Alzheimer's disease how to treat. Alzheimer's disease, treatment with folk remedies

The treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an attempt to preserve the patient's memory and activity for as long as possible. BA refers to multifactorial types, a whole team of doctors is engaged in its diagnosis and therapy:,. Treatment consists of correcting the regimen of the day and nutrition, proper care, medications and physiotherapy. Fulfillment of all medical norms gives a chance for a longer and more fulfilling life of the patient.

Is the disease curable

Dementia of the Alzheimer's type is incurable. Alzheimer's disease is the gradual death of neurons in the brain. Due to the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain tissue, consisting of amyloid in cells and intercellular space, neurons die. It is impossible to stop this process completely. It begins long before the first manifestations of the disease and progresses over time anyway. But degradation can be slowed down.

The study of the disease has paid off: we know how to reduce the risk of disease and prolong the intellectual activity of patients. The treatment of AD aims to preserve cognitive abilities for as long as possible. As part of the therapy, all methods of recovery are used: medicines, folk remedies, strengthening procedures. This helps to remove or reduce symptoms and slow down the degradation process. For the condition of the patient, it is important to educate the relatives who will care for him.

Traditional Methods

The main task of therapy is to stop the process of neuronal death and preserve brain function. It is impossible to do this without medicines and medical procedures. Although all the drugs used do not give a 100% result, they significantly improve the condition and consciousness of patients. You can achieve the best result if you combine traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy. Pharmacology occupies the main place among the traditional ones.


For quality treatment, drugs are prescribed to suppress symptoms and drugs that can affect the cause of these symptoms. Their use preserves the work of the brain: memory, orientation, the ability to read and recognize speech. Also, for therapeutic purposes, sedatives and vitamins are prescribed to help support the nervous system.

Tablets for Alzheimer's disease
Tradename Pharmaceutical group Active substance The action of the drug
Azaleptin Antipsychotics Clozapine Eliminates psychopathic and neurotic states, relieves anxiety and aggression
memantine Neurotropic agents memantine Supports cognitive functions, prolongs the ability to communicate and think logically
Risperidone Antipsychotics Risperidone Sedative, antiemetic, antipsychotic action. Suppresses feelings of fear, aggression,
Sonapax Antipsychotics Thioridazine It removes the feeling of anxiety and fear, inhibits aggression and psychosis.
Eufillin Adenosinergic agents Aminophylline It is prescribed to improve blood circulation, oxygen saturation. The drug improves respiratory function
Aricept Cholinomimetics Donepezil Inhibits acetylcholinesterase in the brain: improves speech, thinking, orientation in space, memory
Cholinesterase inhibitor Rivastigmine Improves the transmission of impulses in synapses. Patients improve abstract and logical thinking, memory and motor skills are preserved

Aricept and Exelon are one of the most popular drugs. Their action is directed, not just to combat the symptoms, but to the cause of the degradation of the patient. Exelon is also available as a patch. This is a convenient system that gradually delivers the active substance to the body. In addition to neuroleptics, patients need tranquilizers and sedatives. They help to cope with anxiety and depression at the initial stage of the disease.

Alzheimer's disease progresses faster in people with high blood sugar levels. That's why you need to carefully monitor the level of glucose and insulin in the blood. Sleeping pills, antidepressants and vitamins also help support the quality of life of people with dementia. Glycine, Carbamazepine, Cerebrolysin are used as symptomatic treatment. These drugs help restore interest in life, increase intellectual activity and mood.

AD is a disease of the older age group. Most of the patients with this diagnosis faced after 60 years. According to statistics, women suffer from dementia up to 3 times more often than men. As a rule, this group of patients has other health problems, so the treatment of comorbidities is usually added to the treatment of asthma.

Independently "prescribe" any medication is strictly contraindicated. All of these drugs have side effects and contraindications. Relatives who look after a sick father, mother or grandmother need to monitor the well-being of the ward. If there is a sharp deterioration, the doctor must make sure that the chosen treatment regimen is correct.

Supportive care

Medications play a major role in treatment, but without supportive care, they are less effective. Phytotherapy, work with a psychotherapist, ultrasound therapy and other medical procedures help to slow down degradation, at least for a while. Herbal medicines can sometimes replace medicines in the early stages of AD. At the heart of such remedies are herbs that are useful for the nervous and circulatory systems, the brain.

Popular herbal remedies for dementia:

  1. "Ginkgo biloba". As part of the plant of the same name and auxiliary components. It is prescribed in the early stages and with moderate dementia. Normalizes the tone of blood vessels, soothes. Patients prolong memory, clarity of consciousness, increase the ability to learn
  2. Memoplant. Based on the same Ginkgo biloba. The drug improves blood circulation, stimulates the production of neurotransmitters. Result: concentration of attention, ability to learn, logical thinking improves.

Together with these remedies, tinctures and decoctions of herbs are recommended. A set of such funds is selected depending on the symptoms and stage of the disease:

  1. In anxiety and depressive states - tinctures on valerian, hogweed roots dissected. Plants are finely chopped, infused for 12 hours and taken on the recommendation of a doctor.
  2. With frequent headaches, loss of consciousness, hallucinations - helps, purslane.
  3. , and muscular dystrophy - fruits of mordovnik, hemlock.
  4. To assimilate information and improve memory - alcohol tinctures of Ginkgo Biloba and.
  5. For general tone - ginseng root, lemongrass, black and green tea.

Phytotherapy cannot be used alone. Types of drugs, decoctions or herbs are selected individually, as they can cause side effects. In addition to herbal remedies, supportive therapy offers ultrasound treatment. This is a relatively new and promising technique. The Japanese and Australians were the first to try it, the essence of the method lies in the repeated exposure of the brain to ultrasonic waves.

In laboratory studies on mice, scientists were able to achieve complete breakdown of amyloid plaques in the brains of sick mice. Of all the subjects, 75% got rid of the accumulation of protein in brain cells. This gives hope that dementia will soon be completely cured. Improves the effect of the use of drugs physiotherapy treatment. Patients are shown inhalations with medicinal compositions, thermotherapy, diadynamic therapy (DDT) - low electrical discharges, physiotherapy exercises, galvanization and medicinal, amplipulse therapy (SMT), oxygen cocktails.

These procedures must also be prescribed by a doctor. You can go through them at the place of residence in clinics or in sanatoriums. Also traditional methods – individual work with a psychotherapist, and in groups. The trainings work out the skills of planning, communication, spatial orientation, reading and writing.

Treatment at home

In the initial stages of the disease, patients almost always remain under the supervision of relatives or specialists. At home, the patient must take medication prescribed by the doctor. In addition, some exercises for the development of thinking can be performed at home. With dementia, music lessons and art therapy help; aromatherapy stimulates receptors and creates new neural connections in the brain; mental stress; gymnastics and yoga; massages and self-massages.

It is necessary to “force” the brain to work so that it can better resist the attack. For this, puzzles, chess games, crossword puzzles.

But the best thing is learning new things. It is recommended to study computers and phones, new applications and programs. Dementia progresses with constant disorders, depression, nervous breakdowns. Therefore, it is useful for the patient to walk in the park or in a quiet place, to beware of stressful situations.

Proper behavior of relatives and support is the basis of home treatment. A psychiatrist or neurologist should give advice to relatives on how to behave with a patient. Relatives also need to monitor changes in the well-being and behavior of a person with dementia. If there is a sharp deterioration or a noticeable improvement, you need to report this to the doctor. It is necessary to monitor the physical condition, to prevent bedsores, if the patient is already moving a little.

Folk remedies

Phytotherapy is one of the folk methods of dealing with dementia. Tinctures, decoctions and herbal tablets are taken at home, but strictly according to the doctor's instructions. It is recommended to drink a cup daily. The drink tones and prolongs the "youth" of the brain. Instead of tea, you can brew leaves, it has useful properties and a decent supply. However, it is a prohibited product.

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to take a contrast shower. This increases vascular tone, reduces the likelihood of depression and stress. But with some diseases of the cardiovascular system, this cannot be done, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Of the "bath" procedures, foot baths from fern root are recommended. You can find it in a pharmacy or from herbalists, it helps with muscular dystrophy and cramps, intermittent sleep.

In older people, the number of beneficial microbes on the surface of the skin decreases. In conditions of low mobility, this is especially dangerous, therefore rubdowns with a small amount are recommended. In the initial stages of the disease, they are taken with juice. To do this, rub on a fine grater and separate the juice, mix it in equal parts with honey. Take 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Such a recipe in folk medicine is considered universal for maintaining vitality.


The right set of products, like medicines, can improve concentration, memory, and mental stability. The patient's menu should contain fortified food,. Such nutrition will support intellectual and muscular youth, human activity.

If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, synthesis decreases, which are very important for the functioning of the nervous system.

To support the normal functioning of the intestines, you need to introduce fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables into the diet. To replenish vitamin B in the patient's diet should be: meat, eggs, cereals.

Impairments in the hematopoietic system are one of the factors in the development of AD. To maintain normal blood circulation, you need to eat foods with. They are in, fish, nuts. Great with lots of fish and seafood.

Choline acetylase deficiency is another hypothesis for dementia in the elderly. To prolong the activity and work of the brain, you need to eat whole grains,. They contain choline and acetylcholine precursors.

Antioxidants help scavenge free radicals and metals that lead to premature aging. Antioxidant products:, honey and. It is especially useful to use as a seasoning, as its beneficial effect on brain function has been proven. Diet - small portions 4-5 times a day. It is important that the menu is varied and consists of fresh products.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • , coffee;
  • hot spices;
  • flour products;
  • fat meat;
  • synthetic seasonings and semi-finished products.

Great importance is given to the drinking regime, since the lack of water very quickly affects cognitive functions. It is recommended to drink 2-2.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water. , herbal decoctions and freshly squeezed juices replenish the supply of both liquids and vitamins.


When caring for the sick, the first thing you need is patience. For dementia there is a gradual decay personality of a person, he can become whiny, aggressive, suspicious. It is worth treating it with maximum understanding: a person simply does not understand what is happening around. For his condition, it is important to hear words of support, participation in his life. In daily worries there will be care for body hygiene, clothing, nutrition, and medication.

Care rules:

  1. Hygiene. Bathing most often leads patients to rage or extreme resentment. The patient does not understand why he should bathe if he has already done it. In severe stages of dementia, the process of bathing causes discomfort from cold, uncomfortable position, feeling wet. It is necessary to establish by trial method what causes less aggression: a bath or a shower. You need to prepare everything in advance and not leave the patient alone. It is better that handrails are installed in the bathroom. There must be anti-slip mats on the floor.
  2. Teeth cleaning. If a person still perceives speech, you need to correctly explain to him how to brush his teeth. He may not understand the phrase "brush his teeth", he needs step-by-step tips. For example, “take a toothbrush”, “take a paste”, etc. It is better to show by example.
  3. Food. You need to serve the table with a minimum of cutlery, it is better to refuse a fork and a knife. There should be a maximum of two types of food on the plate, the variety often confuses them. The diet should include foods that are easy to chew.
  4. Toilet. From taking medications and due to the disease itself, patients often experience incontinence and. The bed should be covered with a diaper or diapers for adults, you need to remind the person to go to the toilet. On the door you can hang a bright sign. With incontinence, it will take time for the caregiver to determine the intervals. Later it will be possible to determine that acts of urination or defecation occur every two or three hours. At night, you need to set an alarm to take the ward to the toilet.

Another important point is clothing. It is necessary to get rid of all unnecessary wardrobe items, clothes should be comfortable and simple. It should also be easy to remove so as not to create unnecessary delays when going to the toilet. It is better if a person chooses what to wear. You can not offer him too much assortment, this can cause panic. Wardrobe items must be placed or served in the order in which they are worn: first, underwear, pants, shirt. It is better to voice every detail and not rush the process.

How to deal with the sick

It is important that a person use all his skills for as long as possible. He must eat, dress, take off his clothes, brush his teeth himself. If the patient categorically refuses or is no longer able to serve himself, only then you need to do it for him. The caregiver should be aware that patients often do not understand common phrases and addresses, such as "get dressed", "eat", "swim". They need to explain the procedure step by step.

You can not rush them, it will cause resentment or irritation. Often, when dressing themselves, they can wear two shirts at once or a T-shirt over a sweater. No need to force him to change clothes, the main thing is that he does not freeze or overheat. It happens that a person wants to wear only one set of underwear - just prepare several similar sets, and do not force him to wear what he does not like.

Anger, anger or tears are a manifestation. To all the "attacks" of the patient, you need to respond only in a positive way, praise him, cheer him up. Proving your point of view or trying to explain something complicated will not work. A person, most likely, will not believe or simply will not understand. The most important thing is to support his self-esteem, usefulness and importance. Those who care for people with dementia also need rest. If possible, it is better to involve relatives or on-call specialists in order to relax and not break loose.

What to do with aggression

You will have to face aggression even with very proper care. Patients can fall into a rage and anger from fear, confusion,. This often happens in crowded places, if you need to decide something, from the realization of your own helplessness. The first thing you need to learn to do is not to take attacks of aggression personally. Usually "hit" to someone who just happened to be nearby.

At the moment of aggression:

  1. You need to exhale, move away from the patient and count to 10. This is a technique for all conflict situations, it will allow you to react calmly, without emotional attacks.
  2. You can not enter into an argument, show anger or punish. Instead, you should always show friendliness. It is important for the patient to see that he is understood, not judged, and ready to help.
  3. It is necessary to divert attention from the situation that caused anger. Since the concentration of attention in people with dementia is very weak, this “trick” often works.

If the attacks of anger are constantly repeated, it is better to contact a psychiatrist. Used antidepressants and sedatives reduce the frequency of such attacks. But for the general condition of the patient, it is better to look for more gentle methods. After another unpleasant episode, act as if nothing happened.

Demonstration of dissatisfaction or attempts to refuse communication will lead to new insults, as the patient quickly forgets about the recent quarrel.

Stem cell applications

Cellular therapy is a powerful weapon against many pathologies, including AD. She refutes the assertion that nerve cells are not restored, since when implanting stem cells - completely. The essence of the treatment is the transplantation of immature cells to a sick person. In the body, they replace the destroyed brain cells, and it can work in the same way as before the onset of the disease.

The use of cell therapy in the early stages practically stops or greatly slows down the development of symptoms. With a severe degree of dementia, such treatment gives a noticeable improvement in the well-being and behavior of a person. The difficulty lies in the fact that dementia may not manifest itself for a long time. Also, the technique of stem cell implantation is an expensive service and not everyone can afford it.

Features of treatment at different stages

If AD is detected and treated at an early stage, the chance to prolong the activity and consciousness of the patient increases. During this period, the patient undergoes brain diagnostics, psycho-emotional tests, general tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, medications, work with a psychotherapist and home care are prescribed. At an early stage, they try not to use heavy antipsychotics, since they have many side effects. Intensive prophylaxis is prescribed disease progression, sedatives, vitamins, physiotherapy.

With the further development of symptoms, the patient must take medication. Two main types of drugs are used: memantine and cholinesterase inhibitors. This helps to slow down the process of personality decay and cognitive impairment. Hormonal pills are sometimes added to them to normalize sleep and wakefulness. These stages can be taken at home. The patient must follow a diet, walk, maintain brain activity.

If the disease occurs with frequent attacks of aggression or depression, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed.

Treatment in moderate and late stages includes symptomatic therapy. On the last stage of the disease significantly affect the process of brain death is not possible. Care is reduced to maintaining a normal standard of living. At this stage, prevention of infections is important, since the patient is already very weakened and lies a lot. Taking psychoactive substances is often meaningless. Memantine or Aricept are prescribed.

Where to identify the patient

People with incurable brain diseases are admitted to nursing homes and/or psycho-neurological boarding schools. If a person is still sane and can be responsible for his actions, he himself signs an application for registration in a special institution. If the patient is already insane, relatives do it.

Public institutions usually have to wait in line, which can take from several months to several years. Private institutions in this area of ​​medicine will not make you wait, but the content will cost an average of 1500-2000 thousand dollars a month. If the care takes place at home, you can call from such institutions to the house.

Who to contact

At the first signs of dementia (memory loss, disorientation, hallucinations), you need to be examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Further, if you suspect dementia, you will have to consult with many doctors in order to accurately establish the diagnosis. You can be examined in any hospital at the place of residence, in dispensaries or private clinics. If you need to send a relative to care for a boarding school, the first place they turn to is social security (social security).

Treatment abroad

Clinics abroad can offer new approaches to treatment that are still not available here. The leading countries for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are Germany, Israel and Thailand. The largest flow of patients to Israel, because medicine is advanced here. In the treatment, complex drug therapy, electromagnetic brain stimulation, stem cells are used. In addition, patients can optionally participate in testing new methods.

Education:1990-1996, North Ossetian State Medical Academy.


1. In 2016, at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, she underwent advanced training in the additional professional program "Therapy" and was admitted to medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty of therapy.

2. In 2017, by the decision of the examination committee at a private institution of additional professional education "Institute for Advanced Training of Medical Personnel", she was admitted to medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty radiology.

Work experience: therapist - 18 years, radiologist - 2 years.

Now I will talk about how Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed and how it is treated. At first glance, it would seem - but what's the difference? Especially if the patient was brought, as is most often the case, already with noticeable memory impairment. However, there is a difference: for example, a number of approaches for the treatment of the same vascular dementia or Korsakoff's syndrome will be different.

So, as for the diagnosis. There are several signs that allow you to immediately rule out Alzheimer's disease. First, it is a sudden and abrupt onset of dementia. This is not the case with Alzheimer's disease: it begins gradually, gradually, with a gradual increase in symptoms. Secondly, this is if, in addition to the actual dementia, there are signs of the so-called focal neurological symptoms: for example, partial or complete paralysis of the arm and leg on one side, or the arm on one side and the leg on the opposite side, or impaired gait and coordination of movements, or loss of certain fields of vision - that is, signs that indicate that there are quite clearly defined and limited lesions in the brain. Thirdly, this is the appearance of epileptic seizures in the early stages of the disease: this is also uncharacteristic for Alzheimer's disease, and another cause must be sought.

What, in fact, causes Alzheimer's disease, you ask? To be honest, no one really knows yet. No, they dig, of course, gnaw on granite and grants, build theories - but the facts and research results that could bring all the assumptions together and dismiss the most crazy ones are still not enough. However, most scientists are inclined to believe that this disease is genetically determined. No, there are not so many cases of family transmission, less than 10%, but it is precisely such cases that are the most malignant and eat a person faster. Apparently, a greater number of genes responsible for the development of the disease are involved in the process. By the way, there are four of them so far. Although ... there are also proven cases of Alzheimer's disease in which none of these insidious genes was found in a person.

I will not torment you with the details of what happens in the brain tissue - I will only say that there, in this tissue, the exchange and proper cleavage of the amyloid protein precursor is disrupted. And insoluble accumulations are formed, which look like plaques under a microscope: between brain cells, in the walls of small vessels. Later, another agent, the tau protein, enters into destructive work. It accumulates already inside the nerve cells themselves and eventually kills them. The process of death of nerve cells occurs over the entire surface of the cortex, but the parts of the frontal lobes, the hippocampus, as well as certain areas of the temporal and parietal lobes responsible for associations, suffer the most.

What, in fact, confirms the diagnosis? In the clinical picture that is visible to the naked eye, these are several obligatory signs. Firstly, it is actually the presence of dementia or predementia - in the form of memory impairment. Secondly, it is a smooth, gradually progressive from the moment it was noticed, memory loss. Thirdly, age from forty to ninety years. Fourth, the lack of association of dementia with other causes - injuries, strokes, alcoholism or other chronic poisoning, as well as other clear causes. Fifthly, it is the absence of disturbances of consciousness.

It can additionally help - and some of you really calm down - a study of memory by a competent clinical psychologist. Alzheimer's disease in its early stages will be characterized by violations of episodic, or autobiographical, which is the same thing, memory. Moreover, these violations will not be corrected by prompts or the provision of multiple choice: they say, what did I ask you to remember - an apple or a pear?

Now about instrumental research methods. Now one of the main ones is MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging - but the tomograph should be as powerful as possible. In Alzheimer's disease, MRI will give a picture of cortical atrophy in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes, especially in the middle temporal region, which is called the hippocampus. But, as you understand, the changes can be seen when the process has already begun.

And what about early diagnosis, even before obvious symptoms? Why isn't some kind of screening test used for a total check of everyone and everything? Yes, because, to the shame of medicine, and not only domestic, it is terribly expensive. No, of course, tests by a clinical psychologist will be able to identify characteristic memory impairments, for which the malfunction of the hippocampus is precisely responsible. And this is by far the best option for early diagnosis. But after all, ideally, it is necessary to find everything before the moment of memory decline. And these are two studies: spinal puncture with taking cerebrospinal fluid for analysis to find a violation of the ratio of amyloid and tau protein there, this is positron emission tomography, or PETT, and not simple, but precisely monitoring the accumulation of beta-amyloid and a decrease in glucose metabolism .

Now about how and how Alzheimer's disease is treated. That's just for her, the list of essential medicines is small, and it is limited to two areas. First of all, it is an attempt to make the remaining cells work. Here in the first place are two groups of drugs. The first is those drugs that allow you to maintain the desired level of acetylcholine in the brain, preventing its concentration from falling sharply. Because neurophysiologists have noticed a pretty clear relationship between low levels of this neurotransmitter (translation: mediator in the transmission of nerve impulses) and many symptoms of dementia. And it turned out that it is easier and safer to maintain this level not by directly pumping the body with acetylcholine, but by a cunning political move: blockade of the enzyme that this substance breaks down (this enzyme is called acetylcholinesterase, if anyone is interested). The substance that this enzyme blocks is called, respectively, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor(I'm not swearing, but informing).

In the treatment of patients, three types of such substances are used: donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine.

The second group (so far it consists of one representative) is a substance that seems to conserve and keep the cells of the cortex working, preventing them from withering and self-destructing. Even if a person does not include them in an active thought process. This substance is called memantine hydrochloride. And if anyone grumbles that the phrase is difficult to pronounce, I will reveal a terrible secret: this memantine hydrochloride is actually a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NDMA) receptor antagonist, here!

Medicines from both groups are used either in isolation or in combination: one from the first, the other from the second. The effect (or its absence, if the process has gone too far) can be assessed far from immediately - usually not earlier than the third or fourth month of treatment, and giving the medicine, if improvement is seen, will have to be done for life. But if by the time the treatment starts, the patient has a sufficient number of nerve cells that can respond and start working, it will be seen that the memory has become better (or has ceased to deteriorate). And the person himself began to behave more orderly. True, it is worth recognizing that both of these drugs do not cure, but only stop dementia for a while and to a certain level.

Other symptoms - such as anxiety, depression, insomnia or delirium - are dealt with as they arise.

There is another direction, still experimental: for several years now, work has been underway to obtain vaccines and sera that can both reduce the symptoms of an already begun disease and stop an undeveloped one. But when the final product will be brought to mind, promulgated and put into series, is still unknown.

For each person, memory is the main component that allows them to survive. After all, dangerous moments remain in the storehouse of mental functions, we keep in ourselves the fear of threats, we remember the best moments in our lives, the faces of relatives, loved ones, loved ones. But there comes a time when the memory is beyond control, everything seems to be erased. This symptom indicates a phenomenon such as Alzheimer's disease, the treatment of which is still difficult to treat.

In order to effectively influence the development of mental illness, it is necessary to understand what factors influence the disease, and what the history of the study of the disease indicates. Memory loss - partial or complete occurs due to neurodegenerative processes in the cerebral cortex, impaired cognitive functions. Following this, naturally, a person changes in terms of emotions, his consciousness is in a depressed state. Many of us believe that the signs of Alzheimer's are a natural manifestation of aging.

Yes, there is some truth in this. Chronic diseases, genetic predisposition affects certain resources of the human body, which leads to disturbances in mental and mental functions. But there are many factors that influence the development of dementia, and if timely prevention is carried out, then mental deterioration can be minimized.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease involves taking measures to prevent its further development.

Alzheimer's syndrome can affect anyone. Basically, memory loss, other mental dysfunctions affect the consciousness of older people, from about 65 years of age and older. However, the research data is more than deplorable. The disease “gets younger”, completely young people suffer from short-term memory loss, over time the problem develops into cognitive impairment, speech and movement disorders. According to psychiatrists, the syndrome is a time bomb, and most doctors do not know how to treat severe forms.

It all starts with mild disorders that few people pay attention to. Often, symptoms are associated with stress, trauma. But the main threat of the disease lies in the progression of impaired cognitive reflexes, and if you do not know in time how to treat Alzheimer's disease, then the problem will worsen and become dangerous.

The main factors influencing the development of dementia

It would seem that medicine has made a number of incredible discoveries, thanks to which a large number of pathologies are treated. But the syndrome, discovered by Alois Alzheimer at the beginning of the 20th century, still causes heated debate among specialists. The fact that the disease mainly manifests itself in old age indicates that the main reason is age.

The second most popular factor influencing the development of the disease is a genetic predisposition. Long studies have shown that the disorder is more often transmitted through the mother as well as migraines, problems with the vascular system. If there was a person in the family who suffered from senile dementia, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance to eliminate the first signs of the disease.

Additionally, a factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease are:

  • head injuries: concussions, bruises, hematomas;
  • infectious diseases: meningitis, encephalitis, etc.;
  • pathologies of the cardiac, vascular system: heart attacks, strokes, damage to the capillaries, veins, arteries;
  • thyroid disease:
  • living in radiation zones, near toxic enterprises;
  • late birth;
  • transferred operations.

One of the predisposing factors may be a head injury.

Experts also drew attention to the fact that people with a low level of literacy, a narrow outlook, a limited range of interests are more likely to suffer from dementia than people with education and versatile hobbies and hobbies. This means that with proper nourishment of the mind, the development of fine motor skills, the risk of Alzheimer's disease is reduced significantly.

Can Alzheimer's be cured?

In order to recognize the dangerous signs of the disease in time, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • a person has ceased to express his thoughts normally;
  • the patient becomes touchy, whiny, irritated, sudden aggression occurs;
  • the late stage of the disease is manifested by a lack of will, apathy, refusal to perform habitual actions;
  • speech is disturbed, delirium occurs, the replacement of forgotten moments by non-existent episodes;
  • lack of elementary skills, forgetting the usual words: the names of household items, names, faces of loved ones.

For a more detailed understanding of what kind of ailment it is, what are its manifestations, we recommend that you watch a video of patients with Alzheimer's syndrome.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is observed, you should immediately consult a specialist for adequate treatment.

How to cure Alzheimer's disease

A patient with this disease or his relatives, first of all, needs to prepare for the fact that even the best specialist will not be able to give a 100% guarantee of a full recovery. The problem of senile dementia is dealt with by neuropathologists, therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Additionally, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, cardiologist, vascular specialist. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease, interviews the patient, his relatives about the behavior of the person suffering from mental disorders, and also conducts a number of the following studies:

  • blood test for general chemistry;
  • puncture of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • computed tomography of the head;
  • dopplerography of blood vessels;

To determine the severity of the course, the patient is given tests, the answers to which will directly indicate the depth of the problem.

Thanks to a detailed analysis, the doctor can present a picture of the disease, plan treatment methods, and determine if the symptoms indicate other types of mental disorders.

Important: Alzheimer's disease is often confused with Parkinson's, Huntington's syndrome, atherosclerotic pathologies, neoplasms in the brain, and thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, an experienced specialist conducts differential diagnosis.

For treatment, drugs of a sedative, sedative, hypnotic type of effect are used. In the later stages, to suppress aggression, deep depressive states, antipsychotics, nootropics are used: Lorazepam, Gidazepam, Quetiron, Prozac, Sertraline, Donezepil, Cognex, Namenda, Aricept, etc.

New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Given the fact that a panacea for mental disorders, memory loss and other important cognitive reflexes has not yet been found, experts continue to work on creating an effective treatment method. Most serious diseases can be prevented thanks to a 19th-century discovery - vaccination. The scientists also decided to create a drug in which the brain is protected from serious pathological processes.

Alzheimer's vaccine developed in US

Vaccination against dementia

A vaccine for Alzheimer's and other mental disorders has been developed by scientists from the United States. The main component of the vaccine is aimed at strengthening the immune system, which prevents destructive courses due to the death of abnormal protein cells. The work continues, leading research institutes in Europe and Asia have joined them.

A pill a day and no pathologies

Recently, a drug was created in the UK that can stop the destructive processes in the brain by blocking and reducing amyloid levels by 92%. The studies involved more than 200 people suffering from Alzheimer's syndrome. The results were more than optimistic.

Aerosol for memory loss

Through the respiratory organs, the components of the product penetrate the human brain, which stimulates the growth of young cells. At the same time, the components easily pass through amyloid proteins and contribute to the improvement of thinking and memory.

Stem cells guard thinking

The latest technique allows you to replace dead and modified cells with healthy cells. Upon entering the brain, stem materials produce new ones, which contributes to the activation and restoration of nerve impulses and metabolic processes. With proper therapy, the signs of mental illness completely disappear. The method of replacing mutated genes was created by Israeli scientists.

New patch

Taking medications is always fraught with side effects, chemical components have contraindications, cause allergic reactions, etc. For a stable level of the desired substance in the body, patches are used, in which the optimal dose of a useful drug is stored.

Trazodone for Alzheimer's disease

A unique drug was developed in the 60s of the 20th century by scientists from Cambridge. First of all, it was aimed at eliminating depression, psychosis, without any contraindications and side effects. The main component of the drug affects the protective mechanism of brain cells, which allows you to cure the primary signs of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Alzheimer's disease: treatment with folk remedies

There are many ways to influence the improvement of human memory by available means. This includes infusions, decoctions, physical procedures.

Important: before treating Alzheimer at home, you should remember that complex therapy is required. Only folk recipes are not able to cause improvements, it is necessary to take medicines, physiotherapy, etc.

It is a well-known fact that any disease can be prevented, the same applies to senile dementia. There are six treatments for Alzheimer's disease, which include:

  1. Strong black tea. Drink early in the morning on an empty stomach. At the same time, the consumption of coffee and other caffeinated drinks is strictly prohibited.
  2. Infusion of ginseng root. Grate 5 grams of the root, add the same amount of gruel from lemongrass, pour boiling water (1 liter) and boil for 15-20 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup chilled instead of tea.
  3. Grind withania root and boil in 250 grams of water, drink in small doses.
  4. Lecithin (soy) should be taken 1 time per day in minimal doses (3 g).
  5. Drink an infusion of gingko biloba (1/3) cup daily.
  6. Motherwort tincture - 15 drops 2 times a day.

Diet for Alzheimer's disease

There is no special diet for people with senile dementia. All recommendations refer to a healthy diet. To improve the functioning of blood vessels, strengthen their walls, regulate metabolic processes, it is necessary to include:

  • vegetables, fruits in fresh, steamed, baked form;
  • white meat: rabbit, chicken, turkey meat;
  • seafood: fish, crabs, squid, shrimp;
  • nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts.

Nutrition for Alzheimer's disease should not include pastries, flour, sweet products, sour-milk products.

Important: smoking and alcohol, fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods cause pathological processes in the digestive tract, liver, and kidneys. It is important to give up bad habits, which will have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism.

Massage for dementia

Point impact on certain parts of the body leads to improved blood circulation, allows you to get rid of spasms, pain.

Important: it is better to go through the first massage sessions with an experienced specialist, then following his recommendations, carry out the procedure at home daily. You can also get acquainted with the procedure on the video, where the stages and methods of massage are exactly indicated.

  1. First stage. Put the patient on his stomach (put a pillow), bend his legs at the knees, arms extended along the body. Walk along the entire vertebra with stroking movements, each repetition - increase the pressure. Run along the vertebrae with the back of the palm, bending the phalanges of the fingers.
  2. Second phase. With the pads of the fingers in spiral movements, then with the base of the palm, as it were, “cut” the back, bringing it to warming. Then, in the same way, perform “planing”, “shading” manipulations along the longest back muscles.
  3. Final stage. Rub the entire surface of the back, including the spine, with a “stroking” movement, then knead with small and light tucks. Massage transversely by moving the muscles, with a roller, pressing down. Finish with light strokes until it turns pink. During the procedure, you can apply olive, lavender, tea tree oil.

An important component in the human diet is water. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day, which helps cleanse blood vessels, metabolism and maintain water balance.

Therapeutic massage also helps to achieve positive results.

No one can bypass old age, and with it, the negative companions in the form of chronic diseases. In order for the body not to fail in old age, you need to take care of it in advance and lead a proper lifestyle.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, one of the manifestations of senile dementia. In rare cases, the disease can be detected at a young age, but the majority of patients (more than 92%) are elderly people over 60 years of age. The disease was named after the scientist Alois Alzheimer, who first described its symptoms in detail and identified the features of the clinical course in various age groups in 1907. The mechanism of pathology development has not been fully studied, but it has been established that most irreversible processes occur against the background of neuronal degeneration.

There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Treatment is aimed at maintaining and preserving the basic functions of the brain, improving cerebral circulation and reducing the manifestations of diseases. Most drugs improve memory, eliminate emotional lability (frequent mood swings) and facilitate social adaptation in patients with rapidly progressive forms of the disease.

The main group of drugs used to treat various forms of Alzheimer's disease are cholinesterase inhibitors. Cholinesterase is an enzyme from the group of carboxylic acids that is necessary for the breakdown of choline (a vitamin-like substance that is the most important building material of brain tissues and cells). The drugs of this group have serious contraindications and can cause side effects, so they should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The main drugs used for the complex treatment of Alzheimer's disease are listed below, as well as a brief description and instructions for use.


One of the most effective and commonly prescribed drugs from the group of enzyme blockers that break down choline. The drug is available in three dosage forms:

  • capsules for oral administration (1600-2300 rubles);
  • solution for internal use (1500-2200 rubles);
  • transdermal therapeutic system (3400-3900 rubles) - patches and films with dosed application of the active substance for its absorption through the skin.

Exelon's active ingredient, rivastigmine, is used to treat dementia in Alzheimer's disease, as well as Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive neurological disorder accompanied by the so-called "shaking paralysis"). Exelon can be prescribed to patients in any form, but in the absence of round-the-clock care for the patient by relatives or close people, preference is given to transdermal forms, because such patients usually forget to take oral medications.

The dosage regimen depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the symptoms present and other factors. If it is impossible to constantly monitor the patient, he is placed in a psychoneurological hospital, since the effectiveness of therapy and the patient's condition must be constantly monitored. It is recommended to start treatment with a dosage of 4.6 mg / day with a gradual increase to 9.5 mg / day. The interval between changing the dosing regimen should not be less than weeks.

Important! In severe and progressive dementia, the dosage may be increased to 13.3 mg / day.


"Aricept" based on donepezil hydrochloride is considered the only drug that is suitable for the treatment of all forms of Alzheimer's disease, as well as dementia syndrome, which is a clinical manifestation of some neurological disorders.

The tool is available in the form of tablets and a solution for internal use, has few contraindications and is suitable for treating patients of any age, with the exception of children and pregnant women. The dosage is selected individually, and its adjustment depends on the effectiveness of therapy and the general condition of the patient. You need to start therapy with 5 mg 1 time per day (in the evening before bedtime). If it is necessary to increase the daily dosage to the maximum possible dose (10 mg), the interval between correction of the dosing regimen should be at least 1 month.

Despite the fact that Aricept is considered one of the safest drugs in this group, undesirable side effects may occur during its use, for example:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • slow heart rate;
  • headache and dizziness (possibility of fainting is not excluded);
  • disorders of the stool and digestion;
  • increased weakness and fatigue.

Analogues of the drug and their cost are shown in the table.

Medicine nameImageWhat is the price?
1800 rubles
1300 rubles
750 rubles
900 rubles

Important! It is possible to stop treatment, change the dosage and regimen only under the supervision of a doctor due to the high risk of deterioration in well-being and the occurrence of side effects from the central nervous system.


The drug is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate dementia in Alzheimer's disease. The active substance - galantamine - inhibits the activity of enzymes that destroy choline, so the drug can also be used to treat chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. If necessary, the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women. During breastfeeding, it is better not to take the medicine or stop lactation, since there is no data on the penetration of galantamine into breast milk and its effect on the baby's body.

It is necessary to take the drug 1 time per day during meals. The minimum duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

Analogues of the drug "Reminil" and their prices

Medicine nameImageWhat is the price?
900 rubles
400 rubles
380-2230 rubles

How to treat severe and neglected forms?

For the complex therapy of severe neurological disorders in Alzheimer's disease, the drug of choice is a drug based on memantine hydrochloride - antiparkinsonian tablets "Namenda". The drug has a complex effect and allows you to achieve the following therapeutic effect (even in patients with rapidly progressive forms of dementia):

  • elimination of the tendency to depression and symptoms of depressive disorders;
  • increased concentration and improved memory;
  • reduced fatigue;
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state;
  • correction of movement disorders, normalization of coordination.

The active substance of the drug - memantine - is rapidly absorbed by the mucous membranes and reaches a maximum concentration 2-6 hours after application. Tablets should be taken 1 time per day with meals. Due to the large list of side effects from the nervous system, it is better to do this in the evening or before bedtime. The therapeutic dose of the drug is 5 mg.

Important!"Namenda" is contraindicated in any impairment of consciousness, severe pathologies of the renal system with a decrease in creatinine clearance to 30 ml per minute and below, heart failure, as well as myocardial infarction and epilepsy. If necessary, the drug can be taken by pregnant women, but subject to regular supervision by the attending physician. For the period of treatment, it is necessary to abandon the management of vehicles and work that requires increased concentration.

Video - Alzheimer's disease: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Symptomatic therapy

The use of cholinesterase blockers is the basis of therapy, but the treatment of pathology should be comprehensive, since degenerative changes in the structure of neurons lead to the appearance of a whole range of symptoms that require timely medical correction. If the patient does not receive symptomatic treatment, his quality of life will noticeably decrease, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the therapy. An approximate scheme for the complex treatment of any form of Alzheimer's disease is given below.

PreparationsImageWhat are they used for?
"Glycine", "Cerebrolysin" Improvement of cerebral circulation and normalization of the emotional background
Improvement of mood, return of interest in life and events taking place around
Haloperidol, Droperidol Antipsychotics and tranquilizers are prescribed to stop hallucinations and when signs of a delusional state appear. Only a doctor should prescribe the funds of this group, since they have a large list of contraindications and side effects.

In most cases, treatment is supplemented with various antidepressants. Their appointment is indicated for anxiety, unreasonable fear, panic attacks and other severe symptoms of a depressive disorder. The drugs of this group can also be used to reduce aggressive attitudes towards others, but the dosage should be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the general condition of the patient and the degree of danger to himself and others.

Important! An overdose of antidepressants can lead to increased excitability, acute intoxication, poisoning, and even death of the patient, so these drugs (like any others) must be kept in places closed to the free access of children and people with mental disorders.

What should not be forgotten?

Alzheimer's disease is a systemic disorder, and the treatment of pathology should include not only taking medications, but also correcting the patient's lifestyle. Regular walks and physical activity appropriate to the age and ability of the patient are useful to improve blood circulation, oxygenation of blood and stimulate brain activity. The person caring for the patient should understand that long walks for this group of patients are contraindicated due to rapid fatigue, so it is better to go outside 2-4 times a day for 30-40 minutes.

Other components of proper care for Alzheimer's patients should be:

  • a varied and nutritious diet with a high content of vitamins, protein and minerals;
  • sanatorium treatment (according to indications);
  • rehabilitation measures aimed at improving social adaptation.

Alzheimer's disease is a severe neurological pathology that leads to irreversible changes in the body of a sick person. It is completely impossible to cure it, but with proper treatment and good care, degenerative processes can be stopped and the progression of the disease can be slowed down. Relatives of such patients should receive detailed instruction on the specifics of care and living together with this group of patients.

If a person feels that they are unable to cope with such a task, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of placing the patient in a hospital. A way out of the situation can also be to find a person for round-the-clock care, but he must have a medical education and experience in managing such patients. read on our website.

The misconception that Alzheimer's can be cured leads to confusion and reduced vigilance. A temporary improvement in general well-being does not mean that the pathology has receded. At all stages of the disease and stages of therapy, persistent opposition is needed using a combination of techniques, ranging from psychosocial intervention to drugs.


It seems that Alzheimer's is curable when therapy is started early and the cognitive impairment gradually fades away. The patient feels well, is aware of what is happening, is able to cope with simple arithmetic and logical tasks. However, the stages gradually flow into the next.
After passing a complete medical examination for dementia, the patient is given clinical recommendations for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. All cases of diagnosis at any stage of the disease are subject to therapy. The sooner pathogenetic treatment is started, the more likely it is to suspend the activity of the process.

Cases of curing Alzheimer's disease are still unknown, not a single study with an optimistic ending has been documented. World scientists are trying to develop a universal treatment regimen and have high hopes for the use of stem cells.

Cholinesterase inhibitors

Regulatory agencies and the World Health Organization have approved 3 drugs related to cholinesterase blockers. It is not possible to cure Alzheimer's disease with medicines, however, it is possible to influence the pathological links of its formation.
Cholinergic synapses are the contact between brain cells. The impulse of excitation is transmitted due to the special substance acetylcholine. The enzyme that is able to break down acetylcholine is referred to as cholinesterase. Due to the biochemical characteristics of nerve impulse transmission, cholinesterase inhibitors are aimed at reducing the activity of cholinergic neurons and resisting the destruction of acetylcholine.
Cholinesterase blockers:

  1. Donepezil is effective in all types of dementia, especially in the severe stage. Combined with other agents such as Memantine, Haloperidol. Studies have shown that a single dose of 5 mg reduces enzyme activity by 64%. Treatment helps to restore daily activity, relieve apathy, a symptom of Kandinsky-Clerambault (meaningless repetitive movements). It turns out to effectively treat Alzheimer's disease in the elderly and young people with an initial dosage of 5 mg, an increase to 10 mg 1 time per day is allowed. The tablet is taken orally, washed down with plenty of water.
  2. Galantamine (Nivalin) - improves neuromuscular conduction, enhances the processes of excitation of brain neurons. Resists motor and sensory disorders. Restores cerebral circulation. Treatment of early-stage Alzheimer's disease with Galantamine in adults begins with a dose of 2.5 mg (2.5 ml - 1% solution), administered 1-2 times a day intramuscularly or intravenously.
  3. Rivastigmine - promotes the transmission of impulses along the cholinergic synapse. Treatment reduces manifestations of cognitive insufficiency (memory, speech, thinking). It is preferred in early and moderate stages in people with presenile dementia of Alzheimer's (up to 60 years). Available in the form of capsules of 1.5 mg each. Recommended for use is 2 capsules per day.

In addition to fixed assets, new drugs have been allocated for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Tacrine has been widely used as an effective cholinesterase inhibitor, but over time, a side effect of hepatotoxicity was established, and therefore its prescription is prohibited in the United States. Hupercin is declared for research, has the necessary mechanism of action, however, there is not enough evidence base for mass use.

NMDA antagonist

Neurological practitioners are trying to stop Alzheimer's disease with Memantine. The drug has proven itself in moderate and severe Alzheimer's dementia.
The brain contains the substance glutamate, which is involved in the functioning of nerve cells. It has been proven that excessive accumulation of the component leads to the activation of glutamate receptors, which contributes to the destruction and death of neurocytes.
On the pharmacological market there are new drugs similar in composition for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease:

  • memantinol;
  • Maruksa;
  • meme;
  • Noogeron;
  • Abix.

Memantine is distinguished by selective blocking of glutamate receptors (NMDA). Regular intake contributes to the mild course of the disease with speech disorders, problems with memory and information analysis. Slows down the rapid onset of dementia. The average daily dosage for an adult is 10-20 mg. It is administered orally with an initial dose of 5 mg per day.

Important! At the time of application, it is desirable to refuse to drive vehicles and control mechanisms that require a reaction rate.

Beta secretase inhibitor

New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is the drug that blocks beta-secretase, Verubecestat. Until 2017, scientific studies were actively conducted with the participation of 1800 patients with moderate and severe disease. In 2018, the largest companies Merck and Pfizer declared the insolvency of a tool with low efficiency. It has been established that the level of beta-amyloid decreases by only 2-4%, which is not enough for successful therapy.
It is planned to develop and treat Alzheimer's disease with drugs containing the active substance Verubecestat, but in a different biochemical form. 1600 patients of the older age group (over 60 years) are being studied. The publication of the names of medicines and the result obtained is expected by 2024.

Symptomatic drugs

In addition to targeted pathogenetic therapy, Alzheimer is treated with auxiliary agents that can improve the functioning of internal organs, increase blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the brain.
Correctors of cerebral circulation include:

  1. Nimodipine (Nimotop) - calcium channels are blocked selectively, it affects mainly the vessels of the brain. The tone of the walls of the hemovessel is removed. It has anti-migraine activity. It is taken in the form of tablets of 30 mg three times a day.
  2. Cinnarizine (Stugezin) - the tone of arterioles decreases, the vessels of the brain expand, while the numbers of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are unchanged. The daily dose is 1 tablet (25 mg) three times a day.
  3. Vinpocetine (Cavinton) - selectively increases cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Eliminates the state of lack of oxygen - hypoxia. The tablet is taken orally after meals, the multiplicity is 2-3 times / day.
  4. Nicergoline (Sermion) - due to the expansion of blood vessels, blood circulation increases. The process of formation of blood clots is inhibited. Promotes an increase in the concentration of glucose and oxygen. Improves glutamate reuptake. Take 1 tablet (5 mg or 10 mg) three times a day.
  5. Xanthinolanicotinate - has the effect of peripheral vasodilation, cerebral hypoxia is eliminated. It is administered intravenously slowly at a dose of 2 ml (300 mg) twice a day.

Antipsychotics or neuroleptics are indicated for aggressive behavior, hallucinatory changes, psychotic agitation, impaired thinking. Psychotherapists recommend the treatment of Alzheimer's disease with the occasional use of psychotropic drugs. As a result of studies, it was found that regular intake leads to an increase in the mortality rate. The most effective are:

  • Haloperidol;
  • cariprazine;
  • Tiapride;
  • Chlorprothixene.

The Alzheimer's treatment regimen includes amino acids for parenteral administration. Indicated in case of malnutrition and lack of plastic material for body cells. It is most often prescribed in the treatment of moderate to severe illness with dementia. Pharmacological action is aimed at maintaining metabolic balance (homeostasis) and the function of vital organs. Parenteral nutrition should be balanced in terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Currently, there are a number of products containing essential and non-essential amino acids.

Solutions of standard amino acids
Name Feature of action and dose
Infezol 100 Replenishes the deficiency of amino acids, carbohydrates and electrolytes. Promotes plastic processes with the synthesis of enzymes (protein).
It is administered intravenously at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight per hour.
Aminoplasmal E 10% Provides amino acids when oral or enteral nutrition is not possible. The average dose is 10-20 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.
Aminosol 800 Refers to intensive treatment medicines, corrects mild and moderate protein deficiency. The combination of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins helps to improve overall well-being. The dosage for an adult is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.

Methods of treating Alzheimer's disease at home are reduced to the regular intake of tablets. Parenteral administration of drugs is possible only with the presence of a qualified nurse or paramedic. Usually, patients with dementia are hospitalized in a neurological hospital to restore metabolic processes.

diet therapy

Early treatment for Alzheimer's disease includes not only medication, but also dietary therapy. Sometimes the definition of diet is not quite right. This does not indicate a refusal to eat and lose weight, but implies a correction of the volume of certain products.

Important! Patients with a cardiovascular problem are more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. It is advisable to follow a low-calorie diet that can lower cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. It is recommended to consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day.

To improve brain activity, it is desirable to include fatty fish (mackerel, trout, salmon, catfish) and lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef) in the diet. Useful foods containing B vitamins, selenium, zinc, carotene, niacin become:

  • chicken egg yolks;
  • hard cheeses;
  • vegetable oils: olive, sesame, linseed;
  • vegetables: zucchini, olives, white cabbage, tomato, carrots, beets;
  • fruits and berries;
  • greens: spinach, dill, rosemary, oregano;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • freshly squeezed juices diluted with warm boiled water.

For digestion and the formation of feces, dried fruits are recommended: figs, dried apricots, prunes.

Important! Compliance with the water balance with the use of water in the amount of 25-30 ml per kg of human weight. The amount of water can be correlated depending on the excretory function of the kidneys and the glomerular filtration rate.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with folk remedies should be carried out in combination with the main drugs prescribed by a neurologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and related specialists. Monotherapy with herbal remedies is highly undesirable. The likelihood of an increase in disease activity and the rapid development of a severe stage of dementia increases.
There are recipes for Alzheimer's combination therapy with herbs:

  1. Daily brewing of green tea.
  2. Reception of infusion of lemongrass berries and ginseng root.
  3. A decoction of the leaves of ginkgo biloba, shatavra and mangosteen fruits.
  4. Preparation of kvass from Christmas tree needles.

Modern treatment of Alzheimer's disease involves taking medicines based on natural herbs. Most of them are aimed at improving memory, attention, stimulating blood circulation and normalizing blood flow. Widely known are: Memoplant, Ginkgo Biloba, Elastinol, Vinibis, Huperzine.

Psychosocial Intervention

Psychosocial treatments for Alzheimer's disease are complementary but essential interventions to help you adapt to the world and people around you. New treatments for Alzheimer's disease include behavioral interventions, affect the emotional sphere, have a cognitive-oriented and stimulating effect.
Psychosocial intervention is not aimed at the treatment of pathology as such, but provides for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of dementia. Treatment of Alzheimer's in young people by influencing behavior is due to the correction of some emerging problems, such as urinary incontinence or vagrancy.
Emotional touching includes memory therapy. The patient is reminded of past events by viewing photographs, watching family video archives, or listening to audio recordings with the voices of loved ones. As a result, behavioral reactions during illness change towards calmness.

Cognitive-oriented treatment technique is aimed at reducing disorders of the cognitive sphere. The patient is taught to navigate in time, location and self. Problems that require mental reflection and information analysis are solved. Recommended reading and presentation of the text.
Alzheimer's treatment in Russia is more focused on a stimulating effect that improves the perception of the world and the quality of life of a person with dementia. Activities with animals, caring for plants, listening to calm relaxing or other favorite music are preferred. It is advisable not to suppress creative abilities: drawing, painting, modeling and others. Conducting a restorative method helps patients better adapt, especially with early onset of Alzheimer's disease (up to 60 years).
