Amsterdam Love Park. Best World Parks: Vondelpark in Amsterdam

Among the Netherlands attractions are special attention to the Park Vondel. Amsterdam Pesterton places, but it is really special. We learn more about him.

Everyone who decided to go to admire the sights of Amsterdam, we advise you to visit Vondel Park. Not only is the largest park is the largest in the whole city, so it is also considered the most popular in the Netherlands: at least 10 million people from different countries come here in the year.

The Vondelpark Park is called next to the Rijksmuseum museums and Van Gogh, from the Central Station Amsterdam Centraal can be reached by bike within a quarter of an hour. For a walk in love with a couple or family holiday Park - the most suitable place.

How it all began

The history of Vondelpark begins in the 19th century. At that time, a small group of supporters was organized "Association for the construction of a riding and walking park". They were able to get a dengue and buy a land plot of 8 hectares in order to build a park in popular while english landscape design.

To put the architects decided by Yang David Tsokhra, along with Louis Paul Tsoker, his son. For the famous Keukenhof and many other Gardens of Holland, projects were drawn up by them.

The opening of the park, at that time called the "New Park", took place in 1865. The park territory was expanded to 45 hectares already in 1877.

Vondelpark is updated all the time, which is very pleased with his numerous visitors. The park was built by the stage for the conduct of festive concerts, the old hut was replaced by a spacious pavilion, added the most beautiful rosary and built a confectionery blauwe theehuis. With all this in 1953, without having money for the care of the park, the Association handed it to the authorities of Amsterdam.

How does Vontela Park looks currently

Why is Vondelpark so popular? First of all, it should be noted that this is not an ordinary park, but a small separate world, located in the periphery of Amsterdam. Who travels around on roller skates or bike, who makes a journey to the park, who started a picnic with friends, and there are those who just walk and admires by nature. But his most beautiful landscapes are considered the most important attraction of the park.

In Vondelpark, many red chestnuts, birchings, the striking beauty of trees, which are called catalypa, and a large number of shrubs with various herbs. There are also birds in the park: here you can see wild ducks, swans and even big blue pin. And a huge rosary - most beautiful place Vondelpark, Park's user careers take care of him with the greatest attention.

In the rosary oranges, at least 70 species of roses are grown, the rare beauty of which cannot be conveyed by words, it is necessary to see it yourself.

In addition to the above, you can look at the original sculptures, a great monument set in honor of Vonda and a unique picture of Pablo Picasso "Fish".

In addition, in Vondelpark in 1895, Nelson Karillo sculpture appeared - "Mom Baranca", which is a symbol against racism.

Summer Theater, which is open-air, also enjoys great fame. Visitors absolutely all ages can visit it completely free, plus - more speeches can be understood without any translation.

In Vondelpark, starting with the last days of May and ending in September, you can see the magnificent works of Dutch artists, to visit dance performances, as well as on musical and humorous speeches. In the park you can rent roller skates, play tennis and even participate in golf tournaments.

Did not forget in vondelpark and about children. Built 6 small plus one large playground, and in summer period There are not only given theatrical performances, but also exciting shows for children. At the very end of the park posted the Gothic Church of Vondelkerk, her creator was also engaged in the development and street Vondelstraat, passing along the entire fleet.

Before traveling, visit the portal, there you can find in the "Agenda" section Schedule of interesting events.

Restaurants and Cafe Park

The best restaurant establishment with a huge terrace is located on Vondelpark 3, 1071 AA, its name: Vondelpark / 3 Kitchen & Bar. Here you can evaluate traditional Dutch dishes, and modern kitchen. You can order sandwiches, salads, hot dishes and much more.

For those traveling with children, there is a special menu for children. Opening hours Vondelpark / 3 Kitchen & Bar: Every day on Monday, Tuesday from 9:30 and up to 18 hours, on other days from 9:30 and up to 20, and on weekends until the night came.

The restaurant also hosts entertainment programsHere there are own studio rooms, a winter garden, a bar, etc.

In the south of the park there is VondelTuin - an open cafe with a terrace, in which it is very cozy. Most tourists, and local residents, are happy to visit this cafe to dine in a pleasant atmosphere.

Curious facts

  • Vontela Park is named after the famous Dutch poet and writer Yosta Wang Den Vondel, who lived in the 17th century, a monument to which is in the park.
  • Vondelpark in 1966 received the title of the Netherlands National Monument.
  • Once in 30 years across the park, they carry out reconstruction, they do this from the fact that the level of land is lowered here all the time. Without these actions, the park would have been flooded for a long time.
  • In 2008, the urban administration officially allowed young people of the adult age to make love in Vondelpark itself. This is justified by this ruling in that it is not possible to prohibit people, no sense. The underlying condition for lovers is to be as far as possible from sites for children and not to litter. It should be noted that such a park is the only worldwide.
  • In 2009, a picnic was arranged, which entered the Guinness Book of Records, called the most huge picnic - 400 more than a person participated in it.

Here is such a park Vondel. Amsterdam is always happy to guests and every year it prepares more and more surprises for tourists. So, use the opportunity.

Going on a trip to Amsterdam, do not forget to include in your list of places to visit the Vondel Park. This is the largest park in the city, as well as one of the most famous seats In the Netherlands, more than 10 million tourists visit annually. Vondelpark is the original name of the park - located 15 minutes by bike from the main station, close to the State Museum and. The park is ideal for recreation with the whole family or a romantic walk at any time of the year.

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The history of the appearance of Vondelpark dates back to the mid-19th century, when a group of like-minded people was created "Association for the construction of a riding and walking park". The organization contained money for the purchase of 8 hectares of land for the construction of the park with a fashionable English landscape design.

An architect was appointed Jan David Tsoker, as well as his son Louis Paul Trojer, who, by the way, was designed by the famous and other Dutch gardens. The park, referred to as the "New Park", was discovered for the public in 1865, and in 1877 he reached the area of \u200b\u200b45 hectares. Over time, Vondelpark has more and more pleased its visitors: the Park was built on the territory of the park, intended for concerts and holidays, a spacious pavilion came to replace a small hut, an amazing rosary was also created and an original confectionery Blauwe theehuis was opened.

In 1953, the association sacrificed the Amsterdam Park Association. Since then, Vondelpark has been renovated and improved.

Vondelpark today: features and attractions

What is known vondelpark? Let's start with the fact that it is not just a park, but a whole world in. Someone here or on the rollers, someone goes along the park on a run or engaged in yoga, someone is going on here by the company for mobile games or picnic, and someone comes to the park in order to just walk among the enchanting greenery and admire Nature.

The main feature of the park is his amazing landscapes - the nature of Vondelpark is rich in Dutch red chestnuts, birchings, surprisingly beautiful trees - catalypa, as well as numerous shrubs and herbs. This place is home and for many birds: here you will definitely meet with wild ducks, geese, swans and even with a big blue heron.

Well, the pearl vondelpark is rightfully considered to be a magnificent rosary, behind which employees of the park and volunteers take care of a special trepidation. In the garden of the Rosary there are more than 70 species of roses, and nothing can describe their beauty, as an acquaintance itself with them.

In addition, in the park you will find unique sculptures, such as a very impressive bronze monument, dedicated to the poet Voordel, the abstract work "Fish" Pablo Picasso. Also since 1985, in Vondelpark there is a statue with a rich history called "Mom Baranka" Nelson Carillo, which is considered a symbol of fighting racism.

Summer theater under the open sky is particularly popular. The entrance for visitors of all ages is free, in addition, most ideas can be understood without any problems without knowing the Dutch. Be sure to visit VondelPark from the end to the beginning, and you can see the incredible work of Dutch artists, dance performances, musical and humorous ideas. Also in the park there are rental services of rollers and tennis courts, and even go on golf tournaments. Vondelpark has 6 small and 1 large playground, and in the summer in the fresh air there are not only the imaging of the theater, but also children's entertainment shows. Well, on the outskirts of the park, the Gothic Church of Vondelkerk (Vondelstraat 120a, 1054 GS) is located, the creator of which, by the way, has developed both Vondelstraat street itself, going along vondelpark.

You can look at the site before traveling to the park and find the event you have in the section "Agenda". For example, on April 26, 2016, Vondel Festival will be held in the park, a music theater and classical music show, for which special guests are already invited - famous Dutch artists of the musical theater. By the way, the venue is held in secret from guests until the last minute, which gives the event some mysteriousness and causes the special interest of the audience.

Cafes and restaurants in Vondelpark

Vondelpark 3, 1071 AA in the former pavilion is the main restaurant with a large private terrace, which is also called Vondelpark / 3 Kitchen & Bar.

Here you can try traditional, as well as modern dishes. You can be offered sandwiches, salads, hot dishes and soups. For example, the cost of omelet from the breakfast menu varies within 5-7 euros, and the sandwich in the range of 6-10 euros, salads are offered for 13 euros, tomato or mushroom soup For 7 euros, well, hot dishes from 7 to 17 euros. Alsal drinks are also available: white, red and pink wine with a cost of 4-8 euros for one glass. Traveling We want to report on the availability of a special children's menu in the restaurant. Works VondelPark / 3 Kitchen & Bar daily: from 9:30 to 18 hours on Monday and Tuesday, from 9:30 to 20 hours on the other days and up to 1 hour at the weekend. The room also hosts various events, there are its studio-rooms, a winter garden, a media cafe for business meetings, a bar.

In the southernmost point of the park is Vondeltuin (Vondelpark 7, 1075 VR) - open cafe with big terrace and cozy atmosphere.

Many tourists and locals come here to eat and enjoy a pleasant atmosphere of the institution. Speak time after a cup of hot tea or coffee with a price tag about 2-3 euros or stay in VondelTuin after a long walk through the park for a tasty lunch - sandwiches are served with a cost of 7 euros, salads for 11 euros. On hot days you can stay in a cafe for cold drinks that can be taken with you. The institution is open to visitors daily from 10 am and until late evening.

  • It is not difficult to guess that with its name Vondelpark owes the most outstanding Dutch poet and the 17th century writer YOSTU VAN DAN VONADE, whose statue was installed in the park 2 years after the opening.
  • In 1966, the park was awarded the status of the Netherlands National Monument.
  • Vondelpark is completely reconstructed every 30 years, since the actual level of land here is constantly lowered. Otherwise, the entire park may be flooded with water.
  • Since 2008, VondelPark has been officially allowed to have sex to have adult citizens. The authorities of the city argued their decision by the fact that it is impossible to prohibit people what to ban it is impossible. Lovers are obliged to stay away from playgrounds and not to leave any garbage. I must say that this is the only similar park in the world.
  • An interesting fact is that in 2009, a picnic was organized in the park, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest organized picnic in the world. The event was attended by more than 400 people.

Park Vontela (Amsterdam, Netherlands): a detailed description, address and photos. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Tourist reviews.

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Park Vontela - the perfect ratio wildlife from modern approach to park rest. Do you want to lie on the grass? Please and words will not say, they constantly care for the lawn. Caught to be surrounded by birds and animals? For God's sake! Here you and game is sports, and homemade dogs are walking without leashes, but under the strict and tireless supervision of the owners. They say it is even officially allowed to make love, but only away from playgrounds and public trail. In a word, if in the center of a major megalpolis, suddenly you begin to feel uncomfortable and I want, like Robinzon, to be on a desert island - this place is suitable "for all hundred". Not deprived of all civilization charms, the park was and remains an oasis of silence, peace and greens in the heart of the Dutch capital.

The story of Vondel Park is very impressive: it was opened for more than 150 years ago, but was originally called "New". While there was not a monument in honor of the famous chain of the 17th century Yosta Van Den Vontela, which decided the fate of his name. Despite the impressive age, this English landscaped park strictly adheres to its original concept, without moving away from her on the iota.

After the recent reconstruction of the park, the illusion of a wild corner of nature in the center of the metropolis was only strengthened. All local artificial reservoirs were connected to one large, stylizing the shores under natural lakes and rivers.

It is very not surprising that every year the park is attended by about 10 million people. Most - for the sake of jogging, walking dogs, picnics, simple felting on the grass or observing how the child is sports on the playground. For tourists there are special pleasures.

For example, located on the edge of the park Vondel Pavilion of the 19th century, where the Museum of Cinema and the Stayokay Hostel is located. The second will be interesting only to radically "green" travelers who do not imagine the morning without jogging in the park, but I will like the filmmakes without exception. Here are a variety of ribbons - from the old silent movie 19 centuries to modern 3D blockbusters (although the latter, which is sin to hide, minority). In addition, the museum is constantly organizing exhibitions, lectures and discussions, and in the summer it offers all guests to enjoy watching movies outdoors. The cost of visiting the museum is from 8 EUR.

The second attraction of Vondel Park is an open-air theater, which is open only from June to August. Classical and pop music, ethnic jerseys and dances, musicals and cabaret - Theater does not know the borders in his work, because it's so interesting to come here. Thanks to the city government subsidies, all the performances of this "Melpomen Temple" are free for visitors. But for donation in a couple of euros, if you liked on the view, do not coordinate.

For other entertainment, briefly: in the park there is also rental skaters, a pink garden, where more than 70 varieties of roses grow, tennis courts, where the prestigious Vondelpark Open competitions are held every year, and during the rest of the time you can simply rent a racket and a simple mortal. Hungry tourists are waiting for several cafes and restaurants in the park with open terracesFor example, GROOT MELKHUIS or BLAUWE THEEHUIS.

Practical information

Address: Amsterdam, Vondelpark.

Route: From the city center to the park goes trams number 1, 2. The first route passes from the Northern side of the park, the nearest stops: Overtoomsesluis, Rhijnvis Feithstraat and J.P. Heijestraat. Tram number 2 envelopes the park from the south, it is best to go to the Corn stop. Schuytstraat. Leedseplain area is about 10 minutes walk.

Vontela Park in Amsterdam is 47 hectares of green plantings and entertainment for tourists and locals: restaurants, theater, playgrounds, swimming pool ... Today this place can be considered one of the most popular in the city.

Best of all the popularity of Vontela Park is attendance: every year its guests reaches 10 million people. For comparison, Moscow CPKIO. Gorky meets over the year 14 million visitors, but at the same time the population of Amsterdam is 15 times less than the Russian capital (825 thousand inhabitants).

Vontela Park - the history of creation

Park Vontela - Ambarod's attractions

The park has become a favorite holiday location County residents very quickly. The date of its opening dates back to the XIX century - Wandelpark, as he was called in the people, opened his gate for everyone in 1865. And after two years later, I received a new name - Vondelpark, in honor of the playwright Yost Van Den Vontela, the statue of which decorated the park of the park.

Interestingly, the construction of such a pleasure zone was a private initiative. Group of people entering construction company Willemspark, bought the land strip (8 hectares) on peatlands to create a park for pedestrians and riders. As a result, after the project approval by the government, a list of people who participated in the creation of green space ("Association for the construction of a park for riding and walks"), there were 34 people. Including eight - on the board of directors.

Architect Yang David Tsokher, who actively used the stylistry of the popular in the way landscape design. Over time, the park zone expanded, reaching 45 hectares by 1977. There was more and more for visitors: a chic pop stage appeared, a rosary opened, the confectionery began to function.

Park Vontela - top view

At the same time, initially in VoDelpark was not able to move on bikes. To allow cyclists to walk through the territory, it took several years of disputes. The entry permission was given only in 1893, and at a limited time in the morning hours.

During World War II, the park has suffered significantly. Detailed by the Germans, he suffered a loss not only from the fascists who excavated in the villas around officers, and breaking the huge trench in order to complicate the landing of the aircraft. In 1944, it was completely closed for citizens due to theft of forests and destruction. As a result of the lack of fuel, the population of Amsterdam was looking for firewood everywhere, including in VoDelpark. Well, the second reason for the closure was the fact that the Germans kept disguised equipment and weapons in the southern part.

After the war of recovery and reconstruction of Vondelpark, considerable funds were required. And the "Association" could no longer contain it. Guided by the established circumstances, the entrepreneurs were transferred to the Park Square in 1953.

Park Vontela - today

Vontela Park - Weekend
Park Vontela - Outdoor Theater

Today, the recreation area is mostly popular in Amsterdam, mostly come for classes, picnics, animal walks, family leisure. However, interesting cultural events are held here. In the open-air theater, you can see cabaret and ethnic dances, modern pop performers and ensembles with ethnic motifs, musicals and plays ... while visiting the theater is absolutely free.

But the main wealth of the park is the Museum of Cinema, which hosts entertaining tours, and also demonstrate historical tapes (starting from the XIX century). In addition, there is in VoDelpark and everything you need for active pastime: tennis courts, skate rolling, running tracks.