Melanotan 2 instructions for use for humans. Melanotan tanning spray: reviews

The special peptide preparation Melanotan 2 can synthesize the production of the important hormone melatonin in the body. With a properly drawn up course, the effect of a solarium and exposure to the sun is enhanced, the skin acquires a beautiful dark shade. Also, the substance has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. When buying a drug, the instructions for using Melanotan 2 allow you to correctly select the dosage and find out the features of the reception. The first results appear within 1-3 weeks.

The use of Melanotan 2 is divided into two main stages - this is the achievement of the desired shade of tan and the maintenance of the achieved effect. In the initial period, the substance is taken every day 1 time until the skin acquires the desired shade. After that, you can use the drug 2-3 times a week to maintain optimal color. If you stop using these peptides, then the tan disappears within a few months. When combined with a solarium or exposure to the sun, the time to achieve a dark shade is significantly reduced.

Instructions for Melanotan 2 depend on the form of the drug - injection or nasal spray. In the first case, the substance is injected using an insulin syringe under the skin, and the second method involves injecting liquid into the nose. The drug in the form of a spray is suitable for those who are afraid of injections, but only through internal administration can you get the best result.

Dosage of Melanotan 2

The introduction of injections is practically not accompanied by painful sensations, most often the injection is carried out in the abdomen. The correct dosage of Melanotan 2 is very important - it is better to underestimate the required norm of the substance than to overdo it and harm your body. To prepare the solution, you need 2 ml of sterile liquid and 10 mg of powder.

Dosages of Melanotan 2 for subcutaneous administration of a daily dose:

  • with a body weight of 100 kg, 1 mg of the peptide is sufficient;
  • with a weight of about 75 kg, 0.75 mg is needed;
  • a person weighing 50 kg will need 0.5 mg.

Melanotan dissolved in sterile water should be stored in the refrigerator, or you can distribute the solution into syringes and place them in the freezer. If a nasal spray is used, then 4, 3 and 2 injections are carried out in each nostril, depending on the body weight of 100, 75 and 50 kg, respectively.

Video about Melanotan II

Side effects of Melanotan 2

Melanota 2 is perhaps the most famous peptide in existence today. It gives a person a stunning tan, after a couple of injections, the skin color becomes like after a month's rest under the sun. But is melanotan 2 peptide so harmless? In this topic, we will talk about its side effects.

Melanotan-2, as mentioned above, is the most popular peptide, but few people know that it has the most side effects. For some, they will be significant, that is, if the recipient would have known about them, he would never have decided to purchase a tanning peptide. Let's take a closer look at each Melanotan 2 side effect.

Melanota side effects:

Skin redness
Immediately after the introduction of Melanotan 2, almost all users of a quality product notice a blush on the face. It is worth saying that this is almost a mandatory sign that your Melanotan 2 is not a fake. This phenomenon passes quickly enough and you should not be afraid of it.

Also a fairly common side effect of melanotan 2, which leads to a decrease in appetite for a fairly long period of time. That is why tanning peptide is often used in weight loss courses. For example here - .

The appearance of moles is the main "scourge" of melanotan 2
Because of it, more than 90% of those interested in tanning peptide refuse it. Indeed, moles, during the course of Melanotan 2, become larger in size and even new ones appear. However, there is a way to minimize them as much as possible, read about this in our article -

Enhancement of libido
Many users of Melanotan 2, both men and women, quite often experience increased sexual arousal several hours after a tanning peptide injection. Some even specifically purchase melanotan 2 for this purpose. It is for such people that a peptide has been created, a "shortened" version of melanotan, which combines only one function - enhancing sexual desire.

Irregular heart rhythm, difficulty breathing, increased body temperature
More rare side effects of melanotan 2, which practically do not occur in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to start taking melanotan with the minimum dosages, and most importantly, learn how to properly dilute the vial and determine the correct dosage on the insulin syringe. After all, most of the side effects occur just because of improper use. For instructions on how to take Melanotan 2, based on your weight and gender, see our website -

A large number of melanotan fakes 2 is the main problem today. Finding a truly high-quality and working product is very difficult. Beware of stores with extremely low prices, and carefully study the reviews and reputation of the seller before ordering. Then you have a chance to find what you need. You can buy good melanotan 2 with excellent working properties in our online store. Just write to us

Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of the natural peptide hormone melanocortin that enhances tanning. (production of melanocytes, the melanin pigment that predetermines and makes sunburn possible), thus reducing the risk of sunburn and other harmful effects of solar radiation and solarium.

Melanotan 2 - In addition to tanning, Melanotan 2 has been shown in studies to increase libido and improve sexual function in both men and women.

In May 2010, the Italian Medical Agency (AIFA - Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco) became the first public health organization to approve

Melanotan 2 as a therapeutic agent for Italian citizens to reduce painful sensitivity to sunlight.

Melanotan 2 was first synthesized at the University of Arizona. Researchers knew that the best way to protect against skin cancer is the activity of melanin in cells, that is, the process of tanning. They suggested that the most effective way to protect against skin cancer would be to stimulate the natural pigmentation system to produce a protective tan before exposing the skin to UV light. The natural hormone α-MSH induces melanogenesis, the process by which skin pigmentation cells (melanocytes) produce skin pigment (melanin). They conducted research and made sure that the direct introduction of the endogenous hormone into the human body is an effective way to tan without sunlight and, accordingly, the best way to prevent melanoma.

They also noticed that the half-life of the natural hormone α-MSH is too short to be used as a therapeutic agent. And thus, they decided to find a stronger and more stable alternative, one that would be more practical and meet these criteria, Melanotan 2, which in the future will be widely used to stimulate tanning, as well as a means of preventing and preventing melanoma. and skin cancer.

Users write about Melanotan 2 reviews: that it has a pronounced anorexic effect (reduces appetite), and thus can be used as a tool for weight loss and fat burning.

Summarizing all of the above, we can buy Melanotan 2 at an attractive price, because it:

  • effectively enhance tanning (achieving the desired tan and then maintaining it without visiting or with minimal visits to the solarium or sunbathing);
  • an effective tool for the prevention and prevention of melanoma (skin cancer);
  • stimulant of sexual functions (increased libido);
  • anorexic (weight regulation by reducing appetite).

To prepare Melanotan 2:
The M2 injection is similar in its speed and painlessness to the injection that thousands of diabetics give themselves every day. An injection is made with a thin needle of an insulin syringe into adipose tissue (it can be in the buttock or leg). The mixture is prepared only from special sterile injection water. NEVER use non-sterile bottled or tap water.

We will need a bottle of Melanotan 2, which contains the powder, it can be diluted with either water for injection or lidocaine. It happens that the very introduction of a substance causes an unpleasant burning sensation, so some dilute it with lidocaine, and then the process becomes painless.

It is recommended to dilute the bottle with 2 ml. water (3 ml. It is difficult to fit into the vial), respectively, it turns out that in 0.1 ml (one division of the insulin syringe) there will be 500 μg of the substance. 10 mcg per 1 kg of weight is put per day. That is, if you weigh 100 kg, then you need (100 * 10 = 1000 mcg) 1 mg of the substance. We collect 2 divisions of insulin and get 1000 mcg (+ - 100 mcg do not play a role). Here is such a simple formula. If you do not like it, then you can breed it the way you like.

We take a syringe, break the ampoules with water (or lidocaine), collect 2 cubes. We break off the cap with Melanotan 2, wipe the gum with a cotton swab with alcohol and pierce the gum with a needle. From the syringe, under the influence of vacuum, water (lidocaine) flies into the vial. We take out the needle, rotate the bottle for a minute in the palms smoothly and measuredly.

Melanotan dosage:
For one vial of Melanotan 2 (10 mg) 2 ml of sterile water (water for injections) is used.
With this proportion of the solution, the daily dose is as follows:

  • 100kg (body weight) - 1mg per day ("20" on an insulin syringe or 0.2ml solution)
  • 75kg (body weight) - 0.75mg per day ("15" on an insulin syringe or 0.15ml solution)
  • 50kg (body weight) - 0.5mg per day ("10" on an insulin syringe or 0.1ml solution)

Dosage and frequency of use of Melanotan 2:
The correct dosage for Melanotan 2 (M2) is 1 mg per day per 100 kg of human weight. Results will gradually appear over 1-3 weeks. Melanotan 2 should be used daily until the desired shade of tan is achieved. To accelerate pigmentation, you should sunbathe 3 times a week (but not less than one, in the sun or go to the solarium).

After reaching the desired shade of tan, the frequency of application and dosage are reduced to 1-2 times a week at 1 mg (some people just need to sunbathe 1-2 times a week to maintain the achieved level).

Remember - the more often you expose your skin to UV radiation (sunbed, sun) while taking Melanotan 2, the deeper and darker your tan will be (MT2 stimulates the body to produce melanin, and thus the skin darkens in response to UV radiation instead of burning) . Melanotan 2 gives a good tan only when the skin comes into contact with UV radiation or sunlight. If you exclude tanning in the sun or in a solarium, limiting yourself to taking M2, then the effect will not be so pronounced. In the future, you should be guided by your ideas about aesthetics.

How to store Melanotan 2?
In powder form (in a vial) Melanotan 2 (M2) should be stored at refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees C). Under these conditions, it will be stored for at least 12 months.

After mixing (dissolving) with sterile water, Melanotan 2 must be stored in a refrigerator. It is also possible to prepare disposable injection syringes and freeze them in the freezer. When you need to inject, simply remove the syringe and let it thaw at room temperature (it only takes a few minutes).

Do not subject the Melanotan 2 solution to frequent freezing / thawing - this will reduce the quality of the solution (it is better to store the Melanotan 2 solution in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees C)

Do not shake the vial during storage or stirring, as this may impair the quality of the product. Also, when shaking, bubbles and foam can form, which will interfere with your injection.

Side effect:

  • Skin redness
  • Nausea
  • Increase in blood pressure


The drug is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women.

Shelf life: 12 months.

You can get more information about the use of the drug

Melanotan 2 is a complex substance that is classified as a tanning peptide. The key property is to increase the synthesis of melanin, whose amount directly affects the skin tone and the body's reaction to tanning. The artificial peptide is an analogue of the natural hormone - melanocortin, which is responsible for the level of tanning. If you do not go into theory, then melanotan 2 is an ideal drug for people suffering from instant sunburn and the appearance of pigment reactions.

Melanotan 2 - history and research

Melanotan 2 was invented in the laboratories of the University of Arizona as a vaccine against the development of skin cancer. However, due to the nature of the half-life of endogenous melanocortin, the use of the drug was actually pointless. Repeated studies were conducted to improve the formula and enhance the active substance. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, the optimal formula was derived, which turned out to be 1000 times stronger than natural melanocortin. In this form, the substance was patented under the name Melanotan 2. As for melanotan 1, this is a similar peptide, which has a smaller list of side effects, a weaker effect and no positive effect on libido.

The first human studies were conducted in 1996 at the Arizona Medical College. Three men received injections of the drug, which lasted more than a month. In the course of research, it was found that the peptide begins to act after 4-5 injections, and a positive effect on erectile function was also noted. Of the side effects noted: slight nausea, absent-mindedness and frequent erections.

The data obtained prompted a repeated series of studies on men suffering from impotence. In 1998, 10 men completed a course of melanotan 2 at a dosage of 0.025 mg per kg of body weight. In all cases, the substance eliminated the dysfunction. These studies were further confirmed in 2000.

Effects of Melanotan 2

Increased tanning is the main effect of Melanotan 2, but not the only one. The peptide has a number of useful properties.

Uniform tan. During the course, the synthesis of melanin is stimulated, which is responsible for the even distribution of tan. Moreover, it acts as a skin protection against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you can spend more time under the sun, thereby improving the quality and durability of your tan.

Skin Cancer Prevention. This effect emerges from the previous one. Tanning peptides protect the skin from burning, thereby preventing the formation and growth of melanoma (malignant tumor).

Increased sexual desire. This effect of taking melanotan 2 was discovered by chance, during human studies of the drug. Later, experiments were conducted aimed at studying the effect of the substance on erection, and it was found that the drug eliminates a number of problems associated with erection.

Appetite suppression. This property is weakly manifested, and in some it is completely absent. However, some people who took the course claimed to experience an anorexic effect. Thus, the drug can be used as a mild substance for weight control.

The mechanism of using the peptide practically does not differ from other similar drugs. To use it you will need:

  • Ampoule with physical solution;
  • Peptide bottle;
  • Intramuscular syringe;
  • Insulin syringe for 100 IU.

Dosage Melanotan 2. Calculated based on your weight - 10 mcg per 1 kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 50 kg, then 500 micrograms of the peptide per day will be enough for you; if you weigh 100 kg, then you will need 1000 mcg per day.

How to breed Melanotan 2. Only injection solution in a sterile, unopened ampoule is used! Do not shake the bottle after dilution, but gently rotate it clockwise. Shown in detail in the figure below.

It is injected subcutaneously into the fat fold. To do this, pull the skin on the abdomen and insert the needle under the skin, slowly inject the contents of the syringe completely. The use of the drug is divided into two phases: active - 1 injection per day for 15-30 days (combined with "sunbathing" 2-3 times a week); maintenance - one injection every 3-4 days.

Side effects of tanning peptide

Unlike melanotan 1, melanotan 2 is not officially certified for human use. Among the identified side effects are:


After an injection of 6 mg of the substance at a time, a person developed pain sensations distributed throughout the entire body area. The heart rate increased and blood pressure increased. A high concentration of melanotan 2 in the body provoked damage to muscle tissue, which led to a violation of the kidneys.

Important! Do not exceed the daily dosage of 1 mg. If the slightest sign of a violation of the functions of the heart appears, it is necessary to immediately stop the course.

Life hack how to buy Melanotan 2 profitably!

We offer you to save money on the purchase of tanning peptides - you can buy 3 bottles of Melanotan from us for 2500 rubles, instead of 3000! For the course you will need at least 2 ampoules, one will cost you 1000 rubles. So you save $500. on the purchase of 3 bottles at once for a full course.

If you need to buy the peptide by the piece, then you can do this by clicking the "Buy" button:

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Melanotan: how to take, dosage, dilution instructions.

So, let's say you become a customer Melanotan 2 tanning peptide in injectable form and don't know how to do it or where to start.

This article will detail how to take and use melanotan for the best tan.

What is needed for the successful preparation of melanotan?

1. The peptide vial itself. (the cap is pulled back before use).

(continued below).

2. Water for injections - a pack is usually bought consisting of 10 ampoules of 2 cubic meters of water, one ampoule of 2 cubic meters.

Which is quite enough for dilution.

3. Insulin syringe - u100 1 ml. Preferably with orange caps - BD.

4. Regular syringe - 2 cc or 3 cc or even 5, it doesn't matter. Needed for transfusion of water for injection into a vial with a peptide.

All. Nothing else is required. With this kit, you can successfully use melanotan, and get an excellent uniform tan.

How to prepare melanotan 2 injections for consumption?

1. Open the ampoule with water for injection.
2. Draw 2 cubes of water into a regular syringe.
3. Use a regular syringe to perforate the vial with the melanotan peptide (previously removing the plastic cap from the peptide), press the piston and squeeze out the entire contents of the syringe into the vial. Wait until the peptide is completely dissolved in the vial.
4. Next, an insulin syringe is taken, and the rubber cap of the melanotan vial is pierced with a needle, the peptide is turned from top to bottom, the piston of the insulin syringe is pulled back to collect the active substance.

How to determine the dosage of melanotan?

Like the rules dose of melanotan 2 determined based on the person's weight. There are also other factors affecting the dose, such as a person's predisposition to tan, skin type and condition. This article will tell you how many units you need to dial on a standard u100 insulin syringe, provided that the vial was diluted with 2 cubic meters of water for injection for the average person. We recall once again that we have dissolved melanotan, which contains 10 mg of the active ingredient in 2 ml of water for injection. That is, you can make a proportion of 10 mg \u003d 2 ml. One mg equals 1,000 micrograms, and 1 milliliter = 100 units (full insulin syringe). Thus, we change the units of measurement in proportion, we get: 10,000 mcg \u003d 200 units (two full syringes). Next, we divide by 100 both numbers, divide by 2. And we calculate that 1 unit on an insulin syringe will be equal to 50 μg of the active ingredient melanotan. This is very important for further calculations.

For woman:
50 kg - 5-6 units (250 - 300 mcg of melanotan).

The figure shows a set of 300 micrograms of melanotan in an insulin syringe. Recall that 1 dash on syringes of this type corresponds to 2 units.

65 kg - 7-8 units (350-400 mcg)

The figure shows what 400 µg of Melanotan 2 looks like on an insulin syringe.

80 kg - 10 units (500 micrograms of melanotan).

500 mcg melanotan 2 on U100 insulin syringe

More than 10 units (500 micrograms of active substance), it is not recommended for girls to put, and is allowed only if you tolerate melanotan well and the degree of your tan does not suit you. Before increasing the dosage, melanotan should be used for a minimum of 15 days.

For a man:

60 kg - 8-10 units
80 kg - 12-15 units
100 kg - up to 15-20 units.

100+ - 20 units.

1,000 µg melanotan 2 per U100 insulin syringe

Men, even of greater weight, are advised to first start taking Melanotan 2 in minimal dosages. For example, from 10 units. After a two-week course, the result should be evaluated. If you are not satisfied with the tan, then you should gradually increase the dosage, 1 unit every 2-3 days, until you find the optimal amount of Melanotan 2 active ingredient for your weight.

How long and how often should I take Melanotan?

At the beginning of the intake, daily use of Melanotan 2 for injection is required, preferably with a visit to the solarium. So the first 10-12 days, with daily use of the tanning peptide + 3-4 visits to the solarium, you can already tan as you would like. If you do not tolerate Melanotan 2 well, after the injection there is severe dizziness or nausea, you should reduce the dosage. Or divide it into 2 doses - morning and evening, in order to minimize side effects.

Further, after reaching the desired tan, you should cancel the daily taking melanotan and visits to the solarium. Injections should be performed only 2-3 times a week, 7-12 units depending on your weight, this will be enough to maintain the desired skin color. So you can keep the tan for a very long time. The maximum period of use of melanotan is 3 months, after which the body should be allowed to rest for a month. And it is best not to take this drug for more than 25-30 days. Moreover, the minimum rest after such a course is equal to the course itself.

Where should Melanotan 2 be injected?

Melanotan can be taken subcutaneously and intramuscularly. The most popular is the introduction of the drug into the fat fold on the abdomen. That is, subcutaneously. These injections are the most painless.

To make an injection, it is required to take the skin or the stomach into a fold, and make an injection at its top at an angle of about 45 degrees. For the fastest healing of the skin, the abdomen is best divided into 9 parts, and alternated with each injection.

Buy Melanotan 2

You can buy a quality tanning product Melanotan 2 from us. We can also advise you on the use of this peptide. For orders and consultations, write to our VKontakte page -