Programs for fairy tales for children. Scenario of entertainment and gaming program "Visiting a fairy tale

Game program « Journey to Taijograd » for children of junior and middle school age

Purpose: Intensify the knowledge of children about fairy tales.



· Secure knowledge of fairy tales.

· Teach children to determine the types of fairy tales.


· Development of cognitive abilities of children.

· Development of the ability to work in a group, interact with comrades.

· Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


· Relieve a sense of collectivism, zeal, patient.

· Risk love to folk tales in children.



Scenario game program

"Journey to Taijograd"

Purpose: Intensify the knowledge of children about fairy tales.



  1. Secure the knowledge of fairy tales.
  2. Teach children to identify fairy tales.
  3. Attract the attention of children to the authors of read books.


  1. Development of cognitive abilities of children.
  2. Development of the ability to work in a group, interact with comrades.
  3. Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


  1. Relieve a sense of collectivism, zeal, patient.
  2. Rail in children love for folk tales.


  1. Laptop, musical accompaniment
  2. Balloons, 2 buckets, sticks, brooms

Dear guys, hello!

We will make an unusual journey today ...

The magic room of fairy tales is behind these curtains. But to get into it, you need to guess literary riddles:

Quiz (presentation) under the fairy tales of Andersen.

Leading: Well done boys! And now we go on a journey to Taijograd.

The fabulous world is great and diverse. It is generously inhabited by different good and evil characters: Gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and water, Baba Yaga and Koschey Immortal, Ivan-Tsarevich and Vasilisa is beautiful. And whose heart does not work out with these charming and mounted words: "In some kingdom, in some state there were lived ..."

Which of us did not take off in a dream to the sky not skate-Gorbunk, who did not try to reach the magic feather of the poultry.

Continue this wonderful dream will help us a journey game, in which we will go on a magic booking. We will visit the city of Taijograd, bring new knowledge about fairy tales from there.

On a magical bookler

in the story card get easy

Close your eyes streaming

We take off high!

Landing will be soft -

This is our city visible.

Falls into a fairy tale city

Nice, friendly crew.

And now, the crew, let's get acquainted. (Take into the hands of the ball or toy, passing in a circle, everyone who takes her in hand calls her name and surname).

Questions to children:

Everyone loves fairy tales, and why, what do you think?

What fairy tales are your favorite?

What fairy tale would you like to play a role?

What fairy tales read?

Total warm-up.

Doctor Aibolit's sister? (Barbarian)

The most strong desire of crocodile genes? (to find a friend )

How many piglets overheut the evil wolf in the fairy tale S. Mikhalkov? (Three )

What was the name of the three bears in the fairy tale L. Tolstoy? (Mikhailo Potapich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

Where is the death of the blasphemy of the immortal? (Tree, cheese, hare, duck, egg, needle)

The name of Pope Pinocchio in the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Dad Carlo)

What was the name of the cow cat Matroskin? (Murka)

What words do Russian folk tales usually begin?("In some kingdom, in some state lived - were ...")

1 Competition game: After the words of the lead, if the players agree with him, then have to say "and we too"

I went to a fabulous forest

I was very happy

I walked on fabulous alleys

I've seen little to engage

I rode in the hut on the courier legs

I ran for Baba Yaga

I gathered diet

I ate Ivanushka

I defeated the snake-Gorynych

I love fairy tales!

2 Competition: What magic words do we know and constantly use? (question for all)

3 Competition-game: Well, since you are all so familiar with polite words, then on mypolite Team, follow tasks. Ready? Please raise your right hand up, and now the left, praise, please ... .. pinch the neighbor on the left. (Short, please spoil the note before, jump, etc.)

4 Competition: And now, let's remember the words:

Only kind

only anxious

only sweet

only air

only cold

only loved ones

5 competition : "Beautiful story"

Rules of the game. An adjectives are written on the paper on a sheet of paper. The presenter reads a pre-compiled story, inserting adjectives in the order as they are recorded.

In one _______ day we decided to go to _______ forest. And they began to prepare in advance to this. We collected _________ food, took ________ water. And _________ in the morning came out in _____________ road. Going around the meadow, saw a lot of ________ colors, _________ butterfly fluttered above them, wearing ________ smell. We are all very tired to go to _______ Sun and tried to quickly reach the edge _________ forest. Going into ________ Forest Cool, everyone was very happy and began to be examined around. See which __________ trees grow here, _________ shrubs sing _________ birds. ________, we sat in the meadow to relax. On the privala, we eaten all _________ food, rested and went back. We will not forget this ____________ excursion for a long time.

6 Competition: " Answer me please"

What types of fabulous transport do you know? (Stove, hut on curiped legs, boots, boots, skew-bog, gray wolf, horse humpback, sled - self-propeller, flying ship, carpet, stupa, pomelo, etc.)

Name the fairy tales where grandparents are involved ("Red Hood", "Ryaba chicken", "Tale of fisherman and fish", "Snow Maiden")

Name movies that were removed on fairy tales("Finist - Clear Falcon", "Vasilisa Whether", "Cinderella", "Cat in Boots", "Golden Key")

Name the numbers most common in fairy tales. Name these fairy tales.("Three fathers", "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes", "12 months", "Snow White and 7 Dwarves")

7 Competition: "Riddles of fabulous heroes." Guys, let's try on the stories of the heroes of fairy tales, guess who they are?

"I decided to simply treat the light and did not know that everything would turn it out. I thought that all kind of kind, like my grandparents. But it turned out that in this world they live and angry and cruel, and cunning ... "(Kolobok)

"I knew that everything would end. It hurts the Old I and the old one, so many years in the field standing. Dreamed, of course, that someone settled in me ... but there were so many of them that I just could not stand and collapsed ... "(Teremok)

"Well, the tail of this mouse! Do not compare with a fist of grandparents, nor with a fist of grandmother. And it was necessary to run this mouse at the most inopportune moment. Now I would admire everything ... "(Egg from the Fairy Tale "Chicken-Ryaba")

"I am pleased to be on my head at this girl. I like to visit my grandmother with her. But the trouble: My mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all troubles come with it ... "(Little Red Riding Hood )

"Honestly, it's unpleasant when the cat is put on your feet. He has claws! Of course, I understand that all this running for the host, but it hurts ... "(Boots, fairy tale "Cat in boots")

"We did not want to bring it. We would be lagging behind, and the whole story would end there, on the ball. But we have no right to hurry, nor back. " (Clock, Tale "Cinderella")

"It is very harmful to me in the water. Thanks to this curious boy. If it were not for him and not a turtle, no matter how much I stayed at the bottom? " (Golden Key )

"I, of course, is ready to fulfill any of her desire. After all, her husband saved my life. But what more person You give, the more he wants. So you have to stay with such people with a broken trough. " (Fish, "Tale of Gold Fish")

"I stayed alive only thanks to this little, fragile girl. She warmed me, fed, looked. How to live perfectly! Enjoy the Sun, warmth! " (Swallow, fairy tale "Thimming")

And I suggest to turn into fabulous heroes yourself. Let's try?

8. "Fabulous relay" (children are divided into teams)

First: Konk-Gorbok.

Participants are flexed by the belt. Put the ball or inflated ball for your back. In order for the ball did not fall while driving, it must be kept by hand, while remaining in a semi-bent condition.

Second: Baba Yaga.

Question: What did Baba-Yaga fly?

Each of the participants gets up one foot in the bucket, and to another holds a mop. In this position, you need to go through the entire distance. (Option: Distance to "riding on a broom")

Third: Cinderella

Participants with a broom and scoop pass the distance along the way, collecting candy chips or specifically "scattered" papers.

Fourth: Lisa Alice and Basilio Cat

Question: Which of them pretended to be blind, who chrome?

Two pairs: Fox bends his leg, holds her hand, the cat tie his eyes. Go under the handle.

At the end of the event, improvisational performance is satisfied.


(on the fairy tale Sergey Kozlov "Hedgehog in the fog)

Between children distributed roles: Komarik, Moon, cow, dog, hare, hedgehog, star, grass. The lead reads the text, children depict the heroes of the fairy tale.

Komarik ran into the glada and played on a squeaky violin. Because of the clouds, the moon came out and, smiling, floated across the sky. "MMMU-U-U," - sighed the cow behind the river.

Slap the dog, and the hare ran along the track. The hedgehog was sitting on a hill and looked at the valley illuminated by the lunar light. It was beautiful that he was shudder from time to time: he would not dream of all this. And the mosquito was not tired of playing his violin, the hare danced, and the dog was lined.

"I'll tell you, do not believe!" - I thought the hedgehog and began to look even more carefully to remember all this beauty. "Here the star fell," he noticed, and the grass leaned to the left. " The hedgehog went and fell into the river. He began to beat his paws in all directions. Then he took a deep breath and swam downstream. When he got on the beach, he thought "so the story." Dejected and went to the fog.

Host: Well done guys! Thank you for attention.

Lyudmila Mikheev
Game program on Russian folk fairy tales "Journey to a fabulous country" for children of mid preschool age

« Travel to a fabulous country»

(game program for middle-aged children)

purpose: promote the formation of interest children to Russian folk tales



1. Recall the heroes with children russian folk fairy tales

2. deepen, expand and consolidate knowledge children about fairy tales


1. Expand vocabulary children

2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, auditory perception


1. Rail love, good, careful attitude towards the world around fairy tales

2. To attach to the artistic word

Preparatory work: Reading russian folk fairy tales, viewing books, dramatization fairy tales"Teremok"

Registration: carpet airplane, box, door before fabulous meadow, fairy gladeon which the apple tree is standing, Alyonushka is sitting under the apple tree, the book with an empty page on penetr, Baba Yaga's hut.

Event flow

1. Organized principle.

(On the table there is a casket, music is heard, the hall includes fairy tale with children)

Fairy Tale: - Guys, do you hear? Where does this music come from?

Children: - It probably sings the box.

Fairy Tale: - Look, guys, what a beautiful box turned out to be on the table. Let's see what's in it?

Children: - Yes.

(Children open a box and find a letter in it)

Fairy tale reads a letter:

"Hello guys, I am Alenushka. I had trouble. Gus-Swans took my brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga in Fabulous country. Only get to Fabulous country is not easyAnd I cannot cope with one. Help me please."

Fairy Tale: - Well, guys, help Alenushka? Are we ready for testing? Then, forward! Our journey unusualSo we will move on the carpet-plane. Come places (Children sit on the carpet). Well done. Let's close your eyes and say magic the words:

"Carpet plane,

Take us in flight

Before us B. fairy tale door

Open it soon. " (music sounds)

2. The main part.

1. "Puzzles"

Fairy Tale: - Oh, guys, and what is there ahead.

Children: - it's a door

Fairy Tale: - Probably this door to fabulous country. Let's go, see (suitable for the door). Look here some kind of note (is reading)

"To open the door to fabulous country need to guess a fairy tale»

Fairy Tale: - Well, let's go out?

1. "- Stove-stove, tell me the road.

And you taste my rye pupbug, then I will say.

Here's another, I will have an rye pie, we have at home and wheat do not eat.

The stove did not answer anything, and the girl ran further "

(story"Swan geese")

2. "Kukarek, I go on my legs in red boots,

carry a braid on the shoulders,

i want a fox,

look, fox, with oven ... "

(story"Zyushkina Hut")

3. "There is a fox on the path and the song sinks:

There was a chanterelle on the track, found a ringer,

For the ringer, took a chicken

For the chicken took a cetake ... "

(story"Fox with a rill")

4. "Severe friends at the table, not enough:

I, damn oil, plunge into soup and get out, so they are fat.

And I, - Says Mouse, - Wires Write, finely heated, in the oven sketch, squeeze the tail, well in the stove fire burns and dinner is brewed ...

Well, I, Sparrow, do not miss, collect mushrooms, Nativea Bobov, here you are full! "

(story"Winged, shaggy and oil")

5. He trembled before the wolf,

From the bear ran away

And Fox on a tooth

All caught.


6. The girl took the biggest spoon and a fudge of the biggest cup.

("Three Bears")

7. Krasno Girl is sad,

Spring is approaching.

She is in the sun hard.

Tears pours poorness.

("Snow Maiden")

8. And the road is far away

And the basket is not easy.

To sit down a teddy bear

Eat a delicious pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

9. And there were three daughters in her mistress. The older was called one-eyed, medium - Double-click, and the youngest is a trial.


10. There is no river nor a pond.

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In a hole from the cooler.

("Sister Alenushka and Brantz Ivanushka")

11. Here, in the hut corners, the roof was hushed up, the walls flew out and the oven itself went down the street, on the road straight to the king.

("By whining the vein")

Fairy Tale: - Well done guys, correctly answered (The door opens).

2. « Fairy glade» (Guys fit to the meadow with an apple tree, the apple tree is crying Alenushka)

Alenushka: - Hello, guests are expensive, hello, children. Thank you for reciting me to help. I asked the apple tree to help me, but it will help if I fulfill all the tasks. Will you help me?

Children: - Yes

(With an apple tree taking a sheet with a task)


1. How many apples on the apple tree?

2. How many red apples?

3. How many green apples?

4. What apples are more?

5. And what needs to be done so that the apples become equally?

Apple tree: - Well done guys, helped Alenushka. Go straight and straight. There will be a magic book (children go further along the track)

3."Collect animals" (suitable for hemp on which the book is lying without pictures)

Fairy Tale: - See what it is?

Children: - Book

Alenushka: - Yes, something is written here. (is reading)

What the tale, cut,

And in your ear whisper:

It is in the field of teremok,

It is not low, not high.

(Children whisper on the eye name fairy tales.)

Alenushka: - Guys, and the book is empty. Beasts were frightened and ran somewhere. To help everyone return, you need to turn into the beast. Beasts hid in flower petals (takes a flower). In turn, take off every petal, and on it a picture with animals. You must to tell Voice of this animal.

Alenushka: - That's new things returned to our fairy tale"Teremok". Well done!

Book: - Thank you guys who returned all the animals, and what you do on my glade.

Alenushka: - Gus-swans took Ivanushka to Baba Yaga. You do not know where we find them?

Book: - Go straight, and then right, there will be a hut Baba Yaga.

Alenushka: - Thank you. And we will go further.

We are guys, so long wandered fabulous tracks, it is time for us to relax a little bit, disperse, like small peas, dismiss your handles and legs!

4. Fizkultminutka:

White swans,

Swans flew (smooth movements with hands with big


And the water sat down. (Squatted, put your hands back,

behind the back)

Seli flew. (I get up, smoothly by swelling hands)

Swans fly,

Wings are mashed, (smooth movements with hands with big


Found over water,

Swing heads. (Tilting forward, founding)

Straight and proudly know how to stay

Very silently on the water are sitting. (Squats)

(suitable to the hut Baba Yagi)

5. Collect puzzles.

Fairy Tale: - Guys, see what mess around, someone has scattered everything here.

(Baba Yaga comes out of the hut)

Baba Yaga: - Yeah, how much kids: Girls and boys! Why did you please?

Alenushka: - We are looking for my brother Ivanushka, your geese swans took them.

Baba Yaga: - I have your Ivanushka. But so I just will not give it to you. And you fairy tales love?

Children: Yes

Baba Yaga: See what mess I have.

(sings a chastushki)

I was here today

AND "Order" brought

My broom I swept

Your fairy tales scattered,

Puzzles you must collect

Russian tales call.

Alenushka: -As, what a harmful grandmother-outer, what do we guys do?

Children: - Let us collect puzzles that the grandmother scatter scatter.

(Children collect puzzles-pictures from russian folk fairy tales)

Baba Yaga: - Collected? Well done! And from any fairy tale Pictures guess?

(Children are guessing "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Snow Maiden", "Three Bears")

Baba Yaga: - Well, with all the tasks coped. You have to give you an Ivanushka. (Withdraws from the hut Ivanushka and runs away)

Ivanushka: - Guys, thanks for saving me.

Alenushka: - Oh, what are you who you are young, you worked well, but the case is time, fun hour, but we need to hurry home, and for what you helped me, I want to thank you. I will give you a book, a book, though not a gingerbread, but to myself manites. Read books, but do not know boredom. Read on health, grow smart, intelligible.

(Alenushka gives children a book with fairy tales, I say goodbye and goes.)

Fairy Tale: - Well, it's time to return to kindergarten. Case places on the carpet of the plane, close your eyes. Pronounce magic the words:

"Carpet plane,

Take us in flight

SO talks say goodbye,

In kindergarten return "

Open eyes. So we are in children's garden. I liked it journey?

Children: - Yes

Fairy Tale: - Thank you all. And I will look forward to the next meeting.


Internet resources


Hello guys and respected guests of our holiday.

Today, we will talk about fairy tales, we are all children and adults (and adults the same children, just a little older) love and remember our favorite fairy tales.

Listening or reading a fairy tale, you will comprehend her unique, the magical world. Failed paths lead you to the edge of the earth. There come out, climbing to the very blue Nebu, beautiful palaces of snow. The wild swans fly over the endless sea, and in the sea Tom reflects the pink clouds. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, a small helpless boy becomes strong and brave. The mind and resourcefulness helps him in an unequal duel with a cruel snake. The fairy tale is often filled with different miracles. That evil sorcerer turns the beautiful princess in the frog. Then swans steal brother at the sister. That is a naughty Ivanushka, drinking water from the enchanted hoofer, becomes a goat. That apple tree rewards a good girl with gold apples. Everything is so interesting and tempting. A lot on white light of beautiful fairy tales, among which everyone has the most expensive. Today we remember our favorite fairy tales.

Sounds the song of the Wizard and Dunno appears.

Many long unknown

I became every boyfriend

I'm from a fairy tale interesting

In a bright hat with a tie

Very simple, guess,

What is your name?

I suggest you divide for 2 teams, in color tokens. Our teams will call the characters of the fairy tales "Hedgehogs" and "bunnies", and they will collect the winning tokens of fungi and carrots.

To begin with, you need to check if you read fairy tales. I will ask you tasks .. For each correct answer, the team receives a carrot flagel or mushroom.

1. He trembled before the wolf, ran from the bear

and to the fox on the teeth, all the way fell (kolobok)

2. Iron teeth, bone foot,

All people know, it (Baba Yaga).


1. Father had a boy strange

Unusual, wooden.

But loved dad son

Chalube ... (Buratino)

2. Fruit Garden Country

In one of the books, there is a fairy tale

And in it - the hero - the boys of vegetable,

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (Chippolino)


1. Girl pretty in the forest goes,

But the girl does not know. That danger is waiting.

Behind the bushes glows a pair of furious eyes

Who is a terrible girl will meet now

Who will ask the girl about her way?

Who will deceive grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle now ... .. (Red Hood).

2. Ever the evening approached

And the long-awaited hour has come.

To me in a spacecard

Go to the fairy ball.

Nobody in the palace knows

Where am I, as I call.

But only midnight will come

To myself in the attic to ash, I will return (Cinderella)


1. Who lives in Teremok?

Who lives in low?

How many animals live in teremk?

(Mouse-nomushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-shoot, chanterelle-sister, wolf-gray tail, Bear Kosolapiy)

2. planted grandfather repka

Grew big-precious

I decided to endure grandfather


Dedka for Rust

Grandma behind Ditch

Grandmother's grandmother

Bug for granddaughter

Cat for bug

Mouse for the cat. (How many characters were in this fairy tale)


1. Spruce grows in front of the palace

And under it a crystal house

Squirrel there is a manual, but a clay

Squirrel song sings

Yes nuts nibble

And the nuts are not easy

All gold shells,

Core pure emerald

The servants of the protein energut (Tale of Tsar Saltan)

2. The property of the mirror had

Speaking it skillfully.

With him one was

Goodova. Merry

His friendly joking

And, bangling, spoke.

"My mirror light say,

Yes, all the truth reports:

I am in the light of all Mile,

And her mirror in response

"You're not, of course, no dispute,

You are the queen, all nail

All rosy and whiter

(Tale of the dead princess and 7 heroes).

3. He loves everyone,

Who did not come to him

Guess? This is a gene

This is a gene (crocodile)

4. He and cheerful, and not malicious,

This cute crustac

With him owner, boy Robin,

And buddy Piglet.

For him, walk - a holiday,

And on honey special taste,

This is a teddy squad

Bear (Winnie - Pooh)


1. Lives in water, but not mermaid

Combs scallop braid.

This fabulous Virgin is called

Kimair, and then Tatar (Su-Anasa).

2. In the deaf densely fabulous forest.

Where Burzhema, Dusk and Silence

Found his headache, hero

Whose fingers sharp and long as spears (Shuraile)

Children answer questions.


And now play

I will ask questions, and you all answer all together: "Yes" or "no".

A friend always reversible? (Yes)

Would you like to lie? (Yes).

In the class to write off the answer? (not).

Throw stone cat after? (not).

Do not rob when trouble? (Yes).

Do not regret the work of labor? (Yes).

Eat 2 cake without a trace? (not).

Hand wash when lunch? (Yes).

We are the slings of the hat hello? (not).

Those who worry always? (Yes).

Are not tired in response? (not). D.

Leading: Well done!

We have multicolored balls that are also fabulous. In each ball, the riddle is hidden that you need to guess. But before reaching the riddle itself, you need to burst the ball. After you guess the riddle, play the game - the name of which is a guess.

Game number 1

I'm trying to ride - I do not know on whom,

An acquaintance of the meeting - Skuschu, I will. (CAP)

Relay race.

Students of the teams pass the hat from the head on the head: what team is faster?

Game number 2.

A strange beast in the river lives, goes backwards (cancer)

Relay race.

Participants are moving on all fours backwards before the mark and back, what team is faster?

Game number 3.

Like baba in jaga

There is no one legs,

But there is wonderful

Flying machine (stupa.)

Relay race.

Players move to the mark and back, one leg in a bucket (stage), one hand holds a bucket, in the other hand of a broom. What team is faster?

Game number 4.

In the seas and rivers live.

But often flies across the sky.

And how to bump her to fly,

Falling on the ground again. (WATER).

Relay race.

Coming to a marker with water in a spoon and who is faster and who will fill the glass with water faster.

Game number 5.

You will come - the ball will come

Divide - unfold.

All needles are covered

And in winter sleeps under the snow. (HEDGEHOG).

Relay race.

Put the ball on the back, holding hands to the mark and back. Who quickly?

Game number 6.

He loved his owner

True, he served him,

Boots wore I.

The evil cannibal won. (PUSS IN BOOTS).

Relay race.

Participants (captain) move to the mark and back into the shoes of large size. Who quickly?

We have risen, played, learned a lot of new things about fairy tales, characters living in these fairy tales.

The appearance of a fairy tale character "............................".

Character Tales (Piero, Pinocchio) - "Guys, hello, I heard noise and fun here, so I decided to look after the holiday?" (Student responses).

I love riddles, and now I will make riddles

1. Early in the morning he sings

Sleep guys does not give

Noodle cleans the grazing

Who is it? (Cockerel!)

2. I found the ball, broke it

I saw silver and gold (egg!)

Grandma girl loved very much. Red hat gave her a hat.

Girl name forgot your own. Well, tell me the name.

Little Red Riding Hood

In the dense forest, you will certainly find it on the swamp.

Not a fish she is not a frog, my dear girlfriend.

Slender figurine, name is it ... Snow Maid?


I fly in the mortar, kidnapping children in the hut on a chicken leg live, to

rasavitz Zlakutroma, and the name of me ... Vasilisa to do?

Baba Yaga

And this was friends with Pyratino himself, her name is simply guys, - ....


Inside him, the driver, they do not want to be found with him,

And all his girlfriends - leeches and frogs!

Algae zaros good grandfather ... Frost?


Near the forest, on the edge, three of them live in the hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three cribs, three pillows.

Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three Bears

All girls and boys love him to love him.

He is a hero of a cheerful book, behind his back - a propeller.

Over Stockholm he takes off high, but not to Mars.

And the baby learns him. Who is it? Cunning...


You know the girl this, she is in old fairy tale Singing.

Worked, modestly lived, did not see a clear sun,

Around - only dirt and ash. And called the beauty ...


There is still one very important gentleman in the forest.

He has grown all the bumps, on the face only the nose is visible.

Maybe a buggy, like a bunny, and his name is ... Dunno?


For breakfast, he was only a bowl, but he never was plax.

Writing studied the nose of the beaks and planted in the notebook of Klyaksu.

Did not obey the son of the son of Pope Carlo ...


On sour cream disturbed, sheeps on the window,

Round side, ruddy side rolled ...


I do not go and do not fly, but try to catch up!

I am Golden. Well, in a fairy tale to look!

gold fish

Round nose, pyatadk, they are comfortable in the ground,

The tail is a small crochet, instead of the tufelk - hoofs.

Three them - and how many friendly brothers are similar.

Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three pigs

He lives the wilderness of the forest, my hero's heart.

He bones raises and scares all in the district.

What is the old man? Well, of course ... Piglet?

Koschei the Deathless

He is a dancer, he is a singer, he is a cheerful talker.

He is a fun toy, and his name is ...

She was a girlfriend and you, of course, familiar.

Snow White
Father had a strange boy, unusual - wooden.

But loved dad son. What a strange little man wooden

On earth and underwater looking for a gold key?

Everywhere the nose is long. Who is it? ..


Fabulous character - Well done, you I see, you know the fairy tales well and nicely solve the riddles. I want everyone to thank you all for an active part in the event. You are all well done!.

Lead : Tale Persian ... .. right, you guys know the fairy tales well, now we will find out who won in our game, and who will still receive 1 place, and who 2 for participating in our wonderful event ..

Musical and rhythmic composition

"Little Country" (N. Queen)

So it came to the end of our journey to the country of fairy tales.
Believe that with a fairy tale
You, children, do not part
Reliable friends will remain with her forever!

I wish: so that you gave your children good
Were good, yes coming!

The final song of all participants and guests sounds. "Dear good!"

- continue the acquaintance of children with fairy tales;
- educate positive features character on the example of the heroes of fairy tales;
- develop creative thinking in children.

- poster "In the world of fairy tales";
- Exhibition of books - Fairy Tales of Russian and foreign authors;
- fabulous flowers;
- Music from fairy tales and cartoons.

- 2 watman sheets;
- markers;
- 2 handkerchief;
- cards with fabulous heroes roles;
- Tokens.
Plan of the event
1. Organizational moment.
2. Competitive program:
- Workout teams;
- Competition "Search";
- Competition "Merry Artist";
- the contest of fans "quickly answer";
- Competition "Riddles of fabulous heroes";
- Competition "Encrypted fairy tale";
- Fans Competition "Attentive reader";
- musical competition;
- Competition "Theatrical fairy tales."
3. Summing up.
4. Award.

The course of the event.

Host: Dear Guys, Dear Guests! We start our entertainment program "In the world of fairy tales". We will spend a few contests with you in which not only teams will participate (in every 5 people), but also the audience. First, I want to imagine our jury (Presentation of the jury). So, we start our game. I ask the team to take our place.

(Music sounds from the movie "There, on Unknown Tracks")

1. Competition. "Warming up".
Task: Guess the fairy tale at the beginning.
-1- Now, in the thirtieth of the kingdom,
In the thirtieth state
There was a nice king Dadon,
Sollor was slunger.
And neighbors then
Caused the resentment boldly ...
("Tale of the Golden Cockerel" A.S. Pushkin)
-2- Behind the mountains, for forests,
Over wide seas
Not in the sky - on earth
He lived an old man in one village.
Old Town has three sons:
Senior smart was a kids
Middle Son and Syak,
The younger was a fool at all ...
("Konk-Gorbok" P.P. Hershev)
-3- in a certain kingdom, in some state lived
A merchant, famous man. He had many richness, expensive goods of overseas, pearls, precious Kames, Golden and Silver treasury; And there was a merchant three daughters, all three beauties written, and the smaller better than everyone ...
("Scarlet Flower" S.T.KSakov)
-4- One girl left home to the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look home, but did not find, but came the door to the house. The door was turned out: she looked at the door, sees anyone in the house there is no one, and entered ...
("Three Bear" L.N. Tolstoy)

2. Competition "Search".
Task: learn a fairy tale in a set of keywords.
1. Snow, winter, glass, mirror, roses, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")
2. Grass, nettle, toad, shirt, birds, patience. ("Wild Swans")
3. Nora, water, field mouse, wings, elf. ("Thumbelina")

4. Winter, stepmother, chest, frost. ("Morozko")
5. Winter, girl, January, snowdrop. ("Twelve months")
6. Baba Yaga, Swamp, Arrow, Frog. ("Princess Frog")

3. Competition "Merry Artist".
Task: Draw a horse blindfolded in the following sequence:
1. Head,
2. Tail,
3. Front legs,
4. Rear legs,
5. Hooves,
6. Eyes,
7. Torso.

4. Competition Fans "Quickly answer."
1. What was the name of the son of King Saltan? Gwidon.
2. How much cost a ticket to the theater 4 Solo.
Karabasa Barabas?

3. How killed king died in a fairy tale
The Little Humpbacked Horse? milk
4. Tale of the benefits of collective repka. Labor?
5. Reliable Page and Agent of the Fairy Markisa of Karabasa? Cat.
6. Bridegrooms? Elf.
7. From what fairy made Cinderella
Karat. From pumpkin.
8. Economical friend Baba Yagi? Koschey.
9. "Blind" Sudler with a tail
and mustache? Basilio Cat.
10. Who hired a bath in employees? Pop.

5. Competition "Riddles of fabulous heroes."
In this competition, the riddles will be asked for fabulous heroes. Imagine: the famous fairy tale, but the plot will retell it one of the fabulous characters. Your task: guess the name of the fairy tale and the hero, on behalf of which the story is conducted.

1 fairy tale.
"I decided to simply treat the light and did not know that everything would turn it out. I thought that all the same kind as
my grandmother and grandfather. But it turned out that in this world they live and evil, and cruel, and cunning ... "
(Kolobok; "Kolobok".)
2 fairy tale.
"Well, the tail of this mouse! He will not compare with a fist of grandfather, nor with her grandmother's fist. And it was necessary to run this mouse at the most inopportune moment. Now I would admire everything. I would lay in the most prominent place ... "
(Egg; "Ryaba chicken".)
3 fairy tale.
"It is very harmful to me so much in the water. Thanks to this curious and naughty boy. If it were not for him and not a turtle, no matter how much I stayed at the bottom? "
(Golden Key; "Adventure
Buratino. ")
4 fairy tale.
"I stayed alive only thanks to this little fragile girl. She warmed me, fed, looked. How to live perfectly! Enjoy the sun, the wind, warmth! "
(Swallow; "Thumbelina".)
6. Competition "Encrypted fairy tale."

The conditions for this contest are very simple: the phrase is set, in which each word "is turned over" to the opposite value. You need to guess this phrase. For example: "Good morning, old men!" - This is "good night, kids!".
1. Kikimor under watermelon. Princess on the Pea.
2. Dog in mittens. Puss in Boots.
3. Rubik Cube. Cobble.
4. Stupid Vasily. Vasilisa reminded.
5. Green shoe. Little Red Riding Hood.
6. Rusty lock. Golden Key.
7. Serious shrub. The Scarlet Flower.
8. Iceded fat man. Koschei the Deathless.

7. Fans Competition "Attentive reader".
1. Who was the son of an old tin spoon?
(Tin soldier.)
2. In what fairy tale, the hero makes happiness with dogs?

3. The remote Novgorod merchant was at the sea king.
4. A resident of the hut on the courier legs.
(Baba Yaga.)
5. Boy with an ice heart?
6. Name of the pet old women Shapoklyak.
7. Soothing in a blue hat.
8. The eared friend of the crocodile.
9. "Airplane" Baba Yaga.
10. Favorite place of Emeley in the house.
11. Favorite flower Kaya and Gerda.
(Rose flower.)
8. Music competition.
Musical passages of cartoon songs and movie fairy tales sounds for teams. Command participants must guess the name of the song.

9. Contest "Theatrical fairy tales".
The participants of each team are distributed cards with the roles of fairy-tale heroes of the tales "Kolobok" and "Rack". The host reads the text of each fairy tale, and children fulfill their roles.

Host: Our contests are completed on this. We provide the word jury. Summing up and rewarding.
- Magazine "We read, learn, play" No. 1 2000.
- Tales of Russian writers. Saransk: Mordov. Kn. Publishing house, 1994.- 240c.
- Library of the Russian Fairy Tale, Volume 1, Moscow: TOV-WITH "Revival", 1992.- 368С.
- Andersen G.Kh. Magic fairy tales, Zaporizhia: SP "Interbuch", 1991 - 240s.

Program Conditions: 4 teams of 4 people are involved - banners of fairy tales.
Each team coming up in advance the name, the motto, draws the emblem, chooses the captain and prepares homework: Cook a meal; Song from any fairy tale for a musical pause. For all team members - a fabulous hero costume.

Purpose: Promotion of pupils to the values \u200b\u200bof fiction


Personal Wood:
- to educate the aesthetic perception of the surrounding;
- show understanding and respect for the values \u200b\u200bof cultures of other peoples;
- analyze and characterize emotional states and feelings of others, to build their relationship with their accounting;
- evaluate the situation in terms of rules of behavior and ethics;
- To show benevolence in specific situations, trust, attentiveness, help.

Cognitive Wood:
- Develop creative imagination, logic of thinking and memory;
- independently convert a practical task in cognitive;
- To be able to independently exercise information search, collecting and allocating essential information from various information sources.

Regulatory Wood:
- to carry out step-by-step control on the results of work, under the guidance of the teacher;
- analyze emotional states received from successful (unsuccessful) activities;
- Those the results of their activities.

Communicative Wood:
- allow the existence of different points of view;
- to be able to express their thoughts with sufficient and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;
- own monologic and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;
- form verbal and non-verbal communication methods;
- To be able to integrate into a group of peers and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Leading: Do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins with childhood. Magic, cheerful and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. You read, listen - the spirit captures.
"The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint, good young lesson." In a fairy tale there is always a lesson, but the lesson is kind, most often this is a friendly advice. The tale teaches to distinguish good from evil, good from bad.
Today teams participate in the marathon ...... greeting teams.

Competition 1. Workout.

Leading Specifies questions to teams. Commands answer. For each correct answer - 1 point.

  1. As the name of the boy, whose heart almost turned into ice. (Kai)
  2. What was the duck, until he became a swan? ( Gadik)
  3. The most round fabulous hero? ( Kolobok)
  4. All cure, healed ... ( Aibolit)
  5. What was the name of the girl who made a distant journey in a fairy tale? ( Gerda)
  6. Nose is a special distinctive feature of this hero. ( Buratino)
  7. Who helped a cheekbone to get into warm edges? ( Swallow)
  8. Who turned the wrong duckling? ( In swan)
  9. Girl with unconventional hair (Malvina)
  10. The famous boy from modern English fairy tales ( Harry Potter)
  11. Old man's vehicle Hottabycha ( Carpet plane)
  12. What is the heroine of Russian folk fairy tales a long braid? ( Varvara)
  13. Disco, which was going to Cinderella ( Ball)
  14. The first miracle of goldfish ( Trough)
  15. Who performed all the desires of Emelie? ( Pike)
  16. The main enemy of Dr. Aibolit (Barmalei)
  17. Which of the fabulous characters Pushkin was all the power in his beard? ( In Chernomora)
  18. The faithful friend of Fox Alice ( Basilio)
  19. What in the head of Winnie Pooh? ( Sawdust)
  20. Name of the girl who saved Brother Kaya (Gerda)

Competition 2. "Heroes of fairy tales in riddles"

The host reads one mystery to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

To take off above the ground,
She needs a banter with a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

Wooden chalunushka
Commonly make friends with a book.
In the theater dolls, he fell
The dolls faithfully became. (Buratino.)

Loves honey, friends meets
And gripping composes
And also - pylles,
Curls, Outwear ... Wow!
Funny bear ... (Pooh).

Not left without tail
Good donkey our ... (IA)

Baked grandfather grandfather
Grandfather stayed without lunch:
In the forest, the boy ran away
On the sock of the fox fell. (Kolobok.)

In Prostokvashino lives.
All farm has there.
I do not know the exact address
But the last name is maritime. (Cat Matroskin.)

That girl is not more beautiful
That girl is no clearer.
And Piero, her sigh.
All day sings about it. (Malvina)

Yes, guys, in this book
Kids live, babies,
And one eccentric lives.
Everything he does wrong.
It will be in bulk.
Who will call it? (Dunno.)

Naughty Vesselchak
The window flies just like that.
He got into the house
And made a pogrom there. (Carlson.)

Musical pause.
(execution of a song from a fairy tale prepared by the first team

Competition 3. "Additional name of the fabulous hero"

The lead calls the first part of the name of the hero, and the participants of the game (in turn) complement the missing name. For each correct answer - 1 point.

  1. Dad ... Carlo. 2. Domotovenok ... Kuzya.
    3. Doctor ... Aibolit. 4. Postman ... Pechkin.
    5. Signor ... Tomato. 6. Dwarf ... nose.
    7. Tsarevna ... Swan. 8. Iron ... Woodcutter.
    9. Ole -... Luka. 10. Old man ... Hottabych.

Competition 4. "Magic items"
Name all items:

  1. Magic items, executing (magic wand, petal, ring, hairs).
    2. Items speaking truth and telling what is happening (mirror, book, golden saucer).
    3. Objects performing work per hero (tablecloth-self-banner, needle, sword-kestrency, clubs).
    4. Items that return health and youth ( molding apples, living water).
    5. Objects showing the road (stone, tangle, feather, boom).
    6. Decisions that help the hero to overcome difficulties, distance and time (invisible hat, boots, boots, carpet aircraft) ....

Musical pause.
(execution of a song from a fairy tale prepared by the second team)

Competition of captains 5. "Fabulous crossing"

The names of fairy tales were confused. Strapping began. Tsarevna became Havroshchka, a wicked - clear falcon. There should be no mess in fairy tales. Get cards with fairy tale names and connect the beginning and end of the tales names.

"Fairy Starching"

Competition 6. "Cook the dish."
At the top of the text, find out the Russian folk fairy tale. (Cinderella)

Each team receives cards in advance with the task of preparing a dish and photo report. One of the players of the commercial team reads the text and shows the photo in the confirmation of the said.

Musical pause.
(execution of a song from a fairy tale prepared by the third team)

Competition for captains: 6 "Carousel fairy tales"

Leading: The story reads, and the captains depict everything that heard

We go to the fabulous country "Lukomorier". To do this, you put on the head of the Bogatyr helmet, tie to the Sword-Clapiest's sword on the belt, harness your Bogati horse Sivka-Burku. Horse backs on the head, rushing fun and hits with hoof.
You jumped into the saddle, whistled, whipped the horse, and the gallop left the yard. You are traveling on a dark impassable forest. Suddenly, a huge drop of dew is dripping with the branches. Thick spiny branches block the way, through them it is very difficult to wade. Then you shout loudly "But"; The horse jumps and ... safely lands on the other side of the ravine.
But here the forest was finally ended. Before you is a huge oak. And then a deafening whistle is distributed. This whistles a straw-robber. Trees are leaning towards the grass itself, dust climbs the post, falls into your eyes. Your horse falls on your knees. Resisting the wind, you can hardly spin over your head and throw it into the nightingale-robber, and you ourselves fall without feelings.

Musical pause.
(execution of a song from a fairy tale prepared by the fourth team)
