Celery Nutritional value in 100 gr. Calorie Celery

The useful properties of celery are known since time immemorial. In antiquity, there was such a belief that if the celery stalks were overwhelmed around the house, then happiness and well-being were provided. And therapeutic properties of this plant used even hippocrates in his medical practice. In addition to attracting the happiness and treatment of unpleasant assault, celery was used in ancient Greece In wreaths for winners.

How used?

Today, of course, no one decorates celery at home, but for losing weight and those who follow their figure, this is a number one product. Scientists have long found out that a simple plant has the ability to burn fat at the expense of the so-called negative calorie content. Celery is included in the list of the lowest calorie products, so if you want to spread with hate kilograms, then go faster for the purchase of this beneficial plant. Dietists do not install the restrictions on the consumption of celery, therefore, if in the evening I really wanted to have a snack, the green Savior will come to the rescue. The lowest calorie content of celery stems - 13 calories.

Types of celery

In nature, there are three types: sheet, root and cherry. In the preparation of dishes is used by celery plowing, and you can eat roots, and stalks of the plant. They are equally useful and safe for the figure, but their calorie can vary. For example, root celery calorie for 100 grams - 42 calories. It is also worth noting that it is raw product that is useful for weight loss, because long thermal processing deprives it of all useful components.

Regular consumption of celery food, it does not matter in raw form or in combination with other products, will provide the body with the desired dose of vitamins and useful trace elements. To add to the soup, salad or even drink a droplet of use, contact celery for help. Even if you hold the hard diet, it is green plant It will help to keep the tone and energy, support the strength and will not leave. Especially useful to use leaves after intensive workout or severe mental activity, for example, after a difficult exam, it will help to restore the strength and in the cheer of the state of the spirit to take new job.

Nutritional value and calorie celery

In addition to unprecedented benefits, calorie deserves deserves separate attention, which is quite low, despite the rather big useful composition. Calorie per 100 grams is 13 calories. Ideal for overweight wrestlers.

What is richly this plant?

First of all, it is water (95 g), proteins (1 g), fats (0.2 g) and carbohydrates (2 g). Although in small quantities, but they are present in the roots, and the leaves of celery. The list of useful substances is as follows: Vitamins C, E, B9, B6, B2, B1, A. As we see, celery is rich in a variety of such vitamins necessary for the body. But on this benefit does not end, the celery includes such useful macroelements and trace elements as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. The conclusion is one: the chemical composition of the plant is very diverse.

Celery can be used both as a seasoning: two tablespoons of crushed leaves will make a dish not only more useful, but also give the spicy taste of products. And this is just 3 calories and as much as 15% of the necessary daily rate of vitamins C and A.

For sliming great favor She has exactly crude celery, which can be used as useful snacks. Do not forget that the highest caloric content of Celery's root.

Dishes with celery

For those who strictly follow proper nutrition Or diet, it will be useful to know which calorie content has dishes, which include celery.

  • If you squeeze a glass of juice from celery leaves, we get 29 calories.
  • Dietary soup with the addition of celery, green apple, nuts and natural yogurt is just 140 calories, and saturates for all 300.
  • Chicken soup with celery, carrot, green peas and onions - 60 calories.
  • Salad of radishes, celery, cucumber, pepper and Beijing cabbage, seasoned with natural yogurt - 38 calories.
  • From Celery, you can even bake pancakes, if you really want to pamper yourself delicious, and only 80 calories will get.
  • Surprise guests useful Gaspacho with celery? Not a problem - tomatoes, cucumber, basil, parsley, red pepper, olive oil and some celery - and refined dish is ready. And the calorie content is only 55 calories.

Celery is an excellent opportunity to dilute the already familiar dishes with spicy taste and without harm to the figure. Celery calorie for 100 grams of only 13 calories, it is worth thinking about this and include this product in the diet.

Benefit in what?

Whatever OD-nutritionists or sang celery, from ancient times the main task of the plant - health benefits. What is it lies?

  1. Celery - a storehouse of vitamins that will not only increase immunity, but will contribute to brain activity, this is an excellent prevention of senile dementia.
  2. Celery is a natural antioxidant, which output all harmful toxins and slags from the body, and this reduces the risk of cancer cells.
  3. Another large plus is the slowdown of aging processes by improving cell regeneration.
  4. The plant dults the feeling of hunger and will help not break from the diet.
  5. Doctors recommend using this product to people suffering diabetes.
  6. Celery belongs to products with negative calorie. This means that the body spends much more calories for his digestion than it is contained in the plant.
  7. Improves digestion and eliminates the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach.
  8. It has an anesthetic effect. It is useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  9. Helps fight insomnia. Instead of one portion of the sleeping pill eat celery stem.
  10. Reduces blood pressure, tones and eliminates fatigue feeling. Great to restore forces after intensive workout.

Celery's benefits do not know borders, and this product is suitable not only for those who dream to get rid of extra kilograms, but also for those who are just watching their health.


However, despite such a mass of useful properties, celery, like any product, has its own contraindications:

  • Postoperative condition and recovery after severe operations and transferred diseases.
  • Celery increases blood clotting, so it should be careful to those who suffer from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases such as colitis and tendency to diarrhea.
  • Celery contains a considerable amount of essential oils, so it is impossible to abuse the product with bronchial asthma.

If nothing is bothering you from the listed, then it's time to go to the store and buy celery to work. The main thing is not to forget that both good should be in moderation, do not even abuse with such a useful product like celery. Otherwise, instead of use, the body can harm.

Celery can be rightfully called not only one of the most useful foods, but also with a big list. medical properties. Systematic adding it to the diet contributes to the normalization of digestion, favorably affects the nervous system, slows down the aging process, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Many fine sex representatives use it to speed up the process of weight loss. We offer to familiarize yourself with all its useful and harmful properties, and also learn whether it is really useful when delivering from excess weight.

About the useful properties of celery

This product is a source of a huge number of vitamins, acids, proteins and minerals that are so necessary for a person. As already noted earlier, useful properties in it. It is no secret that its use is recommended to people aged and this is connected not so much so that it contributes to the normalization of the water-salt balance in the body, thereby removing the edema and exercising the suspension of the natural process of fading the cells, but also is a natural sedative, providing therapeutic The effect in the work of the nervous system.

In addition, it may be prophylactic effect from atherosclerosis. It is noted that toxins are output from the body and the well-being and mood is improved.

Specific content of essential oils in roots and stalks of the plant significantly improves digestive system, controlling the production of gastric juice and contributing to the rapid absorption of proteins.

Another important fact: people suffering from diabetes, it is recommended to increase the usual daily rate Celery consumption multiple times.

A huge amount of amino acids for stable operation of the body is contained in the leaves and root parts. People with elevated arterial pressure It will also be useful to diversify its diet to this plant, because the large content of vitamin C normalizes blood circulation and strengthens the walls of the vessels.

The mineral complex contributes to improving appetite, and is also a natural tonic for stable operation of all vital systems.

It is noted that the plant has antiallergic and antiseptic properties. A large amount of iron, magnesium and calcium strengthen the immune system, which can be described as the prevention of viral and infectious diseases.

Normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, preventing the emergence of anemia. Sodium content has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. The amazing ability to relieve the intestines from the column bacteria will help to get rid of rotten formations and problems with digestion. You can get rid of accompanying pains with gastritis or ulcers.

It is believed that this plant contributes to an increase in male strength, and it is not difficult. But it should be noted that improvements occur only in those who have diagnosed problems with the prostate. Ensuring existing problems with urination, its use really increases and sexual attraction.

In addition to the numerous positive points in the work of the body, negative manifestations associated with the use of this plant can and are observed. This is due to the presence of certain diseases that can exacerbate or aggravate.

Persons suffering from urolithiasis should be careful with this product, as it can provoke the movement of stones in the kidneys. It was also recorded that in varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the product bears the negative dynamics of the usual course of the disease.

Celery consumption in large quantities is not recommended for pregnant women, and in the last trimester it is necessary to refuse him at all. This is explained by the fact that the available minerals and substances contribute to the incentive of blood flow to muscle tissues, including the uterus, because of this uterus will begin to shrink and premature labor can begin.

In addition, adding this plant to the diet, we can expect excessive gas formation, which will give considerable discomfort to pregnant women. For those who feed the child with breasts, it is also necessary to postpone the addition of this product, since the large content of etheric oil in it can lead to the appearance of an allergic reaction in the kid.

How many calories in a vegetable?

Many, definitely, heard of the negative calorie content of the product, tell about it more. In fact, the plant has calorieness, but since their number is insignificant. The body is guaranteed to spend much more energy reserves on its digestion. Of course, implying this fact, a negative calorie can be approved.

Celery is indeed dietary product. Its efficiency during weight loss is very high. Normalizing the metabolism, accelerating the absorption of protein food, this plant remains indispensable and, while observing the water-salt balance, deriving all the excess liquid from the body.

It is important not to introduce this new product into the diet, since active ingredients can serve as stress for the usual work of the body. Its gradual addition in small quantities contributes to a positive effect. It is best to start with salads with a new ingredient, every day increasing its quantity, then you can add fresh juice into the diet.

The acceleration of fat tissue burning is highly valued, which is stimulated by using this product. That is why it is believed that celery is the chief assistant in the fight against overweight. It is important that its consumption is not only aimed at burning adipose tissue, but also for the full cleansing of the body. As a result, the body becomes not only tightened, but also healthy.

Selection and storage

Choosing this plant does not imply special knowledge, all recommendations are generally accepted when choosing similar products. We offer to read Read more:

  • It is important to inspect the roots, leaves and stalks to the presence of spots;
  • Stems must be elastic;
  • There must be completely absent any damage;
  • The plant should be a saturated lightweight color.

If the color of the plant is dark green, it says about the old age of the product or its long-term storage. Often, the plant looks very adequate, but with a careful inspection and a slight squeezing of the stems, their lethargy can be noted, this fact speaks internal rotting.

It is known that celery should not be stored for more than 7 days, because with a long-term storage, all useful and nutritional properties of the plant are lost. Fresh product should be left in the refrigerator in a special compartment for greens.

In order to saturate the body with all the vitamins and minerals, which are contained in a large amount in this plant, should be used without any heat treatment. Celery harmoniously adds salads and cold snacks, its stems can be cut different ways: Along, cubes, across. Often serves dishes with whole stalks of plants, it all depends on the design of the finished dish.

Freshly squeezed juice, which drink in pure form or mix with others. Especially successful is a combination with apple, carrot or beet juices. It turns out a vitaminized drink with a pleasant taste.

Adding Plant B. vegetable soups or stew is also permissible, but, as mentioned earlier, beneficial features Will be lost irretrievably.

About the effectiveness of celery when weight loss, as well as contraindications for its use in the following video:

The diversity of his diet to this amazing plant, a person receives many vitamins, amino acids and minerals that are able to normalize the work of the whole organism as a whole. The benefits of this product are great, but it is not recommended uncontrolled use, since there is an adverse effect on the body in certain diseases and pregnancy. For those who have long strive to get rid of excess weight, this product will become simply indispensable, the effectiveness of the diet and exercise increases repeatedly.

In contact with

Celery stalkieit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 83.3%, Bat-carotine - 90%, vitamin C - 42.2%, potassium - 17.2%, magnesium - 12.5%

What is useful to celery stems

  • Vitamin A Responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin health and eyes, maintaining immunity.
  • In carotine It is a provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 μg beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 μg vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C Participates in oxidation and restorative reactions, the functioning of the immune system, contributes to the absorption of iron. The deficiency leads to the looseness and bleeding of the gums, nasal bleeding due to increased permeability and the incidence of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium It is the main intracellular ion that participates in the regulation of aquatic, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve pulses, pressure regulation.
  • Magnesium Participates in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect for membranes, it is necessary to maintain calcium homeostasis, potassium and sodium. The lack of magnesium leads to hypomagniasia, raising the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
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Even in the ancient era, the useful properties of celery were already known. In Greece, at that time there was a whole Celery cult, its image was applied to coins, and during the Olympic Games, the wreath of Celery decorated the winner's head.

For the first time, his unique healing qualities were studied by hippocrates.

Currently, celery cultivation is carried out in almost all countries. Its most popular varieties include sheet, root and cereal celery.

Celery root is a developed fleshy, stitching rounded root root, which has a specific fragrance. Since in boiled form, it resembles potatoes by taste quality, most often it is used to prepare soup-purees and cream soups.

It is worth noting that the number of aromatic substances of the celery allocated in the process of heat treatment directly depends on how small it is cut. Celery calorie (stem) per 100 grams is equal to 12 kilocalories, while the nutritional value of the root of the rootpod is almost 3 times more and is equal to 34 kilocalories.

Benefit and harm Celery

According to scientists, celery is the most useful and safe green seasoning. Its composition is rather rich and diverse, it includes vitamins (A, B, C, L, PR), magnesium, calcium. In addition, celery is famous for the fact that luteolin is present in its composition, which in turn has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect.

Since celery caloric content (stem, root) is quite low, it is an integral part of a variety of diverse weight loss techniques. At the same time, nutritionists first of all pay attention to the fact that this product is not only struggling with extra kilograms, but also has a beneficial effect on the body.

In addition, experts advise to limit the use of this root crust with kidney stones, since it provokes their active movement.

In use of celery should be in the gastritis or ulcer of the stomach. In order to feel only the benefit of this vegetable, it is necessary to use it in moderate quantities.

Calorie Celery

As mentioned above, Celery's root caloric content is 34 kilocalories, which is why it is one of the main ingredients soup express diet.

This vegetable is related to natural fat and calories, in addition to low calorics, root celery can accelerate the metabolic processes occurring in the body. In addition, it has a light laxative effect, which in turn contributes to burning fat and prevents them offering.

In order to get rid of extra kilograms, it is recommended to drink two teaspoons of celery juice before each meal intake.

There is a recipe for a special soup for weight loss in the composition of which includes celery, carrots, bell pepper, cauliflower, ginger and greens. In order to prepare it, you need to slaughter the above components within 5-7 minutes, without adding any salt to any seasonings and then insist for 10 minutes.

This soup is very useful for the body, since its composition is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, celery soup, the caloric content of which is only 40 kilocalories, perfectly saturates the body and delivers the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Celery Stem, the caloric content of which is significantly lower than that of the roof plant itself, improves digestion, and also contributes to a diuretic and laxative action.

Celery is one of the oldest plants introduced into the human diet. In Greece, even celery cult was performed. He is stated in Homer's poems, they were decorated at home, and during the time of Cleopatra, he was at all a medicine from diseases.

In Russia, Kornemoplood moved first as a decorative culture in the reign of Catherine II. But in the 18th century. He began to be introduced into culinary dishes.

Composition and nutritional value

Korneflood contains di- and monosaccharides, dietary fiber, nicotine acid, organic acids, vitamin C, RR, E, K, A, in (1, 2, 6, 9), beta carotene, essential oils, mineral components (phosphorus, magnesium , potassium, iron, calcium, sodium). The buds of the plant depend on the components adjacent to the dish. So, in terms of 100 grams of dishes, these indicators are equal:

Root - 1.3 / 0.3 / 6.5 g
Dried root 7.8 / 2.0 / 36.6 g
Boiled root - 0.96 / 0.19 / 4.7 g
Fried 1.2 / 7.1 / 6.0 g.

Celery Stem Soup 0.4 / 0, / 1.7 g
Celery soup - 0.8 / 0.4 / 54.0 g.
Crafts of celery with carrots - 1.2 / 1.3 / 6.4 g.
Apple salad - 5.0 / 0.4 / 4.9
Korean -1.2 / 2.0 / 7.9 g.
Stem of raw celery - 0.9 / 0.1 / 2.1
Puffy juice - 0.7 / 0.36 / 5.0
Soup - 1.4 / 20,667 / 5.54


Korneflood has long been the component of various diets aimed at weight loss, cleansing and improving the body. Its glycemic index is equal to 15 units. It is worth noting that it is related to categories of products with minus calorie content. In terms of 100 g of the finished product, data are:

Root fresh celery - 32 kcal.
Dried root - 186 units.
Boiled root - 27 units.
Fried 91.2 kcal.
Sole of St Bear Celery - 8,7 kcal.
Celery soup - 26.7 kcal.
Stewed - 40 units.
Salad with apple and pekinka - 44.2 kcal.
Korean - 54.4 kcal.
Stems - 12,83 units.
Fresh juice - 31.0 kcal.
Puree soup - 32.61 kcal.

Celery is one of the best products in the fight against overweight. And not only because he supposedly has. And due to the nutritional-vitamin one, favorably affecting the body in general, and large content