How to forgive betrayal? And should you forgive her? Resentment against her husband: advice from psychologists on how to forgive, forget and survive the offense I can’t forgive my husband for betrayal, I want to leave.

Any woman, entering into marriage, dreams that her relationship with her beloved will grow stronger every year, and she and her husband will live together until old age. However, it happens that the husband begins to look at other women and cheat on his wife. Cheating is often regarded as a betrayal, and not every wife can forgive her man.

What to do to the deceived wives? Is it possible to save a family with an unfaithful spouse, or is it better to end such a relationship? Such questions are of interest to all women. Each case is individual. Some wives continue to fight for their happiness, others break off relations, others continue to live with unfaithful husbands, pretending not to know anything.

Husband cheated: first reaction

Spouses who have been married for more than one year have probably studied each other, so the slightest change in behavior causes fear and suspicion of treason. Most often, wives are deceived. Many are interested in how to bring a prodigal husband to "clean water."

As practice shows, the main signs of treason are confirmed by the following factors:

If all of these signs are present, then this is not a reason to blame the spouse. Your concerns must be confirmed. To do this, you can view the spouse's phone when he leaves him unattended. It is advisable to follow him and make sure personally that there is a mistress, so that the claims made in the future are justified.

Every woman has the right to know: is her husband cheating or not? However, there are situations when wives love their husbands so much that they do not want to see the truth. When a woman begins to notice the first signs of infidelity, she, before taking action, must clearly understand herself and decide how to proceed.

Assessing the situation

Cheating spouse is hard enough to accept. However, if this fact is confirmed, it is necessary to adequately assess the situation. It is the assessment of the current situation that will help to make the right decision. Women are naturally curious, and they should get an answer to the question: why does the husband cheat (see also:)? To understand the reasons that led to the betrayal, it is worth first of all to study the rival.

Who is the rival?

To study the mistress at first is better at a distance. Rivals are usually work colleagues or passing acquaintances. The wife will have to find out where the mistress works, as well as evaluate her external data. After that, you can start getting to know each other better. The meeting should look casual, for example, you can strike up a conversation with her in a cafe, in a store, or ask for help on the street.

During the first meeting, the opponent needs to be interested, to talk, so that she has a desire to communicate. It is better when there are several meetings. To understand why a man is interested in this woman, it is worth getting to know her better. To do this, you need to pay attention to her behavior, interests, inner qualities, how she looks, dresses.

What is the reason?

After talking with her husband's mistress and studying her, it will be possible to understand the reasons for his betrayal, popular among which are:

Depth of experiences of the deceived wife

Whatever the reason for cheating, for a woman, cheating is a terrible blow. Often, deceived wives lose their health, bringing themselves with worries. They stop eating, sleep poorly, which is why they lose weight, get a headache. Their body is depleted, weakness, dizziness appear. Sometimes women end up in the hospital. Whatever the situation, spiritual wounds heal with time and humility.

Forgive or end the relationship?

When a woman rethinks the current situation, she can forgive her husband and continue to live with him or break off the relationship. It all depends on the specific situation: the remaining feelings, the presence of children, the age of the spouses.

A woman can get advice from a psychologist who will help her understand how to forgive her husband's infidelity and move on.

If the wife cannot forgive her husband, she must understand that breaking up the relationship also imposes certain obligations, especially if there are children in the family. The law determines that parents have equal rights to common children, therefore, no matter how the circumstances arise, parents will have to maintain relationships even after a divorce.

How to save a family: step by step

If a woman decides to fight for her man, she can seek help from a specialist. Using the advice of a psychologist, the spouse will understand how to forgive her husband's betrayal and save the family. In addition, the deceived wife will need to change her views. She must believe in herself, increase self-esteem, learn to love herself and appreciate what she has.

Chill out

It is impossible to restrain the accumulated emotions, as this leads to the psychological destruction of the inner world of a person. However, you should not show them to your husband, otherwise the situation will become more complicated, the man will close and move away. The best option for getting rid of negativity is an open conversation with a close friend who can understand and provide support.

An offended woman needs to be distracted, get rid of negative emotions. For this it is recommended:

  • take a walk to collect your thoughts;
  • visit the gym, swimming pool or other public places that will help you forget;
  • pay attention to yourself (make a haircut, manicure, change the image);
  • try not to be alone, and if this is not possible, then it is better to listen to your favorite music alone, look through fashion magazines;
  • change your home environment
  • attend appropriate psychological trainings.

Discuss the situation with your husband

After the woman has put her feelings in order, and her emotional state has recovered, it is necessary to talk with her husband. The conversation should be calm and not provocative. You should not sort things out and throw accusations if the purpose of the conversation is to save the family. A man needs to be set up for frankness so that he himself confesses to treason.

During the conversation, the husband must understand that his wife is not indifferent to him. A delicate and frank conversation between spouses will help clarify not only the situation that has arisen, but also the reasons for such an act, as well as understand what feelings each of them is experiencing. Only with mutual desire can marital relations and the family be saved.

Remember the good

If a man has repented and does not want to leave the family, further communication should be built on positive aspects. Over the years they have lived together, they have gathered a lot. Pleasant memories are refreshed by viewing joint photo and video albums, visiting places significant for spouses. This will bring together and return familiar feelings, love and passion will be revived in the family.

Show your indispensability

In order for the husband to stop cheating, and this situation does not happen again, the wife needs to become irreplaceable for him. How to do it? To do this, you need to use certain rules and psychological techniques:

accept what happened

Creating a strong family is hard work, which mainly falls on women's shoulders. It is from the woman in most cases that her preservation after the betrayal of her husband depends. The wife must comprehend everything and accept what happened as a life lesson.

If you do not come to terms with the situation, sooner or later the accumulated resentment will break out and be able to destroy the established relationship.

forgive spouse

Humility and forgiveness are two different things. A woman needs to understand her husband in order to forgive him. Without forgiveness, family life is doomed, and many understand this. Close caring people (mother, sister, girlfriend) will help to forgive the betrayal of a spouse, it is also necessary to contact a professional who will explain the need for forgiveness and help solve the problem.

Is there life after betrayal?

Life after betrayal, of course, changes, but it is. Even if the spouses failed to reconcile, they still continue to live, building new families and avoiding old mistakes. If, nevertheless, a woman gave her chosen one a second chance, their further fate will depend on both. A forgiven husband will undoubtedly feel guilty and try to protect what he could lose by his rash act, and the wife needs to learn to love not only her husband, but also herself.

Just yesterday, everything was just wonderful in your personal life, and suddenly you find out that, it turns out, your partner is cheating on you. And it seems as if the whole world around has collapsed and there is no strength to cope with the storm of feelings and emotions that surged at the moment when you find out about this betrayal. Hands drop, I don’t want to do anything anymore ... But life goes on and something needs to be done in order to save the family or, perhaps, on the contrary, put an end to relations with the once loved one. But here's how to do it right, so as not to regret later on your actions?

It is not easy to survive, but no matter how excruciatingly painful it was at the moment when the betrayal of a loved one was revealed, you must remember that the happiness of at least two people - yours and your partner - will depend on your further actions. And if there are children in the family, then acting thoughtlessly in such a situation is completely unacceptable: you need to weigh all the pros and cons and only then accept: forgive the traitor or part with him without long regrets.

The betrayal of a loved one is always a crisis in a relationship, which can lead both to their break and to the transition to a new, higher level.

But that will be much later. And what to do now, when it seems that the soul is torn apart and there is no strength to cope with the pain?

  1. First of all, I advise you to leave the "debriefing" for later, for the time when you calm down and act not on emotions, but guided by common sense. Now it's best to be alone and deal with your own. Any pain must be experienced, and only then, having coped with it, decide what to do next.
  2. No need to judge yourself or blame yourself for what happened.. The fact that a loved one has changed is not and cannot be your fault. It does not matter for what reason he went on, but you are certainly not to blame for this.
  3. When the pain subsides a little and becomes a little easier, I would recommend talking about what happened with someone from relatives or friends who can understand you and share your feelings and your pain. Just immediately ask that person to refrain from giving advice and just listen to you. This will help to get rid of guilt and most of the negative feelings, after which, finally, it will be possible to proceed to the analysis of the current situation and to the search for possible solutions to get out of it.
  4. After that, it's time to think about the feelings you have for the one who betrayed you.. Maybe you will understand that this betrayal really was the last straw and that you will no longer tolerate such an attitude towards yourself. Or you may find that, despite the betrayal, you still continue with your partner and are even ready to forgive him.
  5. And only after that I would advise you to proceed directly to the conversation with the traitor and to the analysis of the causes of the betrayal.

You need to talk, first of all, about how you felt when you learned about the betrayal. You must make it clear to your partner about your feelings, without breaking into a cry, and even more so without switching to rude vocabulary, even if these words are already ready to break from your lips.

Examples of a correct conversation with a traitor:

  • “I trusted you so much and loved you so much, and you took and betrayed our feelings”;
  • “you caused me such pain that I just don’t know how I can live on now”;
  • “I just don’t understand why you did this”;
  • “I feel so bad after your betrayal that I don’t even know if I can forgive you”;
  • “I’m scared because I might lose you ... Is this really the end of ours?”

Such questions, uttered in a calm tone, will make the partner feel sincere remorse for his actions and think about what he has done. Most likely, they will encourage him to start a dialogue with you, which will help you, together with start looking for a way out of this situation. Whereas screams and abuse will force the traitor to justify himself or, even worse, go on the attack. In this case, a constructive dialogue will not work, and this conversation can really become the last point in your relationship.

Is it worth it to forgive the betrayal of a husband / wife?

This question is far from idle, and in every case where one of the spouses is cheating, sooner or later you have to solve it.

  1. The first thing I recommend focusing on is the feelings that you experience in relation to your husband or wife. A traitor can be given another chance if you still love him and are ready. But if you understand that the former feelings for him have faded away, and maybe they never existed, then the best solution would be to part with him.
  2. Of no small importance is whether this betrayal was the only and accidental, or whether this has already happened in the past. You can forgive a partner if he cheated only once and already regrets it himself. But is it worth it to forgive regular spree on the side, and perhaps the presence of a permanent mistress or lover, if we are talking about a wife? It's up to you to decide, but still think about it: are you ready to continue to put up with constant betrayal?
  3. Sincere repentance of a partner is another reason for forgiveness. If a loved one has realized and felt his mistake, if he sincerely repents of betrayal and does not know how to make amends to you, he can be given another chance.

To forgive betrayal means to forget that it even happened and start all over again, without returning to, and even more so without reminding the partner of his or her mistake at every opportunity.

Is it possible to save a family after infidelity?

Divorce is a last resort, and although many get divorced precisely because of the betrayal of one of the spouses, I would advise you not to rush and think everything over before making any decision.

Why to you, and not to the cheating spouse? Because, most likely, he will take a wait-and-see attitude in order to observe your further actions.

But what if no steps are taken by the offended partner? In this case, the traitor, in the end, can leave the family without realizing his guilt and not feeling even the slightest remorse for what he did.

It should be remembered that almost any family that has survived adultery can be saved. But for this, both spouses must make an effort. The one who cheated is to sincerely repent and continue to do everything possible in order to no longer deceive the trust of his partner. And the one who was cheated on is not just to forgive the betrayal, but to pretend that nothing like this happened and behave accordingly.

Coping with the storm of feelings and emotions that you experience when you learn about treason is not easy. Often the first thing you want to do after this “discovery” is to put the unfaithful spouse out the door along with his things. But I advise you not to rush and not to do in the heat of the moment what you may later regret more than once. Acting thoughtlessly, it is very easy to destroy all the good things that once were between you and thereby destroy all chances of restoring relations with your spouse and saving your marriage.

Never blame yourself for cheating on your spouse or loved one. Even if he tells you the opposite and assures that it is because of your inattention to him that he cheated on you. Remember that such conversations are nothing more than an attempt to justify yourself, and possibly shift the blame for your own betrayal onto you.

Talking with a partner and finding out the reasons for infidelity should not turn into a scandal. I advise, when talking with a cheating spouse, to behave extremely correctly and in no case go over to shouting and mutual accusations.

You should tell your spouse about how you felt when you learned about the betrayal. This will make the husband or wife think about the pain that he or she caused you, and, as a result, realize their guilt and feel sincere remorse.

Next, you need to decide: save the family or part with the unfaithful spouse. And here I advise you to slowly think it over, remember the feelings that you were once connected with, and evaluate the prospects for your future relationship with your partner.

Cheating on a loved one is something that can be difficult to deal with. Negative feelings and emotions do not allow you to act judiciously, and this can lead to a deterioration in relations between partners. However, if the spouses treat each other with understanding, behave correctly and together begin to look for a way out of this situation, then they will have every chance to save the family.

The reasons for divorce can be very different, but the most common reason for the destruction of the family is adultery. Someone perceives adultery as a trauma that cannot be healed for a long time, someone sees it as an opportunity to start a new life. But in any case, betrayal causes a lot of reflection and changes the usual perception of the relationship between a man and a woman. Consider how to forget betrayal and move on with your spouse.

First steps after the event

The change has happened. Think about what caused this situation. This is necessary in order to avoid a repetition in the future, whether you stay with this man. You can prevent a new betrayal by changing yourself and your attitude. Any conflict arises through the fault of two, do not relieve yourself of responsibility, do not blame your spouse for everything. Men rarely cheat out of boredom.

It doesn't matter if you plan to file for divorce or forgive your husband and continue to live with him, hoping for loyalty and mutual respect. There are three steps you need to take to restore your emotional state.

accept and forgive

Come to terms with what happened. The struggle is useless, as are attempts to turn a blind eye to the problem. By accepting the betrayal, you will take the first step towards forgiveness.

If you know the motives of the spouse that pushed him into the arms of another woman, have a frank, calm conversation with your husband, without sinking into hysterics.

If you cannot fully understand the reason for his behavior, ask your husband about it, but calmly and sincerely. A man interested in preserving the family will try to explain to you what prompted him to do such a vile act towards you.

Some men call a sudden flash of passion or a state of intoxication a reason for infidelity. In fact, the reasons lie much deeper. In a family whose relationships are based on harmony and understanding, the spouse will never lose control of himself, no matter what situation he finds himself in.

Try to get to the bottom of the truth together. If you have the feeling that your spouse is trying to avoid the answer, instead of sincerely confessing, do not turn off the conversation, continue to ask, gently and without pressure. If you do not know the true reason and turn a blind eye to what happened, an unpleasant situation will arise in your life again and again until you learn this painful lesson. Knowing the reason for your husband's infidelity is important for you.

Husband's responsibility

To forgive your spouse, you must wait for his steps. He needs to understand that he is responsible for what happened, by all means he must achieve your forgiveness. You are given the opportunity to say what does not suit you, talk about what you want to hear, what you need at the moment.

If this behavior is too difficult for you or you are not sure that your spouse will meet you halfway and agree with your requests, think about it, most likely you are a victim in this relationship.

Call your husband for a frank conversation. Tell him directly what actions you expect from him so that he deserves your forgiveness. What can he do or say so that you can forgive him?

The last step in forgiveness is to symbolically let go of your resentment. State on a piece of paper everything you think about, what feelings your spouse’s betrayal caused you. All those thoughts that you want to get rid of. Make a list yourself and have your husband write the same note. Do not read what each of you wrote. Crumple the sheets and throw into the fire. You can do this by the water (a river, a lake, a pond in a park will do) and send the paper floating. If there is no way to burn or throw into the water, just open the window and throw it away.

This action will help you exterminate the oppressive thoughts in your head. From now on, make a promise to yourself that you will build relationships in a new way.

How to forgive a husband and save a family?

At the heart of any discord is a lack of mutual respect and understanding, so give the situation an objective assessment and analyze what role you yourself played in this. For women who decide to fight for their marriage after infidelity, the following can be advised:

  1. Be sure to speak directly and frankly with your spouse. You can’t wait for time before deciding on an unpleasant and painful conversation for you. Do not mention old grievances and claims, focus only on discussing the betrayal that has occurred.
  2. Each of the partners must openly, without swearing or quarreling, name those qualities of the other that cause the greatest irritation. After that, everyone should be given the opportunity to express their own point of view and suggest how to solve the problem.

If the rival is no longer in your life, the spouse vows to no longer even look at other women, but to live solely for the sake of the family, do not be too happy.

The fact that his passion has disappeared from your horizon will not prevent the husband from making constant comparisons between his wife and his mistress. Moreover, he will most often compare not in favor of his wife.

If you have chosen a specific time and place for a difficult conversation with your spouse, you need to come to the meeting in the best possible way. Your spouse does not need to see your eyes swollen from tears, dull skin, untidy hair and casual clothes. Take care of how you look. Be graceful, irresistible and self-confident lady.

How to forget about what happened and move on?

Do not engage in self-abasement, do not compare yourself with your spouse's mistress. Instead, focus on your own development.

A husband's infidelity can serve as an excellent motivation for cardinal life changes. Sign up for a fitness class, start going to the pool, go on a trip, or quit your boring job altogether.

To improve life after infidelity and the departure of a spouse, listen to the following advice from psychologists:

  1. Learn to actively listen. This skill consists in showing genuine interest in what excites the interlocutor, his experiences and events. Respect what is interesting to the people around you, do not put your needs above all else.
  2. Learn to trust your spouse again. Of course, it is easy to give such advice, but to put it into practice... Once a deceived woman, it will be difficult to start believing her partner who betrayed her again. Each couple has its own methods for resolving this issue: in some, the man at first allows his wife to control his calls and messages, in others, the husband and wife restore relationships based on trust.
  3. Do not try to emotionally take revenge on the unfaithful spouse, cheating in response with the first man you meet, so as not to regret later.

How to forgive a cheating spouse? Psychologists advise to go for reconciliation only after you analyze the current situation in detail and find out the reasons for infidelity. Betrayal will put a heavy burden on your shoulders, be prepared for the fact that you can restore the lost trust in your husband only after many months or even years.

Try to listen to the man, perhaps he will find the right words to explain what happened

It is unlikely that you will be able to return to the previous relationship after infidelity. A new phase awaits you or you will find that your marriage has run its course. What was before will no longer be in your life, so it is not always worth trying to hold on to the past.

After the fact of a spouse's infidelity, those women who do not understand what reasons pushed their husband to this step are in a stressful state for the longest time, and blame him exclusively for everything.

Anger can advise a person to do things that will only increase the number of problems in the future. Women who find out about a cheating spouse should heed the following practical recommendations:

  1. Do not attempt to meet and talk with a competitor. If she is young, successful and beautiful, your pride will be seriously affected. Do not provoke your mistress to a scandal, do not try to pity by talking about your children - this is pointless.
  2. Don't be too aggressive towards your husband. Recognize that treason has taken place, and do not start open war. Be clear about your position, whether it's the decision to divorce or put the relationship on pause to consider the final verdict.
  3. Do not disclose information about the betrayal of the spouse to relatives, friends and colleagues. This will not help appeal to the conscience of the husband, and even more so will not return him to you. On the contrary, if a man finds out that you are talking nasty things about him behind his back, you will lose him forever.

Some naturally quarrelsome and grouchy women suddenly become affectionate and friendly after their partner cheats. Someone goes to a beauty salon to create a new image for himself to attract a husband. However, such actions will not help achieve the desired effect.

You will not be able to live long with false emotions, to which repressed anger is added, which will one day lead to an even greater scandal. Plus, a forced alien role for you can cause mental and physiological disorders.

The first desire of a deceived wife is to punish (including physically) the husband who insulted her. However, is it possible to return love by intimidating a man with physical violence or putting pressure on his psyche? Even if it turns out to return the traitor to the family, where he will again be an exemplary husband and father, after some time he will run away to a woman who does not seek to dominate and suppress him.

Cheating is always disappointment in a loved one and a powerful blow to trust, as well as resentment with all the ensuing consequences - pain, longing, anger, hopelessness. Is it possible to forgive her husband's betrayal and live on, the woman asks herself, or should this Gordian knot be immediately cut, immediately ending the relationship, which seems to be forever overshadowed by betrayal? Listen to the advice of psychologists on how to deal with this situation.

Causes of male infidelity

Every man has his own reasons that lead him to cheat on his wife. From the point of view of women, infidelity can only be explained by the fact that she is no longer loved. But this is far from true. There are a huge number of cases when a husband does not stop loving his other half, and at the same time he can cheat on her.
What are these reasons, or are the representatives of the stronger sex only looking for a reason to do this, unable to cope with their physiology, which dictates at the genetic level to inseminate as many women as possible?
In fact, these arguments look quite reasonable from their point of view:

  • the wife’s constant refusals in an intimate way, a headache and other excuses are incomprehensible to a man - this offends him and provokes him into extraneous relationships;
  • increased sexuality and lack of sexual intercourse pushes the husband into the arms of other women;
  • lack of diversity, both in lifestyle and intimacy - a man quickly becomes bored with the routine of such relationships, and he hurries to fill his life with pleasant and new sensations for himself;
  • when a man has low self-esteem, and a woman, instead of smoothing over sharp corners, on the contrary, points out the shortcomings of her husband, life together may well come to such a sad event as betrayal.

The less attention, respect and understanding goes to the spouse, the more he is inclined to look for these manifestations of love elsewhere.

What symptoms may indicate an infidelity husband

Usually, women who sincerely love their husbands have a special intuition in this regard. An astute mother and wife by nature can very quickly understand what is happening, unless the husband has the talent and experience of a secret agent.
Signs by which you can determine the infidelity of a spouse are as follows:

  • the husband began to take care of himself more, shave more often, use men's perfume, put on festive clothes for going out to work;
  • the spouse returns home much later than usual, referring to permanent affairs, reports, he can go on a business trip, although this has never been required for work before;
  • coming after midnight, he himself talks about why he was late and all this looks like an excuse;
  • Suspicious calls and messages are constantly received on the husband’s phone, if he answers the call, he tries to go to another room, referring to the boss or emergency work at work.

In general, when a hubby begins to lie, and it is not so difficult to determine this for a wife who is well acquainted with his professional activities, work schedule and other details, then you should seriously think about the fact that he has someone. Women, anticipating evil, but still doubting betrayal, do not know how to behave in such a situation. But the most important thing is not to mess things up if there is no evidence on hand, which means you don’t need to get excited, and it’s better to analyze the behavior of the faithful.

Forgive or let go?

Despite the fact that the very fact of infidelity is not some kind of easy quarrel, but, in fact, perjury, in all respects it is more reasonable to conclude a truce with her husband, at least temporarily. This will not mean weakness at all, but rather generosity, because the purpose of such an act is to understand the reason for what led to this sad result and talk about the situation.
In this regard, professional psychologists give several arguments:

  1. If people are connected by children, home, common interests, it will still not be possible to abruptly break all ties, but scandals and mutual reproaches will follow. Even if the family eventually breaks up, it is always better to resolve the related problems peacefully. But maybe it will still return to normal, so such haste may be premature.
  2. Looking at it from the other side, one can also understand that the real betrayal happened only once, and there is no attachment between the mistress and the husband. In the end, we are all human, and we tend to make mistakes, which we later bitterly regret.
  3. Excessive pride and irreconcilable resentment can make a woman make an irreparable mistake, the cost of which will be loneliness and rejection of a suitable man, and this is always bad.

All this is true, and one can agree with these arguments, but not in cases where infidelity occurs regularly, all the same with one woman or with different ones.

Is cheating worth it? You can forgive, but you can never forget. In some cases, forgiveness may be considered:

  • betrayal was once, without a long relationship with his mistress, while the husband frankly repents and tries to achieve your forgiveness;
  • before the discovery of infidelity, the husband’s attitude towards you did not change, he was gentle, caring, romantic;
  • you were happy in a relationship before this incident and you were satisfied with your life together;
  • you were close to your husband - common interests, common plans, favorite activities, common pastime and spiritual intimacy.

DO NOT forgive cheating: if it has happened not for the first time or a man is trying to shift the blame on you (“it's because you ...”) or on genes (“I'm a man, we can't do otherwise”). If he takes you for granted, doesn’t respect you, doesn’t help around the house, doesn’t support you, doesn’t repent, and in general, you suffer more in relationships than you enjoy them. In these cases, it is better to end the relationship now than to suffer for several more years in a toxic relationship.

You need to understand one important truth - the old relationship will never be the same, and life together, in any case, will change. Which way, time will tell. If the deceived wife is ready for this, then it is worth trying to save her marriage.

A woman, unfortunately, will not be able to avoid a strong emotional outburst, and this is normal, otherwise in the future, pent-up feelings can bring her to psychosis or real depression.
To avoid nervous breakdowns, and this can only aggravate the situation, you can help yourself relieve stress in several ways:

  • go in for sports or just do gymnastics, by the way, housework, cultivating your own garden or vegetable garden is suitable for this - loading yourself physically, a person is less prone to thoughts, and therefore experiences;
  • loud music will help drown out thoughts and distract from the situation;
  • a favorite thing, work, useful activities can distract and calm, so you can afford to do everything that you really like.

Sometimes a woman does not know how to forgive her husband's betrayal and live on, and yet life goes on and it depends only on herself what she can become. It is worth trying to speak out - to your parents, girlfriend, most importantly, not to your husband - you should not give out violent emotions to the culprit of your suffering, as this threatens with even greater distance from each other.

When the inevitable question arises in this situation, whether it is necessary to forgive a husband, it is never possible to decide hastily under the influence of anger and resentment, because this can make both spouses unhappy.

Despite such a blow, a woman must move on without dwelling on her disappointment. And the advice of a psychologist will help her in this:

  1. After anger has been given an outlet, you should gather your courage and try to think judiciously. Under the influence of negative emotions, you can make a lot of mistakes and then the creation of new relationships will be impossible. You just need to forget about the old feelings - they have sunk into the past forever. It is necessary to accept everything that happened, without denying the reality, and to rationally look at the situation.
  2. Despite the fact that sometimes a woman herself is partly to blame for the infidelity of her spouse, she should not feel guilty, shifting it onto herself. Whatever the reasons, the offense itself was committed exclusively by a man on his own initiative. There is always a choice between cheating and trying to fix everything, but if a man takes the easy path with cheating, then he does not respect his wife. A man must fully repent of his act so that it would be easier for his wife to survive this betrayal.
  3. It makes sense to live separately for some time - this will help to calm down and think everything over. Even a few days spent away from your spouse will show whether you need to forgive. Sometimes, after living apart, a woman realizes that it is much easier and more pleasant to live alone. Especially if the spouse did not help around the house, criticized and imposed his vision of home life. For many, a husband's betrayal becomes a pass to a happy life, gives a chance to find a normal man who will respect and appreciate his wife.
  4. When the important question is how to save a family, it is probably best to take care of children, giving them maximum time. Even small children experience real stress when mom and dad are at odds, especially sensitive babies suffer from this. It will take time to explain to them in an accessible way why the father estranged from his family. It is impossible to forbid children to see their father - for them it will be a terrible blow. Do not try to use the child as a weapon, because it is the baby who will suffer in the first place, and he is not to blame for the dad's misdeed.
  5. By finding something to your liking, you can gradually get rid of gloomy thoughts and anxiety. A woman in this state should not have a single free minute to feel sorry for herself. Many devote their leisure time to sports, auto-training or yoga, completely change their lifestyle, and sometimes work. And rightly so, because it allows you to look at the world around with different eyes and start living anew.
  6. In some cases, low self-esteem does not allow a woman to live a full life further. Cheating is the turning point that makes you think about how to change yourself for the better, not only externally, but also internally. It's time to make a new hairstyle, take care to update old clothes. If you have been wanting to lose weight for a long time, now is the time to do it. To feel the joy of life again, you should not constantly sit within four walls - it's time to go to the theater, to an exhibition, to go with friends to nature.
  7. Remember - it is better to go through a painful breakup once after a betrayal than to suffer all your life from suspicions or even from repeated betrayals. If you systematically forgive cheating on your husband, he will perceive this as an unspoken permission, he will lose respect. Children will adopt such a sick model of behavior in the family, and in the future the son will begin to cheat on his girls, and the daughter will perceive betrayal as something ordinary. Do you want such a future for your children?
  1. No matter how hard it is, you will have to talk with your spouse. Only joint identification of the problem will help both to better understand each other. A woman will have to be patient in order to be patient and listen to all the arguments of her chosen one calmly. In no case should the conversation be diverted into the mainstream of reproaches and mutual accusations, there will be no use from this.
  2. You should not look at an unfaithful husband as an enemy, it is useful to remember that this is still the same person, the closest and beloved, only stumbled. It may be worth looking through albums with old photographs, watching videos of joint family celebrations, in order to finally understand that even such a mistake cannot cross out the most important thing - love. After that, it will be much easier to forgive and at least partially restore mutual understanding.
  3. If both spouses continue to live in the same apartment or house, a woman will have to learn to trust her husband again - without this, new normal relationships will not work out. No matter how strong jealousy is, you will have to get rid of it, as well as interrogations for any reason, especially from checking phone calls and e-mails of your husband. Of course, he still has to earn trust, but this also takes time.

It would not be superfluous for a woman to listen to the advice of a priest on this issue. In Orthodoxy, betrayal is a voluntary betrayal, and if the husband is also a believer, in order to earn forgiveness, he must sincerely repent, confess and take communion. There is also a prayer for forgiveness of betrayal - this is a prayer of repentance and forgiveness "In the hand of Your great mercy."

Cheating out of revenge, dirty tricks to his mistress, scandals and tears will not help solve the problem, but will only embitter and lead to even greater suffering and devastation. You need only positive emotions, and negative ones will only drag you further into the abyss of despair.

To survive such a difficult, and in general, shameful situation, like treason, you need strength and endurance. How to forgive her husband's betrayal and live on if it hurts too much, and emotions go wild? The best way out is to contact a psychologist - he will assess the situation and help find a solution, but only on one condition - if there is still love. And if the betrayal was more than once, then no psychologist can save the family. Because she has been gone for a long time.

Appreciate, respect and love yourself first of all - this love will always be mutual!

Can betrayal be forgiven?

You will have to forgive betrayal in any case. Having passed the difficult painful path of mental work from resentment, the desire for revenge to the complete absence of claims, it will be possible to complete the gel state, move on, regardless of the chosen direction. When deciding to stay close to the person who committed the betrayal, it is necessary to have an honest conversation with yourself.

Much depends on what the relationship of the partners was like, how long the man and woman lived together, whether everything suited them, the circumstances of the adultery that occurred, how great the chances are to use the case of betrayal as a forced, unpleasant, but impetus for strengthening and developing the family.

Having decided to restore the union, one should carry out a titanic pair work: to restore confidence in the deceiver, to find a common language. We will have to sit down at the negotiating table, discussing painful situations, this is a necessary practice.

You should not get personal: "Here you are, your mother, your friends ...". It is better to discuss personal feelings, emotions: “When you do this, I feel anger (irritation, resentment).

Spouses are not enemies, seeking to bite each other as painfully as possible, the goal is to come to an understanding, to open up in order to better understand the emotions of their husband (wife).

Types of change

Conventionally, in psychology, adultery is divided into several varieties, each of which, from the point of view of psychology, has its own degree of severity:

One-time treason

This betrayal is understood as a single case of sexual contact with another partner without attachment to him. Usually this happens during a business trip, bachelor party, corporate party and other events. After the betrayal, the husband realizes what he has done, and after a couple of days, remorse comes to him for this mistake.

Prolonged treason

In this option, there may already be feelings and affection for a person. If we take the emotional part as an example, then for the man himself this is not an easy period, since he has to constantly rush from his wife to his mistress and vice versa, he cannot make a final decision. Usually, the spouse finds out about the rival who has appeared quite by accident, but there are also situations when the husband himself talks about the existing connection, on the side after a long period of time. This connection is interrupted after 2 years, since by this time they have a crisis.

Looking for adventure

During such a betrayal, the cheater does not become attached and does not have any feelings for the partner. There can be a large number of intimate relationships with partners themselves, but they do not last more than two meetings. They occur in clubs, massages, parties, and so on. A man puts on the image of a male, who by his prey means sex. He can, of course, repent, but it will not be long. When he decides to change again, it is better to break off relations with such a man and not believe in his correction.


This kind of withdrawal to find a new partner is associated with avoiding the problems that are present in marriage. An intimate relationship is equated with friendship between partners in which they have sex. The attraction to a partner may be deep, but you don't get attached to him, you may not even enjoy it, just a pill that is needed to ease the pain.

emotional betrayal

A man has a girlfriend who has the ability to influence his mood, actions, thoughts, and the like. Platonic feelings appear that are much more addictive than physical ones. A kind of balance between emotions and physical attraction.

How to forgive your husband cheating if you decide to save the relationship

Not every one of you can pretend like nothing happened. But believe me, when punishing a husband, you should not throw out your anger on your spouse, but you need to make sure that the husband blames himself.

After you start to come to your senses, if you still love him, and he crawls in front of you and asks for forgiveness, forgive him. Everyone can make a mistake in this life, including you. For the sake of the family, women are ready for anything. After all, someone else's man does not need your children. Who, if not their husband will also pamper and love them. The family is forgiving.

If your heart is breaking with pain and you don’t know how to forgive your husband’s betrayal, try the two of you to calmly talk and discuss everything to the smallest detail. Do not interrupt him while he is explaining. After all, maybe your husband will tell you something that you did not even suspect and only the two of you can decide.

But even in spite of this, you should not show that you feel guilty and are ready to forgive him. Keep neutral. To continue the whole conversation, ask yourself one single question: “What can I do to save my family?”.

The question of how to forgive the betrayal of her husband, of course, is difficult. Far from everyone can forgive her husband for going to the left, but a wise woman can overcome everything in order to save her family. The main thing here is that your husband understands you and changes the situation with you.

Many women, some time after her husband's betrayal, claim that after she forgave him, a new round of relationships appeared in the family, which became even stronger.

The next step for you will be remembering only the positive moments. It is worth reminding more often why you fell in love with each other, how many pleasant moments there were and how many problems you have already endured together.

Remember your vacations and the birth of children, weddings and happy birthdays. In a word, so that after your stories you have a smile and nostalgia on your face.

Don't blame each other and don't steal blame. This will only aggravate your already difficult state of mind. If you have finally decided to forgive your husband's betrayal, then try not to remind about this case at all.

Your husband is also an adult and he himself understands that he acted disrespectfully towards you. And if you act like a wise wife and say every day how wonderful he is, then he will understand that recently he almost lost his dearest person. And believe me, he will not change anymore.

It is worth noting that a woman who has suffered from her husband's infidelity, even after reconciliation, constantly expresses her suspicion towards her husband. Be careful here, because excessive vigilance will only destroy everything that you managed to come to after reconciliation.