How to cook pancakes from pork liver. Pork liver pancakes

I found the recipe for delicious fritters (cutlets) in my notes, and a friend threw a photo, she loves to cook from offal, so in the photo she got delicious pancakes from pork liver.

If you don’t like pork liver, cook such pancakes from beef or chicken liver, in any case they will turn out juicy and tender.


For a recipe for making liver pancakes (cutlets) with carrots, you will need:

  • 1 kg pork liver,
  • 2 bulbs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 eggs,
  • 6 art. tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 3 art. spoons of milk
  • salt,
  • pepper to taste.

How to cook pancakes from the liver

Let's start cooking. Before passing through a meat grinder or piercing in a blender, it is necessary to rinse and clean it from films, then cut it into pieces. Put in a blender along with chopped onion and punch.

Now put the liver mixture for pancakes in a bowl, add flour, salt, pepper and grated carrots on a fine or medium grater, milk, beat in the eggs, and also squeeze the garlic, mix. For a change, you can add a little boiled rice to such liver pancakes.

It's time to bake pancakes from pork liver. We heat the pan with sunflower oil, pour the liver dough in small portions with a spoon or ladle, bake on both sides, like cutlets.

Liver pancakes for children or diet food can be made in a ceramic-coated pan (for example, in a broiler

Hello dear readers! Today I bring to your attention a recipe for liverworts. They are also called liver pancakes or liver cutlets. Dishes that can be prepared from this offal are different in terms of cooking method, design, and taste. The liver is a very useful product for our body, but not everyone likes it fried or stewed. To diversify the menu, these unusual “almost meat” pancakes were invented by culinary experts.

Nutritional value of liverworts from pork, beef and chicken liver

Before proceeding directly to the recipe, it is worth saying a few words about the benefits of this dish and some of the features of the liver. Everyone knows that the liver belongs to the category of meat dietary products. This means that its calorie content is low, and the content of important biologically significant substances for our body is at a high level.

For comparison:

The calorie content of pork liver is 109 kcal per 100 g, beef - 127 kcal, and chicken - 138 kcal.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when frying (and the liverwort recipe implies just frying), the number of calories increases. According to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, these three types of liver differ little. About 18% is protein, about 4% is fat, and about 5% is carbohydrate.

P liverworts - recipe with photo


  • 500-600 g of liver;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3-4 st. l. rice
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


The preparation of liverworts differs, for example, from zucchini fritters or pancakes exclusively flour. The liver must be washed well, cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Onions can be finely chopped with a knife, or they can be passed through a meat grinder along with the offal (this method is easier). It is better to grate carrots on a medium or fine grater.

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Rice is boiled in a small amount of water until almost cooked. Drain off excess water after boiling. The rice should be soft but not overcooked. Add this cereal according to the recipe so that the pancakes are soft.

After that, all the indicated ingredients are mixed in a saucepan. Salt and pepper are added to taste. In addition, you can add a pinch of soda to the mass to make the pancakes more lush. But this component is optional.

As a result, the mass ready for frying acquires a semi-liquid thick consistency (like dough for pancakes). Spread it with a spoon on a preheated and oiled pan. Liverworts must immediately be given a beautiful rounded shape so that they have an appetizing appearance when ready.

As soon as the bottom side of the pancakes is browned, they are turned over and continue to fry on the other side. It is better to make the fire of medium strength to allow the liver to fry well.

What to serve with pancakes from the liver

They taste best when served hot - piping hot. Although already cooled pancakes from the liver are also not bad - here it’s not for everyone. They can be served as a separate dish along with sour cream or a suitable sauce (for example, cream or mustard). They also go well with any side dish: fried potatoes, buckwheat porridge, vermicelli, mashed potatoes - the choice is almost unlimited.

Despite the fact that there is a small amount of rice in the composition of the pancakes, they can also be served with a side dish in the form of a heated Hawaiian mixture or boiled rice. By the way, you can read about the rules for its preparation in one of the previous articles about boiled rice.

And, of course, do not forget about the vitamin salad of fresh or boiled vegetables, sauerkraut or other marinade pickles. Pickled ginger is very good.

According to this recipe, liverworts or pancakes from the liver are obtained like this. You can cook for comparison - this vegetarian dish is good in its own way.

If you have already tried to cook liverworts before, then share your opinion - from which liver (pork, beef or chicken) do you like this dish more?

Enjoy your meal!

For breakfast for households awakened from the fragrant smell. But soft and tasty pancakes can be quickly prepared even from pork liver in order to serve a very healthy and nutritious dish to the table for lunch, to which no one will remain indifferent. Many cooks make juicy pancake-shaped cutlets from chicken or beef liver, but if you choose the right additional ingredients for the dough and use some cooking tricks, then the taste of soft pork liver pancakes will be truly delicious! Liver pancakes can be steamed in a slow cooker, baked in the oven, stewed and fried in a pan. On this page you will find the simplest recipes with photos, step-by-step video tutorials, useful tips on how to prepare the dough and how to fry it so that your pork liver pancakes turn out soft and juicy.

By the way, liver pancakes are very useful for people in whose bodies iron deficiency has been identified and anemia has been diagnosed. After cooking, the dish retains all the useful substances that pork liver is rich in. This offal contains a lot of amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine), vitamins from group B, as well as A, B, C, beta carotene. In addition to iron, the liver is rich in trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and sodium. Regular consumption of liver dishes helps to improve the condition of hair, teeth, skin, and also restores the functioning of a weakened immune system.


❶ It is not advisable to buy frozen liver, as it will be more difficult to determine the quality of the offal. Choose fresh pork liver with a smooth, uniform surface, without numerous veins, plaque and stains. The product should be moist and shiny, never sticky. The color is burgundy, and the smell can be slightly sweet and pleasant, but not too pronounced;

❷ We remove all excess from the pork liver. First of all, we remove a thin film, then we get rid of excess fat, bile ducts and blood vessels;

❸ Even the slightest bitterness will spoil the taste of soft and juicy liver fritters. Therefore, be sure to soak the pork liver in warm milk and add a little salt. After 20 minutes, you can cut the liver into pieces and pass through a meat grinder;

❹ If you already have experience in making flour fritters with fermented baked milk, curdled milk or sour milk, then you know that the consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream. The consistency of the liver dough should be about the same;

❺ To make liver pancakes more fluffy and softer, add a little semolina to the dough;

❻ Vegetables give liver cutlets juiciness. Traditionally, finely chopped carrots and onions are added to the dough for pork liver fritters;

❼ Cooked pancakes should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. It is best to freeze liver dough, and pancakes can be fried in five minutes;

❽ Before putting the dough in the pan, be sure to let it stand for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina swells and gluten forms, binding all the ingredients;

❾ You can fry liver pancakes not only in vegetable oil, but also in butter and even lard. Don't cook each side of the pancakes too long, as they will become too dry. Fry each side for a few minutes and during cooking add a little oil to the pan. To make the pancakes softer, add a teaspoon of water to the pan and simmer under the lid;

❿ Liver pancakes can be eaten without a side dish by adding thick sour cream or mayonnaise to the dish. But it is best to make gravy by frying carrots and onions cut into small pieces in a pan. We spread the finished pancakes on a dish with lettuce leaves and decorate with parsley or dill.



Pork liver - 500 gr.;

Onion head - 150 gr.;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;

Salt - 1 tsp;

· Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Step by step preparation:

In the photo: pork liver pancakes with onion, semolina, egg


- click on the photo and expand: cooking liver pancakes with mayonnaise


- click on the photo and expand: cooking liver pancakes with onions, breadcrumbs, kefir


To prepare delicious liver pancakes, it does not take much time. Both the process of making liver dough and the baking process are simple. As soon as your family tries delicious pork liver pancakes, this dish will become one of the most beloved.

The cooking process itself is very simple: scroll the liver in a meat grinder into minced meat, add 4 tablespoons of starch, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and leave in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

To prepare this delicious dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pork liver 0.5 kg
  • Bulb
  • Carrot (1 pc)
  • Corn starch or flour
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • mayonnaise

In order for the pancakes to turn out soft and tender, the liver must be used, the one that has not been frozen.

Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and put the prepared onions and carrots. You need to fry vegetables until cooked. After the roast is ready, it needs to be allowed to cool slightly.

Mix minced liver with onions and carrots. The consistency should be quite thick. Next, the minced meat should be laid out on a heated frying pan, greased with oil, using a tablespoon. It is better to fry pancakes under a closed lid for 10 minutes on each side.

Quick pork liver pancakes: why chopped is better

Chopped pork liver pancakes are tender and juicy. The recipe is easy to prepare, does not require a lot of time. Pork liver pancakes will be prepared even by a novice hostess, with little experience.

To make pancakes soft and juicy, you need to add fat sour cream to the dish before cooking.

To prepare chopped liver fritters, you need to cook:

  • half a kilo of pork liver
  • sour cream 25% fat
  • flour (2-3 tablespoons)
  • vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs

Finely chop the liver, add sour cream, flour, eggs and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes. Pancakes need to be fried in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. 10 minutes on each side.

You can serve pancakes with vegetables, rice and any other side dish. Chopped dill and lettuce leaves are suitable for decoration.

Nutritious pork liver pancakes with potatoes: recipe and ingredients

Pork liver pancakes with potatoes are a tasty, satisfying and very interesting dish. The finished dish looks beautiful, has an appetizing crust and an unforgettable taste.

To make potato pancakes you will need:

  • Pork liver (half a kilogram)
  • Corn starch or potato starch 3 tablespoons
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • Carrot (1 piece)
  • Mayonnaise 1 salt spoon
  • Vegetable oil

Over medium heat, overcook finely chopped onions and grated carrots until tender. Scroll the liver in a meat grinder, add starch, mayonnaise, grated potatoes and let stand for about 30 minutes in a cool place.

When the minced liver is infused, you need to cover it with cling film or a lid so that the product does not air out.

Mix minced meat with carrots and onions, form pancakes and fry them in a preheated pan for 15 minutes on each side under the lid. Due to the content of potatoes in the minced liver, the dish turns out to be independent and does not require a side dish. Fresh vegetables and salad leaves are a good addition.

Light pork liver pancakes with semolina and rice garnish

Pork liver pancakes with semolina is a very satisfying dish. Semolina gives an original taste and helps the liver dough not fall apart when frying.

For pancakes you need:

  • pork liver
  • Semolina
  • Vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Liver, pre-scroll in a meat grinder or in a food processor.

So that the dough does not fall apart during frying, it must be allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator under the lid.

For the rice side dish, prepare:

  • canned corn
  • canned peas
  • bell pepper
  • Greens (to taste)

Boil rice until half cooked and put in a heated frying pan, salt. There also add half a can of peas, half a can of corn and finely chopped peppers. Cook covered until the rice is fully cooked. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Pork liver fritters: step by step recipe with photo

The liver, as a very useful product, rich in iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C, is simply obliged to appear at least occasionally on our tables in the form of various dishes. For example, liver pancakes are a wonderful hearty dish, relatively quick, light and very tasty. The method of its preparation is very similar to the liver cake recipe, only with the difference that the dough is not fried with pancakes, but with small pancakes.


  • pork liver - 500g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • milk of any fat content - 1 cup
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • pepper - to taste
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - for serving

How to cook pork liver pancakes

The liver is a very whimsical product and has a specific smell, so before you cook something from it, you need to soak it in cold water or milk for at least an hour.

Then the liver, together with the peeled onion head, must be crushed with a meat grinder or blender.

Now you can prepare the dough for pancakes. To do this, first add the sifted flour to the liver with onions.

Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl.

Add salt, pepper and milk to the eggs, continue to beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Pour the whipped mixture into the liver, mix very well so that the consistency is homogeneous and not very thick (about like sour cream).

Add sunflower oil to the dough, mix again. Dough for liver pancakes is ready.

Spoon into a hot frying pan (without oil!) Spread the dough, fry on both sides, it is advisable to do this on a very low heat, because the liver burns quickly. It will take about 1 minute on each side (maybe a little less).

The dish is served warm, with mayonnaise, sour cream, various sauces, and mustard. Liver pancakes go very well with fresh vegetables, salads and herbs.

By the way, you can make small cakes out of such pancakes by smearing a few pieces with mayonnaise and putting fried carrots and onions between the “cakes”.