An analysis of the block's poem was brought by the wind from afar. “The wind brought from afar ...”, analysis of Blok’s poem - Any essay on the topic Analysis of Blok’s poem “The wind brought from afar ...”

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Analysis of A.A. Blok’s poem “The wind brought from afar ...” Presentation author: Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU “Lyceum No. 1”, R.P.

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to check the level of knowledge of A.A. Blok’s creativity, the degree of understanding of the poem “The wind brought from afar ...”, its themes, ideas, features of the figurative and expressive means of the poetic language Purpose:

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Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880 - 1921) for many years considered himself a symbolist and was very sensitive to the signs of fate, trying to recognize them even where they were absent. Symbolism is a cultural trend that preached figurativeness and a bright, non-standard expression of thoughts. Therefore, the early works of the poet are distinguished by an abundance of metaphors and comparisons that create a special, sophisticated atmosphere. In this vein, the poem “The wind brought from afar ...”, written in the last days of January 1901, is sustained. A.A. Blok - symbolist poet

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A.A.Blok “The wind brought from afar…” The wind brought from afar a hint of the song of spring, Somewhere light and deep in the sky a piece of the sky opened up. In this bottomless azure, In the twilight of the approaching spring, Winter storms cried, Starry dreams fluttered. Timidly, darkly and deeply My strings cried. The wind brought from afar Your sonorous songs.

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The history of the creation of the poem “The wind brought from afar ...” The approaching spring, the smell of which is still hovering in the frosty January air, touched the innermost feelings of the poet, who notes that “my strings wept timidly, darkly and deeply.” The poet emphasizes that all his sorrows and sorrows seemed to dissolve in the azure sky. At the appearance of bottomless azure, “winter storms wept”, foreseeing that they did not have long to reign on earth. However, the reason for the poet's spiritual unrest lies not at all in the approaching spring. Much more important for him is that "the wind brought your sonorous songs from afar." In this case, we are talking about Lyubvi Mendeleeva, with whom the poet was familiar from childhood and to whom he dedicated the poem “The wind brought from afar ...”

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The history of the creation of the poem “The wind brought from afar ...” After a long separation, the poet barely managed to recognize in the black-browed beauty the ingenuous girl with whom he once played at the dacha in Shakhmatovo. However, most of all, the poet was struck by the fact that his childhood friend did not take the young man seriously. Blok fell in love with this cold and completely indifferent person, who was destined to become his literary muse for many years.

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Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..." What is the theme of the poem? A story about nature at the same time about the feelings of a lyrical hero

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Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..." What is the main task of the author of the poem? Show the beauty of the world around and the inner world of the lyrical hero (to convey love experiences, memories of bygone days)

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Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..." What is the nature of the poem? Charming, beautiful, tender, lively (the wind brought the song a hint, the storms cried) How does the lyrical hero appear? The lyrical hero experienced a feeling of love, he is a romantic in love, who now has only memories

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Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..." The author draws parallels between the description of nature and the inner world of the lyrical hero, conveys the influence of the surrounding world on man and raises the problem of harmony between man and nature.

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Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..." With the help of what figurative and expressive means does the poet convey the beauty of nature and paint a picture of a person's real life? EPITHETS OF METAPHOR songs of the bottomless azure of spring near spring winter storms starry dreams sonorous songs the wind brought weeping storms weeping strings soared dreams of the sky a piece of song hint

The wind brought from afar
Songs of spring hint
Somewhere light and deep
The sky opened up.

In this bottomless azure
In the twilight of near spring
Weeping winter storms
There were starry dreams.

Timidly, darkly and deeply
My strings were crying.
The wind brought from afar
Sound songs are yours.

Analysis of the poem "The wind brought from afar" Blok

The early period of Blok's work is marked by his passion for symbolism and mysticism. The poem "The wind brought from afar ..." (1901) is a vivid example of the poet's appeal to any insignificant detail, which he considers as secret symbols and attaches great importance to them.

The onset of spring for Blok is not just a change of seasons. It is accompanied by mysterious signs. Long before the arrival of real warm days, the lyrical hero hears the "songs of the spring hint" that the wind brings. At the same time, "the sky ... a piece" opens for him. In the "twilight of the approaching spring" the author hears the cry of "winter storms". In the mind of the lyrical hero, the real world is completely transformed, changes hidden from the ordinary eye take place in it, mysterious sounds are heard.

In the last stanza, a love theme appears. During this period, Blok was fascinated by the ideas of V. Solovyov and his doctrine of Eternal Femininity. The famous Blok (L. Mendeleev) did not reciprocate the poet. But he stubbornly considered her the embodiment of his feminine ideal and sought the hand of a girl. The "weeping strings" of the lyrical hero symbolize his love lyrics, longing and sadness from the inability to find true happiness.

Blok sincerely believed that he and Mendeleeva were born for each other, and their marriage was blessed in heaven. Therefore, kindred souls are inevitably drawn to each other. Among the symbols of the approaching spring, the lyrical hero distinguishes the "sonorous songs" of his beloved, which are addressed to him and testify to the imminent reunion of the two lovers.

Block's search for various symbols and omens in nature can be easily explained. The poet rarely saw his beloved. Meetings and joint walks took place only in the warm season, when the Mendeleev family came to the dacha.

It is very characteristic that the work “The wind brought from afar ...” was written by Blok in January, when in reality there could be no talk of any signs of an approaching spring. But the poet, being in an exalted state, is carried away in his dreams far from the gray Petersburg winter. The world around him is filled with various omens for him, which, in general, come true. In 1903, L. Mendeleeva agreed to become the poet's wife.

The poem “The wind brought from afar” is one of the many in Blok’s work, which he dedicated to his wife, Lyubov Mendeleeva. So that students in grade 6 can better understand the feelings of the poet, a brief analysis of “The wind brought from afar” according to the plan can be used in the literature lesson. This is a good supplementary material to help clarify the topic.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the poem refers to the early period of Blok's work, it was written in 1901, when he was already courting his future wife Lyubov Mendeleeva.

Theme of the poem- a premonition of spring, which brings hope for a meeting with a beloved woman.

Composition- the ring, closing phrase is “ the wind brought from afar“.

Genre- a lyric poem.

Poetic size- trimeter dactyl.

epithets“spring song”, “bottomless azure”, “near spring”, “winter storms”, “starry dreams”, “sonorous songs”.

Metaphors“the wind brought”, “a patch of sky opened up”, “storms wept”, “dreams roared”, “strings wept”.

History of creation

The work was written in 1901, in the winter, when Alexander Blok was already in love with his future wife Lyubov Mendeleeva, but the girl did not reciprocate and their relationship was not official. At the beginning of the 20th century, this was treated very strictly, so the poet could not see his beloved as often as he would like. Decency prescribed not to allow too frequent meetings. And, in fact, the poet could only enjoy communication with his future wife in the spring - the Mendeleev family went to the dacha, and Blok, who was friendly with them, joined.

And the thought of a future meeting warmed his soul in the gray Petersburg winter, in which the breath of spring was already felt. The poet described this feeling in his poem “The wind brought from afar”, the history of which is inextricably linked with the story of his love.


The main theme of the verse is a premonition of spring. The soul of the lyrical hero is filled with vague sensations - either gloomy forebodings, or the joy of the fact that he will soon be able to see the one that he so desires. It is these feelings that Blok is trying to convey through a work filled with symbols. The main idea of ​​the poem is the feeling of a man in love who is not yet allowed to express his feelings openly.

He talks about how a person languishes, who does not know the future of his love, how he wants to believe in the best and hope for reciprocity, And spring is a symbol of all these hopes.


The emotional content of the work is very dense, which is facilitated by the looped composition. If at the beginning of this three-line poem the poet is pessimistic, then the end is rather a description of a good, bright foreboding.

The wind in the work symbolizes the coming of the coming spring, portends it. The lyrical hero does not yet see a clear sky, but he feels that the moment will soon come when it will be possible to enjoy the onset of spring. He wants this time to come soon and talks about how the winter storms are crying - as if feeling that they do not have long to reign on the earth.

The second stanza allegorically says that Blok is suffering from the inability to express his feelings, which are still hiding “timidly dark and deep”. He can only afford dreams, otherwise his behavior may compromise the woman he loves.

Finally, the third stanza shows that the poet's melancholy is gradually dissipating, he already hears sonorous songs and feels that something good awaits him ahead. And indeed - in 1903 Blok and Mendeleev got married.


This is a lyrical poem - despite the landscape elements, the poetic lines serve to convey the feelings of the poet, the emotions he experiences. This genre helps Blok to express what torments him and what he would like to reveal to the world.

The work is written in dactylic trimeter, which, combined with cross-rhyming, makes it easy to read. With intent, Blok also uses the alternation of feminine and masculine rhymes: in this way he demonstrates his dream of unity with his beloved.

means of expression

Blok uses not only symbols, but also classical tropes in his poem to convey the mood and convey the idea. These are expressions such as:

  • epithets- “spring song”, “bottomless azure”, “near spring”, “winter storms”, “starry dreams”, “sonorous songs”.
  • Metaphors- “the wind brought”, “a patch of sky opened up”, “storms cried”, “dreams hovered”, “strings cried”.

With their help, the author conveys his doubts in a reciprocal feeling - the meetings with the future bride were too fleeting, shows all the doubts with which the heart in love is tormented, and at the same time - all the hopes that feed it. The poet does not know what awaits them ahead, but wants to think that the future will be good.

Poem Test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 19.

"The wind brought from afar ..." Alexander Blok

The wind brought from afar
Songs of spring hint
Somewhere light and deep
The sky opened up.

In this bottomless azure
In the twilight of near spring
Weeping winter storms
There were starry dreams.

Timidly, darkly and deeply
My strings were crying.
The wind brought from afar
Sound songs are yours.

Analysis of Blok's poem "The wind brought from afar ..."

The initial stage of the work of Alexander Blok is closely connected with symbolism - a cultural trend that preached figurativeness and a bright, non-standard expression of thoughts. Therefore, the early works of the poet are distinguished by an abundance of metaphors and comparisons that create a special, sophisticated atmosphere. In this vein, the poem “The wind brought from afar ...”, written in the last days of January 1901, is sustained. However, in the grayness of the cold Petersburg winter, Blok was able to catch the first signs of an approaching thaw, which, according to the author, “the wind brought from afar.”

Symbolism assumed increased attention to various trifles and their interpretation as a kind of omen. Such an unusual herald of spring for the poet was a piece of clear blue sky, which opened "somewhere light and deep." The author emphasizes that all sorrows and sorrows seem to have dissolved in this piece of azure sky. At his appearance, "winter storms cried", as if foreseeing that they did not have long to reign on earth.

Block perceives such metamorphoses of nature through the prism of personal experiences.. The approaching spring, the smell of which is still hovering in the frosty January air, touched the innermost feelings of the poet, who notes that “my strings wept timidly, darkly and deeply.” However, the reason for the poet's spiritual unrest lies not at all in the approaching spring. It is much more important for him that "the wind brought your sonorous songs from afar." In this case, we are talking about Lyubvi Mendeleeva, with whom the poet had known since childhood, but after a long separation, he barely managed to recognize in the black-browed beauty that unintelligent girl with whom he once played in the country. However, most of all, the poet was struck by the fact that his childhood friend perceived Blok as a dude and worthless person who greatly embellishes his literary abilities. Is it any wonder that the poet fell in love with this cold and completely indifferent person, who was destined to become his literary muse.

Blok and Mendeleev got engaged only in 1903, but almost until the very wedding, the poet was not sure that he was really loved by a woman who struck him not only with her beauty, but also with her intelligence, nobility, and a great sense of humor. Since he rarely saw his chosen one, and, for the most part, only in the country, spring became for him a symbol of the rebirth of love and the approaching meeting with the one that forever won his heart.

This verse appeared in the second month of winter. It begins with feelings, anticipations of the approaching spring, a date with a loved one. At that time, A. Blok was madly in love with L. D. Mendeleev, the daughter of a friend, but their meetings are very rare. The rules of etiquette do not allow you to do this more often. And only with the onset of spring, when the Mendeleevs left for the country, the poet could be next to them.

The news that spring will come soon in this prose is the wind. A piece of clear sky, which the poet does not contemplate, does not feel, but is full of a sense of change, a desire to see the sky filled with the light of the sun.

Blok's early work is imbued with symbolism. Pessimism is felt very well throughout the entire work, and only towards the end of it is some kind of light felt, sadness is slowly dispelled.

The poet wants to tell a lot in his work, but conflicting emotions do not allow it. Sadness shows the impossibility of revealing one's feelings. And only timid movements he can allow, so as not to frighten his chosen one.

In the first and third lines of the quatrain, the rhyme is feminine, in the second and fourth - masculine. Such a change for such a skilled writer, again leads to the idea that he constantly thinks about his beloved woman.
Likewise, on purpose or not, the union of two loving hearts comes into the world.

The marriage of Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeeleva took place two years after the poem was written, but the poor writer until the last moment doubted the feelings of the girl herself. After all, they met so little, and their dates passed so quickly. Their family also had a lot of sorrow, but the symbol of love - spring remained with the writer for life.

This work is done using different methods of expressiveness of the artistic word, we see this throughout the entire poem.

Analysis of the poem The wind brought from afar according to plan

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