Strawberry compote. How to cook strawberry compote Cook strawberry compote recipe

Strawberries are a source of ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Fresh berries increase the absorption of iron, reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. And compotes from a fragrant product help with headaches, colds and insomnia. In addition, they quench thirst more effectively than carbonated drinks and store-bought juices. Preparing a refreshing strawberry tea takes no more than half an hour. It is only necessary to carry out the heat treatment of the berries, and then cool the drink and serve with ice.

Delicious and healthy preserves

Domesticated strawberries are rich in vitamin C. But ascorbic acid evaporates under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures. How to save useful substances? Prepare strawberry compote and immediately preserve it.

The first stage begins with harvesting berries. It is better not to take large ones, they are boiled for a long time, so a lot of vitamins evaporate from the product. In addition, small strawberries have a richer smell and sweet taste. You can take less sugar, and you get a vitamin compote that does not harm the figure.

Strawberries must be washed, even if it seems that they are clean. The workpiece is poured into a large bowl and filled with water. Separate the berries from the tails and spread on paper towels so that they absorb excess liquid. Too soft, overripe and rotten specimens are thrown away. It is impossible for microbes to get into the jars, otherwise foam will appear on the surface of the compote, and then the lid will swell and may “shoot”.

The shelf life of strawberry preservation depends on the jars. The containers are disinfected with detergent and soda, and then sterilized. Pour water into a teapot or small saucepan. Wrap the neck of the dish with a towel. The spout is closed with a cork made of paper or cardboard. When the liquid begins to boil, remove the lid from the kettle or pan. And instead of it they put a jar so that the bottom of the container looks at the ceiling.

Sterilization lasts 5-6 minutes. Sometimes processed containers are sent to the oven. Repeated disinfection destroys the remaining microbes. And jars dry out faster in the oven. Seam lids do not need to be sterilized unless they are reused.

For a three-liter container, take from 400 to 600 g of strawberries. The more berries, the richer the flavor. But if you fill the jar halfway or two-thirds, then you get not compote, but something similar to jam. You will also need sugar. For 2.5–3 liters of liquid, put one faceted glass of sweetener with a slide. If the compote is too sweet, it can be diluted with boiled water.

The second step is the preparation of steep boiling water. You can use an electric kettle, but it is better to heat the water in a large enamel pot. The volume of liquid depends on the number of cans. Approximately 2.4–2.6 liters are consumed per container.

First, strawberries are poured into a clean glass container. Topped with sugar and immediately fill the jar with boiling liquid, retreating from the neck 1.5–2 cm. Roll up and turn over so that the bottom of the container looks at the ceiling. Compote is covered with a thick fur coat or winter jacket so that the drink cools down gradually. The blank is kept warm for 2-3 days, and then it is removed to the basement or other cool place.

Reliable way

There is a second option for preparing a strawberry drink. The berries are washed, sorted, cleaned of tails and mixed with sugar. Pour boiling water, but do not twist. Infuse for 40-60 minutes, and then pour the resulting syrup into a large saucepan.

Compote is sent to a slow fire and tasted. If it's not too sweet, add some sugar. The sour taste of a strawberry drink will appear due to lemon juice. 50-100 ml per three-liter jar. The component is added at the very end. The ingredient can be replaced with citric acid. Take 20-30 g of powder per bottle. The dry product is added to the syrup during boiling so that the crystals have time to dissolve.

It is advised to add 1-2 cups of boiling water to the strained compote. When strawberries are poured into hot water, they shrink in size. And the syrup itself boils down and evaporates.

The pot with the boiling billet is not removed from the stove. Jars of strawberries are placed next to the container, the berries are poured with hot syrup and immediately twisted. In a glass container, you can put a sprig of fresh mint for a rich and refreshing aroma. It remains to turn the jars over and wrap them with a blanket.

If, after cooling, foam appeared on the surface of the compote, it means that the strawberries were not washed well or bacteria remained on the walls of the jar. Microbes lead to swelling of the lid. Such a compote can be opened and re-boiled or hidden in the basement. Cold slows down the growth of bacteria and prolongs the shelf life of the workpiece.

refreshing option

You don't have to wait until winter to treat yourself to strawberry compote. It will take 0.5 kg of strawberries, 3 liters of water and 1-2 cups of sugar. The berries are cleaned of dirt under running water, the tails are removed. The liquid is brought to a boil, and then strawberries and sweetener are poured into it. If you want the compote to have a sour taste, then you can put a few slices of lemon.

The drink is simmered for 7-10 minutes so that the strawberries do not boil soft, and removed from the stove. Hot compote cools down for 3-4 hours. To speed up the process, the pan is placed in a tub or basin filled with cold water.

If the drink is intended for a festive feast, then it is recommended to strain it. Boiled strawberries do not look very aesthetically pleasing. In summer, ice cubes and sprigs of mint are added to strawberry compote. It turns out a cool and refreshing cocktail that perfectly quenches thirst. You can experiment with lemon or orange slices, ginger root and vanilla extract.

Strawberry compote consists of only three ingredients. The drink contains many vitamins, so it is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Strawberry tea will replace store-bought juices and soda. After all, it refreshes, quenches thirst and does not harm the figure.

Video: strawberry compote for the winter

Strawberry compote with whole mouth-watering berries is a real decoration for both everyday and festive tables. Sweet and fragrant, it will perfectly complement any dish. To enjoy a bright berry taste even in the cold season, it is worth closing the strawberry compote for the winter.

The easiest and fastest recipe suggests using a minimum of products. In addition to berries (550 g), you will also need to take 320 g of sugar and water. From the indicated amount of products, it will be possible to cook about 2.5 liters of a sweet drink.

  1. You need to start the cooking process by sterilizing the jars. Metal lids for them must be boiled.
  2. Each berry gets rid of leaves and is thoroughly washed. Crumpled blackened strawberries are not suitable for compote, but slightly unripe ones can be safely used. Water when washing berries will need to be changed several times.
  3. Clean strawberries are carefully placed in prepared containers.
  4. Banks are filled with boiling water and covered with lids. Let the containers warm up for about 12 minutes.
  5. The water from the cans is drained and brought to a boil again.
  6. Sugar is added to the liquid. The syrup should boil after the next boil for about 3-4 minutes.
  7. The liquid returns to the berries. Now the banks can be rolled up.

Containers with compote are turned upside down, wrapped in a warm cloth and left to cool completely. Then they can be moved to a cold place.

Recipe for cooking without sterilization

If you don’t want to mess around with boiling water and jars for a long time, you can choose the most simplified recipe. It will be understandable even for those who have never rolled up vegetable and berry treats for the winter. For such a drink is used: 600 g of small ripe strawberries, 190 g of granulated sugar, 3 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2.6 liters of purified drinking water.

  1. Washed berries are dried with a paper towel and placed in a three-liter container. Strawberries should be miniature so that they are better saturated with sugar syrup and eventually do not ferment.
  2. The jar does not need to be sterilized. Wash it well inside and out with plenty of baking soda. The containers must be completely dry before placing the strawberries.
  3. Berries in a jar are sprinkled with sugar.
  4. Drinking water is brought to a boil in a saucepan. First, half of the jar is filled with it, and then the rest.
  5. Through a special drain cover, the water returns back to the pan and cooks for 3-4 minutes after boiling. 30 seconds before the end of the process, lemon juice is added to the liquid. It will play the role of a preservative.
  6. The container is closed with a tin lid using a special machine.

Such a compote is perfectly stored all winter in a cool place.

With added citric acid

This recipe is also very simple, quick, but requires sterilization of glass containers. In addition to fresh even strawberries (450 g), you need to prepare: 1 tsp. lemons (citric acid), 2.8 liters of pure water, 270 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Glass containers must be sterilized using an oven. To do this, the jars are washed with soda, dried, sent to a cold oven, which is then heated to 150 degrees. It is enough to keep them warm for 6-7 minutes.
  2. Berries are laid out in containers. The minimum fullness is 1/5 of the can, the maximum is half.
  3. Containers with strawberries are poured with boiling water to the upper limit and left under the lids for 12-15 minutes. Then the liquid is drained and sugar is added to it. The syrup is boiled after boiling for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The berries are sprinkled with lemon and poured over with sweet boiling water.
  5. The containers are closed with clean, dry lids, placed on a soft cloth and wrapped.

After complete cooling, the jars can be transferred to the cellar for further storage.

How to cook compote in a slow cooker?

You can even cook strawberry compote for storage throughout the winter months using a slow cooker. Any device is suitable, regardless of its model. To prepare a sweet drink according to this recipe, you need to take: 3 liters of filtered drinking water, 750 g of fresh strong berries, 3 g of lemon, 550 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Jars and tin lids for preservation are prepared in advance. First they are washed with soda, and then sterilized. This process can also be organized using a multicooker.
  2. To do this, a special container for steaming is installed on the device, jars are placed on it, and the “Multi-cook” mode is turned on for 5 minutes. The lid does not close.
  3. Next, the containers are turned over on a towel to drain drops of water.
  4. Covers are also processed directly with rubber bands.
  5. A syrup of sugar and water is boiled in the same mode for 12 minutes. Sand during this time should completely melt.
  6. Thoroughly washed berries are distributed in 3 jars. 1 g of citric acid is poured into each.
  7. It remains to fill the containers with syrup and roll up.

If desired, you can also add a couple of fresh mint leaves to the strawberry compote.

Cooking with apples

Some other berries and fruits go well with strawberries in compote. For example, apples. Enough 1 large sour fruit. You also need to take: 350 g of berries, 5 tbsp. sugar, 3 liters of purified drinking water.

  1. Strawberries get over and get rid of the tails. All unsuitable darkened or rumpled fruits must be removed. Next, the strawberries are placed in a colander and lowered into a container of water. The liquid is changed several times until it becomes completely transparent.
  2. 3 l. water is brought to a boil. Washed, cored and sliced ​​apples are lowered into the pan. The skin may not be cut off.
  3. After a couple of minutes, you can add strawberries and granulated sugar to the pan.
  4. Let the liquid boil for 5-7 minutes on minimum heat.
  5. It remains to pour the compote into sterilized jars and roll up.

Apples give the drink a pleasant sourness.

Frozen strawberry compote

If only a frozen berry was at hand, then it can also be used to make compote. In addition to strawberries (350 g), you need to prepare: ¾ cup of granulated sugar and 2 liters of clean water.

  1. Syrup is made from sugar and water.
  2. Strawberries, previously thawed at room temperature, are poured into a boiling liquid.
  3. Together, the ingredients are cooked for about 25 minutes.
  4. Then you can cool and serve the compote to the table, or pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

If you plan to store the drink until winter, then you will also need to use 1 g of lemon for each jar as a preservative.

Recipe with raspberries

A particularly bright and rich taste of compote is obtained if you take not only strawberries, but also raspberries for its preparation. 300 g and 150 g respectively. Since both types of berries are sweet, 1.5 tbsp is enough for 2 liters of water. Sahara. Also used and 1 tsp. citric acid.

  1. For the future compote, only strawberries are washed. Raspberries cannot be pre-processed, as in water they will break up into separate parts.
  2. The berries are laid out in pre-sterilized jars, and a lemon is poured on top of them.
  3. Syrup is boiled from sugar with water for 5-7 minutes after boiling. The resulting liquid is filled with berries in jars.
  4. Further, the containers can be rolled up with tin lids, turned over and wrapped in a blanket.

It is allowed to rearrange the compote in the cold only after the cans have completely cooled.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Few people know how to make strawberry compote correctly so that the taste of berries is preserved, even if you open a jar of your favorite summer drink in the middle of winter. According to scientists, the content of vitamin C in fruits is higher than in lemon. Such a preparation will be very useful for the body in the cold months of the year.

How to cook strawberry compote for the winter

To properly brew a delicious and aromatic drink for the winter, you can use some popular recipes. All cooking methods are extremely simple and do not involve the use of a large number of ingredients. The main components are sugar and the berries themselves. To give a richer taste and aroma, you can add mint, lemon (or citric acid), currants, apples, cherries, cherries. If you follow all the requirements of the recipes, then in winter you can please your family and friends with your favorite summer and very healthy drink made from fresh berries.

How to close strawberry compote

Few people know how to roll strawberry compote correctly. This procedure requires special attention. To begin with, glass jars are washed, and then sterilization must be done. It happens like this:

  1. Water is collected in a small bowl and placed on a burner with fire.
  2. After the liquid boils, place a special stand on the container, which can be purchased at any hardware store. It looks like an ordinary lid, in which a round hole is made in the middle for installing a can. If there is no such device for seaming on the farm, then it can be easily replaced by two parallel flat boards.
  3. The jar must be installed upside down so that steam can freely penetrate into the vessel.
  4. Simultaneously with future containers for strawberry compote for the winter, you need to boil the lids. They are placed at the bottom of the same bowl or pan.
  5. The whole process will take about 10-15 minutes, and you can understand that you need to remove the container from the fire by the condensate that has formed inside.

strawberry compote recipe

Preparing a seasonal drink is not difficult if you know how to do it right. In order for fresh strawberry compote to turn out delicious, you should use one of the recipes common among housewives. You can preserve the drink with or without sterilization (jars with fruits do not need to be boiled in a saucepan or heated in the oven). Popular cooking methods are described below.

Strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization

You can prepare strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization. In this case, special attention must be paid to containers. They must be thoroughly wiped with soda, rinsed, sterilized. The seaming method is very simple and is very popular among housewives. For cooking, you need to take:

  • berries - 700 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 3 liters.

How to cook canned strawberry compote without sterilization:

  1. Rinse homemade fruits (hard, dense, whole, one size) under running water, remove the stalks.
  2. Place all berries in a jar.
  3. Pour boiling water into the container, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the contents of the jar into the saucepan using a colander.
  5. Add sugar, bring the drink to a boil.
  6. Wait until all the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Next, you need to drain the liquid to where the berries are, then close the lids tightly.
  8. After canning, turn the containers upside down, leave for several hours.
  9. After that, store the jars using a cool place (such as a basement or cellar).

Strawberry compote with citric acid

Thanks to citric acid, strawberry compote for the winter will acquire a slight sourness and a pleasant aroma. It will turn out not oversweetened and is very suitable for those who do not like too sugary drinks. It will be especially tasty to use it with a cake or pastry. The recipe is very simple and you don't need a lot of ingredients. For a three-liter jar, take:

  • berries - 350 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 300 grams;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • citric acid - one teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the berries, peel the stalks.
  2. Drain in a colander, let the water drain (you can transfer them to a parchment sheet or towel so that all the moisture is absorbed).
  3. Boil water, add sugar.
  4. Cook, stirring, until the white sand dissolves (about 5-6 minutes).
  5. Add citric acid.
  6. Pour the fruits into the pan to blanch them.
  7. Pour the drink into a jar, immediately close the lids.
  8. Cover for the night under a warm blanket.
  9. After cooling, store until winter in a cool place.

From cherries and strawberries

You can cook your favorite fruit drink directly in winter from frozen fruits. According to one of the recipes, a strawberry drink with cherries will turn out very tasty. Such an assortment can be diluted with other berries, but this is to taste and optional. So, how to cook compote from frozen strawberries, cherries. Components:

  • frozen berries - 300 grams each;
  • water - three liters;
  • sugar - two glasses.

How to roll a compote of strawberries and cherries:

  1. Prepare sugar syrup by boiling sweet sand in water.
  2. As the syrup boils, pour in the frozen berries.
  3. Wait for the next boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, let the drink brew.
  5. After that, it is necessary to preserve the drink in cans, store it in the basement.

Step 1: prepare the strawberries.

We take sorted, ripe, juicy strawberries, remove the stalk from each berry, transfer the fruits to a colander and rinse thoroughly under a thin stream of cold running water. Then we leave it in the sink for a few minutes to drain excess liquid, and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Cook strawberry compote.

We send strawberries to a deep pan.

There we add granulated sugar and the right amount of purified water. These two ingredients are adjustable to taste, someone likes a sweeter, rich compote, while someone, on the contrary, prefers a very gentle drink.
Next, turn on the burner under the pan on a fire slightly less than average and heat it up. You should not rush, the compote should boil slowly, let all the juice from the berries be extracted and go into the water, due to this, the loss of vitamins will be minimal.

As soon as the liquid begins to gurgle, let the fragrant drink boil for a minute, remove it from the stove, put it on the countertop, cover it with a lid so that a small gap remains, and cool the drink to room temperature.

Step 3: serve strawberry compote.

Strawberry compote is cooled after cooking. If desired, it can be filtered and the berries removed, although after such a short heat treatment they remain whole and look great in a decanter or cups. This rich and very tasty drink is pleasant to taste chilled on hot summer days with any sweet or spicy dishes. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

Very often, along with strawberries, a few mint leaves, ground cinnamon or a bag of vanilla sugar are put in the pan, these ingredients give the finished compote a very pleasant flavor zest;

To prepare compote, you can use frozen strawberries, but you need to put them in boiling water in a non-thawed form;

In the same way, you can prepare compote from raspberries, viburnum, blackberries, currants, cherries, cherries, cranberries and many other berries.

Surely many people remember how in childhood our mothers and grandmothers made delicious strawberry compote. Today, such a drink is prepared very rarely. This is partly due to the fact that it can be purchased at almost any store. However, culinary specialists believe that such a drink does not contain any useful substances. Therefore, we recommend that you remember simple recipes and make strawberry compote yourself.

The benefits of the drink

Before telling you about how to roll up strawberry compote, you should tell what the benefits of such a drink are. According to experts, it contains fruit acids, vitamins, folic acid, and trace elements.

Due to the fact that there is no fat in strawberries, this berry is ideal for those who are on a strict diet. But it should be borne in mind that strawberry compote contains a fairly large amount of sugar. Therefore, drinking this drink in large quantities is highly discouraged.

Very often, strawberry compote is recommended for women in position, especially in the first two trimesters of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that such a berry contains a large amount of folic acid, which is responsible for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.


All housewives should know how to cook strawberry compote. After all, this drink contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. However, one cannot fail to say that he also has contraindications for use. For example, a berry drink is forbidden for people with acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and an allergic reaction, which most often affects babies under 3 years old.

Strawberry compote: a simple recipe

Few people know, but strawberry compote at home can be made in many ways. We decided to start with the simplest and most popular recipe. To implement it, we need a small set of ingredients:

  • freshly picked non-sour strawberries - about 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 200 g;

Selecting and processing berries

Before you cook strawberry compote, you should purchase a suitable berry. It is best to collect it with your own hands at your summer cottage. If you do not have one, then it is advisable to purchase strawberries in the market. It should be freshly picked, large or medium in size, and free of any putrid elements.

It is best to buy a berry with a stalk. In this case, the strawberries should be as sweet as possible and completely red. If you use greenish berries with a noticeable sourness, then your compote will turn out not very tasty.

After acquiring strawberries, you should start processing them. To do this, the berries are laid out in a colander and washed in turn with cool water, removing the stalks.

Compote preparation process

Strawberry compote, the recipe of which we are considering, is very rich and tasty. But this is only if the berry was used not greenhouse, but real, homemade.

After processing the strawberries, they are laid out in a three-liter glass jar, which is sterilized in advance in any way. To get the most delicious drink with a berry, you need to fill the container by a third or half.

As soon as the fresh product is in the jar, it is immediately poured with boiling water. Having covered the container with a lid, its contents are kept for half an hour, and then poured into a saucepan, leaving the berries in place.

Bringing the reddish liquid to a boil, add granulated sugar to it and mix well.

After the described actions, the syrup is again poured into the jar and immediately rolled up with a boiled lid. In this form, the container is turned upside down and left under a thick blanket for several days.

Over time, the drink is removed to the cellar or pantry. Strawberry compote, harvested for the winter, can be consumed only after a few weeks. During this time, it will be saturated with the aromas of berries, it will become even redder and very tasty.

Cooking strawberry compote for the winter

This method of harvesting berry compote allows you to maximize the preservation of all useful strawberry vitamins and its appearance.

It should be noted that, using this recipe in practice, you can get a very sweet or even cloying drink. This is due to the fact that a fairly large amount of sugar is used for its preparation. But first things first.

So, in order to prepare berry compote yourself, for 1 liter of ordinary drinking water you should use:

  • granulated sugar - about 600-800 g;
  • fresh strawberries - 1.5 cups.

Step by step cooking method

How to cook strawberry compote at home? The process of preparing such a drink is noticeably different from the previous one.

First you need to process the berry. It is thoroughly washed and cleaned from the stalks. Next, the strawberries are shaken in a colander and left aside for a while. After that, proceed to the preparation of syrup. To do this, ordinary drinking water and granulated sugar are combined in a separate container. After mixing the components, they are put on the stove and slowly brought to a boil.

After the sweet liquid begins to boil strongly, previously processed berries are laid out to it and mixed well, trying not to harm their integrity.

On very low heat, the ingredients are again brought to a boil and boiled for exactly five minutes. Next, the berry is removed from the stove and left in a thick syrup until it cools completely.

After some time, the contents of the dishes are again brought to a boil and hot poured into jars. Having rolled up the containers with boiled lids, they are turned over and left in this form for several hours (until they cool down).

How to store and use?

As mentioned above, compote prepared according to this recipe is very sweet. Therefore, after aging in the cellar for 2-3 weeks, it should only be consumed diluted. To do this, the syrup with berries is poured into a glass, and then cooled boiling water is added to it and mixed well. This drink is very rich and tasty.

We make berry compote in our own juice

Such a drink can be used both as a concentrated compote and as a preparation for it. For this we need the following products:

  • fresh strawberries - about 1 kg;
  • fine sugar - approximately 500 g (to your liking).

Cooking process

To make compote from berries in your own juice, you should use the most juicy, ripe and sweet strawberries. Only such a product will contribute to the production of a rich and concentrated drink.

So how is strawberry compote prepared? How much sugar does this require? Sweet spice for such a drink should be used to your liking. We suggest taking about 500 g of sugar per 1 kg of fresh product.

After preparing the main components, you will need to thoroughly rinse the berries and shake them vigorously in a colander. Next, strawberries must be put in a sterilized jar, alternating it with granulated sugar.

After closing the container with a plastic lid, shake it well so that the sugar is evenly distributed over all the berries. In this form, the jar is placed in a dark place and kept at room temperature for 10 hours. During this time, the berry should give its juice, forming a bright red and very fragrant syrup together with sugar.

How to sterilize?

After a lot of syrup forms in a jar of strawberries, it is opened and covered again, but with a metal lid. In this form, the container is placed in a deep saucepan and ordinary drinking water is poured into it. In this case, the liquid should reach the shoulders of the jar.

After the water boils, the strawberry compote in its own juice is sterilized for 10 minutes. After this time, the jar is carefully removed and immediately rolled up.

Turning the bottom up, cover the container with a thick towel and leave at room temperature for 20-25 hours. Next, the compote is cleaned in a dark and cool room.

Making a delicious drink with pulp

Strawberry compote is especially delicious when cooked with pulp. To do this, it is necessary to use not whole berries, but crushed in mashed potatoes. But first things first.

So, for self-preparation of a berry drink, we need the following components:

  • freshly picked non-sour strawberries - about 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 250 g;
  • drinking water - about 2.5 liters.

Drink preparation method

Before you cook berry compote, you need to process all the strawberries. It is thoroughly washed and cleaned from the stalks. Next, the product is placed in a blender bowl and crushed until a homogeneous puree is formed. It is distributed in pre-sterilized jars, filling the containers by 1/3. After that, ordinary drinking water is brought to a boil in a separate pan and granulated sugar is added to it.

After pouring the chopped strawberries with the resulting syrup, the drink is covered with a lid and left in this state for 30 minutes. After a while, the entire contents of the jar are poured into the pan and brought to a boil again.

After boiling the ingredients for about 5 minutes, they are again distributed in containers and immediately rolled up. At the same time, make sure that in all jars there is an equal amount of pulp and syrup.

Having rolled the berry compote with boiled lids, it is turned upside down and covered with a thick blanket. At room temperature, the drink is kept for a day, after which it is removed to the pantry or cellar. It is advisable to use such compote after a few weeks after seaming. By the way, before this strawberry drink should be shaken strongly right in the jar. So you get a homogeneous compote, which can be safely presented even to a festive feast.