The birth of the European civilization of the Middle Ages. Birth of a medieval European civilization Birth of a European medieval civilization briefly

The birth of medieval Europe was preceded by the decline of the Roman Empire (from the III century), the great resettlement of the peoples (IV-VII centuries), the resettlement of barbarians in the territory of the Western Roman Empire and the formation of the barbaric kingdoms. At the origins of medieval Europe, there were two opposite and unlike peace: ancient (Greco-Roman), which since the beginning of our era actively accepted Christianity, and barbaric. A complicated and difficult path of combining these worlds lasted several centuries (from V to IX century).

Roman and barbaric worlds of the middle of the Millennium

By the middle of the 11th millennium, the Roman Empire was only a weak shadow of the former power. Because of the crisis and decline, which began in the III century, the state was not able to withstand the invasion of the barbarians. The termination of the conquest wars led to a reduction in the number of slaves, negatively affected the state of agriculture and craft. To compensate for the lack of working hands, slaves and free peasants began to turn into colons.

Colon is a tenant of a small land plot from a major landowner, for the use of the land of the column paid the rent in kind or money and performed natural duties, subsequently the columns began to be fixed with landowners; Columns were precursors of medieval fortress.

Despite the decline of the Roman Empire, it still retained its attractiveness for conquerors: large cities, rich estates, well-groomed fields, vineyards, gardens, "eternal" Roman roads and the like. It so happened that the barbarians in the perception of Romans became, first of all, peoples who lived at the windows of Europe: Celts, Germans, Slavs. Hermann was the greatest impact on the further fate of the Western Roman Empire.

Most German tribes in I-IV centuries. settled in the border with the empire areas. The Germans grown rye, barley, wheat, oats, bred cattle, hunted and collected on the forests and swamps berries, mushrooms, etc. Of the marsh runes, Germanians received iron from which the tools of labor and weapons were manufactured.

Hermann families were big. Under one roof there were several dozen closest relatives. Several families have formed a genus. From the births were the tribes that in the III-IV centuries. Began to unite into powerful tribal unions.

Barbarian kingdoms

Rome after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the world of Varvarov burned out from him, a fortified line on the borders, consisting of RVov, towers, military camps. However, the border did not disconnect two worlds, but rather connected them. In the border cities, trade flourished, more and more Germans went to serve in the Roman troops, Germanic to know the lifestyle and customs of the Romans, sent their children to learn antique wisdom.

Limes (Lat. Limes - "Road", "Boundary Trail", later simply "border") - a fortified frontier (shaft, wall) with guard towers, erected on the border of the Roman Empire. Lime served the Roman Empire as a protective construction and as a means of customs control. Trading with the "external world" was carried out on the passing points. The provinces close to Lymes were called Limitrans and were protected by limitans. The most famous plots of Liemes are the Verkhnegorman-Retic Lymes with a length of 550 km and Val Adrian in the UK.

However, in IV century. The world of Barbarov came into motion, called the great religion of peoples (IV-VII centuries). A variety of barbarians moved to the Western Roman Empire, which was impossible to stop. The consequence of the great relocation of peoples was the fall of Rome (410), the ruin of his vandals (455), the death of the Western Roman Empire (476) and the creation of the barbaric kingdoms.

The first barbaric country in the territory of the Western Roman Empire is the Church-Kingdom - formed Westges in 418 with the consent of Emperor Honoria. The kingdom was actually independent, and his capital was the city of Toulouse.

At about the same time in North Africa, the Wandow Kingdom with the capital has arisen on the site of ancient Carthage.

In the Rhone River Pool in the middle of V c. There was a Burgundy kingdom with the capital in Lyon. Some sizes, it had a significant impact on the life of the Western Roman Empire.

After removing from the authorities of the Roman emperor Romula Augustus, the kingdom led by Odacra with the capital in Ravenna. However, the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire of Zenon and the young leader of sharpening theodorih agreed against the new ruler. As a result of this, theodorich in 493 broke into Italy and, killing Odacra, proclaimed himself "the king of ready and Italiks." The farological state was the largest of the kingdoms founded by Germanians in the Roman Empire. However, after his death, this state ceased to exist.

From the middle of the V c. A mass invasion began on the territory of the former Roman province of Britain of the North-Western German tribes of the Saksov, Angles and Yutov. As a result of Anglo-Saxon conquest on the lands of Britain, seven kingdoms were formed. Subsequently, the country conquered by them began to be called England. At the same time, the Frankish kingdom arose in North Gaul. All barbaric kingdoms existed long: some disintegrate, others were conquered. Only the Frankish kingdom has kept its power for a long time. It was how it played an important role in the further development of Europe.

The first barbaric state in the territory of the Western Roman Empire was the county with the capital in Toulouse (418g).

Franksk State Meroving

The name "Frank" (translated as "free", "brave") began to use from the middle of the III century. As the name of the German tribes in the lower and middle flow of the Rhine. In V c. Franks captured Northeast Gallium. One of the most famous franc leaders was Merovy at that time. It was he who began the first royal dynasty of Frankov - Meroving. The greatest representative of this dynasty was the grandson of Merovay - the king of Glodwig (481-511).

In 486, Chlodvig concluded an alliance with the leaders of other tribes and went to Roman possessions. Near Suasony, the Roman troops were divided into the decisive battle of Frank and won North Gallia, where the Frankish kingdom was formed. After the conquest of Gaul Hlodwig destroyed the majority of the leaders, with whom he fought against the Romans, and became the king - the only ruler of the state.

All questions Chlodvig decided independently or consulted with trusted persons. At the disposal of the king there was a permanent military squad, for the maintenance of which, according to Roman custom, began to collect taxes. To collect taxes and maintain order in the state of Chlodwig from the people close to him appointed rulers - counts. The highest judge in the Frankish kingdom was the king himself.

Residents of the Franks of North Gaul conquered by Christians. In order to strengthen the power and authority among them, Chlodwig together with his wife in 496 adopted Christianity. Thanks to this, Chlodwig and his successors received support from the Christian clergy, which facilitated the further conquest of South Gaul, and also contributed to strengthening the authority of royal power among francs.

Before the conquest of Gaul, francs did not have written laws, and there were only customs that were in orally transmitted from generation to generation. Such rules of behavior are called the usual right. The record of the laws of francs, made by order of CLODIV, is one of the attractions of the usual law in Europe. He got the name "Salic Pravda" (by the name of the Franksky tribe, from which Cleodwig occurred is Salic Francs) and became the first collection of written laws from francs. By ordering to record ancient laws, Chlodwig thus sought to emphasize that the king was judged at the long-time custom of his people.

After the death of Chlodv traffic, the Frankish kingdom was divided between the four of his sons, which continued to conquer the Father. At the same time, the brothers tried to destroy each other and capture others.

At the end of the VI century. There were important changes in the system of land tenure of francs. Land plots obtained by Franks after the conquest of Gaul became their private property - allods (according to medieval laws, allocated feudal land ownership), which could be free or token. The appearance of private ownership of land indicated the collapse of the ancient generic traditions and the formation of the basis of the new society.

In the second half of the VII century. The Frank Kingdom finally declined. Contemporaries called this period "the time of the lazy kings." The kings from the Meroving Dynasty remained in power, but in fact, the royal governors - Majordom solved all things.

The first royal franc dynasty was called the Meroving Dynasty.

Carrolings. Frankish Empire

At the end of the VII century. The united Frankish state actually did not exist, besides, she threatened new conquerors - Arabs. The struggle against Arab headed Majord Carl Martell (715-741). He understood that only a good armed rider could stop the Arabs, the basis of the troops of which was a light cavalry. However, the rider's equipment was very expensive (equal to the cost of 18-20 cows), and the simple Frankish warrior could not buy it.

To acquire weapons and horses, Karl began to take the lands of the Church and transfer them to the lifeset of the Warrior, subject to the martial service. Such a form of land ownership received the name of the benefits (from Lat. Beneficium - blessing). With the creation of heavy cavalry, medieval chivalry was started (from him. Ritter - rider, horse warrior).

Based on the equestrian army, Carl Martell smashed the Arabs in 732 in the battle of Poitiers. This battle was crucial for the fate of the European Christian civilization of the Middle Ages - the onset of the Arab-Muslim world to Europe was stopped.

Pipine Short

The successor of Karl Martell became his son Pipin Short (741 - 768), who first also wore a major title. Having removed from the authority of the last king from the Meroving Dynasty, in 751. Pipin's short became the king. To emphasize the sacred nature of his power, he committed an obstruction to the kingdom.

Pipine short handed his power to Karl's power, which will be called great. Thus was founded by a new dynasty, called the name of pyprides, or caroling.

Karl Great (742-814) consider not only an outstanding representative of the Caroling dynasty, but also the most famous monarch of the Middle Ages. This is not surprising. The king of francs and the "emperor of the West" quickly united in the framework of the empire created by the empire, most of Western Europe. He put an end to the epoch of the "dark centuries", who reigned after the death of the Western Roman Empire.

Becoming the king, Karl Great in 773-774. To the end destroyed the Langobard kingdom and joined his land to his state. Long and severe were war against Saxons, which were conducted within 772-804. In 788 Karl captured Bavarian Duchy. He fought against Slavic peoples, and later concluded the Union against Avar with them and began the war with Avar Kaganat - the state formed by Avara nomads in Pannonia (now the territory of Hungary). This war lasted in 788-803. Warriors of Charles Great defeated Avarov, and the Avar Kaganat disappeared from the map of Europe.

As a result of the conquests of Karl the Great under his authority, there was a significant territory, which in size resembled the former Western Roman Empire. Among the surroundings of Karl there was an idea to proclaim it with the emperor according to the example of ancient Romans. On December 25, 800, Pope Leo III, during a solemn Christmas prayer, crowned his humble king Charles Big Imperial Crown and declared him by the Roman emperor. In 812, Byzantium recognized Karl emperor of the West.

Despite the war, the king improved the state management system, took care of the development of culture. No wonder this time, scientists were subsequently called "Caroling Regeneration." It was a period of development of education, the revival of interest in the works of the ancient Romans and Greek thinkers almost forgotten throughout the previous centuries.

The Karl Great state was divided into separate counties - counties. The columns assigned to the king collected taxes, carried out proceedings, headed the local militia.

Almost all the small free owners of the Earth turned into dependent peasants, because they could not withstand the burden of military service and acquire the necessary gear. Therefore, Karl gained only four passengers into the army. Another peasants were either on the general means to send one connoun to the army, or to seek defenders who could free them from the service. The defenders of the peasants became major secular or church landowners. The addicted peasants were released from military service and lost their ancient rights: their judge and the owner became a defender.

Benefius is a land plot, which was provided for the military for serving.

The death of the Empire of Karl the Great. Education of the states of medieval Europe

Karl Great died in 814 and was buried in Aachen, where she lived in recent years. After the death of the king, the empire created by him existed for a long time. The causes of decay were in the very character of the state created by Karl Great.

He forcefully united the peoples, different in terms of the level of development and culture, in which only Christian faith was common. The farm had a natural character: all the necessary things and products were not made for sale, but for their own consumption. The absence of trade relations caused isolation of individual regions of the state of Karl the Great.

The graphs that manage the lands were sought to consolidate them towards themselves to transmit descendants to inherit. Even the owners of small beneficies considered them with their own property. Counties, as well as large and small land tenure, turned into centers of political and economic life. Since there were many such possessions, and there was no durable management system in the Frankish empire, it began to quickly break up. With the reign of grandchildren of Karl the Great - Lotter, Louis German and Karl Bald - the opposition was aggravated.

In 843, at the congress in the verte, the grandchildren of the emperor entered into an agreement on the division of the empire into three parts. The imperial title persisted behind the Lotter, but no special authority over the brothers who became independent kings, he did not. The Verden division of the Empire grandchildren of Charles Great laid the beginning of three future Western European countries - Germany, Italy and France.

Events that were reviewed in the article were essential for the history of Europe. For a relatively small historical period, its political card has changed significantly. At the site of the unbarrous ownership of Rome, new states arose, which began in Europe the Middle Ages in Europe.

The founder of the Frankish Empire Karl Great is considered the most famous monarch of the Middle Ages. He actually put an end to the epoch of the "dark centuries" and united most of Western Europe into the empire. It is believed that the formation of a new Europe and the Western European medieval civilization occurred precisely during the times of Karl the Great.

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    The property of feudal was not private and depended on the system of personal citizenship having a hierarchical character. The ownership of Feodal to Earth and the dependence on him peasants was expressed in the feudal rent (born, tribute, grocery or monetary lifts). Private property was represented by a narrow circle of large landowners (princes, dukes, graphs, barons), with whom the state (king) led a constant struggle, seeking to put them under control and limit their independence.

    The social system of medieval civilization was based on the principles of vassalite. Free Senor on an insult from the king had the right to answer the declaration of war. Vassal relations provided for mutual rights and obligations. Vassalitet suggested some decentralization of power through the transfer, delegation of a number of powers of Signora Vassalam. The combination of certain rights of vassals and territories on which these rights were valid, was called "immunity." Vassal relations and immunity inherent in them are a feature of medieval European civilization.

    The center of economic and social life was the village. The Earth was revered by the main value, and the peasants were carriers of the main spiritual and cultural traditions. Medieval Europe was distinguished by a community-corporate device: Come, guilds, knight orders, church and rural communities. The corporation of one level was combined in the estate.

    The population of Europe consisted of many tribes who spoke in different languages, had their customs and traditions. The unity of European civilization provided a Catholic church. The whole way of life, morals, thinking of a medieval person was determined by the Christian religion. In art and literature, the image of God prevailed, who almost completely departed the image of a person. Individual, no matter how much value. The concept of freedom is transformed. "A free person is the one who has a powerful patron"

    VIII -X centuries. We became a period of reflection by Europeans on the European ones of the Vikings, Scandinavian seawater warriors, and nomads (Avarov, Turkic Bulgarians, Hungarians, Pechenegs, Polovtsy). In the north of France, Vikings were created actually independent Duchy Normandy. Some of this duke in 1066 conquer Anglo-Saxon England. Nomads capture the southwest territories of Europe, Bulgarian and Hungarian states are based. A feature of such conquests was to assimilate the invaders with indigenous peoples and essentially "dissolving" them in the overall European boiler of the peoples.

    In the middle of the century, Otton, the Great attempted to recreate a single mighty state in Europe. In 962 he captured Italy and declared himself an emperor of the "Sacred Roman Empire". For some time, the world was established in Europe.

    Roman and German worlds. Long before his death, the Roman Empire joined the lane. With III century. The state of the economy has sharply deteriorated: sowing areas have decreased, yields fell, trade and crafts.

    The State Device of Rome has undergone major changes. The emperor was considered no longer among the equal, and the owner, the face of the sacred. "There is no power not from God," this is the situation of the Christian teaching better corresponded to the then position of things. Seeing in the new faith to justify his power, the Roman emperors stopped persecution of Christians. First, Konstantin Great allowed Christianity openly, and 8381 it was declared a state religion.

    The Roman army became completely different. Those times when it consisted only of full Roman citizens, moved into the past. The ordinary was the set of soldiers from the barbarians - those who spoke not on Latin and not in Greek. In the future, it had a detrimental consequence for Rome, turning into one of the main causes of the death of the empire.

    Numerous barbaric tribes of Germanians, Celts, Slavs lived north of the Alps. Their languages \u200b\u200bbelong to one, Indo-European, linguistic family. Apparently, the distant ancestors of these peoples lived next door. The first weakening of the Roman Empire used the Germans.

    The ancient homeland of Germanians were the southern and northern coast and the island of the Baltic Sea, the Scandinavian and the Entidian Peninsula. Global cooling forced Germanians to gradually move into warm edges. At the beginning of our era, they already occupied the space between the Rhine rivers, Oder and Danube. Earth suitable for agriculture, there was a bit. Beautiful pastures prevailed. Therefore, the main occupation of the Germans became a cattle breeding, and the main wealth - bulls, oxes and cows. Hermann and agriculture knew well. They enjoyed dry and plow, grown barley, millet, wheat, Len. The German tribes were engaged in fairly active, in particular with the Romans. They lived in small villages or farms. Roman historian Cornelius Tacit (approx. 55-120) reports that they "settle at a distance of each other, where who will like the stream, glade or grove." For housing, long and high wooden houses designed for a large family from 20-30 people were built. In bad weather, livestocks were kept there.

    Lived the German community. Its members were considered free equal men engaged in agricultural labor. Together they were warriors and had the right to participate in the People's Assembly. The Germans fought a lot, but not because they differed some special aggressiveness. So it usually happened with different peoples at that stage of their development, when influential people were distinguished inside the community as a result of the appearance of property inequality inside the community - to know. The slaves of the Germans had a little. They worked next to the owner, lived in the house, they fed with him at the same table. Often, slaves were released on the will or even adopted.

    The Higher Authority of the Germans had a popular assembly. All adult free men took part in them, with the exception of those who disgraced themselves in battle. The People's Assembly considered the issues of war and peace, tried criminals, elected from among the most significant fellowship fellowships and leaders. Tribal leaders, or conundages, headed the army and represented the interests of the tribe in international affairs. The Council of Elders solved the currently judicial, deeds. The Germans did not know writing, so their customs and laws were transferred to the next generations orally - from the Father to the Son.

    A separate place in the German society was held leaders of a man. A young people were going around these brave and brave warriors, looking for adventures and enrichment in military campaigns, more precisely - in robbery raids on their neighbors. Subsequently, the wife turned into a real army, and from the warriors stood out served. She pushed the tribal elders from the environment and more and more decisively influenced his actions. It was believed that members of a certain kind differ by special valiation and successfulness, so Koryongi was chosen from it. To retreat from the battlefield meant to cover yourself with a shame. When this happened, to meet the Germans who lost the courage to fight the enemy, their mother and wives ran out. They demanded to kill themselves and those save against captivity and slavery. Often, it forced warriors to return and continue the battle. The Germanians were convinced that the war is the best with classes, and death on the battlefield is worthy.

    With IV century Among the Germans began to spread Christianity in the form of Arianism. It declared Christ the creature below the god of his father, and for this later condemned the church. The first Arianism accepted Goths. Among them was preached by the priest of Ulfil, who translated the Bible with Latin by Gothsky. Christianization accelerated the emergence of the state of the state. The Kings of the Germans are chosen by knowledge, and military leaders are for valor. At the same time, the kings do not have unlimited or arbitrary power, and leaders stand at the chapter rather because they give an example, and not because they enjoy the right to order; Because they are strong, stand out in battle, fight ahead of the troops and this is perplexed ...

    In minor cases, elders are advised, in important things - all, and those cases on which people are accepted are pre-discussed with elders ...

    During the battle, the leader is ashamed if his wife will show himself brave it, his wife is ashamed to lag from the leader. Returning alive from the battle in which the leader was killed, means to cover himself with a shame and dishonor ... The leaders fight for victory, the warriors for the leader. If the tribe in which they were born, stain in the long-term world and inaction, then many noble young men are fed in those tribes that are fighting at that time. After all, this people will not tolerate peace, and it is easier to distinguish between dangers, and you can contact a big squad only with robbery and war ...

    Earth occupy everything alternately in terms of the number of workers and subsequently share it among themselves.

    No people are generous and hospitable as Germans. It is considered a sin to refuse to someone from mortals in the shelter. Everyone treats better food according to the means ...

    Those who have achieved youthful age are released hair and beard and until they change such an appearance ... until the enemy kill ... In cowardly and unnecessary, this terribly so remains. Brave worn iron ring, as if the shackles until the enemy kill.

    After reading this paragraph, you will learn: what was the difference between the barbaric and Roman worlds; On which heritage has grown medieval Europe; As the Frankish Empire arose and why she broke up; What is the role of Karl the Great in the formation of medieval Europe.

    1. Roman and barbaric worlds in the middle of the I millennium. The birth of medieval Europe was preceded by the decline of the Roman Empire (from the III century), the great resettlement of peoples (IV-VII centuries), the resettlement of barbarians in the territory of the Western Roman Empire and the formation of the barbaric kingdoms. The cradle of medieval Europe stood two opposite and unlike peace: ancient (Greco-Roman), in which an active Christianization took place since the beginning of our era, and barbaric.

    An extremely difficult way to unite these worlds continued for several centuries (from V to IX century).

    By the middle of the 9th thousand, the Roman Empire was only a weak shadow of the former power. The crisis and decline started in the III century did not allow the state to resist the invasion of the barbarians. The termination of the conquest wars led to a reduction in the number of slaves, which adversely affected the state of agriculture and crafts. In order to somehow compensate for the lack of working arms, servants and free peasants began to turn into semi-dependent people from landowners - colons.

    Great relocation of peoples - movement in the IV-VII centuries. Germanic, Slavic, Sarmatian and other tribes in the Roman Empire.

    Barbaras - so negligiously called the Greeks and the Romans of all foreigners who did not receive the Greek or Roman education that did not have attitudes towards their culture that did not know their language.

    Battle of Romans with Germans about 252 scene on marble sarcophage found in Rome

    "Long" House of Germans. Reconstruction

    Family of the ancient Germans. Reconstruction

    However, despite the decline, the Roman Empire retained its attractiveness for conquerors.

    It so happened that the barbarians in the Roman perception were primarily the peoples who lived at the expanses of Europe: Celts, Germans, Slavs. The most tangible influence on the further fate of the Western Roman Empire was provided by the Germans.

    Preacher Salvian about Roman's flight to Varvarars (V.)

    Poor, disadvantaged widows spread, orphans without patronage, and so much that many of them, even noble origin and educated, run to the barbarians. In order not to die under the severity of the state burden, they go to look at the barbarians of the Roman humanity, because they can no longer tolerate the barbaric inhumanity of the Romans.

    1. What does this document tell? 2. What was caused by the flight of Romans to Varvaram?

    The overwhelming part of the German tribes in I-IV centuries. settled in the border with the Empire lands. The Germans grown rye, barley, wheat, oats, bred cattle, hunted, collected berries, mushrooms, etc. From the marsh ores Germans melted iron to make implements and weapons.

    Trembling system of Germanians

    Restored Roman Watchtower, which

    Power system at barbaric tribes

    Hermann families were big. Under one roof there were several dozen closest relatives. Several families have formed a genus. From several gods, tribes arose, which in the III-IV centuries. began to unite into breeding unions.

    Rome after unsuccessful attempts to conquer the world of Varvarov burned out from him Lymes - the line of fortifications on the borders, consisting of pvv, towers, military camps. However, the border did not disconnect two worlds, but rather connected them. In the border cities, trade flourished, more and more Germanians went to serve in the Roman army, the German to know the lifestyle and the customs of the Romans.

    In IV century The events began, about which the contemporary wrote like this: "Huns pounced on Alans, Alans - ready, goths who were expelled from their homeland, selected Illyry with us. And this is not the end ... ". The world of Barbarov came into motion, the name of the great relocation of peoples (IV-VII centuries). A huge number of barbarians rushed within the Western Roman Empire. The consequence of the great resettlement of the peoples was the death of the Western Roman Empire (476) and the creation of the barbaric kingdoms.

    2. Barber kingdoms. The first barbaric state in the territory of the Western Roman Empire - the Toulouse Kingdom - formed Westges in 418 with the consent of Emperor Goning. The kingdom was actually independent, and his capital was the city of Toulouse.

    At about the same time in North Africa, the Wandow Kingdom with the capital has arisen on the site of ancient Carthage.

    In the Rhone River Pool in the middle of V c. The Burgundy kingdom was formed with the capital in Lyon. Some size, it had a significant impact on the life of the Western Roman Empire.

    The Cathedral of Holy Trofim in Arles is the place of coronation of the Kings of Burgundy (France). Modern view

    After removing from the authorities of the Roman emperor Romula Augustus, the Kingdom of Odacra with the capital in Ravenna arose. However, the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire Zenon and the young leader of the sharpening theodorih arranged against the new ruler. In 493, Theodorih invaded Italy and killed Odorakra, after which she proclaimed himself "King is ready and ITALIC." Theodorich state was the largest of the Kingdoms founded by Germanians in the Roman Empire.

    From the middle of the V c. A mass invasion began on the territory of the former Roman province of Britain of the North-Western German tribes of the Saksov, Angles and Yutov. As a result of Anglo-Saxon conquest on the lands of Britain, seven kingdoms were formed. The country conquered by these tribes later became known in England. At the same time, the Frankish kingdom appeared in North Gaul.

    All barbaric kingdoms were short-lived. Only the Frankish kingdom remained its power for a long time. It was how it played an important role in the further development of Europe.

    3. Franksk State of Meroving. The name "Frank" (translated as "free", "brave") began to use from the middle of the III century. With respect to the German tribes who lived in the lower and medium flow of the Rhine River. In V c. Franks captured Northeast Gallium. One of the most famous franc leaders was Merovy at that time. It was he who founded the first royal franc dynasty - the Meroving Dynasty. The grandson of the Dynasty was the outstanding representative of the dynasty - King Claudwig (481-511).

    In 486, Chlodvig concluded a union with the leaders of other tribes and led them to conquer Roman possessions. Near the city of Susson Frank, the Roman troops were broken and captured North Gallia, where the Frankish kingdom was formed.

    Theodorih I. Artist F. Castello

    Battle of chlodvius with engewares. Miniature XIV century

    Chlodvig I. Image on the bronze medal

    Conquered Gallia, Chlodwig destroyed the majority of the leaders who fought against the Romans, and became the king - the sole ruler of the state. All decisions of Glodwig took himself or consulted with his approximate.

    At the disposal of the king was the permanent military squad, which began to collect taxes. To collect taxes and maintain order in the state of Chlodwig from the progenidists, people appointed rulers - counts. The highest judge in the Frankish kingdom was the king himself.

    Barbarian kingdoms - states created by barbaric peoples in the territory of the Western Roman Empire in V c.

    Frank Management System for Claudvig

    The inhabitants of North Gaul were Christians. In order to strengthen the power and authority among them, Chlodwig, together with his buddy in 496, adopted Christianity on the Western example. Thanks to this step, Chlodwig and his successors have enlisted the support of the Christian clergy. It facilitated the further conquest of South Gaul.

    Before the conquest of Gaul, the francs did not have written laws, but only there were customs, which were in orally transmitted from generation to generation. Such rules of behavior are called the usual right. Chlodwig ordered to record the ancient judicial customs of the francs, which sought to emphasize that the king judges the ancient customs of his people. So one of the most important monuments of customary law appeared in Europe. He got the name "Salic Pravda" (by the name of the tribe of the Salic Francs, from which Glodwig occurred) and became the first collection of written laws from francs.

    Clotilda Burgundse divides the kingdom of francs between the four sons of Chlodvail I

    Battle for Poitiers. Artist Sh. De Stuben

    After the death of Chlodv traffic, the Frankish kingdom was divided between the four of his sons, which continued to conquer the Father. At the same time, the brothers sought to destroy each other and capture other people's lands.

    At the end of the VI century. There were important changes in the system of land tenure of francs. Land plots obtained by Franks after the conquest of Gaul became their private property - an alladium, which could be free to sell or bequeath. The appearance of private ownership of land indicated the collapse of the ancient generic traditions and the formation of the foundations of the new society.

    In the second half of the VII century. The Frank Kingdom finally declined. Contemporaries called this time with the epoch of the "lazy kings." The kings from the Meroving Dynasty remained in power, but in reality, the royal managers - Majorda solved all the affairs.

    4. Carroling. Frankish Empire. At the end of the VII century. The united Frankish state actually did not exist, besides, he threatened new conquerors - Arabs. The struggle against Arabs was headed by Major Karl Martell (715-741). He understood that without a well-armed cavalry could not stop the Arabs, the basis of the troops of which was a light cavalry. But the rider's armament was very expensive (equal to the cost of 18-20 cows), and the simple Frankish warrior could not buy it.

    To acquire weapons and horses, Karl began to take the lands of the church and transfer them to the lifeset of the warrior on the conditions of martial service.

    Such a form of land ownership received the name of the benefits (from Latin. Beneficium - beneficial). With the creation of severe cavalry there was a medieval knighthood.

    Based on the horse army, Karl Martell in 732 broke the Arabs in the battle of Poitiers, stopping the offensive of the Arab Muslim world to Europe.

    The successor of Karl Martell became his son Pipin Short (741-768), who first also received a majority title.

    Fixing the last king from the Meroving Dynasty, in 751. Pipin's short became the king. To emphasize the sacred nature of his power, he committed an obstruction to the kingdom.

    Benefius - Land Puting, which King or other major faeodal provided in the life use of Vassal on the conditions of martial or administrative service.

    The ceremony of anointing to the kingdom was mentioned in the books of the Old Testament. During this rite, the highest clergymen lubricated the world (special sacred oil) forehead, hands and back of the king. It was believed that this way on the monarch passed by God the highest grace and he was under God's defense. Over time, Other European rulers borrowed an obstruction to the kingdom of francs.

    Pipine short handed his power to Karl's power, which will be called great. Thus was founded by a new dynasty, called the name of pyprides, or caroling.

    Karl Great (742-814) consider not only an outstanding representative of the Caroling dynasty, but also one of the greatest monarchs of the Middle Ages. This is not surprising. The King of Franks and the "Emperor of the West" brilliantly united the most of the Western Europe created by the empire created by him. He put an end to the epoch of the "dark centuries", which reigned after the death of the Western Roman Empire.

    At that time, in the north and northeast, the state of Charles Great bordered by the lands of the German tribes, primarily the Saxons; In the south, Spain was captured by Arabs Muslims; Avars and Slavs lived in the east.

    Karl Great

    Becoming the king, Karl Great in 773-774. Finally defeated the Langobard kingdom and attached his land to his state. Long and severe were wars with saksami, which was conducted within 772-804. In 788, Karl captured Bavarian Duchy. He fought against the Slavic peoples, and subsequently concluded an alliance with them against Avarov and began a war with Avar Kaganat. This war was conducted for 788-803. The army of Karl the Great defeated Avars, and the Avar Kaganat disappeared from the map of Europe.

    As a result of the conquests of Karl the Great under his authority, there was a significant territory, which in size resembled the former Western Roman Empire. Among the surroundings of Karl there was an idea to proclaim it with the emperor according to the example of ancient Romans. December 25, 800 G. Pope Lion III During the solemn Christmas prayer, he lay on the head of King Charles the Great Imperial Crown. In 812, Byzantium recognized Karl emperor of the West.

    Despite the permanent wars, the king has improved the state management system, cared for the development of culture. This time was subsequently called "Caroling Regeneration." It was a period of development of education, reviving interest in the works of the ancient Roman and Greek thinkers almost forgotten in previous centuries.

    The Karl Great state was divided into separate counties. The columns assigned to the king collected taxes, carried out proceedings, headed the local militia.

    Almost all small free owners of the Earth have become dependent peasants, since they could not acquire the necessary weapons for service in the army. Therefore, Char climbed into the army only the owners of four passes. The rest of the peasants had to send one equestrian warrior to the army, or to search for patrons who could free them from service. The patrons of the peasants became major secular or church landowners. The peasants were freed from military service, but at the same time were deprived of ancient rights: their judge and the owner became the landowner.

    5. The death of the Empire of Karl the Great. Education of the states of medieval Europe. Karl Great died in 814 and was buried in Aachen, where she lived in recent years. After the death of the king, the empire created by him existed for a long time. The reasons for decay were buried in the very character of the state created by Karl's Great. He forcibly united the peoples in the level of development and culture, for whom only Christian faith was common. The farm was natural: all necessary things and products were not made for sale, but for their own consumption. The lack of trade relations caused the insulation of the individual regions of the Karl Great state.

    Counts that managed lands, sought to consolidate them towards themselves to pass inheritance. Even the owners of small beneficies considered them with their own property. Counties, as well as small and large land tenure, became centers of political and economic life. Since there were many such possessions, and there was no solid management system in the Frankish Empire, it began to quickly break up. In the grandchildren of Karl Great - Lotar, Louis German and Carla Lysom - the opposition was aggravated.

    In 843, at the congress in the city of Verden, the grandchildren of the emperor entered into an agreement on the division of the Empire into three parts. The Verden section of the empire grandchildren of Charles Great founded three future Western European countries - Germany, Italy and France.

    The formation of the Toulouse Kingdom

    Falling the Western Roman Empire

    Education of the Frankish kingdom. Beginning of the Board of the Meroving Dynasty

    Board of Theodorich I in Italy

    Battle for Poitiers

    Anointing on the kingdom of Pipina Short. Beginning of the Board of the Caroling Dynasty

    The existence of the Empire of Karl Great

    Questions and tasks

    1. What two worlds stood at the origins of medieval Europe? 2. Name the first barbaric state in the territory of the Western Roman Empire. 3. What was the name of the first royal franc dynasty? 4. What is "Salic True"? 5. What is Benefius? 6. When was the Frankish Empire?

    7. Describe the Roman and barbaric worlds in the middle of I thousand 8. Tell us about the formation of the barbaric kingdoms and show them on the map. 9. Name the features of the development of the Franksky State of Meroving. 10. How did the decay of the Frankish Empire occurred and what were his consequences?

    11. Make a response plan on the topic "Development of the Frankish Empire" and prepare a story.

    12. Using additional literature, make a historic portrait of King Clahware or Emperor Karl the Great (to choose). 13. Explain the assertion: "At the final period of the existence of the Roman Empire, the process of the Varvarov Rome and Romanization of the Varvarov was occurring." 14. What is your opinion, was the effect of Karl's Great Empire on the formation of medieval Europe?