Samsung ji 3 new smartphone is heated. The phone is heated and quickly discharged - why is this happening? Operating system issues

Every smartphone user has experienced strong heating of the device case. But why the phone is heating up is not completely clear to everyone. To understand this topic, you first need to know the causes and allowable temperature limits. And after that, you can determine how to fix it.

Every smartphone running on the Android operating system is prone to heat. It just shows up in some more. The constant temperature rises are due to powerful modern processors and chips that ensure the smooth operation of our smartphone. Now more and more individual models are being released, in which this is especially noticeable. You can find out that your gadget is highly susceptible to this problem by browsing the thematic forums.

It is important to consider that the same temperature affects each smartphone in its own way. For some, this is considered normal, while for others it may become the limiting point of permissible overheating.

Just remember one thing, if the device becomes warm when heated, and you do not feel discomfort during its further use, then such a slight increase in temperature is acceptable and not dangerous.

Usually only three components of a smartphone are the cause of this problem, these are the display, battery and processor, sometimes the graphics subsystem. So, if despite your attempts, overheating has become a problem, then it is better to take the smartphone to professionals. But this is an extreme measure, consider what you can do with your own hands.

Possible causes and solutions

As you know, electrical appliances overheat when used for a long time. This is primarily due to the fact that they use electricity. Therefore, this happens during use. But sometimes the device overheats more than usual. And the temperature rises more than the permissible indicator, as a result of which the device begins to fail.

There are several reasons why an android phone is heating up:

  • Running tasks that consume a large amount electrical energy. You need to stop running these tasks.
  • The malfunction of the gadget itself. You need to fix the breakdown.
  • Normal heating resulting from the operation of an electrical appliance. If the gadget is too susceptible to this, then you need to leave it alone for a while.

CPU overheating

Often a mobile phone on the android system heats up due to a weak processor. An example is a typical personal computer. However, there the chip is located under a massive cooler, as it gets very hot during operation. Mobile processors use a special ARM architecture. It helps to seriously reduce energy costs and reduce heat. But despite this, the device still heats up.

The reason is that any processor is not perfect. It happens that engineers make serious mistakes in the development of equipment, which can be identified only after launching into mass production.

In this case, there is little you can do. There is no point in worrying about the gadget either. When the device becomes very hot, the chipset clock speed is automatically reduced. This slows down performance a little, but saves the chips and the battery from damage.

Battery overheating

Another common cause is the battery. If it heats up not during charging, this may indicate a breakdown. The battery may be too worn out and out of order, it must be replaced immediately.

However, overheating can occur even after changing the battery. The reason may be that a non-original battery is installed. Which simply does not fit this device. For example, the power controller delivers more current than the battery is designed to handle. In this case, it is recommended to contact the service center, as this can lead to serious damage and even an explosion.

Heating when charging

Consider another version of the problem, why the phone heats up when charging. In most cases, this is considered normal. After all, while working, the device receives energy from the network. It’s worth starting to worry if the temperature has become too high. Usually the problem lies in the memory itself:

  • It could break and become unusable.
  • The new battery is not original or of poor quality (current is not suitable). This can greatly harm the gadget.

Samsung devices are especially sensitive to such moments. Another thing is when the gadget seemed to be charged, and then, with little use, it went to zero in half an hour. Then it is recommended to check the performance of the charging unit of the gadget.

Heavy apps and games

Most users are aware that features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and mobile internet use a lot of power. And as mentioned above, this is what leads to excessive overheating of the device.

Modern processors heat up under a certain degree of load. In standard operating modes, chipsets use only 2 or 4 cores. This helps to greatly reduce energy costs and increase battery usage without additional charging. But there are poorly optimized applications that load the GPU immediately to the fullest. This category includes most games with three-dimensional graphics.

With games more or less clear. But in order to detect energy-consuming programs, everything is a little more difficult. You can see which of them consume the most energy. It is not at all necessary that they will lead to heating. Although the probability is quite high.

In order to somehow remedy the situation, it is advisable to remove or simply disable an application such as Facebook. It automatically collects all the information about its users and this consumes phone resources and can lead to overheating.

Viruses and mining programs

Viruses and programs for cryptocurrency mining can lead to strong heating, up to the complete shutdown of the device. Such malicious programs load the system at 100 percent, dropping the battery to zero and raising the core temperature to 70 degrees. You should carefully monitor your device and, at the slightest suspicion, use antiviruses.

How to prevent your smartphone from overheating

In order for your new phone to hold a charge as much as possible, it is recommended to turn off options such as:

  • GPS, Google maps and other navigation programs that automatically track your current location automatically. Turn them on only when you really need to.
  • Mobile Internet 3G and 4G. In comparison, connecting to Wi-Fi is considered not so energy-consuming. Therefore, if possible, it is better to connect through it. And if the Internet is not needed, it is better to turn it off.
  • For the sake of justice, it is worth saying that it does not consume so much energy in the active mode, but nevertheless it is better to turn it off.


To take adequate measures, you should at least roughly understand why the device is heating up. To do this, you can simply touch various parts of the device and see what exactly overheats more than usual. The methods described in this article will help solve the problem.

Additionally, in the Play Market you can find the Cooler Master program. It will automatically monitor the temperature of the device, the cause and report if the readings become higher than normal. This will help to detect and prevent the problem in time. If none of this helps, then it is recommended to contact the service center. Professionals will tell you exactly what is the matter in your case and will be able to tell you what to do.


Never got hot. The first smartphones running Symbian and Windows Mobile operating systems did not have such problems either. Everything changed only with the popularization of Android. With the development of this operating system, increased requirements for processor power began to arise. Also, unfinished applications began to appear that adversely affect the performance of the device. And these are just a few of the reasons that cause a smartphone or, in rare cases, a tablet to overheat.

Most often, the degree of heating of the device depends on the processor. Let's take a home computer as an example. In its system unit is also a processor. But it is hidden under a massive cooler, as the chipset gets very hot under load. The ARM architecture used in has reduced power consumption, and at the same time reduced the degree of heating. But sometimes the device is still seriously heated. Why?

The fact is that not every processor is perfect. Sometimes engineers make some mistakes that are revealed only after mass production of the chipset has started. Something similar happened with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810. The product received tremendous computing power, but at the same time, the processor, under a more or less serious load, began to get very hot. Against the background of competitors, he was incredibly hot - this was especially noticeable when shooting different devices thermal imager. MediaTek has a similar but less noticeable problem with its Helio X10, X20 and X25 chips.

You cannot do anything with the installed processor. You don't have to worry about your smartphone either. When the system heats up, the system reduces the clock frequency of the chipset. This reduces performance, but saves the internals and the battery from damage.

Using a smartphone while charging it

Push-button phones at one time could be safely used at the moment when they are being recharged. But modern smartphones receive from a current with a very high voltage. And if you are talking on a smartphone at this moment, then a heating processor will be added to this. As a result, severe overheating may occur. And in rare cases, this leads to swelling of the battery and even its ignition.

Never talk on the phone when it is charging - after all, disconnect it from charger does not work. But you can open a browser and perform other simple actions.

Design flaws

Another problem that is impossible to deal with. It happens that the device heats up due to the fact that the engineers have messed with its insides. Remember the Galaxy Note 7 - there the creators did not add space between the battery and the walls of the case, which made the cooling extremely inefficient (there was also a problematic controller that did not lead to a reboot when overheating occurred). In the case of Snapdragon 810 and some other processors, heat pipes are required, which work in the manner of a passive cooler. Needless to say, some manufacturers are abandoning this idea for the sake of savings?

Environmental impact

Some people do not want to part with their gadget even on the beach. And then they are surprised that their Android phone is heating up and the battery is running out. If direct sunlight falls on the body of the device, then the smartphone cannot but overheat. The plastic case heats up the most. You can solve this problem very easily: do not get your smartphone out of your bag on the beach. In the end, this way you will rest not only the body, but also the mind.

Poor call quality

Previously, devices from getting very hot when using GPS or Wi-Fi. Now wireless modules are more energy efficient, and therefore they practically do not emit heat. But there is one exception. The mobile communication module itself depends on the quality of the coverage and the equipment used by the operator.

If you are in a car, bus or other public transport, then the smartphone will regularly switch from one tower to another. With poor coverage, the device will regularly switch from 4G to 3G and vice versa. If this is the situation in your city, then you can leave only a 3G connection while traveling in transport - this will reduce heating and increase the duration battery life. This is done as follows:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2 Select " Connections».

Step 3 Click on " Mobile networks».

Step 4 Select " Network mode».

Step 5 Select the option you need from the list. Please note that if your smartphone does not support LTE networks, then only 2G and 3G will be in the list of available options.

The device may also get warm when downloading large amounts of data. For example, you can download a movie in high resolution, which weighs about 7 GB - at this moment the smartphone can warm up to a fairly high temperature. If this scares you, you can set a speed limit in the application settings, then the load on the device will decrease.

High program activity

Almost any processor under a certain load starts to heat up. Modern chipsets in many modes of operation involve only two or four cores. This allows it to practically not heat up, at the same time it reduces power consumption, extending the battery life. But some applications have poor optimization - they load the chipset to the fullest. Do this and almost all games with three-dimensional graphics.

If everything is clear with games, then identifying voracious applications is much more difficult. You can see which programs use the most battery power. But this does not mean that they heat up the processor, although the probability of a match will be quite high.

Physical defects of the smartphone

If you wondered “why the Android phone is heating up” only after six months or a year of its use, then this is due to either some installed application or a physical defect. If you regularly drop your device, then lean towards the second option. As a result of one of the falls, the antenna could move away, which leads to a deterioration in signal reception - the smartphone will each time try to improve it by software methods, thereby straining the components. Or contacts could be oxidized from moisture, thereby causing increased resistance - the energy in this place will go into heat, raising the temperature of the battery.

If you think that the problem lies precisely in the insides of the device, then contact the service center. They will help you, even if not for free.

What to do when the Samsung phone heats up and quickly discharges? What is the reason for the abnormal heating of the Android phone?

If your phone samsung galaxy heats up after a few hours of use or when charging, this is normal. However, if it heats up to such an extent that it becomes impossible to hold it, then this is no longer normal. Something needs to be done about this. It is necessary to find out if the problem is the operating system or technical, then the specialist should take a look at the device.

In this post, I will tell you a couple of things that you should do if you notice that your phone is heating up abnormally or even overheating.

This issue should not be underestimated as you may have heard how the Galaxy Note 7 rocked the Android community and kept them on their toes for months following reports of fires caused by the device's faulty battery. So, for the safety of readers, I offer a few practical troubleshooting steps if the phone starts to heat up.

The purpose of this troubleshooting guide is to understand if there is indeed a problem with your phone and to make sure that you, as the owner, are safe. Again, this issue should not be taken lightly, because more often than not, overheating is caused by a battery that may not be working properly.

Batteries mobile phone can explode, and I personally encountered such a case. As they say, here's what you need to do...

Step 1: unplug the charger and unhook it from the phone

If you are charging your device and notice that it is heating up like never before, stop the charging process. While we don't know if the problem is in the phone, the battery or the charger, but for your safety, stop charging the phone.

After unplugging your phone from the charger, keep monitoring the phone's temperature to know if it continues to heat up even if it's not charging anymore.

Step 2Turn off your phone

If the temperature does not drop after disconnecting the charger, turn off the phone to see if the temperature drops. If it's still hot after a few minutes, then don't do anything to it, just take it back to the store and have a technician look at it.

Step 3: Charge your phone when the power is off

On the other hand, if the temperature dropped after the charger was disconnected, it is possible that it only heats up when it is turned on during charging. Now you can try charging it while it's turned off to see if it can recharge the battery without getting hot.

If a lot of applications are running in the background, the phone may get warm and charging it in this state will also contribute a little to the heat. So, after finding out that the phone charges normally when turned off, move on to the next step.

Step 4: Start the phone app in safe mode and charge

Now let's try to check if Samsung can still charge without getting hot when all third party apps are temporarily disabled. Start your phone in safe mode this time and then plug in your charger.

Charge your phone for 5 minutes and try to see if it's overheating. If the heating is within limits, then the problem could be caused by some applications that are running in the background. Try to see if you can do something with these apps. You may already have an understanding of which of your applications are causing the problem.

How to boot your phone in safe mode:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press and hold the power button.
  3. When SAMSUNG appears on the screen, release the power button.
  4. Immediately after you have released the Power key, press and hold the Volume Down key.
  5. Keep holding the volume down key until the device finishes rebooting.
  6. Safe Mode will be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.
  7. Release the Volume Down key when you see Safe Mode enabled.
  8. Uninstall apps that are causing problems.

Step 5: factory reset your phone

Considering that the phone may still get warm even in safe mode, or if your phone does get warm even if it is not charging, restart it immediately to see if the problem is caused by system conflicts or some features.

However, if possible, do backup files and data, and then perform a factory reset so that your device is not locked after a reset.

Why is my Samsung Galaxy battery draining fast?

1. Close all unused applications. This can be done using the Recent Apps button located to the left of the Home button. In the additional features available, optimize the automatic brightness of your device.

2. You can also use the additional battery optimization feature located in the settings. Go to advanced option and select "Optimize battery usage". Here you can choose to optimize selected or all applications. Pay attention to the features that turn off the background and data sync when using this mode.

3. Turn off unwanted features such as Bluetooth or location mode. Check and turn off location tracking - if it is proprietary and the map app is using it, the battery will drain faster, and your phone will constantly search for a GPS signal, which will cause heat.

It's best to have it turned off when you're not using the cards. Many other apps also tend to use location tracking, so it's best to turn it off for better power savings and less heat.

4. Using 4G and 3G data for a longer period - When 3G or 4G data is continuously used by a smartphone, the CPU and GPU work continuously, which causes heat.

5. Too many apps running at the same time – sometimes there are too many apps open on the smartphone, which can lead to overheating due to unnecessary processes running in the background.

6. Check regularly for app and software updates. To do this, go to the Play store, find "My Apps" and select update all. To check for operating system updates, go to settings and find the “Phone” tab and then “System Update”.

If all of the above methods could not fix Samsung overheating, then the problem is not with the operating system, but with the components of the smartphone. It is necessary to contact the service center to inspect the malfunctions of the device.

Very often the owners mobile devices claim that their phone during operation tends to increase its temperature. The main task is to determine the causes (from which the phone heats up) and the consequences of such behavior.

This heating is completely normal and is not a defect. However, there are a number of phone models that get very hot even during short conversations.

Possible causes and solutions

All electrical products heat up during operation. Electrical components use current to function and, in connection with this, heat up.

The temperature of the mobile device may rise for the following reasons:

  • tasks that consume a significant amount of current are used;
  • malfunctions in the mobile device itself;
  • heating of the phone is a normal situation, since heat is generated during the operation of electrical appliances.

When charging

Heating up the phone when charging from the mains is quite common and should not cause much concern. All phones heat up to varying degrees when the battery is charging.

There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this behavior of the phone: the process of charging the battery is accompanied by heat release, which causes the temperature of the phone to rise. It is important that this heating does not exceed the standard parameters of the phone manufacturer. All phones heat up when charging, some models are larger, some are smaller.

It is important to note the duration of the phone's battery life. If the battery charge is quickly reset to zero during insignificant use of the phone and its partial loading, then it is recommended to check the health of the device's charging unit.

When talking

There is nothing surprising about the heating of the battery when using the phone in talk mode, since the phone's battery gives off a certain amount of energy when talking. In this case, an accelerated discharge of the device occurs.

An additional reason for the heating of the phone is that during a conversation the phone is constantly in the hand, pressed against the cheek and receives a lot of heat from this. The duration of a call greatly affects the temperature of the phone - for all lovers of long conversations, the battery heats up significantly. There is nothing criminal in this. Quite a normal situation.

Around the camera

Often, phone users notice excessive heating of the phone in the camera area. In fact, the camera is not to blame here, and the reason for the heating lies in the processor, which is located in close proximity to the camera. The level of processor heating depends on the load of the phone and the duration of work on it.

In standby

A much more dangerous signal is an increase in battery temperature in standby mode. This behavior of the battery is difficult to explain, since there is neither an increased load on the device, nor any other objective reasons. The only way to fix the problem is to replace the battery with a new one.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to save the battery; at the first sign of its malfunction, you must immediately get rid of it. Other options may not be safe for both the phone and its user.

Unreasonable heating of the phone can be not only due to a damaged battery. Often, heating is due to malfunctions of other nodes. As an option - the ingress of moisture into the phone, in which the contacts inside the device can oxidize and provoke small short circuits. In such a situation, cleaning of some elements is also necessary.

If there were no special incidents with the device in Lately, and it constantly heats up in standby mode, then it is extremely necessary to take it to a service center, since you can answer the question “why is the phone heating up?” almost impossible.


The phone gets very hot and drains quickly

Often, the heating of the phone is accompanied by its rapid discharge. There is nothing critical in this, but the reason for thinking is quite justified.

Ifthe device heats up more and more often, then you should determine in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe phone the temperature rises:

  • when the back is warm, the battery needs to be checked. Perhaps it has worn out and does not fully fulfill its function. Replacing the battery will help in this situation;
  • when the front gets hot, pay attention to the touch screen, which gets hot when used for a long time. Sometimes the heating of the front of the mobile device may be due to incorrect processor operation.

Accelerated discharge of the device is facilitated by:

Based on the described facts, the conclusion follows - the phone will not heat up only with limited loads. All elements of the phone, when used intensively, have the peculiarity of emitting heat waves, which, with significant use, can cause unreasonable concern to the owner