Edible fish of the Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean Description, Interesting Facts The most beautiful animals of the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean has the smallest number of seas compared to other oceans. In the northern part there are the largest seas: Mediterranean - the Red Sea and the Persian Bay, half-plated the Andaman Sea and the outskirts of the Arabian Sea; In the eastern part - Arafur and Timor Sea.

Islands relatively little. The largest of them are mainland and are located near the coast: Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Socotra. In the open part of the ocean there are volcanic islands - Mascarenskie, Cryau, Prince Eduard, and others. In tropical latitudes on volcanic cones, coral islands are towering - Maldives, Lakkadiv, Chagos, Coconut, Most Andaman et al.

Shores on S.-Z. and East are indigenous, on S.-V. And the West predominate apparent. The coastline is risen weakly, with the exception of the northern part of the Indian Ocean, almost all seas and large bays are located here (Adensky, Omansky, Bengali). In the southern part there are Karpenaria Bay, the Big Australian Bay and Spencer Bay, Saint Vincent, etc.

A narrow (up to 100 km) is stretched along the shores (shelf), the external edge of which has a depth of 50-200 m (only Antarctica and North-West Australia to 300-500 m). The mainland slope is a steep (up to 10-30 °) ledge, places dismembered by the submarine valleys of the Rivers of Ind, Gang, et al. In the northeastern part of the ocean, the Zonda island arc and a conjugate zonda flavor, to which the maximum depths are confined (up to 7130 m). The ridges, mountains and shafts of the Indian Ocean bed are divided into a row of Kotlovin, the most significant of which Arabian brand, West-Australian brand, the African Antarctic Basin. The bottom of these kitelins form accumulative and hilly plains; The first are located near the mainland in areas with a plenty of sedimentary material, the second - in the central part of the ocean. Among the numerous ridges of the bed with directness and length (about 5000 km), the Meridional East Indian Range, connecting to Yu, is allocated with the latitudinal West Australian ridge; Large meridional ridges are stretched to Yu. From the Industan Peninsula and about. Madagascar. Widely represented on the bed of the Ocean Volcanoes (Bardina, Shcherbakov, G. Lena, etc.), which in some places form large arrays (to C. from Madagascar) and chains (to B. from Coconut Islands). The average and ocean ridges are a mining system consisting of three branches, divergent from the central part of the ocean at S. (Arabian-Indian Ridge), Yu.-Z. (West Indian and African Antarctic Range) and Yu.-V. (Centralindian ridge and Australia-Antarctic raising). This system has a width of 400-800 km, a height of 2-3 km and the most dismembered by the axial (rift) zone with deep valleys and the boundary rift mountains; The transverse faults are characterized, along which horizontal bottom offsets are noted up to 400 km. The Australia-Antarctic raising, unlike the median ridges, is a more severe shaft with a height of 1 km and a width of up to 1500 km.

The bottom sediments of the Indian Ocean have the highest power (up to 3-4 km) at the foot of the mainland slopes; In the middle of the ocean - a small (about 100 m) power and in places of distribution of the dissected relief - intermittent distribution. The most widely represented foraminiferous (on the mainland slopes, ridges and at the bottom of the majority of Kotlovin at a depth of up to 4,700 m), diatoms (south of 50 ° J. sh.), Radiolari (near the equator) and coral precipitation. Polygenic precipitation - red deep-sea clays - spread south of the equator at a depth of 4.5-6 km and more. Territory precipitation - off the coast of the mainland. Chemogenic precipitates are represented mainly by iron-manganese concretions, and rifogenic - products of destruction of deep breeds. The exits of indigenous rocks are most common on the mainland slopes (sedimentary and metamorphic rocks), mountains (basalts) and mid-ocean ridges, where, in addition to basalts, serpentines, peridotites representing a low-changed substance found upper mantle Earth.

For the Indian Ocean, the predominance of stable tectonic structures is characterized both on the bed (Thalassokraton) and in the periphery (mainland platforms); Active developing structures - modern geosyncline (Zonda arc) and georifogenali (mid-oceanic ridge) - occupy smaller areas and are continued in the respective structures of Indochina and rifts of East Africa. These main macrostructures, sharply different in morphology, structure earth crust, seismic activity, vulcanism, are divided into smaller structures: plates, usually corresponding to the bottom of the oceanic kitelin, block ridges, volcanic ridges, places crowned with coral islands and banks (Chagos, Maldives, etc.), gutters-faults (Chagos, Obi et al. .), Frequently dedicated to the foot of the chill ridges (East Indian, West Australian, Maldives, etc.), fault zones, tectonic ledges. Among the structures of the Indian Ocean layer, the northern part of the Muskarensky Range is a special place (according to the presence of continigric rocks - the granites of the Seychelles and the mainland type - the structure, which is apparently part of the ancient mainland Gondwana.

Minerals: On shelves - oil and gas (especially the Persian Bay), monazitic sands (coastal area of \u200b\u200bSouth-Western India), etc.; in rhythic zones - chromium, iron, manganese, copper, and dr.; On the bed - huge accumulations of iron-manganese nodules.

Northern Indian Ocean Musson Climate; In the summer, when the area of \u200b\u200blow pressure develops above Asia, the south-western flow of equatorial air, in winter - the northeastern flow of tropical air are dominated here. South 8-10 ° sh. Atmospheric circulation is much more consistent; Here in tropical (in summer and in subtropical) latitudes, sustainable southeastern trade winds are dominated, and in moderate latitudes - endopic cyclones in the east. In the tropical latitudes in the western part in the summer and autumn there are hurricanes. The average temperature of the air in the northern part of the ocean in the summer is 25-27 ° C, off the coast of Africa to 23 ° C. In the southern part, it decreases in summer to 20-25 ° C at 30 ° YU. sh., up to 5-6 ° C 50 ° sh. and below 0 ° C south of 60 ° sh. In winter, the air temperature varies from 27.5 ° C at the equator to 20 ° C in the northern part, up to 15 ° C to 30 ° YU. sh., up to 0-5 ° С 50 ° sh. and below 0 ° C south of 55-60 ° sh. At the same time in southern subtropical latitudes round year Temperature in the West under the influence of a warm Madagascar flow by 3-6 ° C is higher than in the East, where there is a cold West Australian current. Cloudy in the monsoon northern part of the Indian Ocean in winter is 10-30%, in summer to 60-70%. In the summer there is also the greatest amount of precipitation. The average annual precipitation on V. Arabian Sea and the Bengal bay of more than 3000 mm, from the equator 2000-3000 mm, in the west of the Arabian Sea to 100 mm. In the southern part of the ocean, the average annual cloudiness is 40-50%, south of 40 ° sh. - up to 80%. The average annual precipitation in subtropics is 500 mm on V., 1000 mm on Z., in moderate latitudes of more than 1000 mm, Antarctica decreases to 250 mm.

The circulation of surface waters in the northern part of the Indian Ocean has a monsime character: in summer - Northeast and Eastern flow, in winter - south-west and west. In the winter months between 3 ° and 8 ° sh. The interpassate (equatorial) countercase develops. In the southern part of the Indian Ocean, the circulation of waters forms an anticyclonal cycle, which is formed from warm currents - southern trade in S., Madagascar and needle in the west and cold - the flow of Western winds in the south and West Australian in the east south of 55 ° YU. sh. Several weak cyclone cycles of water develop, off the coast of Antarctica with the eastern flow.

The thermal balance prevails the positive component: between 10 ° and 20 ° C. sh. 3.7-6.5 GJ / (m2 × year); between 0 ° and 10 ° sh. 1.0-1.8 gd / (m2 × year); between 30 ° and 40 ° sh. - 0.67-0.38 GJ / (m2 × year) [from - 16 to 9 kcal / (cm2 × year)]; between 40 ° and 50 ° sh. 2.34-3.3 gd / (m2 × year); South 50 ° sh. from -1.0 to -3.6 gd / (m2 × year) [from -24 to -86 kcal / (cm2 × year)]. In the consuming part of the thermal balance north of 50 ° sh. The main role belongs to the cost of heat to evaporation, and south of 50 ° sh. - Ocean heat exchange with an atmosphere.

The water temperature on the surface reaches a maximum (more than 29 ° C) in May in the northern part of the ocean. In the summer of the northern hemisphere, it makes it here 27-28 ° C and only at the coast of Africa decreases to 22-23 ° C under the influence of the exit to the surface of cold waters with depths. The equator is equal to 26-28 ° C and decreases to 16-20 ° C to 30 ° YU. sh., up to 3-5 ° С 50 ° sh. and below -1 ° C south of 55 ° sh. In the winter of the northern hemisphere, the temperature on C. is equal to 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, at an equator 28 ° C, 30 ° YU. sh. 21-25 ° C, 50 ° sh. from 5 to 9 ° C, south of 60 ° sh. Temperatures are negative. In subtropical latitudes all year round in the West, the water temperature is 3-5 ° C higher than in the east.

The saltness of water depends on the water balance, which develops on average for the surface of the Indian Ocean from evaporation (-1380 mm / year), precipitation (1000 mm / year) and mainland (70 cm / year). The main stock of freshwater gives the River South Asia (Gang, Brahmaputra, etc.) and Africa (Zambezi, Limpopo). The greatest saline is celebrated in the Persian Gulf (37-39 ‰), in the Red Sea (41) and in the Arabian Sea (more than 36.5). In the Bengal Gulf and the Andaman Sea, it decreases to 32.0-33.0, in southern tropics - up to 34.0-34.5. In southern subtropical latitudes, saline exceeds 35.5 (maximum 36.5 in summer, 36.0 winter), and south of 40 ° YU. sh. Falls up to 33.0-34.3. The greatest water density (1027) is observed in Antarctic latitudes, the smallest (1018, 1022) is in the northeastern part of the ocean and in the Bengal Gulf. In the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean, the density of water is 1024-1024.5. The oxygen content in the surface layer of water increases from 4.5 ml / l in the northern part of the Indian Ocean to 7-8 ml / l south of 50 ° sh. At the depths of 200-400 m, the absolute size oxygen content is significantly less and varies from 0.21-0.76 on C. up to 2-4 ml / l in the south, at high depths, it is gradually gradually increased in the bottom layer 4.03 -4.68 ml / l. The color of water is predominantly blue, in the Antarctic latitudes of blue, places with greenish shades.

Evils in the Indian Ocean, as a rule, are small (off the shores of the open ocean and on the islands from 0.5 to 1.6 m), only in the vertices of some bays they reach 5-7 m; In Camboi Gulf 11.9 m. These are predominantly semi-sufficient character.

The ice are formed in high latitudes and are taken out by winds and trends together with icebergs in the northern direction (up to 55 ° sh. In August and up to 65-68 ° sh. In February).

The deep circulation and the vertical structure of the Indian Ocean are formed by water immersed in subtropical (subsurface water) and antarctic (intermediate water) of convergence zones and along the continental slope of Antarctica (bottom water), as well as incoming from the Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean (deep water). The subsurface waters have at a depth of 100-150 m to 400-500 m. The temperature of 10-18 ° C, the saline 35.0-35.7 ‰, intermediate waters occupy a depth of 400-500 m to 1000-1500 m, have a temperature from 4 to 10 ° C, saline 34.2-34,6 ‰; The deep water at a depth of 1000-1500 m to 3500 m have a temperature of 1.6 to 2.8 ° C, saline 34.68-34.78 ‰; Dining water below 3500 m have in the south temperature from -0.07 to -0.24 ° C, saline 34.67-34.69 ‰, on C. - about 0.5 ° C and 34,69-34.77 ‰, respectively.

Flora and fauna

The entire water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean lies within the tropical and southern moderate belts. For shallow tropical belts, numerous 6- and 8-beam corals are characterized, hydrocalolls capable of creating islands and atolls together with lime red algae. Among the powerful coral buildings, the richest fauna of various invertebrates (sponges, worms, crabs, mollusks, sea hedgehogs, masters and starfish), small, but brightly painted coral fish. Most of the coasts are occupied by mangrove thickets, which highlights or a fishing fish, a long time to exist in the air. The fauna and flora of the sewing into the tump of beaches and rocks is quantitatively depleted as a result of the depressing effect of sunlight. In a moderate belt, life in such sections of coasts is presented much richer; It develops thick thickets of red and brown algae (laminaries, fukusy, reaching huge sizes of macrocystis), are abundant diverse invertebrates. For open spaces of the Indian Ocean, especially for the surface layer of water thickness (up to 100m), a rich flora is also characteristic. From unicellular planktonal algae, several types of cordial and diatoms of algae predominate, and in the Arabian Sea - cinema algae, often causing so-called water flowering during mass development.

The bulk of the ocean animals make up the contouring rags (more than 100 species), then follow the mollusk, jellyfish, siphofofores, etc. invertebrates. From unicellites are characterized by radolaria; Numerous squid. Several species of volatile fish are most abundant from fish, glowing anchovies - microfids, corneters, large and small tuna, sailboat fish and a variety of sharks, poisonous sea snakes. Sea turtles and large marine mammals are common (dugoni, toothy and toothless whales, laston-either). Among the birds are most characteristic of albatrosis and frigates, as well as several types of penguins, inhabiting the coast of South Africa, Antarctica and Islands lying in a temperate ocean belt.

The sailboat belongs to the detachment of perch, which includes two kinds of fish at once. Its habitat is the central and western part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the water of Indian. This marine animal can be found even in the Black Sea, where it swims from the Mediterranean. Fish-sailboat is known, first of all, what is the fastest and predatory in the world.


The characteristic distinction of this fish is the high and long fin, resembling a sail, from where its name took. The fin stretched from the nape almost to the end of the back. The sail has a pronounced blue color, with an abundance of dark dots. Nearby is the second dorsal fin, in the form similar to the first, but significantly less. Breast fins are closer to the bottom of the body. They are black, sometimes light blue spots can be observed.

Sailboat - Fish rather big size. So, young individuals reaches about two meters long, and adults are more than three. The weight of large fish is 100 kilograms, however, in most cases there are individuals up to 30 kg. The sailboat is distinguished by its rarity and beauty.

Gallery: Fish Sailboat (25 photos)


As already noted, this marine animal is an active predator and develops the maximum speed among other ocean inhabitants. Sailboats can move at a speed of 100 km / h. To reveal how rapidly this fish, several tests in the USA, Florida, were conducted. On one of them, the sailboat managed to overcome 90 m for 3 s, which is equal to 109 km / h.

As soon as this fish develops a greater speed, the first dorsal fin (sail) hides in a special recess on the back. In addition, the rest of the fins are hidden, but with sharp turns, they immediately rise. But these fish are not always rushing at a huge speed on maritime expanses. Sometimes they are slowly drifting with molten fins, representing an excellent spectacle.

The sailboat is one of the few fish that uses turbulence in their movements. This sea animal does not have a swimming bubble, thanks to which his movements are so fast. Moreover, the presence of this body would only hurt the sailboat with its specific body structure.

This ocean inhabitant moves with the help of wave-like body movements that focus on the tail. This marine animal is distinguished by its muscles and an unusual body structure.

Food and Hunting Method

Sailboats hunt for small fish like Sardin. Usually their prey is going to shoals and moves, as a whole. Thus, small fish are trying to confuse predator and do not become a light lunch. Fish-hunters follow the jambs, trying to scare them and get their prey. Sailboats are one of the strongest hunters, they destroy their prey for counting seconds. Due to speed and maneuverance, they instantly disappear in water.

Food for fish-sailboat:

In the process of hunting, these marine animals accelerate large shoals into smaller. They manage to scare a small fish and break into the small shoals comfortable for them. Since sailboats hunt with flocks, Sardin has no chance to get away from them. Very formidable and efficient weapon in the arsenal of fish-sailboats are their long sharp snout. However, it is not intended to prick of its prey. They wonder the fish, and they do it so quickly that Sardines do not have time to float.

Catching sailboat.

Experienced fishermen know that you catch a sailboat on your spinning - great luck. Such a catch can be envied. However, catching this fish is strictly controlled. Sailboat is in the Red Book. There are sports competitions for catching this marine animal, which are considered one of the most prestigious in the art. However, after catching, the fish is photographed and released back. But it is very difficult to catch it. Even the best fishermen do not always manage to do it. The reason is that this inhabitant of the ocean is ready to do everything for his freedom. For example, jump out of the water and make a long jump by pulling a fisherman behind you.

Catching this fish, despite the ban, is very common off the coast of Florida, Cuba, California. Everyone can go fishing and experience good luck in a sailboat.


Fish of this species multiply in summer or autumn in equatorial warm waters. During this season, one female is able to postpone up to 5 million icons. The main part of them dies, being eaten large predators.

These marine animals are terrible parents, they are not at all interested in fate and the fate of their offspring, they do not feed their fry. But due to the huge number of caviar, the disgusting attitude towards the offspring is coming down. During the first year, the fry grow into individuals up to two meters long. Most often, their weight does not exceed 30 kg, but it is possible and a larger part. The average life expectancy of the fish sailboat is 13-14 years old.

Several curious observations:

From the tropics to the ice of Antarctica

The Indian Ocean is located between the four continent - Eurasia (Asian part of the continent) in the north, Antarctica in the south, Africa in the West and the East with Australia and the group of islands and archipelagos located between the Indochinese P in Om and Australia.

Most of the Indian Ocean water area spread out in the southern hemisphere. The border with the Atlantic Ocean determines the conventional line from M. Migol (southern point of Africa) to the 20th Meridian to Antarctica. With the quiet ocean, the border passes from P-ov Malacca (Indochina) to northern Point O.Sumatra, then - along the line. Connecting O-Vatra, Java, Bali, Bali, Timor and New Guinea. Between New Guinea and Australia, the border passes through Torres Strait, south of Australia - from Cape Xau to O. Tasmania and on his Western coast, and from M.Yuzhny (extreme southern point O. Tasmania) strictly in Meridian to Antarctica. With north Arctic Ocean The Indian Ocean does not bordered.

Full map of the Indian Ocean you can see.

The area occupied by the waters of the Indian Ocean - 74917 thousand k.km is the third largest ocean. The coastline of the ocean is weakly cut, therefore, there are few seasons in its territory. It is possible to distinguish only such seas as the Red Sea, Persian and Bengal Bay (in fact, these are huge outskirts of the sea), the Arabian Sea, the Andaman Sea, Timor and Arafur seas. The Red Sea is the inner sea of \u200b\u200bbasin, the rest are the outskirts.

The central part of the Indian Ocean is a somewhat deep-water kitelin, among which the largest - Arabian, West Australian, African Antarctic. These basins are separated by extended underwater ridges and raising. The deepest point The Indian Ocean - 7130 m is located in the Zordskaya groove (along the Zonda Island Arc). The average depth of the ocean is 3897 m.

The bottom relief is pretty monotonous, the eastern part is more flat than Western. In the area of \u200b\u200bAustralia and Oceania, many shames and cans. The bottom soil is similar to the soil of other oceans and is the following types: coastal deposits, organic ilth (radolar, diatom) and clay - at high depths (the so-called "red clay"). Coastal deposits are sand, located on the shallow depths of 200-300 m. It may be green, blue (near rocky coasts), brown (volcanic areas), brighter (thanks to the presence of lime) in the areas of coral buildings. Red clay lies at depths more than 4500 m. It has red, brown, or chocolate color.

By the number of islands, the Indian Ocean is inferior to all the rest of the oceans. The largest islands: Madagascar, Ceylon, Mauritius, Socotra and Sri Lanka are fragments of ancient continents. In the central part of the ocean there are groups of small islands of volcanic origin, and in tropical latitudes - groups of coral islands. Most famous groups Islands: Amyranth, Seychelles, Comornan, Reunion, Maldives, Coconut.

Water temperature In the ocean, the climatic zones are determined. Bruges Africa runs cold Somali course here average temperature Water + 22- + 23 degrees, In the northern part of the ocean, the temperature of the surface layers can rise to +29 degrees, at the equator - + 26- + 28 degrees, as it moves to the south it decreases to -1 degrees. With the coast of Antarctica.

Vegetable I. animal world The Indian Ocean is rich and diverse. Many tropical coasts are mangroves, which formed special communities of plants and animals adapted to regular floods and dereg. Among these animals, it is possible to note numerous crabs and an interesting fish - or a jumper inhabiting almost all Ocean Mangra. The shallow water of tropical waters chose coral polyps, including many rhyme-forming corals, fish and invertebrates. In moderate latitudes, red and brown algae grow in abundance in abundance, among which the most numerous laminaries, fukus and giant macrotsists grow. Phytoplankton is represented by periodines in tropical waters and diatoms in moderate latitudes, as well as blue-green algae forming in some places dense seasonal clusters.

Among the animals living in the Indian Ocean is the most roar-roots, which here has more than 100 species. If weigh all the rootapods in the waters of the ocean, then their total mass will exceed the mass of all other inhabitants.

Invertebrate animals are represented by various mollusks (chonalogenic, cephalopod, fraud, etc.). Very much jellyfish and siphonophore. In the waters of the open ocean, as in the Pacific, the volatile fish, tuna, corneters, sailboats and glowing anchovies are numerous. A lot of marine snakes, including poisonous, even a rowed crocodile is found to attack people.

Mammals are represented by large quantities and diversity. There are also whales of different species, dolphins, and tales, and cough. Many lastonous (sea seals, seals, dugony). Catto-shaped is particularly numerous in the cold southern waters of the ocean, where there are criteria sterns.

Among those living here sea feathers Fregates and albatrosters can be noted, and in cold and temperate waters - penguins.

Despite the wealth of the animal world of the Indian Ocean, fishery and fisheries in this region are developed weakly. The total catch of fish and seafood in the Indian Ocean does not exceed 5% of the global catch. Fisheries is represented only by the tuna fisherman in the central part of the ocean and small fishing artels and individual fishermen of coasts and island areas.
In some places (off the coast of Australia, Sri Lanka, etc.) developed pearls.

In depths and the bottom layer of the central part of the ocean, there is also life. Unlike the upper, more adapted for the development of flora and fauna layers, deep-sea ocean sites are presented by a smaller number of individuals of the animal world, but in specifically, the surface is superior. Life in the depths of the Indian Ocean studied very little, as, however, the depths of the entire world ocean. Only the contents of deep-water trawls, and rare dive of bible bays and similar devices into multi-kilometer pumors, can approximately tell about the local life forms. Many forms of animals living here have unusual for our gaze form of body and organs. Huge eyes, a toothy head, exceeding the size of the rest, bizarre fins and grows on the body - all this is the result of the adaptation of animals to life in conditions of pitch darkness and monstrous pressures in the depths of the ocean.

Many of the animals use glowing organs, or the light emitted by some bottom microorganisms (benthos) to attract mining and protection against enemies. So, a small (up to 18 cm) Platitrokt fish, found in deep-water zones of the Indian Ocean, uses a glow to protect. At the moments of danger, she can blind the enemy with a cloud of luminous mucus and safely escape. There are similar weapons in many living beings living in the dark sacrons of deep-sea areas of the oceans and the seas. Great white shark. In the Indian Ocean, there are many acousts for a person. At the coast of Australia, Africa, in the Seychelles, in the Red Sea, in the Oceania, the shark attack on people is not uncommon.

Many in the Indian Ocean and other animal dangerous people. Poisonous jellyfish, synecole octopus, mollusks cones, thidakne, poisonous snakes, etc. can deliver serious trouble when communicating.

The following pages will tell about the seas that are part of the Indian Ocean, about the flora and the fauna of these seas, and, of course, about the sharks living in them.

Let's start with the Red Sea - the unique indian water bodist of the Indian Ocean

The underwater world of the Indian Ocean is no less fascinating, diverse and bright than the nature of coastal territories. Its warm water is replete with a large number of exotic plants and animals, which made it possible to call the third largest ocean in the most populated water spacing.

In the waters of the Indian Ocean, a huge number of brightly colored fish, sponges, mollusks, raffs, crabs, worms, marine stars, hells, turtles, luminous anchovs, fish-sailboats dwells among incredible on the beauty of coral structures.

Dangerous species are found here: octopuses, jellyfish, poisonous sea snakes and sharks. A large number of plankton is the main food for such large fish, like sharks and tuna.

A needle jumper lives in mangroves - fish, capable of luck for quite a long time, thanks to a special body structure. In coastal waters, Sardinells, Kefali, Stavrids, Sea Soma are found in the coastal waters. In the southern part there are white fish.

In tropical zones you can find rare and unusual representatives of the kind of Siren - Digo, well, and of course, dolphins and whales.

Among the birds are the most common frigates and albatrosses. Among the endemics is a paradise flycut and a shepherd partridge. On the southern coast of Africa and in Antarctica there are penguins.

Vegetable world

The flora of the coastal zones of the Indian Ocean is represented by dense thickets of brown and red algae (fucus, laminaria, macrocystis). From green algae, Kaulerpa is most common. Lime algae are represented by licamations and halimeda, which together with corals form reefs. Of higher Plants Most often occur in the population - sea grass.

The Fish World of the Indian Ocean is rich and diverse because of its location.

It is placed in southern and tropical belts. The climate is different here, which affected the number of species of fish inhabiting in the ocean.

Fauna of the Indian Ocean

In the shelf sections of the ocean such fish:

  • anchovy;
  • mackerel;
  • sardalle;
  • stone and reef perch;
  • horse mackerel;

The Skumbrian family is represented by wet and tuna. Numerous detachments of Anchovs, bats and fish - sailboat.

It is impossible to list all kinds, as scientists have several hundred in the ocean.

Here are just some of them:

  • australian pelamic;
  • white sarg;
  • six-fucked shark;
  • long Tuna;
  • indian winer;
  • lufar and others.

For lovers of extreme fishing, there is also a lesson. In the ocean, different types of sharks are found. Sea snakes and fish-sword live here.

The fauna of the ocean is represented by shrimps and langustami. There are many squids and cuttlefish.

Moderate Zone Fish

For this purpose, the ocean is characterized by large individuals, such as:

  • sea \u200b\u200bElephant;
  • dug;
  • blue and toothless whale;
  • seal.

In the ocean, there is enough plankton, which serves as excellent food for huge representatives of the reservoir.

Dangerous inhabitants

The underwater world of the ocean is not only interesting, but also dangerous. Here you can meet a clock or whale.

The bite of the predatory moray is equivalent to the bite of bulldog. Coral reefs are reliably covered by fish or wildflower.

Fish-stone dwells in shallow water. The view of it is unsightly, the body is all in highlights, and on the back there are more than ten poisonous needles.

We must pay tribute: it never reveals the initiative first and does not attack a person.

But if only touch it, the reaction, despite its external clumsiness, will be instantaneous.

Sea Yozh is distinguished by a species diversity. They are about six hundred.

The location of their location is the tropical and subtropical areas of the Indian Ocean.