Cream for eclairs at home. Eclairs with custard step by step recipe with photo

We welcome our invaluable regular readers and those who have just joined us in search of a new treat. In this article, you will learn the recipe for eclairs with custard, which will not be much more difficult to cook at home than putting together a regular salad. The resulting sweet will be both tastier than store-bought and healthier, because you have full control over the production process and are confident in the ingredients.

We will prepare custard, but do not be afraid and upset - making it is relatively simple, and it is not necessary to have the talent of a cook. We invite you not to waste time in vain, but to see for yourself by preparing homemade eclairs with us. You can buy the necessary products in any supermarket, which we advise you to do. Let's get started!


For cream:

1. Eggs - 3 pieces

2. Sugar - 90 g

3. Flour - 20 g

4. Milk - 150 g

5. Butter - 30 g

For test:

1. Milk - 30 ml

2. Butter - 60 g

3. Flour - 70 g

4. Eggs - 3 pieces

Cooking method:

It is worth mentioning such a moment right away - it is not necessary to prepare custard. You can make butter, chocolate or use regular whipped cream - it all depends on your desire and taste. We recommend starting cooking with it, because. will have to be cooled. And yet - from the indicated number of products you will get about seven eclairs - keep this in mind, and if necessary, increase the number of ingredients in advance.

1. We break three eggs, divide into protein and yolk. The cream needs the latter, we send them to a convenient container. We also send sugar and flour there. All the ingredients must be combined with a whisk - it is not necessary to beat completely, just knead a little. If you like, add a tiny amount of milk to make it easier to stir.

2. Add a small amount of vanillin to the resulting mass. Boil the rest of the milk and then add to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients and mix.

3. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and put on fire so that the mixture boils. Do not forget to stir all the time, because. it quickly burns and, accordingly, deteriorates. After boiling, boil for about a minute and a half.

4. Remove from the stove and immediately send the butter to the hot mixture and mix well with a whisk until the last ingredient is dissolved. Transfer the resulting cream to a small bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate.


5. Pour about twenty grams of clean water and a little more milk into the pan. We also put butter there, preferably at room temperature.

6. To create a neutral taste for the dough, add a pinch of salt and the same amount of sugar. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil.

7. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat to medium and send the flour to the pan.

By the way, while boiling, also stir the contents. After adding flour, you will need to stir continuously, and the dough will begin to form a “bun”.

8. After three minutes, remove the dough from the heat and pour into another bowl and leave for a while to cool.

9. Crack three eggs separately and shake until smooth. It is best to start with two, if the product is large, and then introduce the latter into the dough in parts. Those. beat separately and pour little by little until the desired dough consistency is obtained.

10. Pour the liquid into the dough and start mixing. It is best to start with a spatula while the dough has not completely taken the added eggs, and then take the whisk. If you have a planetary mixer, use it.

11. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and form future eclairs - these should be strips six centimeters long. Make a small margin in the form of a distance between them, because. the stripes will expand.

12. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees, and then put our baking sheet with an almost ready dish. After ten minutes, lower the temperature to 180 degrees for twenty minutes. This time is approximate, so watch for readiness - a golden color and a crust should appear.

13. We take out and transfer to a cooling rack. Take out the cream and transfer it to a pastry bag. If not, take a regular plastic bag.

14. Using a thin nozzle, make several holes through which the cream will fill. After, insert a bag of cream and squeeze.

15. It remains only to decorate the top face. You can just drizzle with chocolate. We melted two types of glaze, into which we will lower the finished eclairs. Divide the sugar into two parts - add food coloring to the first, and leave the rest as is. We wrap the cake and, if you want, you can sprinkle with coconut flakes or other sweet decoration. Leave for a while and let the top harden. Ready! Enjoy your meal!

The classic version is custard based on butter. Favorably differs from oil because of the low threshold of "nausea", it is prepared extremely simply, budgetary, pleasant to work with. Requires several ingredients: water, sugar, flour and butter. Water is replaced with milk if desired. Butter at room temperature is driven into the already cooled flour mass. The splendor of the cream depends on its quantity and quality. The ideal choice is the peasant 82-85%.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cream eclair recipes are:

The second most important classic is cottage cheese. The simplest is cottage cheese whipped with powdered sugar and sour cream, brought to an airy state. More dietary option, suitable for restrictive nutrition.

Creams are also good for eclairs.:

  • butter with sugar
  • butter with condensed milk (boiled and not)
  • creamy on whipped cream with powdered sugar
  • creamy on cheese
  • cream cheese
  • chocolate with cocoa

Not quite ordinary fillers:

  • fresh berries and fruits
  • ice cream
  • yogurt
  • chocolate paste
  • confiture

Five of the lowest calorie eclair cream recipes:

When filling profiteroles, pay attention that:

  • the cream should not float and spread, otherwise the cakes will spread
  • fill them up just before serving.
  • after 8-12 hours, the eclairs will lose their shape (depending on the filler)

Cakes made from unleavened choux pastry received great love from the sweet tooth, and this happened due to the simplicity of their preparation and the mass of options for fillings that are delicious for them. You can use any cream for eclairs that has sufficient stability so that the filling does not leak out. Below are the proven proportions of the most delicious options for such filling.

This cream not only goes well with honey choux pastry in Medovik or Napoleon puff pastry, it can be a delicious filling for homemade eclairs. Only in this case it is better to cook it in the evening on the eve of baking the cakes themselves, so that the mass can cool enough.

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 160 g of sugar;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 2 village eggs;
  • 5 ml vanilla extract (can be replaced with an appropriate amount of vanilla sugar or vanilla powder);
  • 150 g butter.

Step by step cooking algorithm:

  1. ½ part of the prescription amount of sugar, together with vanilla extract, dissolve in milk and send to the fire to heat to a high temperature, but not to boil.
  2. Mix the remaining sugar with the sifted flour and grind with chicken eggs to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps of flour and grains of sugar.
  3. Pour hot milk in two doses into the egg-sugar mixture, which must be mixed at the same time so that the eggs do not curdle.
  4. After that, return the sweet milk-egg solution to the fire again and boil until the consistency of thick sour cream, making sure that the custard base does not burn.
  5. Add 40-50 g of butter to the hot base, stir until completely dissolved. When the cream has cooled enough, cover it with a film so that it covers its entire surface in contact, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Allow the remaining butter to warm to room temperature, then beat it into a fluffy mass, pouring in one to two tablespoons of the custard base. Then the cream is slightly cooled in the refrigerator and you can start filling the cakes.

The filling for eclairs from cottage cheese is prepared with the addition of whipped cream or butter. The latter option is more stable and less capricious, so most housewives prefer it, considering its proportions to be classic.

To make cottage cheese cream for eclairs you need to take:

  • 300 g of fatty cottage cheese (from 9 to 18% fat content);
  • 100-150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 70 g soft butter;
  • 5 ml vanilla extract (or vanilla powder).

Cooking method:

  1. Combine cottage cheese grated through a fine sieve with butter and vanilla extract. Then you should pick up the mixer. They should beat the ingredients at minimum speed until the most homogeneous consistency is achieved.
  2. Having achieved the desired texture, it is necessary to add in small parts the last component of the cream - powdered sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until the required density, splendor and smoothness of the mass is reached.

Protein cream is also often used to fill cakes, but to achieve the right texture so that the filling does not leak out, you should use only proven proportions of proteins, sugar and liquid.

For one standard portion of choux pastry for eclairs, it is enough:

  • 4 proteins;
  • 45 ml fresh lemon juice;
  • 100 ml of hot water;
  • 360 g sugar.

How to make protein cream for eclairs:

  1. First, beat egg whites with lemon juice until firm peaks form. Regarding whether the proteins should be chilled, it is worth noting that the product from the refrigerator will whip faster, but when beating proteins at room temperature, more stable bonds are formed, which makes the mass more stable.
  2. Set the whipped egg whites aside for a while and boil the syrup from water and sugar. To do this, pour the crystalline product with boiling or just hot liquid, stirring on the fire, bring to complete dissolution and cook until the sample is on a soft ball. A drop of syrup in cold water should turn into a soft ball.
  3. Turn on the mixer again and while whipping the whites in a thin stream, introduce the hot sweet solution into them. Next, beat the cream until it cools completely (10-15 minutes). After that, it is fashionable to start filling the eclairs.

Butter based option

Eclairs are prepared quite quickly, so if you don’t want to mess around with custard or protein cream for a long time, a simple but very tasty butter cream will help out. For him, you should take in equal proportions butter and condensed milk.

For 10-12 cakes you will need:

  • 200 g of butter with a fat content of 82%;
  • 200 g whole condensed milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Soft butter (its optimal consistency is achieved at a temperature of 25 degrees), beat until fluffy and white.
  2. Then, while continuing to beat, add condensed milk in small portions. Its amount can be slightly reduced, when the desired cream consistency is reached.
  3. Send the filled cakes to the refrigerator to stabilize the cream and further store the finished dessert.

With mascarpone

Delicate creamy Mascarpone cheese is often used to make creams that can become a filling not only for cakes, but also for eclairs. It is only important to remember that this product is very capricious (it can be easily overwhipped), so you need to work with it carefully.

For a serving of 16-18 cream cheese cream cakes, you need to prepare:

  • 250 g Mascarpone;
  • 350 ml cream with a fat content of 33% or more;
  • 140-180 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla to taste and desire.

We prepare as follows:

  1. After holding the container and whisks for whipping in the freezer for some time, beat the chilled cream together with powdered sugar until creamy.
  2. Whisk chilled cheese separately. Then gently fold the cream into the whipped mascarpone with a silicone spatula. You need to be especially careful so that the mass does not fall off. At the end of mixing, you can add vanilla or other flavoring.

From condensed milk

To fill cakes, you can use not only a cream of condensed milk and butter, the recipe of which was given above, but also other combinations with this concentrated dairy product, for example, with sour cream and boiled condensed milk (“toffee”).

For this version of the cream you will need:

  • 250 g of homemade fat sour cream;
  • 180 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 10-15 ml brandy for flavor optional.


  1. Beat sour cream with a mixer for a few minutes in a lush mass. It is better to cool the product beforehand. If sour cream is too rare, then it is better to pre-weigh it or use a special thickener.
  2. Next, add boiled condensed milk in small parts, also continuing to beat the cream. At the very end, add cognac and with just a few rotations of the whisks combine it with the finished cream.

Butter cream for eclairs

It is often difficult without some experience to whip cream with sugar into a delicate airy mass, therefore, for filling custard cakes, it is better to use butter cream, which takes longer to cook, but always turns out to be airy and stable.

The ratio of the number of products in the filling:

  • 250 ml cream with a fat content of 20% or more;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g butter.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Mix the beaten egg with sugar with a little warmed cream. Send this mixture to the fire and warm until thickened. Refrigerate the finished cream base.
  2. Beat soft enough butter into a fluffy and white mass. In small portions, introduce from it the sweet creamy-egg mixture that has cooled to room temperature. At the end, you can add any flavoring for taste.

chocolate filling

Chocolate cream for eclairs can be made with cocoa in any of the above fillings, but dark chocolate will make the taste brighter and richer, as in the Muslin chocolate cream below.

For him you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of starch;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream.


  1. Mixed in a homogeneous mixture of eggs, starch, sugar and milk, put on fire and boil until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Put the chopped chocolate into small pieces into the hot custard base and mix until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Whip the chilled cream in a separate bowl. Beat the cooled custard base with soft butter, then stir in the whipped cream with a spoon, and the cream is ready.

We offer to bake for tea tender eclairs with custard that we have loved since childhood. For the manufacture of homemade cakes, we use the classic and time-tested recipe for choux pastry and standard cream, and for a change we will make icing in two versions - dark (based on cocoa) and white (with sweet powder).

The most delicate taste, familiar to us since childhood, will instantly gather at the table the sweet tooth of all ages. So, we delight guests and household members with a sweet surprise! Cooking homemade delicious eclairs - a recipe with a photo step by step will help us with this.


For test:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • drinking water - 250 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • medium-sized eggs - 4 pcs.

For cream:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For light frosting:

  • powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • milk - 2 teaspoons.

For dark frosting:

  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  1. We start the process of making cakes with dough. We cut a bar of butter into pieces of arbitrary size, fill it with drinking water and throw a pinch of salt. Place this mixture over moderate heat.
  2. As soon as the butter has completely melted, and the liquid just starts to boil, remove the container from the stove and immediately pour in the entire norm of the sifted flour at once (it is better to sift it in advance). Quickly knead the mixture with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous dense mass is obtained. We work very fast! Flour must be dissolved in hot liquid - this is the main feature of custard dough!
  3. Immediately after obtaining a dense mass, return the pan to the stove. We continue to knead for another 1-2 minutes at minimum heat (the resulting dough should easily move away from the bottom and sides of the pan). Transfer the mixture to a clean bowl and let cool to room temperature.
  4. In the cooled custard dough, we drive raw eggs one at a time, each time diligently kneading the mixture. Please note that the consistency of the finished dough will largely depend on the size of the eggs, as well as the quality of the flour used, so be careful - you may need 1-2 more eggs or vice versa less than indicated in this recipe.
  5. As a result, the choux pastry for eclairs should turn out smooth, viscous and moderately liquid. At the same time, it should keep its shape well when we form cakes using a culinary bag. Dough of the right consistency will gradually slide off the spoon in a thick, heavy ribbon.
  6. We fill the culinary bag with our dough and plant oblong blanks 6-8 cm long on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Do not forget to keep a distance between future cakes, as they will “grow up” during the baking process.
  7. We bake eclairs for 15-20 minutes, maintaining the temperature at around 220 degrees. During this time, the cakes will increase in size and brown. Next, we reduce the heat to 160 degrees and wait another 10 minutes for the eclairs to thoroughly “dry out” inside.

  8. In parallel, we are preparing the cream. In a clean and dry bowl, mix flour and half the sugar. We drive in raw eggs.
  9. Lightly beat the mixture with a whisk until smooth and a light foam appears.
  10. Pour milk into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and the rest of granulated sugar, boil. Pour about a third of the hot milk mass into the beaten eggs. Stir vigorously, and then pour back into the saucepan with milk and return to the stove.
  11. Stirring, keep on low heat until almost boiling (until thickened). After cooling the custard cream to a warm state, add the softened butter, beat with a mixer / whisk until smooth and uniform.
  12. On the eclairs, carefully make side cuts. With the help of a teaspoon, we generously fill our cakes with custard (it is advisable to keep the cream in the refrigerator before filling the eclairs).

  13. The final step is to prepare the icing for the cakes. We will make two types - dark and white. Let's start with the first one. To do this, combine cocoa powder, sweet powder, butter and milk in a small saucepan. We place on a slow fire and, stirring constantly, bring the mass to uniformity. The consistency of the icing should be like melted chocolate. If the mixture is too thick, add milk. If too liquid - powdered sugar.
  14. For white glaze, mix butter with milk. Put the mixture on a slow fire. As soon as the oil has dissolved, we introduce sweet powder and knead until a homogeneous creamy texture is obtained. If the mass is too thick, as in the case of dark glaze, add milk. Accordingly, to thicken, increase the portion of powdered sugar.
  15. We cover part of the eclairs with dark glaze, the rest with white. Cool cakes in the refrigerator before serving.

Homemade eclairs with custard and delicate icing are ready! Happy tea!

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Delicate custard cake, called eclair, is loved by everyone, from young to old. To satisfy the desire to eat, many run to the store, where they purchase goods. The rest prepare the treat themselves, studying step-by-step recipes with photos, because it's not at all difficult. The hostess chooses the dough and cream for air eclairs, depending on her preferences (taking into account the calorie content). How to prepare a classic confectionery dessert and varieties of toppings will be described in the review.

How to make cream for custard

Such a cake is a dessert made in the form of a tube with a delicious filling. The filling is:

  • custard;
  • condensed milk cream;
  • curd;
  • oil cream;
  • chocolate.

The process of making a cake is worth mastering. Homemade desserts will delight family and friends with an unusual taste. Choose the ingredients that are suitable for you, create masterpieces in your kitchen, enticing with a pleasant aroma not only household members, but also passers-by from the street. After spending a little time, you will reward yourself with a delicious dessert and enjoy it in a comfortable atmosphere.

From condensed milk and butter

To prepare such a sweet dessert content, you will need:

  • condensed milk - a can;
  • butter - package (250 g).

Preparing such a filling is very simple, for this you need:

  1. Prepare condensed milk, for lovers of sweets, you can choose a boiled product. Add the oily substance, finely chopped. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous state.
  2. We fill the cooled desserts with lush contents (we use a syringe that will help to evenly distribute the filling, and the tube will become incredibly tasty). Let the finished dessert stand for a while to soak.


In order to get a delicious curd cream for eclairs, you need to prepare:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • cream - 200 ml.

Preparing the filling for delicious eclairs is simple, for this you need to follow the step-by-step guide:

  1. Put the cottage cheese in a special bowl, add a sweetener to it, mix everything. The spoon will allow you to knead the ingredients, get a certain consistency.
  2. Carefully pour in the cream, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. The filler is ready, fill them with cooled blanks. Enjoy your meal.

With custard without eggs

To make eggless custard, you need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • oil - 250 grams;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • almond nuts - 50 grams.

Making filling for a cake is not difficult, repeat:

  1. Heat the milk, add flour and sugar, cook until thickened, do not forget to stir.
  2. Cool down the mass.
  3. Gradually introduce the oil component, whipping with a mixer.
  4. Crush the almonds and beat into a buttery mass.
  5. The filling is ready, it remains to fill the cake with it.



  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 250 ml.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Beat egg with powdered sugar.
  2. Pour in hot cream, stir until thickened.
  3. Cool the workpiece and gradually introduce the oil component into it, while whisking with a mixer.
  4. The filler is ready.

Such a dessert can be decorated by making a chocolate pattern on the top. To prepare the glaze you will need:

  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • oil - 100 g.

To prepare the glaze, you need:

  1. Boil cocoa.
  2. Pour the sugar-butter mixture into it, mix well.
  3. The icing is ready (lubricate the finished products and let dry).

Custard with milk and butter

Eclairs with custard have become a traditional dish. To prepare such a royal filling, you need to use:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • butter - 250 g.

The whole production process will not take much time, but it is worth recalling that it is forbidden to store the filler for a long time, because it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Try to prepare the filling right before use and do not leave for a long time. Let's get started:

  1. Beat the egg, after adding sugar to it.
  2. Add milk and flour, mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Cook the prepared mass over moderate heat for five minutes.
  4. In the cooled filling, add the butter, cut into pieces, mix with a mixer in parallel.
  5. If desired, add vanillin to the finished contents.