The main reasons why you can not lose weight. "What if I can't lose weight?" - questions to a psychologist and nutritionist I can’t lose the weight of the reason

“I eat right and go to training. But I'm not losing weight! ”, - it doesn’t happen? Of course it does. In the process of losing weight, mistakes are sometimes possible that inhibit the transformation from a chrysalis to a butterfly. Analyze your behavior: maybe it is precisely for the reasons listed below that your weight cannot get off the ground?

Reason #1: No Calorie Deficit

Regular exercise helps burn calories. However, the most common mistake of losing weight lies in the fact that by increasing physical activity, we imperceptibly start and eat more. Sometimes this happens unconsciously. But it also happens that we know and justify our mistakes in nutrition, consoling ourselves with the phrase: “Tomorrow I will work everything out in the gym.”

What to do?

The process of losing weight is inhibited, since the desired calorie deficit is not created. When you spend energy, you consume it in the same volume. You must definitely watch your diet: indulgences are acceptable, but if they do not become a system.

The second reason: a sedentary lifestyle

If you sit in the office at the computer all day (or at home in front of the TV), then even though you go to the gym regularly, your lifestyle is considered sedentary. That is why the body spends little energy and fat reserves remain in place.

What to do?

For weight loss, 2-3 workouts per week is not enough if you sit 6-8 hours a day. Make other efforts to boost your metabolism. For example, walk outside every day, refuse the elevator and escalator. In the office, try not to sit still all day - get up more often, go to colleagues in another department instead of talking with them using a messenger or phone. Limit the time in front of the TV or try to do simple exercises, while watching it - twist the hoop, do the "bike", etc.

Third reason: muscle growth

It seems that you are eating right, and the load has increased. But the arrow of the scales froze at one digit ... The thing is that changes occur in your muscle mass, and they are not visible on the scales. Simply put, fat deposits in your body are gradually burned, and muscle mass is growing. And since it weighs more, the numbers on the scales can also increase.

What to do?

Look not only at the fluctuations of the arrow of the scales, but also visually note changes in the figure. The same weight with the same height in people may look different: a girl weighing 60 and 168 cm tall can have a sporty toned body or solid fat folds. Watch the volumes of the figure: if they decrease, you are on the right track.

Reason Four: Mindless Calorie Restriction

If you decide to simply reduce your daily calorie intake, for example, to 1300 kcal, this may not work. As a result of an incorrect calculation of daily calories and an ill-conceived diet, you will be haunted by a feeling of constant hunger. As a result, the feeling of dissatisfaction, stress increases, all thoughts revolve only about food, mood swings, breakdowns are possible. In a word, you are not you when you are hungry.

What to do?

First, correctly calculate your need for calories. Indeed, as a result of too much calorie deficit, the metabolism slows down. Accordingly, weight loss slows down. Secondly, carefully plan your diet, namely: increase the amount of protein and reduce the amount of carbohydrates. Protein foods (fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products) give a feeling of fullness for a long time and help reduce the amount of calories consumed. And one more thing: do not forget about vegetables, fruits and foods containing fiber - they are also low in calories, but will help eliminate hunger for a long time.

You can read about how to determine the BJU and calorie content of the diet here.

Fifth reason: meals are not properly organized

Until now, many of us live by the principle: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy. Eating the entire daily calorie intake in the morning, we try to limit food intake in the evening or do not eat after six at all in order to lose weight well. This often backfires...

What to do?

Eat often, but little by little. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. So the body learns to be satisfied with less food and you do not overeat. In addition, frequent fractional meals help to avoid spikes in blood sugar, which just provoke the deposition of fat.

The sixth reason: you sleep little or are nervous a lot

Do you worry about work or stress haunts you in your personal life ... You skip meals or, on the contrary, eat too much ... You suffer from insomnia or lack of sleep ... All this can affect the metabolic processes occurring in the body. For someone, stress acts as a catalyst for weight loss, while for someone, due to constant "nerves", the process, on the contrary, slows down.

What to do?

Organize your day. Try to go to bed at the same time, use meditation or breathing exercises to reduce the effects of stress. You can not cope on your own, do not tolerate it - contact a specialist.

To learn how to avoid overeating when stressed, you can read here.

Reason 7: You're being dishonest with yourself

Even counting the calorie content of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, we can inadequately assess the total daily calorie intake. We can really forget about all the products that ended up in our stomach during the day. Do you remember chewing on a couple of cookies offered by a colleague? What did you try the dish several times while preparing it? Did you pinch off a piece of bread? Or is it "doesn't count"?

What to do?

Keep a food diary. Or - which is easier - take notes right on the phone, because most of us always have it with us. Write down everything that is eaten, immediately, without leaving for later. All this data will help to adequately estimate the total calorie intake.

Reason 8: You don't drink enough water

You drink juices (freshly squeezed), tea (green, without sugar), coffee with a fat-burning effect, believing that there is enough liquid. Meanwhile, only ordinary, pure water is a catalyst for metabolic processes, and the rest of the liquid can be equated rather with food.

What to do?

Drink water before breakfast, and 20 minutes before meals, but not immediately after meals. You need to drink at least two liters of clean, non-carbonated water per day. Only in this case, the process of burning calories will be faster.

Ninth Reason: The Plateau Effect

You successfully lost weight and suddenly the body seemed to become greedy: it does not want to “give away” a single gram of excess weight. At the same time, your nutrition is clearly organized, you attend training just as before - in a word, nothing happened that could slow down the process. Apparently, the thing is that the plateau effect has set in - the body is used to the current loads and the standard calorie content of the diet.

What to do?

Don't panic and be patient. Try to adjust the training system, increase the load. Or “shake up” your body with fasting days.

You can read about which fasting days will help activate weight loss here.

Tenth reason: the presence of diseases

Finally, you can not discount some of the reasons that do not depend on nutrition and physical activity that prevent weight loss. So, there are a number of diseases that affect the process of getting rid of excess weight. It can be hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), diabetes mellitus or prediabetes, and some others.

What to do?

Visit a doctor, check the blood for sugar, thyroid hormones. If there is some kind of disease, then do not despair. If it is successfully corrected over time, you will successfully get rid of excess weight.

Look for answers to questions why you can’t lose weight, what to do and how to solve this problem. You have come to the right place. This article will consider the main bottlenecks that arise in the process of losing weight. You will find out the main reasons why you do not lose weight, although you follow a diet and go in for sports.

In one way or another, every woman who wants to put her body in order faces this problem. After reading the article, conduct a nutrition and lifestyle analysis - this will help you understand why you are unable to lose weight.

How do I find out how much I'm really eating?

To do this, you need to start a food diary - without this, in any way! Consider every crumb that enters your mouth. It is necessary to fix the amount of food eaten for at least 2 weeks, a shorter period will not allow a full analysis.

In the food diary, take into account not only the weight of the food eaten and the calorie content of the dish, but also the composition of the products according to BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) - these values ​​\u200b\u200bare useful to us in the future. At this stage, nutrition should not be adjusted - only accounting, it is he who will help us find the reason why we can’t lose weight if we eat so little.

On the Internet, you can find many interesting sites that help you keep track of the necessary parameters (kbzhu) online, for example, Dietonline. Gadgets with special applications can also be great helpers for you.

After counting KBJU for 2-3 weeks in a row, we calculate the average amount of calories and elements consumed per day for a week. For ease of understanding, I will give the formula:

Average number of calories per day =

\u003d (kcal 1 day + 2 day + 3 day + 4 day + 5 day + 6 day + 7 day) / 7


Daily calorie content by day during the week in kcal:

  • Monday 1800;
  • Tuesday 1600;
  • Wednesday 1950;
  • Thursday 1430;
  • Friday 2200;
  • Saturday 1300;
  • Sunday 1500.

Average weekly calories per day =

= (1800+1600+1950++1430+2200+1300+1500) / 7 = 1683 kcal/day

Similarly, the average values ​​​​for proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated. Each week is calculated separately. As a result, for analysis, you should get 2-3 calculated values ​​​​of KBJU.

This calculation technique is used to level errors in nutrition and sinusoidal changes in willpower throughout the week. Simply put: today you were starving, and tomorrow you ate cakes. How to analyze it? - right, fold and divide.

Having completed the necessary calculations, we proceed to the next step.

How many calories should you eat to lose weight

To begin with, we calculate how many calories per day the body needs to live with the same weight - not to lose weight and not get better. The mentioned value is calculated according to special formulas that can be taken in the article "". You will also find calculation examples there, so there should not be any difficulties in determining the individual calorie rate.

For proper weight loss, the estimated calorie intake should be reduced by 300, a maximum of 500 (10-20% of the norm). Reducing the daily caloric value below 1200 is not recommended.

As a result, we get 2 numbers - the number of calories needed to maintain weight and to reduce it.


  • The calculated value of the number of calories needed to maintain weight, calculated by the formula is 1800
  • The number of calories needed for slow but effective weight loss:


As you can see, we get a corridor, fitting into which, you will surely lose weight.

  • Daily caloric value for faster weight loss: 1800-500=1300 kcal

And now the most interesting thing is that we compare the calculated caloric values ​​​​(from the first part of the article) with the values ​​\u200b\u200bobtained empirically when maintaining a food diary (the second part of the article), and you get the answer to the question "why is it not losing weight." For analysis, we take all the data calculated in the first paragraph - the average indicators of the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day.

Why you can't lose weight - reasons

We continue our research and finally get to the truth:

  1. You consume more calories than you received in the calculation and that is why you cannot lose weight. Everything is simple - adjust the diet. Use the recommendations for changing the diet based on the analysis of food diary data.
  2. You are eating less than you need. Yes, yes, this can also be the reason that you fail to lose weight. Slowly increase the daily intake to the norm calculated by the formula. Don't do it quickly - a step of 70-100 calories per week will allow your body to adapt to the new normal without weight jumps.
  3. Daily calorie intake corresponds to the calculated value. This is the most difficult case, but not hopeless. If the number of calories consumed is normal, then you should pay attention to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet - most likely a mess here. Perhaps you are consuming low carbohydrates, allowing yourself to eat more fatty foods? Or vice versa, eat a lot of carbohydrates and do not get protein? Compare the data obtained as a result of the analysis of the food diary on the ratio of KBJU with the reference one - find the differences and correct them.
calories1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

10-35% of the day. calorie norms, recommended but not less than 60

30-105 33-114 35-122 37-131 40-140 43-149 45-147 47-166 50-175

20-35% of the day. calorie norms

25-45 29-50 31-55 33-58 35-62 38-66 40-70 42-74 44-78

45-65% of the day. calorie norms

135-195 145-210 157-227 169-144 180-260 191-276 202-292 214-309 225-325

What to do if you are not losing weight

Normalizing carbohydrate intake

You can reduce your carbohydrate intake by:

  • Exclude from the menu dishes containing simple sugars - pastries, refined sugar, sand and other sweets.
  • Instead of sugar, use natural sweeteners like stevia.
  • Part of the flour, when cooking, replace with bran.
  • Pick up some recipes for diet desserts.

Normalizing proteins

Increasing your protein intake is easy - add a serving of lean meat, fish, or seafood to your diet. Include protein shakes in your diet.

Usually there is not much protein. Situations in which it is necessary to reduce the proportion of protein consumed are very rare, usually there are problems with a shortage. But if suddenly, you eat more protein than required - just reduce the size of the portions containing this nutrient.


With fats, the situation is reversed - a shortage, a very rare occurrence, but their excessive consumption is often a problem for those who seem to eat right, but cannot lose weight in any way.

Reduce your fat intake by:

  • Change the cooking technology - exclude frying and frying in oil (a dry frying pan is allowed).
  • Choose leaner foods. This does not mean that you need to switch to completely skimmed milk and dry chicken breasts. It is enough to exclude from the diet meat with a large percentage of fat, bacon, sausages and other meat gastronomy. And of course, exclude baked goods from the diet, which contain a lot of fat-containing foods.
  • Replace fatty foods with dietary counterparts. Instead of sour cream, you can use yogurt, replace fatty cheese with a more dietary one, learn how to cook cheese yourself.

After completing a simple analysis of your diet and determining the reason why it is not possible to lose weight, it is quite simple. Having eliminated the identified errors in food, the process of losing weight will start again, the main thing is not to force events and not go on a starvation diet. The body will remember and take revenge, and you will still be tormented by the question of what are the reasons why it does not lose weight.

Lose weight properly with

It's depressing when you can't lose weight, even if you put all your efforts into it. What to do if training, diet, lifestyle changes do not bring the desired result and excess weight does not go away? It is at such moments that 99% of women give up. It’s easier to do nothing and not deny yourself anything than to continue working on yourself. But this is a trap. Before we completely fall into it, let's make one last attempt to answer this question.

There are scientifically proven reasons why it is impossible to lose weight with proper nutrition. Let's take a look at them.

Did you know that weight loss is often confused with fat loss and muscle building? When you say you want to lose weight, rephrase that sentence and say you want to get rid of flabbiness. When you first start your weight loss program, you will be losing water. This is what the scales will show. But after a few days, the body will begin to build muscle. The more you eat protein foods and exercise, the more muscle mass you will gain and the more fit your body will look. Your weight readings will increase and you may decide that you are gaining weight rather than losing weight. Simply put, always look at your body fat ratio to see if you're getting rid of it or not. You can calculate the percentage of fat mass in any gym.

High expectations from the weight loss program can also disappoint you. I personally heard many women ask: “why am I not losing weight?”, But at the same time they had a normal weight. If you need to lose weight, do it, but assess the situation adequately.

Losing five pounds in a week is impossible, and I'm talking about fat mass, not body weight in the form of excess water. Fashionable diets may promise the impossible, but they do not guarantee stable results. Excess fat should go away gradually. Write down your short-term goals in a journal. For example, give up sugar in drinks or lose one kilogram in a week. This will make your goals more realistic and achievable. Once you achieve one small goal, you will notice changes in your appearance, thoughts, muscle activity and morale.

Isn't it a real problem when you eat healthy and still haven't lost an ounce? Any person will be amazed and disappointed. Take a close look at your diet, especially snacks and drinks. Ideally, one meal should contain protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Protein should take 10 - 35% of calories, carbohydrates 45 - 65% of calories, 20 - 35% of calories should come from fats. Protein sources include chicken breast, lean turkey, lean pork, mushrooms and legumes, tofu, and soy. You need to eat vegetables and fruits to get enough fiber and complex carbohydrates. Include nuts, seeds, avocados, refined oils, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and similar foods in your diet to provide healthy fats.

In addition, you need to watch what you eat between main meals. This is where many of us make a mistake. Energy drinks, packaged fruit and vegetable juices, soda, coffee with cream and sugar, potato waffles, sauces, mayonnaise, fried chicken, and even too many vegetables and fruits as a snack can be a reason why you fail to lose weight. To make sure you're really eating right, don't forget to log everything you've eaten throughout the day. This will give you an idea of ​​why the weight isn't coming off and where dietary changes need to be made.

Hormones play a very important role in a woman's life. Hormones such as cortisol (stress hormone), ghrelin (hunger hormone), thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism can cause weight gain), insulin (excess in blood can lead to resistance, resulting in weight gain and diabetes), and leptin (excess causing increased appetite) can be detrimental to your health.

This condition is dangerous because you will not immediately notice that this hormonal system has failed. And that it is hormones that cause you to want to eat more, and your metabolism has become slower. Consult a doctor or nutritionist, take the necessary tests. Follow prescriptions to balance hormone levels.

So, you are already exercising and have lost a few pounds, but the body remains flabby. An important question is whether you do any other workouts besides cardio. If not, then this will be the answer to the question - “why am I on a diet, but the weight does not go away?” Cardio is great, but strength training is a must. Strength training will keep your muscles in good shape, speed up your metabolism and help you shape a beautiful figure.

Thyroid disease, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, Cushing's syndrome and others can be the reason why weight does not come off. If you are following the regimen, but have not yet undergone a medical examination, be sure to do so. There is no reason to worry too much about this, since most of these diagnoses can be bypassed. A doctor, a nutritionist and an experienced trainer will help you create the right weight loss program.

Genetics plays the most important role for every creature on earth. It determines the appearance, physiological functions and even behavior. If you have ever seen people who eat a lot and do not gain weight, you understand what we are talking about. Metabolism can be slow by nature and it will be difficult to lose weight. You need to consult a doctor and fitness trainer to take into account the influence of genes when drawing up a weight loss program. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular exercise are of great importance. But your body will not respond to lifestyle changes as quickly as another person. You must adhere to an individual program.

Our body consists of more than 75% water. Water helps to maintain homeostasis and elasticity of the cell membrane, supports many functions and biological reactions: the digestion and absorption of nutrients, their transportation and the removal of processed products. With a small amount of water entering the body, these processes fail. Metabolism slows down, toxins are not removed, digestion is slow. If you want to lose weight, all these biological processes must work at a high level. And without enough water, this is not possible. Drink 3-4 liters of water a day. If you exercise, drink even more.

Protein is an integral part of our body. It is found everywhere - from hair to enzymes in the body. A sufficient amount of lean protein will help build muscle and get a beautiful body. Proteins take a long time to digest and take a lot of energy, which can also contribute to weight loss. You should try to eat at least one protein dish with every meal. Include chicken breasts, turkey, mushrooms, legumes, soy and soy milk, and tofu in your diet. You should consume 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of your body weight.

“I buy healthy foods, eat the right amount of them and do exercises, but I just can’t lose weight,” this is often heard from people who do not understand the role played by the way a product is prepared. Deep frying, cooking too long, overcooking can deprive foods of some nutritional properties or make them unhealthy. Try to eat vegetables raw, boiled, stewed, or blanched. Cook meat on the grill or in the oven, cook soups. For frying, use oil in a spray bottle or natural extra virgin olive oil. Avoid overcooked or burnt food.

If you have a sedentary job, you probably spend up to 8 hours a day at your desk. This slows down the process of losing weight. Sitting still slows down your metabolism and makes sure that every bite you eat is stored in reserve. Sedentary workers tend to have more belly fat than other parts of the body. Start taking breaks every hour and move around to keep your blood circulating and carrying nutrients and oxygen around your body. This will boost your metabolism.

Many are surprised: “I completely gave up fatty foods, but I’m not losing weight.” If you want to get rid of excess fat, you need to start eating healthy fats. Healthy fats contain omega-3 acids and reduce inflammation, which can lead to obesity. Fats are essential for maintaining healthy cell function. Include almonds, walnuts, macadamia, pistachios, olive oil, rice bran oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sunflower and peanut butter in your diet. But do not consume these foods without measure, an excess of healthy fats will also lead to weight gain.

Sometimes we are unaware that a product contains a large amount of sugar or carbohydrates. Read the ingredient label. Sauces and ketchups are high in sugar and starch, so avoid them. Buy plain cereal for breakfast, avoid salted or sugar-glazed nuts, and don't overdo multi-grain cookies.

Many are interested in: why I practically do not eat and do not lose weight? The thing is, this trick doesn't work. When you skip meals, brain function slows down, as does metabolism and digestion. In addition, the next time you eat more, as you will feel hungry. And allow yourself to eat more food. However, the body stores this excess energy as fat. Eat every 3 to 4 hours, watch your portion size, and don't skip breakfast.

Some people eat too often, which leads to fullness. Even if you eat healthy foods and work out regularly at the gym, eating too often creates a calorie surplus. As mentioned above, you need to eat every 3 to 4 hours, and not every hour. Drink more water. Quite often we confuse thirst with hunger.

Have you given up the habit of buying unhealthy foods? Great! Are you sure that you do not consume too many “healthy” foods? Vegetables, fruits and grains are also high in sugar and carbohydrates. And when you eat such foods in large quantities, but do not exercise, excess calories accumulate and are deposited as fat. Control the amount of food you eat to lose weight.

Stress, anxiety, and depression can be detrimental to mental and physical health. These negative emotions stimulate the production of cortisol, which accumulates fat receptors in the abdomen. This leads to internal obesity. Stress also produces large amounts of toxins, which can affect the proper functioning of cells. You should try to relax regularly. Although this is easier said than done. Talk to your friends or personal therapist, travel, relax, read interesting books, find new hobbies. Don't be hard on yourself. You can keep a special journal and mark there the tasks that need to be solved during the day. Mark what you have done. Thus, you will worry less and stop procrastinating.

Sleeping less than seven hours a night can lead to weight gain. The brain is constantly working and needs rest to control the functions of the body. If you play sports, your muscles also need to be restored. They regenerate during sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to slow reflexes, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain. Eat dinner no later than 7 - 7:30 and go to bed at 10 - 10:30. This mode will get rid of the habit of being awake for a long time and eating at night. In addition, you will wake up earlier and have time to complete a workout and have a good breakfast.

“Why am I on a diet, but the weight is not coming off?” The weight will stand still if you are too strict with your diet. You need to arrange for yourself one day with indulgences in the diet once a week so that weight loss does not stop. Eat 500 calories more on this day than on other diet days. Be careful not to exceed this amount. Thus, the body will not get used to a consistently low calorie intake and the metabolism will remain high.

Increasing your training load will not help you lose weight faster. This will lead to injury. Many people start lifting heavy dumbbells on the first day of training, hoping that this will help burn calories faster. But that won't happen. You need to choose a load in accordance with your level of training. As you build muscle and tone your body, you can increase the intensity of your exercise. Overloading can lead to a situation where muscle tissue loses weight, and you will look like a "thin fat".

Many medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, cortisone, contraceptives, allergy medications, and blood pressure medications can be the answer to the question "why can't I lose weight." Talk to your doctor, he may suggest a replacement for one of the drugs. Also let your trainer and nutritionist know that you are taking certain medications. This will help them develop a specific training and nutrition plan.

Often, many of us combine eating with watching TV, working on the computer, or chatting with friends. It's not very good. You should be focused on food at mealtimes. So you will notice how much you eat, and the brain will receive the appropriate signal that you are full. When people don't watch what they eat, after an hour they want to snack on another food waste.

This is one of the most important factors influencing successful weight loss. If you have support from loved ones who understand your desire to become slimmer and support you in this, the result will come faster. The lack of public support will be expressed in the fact that the restaurant will order food in front of you that you cannot afford while on a diet. Drinking alcohol, lack of motivation to exercise and any of the other points listed above will be the reasons why you can't lose weight with proper nutrition. Talk to your friends and family and ask them to support you. Communicate more with people who are also concerned about the problem of excess weight.

So, we have analyzed 23 points that will help answer the question "why can't I lose weight, although I do everything for this." Getting rid of excess weight is not easy, especially if you need to lose relatively little. You must take care of your body and love it more than anything else. Start now if you have figured out what exactly is preventing you from becoming slimmer. Hang a reminder on your refrigerator door to stop this bad habit from coming back. Good luck!

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The mood deteriorated sharply, the sparkle in the eyes disappeared, and the enthusiasm disappeared, as if it had never existed. The reason is simple - you can't lose weight. We try different methods, sacrifice precious health for the sake of newfangled ways to deal with extra pounds, sweat in a fitness club or earn sprains and shortness of breath on a treadmill - all to no avail! On the scales - the same figure, and every trip to the refrigerator turns into real torture: what to eat and what to give up forever in order to restore harmony to the figure?

How often do we hear: I eat little, but I can’t manage to lose weight ... Let’s try to imagine what our body experiences when, having decided, you gradually exclude healthy foods from the diet, and in the end, go on a hunger strike.

Why I'm not losing weight on a diet: mistake number 1

The first and, unfortunately, one of the most common mistakes made by beautiful ladies who dream of getting rid of extra pounds is turning the daily menu into a short list of 1-2 items. One boiled chicken breast, an egg or a leaf of lettuce - is this the most healthy balanced diet that we need? Stop lying to yourself, following the advisers from the Internet, claiming that eating varied and regular means earning obesity. After all, the reason for gaining excess weight is not at all that we eat regularly and tasty, but that the food is on our plate.

I am on a diet and not losing weight, why is there no noticeable result, but my health is deteriorating? This question was repeatedly asked by many sufferers who decided to take a desperate step - giving up everything at once and systematically following the recommendations of those who promise an incredible effect after reducing the diet. And now let's look at the problem through the eyes of specialists: the body does not receive the necessary nutrients and "does not get" calories, and this is a lot of stress that does not go unnoticed. There is a process of unrestrained accumulation of body fat "for a rainy day", because if the hostess does not feed, then trouble has struck, and you need to take care of yourself! Therefore, we see the same reflection in the mirror, and not the figure of our dreams, which we strive for with such zeal.

What is the result of fascination with newfangled techniques? Alas, conscious fasting cannot lead to anything good. In the list of "unpleasant" gifts:

  • exhaustion;
  • launching the processes responsible for premature aging;
  • digestive problems and slow metabolism;
  • deficiency of important vitamins and minerals;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • a set of extra pounds instead of the desired harmony.

Do you want to earn new sores? Most will unanimously say “no” and do the right thing. The most stubborn are waiting for a visit to the doctor and a gradual deterioration in health. Take care of yourself and stop blindly believing in popular methods that only limit and exhaust you, leading you to a hospital bed. Do you want to become slim? Then start with a proper diet and a healthy diet - regular and complete.

I eat little and do not lose weight: from extremes to normal

Many may object: but we eat during the day, which means that calories enter the body! It's just that their number is limited, and this is very important for losing weight, because they write so on forums and in the most famous magazines! Such words can only belong to those who have never eaten properly in their lives.

Remember once and for all: the daily rate should not be lower than 600 kcal for women and 800 for men. Less - starvation, and this is a slow death for your body. And the decision to try another method with the prefix “mono” on yourself is another mistake that fans of the quick effect make. Will you achieve the desired result? Judge for yourself: the truncation of the daily diet, and with it the reduction in portions, leads to a deficiency of nutrients and an increase in appetite. The stronger the feeling of hunger, the more often we run to the refrigerator and eat more. Night snacks are one of those "nightmares" that haunt lovers of eating sparingly and rarely.

And now let's see how our body will work if we start eating correctly - more than a kilogram a day. We will see a completely different picture: the metabolic and chemical processes responsible for weight loss are activated. The bottom line is that it is better to eat for your own pleasure, observing the daily calorie intake, than to force yourself to endure and reduce the portion, following the newfangled method.

How much can and even need to be eaten per day for the "activator" inside us to work? The daily amount of food is as follows:

  • from 1300 to 1800 g - for lovely ladies;
  • from 1500 to 2500 g - for men.

And here is the calorie, which should not be exceeded:

  • from 950 to 1250 kcal - for women;
  • from 1280 to 2000 kcal - for the stronger sex.

How can you control yourself and not break? To do this, keep a diary in which you need to record the energy value of each cooked and eaten dish. It does not hurt to purchase a scale with a division price of 1 gram - for measuring the exact volumes of cooked food and correct calculations every day. Difficult? For those who want to get rid of hated kilograms, following these instructions will be as easy as shelling pears.

Another reason why weight can “get up” is hormonal failure. In this case, you need to contact a specialist, because only an experienced doctor can identify sores that prevent you from becoming slim.

Most often, one universal remedy helps to return the indicators to normal - a balanced and complete diet. Start monitoring what you eat and how you eat regularly. If you only eat fatty, fried, sweet, smoked and salty foods, it's time to sound the alarm. All these are the sources of the fat that spoils our figure and jeopardizes the main value - health.

Now let's see how we eat. We put food in our mouth and swallow it without chewing? Choking on semi-finished products and sandwiches dry? We forget about these bad habits once and for all and learn the following rules by heart:

    We eat slowly, with pleasure, trying to fully feel the taste and enjoy the cooked dish.

    We eat regularly, not neglecting breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Be sure to drink the daily norm of water - from 1.5 to 2.5 liters.

The products are selected and cooked, the food is not hidden in the refrigerator until better times, but stands on the table, inviting to a meal, but the number on the scales is the same. How to be? After all, we did everything right: we took what was useful and forbade ourselves what was harmful. Why don't extra pounds go away, but only increase?

You should not be sad, you just need to analyze your behavior again and remember what and when we eat. After all, even fruits can cause body fat, if you forget about the golden rule: grapes, melons, bananas, persimmons, peaches, watermelon and other substitutes for the usual sweets must be eaten before 16:00.

    Salads and apples are powerful appetite enhancers, so they are recommended to be combined with the second course or eaten after the first one.

    If you like natural juices, drink them before meals.

    Give up the habit of pouring cold water into yourself after dinner - it will retain fat in the body and prevent you from losing excess weight.

    Until 16:00, you need to have time to eat foods rich in carbohydrates (cereals, durum wheat pasta, pastries, bread, etc.), sweet vegetables and dark chocolate.

    It is better to replace sugar with infusion of stevia herb.

Mono food is excluded. Power loads - too, because fanatically exercising in a gym or a fitness club, we just replace fat with muscle tissue: the volumes remain the same, and there is no need to talk about a successful result.

And now we answer honestly and confidently. Do you keep a food diary? Do you get sleep all the time or every other time? Eat healthy and tasty food at work instead of fast food? Drink your daily water intake?

As a rule, these questions make you completely change your mind about your own lifestyle. It is not enough to throw high-calorie “sweets” out of the refrigerator - you need to completely change your usual daily routine and your attitude towards yourself and the world.

Stop torturing the body with excessive physical exertion and find an alternative to them - yoga, swimming, stretching. Sleep soundly and sweetly, and do not take a nap in front of the TV or computer monitor. Learn to eat beautifully, and not swallow badly chewed pieces in order to be in time for your favorite TV series.

Can't lose weight at all? Go to the mirror and look at your reflection. Now imagine - the ideal is very close, you just want to. Yes, yes, you heard right. The power of the word cannot be underestimated. Constant blues, depression, decadent moods - all this is canceled once and for all. Stress is a bad helper in the fight against extra pounds. Love yourself - if your self-esteem has dropped to zero, all efforts will be in vain. Let every day become a holiday, and not a painful argument with your own body - who will overcome whom ...

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If you want to become slim, regain your health and beauty, restore your strength and form the right diet, contact the specialists of our clinic. We will help you learn one simple truth: you can eat tasty and lose weight. Start a new life with us - get rid of excess weight without restrictions once and for all!

The surest way to lose weight is to switch to a healthy diet. So you can gradually bring your weight back to normal without much discomfort. However, often girls and women quickly become disillusioned with this method, as they begin to wonder "Why am I not losing weight on proper nutrition." There may be several reasons for this. But in any case, the situation is not hopeless. You just need to act in accordance with the rules, and you will definitely succeed.


Many people, when switching to proper nutrition, take into account only the quality of food, but not its quantity. Even if your diet contains fresh vegetables and fruits, steamed meat and fish, nuts, dried fruits and grains, while you have completely abandoned fried foods, fast food, sweets and carbonated drinks, it is also important to consider portion sizes. After all, natural and healthy products are often high in calories. And if you use them in too large quantities, then the weight will remain in place.

If everything is clear with excess nutrition, then when strict diets are observed, bewilderment often arises. You drastically reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but the weight does not go away. This phenomenon occurs quite often. It is explained by the following reason. With such a sudden change in diet, the body becomes stressed. He tries in every possible way to maintain stability and stocks up on fat deposits for the future. At the same time, your vital forces quickly dry up, you constantly experience weakness, you cannot force yourself to perform at least light physical exercises.

Therefore, do not make sudden movements. Eating too little is more likely to undermine your health than help you lose weight. In addition, if you follow strict diets, the chance of a breakdown increases.

It also happens that you have chosen a moderate diet based on healthy foods for yourself, follow it for several days, but there is no result at all. You stand on the scales every day and see only slight fluctuations of the arrow. Many in this situation have a logical question, “Why am I not losing weight on proper nutrition.” Nothing to worry about. First, as mentioned above, the body always tries to maintain stability, including in weight. If you continue to eat right, keep a balance and do not limit yourself too hard, gradually he will get used to the new conditions. Then the weight will begin to gradually decrease.

Secondly, the body of every woman goes through a number of different stages during the month. Depending on the specific day of the cycle, the weight may increase for no apparent reason, then it returns to its previous value. Therefore, it is best to weigh yourself once a week and record the results in order to track the overall trend.

Asking the question, “Why am I not losing weight on proper nutrition,” think about physical activity. If you have a sedentary job, and at the same time you prefer to travel everywhere by car, and spend the evening on the couch or in a cafe, then do not be surprised that the diet does not work. For a beautiful figure, regular movement is simply necessary. And you can start with the smallest thing - a 5-minute morning exercise, a pleasant evening walk, active games with children. In addition, there are many sports that will help you spend time with pleasure and benefit. Among them are swimming, cycling, skiing, rollerblading, skating and much more. Choose what you like best and enjoy it. Even minimal activity will already be beneficial.

The most dangerous reason that you are not losing weight is a metabolic disorder. You can talk about it when you eat right and maintain physical activity, but there are no results. Most often, this phenomenon is observed a week or two after the start of the diet. As a rule, in the first days the weight decreases, and then suddenly stops in place. This is called the "plateau effect". It does not carry any dangers and goes away by itself with continued adherence to a healthy diet and maintaining physical activity.

But sometimes a metabolic disorder is caused by health problems. Therefore, if you observe, in addition to weight loss, some other alarming symptoms, then it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Slimming: in order to achieve the cherished goal, you need a perfectly thought-out diet

In order for the process of losing weight to take place measuredly and smoothly, you must approach the issue calmly and not be impatient. Keep in mind that the normal rate of weight loss is an average of 500 g in 7 to 10 days. It allows you to gradually return to your norm without stress and harm to health.

The first step should be to assess the current situation. During the week, carefully count the calories you eat per day. Don't overlook even the occasional snack. Then use one of the online calculators to calculate your rate. See how far you are from it, and begin to gradually move towards the ideal. If you are unable to choose a diet on your own, seek help from a nutritionist.

Weigh yourself regularly and record your results. Be mindful of physical activity. Set a goal and move towards it step by step. Do everything with pleasure and do not be hasty in your actions and desires. Remember that small changes lead to the formation of new good habits. And they, in turn, will give you a new beautiful figure, energy and vitality.

At such moments, I want to send everything to hell and have a “woe” with a chocolate bar. Better yet, two. Take your time, let's better try to figure it out and find the reason why you are not losing weight. Most likely, it will be on this list.

You will be surprised, but diets are the cause of excess weight No. 1. It's all about the structure of our brain. He perceives a sharp calorie restriction as an alarm signal: starvation is ahead, we must urgently stock up! After that, the body begins, like Plyushkin, to shake over each fat cell and protect it with all its might. So the statistics do not lie: two-thirds of those who previously went on diets return to their previous weight in a couple of years, or even gain more. If the weight loss was very fast, then only 5% of the lucky ones manage to keep the result. Worse, large fluctuations in weight are dangerous to health, including increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Solution: Resist the temptation to get a quick result - you will have to pay dearly for it. It is considered safe to reduce weight by no more than 1-2 kg per month. And the most reliable way is not diets, but a gradual transition to healthy foods rich in vegetables and fruits, and, of course, physical activity.

This is where you might get angry. How is this "little", what kind of nonsense ?! After all, on the weekends you go jogging or spend a few hours at the fitness center. True, on weekdays you sit all day at work, then in the subway, and then collapse exhausted into an armchair in front of the TV ... But this is compensated, isn't it? Not really. As shown by a study conducted at the University of Missouri (USA), if you sit without a break for several hours in a row, the level of lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats, drops in the body. So it turns out that long hours of motionless sitting nullify all your efforts of the day off.

Solution: Instead of exhausting yourself to the point of exhaustion once a week, it is better to move little by little, but constantly. Take advantage of every opportunity: whether it's a half-hour walk before work, walking up the stairs or escalator, 10 minutes of flexibility exercises at lunchtime, or 20 minutes of fitness in the evening before dinner. And during working hours, do not forget to get up from your chair once an hour to stretch your legs. In addition, there are sets of exercises that can be performed right at the workplace, unnoticed by colleagues. Studies show that even such a simple physical education greatly speeds up the metabolism and promotes weight loss.

You don't notice "hidden calories"

Do you feel like you don't eat too much? It is not certain that this is the case. Surveys show that people tend to underestimate the energy value of what they eat by 1.5-2 times. The most dangerous sources of hidden calories are fast food and processed meats. 100 g of boiled sausage or sausages can contain up to 300 kcal, smoked - 400-450 kcal. The smallest hamburger will provide you with 200 kcal and more, and a bag of chips - 360 kcal! Also, a lot of calories are "hidden" in fruit juices, ready-made salad dressings and sauces. This also includes all kinds of buns, cookies, bars, and even many “healthy” yoghurts and flavored cereals, where in fact there is a huge amount of sugar.

Solution: The simpler the food and the less it went through the stages of processing before it got to your kitchen, the better. For example, a hand-cut salad of fresh vegetables is healthier (and lower in calories) than a ready-made salad with mayonnaise from the supermarket. Sausage can be replaced with oven-baked chicken breast or turkey, fruit juices and sweet snacks with fresh fruits, cereals and dairy products with sugar and flavors - natural yogurt and whole grain cereals, to which you yourself can add berries, nuts or dried fruits.

Your weight, which used to drop well, suddenly “stuck” at one mark and remains there for weeks, or even months? Perhaps this is the period of the so-called plateau. Don't worry, this is normal and can be overcome. Most likely, now with food you get more energy than you expend. As you lose weight, you need to re-evaluate your energy needs from time to time - after all, it also decreases.

Solution: You can calculate the required number of calories depending on your age, height, weight and physical activity on the calculator. Then reduce this amount by no more than 100-200 kcal per day so that the weight begins to decrease. Important: be sure to find out your minimum energy requirement for basic metabolism (breathing, circulation, sleep). Usually this threshold starts from 1200 kcal per day, but if you have a lot of weight, it can reach 1500 kcal. Never go below this threshold, otherwise you can hurt yourself a lot.

As the old French proverb says, “he who sleeps dines”. True, we usually do not replace food with sleep, but vice versa. If you go to bed late and do not give the body a proper rest, the next day the body will try to "spur" itself on high-calorie foods. Hence the frantic desire for buns and sweet coffee when you do not get enough sleep. Participants in one experiment who slept only 4-5 hours at night ate an average of 300 kcal and 21 g more fat the next day than on normal days.

Solution: To get enough sleep, we need 7.5 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. In order not to suffer from insomnia, experts advise turning off or putting aside all electronic devices (phone, tablet, computer) an hour before bedtime. And instead of surfing the Internet or watching TV, it is better to read a regular book before going to bed.

You are stressed

Financial difficulties, problems at work and in the family, anxiety about the future - all this, paradoxically, can lead to the accumulation of fat. Firstly, we often "seize" the problem. When you want to calm down, the hand itself reaches for a chocolate bar. Secondly, stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood, and it promotes the growth of fat cells. Worse still, it accumulates so-called visceral fat around the internal organs. It increases the risk of various diseases and, in addition, produces substances that worsen mood and increase anxiety. It turns out a vicious circle: the more you worry, the more you eat - and the worse you get.

Solution: if you are now in a period of severe stress, try changing your diet - instead of sweet and fatty foods, increase the number of foods with B vitamins (they have a good effect on the nervous system). These are, for example, whole grain bread, buckwheat porridge, bananas, avocados, chicken meat and liver, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, fresh herbs, nuts. To help yourself relax and cheer up, use any healthy methods: walking in nature, exercising, yoga, meditation, massage, dancing to music. Movement will not solve your problems, but it will give you the strength to deal with them.

As sad as it is to say, being overweight can be a symptom or companion of many diseases - from diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart and kidneys to diabetes, other endocrine disorders and even tumors. If your weight does not come off despite a healthy diet and physical activity, and at the same time you feel unwell (for example, nausea, stomach pain, shortness of breath, constant fatigue, extreme thirst, frequent headaches, frequent infections, etc.) - definitely see a doctor!

Solution: It will be even better if at least once a year you will be examined by a general practitioner and, if necessary, by other doctors. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so do not neglect preventive examinations.

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The phrase "I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower !" can be heard from the lips of both women and men. The problem of losing weight is relevant and painful for those who really dream of a toned, athletic body, but carry on themselves from 10 kg of excess weight.

As soon as it comes to upcoming diets and drastic dietary restrictions, the desire to become more slender weakens. As Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Gone with the Wind, said: “I'll think about it tomorrow!

An insoluble problem arises: I want to lose weight, but I don’t have the strength to constantly diet. Yes, sometimes you still manage to endure a few days. But at the same time, you have to cook food for the household almost in a gas mask - such a temptation from the aromas and type of dish. But the main thing is not even that. And the very feeling that everyone eats tasty, high-calorie, and then ...

After holding on for a while, the woman breaks down one day. There can be many reasons: a bad mood, fatigue after work, resentment towards your husband, work colleagues, children brought twos from school, your beloved cat gave birth to black, not white kittens ... Or the approach of critical days when you feel weaker and more vulnerable. But in the depths of the soul there remains a certain bitter aftertaste - dissatisfaction with oneself: “I broke! Broke again! I want to lose weight, but...

This feeling closes tightly and hides behind the daily worries, and life moves forward. Only sometimes, looking at your slender figure in a photograph of 10-15 years ago, do you dream of returning to your former forms. But only without diets and grueling workouts. But is it possible?

Did you call the wizard? We lose weight with pleasure!

You can lose weight without dieting, and without daily violence against yourself in the form of exercise. Get a notebook and pen ready and start writing down the steps.

"Wake up" your motivation

What will help you move forward so that your “I want to lose weight” becomes a reality? A huge poster of a slender beauty all over the wall? Or a small photo in a notebook that only you can see.Or will it be a photo from the past, when your body looked toned and athletic? It is better not to place an image of yourself full on the refrigerator, because. it will only cause a negative attitude towards itself, which is completely unacceptable. Think about this point carefully!

Start loving yourself the way you are now.

At first, this may seem difficult. Stay for a few minutes in a room alone. Go to the mirror and look at yourself in full growth. Not with hatred for that protruding belly and sagging buttocks. And with gratitude to the body that bore and gave birth to children, which "serves" you faithfully. Make friends with that beautiful stranger who is reflected in the mirror. Maybe it's time to update your wardrobe? After all, beautiful clothes to face a woman of any size. While you are losing weight, you still need to look stylish and dignified. Do you agree? Then go shopping!

Start a food diary

Since you have extra pounds, it means that more calories enter the body than are consumed. Not! We are not talking about diets. We just get to know ourselves better in order to fulfill our desire "I want to lose weight."

We get acquainted with our eating habits, thanks to which excess weight keeps and does not go away. Write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day. Choose a measuring plate for this, a cup, to know the approximate volume of food. And at the end of the day or the next, just underline in a different color the time when you ate, for example, a bar of chocolate, without sharing. Look at the wrapper and the number of calories at the same time.

Choose lower calorie foods

Are you thirsty buy water, not juice. Take sour cream less fat, and before cooking the chicken, remove the skin from it. Cook soups without overcooking. Use a steamer more often than a frying pan.Read more about food tricks in our articles, and find out delicious low-calorie recipes in our group at.

Follow the daily routine and nutrition

You need to get up and go to bed, "fitting" in one day. If you constantly steal sleep from another day, then the body returns to you the loss a hundredfold extra kilos. And the desire “I want to lose weight” becomes impossible.

Eat 5 meals a day

3 main meals: hearty breakfast, lunch with first and second course, light dinner. And two snacks after breakfast and after lunch. Don't eat at least 2 hours before bed. Let your body rest fully at night. And gradually, following these well-known rules, you will begin to lose weight by 1 kg per week. And you don’t need to go faster so that the weight doesn’t come back later.

move more

Let it not be a boring run in the morning. (Even though some people like it.) Love to play with children? Please! in winter ride down the hill on a sled, cheesecakes. Remember that there are skis and skates in the world. In summer, swim in the river, play football, volleyball, badminton, tennis. The swimming pool is open all year round.

Even just increase the time of walking with children. This is good for you and the whole family. As an alternative go for a walk with your husband, with your mother. Get yourself a pet, finally, if it's comfortable for you. And gradually, maybe your body will ask for fitness. But these will not be hard exercises, but exercises for the soul. dancing, yoga, aerobics or something else.

Ready for a change? Start with the first step. Think about your personal motivator right now. Still doubting that success is possible without iron willpower? If you gradually, in small steps, move forward, changing your habits, then the process of losing weight will become pleasant. And your willpower will be trained. No wonder folk wisdom says that even a drop of water wears away a stone.

Let someone else try strict diets! Such torture is senseless and ruins life. Do you agree? “I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower”, This is not a sentence or an excuse! Start enjoying your slimming journey by making small changes every day! What will make you happy today?

Today on the weight loss portal “We lose weight without problems” we are considering a common problem -

Many people fail after failure in their attempts to lose weight. Someone loses extra pounds, but then returns to being overweight. Someone exposes themselves to various restrictions in food, but it is not possible to lose weight.

Why is this happening and how to behave in such a situation?

What's stopping us

Why can't you lose weight? Italian doctor Andrea Ghiselli, author of the famous book on healthy eating and the Mediterranean diet, explains why weight stands still, analyzing the reason for unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.

In her opinion, the most common mistake: a person eats little, but incorrectly. The main problem is that attention is focused on food, not physical activity. People should consider how much they eat and how much energy they expend.

Modes of motor activity are just as important as well as dietary patterns.

In addition, the preparation of weight loss programs for those who cannot lose weight in any way should take place exclusively using an individual approach.

She claims that some diets are inherently wrong and unacceptable. In her opinion, these include separate meals, the Atkins diet, grapefruit and soup diets. The Mediterranean diet consists of consuming large amounts of greens, limiting fruits, and reducing carbohydrates and fats.

Domestic experts in the field of weight loss also noticed that often girls want not just to lose weight, but to lose weight in a certain place. Their opinion boils down to the fact that there is no effective localized exercise. to eliminate fat in specific problem areas.

Can't lose weight: looking for the right approach

This will continue until the moment when your weight is not optimal. (for, To find your optimal weight, subtract 110 from your height).

In the case of a decrease in calories and an increase in physical activity, your body weight should definitely decrease, but if this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist - an endocrinologist and, most likely, take an analysis for hormones. You should also consult an endocrinologist.

The main thing, lose weight naturally. Don't despair if unable to lose weight quickly. Be persistent and believe in yourself!