Urohen Turn in banks. How to cook urooked thorn for the winter

AT folk medicine Using absolutely everything that gives this unpretentious shrub: bark, roots, wood, flowers and fruits. The berries of the thorns ripen in September, and it is recommended to begin to billets after the first frosts. Then the tartness disappears from them. The fruits of the shrub are dried, used for cooking sauces and thick jait. The berries in wooden barrels were taken in the old days. In our article imagine best recipes Ureated Tern. It can be prepared for the winter, both cold and hot way.

How to quickly cook uroiced thorn?

For this recipe you can get a liquid and a tasty jam with a mint taste. For the preparation of the ureaged terns will leave no more than half an hour. However, in order to get a drink with a rich taste, it needs to be insteaded about 30-40 days.

Preparing a dyed thorn in such a sequence:

  1. The fruits of a barbed shrub (1 kg) are soaked, dry on a towel and fall asleep into a three-liter jar.
  2. A syrup of 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of water is prepared on the stove.
  3. Berries in the bank are flooded with hot syrup. Next of mint leaves are stacked.

As in other recipes of the ureaged, the banks are covered with gauze or cotton cloth. After that, they are cleaned into warm, protected from sunlight place for about a month.

Recipe Surium Tern with Spices

Delicious berries prepared by the following way can be served to the table and as a spicy snack, and in the composition of salad or main dishes.

Step-by-step utered Tern for the winter is prepared in such a sequence:

  1. Berries move, wash, dry on a towel and fold into a liter bank.
  2. On the plate is preparing marinade from water (1 l), salts (½ tbsp. Spoons), sugar (3 tbsp. Spoons), cinnamon (½ h. Spoons), peas and inflorescences Carnations (4 pcs.). As soon as the liquid boils, 80 ml of vinegar should be poured into it.
  3. Berries folded in a glass jar, covered with dry mustard (3 h. Spoons).
  4. Male cutout folds in several layers in the form of a square corresponding to the size of the neck of the cans. From above, a teaspoon of mustard powder is distributed. Then the blank is laid out on the berries, after which they are flooded with warm marinade.
  5. As in many other repairs, tern for the winter, it should be well broken at room temperature. After a month, the workpiece can be put in the refrigerator, pre-clusted by the caproic lid.

Salty Turn for Winter

The taste of tart berries prepared on this recipe is often compared with canned olives. In fact, the fruits of a barbed shrub dragged on Russia together with apples and cabbage. WITH Ancient Greece This option has nothing to do with anything.

Step-by-step recipe lies in the following:

  1. Ripe and soft berries (2.5 kg) are clean and decomposed on glass cans.
  2. The slab is prepared with a brine of 1.2 purified water, salt (6 tbsp. Spoons), laurel sheet, mustard (5 pcs.) And fragrant pepper.
  3. Berries in banks are flooded with a cooled brine.
  4. Each bank is covered with gauze or cotton cloth and left on the table for 4 hours.
  5. Banks are sent to the fridge for 2 weeks. Periodically, they need to cover and shake the brine so that the turns prepared evenly.
  6. After 14 days of the berries, shifting into a clean bank and pour to the top vegetable oil. You can store in the refrigerator up to four months.

Along with the recipes, Tern for the winter presented above, salty berries prepared in this option can be stored up to four months. Serve them to meat and fish, and also add to salads, snacks, hot dishes.

Turn, dyed with a cold way

Want to keep the maximum amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances in the berries? Prefer the recipes of the ureaged tern, in which the fruit of the barbed shrub is flooded with cold water. One of these methods of preparation is presented below.

Step-by-step recipe for delicious and useful terns:

  1. Prepare enameled or glassware.
  2. Pour 3 kg of pre-washed terns in it.
  3. Prepare marinade. To do this, boil in a saucepan on a plate of 1 l of water, sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons) and table spoons of salt. Cool.
  4. Pour the cooled marinade prepared Tern berries. Cover the fruit with linen fabric, put a plate on top and put the cargo.
  5. Pan to leave for 7 days at room temperature, after which it to rearrange it in a cool place for another 1 month. The finished turn can be served to the table as a snack to the main dishes.

A crusher, a thorns, a thorn, terrent, and a prickly plum, are "hero" of many interesting, beautiful and biblical legends. Turn (prinous spinósa - lat)) is a shrub whose height is about 3-4 m, but not more than 8 m, species species (prunus), plum (Prunoideae), Pink family (Rosaceae), spiny . Details below.

Recipe Tincture from Tern

The bushes are thick dense, difficult. Flowers of this bush of small size, white-pink color. Foliage non-screens, elliptical form; In the spring it has a lightweight cannon, later become smooth matte. Flowers thorns in spring in April-May. Flowers during flowering are completely covered with a bush, source of almond aroma. The fruits (berries) have blue, dark blue, resemble the fruits of plums, have a naizy wax flare, the diameter of the berry is about 12 mm. The taste of the berry is paturco-acid. The fruits of the thorns are also called Thorn.

Plant is steady frost and droughts.

A thranger grows in the Mediterranean, Malaya Asia, the European part of the Russian Federation, Western Siberia, and in the Caucasus. It is found mainly in ravine, coastal zones and forest edges, many are also bred in their garden sites as a living hedge. Wood rubbed solid, durable, has a reddish brown color. Due to this, it is used in carpentry and turning products, for example, make both a thunder bush of canes. From one bush of medium sizes, you can collect 10-15 kg of berries.

Since the fruits of the thorns are paturco-acid, then fresh in food is used extremely rarely, mainly compotect compotes, jams, vinegar, kvass and even alcoholic beverages (thorns). Less often, the fruits of the thorns are used in the preparation of the first dishes. If the berries are frozen, they will be suitable for food and fresh.

AT folk recipes Use all parts of the Tern:

  • Fresh berries, dried and ice cream;
  • Flowers;
  • Leaves;
  • Cora;
  • Wood.

In addition to informers, brazers, jams, etc., the tincture is prepared from the thranger. It is used for fungal infections, problems in digestion and poisoning organs. Also use as an immunostimulator and for the prevention of ARVI.

Description of the preparation of tincture (prepare):

  • 2 kg of a frank berry;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • Vodka.

Mytaya berry falls asleep in the glass jar and poured completely vodka. Place a container with a blank in a dark place for 1 month. If necessary, vodka should be addressed so that the berries are completely covered. After 1 month, the resulting juice must be merged, berries to fall asleep with sugar and withstand for another 2 weeks. Then add vodka and a little fresh berries to the resulting syrup and put in a cold place for 3 weeks, for example, a refrigerator.

TERN: benefit and harm

The crust is not only a spiny impassable bush, but also the storage room of the useful components. Malokalorine's thranger berries: per 100 g 55 feces, contain a huge amount of useful compounds, in addition to the composition of fruits there are coloring tanning substances.

The fruit of the thrannitor includes:

  • Apple and phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • Group vitamins in;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Vitamins A, C, E;
  • Pectin;
  • Glucose, fructose;
  • Kumarina;
  • Mineral salt;
  • Essential oils
  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium,
  • Magnesium.

The fruits are also able to accumulate zinc, copper, chrome and iodine. The berries of the thorns have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect on the human body, are also able to restore the intestinal microflora.

Despite the fact that the structure includes useful substances in such a large composition, it can cause harm to the body.

Turn has contraindications at low arterial pressure and the presence of allergies. It is also worthwhile to beware of people with the problem of intestinal emptying and with increased acidity. Do not give teas, infusions and decoctions with tern, because may cause an allergic reaction.

Therapeutic properties of Teren.

Due to its composition, the thorns has such healing properties as:

  • Laxatives;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Cleansing;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Potting.

In addition to berries, therapeutic properties have inflorescences and foliage of tern. Flowers should be collected in the buds phase, leaves - after flowering. Made of them are helpful to strengthen the immune system, have a diuretic and force action. Decorations help with nausea, sideline, constipation, with liver diseases, have a soothing effect on the human nervous system.

Regular use of terns contributes to improving the intestinal operation and recovery of metabolic processes.

With the use of leaves it is possible to prepare rinsing for the oral cavity, which is used during inflammatory processes. Infusion on the leaves have laxative properties. In addition, leaf decoctions are accepted with cystitis, dermatitis, kidney problems. If you add vinegar to the decoction of leaves, then you can get a means used to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds. Tea, brewed with the addition of a flue leaf, helps to get rid of edema. It is recommended to receive such tea 3 times a day. The bark of the gross bush can also be brewing. Such a decoction is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in women, corrosive and purulent processes, as well as furunculus. Roots are also suitable for making money from heat and inflammation. They must be swollen in autumn and dry.

How to Soak Teren for the Winter

As can be seen from the properties, Teren is useful, and I would like to take advantage of it medical properties And in winter, and not only during its ripening. Recipes harvesting Tern are simple. The simplest thing is to soak it. Different berries retain all their healing properties.

To do this, you will need:

  • 3 kg integers ripe berries thorns;
  • 1 l of water;
  • 1 dining boat salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Berries need to rinse and put in a glass or enameled container. Pour into it cooled syrup: water, salt and sugar, cover linen fabric, put the load on top. Approximately a week to store at room temperature, after removing in a cold place. Since the process of fermentation occurs during the soaking of the tern, then the formation of foam and mold possibly. For their education must be followed. As soon as they appear, it is necessary to remove them, while not forget to wash the cargo and fabric. Otherwise, the taste of berries can change not for the better.

Application of a thunder bush (video)

Urised Turn can be submitted for a festive table, or add to any dish that gives it a refined taste. Also for the winter you can prepare brazers, infancy and jam.

The urine of fruits and berries is essentially a variety of their canning. Under the influence of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, most of the berry sugar turns into alcohol and lactic acid, which allows the fruits for a long time. In this regard, the urine is not much different from the familiar saline of vegetables. Over time, lactic acid accumulates in clumsy fruits, which gives them a sour-sweet taste. During fermentation, alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed, which give the berries in the invigorating and refreshing taste.

In case of non-compliance with the storage conditions of the ureaged and the use of irregular dishes, fruits can acquire an unpleasant taste and aroma. This happens, provided that the turning was soaked at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Literally half a century ago, such a delicacy could be found in any house. To get a quality product, you need to look after uroy berries. It is necessary to regularly remove mold and foam, rinse under hot water Cargo, pickle circle and napkin.

Urohen coat is served for a festive table, and you can please the guests not only the unusual taste of berries, but also the drink itself. You can prepare a turn in this way at home, despite the fact that the recipes of its preparation were practically lost.

To prepare the ureaged, you will need:

  • ripe fruits of terns;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • sugar.
  • Recipe for cooking ureaged terns:

    1. Ripe and whole fruits of terns need to be selected, rinse and lay and enamelled or glass dishes.
    2. For the preparation of the fill in a large saucepan, sugar, salt and water is placed, everything is brought to a boil, then cooled.
    3. Berries are poured cooked fill, then closed with linen fabric and from above - a wooden circle to which the load is installed.
    4. Turner is left for six to seven days at room temperature, after which it is removed in a cool place for a month.
    5. Finished fruits can be served to the table.

    The basis of the procedure for the urine of fruits and vegetables is their maintenance in special water with spices. It is fermentation in it, thanks to which the fruits acquire an unusual sweet sour taste. Mint, Cherry, Cherry, Black Currant, Basilica, Rowan Berries, Anise, Cinnamon, and Some Others can be used as spices. Despite the fact that the most popular and distributed remain ureated apples, You can meet other fruits and berries prepared in this way.

    The uriced fruits of the Tern retain all their beneficial features. Berries are distinguished by astringent properties, so they are often used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and infectious diseases.

    Turn has antiseptic and diuretic properties, has a soft laxative effect. It is possible to use the turn in order to normalize the metabolism in the body and accelerate wound healing. It is often used in disorders of the nervous system, food poisoning and avitaminosis.

    The fruits of the Tern can be used to lower the temperature. They are recommended to use when problems with liver, kidneys and urinary system.

    Dosage purposes in folk medicine are used as a thorns fruit, so its bark and leaves. Fruits are used in fresh, frozen, dried or canned form - they practically do not lose their healing and useful properties.

    "What happiness, if your childhood and youth passed in the deaf, the god forgotten village!" Someone will perceive this statement with understanding, others as irony or skeptically. By the way, Zh.zh. Russso in his "pedagogical novel", which is still studying in our pedagogical universities, this is exactly what he offered to raise young people, i.e. So at the age of somewhere up to 15 years of youth and girls lived in rural areas, in nature. And why, in fact, in the god forgotten village? Maybe, just - God given to me a village, where I grew up and male, almost under 20 years old. Would you look at this beauty that her Majesty gave nature these places; Here is the address: Kolychevo village, Saratov region. By the way, famous in russian history The Great Martyr, found to the face of the saints, Metropolitan Philipp, strangled in the dungeon, one of the most odious Ochrichnikov Ivan Grozny, took place from the boyars of Kolychev.


    Psychologists argue that the time spent at her grandparents, the child should be perceived as a holiday as a gift of fate. And what to say, if this time stretched for as many as two decades? You can call it a happy time, bright memories of which will be saved until the end of life. Without such memories of childhood and youth, can you live a human soul? Over the years, a person is increasingly recalling his past. So I, too, everyone remembers many episodes of my rustic life.

    Why did the grandchildren remember this process? Yes, because he was nice to see this sacredness of grandfather and grandmother. They were so inspired by him, so friendly and kinds of among themselves, that there was no doubt: they are very nice to engage in this work. Who knows, maybe, who reigned at this time, the beautiful Aura, created by the good relationship of the participants of this process, also contributed to the successful enterprise of the Kum. Then the technology is followed: the grandfather rubs the cabbage, has time to clean for the grandson, the remaining non-affairs of the batch. The grandson eat them with pleasure eats and runs to a waters behind the water, which will wash the vegetables, torn straight from the bed, as well as use water for brine. About one bucket of chopped cabbage drops into the cellar and is evenly distributed over the bottom of the first row. Previously, the pisces were laid out by the leaves of the horseradish, umbrellas of dill, finely chopped by pieces of garlic and roots of shine, oak leaves, cherries and black currants. Next drops to the cellar with cucumbers and folded on a layer of chopped cabbage. Then the cabbage layer is again, then the tomato. The layers placed in the rush of vegetables several times shifted by the previously listed spices. And so to the very top of the row. Unfortunately, I have no more detailed information about the recipe of such a "joint" quay of vegetables, apparently, this was not interested in a seven-year-old child. If anyone from the readers of "Botnyki" knows about this way, share, please. Further, we will talk about the old recipes of the quay, which became known to the author significantly later.

    Sauer apples.

    First, consider the simplified technology of the boys of apples, for which we need sour and tight grades, the best - Antonovka. If there is no oak, lime or cedar rogue, you can use plastic barrels or flasks, but only intended for food products. Still, in this case, in this case, to use 3 or 5 liter glass jars. Pre-at the bottom of the row or other capacity laying the leaves of the horse, finely chopped garlic, chopped roots of the shred, the leaves of black currant and cherries. Next, they laid healthy apples with clean skin, several times mounted rows of apples above spices that cover apples and from above. The brine is prepared at the rate of 2 cup of sugar and a half-table of salt by 10 liters of water. It is recommended to add several tablespoons of rye flour to the brine. Finally, we cover our workpiece with a clean cloth or gauze into several layers and put apples under the press. Apple bore filled with brine leaves for a week for fermentation at room temperature. Once the foam will fall from the surface and the air bubbles will be released, the tanks with apples should be closed tightly and omitted into the basement. Appropriate temperatures for storing sauer apples are not higher than plus 10 and not lower than minus 3 degrees. C. A month later, apples will be ready for use.

    Uricated Tern.

    About this recipe I want to tell, keeping the bright memory of my grandfather. Finishing to make the main billets for a whole winter, he necessarily in the end soaked a small barrel of Tern, who was happy to use dinner in a long student winter evening. Probably, this delicacy was worth. It is not for nothing that the urinary turns in its taste stands in one row with overseas olives. It should be remembered that all parts of this plant are kindergartens: the bark has an antipyretic properties, roots and wood - sweetened, the colors of the Tern improve the metabolism, in berries contain vitamins, calcium, magnesium, malic acid and tannins. Tasty and tincture, jumped, made from Tern berry.

    Turning technology is very simple. Ripe and intact Tern berries are selected, washed with cold water, which are then placed in a glass or enameled container. A water is poured into a saucepan - 1 liter, salt is poured - 1 tablespoon, sugar - 2 tablespoons and the solution is brought to a boil. After that, the fill should be cooled. Tern berries in the amount of 3 kg are poured with a cooked solution. The container is covered with linen fabric and a wooden circle to which the load is installed. After a weekly excerpt at room temperature, the container with a clumsy tern can be sent to the basement or to another cool place.

    P.S. It should be noted that my grandfather instead of sugar used the Navy root, as when applements, apparently knowing about his healing properties. It is a licorice root, a sweet root, a licorch root.


    Uricated Tern for the winter should be prepared by each mistress, at least for the fact that the ureaged berries retain almost all useful properties, and there are a lot of mentioned fruits. Such valuable billets from the Tern are quite popular in cooking. Turn uroiced with a cold way will become a stunning decoration for any salad. A variety of meat dishes are more beautiful looking at the festive table precisely with an addition in the form of such wonderful berries. In addition, the urinary sauerful turn can be applied to a beautiful saucer and a separate unique snack.
    Few people know about the benefits of tern for the human body, and it actually colossal. Such berries possess diuretic, binders, sweetened and antiseptic propertieswhich are simply necessary in special cases, for example, during a cold period. In the above step by step photos The recipe clearly outlines how to make sweet berries with vinegar, mustard and other spices at home. So, let's start making an amazing ureaged terns in banks for the winter.


    Urohen Tern - Cooking Recipe

    In this recipe, you can use the tank berries, as well as the plum of the Ternaya variety. Prepare the main ingredient of this unique billet.

    For the preparation of marinade for berries, we use the appropriate container into which the water is lowered, and then add sugar sand, salt, as well as carnation, cinnamon, two types of pepper and bay leaf. All mix and put boil, after boiling, add vinegar and remove the container from the plate. Cover the liquid with a lid and do not touch until the marine will become warm.

    In the meantime, the berries of the Tern or thorns are tightly folded into the bank, but not straight to the top and top, we fall asleep the mustard powder, but only three teaspoons, the rest will be useful for the next step.

    Now we take a sterile bandage, lay it into several layers, well smoke with boiled water and the lining the remaining part of the mustard powder. Thus, it turns out a peculiar "mask" - an ancient method of sealing, which is called "Lyut".

    The jar with berries fill a slightly warm marinade, and we put on top and cover and closed the caproic lid tightly. Approximately a month, the workpiece must appear at room temperature, and only then you can move it to the refrigerator. The fisosal uroiced thorn for the winter cooled and is ready to use.