How to get your girlfriend back: advice from psychologists and magical rituals. which I threw myself

We are used to thinking that only women are subject to nervous stress during parting, and only they are ready to take a desperate step in order to return their former love. Such a stereotype has developed in society due to the special female sensitivity and vulnerability. In fact, when a relationship breaks up, men suffer no less, and they are also capable of much to win back the love of a girl.

Features of life situations

There is no exact answer to the question of how to return a girl. Because the breakup of relationships occurs for completely different reasons, everyone has different life situations. Perhaps this is a case when it will never be possible to return the girl, because there is no love on her part. But there are times when, due to misunderstanding, resentment and other mistakes, people who love each other part. Time passes, and with it the understanding of how strong feelings are. In such a situation, of course, the relationship is entitled to a second chance. Therefore, the line of conduct that a man should choose will directly depend on the situation of parting.

How to return feelings, in the case when the girl left the guy?

Girls leave their boyfriends much less frequently than girls' boyfriends. And, since a girl is by nature more amorous and more serious in a relationship, the reason for the breakup is also serious. Therefore, first you need to understand the reasons for the breakup. If the girl left, then something did not suit her in the relationship. Sometimes they leave with a clear statement of their claims, and sometimes they do it in silence. Of course, knowing the reason makes it easier to try to correct mistakes and build relationships. Most often, girls break off relationships because of:

  • unreasonable jealousy;
  • manifestations of cowardice;
  • unwillingness to change for the better;
  • trying to please always and in everything.

In such cases, it is much easier to plan how to get the girl back. After analyzing your behavior, you need to ask yourself the question: “Can I change in order to return the relationship?”. If a man is ready for radical changes, then there is a chance to return his girlfriend. It is worth remembering that the girl makes the decision to break up when her feelings, if not gone completely, then cooled down. Therefore, the main task of the guy is to make him become interesting to the girl again. To do this, he needs to acquire a number of attractive features that are so important for girls:

  • leadership skills;
  • self confidence;
  • determination;
  • persistence;
  • courage.

A girl should feel small and protected next to a guy. She should not make decisions and take responsibility. There is a man for this - the girl must be sure of this.

But there is another reason why a girl leaves a guy, and this reason is much more serious: the girl leaves for another man.

How to get your girlfriend back if she left for another man?

In this case, the chances of resuming the relationship are small, but they are. Of course, if a girl left you for another man, you need to understand that, most likely, there are feelings there. And in this case, you need to realize the hopelessness of your efforts. But perhaps the feelings are not strong enough. Or maybe she did it to spite you. However, in an attempt to get the girl back, you need to think carefully: do you need it? Can you forgive your girlfriend? Do you need a girl because you love her or to satisfy your own ego? Having answered these questions and having finally established your decision, you can proceed to action.

It should be remembered that there should be absolutely no manifestation of aggression towards the girl. And, if it still manages to be returned, there should be no reproaches. Also, you do not need to arrange a showdown with the man to whom your girlfriend left. And even more so to resort to assault. Such actions will cause pity in the girl and turn her against you.

In a girl, you need to try to wake up feelings with pleasant deeds, courtship, pleasant little things and surprises. After all, once she chose you, for some reason she fell in love with you. And now she must understand that she will feel good and comfortable only with you. At the same time, actions should be unobtrusive and gradual, bringing only positive emotions. There is no need to shout at every step about your love. Trying to get your girlfriend back, you need to try to become her friend. She will be pleased with the interest in her life, in what is happening at her work, in the family, how her relatives feel. Friendly advice and help in difficult moments will help you get closer to your girlfriend again. If the opportunity presents itself, you need to help her in solving any questions or problems. Girls love it when their problems are solved by a stronger person - a man.

Intimate life can also play a role in solving the problem of how to get a girl back. If sex was wonderful in the past, then why not use it now. You just need to understand a few rules:

  • sex should get even better, so you should be creative;
  • attitude towards a girl during sex should be like the first time;
  • during sex, do not ask her about the man she went to and certainly do not ask for comparison;
  • at the moment of intimacy, the girl should feel that you love her without words.

Life tips on how to get a girl back

Trying to return the girl and restore relations, you can ask for advice from men who are more experienced in these matters. It can be an older brother, father, uncle, work colleague. You can ask for advice from a friend of a girl or woman, what would make them return to an ex-man? But they probably won’t say anything new, since the relationship between a man and a woman is a centuries-old rules and conditions that rarely deviate from the borders. And if you ask women what they value and want to see in their chosen one, then the answers will be, in principle, the same:

  1. Mind. The male intellect has always excited girls more than the male pumped-up body.
  2. Honesty. You need to honestly admit your mistakes and weaknesses, try to correct them.
  3. Friendliness. It's about your girlfriend's friends. Their sympathy, trust and support will help win the heart of your beloved again.
  4. Gallantry. A set of gentlemanly qualities - good manners and courtship has not yet been canceled.
  5. Sociability. Be talkative and witty. Sociability and a sense of humor are very much appreciated by girls.
  6. Attentiveness. Listen to the words and desires of the girl. Sometimes it is precisely because she was not heard that the girl leaves.
  7. Perseverance and perseverance. You need to make it clear to the girl that you just won’t give up on your goal. After all, a man is a hunter by vocation.

Basic advice from a psychologist: how to get your girlfriend back

Any psychologist will advise the same algorithm of actions that should be followed in an attempt to regain lost relationships and feelings:

  1. Don't panic, don't do stupid things.
  2. Not being depressed, this can only arouse the pity of the girl and further move away from her.
  3. Do not bother with calls and sms, gifts, unexpected meetings, do not be intrusive.
    Do not throw tantrums, do not threaten, do not manipulate.
  4. Do not try to solve the problem through relatives or friends.
  5. Do not try to return the girl by deceit and cunning.
  6. Do not look for someone to blame for what happened.
  7. You need to understand your behavior, analyze your own mistakes.
  8. You need to cross out all the past and try to start a relationship from scratch.
  9. And constantly work on yourself, improve as a man.

Action plan

After the final decision that you need to get your girlfriend and relationship back, you need to develop a specific, clear plan of action that you need to follow. Surely, it will be difficult to do, but it is patience that is an important quality at this moment.

  1. After parting, you need to disappear from her life for at least a month. Let him get used to life without you, maybe even have time to get bored and the following points of the plan will not have to be implemented.
  2. Work on your character and appearance. After separation, the girl should see cardinal changes in you for the better.
  3. An easy meeting with no obligation. Surely, the girl will wait for declarations of love, tearful requests to return, but no such luck! A modest bouquet of flowers, a cup of coffee and a friendly conversation.
  4. Constant but unobtrusive communication. Gradually, day by day, the girl is convinced that you are the man she needs.
  5. First intimacy after a breakup. Here you need to remember everything that was already mentioned above in this article. The main thing is to show yourself the best.
  6. Don't relax! Sex does not mean that the relationship will return. The girl needs to prove that the changes in you have really happened, and not in order to achieve her again.

If all the planned actions lead to the resumption of relations and these relations become even brighter and stronger than before, then this means that your efforts were not in vain. If it didn’t work out to return the girl, you don’t need to make a second attempt, which means that there are no feelings on her part, and one-sided relationships have never brought happiness to anyone. Open up to a new love, and it will definitely find you!

I re-read a lot of sites, articles, but I could not find the right answers anywhere. This is the first site where I could draw at least some conclusions for myself, therefore I am writing this comment. Before that, he did not write anywhere and did not talk about his situation. Probably, like everyone sitting here, I consider my story special. I don't know what to do, and March 8 is just around the corner. I really hope for a quick help. I am weak and afraid to lose HER forever. I have already made a lot of mistakes, excessive attention, excessive persistence, talking about feelings, adjusting to the interests of my object, and even trying to appeal to female logic.

The situation is rather complicated. It seems unrealistic to me to return a girl who never had feelings for me, or they still appeared and I buried them myself.

I am 21, she is 24. I have had sympathy for this girl for a very long time, for 7 years. Due to the age difference, at 14, I could not even dream that someday I would just get to know her. For as long as I can remember, she has always been quite popular. And now, 7 years later, we are together. Were.

Our story begins 1.5 years ago. At that time, I already knew her, but not as close as I would like. So clean, one meeting in the company, then a couple of times HELLO-HELLO. And all this time she did not suspect my sympathy. I was afraid to send her a friend request, because. it seemed to me that if she did not accept him, that was all. I lived in the hope that somehow something would happen sometime, that we would get closer. I waited and waited, and now, unable to bear it, I sent a request. She accepted him, and even offered to meet at a local party where she was going to go with her friend. I went there with a friend. Since that day, we have become inseparable. We exchanged numbers, chatting online 24/7. My sympathy began to grow into something more, but I still hid it. Although he tried to show it with some actions that she did not notice. And so I confessed that I want to be with her. Received a refusal.

I have never considered myself a guy who runs after someone, humiliates or achieves. I won’t say that I’m not popular with other girls, quite the contrary. I always got what I wanted. Haven't heard a single rejection yet. Since the very 14 years since which I have sympathy for her, I managed to be in a serious relationship twice (3.5 years and 1.2). I loved. There were also many fleeting romances. I won't say what I thought of her. On the contrary, I didn’t think at all, I had a different life, but sympathy for her lived all this time. She just seemed so unattainable. And now life gives me the opportunity, we spend a lot of time together, everything is fine, we laugh, we walk. And she refuses me. She is. The same one. The first one to reject me. It was a blow. By pride, by feelings, by everything.

After that, we stopped talking. I didn't last even a week. I bought a huge bouquet of meter-long red roses with the last money and came to pour out my soul. She said she needed to think. We ended up meeting 2 days later. The atmosphere was intimate. Everything hinted at the fact that this is YES. Yes, and one of my friend she said that she agreed to try. We then drank, I stayed overnight for the first time. She lives by herself. We kissed all night, but I did not dare to go further. Not because I didn’t want to, it just seemed wrong to me to take advantage of her, her drunken state. I thought that we were already together and would have time to have sex again. The next day, she suddenly changed her mind, said that there was nothing between us. It seemed strange to me. What then happened that night? Is it drunk? Does she act like this with every “friend”? It seems to me that even if you value a person as a friend, they don’t do that. I felt like they were playing with me. It was spit. I was looking for a reason, what's wrong? Maybe because he did not cross this very line and did not show her seriousness. After all, the girl is not 16. Experience is present. Sounds weird. I still don't know what it was or why. After her words that there was nothing between us, I said that this was the end of our communication and I would never disturb her again. And I kept my word. We did not communicate for a long 11 months. I do not know what happened in her life during this time. With whom, what, how and when. I just missed you, but I kept my word.

And after 11 months, she showed up herself. It's just that at one of the parties I took a picture with a girl that many considered to be HER. Although they only have hair color in common (the photo was in profile). I uploaded the photo to Instagram, and questions poured in and in my direction, whether she was in the photo and did we resume communication.

As a result, she wrote to me, asking me to mark the girl in the photo, as she is embarrassed by these questions. This started a conversation, without tension, laughed, I asked how she was doing and she offered to meet for a chat. Then I didn’t really count on anything, but I didn’t freeze either. I didn't hold a grudge, I'm not touchy at all. I'm just drawing conclusions. I draw conclusions and continue to idealize it.

We met. We talked. Rushed. Again non-stop communication. Jokes. Second meeting, third. And here she herself leads to the question of what I need from her. To which I replied “You. And you know it". She asked for time to think. And this time we became a couple. Everything was great. We spent a lot of time together. I tried to do everything in my power for her. I never have much money, although not from a poor family. My parents do not indulge me, and studying from morning to evening and training do not allow me to get a job yet. When it never comes out somewhere to “make something up”. But I tried not to refuse her anything. I rather denied myself. I could save on food, I lost a lot of weight. But I never gave the appearance that I could not do something for her. I tried to surprise. Debts increased. There was no return. Even sometimes they did without an elementary “thank you”. Perhaps my mistake is that I never said that I actually had no money and she thought that I was a major who spends well and spends. Although I sacrificed a lot and wanted to receive something in return. It came to sex, but there was no initiative from her. It seems that we meet, everything seems to be fine, but she just didn’t want me, because of which a variety of thoughts came into my head. If not with me, then with whom? Maybe there is someone, maybe something is wrong with me. It's the same with kissing. I climbed, she answered, but not though. Then there were reproaches that I climb too much, I am an egoist. But I just wanted to know that she cares. I was waiting for an answer.

Before February 14, on this basis, (supposedly I don’t listen to her, I don’t give a damn about what she says, I do what I want) we almost broke up, didn’t communicate for 2 days. For the holiday, I came to her with flowers and a gift without a call. Reconciled. That evening I did not climb to her, I tried to restrain myself. But already at the subsequent meeting, I lost my head, climbed and was refused. After that, there was another, already the last meeting. I had to leave on business in another city, I came to her in the morning instead of seeing couples, again I could not stand it and climbed. When I was refused, I decided to persevere. My eyes burned like those of a bull shown a red rag. Everything happened. But not entirely consensual. They didn't give it to me, rather I took it. I took it and then left. That day everything was fine with us. While I was in another city, our communication began to deteriorate, when she arrived, she did not find time to meet, arguing that there were a lot of things to do and problems. And then she wrote at all that she wanted to leave, because instead of conquering the soul and inner world, I was engaged in satisfying my physical needs. But this is far from being the case. According to her, I went too far and she felt nothing but my lust. This is far from being the case, I lived for her, I was ready to give her the whole world. Maybe I went too far, but like any other man, I clearly wanted sex. I wanted to be with her. As I already wrote, I am not deprived of female attention. Go and insert somewhere is not a problem. The problem is, I don't want it. I need her.

Said she definitely didn't give a fuck about me, but I'm not the one she wants to be in a relationship with. In general, we lasted a little more than a month. During this time there were many positive moments. Is it really the reason that I just went too far? This is some kind of nonsense. I don’t think that everyone in front of whom she spread her legs opened her inner world. And her last relationship was 2 years ago. I don’t believe that during this time she didn’t have anyone, I never will. What's wrong with me? Why such a problem? Is it really my fault? She made me feel guilty. Or the reason was different, and she found an excuse to leave

This is the 6th day that we are not together. No calls, no messages. Feeling like I've been taken advantage of, but I don't want our story to end. Every minute I feel like I'm losing her more and more. Trying to follow the rules and just move on, hoping she'll come to her senses. But the probability is very small. She has a very complex personality. Highly. Even if she is aware of something, she is not the first to make a move. More like 2 back. And what to realize if it meant nothing to her.

The day after tomorrow March 8th. I do not know how to be. Arrive with flowers, send by courier to remind you of yourself, or do nothing at all and just write “happy holiday”. I do not want to be weak in her eyes, I do not want to be humiliated, but I want to return everything. It seems to me that she expects me to not stand aside for this holiday and let me know about myself. I taught it like that. Is it possible to do nothing to play on the contrast? How will she understand that I'm not there? Or do the wrong thing and try to talk. It's also the kind of thing that she has some of my things at home that I'll have to go pick up. We did not live together, but there are things. How to be? Help advice.

Getting your girlfriend back can be much more difficult than starting over with a new girlfriend, but if you're sure you have an incredible connection, it's worth it. Perhaps your girlfriend decided to break up, or you yourself ended the relationship, but then realized that you made a big mistake - there are many ways to rekindle the old passion with your girlfriend. If you want to get your lady back and keep her this time, just follow these steps.


back off

  1. Give your ex free space. If you want your girlfriend back, the worst thing you can do is keep calling her, texting her every two seconds, or following her wherever she goes. As the saying goes, "...out of sight out of mind," so give your ex a breather so she has time to think things over, enjoy her privacy, and regain her emotional strength to want you again.

    • Know that by giving your ex some space, you show maturity. She will be grateful to you that you respect her enough not to put pressure on her, and also, she will see that you are a fairly mature person and you have something to do.
    • You don't have to cut off communication completely. Feel free to check in from time to time, as long as it doesn't sound like you're desperate to hear it and think about it all the time.
    • If she talks to you, answer her, but don't run to her the moment she calls or texts, or she'll think you're crazy about her. Just be calm.
    • You don't have to avoid her 100% of the time, but you should limit your trips to places you enjoyed spending time together and don't try to hang out with your mutual friends in the hope of seeing her. Think of it as a stage of regrouping before winning.
  2. Consider what went wrong. All relationships are unique, as is their end. If you want to win your woman back, you need to think about what went wrong, what led to the end, so as not to take this step again. Where did you have too much control, where did you pull away, or where did the general incompatibility occur? Maybe it's simpler - maybe you just didn't get along with her friends, or she couldn't understand your passion for motorcycles. Whatever it is, it's time to dig deeper to find the source of the problem.

    • Make a list of all the things that have caused problems in the relationship. Then, find the most serious contradictions that led to the collapse.
    • Perhaps you openly discussed it with your ex before you broke up, or perhaps you assumed that you would break up for one reason, but it turned out for a completely different one.
    • Once you've identified the underlying problem or problems, make sure it's something you can control. For example, if you broke up because of fundamental differences in religious views, or because you live on different sides of the country and do not have the opportunity to move, it will be difficult for you to overcome this.
  3. Develop a plan for how to deal with this problem. Before you take the step and start a conversation with your ex, you need to figure out how to deal with this problem. Once you've figured out what the problem was, you can start thinking about all the things that need to be fixed. If it's relatively simple, great. But be aware that some issues may take longer.

    • If the problem was your self-doubt, then it will take time for you to develop a positive sense of yourself.
    • If the problem was your jealousy, then work on being more trusting and less suspicious.
    • If the problem was in the quality of the sexual relationship, then you should consider what can be done to fix it, or how to work on it together.
  4. Improve yourself. Everyone can improve themselves a little, and what better time to do so than when you're trying to get your ex back? While you're stepping back and giving your ex some space, you can take the time to become a more confident, understanding, and mature person. This will allow you to make a better impression on your ex when you try to get her back.

    • Of course, you cannot solve all your shortcomings in a week, but you can definitely make a great start to it.
    • Write a list of what your ex complained about and the things you want to fix. See how much you can eliminate, or try to focus on what matters most to you.
    • If your ex has been complaining about how messy you are, then spend more time tidying up your house.
    • If your ex has complained about how lazy you are and how late you are, then work on learning how to keep your commitments and show up on time for meetings with friends and family.
  5. Enjoy the company of yourself. You don't have to spend all your time improving yourself and thinking about your ex. Instead, enjoy the company of yourself: read, exercise, or take the time just to develop your interests and goals to become a better person. If you feel good on your own, your ex will understand when you meet again. It is very important to protect yourself before attempting to get back into a relationship.

    • If you're mindful of your own business, your ex might notice - whether you're going for a run or reading your favorite book at a coffee shop, if she sees how self-sufficient you are, she'll be impressed.
    • By minding your own business, you also become a more interesting person. When you start talking with your ex again, you will have more things to talk about.

    Make her want you again

    1. Let her see that you are having a great time. If you want your woman back, then she must see you by chance. When enough time has passed - at least a couple of weeks - it will be time to return to her social environment, or just "accidentally" walk by, at such a moment that she sees what an amazing time you are having. If she knows that you are sitting at home and yearning for her, you will be much less likely that she will want to be with you than if she sees you cheerful, throwing your hair back and laughing out loud with friends.

      • Go where there is a chance to meet her, but so that your goal is not too obvious. When you see her, stop and start a conversation so she can see that you care, but you don't have to drop everything and run to her. Instead, have fun with your friends so she'll want to join in on the fun.
      • Whatever you do, make sure you have a big smile on your face and that you are laughing and obviously enjoying the way you are spending your time without thinking about her.
      • When you meet her, try to be a little nicer and more friendly than usual, but in a way that your efforts are not obvious.
    2. Get the favor of her friends. Maybe the reason for the end of the relationship is that her friends did not feel interested in you from you, or it seemed to them that you were not trying to make the relationship better. Therefore, if you want your girl to want you again, win her friends over - this will pave the way for you to her heart. Here's what you can do:

      • If you meet her friends, try to be incredibly friendly, but don't strangle them. Let them see what a wonderful guy you are, and then go about your business.
      • You can even ask them about an ex. Let them know what you think of her.
    3. Approach her slowly. After you "accidentally walked by" for a few minutes, it's time to take the next step. Start talking to her, asking her how she's doing, take a real interest in her life and thoughts. Let her understand that you are thinking about her and really care, but don't push your feelings. You can just drop by her university, or even take her out for a cup of coffee, slowly looking for ways to bring her back into your life.

      • On the phone or at a meeting, tell her that you want to meet again. Behave normally. When you go to a meeting, do not give out your romantic feelings. Let her want to hear from you how you feel.
    4. Play hard to get. If you really want her back, you need to play hard to get in order to actually bring her back into your life. Sure, you've had coffee, watched a movie, or even gone back to texting or chatting every few days, but that doesn't mean you have to be completely available to her. You need to find a balance between making her think that you are at her disposal.

      • If you're in a big group, let her see you hanging out with other girls - enough to make her a little jealous. Don't overdo it. You don't want her to think you're moving on.
      • If she calls you for a meeting, do not immediately agree as soon as she is free. Put thinks you have a busy schedule and needs to make time for her.
      • If you're hanging out together, check your phone or text a time or two and let her guess who else you're talking to.
    5. Show what has changed. When you started to slowly rekindle the old passion, you need to show that you are now a different person. Don't do those old things that drove her crazy. You can even laugh and point out how much you have changed for the better, if you want to clearly mark these points. If she keeps complaining about how dirty your car is, wash it and say, “Not bad, right?” the next time she needs you to give her a lift.

      • Do whatever you can to show that you are working on whatever caused the relationship problems the last time, and gradually getting better.
      • But remember that you don’t need to change completely - she should still have what she loved about you, so emphasize everything that you matched.
    6. Make sure she's interested. Before you tell her about your feelings, you need to make sure that your plan to win back your woman will work. You should be on the lookout for signs that your ex wants to not only be friends with you, but also has romantic feelings for you. To do this, be attentive to everything she does and says, and also study her body language to understand that you are at the right stage.

      • Watch her body language when you are together. Does she look you in the eye? Does she look down from time to time when she is embarrassed? Leaning towards you when he speaks? If so, she may want to get closer to you.
      • Does she compliment you about how you've changed, or does she just constantly point out your positive qualities? If so, maybe she would like to start dating again.
      • See if she hangs out with other guys, have you heard that she's into someone, or does she only hang out with you?
      • Does she change her plans to see you? Does he talk about future meetings? Do her eyes light up when you ask when you can see her again?
    7. Tell her how you feel. If you are sure that she wants to be with you again, it's time to tell her how you feel. Pick a time to be alone with her (going on a date, or a simpler but more private setting), turn to her and tell her how much you missed her, and that you wanted to be with her again.

      • Let her see that you've thought about this a lot - tell her that you figured out exactly what went wrong and explain how you plan to avoid it in the future.
      • Tell her that you spent a lot of time thinking about the situation and looking for ways to be a better person. Show her that you have already put in the effort to be with her.
    8. Start dating again. If your loved one has responded to your proposal and agreed to meet again, it's time to celebrate, but not too much. Remember that everything should happen gradually, be a gentleman to make it easier to get back into a relationship. Enjoy dates, tell each other how you feel, kiss, hug, think about how much you mean to each other instead of rushing back to where you started.

      • Remember to take it step by step. You don't have to start chatting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, go on dates a couple of times a week. You don't want her to feel pressure at the very beginning of your relationship.
      • Just because you're dating again doesn't mean you have to take her for granted. Compliment her, make her feel special, and let her know how happy you are to be with her again.
  6. Focus on the here and now while trying to avoid old bad habits.
  7. You and your girlfriend can work on this together. She will also take part in maintaining the novelty of the relationship by avoiding negative patterns of behavior. You should not be the only one trying to fix the old and build a new and reliable one.
  8. Always be yourself. While it's important to create the necessary changes to improve yourself and relationships, don't go too far. Otherwise, you or your girlfriend will simply not recognize you in the person you suddenly become. Your girlfriend loves a lot about you or she wouldn't be in a relationship, so remember to uphold the positive qualities that make you a good guy in the first place.

    • If you try to change yourself too much, your girlfriend will tell you so. She already knows you well and will understand if you're trying to be someone you're not.
    • Fighting weaknesses is good as long as you also emphasize your positive qualities.

From this article you will learn:

It doesn't matter how old you are: 15 or 45 - when a woman leaves you, it is always unpleasant, it hits male pride hard and makes you doubt yourself. Most men in such a situation, considering it unacceptable to humiliate themselves and ask for forgiveness (especially if they are not to blame for the breakup), simply give up, let go of the situation and lick their wounds in the company of another (most often unloved) woman or in the company of friends. In fact, there are simple ways to return a girl, without humiliation and suffering. A few psychological tactics and tricks will allow you to do this in a guaranteed, beautiful way, and most importantly, to achieve the desired result, and not give up and leave as a loser. So let's start.

If you want to return - understand yourself

If you don't know how to get your girlfriend back, first sit down and think about your relationship. Usually men drive thoughts away from themselves, they don’t want to delve into the essence of what happened: it’s easier for them to lie low and survive these unpleasant days after the break without any showdown. But if you are still intend to return their beloved and the only one, you have to put your thoughts on the shelves. If this is a burden for you, just use our tips.

  1. Think about the reason for your breakup. Even if this is another man, you will have to admit that it is you who are to blame for this, because your woman is interested in another.
  2. Once you've identified the cause, think about how it can be fixed. If in your behavior - it will need to be radically changed. If in another guy - make the girl understand that you are better than him in every way. If the girl's feelings have passed - revive again, seducing her again!
  3. Realizing that any reason for your breakup is theoretically completely eliminated, you will understand that nothing is lost yet. You just need to do the right thing. And not with pressure and perseverance, but competently and tactfully.

In the course of such reflections on how to return an ex-girlfriend, your mood will rise, because you will understand that nothing has been lost yet. This is very important for your next steps. Do not lose this fighting spirit until the very end of the campaign - and success will be guaranteed to you. Men need to know that even if a woman says she doesn't want to see you, it doesn't mean anything. Read between the lines: "Let's see how you behave now." And since in most cases the guys, not wanting to ask the girl to return, leave, and the relationship ends. But this is not your case. You are moving on.

Frontal attack - and the battle is lost

Many men, in search of the right solution, how to return the feelings of a girl, get down to business too hard and achieve nothing. Armfuls of flowers, romantic confessions, desperate serenades under the window - all this, of course, is beautiful, but in 90% it does not work in such cases. Here the girl should be given time to think, to understand herself too. Especially if the breakup was your fault, and she is offended. Naturally, she will reject all sorts of persistent courtship. They will even annoy her, because that is what she is waiting for. This is exactly what men call "female logic." And you have to break it.

  1. Do not repeat the most typical mistakes of men after they were abandoned by a girl - no need to go on a drinking binge, complain about your fate to everyone in a row, humiliate yourself in front of her, arrange public tantrums ... All this will fail your plan.
  2. But don't use the cardinally opposite measure - to show deliberate joy, to cuddle with other girls in front of her, to go on a spree, to walk around the clubs - don't use it either. After all, all women are different. One, seeing such behavior, will really think: “Mine!” - and she will come to you. But the majority will be offended even more - and then nothing can be done.
  3. The best option in such a situation is to remain calm and neutral. Of course, add some romantic sadness when you meet your ex. Throw languid glances at her, filled with tenderness, sigh occasionally, tell a friend about your sadness who could convey your sadness to her. Trust me, she will appreciate it.
  4. Be like this for a week, but do not make any attempts to reconcile. Do not call, do not write, do not speak first. If she gets in touch, answer in monosyllables, sadly, but warmly and gently. She must be confused about your attitude towards her. Intrigue her - and then the case will be 100% won.
  5. When thinking about how to get a girl back after a breakup, it’s better not to use the mechanism of jealousy, as many people advise in such cases. You will appear before her eyes with another - consider that you have lost her forever.
  6. And one more piece of advice - take care of yourself during this short break that the girl arranged for you. This applies to appearance (do your hair, sign up for a gym, start eating right), and career. Believe me: not a single woman will remain indifferent to this, and even more so the one who left you.

This is the first, but the most important stage on the way of how to return a girl if her feelings have cooled down: your task here is to interest her again, seduce her, let her unobtrusively understand that you need her, that you feel bad, but you are a strong man and capable withstand this blow. Then everything should go much easier if you did everything right here.

The final maneuver, how to get the girl back

Once you have prepared the ground, it will now be much easier to figure out how to win back the love of the girl who left you. At the final stage, it will be much easier to do the following:

  • enter her life again - as a good friend, always ready to help, a friend, without whom she cannot do in a difficult life situation;
  • two weeks later, when you feel that she has begun to thaw, give her a rose (or chamomile), invite her to dinner or for a walk: believe me, she will not refuse;
  • often remember with her those happy moments that you experienced before the break;
  • unobtrusively and with warm sadness, hint how you miss her;
  • do not succumb to provocations: she will advise you to get someone, get to know someone: claim that you don’t need anyone now;
  • tell her more often about your plans for the future, about your career, about success at work;
  • and, finally, the surest way to return a girl is to treat her with tenderness, love and warmth, so that she understands that you are exactly the man she needs.

Such psychological help to get the girl back always works if you really intend to fix an upset relationship. And do not listen to those who assure that a broken glass cannot be glued together. Human relationships are very multifaceted, personalities and people are all very different. But if two people are meant for each other and you are sure that this girl is yours, act, do not give up, do not give up. Women are not always adequate and logical in their actions - so that's what you and the man are for, to correct this and direct them in the right direction - to walk hand in hand with you.


Before you sprinkle ashes on your head and think about how to get the girl back, you need to increase your self-esteem and think about why and for what you need an ex.

Do you really need her the way you think, or is it your hurt ego telling you? Do you still love her or are you just used to regular sex and delicious dinner? Is that why you want your ex girlfriend back?

Of course, it's easier that way. After all, in order to start something with a new girl, you need to strain yourself and make an effort. And with the former, everything is much easier. That is why the majority may have this treacherous thought: how to return the beloved girl who left?

I perfectly understand that your pride is hurt, and fantasy is already starting to draw pictures in your head of how she spends time with another guy.

You begin to think, what if she does not suffer at all, what if she is much better off without me than with me? That may be the root of your desire to get her back.

But still, honestly ask yourself if you really want to return the relationship with the girl, do you need her? Or are you just following the principle? In order to make a final decision, read my article 8 reasons to be happy if a girl dumped you or this girl dumped you? Congratulations . Suddenly let go.

If not, here are some reasons for you to think about.

Why did the girl leave you?

To begin with, you need to sit down, calm down and think over everything without too much emotionality.

You are an adult boy and you understand that nothing happens just like that in this world. There is a reason for everything. What was wrong?

You broke up for a reason. What shoals did you allow? Maybe he didn't pay enough attention to her. Perhaps he just got used to it and stopped surprising and delighting. Perhaps it has all turned into a routine.

There may be a lot of reasons, but somewhere in the depths you know the answer for sure. Even if the woman argued all this with banal phrases, like “You are too good for me”, “We are not suitable for each other”, and so on.

Judge for yourself, if you met your ideal, would you refuse it just like that? Of course not.

Top reasons why you got dumped:

1. You were unpromising.

She didn't see her future with you. Because you yourself did not see your future.

You stupidly went with the flow and did not want to change anything. It is clear that no girl will like this. She didn't see a future in you.

If you sit at the same place of work for three years, spend all weekends with friends and beer, and after work you come and lie down on the couch, what are the prospects?

2. You were nothing.

There is only one name left in you from the man.

You were passive, boring, boring, too predictable, simple, uninteresting. In a word, a beta male. What should she do next to you?

Where did the guy she fell in love with go? Who looked after himself, ran to the gym after work, was fond of his hobbies. Where is the one whose eyes were burning?

If you do not bring anything new and useful into her life, do not give her any emotions? It is not difficult to guess that she will look for all this on the side. And it is unlikely that he wants to restore relations.

3. Your behavior and attitude towards her.

Perhaps you thought that since you already have a girlfriend, you can relax and do nothing else. Why, if she is already with you?

This is the most erroneous opinion in the world, which has already ruined many relationships.

Advice! You have to achieve it, appreciate it, arrange surprises, indulge, give gifts. And do not leave it at the initial period.

A woman is a beautiful but complex creature. And don't forget that you are a man. Review your behavior.

Relationships need to be constantly worked on.

4. Routine.

Nothing interesting happened to you, you spent little time together. You simply existed next to each other. She will leave boring and monotonous relationships. And you will think about how to return the girl who left you.

Yes, you have some kind of plan and scheme in your head on how to behave with a girl. But think, where did you get all this from?

Have you seen it in movies, read it in books, did your friends tell you? The bottom line is that no one has ever taught you how to properly communicate with a girl.

Therefore, the brains of most guys are clogged with all sorts of romantic crap that has nothing to do with reality. Understand that you were not abandoned because you did something wrong, but because something was wrong with you. You need to change!

What can't be done?

First, you don't need to drive yourself into depression.

Do not whine, do not complain about life and circumstances. Accept her decision well. This is what a normal, self-confident man does.

Whatever happens to you at this time, you should never humiliate yourself and lower yourself in front of her. Do not beg her to return, and most importantly - do not put pressure on pity.

It is with the help of such behavior that you look in her eyes as a complete nonentity. And if you still don't know how to get the girl you love back, then just don't be a doormat. Nobody likes rags.

And remember that life is not over! This is a very interesting thing, trust me!

How to get your ex back?

1. Get lost for a while.

Yes, this is a radical, but very effective way. Get lost. Go to the bottom.

You need to forget her: remove her photo that you keep in your wallet, delete all contacts and photos from your mobile phone, isolate yourself from her on social networks.

Delete her phone number too, but before that, write it down on a piece of paper. So far, nothing should remind you of the girl. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. And at this time you will change.

2. Take care of yourself.

Start going to the gym, change your appearance, love yourself. Make her fall in love with you again, she herself wants to renew the relationship.

Work, do not sit in your familiar place, move forward, develop, participate in new projects. Periodically ask yourself the question: have I become better, smarter, more successful? If the answer is yes, you are on the right track.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

Get 3 video lessons from a closed course "How to turn a woman's NO into a woman's YES"

Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl;
- Thinking of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes that you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with a girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent her from conquering;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

Get 3 free video tutorials -

Get promising. The one she wants to be with. Find a hobby or hobby, diversify your leisure time. Make your life interesting, then it will be exciting for another person to be next to you.

Chat with other girls, gain experience, level up. Girls are very fond of competition and rivalry, although they will never admit it. Beautiful girls are just a must-have!

3. Pump up the man in you.

Your changes after watching the video tutorials:
- You realize where your limiting beliefs about girls come from;
- If you strengthen your inner state, you will become more self-confident;
- Learn how to behave with a girl.

This step does not oblige you to anything, but if you need help in conquering a girl, you know who to turn to.

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Have a friend who broke up with a girl? Share with him a link to the article, do not be greedy.

Be sure to read these articles by Anton Glomozda: