Kaleya Zabechichi RF Law. Kaleya Zaktechichi

) - The wilder grass of the Astrov family, growing throughout North Costa Rica to South Mexico.

A small branchy shrub, not exceeding 1.5 m in height, can be met near reservoirs and other well-wetted places, next to pines and oaks. It is easy to find out on a small triangular-oval leaves with jar over the edges and downward down the tip. Differs Kaleya and leaves color. Diamond-green leaves on top of a bush are replaced by purple leaves with a book promotion. And with certain lighting, you can see how the plant begins to lumseate.

However, the widespread popularity of Kaleya Zuntechichi gained by no means for an exotic appearance. It's all about the properties of this plant, for which in Mexico it was called "the grass of dreams." Where does such an amazing name and what gives man the use of Kalei Zabechichi? Let us talk in detail about this amazing plant in this article.

There are other plants that are used in order to receive conscious dreams - Silene Capensis (Kapskaya Silence, African Dream Root), Entada Rheedii (known as Marine Beans) and Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort, Obsign wormwood).

Traditional use of Calera

Kalei Zunchaechichi has many names. Often it is called Thle-Pelacano that in Mexican means "". And at Aztec Naiathl, the plant is called "bitter grass." Under this name Kaleya is known in all Mexico. The catchy name of the "Grass of Dreams" The plant received from the Indian Indian tribe, which breeding centuries lived on the territory of South Mexico.

The fact is that in the Indian tribes living in Mexico and South America, Kaleya was considered a powerful drug, on the basis of which all sorts of drugs were manufactured. Thanks to this influence, local residents fought with the lack of appetite and treated gastrointestinal disorders, used tools as an antiseptic, washing deep wounds and burns, treated skin problems, used as an antipyretic and painkillers. For these purposes, it was enough to squeeze the juice of fresh leaves of Kalei and apply it to whiskey or affected body. Such an action is explained by the content of a whole complex of vitamins, flavonoids and sesquiterpenes in the foliage of Kalei.

In addition to this, the shamans of the Indian tribes were dried by kaleus. In this case, a person received relaxation, he had a desire to sleep, but the most amazing occurred at night. Under the influence of psychoactive substances present in the plant, a person has bright, colorful, living, memorable dreams! Mexican shamans called such dreams with things, because they differed in incredible realism and the "presence effect."

With the development of kaleus civilization, Zabechichi has spread throughout the world, and naturally, scientists are interested in it. It turned out that the main component of the plant under study is gemonologies - substances with sedative properties and providing psychoactive effect on the brain. They contribute to the emergence of colorful dreams at night. The same substances cause the strongest bitterness, which people feel like a plant taste. We found in clutches and connections of unknown origin, which also possess soothing and moderately psychoactive property.

To date, it is known that Kaleya Zuntechichi contributes to the emergence of bright dreams that differ in incredible realism. Thanks to this feature, this plant began to enjoy extremely popular in persons trying to "expand consciousness" and learn how to manage their own dreams.

At the same time, a single alkaloid was found in Kalei, not a single alkaloid was detected, which does not allow to increase this plant to. To date, the sale, distribution and use of Kalei Zabechichi is allowed in all countries of the world! (From the editors: Kaleya Zuntechichi is prohibited in the state of Louisiana - USA, in Poland and in Australia).

How to eat kale sunset

The foliage of the plant under consideration is brewed as tea or smoke like tobacco. To get the desired effect, it is enough to brew or smoke 2-2.5 grams of dry grass. In the case of use in a liquid form, a person feels a strong bitterness, which is why you have to sneeze with honey with honey, any other sweet product or pomegranate juice. Alcohol tincture with this tool is much easier. And in the case of smoking dry foliage, bitterness is not felt at all.

It should not be exceeded by the dosage of the grass used, because in this case the person increases the salivation, nausea and vomiting appears. In the normal dose of kalya, the routine has a fastening effect, but in case of overdose, the effect can be completely opposite.

To see the colorful, most realistic dreams and learn how to manage them, take 5 g of dry foliage of the plant and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Giving the medium of 10-15 minutes, drink infusion and save it with something sweet to learn bitterness. Alternatively, you can take 3 g of dry kali, mix with a spoon of liquid honey and swallow such a mixture half an hour before sleep.

If you do not fit any of the proposed options, prepare Caleray tincture. To do this, connect the 1st part of the dry grass of Kalei with 2 pieces of pure alcohol, and leave a closed bottle for 3 days in a dry dark place, periodically shaking the contents. If instead of alcohol, vodka is used, then the tool is needed during the week. Perft with the finished tincture, it is necessary to evaporate it in the oven (but not on the gas stove, since the concentration of vapors can be explosive). The dark yellow raid appeared on the walls and will be an extract that needs to be mixed with honey and consume to sleep in a dosage of 1-1.5 g, as the extract is five times stronger than dry leaves.

At the same time, deciding to carry out the course of receiving Kalei Zabechichi, you should refuse to alcohol and take a diet, limiting the consumption of meat and acute products, as well as refusing dinner.

Classical Mexican kaleus Zabechichi is pretty bitter. But there is also kalya that does not have a bitter taste. To distinguish them, we denote these types of Kalei as a bitter grade or not a bitter grade. Kaleya affects everyone in different ways, but there is a common to all - the effect of the use of grass grows with regular use.

Information collected from different people suggests that both bitter and not bitter varieties of Kalei are active as onogen. Not a bitter grade is usually the one that is cultivated in artificial conditions, although most of the herbs sold has a bitter taste.

Not a bitter grade has more triangular leaves, not so thick, like a bitter variety. But this distinction is not a mandatory fact - Kalei leaves may differ in appearance, even on one plant. Both types of plants flowers yellow flowers. But experienced consumers usually quite easily notice the difference between plants without even tasting.


To obtain the desired effect, Kaleu should be used for 5 days. The remedy is accepted before bedtime, because literally 10 minutes after use, a pleasant relaxation and a sense of drowsiness appear.

People who have experienced Kalei Sunchets, describe the initial state as calm and lightweight euphoria. Taking a horizontal position, the person becomes very pleasant and conveniently literally in any pose. At the same time, there is a special clarity of the mind and exacerbation of feelings. A person is able to hear even the beat of his heart.

The sleeping bag of Kalei is extremely pleasant. For a long time, a person is in a pleasant halfway, between wakefulness and bed. And then the dream comes and the dreams come. During the night there are several of them and every dream has its own story. Moreover, all the dreams of a person sees almost in detail and so realistic that he wakes up, no longer distinguished sleep from reality.

So, a person who used this plant says that before bedtime, it was specially put a notebook on the bedside table and a handle to record night dreams. And overnight, twice woke up to mark all the peripetics of sleep, which are forgotten too quickly. Waking up the next morning, he discovered an absolutely pure notebook!

What is characteristic, every day the effect of receiving Kalei Zabechiki increases, and by the fifth day, a person sees so realistic dreams at night, which is actually able to realize them. That is, he is able to understand that he sleeps and sees a dream, but at the same time he has the opportunity to manage the plot of his dream and lead it on a specific scenario. Many people who have comprehended the ability to realize their own dreams with Kalerai, managed to solve their psychological problems precisely through the informed "night adventures".

At the same time, all persons who used Kaleus noted that the plant has the ability to "stretch" time, and therefore many people after awakening felt that they slept not 8 hours, and the whole day. At the same time, every person who has tried the action of the plant, noted a slight awakening, an extraordinary clarity of the mind and a wonderful tone of the body throughout the day.

Many people who tried Kaleus Zabechichi noted that the effect of the reception of this grass is largely reminiscent of marijuana, because as in the case of marijuana, under the influence of grass, a person feels euphoria, the strengthening of sensory perceptions, the rapid flow of thoughts and their inconsistency. However, in contrast to marijuana, addictive does not develop to this grass, and doctors do not find harm in its impact for the body.

Modern use of Kalei in medicine

In some Mexican states, such as Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca or Morelos, local residents and today use climbs from Kalei Zabechichi as a means from headache, like a laxative or medicine from fever. Such a means helps to get rid of stomach problems and removes discomfort in painful menstruation. And, of course, Kalei dry foliage is still smoking to fight insomnia. Finally, the infusion of this plant is used as an insecticide, which allows you to scare insects and gnus.

In our medicine, this plant is not used, but considering the effects obtained, each person can take such grass as a sleeping pill and as a means allowing you to learn how to manage your dreams.

Yes, and for kaleus scholars, Zabechichi still remains a mystery, because science has not yet been able to recognize all components of the plant. This means that there is every reason to believe that in the future Kaleya Zabechichi has not yet declared itself.

Calais cultivation at home

We conclude kale. Rasschets usually through cuttings, as seeds, as a rule, have a bad germination.

Kaleya Zunchaechichi is one of the plants that are very easily grown in artificial conditions. But not from seeds. Sale seeds are often falsification, but even if it is really Caleray seeds, then many of them are unsuitable or have low viability. On the other hand, the cuttings are very easily rooted. Therefore, the cuttings are the most popular choice for breeding.

The easiest way to plant cuttings Kalei into the water is the cheapest way. Root stimulants are not required for cuttings, but according to our tests it is seen that the cuttings for which root stimulants were used are rooted a little faster and have a significantly more developed root system. But, as we said, you can do without hormonal rooting, if the cost or availability is defining.

Root hormonal stimulants are available in the form of a gel or powder, they can be found in most specialized stores or online. The gel is preferable to powder, because it sticks to the stalk better, but the powder is cheaper. The active ingredient of most improvement improvement products is usually indole-3-oil acid.

But it is quite possible to independently prepare a natural remedy for rooting, drumming a couple of grams of white willow cortex (SALIX ALBA) with the addition of tea. Bark Belaya Willow is the same bark that is used as an anesthetics in phytoaptecs and which contains a substance - the precursor of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

When rooting many plants, it is important to choose a stalk at once under the knot on the parent plant. The node is part of the stem from which the leaves come out. Nodes already contain a higher level of growth hormones, which facilitate rooting. But Kaleya Zuntechichi is very easy forms the roots, so the choice of the node is not so important to be important than in cases with other plants. So you can experiment a little, without fear of failure.

Before cutting the cutlets, it is recommended that it is good to pour a plant for about an hour before the cut, which is moistened with the place of the alleged cut. The tool to which the cut will be carried out should be sterilized, although this rule has few people adheres to.

Immediately you need to handle the cutting of the rooting hormone (if you use it). Gel use easy. If you use powder, you first need to moisten the place of application of water. It is also well a little soak the powder itself so that it becomes a little sticky.

Otherwise, the powder simply cans with water. To minimize the washing, laying the cutting into the water as neat as possible, without sharp movements so that the powder remains a lump on the stem. Using gel, you can not particularly bother, it keeps well in the right place. In addition, if you use another environment for rooting, such as perlite, powder is usually kept better.

For cuttings, you need to take a hanging, where you can pour water by 3-4 cm. When using other funds for rooting, it is usually necessary to apply a little more of this environment, because it turns out that the air is larger, and the moisture is less than in clean water.

All this economy needs to be covered with a plastic bag, creating a small greenhouse effect. This measure will keep the air inside the wet, so our sprout will not dry before the roots grow. The whole design must be placed in a well-lit place at a temperature of about 22 degrees. One of the advantages of using clean water is that the formation of roots is clearly visible.

Using other environments, to understand when the roots can be developed, if you slightly pull the cuttings up - if there is a small resistance, then the roots developed. But be careful, do not pull too much and do not damage the roots. The development of roots can take from week to several months, especially if the temperature conditions are unfavorable.

Calea Zacatechichi Calea Zacatechichi Transplantation and Growing

After the root system of the plant is formed, you can transplant the grass into the soil. It is better to wait for the root system to develop well to minimize the growing plant. But technically you can transplant kale at any time, as soon as the roots begin to form. Kaleya Zabechichi is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and will grow well in any - purchased or scored in a good location.

Kaleya Zadachichi has a very low need for nutrients. As an experiment, we even left Caleray cuttings in a perlite, which does not have a nutritional value for a year. But, as for many plants, fertile soil, of course, will contribute to the growth and quality of the leaves.

Replanting the cuttings pay attention to the fact that the roots occupy the maximum space, and not bile together. So the plant will be faster and will become strong.

It is important not to damage the roots at the time of transplant. The soil must be distributed by layers of 1-2 cm. Moisturizing each layer of the pulverizer. Ultimately, the soil must be evenly wet.

You can, of course, to pour a plant later, but the option with layers will provide a more uniform distribution of moisture and air in the soil. Additional air helps the plant take care and prevents the development of mold and bacteria. It is not necessary to compact the soil, he will gradually take his place put it. If the soil is too loose, then you can slightly level it with a small vibration.

A good idea will be the potted pot with a plastic with a plastic bag to maintain moisture, this measure will remove an excessive load from the plant and will give it well to take care of a new place. Usually this measure is needed in the first few days, after which the film can be removed.

If you notice the fading of the plant, then you can return it again under the film, but it is not necessary to abuse it in order not to make a kale of the dependent on high humidity (this applies to any other plant).

Kaleu can be grown in conditions of relatively weak lighting, which greatly simplifies its cultivation. In the summer, there is enough light from the window. In winter, you can highlight the plant with luminescent lamps. The more the light will receive kaleus the sunny, the darker and thicker will be the leaves, but if you move to this business, the leaves will get purple - red, which indicates a poor well-being of the plant.

How to grow kale from seeds

Despite the fact that Kalei's cultivation of cutter from cuttings is easier and faster, sometimes you have to use seeds. Unfortunately, the seeds of good quality to buy is not so easy. If this is not a hoax, then the seeds may have a bad germination. Even the "good" potassium seeds are usually lower than most of the seeds of other types. Ideally, the best option of seeds is still in a pod.

Each pod contains an average of about 20 seeds. In the pods, Kalei seeds are better protected from external factors. It is also necessary to store seeds in the refrigerator until the moment of use, which will extend their safety.

It is necessary to work with seeds in a closed room, where conditions are more stable and soft. Outdoors too many unexpected and unwanted factors that can destroy everything. Caleray seeds look like small sticks with a "auxiliary" on the top. For the extension, they need to be placed by these "rugs" up, as it would have happened in natural conditions.

It is important that the soil in which the seeds landed was only a little wet, otherwise mold will be formed. Well-drained sandy soil is best suited for this.

After disembarking, seeds need to cover the container with a film to hold moisture and keep it at a temperature of 21- 22 degrees. An ordinary office desk lamp with fluorescent light will fit for the backlight.

The film retains the moisture well throughout the space well, but in order to minimize the likelihood of mold appearance, it is necessary to periodically do ventilating. It is necessary to do everything carefully and carefully - even a small mold can kill seeds.

The germination process may take several weeks, and the seeds can germinate at different speeds. The difference in germination time can also be several weeks. This needs to be followed. The resulting seedlings are very small and sensitive, they are extremely vulnerable. They need a permanent exchange of fresh air. Raising seedlings are useful to blow a slightly fan until they fix it.

Watering potassium seedlings only by spraying the soil. Kalei Kalei Sanctuary Roots are usually pretty small, the root system develops on the surface of the soil, and not in depth. A small additive of growth hormones into the water that you water the plant can help roots mature a little faster.

As seeds are germinated, it is necessary to separate the seeds from those seeds that can be sprouting. You need to handle sprouts extremely careful not to damage very gentle roots.

Because the roots are small, the best option is not to disturb them at all, but to transfer together with the soil lump. Let us say again about the need for good ventilation, because it is very important in the early stages of growth.

After the plant reaches a decent size (7 -8 cm.), Further care will become the same as in the cultivation of Kalei by the method of cuttings.

Here, perhaps, all the subtleties of this process. In any case, if you are patient and attentive, you will definitely grow up this wonderful plant!

Good health and colorful dreams!

Kalia Zakatechichi (Calea Zacatechichi) - The strong shrub from the family of complex color to 1-1.5 m in a height found in a wild form from Mexico to Costa Rica. The plant is coated roughly brutalized by the edges of a triangular leaves, 2-6.5 cm long. The inflorescence consists of a variety of white or yellowish flowers tightly adjacent to each other (in an amount up to 12 pieces). The plant is undemandingly to the conditions of cultivation, but prefers rich soils, a sufficient amount of moisture and an open sunny place.

The plant contains a complex 'of bitterness "(sesquiterpene), flavonoids and not yet isolated alkaloid responsible for the psychoactive properties of the plant.

"Zacatechichi" in Nahutyl language means "bitter grass" and under this name the plant is known throughout Mexico. Other names - "Zacate de Perro" ("Dog Grass"), "Hoja Madre" ("Mother's Leaves"), "Hoja de Dies" ("God's leaves"), as well as "Thle-Pela-Kano" from the Indians Chonal. Indians Chontal distinguish "good" and "bad" varieties, depending on their psychotropic properties.

Calea Zacatechichi in Mexico is a medicinal plant and is used to treat skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, fever and nausea.

A very important aspect of the culture of American Indians are dreams. It is believed that they occur in extrasensory reality, where a message is possible with the world of perfume. Therefore, among the Indians of Mexico, a variety of plants are common to enhance dreams, so the Mishecia Indians before going to sleep use some kinds of raincoat mushroom (Lycoperdon), Nahuatl Indians from Sierra de Puebla use for the same purpose unidentified view of Salvia (Salvia) known for them under the name XiOuit. The Tarahumar Indians also know a similar plant called by Bacana. Finally, Indians Chonal in the same context use Calea Zacatechichi.

Putting great importance to the visions obtained during the dreams, the characteristics of the tribe claim that Zacatechichi cleans feelings. Dreams are caused in order to treat, predict the future or determining the location of stolen or lost items. Scientifically proved the ability of the plant to significantly increase the frequency of lucid dreams, Calea Zacatechichi has a strong impact on sleep in its surface phase, that is, when we see dreams, they become very bright and colorful.

Light euphoria: When Potassium Z. smokes in large quantities, it causes a Canabiso-like euphoria, in the absence of a common intervention. But the fact of the feeling of several others. Therefore, do not rush to buy kilograms of potassium until you try it yourself.

Clarity of the mind: A bit strange, but the use of potassium Z. In any form, it cleans the brains. It becomes easier to concentrate on individual things and control the time.

Dreams: The main purpose of the use of potassium Z. is the change in its dreams. In some people, they become brighter, others are more realistic and some of the events are clearly seen. Someone sees the future, someone else worlds, and someone in a dream opens the door to their own consciousness. Sleep is something that will change in you after the potassium.

Indians, from dried and crushed leaves brew tea, or smoke them. Like the leaves themselves, so any means cooked from them, extremely bitter. Fresh leaves because of this are practically inconsiderable. Alcohol tinctures are much easier. In large doses, the plant causes salivation, ataxia and nausea.

1) Smoking.
One- two cigarettes with dry leaves / flowers before bedtime. Do not smoke in bed!

2) tea.
If you are not annoyed by the taste of potassium Z. Take 3g dry leaves and pour boiling water (but not boiling water). Insist 15 minutes. Add sugar, honey or something else sweet to your taste and drink. Do not add citrus And it can become bad.

3) inside.
Mix 1 gr with honey and quickly swallow 30 minutes before sleep.

4) Recipe for extract.
Take vodka or alcohol (than cleaning alcohol, the better). Mix with potassium in proportions: 1 part of the potassium s on 2 parts of alcohol. Suppose 3 days (if pure alcohol) or a week (if vodka) shaking daily. After filtering the liquid - drop the precipitate. The resulting infusion carefully dummage in the oven (be careful, the alcohol is flammable, and at the concentration of vapors in the oven also explode, do not use gas plates). Sing the bottom from the bottom and the walls of the container in which the liquid was evaporated. This is an extract. It must be swallowed, for example with honey. The first your dose should not exceed 1.5 grams. Because you have an extract in 5 or more times more than ordinary leaves.

Kaleya Zuntechichi is a low shrub of the Astrovy family, 1-1.5 m in height, distributed in Central America from Mexico to Costa Rica.
Kaleya has leaves off the edges, 2-6 cm long. Flowers with white or yellowish colors in dense inflorescences.
"Leaves of God" - so called Kaleu Zabechichi Indians Chontal, were used to enter the conscious dreams.
Chonal and Chiapas considered dreams - this is the transition of the soul to another reality, where the shamans communicated with the world of perfume. With the help of magical techniques and use of the dream of grass, the Indians could learn the cause of the disease, determine the location of a person or lost things, to predict the future. Putting great importance to the visions obtained during the dreams, the characteristics of the Chiapas tribe say that the kaleus of the routine cleans the feelings. Recent studies have shown that Khoja Madre has a strong influence on sleep in its fast phase, that is, when we see dreams, they become very bright, colorful and conscious, the time of their reministence increases.
Zasschechi "in Nahuatl language means" bitter grass "and under this title the plant is known throughout Mexico.
Mishtek's Indians before going to sleep use some kinds of raincoat mushrooms, Nahuatl's Indians from Sierra de Puebla use for the same purpose until an unidentified species of sage, known for them under the name XiOuit. The Tarahumar Indians also know a similar plant called by Bacana. Indians Chontal in the same context use kale of the Rasselches, which they are honored as one of the sacred plants.

Chemical composition: One and a half protes, flavonoids.

Plant effect:
Euphoric state similar to the state of the semblance of cannabis. At the same time, such an effect is manifested as the clarity of the mind, that is, it is easier to control his attention, the concentration on certain things is exacerbated.
*** Bright conscious dreams - awareness of themselves in a dream.

Methods of use:
Driving kaleus kaleus brewing tea (3-5 gr. For 15 minutes) from dry leaves of the plant and slowly drinks a bitter decoction, falls in a quiet and peaceful place, smokes a cigarette from the leaves of the same plants and falls asleep. You can hit the bitter taste by adding honey.
Sometimes the leaves of the plant also put under the pillow.
Before bedtime, you can smoke in the tube or make a cigarette with dry leaves and flowers of the plant, the maximum you can smoke 3 cigarettes.

Special contraindications were not identified except for people who are allergic to this plant. If for 30 minutes nothing was happening, then allergies can not be afraid.

hoja de Dios. - "The leaves of God") - the plant of the astrova family, growing in a wild form on the space from South Mexico to Northern Costa Rica. Used by shamans of local tribes for predicting the future through bright dreams caused by a plant, as well as drugs in gastrointestinal disorders and as an antipyretic agent.

Currently it is shown that the extractor of this plant has tranquilizing properties. Its consumption also contributes to the production of bright and conscious dreams and an increase in the time of their reministence, that is, the plant contains substances with psychoactive properties.

Biological Description


The plant contains a whole complex of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids recommended for use with skin problems. The plant is often used in folk medicine, can be used without the appointment of a doctor. Not a single alkaloid, capable of harming the health. Kaleya is just a "catalyst", and in no way cancels personal efforts in the process of studying dreams. Moreover, rude actions, for example, fatty foods for night, alcohol or a sharp impaired sleep mode, its action is easily reduced.



Her seeds are very difficult to germinate. To germinate seeds, leave in a solution with 50% of hydrogen peroxide, until they fall on the bottom of the vessel, usually seeds float on the surface when they are drown, it is the perfect moment for germination. After that, you can transfer to the ground to the middle level, to observe high humidity and low light and for several weeks the first sprouts will appear. It is important to protect from the cold.

Flowering plant.

Effect of leaf reception

The effect of a dreaming. Causes the condition of drowsiness, increasing the number of dreams and their brightness and memorization. After 30 minutes, you will fill the feeling of calmness and a sense of awareness of heartbeat, which means that you have achieved an ideal dose.


Traditionally, tea from the leaves of the plant is made, after taking a cigar taken from the same leaves, to enhance the effect. The taste, when drinking is bitter and unpleasant, but, when smoking, unpleasant sensations is not observed.

Minimum dose

For brewing in the form of tea, used from 25 to 60 grams (it is possible that information is not accurate, check before use). According to Jonathan OTT, adequate dose is calculated: 1 gram of dry leaves per kilogram of body weight.

When eating a higher dose creates

Kaleya Zaktechichi (Calea Zacatechichi) 10g

Sometimes the leaves of the plant also put under the pillow. It is believed that the answer to the right question will come in a dream. Putting great importance to the visions obtained during the dreams, the characteristics of the tribe claim that the sunpenter cleans the feelings. Recent studies have shown that Calea Zacatechichi has a strong impact on sleep in its fast phase, that is, when we see dreams, at the same time they become very bright, colorful and conscious, the time of their reministence increases.
Our supplier Kalei himself is very good, a rare person. He collects Kaleu in the province of Oaxaca in Mexico on the tradition of Chonal, who he taught her grandmother and recommended two main recipes: for sleep and for life.

1) for sleep:

Pour the burning of herbs with boiling water and put it with 15-20 minutes. Then the decoction gently farts through the usual gauze and drinks. Immediately after the first mug, drink the broth with honey milk. After 20-30 minutes, you can go to bed.

Course: Week Kalei. Then rest without Kalei for two weeks. Week Kalei.

2) for life:

We score a tube with a pinch of kalya flowers and smoke. Throughout the day, it is recommended to smoke not more than 4-5 tubes.



The most disgust and bitter decoction I have ever tried), but as stated than it is hidden than helpful. The dreams became brighter, the OS had not yet observed, the activation of the 6th chakra was clearly felt, it was also difficult for all these bright sensations, so I advise good workout and warm souls before bedtime.


Quickly delivered. Kaleya works. Thank you!


Hello! Thanks for the parcel and for the bonus inside! She went to Crimea 8 days. The smell inside is just magic .. I am sure the effect too.


A large and long-awaited package came! It is surprising how quickly reached, for 4 days just only, the whole room was filled with a pleasant aroma of the jungle and plants as soon as he opened the parcel, thanks for the bonus separately for the bonus, and today we will wear it :)


Kaleya gives unrealistic, if there is a mushroom experience, the experience of Salvia and especially DMT! Well, or at least one one. Excellent shop! Very satisfied, the order is packed carefully, with love, they did not confuse anything, everything is immediately visible from people in the soul. Liked gifts! In general, the rainbow positive emotions from a simple purchase! Good to you and prosperity!)))


The first time ordered. Pleased delivery - very fast! I hope that Kaleya will give the same quick effect))) Thank you very much! And for the bonus separately! Mom is just suitable such tea ... I'm just getting acquainted with you, but I think that you still order something more than once.)


Thanks Yage! Always with the order is a very pleasant extra surprise, which is even more glad.))


The order was sent quickly. Bonus pleased)) Shopping store)))


Well done boys! Orders perform clearly, neatly, with pleasant bonuses. The quality of herbaries is excellent. If it was also reported when the parcel is sent - there would be a fairy tale at all;) However, there is a charm in it))


The taste is very pleasant ... At first, oversathedral, once on the fourth strong :)

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