What is the mainland earth bark consist of. What is the earth's bark? Elements of the earth's crust

I can not say that the school was the place of incredible discoveries for me, but there were really memorable moments in the lessons. For example, once in the lesson of literature, I leafed by a textbook on geography (do not ask), and somewhere in the middle I found the chapter about the differences in the oceanic and mainland bark. I really surprised me this information. So I remember.

Oceanic crust: properties, layers, thickness

It is common, as obviously, under the oceans. Although under some seas is not even oceanic, but the continental bark. This applies to those seas that are located above the continental shelf. Some underwater plateau - microcontinents in the ocean are also composed of mainland, and not oceanic cortex.

But most of our planet is still covered by the ocean bark. The average thickness of its layer: 6-8 km. Although there are places with a thickness and 5 km, and 15 km.

It consists of three main layers:

  • sedimentary;
  • basalt;
  • gabbro-Serpentinite.

Material earth bark: properties, layers, thickness

It is also called continental. It takes less square than the oceanic, but at times exceeds it in thickness. On the smooth areas, the thickness ranges from 25 to 45 km, and in the mountains can reach 70 km!

It has from two to three layers (bottom up):

  • nizhny ("basalt", it is also granulite-baasing);
  • top (granite);
  • "Case" from sedimentary rocks (not always).

Those areas of the bark where the "case" breed is missing, called shields.

The puff structure resembles oceanic, but it can be seen that the basis of them is completely different. The granite layer, the comprehensive part of the continental cortex, the oceanic is absent as such.

It should be noted that the names of the layers are sufficiently conditional. This is due to the difficulties of studying the composition of the earth's crust. The drilling capabilities are limited, so the deep layers were initially studied and studied not so much according to the "live" samples, as in the speed of passing seismic waves. Passage speed, like granite? Let's call granite, it means. How much "granite" is the composition, it is difficult to judge.

Ground Cora - solid surface layer of our planet. It formed billions of years ago and constantly changes their appearance under the influence of external and internal forces. Part of it is hidden under water, the other - forms land. The earth's crust consists of various chemicals. Let's learn from what.

Surface of the planet

Hundreds of millions of years after the emergence of the Earth, its outer layer of boiling molten rocks began to cool and formed earthly bark. From year to year, the surface has changed. It appeared cracks, mountains, volcanoes. The wind smoothed them, so that they appeared again, but in other places.

Due to the external and inner solid layer of the planet is heterogeneous. From the point of view of the structure, these elements of the earth's crust can be distinguished:

  • geosyncline or folded areas;
  • platforms;
  • edge faults and deflection.

Platforms are extensive sedimentary areas. Their upper layer (to a depth of 3-4 km) is coated with sedimentary rocks that are locked with horizontal layers. The lower level (foundation) is strongly confused. It is composed of metamorphous rocks and may contain magmatic splashes.

Geosyncline is tectonically active areas where the processes of the property occur. They arise in places of conjunction of the oceanic bottom and mainland platform, or in the bottom of the ocean bottom between the continents.

If the mountains are formed close to the boundary of the platform, boundary faults and deflections may occur. They reach 17 kilometers deep and stretch along mining education. Over time, sedimentary breeds accumulate here and deposits of minerals (oil, stone and potash salts, etc.) are formed.

The composition of the crust

The mass of the bark is 2.8 · 1019 tons. This is just 0.473% of the mass of the entire planet. The content in it substances is not as diverse as in the mantle. It is formed by basalts, granites and sedimentary rocks.

By 99.8%, the Earth Cora consists of eighteen elements. The rest accounts for only 0.2%. The most common are oxygen and silicon, which constitute the bulk of the mass. In addition to them, the bark is rich in aluminum, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, chlorine, nitrogen, fluorine, etc. The content of these substances is visible in the table:

Name of element




Astat is considered the rarest element - an extremely unstable and poisonous substance. Radine also belongs to Tellur, India, Tallium. Often they are scattered and do not contain large clusters in one place.

Continental bark

The mainland or continental bark is what we usually call land. She is pretty old and covers about 40% of the entire planet. Many of her sites reach age from 2 to 4.4 billion years.

The mainland crust consists of three layers. From above, it covers an intermittent sedimentary case. The rock in it is locked with layers or reservoirs, as they are formed due to the scope and sealing of precipitated salts or residues of microorganisms.

The lower and more ancient layer is represented by granites and gneis. They are not always hidden under sedimentary rocks. In some places, they go to the surface in the form of crystalline shields.

The lowest layer consists of metamorphic rocks like basalts and granulites. The basalt layer can reach 20-35 kilometers.

Oceanic bark

Part of the earth's crust, hidden under the waters of the World Ocean, is called oceanic. It is thinner and younger than continental. By age, the bark does not reach two hundred million years, and its thickness is approximately 7 kilometers.

The mainland crust consists of sedimentary rocks from deep-water residues. Below is a basalt layer with a thickness of 5-6 kilometers. Under it begins the mantle presented here in the main peridotitis and dunits.

Every one hundred million years have been updated. It is absorbed in the zones of subducts and is formed again in the field of mid-ocean ridges, with the help of emerging minerals.

Line UMK "Classical Geography" (5-9)


The internal structure of the Earth. Mir of amazing secrets in one article

We often look into the sky and reflect on how space is arranged. We read about astronauts and satellites. And it seems that all riddles, unsolved by man, are there - outside globe. In fact, we live on the planet full of amazing secrets. And we dream of space, without thinking, how difficult and interesting is our land.

The inner structure of the Earth

Planet Earth consists of three main layers: earth crust, mantle and nuclei. You can compare the globe with an egg. Then the egg shell will be an earthly boron, an egg white - a mantle, and yolk - core.

Top part Earth is called lithosphere(Translated from the Greek "Stone Ball"). This is a solid shell of the globe, which includes the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle.

The training manual is addressed to students of grade 6 and is included in the CMD "Classical Geography". Modern design, a variety of questions and tasks, the possibility of parallery work with the electronic form of the textbook contributes to an effective assimilation educational material. The training manual complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Basic General Education.

Earth's crust

The crust is a stone shell that covers the entire surface of our planet. Under the oceans, its thickness does not exceed 15 kilometers, and on the mainland - 75. If you return to an analogy with the egg, then the earth's crust in relation to the entire planet thinner than the egg shell. This layer of land accounts for only 5% of the volume and less than 1% of the mass of the entire planet.

As part of the earth's crust, scientists have discovered silicon oxides, alkali metal, aluminum and iron. The bark under the oceans consists of a sedimentary and basalt layers, it is heavier continental (mainland). While the shell covering the continental part of the planet has a more complex structure.

Three layers of continental terrestrial crust are isolated:

    sedimentary (10-15 km mostly sedimentary breeds);

    granite (5-15 km of metamorphic rocks, according to properties similar to granite);

    basalt (10-35 km of magmatic breeds).


Under the earth's crust is the mantle ( "Cover, cloak"). This layer has a thickness of up to 2900 km. It accounts for 83% of the total volume of the planet and almost 70% of the mass. It consists of mantle of heavy minerals rich in iron and magnesium. This layer has a temperature of over 2000 ° C. Nevertheless, most of the substance of the mantle retains a solid crystalline state due to huge pressure. At a depth of 50 to 200 km, the moving upper layer of the mantle is located. It is called an asthenosphere ( "Impossile Sphere"). Asthenosphere is very plastic, precisely because of it there is an eruption of volcanoes and the formation of mineral deposits. In the thickness of the asthenosphere reaches from 100 to 250 km. The substance that penetrates the asthenosphere into the earth's bark and is poured sometimes to the surface, called magma ("Messa, thick ointment"). When Magma froze on the ground surface, it turns into Lava.


Under the mantle, as if under the bedspread, there is a terrestrial core. It is located 2900 km from the surface of the planet. The kernel has a ball shape with a radius of about 3,500 km. Since people still failed to get to the nucleus of the Earth, the scientists are building guesses about its composition. Presumably, the kernel consists of iron with an admixture of other elements. This is the tight and heavy part of the planet. It accounts for only 15% of the volume of land and as much as 35% of the mass.

It is believed that the kernel consists of two layers - a solid internal nucleus (by a radius of about 1,300 km) and liquid external (about 2,200 km). The inner core seems to float in the external liquid layer. Because of this smooth movement around the Earth, its magnetic field is formed (it protects the planet from hazardous space radiation, and the compass arrow reacts to it). The kernel is the hottest part of our planet. For a long time it was believed that the temperature reaches it, presumably, 4000-5000 ° C. However, in 2013, scientists conducted a laboratory experiment, during which the melting point of iron was determined, which is probably part of the inner earth's nucleus. It turned out that the temperature between the inner solid and external liquid nucleus is equal to the temperature of the surface of the Sun, that is, about 6000 ° C.

The structure of our planet is one of the many unsolved secrets of secrets. Most of the information about it is obtained by indirect methods, no one scientist has failed to produce samples of the earth's core. The study of the structure and composition of the Earth is still conjugate with insurmountable difficulties, but researchers do not surrender and are looking for new ways to extract reliable information about the planet Earth.

When studying the topic "Interior structure of the Earth", students may have difficulties with memorizing titles and order of the globe layers. Latin names will be much easier to remember if the children will create their own earth model. You can offer students to perform a globe model from plasticine or tell about its device on the example of fruits (peel - earth bark, flesh - mantle, bone - core) and items that have a similar structure. Textbook O.A. Climanova will help in the lesson, where you will find colorful illustrations and detailed information on the topic.

Earth's crust External solid land sheath, top of a lithosphere. From the mantle of the earth, the earth's bark is separated by the surface of Mochorovichich.

It is customary to allocate mainland and oceanic bark, which differ in their composition, power, structure and age. Mainland barklocated under the mainland and their underwater outskirts (shelves). The Ground Core of the mainland thickness of 35-45 km is located under the plains of up to 70 km in the field of young mountains. The most ancient areas of the mainland cortex have a geological age greater than 3 billion years. It consists of such shells: the crust of weathered, sedimentary, metamorphic, granite, basalt.

Ocean globe much younger, its age does not exceed 150-170 million years. It has a smaller power 5-10 km. Within the oceanic earth crust, there is no boundary layer. The following layers are distinguished in the structure of the earth's crust of the oceanic type: non-relaxed sedimentary rocks (up to 1 km), volcanic oceanic, which consists of compacted precipitation (1-2 km), basalt (4-8 km).

The stone shell of the Earth does not constitute a single whole. It consists of separate blocks Lithospheric plates.In total, there are 7 large and slightly smaller plates on the globe. The majority include Eurasian, North American, South American, African, Indo-Australian (Indian), Antarctic and Pacific plates. Within all major plates, with the exception of the latter, the continents are located. The boundaries of lithospheric plates pass, as a rule, along the mid-ocean ridges and deep-sea gutters.

Lithospheric platesconstantly change: two plates can be saved into a single collision; As a result of the rifting, the slabs can occur on several parts. Lithospheric plates can be immersed in the land mantle, reaching the earthly kernel. Therefore, the separation of the earth's crust on the stove is not definitely: with the accumulation of new knowledge, some borders of the slabs are recognized as non-existent, new plates are distinguished.

Within lithospheric plates there are areas with different types of earth's crust.So, the eastern part of the Indo-Australian (Indian) plate - the mainland, and the Western is located at the base Indian Ocean. At the African Plate, the continental terrestrial crust is surrounded by oceanic. The mobility of the atmospheric plate is determined by the ratio within its limits of the mainland and oceanic crust.

When colliding lithospheric slabs occurs folding of layers of rocks. Folded belts Movable, strongly dissected areas of the earth's surface. In their development, two stages are allocated. At the initial stage, the Earth Bark experiences predominantly lowering, sedimentary rocks and their metamorphization occur. At the final stage, lowering is replaced by a raising, rock rocks are crushed into the folds. During the last billion years on Earth there were several epochs of intensive properties: Baikal skills, Caledonian, Gersinskoye, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. In accordance with this, different collaboration areas are distinguished.

Subsequently, rocks from which the folded area loses mobility and begin to collapse. The surface accumulates sedimentary rocks. Sustainable parts of the earth's crust are formed platforms. They usually consist of a folded foundation (residues of ancient mountains), blocked on top of the layers of horizontally occurring sedimentary rocks forming a cover. In accordance with the age of the foundation, ancient and young platforms are distinguished. Plots of rocks, where the foundation is immersed on the depth and blocked by sedimentary rocks, called plates. The location of the foundation on the surface is called shields. They are more characteristic of ancient platforms. At the base of all the mainland, ancient platforms are located, the edges of which are folded areas of different ages.

Distribution of platform and folded areas can be seen on the tectonic geographic map, or on the map of the structure of the earth's crust.

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The upper layer of land, giving life to the inhabitants of the planet, is just a thin sheath covering multi-kilometer internal layers. About the hidden structure of the planet knows a little more than about outer space. The deepest Kola well, drilled in the earth's crust for studying its layers, has a depth of 11 thousand meters, but it is just a four hundred one of the distance to the center of the globe. To obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening inside the processes and create a model of the Earth's device can only seismic analysis.

Internal and external layers of earth

The structure of the planet Earth is heterogeneous layers of internal and external shells, which differ in the composition and the role being performed, but are closely related to each other. Inside the globe there are concentric zones:

  • The kernel is a radius of 3,500 km.
  • Mantle - about 2900 km.
  • Ground Cora - on average 50 km.

External layers of the Earth are a gas shell, which is called the atmosphere.

Center Planet

The central geosphere of the Earth is its kernel. If you raise the question of which layer of the Earth is practically less studied, then the answer will be the core. The exact data on its composition, structure and temperature is not possible. All information that is published in scientific works is achieved through geophysical, geochemical methods and mathematical calculations and are represented by the general public with the reservation "presumably". According to the results of the analysis of seismic waves, the earth's core consists of two parts: internal and external. The inner core is the most unexplored part of the Earth, as seismic waves do not reach its limits. The external core is a mass of hot iron and nickel, with a temperature of about 5 thousand degrees, which is constantly in motion and is an electricity conductor. It is with such properties that the origin of the magnetic field of the Earth is associated. The composition of the inner core, according to scientists, is more diverse and supplemented with more lighter elements - gray, silicon, possibly oxygen.


The planet's geopa, which connects the central and upper layers of the Earth, is called mantle. This layer is about 70% of the mass of the globe. The lower part of the magma is the core shell, its external border. Seismic analysis shows a sharp jump in the density and speed of longitudinal waves, which indicates a real change in the composition of the breed. The composition of the magma is a mixture of heavy metals in which magnesium and iron prevail. The upper part of the layer, or an asthenosphere, is a movable, plastic, soft mass with a high temperature. It is this substance that makes its way through the earth's bark and splashes on the surface in the process of volcanic eruption.

The thickness of the magma in the mantle is from 200 to 250 kilometers, the temperature is about 2000 about C. From the lower bowl of the earth's crust, the mantle separates the Mocho layer, or the border of Mochorovichi, the Serbian scientist, which determined a sharp change in the speed of seismic waves in this part of the mantle.

Hard shell

What is the name of the land layer, which is the most solid? It is a lithosphere, a shell that connects the mantle and earthly bark, it is above the asthenosphere, and cleans the surface layer from its hot influence. The main part of the lithosphere is part of the mantle: from the entire thickness of 79 to 250 km, it accounts for 5-70 km, depending on the location of the location. Lithosphere is heterogeneous, it is divided into lithospheric plates, which are in constant slow motion, then breaking up, then approaching each other. Such oscillations of lithospheric plates are called tectonic motion, it is the quick shocks that cause an earthquake, splitting the earth's crust, splashing the magma to the surface. The movement of lithospheric plates leads to the formation of gutters or elevations, the frozen magma forms mountain ranges. Plates do not have permanent boundaries, they are connected and separated. The territory of the earth's surface, over the faults of tectonic plates is the places of increased seismic activity, where more often than in other earthquakes occur, the eruption of volcanoes occur, minerals are formed. At this time, 13 lithospheric plates were recorded, the largest of them: American, African, Antarctic, Pacific, Indo-Australian and Eurasian.

Earth's crust

Compared to other layers, the crust is the thinnest and fragile reservoir from the entire earth's surface. The layer in which the organisms live, which is most saturated with chemicals and microelements, is only 5% of the total mass of the planet. The earth's crust on the planet Earth has two varieties: continental or mainland and oceanic. The continent more solid, consists of three layers: basalt, granite and sedimentary. Oceanic bottom make up basalt (main) and sedimentary layers.

  • Basalt breeds - This is a magmatic franchise, the most dense of the blocks of the earth's surface.
  • Granite layer - None under the oceans, on landing can approach the thickness of several tens of kilometers of granite, crystalline and other similar rocks.
  • Sedimentary plast Formed in the process of destruction of rocks. In it, places contain deposits of minerals of organic origin: stone coal, salt, gas oil, limestone, chalk, potassium salt and others.


Describing the layers of the surface of the earth, it is impossible not to mention the vital water shell of the planet, or the hydrosphere. Water balance on the planet maintain oceanic water (main water mass), groundwater, glaciers, mainland waters of rivers, lakes and other reservoirs. 97% of the total hydrosphere falls on the salty water of the seas and oceans, and only 3% - fresh drinking water, from which the bulk is in glaciers. Scientists assume that the amount of water on the surface will eventually increase due to the deep balls. The hydrosphere masses are in a constant circuit, go from one state to another and closely interact with a lithosphere and an atmosphere. The hydrosphere has a great influence on all earth processes, development and livelihoods of the biosphere. It was the water shell that became a medium for the origin of life on the planet.

The soil

The thinnest fertile layer of the Earth called the soil, or the soil, together with the water shell, has the greatest importance for the existence of plants, animals and humans. This ball arose on the surface as a result of the erosion of rocks, under the action of organic decomposition processes. Recycling the remains of life, millions of microorganisms created a layer of humus - the most favorable for crops of all sorts of terrestrial plants. One of the important indicators of high quality soil - fertility. The soils with equal content of sand, clay and humus, or loams are considered the most fertile. Clay, stony and sandy soils refer to the least suitable for agriculture.


The Earth's air shell rotates with the planet and is inextricably linked with all the processes occurring in the earth's plates. The lower part of the atmosphere penetrates deep into the body of the earth's crust, the upper is gradually combined with space.

The layers of the Earth's atmosphere are inhomogeneous in their composition, density and temperature.

At a distance of 10 - 18 km from the earth's crust extends the troposphere. This part of the atmosphere heats up from the earth's crust and water, so it becomes colder with a height. A decrease in temperature in the troposphere occurs approximately half generators every 100 meters, and in highest points reaches from -55 to -70 degrees. This part of the airspace occupies the largest share - up to 80%. It is here that the weather is formed, storms, clouds are collected, precipitation and winds are formed.

High layers

  • Stratosphere - The ozone layer of the planet, which absorbs the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, not letting it take away all the living. The air in the stratosphere is resolved. Ozone retains a stable temperature in this part of the atmosphere from - 50 to 55 o C. In the stratosphere, a minor part of moisture, so clouds and precipitation for it are not characteristic, unlike significant air currents.
  • Mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere - Air layers of land over the stratosphere, in which the density decrease and temperature of the atmosphere is observed. The layer of the ionosphere is the place of occurrence of the luminescence of charged gas particles, which are referred to as polar shine.
  • Exosphere - Sphere of dispersion of gas particles, blurred border with space.