The smallest people on earth. The smallest man in history

Our world is full of wonders and anomalies. They can be found every day, going to work or walking in the park. Unique, unique nature surrounds us all my life. However, it often happens to see unusual and among people. Man genes are not yet sufficiently studied despite high development Medicine. They are the main cause of the birth of people who dissuade most of us.

Among them allocated this title for many years, many have been honored. However, Pauline Masters has been noted among women today. It was only 59 centimeters. It can be called an embodiment of a fabulous thumb, the same fragile and cute.

Polyne was born in 1876 in Holland. At birth, its growth was 30.5 centimeters. In nine years, she weighed only 1.36 kilograms, and in nineteen-one-one more than four.

The smallest person in the world, and even more the girl, could not remain unnoticed. In those days, she had one road - to the circus. The audience was delighted with her. Prinun was performed with acrobatic numbers, at the end of which dances were required with the audience. She looked like a doll. The tiny dress, lace and shoes hit the imagination.

The scenic pseudonym of a living-inch was Princess Polne. Under this name, she successfully performed in Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium. In 1894, she made his debut in New York. After that, she gained thousands of new fans.

Despite universal love and recognition, the smallest person in the world in history, namely Polne Master, died in the heyday. It was struck by meningitis and pneumonia. A tiny body could not cope with the ailment, and on March 1, 1895, the Little Princess Polin died.

The smallest person in the world among men is now the bandy Tapa Magaru. He lives in Nepal. It has a growth of 55 centimeters and weight 5.5 kilograms. It was born quite tiny, with a weight of 600 grams. According to the stories of the mother, he focused on her hand. When Tapa Rasp and slightly grew, he gladly walked for a walk with his father, who seem to be in his pocket.

The parents of the taps have repeatedly tried to get into the Guinness Book of Records. But they received a refusal due to the small age of their son. Becoming adult, the boy was able to receive the long-awaited title, which is not enough glad.

For the next 10 years, the teenager will have to be measured three more times. In the event that its growth does not change, it will retain his title.

It was far from the first owner of this title. Before him, this title wore Indian Gul Mohammed. He was above just two centimeters. In addition to them, China had Hoe Pingpine, Edwardo Nino Hernandeces from Colombia and others. But they were all significantly higher than Taba Magaru.

The biggest and small person in the world have always been the objects of close attention of the public. Their life and life are highlighted in detail in the press. What was previously considered a shortage today, thanks to show business, it is easy to turn into dignity.

Growney Gunri Balaunga, who lives in a remote town in the south of Philippines, is a little less than two feet. He was officially declared the lowest person in the world and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Dzungry Balaung, who has just been eighteen years old, 23.5 inches growth (59.93 centimeters), and he is 7 centimeters lower than the previous owner of the title of the lowest person in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar from Nepal, the growth of which is 26 inches ( About 67 centimeters). The team of Guinness Records Solemnly brought data from Djungs Balauing to the book in the distant Philippine city of Sindangan, where Balauing lives. According to the rules, the record holder must be at least 18 years old. His majority is the smallest person in the world noted at this Sunday.
Father Junri Balawing said that his son, the eldest of four children, stopped growing in his first year of life. His speech also ceased to develop, and its communication is now limited to short phrases. Balaung basically remains at home because it needs help to move from place to place. His condition did not allow him to attend school.
Although entering the Guinness Book does not provide for a cash prize, the head of the Guinness Book of Records Craig Glenday noted that the team hopes that the publication of the case of Balauing will help attract the attention of medical professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors were unable to explain the reasons for his of the current state. "The previous record holder was provided for medical assistance ... He even passed free operations that were made for the US State Account," the head of the Guinness Book of Records Craig Glendai said.
Dzhunga Balaung celebrates his eighteenth birthday with a cake and balloons. The previous owner of the title of the lowest man in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar, whose height is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches), demonstrates its medals of the record holder in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. It is more than seven centimeters higher than Junery Balaung.
His title of the lowest person in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar received on October 14, 2010 on its eighteen. Edward Nino Hermanz was the owner of the title of the lowest person in the world in a short period from March to October 2010, between the death of the previous record holder and the eighteen deck of Hagedra Tapa Magar.
Hhe Pingping from China received the title of the lowest person in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21. His growth was 74 centimeters (2 feet and 5 inches).
Hee Pingping was known worldwide. In this photo, he is located next to Bao Syncun, which was the owner of the title of the highest person in the world until September 2009. Its growth was 2 meters and 36 centimeters (7 feet and 9 inches). Hee Pingping next to the Sultan Kozne from Turkey, the following owner of the title of the highest person in the world. Its growth is 246, 5 centimeters (8 feet and 1 inch).
The first owner of the title of the lowest person in the world, whose height and age were officially documented by representatives of the Book of Records Guinis - Gi Mohammed from New Delhi, India. Its growth was only 57 centimeters. Gi Muhammed died at the age of forty years in 1997 due to the problems with breathing caused by tobacco abuse.

Growney Gunri Balaunga, who lives in a remote town in the south of Philippines, is a little less than two feet. He was officially declared the lowest person in the world and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Dzungry Balaung, who has just been eighteen years old, 23.5 inches growth (59.93 centimeters), and he is 7 centimeters lower than the previous owner of the title of the lowest person in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar from Nepal, the growth of which is 26 inches ( About 67 centimeters).
The team of Guinness Records Solemnly brought data from Djungs Balauing to the book in the distant Philippine city of Sindangan, where Balauing lives.

According to the rules, the record holder must be at least 18 years old. His majority is the smallest person in the world noted at this Sunday.

Father Junri Balawing said that his son, the eldest of four children, stopped growing in his first year of life. His speech also ceased to develop, and its communication is now limited to short phrases. Balaung basically remains at home because it needs help to move from place to place. His condition did not allow him to attend school.

Although entering the Guinness Book does not provide for a cash prize, the head of the Guinness Book of Records Craig Glenday noted that the team hopes that the publication of the case of Balauing will help attract the attention of medical professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors were not able to explain the causes of its current state. "The previous record holder was provided for medical assistance ... He even passed free operations that were made for the US State Account," the head of the Guinness Book of Records Craig Glendai said.

His title of the lowest person in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar received on October 14, 2010 on its eighteen.

Edward Nino Hermanz was the owner of the title of the lowest person in the world in a short period from March to October 2010, between the death of the previous record holder and the eighteen deck of Hagedra Tapa Magar.

Hhe Pingping from China received the title of the lowest person in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21. His growth was 74 centimeters (2 feet and 5 inches).

Hee Pingping was known worldwide. In this photo, he is located next to Bao Syncun, which was the owner of the title of the highest person in the world until September 2009. Its growth was 2 meters and 36 centimeters (7 feet and 9 inches).

Hee Pingping next to the Sultan Kozne from Turkey, the following owner of the title of the highest person in the world. Its growth is 246, 5 centimeters (8 feet and 1 inch).

Dzhunga Balaung celebrates his eighteenth birthday with a cake and balloons.

The previous owner of the title of the lowest man in the world of Hagedra Tapa Magar, whose height is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches), demonstrates its medals of the record holder in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. It is more than seven centimeters higher than Junery Balaung.

The first owner of the title of the lowest person in the world, whose height and age were officially documented by representatives of the Book of Records Guinis - Gi Mohammed from New Delhi, India. Its growth was only 57 centimeters. Gi Muhammed died at the age of forty years in 1997 due to the problems with breathing caused by tobacco abuse.

Top 10 of the youngest people in the world

The planet surprises us every day more and more. We assign for a second that you have become 1 meter less. For you, it will be undoubtedly shock! The reasons for such that a person is born miniature or at all stops in growth, are genetic mutations in the body or possibly the consequences of serious diseases.

Hee ping - pin.

It was born and lived 21 years in China. A lot of this unique person is only 74 cm. A very rare disease, called imperfect osteogenesis, is a human disease with very fragile bones in the people of such people are also called crystal. This disease in most cases is inherited, in some cases, the body's mutation may occur already in a more conscious age. He was stopped by cardiac attack in 2010 year.

Khatic Kodjaman.

Born in Turkey, the growth of which is 71 cm, when weighing only 6.8 kilograms. It was about the weight of 1600 grams and the doctors immediately determined that she had a congenital nanismal disease (dwarfish). In the age of 4 years old, her height stopped-although all Her relatives possessed a normal growth. Hatch finished a special school, but unfortunately did not find the work in the specialty. She lives with his parents who help her very much.

Edward Nino Hernandez.

He lives in Colombia with an increase of 70 cm, and its weight is equal - 10 kilograms, wearing the title of the smallest person in the world for almost 3 years. It is very vast popularity in his country. There is a very unique person, dancing and removed in films.

Bridget Jordan.

One of the most miniature women in the world where the height of which is 69 centimeters. It is a small height, primarily due to a hypophized nanism disease. Not bitching her little growth, leads a very active and rich lifestyle, loves to dance, listen to music and is a member of support Basketball team.

Khagendra Tapa Magar.

Born and lives in Nepal. The industry is 67 cm, and the weight is 5.5 kilograms. When he was born, he weighed only 600 grams and could fit on the logon. What was the cause of such a height of the doctors and could not determine. He is neither the droplets are not embarrassed by his growth and becomes even more famous and popular in Nepal. Sometimes goes on tour with a dance group, and when there is time, it helps the father in the fruit shop. Polya progressed on his mental abilities, he says and says as a little child .

Stacy Herald.

Fame acquired, not only its little growth in 66 centimeters, also by the fact that she gave birth to three children 2 boys, but a little later, the girl was married to the usual man Will Herald, who had a normal average height. After the wedding, they dreamed of a big full-fledged family-and their dream came true. But the sad story repeatedly with her daughter, she also inherited the disease.

Madge Bester.

This africaanka genetically inherited a disease from his mother, which had an increase of 70 cm, but the NEZH has an increase of 65 cm. He suffers from genetic disease-imperfect osteogenesis. One of the smallest women on the planet, unfortunately her life takes place on a wheelchair.

Joti Amgi.

Its height is 62.8 centimeters and is a native of India. It is called that it is sick of ahondroplasia -Bolez, which is due to the violation of the growth of bones. He loves to travel, visited Italy and even was in Japan, she provided her trips, the Association of Records Guinness. Removed in films and participates in famous television shows. Stand-known starving in the series, the name American horror story. The girl wants to get a good education and become famous and demanded in Bollywood.

Dzungri Balung.

It is in second place in our top, the smallest people in the world with an increase in 55.8 cm. It came true on Philipines in a very poor family and stopped growing in 2 years. Movages diagnosed that this is a temporary stop in growth, but they were mistaken. Parents are maintained and help him even move around.

Chandra Bahadur Danga.

It was officially recognized, the most small man of the planet with an increase in 54.6 cm, the weight was 12 kilograms. He went in Nepal, they learned about him at the age of 73 years old. He lived in a little deaf countryside and never turned to doctors. It was very Active person in life and when gained fame throughout the world, his dream was traveled worldwide. In 2015, he fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs, he was taken to the hospital but could not help anything.

Human growth is the distance from the scalp itself to the plane of the stop, and this indicator depends on the set of factors: gender, age, heredity, ecology of the region, congenital illness. Growth can also be determined by a belonging to any nation or race.

For example, the average growth of Chinese men is 165 cm, and the Dutch - 184 cm. In this case, the concepts of "the highest" and "smallest" can be considered relative.

However, there are two people in the world that can be called "the most-themselves" in terms of growth. Meet Chandra Danga and Sultan Koznes..

Chandra Danga

Nearby Chandra Danga is the smallest man in the world. Its growth is only 54.6 cm with weight at 14.5 kg. The name of Danga is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and this happened when he was already 72 years old.

History of popularity

Everything decided the case. Once a small little man saw the Nepalese woodcutter, who advised him to apply for a book, about which he did not even hear anything until then. Everyone is already accustomed to the longest hair or the largest stadiums of the world, and such a record must be fixed.

No sooner said than done! Soon the "record" representatives, which, as it rely, in such cases, took off all the necessary measurements three times, for which he left, not a lot, no, 24 hours.

Chandra Danga lived in a deaf village, located 400 kilometers from Kathmandu. Little man engaged in weaving and helped his family to care for cows and buffaloes. Despite the fact that he lived for many years, Danga never visited doctors and did not take drugs.

Before he came to the Guinness Book of Records, in his village Chandra did not consider some special. He was distinguished by great optimism and never complained about life vitality. He was not ashamed to ask for help in which he never received a refusal. Chandra Danga died in 2015 at the age of 76.

Sultan Koznes.

Sultan Koznes is the highest person in the world, and its growth is 247 cm, thanks to which Turkish-like was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, with his growth, he is very difficult to sit in the car. Although the long car might be placed inside this giant.

History of record holder

Up to 10 years, Sultan was a conventional boy, no particularly distinguished among peers. After some time, the doctors discovered the pituitary tumor, which led to a rare disease of the acromegaly. Since then, Sultan began to grow rapidly, overtaking not only his classmates, but also a older guys.

For a while, the goats did not experience any difficulties and even successfully played a basketball team. But subsequently it became clear that the growth process does not stop, and the young man became more difficult to move. Doctors tried to help, and the disease even retreated at some time, but it was only a temporary "pass."

To stop the growth of Sultan managed to American doctors from Virginia Medical University, and from 2011 to the present, the growth of the highest person in the world is unchanged.

Problems with growth did not allow Sultan to finish school and get a profession. Because of the tremendous load on the spine, it cannot move normally and does it only with crutches. Of course, many difficulties arise with finding suitable clothing and shoes, transport, but, on the other hand, Sultan is a completely ordinary person who loves music, movies and computer games. Plus, he is happy and in family life, marrying your girlfriend.

A meeting

The very small and highest person in the world once managed to meet. This event occurred in London at the ceremony dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Guinness Book of Records, in November 2014. According to the recordrsmen, getting the title "most" changed all their lives: Sultan stopped sitting at home, complexing because of his height, began to communicate more with people and started a lot of friends from different parts of the world, and Chandra was very happy to travel the opportunity.