The main theme of the story is the chameleon. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov chameleon story creation story

There is silence all around... There is not a soul in the square... The open doors of shops and taverns look at the light of God dejectedly, like hungry mouths; there are not even beggars around them.

- So you bite, accursed? - Ochumelov suddenly hears. Guys, don't let her go! Now it is not ordered to bite! Hold on! Ah... ah!

A dog screech is heard. Ochumelov looks to the side and sees: a dog is running from the merchant Pichugin's timber warehouse, jumping on three legs and looking around. A man in a cotton starched shirt and an unbuttoned waistcoat is chasing her. He runs after her and, leaning his body forward, falls to the ground and grabs the dog by the hind legs. For the second time, a dog's squeal and a cry are heard: "Do not let him go!" Sleepy faces protrude from the shops, and soon a crowd gathers around the wood warehouse, as if grown out of the ground.

- No mess, your honor! .. - says the policeman.

Ochumelov makes a half turn to the left and strides towards the crowd. Near the very gates of the warehouse, he sees, the above-described man in an unbuttoned waistcoat is standing and, raising his right hand, shows a bloodied finger to the crowd.(Fig. 2) .

Rice. 2. Ochumelov and Khryukin ()

On his half-drunk face it seems to be written: “I’ll rip you off, rogue!” and the very finger looks like a sign of victory. In this man, Ochumelov recognizes the goldsmith Khryukin. In the center of the crowd, spreading his front legs and trembling all over, sits on the ground the culprit of the scandal himself - a white greyhound puppy with a sharp muzzle and a yellow spot on his back. In his watery eyes, an expression of longing and horror.

“I’m going, your honor, I’m not bothering anyone ...” Khryukin begins, coughing into his fist. - As for firewood with Mitriy Mitrich, - and suddenly this vile one for no reason at all for a finger ... Excuse me, I'm a person who works ... My work is small. Let them pay me, because I may not move this finger for a week ... This, your honor, is not even in the law to endure from the creature ... If everyone bites, then it’s better not to live in the world ...

- Hm! .. Well ... - says Ochumelov sternly, coughing and moving his eyebrows. - Well... Whose dog? I won't leave it like this. I'll show you how to let the dogs loose! It's time to pay attention to such gentlemen who do not want to obey the regulations! How they fine him, the bastard, so he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! I'll show him Kuzka's mother! .. Eldyrin, - the warden turns to the policeman, - find out whose dog it is, and draw up a protocol! And the dog must be killed. Immediately! She must be mad... Whose dog is this, I ask?

- This, it seems, is General Zhigalov! - says someone from the crowd(Fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. Ochumelov, Khryukin and the people ()

- General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat... Horror, how hot it is! Must be before the rain...(Fig. 4) There's only one thing I don't understand: how could she bite you? - Ochumelov addresses Khryukin. - Something she will get to the finger? She is small, and you are so healthy! You must have cracked your finger with a nail, and then an idea came into your head to lie. You're... well-known people! I know you, damn!

Rice. 4. Eldyrin removes Ochumelov's greatcoat ()

- He, your honor, with a cigarette in her mug for laughing, and she - don’t be a fool and poke ... Nonsense man, your honor!

- You're lying, crooked! I didn’t see it, so, therefore, why lie? Their nobility is a smart master and they understand if someone is lying, and who is in conscience, as before God ... And if I'm lying, then let the world judge. It says in his law ... Today everyone is equal ... I myself have a brother in the gendarmes ... if you want to know ...

- Do not argue!

- No, this is not a general's ... - the policeman remarks thoughtfully. The general doesn't have one. He has more and more cops ...

- You know that right?

- That's right, your honor...

- I know myself. The general's dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one - the devil knows what! No wool, no appearance... only meanness... And to keep such a dog?!.. Where is your mind? If such a dog were caught in St. Petersburg or Moscow, do you know what would happen? They would not have looked into the law, but immediately - do not breathe! You, Khryukin, have suffered and don’t leave things like that ... You need to teach a lesson! It's time...

- Or maybe the general's ... - the policeman thinks aloud. - It's not written on her muzzle ... The other day I saw one in his yard.

- Hm!.. Put on, brother Eldyrin, a coat on me... Something blew in the wind... Chills... You will take her to the general and ask there. Tell me what I found and sent... And tell her not to let her out into the street... She may be dear, but if every pig poke her in the nose with a cigar, then how long to spoil it. A dog is a tender creature... And you, fool, put your hand down! Don't show your stupid finger! It's my own fault!

- The general's cook is coming, we'll ask him ... Hey, Prokhor! Come here, honey! Look at the dog... yours?

Rice. 5. The general's cook tells whose dog it is ()

- Invented! We've never had anything like this(Fig. 5) !

- And there is nothing to ask here for a long time, - says Ochumelov. - She's a wanderer! There is nothing to talk about here for a long time ... If he said that a stray, therefore, a stray ... Exterminate, that's all.

- This is not ours - continues Prokhor. - This is the general's brother, who arrived the other day. Ours is not a greyhound hunter. Their brother is eager ...

- Did their brother come? Vladimir Ivanovich? - asks Ochumelov, and his whole face is filled with a smile of tenderness. - Look, Lord! And I didn't know! Have you come to visit?

- Visit...

- Look at you, Lord... We missed your brother... But I didn't even know! So this is their dog? I'm very glad... Take her... Little dog wow... Such a nimble... Catch this by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rr... Angry, rogue... such a nutty...

Prokhor calls the dog and walks with it from the wood depot... The crowd laughs at Khryukin.

- I'll get to you! - Ochumelov threatens him and, wrapping himself in his overcoat, continues his way through the market square(Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Ochumelov leaves the market square ()

After reading the name "Chameleon", the reader can assume that we are talking about the animal world, about nature. - a breed of lizards that quickly change color depending on the environment (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Chameleon ()

But the story is about people, about their behavior, about moral qualities. A chameleon can be called a police overseer Ochumelov, who changes his attitude to the environment depending on the situation. The protagonist of the story, the police warden Ochumelov, is trying to find out why the crowd has gathered in the market square. He takes things seriously.

- On what occasion is this here? - asks Ochumelov, crashing into the crowd. - Why here? Why are you fingering?.. Who was screaming?

The answer to the question whose dog it is changes six times. And Ochumelov changes his attitude to the situation just as many times. His behavior and his assessment of events are changing. Let's see how this happens and why.

- Hm! .. Well ... - says Ochumelov sternly, coughing and moving his eyebrows. - Whose dog? I'll show you how to let the dogs loose! How they fine him, the bastard, so he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! I'll show him Kuzka's mother! Find out whose dog it is and make a report!

- This, it seems, is General Zhigalov! - says someone from the crowd.

- General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat... Horror, how hot it is!

- The general's dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one - the devil knows what! No wool, no appearance ... only meanness ...

- Or maybe the general's. It doesn't say on her face...

- Hm! .. Put on, brother Eldyrin, a coat on me ... Something blew in the wind ... Chills ...

So, the answer of someone from the crowd that the dog belongs to General Zhigalov immediately changes the appearance of Ochumelov, and his view of the situation and the culprit of what happened. Ochumelov, like a chameleon lizard, changes its “color” depending on the environment. He changes his mind several times depending on who the owner of the dog is. The reason is an unshakable conviction in the superiority of the general over everything else.

Rice. 8. A.P. Chekhov ()

It is very important how Chekhov (Fig. 8) uses in the story artistic detail.

Detail- expressive detail in the work, which helps to present the reader, the viewer, the time, the place of action, the appearance of the character, the nature of his thoughts, to feel and understand the author's attitude to the depicted more sharply and deeper.

The overcoat, which he uses like a chameleon, gives special significance to the police overseer Ochumelov:

- Take off my coat ... Horror, how hot!

- Something blew in the wind ... Chills ...

Another interesting detail is Khryukin's finger, which he raises like a banner, speaking to the victims, and lowers it when he moves from the victim to the category of the accused.

The combination of the important look of the police officer Ochumelov and the bundle in his hand creates a comic effect.

Ochumelov's behavior is subservience to superiors and rudeness and permissiveness towards inferiors. On the one hand, in the speech of a policeman, we hear the words of an official business style: minutes, decree. On the other - rude abuse: I will show him Kuzkin's mother. The combination of characters with different styles of vocabulary in the speech not only creates a comic effect, but also helps Chekhov to expose the hero, to show his true face. The remarks of the policeman Eldyrin are also comical:

- Maybe she's a general. It doesn't say on her face...

Together with Ochumelov, Khryukin also undergoes a series of transformations. From victim to perpetrator and vice versa. The portrait of the goldsmith Khryukin is created with a few strokes: a cotton starched shirt, an unbuttoned waistcoat, a half-drunk face. The comic effect is complemented by the epithet of official business coloring: the person described above.

The mood of the crowd also changes depending on the situation. An ordinary occasion has become an amusement for the sleepy marketplace, and the crowd also chameleonizes, also changing its behavior depending on who owns the dog.

Pay attention to the speaking names of the characters in the story. Crazy - it is to lose the ability to think, to think clearly. Khryukin is a pig.

It can be concluded that Chekhov in his story makes fun of unprincipled people who change their position depending on the situation. Chameleonism, stupidity, servility - these are not harmless shortcomings, but human vices. All the inhabitants of the city are chameleons: the crowd, the police officer, the goldsmith Khryukin, the policeman.

Do you think Chekhov's story is satirical or humorous?

Humor- the image of the heroes in a funny way. Humor is laughter cheerful and friendly.

Satire(lit. mixture, all sorts of things)- merciless ridicule, criticism of reality, phenomenon, person.

Chameleon - a common noun that defines a whole social phenomenon - chameleonism. The characters in the story are comical precisely because of their variability. But Chekhov makes us not only laugh, but also indignant. And this is the satirical orientation of his early stories.


  1. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  2. Kuteynikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  3. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
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  2. ().
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  1. Write a brief retelling of the work of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon".
  2. Name the main characters of the story and describe their character, focusing on their "speaking" surnames.
  3. Define the term chameleonism. Give examples of manifestations of chameleonism from the story.

Lesson topic: A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”. Ridicule of stupidity and servility. Meaning of the title of the story. The development of ideas about humor and satire.

Lesson objectives:

  1. describe (briefly) the historical atmosphere of Russia in the 80s of the 19th century;
  2. expand ideas about the versatility of Chekhov's creativity;
  3. conduct an analytical conversation on the content of the story, show that chameleonism is a social phenomenon;
  4. form the concept of the comic as a force that purifies and develops human society;
  5. teach children expressive reading.

During the classes

Checking homework. (Individual reports on the biography of the writer.)

Learning new material.

1. A brief description of the era in which Chekhov's stories were written.

The 80s of the 19th century is a difficult era that came after the assassination of Alexander II. This is the era of timelessness and the triumph of reaction. The Censorship Committee closes Saltykov-Shchedrin's journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. Chekhov felt the historical deprivation of the Russian people in knowledge and culture, the lack of respect for human dignity, especially sharply and painfully. Russia of that time resembled a prison in which every free thought was killed and in which justices of the peace, policemen, and guards reigned.

2. The history of the creation of the story "Chameleon".

"Chameleon" was created at the beginning of the literary activity of the writer. The story was published in 1884. during this period, the writer was especially keenly aware of the accusatory traditions of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Chekhov had a deep respect for the work of the great satirist writer. This admiration could not but lead to the development of Chekhov's work of the satirical traditions that Saltykov created and affirmed. These literary traditions of Russian satire seep into the stories of the young Chekhov. The writer is brought closer to them by the merciless denunciation of Russian reality. Many techniques of satirical writing were adopted by the young author. Here are speaking names, and the grotesque, and the structure of characters. Therefore, Saltykov-Shchedrin can be called Chekhov's ideological mentor and teacher.

3. Deepening the idea of ​​Chekhov as a satirical writer.

- Independent work of students on a textbook article.

- Questions on the article of the textbook.

* How did the literary activity of A.P. Chekhov with his medical practice, social activities of the school trustee?

* What kind of person does Chekhov appear to us, what features of his creative manner do writers note in their memoirs?

4. A detailed conversation on the content of the story "Chameleon".

* What is the situation in a provincial town? ( conditions of laziness and boredom.)

* Expressive reading of an excerpt from the story from the words “So you bite the damned” to the words “Whose dog, I ask”?

* Track how Ochumelov's behavior changes depending on the circumstances ?

Truth and justice are of no importance to a police officer. Who is stronger is right. Ochumelov himself lost everything connected with human dignity and honor. From the mere consciousness that he can cause the general's displeasure, he is thrown into heat, then into cold.

* Pay attention to his speech, appeal to Khryukin and the perpetrator of the scandal. How does this characterize him?

*Tell me how the police warden Ochumelov moves?

*Why is the story called "Chameleon"?

*Which of the characters in the story can be called a chameleon and what details in the text help to understand this?

Ochumelov-chameleon turns into a frozen mask of servility. But he is not alone, the goldsmith, as it were, absorbs and reflects the rays of Ochumelov's commanding majestic radiance. He then demands equality for himself, remembering that he also has a brother in the gendarmes, then he falls silent like a servile when Ochumelov's anger turns on him. And the gathered crowd approves and sympathizes with the police rank, seeing in his actions a natural manifestation of power and law.

* Comparison of the first and final scenes of the story.

Khryukin is defeated. His finger, initially raised like a banner, is lowered, it seems to be gone. The crowd, which previously expressed sympathy for the artisan, now laughs and gloats. And Khryukin was “thrown” by a miserable, lame-legged, beaten little dog, she is elevated above the crowd, and Ochumelov himself is ready to deliver her to General Zhigalov’s brother .. But Ochumelov is elevated above the crowd as the most complete embodiment of the very essence of this chameleonism. It acquires an all-embracing character, becomes not just a personal property, but a social feature. It's scary because it's becoming commonplace. And in a country where the crazy people are on guard, lawlessness reigns.

*Linguistic and artistic features of the story.

- The purpose of the details in the story.

In "Chameleon" the detail is fleeting, but socially significant (Ochumelov's new overcoat, Khryukin's bloodied finger).

- The composition of the story.

The action does not go beyond the market square, but not for a long time, the unity of the plot is Khryukin's bite by a dog and the question of who owns the dog.

- The speech structure of the story.

The author's speech is reduced to introductory and concluding remarks and remarks during the dialogue of the characters. In the center of the dialogue is the speech of Ochumelov, who, as it were, plays along with everyone else. Chekhov's speech skill helps the reader to fully understand the social essence of chameleonism.

* Work with D. Kardovsky's illustration for the story "Chameleon".

5. Summing up the lesson.

6. Homework.

  1. Written response to a question. (Why is the story called "Chameleon"?)
  2. Read the story "Intruder".

1) Features of the genre. The work of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" belongs to the genre of a humorous story. In the early period of his work, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a series of humorous stories in which he laughs at various shortcomings of people. Making his own works funny, the writer uses various humorous techniques. For example, in the story of A.P. , Chekhov, an ordinary situation acquires a comic effect due to the special humorous techniques used by the author.

For example, in the story "Chameleon" A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of "speaking surnames" when the name characterizes the hero, marking some, as a rule, important feature in the appearance or character of the character. The police overseer has the surname Ochumelov in the work, and the worker of the merchant Pichugin, who was bitten by the dog, bears the surname Khryukin, which fully corresponds to his half-drunk face. The comic effect is also enhanced by the discrepancy between the surname and the position that the hero has. For example, the half-drunk Khryukin is a goldsmith. Humorousness gives the story and the name "Chameleon", reflecting the essence of the police warden Ochumelov. The situation itself described in the work is comical: the half-drunk Khryukin is chasing the dog that bit him, gathering a crowd of onlookers around him, and immediately the overseer Ochumelov, who knows a lot about all matters, appears. The reader learns about the incident and consequences from the dialogue of the characters. The speech of the tayuke characters is one of the humorous devices used by the writer in the story. In the speech of the heroes there are a lot of colloquial and slang expressions, emotionally expressive vocabulary. For example, believing that the dog is a general’s, overseer Ochumelov talks to Khrkzhin like this: “She may be expensive, but if every pig poke her in the nose with a cigar, then how long to spoil it. A dog is a gentle creature ... And you, idiot, put your hand down! Don't show your stupid finger! It’s his own fault!..” Ochumelov’s rude words testify to his low cultural level and make the story comical. A significant humorous device is an artistic detail - the new overcoat of a police officer, who then takes it off, then puts it on, depending on his own condition.

The humorous techniques used by the writer: a special name, “speaking names” of the characters, abusive speech of the characters with emotionally expressive expressions, the ordinariness of the depicted situation - all this gives the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" comic effect.

What, in your opinion, is the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" - satirical or humorous? Prove your point of view, (A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" is humorous, as the writer laughs at the stupidity of individuals.)

2) The main theme of Chekhov's story.
The theme of chameleonism is the main one in A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" and is given through a funny description of a small misunderstanding that happened on the market square on one of the market days. The writer laughs heartily at people who change their point of view depending on the circumstances. The theme of chameleonism is shown not only in the depicted humorous situation, but is also revealed through the speech of the characters. Having learned that the dog is the property of the general's brother, Ochumelov says, touched: “Look at you. Lord... Missed my brother... But I didn't even know! So this is their dog? I'm very glad... Take her... The dog is wow... Such a nimble one... Catch this by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rr... Angry, rogue... such a nut...» The police officer is ready to fawn not only before the masters, but also before their cook and even the dog. Ochumelov's chameleonism testifies to the venality of the police, their dependence on the powers that be. Being condescending towards his subordinates, the hero himself is ready to kowtow to people who have power and money.

3) Features of the plot of the work. The plot of the story "Chameleon", like many other Chekhov's stories, is based on an anecdote, a short entertaining story. Note that a significant part of the story is occupied by dialogue, the description is reduced to a minimum, similar to remarks. The story can be presented as a dramatic work - a skit. There is little action in the story, the story is static, external events do not occur. In the foreground, not external, but internal events - fluctuations in the psychological state of people. The plot of Chekhov's story is extremely simple: the police overseer Ochumelov, passing through the market square, sees the following picture: the goldsmith Khryukin is shouting at the dog that bit him. Ochumelov's attitude to the incident changes depending on the dog's affiliation: if the dog is stray, then the guard says with a stern cough: “I won't leave this like that. I’ll show you how to dismiss dogs! .. As soon as they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! he asks the policeman Eldyrin to take off his coat and says in a completely different way: “Does she get something to her finger? She is small, and you are so healthy! You must have opened your finger with a carnation, and then an idea came into your head to lie .... ”The sharp change in Ochumelov’s attitude to the situation, the overseer’s chameleonism testifies to his opportunistic character. On the one hand, the hero wants to curry favor with the general, on the other hand, he wants to show his importance to the common people. It's not just about the brightest "chameleon" Ochumelov. The mood of the crowd is also constantly changing. What is funny and comic in the plot lies precisely in the amplitude of the fluctuation of opinions. In Chekhov, with just a few strokes, a sketch of a sleepy square is given - this is the exposition. The plot in the episode, when the bewildered Ochumelov says: “Who screamed?” There is no climax as such in the story. Ochumelov, defending the “general’s dog”, feels his strength and power, therefore exclamatory sentences with the same structure and threatening intonation prevail in his speech: “I won’t leave it like that!”, “I’ll get to you!”

What is the plot of Chekhov's story "Chameleon" based on? (on finding out who owns the dog)

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the Chekhov story.

Who are the main characters of the story? (Police warden Ochumelov, policeman Eldyrin, goldsmith Khryukin, etc.)

What are the names of the characters in the story? How does this characterize them? What artistic technique is used here by A.P. Chekhov? (A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of speaking surnames when the hero's surname is a means of characterizing him.)

How does the speech of the characters in the story determine their character? (Students independently give examples from the text of the Chekhov story.)

5) The meaning of the title of the story. The title of the story reflects the essence of the police officer Ochumelov.

6) The role of the artistic detail in the story. A.P. Chekhov is rightfully considered a master of artistic detail. Accurately and aptly selected detail is evidence of the writer's artistic talent. A bright detail makes the phrase more capacious. The role of the artistic detail in Chekhov's humorous story "Chameleon" is enormous. Police warden Ochumelov, passing through the market square together with the townsman Eldyrin, is dressed in a new overcoat, which in the text of the story turns into an important detail characterizing the state of the police warder. For example, having learned that, probably, the dog that bit the goldsmith Khryukin belongs to General Zhigalov, Ochumelov becomes unbearably hot, so he says: “Hm! .. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat ... Horror as hot!". Here, the coat being removed is a symbol of the hero's nervousness. Considering that such a nondescript dog cannot be a general’s, Ochumelov again scolds her: “The general’s dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one is the devil knows what! No hair, no appearance ... only meanness ... ”But the assumption of a person from the crowd that the dog belonged to the general now inspires fear in Ochumelov for the words that he just uttered. And here, in order to convey the mood of the character, the author again uses an artistic detail. The warden says: "Hm!.. Put on a coat, brother Eldyrin... Something blew in the wind... Chills..." Here the coat seems to help the hero hide from his own words. At the end of the work, Ochumelov's coat again turns into an overcoat, into which the hero wraps himself, continuing his journey through the market square. Chekhov has no superfluous words, and therefore the fact that the new overcoat in Ochumelov's conversation turns into a coat is important, that is, there is a deliberate reduction in the role of the subject by the hero himself. Indeed, the new overcoat distinguishes Ochumelov as a policeman. But the function of the coat is different; with the help of this artistic detail, the writer characterizes the character. Artistic detail helps the writer to penetrate deeper into the psychology of the hero, and the reader to see the changing state and mood of the character.

What role does Ochumelov's overcoat play in the story? Why does Ochumelov ask to put on his coat, then take it off? (An artistic detail is important in the story: Ochumelov's new overcoat, since with the help of this detail the state of the hero is characterized.)

7) Features of the author's intention.
The story "Chameleon" at first seems very funny. Ochumelov wants to create the appearance of conscientious service when he walks through the market square. “A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries.” The police warden is trying to figure out the "complicated case of Khryukin." "He shakes" the air, threatens the "scoundrels" with a fine, but soon finds out that the troublemaker - a miserable little dog - belongs to General Zhigalov. Immediately Ochumelov changes his tone, accusing the half-drunk Khryukin of all sins. Ochumelov will change his point of view more than once, and readers will guess about the inner storm disturbing the police officer by a short phrase: “Take off my coat, Eldyrin,” or: “Put on, brother Eldyrin, put on my coat .. .” The story is based on lively speech, dialogue prevails, with their speech the characters give out their character. Gradually you feel that laughter is replaced by sadness: how humiliated a person is if he fawns not even before the general, but before his little dog! The story ends as it begins: Ochumelov continues his journey through the market square, only now he threatens not the unknown owner of the dog, but Khryukin: “I’ll still get to you!” The ring composition of the story helps the author to emphasize the main idea of ​​the story - for Ochumelov, not truth is important, but admiration for the powers that be. His career and well-being depend on them, nothing else worries him. But Khryukin does not arouse the sympathy and sympathy of the reader. This half-drunk man's entertainment is completely inappropriate for his age. For the sake of boredom, he mocks a defenseless puppy. “He, your honor, with a cigarette in her mug for laughter, and she - don’t be a fool, and poke ... Nonsense man, your honor!”

The history of the creation of the story Chekhov made his debut with stories and sketches in small humorous magazines. He wrote everyday pictures, essays, "little things", which in their totality created a special world, strange, surprising. People in these stories (landlords, officials, merchants, burghers) were often compared with fish, animals, and insects. Either a fat and round hero appeared, “like a beetle”, and next to him his wife is “thin, like a Dutch herring” (“Daddy”), then a person who should not be called a human name, but “the way horses are called in general yes cows ”(“ For apples ”), then just a ram in human form (“Sheep and a young lady”), then a pig (“The Mummers”).

The history of the creation of the story The greatest fame among these humanoid animals of Chekhov fell to the lot of the chameleon. For the first time "Chameleon", signed "A. Chekhonte" was published in the journal "Shards" in 1884. The story is sharply satirical. Chekhov here denounces police arbitrariness, servility to superiors and rudeness towards subordinates. The main object of the writer's satire is the slave psychology of man. "Shards" is a humorous literary and artistic weekly magazine. Published in St. Petersburg from 1881 to 1916.

Title of the story Here you are dealing with stupidity or with old bad habits. . . In any case, indignation and severe reproaches are helpless here, and one should rather laugh; one good ridicule would do much more than a dozen sermons. A. P. Chekhov The title of a literary work, especially for a classic writer, is always significant: it contains the content of the work in a compressed form. Chekhov's story is called "Chameleon" and the idea is then developed in the story in a figurative, metaphorical sense. It is quite obvious that the story contains a satirical generalization. In a figurative sense, a chameleon is an unprincipled person who easily changes his views depending on the situation.

Artistic features of the story In its genre, this is a typical Chekhov story-scene. The author's narration is kept to a minimum. It is perceived as a detailed remarks to the characters and scenery. The story-scene is characterized by paired characters (Ochumelov and Eldyrin). There are also "off-stage" paired characters: General Zhigalov and his brother. "Chameleon". Porcelain figurine, 1950s

Speaking surnames of the characters in the story Speaking surnames in the story are used as a means of characterizing the characters, chosen for the purpose of creating a comic effect. The characters of the story are very different people, representing the people, the "street", the man of the crowd. Since the author is limited in the ability to give detailed characteristics to the characters in a small space of the story, the first name and last name acquire special weight: they immediately and completely represent those they are talking about. We list the "full" names as they are given in the text.

“Police warder Ochumelov in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand” - this is his full name, creating a comic effect, because without an overcoat (a symbol of power) he is impossible, as well as without a “knot in his hand” (a symbol of his self-interest ). “Eldyrin is a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries”, he “walks”, therefore, he is tall. Both Ochumelov and Eldyrin are referred to only by their surnames, which characterizes them as purely official persons and in itself already testifies to the removal of the author from these characters.

“Goldsmith Khryukin” is a absurd person with absurd claims (“goldsmith” can have such a surname, of course, only in a satirical work). General Zhigalov is an off-stage character, the word "general" is, as it were, part of his name, and the name and patronymic of General Zhigalov are absent: they are impossible in the eyes of those who are below him on the steps of the social and official ladder. Vladimir Ivanovich Zhigalov is the brother of General Zhigalov, he, as a person with a high social position, was given the privilege of having a name and patronymic.

Features of the composition The main compositional technique in the story is repetition. The repetition, programmed behavior of the characters makes the reader laugh. In "Chameleon" the clarification situation is repeated ("whose dog"?). The answer to this question changes several times, and the reaction of the police officer changes the same number of times. Exposure. There are no preliminary detailed descriptions of the situation, excursions into the past of the heroes and other approaches to action - it begins immediately. There are no detailed author's reasoning. The description of the bazaar where the story takes place is short and expressive. The plot of the story is presented in sound form - Khryukin's cry. The climax as such, in fact, is absent. From the appearance of Ochumelov to his departure “from the stage”, the development of events is like an endless sinusoid. There is no classic denouement: the fate of Khryukin and the dog remains not fully clarified, and the participants in the events have already dispersed ...

Artistic features of the story The composition of the story is circular. The action begins and ends in the market square. Such a composition, emphasizing the mediocrity of what happened, at the same time gives the story a complete, parable character. The central episode of the story is dramatized. Through the speech of the characters, their inner world and attitude to the fact, which grows in a limited consciousness into a whole event, is more clearly indicated. The comedic basis of the story is a discrepancy: the insignificance of an important question for the characters (who owns the dog) and a serious, passionate tone of discussion of this frivolous “problem”. The comic element is also contained in the very construction of the central episode. In accordance with the title of the story and with its ideological content, this is a chain of "transformations". Through the "transformations" of Ochumelov, Chekhov, in an extremely laconic form, creates the impression that despotism and slavery are two ends of the same chain.

An important role is played by the change of registers in Ochumelov's speech: rudeness is instantly replaced by obsequiousness. We will also point out such details as the knot in Ochumelov's hand and the sieve with "confiscated" gooseberries from Eldyrin. These are "greyhound puppies" bribes. Text read by Oleg Tabakov

As an example of a recurring detail, we note the removal and putting on of Ochumelov's overcoat: he is thrown either into the heat or into the cold, depending on the situation. So, at first, Ochumelov says: “Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat! It's awful how hot!" When the situation changes, he says: “Put on, brother Eldyrin, put on my coat! Something blew in the wind! Chilling!

Having taken off his overcoat, Ochumelov remained in the tunic, which should have at least slightly differed from the overcoat in color. Thus, Ochumelov turns out to be a chameleon in the truest sense of the word, changing his color. Chekhov wrote in a letter to his brother Alexander on May 10, 1886: “In the sphere of the psyche, too, particulars. . . It is best to avoid describing the state of mind of the characters; you need to try to make it clear from the actions of the characters.

Khryukin, like Ochumelov, is placed in a position of being strong (in relation to the dog) and in a position of being weak (in relation to Ochumelov). Chekhov shows that Khryukin's coloring changes under Ochumelov and is completely dependent on whether Ochumelov favors Khryukin or, on the contrary, accuses him. His servility increases, and his confidence in the advantage of his position decreases as he approaches the finale: in the last part of the story, Khryukin, convinced that power is not on his side, slavishly subdued, falls silent.

Ochumelov for Chekhov is a disgusting and ugly embodiment of order built on inequality. As it happened, who is really to blame - it does not matter to Ochumelov. Who is stronger is right. Ochumelov's chameleonism is not just a personal property. This is a social trait, generated by the structure of life with its inequality, the division of people into classes, categories, into “higher” and “lower”, into “thick” and “thin”.

The humorous story "Chameleon" was written by A.P. Chekhov at an early stage of his work. Chekhov began to write while still a high school student. Then "Antosha Chekhonte" published his short humorous miniatures in various humorous magazines.

The creation of "Chameleon" dates back to 1884, when, after graduation, he already worked as a doctor. At this time, cooperation with magazines continues, which left a certain journalistic imprint on the story, which gives it some peculiarity and special charm. Then he was still little known, although the style and depth of an experienced writer is already felt.

Story analysis

The idea of ​​the story is to ridicule opportunism, sycophancy, which is expressed in the very title of the story and on the example of the behavior of the protagonist police officer Ochumelov, which we see in various situations. This character, of course, is collective, representing only one representative of the huge army of chameleons in human form. They do not care about justice, they have no concept of conscience. Their main goal is to adapt to the world around them as comfortably as possible using the shadow of the powerful of the world.

The fate of a dog directly depends on the social status of its owner. Such situations are indicative and characteristic at all times. Chameleons are immortal. This is a type of person without principles, instantly changing his mind depending on the situation. They were, are and, unfortunately, will live in our society for a long time to come. The psychology of a slave, whom Anton Pavlovich proposed drop by drop to squeeze out of himself, has always been beneficial for those in power.

The work is written in the style of realism. This can be understood even without resorting to the analysis of literary devices. Thanks to the special Chekhovian form of presentation, when reading, images of the heroes of the story arise, in which there are no lengthy descriptions, but only small characteristics of the characters. In the form of presentation, the story is similar to a transcript, and this allows you to see all the participants in the story as clearly and clearly as possible.


The plot line of the story is straightforward. Policeman Ochumelov and his assistant Eldyrinun, walking along the street, come across master Khryukin bitten by a small dog. To the crowd surrounding him, he shows a bloodied finger. During the trial and finding out who is the owner of the dog, Ochumelov demonstrates miracles of mimicry. When people say that this is a stray dog, he orders her to be drowned. At the mention that this is a general's dog, he begins to scold Khryukin himself. And so on until a decision is made in favor of the general's dog. Ochumelov with an assistant follows further.

Heroes of the story

The characters in the story are a variety of people and, due to the fact that with a small amount of the story it is rather difficult to give a detailed description of each image, the author uses the technique of “speaking surnames”, which in themselves can characterize the character. For example, police overseer Ochumelov in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. The overcoat is a symbol of power, the bundle in the hand is a symbol of bribery. His assistant Eldyrin is a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled with gooseberries. The narrator calls Ochumelov and Eldyrin only by their last names, which emphasizes their official status. “The goldsmith Khryukin” is an absurd person with absurd claims. The name itself already says a lot about its bearer.

The main character, of course, is Ochumelov. It is his unique ability to change his decisions depending on the situation that is in the spotlight. And he does it so masterfully that sometimes even causes admiration. His low cultural level is evidenced by his rudeness towards Khryukin, although he fawns over the mere name of the general. The very title of the story reveals the essence of the work.

The word "Chameleon" after Chekhov's story became a household word. The title of the work is "Chameleon" by A.P. Chekhov, already shows us its essence. In his work, "chameleon" becomes a household name, denoting a vile person, a traitor who acts not in the interests of society, but in personal ones. So the image of Ochumelov changes colors, like a chameleon in nature.