How to prepare a delicious mushroom soup. Mushroom soup - the best recipes

What could be an aroma and tastier mushroom soup in the fall, when the season of these products begins? If you are a lover of this valuable nature of nature, then must know how to cook mushroom soup in different ways. We will share with you culinary tricks that will help you create a real culinary masterpiece of mushrooms. Recipes, how to cook mushroom soup, there will be a lot, so prepare your notebooks to fix yourself.

Let's start with the description of the soup recipe, to which no one will remain - this is a jushno with champignons. The dish is dietary, but very tasty and welded.

To cook such a first dish for lunch, you need:

  1. At first, the broth is brewed: Cut the fourths the sheltered mushrooms on the quarters (leave only caps) and pour them with water - it will be necessary to use 3 liters. Put a saucepan with a snout on the stove and wait until the broth boils (at this moment you need to remove the foam from its surface, which is formed as a result of the rooting of mushrooms).
  2. 60 minutes later. After the mushrooms boil, salt the broth (the amount of salt is at their discretion).
  3. While the broth is brewed, you can make a carrot and onion roaster, as it is done for any soup.
  4. Remove the mushrooms from the broth, cut them finely and add to the roaster so that they acquire a beautiful golden color.
  5. After you pull the mushrooms, put potatoes into broth (although it can not be used according to the classic recipe).
  6. After the mushroom juice boils again, pour into it a grip, and after 7 minutes. Pass 200 g Vermicelli.
  7. After 3 min. Remove the soup from the fire, add a crushed greenery into it, and add to each plate of 1 tbsp to each plate. sour cream.

Mushroom soup: how to cook the first dish from weighs and champignons?

If you are looking for a way to cook mushroom soup in a short time, then you need to use an oyster. It is certainly not so fragrant as forest mushrooms, because it is grown in artificial conditions, but at the same time no less tasty. For fragrance and son, you can add some champignons.

What you need to do to cook such a soup:

  1. First prepare the ingredients for the roaster: it is preparing traditionally onions, the carrot is passable on the vegetable oil to a soft state and golden color.
  2. Take 1 large potato fruit, clean it from the peel and cut into small cubes.
  3. Take 150 g of oyster and champignons. Mushrooms need to be thoroughly rinsed, then make out of them the same cutting and quit to roast into a grilling of them, which it is pre-splitting, lubricate with any vegetable oil (in the one where you roasted vegetables, but then you need to wash it very well).
  4. While all these billets will be made, you must stand on a plate of a pan with water. As soon as it boils, you will need to pour into it all the prepared products, salt with pepper to taste, as well as 60 g rice.
  5. When the soup boils back again, and rice will come to full readiness, add your favorite crushed greenery to the dish.

Soup of white mushrooms with noodles: how to cook such a first dish for lunch?

An excellent option how to cook fresh mushroom soup - use white mushrooms. They seemed to be created in order to boil the first dishes. And if you still independently make a soup noodles for this, then it will be nothing inclusive.

We tell you in detail how such a mushroom soup cook:

  1. First you need to make noodles:
  • mix the steep dough from 3 tbsp. flour, chopping salts, 50 ml of vegetable oil and the same amount of water;
  • roll the dough into a thin layer, cut the dough on thin stripes, lay them on the wooden board, sprinkled with flour, and leave the noodles to dry.
  1. After that, proceed to the cooking of mushroom broth: Take 500 g of white mushrooms, which must be carefully flushed thoroughly, fill their 3 l of water and boil for 60 minutes. (During the cooking process, do not forget to shoot a foam from the surface of the broth).
  2. An hour later, salt the water and pour your noodles into it, as well as the crushed head of the onion bow (onions can not fry in this recipe).
  3. 10 minutes later, add a crushed greenery to the soup, and when feeding into each plate, add over the zheman of white bread, as well as 1 tbsp. sour cream.

How to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms can be purchased in any supermarket year-round. Therefore, the following recipe you can come in handy at any time of the year when you want to enjoy a delicious mushroom soup.

What needs to be done to prepare such a soup:

  1. Take 100 g of dried mushrooms. In this case, you can choose any mushrooms that will find.
  2. Soak mushrooms for 3 hours in cold water, and after the specified time, rinse them under running water, lay out in a saucepan and fill 3 l of clean water.
  3. Put the broth to boil on the stove. Cooking time - 90 minutes. (In the process, it will also need to remove the foam from the surface of the broth).
  4. After 1.5 hours, add pepper to the broth with salt to taste and tapping for another 30 minutes.
  5. After half an hour, add 100 g of butter into the broth, 1 tbsp. sour cream and 2 tbsp. flour. Thoroughly then mix the soup so that it is not formed lumps.
  6. After the soup is removed from the stove, any crushed greenery is suited in it.
  7. Separate the dumplings separately. They will need to add to each portion plate when submitted.

How to cook mushroom soup with cheese?

If you want to cook something like a creamy soup with mushrooms, but do not like sour cream, then you can use fused cheese.

We present you a detailed recipe for such an exquisite mushroom soup:

  1. Take 300 g of any fresh mushrooms (it is preferable to choose champignons). Cut them with straw and fry on vegetable oil to a golden crust.
  2. While the mushrooms are roasted, lean the potatoes in the water sliced \u200b\u200bwith cubes.
  3. Separately fry 1 grated carrots and 2 bulbs, chopped with straws. When they are ready, you need to turn them into a puree with the help of a blender.
  4. The water in which potatoes was cooked, drain (leave literally 2 tbsp.). Potatoes turn into a puree with a tool.
  5. Connect 2 masses together, and then put it on the stove boiled. After 15 min. Pass in the soup grateted on a fine grater. Melted cheese. When the cheese is completely melted, add roasted mushrooms into the soup and crushed greens. We recommend adding spice mushrooms to cream soup only when submitted, because you can not guess the salt and peppers, especially considering the feature of the melted cheese, which can give the first dish with a special taste.

How to cook mushroom soup with a barley?

If you do not like to pick up soup, then you will suit the fungal first dish recipe. Only mushrooms are roasted in it, and only all the extra moisture is evaporated.

How to cook such a soup:

  1. Cook 1.5 liters of broth. Since we need the most lightweight and useful soup, then use chicken meat in the process of grabbing broth for mushroom soup with pearl cereal.
  2. Soak 200 g of Perplov on the night, and rinse in the morning and pour chicken broth. Add 1 to the jushia, add 1 whole bulb, pre-purified from the husk (chopping the onions is not necessary).
  3. While the soup boils, prepare carrots and potatoes - clean them and cut them into cubes.
  4. In 20 minutes. After the soup will swing, pour vegetables into it so that they rocked for 5 minutes.
  5. Fry 400 g champignons in a frying pan. Use for this not vegetable, but butter. Do not forget to prove mushrooms with spices to your liking.
  6. Personal mushrooms in a boiling soup, let him still fight for 10 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, pour 150 ml of cream in the soup, as well as spices with greens.

Recipe with photos: how to cook soup from salted mushrooms?

Stopped on the winter canned mushrooms? Excellent! There will be a gorgeous opportunity to prepare soup of them with the addition of ham and celery as the main ingredients.

  1. Take 200g salted mushrooms that you have, and make them straw (provided they are big). Immediately put a saucepan with water on the stove so that it boils.
  2. 100 g smoked ham you will also need to be chuck (raw it in soup do not add - fry). You will have a literally 3 min.
  3. Add the mushrooms to the hamper hampering hamperies, onion (1 head), 1 tbsp. Tomato paste. Cover the frying pan with the products with a lid and drive for 2 minutes.
  4. As soon as the water boils, the resulting roaster will need to be suspended into it. Immediately it is necessary to add potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bcubes (literally 2 tubers for this will be necessary to prepare), spices to taste. Let the soup be cooked for 15 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, add crushed greenery into the soup and 2 celery sprigs. Serve soup with sour cream.

The first dish of frozen fungi: how to cook such a mushroom soup?

Not bad and no less useful mushroom soup can be prepared not only if they are fresh. Frozen mushrooms can also be used, especially since they are always presented in a supermarket a lot at any time of the year.

The recipe is simple, even a child can cope with it:

  1. Take 600 g of mushrooms and defrost them. When they become soft, be sure to press with them all the excess liquid.
  2. Grind mushrooms, if required, and fry them on creamy oil. It is necessary to ensure that all the fluid evaporates from the fungi, and they acquired a golden crust.
  3. While the mushrooms are evaporated, grind 1 carrots and 1 bulb with a knife. It is recommended to immediately grind 3 cloves of garlic if you decide to add it.
  4. Fry all shredded vegetables on a separate frying pan. As soon as they become soft, for 3 minutes. Before removing the frying pan from the plate, add 100 g of spinach to the roaster.
  5. Then the mushrooms with roaster and 500 ml of cream are interrupted in a blender to a state of thick mashed potatoes.

Mushroom mushroom soup: How to cook first dish from chanterelles?

The chanterelles are very convenient to use if it comes to cooking soup. They are small, so you do not need to spend a lot of time on their grinding and cooking.

We will tell you how to prepare a delicious soup with chanterelles in such a comfortable kitchen appliance as a slow cooker:

  1. Take 300 g of foxes, rinse them carefully and clean from dirt. These mushrooms have one feature - in their pores a lot of sand is clogged, from which it is necessary to get rid of that the dish cooked from chanterelles was edible.
  2. Fill mushrooms with water and put it in a small saucepan on the stove.
  3. Grinding the aircraft with carrots (1 unit of each product). Pour them into a slow cooker, on the bottom of which place a small piece of butter (50 g will be enough). Turn on the "baking" mode. With it, the roaster will prepare for 20 minutes.
  4. During this time you need to clean 2 potato tuber and cut it into it with cubes. As soon as the multivark signal sounds, pour potatoes into it, mushrooms and 200 ml of oily cream. All mix and pour water (as you consider it necessary).
  5. Turn on the multicooker in the "quenching" mode. Within 1 hour, soup will be boiled, after which you will need to include the "Baking" mode to for 5 minutes. The soup went through.
  6. When applying, decorate every portion with crackers and greens.

How to cook soup with Shiitake mushrooms?

If you love the mushrooms so much that you are trying any kind of types, we advise you to prepare Asian soup from Mushrooms Shiitake. It, despite such a wondrous name, is cultivated worldwide, so widely used in cooking.

Soup from this mushroom is very easy and tasty. It can be boiled for dinner. How to do this, tell us further:

  1. Take 4 Mushroom Shiitake. Cut the legs from him, they will not need, only hats are needed.
  2. Clean the peel of 20 g of ginger and fill the whole piece (it can not be crushed) with hot water. Put this decoction on the stove so that it boils. As soon as this happens, add 1 tbsp to it. Paste Misho.
  3. 5 minutes later. After the previous step, add Shiitake to Broth. Boil soup 15 min. Until mushrooms soften.
  4. As soon as the soup boils again, pumped into it 150 g of tofu cheese.
  5. 2 minutes later. Get out of the soup ginger, and instead, pumped the crushed green onions instead. The dish is served hot. Nothing is used as an additional seasoning.

How to cook mushroom solicito?

Salvanka is an excellent first dish for those who are in the face of the hangover. Mushroom Solyanka is greater popularity than meat simply because it can be cooked much faster.

If you are an amateur of the first courses, we offer you a great mushroom solicitous recipe:

  1. First you need to twist dry mushrooms. Take 70 g of dried white mushrooms, pour them with water, and an hour later, put them on to boil on the stove, adding immediately grated carromine, the parsley bundle (crushed). Let the broth be boiled for 40 minutes. In the process, you will need to remove the foam from the surface of the broth.
  2. Prepare a tomato refueling for soup: grind 2 bulbs with straws, fry them on creamy oil, and when they get a golden color, add 3 crushed finely chopped fresh tomatoes (preferably get rid of their peel). The roaster will be carved for 3 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, several peas of pepper and 250 g of sauer cabbage will need to be added to the roaster.
  4. In 10 minutes. After the roaster turns off under the lid, add 300 g of fresh cabbage to it, shut off the same as the quashen. Only at this stage, jump out some of the water from the mushroom broth and add it to the roaster, because the cabbage absorbs the whole liquid.
  5. Remove mushrooms from the broth with other ingredients. Instead, pumped 250 g of pickled mushrooms and crushed fine white mushrooms into it.
  6. After the new mushroom broth is boiling, we snatch into it a vegetable refueling and wait again when the soup will boil.
  7. After boiling into the soup, champignons are added, after 10 minutes. After that, the spices, dill and sour cream (sour cream is better putting portion).

Mushroom first dishes are masterpieces of modern cooking. Here, of course, it is not necessary to show fantasy and experiment, because with mushrooms to behave extremely neatly, so as not to undergo the lives of your native dangers. We hope that our recipes in some sense surprised and delighted! We wish you so that in the kitchen you have always had inspiration to create and cook delicious food for your households and guests!

Video: "Recipe of delicious cream soup"

Several recipes for cooking mushroom soup with champignons

Simple delicious mushroom soup from champignons

For cooking we need:

  • 300-350g. - Mushrooms
  • 2 pcs. - medium-sized potatoes
  • 1 PC. - Morkovay
  • 1 PC. - Luka.
  • vermichel "Pautinka"
  • 2st. l. - Smetanes
  • vegetable oil


  1. First we cut potatoes into small pieces for soup, send it in a saucepan

2. While potatoes are boiled, cut the small onion

3. On low heat in a pan, fry it to a golden color

4. On a shallow grater, we rub the carrots and send it to fry to the bow

5. roaster fry until readiness

6. Cut plastics mushrooms

7. We lay mushrooms to the roaster, fry until the water evaporates from them and they will get golden color

8. For 2 - 3 minutes before readiness, we simulate, mix well

9. When the mushrooms are ready, add sour cream, stir up and a couple more minutes

10. Mushrooms are fully prepared

11. Add salt, bay leaf to the taste in taste to taste, and lay the fungal roaster

12. We add vermicells, mix, cook 7 - 8 minutes

13. Add pepper, finely chopped dill

14. So beautiful and very tasty is the soup. Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup of champignons with melted cheese

For cooking we need:

  • fresh mushrooms - 300 - 400 gr.
  • onion - 2 Small heads
  • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs. Middle
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • pearl croup - 2 - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • melted cheese - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • green dill
  • ground pepper, salt
  • vegetable oil


  1. In a separate small saucepan, rinse the barley, pour boiling water, cook until its readiness
  2. Cut onion cubes fall asleep in a saucepan for soup, put out in it until soft on the vegetable oil
  3. Add ruber on a large grater Carrot and slightly fry
  4. Mushrooms wash, remove damage, cut into plastics
  5. Add mushrooms to a saucepan, close the lid and put out 10-15 minutes
  6. Potatoes clean, cut into cubes for soup
  7. Potatoes and boiled separate barley, add to the saucepan, pour boiling water, cook until readiness
  8. Melted cheese cut into finely, pour with a small amount of boiling water and stretch for a fork
  9. Pour the softened cheese in a saucepan and cook for another 5 minutes
  10. Remove from fire, add chopped dill, salt, pepper and let
  11. Soup from champignons ready. Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup of champignons with chicken and melted cheese


  • Chicken ham - 1pc.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 300 gr.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Melted cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Creamy butter - 50 gr.
  • Dill
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf


  1. First of all, we boil the broth, for this we pour 2.5 - 3 liters of water into a saucepan, put the chicken ham, add two laurel sheets, three peas of fragrant pepper and a little salt. Bring to a boil and cook about 30 minutes

2. When the meat is welded, we pull it out, lay out on a separate plate and leave until complete cooling

3. Cut the potatoes for soup, throw it into the broth, cook for about 20 minutes until complete cooking

4. Dolk mushrooms, lay them on the pan, spit, cover with a lid, fry for 5 minutes to evaporate all water

5. After the water is evaporated, add oil, melt it

6. Add a finely chopped onion, grated carrots, let's satisfy and pepper

7. Measure and leave to fry

8. Separate the meat of the ham, finely rubs it, add to the broth with a welded potato

9. Ready to roasted in the soup, mix, bring to a boil

10. We fall asleep on a large grater of melted cheese (before rubbing it, it is better to fasten it a little in the refrigerator, then it will be better to climb on the grater), we leave slowly boil to the complete melting of cheese in SUP

11. After melting the cheese, remove from the fire, cover with a lid, let it brew 20 - 25 minutes

12. Split on plates, sprinkled with crushed dill

Bon Appetit!

Video Recipe Mushroom Soup Frozen Champignon

Mushroom soup from champignons in a slow cooker

Prepare a delicious soup for lunch, you and your loved ones will remain very pleased with such a finest dish.

In many European countries, they have long known how to prepare mushroom soup from different mushrooms. This first dish love and honor not only for excellent taste, but also for the benefit, because mushrooms are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Soup from oh, champignons, cooked in various variations, will help not only satisfy, but also enrich the body, improve metabolic processes and even get rid of cellulite.

Most often, mushroom is preparing from fresh forest plants that are available at any time of the year in the supermarket departments. Additionally, when cooking, vegetables are used, seasoning, fresh greens, oil, sour cream or tomato sauce, etc. Since fleshy mushrooms are the main ingredient of soup, you need to choose them carefully, giving preference to beautiful plants, with even hats and legs. You can use champignons, white mushrooms, chanterelles, etc. On average, about 60 minutes leave for the preparation of such an existence, calorie will depend on the choice and use of additional components.

Champignon Cooking Recipe

There is nothing easier than to prepare a delicious soup from champignons.

For cooking should be taken:

  • small champignon mushrooms - 450 g;
  • potato tubers - 550 g;
  • bulb - a couple of pieces;
  • carrot;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley twigs, laurel;
  • salt pepper.

For cooking you can use meat, vegetable broth or conventional water. First, in the scenery, vegetable roasted is made - on the oil, the onions and carrots are alternately roasted, grated on the grater.

Champignons are cut into small slices and boiled in water. Potatoes cleaned, cut into cubes. After boiling the broth, it is added to the main product, and is boiled to the softness of tubers. A few minutes before the end of the soup is added spices and vegetable roasted. After that, the dish is insteaded. Forms are served with parsley leaves, green onions and beloved sauce.

From white mushrooms

The boost and delicious is obtained by white mushroom soup, which is prepared on the basis of:

  • potatoes - a couple of tubers;
  • white mushrooms - 350 g;
  • pipe oil - 25 g;
  • carrots - Half of the root plant;
  • bulbs - 1 small;
  • green twigs parsley;
  • salt, cumin.

Of the white mushrooms, excellent brewing broth is obtained, and the vegetables themselves are integer or beautifully chopped, become a real decoration. The cooking dishes with cutting and boiling the main product begins. After 12 minutes of cooking to add potatoes, cut into cubes. In order for the soup to be more dense, boil the potatoes entirely, smash and enter into the finished vapor.

Friercatter is prepared from the onion and orange root roofing, which is added at the end of the cooking together with spices. Serve with sour cream sauce and greens.

Fresh cooking method

Preparing an extinguish from:

  • fresh opens - 650 g;
  • potatoes - 2-4 tubers;
  • carrots, bows;
  • greens;
  • fat vegetable;
  • salt salt.

Pre-peeled pounds folded into the pan, pour water and boil. The finished product will fall on the bottom. The resulting broth strain, in it to boil potatoes. Onions with carrot fry, add mushrooms. When they wish a beautiful golden color, you can send roasted in broth, season with spices and file to the table.

Mushroom soup with cream

For the preparation of this delicious disordering of the Swedish cuisine, you should take:

  • mushrooms - 480 g;
  • filtered water - 700 ml;
  • some soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • fat for roasted;
  • spices, salt, green branches of dill.

Mushrooms to crumble and pass on a sack of fat. Separately, water is boiled in the capacity, the cream and soy sauce goes next. After boiling liquid, the main component is added and it is prepared for about 25 minutes. At the end, spices are introduced, the products are crushed with a submersible blender. If some fungi remains, you can cut them, fry and add to the finished soup.

Chicken Soup with Fresh Mushrooms

Preparing a dish based on:

  • chicken ham - 1 pc.;
  • fresh champignons - 200 g;
  • onion, carrots (well choose the orange root of medium size);
  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • water - 2.3 l;
  • greenery, spices, salts;
  • vegetable fat.

Hammer bore, strain broth, and chopped with chopped meat with small pieces. Grinding potatoes to boil in broth along with her beloved (optional).

Purified vegetables cut and fry on preheated oil. Mushrooms cut and boil together with potatoes until readiness. At the end, add roasted vegetables, spices, meat to broth. Greens are better to crumble at the end so that it does not lose color.

Recipe with melted cheese

Interesting to taste, very gentle it turns out soup with melted cheese.

It is prepared on the basis of:

  • oyster - 250 g;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower fat;
  • stone salt, fresh dill, favorite spices;
  • pure liquid - 1.8 l;
  • onion of the reptile, carrots;
  • melted cheese "creamy" - 1 pack.

The main component is mushrooms, prepare, boil, slightly satisfying the liquid. When they are ready, add potato cubes and boil to the softness of the vegetable. Onions with an orange root root to fry, enter into the rest of the products at the very end together with the grated melted raw. It is possible to improve the taste with salt and spices, prolonged with greens.

How to cook mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms?

Frozen mushrooms in the soup to taste are no different from the fresh component. Preparing for the season different mushrooms, you can pour out our delicious dishes all year round, bringing adjustments to the one-eyed menu.

Frozen Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Soup

Prepare mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms and pearl cereals can be easily at home kitchen.

For cooking to take:

  • perlovka - 100 g;
  • forest mushrooms - 180 g;
  • carrot with bow;
  • raw potatoes - a couple of large tubers;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, greens.

Clause, pour boiling water, leaving for 45 minutes. Next, rinse it and boil over 50 minutes in two liters of water. Tuber clean, crush and pour to boiled barley. Onions with root and mushrooms fry, add to the rest of the products. At the end to salute, pepper, boil and file to the table, adding parsley leaves.

Lean preparation option with beans

The post dishes from mushrooms and legumes will be indispensable on a modest table. They will help the body to get a full range of beneficial substances and will not let you relax the immune system.

Preparing a dish based on:

  • raw beans - 180 g;
  • frozen mushrooms - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots and onions;
  • paste - 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • pepper, greenery;
  • sugar sand, salt;
  • fat vegetable (for frying).

White or red beans is pre-wigled for 10-12 hours, after washing and boiled up to readiness. In the process of cooking, water must be changed once. You can add all spices in boiling liquid, except salt.

Frozen mushrooms put in a deep tank so that they are excited, after which it is fried with a sliced \u200b\u200bonion and carrots on the oil. Pasta is introduced into the roaster, everything is mixed and stew a few minutes.

Clear potatoes, chop and throw to the beans along with stroke, salt. Cook until potato readiness, insisted, file with greens.

How to cook white mushroom soup with vermicelli?

Frozen white mushrooms are even more tastier than fresh, so they are often added to the first and second dishes. It's easier to make soup with a vermicelline, which will appeal to all all households.

Preparations based on:

  • frozen white mushrooms - 80 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • luke - 50 g;
  • vegetable fat;
  • pasta;
  • salts, spices.

Dried pre-mushrooms omit in boiling water and boil for 8 minutes. Add chopped potato tubers, cook for about 15 minutes. Separately frying onions, carrots, pour out in the vapor with spices. 5 minutes before readiness to put a vermicellier and a bay leaf. Serve with greens and sour cream sauce.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Preparing a dish based on:

  • frozen mushrooms (assorted) - 350 g;
  • onion of the reptile;
  • carrots;
  • potatoes - 7 pieces of small size;
  • water - 1.6 l;
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • spices, herbs.

All vegetables clean and cut. Fry on the oil onions in the "frying" mode before transparency, lay out frosthed mushrooms and cook until an extra moisture leaves.

Following send cut carrots with potatoes, pour clean water or broth, fall asleep spices. Cooking in the "Soup" mode for 70 minutes, crush the greens and file to the table.

Recipe cream-soup

Preparing delicious cream soup from:

  • frozen mushrooms - 480 g;
  • carrots, white onions;
  • garlic teeth - a couple of pieces;
  • spinach - 80 g;
  • cream - 0.5 l;
  • cow oil - 40 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper.

Mushrooms defrost and fry on butter to rosy. Clear onions with garlic and cut into small pieces, rubbing the carrot on the grater. Fry vegetables to a soft condition, add a chopped spinach, spices. Grind mushrooms with fried in a blender, add cream. Serve with croutons.

How to prepare mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms have a more rich fragrance than fresh. This secret is familiar with all culinary, so it is often precisely on the basis of dried mushrooms, various disasses are preparing for restaurant or home feed.

Dried Mushroom Soup - Simple Recipe

Quickly prepare a delicious dish from:

  • raw potatoes - 150 g;
  • white dried mushrooms - no more than 20 g;
  • juicy bow - 45 g;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • lavrushki, pepper, stone salt.

Pre-dried billets should be poured with clean liquid, leaving 80 minutes, squeeze and cut into pieces. Boil, add vegetable cutting. Cook until readiness, add some spices, salt.

If forest mushrooms are used, the broth can turn out dark. To avoid this, it is necessary to drain the liquid after cooking and cook them with the rest of the products in another clean fluid.

How to cook in a slow cooker

For cooking you need to stock:

  • dames of forest dried - 60 g;
  • onion with a bang, carrot;
  • potatoes - 4 tuber;
  • creamy oil;
  • salt, greens;
  • sour cream;
  • clean liquid - 1.4 liters.

If the mushrooms are purchased, it is pre-rinse them and soak in water for 60 minutes. Clear onions with potatoes and carrots, cut into small cubes. On the butter, fry alternately onions in "Frozing" mode, carrot, after pouring all other components, add liquid and spices. Prepare in "soup" mode for 65 minutes. Serve with sour cream and greens.

Preparing a dish based on:

  • dried mushrooms - 30-40 g;
  • parl Croes - 5 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 3 tuber;
  • carrots, onions;
  • water - 1.6 l;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Both main products - pearl cereals and mushrooms are soaked for about 55 minutes. After the mushrooms are crushed and boiled together with the breakfast for 25 minutes. Following them, potatoes and onions with carrots roasted on vegetable fat are depressed. At the end to salute, pepper and serve.

With buckwheat

For the preparation of appetizing buckwheat soup with mushrooms, it will be necessary:

  • dried billets - 90 g;
  • buckwheat - 110 g;
  • potato tubers;
  • onions, carrots;
  • salt, pepper, lavrushka;
  • A dish is prepared from:

    • white dry mushrooms - 50 g;
    • potatoes - 350 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • water;
    • flour - 20 g;
    • salt.

    White mushrooms soak for a couple of hours, rinse and boil, removing in the process of cooking foam. Add chopped potatoes and cook until readiness.

    Get out of the broth several mushrooms, crush, fry on oil. Remove mushrooms, add flour to oil, stir and pour the thickener obtained into the broth, pre-puriroving products. Salt, add spices.

    To enhance the fungal flavor, multiple dried components and add to the finished soup.

    French dried mushroom cream soup

    For cooking should be stock:

    • olive and butter - 3 tbsp.;
    • dried champignons - 150 g;
    • onions, garlic;
    • salt;
    • estragon - on the tip of a teaspoon;
    • chicken or any other meat broth - 900 ml;
    • fat cream - 130 ml;
    • freshly ground black pepper.

    Mushrooms soak, after frying on two types of oil. Part of the main product to put down to the rest of the onions with garlic and fry. Pour the right amount of broth, salt, add an etaragon. Cook under the lid on medium heat for 8 minutes, grind a blender, pepper, pour sauce and add pending mushrooms.

Recipes soups with mushrooms - a real find for home owners. First, these dishes are ideal for fasting. Secondly, homemade mushroom soups are very tasty. Well, thirdly, almost all the gifts of the forest will be suitable for their preparation - from the "royal" white mushrooms, to simple again and chanterelles. Well, not the season you can cook such first dishes from dried, frozen and even salted blanks.

Potato Soup with Fresh Mushrooms


For this recipe, soup from fresh mushrooms will require 10-12 potatoes, 500 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 bulb, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup sour cream, pepper, dill, salt, bay leaf.


To prepare such a homemade mushroom soup, fresh mushrooms need to be cleaned and rinse thoroughly. Cut legs, finely cut and fry on the oil. Carrots, parsley root, onions in finely cut into slices and separately fry.

Hats mushrooms cut into slices, scat, fold on the sieve. When water stalks, shift into a saucepan, pour water and cook 40 min.

Put potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, roasted roots of mushrooms, carrots, parsley root, onion. Soup Salt, add pepper, bay leaf and cook until readiness. Home soup with mushrooms prepared for this recipe, sprinkle with a finely chopped dill.

Mushroom soup (Romanian cuisine)


3 l of water, 500 g of mushrooms, 1 h. Spoon of butter, 1 tbsp. Spoon flour, salt, pepper, 1 egg yolk, parsley root.


Before welding fresh mushroom soup, the forest gifts need to be cleaned, wash and cut into slices. Water stroke and stew from 1/2 h. Spoons of butter and finely chopped parsley. Salt, add pepper. Fry flour with v2 h. Spoons of cream oil and breed vegetable decoction. Put mushrooms, and soup still cook, before serving, fill the yolk.

Check out the photo of soups from fresh mushrooms on the recipes presented above:

Soups from dried mushrooms: recipes with photos

Dried mushroom soup


150 g of dried mushrooms, 120 g of butter, 50 g onion, 30 g of flour, 2 g of red pepper, 100 g of tomatoes, 1.2 liters of water, 50 g Vermicelli, 200 ml of acidic milk, 2 eggs, black pepper, parsley greens , salt.


Clear mushrooms and immerse for 1-2 hours in cold water. Space on the oil onion, flour, red pepper and tomatoes, pour boiling water and salt to taste. Then add mushrooms and cook everything until readiness. As a side dish, you can put rice, vermicellies, asters or chopped vegetables. Soup fill with acidic milk and eggs.

As can be seen in the photo, dried mushroom soup on this recipe you need to sprinkle a finely chopped green parsley and black pepper:

Sit hot.

Mushroom soup with a fast


5 dried mushrooms, 3 tbsp. Spoons of milf, 1 bulb, 1 l of water, salt, 1/2 cup of sour milk.


Before you cook such a mushroom soup, you need to soak for 20-30 minutes. Dried mushrooms need to soak for 40-60 minutes. Water in which mushrooms are soaked, strain through the double layer of gauze, chopped fine mushrooms.

Fluent water to connect with mushrooms, bring to a boil, pouch the millet, chopped onion, salt, cook 5-6 minutes and insist without heating 30-40 minutes. Prepared on this recipe Soup from dried mushrooms when serving, fill with acidic milk.

Mushroom soup with potatoes


5 dried mushrooms, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 bulb, 1 l of water, 1/2 cup of sour milk, salt, 1 tbsp. A spoon of chopped green parsley.


Dried mushrooms prepare, as described in the previous recipe. Potatoes cut into thin slices, grate carrots on a large grater, the bow finely chopped. To boil the prepared mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, onions, salt, cook 5-6 minutes and insist without heating 20-30 minutes.

When submitting sprinkled with chopped parsley and fuel with acidic milk.

Please note the photos of soups with mushrooms on these recipes - even in the pictures they look very appetizing:

Soup with Mushrooms "Pezan"


50 g of dried mushrooms, 2 turnips, 4 potatoes, 1 tbsp. A spoon of cream oil, leek, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. Spoons sour cream.


Boil dried mushrooms and separately. Both brazers straighten, connect together (the brave must be at least 6 plates). In the resulting decoction, put purified and sliced \u200b\u200bcrude potatoes and cook it in the scope until readiness. By burning leek oil, add flour, mixing well so that it does not work out lumps, put the seasoning prepared in this way into the broth, dropping the same mushrooms and turnip into it.

Mushrooms must be chopped by narrow stripes, and the turnip is cut with squares. Boil all once before serving to the table, put in the soup sour cream.

Mushroom soup with potato galushkami


10 g of dried or 200 g of fresh mushrooms, 2-3 potatoes, 2 eggs, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of flour, greens, salt.


From fresh or dried mushrooms to cook broth. Preparation of potato galvanis. Potatoes boil, dry and smash, drive off raw eggs, pour flour, salt, thoroughly stirring. Two teaspoons form dance and lower them in boiling broth. Finished soup Sprinkle finely chopped greens.

Soup with zucchi and mushrooms


7 dried mushrooms, 500 g of zucchini, 1 bulbs, 1 carrot, 2 cups of milk, 2 tbsp. Spoons of chopped green parsley, 1.5 liters of water, 1/4 cup sour cream, salt, pepper.


In the mushroom decoction to put salt, pepper, milk and bring to a boil. Groken on a large grater of zucchini and carrots, chopping mushrooms, cut onions, all connect, mix with sour cream, pour mushroom broth, cook 2-3 minutes.

When filing, sprinkled with a delicious soup of mushrooms with chopped greens, prepared for this recipe.

Recipes for cooking mushroom soups from champignons (with photos)

Soup from champignons with cream


200 g, 6 h. Spoons of flour, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1 cup of cream, salt.


Before you cook the mushroom soup from champignons, no smart mushrooms are needed. Immediately put them in boiling salted water, then pumped there a flour twisting in oil and boil.

Add oil, cream and warm, not bringing to a boil.

Champignon Soup with Saxon Clay


200 g of champignons, 1 cup of cream (milk), 2 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. Spoon of butter, dill, salt.

To prepare this mushroom soup from champignons, you will need to make dumplings from: 4 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1 glass of water, 2 cups of flour, 6 eggs, 1 h. spoons of sugar and salt.


Shampignons to choke, boil in salted water. Boil water with butter, pour flour, carefully wash, give the test to cool and drive one eggs. Add sugar, salt and continue to knock out the dough until it becomes completely smooth. Discover the dough tea spoon (incomplete) and omit in boiling water, boil the dumplings and put them in the champignon broth. Add cream with yolks, butter, salt, warm, not bringing to a boil. Soup with champignons sprinkled on this recipe with chopped greens.

White Mushrooms and Champignon Soup with Vegetables


800 g of fresh, 200 g champignons, 2 bulbs, 3 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 3 potatoes, 6 h. Spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. A spoon of chopped green parsley or celery, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 cup of cream, 1.5 liters of water, salt, pepper.


To prepare a mushroom soup from champignons on this recipe you need to grab a flour with 1 tbsp. spoonful oil. Shampignon chunks, welded in salted water, put a raw flour, boil. Add 1 tbsp. Spoon oil, cream. Heat, not bringing to a boil.

White mushrooms to nourish, pour hot water and cook 5-10 minutes. White mushrooms add champignons, finely chopped onions, potato slices, salt, pepper, cook 10-12 minutes, add vegetable oil. If the soup is cooked with fresh white cabbage (300-400 g), potatoes do not add. Serve with chopped greens and sour cream.

Champignon soup with vegetables and milk


300 g of fresh champignons, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 1 carrot, 1 bulb, 80 g of butter, 2 eggs, 100 g of cream, 1 l of water, salt to taste.


The champignons are finely chopped, combine with chopped carrots and onions, add oil and stew 4-5 min. Flour to dry, breed cream, mix with stewed mushrooms and vegetables, bring to a boil, fill with salt. Yolks, mixed with cream, peel, pour into soup and stir.

Soup can be prepared with canned champignons or any fresh mushrooms.

Soup from zucchini with champignons


800 g of zucchini, 250 g of champignons, 3-4 potatoes, 1 parsley root, 1 carrot, 100 g of tomatoes, 50 g of green bow, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter.


To prepare mushroom soup from champignons on this recipe, the zucchini need to be cleaned and cut into small slices, potatoes cut into slices with a thickness of about 0.5 cm.

On the fat to spruit the chopped carrots and the root of parsley, 2-3 minutes before the end of the passage add chopped green onions.

Clear champignons and rinse thoroughly. Floors in mushrooms cut off, finely cut and sweat with fat. Cut the hats with slices, put in boiling water and cook 30-40 minutes. Then add potatoes, stewed vegetables, stewed mushrooms and cook about 20 minutes to broth. For 3-5 minutes before the end of the cooking, put sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini, fresh tomatoes and salt.

Brussels Soup of Champignon


500 g of champignons, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1 bulbs, 1 tbsp. A spoon of flour, 1 l bonds from bones, salt, pepper, 1 cup of cream, 2 boiled boiled eggs, 1 tbsp. A spoon of finely disturbed greenery parsley.


Clear mushrooms, rinse, skip through a meat grinder and swipe in oil along with grated onions for 10 minutes on slow fire. Add flour, pour broth and season it. Soup to take off from the fire, add cream, sprinkle parsley and large-hearted eggs.

These photos to the prescriptions of mushroom soups from champignons clearly demonstrate how similar first dishes are prepared:

Delicious soups with white mushrooms: recipes with photos

Soup with mushroom dumplings


700 g beef, spicy roots, 1.5 liters of water, 200 g low-fat sausages, 200 g of white mushrooms, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 2 tbsp. Spoons of grated superstars, salt, parsley greens.


Before making such a mushroom soup, you need to weld beef broth with the addition of roots and salt. Broth strain. From mushrooms to choose the smallest, the rest is finely cut and fry. Finely cut off sausage, beat the egg, connect all the components, add crackers, salt and modify the dumplings. In the salted boiling water, cook dumplings on low heat for 5 minutes, remove noise, omit in the soup along with boiled mushrooms.

When applied to this recipe, soup with white mushrooms sprinkle a finely chopped parsley greenery, to sod salty cookies or pies.

Mushroom soup with homemade noodles (pasta)


50 g of dried white mushrooms, 1 bulbs, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1/2 cup sour cream, salt.

For noodles: 1 cup flour, 4 tbsp. Spoons of water, 1 egg, 1/2 h. Salt spoons.


Boil mushrooms, chopping, decoosity to strain. To knead the steep dough, thinly roll it out, give to dry and cut into the form of noodles. Boil it in a mushroom broth, add oil toasted in oil onion, sour cream. Heat, not bringing to a boil. Serve with sour cream.

Monastery Soup


To prepare this soup with white mushrooms, it will take: 5 large pickle cucumbers, 50 g of dried white mushrooms, 1 bulbs, 1 turnpa, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 1 trouser, 6 potatoes, 1/2 cups sour cream, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, bay leaf, salt.


Boil mushrooms, moving, chopping; Sculpture bulb, grab into oil. Clear cucumbers, cut into long slices and together with repo, onions, carrots, pants, potatoes, laurel sheet to boil. Add mushrooms with decoction, roasted onions, oil, sour cream. Heat, not bringing to a boil.

As can be seen in the photo, the soup with white mushrooms on this recipe is served with sour cream:

How to cook mushroom soup with barley: home recipes

Soup with pearl cereal and mushrooms in Polish


50 g of white mushrooms, 200 g of pearl cereals, 7 water glasses, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 bulb, 1/2 carrots, parsley or dill greens, black ground pepper, 2 laurel sheets, salt.


Swim broth made of white mushrooms. Put onions, carrots, parsley, bay leaf, let leave 1-1.5 hours. Swim a pearl groove in salted water, leak onto a sieve; When it stops, folded into a saucepan, pour past the violent mushroom broth, put finely chopped mushrooms, salt to taste, boil 15 minutes on light fire. In the mushroom soup prepared on this recipe, add sour cream, black ground pepper, parsley or dill greens and, mixing well, file to the table.

Mushroom soup with pearl cereal and potatoes


50 g of dried white mushrooms, 100 g of pearl cereals, 2 potatoes, 2 bulbs, 1/2 cups of sour cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, salt.


Previously, before cooking such a mushroom soup, dried boroviki should be boiled, chopping, decoction to strain. Boil the croup, add chopped potatoes and, when it is welded, pour mushroom broth, add chopped, twisting onion, sour cream, butter, salt. Heat, not bringing to a boil. Serve with sour cream.

Parl soup with champignons


500 g of champignons, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of pearl cereals, 4-5 potatoes, 2-3 bulbs, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, 1 celery root, 2- 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. Spoon flour, salt.


To prepare a mushroom soup on this recipe, you need to put in the water with a croup, potatoes, carrots, parsley and celery root, salt and put cooking. When the cereals are welded, lowering whole mushrooms into the soup. On vegetable oil, fry a finely chopped onion, fill it with flour and add to soup.

As soon as the mushrooms become soft, they need to be finely chopped, decompose into the plates, pour broth and file to the table.

Recipes how to make houses mushroom soup with cream

Mushroom soup (Finnish cuisine)


1 kg of fresh mushrooms, 1 bulbs, 50 g margarine, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of wheat flour, 2 meat bouillon cubes, 1 egg yolk, 100 ml of cream, salt, parsley greens.


Chopped mushrooms and onions shake on Margarine in a saucepan, then add flour and broth. Soup Cook for about 30 minutes and fill with a mixture of cream and whipped yolk with intense stirring.

Salt add to taste. Mushroom soup with cream prepared on this recipe before serving on the table to fill the parsley greenery.

Mushroom soup and crayfish "Joanville"

This recipe for fungal soup with cream will like even the most capricious gourmet.


1.5 liters of white sauce, 100 g of mushrooms, 150 g of crayfish, 150 g of cream, 2 egg yolks, 50 g of butter.


Before you cook such a mushroom soup, you need to prepare a white sauce with fish broth and with broth from crayfish.

For the side dish in the soup, put sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and cancer. Soup to fill with boiled cream and egg yolks; Add a piece of oil.

Soup with mushrooms, rice and vegetables


7 dried mushrooms, 1/2 cup rice, 1 l Pathelle, 1 l of water, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1/2 cup cream, 2 tbsp. Spoons of chopped greens of dill, salt, pepper.


In the mushroom broth, put chopped mushrooms, clouded rice, grated carrots and root parsley, salt, pepper, cook until ready to pour out the porch and bring to a boil, add cream. According to the recipe, such mushroom soup with cream must be served with chopped dill greens.

Recipes for cooking soups with mushrooms and beans

Vegetable soup with dried mushrooms


20 g of mushrooms, 400 g of potatoes, 75 g of white cabbage, 50 g of cauliflower, 140 g of tomatoes, 60 g onion, 60 g of carrots, 10 g of parsley root, 90 g of podolova, 70 g of canned green peas, 30 ml of vegetable oil , salt, pepper, bay leaf.


Boil mushrooms, moving and cut into slices. In the boiling mushroom decoction to put the chopped white cabbage and let go pump. Add prepared mushrooms, chopped straw and roasted onions, carrots and parsley root, sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes sliced, sliced \u200b\u200bon parts of green beans pods and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then introduce sliced \u200b\u200bfresh tomatoes, boiled in salted water, small inflorescences of cauliflower, green peas, salt, pepper, put a bay leaf and cook until readiness. Soup with beans and mushrooms prepared on this recipe and sprinkle finely chopped parsley greenery.

Julien Soup with Mushrooms


200 g of fresh mushrooms (better than white or champignons), 100 g of carrots, 100g turnips, 100 g of onion-row (white part), 100-step bow, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 4 cups of meat or chicken broth, 1 peeled cabbage knocker, 50 g sowed, 100 g of peas, 100 g beans in pods, 2 tbsp. Spoons of finely chopped celery green, 5 g sour cream, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.


Before cooking such a mushroom soup, vegetables need to be washed and chopped finely. In a shallow pan, the creamy oil melt and slightly fry vegetables in it without giving them to darken. Throw broth, bring to a boil, salt, pepper and cook on low heat 45 min. 30 minutes before filing on the table, add fresh peeled and finely chopped mushrooms. Serve with sour cream.

Mushroom soup with beans


5 Fresh Mushrooms, 3 Art. Spoons of beans, 1 bulbs, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. Spoons of chopped greens of dill, 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper.


To prepare this mushroom home soup, the beans need to soak overnight, then omit into boiling water, cook 5-6 minutes and insist 40-60 minutes.

Carrot grate on a grater, onions and mushrooms finely chop. Water with beans again bring to a boil, omit mushrooms, carrots, onions, salt, boil 6-8 minutes and insist 20-30 minutes. When feeding to sprinkle with the greenery of dill, fill with vegetable oil and pepper.

Preparation of mushroom puree soup at home

Fresh Mushroom Puree Soup (Bulgarian Cuisine)


700 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 tbsp. A spoon of cream oil, 1 carrot, 1 bulb, pepper, salt.


Clear mushrooms, rinse thoroughly and skip through a meat grinder. In the ground mushrooms, put the creamy oil and stew 25-30 minutes together with finely chopped carrots and onions, covering the saucepan with a lid. When the carrot becomes soft, add some water and cook on a weak heat.

A further way to prepare a mushroom soup is the same as other purried first dishes. Before skipping mushrooms through the meat grinder, separate a few hats, cut them with straw and cook in a slightly salted broth. Cooked mushrooms put in plates and pour soup. Soup can be served with croutons.

White Mushroom Puree Soup


800 g of champignons or fresh white mushrooms, 1 pcs. carrots, parsley root, 1 bulbs, 6 tbsp. Wheat flour spoons, 40 g of butter, 1 1/2 milk, 1 egg, 1,5l broth or water, salt to taste.


To prepare such a mushroom soup, prepared fresh champignons need to separate the hats. The legs of the mushrooms to skip through the meat grinder with a frequent grid, the resulting mass of letting with oil for 20-30 minutes.

Roots to spasserize and allow, then wipe along with mushrooms, mix with white sauce, salt, add broth and bring to a boil. Soup fill with spine. Hats mushrooms cut into thin slices, allowed until readiness and when serving put in soup.

Champignon soup


600 g of fresh champignons, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 4 cups of milk, 3 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1 carrot, 1 bulb, salt.

For refueling: 2 egg yolk, 1 cup of cream or milk.


Fresh champignons clean, wash, skip through a meat grinder, folded into a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oil, cut along into two pieces of carrots and a bulb, cover with a lid and stew 40-45 minutes, then add 1 cup of water and boil.

In the soup saucepan slightly fry flour with 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil, breed milk and vegetable decoction or water, boil, mix with stewed champignons (removing carrots and a bulb) and cook for 15-20 minutes.

After cooking, add salt to taste, fill the soup with oil and egg yolk, mixed with cream or milk. Separately feeding croutons.

You can also cook puree soup from fresh white mushrooms or currants.

Soup Soup from Partridge and Mushrooms "Diana"


Meat of the partridge, 1.4 liters of white sauce, 200 g of fauna, 50 g of truffles, 50 g of other mushrooms, 100 g of cream, 2 egg yolks, 50 g of butter, 100 ml of Madera wine.


To prepare a soup with mushrooms on this recipe, you need to make a white sauce with a broth from the partridge. As a side dish, put small beds from meat partridges, sliced \u200b\u200bstraw truffles and other mushrooms.

Make cream and egg yolks, put a piece of oil.

In preparations prepared by this recipe for the preparation of soup mushrooms before serving on the table, add a glass of wine Madera.

How to prepare mushroom soup with rhymes: recipes for home

Recipes for these mushroom soups are suitable for those who have made home billets from autumn.

Soup with salt rim and sour cream


Vegetables, 400 g of salted rhymes, 2 h flour spoons, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 1/2 cup sour cream, bay leaf, dill, green parsley, salt.


Wear a puree soup from vegetables. chopping, boil, combine with puree soup.

Add flour to a flour in the oil, let's boil, put the oil, bay leaf, sour cream, warm, not bringing to a boil, and sprinkle with chopped greens. Sing the mushroom soup from fries with sour cream.

Potato Soup with Salty Ryzhikov


400 g of salted rhymes, 2.5 l of milk, 1 bulbs, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter, 2-3 potatoes, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2-headed yolks, bay leaf, dill, parsley green, salt.


For the preparation of soup with the rims on this recipe, mushrooms need finely chopping, boil into 3 glasses of milk by adding a bay leaf. Sculpture bulb, grab into oil. Cut potatoes, boil with salt and sonar. The rest of the milk boil, add rims with decoction, onions, potatoes, oil, sour cream with yolks, salt. Heat, not bringing to a boil, and pour chopped greens. Serve with sour cream.

How to cook mushroom soup from chanterelles and oh

Soup from Lisichek


Spicid pushed, 1 bulbs, 200 g of foxes, salt.


For 10 minutes, turn the onions into the rings chopped into the rings, then put and stew more than 45 minutes. Lower into the pan, pour water, salt. Cooking mushroom soup from chanterelles until readiness.

Soup from the autumn (Russian cuisine)


500 g Wheels are oiled, 1 cup of finely chopped onions, 2 tbsp. Spoons of cream oil, 1 liter of meat broth, 2-3 tbsp. Wheat flour spoons, 100 ml sour cream, salt, pepper, parsley greens.


To prepare a mushroom soup from oh, you need to melt the oil in a saucepan, add washed sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and onions. Cooking on slow heat 20-30 minutes, after which it is thickened with wheat flour divorced in cold water to the desired consistency. Let the soup get back for a few more minutes, then add sour cream and spices to taste. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley.

Zucchini soup with mushrooms (Bulgarian cuisine)


500 grams of zucchini, 450-500 g of foxes or oh (in half), 1-2 carrots, 1 bulbs, 1-2 art. Spoons of butter, 2 l bone broth or water, 4-5 potatoes, 2-3 tomatoes, parsley, pepper, salt.


Clear, fluster and cut to zucchini and fresh mushrooms on the plates. Finely chopped legs of mushrooms, carrots, onions put to stew in oil. When they become soft, pour bone broth or hot water and put on a slow fire. Further, according to the recipe for a mushroom soup from oh, it is necessary to add mushrooms, finely chopped potatoes, then zucchini and tomatoes, peeled and grated on a large grater, salt. Make this first dish can be parsley and pepper.

Soup from chanterelles with stupid (Russian cuisine)


500 g of mushrooms (chanterelles), 100 g of scraping, 2 bulbs, 3 l of water, 1 h. Spoon flour, salt, pepper, sour cream.


Chanterelles wash, cut the spiches, destroy and extinguish in it a finely chopped bow for 10 minutes so that it becomes semi-like. Then connect mushrooms with onions and stew more than 45 minutes. After that, mushrooms pour boiling water, salt and boil 30 minutes. Flour to dilute with sour cream and fill mushrooms. If you wish, you can sprinkle the mushroom soup from chanterelles to the taste prepared for this recipe.

Now look at the selection of photos of mushroom soups on the recipes, presented on this page:

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To always on the table there was a useful food, wise mistresses make various billets in advance. Thanks to such reserves, at any time of the year, you can prepare mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms. Who does not agree that mushrooms are wonderfully combined with meat products, vegetables, croups and pasta. In addition, they preserve their properties quite well even in frozen. Truly - this is a universal product, from which almost no one refuses. - Delicious recipe on our website.

Useful properties of frozen mushrooms

Since the freezing cameras have become available to simple housewives, mushrooms appeared on the dinner table. Regardless of the time of year, women can harvest the product to cook the mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms for their family. After all, they even retain a number of useful elements in this form:

  • vitamins: A, E, RR, D and Groups in;
  • trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine;
  • various types of proteins (even more than in beef);
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid.

If there is a first dish of frozen mushrooms on the table, there is a chance to strengthen the nail plate and hair. And the thyroid gland normalizes its work, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Those who tried a wonderful dish were convinced of their own experience. How to cook out of frozen mushrooms otmnaya mushroom soup? Simple tips will help even inexperienced cooks.

In case of freezing, mushrooms should not be mixed with various types in one dish. Wiser to boil every grade separately, packaging them by portions.

Some hostesses lay out ready-made mushrooms into jars, poured with water and sent to the freezer.

Original soup recipe with frozen mushrooms

When the land is resting under the snow under the snow and blows the cold wind, no one will refuse to taste hot soup with fragrant mushrooms. To prepare it need a set of products:

  • simple water or meat broth;
  • several potatoes (depending on the volume of the pans);
  • carrots (preferably sweet varieties);
  • at least 2 bulbs (one for sauce, other for broth);
  • vegetable oil or animal fat;
  • greenery parsley, or dry seasonings.

It can be noted that such a simple recipe for fungal soup from frozen mushrooms is available almost every housewife. But to prepare an excellent dish, it is important to perform such operations:

The finished mushroom soup insists for 20 minutes, after which it is served to the table with sour cream.

To get a larger dish, you can add any cereal cereal to it either pasta.

Soup with white mushrooms

Wise mistresses, during the collection of white mushrooms, try to freeze them as much as possible. After all, they do not lose their properties even at low temperatures. Thanks to this, there is always the opportunity to prepare a squeezed soup of frozen white mushrooms to your homey.

For the preparation of the dish need such a set of products:

  • white mushrooms in frozen form;
  • potatoes, soft grades;
  • sweet carrots;
  • onion (2 pieces);
  • lean or butter;
  • seasonings: salt, pepper;
  • spices: Curry, Khmeli Sunnels;
  • greenery parsley or dill.

The first thing to do is to rinse mushrooms without defrosting. When they softened, large copies are cut into parts. Small mushrooms can be boiled.

Boiling water is put mushrooms and boiled 20 minutes on a small fire. As the foam appears, it takes off gently.

The finely chopped onion and the grated are roasted until golden colors in a pan. We take out the mushrooms savage from the pan to chop into small pieces and add to carrots and onions. The mixture is boiled no more than 10 minutes.

At this time, potatoes are thrown in a mushroom decoction, a whole bulb, and boil 20 minutes, removing the starch foam. Then in the soup throws stewed white mushrooms with vegetables.
Stir and boiled another 10 minutes. Serve a dish hot, fueling it with greens and seasonings.

To prepare a dish with love, it is advisable not to leave it unattended. Timely removal of foam, regulation of the level of fire, adding salt at the end of the process - the secret of the delicious mushroom soup.

Is there anything like an aromatic dish like a fragrant dish, with the addition of nature gifts? Especially easy to prepare frozen mushroom soup with a photo prescribed by experienced chefs. Such a kushan will like not only vegetarians, but also fans of healthy food. Let an excellent soup with mushrooms bring the paradise pleasure to his fans.

Cook fragrant delicious soup - video