Consultation for educators “Modern approaches to the organization of preschoolers' play activities. Consultation for educators "Development of play activities in preschool children" Consultations for teachers on play activities

Municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten number 10 combined type

Consultations for teachers

Educator Shekhovtsova E.N.

Consultations for teachers

"Development play activities preschooler "

general characteristics play activities .

Play is of great importance in a child's life. What a child is like in play, so in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. At the very youngest age, the child predominantly plays. Its working functions are very minor and do not go beyond basic self-service.

The most important event in the processdevelopment child is the emergence of an independentplay activities ... Child 2.6 months. -3 years old begins to play himself, no longer involving an adult in the game. And the first suchgame is a subject-directing game.

Children's director's play early age very similar to subject-manipulativeactivity , however, this is not just manipulation of an object, but a real game. Child endows objectsgame sense .

Almost simultaneously with the subject-directinggame or a little later, another type of game appears - figurative and role-playing. In it, the child takes on a role - he becomes a character-image. The game consists in the fact that the child imagines himself to be anyone and anything, and behaves as an imaginary object is supposed to act.

In the next type of play that occurs in children at the beginningpreschool age , - role-playing game - human roles and relationships that are played out in the course of these games become the main ones.

The widespread play of children with dolls is of great importance for the development of a role-playing game. It's easier to play with a doll. Than with her peers, she does not take offense and does not quit playing if she is not interested, does not say that it is impossible to do this. In this sense, the doll is an ideal partner for playing together.

In role play with a doll, the child must learn"see" partner. What does a girl do when she carries her doll in her arms? She masters the behavior and feelings of the expectant mother. The core of her experiences and actions is taking care of the child - the doll. Parents watching overplaying daughter with a doll , if necessary, they can tell her what to do with the doll -baby : swaddle, be able to dress.

Learning to see a living child in a dollpreschooler , masters the main condition of a joint plot-role-playing game, where several children act out difficult situations that they observe in the life around them (buying and selling goods, visiting a doctor and helping patients, etc.)

Next and most complex view games - games by the rules. These include tabletop, outdoor, sports and competition and other games. Mastering these games involves mastering the rules.Activities children at this time is approaching a newactivities - educational .

Play is essential in a person's life - it is preparation for work. Therefore, parents, leading the nurserygame ... By applying different methods at its various stages, helping the child in difficult cases, should provide the child with as much independence as possible.

Play activity is not limited only to role-playing games. A kind of role-playing game is construction games and games - dramatization. This group of games is sometimes referred to as creative games. In them, children not only copy certain aspects of the life of adults, but creatively comprehend them, reproduce them with the help of roles andgame action .

Building games help the child understand the world, structures and mechanisms created by human hands. Any construction game contains an intellectual challenge"How to build?" , which the child solves with various materials and action.

The structure of outdoor games includesgame actions , rules and material. The rules in such games are highlighted before the start of the game and are open to the child. In collective outdoor games, the formation of organizational and communication skills of the child takes place.

A special kindplay activities is a didactic game. It is created for adults specifically for teaching purposes, when learning is based ongame and a didactic task.

Thus, play plays an important role in the life and development of children. In playing activity, many positive qualities of the child are formed, interest and readiness for the upcoming study, and his intellectual abilities develop. The game reflects and develops the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom, the rules of behavior are fixed, to which children are taught in life.

Play is the most beloved and natural activity of preschoolers. Our task is to make play the content of children's life, to reveal to children the diversity of the world of play.

Consultation for parents

"Play activities in the family."

We love to play very much: you know friends!

A child can never live without games.

Go back to your childhood, stay with us in it,

AND best friends We'll name the adults!

Modern living conditions are such that children can often play only in kindergarten, at home there is simply no time left to play - parents are placed in rather tough conditions. They try to give children as much knowledge as possible, help them get a decent education, try to transfer play activities to the family, organize a single play space - the most important task of teachers kindergarten.

After all, everything that surrounds them is so interesting, and besides, it gives a lot of pleasure. The kids reflect their understanding of the picture of the world and their attitude to it in the closest and most understandable activity for them - the game. And the game is doubly interesting when the child feels the support and interest of the most dear and beloved people - parents, but, unfortunately, dads and moms, as experience shows, rarely play with children: some are busy at work or around the house, others do not know how to play with the child , and the third free time, the children are given to work with them.

One of the fundamental tasks facing the staff of the kindergarten, we consider the formation of relationships between parents and children in the process of play.

Play is the most important, interesting and meaningful thing for a child. This is joy, knowledge, and creativity. Play activity is the leading one for the preschooler.

Role-playing, moving, directing, didactic, dramatization - all this has a significant impact on the development of the baby's psyche, and the child gradually masters different types of games. In the Game, the arbitrariness of behavior is formed: cognitive processes are activated.

In the game, the preschooler reproduces the life and work of adults, various events in the life of the family, relations between people. In play, he learns to subordinate his desires to certain requirements - this is the most important prerequisite for the education of will. In the game, it is much easier to obey the rule associated with the fulfillment of the role assumed. Play is the source of the development of the moral qualities of a person.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without this, he is a dried flower.

According to L. S. Vygotsky, play is a source of development and it creates a zone of proximal development: “. in essence, it is through play activity that the child moves to a new, higher stage of his development. "

The child acquires the ability to play in the process of his development. A properly developing child is, without a doubt, a playing child. Play is a certain attitude of the world to a child and a child to the world, a child to an adult and an adult to a child, a child to a peer, a peer to him.

At the age of 4-6 years, that is, in the second period of the development of children's play, it also contains the characteristic features of the growth and development of the child. Games of this period are characterized by free movement (mainly for the sake of movement itself, not for the sake of its results, concentration on everyday objects and on what can be removed, as well as imagination and imitation (games at home, shop, railroad, in sewing, in cooking).


In any family, parents, of course, as far as financially possible, need to take care of creating conditions for a variety of play activities.

In story games, you can easily provide the child with attributes to create a playful image (tinkering together, or use wardrobe items), and allow the use of items that are not specifically intended for play (chairs, cushions, etc.).

For director's games, you can purchase or make miniature toys with your child, which is even more interesting for the child, because he will be able to fully feel himself in the role of creator and artist.

It is advisable to purchase several board-printed games (children's lotto, dominoes)

Most importantly: Agree in advance with the child on the requirements for storing and cleaning toys. It is necessary to consider the possibility of temporary preservation of children's buildings and structures. In the absence of space for a long demonstration, one can “celebrate the result” (reward the author with applause, sketch his building, take pictures, etc.) and only then put away the toys for storage.

..Do not be afraid to remember your childhood and tell your child about how you played yourself and with your friends. A child learns not only by playing and manipulating objects himself, but also from the experience of others, especially close people.

At first, you can watch the child's games at home and tell (if desired) about them to the educators, finding out how the games in the group differ from the games at home. By comparing, you can complement the gaming development environment in your home.

The main thing is to show respect for the personality of the child, to reckon with the gradual development of play activity and not try to artificially accelerate it.

Tactfully, but not obtrusively, offer your help in creating a play environment: “Maybe you need my saucepan when making dinner? "," Do you want me to help you make a garage for your car? "And so on. The child's refusal should be taken for granted:" Of course, you know better. But if you need something, I will be happy to help you. " Try to regard all subsequent requests of the child as a manifestation of trust and respect for your delicacy and tact.

It is important for adults to show initiative and a sincere desire to participate in the game. Having received the child's consent, ask about your role (“Who will I be?”) And unconditionally accept it with gratitude. By tactfully connecting to a child's play that has already begun, take on an additional role depending on the story he is using.

If you do not understand the situation and the child's desires, try to clarify from him the circumstances that are important for the development of the plot, related to the characterization of the hero, his behavior, etc. ("And what kind of fox will I be - good or evil?").

Acting in a role, it is important for parents to show initiative and independence, to try to motivate the actions of the hero whose role they are playing. In case of difficulty, you do not need to get lost, stop playing, but you need to ask the child how you should act in a given situation (“What should I do next?”).

In the process of playing together, try to encourage the child to play an increasingly complex plot each time, relying on the role that attracts him.

It is necessary to stimulate the speech activity of children, including various toys in the plot of the game, encouraging children to carry out role-based dialogue on their behalf.

Try to be positive about imaginary partners appearing in children's stories and games. It is useful to seriously and kindly discuss with your child the adventures that allegedly happened to him and his "familiar" bunny, puppy, and even a robot or policeman, etc.

Gradually, it is necessary to promote the formation of the children themselves difficult way building a game - a joint plot-addition, which is understood as the child's ability to highlight, designate integral plot events, combine them in sequence and do this in concert with a partner.

You need to teach children to play in the family board games and games with rules. As well as an adult, a child can be trusted to act as a partner and bearer of the rules of the game. It is important not to show condescension to older preschool children when following the rules and not to adapt to them, to bring the child to the understanding that you can win and lose in the game.

At the end of the game, you need to express your satisfaction and hope that the next time he will invite you to participate in a new game ..

Consultation for teachers Topic: "Play activities of preschoolers"
Play is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.
With its help, children master the experience of interacting with the world around them, learn moral norms.
The game reflects the sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people.
Research by A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, R. I. Zhukovskaya show that the development of play during preschool age proceeds from object play, which recreates the actions of adults, to role play, which recreates relationships between people.
Play activity, as proved by A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, is not invented by a child, but is assigned to him by an adult who teaches the kid to play, acquaints with socially established ways of play actions.
Learning the techniques of various games in communication with an adult, the child then generalizes the play methods and transfers them to other situations.
In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a preschooler child, since it satisfies all his needs (basic): communication, fantasy, cognition of the world around him, activity, movement, interaction with peers, independence ...
In play, the child takes on a role, seeking to imitate those adults whose images have been preserved in his experience.
While playing, the child acts independently, freely expressing his desires, ideas, feelings. Unlike everyday life, where he is constantly taught, protected, in the game a child can do anything: sail on a ship, fly in space, teach students at school ……. Thus, as K. D. Ushinsky pointed out,
“…. tries his hand ”, living the life that lies ahead of him in the future.
As the game develops, the child masters the components inherent in any activity: - learns to set a goal
- to plan
- achieve results
Then he transfers these skills to other types of activity, primarily to labor.
The game develops arbitrary behavior. By virtue of necessity, following the rules of the game, children become more organized, learn to evaluate themselves and their capabilities, acquire dexterity, dexterity and much more, which facilitates the formation of strong skills in work.
The main difference between the game and other types productive activities is that the game is focused on the process itself, and not on the result.
Classification of children's games
(after S. L. Novoselova)
The classification is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bwho initiated the games (child or adult).
There are three classes of games:
1. games arising at the initiative of the child (children) - independent games:
play - experimentation;
independent story games (plot-reflective, plot-role, director, theatrical);
building material games.
2. games that arise at the initiative of an adult who implements them for educational and educational purposes:
educational games (didactic, plot-didactic, mobile);
leisure (fun games, entertainment games, intellectual, ...);
3. games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnos ( folk games), which can arise both at the initiative of an adult and older children.
Games with rules
Games with rules is a special group of games specially created for solving certain problems of teaching and raising children. these are games with ready-made content, with fixed rules, which are an indispensable component of the game. Learning tasks are implemented through the child's play actions when performing a task.
Games with rules
Didactic mobile
Games with rules
Subject plotless
("Cats and Mice", "Shop",! "Gardener" ...) ("Magic Wand", "What has changed?" ... ..)
The meaning of games with rules:
mastering a rule means mastering one's own behavior;
dexterity, attentiveness;
helping a friend;
self-assessment and mutual assessment;
striving for improvement.
Thus, games with rules are the most important means of upbringing and teaching preschool children !!!
Didactic games
By content by didactic material
(mat, speech, ecologist ....) (games with objects, with toys, desktop-printed, verbal)
Structure didactic games
Educational (didactic task) game actions rules

Outdoor games are a complex motor, emotional activity of children, aimed at solving motor problems, based on movement and the presence of rules.

Outdoor games

PI with rules sports games

(elements of volleyball, basketball,

Badminton, football,

Hockey, towns)

Subject non-plot

Reflect vital or motor play

A fabulous episode of a task (relay races, dashes,

("Sparrows and cars", competition games ..)

"Swan geese"…)

Fun games ("Horned goat",

"Okay" ...)

Outdoor games

According to the degree of mobility in the prevailing movement in objects

(small, medium, large) (with jumping, running, climbing) (balls, ribbons, ropes ...)

The value of outdoor games:

1. Strengthening health (YES + positive emotions + accelerated pace + load);

2. a beneficial effect on the physical development of children;

3. formation and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities;

4. the formation of moral qualities (justice, honesty, the ability to obey general rules ....);

5. orientation in space;

6. development of speech;

7. education of national self-awareness (folk games); - NRC (GOS);

8. aesthetic education (emotions, folklore, music, expressiveness of movements….);

9. development of communication skills;

10. cognition of the surrounding world (in the content of games there is a lot of cognitive material - expansion and clarification of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe habits of animals, human life ...);

11.mental development (development of attention, memory, orientation in space, creative imagination, ingenuity,….);

12. creative development (variability).

Thus, the use of the entire complex of emotional, health-improving, cognitive and educational components included in outdoor games contributes to the implementation of tasks comprehensive development children !!!

Traditional classification of children's games

Creative games - in which the child shows his imagination, initiative, independence.

Creative games

Directed role-playing theatrical games with construction


Subject-display games

Director's games are games in which the child shows creativity and imagination, inventing the content of the game, defining its participants, the roles played by toys (substitute objects; inanimate objects) that do not have their own desires, interests, claims.

The child (director) creates the plot of the game, its script. Taking any topic, the kid develops it depending on how he understands the display of events.

The plot is a chain of actions.

Speech - main component (for all heroes and the author).

Subject-reflective games are games in which a young child learns ways of acting with objects, mastering the sequence of actions; then the child enriches the game with the simplest plot, fulfills the role (prerequisites for the plot-role play).

Role-playing games are games based on an imaginary or imaginary situation (plot), which consists in the fact that a child takes on a role and performs it in a created or playful environment.

Structural components of a role-playing game

Role-playing games

Household industrial public

(home, family, laundry ...) (shop, atelier, hairdresser ...) (holiday, birthday, city day ...)

Theatrical games - face deployment literary works (fairy tales, stories, performances).

The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, altered by childhood fantasy, become the plot of the game.

Building material games are games based on constructive skills and abilities.

Construction on a given theme according to the concept of playing with natural material

Modeled on (cones, pebbles …….)

Games with sand, water, snow

Consultation for teachers "Play activities of preschoolers"

Completed by: teacher of the first qualification category Malysheva S.N.

Consultation for parents

"Development of gaming activities"

There are no identical people in the world. We are all very different. But every person wants to be understood, accepted as he is, not to break his personality, but to help him become even better, even more beautiful. We especially appreciate, and sometimes demand, such an attitude from people close to us,
It is the early forms of communication that largely determine their further development and affect the personality of a person, his attitude towards people around him, towards himself, towards the world. If a child has an insufficiently formed ability to communicate in childhood, then in the future he may have interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, which are very difficult for an adult to resolve (correct them), and sometimes even impossible.
By the preschool age, the child already has experience of communicating with adults and peers, but the involuntary nature of behavior prevails. This allows us to empirically and experimentally trace the connection between violations of communication of a child in a family with violations of his communication with peers and with problems of the development of his personality.
With the help of the game, the tasks of mutual understanding between children and adults are solved, communication skills with peers are developed, typical emotional and personal disorders in disharmony are corrected family relations (fear, anxiety, aggression, inadequate self-esteem). Games help children adapt to preschool.
In early childhood, elements of role play arise and begin to develop. In role-playing games, children satisfy their desire for living together with adults and, in a special, playful way, reproduce the relationships and work activities of adults.
At preschool age, play becomes the leading activity, but not because a modern child, as a rule, spends most of his time in games that amuse him, - play causes qualitative changes in the child's psyche.
^ Genesis of communication between a child and an adult and a peer
From birth, the child gradually acquires social experience through emotional communication with adults, through toys and objects around him, through speech, etc. To independently comprehend the essence of the world around him is a task beyond the strength of a child. The first steps in his socialization are made with the help of an adult. In this regard, the problem of communication between the child and other people arises. Research by M.I. Lisina and others show that the nature of a child's communication with adults and peers changes and becomes more complicated throughout childhood, taking the form of either direct emotional contact, or contact in the process of joint activity, or verbal communication. The development of communication, the complication and enrichment of its forms, opens up new opportunities for the child to assimilate various kinds of knowledge and skills from others, which is of paramount importance for the entire course mental development and for the formation of personality in general.
Reciprocity in communication with adults begins to manifest itself in infants at 2 months. The kid develops a special activity, trying to attract the attention of an adult in order to become the object of the same activity on his part. This is the first form of communication with adults in a child's life, M.I. Lisina called it situational-personal or direct-emotional. Her appearance is preceded by a lot of work for both an adult and a child. A newborn comes into the world without the need for communication and without the ability to communicate. From the first days of his birth, an adult organizes an atmosphere of communication, establishes a signal connection with the baby, constantly alters his behavior, highlighting and strengthening some actions in him, muffling others.
The first acts of protest, opposition, opposition to others - these are the main points that are usually described as the content of the first year of life.
From year to three years a new stage in the development of the child begins - early childhood. The child's activities in terms of relationships with adults can be characterized as joint activities. The kid wants the elders to join with him in classes with objects, he requires them to participate in their affairs, and the child's object action becomes a joint action of him and the adult, in which the element of the adult's assistance is the leading one.
The content of the need for cooperation with an adult in the framework of situational-business communication undergoes changes in children. In the first year and a half, at the pre-speech level of development, they need help in substantive actions. Later, at the verbal level, the desire for cooperation gets a new hue. The kid is not limited to waiting for the help of an elder. Now he wants to act like an adult and, following example and pattern, copy him.
Situational-business form of communication plays a very important role in the formation of the child's personality. A delay in the immediate emotional stage of communication with an adult is fraught with delays in the development of the baby, difficulties in adapting to new living conditions.
In early childhood, not only the elder influences the development of the child's personality. There comes a time when the child seeks to communicate with other children. The experience of communication with adults largely predetermines communication with peers, is realized in relations between children.
In his studies, A.G. Ruzskaya notes that communication between a child and an adult and a peer is a variety of the same communicative activity.
Emotionally - practical communication with peers contributes to the development of such personal qualities as initiative, freedom (independence), allows the child to see his capabilities, helps the further development of self-awareness, the development of emotions.
In the first half of preschool childhood (3-5 years old), a child has a new form of communication with an adult, which is characterized by their cooperation in cognitive activities... M.I. Lisina called this "theoretical cooperation." The development of curiosity makes the baby set more and more difficult questions... "Why" ask an adult for an answer or for an assessment of his own thoughts. At the level of non-situational-cognitive communication, children experience an acute need for respect for their elders, show increased sensitivity to their attitude. The child is not sure, afraid that they will laugh at him. Therefore, an adult needs to take seriously the child's questions, to maintain his curiosity.
Communication with peers becomes more and more attractive for a child, a situational-business form of communication with peers (4-5 years old) is being formed. The role-playing game is the leading activity in this period. Relationships between adults begin to be played up by children, and it is very important for them to cooperate with each other, to establish and play roles, norms, rules of behavior, but an adult still becomes a regulator of the game. The transition from complicity to cooperation represents a noticeable progress in the field of communication with peers.
^ General characteristics of play activity
It is often said that a child plays when, for example, he manipulates an object or performs one or another action shown to him by an adult (especially if this action is performed not with a real object, but with a toy). But a real play action will only take place when the child, under one action, means another, under one object, another. The game action has a sign (symbolic) character. It is in play that the formulated sign function of the child's consciousness is most clearly revealed. Its manifestation in the game has its own characteristics. Game substitutes for objects may have much less similarity to them than, for example, the similarity of the drawing with the depicted reality. However, play substitutes should provide an opportunity to act with them as with the item being replaced. Therefore, giving his name to the chosen substitute object and attributing certain properties to it, the child also takes into account some of the features of the substitute object itself. When choosing substitute subjects, the preschooler proceeds from the real relationships of objects.
In playing activity, the preschooler not only replaces objects, but also takes on one or another role and begins to act in accordance with this role. Although the child can take on the role of a horse or scary beast, most often he depicts adults - a mother, a teacher, a driver, a pilot. In the game, the child for the first time opens the relationship that exists between people in the course of their work, their rights and obligations.
Responsibilities towards others are what the child feels it is necessary to fulfill, based on the role that he has assumed. Other children expect and demand that he fulfill his role correctly.
The role in the story game is precisely to fulfill the duties that are imposed by the role and to exercise the rights in relation to the rest of the participants in the game.
^ The relationship of children in a game situation
There are two types of relationships in the game - game and real. Game relationships reflect the attitude of the plot and role. So, if a child took on the role of Karabas Barabas, then, in accordance with the plot, he will be exaggeratedly malignant towards children who have assumed the roles of other characters in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Buratino, or the Golden Key."
A real relationship is the relationship of children as partners, comrades doing a common cause. They can agree on the plot, the distribution of roles, discuss issues and misunderstandings that arose during the game. In play activities, certain forms of communication between children arise. Play requires the child to have qualities such as initiative, sociability, and the ability to coordinate with those of a peer group in order to establish and maintain communication.
Elements of communication appear very early, when children still do not know how to build a detailed story game, but play individually - each one by himself. Usually during this period of play development, the child is focused on his own actions and pays little attention to the actions of the other child. However, from time to time, fed up with his own game, the baby begins to look at how another child is playing. The interest in the peer game is precisely what leads to attempts to establish certain relationships. The first forms of relationships are manifested in the child's desire to get closer to another child, to play with him, in the desire to give up part of the place taken for his game, in a timid smile presented to another at the moment when the children meet their eyes. Such light contacts still do not change the very essence of the game - each child plays by himself, observing the "discipline of distance" whenever possible.
During the period when the game consists only in performing the most elementary actions with toys. The interaction of a child with a peer is short-term. The content of the game does not yet provide a basis for sustainable communication. At this stage, children can exchange toys, help each other.
With the development of play skills and the complication of play ideas, children begin to engage in longer communication. The game itself requires this and contributes to it. Penetrating deeper into the life of adults, the child discovers that this life is constantly flowing in communication, in interaction with other people. The desire to reproduce in the game the relationship of adults leads to the fact that the child begins to need partners who would play with him. Hence the need arises to negotiate with other children, to organize together a game that includes several roles.
In joint play, children learn the language of communication. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance, they learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of another.
Uniting children in joint play contributes to the further enrichment and complication of the content of the games. Every child's experience is limited. He is familiar with the relatively narrow range of activities performed by adults. An exchange of experience arises in the game. Children learn from each other's knowledge and turn to adults for help. As a result, games become more diverse. The complication of the content of games leads, in turn, not only to an increase in the number of participants in the game, but also to the complication of real relationships, to the need for more precise coordination of actions.
Game relationships can be complicated by real ones if the initiator of the game takes on the role of a subordinate, but actually continues to lead the game.
With the development of the ability to create a detailed plot idea, plan joint activities, the child comes to the need to find a place among the players, to establish connections with them, to understand the desires of the players and to measure their own desires and capabilities with them.
If the children fail to agree among themselves, the game will fall apart. Interest in the game, the desire to participate in it leads to the fact that children make mutual concessions.
^ Play and communication
In preschool age, the role-playing game is the leading activity, and communication becomes a part and condition of it. At this age, that relatively stable inner world is acquired, which gives grounds for the first time to call the child a personality, although not fully formed, but capable of further development and improvement.
This is facilitated by the game and different kinds productive activity (design, modeling, drawing, etc.), as well as the initial forms of labor and educational activity.
The well-formedness of the preschooler's plot play makes it possible to recreate in an active, visual-effective form an immeasurably wider sphere of reality, far beyond the limits of the child's personal practice. In the game, the preschooler and his partners, with the help of their movements and actions with toys, actively reproduce the work and life of the adults around them, the events of their lives, the relationship between them, etc.
A preschooler child, being part of a peer group, already has a certain supply of rules, patterns of behavior, some kind of moral values \u200b\u200bthat have developed in him, thanks to the influence of adults and parents. The preschooler imitates close adults, adopting their manners, borrows their assessment of people, events, things. And all this is transferred to play activities, to communication with peers, and formulates the child's personal qualities.
The content, plots of the game preferred by the child, the peculiarities of his speech allow one to presumably establish the type of communication of the preschooler in the family, intrafamily interests and relationships.
An encouraging attitude towards play activity on the part of parents is of great positive importance for the development of a child's personality. Condemnation of the game, the desire of parents to immediately switch the child to educational activities, generates an intrapersonal conflict in the preschooler. The child develops a feeling of guilt, which outwardly can manifest itself in reactions of fear, a low level of claims, lethargy, passivity, and contributes to the appearance of a feeling of inferiority.
In the context of play and real communication with peers, the child is constantly faced with the need to put into practice the learned norms of behavior, to adapt these norms and rules to various specific situations. In the play activity of children, situations continuously arise that require coordination of actions, the manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards partners in the game, the ability to abandon personal desires in order to achieve a common goal. In these situations, children do not always find the right ways behavior. Often conflicts arise between them, when each defends his rights, regardless of the rights of his peers. The depth and duration of conflicts among preschoolers largely depends on the models of family communication they have mastered.
In a peer group, they gradually add up public opinion, mutual assessment of children, which significantly affect the development of the child's personality.
Especially important is the assessment from the peer group in older preschool age. The child often tries to refrain from actions. Disapproved peers seeks to earn their positive attitude.
Each child occupies a certain position in the group, which is expressed in how his peers treat him. The degree of popularity that a child enjoys depends on many reasons: his knowledge, mental development, behavior patterns, ability to establish contacts with other people, appearance, etc.
Peers unite in the game, taking into account their own personal relationships and sympathies to a greater extent, but sometimes an unpopular child gets into the play group for roles that no one wants to fulfill.
Relationships with peers about the game and plot-role relationships have a significant impact on the formation of the child's personality, contribute to the development of such personal qualities as mutual assistance, responsiveness, etc. The relationships on about the game, since it is here that the learned norms and rules of behavior, which form the basis of the moral development of a preschooler, form the ability to communicate in a team of peers.
In play activities, the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. In the game, other types of activities are formed, which then acquire an independent meaning.
Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of mental processes. So, in play, children begin to develop voluntary attention and arbitrary memory... In conditions of play, children concentrate better and remember more than in laboratory conditions. The conscious goal (focusing attention, remembering and remembering) is allocated to the child earlier and easiest in the game. The very conditions of the game require the child to focus on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. If a child does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not remember the conditions of the game, then he is simply expelled by his peers. The need for communication, for emotional encouragement forces the child to purposeful concentration and memorization.
Game situation and actions in it have a constant impact on development mental activity child of preschool age. In the game, the child learns to act with a substitute object - he gives the substitute a new game name and acts with him in accordance with the name. Subject-substitute becomes a support for thinking. Based on actions with substitute objects, the child learns to think about a real object.
At the same time, the experience of play and especially real relationships of a child in a plot-role-playing game forms the basis of a special property of thinking that allows you to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and, depending on this, build your own behavior.
List of used literature
1. Raising children in senior group kindergarten / V.V. Gerbova, R.A. Ivankova, R.G. Kazakova and others - Moscow: 1984
2.V.S. Mukhina "Child Psychology" - M .: 2000
3. MAPanfilov "Game therapy of communication" - Moscow: 2002.

Play is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.
With its help, children master the experience of interacting with the world around them, learn moral norms.
The game reflects the sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people.
A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina, R.I. Zhukovskaya show that the development of play during the preschool age proceeds from object play, which recreates the actions of adults, to role play, which recreates relationships between people.
Game activity, as proved by A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov is not invented by a child, but is given to him by an adult who teaches the child to play, acquaints him with socially established ways of playing actions.
Learning the techniques of various games in communication with an adult, the child then generalizes the play methods and transfers them to other situations.
In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a preschooler child, since it satisfies all his needs (basic): communication, fantasy, cognition of the world around him, activity, movement, interaction with peers, independence ...
In play, the child takes on a role, seeking to imitate those adults whose images have been preserved in his experience.
While playing, the child acts independently, freely expressing his desires, ideas, feelings. Unlike everyday life, where he is constantly taught, protected, in the game the child can do anything: sail on a ship, fly in space, teach students at school ........ Thus, as K.D. Ushinsky,
“…. tries his hand ”, living the life that lies ahead of him in the future.
As the game develops, the child masters the components inherent in any activity: - learns to set a goal
- to plan
- achieve results
Then he transfers these skills to other types of activity, primarily to labor.
The game develops arbitrary behavior. By virtue of necessity, following the rules of the game, children become more organized, learn to evaluate themselves and their capabilities, acquire dexterity, dexterity and much more, which facilitates the formation of strong skills in work.
The main difference between the game and other types of productive activity is that the game is focused on the process itself, and not on the result.
Classification of children's games
(after S.L. Novoselova)
The classification is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bwho initiated the games (child or adult).
There are three classes of games:
1. games arising at the initiative of the child (children) - independent games:
play - experimentation;
independent plot games (plot-reflective, plot-role, directorial, theatrical);
building material games.
2. games that arise on the initiative of an adult who implements them for educational and educational purposes:
educational games (didactic, plot-didactic, mobile);
leisure (fun games, entertainment games, intellectual, ...);
3. games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnos (folk games), which can arise both on the initiative of an adult and older children.
Games with rules
Games with rules is a special group of games specially created for solving certain problems of teaching and raising children. these are games with ready-made content, with fixed rules, which are an indispensable component of the game. Learning tasks are implemented through the child's play actions when performing a task.
Games with rules
didactic mobile
Games with rules
Subject plotless
("Cats and Mice", "Shop",! "Gardener" ...) ("Magic Wand", "What has changed?" ... ..)
The meaning of games with rules:
mastering a rule means mastering one's own behavior;
dexterity, attentiveness;
helping a friend;
self-assessment and mutual assessment;
striving for improvement.
Thus, games with rules are the most important means of upbringing and teaching preschool children !!!
Didactic games
by content by didactic material
(math, speech, ecologist ...) (games with objects, with toys, desktop printed, verbal)
The structure of didactic games
Educational (didactic task) game actions rules

Outdoor games are a complex motor, emotional activity of children, aimed at solving motor problems, based on movement and the presence of rules.

Outdoor games

PI with rules sports games

(elements of volleyball, basketball,

badminton, football,

hockey, towns)

plot non plot

reflect vital or motor play

fabulous episode of the task (relay races, dashes,

("Sparrows and cars", competition games ..)

"Swan geese"…)

fun games ("Horned goat",

"Okay" ...)

Outdoor games

According to the degree of mobility in the prevailing movement in objects

(small, medium, large) (with jumping, running, climbing) (balls, ribbons, ropes ...)

The value of outdoor games:

1. Strengthening health (YES + positive emotions + accelerated pace + load);

2. a beneficial effect on the physical development of children;

3. formation and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities;

4. the formation of moral qualities (justice, honesty, the ability to obey general rules ....);

5. orientation in space;

6. development of speech;

7. education of national self-awareness (folk games); - NRC (GOS);

8. aesthetic education (emotions, folklore, music, expressiveness of movements ....);

9. development of communication skills;

10. cognition of the surrounding world (in the content of games there is a lot of cognitive material - expansion and clarification of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe habits of animals, human life ...);

11. mental development (development of attention, memory, orientation in space, creative imagination, ingenuity,….);

12. creative development (variability).

Thus, the use of the entire complex of emotional, health-improving, cognitive and educational components included in outdoor games contributes to the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of children !!!

Traditional classification of children's games

Creative games - in which the child shows his imagination, initiative, independence.

Creative games

Directed role-playing theatrical games with construction


plot-display games

Director's games are games in which the child shows creativity and imagination, inventing the content of the game, defining its participants, the roles played by toys (substitute objects; inanimate objects) that do not have their own desires, interests, claims.

The child (director) creates the plot of the game, its script. Taking any topic, the kid develops it depending on how he understands the display of events.

The plot is a chain of actions.

Speech is the main component (for all heroes and the author).

Subject-reflective games are games in which a young child learns ways of acting with objects, mastering the sequence of actions; then the child enriches the game with the simplest plot, fulfills the role (prerequisites for the plot-role play).

Role-playing games are games based on an imaginary or imaginary situation (plot), which consists in the fact that a child takes on a role and performs it in a created or playful environment.

Structural components of a role-playing game

Role-playing games

household industrial public

(home, family, laundry ...) (shop, atelier, hairdresser ...) (holiday, birthday, city day ...)

Theatrical games - the deployment of literary works (fairy tales, stories, dramatizations) in persons.

The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, altered by childhood fantasy, become the plot of the game.

Building material games are games based on constructive skills and abilities.

Construction on a given theme according to the concept of playing with natural material

according to the sample (cones, pebbles …….)

games with sand, water, snow

Consultation for teachers "Play activities of preschoolers"

Completed by: teacher of the first qualification category Malysheva S.N.