What is the name of his ex-girlfriend. "My tongue is my enemy"

This is where the relationship begins in your couple: long walks, nice words, small gifts and surprises. Idyll, and nothing more. But is everything so simple? If your chosen one has a past, then it can remind you of itself at any moment. How to understand that your man or boyfriend has not forgotten his ex?

He keeps gifts from her in a secret place.

Small trinkets, beautiful things are safely hidden from prying eyes. They are retrieved only for a short time and only when you are not around. This behavior says that the guy is experiencing strong emotions looking at these things. It is worth asking him about the reasons for keeping these items and the impressions he experiences from them.

Your man is still invited to visit the house of the former

Connecting with his ex-girlfriend's family is a strange moment, especially if the relationship has already faded away. This behavior may indicate a desire to have a fallback. But, on the other hand, it may just be a good understanding with people. Relationship experts advise discussing the moment together.

Guy mentions information about his ex non-stop

The constant comparison of the current relationship and the current one indicates that the guy is not sure of his choice. It's not easy to hear information about how an ex-girlfriend kept house, shopped, behaved in society, or sought a promotion. If the guy is not sure that he can build a strong relationship, then the girl should reconsider the situation and take action.

Relationship display

If a guy leaves notes on social networks, in every possible way shows how happy he is, but at the same time follows the reaction of the former, then he cares. Constant rivalry and surveillance of each other's profiles indicate the presence of feelings, the incompleteness of the situation. A new girl should take a closer look and find out who she is for a young man: a close person or a reason to catch an ex-girlfriend?

Frequent phone calls and social media

It happens that couples break up, but people remain friends. If the discord was painful, and the separation was accompanied by negative emotions, then the resumption of conversations on the phone or on social networks is an alarming signal. In this situation, several options for such behavior are possible: firstly, people who were in a couple have common interests and a past, they can remember it, exchange impressions, so communication is resumed. Secondly, feelings for the ex-girlfriend have not faded away, she is considered as a fallback if the current relationship does not lead to anything worthwhile.

He likes social media photos of his ex-girlfriend

Constant viewing of a profile on a social network, likes under photos, romantic messages to an ex-girlfriend can be the cause of dissatisfaction with a current girlfriend. It is worth immediately specifying the moment and finding out the reason for the increased attention. No matter how well the relationship ends, this behavior says that the guy still cares about her.

Negative information about an ex-girlfriend

The flow of negative information about the former passion and the constant emphasis on her shortcomings may indicate that the young man is persuading himself about the correctness of the choice. Angels do not exist, each person has both good and bad sides. And a completely negative image is a way to denigrate what haunts. This is definitely worth paying attention to if past relationships lasted a long time.

All the reasons that have been described above can be direct or indirect evidence of the young man's indifferent attitude towards his ex-girlfriend. The best option for the couple is to talk quietly and find out their joint plans for the future. If the guy still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, it may be worth breaking up at the initial stages of the relationship so that it doesn’t hurt so much. No need to waste time. If the worries and fears were in vain, a calm conversation will show the man that his new choice was the right one and that you should not return to what has already passed.

Are you looking for affectionate cute names for girls? Thinking about how to affectionately call your girlfriend, but little comes to mind? Appeals like: “kitten, fish, baby” are already outdated, beaten and beg to retire.

It's time to put them out of their misery by changing to more thoughtful, romantic names. You probably want to give her a cute name that will make her feel special. And not the treatment that every second man calls his woman.

There are many different reasons why a guy wants to choose an affectionate pseudonym for his chosen one. Perhaps her name does not fit the character or it is difficult to pronounce or just boring. Or maybe in your social circle, there are several girls with the same name.

Therefore, you want to somehow highlight your beloved against their background. Regardless of the reasons, a man needs to follow a few tips, thanks to which he will be able to come up with an original and beautiful name for his girlfriend, moreover, without offending her.

List of how to affectionately call your girlfriend

  1. My love is the only girl you love.
  2. The only one - so they say to a soul mate, life partner.
  3. My queen - this is the name of the girl who is the lady of the heart of a man, who has the strongest influence on him.
  4. You are my whole world - so they say to the one who for a man is everything he needs in life.
  5. Brilliant - refers to the girl whom you consider to be the most precious to you.
  6. My baby / baby - fits a small, petite and pretty girl who a guy would like to protect and cherish.
  7. My young lady is a delightfully beautiful, attractive and well-mannered girl.
  8. Princess - she is refined, elegant and unpretentious beauty.
  9. My iron lady - refers to a strong, independent woman.
  10. Treasure - for a lady who is considered a found jewel, the best find.
  11. Orchid - refers to a girl that the guy considers special, like an exotic flower: tender, beautiful.
  12. Favorite doll - so they say to a girl who is as pretty as a doll.
  13. Kitten - if she is as playful, cheerful as a kitten. It's always a pleasure to watch her.
  14. Mermaid - for a girl who loves water and the ocean.
  15. Dancer - refers to a girl who loves to dance, have fun.
  16. Sleeping beauty - when you like to watch the sweet sleeping face of your beloved. Her childish serenity during sleep is one of the most touching moments for you and a good option for how you can affectionately call a girl.
  17. Goldfish - she grants your every wish like a goldfish.
  18. Sweetheart - She has a sweet personality and a kind heart, so remind her of that often.
  19. Hurried - because she is always in a hurry.
  20. My little angel is for girls who never get in trouble.
  21. Little Lady - She may not be tall, but she is always a lady with her mannerisms.
  22. Beauty is an "evergreen" name, that is, always relevant and pleasant for women. (By the way, we advise you to read a few tips,)
  23. The love of my life - so they say to the one who is truly loved.
  24. The gentle sun is the light of your life and the warmth of your world.
  25. Fantastic - about a girl who is too good to be true.
  26. Cinderella is the princess of your heart.
  27. Blue-eyed / brown-eyed / green-eyed - refers to a girl whose bright and beautiful eyes deserve a suitable name.
  28. Butterfly is a girl who had a beautiful transformation in her life.

  29. Charming - if she is cute, charming, be sure to emphasize this.
  30. Rose - precious, beautiful and tender, like a rose.
  31. Dove - beautiful and innocent, like a white dove.
  32. Peach is a bright and attractively juicy woman.
  33. Laughter - if her laughter is so contagious that you can't remain serious.
  34. Burning-hot - a special way to affectionately call a girl who brings passion to a man's life.
  35. A girl of heavenly beauty - the appearance of a girl is so good that nothing else but heaven can describe her.
  36. Temptress - this is ideal for a life partner, a soulmate during flirting.
  37. Mystery / mysterious - refers to the one that each time appears before you from a new side.
  38. Daisy - if it is tender, like a flower.
  39. Naughty - an appeal to a cheerful perky girl.
  40. Wizard - she has golden hands.
  41. Lioness - she is merciless in the fight for her man.
  42. Cherry - perfect for a girl that a guy wants to take care of tenderly.
  43. Titmouse is a cute name to call your funny and playful friend.
  44. Cutie is the cutest nickname for a girl.
  45. Caramel - it is as sweet and pleasant as candy - a fun option for calling a girl affectionately and cool.
  46. Intoxicating - refers to that lady whose love intoxicates you.
  47. Dragonfly - her look is very exotic.
  48. Unperturbed - although she is a woman, she is able to master any situation.
  49. Sincere - an appeal to one who has an honest and caring heart.
  50. Snowflake - it is pure as snow and just as delicate.
  51. Freckle - when a woman has freckles that adorn her so cute.
  52. The pearl is innocent and precious.
  53. The light of my life - she brought light into your life.
  54. Ballerina - she is graceful and light, like a ballerina.
  55. My passion - she will be pleased to hear that she is your passion.
  56. Venus - let her know that she is your goddess of love.
  57. Firefly - refers to the one who truly illuminates the life of a man.
  58. Shy - speaks for itself.
  59. Canary - for a girl with a beautiful voice who loves to sing.
  60. The tigress is graceful and full of strength.

What does it mean when a guy affectionately calls you

In this video, you can understand what a guy means when he calls a girl one or another affectionate name.

How can you call a girl beautiful and unusual

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

Some of the names are best used on special occasions. For example, you do not want someone else (an outsider) to understand the meaning of what was said, be it friends, relatives, but that it be clear to your beloved girlfriend. Then a name in a foreign language is best suited.

  1. Inamorata is an affectionate term for the woman you love in Italian.
  2. Chico (Chico) - a gentle appeal in Spanish to your girlfriend.
  3. Cuore mio - my heart. (Italian)
  4. Bonita is attractive. (Spanish)
  5. Nene (Nene) - baby. (Spanish)
  6. Hermoso (Hermoso) - beautiful. (Spanish)
  7. Doro (Doro) - a gift. (Greek)
  8. Loo Loo - If your girlfriend is cool, funny and pleasant, who can decorate anyone with her temper. (eng.)
  9. Amelie, which means "my hope" in Arabic, is used to describe the woman you love.
  10. Esha - desirable from Indian.
  11. Jiya - sweetheart from Indian.
  12. Alamea means precious in Hawaiian.
  13. Lilly is a beautiful and tender girl like a lily.
  14. Bambina means sexy girl.
  15. Lala is a musical cute nickname for girls.

Mistakes to avoid when talking to a girl

Are you trying to make her feel special and unique instead of scary? Then when choosing what kind of affectionate words to call a girl, try to avoid some of the common mistakes that guys make when choosing aliases for girls.

  • Avoid being that guy who calls his girl only cat-puppy names, at worst, someone from the animal world. Thinking that she will definitely like them.
  • Don't pressure her. If you've just started dating, be careful how you approach her. Avoiding calling "sweet, darling, baby, baby."

  • Refrain from mockery in names. Pyshechka, plump woman and others like that - obviously will not be good and affectionate names for a girl who is overweight.
  • Avoid embarrassing her. For example, paying attention to some features of her body, figures in front of her parents, friends or relatives.
  • Don't stick to the principle of a name she can't stand.

How to choose affectionate names for your girlfriend

  1. Try not just to pick up a name, but to find an affectionate appeal, behind which there is some good story.
  2. If she likes abbreviated names, then use various variations of her abbreviated affectionate names.
  3. In how to affectionately name a girl you like, choose a name that characterizes the personality of your girlfriend. Questions to help you choose the right name:
  • Is she calm or feisty?
  • Shy or not?
  • Playful or serious?
  • Soft or rough?
  • Kind or vengeful?

Pay attention to its physical characteristics. Answer yourself:

  • Is she tall or small?
  • Pretty or just attractive?
  • Does she have big fingers or small ones?
  • Blue eyes or brown?
  • Is the bust small or not?

Consider interests and hobbies. This is a great source of affectionate names for your girlfriend. For example, if she loves to cook, you can call her "wonderful cook." Think:

  • What does she like doing?
  • What hobbies does she have?
  • What sports are you into?
  • What films does she like?


Are you interested in how to affectionately call your girlfriend? When deciding to call your beloved by an affectionate nickname, keep in mind that it is best when it matches her. Her personality or what she likes. In addition, the name should not hurt the feelings or offend the girl, pointing out her shortcomings. Use common sense and you'll be fine.

I propose to watch a video with the girls of the motor and their advice on how to call your favorite?

Girls are generally scrupulous about their name. The real nightmare begins when you, lying on Masha, called her Katya.

You thought that the worst dream is to be at the blackboard and not know the answer to the question. The real nightmare begins when you, lying on Masha, called her Katya. The bed stopped creaking, an oppressive silence hung, and you have very little time to correct the situation and stay on Masha, and not on the floor.

Girls are generally scrupulous about their name. A hundred "bunnies" and "babies" will not produce such an effect as the name of a girl said with tenderness. And even a simple household reservation “Coffee without sugar, Katya” can cause a storm of emotions in Masha. After all, we believe Freud, and he said that there are no accidental slips of the tongue. I decided to ask my girls I know: what, in their opinion, should a guy say or do so that they believe him and forgive him.

"The best defense is an attack"

flylebed: “What else is Lena?! I am Katya!!! What are you, so-and-so...
- It was a communication check, otherwise you have recently begun to pay so little attention to me, you almost do not notice me! ..
I also feel guilty…”

Insolence can easily disguise your crooked subconscious. Personally, we girls do this all the time. For example, “Today I accidentally broke a glass because you drank beer with friends yesterday, now you are frustrated and don’t want sex.”

Photo: funkybug flickr.com/funkybug

"Tell the truth"

Asya: “What at that moment I thought about another. To forgive, let her tell the truth. Lies will have to be forgiven separately.

If the language let you down in an ordinary situation, then it’s really better to say that you just thought (talked about) a friend (sister, acquaintance, boss) than to come up with stupid excuses, a la “I was thinking what we would name our daughter.” Do you really think, we will believe that now, sipping borscht, you indulged in dreams of children?

"Don't make excuses"

nasturs: “if he starts making excuses or trying to joke, I’ll immediately suspect something ...”

Frightened look, bleating “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to. I thought only about you, but my tongue, my enemy ”and a bouquet of flowers on the same day will alert us even more. The logic is simple: if he makes excuses, then the matter is not clean, if he sucks up, then he is definitely guilty. Why tease our paranoia?

Behave as before, apologized and that's enough. It's not your fault and you don't need to justify yourself. And if he is guilty, then all the more it is not worth reminding him once again.

Photo: darkpatator flickr.com/darkpatator

"Surprise her"

Me: I'm Tanya, not Katya!
K: Katya and Tanya are such similar names.
Me: similar?
K: well, because ... "Katya, pick up the phone, it's him, he's calling ..."

Surprise will not let her immediately arrange an execution, and there, you see, she will laugh. Well, at the very least, you will have time to bounce, and you will not be blown away by a sound wave.

"Be original"

If you already managed to call her by another name during sex, then simple excuses like “I thought about work” will not work. What are your thoughts on work during sex? Something more fancy is needed here. For advice, I turned to one insidious seducer.

Alexander: this didn’t happen to me, but if I called her by the name of the former, I would answer “Understand, the soul wants a new one, but the body has not yet lost the habit of old habits”

Photo: Porcelaingirl flickr.com/pinkspleen

Girls love noodles with lyrical spice on their ears. Only after such a phrase, do not forget to make it so that in the near future she will not be able to think about anything at all, except for sex, of course. And it's better that the girl does not know the name of your ex. He will inadvertently find her in your Vkontakte friends, come up with something extra. There is no need to arrange mind games in our heads.

Well, quote the same Freud: "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", and baptize the fifth point.

It's evening, the sun is setting. My friends and I are walking in the park. And then suddenly in the distance I see a girl with whom I once, a couple of years ago, broke up very ugly. I decide that I need to talk. And the very inside was already doused with heat. It still evokes some emotions in me...

I say goodbye to my friends, then I walk slowly down the other side of the street, pretending to call on my mobile. I cross the road so as to collide with her. I face. I raise my eyes in surprise.

Oh hello friend! I call her by her last name, she doesn't like it.

Hello, - she is surprised, because we have not seen each other for so long.

We chat nicely on abstract topics about work, salary, who is in a hurry.

I say I'm going to meet a girl (I'm lying) She is:

With a girl, what? Have you already found a girlfriend?

What should you have been waiting for? - I laugh.

I say that I should meet the girl just not far from this house. To cause a little jealousy. We are on the way. Calibrating a positive reaction to me, no negativity. Oops! I notice with peripheral vision that she slows down her step ... Interesting. I connect light kinesthetics, random touches. No negativity! You can say K+. Well, I guess I'll experiment, practice my NLP skills, do whatever I can remember at the moment. We talk like good old friends. I talk about myself, she talks about herself. Periodically unobtrusively I remember our relationship, she too. She says that everything started well and ended badly, but it's because of her, that it's not my fault.

Turns out she started dating her ex-boyfriend. I say that it was possible to do everything beautifully, but because of her nothing happened. But as it is, so it is (meta-message, I don't give a f*ck). We go towards her house, I continue to touch her as if by chance. No negativity! I continue to scoff. We talk about everything, sometimes jumping off on the topic of our past relationships. She says she doesn’t want to remember what happened, it happened ... I say that I don’t want to either. Yes, and it doesn't make sense. Complains about work...

We approach her house. The place of my fictitious meeting is nearby, at the supermarket. I say that I came early, I still have to wait, so we can walk further along the alley (moving away from her house). Agrees without apparent hesitation!

We walk. He asks about my girlfriend. I say:

Do you need it? I'm not asking about your boyfriend.

In general, I begin to joke harder. Something again remember, discuss. Says it's cold. I hug, I say that I will warm. Rubbing her back. I'm pulling away. I notice a manicure on my nails. Without much tenderness, I take her hand, look at the nails:

Yes, that's okay, - K +, laughing, holding and shaking my hand. I suggest looking into the future. Refuses. I say that in vain, that he does not know anything.

We go far enough, I sometimes glance at the clock. I turn around and say I have to go back. We go back. I ask what was wrong with me. Like for the future. He replies that it is. Except for one thing - I'm married, and she was tired of worrying that someone would notice us, that she couldn't go anywhere with me. I say that this is interesting, extreme. Have sex on the roof of the house, in the car. But she did not like such extreme. - - Such cool sex is rare at all, how often have you had such sex?


So you've lost a good opportunity to do this...

We remember our sex. In general, I try to use all the associations and anchors that are connected with me. Along the way, in my opinion, he told some kind of metaphor.

I continue to kinesthetic. Called her a bitch and a consumer a couple of times. It seems that she was not very offended, she said that I was cruel. I say that I am kind when good people are with me, and evil when evil people are with me.

So are you really mad at me? - asks.

No, - I answer, - just a sediment remained.

I ask when she treats me to coffee. Like, I still have her pictures (I’m lying, I erased everything a long time ago), and if she wants to print them, she must do something. Interested. Says he wants to print them:

Give me a call, we'll make a deal.

I make round eyes, I laugh:

What? For me to call? You call if you want! - I think that is not the case to take the initiative. - And, maybe, I'll print them out for you.

I break to the last. I offer a choice of expensive bars where she can treat me to coffee. We joke, we laugh. He says you can go to the Alligator (a cool sauna with a bar, a restaurant, a bowling alley). In jest, of course. I say that it is possible, but it is unlikely that she will pull the money. I suggest paying half. I say that you can have a great fuck and pay cheaply if you do everything quickly ...

Then I say:

And you have lost some weight ... - the truth has lost weight, and has become even better. - And when we were together, you were so fat ...

What did you really lose weight? Has it become ugly?

Looking critically:

Yes, in principle, so nothing ... The stomach is gone? I touch my stomach.

She looks around, takes my hand. But again, no negative...

You paw me so much that everyone is already looking at us ...

I ignore ... We see some kind of wedding, a bride in a white dress. I tell something about accidents in life, I ask what kind of wedding she would like, I tell something again, I mark it on her, then on myself (I connect it with the wedding theme).

We approach the supermarket, next to her house. It's getting dark. We walked for about an hour.

I say I'm staying here. Goodbye. She also says goodbye.

I'll call you about the photos.

Call, I say ironically. - Maybe I'll print something for you ... if I want ... Bye! I turn around and leave without looking back.

It turned out the way I wanted to do. He joked hard, talked, found out the reason for the breakup. He showed little interest and at the same time its low significance for me. I even had some fun. Lowered the importance of my current girlfriend. I thought that, in principle, the hook for the future was abandoned. Whether it works or not doesn't really matter to me...

After meeting her, I took a little walk. I met with friends, and then, at 11 pm, I decided to call her. I think that while the girl has not moved away from meeting with me, there is still a strong impression, and she is shocked by such a change in attitude towards her - something must be done!

She was surprised that I was so late. I didn’t want to go out, because I was already going to bed, but I said that it was only for half an hour. Interested, saying that I have a surprise for her.

Girls are very curious creatures. And curiosity won out in this case. She agreed to go out, but only for a short time. I stopped at a night supermarket, took a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, sweets and was soon near her house.

When she got into my car, I drove her out of town without a word. When asked where we were going, he answered with jokes with an admixture of black humor, - they say I will take you to the forest, and there I will brutally rape you and slaughter you. But he did everything incongruently, so that she did not believe and was not afraid:) Still, 12 at night ...

We arrived at one place, which is located far from the city, in the forest. It's quiet, comfortable and there are almost no people. There, on the grass, I spread a blanket, took out wine, poured it into glasses, inserted a disc with meditative music. She no longer asked anything, we kissed, caressed each other in the moonlight, and then we had wild sex. I haven't had this in a long time! We did it passionately, like animals, biting and scratching each other. The surrounding atmosphere was very conducive to this: the black forest, the moon, mystical music. We were blown away by the roof strongly and for a long time.

It was one of the strongest krysnosnos in recent years. For me, including...