From what age the children give carrots. When to enter and how to cook carrots for infants

So that the baby develops and grow normally and correctly, it should receive high-quality and healthy eating. Of course, breast milk is the most valuable and best that it can offer a loving mother to her child. And the baby's dairy diet will help with time and other useful products. And one of them is carrots. The main thing is to know how to introduce carrots in the lure to make it benefit for his health.

Benefit and harm to a child

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew about the beneficial influence of carrots on the growth of the kid. From the point of view of modern medicine and nutrition, it is possible to explain the value of an orange root root:

  • due to the increased content of carotene, carrots contributes to the synthesis of vitamin A - the most famous and powerful vitamin of growth;
  • this vegetable is useful for the kid's digestive system, since it contains fiber and coarse fibers;
  • contains a whole placer of useful vitamins and microelements, for example, A, E, C, K, almost all vitamins from the group B, folic acid;
  • beta carotene is indispensable for vision. This substance enhances the protective functions of the children's body. With regular and properly use of carrots, your child will not be terrible colds. This vegetable replaces dozens of immunomodulator preparations.

It is very important to know how to cook this root right for the child. And also remember that, like any other product, carrots have not only useful properties, but in some cases it can be harmful to the child. For example, call allergies, which we will talk more in more detail. Therefore, too frequent carrot adhesive in the diet of the kid should not be.

How and when to introduce carrots in the lure

When to enter the carrot baby and how to do it right? If the baby grows on breastfeeding, the first acquaintance with carrot dishes can be started at 5-6 months, if there are no problems with digestive system. Babes on artificial feeding for the first time try carrot juice can be a little earlier - in 4 months.

More cautious nutritionists, answering the question, from what age you need to introduce carrots to the children's diet, they advise you to postpone the introduction of lures of this vegetable up to 8-9 months.

Now about the rules for the introduction of carrot in the babies of the baby:

  1. Like any new product, carrot dust is introduced into the krochi diet in the minimum quantities.
  2. We begin literally from several drops and gradually increase the portion of the dust in the absence of allergies and other negative reactions in the kid.
  3. Control the condition of the baby, watching whether they did not appear allergic symptoms. Within 3 days from the beginning of the introduction of this product in its diet, no new lure give.
  4. For infants, it is enough to get carrot lures 1-2 times a week. Otherwise, the level of bilirubin in the blood of the baby can significantly increase, the skin seats and eye sclera are yellow, and hypervitaminosis can also develop.

How to cook carrot luck for a child

Pediatricians recommend to give carrots babies and in fresh form, squeezing juice from it, as well as in boiled or in a stewed form. For maximum saving useful properties Vegetable, of course, it is important to know how much cooking carrots and with which you can mix it. Peeled and thoroughly washed root root can offer a baby after a year, before that carrot pieces of the baby can try to the teeth only in the nicer.

Before cooking, it is desirable to soak the vegetable about 2 hours in cold water. Then the root is carefully wash and cleaned from the peel, the top and the tip is 1-2 cm. Next, if you plan to prepare the baby juice, the root can be scattered with boiling water.

Consider in more detail how to make a carrot puree for infant and cook vitamin juice:

Carrot puree

Carrot mashed potatoes are usually well absorbed by a children's organism, a pleasant sweet-dog taste of rootpod to many kids very much. Merchant homemade carrot for infants can be prepared fast enough:

  1. Prepared by a vegetable (washed and purified, with a remote core) cut into small pieces;
  2. Place the chopped carrot in a small saucepan, pour with water - approximately 1-1.5 glasses;
  3. Bring to a boil, fire to reduce almost to the minimum.
  4. Boil to softness 10-15 minutes.
  5. Water drain and cool the vegetable to room temperature.
  6. With the help of a blender to make mashed potatoes. You can wipe the mass through the sieve.
  7. Bring to the desired consistency, adding boiled water, or an apple juice already familiar to the baby. And ideally, dilute puree with breast milk, because for a better absorption of this product, fats are needed. Do not sore!

How to make a puree from carrots? Cooked on this recipe puree you can decompose into small containers and freeze. The workpiece can be stored until 3 months. Before use, we recommend moving the product from the freezing compartment to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours to defrost. Before serving on the table, heal the puree on a water bath to a pleasant warm temperature.

Carrot juice

For crumbs, it is necessary to prepare freshly-free carrot juice and do it better manually. We do it like this:

  1. We prepare the root root - soaked, mine, clean, remove the top, tip and core.
  2. Grind on a small grater.
  3. We take a mall in a few layers and put a waste mass on it.
  4. Press the juice through the gauze into clean dishes.
  5. We dissociate the resulting juice boiled and cooled to room temperature with water in proportion 1: 1.

You can also dilute the juice from carrot apple juice. Store the cooked drink is not recommended.

Allergy to carrot in a child

Allergic to carrots in infants - the phenomenon is not rare. So excessive use of carrot dishes can provoke a carotine jaundice at the kid. Characteristic symptoms This state is the yellowing of the palms and soles of the crumbs, the appearance of the yellowness of the scool. Often allergic reactions can appear in the form of rash, and irritation on the skin. What else should alert? Vomiting and the changed child's chair, worsening sleep and the overall state of the kid.

If at least one of the symptoms is seen within 2-3 days after the introduction of carrots into the diet of the crumbs, such adhesive is immediately excluded. Baby is recommended to show the children's doctor.

Choosing carrots for crumbs, pay attention:

  • so that the root plant is fresh - not favorable, and high-quality - without mold, black spots, rot;
  • do not seduce too large vegetables, it is possible that they are "fed" nitrates. Fruit weighing 100-150 g - exactly what you need;
  • if you buy root root on the market, require the seller's documentation confirming the environmental safety of the goods.

At home you can determine the presence or absence of the root odors from the root. It is necessary to eat a small piece of vegetable in a fresh form and make sure it is high-quality taste, and then you can safely cook it for the kid.

Take a baby to the right and healthy nutrition from the early age. Carrot must be in the children's diet, so that the baby develops fully, getting everything you need for it.

When the baby begins to try vegetables, parents want to give him the most useful vegetable cultures, among which one of the most valuable carrots are called. Is it possible to feed the baby to this vegetable up to a year, is it dangerous for babies because of its orange color and how best to cook carrot for karapuza?


  • Carrots serves as a rich source of beta-carotene - a compound from which the valuable baby is synthesized for the health of Vitamin A. This vitamin is important for metabolic processes, the formation of teeth, skin, bones, mucous membranes. Also everyone knows that beta carotene has a positive effect on vision. When lacking in the food of this substance, the kid will have dry skin, frequent diseases and slow growth.
  • Among the minerals that are rich in carrots are calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. From vitamins in carrots, especially many vitamins of group B, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin E.
  • Carrots are also considered an excellent source of fiber and pectin. Thanks to these substances, this vegetable improves digestion. It is noted that the use of carrots eliminates the stagnation of bile and causes a soft laxative effect.

Learn more about the benefits of carrots, see the transfer "Live Great".


It is known that carrots can cause an allergic reaction in many kids. In addition, excess carrots in the diet becomes the cause of caroten jaundice.

The skin of the palms and the sole of the baby turns yellow, the scool also appears yellow shade. Sleep crumbs worsens, a child may appear nausea and vomiting. In this case, all the symptoms pass as soon as carrots from the menu are excluded.

At what age is it worth entering into the lure?

Carrot puree in a baby's diet on breastfeeding is introduced together with other vegetables from 6-7 months of age. Familiarity with carrots usually happens after the baby tried a zucchini, potatoes, broccoli and other less allergenic vegetables. Babes on artificial feeding begin to try carrots for 1-2 months earlier.

Juice from this vegetable is given in 7-8 months of age.For the first time, the crumble is given only a teaspoon of mashed potatoes or juice or even half of this portion, carefully tracking any changes in the state of the karapus for 3-4 days. Even if the baby transfers carrots perfectly, dishes from this vegetable are not advised to give daily (just cook them twice a week).

Calculate your dust introduction table

Specify the birth date of the child and the way of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 January 29 January 31, January 31, April 29 / May June 2020 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Shape calendar

When can I give raw carrots?

Fresh carrot appears in the kid's diet older than one year. From it for a one-year-old baby, you can make a salad, races brushed carrots on a shallow grater. In order for carotene from such salad to fully fully, do not forget to add sour cream, vegetable oil or natural yogurt to the root.

Such a vitamin salad can be treated with a baby for breakfast or give it to a snack. You can also add grated apple or chopped dried fruits to carrots.

The carrot in the raw form is better to give a crumb in Nibler so that the baby does not fed a piece from her.

How to cook?


For the baby, who will try the carrot for the first time, select a high-quality root root, wash it well and remove it top, Cutting also the tail and the top.

Cutting a vegetable to readiness, then it should be chopped to a homogeneous puree using a sieve or blender.So that the mass does not turn out too dense and thick, add a little milk or mixture into carrot puree. Solit the first carrot purees should not.

The carrot in the form of mashed carrots is especially useful after the introduction into the diet vegetable oilSince fats contribute to the best absorption of vitamins from the root. Since carrots are rarely prepared in the form of the first vegetable dust, then for the first samples, a small piece of carrots can be added to any other vegetables that have already tried the kid.

If potatoes are introduced into the diet already and potatoes, and cauliflower, prepare the baby dish, the recipe of which is presented in the next video.

The juice

Having gathered to cook with your hands carrot juice for the baby, Extinate carrots for about 2 hours in the water, then wash the vegetable and clean it. Root roots on the grater, fold the grated carrot in several layers of gauze, press the juice and dilute 1 to 1 boiled water. Let's such a juice 1-2 times a week. It is often mixed with apple juice and other fresh juices.

In general, the form of a carrot to give a child, because the crumb can be stored.

If you have already entered the crooka bananas and apples into the diet, prepare for a baby smoothies on the following recipe.

Is there an allergy?

Carrots really consider very allergenic vegetable due to the large content of beta carotene. The use of carrots can lead to the appearance of rash after the first spoon. But even if Kroch's first samples were reacted normally, allergic can manifest itself within a few days of the use of this vegetable.

That is why the introduction to the diet of small children of carrots should be very careful.This vegetable can be given only a healthy child in the first half of the day, watching the reaction of the crumbs within 2-3 days. If negative impact has not been revealed, after 3 days it is possible to give the baby to a portion of carrots. If the Karapuz appeared rash or other negative manifestations, carrots are excluded from the menu for a while.

  • For dishes that you will prepare a karapuz, choose carrot without spots and mold traces.
  • Do not buy too large carrots, as more nitrates accumulate in large root roots. The best choice For baby food will be fruit weighing about 150 g.
  • If you do not want to cook carrot puree at home, buy a ready-made version from a well-known food manufacturer for children. Such a product will be homogenized and useful if, in addition to carrots and water, other ingredients will be absent.

Learn whether your child's weight is normal when using the following calculator.

Growth and weight calculator



Make the nutrition of the baby not only delicious and useful, but also to diversify the usual menu will help the introduction of lures. It can be grated fruits or vegetable dishes, for example, carrot puree for infants.

The choice of the optimal option depends on the individual characteristics of the children's body. So, with vegetable supplies it is worth starting, if the baby is tormented by constipation and intestinal colic, the baby has rickets, anemia, and in the case when the body weight is above normal.

Pros and cons

Orange root root - wonderful natural pantry. It contains beta carotene, which, entering the body, turns into retinol - vitamin A, necessary for normal growth and development, indispensable for the eyes, as well as the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin C helps better absorb the gland. The red vegetable copes perfectly with anemia and favorably affects the hematopoietual function. Therefore, carrots for infants are necessary.

The healing force of Morkovia

The vitamin and mineral complex, fiber and nutritional fibers contained in the root of the root, give it the following healing properties:

Table - The nutritional value carrots, content in 100 grams of carrots

water 85 gB1 thiamine 0.06 mgpotassium 170-200 mgzinc 0.1-0.2 mg
proteins 1.3%B2 riboflavin 0.07 mgchlorine 63 mgaluminum 323.0 μg
fats 0.1-0.3%B3 niacin 0.1 mgphosphorus 45-55 mgbor 200.0 μg
carbohydrates 6.9-7%B6 pyridoxine 0.4 mgmagnesium 30-38 mgmarganese 0.1 mg
fiber, food fibers up to 1.5%B5 Pantothenic acid 0.3 mgcalcium 25-27 mgvanadium 99.0 μg
sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose) 4-7 gAT 9 folic acid 22-28 μgsodium 21-25 mgcopper 0.02-0.7 mg
pectin substances 0.6-0.7%nicotinic acid 1.0 mgsulfur 6.0 mgfluorine 55.0 μg
starch 0.2 gWith ascorbic acid 4-5 mgiron 0.3-0.66 mgmolybdenum 20.0 μg
phytoncides (natural antibiotics)E tocopherol 0.36-0.4 μg lithium 6.0 μg
ash 0.7-1 gN biotin 0.6 mg nickel 6.0 μg
To Phillaxinone 13.2 μg iodine 2 μg
alpha carotene 9.0 mg chrome 3.0 μg
beta carotene 12 mg cobalt 2.0 μg
selenium 1 μg

For good feelings, the baby is important that the intestines worked as a clock. Before entering a new product in lures, it is important to understand: he is low or fastened. So, natural carrot juice and mashed potatoes are excellent "fixers", but in combination with an apple, this vegetable helps to adjust the digestion. In any case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Caution: Brightly painted!

Despite the fact that the carrot contains a lot of useful substances and is a natural "healer", to start the acquaintance of the baby with a vegetable diversity from it should not be. Like all bright fruits, an orange beauty can cause an allergic reaction.

You need to enter the carrot luch, but since how many months it is worth doing this, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. In 6-7 months, on the recommendation of pediatricians, vegetable luchers are starting with white or green fruits, as the least dangerous in terms of allergies. When children's organism Get used to neutral tastes - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower - can be moved to a more fragrant and bright product.

  • At 8-9 months, add a few droplets of carrot juice into breast milk, an adapted mixture or an already familiar baby mashed potatoes from another vegetable. Observe the reaction of the baby. If everything is fine, you can regularly enter carrot juice in the menu, and then puree (but no more often 2-3 times a week).
  • After 12-15 months The kid can offer raw carrots, marked on a shallow grater, or carrot salad.
  • In 3-4 years. But gnaw fresh, I am a whole carrot, let's give a child for 3-4 years, when you are sure that he does not suppress it.

Be careful to a small meal. Allergic for carrots in a child is easy to detect. If, after a small portion of carrot puree or juice, the baby has lethargy, drowsiness, bouts of nausea or vomiting, it is worth excluding the root corner of the dust. Another consequence of a carrot diet is a carotic jaundice. With constant use of carrot puree or juice in the body, carotene accumulates. Breasts "yellow" - palms, soles, leather and toddler sclera acquire a yellowish carrot hue. It is only worth excluding the "coloring" vegetable from the diet, and after a while the child returns its natural color.

In Germany, pediatricians advise parents as the first vegetable supplies to use carrots, and not cabbage or zucchini. Experts believe that the use of this vitamin corneprode is more than the potential risk of allergy.

How much do you hang in grams?

When you enter a new product in the Toddler menu, the question arises: how much to give and how often not to harm? First of all, consult a pediatrician who knows about the possible genetic predispositions of the child. If parents suffer from allergies, with a high probability of this feature will be the baby. It is better to start with a pair of droplets of carrot juice, added to breast milk or already tested puree. If the body of the baby did not express discontent in the form of an allergic reaction, it is possible to neatly continue - 0.5 teaspoon, then the portions gradually increase, bringing up to 50-100 grams per reception. And be sure to watch the crumb.

Carrot Menu for Baby: Recipes Children's Dishes

So that the use of orange vegetable does not die before harm, it is important to prepare it correctly. As a first dish from carrots, you can offer a baby carrot puree.

Puree industrial, shopping

Buying jars with baby food in the store, carefully consider the packaging:

  • Is the shelf life expired?
  • Didn't the cover on the package with mashed potatoes?
  • Is there any preservatives, salt, sugar?

Closed package can be stored at home in a dark place at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Opening a jar, you must hear cotton, which indicates that the tightness is not broken. The first portions of the dust is minimal, the whole jar of the baby will not master. Therefore, opening the packaging, lay out a one-time portion into another dishes, close the jar tightly with a lid and remove into the refrigerator. Before giving a puree to a child, warm it in a water bath to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

Mamino puree, homemade

Prepare carrot mashed potatoes are not at all difficult and at home.

  1. We take 100 g of carrots, 25 ml of milk and 3 g of vegetable oil (it will soften the puree and will help to maintain an important vitamin necessary for visual acuity, growth and skin). Ideal for baby food, of course, there will be a vegetable, grown without chemicals on its site. If you doubt the origin of redheads, you can soak it in water for several hours.
  2. Well my carrots, it is better with a brush, clean and cut into cubes or small pieces (you can cut into a straw or chop on a large grater).
  3. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water so that its water is completely covered.
  4. Press put on the stove and shops until the weak fire is ready.
  5. We drag the remaining fluid or we draw a boiled carrot on the colander, and then purrising with a blender or wipe through a sieve, getting rid of lumps.
  6. In the resulting carrot mass we add heated milk, slightly salts (optional) and bring to a boil. Add a couple of droplets of vegetable oil and cool.

Abused carrot puree in pure form is not worth it. It is better to introduce the root plant in vegetable assorted, and its juice is mixed with apple. Carrots are good in the company with other vegetables and fruits - add bright colors and lightly softens the taste of any dish.

Cauliflower and carrot vegetable puree

  1. It will take 1 carrots, 150 g of cauliflower, 1.5 glasses of water, 1 tsp. Sunflower, olive or corn oil, salt.
  2. Korneflood as it should be used, using the brush, clean, cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan with boiling water.
  3. After 10 minutes, we add a washed, disassembled to the cabbage inflorescences. Cook another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Enjoy, pürbly with a blender or wipe through a sieve.
  5. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mashed potatoes and sit down slightly. Since the baby was not addicted to salted food, you can quite do without salt. The puree will be even more useful.

Carrot juice

  1. Thoroughly washing carrots clean, scraping boiling water.
  2. Grinding on a fine grater and, using sterile gauze, folded in several layers, press juice manually. You can use the juicer. True, metal elements are oxidized, part of carrot benefits is lost.
  3. Ready juice before giving a baby, you need to dilute with water. In the refrigerator, keep no more than a day.

Carrot cutlets


  1. To prepare carrot cutlets For children, we take 700 g of carrots, 0.5 tbsp. Manka, 2 h. Sugar sand, salt to taste, for frying - vegetable oil. Thoroughly washed carrots put in a saucepan and pour water.
  2. We apologize a little, although it is quite possible to do without it.
  3. Cook on a small fire. Readiness to check with a knife or fork. So that the vegetable has lost less useful substances, you can boil it to a pair.
  4. Cooked carrots are cooling, removing the peel, grind on the grater.
  5. Add half of the manca, sugar, mix.
  6. We form the cutlets from the received carrot "minced meat" minced meat.
  7. We lay them on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, until the readiness is frying on both sides.

On a couple

  1. So that the dish is more healthy and useful, we care without frying. The recipe is identical to the previous one, with the exception of the end item - in this case, the cutlets are postponed into the double boiler bowl and cook until readiness.
  2. As "podliva" suitable jam or sour cream.

In the oven

  1. We take 2 carrots, 2 apples, 7-8 berries of Kuragi, 20 g of butter, 150 ml of milk, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of mankey.
  2. Carefully my apples and carrots, clean and rub on a shallow grater.
  3. For the Kuragu, we scroll in the water, then finely cut.
  4. Heat the milk, add a grated mass and dried.
  5. We put for a few minutes on a small fire.
  6. As soon as the mass becomes soft, gradually suck the semolina and, stirring, add butter.
  7. I cool, we split the egg in the "mince", mix and form.
  8. On a baking sheet, covered with baking paper, lay out the cutlets and send them to the heated oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we bake 15-20 minutes.
  9. Apply with sour cream or yogurt.

In a slow cooker

  1. Preparation of carrot boiler in a slow cooker allows you to maintain a maximum of useful substances, and at the exit, a delicious dish is obtained, the delicate consistency of which is suitable to the kids up to the year.
  2. We take one carrot, 2 tbsp. Spoons of semolina cereals, half of the egg, 120 ml of milk.
  3. Washing and purified carrot three on a shallow grater, lay out in a multicooker's bowl and pour milk so that it covers the mass.
  4. Most minutes 15.
  5. When the carrot becomes soft, add the semi and continue to stir. Mass should be very thick.
  6. We lay it into a deep cup, add a spoonful of strawberry jam, mix and cool a little. We add half the eggs, thoroughly mix.
  7. I make cutlets from the minced meat and send them into a lubricated oil bowl for cooking for a couple. For 15 minutes we turn on the "Cooking for a pair" mode. Apply with milk, kefir or sour cream.

We harm the forecast

  1. To prepare carrot purees for the winter, we will need 1.5 kilograms of root.
  2. Thoroughly, we cut off the top with the residues of the tops, clean, trying not to cut the extra - the upper orange layer is most useful and rich in valuable substances.
  3. We cut into cubes or strokes, pour water and cook about half an hour.
  4. While the carrot comes to the desired condition, prepare banks: rinse, sterilize.
  5. Carefully my covers, insert rubber bands in them and throw it for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.
  6. Cooked until the carrot is converted to a homogeneous puree - wipe through a sieve or grinding with a blender or kitchen combine.
  7. We lay out in the prepared dry jars, cover with covers and ride with the key.
  8. Store in a dark cooler place.

Carrot puree for infants - useful and nutritious delicacy. Greet your baby with new delicious and healthy dishes, not forgetting to closely monitor his mood and well-being.


It is difficult to imagine a children's diet without carrot. But how and when to introduce this vegetable in the Child menu to get a maximum benefit and minimum damage?

Carrot for the children's body is a real find.

  1. First of all, it is a container of beta-carotene, from which Vitamin A. is subsequently formed. Thanks to this, the vitamin comes to normal the metabolism, new cells grow, it takes part in the formation of the bone system and the teeth and the development of the body as a whole, helps to fight infections and reduces Period of recovery after illness. Well-known beneficial effect of beta-carotene on visual acuity, health and mucous membranes. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency in 9-11-month-old children: dry skin drying, slow growth and frequent diseases.
  2. The ally carotene in the fight against the cold in the composition of carrots is calcium. In addition to this element, in this vegetable there are potassium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as folic acid and other vitamins - B, C, E.
  3. The carrots contain quite a few pectin and fiber that contributes to digestion. If the baby has a soft laxative action. It is desirable to give children who have a stagnant bile.

Although in some cases, the introduction of such a dust can harm.

First of all, we are talking about the possible, which manifests itself quickly - literally after the first dust. The fact is that on vitamin A contained in carrots, the child's body can respond with increasing temperature and skin rash.

It is enough to remove carrots from the menu so that in a few days the baby's condition improved.

When and how to enter?

It is possible to give carrot puree and juice, starting with 5, and better - from 6 months. For babies on breastfeeding, this vegetable lure can be transferred to a later date - for 7-8 months. The same figures are relevant for infants with allergies or genetic predisposition.

Increased sensitivity of some kids to this product causes doubts: whether it is worth doing carrots first vegetable pricing. Meetsky pediatricians adhere to the opinions that the real benefit is more important than potential allergies, which may not be.

Therefore, the manufacturers of baby food are often a line of products that opens carrot lures, and without additives in the form of other vegetables. Over time, add other recommended kids food.

This has its own logic, because the product is not only rich in valuable substances, but also a pleasant taste compared, for example, with a cauliflower.

Carrot is not only easily absorbed, but also helps digestion. Nevertheless, Russian pediatricians still recommend not to risk and introduce it into the diet of the crumbs after or zucchild.

Juice or puree is given for the first time on a teaspoon.

The reaction of the body is monitored after the introduction of any lure, but in the case of carrots, parents should be especially observant: as already noted, the vegetable often becomes the cause of allergies.

If everything is fine, after a couple of days you can give puree or juice again, already a little more. Further carrot dust gives only a couple of times a week. Daily feeding can harm the liver kid.

Secrets of choice and cooking

Bright and uniform painting of rootepodes - a guarantee of freshness.

The choice of carrots for the preparation of baby food should be approached with special responsibility. Store the following rules:

  1. Look for good, dense copies of natural shape (without bends).
  2. Peel should be smooth, bright orange.
  3. Want to choose a carrot that is kept for a long time? Pay your gaze to root with green leaves - they stay fresh longer. But on the parish home, be sure to cut the green part to avoid moisture loss.
  4. The blackened top speaks of the sealing of vegetable. From such a purchase it is better to refuse.
  5. The most tender and sweet is a young medium-sized carrot (weight of about 150 g), tapering at the end. Thicker copies may be too hard - with them the hostess will be harder to cope during cooking, besides, they contain more nitrates.

Like other root, carrots often contains traces of pesticides, which scares many parents. The solution is a bold cleaning (well, if you will capture a small part of the flesh with the skin). When cutting the top ruthlessly "grab" at least 1 cm.

The little ones feed carrot puree, which is easy to cook.

  1. Kornemploda needs to be prettage and clean.
  2. Before thermal processing, it is desirable to cut the top and tail in a vegetable.
  3. Cook until readiness, then grind in a blender or wipe through a sieve.
  4. For softness, the resulting mass is diluted with breast milk or a mixture.
  5. Since beta-carotene is a fat-soluble connection, the puree should add a literally a couple of droplets of vegetable oil.
  6. If carrots are not the first vegetable baking, you can add other products in the dish.

Carrots are a wonderful and useful vegetable that practically does not lose its nutritional value during cooking or steam processing. On the contrary, under the influence of temperature, the rigid cell walls of the root of the root are destroyed by releasing beta-carotene.

Do not want to make puree at home? You can always buy ready. The jars with bait are good not only by the fact that the quality of their content passes hard control and can not be worried, for example, about the same nitrates.

Breasts 3-5 months Manufacturers offer homogenized (homogeneous) product. It is impossible to achieve such an effect at home.

Buying carrot lures in the store, you should carefully examine the label. The prepared carrot puree should include: vegetables, water and nothing more. Various food additives can provoke an allergic reaction.

And carrots. Each mom is useful to know how to enter a carrot in lures. Orange color Vegetable reminds: Caution, Allergy! Carrot is not a strong allergen, but it is still necessary to observe caution measures when it is introduced into lures.

For the first apps, children give a puree from carrots. Roots - source of useful substances and vitamins. The potential risk of allergy is much smaller than the real benefits of this vegetable. Therefore, one should not doubt whether to give or not give the baby dishes from this useful fetus.

Speaking about the benefits of vegetable, first of all it should be noted that he is rich in beta-carotene. Subsequently, a familiar Vitamin A. is distinguished from it thanks to the vitamin A, the bones and joints of the person are developing normally, teeth are formed. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the vision and skin of children. The fruit is also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. In the orange vegetable a lot of fiber, which provides a normal intestinal operation.

Carrot harm for children

It should be noted several negative points that may occur in children after the use of carrots:

  • Allergy to carrot in infants. Mama of allergic children should be introduced carrot puree with caution, since the vegetable is an allergen.
  • Stool disorder. Crude carrots and fresh carrot juice can slit chair. But the boiled vegetable is the opposite, fastens. It is important to observe the measure and dosage, giving breast kids to the provincial carrot.

When you can enter with carrots:

  • For the first dust, the vegetable puree is prepared from boiled fruits. It can be given to the baby on breastfeeding in 6-7 months.
  • Fresh carrot juice infants are introduced earlier than 8 months.
  • Salad from raw grating carrots can be launched after 1 year old baby.
  • Crop the raw purified root root can be children after 3-4 years. At the same time, all security measures must be observed: often the kids are pressed by pieces of poorly checked vegetable.

Masking mask for infants is introduced gradually: starting with a 0.5 teaspoon in the morning. The portion consistently increases to 150 grams per day, if the infant has not developed allergies. If the vegetable did not approach the baby (he manifested itself, diarrhea either constipation, general anxiety, sleep disturbance), then the lure should be canceled and not given for 3-4 weeks. During the first 2 weeks from the beginning of the introduction of carrots, you should not add other ingredients in puree: milk, butter or other vegetables. If the children's body responded well to a new product, then it can be given it several times a week (preferably not more than 2-3 times).

In no case do not solitinate and do not sweat my puree.

We draw your attention that when the baby is abused, the baby can "get sick of carotine jaundice" - the skin will become a yellow shade, the eye proteins can yellow. Carefully look at all the manifestations of the body of the baby and do not allow such situations.

Each mother wants to give her child the best. Therefore, many seek to provide their child the best and fresh meal. Jars with ready-made baby food can be bought at any store. Of course, they can be given to the baby. But it will be much better if for the first time mom will prepare a baby with her own hands. In the nutrition of industrial production may contain additives and sugar. And there is nothing dangerous in my home cooking puree.

Tips how to choose high-quality carrot for infants:

  1. The size. A good vegetable has an average size. As a rule, in large copies a solid core, which will have to cook for a long time.
  2. Color. Choose an orange fruit. Do not confuse if the fruit "in appearance" is dirty, in the sand. The main thing is that he was not rotten. Remember that pure carrot has already been a look. So, its shelf life is less than that of dirty relatives.
  3. Density. Good fruit should be dense to the touch. If it is sluggish and easily bends, it means that the vegetable was incorrectly stored and lost a lot of useful substances.
  4. Do not take root with blackened paint or dark splashes.

Carrot puree

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, water.

Preparation: Before cooking carrot puree at home, wash and clean the root. Wash it again. Cut vegetable with rings. Place the rings on the bottom of the enamel pan, pour boiling water. Cover the lid and cook a vegetable on a small fire until complete readiness, about 30-40 minutes. Remove the cooked pieces of carrots and grind them with a blender. Puree consistency should not be thick. Dilute your carrot decoction mashed, which remained. Get together once again. Enjoy the wedge and give it to the baby.

When the baby is adapted to carrots, you can add some vegetable oil to the dish so that fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed. Also, carrots can be perfectly combined with other products (for example, carrot - apple puree for infants).

Carrot juice

Ingredients: 1-2 carrots middle size, water.

Preparation: Before cooking carrot juice for infants, soak the vegetable for several hours in water. After that, soda fruit on the grater. Passing out the ground with gauze. The juice obtained by pressing the juice to dilute with water in proportion 1: 1. In the first time the juice is better to boil. Cool down and give the child.

Video cement of vegetable mix in a slow cooker

From carrots you can prepare many different dishes: soups with carrots, vegetable steguCarrot Cutlets, carrot cake and even carrot cookies for children. Mama needs only to comply with the deadlines for the introduction of new products, do not acquaint crook with several new products at the same time.

If carrots are not digested

Sometimes moms are perplexed why in feces in a child undigested carrots. This phenomenon can be explained by several reasons:

  • There was an abuse of the product. Mom did not observe the allowable dosages. The enzyme that is responsible for the cleavage of fiber is not yet produced by the baby in the desired quantity. Therefore, the vegetable is not digested.
  • Perhaps the baby has a functional dyspepsia, accompanied by poor appetite, joining, liquid stool. It is necessary to undergo a survey.
  • There are gross violations of the timing and order of administration of adhesiveness. Moms forget, from how many months you can give carrots to the baby, do not know whether it is possible to give a child with a raw carrot up to a year. It also happens that the lure was poorly processed before serving the baby.

Under the compliance of the administration of adhesiveness, the state of children's detergents will definitely improve.

Let's summarize

Carrot must be in the menu of each infant. This useful vegetable contains many vitamins and trace elements. It is introduced in lures from 6-7 months in the form of a puree. At the initial stage, children are presented with a monopure. Subsequently, the combination of carrots with other ingredients is welcomed. Children can not give raw carrots up to 1 year.