Proper bike parking. Bicycle parking Bicycle parking drawing with dimensions

Bicycle parking is also in demand, as is car parking. Every bicycle owner wants his property to be safe. For example, if you live in an apartment, then no matter how light and convenient your bicycle is on the street, it is clearly out of place in the apartment - it blocks passages and generally interferes with moving in space. Such parking will be an excellent option to solve such a problem. In addition, they are also needed at shops, supermarkets, and cafes. Thanks to their presence, you can always park your vehicle conveniently and correctly, and most importantly, safely. But such parking is a factor that does not directly depend on you. But if you live in the private sector in your home, then your own parking for bicycles is an opportunity to store them correctly and conveniently. A well-equipped parking lot will make it possible to extend the life of your bicycle.

Rack selection

Of course, a basic structure for mounting bicycles can be purchased ready-made at any hardware store and installed in the garage. But what if, for example, there is no garage? In this case, you can do everything yourself. The very concept of bicycle parking implies a structure of one or more racks. One bike is supported by one rack, which is the main element of your bike rack. What characteristics should the racks meet:

  • Be high and wide enough to allow the bicycle to be secured in an upright position by attaching to the frame in two places;
  • Fix the wheel, preventing the possibility of it turning, and, accordingly, not allowing it to tip over;
  • Provide the ability to secure not only the frame, but also both wheels;
  • Consider the possibility of mounting a bicycle without a horizontal frame using front or rear parking.

The stand is very difficult to create on your own. There are many production factors to consider, and the main one is the material used. It must be durable and resistant to cutting and deformation. Especially if you plan to store your bike not in the garage, but, say, under a canopy installed on the street. It is also desirable that the rack be made of stainless steel, otherwise for a good appearance you will need to periodically paint the racks. But this option is not the best, as paint from the racks can get on your bike and ruin its appearance.

Make sure that the racks are securely and efficiently attached to their base.

We create a parking lot ourselves

If you decide to create a bicycle parking for your own use, then you should choose the optimal location in your yard. This should be a place hidden from prying eyes and located near or behind the house. As soon as you determine it, you should prepare and concrete the site, as well as the pillars that will hold the canopy. Do not install outdoor parking! Various weather conditions can harm your bike and it will soon become unusable. Every cyclist knows and remembers this. Therefore, use a high-quality canopy that will have a protective function. Its installation should proceed when the concreted area has dried and the installed pillars are in good quality and reliable condition. The option with a canopy refers to a quickly installed bike rack, but, nevertheless, it is of high quality and quite practical. For canopy equipment, you should choose stainless steel sheets. Such a canopy will perfectly withstand various aggressive environmental influences and various weather conditions. Stainless steel will serve you for a long and practical time, and under such a canopy your vehicle will be under reliable protection. The best option for fixing the stand in the ground is the permanent method. It doesn't require much time or effort and at the same time securely fixes the bike rack into the ground. An excellent option for a stand would be a model in the shape of an inverted letter “U”. This rack has no sharp corners or cuts and therefore will not cause damage to your bike.

But, before ordering its production, read this article.

Most of Minsk bike parking is inconvenient. They do not allow you to properly fix the bike or ensure its stability. This leads to cyclists not using them, but preferring to park nearby.

What is a good bike rack?

1) The bicycle must stand stably on a horizontal platform. It should not fall sideways or roll forward/backward. Both wheels should be in contact with the pavement, and neither wheel should be lifted up by curbs or metal parking structures that would compromise stability.

2) Avoid structures that hold the bike by one wheel!!! The bike should be touching the rack with the frame, not the wheel. This prevents the bike from falling over when the wheel is turned out if someone hits the bike. Such twisting can even lead to wheel breakage - the appearance of a figure eight.

In addition, when designing such a stand, you need to take into account the wheel width, which varies in the range from 23 to 80 mm, therefore, parking for one type of bicycle may become unsuitable for another.

3) Parking must allow the bicycle to be secured to the frame and to both wheels at the same time. The correct way to secure a bicycle is by the frame, but there are those who prefer to additionally secure one or both wheels.

If the user is forced to fix only the wheel, the rest of the bicycle may be stolen.

One example of not very convenient parking. There are eight spaces, but only two cyclists with secure U-locks can park comfortably:


One of the best options for bicycle parking is a design in the shape of the letter P (an inverted letter U). It is inexpensive, easy to install and fits into the outdoor environment. You can park two bicycles at one such rack. The shape of the rack allows you to secure the bike with locks in two places and use reliable U-shaped locks. The distance between adjacent racks should be 750 - 850 mm. The shape of the top does not have to be made in the form of the letter U - it all depends on your imagination, the main thing is that you can lean the bike against the frame in the parking lot and secure it with a U-shaped lock.

By the way, we express our deep gratitude to Velcom for filling Minsk with public bicycle parking. Minsk residents appreciate this:

To be fair, we note that another cellular operator, MTS, also creates excellent conditions:

Material and coating

The cost of bicycle parking is determined by the material used. The best quality is achieved by using stainless steel. This type of bike rack is expensive, durable and looks good in any place. A parking lot made of metal coated with a polymer coating will cost almost half as much. It is important that such a coating is applied to galvanized metal. Well, the most budget option is a painted structure.

One of the first bicycle parking areas in Minsk already requires painting:

Try not to use reinforcement, angle or strip metal unless it is part of the artistic design. As a rule, such bicycle racks look unaesthetic and lose their shape over time:

Pedestrian friendliness and usability

Parking should not be located on the usual paths of pedestrian traffic. The easier it is to notice, the more it will be used.

Bike parking should be located as close to your destination as possible.

Provide rain protection- it is better to install bicycle parking under the canopy of the building or make covered parking.


Bicycle parking should be clearly visible from inside buildings, as well as from outside.

The location of bicycle parking in the backyard, near garbage cans, away from the main flow of people is unacceptable, as this creates convenient conditions for thieves and vandals.

The parking stand must be well secured and must withstand the mechanical forces of hand tools such as bolt cutters, pipe cutters, wrenches and pry bars.

Building security guards should be deployed to ensure safety. It is advisable to place bicycle parking within the visibility range of security guards, CCTV cameras, and provide good lighting.

The best and inexpensive solution is to use a patio. In such places with limited access, bicycles may not even be secured with locks. This kind of bike parking will be appreciated by the employees, but for outside visitors you will have to make another one. Courtyard of the Minsk company itransition (photos from

The most serious solutions are specialized covered bicycle parking areas with limited access. Everyone who enters or exits will be recorded on the server. Shared bicycle parking for the companies “System Technologies” and EPAM (photos from

The last, but not least

Get creative and make your bike rack beautiful! Let it highlight the features of your business and delight your clients and employees.

Instructions Grodno

Download drawing No. 1

Download drawing No. 2

Download drawing No. 3

Download drawing No. 4

If you use a bicycle to get around the city, you have probably repeatedly encountered the problem of parking your two-wheeler. Unfortunately, parking a bike is not always such an easy task. You have to either lift it higher so that the bike lock can reach some railing or drainpipe, or, conversely, tie it in such a way that the bike can only wait for its owner in a horizontal position. Of course it's inconvenient. It is much better when there is specialized bicycle parking. Especially one where it’s not scary to leave an expensive “bike” without fear that it will be stolen, that is, located in a visible place, next to a security post or under the surveillance of video cameras.

Bicycle parking in Kazan

In Kazan, bicycle parking has already appeared in many places: near large stores, office centers, and some cultural and sports facilities. One can only praise the administration of these establishments for caring about their visitors. It's just a shame that those who did some of this parking don't seem to ride bikes themselves. And often, in terms of convenience for the cyclist, these structures are not much superior to a drainpipe.

Before installing a bicycle there, you have to rack your brain about how best to do this so as not to bend or scratch anything. You need to be clever to tie the cable to the intricacies of the iron rods, and most importantly, make the “iron horse” remain in an upright position. The task becomes more complicated when there is more than one bicycle in the parking lot. The device, according to the creator’s plan, can accommodate a dozen “bikes,” but it’s difficult to fit more than two.

So what is the optimal bike parking?

There are a great many options for this seemingly simple element of urban infrastructure. There are fanciful options from fans of futuristic design, minimalist options for those who like to save money, and options for those who are afraid that the bike will be stolen and disassembled into parts.
But, as in the case of the bicycle itself, there is nothing to invent here for a long time. Because the best option is the simplest. This is what we want to bring to your attention in this article.

Bicycle parking according to European standards

Bicycle parking according to the European standard allows you to conveniently and securely place 12 bicycles of any type, it is easy to manufacture and, thanks to the use of 40-50 mm tubes, is vandal-resistant. Bike parking capacity can be easily increased by adding additional sections

  • When located along the wall, the distance to the bicycle parking should not be less than 50 cm, this will allow you to use it as efficiently as possible;
  • For added safety, the bike rack must be securely anchored to the ground;
  • It is recommended to place bicycle parking within reach of CCTV cameras or security personnel.

The bicycle parking design shown here has been approved by the London Transport Infrastructure Planning Department, the Danish Cyclists' Federation and the German Ministry of Transport. These cities and countries have the best experience in introducing bicycles into transport schemes.

We hope that the cycling infrastructure in our city will continue to develop. City authorities should remember that the costs of developing alternative modes of transport are not commensurate with the costs of further expanding the highway network. After all, with the money spent on building one multi-level interchange, the entire city could be covered with a network of bicycle paths. It's time to debunk the myth that a bicycle is inconvenient, outdated and impractical.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck with your rides!

This article is a joint work of users of the website
Drawing - BH
Text - Alendos, Pyrotui

Additional discussions

Using a bicycle as a means of transport is becoming a popular trend in our country. Moreover, abroad this method of transportation has long been considered not only convenient, but also healthy. The development of cycling led to the construction of special bicycle parking areas, which made it possible to integrate bicycles into the transport system of foreign countries. In our country there are practically no such parking lots for bicycles, which forces many people to make them themselves and look for a drawing of a bicycle parking lot with dimensions.

It should be understood that blindly copying Western experience in organizing bicycle parking will not take root in our country. Few Russian city authorities will finance the local budget for the costs of creating bicycle parking. For this reason, the main burden will fall on the owners of large hypermarkets and other retail facilities seeking to:

  • attract more buyers;
  • provide them with maximum comfort.

It is the owners of various buildings and structures who independently organize bicycle parking near the main entrances, which, by the way, can be purchased here But even they create designs that are far from the aesthetic beauty of their European counterparts, although they solve basic problems:

  • provision of space for a bicycle;
  • ensuring the safety of the vehicle.

Each do-it-yourself bicycle rack, the drawings of which are publicly available on the Internet, should protect the owner of the bicycle from possible theft. It is this fear that holds back cycling enthusiasts from visiting a store or office. Seeing that the owner of the property cares about his customers or visitors, the cyclist will give preference to such a businessman. Improperly designed or installed bike parking will cause cyclists frustration and force them to look for more secure parking.

For this reason, the organization of parking spaces for bicycles is an important decision that a successful businessman must implement near the building or structure he owns. When considering bicycle parking sizes, drawings and proposed design options, you should remember two main types of bicycle parking:

  • short-term – allow you to leave the vehicle near the entrance for several hours;
  • long-term – provide additional protection to the vehicle from external influences and are located in a specially designated space.

The main options for short-term parking for bicycles, which are more in demand, are:

  • rack – holds the entire bike;
  • fence - a bicycle wheel is secured;
  • standard bicycle parking is a structure that combines several racks on a single base.

Any bicycle parking area should be selected based on the surrounding environment. We must not forget about the aesthetic component and the compliance of bicycle parking with the general principle of landscaping.

Cyclists who actively ride their two-wheeled friend to work and on errands are forced to leave it on the street for a certain period of time. Due to the need to put the bike somewhere while its owner resolves some issues, a special parking lot for bicycles was invented.

In a number of European countries, parking has long become part of everyday life, and you can see it several times on the same street. In Russia, this industry has begun to actively develop in the last few years. And this is not surprising: more and more city residents prefer cycling due to high traffic congestion, and bikes attached to trees, lamp posts and stair railings do not paint the city landscape. Moreover, leaving a bicycle anywhere is inconvenient for its owner.

The installation of parking structures is carried out by business centers, educational institutions, workers' organizations, supermarkets, road services, activists, etc. Let us note that bicycle parking is an invaluable plus and a reason to rejoice at the development of urban infrastructure.

Review of street bike parking: types, pros and cons

Bicycle parking is a special structure that can accommodate from several to dozens of bikes. There are several common options for street structures for parking bicycles:

  • compartmental;
  • "horizontal bars";
  • longitudinal.

The first option is much more common than the other two. The parking bay is a one-piece structure with transverse pipes. The front wheels of bicycles are inserted into the space between them, and the wheel is attached to the pipes with an anti-theft lock. The dimensions of the compartments may be the same throughout the structure, or they may vary. It depends on the manufacturer. Road and road bikes tend to fit in narrow bays; MTBs with wide tires will need wider bays.

Bike parking in the yard

The structure has considerable weight, it is problematic to move it, and it is completely impossible to drag it away. However, installers take insurance and secure the parking lot to the asphalt or walls, and this is correct.

The second type of bicycle parking is U-shaped pipes standing in a row. Outwardly, they resemble horizontal bars, hence the name. High “horizontal bars” will allow you to lean the bike against them with the frame; the mini version is only suitable for fastening a wheel or laying the bike horizontally.

It’s more convenient to fasten a bike to the horizontal bars

Longitudinal bicycle parking is the same compartment structure, rotated 90 degrees. The shape resembles a rack, in the “floors” of which the bike is placed in a horizontal position. It will not be possible to make many such sections, three at most, since it is simply unrealistic to drag the bike high up.

Bay parking is convenient because it does not take up much space and can accommodate up to 15 bikes. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of attaching only the front wheel and the unsteadiness of the bicycle if it does not have a kickstand.

The horizontal bar parking is more convenient in terms of fastening, but requires more installation work. The full-size version is rare, and its “short” brother is essentially the same parking bay.

Longitudinal structures take up a lot of space; to organize a spacious parking lot, you will have to install 5-6 such display cases. On the other hand, the bike does not shine before thieves, but lies securely.

Exquisite design solutions

Standard modifications may seem boring and do not fit into the architecture of the city. This is where the inventors of “beauty and style” come to the rescue. The imagination of designers can take any form, but we will list only some non-standard options:

  • Ferris wheel;
  • tubercle;
  • fruit;
  • spiral;
  • sentinel bicycles.

The Ferris wheel is a suspended parking lot that will be noticed by every passerby. Its capacity, however, is small, up to six large. There may be some free space at the top, but that's okay: just spin the wheel, hang and secure the bike. Such parking is unlikely to be intended for everyone; most likely, it will be provided for employees of some organization. It is not yet possible to see it in our country; let’s just admire it in the picture.

Style and originality are the main qualities of the Ferris wheel.

A bump is a road ledge with a slot for bicycle wheels. The depth allows you to place the bike quite firmly on the ground, the rear wheel goes half inward. This sophisticated parking option is applicable only in closed areas and, not yet in our country. The tubercle does not imply fastening with a lock, and thieves do not sleep!

An elegant but unsafe solution

The fruit is a beautiful, spacious and heavy design. Bicycles installed around the center will bring a smile and admiration. It can be mounted with either a wheel or a frame. The different widths of the compartments will not only help to grip any type of bike, but also add naturalness to the fruit itself. This option is incomparable for our cities, we are waiting!

Spacious and bright parking in the “fruit” style

The comb is an original interpretation of a parking bay. Suitable for large bikes. The immersion depth is sufficient to hook the bike onto the frame with a lock, and the capacity is at the level of a standard “horizontal bar”.

It’s simply impossible to miss such a parking lot.

Bicycle guards are parking lots made in the shape of bicycles. They are actively promoted by the Beeline operator: openwork bicycles with a bee coloring beckon you to attach your bike to them, even just like that.

Beeline thinks not only about its subscribers, but also about cyclists

Non-standard bicycle parking facilities include covered stops with a folding door. These mini-garages allow you to hide your bike from adverse precipitation and prying eyes. You can either simply lock the bike or attach it to the inner pipes using a lock.

DIY bicycle rack

Personal bicycle parking is relevant in the country and in rural areas, where regular parking has not yet reached. Although, they may not be available within the city limits, so the question of how to build a bicycle parking complex with your own hands without much expense is very relevant. This plan can be implemented in several ways:

  • weld the compartment structure;
  • made from car tires;
  • dig in U-shaped pipes.

Welding a metal frame requires precision so that the load-bearing elements do not become distorted. To protect the metal, you need to paint the structure with moisture-resistant paint. You should not skimp on the length of the compartments - let the bike fit into the parking lot with both wheels.

Give a second life to tires? Easily. We cut them in half, and then knock the halves together with a piece of wood along one edge. We secure the resulting parking lot to a wall or hard surface on the ground to prevent it from being dragged away. Another way to create a parking lot from tires is to dig them entirely into the ground, as flower growers do to create mini-fences. Once dug in, pour a layer of concrete on top.

Homemade “tire” parking for home and garden

And another type of self-created bicycle parking is U-shaped pipes inserted into the ground (analogous to horizontal bar parking). Using a drilling device, two trenches are made. The depth is selected so that the pipes do not become loose. For additional reinforcement, they can be poured around with concrete.

To summarize: bike parking is certainly needed, and the more there are, the better. Have they arrived in your area yet? Then you won’t have to wait long, or you can spend a little time right now and design it yourself.

It would seem that what could be simpler than regular bike parking? But damn, every day I see city and private bike racks that make people suffer: they are found both at the walls of departments, office workers, boutiques, and at simple eateries. Sometimes the only thought that arises is that they are purchased and installed by people who have never parked a bicycle on the street in their lives.

Let's figure out what a good bike rack is and how to install it.


Let's go through the principles:
- It must be strong and look strong. Ideally, it should be a solid structure with reliable attachment to the ground. If your bike rack is single bolted to a tile or made from a fence from a neighbor's yard, then I'm more likely to hitch the bike to a road sign.
- The bicycle parking should be in good harmony both with the environment in the historical center and with the courtyard of the panel high-rise building. Important: choose a material so that you don’t have to paint it every year!
- The bicycle is hooked to the frame, not the wheels. Therefore, your bike rack must reach the crossbar of the frame.
- Stability - the bike should not be blown away from your bike rack.
- Remember about pedestrians and cleaning - bicycle parking should not interfere with people and utility workers.


From these principles it is already clear that more than half of the bike parking in your (and my) city is complete crap. Never buy these:


Now drum roll... and a perfectly simple and functional bike rack:

Yes, yes, a simple U-shaped solid arc made of stainless steel. As simple, cheap and functional as possible.

Optionally, you can add the city coat of arms or the name of the establishment below.

As a last resort, you can simply install one or two sections of the fence:

Bicycle parking should be simple and inexpensive, while guarded bicycle parking is, at best, located at train stations or in shopping centers, and not on the streets. I understand that you really want to build a bike rack with a security booth, CCTV cameras or an innovative opening-closing system, but you don’t need to fantasize: buy hubs without eccentrics for the wheels and a normal U-lock or chain.

Large cities usually develop their own bike parking designs - this is done to create their own brand and recognition. Sometimes such bike racks are made modular and adapted for scooters.

Good day!
Today, together with the author of this article, we will try to make a bicycle rack for parking bicycles. We will use materials available to us, which will undoubtedly make the design cheaper. Attached is a detailed description + photo report.

To create a homemade product we will need:


- cutting tool (saw or hacksaw).


PVC pipes;
- corner fittings, 12 pcs.;
- tees 4 pcs.;
- a piece of board or thick plywood, 45 x 12 cm;
- door latch;
- self-tapping screws.

Let's start by cutting the plastic pipe into the following dimensions:
- 35.56 cm, 2 pcs.;
- 13 cm, 4 pcs.;
- 17.78 cm, 4 pcs.;
- 16.51 cm, 2 pcs.;
- 10.16 cm. 2 pcs.;
- 5.08 cm, 10 pcs.

For the rack we will make a locking mechanism, for this we take a piece of plywood of a certain length and at a distance of 25 cm from the beginning of the board we attach the door latch, an important point - the width of the board should be narrower than the latch by 4 - 6 cm, the ends should protrude. We use self-tapping screws as fasteners; their length should not be thicker than plywood.

Next, we take the corner fittings, and at a distance of 3 cm, we drill holes, the ends of the latch will go into them.

Then you need to connect two tubes to these two corner fittings, each 24.13 cm long, after which we attach a pair of tees on the other side.

Next, we attach small sections of tubes to the tees, each 5.08 cm long, and between them we make a small insert from a pipe 10.16 cm long. We assemble all the prepared parts together.

Two more parts need to be made for the design. We take a small piece of pipe 5.08 cm, connect it to the corner fitting, then connect a piece of pipe 24.13 cm to it, after that we install a tee, after which another insert from a pipe measuring 16.51 cm. We make two such parts .

Let's put it all together.

Next, you need to assemble the following parts in sequence: take a small piece of pipe 5.08 cm long, connect a corner fitting to it, then again an insert measuring 5.08 cm and connect it to another corner fitting. We produce such parts in quantities of two pieces.

We put all the parts together, the resulting structure will be the base of the rack.

Now we take four pieces of pipe, each 17.78 cm long, and place them vertically in the tees.

Next, we take a tee and an angle fitting, between them we put a small piece of pipe measuring 5.08 cm, we need to make two identical pieces. Then, when everything is ready, we put them on vertical racks.

Then we take two pieces of pipe, each 35.56 cm long, and insert them into the holes of the tees.

Next, we will assemble the top of the rack, for this we take a pair of corner fittings, place a small piece of pipe 10.16 cm long between them, and install the resulting part on the vertical racks.

If you use a bicycle to get around the city, you have probably repeatedly encountered the problem of parking your two-wheeler. Unfortunately, parking a bike is not always such an easy task. You have to either lift it higher so that the bike lock can reach some railing or drainpipe, or, conversely, tie it in such a way that the bike can only wait for its owner in a horizontal position. Of course it's inconvenient. It is much better when there is specialized bicycle parking. Especially one where it’s not scary to leave an expensive “bike” without fear that it will be stolen, that is, located in a visible place, next to a security post or under the surveillance of video cameras.

Bicycle parking in Kazan

In Kazan, bicycle parking has already appeared in many places: near large stores, office centers, and some cultural and sports facilities. One can only praise the administration of these establishments for caring about their visitors. It's just a shame that those who did some of this parking don't seem to ride bikes themselves. And often, in terms of convenience for the cyclist, these structures are not much superior to a drainpipe.

Before installing a bicycle there, you have to rack your brain about how best to do this so as not to bend or scratch anything. You need to be clever in order to tie the cable to the intricacies of iron rods, and most importantly, make the “iron horse” remain in an upright position. The task becomes more complicated when there is more than one bicycle in the parking lot. The device, according to the creator’s plan, can accommodate a dozen “bikes,” but it’s difficult to fit more than two.

So what is the optimal bike parking?

There are a great many options for this seemingly simple element of urban infrastructure. There are fanciful options from fans of futuristic design, minimalist options for those who like to save money, and options for those who are afraid that the bike will be stolen and disassembled into parts.
But, as in the case of the bicycle itself, there is nothing to invent here for a long time. Because the best option is the simplest. This is what we want to bring to your attention in this article.

Bicycle parking according to European standards

Bicycle parking according to the European standard allows you to conveniently and securely place 12 bicycles of any type, it is easy to manufacture and, thanks to the use of 40-50 mm tubes, is vandal-resistant. Bike parking capacity can be easily increased by adding additional sections

  • When located along the wall, the distance to the bicycle parking should not be less than 50 cm, this will allow you to use it as efficiently as possible;
  • For added safety, the bike rack must be securely anchored to the ground;
  • It is recommended to place bicycle parking within reach of CCTV cameras or security personnel.

The bicycle parking design shown here has been approved by the London Transport Infrastructure Planning Department, the Danish Cyclists' Federation and the German Ministry of Transport. These cities and countries have the best experience in introducing bicycles into transport schemes.

We hope that the cycling infrastructure in our city will continue to develop. City authorities should remember that the costs of developing alternative modes of transport are not commensurate with the costs of further expanding the road network. After all, with the money spent on building one multi-level interchange, the entire city could be covered with a network of bicycle paths. It's time to debunk the myth that a bicycle is inconvenient, outdated and impractical.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck with your rides!

This article is a joint work of users of the website
Drawing - BH
Text - Alendos, Pyrotui

Additional discussions