Natural conditions and resources of Australia. Australia

Economic and geographical position of Australia

Note 1.

The Australian Union is the official name of the state. The country occupies a whole mainland Australia. She has no land neighbors, there are only marine borders.

All neighbors island countries - New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea. Australia is far from developed countries in Europe and America, i.e., from markets and raw materials.

In the Asia-Pacific region, it plays an important role.

This mainland is washed by the waters of two oceans - the east coast is washes by the Pacific Ocean, and the west coast is Indian. The country completely lies in the southern hemisphere relative to the equator and in the eastern hemisphere relative to the zero meridian.

This remote from all state is at a distance of 20 thousand km from Europe and 3.5 thousand km from the countries of Southeast Asia.

Australia refers to highly developed countries in the world, and north of it are new industrialized countries. The remoteness of the country from other territories is a favorable feature of a political and geographical position, because near its borders there are no foci of military conflicts, and no one has territorial claims. Wars of the 20th century, it practically did not touch it.

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All types of transport are developing in the country. Domestic communications in the country are carried out by rail and road transport.

Eastern and southeastern regions of Australia have a well-developed railway network. Internal and northwestern areas of railways almost do not have.

Foreign trade relations with other countries are carried out by sea transport. Australian goods are exported on huge ocean liners.

Air transport plays an important role. For regular internal communication, small aviation received great development.

I must say that car and railways Located mainly on the east coast of the mainland, because there are large cities of the country and leading industries. On the east coast there are large ports of Australia - Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane.

The unclosed western part of the country is represented by deserts.

Development and pipeline transport. From hydrocarbon production places - Mumba, Jackson, Roma, Muni, pipelines go to the eastern ports of the country.

In the economy of Australia, the role of foreign trade is quite large. The main source of obtaining foreign currency is the export of goods.

The main export item is, it is about half of its half, agricultural products, the part of the mining products are accounted for.

Export goods are meat, wheat, iron ore, butter, cheese, wool, stone coal, some types of machines and equipment.

In imports, cars and capital equipment, consumer and food products, oil, petroleum products prevail.

Its trading partners - Germany, USA, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, United Kingdom.

Trade relations with Oceania and Southeast Asia are developing. Active work is carried out to establish a free trade regime with China.

After Japan, the PRC is the second foreign trade partner.

Note 2.

Thus, the economic and geographical position of the highly developed country of the southern hemisphere is generally favorable that on the one hand, it is explained by open yield into two oceans, the absence of land neighbors, which means that there are no territorial claims and conflict situations, there are no foci of tension. Wealth natural resources makes it possible to develop its own economy and export to other countries both finished products and part of natural resources. On the other hand, Australia is located aside from the International Maritime Trading Trading, and this creates certain difficulties in its foreign trade relations.

Natural conditions of Australia

Based on Australia, there is an Australian platform formed more than 1,600 million years ago, therefore, there are practically no mining systems in the country, and weathering processes during this time turned the surface into the plains.

Only on the east coast of the country there is a large waterproof ridge - this is the only mountain system of Australia. The large waterproof ridge is the oldest destroyed mountains, whose vertex - Kosyushko has a height of 2228 m above sea level.

Volcanoes are completely absent here, and the earthquakes are very rare, which is due to the remoteness of the slab on which the country is located, from the borders of the collision.

In the center of the country, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Air, there is central lowlands, the height of which is not more than 100 m. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe same lake lies the lowest point of the mainland - about 12 m below sea level.

In the West of Australia, West-Australian plateau was formed with elevated edges and a height of 400-450 m. Hammersley ridge with flat vertices and 1226 m height is located in the same part of the country.

In the North, the Kimberley array is 936 m high. The southwestern part occupies a Darling ridge, a height of 582 m above sea level.

Climatic conditions are largely dependent on the peculiarities of the geographical position of the territory, which is located on both sides of the southern tropical.

A large impact on the climate has relief of the terrain, the circulation of the atmosphere, the weak cutting of the coast, oceanic flows and a high length from the west to the east.

Most of the country is under the influence of trade winds, but their influence is different in different parts.

  1. subcevering belt;
  2. tropical belt;
  3. subtropical belt;
  4. moderate belt.

The north and northeast of the mainland lies in the subequatorial climate. The precipitate in large numbers falls mainly in the summer. Winter dry, air temperature throughout the year +23, +24 degrees.

The tropical zone takes 40% of the country. The climate is here tropical hot and tropical wet. It covers the deserts and semi-deserts of the central and western part of the mainland. This is the hottest part of Australia, the summer temperature is not lower than +35 degrees, and winter + 20 ... + 25 degrees. Wet tropical forests narrow strip stretch in the east. Moisture brings southeastern winds from the Pacific Ocean.

The subtropical climate is also divided into continuous subtropical, it is dry and occupies the central and southern part of the country, subtropical wet in the south-east, the precipitation here falls uniformly, in the east - Mediterranean climate.

The southern and central part of Tasmania island is located in the zone of moderate climate. Summer is cool here with a temperature of + 8 ... + 10 degrees, and winter warm + 14 ... + 17 degrees. Sometimes it is snow, but quickly melts.

Natural resources of Australia

Nature did not put the mainland with their mineral resources, they are rich and diverse.

New discoveries of mineral deposits put the country for one of the first places on their reserves and mining.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hammersli Range there are the greatest stocks of iron ore. Zinc with admixture of copper and silver in the Broken Hill field in the western desert part.

The deposits of polymetals and copper are on the island of Tasmania. The gold associated with the Precambrian foundation lies in the southwest of the mainland, and its small deposits are found throughout.

According to the reserves of uranium, the country occupies a 2nd place in the world and 1st in the zirconium and bauxite deposits.

The main deposits of stone coal are located in the east.

In the depths and the shelf there are large fields of oil and gas.

In fairly large volumes there are platinum, silver, nickel, opal, antimony, diamonds.

The country fully provides its industry with mineral resources, with the exception of oil.

Surface waters in the country are few. On the dry season and rivers and lakes dry up, merleet even such a large river as Darling.

Of the 774 thousand hectares of general land resources, more than half can be used for the needs of agriculture and construction. Sowing areas occupy only 6% of the entire territory.

Forests occupy 2% of the country area. Here are subtropical forests and savanna forests.

The Square of Australia takes 7.7 million km2, and it is located on the Main Status, Tasmansky and many small islands. For a long period of time, the state developed exclusively in the agricultural direction, while in the middle of the nineteenth century, alluvial gold was found (gold deposits brought by rivers and streams), which caused several gold fevers and laid the foundation of modern demographic models of Australia.

In the post-war period, geology has provided an invaluable service to the country with the continuous launch of mineral deposits, including gold, bauxites, iron and manganese, as well as opals, sapphires and other gems, which has become a jolts in the development of the state industry.


According to estimates, in Australia, coal reserves amount to 24 billion tons, more than a quarter of which (7 billion tons) - anthracite or black coal, located in the Sydney basin of the new South Wales and in Queensland. Brown coal is suitable for electricity production in Victoria. Coal reserves fully satisfy the needs of the internal market of Australia, and allow you to export excess raw materials.

Natural gas

Natural gas deposits are widespread throughout the country and currently provide most of the internal needs of Australia. There are commercial gas fields in each state and pipelines connecting these deposits with major cities. Within three years, the production of Australian natural gas has increased almost 14 times from 258 million m3 in 1969, in the first year of production, up to 3.3 billion m3 in 1972. In general, Australia has trillions of tons of estimated natural gas reserves that are distributed throughout the continent.


Most of the Australia oil production is aimed at meeting their own needs. For the first time, oil was opened in southern Queensland near Muni. The Australian oil production is currently about 25 million barrels per year and is based on the deposits of North-West Australia near the island of Barrow, process and subsoil in Bass Strait. The bottom of the Balro, process, and the bass shed parallel, are natural gas production facilities.

Uranium ore

In Australia, there are rich deposits of uranium ore, which are enriched for use as fuel for nuclear energy. Western Queensland, not far from the Mountain Isa and Clonkerri, contain three billion tons of uranium ore reserves. There are also deposits on the land of Arnhem, in the distant Northern Australian, as well as in Queensland and Victoria state.

Iron ore

Most of the essential reserves of iron ore in Australia are in the western part of it in the Hammersley area and its surroundings. The state has billions of tons of iron ore reserves, exporting magnetite iron from mines to Tasmania and Japan, at the same time mining ore from older sources on the Eir Peninsula in South Australia and in the Kulanyabing region in the south of Western Australia.

The Western Australian Shield is rich in nickel sediments who were first discovered in Cambald around Calgohurli in Southwestern Australia in 1964. Other nickel deposits were found in the old areas of gold deposits in Western Australia. Nearby, small deposits of Platinum and Palladia were discovered.


The state is also extremely rich in zinc reserves, the main sources of which are Mount Isa, Mat and Morgan in Queensland. In the northern part, large reserves of bauxite (aluminum ore), lead and zinc are concentrated.


Gold mining in Australia, which was essential at the beginning of the century, decreased from peak production in the amount of four million ounces in 1904 to several hundred thousand. Most of the gold is mined from the Kalgoorlie Norsman district in Western Australia.

The continent is also known for its precious stones, especially white-black opala from South Australia and Western New South Wales. In Queensland and in the New England of the Northeast New South Wales, the Sapphires and Topazov deposits were developed.

Natural conditions Australia

Australia is based on the old Precambrian platform. Previously, she was part of the supercontinent of Gondwan. In the relief of Australia, the plains are dominated only in the east parallel to the coastline, young mountains stretched out - a large waterproof ridge. Its southern part is the highest. It is called the Australian Alps. In the process of geological development, the territory of the mainland has repeatedly experienced raising and lowering of the foundation. These processes were accompanied by faults earth crust, sediments of marine precipitation. The relief of Australia is characterized by a large variety. But in general, the relief is favored by the development of human economic activity.

The geographical position of the mainland determines the main features of its climate. The tropical belt occupies most of the continent. The North of Australia lies in the subequatorial, and the south in subtropical belts. In general, the climate is characterized by high temperatures and a small amount of precipitation. Only a third of the territory of the continent receives a sufficient amount of moisture. The most comfortable conditions for life and economic activities were formed in the south-east of Australia.

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Minerals of Australia

Note 1.

Since the basis of the mainland is the old Precambrian platform, the deposits of magmatic minerals lie close to the surface. Australia is rich in gold deposits, iron and uranium ores, non-ferrous metal ores. Unique deposits of iron ores are in the states of West and South Australia. Cape York Peninsulas are famous for the rich deposits of aluminum ores. In the center of the mainland, there are copper and polymetallic ores, in the north - manganese and uranium, in the west - nickel ores and gold.

The southeastern part of the platform is covered with a powerful case of sedimentary rocks. These areas are confined to coal deposits, oil and gas.

The abundance of ore predetermined the country's specialization in the global market. Australia provides ores not only itself, but also developed countries of the world, for example, Japan.

Water resources are distributed extremely unevenly. Australia is distinguished by limited surface waters and rich groundwater reserves. For the needs of the population, artesian wells are used. At the coasts build desalination plants.

Land resources on most of the mainland is poor. These are deserted territories. Fertile red-brown and brown soils are located in the south-east and southwest of the country and along the east coast.

Biological resources of Australia

Note 2.

An important feature of Australia's biological resources is their uniqueness. Due to early isolation from other continents, most of the types of plants and animals of Australia are no longer found anywhere.

The forest resources of Australia are very limited. Due to the characteristics of the climate, the conditions favorable for the development of forests were formed only in the east of the country. A zone of wet equatorial forests stretches along the entire east coast. Forests occupy only $ 5 \\% of the total territory of the continent.

Eucalyptus is not only valuable wood, but also important pharmacological raw materials. Many plants are rich in essential oils, tanning substances.

Unique are fodder resources of Australia. Most of the country has become the natural feed base of the sheep. Animals are on a free grazing for a long time.

The animal world of Australia, like her plant, is very peculiar. Only in Australia, "Prozvizeri" - primitive egg-plating mammals in Lokkos and Echidna live. Very much in Australia of silent animals. The most famous of them are Kangaroo, Koala. Of the birds, the parrots, paradise birds, bird-lyrogvost, ostrich Ema have great fame. The latter is actively divorced on agricultural farms.

Rabbits were brought from Europe to Australia for a long time. Without having natural enemies, rabbits spread quickly and turned into a real disaster. They harm agricultural enterprises, destroying crops, gardens.

Australian plants and animals enjoy great popularity. Every year, the mass of tourists arrives at the Green Continent. Therefore, the biological resources of the mainland can be viewed as part of recreational resources that contribute to the development of international tourism.

Natural resources and conditions.

Australia is rich in a variety of minerals. New discoveries of mineral ores made on the continent over the past 10-15 years have put forward a country for one of the first places in the world in stocks and mining of such minerals as iron ore, bauxite, lead-zinc ores.

The largest iron ore deposits in Australia, which began to be developed since the 60s of our century, are located in the Hammersley Range area in the north-west of the country (Mount-Newman deposits, Mount Goldsurta, etc.). Iron ore is also available on the Islands of the King and Cocatu in the King Bay (in the North-West), in the state of South Australia in the Ridge Middleback (Iron-Nob, etc.) and Tasmania - the Savid River deposit (in the valley of the R. Savidge).

Large deposits semi-metallons (lead, zinc with admixture of silver and copper) are located in the Western desert part of the state New South Wales - Broken Hill deposit. An important center for the extraction of non-ferrous metals (copper, lead, zinc) has developed near the Mount Isa (Queensland state). The deposits of semimetals and copper are also available at Tasmania (Rid-Rybery and Mount Layel), copper - in Tennant Creek (Northern Territory) and in other places.

The main stocks of gold are focused on the protrusions of the Precambrian foundation and in the south-west of the mainland (Western Australia), in the area of \u200b\u200bCalgohli and Kulgardi cities, Norsmen and Willun, as well as in Queensland. Smaller deposits are found in almost all states.

Boxites lie on Cape York Peninsula (Weip field) and Arnheneland (GOV deposit), as well as in the southwest, in the Darling Ridge (Dzhardale deposit).

Uranium deposits are found in various parts of the mainland: in the north (Arnheland Peninsula) - not far from the Rivers South and East Allygetor, in the state of South Australia - about Oz. FROOM, in the state of Queensland - Mary Catlin deposit and in the western part of the country - the Yillierry deposit.

The main deposits of stone coal are located in the eastern part of the mainland. The largest deposits of both coking and non-countering stone coal are being developed near the cities of Newcastle and Lithgo (New South Wales) and Collinsville cities, Blair-Atol, Bluff, Baralaba and Mouura Kiang in Queensland.

Geological surveys have established that in the depths of the Australian mainland and on the shelf of its coasts are large fields of oil and natural gas. Oil was found and is mined in the state of Queensland (Muni, Olton and Bennette deposit), on the island of Barrow from the north-west coast of the mainland, as well as on the continental shelf at the South Coast of Victoria (Kingfish deposit). Gas deposits (the largest Ranken field) and oil were also found on the shelf from the northwestern banks of the mainland.

In Australia, there are large chromium deposits (Queensland), Gingin, Dongara, Mandarra (Western Australia), Marlin (Victoria).

Of non-metallic minerals there are various clay, sands, limestone, asbestos, as well as mica.

Water resources of the continent itself are small, but the most developed river network on the island of Tasmania. The rivers there have mixed raindrops and snow meals and are broken throughout the year. They flow from the mountains and therefore bourgeois, pores and have large hydropower reserves. The latter is widely used for the construction of hydroelectric power plants. The presence of cheap electricity contributes to the development of energy-intensive industries, such as the smelting of pure electrolyte metals, the manufacture of cellulose dr.

Rivers flowing from the eastern slopes of a large waterprooper - short, in the upwards flow in narrow gorges. Here they may well be used, and partly are already used to build hydropower plants. When leaving the coastal plain, the river slows down their current, their depth is increasing. Many of them are even available for large ocean vessels. Clarence River Shipping is 100 km from the mouth, and Hoxbury is 300 km away. The amount of flow and mode of these rivers are different and depend on the amount of precipitation and the time of their loss.

On the western slopes of the large waterproof ridge, they take the beginning of the river, laying their way to internal plains. In the area of \u200b\u200bMount Kosyushko, the most popular river in Australia - Murray begins. In the mountains, its largest tributaries - Darling, Marrambiji, Gowlbury and some others are born.

Power p. Murray and its ducts mainly rain and to lesser extent snow. These rivers are most full on the beginning of summer, when snow melts in the mountains. In a dry season, they are very melting, and some of the tributaries of Murrey are disintegrated into separate standing reservoirs. The constant course (except exclusively dry years) remains only Murray and Marrambiji. Even Darling, the longest river Australia (2450 km), during summer droughts, lost in the sands, does not always reaches Murrey.

Almost all the rivers of the Murree system are built dams and dams, near which reservoirs are created, where flooded water used for irrigation of fields, gardens and pastures are collected.

The rivers of the North and Western coasts of Australia shallow water and relatively small. The longest of them - Flinders falls into the Bay of Carpenary. These rivers have raindrops, and their aquifers change greatly at different times of the year.

Rivers whose flows are sent to the inner fields of the mainland, such as Cooper Creek (Barca), Diamant-Ina, etc., are deprived of not only a constant flow, but also a constant, distinctly pronounced bed. In Australia, such temporary rivers are called cries. They are filled with water only during short-term showers. Soon after the rain, the river bed turns into a dry sandy hollow, often does not even have certain outlines.

Most Lakes Australia, like rivers, feed on rainwater. They do not have a permanent level, nor the flow. In the summer of the lake dry and constitute a shallow salt challenge. The salt layer at the bottom sometimes reaches 1.5 m.

In the surrounding Australia, the seas are mined the marine beast, fish. In marine waters are breeding edible oysters. In warm coastal waters in the north and northeast, fishery of marine trepaggov, crocodiles and pearl mollusks are carried out. The main center of artificial breeding of the latter is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Koberg Peninsula (Arnheland). It is here, in the warm waters of the Arafura Sea and the Bay of Wang Diememen, the first experiments were carried out on the creation of special precipitation. These experiences were held by one of the Australian companies with the participation of Japanese specialists. It was found that mollusks-pearls grown in warm waters near the North Coast of Australia, give a larger pearl than the coast of Japan, and significantly a shorter period. Currently, the breeding of Mollusks-pearls is widely spread throughout the northern and partly northeastern coasts.

Since the Australian mainland has long time, starting from the middle of the Cretaceous period, was insulated from other parts of the globe, its plant world is very peculiar. Of the 12 thousand species of higher plants, more than 9 thousand - endemics, i.e. Grow out only on the Australian continent. Among endemics are many types of eucalyptus and acacias, the most typical of Australia plants. At the same time, there are also plants that are inherent in South America (for example, South Beech), South Africa (representatives of the protein family) and the islands of the Malay Archipelago (Ficus, Pandanus, etc.). This suggests that many millions of years ago there were land connections between the continents.

Since the climate of most of the territory of Australia is distinguished by a sharp dryness, dubbed plants dominate in her flora: special cereals, eucalyptus, umbrella acacia, succulent trees (bottle and dr.). Trees belonging to these communities have a powerful root system, which is 10-20, and sometimes 30 m goes to the ground, so that they, like a pump, suck moisture from large depths. Narrow and dry leaves of these trees are painted mostly in a dull gray-greenish color. In some of them, the leaves are addressed to the sun by an edge, which helps to reduce the evaporation of water from their surface.

In the extreme north and north-west of the country, where hot and warm northwestern monsions bring moisture, rain rainforests grow. In their wood composition, giant eucalyptus, ficuses, palm trees, pandanas with narrow long leaves and others are prevailed, and others. Thick foliage of trees forms almost solid cover, shadowing the Earth. Bamboo bamboo meets places on the coast itself. In those places where the shores are flat and etc, mangall vegetation develops.

Rainforests in the form of narrow galleries are stretched at relatively small distances inside the mainland according to the valleys of rivers.

The farther to the south, the land becomes climate and the hot breath of the desert is felt. Forest cover gradually radically. Eucalyptus and umbrella acacia are located in groups. This is a zone of wet savannah, stretching in the latitudinal direction south of the rainforest zone. In its own way, savanna with rare trees resemble parks. Shrub's teenager in them is not. Sunlight freely penetrates through the lattoon of small leaves of trees and falls on the ground, covered with high thick grass. Landshed savannah are beautiful pastures for sheep and cattle.

For the central deserts of the parts of the mainland, where it is very hot and dry, characteristic thick, almost impassable thickets of prickly low shrubs consisting mainly of eucalyptus and acacia. In Australia, these thickets are called scrub. Spareblags, mixed with extensive, deprived of vegetation with sandy, stony or clay areas of deserts, and in some places - thickets of high turned cereals (spinifex).

The eastern and southeastern slopes of a large waterproof ridge, where many precipitation falls, covered with dense tropical and subtropical evergreen forests. Most of all in these forests, as well as everywhere in Australia, Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus are valuable in industrial. These trees do not have equal height among rocks with solid wood; Some of their species reach 150 m of heights and 10 m in diameter. The growth of wood in eucalyptus forests is large, and therefore they are very productive. Many in forests are also tree horsages and ferns reaching 10-20 m heights. At its top, tree ferns carry the crown of large (up to 2 m length) of the centered leaves. With its bright and fresh greens, they somewhat revive the faded bluish-green landscape of eucalyptus forests. Above in the mountains, the admixture of pine damarra and beech are noticeable.

Shrub and herbal cover in these forests are diverse and dense. In less wet variants of these forests, the second tier form herbal trees.

On the island of Tasmania, except eucalyptus, many evergreen beecles, related to South American species.

In the southwest, the mainland of the forest covers the Western slopes of the Darling Ridge, facing the sea. These forests are almost completely consisting of eucalyptus reaching considerable heights. The number of endemic species here is especially great. In addition to eucalyptus, bottle trees are widespread. They have an original bottle-like trunk, the thickness of the base and sharply narrowing up. On the rainy season in the trunk of trees, large moisture reserves are accumulated, which are spent in a dry period. In the teen these forests there are a lot of shrubs and herbs, milking bright colors.

In general, the forest resources of Australia are small. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests, including special areas, consisting mainly of species having soft wood (mainly pines radiant), at the end of the 70s ranged only 5.6% of the country's territory.

The first colonists did not find vegetable species characteristic of Europe on the mainland. Further, European and other types of trees, shrubs and herbs were delivered to Australia. The grape vine, cotton, cereal (wheat, barley, oats, rice, corn, etc.), vegetables, many fruit trees, etc. were well.

In Australia, in the natural sequence, all types of soils are presented, characteristic of tropical, subequatorial and subtropical natural belts.

In the area of \u200b\u200bwet rainforests in the north, red soils are common, condensed towards the south of red-brown and brown soils in wet savannas and gray-brown in dry savanna. Red-brown and brown soils containing humus, a bit of phosphorus and potassium, are valuable for agricultural use.

Within the red-brown soil zone, the main crops of Wheat Australia are located.

In the outskirts of the central plains (for example, in the Murrey basin), where artificial irrigation is developed and a lot of fertilizers are used, grapes, fruit trees, feeding herbs are grown on the serous soils.

In the deserted inner areas of semi-desert and especially steppe areas, where there are herbal and shrub-wood cover, and gray-brown steppes are common. Their power is insignificant. They contain little humus and phosphorus, so when using them, even as pastures for sheep and cattle, phosphate fertilizers are required.

The Australian continent is located within three warm main climatic belts of the southern hemisphere: subequatorial (in the north), tropical (central part), subtropical (in the south). Only a small part about. Tasmania is within a moderate belt.

The subequatorial climate, characteristic of the northern and northeastern part of the continent, is distinguished by a smooth temperature of temperatures (during the year average temperature Air 23 - 24 degrees) and a large amount of precipitation (from 1000 to 1500 mm., and in some places more than 2000mm.). The precipitate here brings the wet north-western monsoon, and they fall mainly in the summer. In winter, in the dry period of the year, it rains only episodically. At this time, dry, hot winds from the inside of the mainland, which sometimes cause drought.

In the tropical belt on the Australian continent, two main types of climate are formed: tropical wet and tropical dry.

The wet tropical climate is peculiar to the extreme eastern part of Australia, which is included in the South-Eastern Trading Window zone. These winds bring with them to the mainland saturated air masses from the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe coastal plains and the eastern slopes of the large waterproof ridge is well moistened (on average, from 1000 to 1500 mm of precipitation) and has a soft warm climate (the temperature of the warmest month in Sydney - 22 - 25 degrees, and the coldest - 11, 5 - 13 degrees).

The mass of air, bringing moisture from the Pacific Ocean, penetrate both the large waterprooping ridge, having lost a significant amount of moisture on the way, so the precipitation falls only on the Western slopes of the ridge and in the foregorod area

Located mainly in tropical and subtropical latitudes, where solar radiation is large, the Australian mainland is strongly heated. Due to the weak cutting of the coastline and the elevation of the outskirts, the influence of the seas surrounding the mainland is poorly affected in the inner parts.

Australia is the most dry continent of the Earth, and one of the most characteristic features of His nature is the widespread desert, which occupy extensive spaces and stretch almost 2.5 thousand km from the shores of the Indian Ocean to the previations of the Great Waterproof Range.

For the central and western parts of the mainland, a deserted tropical climate is characteristic. In the summer (December-February), the average temperatures rise here to 30 degrees, and sometimes above, and in the winter (June) decrease by an average of up to 10-15 degrees. The most hot region of Australia is the north-western, where in the large sandy desert the temperature almost all summer holds at 35 degrees and even higher. In winter, it decreases slightly (about 25-20 degrees). In the center of the mainland, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Alis Springs, in the summer season, the temperature rises to 45 degrees, it drops at night to zero and below (-4-6 degrees).

Central and Western parts of Australia, i.e. Approximately about half of its territory, they receive an average of 250-300 mm of precipitation per year, and the surroundings of Oz. Eyre is less than 200 mm; But these minor sediments fall unevenly. Sometimes for several years in a row there is no rain at all, and sometimes in two or three days, and even for several hours all annual rainfall falls. Part of the water quickly and deeply seeps through the water permeable soil and is made inaccessible to plants, and the part evaporates under the hot rays of the Sun, and the surface layers of the soil remain almost dry.

Within subtropical belts, three types of climate are distinguished: Mediterranean, subtropical continental and subtropical wet.

The Mediterranean climate is characterized by the southwestern part of Australia. How can be judged by the name, the climate of this part of the country is similar to the climate of European Mediterranean countries - Spain and Southern France. Summer is roast here and, as a rule, dry, and winter is warm and wet. Comparatively small fluctuations in temperature at the time of the year (January - 23-27 degrees, June - 12 - 14 degrees), a sufficient amount of precipitation (from 600 to 1000 mm).

The region of the continental subtropical climate covers the southern, adjacent to the Bolshoi Australian bay part of the mainland, includes the neighborhood of the city of Adelaide and is stretched later to the east, in the Western state of the state of the new South Wales. The main features of this climate are a small amount of precipitation and relatively large annual temperature fluctuations.

The zone of the wet subtropical climate includes the entire state of Victoria and the South Western Poptic Parts of the State New South Wales. In general, this whole zone is characterized by a mild climate and a significant amount of precipitation (from 500 to 600 mm), mainly in coastal parts (the penetration of precipitation is reduced in the continent). In the summer, temperatures rise an average of 20-24 degrees, but in the winter it is quite strong - up to 8-10 degrees. The climate of this part of the country is favorable for growing fruit trees, various vegetables and fodder herbs. True, an artificial irrigation is used to obtain high yields, since in the summer, the moisture in the soil is not enough. In these areas, milk cattle is bred (grazing on fodder herbs) and sheep.

A moderate climate belt includes only the central and southern parts of Tasmania Island. This island is largely experiencing the impact of the surrounding water spaces, and its climate is moderately warm in winter and cool in summer. The average temperature of January here is 14-17 degrees, June - 8 degrees. The predominant direction of the winds is Western. The average annual precipitation in the western part of the island is 2500 mm, and the amount of rainy days is 259. In the eastern part, the climate is somewhat less wet.

AT winter time Sometimes snow falls, but it is not saved for a long time. Abundant precipitation favors the development of vegetation, and especially herbs that vegetate all year round. On evergreen juicy natural and improved female stern herbs, the meadows graze herd of cattle and sheep all year round.

The hot climate and a minor and uneven precipitation falling on most of the mainland lead to the fact that almost 60% of its territory is deprived of the flow of the ocean and have only a rare network of temporary watercourses. Perhaps, no other continent has such a weakly developed network of inland waters, as in Australia. The annual stock of all the rivers of the continent is only 350 cubic meters.

Population. Demographic situation

In 1996 The population of Australia amounted to 18,322,231 people, so the place of Australia in the world in the world is within the fortieth. In 2000, the population was 19.2 million people.

Basically, the country is populated by Europeans77% of the population of Australia - descendants of immigrants from the British Islands - the British, Irish, Scots, who formed Anglo-Australian Nation, the rest mainly immigrants from other European countries, Aboriginal and Metisov - 250 thousand. person. (1991). Most of the country's population is immigrants. Every fourth resident of Australia is born abroad. After. The Second World War began to implement the immigration program, during which the country's population was increased from 7.6 million. people in 1947 Up to 15.5 million people in 1984. About 60% of this growth gave immigrants and their children born in Australia. The main nucleus of the Australian population is Angloavralia.

Australia refers to countries with I type of reproduction.

From 18,322,231 people. Men aged from 1 to 14 years old - 2,032,238, from 15 to 64-- 6,181,887, from 65 and older - 934,374, women aged 1 to 14 years - 1,929,366, from 15 to 64 - 6,017,362, from 65 and Older - 1,227,004 people.

The average population density is about 2 people per km 2. But the density of the population in the country is different. This is explained by the fact that about half of the territory of Australia occupy deserts and semi-deserts, not suitable for living. Therefore the population density in the areas of the desert less man per square kilometer, and on the east coast climate is much more favorable, so there are large cities in Australia - Sydney (3,6 million people), Melbourne (3 million. people), Brisbane (1.2 million people), and population density here 1 to 10 people. on, Also on the west coast in the area of \u200b\u200bPerth (1.2 million. person) population density up to 10 people, per square meter. km.

In the capital of Australia, 311 thousand people live for 1999. Australians are mostly urban residents. At the beginning of the twentieth century The cities lived 50% of the country's population, after. World War II - 70%, in the 60s. The rural population was 16%, in the 80s. -- 14%. The urbanization process lasted all the time, and its pace was steadily increased, so according to forecasts at the end of the twentieth century. The rural population will be 8%.

More than 70% of Australians live in 12 major cities of the country: in the federal capital, the capital of states and the northern territory and cities with a population of more than 100 thousand. person. About 40% of the country's population lives in Melbourne and Sydney. Tin is played among the country's mineral resources. The general possible reserves of tin ore are estimated at 1.5 million tons, and reliable - 500 thousand tons. Ore is characterized by very high quality. In stock ...

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The Australian Union is the only state that occupies the whole continent. Did it affect the natural resources of Australia? In detail about the riches of the country and their use will be talked further in the article.


The country is located on the most continuously, which is fully located in the southern hemisphere. In addition to the mainland, Australia also includes some islands, including Tasmania. The shores of the state are washed by quiet and Indian Oceans And their seas.

By area, the country takes the sixth place all over the world, but as a continent Australia is the smallest. Together with numerous archipelagoes and islands in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean, it forms part of the world Australia and Oceania.

The state is located in a subequatorial, tropical and subtropical belts, part is in a temperate belt. Due to significant remoteness from other continents, the formation of the Australian climate is very dependent on oceanic currents. The territory of the continent is predominantly flat, the mountains are located only in the east. About 20% of the entire space occupy the desert.

Australia: Natural Resources and Conditions

Geographical remoteness and tough conditions contributed to the formation of unique nature. The deserted central areas of the mainland are represented by arid steppes that were covered with low shrubs. Long droughts alternate with protracted rains.

Hard conditions contributed to the formation of special devices from local animals and plants to keep moisture and cope with high temperatures. Australia lives a lot of sample animals, and plants have powerful underground roots.

In Western and northern regions, the conditions are softer. The moisture that monsime is brought to the formation of thick rainforest and savannah. The latter serve excellent pastures for cattle and sheep.

Sea natural resources of Australia and Oceania do not lag behind. In Coral Sea, there is a famous large barrier reef of 345 thousand square kilometers. In reef, more than 1000 species of fish, sea turtles, crustaceans live. This attracts sharks here, dolphins, birds.

Water resources

The most dry continent is Australia. Natural resources in the form of rivers and lakes are presented here quite in small quantities. More than 60% of the continent are selfless. (Length - 2375 kilometers) Together with the tributaries of Habern, Darling and Marrambiji is considered the largest.

Most rivers have a rainfall, usually they are small and small in size. Even Murray dries in the arid periods, forming separate congestive reservoirs. Nevertheless, dams, dams and reservoirs are built on all its tributaries and sleeves.

Australian lakes are small basins, at the bottom of which are layers of salt. They, like rivers, are filled with rainwater, prone to drying and do not have drain. Therefore, the level of lakes on the mainland constantly fluctuates. The largest lakes are Air, Gregory, Gardner.

Mineral resources

Not the last place in the world in the reserves of mineral resources is Australia. Natural resources of this type are actively mined in the country. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe shelves and coastal islands, natural gas and oil are produced, in the east - stone coal. The country is also rich in non-ferrous metals and non-metallic fossil (for example, sand, asbestos, mica, clay, limestone).

Australia, the natural resources of which are mainly mineral, leads in terms of the number of zirconium and bauxite. It is one of the first in the world in the reserves of uranium, manganese and stone coal. In the western part and on the island of Tasmania, polymetallic, zinc, silver, lead and copper mines are located.

The gold deposits are scattered almost throughout the continent, the largest stocks are in the southwestern part. Australia is rich in precious stones, among them diamonds and opals. There is about 90% of the world's global real supply. The largest stone was found in 1989, he weighed more than 20,000 carats.

Forest resources

Animals and vegetable natural resources of Australia are unique. Most species are endemic, that is, there are only on this mainland. Among them are the most famous eucalyptus, which are approximately 500 species. However, this is not everything that Australia boasts.

The country's natural resources are represented by subtropical forests. True, they occupy only 2% of the territory and are located in river valleys. Due to the arid climate in vegetable world Drought-resistant types are dominated: succulents, acacia, some cereals. In a more humid northwestern part, gigantic eucalyptus, palm trees, bamboo, ficuses grow.

Representatives of the animal world in Australia numbered about two hundred thousand, 80% of which endemic. Typical inhabitants are Kangaroo, Ostrich Ema, the Tasmansky Devil, Liquoros, Dingo Dog, Flying Fox, Echidna, Gecko, Koala, Kuzu, and others. On the continent and the approximate islands there are many types of birds (lyroids, black swans, paradise birds, kakada), reptiles and reptiles (narrowed crocodile, black, sideline, tiger snake).

Australia: Natural Resources and Use

Despite the harsh conditions, Australia has considerable resources. Minerals are the greatest economic value. The country occupies the first position in the world in the third - on the extraction of bauxite and the sixth - for coal mining.

The country has a large agro-climatic potential. In Australia, potatoes, carrots, pineapples, chestnuts, bananas, mango, apples, sugar cane, grain and legumes are grown. For medical purposes, opium and poppy are grown. Sheep-flowing for wool production, horned cattle is bred for the export of milk and meat.