How old is Lera Kudryavtseva's mother. Lera Kudryavtseva - biography and personal life

Lera Kudryavtseva (real name - Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva) - a popular TV program host, actress, a successful dancer in the past, was born on May 19, 1971 in Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Lera's parents were scientists - people very far from show business. Nothing foreshadowed Lera's acting career, but the girl decided otherwise. As a child, Lera, who loved the stage, spent all her free time dancing and singing, and as a result, after school, against the advice of her parents, she entered the director's department of the Cultural Education School.

Lera's next step on the way to the show world was the conquest of Moscow, which began with admission to GITIS. During her studies, she worked a lot, mainly on backing vocals and backup dancers for the then celebrities - Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and others.

TV work

Naturally, it was simply unrealistic for a girl from the outback to get on stage next to such celebrities. Leroux was introduced to the pop scene by her first husband, Sergei Lenyuk, the musician of Tender May, who in those years gathered stadiums of crazy fans. Lera used her chance to the fullest and soon appeared on television in the music program "MuzOboz".

Then she showed herself perfectly in one of the first reality shows "Test of Fidelity" and her popularity as a TV presenter began to grow. The next successful work was the "Club of ex-wives", which brought her popularity not only among young people, but also among housewives. The girl began to be invited to host such super shows as “Song of God” and “New Wave”.

She even managed to win one of the seasons of the Star Ice project and performed quite successfully in Dancing with the Stars.

Film career

Lera began her career in cinema with the popularly beloved series “Streets of Broken Lights”, in which she played so organically that invitations from directors simply rained down on the aspiring actress. But the series, in which Lera was busy for about three years, was only the start for a big movie.

From 2007 to 2015, Kudryavtseva starred in almost 20 feature films. All the roles of the actress are diverse, but very memorable. By the way, despite her on-screen image of a blond bitch, in life Lara is a very kind and correct person, which allows her to feel great at all secular parties, remaining out of any conflicts.

Personal life and husband of Lera Kudryavtseva

The first time Kudryavtseva got married very early - at the age of 18 and very soon gave birth to her son Jean, but this marriage with a musician from "Tender May" did not escape the fate of most early marriages and broke up in 1992. This was followed by several fleeting novels, until in 2004 fate brought her together with Matvey Morozov, who became her second husband.

At first, everything seemed to be going great. Matvey had his own business, which took up the lion's time, and Lera was torn between filming in films and on television. No one had any claims to each other, and rare meetings seemed like a holiday. However, soon this way of life ceased to suit the spouses. They became more and more distant from each other and in 2007 the union officially broke up.

While working on the New Wave in 2008, which Lera led with Sergey Lazarev, they had a stormy romance and the couple remained together until 2012. The reason for the breakup was Lera's new romance with hockey player Igor Makarov, whose wedding took place in June 2013.

With Igor Makarov

In March 2018, rumors began to circulate that the couple Kudryavtseva and Makarov would soon have a child. But Lera herself did not comment on this. Attentive fans clearly noticed her rounded tummy in one of her husband's Instagram photos. After this photo, no one had any doubts - the couple was waiting for replenishment in their family.

And on August 13, 2018, they still had a baby - daughter Maria. The place where the girl was born is not known for certain. According to rumors, Lera was going to give birth in a Moscow clinic, but on the eve of the birth, it was noticed how the TV presenter flew to the USA. So it is possible that her daughter was born in one of the clinics in Los Angeles.

Despite the fact that everyone was confident in Lera's pregnancy, there were also those who believe that Kudryavtseva did not give birth herself, but used the services of a surrogate mother. Such rumors spread after the publication of a photograph of the host with Mary in her arms. They say that allegedly Kudryavtseva is very slender, as for a woman who has recently given birth, and her child is too large for a month-old baby.

Kudryavtseva could not stand it and intervened in these discussions. She asked not to fantasize about this topic anymore and assured that she gave birth to a daughter herself.

A well-known domestic radio and television presenter, singer and dancer, a bright and extraordinary personality and just a beautiful woman - all this is about Lera Kudryavtseva. The biography and personal life of the girl are of interest not only to her many fans, but also to journalists. She attracted the attention of many viewers thanks to the Secret for a Million show, which airs on the NTV channel, where stars reveal interesting facts about their lives.

Childhood and youth

Valeria Kudryavtseva was born in mid-May 1971. It is difficult to say at first glance how old Lera Kudryavtseva is. The age of the artist is 46 years. The birthplace of the TV star is the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, which is located in Kazakhstan. She was born into a family that had nothing to do with art: the girl's parents were scientists.

There are many questions regarding Valeria's nationality, but there is no information on the network about this. Kudryavtseva herself says nothing about this

Kudryavtseva from a young age wanted to be famous. The first step towards the dream was admission to the Cultural Education School, which was located in his native city. Lera chose the specialty "Theatrical directing". Then the girl left to enter GITIS at the faculty of acting.

Valeria's creative activity began with work as a backup dancer and vocalist for famous artists. Until 1995, she worked with Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and others.

Kudryavtseva believes that getting into show business without connections and influential acquaintances will not work. You definitely need to have influential friends who can “put in a good word for you”, introduce you to the right people. The girl today does not share the details of how she got on the air.

There were many rumors that even in his youth, Igor Vernik began to promote Lera Kudryavtseva, who brought the girl to television in his Party Zone program. There was information that the alleged romance between Leroy and Igor was the reason that he invited her to his transfer. There were other rumors that Kudryavtseva was helped to break into television by her first husband, one of the members of the Tender May team. Be that as it may, Valeria was quickly able to establish herself as a professional presenter.

Television career

Lera Kudryavtseva came to the casting of the Party Zone program very brightly and spectacularly: she had a lot of pigtails and piercings in her eyebrows. However, of all the applicants for the samples, it was she who was preferred. As soon as the girl was approved as the host, she became more popular in several episodes of the program than with the artists she worked for.

The program is still being broadcast on the Muz-TV channel today, Valeria remains her permanent host along with Aiza Dolmatova, as well as. It was this transfer that helped Kudryavtseva start her creative activity and the path to fame.

Since 1995, Kudryavtseva has worked in the Muzoboz program. This was followed by the projects "Test of Fidelity", as well as "Club of ex-wives". In addition, the girl is very often invited to conduct competitions, festivals and concerts of both Russian and international levels. During her career, she appeared in the videos of many domestic artists:

  • Ivanushki group.
  • collective "Disco Crash".
  • singer Irina Dubtsova.

Valeria did not forget about her acting education. Her film debut was the television series Cops-6 from the series Streets of Broken Lights in 2004. In 2006 and 2007 she participated in the filming of the continuation of the tape.

In 2007, she was offered to star in the film "On the Roof of the World", and then in "The Best Movie", where she got the role of a prostitute.

2008 was fruitful in the girl's film career, she starred in three films at once:

  • "A very Russian detective."
  • "Oh, lucky one."
  • "Adventurers".

In the same year, the girl took part in the TV project "Dancing with the Stars", where Alexei Mazurin became her partner on the site.

In 2009, she was invited to be the host of the Cultural Exchange program, which was broadcast by the TV Center channel.

At the same time, she was offered to be the face of an advertising campaign for the World of Leather and Fur brand., which specializes in the production of luxury accessories and outerwear. It should be noted that Lera's colleagues in the workshop negatively perceived this event. This was due to the fact that Kristina Orbakaite had been working with the brand all the time before, and allegedly Kudryavtseva removed her. Later, the girl herself repeatedly stated that she and the singer were friends and her plans did not include "sit out" Orbakaite.

In 2013, the program “Show with Lera Kudryavtseva” was released on the Muz-TV channel.

Artist today

In the fall of 2016, the artist became the host of the Secret for a Million program on the NTV channel. The essence of the show is that the girl asks the invited guest many questions about the facts from his biography: these can be both minor facts from his youth and major scandals that the celebrity does not really want to talk about. It is noteworthy that the more intimate and provocative the question, the higher its price. Only the most daring personalities decide to answer the main question worth 1 million rubles.

The popularity of the show is high, it continues to be broadcast in 2017. Over the entire period of the program, many Russian celebrities managed to take part in it. Often stars send the money they win to charitable foundations.

In the same 2017, the girl became the co-host of Oscar Kuchera in the Stars Aligned program. The guests of the program are Russian stars who discuss the news of show business that are interesting to the audience.

Now the TV presenter works very hard and proudly says that she is able to independently provide for her life. Lera has repeatedly admitted that she had many opportunities to connect her life with a wealthy man who could support her, but the girl preferred independence.

Personal life

For the first time, Lera Kudryavtseva got married in her youth. Her chosen one was a member of the team "Tender May" Sergei Lenyuk. When the girl was 18 years old, the son Jean was born. Such a notable name went to the boy in honor of Valeria's favorite - actor Jean-Claude Van Damme. The full name of Kudryavtseva's child is Jean Sergeevich Lenyuk, whose marriage to his father lasted only two years. At that time, the man was at the peak of his popularity, information about his new romantic adventures regularly appeared in the media, despite the fact that he was married. Once Kudryavtseva got tired of it and soon she left him.

There was a lot of information about this event in the press. Newspapers claimed that Kudryavtseva had a very difficult divorce, addicted to alcohol and fell into depression. The girl managed to pull herself together and today does not drink at all.

The second time the artist married businessman Matvey Morozov. They legalized their relationship soon after they met. The newlyweds rarely saw each other due to the fact that both worked very hard. This provoked a divorce three years later. Morozov was convicted of fraud, but Valeria hid it for a long time.

In 2008, Kudryavtseva began dating performer Sergei Lazarev. And although there is a significant age difference between them, the couple's relationship lasted four years. The whole bohemian party was already talking with might and main about the upcoming wedding of Sergei and Valeria, but in 2012 their relationship cracked. Despite this, the artists managed to maintain friendly relations. There was information on the network that Lera was pregnant, but in the second month she had a miscarriage and this event prevented the wedding with Lazarev.

A year later, the girl went to the registry office for the third time with hockey player Igor Makarov. The wedding was widely celebrated, it was attended by almost all the stars of show business in Russia.

Lera Kudryavtseva has a lot of fans, she maintains an account in the social. Instagram network, where 2.5 million subscribers are watching her life.

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Almost every resident of our country knows Lera Kudryavtseva. Not the first year we can regularly see her in a variety of television projects and popular print media. It is striking that the presenter changes hairstyles and outfits, but does not age. In numerous interviews, she says that this feature is a combination of good natural data and the result of painstaking self-care. At the same time, the age of Lera Kudryavtseva is not at all a secret: this incredible woman happily tells her date of birth to journalists.

Brief biography of the fatal blonde

Lera Kudryavtseva was born in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk (Republic of Kazakhstan) on May 19, 1971. An ordinary Soviet family: parents are scientists, but from early childhood this girl dreamed of getting on the big screen. After studying at school, the future star graduates from the School of Culture and Education and leaves for Moscow. The age of Lera Kudryavtseva at that time was ideal for entering a university, and she chooses the acting department of the GITIS pop faculty.

Career and personal life

Lera Kudryavtseva never hid her age, height and other significant parameters. It is believed that her affair with her first husband began before adulthood, and as soon as the bride turned 18, the couple went to the registry office. The first husband of the future TV presenter was a musician of the Tender May group, popular at that time. And already in 1990, the couple had a son (Lera was 19 years old at that time). However, the marriage soon broke up due to domestic disagreements. Four years later, in 1994, Kudryavtseva begins dating Igor Vernik and it is he who first brings her to television. Lera is 23 years old, she is cheerful and bright, her hair is braided in Afro-braids, and her eyebrows are pierced. During her career as a presenter, she had a chance to work on such channels as TV-6, Muz-TV, TNT. In addition, she was trusted to host major music competitions and was invited to projects such as Dancing with the Stars and Star Ice. In 2004, Lera Kudryavtseva is 33 years old, and she begins her film career. After the first unsuccessful marriage, the star does not stop communicating with the opposite sex. Lera's second husband was businessman Matvey Morozov, after a divorce from him, she met with the famous musician Sergei Lazorev for several years. In 2013, the host again went down the aisle with the famous hockey player Igor Makarov.

Lera Kudryavtseva: age, height, weight and special signs

To date, the fatal blonde is 44 years old. However, despite this fact, she looks much younger. The star admits that she does not lead the most healthy lifestyle and often she doesn’t even have time to just sleep. An interesting fact: the age of Lera Kudryavtseva and her husband differ by almost 20 years, while the “young” wife is older. Indeed, this woman has a lot to learn. Even colleagues often call her "a girl without age." On the air, she remains as light and witty as she was 20 years ago, and in the movies we can enjoy her professionalism and high-quality acting. In addition, Lera participates in all sorts of one-time projects. More than once she starred in candid photo shoots for men's magazines. Why not? Despite the fact that the star is over 40, her weight is 51 kilograms with a height of 167 cm. Lera follows fashion and for many is an idol and mentor in this sense. She has tattoos on her body, and she is not shy about modern cosmetic procedures. And in some candid photos, you can also see a piercing in the navel.

Star Secrets

Today Lera Kudryavtseva is 44 years old and she looks much younger than her years. One of the favorite answers to questions about beauty comes down to the recommendation to use a comb, lipstick, mascara and powder every day. The star claims that against the background of today's popularity, she does not have time to sleep and live at all. However, if you look at her photo, we can assume that it was not without some dietary restrictions and regular workouts. Lera herself praises her excellent heredity and claims that her mother and sister are also incredibly beautiful women. The star advises her fans and all the inhabitants of our planet to think positively, maintain good relations with everyone around and receive as many positive emotions as possible. According to Lera Kudryavtseva, this is one of the most important secrets of beauty.

The spectacular star of Russian show business Lera Kudryavtseva, the host of the Secret for a Million TV show, is a vivid example of a talented and temperamental personality.

In this show, the stars share their secrets from their personal lives, some of which reveal even the most intimate secrets.

In contact with


Biography and career

The spectacular blonde was born and lived in the Kazakh town of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The girl was born on May 19, 1971. She received her primary education in her city, having studied in her specialty "Theatrical directing". After graduation, the star decided to leave home and continue her studies at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. There Lera studied in her specialty.

The career of a star of domestic show business did not immediately gain momentum, until 1995 she had to perform on the dancers from more eminent domestic stars. In addition, Lera often took part in singing. During the first years of her work, the star managed to perform on the same stage with such eminent stars as Bogdan Titomir, Evgeny Osin, Svetlana Titomirskaya.

  • She tried herself as an actress in 2004, she starred in the TV series Streets of Broken Lights. The news of this spread quickly, offers to star in other films fell on her.
  • In 2006 and 2007, the actress continued to star in the film's sequel.
  • In 2007, she starred in the film "On the Roof of the World", then in "The Best Movie", where Lera played the role of a girl of easy virtue who was in the company of socialites.
  • In 2008, Lera starred in three more films: "Adventurers", "A Very Russian Detective", "Oh, Lucky".

At the moment, Lera speaks about the modern stage as follows: “Today, getting on stage or on television is not so easy for a novice star, for this, first of all, you need to acquire certain connections and acquaintances, otherwise it is very difficult to reach any heights ". Along with this, Lera does not disclose any information about how exactly she managed to achieve such popularity personally.

Igor Vernik helped Lera become a star, he brought her to television. A host was required for the Party Zone program on the TV-6 channel, during an affair with Valeria, he invited her to a casting for a transfer. Rumor has it that her first husband, from the Tender May group, helped the girl. Lera recommended and showed herself on TV programs as a talented presenter.

The news that Kudryavtseva showed up for auditions "Party Zone" in an unusual way: with pigtails, pierced eyebrows, shocked many. But out of all the participants, she was chosen. The girl became no less popular, perhaps even more than the artists for whom she worked before.

The program “Party Zone” is still on the Muz-TV channel, Lera has remained the host of the project, sharing the platform with Aiza Dolmatova and Otar Kushanashvili. The format of the TV show made the popular TV presenter "his own" in the party of stars, after which the girl's career took off.

Family and personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva

Such a talented TV presenter as Lera Kudryavtseva has not only a stormy career, but also a rather rich personal life and a wonderful family.

For the first time she married at the age of eighteen for the lead singer of the group "Tender May" Sergei Lenyuk. The news is that almost immediately the couple had a baby, son Jean Taco. Such an unusual name of the star was chosen in honor of the popular foreign film actor Jean - Claude - Van Dam. This actor is still Lera's idol to this day.

Unfortunately for the young wife, the marriage lasted only two years. The reason for this was the press, which described in detail the stormy romantic addictions of Sergei with other girls. The quarrel with her husband Leroy was endured quite hard, in those moments there are rumors that the star was addicted to alcohol and fell into a deep depression. However, common sense prevailed in time, and the star refused alcohol forever.

Lera's next marriage was even less successful and lasted only a year. A marriage union was offered to her by an entrepreneur Matvey Morozov. Due to constant work, the spouses devoted too little time to each other, which is why this union was also interrupted.

In 2008, in the personal life of the presenter appeared Sergey Lazarev. This union was not brought to marriage, however, Sergei and Lera appeared in public together for four long years. Such a warm union lasted until 2012, after which the couple broke up, but at the same time maintaining fairly warm friendly relations.

In 2013, the young TV presenter is getting married again for the third time. Called Leroux down the aisle Russian hockey player Igor Makarov. All domestic show business stars were invited to the wedding ceremony. The whole procession turned out so magnificent that even Lera herself was pleasantly surprised. Later in 2016, a photo was published on the Instagram social network Leroy, where four beautiful blonde girls were present. The star commented on this photo as follows: "At the moment I am a happy mother of five children." However, as it turned out later, this statement turned out to be a joke.

Lera Kudryavtseva

One of the brightest teledives, Lera Kudryavtseva, never hid her personal life and always willingly gave interviews about her life partners. The 46-year-old spectacular blonde has experienced many novels in her life and has been married three times.

disappointment in men

Lera's first marriage to the soloist of "Tender May" Sergei Lenyuk lasted only two years.

From him, the girl left a son, Jean (Named after her favorite actor, Jean-Claude Van Dam) and unpleasant memories. In the photo on the left, Lera Kudryavtseva with her son Jean.

The husband constantly cheated with numerous fans, and life together with her husband's mother did not seem like honey. Lera took the child and left.

Kudryavtseva was very worried about the first break. She even drank a lot at one time, and almost got drunk, but her iron character and love for her son helped to set the right priorities. Now the TV presenter does not drink alcohol at all.

The second marriage with businessman Matvey Morozov also did not bring happiness to the beauty. The husband was convicted of rape and robbery.

During his life together with Leroy, he also did not shun criminal business schemes and was soon arrested for fraud and illegal border crossing.

The TV presenter does not like to remember this marriage, because because of her husband's activities, she had to explain for a long time why more than 600 people who suffered from her husband's scams should suffer, while she prospers and is healthy.

She divorced Morozov without regret. After this incident, Kudryavtseva often stated that she did not trust men.

Another novel that has been written and talked about a lot, with the famous singer Sergei Lazarev, became some outlet for Kudryavtseva. The lovers did not live in the same house, but spent a lot of time at work and leisure.

The duet of the hosts Kudryavtsev-Lazarev often became an adornment of the brightest and pretentious events. Lera was even expecting a baby from the singer, but, unfortunately, there was a miscarriage.

The trouble did not bring them together, but alienated them from each other. Their relationship quietly faded away, without reproaches and scandals. Lazarev himself claims that it was next to Kudryavtseva that he turned from a boy into a young man, and he is very grateful to her for this.

Young and cheeky

A year and a half after breaking up with Sergey Lazarev, Lera Kudryatseva marries hockey player Igor Makarov, the age difference is 16 years.

“He conquered me with his impudence,” the TV presenter tells about their first meeting, “it seemed to me then that the most impudent person in the world came up to me and spoke.”

Just a few months after they met, the young man proposed to Lera.

The wedding was magnificent - according to various estimates, it cost about five million. Many were skeptical about their union, but the lovers have been happy together for four years.

Makarov's parents took the daughter-in-law extremely positively, she has an excellent relationship with both her father-in-law and her mother-in-law. The presenter's son, Jean, is on friendly terms with his stepfather - after all, they are almost the same age.

Kudryavtseva admits that before her marriage to Makarov, she was behind her husband at work, and now she is behind her husband. “Plowed like hell, earned. Now it seems to have earned everything, I just want to live.

Interesting Notes:

During the period when Makarov was still training in St. Petersburg, Kudryavtseva herself ran the household in his St. Petersburg apartment, cleaned, washed, cooked.

“It is in Moscow that I have a housekeeper, because there is not enough time. But there is no work here, and I am happy to take care of my beloved husband myself.

Spouses only laugh at the age difference. The TV presenter recently posted a joint photo with her husband, where she aged her face with filters. “Well, this is how you look older,” Makarov immediately responded.

In 2016, a photo of a TV personality on Instagram without makeup amazed fans. Without the traditional war paint, Lera looks just like a girl.

Recently, there have been rumors that there has been a discord in the family. because of Lera's suspicions about the possible betrayal of Makarov. Someone became an unwitting witness to their quarrel in one of the cafes, during which the Wife accused Igor of treason. Well, it happens in all families.