flock berries with sugar and freeze in plastic containers in this form. You can make a savory with the addition of Sanberry. For this, in addition to a kilogram of berries, we need 500 g good sweet carrots, three bulbs, vegetable oil For roasting, greens, sugar and salt. Sanberry is better to cut in half and in this form to fry. Separately spruce the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. All ingredients skip through a meat grinder with greens and spices, boil, decompose on banks.