Description of Vysotsky. Vladimir Vysotsky: Brief biography and creativity of the poet

Vladimir Vysotsky became the legend of Soviet music, theater and cinema. Vysotsky's songs became classics and indisputable eternal hits. Its creativity is very difficult to classify, as it goes beyond the scope and expands them. Usually, Vysotsky belongs to the bordeel music, but at the same time its manner of performance and the subjects of the texts completely different from the adopted in the Bardian medium. The musician himself also died from this movement.

First channel

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in a huge communal. Poet's father - Bard and actor, a native of Kiev, veteran of the Second World War, and Mom - Referrant Translator. When the war began, Vladimir Semenovich was only four years old, so Mom decided to leave his son to the Orenburg region. There, Vysotsky lived for about two years, and after evacuation, the family returned back to Moscow.

Two years later, at the end of the war, parents diverged. At first aged, Vladimir Vysotsky fell into the occupied post-war Germany, so his childhood cannot be called rainbow, unlike the peers located in the capital of the USSR. Being in Germany, Volodya visited the lessons of playing the piano. His mother married the second time, with stepfather Vysotsky was in difficult relationships. The native father also married the second time, but with a stepmother the musician had a better relationship.

A young poet returned to Moscow in 1949, settling with his father and his wife. It was there that the acquaintance of Vysotsky with music was acquainted, or rather, with merry youth 50s, which pushed him to sing. The first chords of Vladimir Semenovich are the motives of Blush romance, a popular destination for those whose childhood has passed during the war. In the evenings, the company was going to play the guitar of the song about Kolyma, Vorkuta and Murke. Then Vladimir Vysotsky began a serious novel with a guitar.

At the age of 10, Vladimir Semenovich began visiting the dramatic circle. Then he still did not quite understand that his future belongs to the theater. After graduating from school, Vysotsky entered the Moscow construction, but after six months I realized that I was "not there" and threw an educational institution.

According to legend, Vladimir did it suddenly and quite eccentric. All New Year's Eve The future actor together with the classmate was held for preparing for the session, made drawings, without which it was impossible to get admission to exams. After several hours of painstaking work, the drawings were ready - and then Vysotsky grabbed a carcass from the table and poured on his sheet. Vladimir realized that he could no longer be in this school institution, and the remaining six months decided to spend on preparing for a new arrival.

After that, a young charismatic guy entered MCAT and after three years he made his debut on the theater scene in the educational performance "Crime and Punishment." Then Vladimir Semenovich played the first small role in the film "Peers".


After release from the Studio Studio, Vysotsky went to work in the theater. Pushkin. Soon, the actor went to the theater miniature, playing there in small episodes and extras, which did not cause greater enthusiasm. There were also unsuccessful attempts to break into the theater "Contemporary".

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As a result, I liked Vladimir Semenovich, theater was caught on Taganka, in which he worked until the death. Here Vysotsky tried out images of Hamlet, Pugacheva, Swidrigailov and Galilee. Together with the theater on Taganka, the actor toured a lot, he practically traveled the whole world, performed in France, Poland, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria, several times could drive himself in the United States, visited Mexico, Canada and Tahiti.


Texts to songs Vladimir Vysotsky wrote himself. The first verses Vysotsky wrote still at school. The poem "My oath", a young poet dedicated to Stalin and in the lyrical manner grieving about the death of the leader. The first song himself Vysotsky calls "Tattoo", which was executed in Leningrad in 1961. This song began in the work of the poet of the cycle of yard, "thorough" works.

Despite the statements of the performer himself, there is another song dated a year earlier. This song is called "49 days." She is written about the feat of Russian soldiers who drifted on the Pacific Ocean. Poems were devoted to a noble topic, but it did not make Vysotsky love his creation. He called this song to the halitchikov benefit and responded very negative about it. According to the author, you can press many such verses, simply by opening the heading of current events in any newspaper and rewritten the surname. For the poet it was important to pass creativity through myself, so he did not recognize the "Halturny" song "49 days".

Vladimir Vysotsky's author's inspiration, whom, who, until the last day of his life he considered his mentor. "The song about the truth and lies" was devoted to him. Writing music and lyrics Actor started in the 60s. The first listeners did not appreciate the "yard" motifs of the musician, and they didn't really like the Vysotsky himself. As a musician Vladimir Semenovich matured a little later. In 1965, the Song "Submarine" was the sign that the youthful creativity of the early poet ended. Later, the actor wrote songs for the film, in which he shot himself and took an active part in their creation.

Rock Cult.

In 1968, the first gramplastine was published with the author's songs of Vysotsky. It was a collection of his songs to the movie "Vertical", including I first sounded in this picture, and later I became one of the business cards of the musician "A song about a friend."

In 1975, for the first time, and, as it turned out, the last time, in the official Soviet collection, Vysotsky poem was published. It was lucky to verse "from the road". In the same year, the musician recorded a new plate "V.Vysotsky. Self-portrait. " It was a large compilation, with the author's retreats before each song and accompaniment on three guitars. But the record came out only partially and only after the author's death.

In 1978, Vladimir Vysotsky received the highest category of the pop soloist. This showed that the Ministry of Culture recognizes the work of Vysotsky and ready to recognize it by a professional performer.

TV center

In 1979, a musician toured a lot, he performed in New York and Toronto. Vysotsky's songs were so impressed by the listeners that in law-abiding America in the same year without permission of the singer himself published a pirated recording of a concert with a confused order of compositions.

In the same year, Vladimir Vysotsky took part in the creation of a famous Samizdat almanach "Metropol". It was an observed publication, a collection of texts of those authors who could not be printed officially. A total of 12 copies came out, but one of them could illegally take out in the United States, where Almanac was published officially.

Vysotsky continued to tour. In France, he met the Gypsy musician, in a duet with which he performed many songs and romances. The singers planned to record a record, but Vladimir did not have time to do this.

In the last years of life, the artist never ceased to give concerts. He spoke in Leningrad, Kaliningrad and Moscow, continued to play Hamlet in the theater on Taganka.

In the repertoire of the musician and the poet more than 600 songs, as well as about 200 poems. His concerts attended crowds of fans. The work of Vladimir Vysotsky to this day does not lose relevance. The musician gave more than one and a half thousand concerts worldwide. Once life, Vysotsky released 7 own albums and 11 collections of songs of other musicians in his performance.

The exact discography of all albums and collections in which Vysotsky participated, it is almost impossible to create, since they were published in different countries, carried out of the sale, rewriting. After the death of Vysotsky, his song continued to go out on the plates.


In the biography of Vladimir Vysotsky, theater, movies and music are equally intertwined. His first, episodic role in the film "Peers" Vysotsky played while studying in Mkate. But truly cinema opened Vladimir Semenovich as an actor in 1961, after filming the film "Career Dima Gorina". Then followed "713th asking landing" and other films. But there was no main role, Vysotsky began to abuse alcohol. This lot turned the worse.

Serious success came only in 1967 with the release of the film "Vertical", to which he wrote all the songs. About Vysotsky immediately recognized the whole country, at the same time both about the actor, and as a musician.

Vysotsky's songs were criticized in the Central Committee of the CPSU and the subordinate press. Vysotsky could not ignore this and after the urgent articles on the topic, which Vysotsky sings, sent a letter to the Central Committee, where he called this criticism with sharp and silent.

Kumir Millions Vladimir Vysotsky became a contemptuous Soviet government. He was often refused of roles, and the songs did not go on the air, so during the 70s the actor shot little. In the theater on Taganka, it was dismissed for drunkenness, they again argued to the main roles. Vysotsky several times almost "stuck" to the world due to the weak heart, overwork and prolonged swallows. But at the same time, it was during this period that Vysotsky played his Hamlet who was remembered to millions. Vladimir embodied the most difficult and attractive role in his special manner and infinitely talented.

On television, Estonian transmission dedicated to Vysotsky, "Guy from Taganka" came out. It was the first appearance of an artist on television not in a feature film. About the actor wrote a lot and filmed. The article in the journal "Theater" was published about him, later Vysotsky called to speak on the French TV channel, where he fulfilled his biographical "ballad of love." But on central television, no interviews or concert of Vladimir Vysotsky during his life was shown. Sometimes there were attempts to record an interview for central television. For example, Vysotsky spoke with Valery carriers, but subsequently the film with the transfer was washed off, without leaving nothing but a small final fragment for a few minutes.

The sign role for Vladimir Vysotsky was the work in a multi-sieuled picture "The meeting point cannot be changed", where the actor played his favorite hero - Gleb Zheglov, and also acted as director. In this film, Vladimir Semenovich's song does not sound, although initially he expressed such a desire. Then the director was against such creativity, since, in his opinion, Charismatic Vysotsky could eclipse the image of his hero.

Vladimir Vysotsky really wanted to play in the American film "Red". He recorded a video message to Warren Beatti, who had to become a film director. But the entry in the US has never reached.

Personal life

When Vladimir Semenovich studied in the first year of Mkat, he met a fellowship, who eventually became his first wife in 1960. The marriage did not last long, the spouses often quarreled and, without living together and years, divorced.

The second wife of the actor became. They met a year after the divorce of Vladimir Semenovich with the first wife. In this marriage Abramov presented the musician of two children, which could not save the family, and already in 1968 the couple also diverged. Both Sons of Vysotsky subsequently became artists and tied their lives with a movie. Younger Son, manages the State Cultural Center-Museum V.S. Vysotsky.

For the third time, Vysotsky married to, which I first saw the "Witch" in the film "and immediately fell in love with the actress. For many years, the musician dreamed of a beautiful woman, revising the painting with her participation. Their acquaintance was still happening. Once, after viewing the play, Vysotsky visited the restaurant, where he was resting said. Then the man straight went to her, took the hand and did not reduce the eyes from Marina. In 1970, Vlad and Vysotsky got married.

Vladimir Vysotsky's personal life then turned over, his long-standing dream was carried out. So it lasted 10 years, until the death of the musician. Throughout this period, Marina Vlady remained for the actor not only with his beloved woman, support, but also the main muse.

But in this family, everything was not so smooth. Vysotsky had a scandalous reputation, a lot of rumors went about him and his women. Already in our time in the biography "Vysotsky. Thank you for living. "Artist's novel with some Tatiana Ivlev in the last years of life. The girls with that name never existed never, but this does not mean that the famous musician was shaken and attributed to a married man with non-existent love on the side.

Student Oksana Afanasyev became the last love of Vysotsky. He fell in love by chance and at first sight. As later told, Oksana he became her first and, probably, the only real love. The difference between lovers was more than 20 years old. Oksana was a daughter of the famous writer, so there was no trepidation before famous personalities, much more she was afraid that for a popular musician with a reputation as an alcoholic and the woman, she would only become entertainment. But these were real feelings with gentle courtships and admiration.

Vysotsky's wife at that time lived his life in Paris, but knew about her husband's mistress. Oksana even moved to the apartment to Vladimir, she knew that he was married, but perceived it as something far and not significant. The musician has changed her. Vladimir Vysotsky did not hide his relationship, openly acquainted the girl with his friends and colleagues.


Vladimir Vysotsky, despite confident appearance and high growth, did not differ strong health. It is difficult to say whether the congenital prerequisites were for this, the role of the artist to alcohol played. Vysotsky smoked on a pack of cigarettes per day and for many years was dependent on alcohol. He was a creative person, but his works were constantly criticized, pressed and postponed. With all this, he helped throw or at least encode many of their famous friends. He caught them in the city during periods of exacerbations, persuaded, gave the pills brought by Marina from France. So he pulled at least Dahl and Livanova. Many familiar musicians argue that in recent years of life, Vysotsky himself ceased to drink alcohol.


Nevertheless, for a long time, Vysotsky had heart and breathing problems.

The first serious attack occurred in 1969. Vysotsky went blood to the throat, the ambiguned wife called an ambiguity. At first, doctors even refused to hospitalize the musician, considering his mortal case, but the lady blocked the door and threatened the diplomatic scandal. Vysotsky rescued the perseverance of his wife and the fact that the physicians recognized the famous singer and actor. The operation lasted 18 hours.

Alcohol addiction had its consequences, causing kidney and heart disease. Doctors tried to fight with particularly severe states of the drugs of the narcotic series. It is not known whether this cause dependence or the musician himself decided that the drugs would help him refuse to alcohol and cope with their illness, but the fact remains: by the mid-70s, Vysotsky developed drug addiction. He constantly increased the dose of morphine and amphetamine, by 1977, Vysotsky could no longer live without daily use of narcotic substances. At that time, the musician was already doomed, attempts to treatment did not have actions and Vysotsky predicted death for several years or from overdose or from abstinence.

In 1979 in Bukhara Vysotsky, it was possible to survived clinical death. Biographers still argue about this fact.

On July 25, 1980, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky died suddenly. Death came in a dream in the apartment where the musician lived. The artist rushed around the room and said Mother, which knows what will die on this day. He fell asleep only after the progressive injection and died in a dream.

At the request of closely, the opening was not carried out, therefore the exact cause of the death of Vysotsky was never installed. According to several sources, it can be assumed that the poet, a musician and a talented actor died of myocardial infarction or from asphyxia due to overdose by sedatives.

Friends and spouses recognized that Vysotsky killed drugs, but indirectly, overdose is never mentioned as a likely cause of death.

Russian courier

In newspapers and on television almost did not advertise the death of Vladimir Vysotsky. This happened not so much due to the fact that he was an objectionable power by the poet, as because of the date of death. Vysotsky died during the Summer Olympics in Moscow. Nobody wanted to spoil such a major international event with a necrologist. The actor's death message posted in the box office theater on the Taganka, and a huge crowd was almost instant around the theater. None of those who bought tickets for the failed speeches of Vysotsky did not pass them.

Information about the funeral was actively silent, but the whole city came to farewell to the musician. As marina said later, this marina was not buried even kings. To get to the Vagankovsky cemetery, the coffin with Vysotsky should have drove past the Kremlin. The official authorities tried to wash off flowers and knocked down the portrait so that there was no visible who was carried through the Moscow Center, but before that, a quietly mournful crowd, the chest faced the protection of the procession. People with umbrellas closed flowers, shouted at the police. Photos of this disorder went around the whole world.

Russian courier

In order for the Great Musician to be buried not far from the entrance, the director of the cemetery had to sacrifice his position. Vysotsky's grave turned out to be simply littered with flowers. Fans of genius did not forget about it for many years. Until now, many Vysotsky admirers visit his last refinement and leave flowers. In 1985, the standard tombstone changed the monument to the musician. The statue echoes his song "Monument" and depicts a person trying to escape from a stone shell and from chains of creative canons.


  • Persister
  • Career Dima Gorina
  • Alive and dead
  • War under the roofs
  • Served two comrades
  • Fourth
  • Mr. McKornley's flight
  • Zodiac signs
  • There are two of them
  • Meeting place can not be Changed

Vladimir Vysotsky

short biography


The researchers converge on the fact that the genussky's genus occurs from the town of the village of Pruzhansky County of the Grodno province, the currently Brest region, Belarus. The surname is probably associated with the title of the city of High Kamenetsky district of the Brest region.

Father- Semen Vladimirovich (Wolfovich) Vysotsky (1915-1997) - a native of Kiev, a military communicable, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Cavalier of more than 20 orders and medals, an honorary citizen of the cities of Kladno and Prague, Colonel. Uncle-Alexey Vladimirovich Vysotsky (1919-1977) - Writer, Member of the Great Patriotic War, Artilleryman, Cavalier of three orders of the Red Banner, Colonel. Grandfather's grandfather, also Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (at birth Wolf Schlomovich) Born in 1889 in Brest (at that time Brest-Litovsk) in the family of the teacher of the Russian language. Later moved to Kiev. There were three higher education: legal, economic and chemical. He died in 1962. Grandma Daria Alekseevna (at birth Deborah Evseevna Bronstein; 1891-1970) - nurse, cosmetologist. She loved her first grandson Volodya and in the last years of his life was a passionate fan of his songs.

Mother- Nina Maksimovna (nee SERIGORA; 1912-2003). She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, worked as a German-language referent in the foreign department of the WCSPS, then a guide in Intourist. In the early years of the war he served in the transcription bureau with the main control of geodesy and cartography of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. He graduated from the head of the Bureau of Technical Documentation in Niichimmash. Grandfather Vysotsky for Mother Maxim Ivanovich Sryogin, I arrived in Moscow at the age of 14 years from the village of Ogharova Tula province. He worked a doorman in different Moscow hotels. They have his wife Evdokia Andreevna Syotovoye There were five children, including Nina Maksimovna. She was born in 1912. After the early death of the parents began to live independently, engaged in the upbringing of the younger brother. Worked by a translator from German.


Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938, at 9:40 minutes 40 minutes in Moscow in Maintenance No. 8 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow on the 3rd Meshchanskaya Street (now st. Shchepkin, house 61/2; The building is owned by Monica named after M.F.Vladimir The building is attached board with the date of birth of the poet). Early childhood he spent in the Moscow communal apartment on 1st Meshchanskaya Street, 126 (The house was demolished in 1955, in its place in 1956. A new, whose address from 1957 has been built, 76): "... for 38 rooms - only one restroom ..."- wrote in 1975 Vysotsky about his early childhood ("Ballad of childhood"). During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-19. 1943, he lived with a mother in evacuation in the village of Vorontsovka, 25km from the district centers of Buzuluk Chkalovskaya (currently Orenburg) region. In 1943 he returned to Moscow, on the 1st Meshchansk street, 126. In 1945, Vysotsky went to the first grade of the 273rd school of the Rostokinsky district of Moscow. The building of the former school is located at the address of the world Prospectus, 68 C3.

After the divorce of parents, in 1947, Vladimir moved to live to his father and his second feminine - Armenian Evgenia Stepanovna Vysotsky-Likhalatova (nee Martirosova) (1918-1988), which Vysotsky himself called "Mama Zhenya" and later he was baptized in the Armenian Apostolic Church to emphasize the special attitude towards it. In 1947-1949, they lived in Eberswalde (Germany), at the place of service of the Father, where the young Volodya learned to play the piano (as well as ride a bike).

In October 1949, he returned to Moscow and went to the 5th grade of men's secondary school №186 (currently there, Big Karen Lane, House 10A, there is the main building of the Russian Legal Academy of Ministan). At this time, the Vysotsky family lived in a large regime lane, 15, square meters. 4. (A memorial plaque was installed on the house, performed by the Moscow architect Robert Rubenovich Gasparyan, the first, even in Soviet times, a commemorative board of a nationwide idol). This alley is immortalized in his song. « Big Kareny » .

In April 1952 he was adopted in Komsomol.

Start of acting career

Since 1953, Vysotsky visited a drama in the Teacher's House, led by Artist Mkhat V. Bogomolov. In 1955 he graduated from high school No. 186, and, at the insistence of relatives, entered the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Kuibysheva, from which he left after the first semester.

From 1955 to 1963. Vysotsky lived in the mother, first on the 1st Meshchansk 126, and then in 1956 built in 1956. At this place is a new house, on the avenue of the world 76, in the apartment 62 on the fourth floor. Vladimir also spent a lot of time on a large register of friends. He devoted to them epigrams. According to memories of this time, in 1964. They were written a song with the words " After all, in the regime row, the first house from the corner- / for friends, for friends"(" The second large kareny ").

One of the legends about Vladimir Vysotsky narrates that the decision to leave the MISI was taken on New Year's Eve from 1955 for 1956. Together with the school friend of Vysotsky, Igor Kohanovsky, it was decided to spend the New Year's Eve very peculiar manner of the performance of the drawings, without which they would not be allowed to sessions. Somewhere in the second hour at night, the drawings were ready. But here, allegedly, Vysotsky got up and, taking from the table a jar with a car (on another version, with the remnants of firmly brewed coffee), began to water its contents of his drawing. "Everything. I will prepare, there is another six months, I will try to enter theatrical. And this is not mine ... ". Vysotsky's statement about the deduction from the Institute for his own accord was signed on December 23, 1955.

From 1956 to 1960, Vysotsky-student of the acting department of the MCAT Studio Studio. He was engaged in B.I.Vershilov, then at P.V. Massalsky and A.M.Komissarov. 1959 was marked by the first theatrical work (the role of Petrophrys Petrovich in the educational performance "Crime and Punishment") and the first role in the cinema (the film "Peermen", the episodic role of the Petit Student). In 1960, the first mention of Vysotsky in the central press occurred, in the article L. Sergeeva "19 of the MCAT" (Soviet Culture, 1960, June 28).

During study in the first year, V. Hasotsky met from Zhukova, on which he married in the spring of 1960.

In 1960-1964, Vysotsky worked (with interruptions) in the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. Played the role of Leshego in the play "Scarlet Flower" on the fairy tale S.T. Aksakov, as well as about 10 times, in the main episodic.

In 1961, at the shooting of the movie "The 713th asks landing" met Lyudmila Abramova, who became his second wife (officially marriage was registered in 1965).

At the end of 1963, Vysotsky and Mother got an apartment on street Screverting, House 11, Corpus 4, Apartment 41Where Vladimir and Lyudmila had a second son Nikita (the house was demolished while restructuring microdistrict from five-story buildings in 1998). When in 1968, the spouses broke up, Vladimir Vysotsky already knew the whole country on the songs from the movie "Vertical", in which he starred.

Start of poetic activity

His first poem " My oath"Vysotsky wrote on March 8, 1953, being an 8th grade student. It was devoted to Stalin's memory. In it, the poet expressed a feeling of grief according to the newly deceased leader.

In the early 1960s, the first songs of Vysotsky. "Tattoo", written in the summer of 1961 in Leningrad, is considered to be the first. It was repeatedly called it and Vysotsky himself. For the first time, the song was executed on July 27 of the same year, on the Wires of his friend Vysotsky, Levon Kocharian, in Sevastopol. This song laid the beginning of the "Blouth" cycle in the work of the poet.

However, there is a song " 49 days", Dated 1960, about the feat of the four Soviet soldiers drifting and survived in the Pacific Ocean. The ratio of the author himself was very critical: in the autograph, she was given a subtitle " Handbook for beginners and finished halmiers", With explanation at the end that" in the same way can be written»Poems for any topical topics. " It is only necessary to take surnames and sometimes read newspapers" But, despite the fact that Vysotsky, as it were, excluded this song from his work (calling the "tattoo" of the first), the phonograms of its performances in 1964-1969 are known.

Mature years

Having worked on less than two months at the Moscow Theater Miniature, Vladimir unsuccessfully tried to enter the theater "Contemporary". In 1964, Vysotsky created his first songs to movies and went to work at the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka. Poetic and song creativity, along with work in the theater and cinema, has become the main thing about his life. In the theater on Taganka V.S. Himsotsky worked until the end of his life, although his relationship with the leader of the theater Yu.P.Lubimov, throughout this period, developed quite difficult.

In July 1967, Vladimir Vysotsky became acquainted with the French actress of the Russian origin of Marina Vladimirovaya Vladimirovna Polyakova, who became his third wife (December 1970).

In June 1968, Vysotsky sent a letter to the CPSU Central Committee in connection with the sharp and unrefined criticism of his early songs in the central newspapers. In the same year, his first author's recorder (flexible) was published. Songs from the movie "Vertical"».

In the summer of 1969, Vysotsky had a heavy attack, and then he survived only thanks to Marina Vlad, which at that time was in Moscow. Passing by the bathroom, she heard the moans and saw that Vysotsky Blood Hall. In his book, "Vladimir, or interrupted flight" Marina Vlad recalls:

You no longer say half-open eyes ask for help. I beg for the "ambulance", you almost disappeared the pulse, it covers panic. The reaction of two arrivals and nurses are simple and cruel: too late, too much risk, you are not transported. They do not want to have a dead man in the car, it is bad for the plan. By confused persons of my friends, I understand that the decision of the doctors is irrevocable. Then I turn around them the way out, I shout that if they would not take you into the hospital now, I will arrange an international scandal ... They finally understand that the dying is Vysotsky, and the fragmented and screaming woman is a French actress. After a short Consilium, swearing, they carry you on the blanket ...

Marina Vlad.

Doctors brought Vysotsky to the Ambulance Institute named after N.V. Sliphosovsky on time, a few more minutes of delay, and he would not survive. Doctors fought for his life for 18 hours. It turned out that the cause of bleeding appeared in the throat of the vessel, but there were rumors about his other serious illness for some time in theatrical circles.

From spring 1971 to 1975, Vysotsky lived in a three-room removable apartment in the Moscow district of Matveyevskoye at ul. Matveyevskaya, 6, square. 27. Records "Alice in Wonderland" are connected with this apartment and creating a singer's own collection of records under the technical guidance of Konstantin Mustafididi. In the vicinity of Matveyevsky, Vysotsky drove on his first BMW foreign car.

On November 29, 1971, a premiere of the play "Hamlet" on the Taganka was held in Taganka on the eponymous tragedy of Shakespeare (director-Yu. P. Lyubimov), the main role in which Vysotsky was performed.

June 15, 1972 at 22:50 in Estonian television 56-minute black and white transmission was shown. Noormees Tagankalt."(" Guy from Taganka ") is the first appearance of Vysotsky on the Soviet television screen, except for movies with his participation.

In 1975, Vysotsky settled in a three-room cooperative apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b115 m², on the 8th floor just built a 14-storey brick house on a small Georgian street, 28, Apartment 30.

In the same year, the first and last time the poem of Vysotsky in the Soviet literary and artistic collection ("Day of Poetry 1975" was published ("M. Day". M., 1975) - "From the Road Diary."

In September 1975, Vysotsky recorded a large record at Bulkanton in Bulgaria " V. Vysotsky. Self-portrait" The recording was made at night, in the studio "Radio Sofia". On the 2nd and 3rd guitars, he accompanied the actors of the theater on Taganka Dmitry Mechevich and Vitaly Shapovalov. The execution of each song was accompanied by a small copyright entry. The entry was partially published on the record of this company only in 1981, after the death of the poet.

On March 21, 1977, Vladimir Vysotsky took part in the program RESTEZ DONC AVEC NOUUS LE LUNDI On the French TV channel TF1. In a color recording made of this performance (about 14 minutes), he speaks a little in French, performs two songs ("Ballad of love" and "Wolves Hunt"); And at the end under the applause of those present in the studio plays the guitar.

On February 13, 1978, by order No. 103 of the Minister of Culture of the USSR, according to the record in the artist certification certificate No. 17114, Vladimir Vysotsky was assigned the highest category vocalist Solist popWhat was the official recognition of the Vysotsky "Singer-Professional".

On October 4, 1978, during the tour in the city of Grozny, Vysotsky signed up on the television of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR (for the transmission "Theater Living Room"). In this black and white record (about 27 minutes), he talks about himself and his work; And performs 4 songs: "We are rotating the land", "Song about the resettlement of souls", "I do not like", "fraternal graves." The video during the lifetime of the poet was not shown.

On January 17, 1979, Vladimir Vysotsky gave a big concert in Brooklyn College in New York. The abbreviated version of the recording of the speech with the violated order of the performance of the songs and without permission of the author was published in the same year in the United States for 2 long-playing records (called "New York Concert of Vladimir Vysotsky").

On April 12, 1979, a presentation of the poet in the city of Toronto (Canada) took place. The abbreviated recording of this concert was published in the United States after the death of Vysotsky, in 1981, on a record "Vladimir Vysotsky. Concert in Toronto " (English .Vladimir Vysotsky. Concert in Toronto).

In 1979, Vysotsky participated in the publication of an observed almanach "Metropol".

In the 1970s, he met in Paris with a Gypsy musician and artist Alesh Dmitrievich. They repeatedly performed songs and romances together and they were going to write a joint record, but did not have time to implement this project.

Together with the actors of the theater on Taganka, went with tour abroad: in Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia (Bitef Festival), France, Germany, Poland. Having received permission to go to his wife to France with a private visit, he also managed to visit the US several times (including with the concerts of 1979), Canada, Mexico, to Tahiti and so on.

In the USSR, on central television, during the life of Vysotsky, not one of his concert performance or interviews was not shown.

On May 17, 1979, in the educational television studio of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Vladimir Vysotsky recorded color video stations (about 30.5 min) for the American actor and director Warren Beatti. Vysotsky expected to meet him and was looking for the opportunity to play in the "Red" film, which beatty was going to put as director. During the recording, Vysotsky makes several attempts to speak English, trying to overcome the language barrier.

For Vysotsky, it was a rare opportunity to perform in front of the camcorder. At that time, he had not had the opportunity to do it on central television.

Video excretion then never reached the recipient. Fragments of this video were first shown in the documentary film Olga Darphi " Death of poet" in 2005. Also, this video was shown along with the materials of the ITALY TV companies, Mexico, Poland, USA and from private archives, in the 2013 documentary film " Vladimir Vysotsky. Letter Warren Beatty».

On September 14, 1979, he recorded a large interview at the Pyatigorsk Television Studio, Valeria Carrier. But the video was washed away, only a small (7-minute) end fragment (transmission phonogram remained).

All Vysotsky gave about one and a half thousand concerts in the USSR and abroad.

Last year and death

Vladimir Vysotsky smoked at least one pack of cigarettes per day and suffered alcohol dependence over the years. From heavy states, when kidney refused and problems with a heart arose, the doctors output an actor with the help of substances of a narcotic row. And if the doctors themselves "set" Vysotsky for drugs in this way, then, in any case, the method of such "treatment" from alcoholism was inadvertently suggested: at the end of 1975, morphine and amphetamine came to change alcohol. At the same time, the doses were constantly increasing; From one-time injections in 1975, Vysotsky moved to the regular use of drug-containing drugs at the end of 1977.

According to Marina, the attempts of treatment did not give results; And, according to V. Carriers, in early 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky was already doomed: he was predicted to death either from the overdose of drugs or from "breaking" (abstinence). Exactly a year to death, July 25, 1979, Vladimir Vysotsky has already experienced clinical death during the tour in Bukhara. In July 1980, in connection with the holding of the Olympic Games in Moscow, the actor (according to the same carrier) again arose problems with the acquisition of drugs.

Other sources refute the use of Vysotsky alcohol in the last years of his life. Directed by Igor Maslennikov recalled in an interview:

And Lebanon was "sewn" at the time. We had to do it. Before the start of the shooting, we asked Marina Vladimi through Vysotsky, so that she sent a drug from Paris, which we did not produce. And Volodya together with Oleg Dale, I caught Livanov throughout Moscow to "sew". "Why exactly are they?" Because they were his friends and "colleagues" in this part, and therefore authorities.

This happened during the filming by Maslennikov in 1980 "Baskerville dogs", when, according to the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for living, "Vysotsky was a dying alcoholic and drug addict. Earlier, in 1973, Vysotsky was as well helped by O. Dal: Marina Vlady brought the Esparl drug from Paris, and as a result, threw to drink. In early 1976, the distance was rejected again, but he called Vysotsky, who demanded from him to come and gave him Esparl again.

On January 22, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky recorded the CT in the program "Kinopanoram", the fragments of which were first shown in January 1981, and fully transmitted (timing of 1 h 3 min) was released only on January 23, 1987. In her first part, Vysotsky performed " little Popourry»Songs from the movie" Vertical ", songs" We rotate the earth"; "Why Aborigines ate Cook, or a single scientific riddle" (from the film "Wind" Hope ". The name of the song is given to decipher the phonogram of Vysotsky video); " I dont like"," Fires "," Morning gymnastics "," Sail ", and in the second:" Song is not about what, or what happened in Africa "; "Letter to the editorial board of the television transmission" Obvious-Incredible "from the crazy house, - from the Katchaikovaya Dacha"; "Song of the Earth" from the film "Sons go into battle" and " Ballad of love».

On April 16, 1980, the last in the life of the poet video of his concert was held on the scene of the Small Hall of the Leningrad BDT, a duration of about 16.5 minutes. He performed the songs of "Horses picky", "Domes", "Hunting for wolves", a small Patrium from the "military" songs and told about his work. The director of this record, Vladislav Vinogradov, after the death of Vysotsky used it in the documentary film " V. Vysotsky. Monologue songs"And partly in the transfer" I Return Your Portrait" On the reverse side of the double album of Vysotsky, "sons go into battle" photos of V. Meclara from this concert are given.

On June 2, 1980, one of the last concerts of Vysotsky (in Kaliningrad), in which he became bad.

On July 3, 1980, Vysotsky's speech was held in the Lyubertsy city Palace of Culture in the Moscow Region, where, according to eyewitnesses, he looked unhealthy, said that it feels it unless, but on the stage he kept cheerfully and instead of 1.5 scheduled hours played a two-hour concert on stage.

July 14, 1980, while performing in NIIEM (Moscow), Vladimir Vysotsky performed one of his last songs- "My sadness, my longing ... Variation to Gypsy themes" (there is a poor-quality phonogram of her record from the auditorium).

On July 18, 1980, V. Vysotsky last appeared in public in his most famous role in the theater on Taganka, as Gamlet.

On the night of July 25, 1980, on the 43rd year of life, Vladimir Vysotsky died in a dream in his Moscow apartment from acute heart failure.

The immediate cause of death remains controversial, as the autopsy (at the insistence of the poet) was not produced. According to some (in particular, Stanislav Shcherbakov and Leonid Sulpovar), the cause of death was asphyxia, according to the other, acute myocardial infarction. So, Anatoly Fedotov, whom different people characterize differently, and as a personal doctor of Vysotsky, a man who saved him in July 1979 in Bukhara, from clinical death (the fact of which, however, is challenged), and as a doctor, "prospek" Vysotsky on the night of July 25, 1980; Specifies:

On July 23, when I came a brigade of resuscitors from Sklifosovsky. They wanted to hold it on artificial hardware breathing to kill dipsomania. There was a plan for this device to bring to him to give him. Probably, about an hour guys were in the apartment, decided to pick up a day when a separate box was released. I stayed with Volodya one - he already slept. Then I changed me Valera Yanchovich. On July 24, I worked ... hours at eight in the evening jumped into a small Georgian. He was very bad, he rushed around the rooms. Moaning, grasped behind the heart. But when I told Nina Maksimovna: "Mom, I will die today ..."

... he rushed around the apartment. Moaning This night was very hard for him. I made an injection hoist. He looked around everything. Then sat down. He fell asleep on a small tacht, which then stood in a big room. ... between three and a half the fifth came to stop the heart against the background of heart attack. Judging by the clinic - there was a sharp myocardial infarction.

According to Marina's allegations, Vladimir Vysotsky, the fact that Vladimir Vysotsky killed drugs, remains indisputable, although no one wrote about death from overdose.

I have something to sing, appearing before the Most High,
I have something to justify before him.


A variant of the last line of this poem has been preserved in the draft autograph of the poet:

« I will be than answering him».

The funeral

Vladimir Vysotsky died during the XXII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow Alla Demidovsky's memory of Vysotsky in the newspaper "Soviet Russia") in the Soviet media practically did not printed. The simple announcement was posted by the window of theatrical cash register: "The actor Vladimir Vysotsky died". And, nevertheless, the theater on the Taganka, where he worked, a huge crowd was gathered, which was there for several days (and on the day of the funeral were also filled with people roof buildings around the Taganskaya Square). At the same time, none of the tickets to the theater did not pass them back.

On July 28, 1980, civil servid, a farewell ceremony and funeral at the Vagankovsky Cemetery of Moscow (plot number 1, to the right of the entrance) took place in the Taganka theater building.

Vysotsky Kononil, it seemed, all Moscow. Marina Vlad already in the bus, sent to the side of Vagankova, said to one of his friends Musha - Vadim Tumanov: "Vadim, I saw the princes, kings, but did not see anything like that! ..."

In general, we buried him, and there is some kind of dominant role in this. They [the authorities] wanted him quietly, quickly bury. Closed then the city, the Olympics, and it turned out quite for them an unpleasant picture. When they lied, they said that they would bring a coffin to say goodbye to him, and the line went from the Kremlin himself ... Apparently, their thinking was so, - as such such such a type of the Kremlin on the Vagankovsky cemetery ... Therefore, they jurled into the tunnel. Began to break his portrait, which we set out the second floor of the theater ... The watering machines began to fit the flowers that people bother umbrellas, because there was a terrible heat ... And this crowd was a huge, which behaved just perfectly, began to shout on the whole area: " Fascists! Fascists! ". This frame bypassed the whole world ...

From the memories of Y. Lyubimov

A family

  • The first wife of Isolde Konstantinovna Vysotskaya (neborn Meshakov, according to the first marriage Zhukov). Born on January 22, 1937. Married from April 25, 1960. Date of divorce is unknown. According to the same data, together the spouses lived an incomplete 4 year, according to others, the divorce was decorated in 1965, but it is known that in fact they broke up long before the official divorce. Therefore, the son of Isolde Konstantinovna Gleb, born in 1965, is the name Vysotsky, being in fact the son of another person. Iza Vysotsky lives in Nizhny Tagil, works in the local drama theater.
  • Second wife Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. Born on August 16, 1939. Married from July 25, 1965 to February 10, 1970, divorced; Two sons:
    • Arkady Vladimirovich Vysotsky (November 29, 1962, Moscow) is the Russian actor and a film book.
    • Nikita Vladimirovich Vysotsky (August 8, 1964, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor of theater and cinema, director, director of the CGCM V.Vysotsky.
  • Anastasia Vladimirovna Ivanhenko's extramarital daughter (born in 1972), her mother actress theater on Taganka Tatiana Ivanenko.
  • The third wife Marina Vlad (FR.Catherine Marina de Poliakoff-Baïdaroff), a famous French actress of cinema, theater, television, writer. Born on May 10, 1938. Married from December 1, 1970 to July 25, 1980.


In his interview, Vysotsky often talked about his friends, first of all about the famous people; But noting that there were several people who are not related to ... public professions».

So, the first friends who received later fame were classmates Vladimir: the future poet Igor Kohanovsky and the future screenwriter Vladimir Akimov. "This group has grown:" We lived in the same apartment in a large quiet, ... lived just the same guest ..." This apartment belonged to the older friend of the poet - director Levon Kocharian; And there lived or often have been:

  • actor and writer Vasily Shukshin,
  • famous director Andrei Tarkovsky,
  • writer Arthur Makarov,
  • writer Vladimir Akimov,
  • lawyer Anatoly Utusky.

About these people Vladimir Semenovich then recalled: " It was possible to say only halfrases, and we understood each other on a gesture, in motion».

One of the closest friends of Vysotsky was the famous Clown Mime Leonid Yengibarov.

Over time, colleagues on the theater on Taganka were added:

  • Vsevolod Abdulov,
  • Ivan Bortnik,
  • Ivan Dykhovichny
  • Boris Khmelnitsky,
  • Valery Zolotukhin,
  • Valery Yanchovich.

In addition to them, at different stages of life, Vysotsky also appeared new friends:

  • translator David Karapetyan,
  • actor Daniel Olbrykhsky,
  • zolotamyman Vadim Tumanov,
  • directed by Victor Torov,
  • Babek sierie - businessman of Iranian origin,
  • dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov,
  • director Sergey Paradzhanov
  • other.

In Paris, Vysotsky meets with the famous artist Mikhail Shemyakin, which in the future there will be many illustrations for the songs of Vysotsky, a monument to the poet in Samara is erected. However, perhaps, Mikhail Mikhailovich did to perpetuate the memory of a friend, this is Vysotsky's record (105 songs with a duration of sound for 5 hours. 15.5 min.) Made in Paris in 1975-1980 in the studio Mikhail Shemyakina. In the second guitar, Vysotsky accompanied Konstantin Kazanski. These records are unique not only by the quality and purity of sound, but also by the fact that Vysotsky sang not just for the plates, but for a close friend, whose opinion he appreciated high. They were published in the US in December 1987. On 7 plates, in the case and with the application - booklet and album of the illustrations of M. Shemyakina.

Also during these years in Paris together with the same Kazansky, who performed as an arranger and the leader of the ensemble, Vysotsky managed to record the three of his records.

A close friend was Pavel Leonidov-Impresario Vysotsky and his cousin uncle.


Microphone Singer

I am all in the light, accessible to all my eyes,
I proceeded to the usual procedure:
I got up to the microphone as to the images! ...
No, no, today exactly - to the ambrusure!
Melci, did not move, do not move, - do not dare!
I saw the sting: you snake, I know!
And today - a snake caster:
I do not sing, - I spell Cobru!

He is voracious, and with greeding chick
He pulls out sounds.
He puts 9 grams of lead in his forehead!
Hands do not lift - guitar knit hands!

1971 (passages of the song)

Poetry and songs

Vysotsky wrote more than 200 poems, about 600 songs and a poem for children (in two parts); In total, his Peru owns more than 850 poetic works.

Quite a lot of songs were written specifically for movies, but most of them, sometimes for technical reasons, but more often because of bureaucratic prohibitions, did not enter the final versions of films (for example, in the films "Sannikov", "the second attempt by Viktor Krohin", "Mr. McKornley's flight", "Arrows Robin Hood" and others).

Style and theme songs

Vladimir Vysotsky:

The guitar did not appear immediately. At first I played on the piano, then - on the accordion. I then did not hear that you can sing poems under the guitar, and just pounded the rhythm of the songs on the guitar and sang his own and other people's poems on the rhythms.

- "I am writing a long time ago ..."

As a rule, Vysotsky is counted for bordeel music, but here you need to make a reservation. The topics of the songs and the manner of the execution of Vysotsky significantly differed from most of the other, "intelligent" bards, in addition, Vladimir Semenovich himself did not count himself towards the "Bardovsky" movement:

So, "how do you feel about the current minesteralism and what, in your opinion, is a bard song?" First, I first hear these two words, the word "MENESTELIM" is "Bardovskaya". You know what the case - I don't really believe. I never treated it to this, I never considered myself any "Bard" nor "Menstrel". Here, and here, you understand ... I never took the participation in any "evenings" these, which were organized. Now such a wild number of these so-called "bards" and "minstrels", that I don't want to have anything to have anything to have.

In addition, unlike most Soviet "bards", Vysotsky was a professional actor and, for this reason, cannot be attributed to self-conceiving.

It is difficult to find the sides of the life that he would not affect in his work. This is the stylization under the "Blind" songs, and ballads, and love lyrics, as well as songs on political topics: often satirical or even containing sharp criticism (straight or, more often written by the Ezopov language) of a social building, songs about attribute to the life of ordinary people , humorous songs, songs-fairy tales and even songs from the face of inanimate "characters" (for example, the "microphone song"; "Ballad on the abandoned ship", "Ship Love"). Many songs are written on the first person and subsequently got the name " monologue songs" In others, there could be several heroes, the "roles" of which Vysotsky performed by changing the voice and intonation (for example, "TV dialogue"). These are peculiar "songs-performances", written for execution by one "actor".

Vysotsky sang on the sense of self-esteem of people both in everyday life and in extreme situations, about the strength of the character and human destinies, which brought him great popularity.

Unusually and brightly introduced military topics in songs about the Great Patriotic War. The accuracy and image patterns, the performance of the song "on the first person", the intrinsicity of the author, the expressiveness of the performance created the impression from the audience that Vysotsky sang on his own life experience (even participation in the Great Patriotic War, at the end of which he was only 7 years old) - although The overwhelming part of the stories told in the songs was either entirely invented by the author, or is based on the stories of other people. Children's impressions turned into mature poetic feelings.

In the songs, he first of all pays attention to the text and content, not the form (opposing itself, so the stage).

V. Vysotsky received great fame for " songs on the passage"- such as the:

  • "Koni picky",
  • "About the paradise apples",
  • "Save our souls!",
  • "Darkness ahead ...",
  • "Wolves Hunt",
  • "Balnika in white",
  • "I'm not in fourth ...",
  • "Black eyes",
  • "Running Innodza",
  • "The death of the fighter in 13 minutes",
  • "Two destinies";
  • "Ballad of struggle"
  • and many others.

As the performer of his songs, Vysotsky was distinguished by unconventional manner of singing, he intonated not only vowels, but also consonants.

An interesting case showing his attitude to his own musical accompaniment. The professional musician Zinovy \u200b\u200bShersher (fogs) remembered a professional musician, who became acquainted with him, remembered:

I set up a guitar. I tried very hard, and he took the instrument in his hands and all the strings had a little nickered. "I love her go down ..."

Translations to other languages

  • The Museum of Vladimir Vysotsky in Koszalin (Poland) implemented an international project - the translation of Vysotsky poems to 157 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
  • Some Belarusian translations belong to Mihasu Bulavatsk.

Prose and drama

  • "Life without sleep." Tale. Posted in February 1968, in the sanatorium department of the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital No. 8. Z. P. Solovyova. The presence of the copyright name is unknown.
    The first publication (posthumous) - in the Paris magazine "Echo" in 1980. (№2). According to the revision, "The manuscript is transferred to us in a rough form, without name, the name is given to us".
    The first book publication (reprint from "echo") took place a year later - in 1981, in the I Tome of American edition (Publishing house "Literary abroad").
    In the Soviet samizdat, the work applied under the headlines " Dolphins and psychos », « About dolphins and psychos " In particular, the "Publication" is known, called "Life without sleep or dolphins-psycho", in the Krasnodar Samizdat journal (Fenzine) "Gaya" (1988, No. 4) - in the category "Literary Archive".
    In the USSR, the story was first published in the newspaper "Top Secret" (1989, No. 3).
  • "Somehow everything happened ..." (scenario; 1969 or 1970)
  • "Where is the center?" (scenario; 1975)
  • "Roman about girls" (1977). According to some estimates, the work is not over. In the author's manuscript there is no name; The exact origin of the name is unknown. Presumably, the name was given by the first publishers.
    According to Veroszkovded Viktor Bakina, "Roman ..." was first printed after the death of the author, in December 1981, in four rooms of the weekly New York "New newspaper" (USA).
    The first book publication was held after 1.5 years - in 1983, in the II of the Tome of American publication "Vladimir Vysotsky. Songs and poems " (Publishing house "Literary abroad"). According to the editorial comment in it, " V.Vysotsky managed to write only 2 first chapters of the novel».
    In the USSR, the work was first published only in 1988, in the journal "Neva" (№1).
  • "Viennese holidays." Film (together with E. Volodarsky; 1979).
  • "Black Candle" (I part of the novel). Together with Leonid Montchinsky. Vladimir Semenovich did not live before the end of the joint work, and the second part was written by Montchin only.

Theater works

Basically, the name of Vysotsky as the theater actor is associated with the theater on Taganka. In this theater, he participated in 15 performances (including " Galilee's life», « The Cherry Orchard», « Hamlet"). More than 10 performances (not only the theater on Taganka) were performed by his songs.

Works on radio

Vysotsky took part in the creation of 11 radio spectacles, including:

  • "Martin Eden"
  • "Stone Guest"
  • "Stranger"
  • "By fasting forest."
  • 1976- Alice in Wonderland (Radiopiez) - the role of a parrot-pirate and Orlinka Ed (words and melodies Song-Vladimir Vysotsky).

Roles in movies

Vysotsky starred almost in 30 films, in many of them his songs sound. But for many roles it was not claimed, and far from always on creative reasons.

Vysotsky also participated in the voicing of the cartoon "Wizard of the Emerald City" - the role Wolf (servants of the evil wizard of the Bastland).

In addition, the original wolf in the cartoon "Well, wait!" It was assumed to voice Vysotsky, but did not allow censorship, and he was replaced by Anatoly Papanov. About Vladimir Semenovich, however, the authors of the cartoon have managed to leave the memory in the I release, the excerpt of the phonogram "Song about a friend" Vysotsky from the film " Vertical"(" Artistic whistle "of a wolf) is used in the scene, when the wolf, throwing the rope on the antenna, climbs onto it to the balcony to the hare. The same excerpt of the phonogram of the Vysotsky song sounds in the release of 10 animated series - in the scene of the "terrible sleep" of the wolf (where the wolf and the hare "changed in places").

Cartoon voicing

  • 1974- The wizard of the Emerald City Wolf

Lifted wheels published in the USSR

Personal publications

During the life of Vysotsky, only 7 minions were released (came out from 1968 to 1975). Each plate contained no more than 4 songs.

In 1978, together with Bulgaria, an export disc-giant was also released, which included songs recorded in different years by the company "Melody", but not published.

With the participation of Vysotsky

Since 1974, four discoctacles came out with the participation of Vysotsky, including in 1976, a double album "Alice in Wonderland" was released (separately Mignon was published " Alice in Wonderland. Songs from the musical fairy tale»).

In addition, 15 plates are known in which Vysotsky's songs were part of one or more songs, mostly songs from movies and collections of military songs (for example, "family friends", "Victory Day").

Also, the songs of Vysotsky sounded on 11 plates in music magazines (mainly the "horizon"), and in 1965, in the same "horizon" (No. 6), passages were published from the play " 10 days that shook the world"With the participation of Vysotsky and other Tagan actors.

In the USSR and Russia after death

  • The largest edition is a series of records " »On 21 disk (1987-1992). 4 records released in 1993-94 are also distinguished. Aprelevka Sound Inc., with rare and previously not published songs.
  • In the first half of the 2000s, the NEW SOUND - a new sound was released by 22 CDs with remand songs Vladimir Semenovich. The tracks were represented by modern remakes, which are based on the vocals of Vysotsky, purified from the author's sound and imposed on modern musical arrangements. Such a bold experiment caused contradictory opinions of the audience: on the one hand, the music acquired quite a good sound quality, and on the other, a certain "popness" was added.
  • By the 30-year anniversary of the death of V. Vysotsky newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda prepared a special release with the film on DVD: "Vladimir Vysotsky. Frames of an unknown newsreel. " Road story"" With frames that have never been demonstrated in Russia: the material of the Polish newsreel, as well as unique frames from various private archives (film tribes of failed role, amateur filming, interview fragments).


Vysotsky is one of the most executable musicians. Among all cover versions, you can note full tribute albums:

  • 1996- "Strange Racing", tribute recorded by rock musicians;
  • 2004- "Sail" - tribute to Vladimir Vysotsky performed by Gregory Leps;
  • 2007- "Second" - the second tribute to Vladimir Vysotsky in the execution of Gregory Leps;
  • 2010- "Tribute to Vladimir Vysotsky: Stretched rope 33 years later," Tribute performed by pop performers and actors;
  • 2014- "My Vysotsky", Tribute Vladimir Vysotsky, performed by Garik Sukachev. Sergey Galanin, Alexander F. Sklyar, Pavel Kuzin and others took part in the record.


  • In France, 14 plates were released from 1977 to 1988.
  • In the USA from 1972 to 1987, 19 plates were released (including a series of 7 plates " Vladimir Vysotsky in Mikhail Shemyakina records»).
  • In Finland, in 1979 one record was released.
  • In Germany, 4 plates were released from 1980 to 1989.
  • In Bulgaria from 1979 to 1987, 6 plates were released (4 copyright and 2 collection).
  • In Japan, 4 plates (2 copyright and 2 collection) were released from 1976 to 1985.
  • In Korea in 1992, 2 plates were released.
  • Also in Israel in 1975 the record was published " Unnecessary songs of Russian bards"On which there are 2 songs of Vladimir Vysotsky-" Cold "and" Stars ".

Guitar Vladimir Vysotsky

Vysotsky always played on seven-time guitars.

The first guitar released from the total row appeared in 1966. Her Vladimir Semenovich bought at the widow Alexei Wild. Later he told that this guitar "did some kind of master Austrian 150 years ago. She was bought by the princes of Gagarines, and they twisted the artist Blumen Tamarin and presented the wilderness ... ". It is probably that this guitar participated in the photo shoot of Vysotsky and Vlad in 1975 (photographer-V.F. Plotovikov).

In 1975, photographs on which Vladimir Semenovich was captured with the first guitar made for him Alexander Shulyakovsky (with a head of a silica in the form of a lira). This master did for Vysotsky four or five guitars.

Vysotsky also had a guitar with two griffs, which was liked because of the original form, but Vladimir Semenovich never enjoyed the second ridge. With this guitar, Vladimir Semenovich is captured on the reverse side of the envelope of the ninth disk series " At the concerts of Vladimir Vysotsky».

In the play "Crime and Punishment" (according to the novel, F. Dostoevsky), which was released in 1979, Vysotsky played a guitar belonging to the film director Vladimir Alenikov. The latter gave him his guitar for this role (Svidrigaylova), since the guitar liked Vysotsky and his incompetent species, and coloring, and sound. This guitar was once done by the St. Petersburg Master Yagodkin. After the death of the poet of the Aleniks asked the theater on the Taganka to find a guitar; And in the end she was returned to him, but in an extremely deplorable, broken state; She did not have enough pieces; And no one was taken to fix it. In 1991, the Alenikov was carried away by the guitar in the United States, where it eventually brought the guitar master in full order, Indian Rick Turner (English) Rusk .. The photo of the guitar appeared on the cover of the magazine "Acoustic Guitar (English) Russian." under the name "Vysotsky".

One of the guitars V. Vysotsky, on which he played at a concert in Casablanca in April 1976, is kept in the Museum V. Highsky in Kosalin (Poland). For the exposition of the museum, it was provided by Moroccan journalist Hassan El SadWith which Vladimir Semenovich presented it with an autograph-paraphrase from "Songs about Giraffe" right on the guitar:

In yellow hot Africa,
Forgetting Moroz Moscow,
Somehow suddenly out of schedule
Vysotsky performed.

Cars Vladimir Vysotsky

According to friends, Vladimir Vysotsky loved a quick ride by car at a speed of about 200 km / h and often broke his cars.

The first car of the Vysotsky-"Volga GAZ-21" of gray, acquired by him in 1967, and then they are also broken.

In 1971, he was one of the first in the USSR to bought himself a VAZ-2101 ("Kopeika") with a number of 16-55 μl, but broke the car after several trips behind the wheel.

Marina Vlady brought him from Paris Renault 16, obtained by her for shooting in advertising. Vysotsky broke "Renault" on the very first day by walking at the bus stop. The car was restored, but she had Paris numbers, and according to the rules of those years, the traffic police did not produce further 100km from Moscow. In 1973, the actor's friends helped to make a certificate for crossing the border, and in this bat car, Vladimir and Marina traveled from Moscow to Paris. In the same place, in France, they sold this car.

A year later, Vladimir Vysotsky left with concerts to Germany and brought two BMW from there, one gray, another beige. But the beige turned out to be among the stolen, so the metropolitan traffic police registered only one car. The second stood in the garage, although Vysotsky went to both, he simply rearranged the number from one car to another. Later Interpol caught a beige BMW, and he was sent back to Germany, and on Serious Vysotsky went to Paris, where he sold it.

In 1976, Vladimir Vysotsky appeared the first Mercedes of 1975, the color of Blue Metallic (model 450sel 6.9 on the platform W 116) is a four-door sedan. Marina Vlady brought about 10 cars in a row for her husband from France, but they had to be taken away from the USSR a year after importing the rules. Mercedes became the first for a Vysotsky foreign car, officially registered in Moscow. All specimens were lost, but for the filming of the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive, "based on archival photos and drawings created a new one.

At the end of 1979, on tour in Germany, Vladimir bought a sports double coupe of Mercedes 350 yellow brown.

Babek sierie (V. Tverochikov): "When he came to me next time to me in Germany, I said:" You must sell me your car! ... "And I had a sports" Mercedes ", it's not so easy to buy it, it is necessary to wait some time ... This second is small." Mercedes "brown, he bought from me ... Volodya was then permission to import cars without duty, this permission was signed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade Zhuravlev."

Posthumous recognition and effect on culture

Vysotsky affected a number of prohibited topics, but, despite the existing restrictions, the popularity of Vysotsky was (and remains) phenomenal. This is due to "multilateral adarability" (according to Alla Demidova), the human charm and the scale of personality, the poetic gift, the uniqueness of the voice and performing skills, the ultimate sincerity, the freedom and the energy of the performance of songs and roles, the accuracy of the disclosure of songs and the embodiments of images. It is not by chance at the end of the survey of the WTCIOM conducted in 2009-2010. on the topic "Who are you consider Russian idols of the 20th century", Vysotsky took second place (31% of respondents), giving way only Yuri Gagarin (35% of respondents) and significantly ahead of such famous writers as L. N. Tolstoy (17%) and a . And Volzhenitsyn (14%).

Official recognition by V.S. Himsotsky came only after death. First, these were separate steps: in 1981, the first major collection of works by V. Vysotsky-"Nerve" was published by the efforts of R. Christmas, and the first full-fledged ("Disc-giant") was published, as well as a large poet. In 1987 The year, he was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the USSR, for the execution of the role of Captain Zheglov in the film "The meeting place cannot be changed" and " copyright songs"Father-S.V.Vysotsky received a prize.


  • The name of Vysotsky is called streets, boulevards, alleys, squares, embankments, alley in the settlements of Russia (177 in 2013) and other countries, including in Moscow, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk, Samara, Tomsk, Odessa (Ukraine) , Astana (Kazakhstan), Eberswalde (Germany).
  • Almost 20 rocks and peaks, passages and river thresholds, canyons and glaciers are named after Vysotsky. His name was assigned to a mining plateau on the archipelago Fire Earth.
  • In honor of Vysotsky, the asteroid "Vladvysotsky" (2374 vladvysotskij).
  • The names of Vysotsky are named theaters, ships, aircraft, cafes, varieties of phlox, carnations and gladiols.
  • Some sports tournaments are devoted to his memory.
  • In 2011, the construction of Vysotsky's skyscraper in Yekaterinburg was completed.

Museums, Center, Clubs

There is at least 6 Vysotsky museums.

  • State Cultural Center-Museum V. S. Vysotsky (" Vysotsky House on Taganka") It is the most famous Museum of Vysotsky, giving a fairly complete picture of his life and work.
  • In the city of Norilsk, the district of Talnakh is a cultural and leisure center. V.S.Vysotsky.
  • In the city of Oryol created Club lovers of creativity Vladimir Vysotsky"Vertical".
  • In the city of Novosil created "Novosilian club of lovers of Vysotsky".
  • The Memorial Museum of Vysotsky was created in the city of Yekaterinburg, in the Skyskraul Vysotsky.

Monuments and memorable boards

On the territory of the former USSR, more than 20 monuments (and as many memorable boards) poet are established.

  • In Russia:
    • February 1976 - in Rostov-on-Don (Proletarian District "Nakhichevan", ul. School) Opened a lifetime memorial plaque on the workshop of artistic ceramics of an applied art plant, with the text: "... .. Our workshop in 1975 visited Vladimir Vysotsky".
    • 12.10.1985- On the grave of Vladimir Vysotsky (Vagankovskoe cemetery of Moscow), a monument to the work of the sculptor Alexander Mukhvishnikov was opened and opened.
    • 25.1.1988- On the day of the 50th anniversary of the poet at the house number 22 in the Small Georgian street in Moscow, where Vysotsky lived in 1975-1980, a memorable board (sculptors A. Muzvishnikov, I. Resurrection) were opened.

A monument to V. Vysotsky in the courtyard of the theater on Taganka (Moscow; ul. Earthy shaft 76/21). The author of Gennady Runopov.

  • 1989 - In Odessa, on the building of the Odessa Film Studio (French Boulevard, House 33), a memorial plaque is installed. By Stanislav Golovanov.
  • 25.7.1990 - On the day of the 10th anniversary of death, a memorial plaque was opened in Moscow at the house number 15 for a large Kareton alley. Author Robert Gasparyan.
  • 25.7.1995- On the day of the 15th anniversary of death, in Moscow on Passionate Boulevard, the Petrovsky Gate Square was established a monument to Vladimir Vysotsky's work of the Sculptor Gennady Ripopova (Architect A.V. Klimochkin) - as if on the refutation of the ironic lines of the poet: "Don't put me a monument in the square | Somewhere in the Petrov gate ".
  • 25.7.1999 - On the day of the memory of the poet, in the Talnakh district of Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), on the building of the cultural and leisure center. V. Vysotsky (st. Builders, d. 17) A memorial plaque is open.
  • 24.9.2000- Monument in Melitopol of the Zaporizhia region; Sculptor K. Chekanev.
  • 2000 - In Moscow, a memorial plaque was established on the Peace Prospect, House No. 68, the structure 3, in which School No. 273 was located. The text on the board ends with the words: "In 1945-1946, the poet and artist V. S. Vysotsky studied at this school..
  • 25.1.2008- In Samara, the poet was opened by a memorial at the Sports Palace of the CSK Air Force (Ul. Molodogvardeyskaya, 222). Author M. Shemyakin.

On May 15, 2017, due to the demolition of the Old Palace of Sports and the current construction of the new, the memorial was temporarily dismantled and transported to the repository.

  • 09/25/2010- in the village Seacharist Zaton Tomsk region (Sun sculptor. Majorov).
  • 11/20/2011- On the day of the city of Sochi in the park area of \u200b\u200bthe concert hall "Festival" (by P. Chrysanov).
  • 01/28/2012 - in Novosille.
  • 07/28/2012 - A memorial plaque is established in the city of Divnogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), at the house number 6 on the street. Komsomolskaya (with text: "August 23-25, 1968 Vladimir Vysotsky sang here). Const author. Kuzyarin.
  • 16.2.2013- Opened a monument at the Aquarius hotel complex (Gorokhovets, Vladimir region). Sculptor A. Apollonov.
  • 07/25/2013- in Vladivostok and Yeisk.
  • 01/25/2014- Installed a memorial plaque in the city of Miass (Chelyabinsk region), at the address: Pre-Zavodskaya Square, 1 (a gift to residents from the local branch of the LDPR).
  • 07/16/2014- In Magadan (sculptor Yu.S. Rudenko) on the observation site "Stone Crown" of the embankment bay A.I.Nagayev (The song "My friend went to Magadan" was dedicated to a friend of the poet Igor Kohanovsky). On the pedestal, the words from another song of the poet- " I will tell you about Magadan ...».
  • 07/25/2014- In Rostov-on-Don, on ul. Pushkinskaya, opened a bronze monument of work Anatoly Sknarin.
  • 11/14/2014- in the city of Volzhsky (Volgograd region). The monument is installed on Lenin Square, in Hyde Park named after V. Vysotsky. Sculptors Y. Tyutyukin, S. Galkin.
  • 01/25/2015- On the birthday of the poet, in Moscow, a memorial plan for the hospital was opened, where Vysotsky was born. (Today this building belongs to the Monica Hospital).
  • 05.10.2015- In Volgograd, a monument was opened by the two main heroes of the television series "The meeting point cannot be changed" - Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov (Sculptor V. Uteshev). To the right of it is a sloping plate with the inscription: " Sculptural composition of legendary detectives Throat Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov from the movie "The meeting point cannot be changed" (dir. S.Gororukhin). Installed on a criminal investigation day. 5.10.2015" The image of Captain Zheglov, Chief " Banditicism"The film created V. Vysotsky.
  • 01/24/2016- In St. Petersburg, a memorable board is open at the Salon of the Writing Club (at the address: Embankment Makarova, 10). Sculptor Larisa Petrova. The text on the board says: "In 1967, the first concert of Vladimir Vysotsky concert in our city took place in Russia.
  • 04/18/2016- The monument of the work of the sculptor A.A. Aapolloov was installed in the park of Nizhneudinsk with the inscription: "(...) In June 1976. Vladimir Vysotsky came to Nizhneudinsk with Vadim Tumanov on the base, Arteel of the Lena prospectors. Where they performed his songs for brownovikov artel. (...) Bust was presented as a gift. Project "Alley of Russian Glory". People's Artist of the USSR VS Llanova. The author of the project M.L.Serdyukov. (...) With the support of the Russian Military Historical Society. "
  • 09/03/2016- A monument (sculpture) is opened in the park area of \u200b\u200bthe DC "Jubilee" of Votkinsk, Udmurtia. Authors A. Suvorov and DM. Posters.
  • 22.10.2016- A monument is opened in the White Nights Square (New Urengoy city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District). Sculptor Galina Astakhova.
  • 08.11.2016- Moscow opened a monument to Gleb Zheglov and V. Sharapov at the entrance to the main building of the police (Central District on the street. Petrovka, 38). Sculptor A. Mupported.
  • 11.12.2016 - In honor of the poet, a synergistic bas-relief was opened on the building of the leisure and cultural center "Kostino" of Korolev (Moscow region). Author Janis Stripulis.
  • 12/25/2016- In Evpatoria (Crimea), a memorial plaque was opened at the house number 45 on the street. Karaim. Authors- Architect Al. Coms, sculptor K. Tsihaev. The text on the board says: "On the streets of the old Evpatoria in 1972, the singer, poet, actor Vladimir Vysotsky starred in the movie" Bad Good Man "director I.E. Hayfiza".
  • 22.1.2018 - In Tula, on the building of DC Tulamashzavod (Ul. Demidovskaya 52), a memorial plaque was opened by a poet with the text: "On the stage of this Palace of Culture in April 1966, the poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky performed with a team of theater on Taganka". Indoor DC also installed a memorable plate with a quote from the song "Fly Life": "I live everywhere - now, for example, in Tula ...". Sculptor Vitaly Ivanovich Kazan.
  • 23.1.2018 - In Kentau (Kazakhstan), a commemorative board was established on the facade of the building of the former "Lecture", with the text: "In August 1970, a lecture on the stage was an outstanding bard and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. "You have a beautiful city. Vysotsky "".
  • 25.1.2018 - On the day of the 80th anniversary of the poet, in Kazan, at the entrance to the concert hall of the Youth Center "Ak Bars" (st. Decembrists 1), installed information board (on the pugitre) with the text (in Russian, Tatar and English) On the speeches of Vladimir Vysotsky on October 12-18, 1977 in Kazan and Zelenodolsk.

A memorial plaque is opened in the Simferopol Village of GRES (on the territory of the Baumix enterprise), with the text: "In this building in 1972, the poet, actor and author-performer songs, the winner of the USSR State Prize winner Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky". In the village of Vorontsovka, a memorial plaque was opened to the right at the entrance to rural club them. Vladimir Vysotsky, with text: "Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky lived in p. Vorontsovka Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region during evacuation in 1941 - 1943. "


V.S. Vysotsky

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born 25 Just in 1938 in the family of a soldier. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Smarther Maximovsky was evacuated to the Orenburg region. In the summer of 1943, they are injected into Moscow.

In 1955, V.Vysotsky finishes the middle school and enters the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute named after the city. Kuibyshev, from which he leaves, uncomplying the year. In 1956, he entered the school-studio of MCAT named after V.I. Midirovich - Danchenko on the acting method, where he is engaged in B.I. Massalsky and A.M.Komissarov. In 1960, he graduated from the studio, it works in the Moscow Drama Theater Ass. Pushkin and a few months - in the Moscow Theater Miniature. Then it begins to film. In 1960-1961, his first songs appear.

In 1964, V.Vysotsky enters the Moscow Theater of the Drama and Comedy Nataganke, where it works until 1980. In 1968, the first flexible record of V. High Society with songs from the movie "Vertical", and in 1973-1976, four more author's disks recorded in France.

There were still films, there were performances that "voiced" Vysotsky, and very often the songs created by him turned out to be more film or a performance on somsizes.

Vladimir Vysotsky has songs that look like a role. Roles from the nichemne delivered and moreover - nobody not yet written plays. Pieces with such roles, of course, could be written, appear on the stage. Let not today, so tomorrow, so

the day after tomorrow. But the fact is that Vysotsky did not want to wait until tomorrow. Onhhotel play these roles today, now, immediately! And therefore composed them himself, he himself was a director and performer.

Onturoped, tried on the clothes, the characters and fate of other people - ridiculous and serious, practical and reckless, real and fictional. He climbed into their concerns, problems, professions and vital imports, demonstrated their way to think and talk to the manner. Onimpproited, was fond of exaggerated, there was a muster and

mocking, teased and exposed, approved and supported.

By fulfilling them, Vysotsky could be such a stormy and raging, that people sitting in the hall had to have a strong wind, cover their eyes and pull the heads into the shoulders. But his next songmaging was amazingly quiet.

Vysotsky tried himself in differentintions, he was looking for all new and new paints, new details for his "plays", and therefore his songs are several options, changes, abbreviations. And in this, too, he, Vysotsky, is his nature, his dissatisfaction, his way of creativity.

He was all in sight. With all luck and failures, finds and jokes, doubts and conviction. He wrote a lot of songs. And, of course, not all the same equal. But it is always - the irregularity of the road leading to the comprehension of truth, to the discovery of people and, it means - to the opening of themselves ...

He was incredibly popular. To get a ticket to his speech was much more difficult than to "break through" in the summer in Sochi's Yalta hotel. But if, for normal people, Vladimir Vysotsky was visible, he was a close, necessary and favorite actor, then for the Meshcheannobov, he, above all, was "young."

And he hated my boss. And snobs - despised. Anyone. No wonder he has a hostile and evil song that ends with such words:

No need to approach the seats

And respond if you are dying.

However, when Vladimir Vysotsky Oklykalina of Snob, and people are simply people, - he has repeatedly to all the corps and responded with all his heart!

He knew how to be not only kind. And not only come out. When some "very special" foreign kindness of his "shared", then Vysotsky, remained himself, talked to them hard and unequivocally. It was no offense for anyone.

The best songs of Vladimir Vysotsky - for forgotten. They are friends of people. In these songs, there is an inexhaustible force, the disintended tenderness and scope of the human soul. And in them to have. Memory traveled roads and coming years.

Vladimir Vysotsky Written 600 songs and poems, played by more than 20 roles on the stage of the theater, 30 rubles in kinocarthines and televisionils, 8 - in radio spectacles.

In 1979, he starred in his last film - "Little tragedies". July 17, 1980 gave the last concert. July 18, 1980 - the last time it comes to the scene of the theater - in the play "Hamlet". 20 Iyulya 1980 wrote the last poem: "And from the bottom of the ice, and on top - I mummaging ...". On July 25, 1980, died at 4:10 am in his apartment in Maloigruzinskaya, 28. And buried at Vagankovsky cemetery Moscow. Ecommunals all year round twisted with live flowers. About the nomary write, they make movies and television shows, his plates of icon are published. Gardeners call it the names of the best colors, climbers - hard-to-reach mountain passes. Attes, artists, composers have a presence. The words of his songs carve on the marble of the obelisk in honor of those killed on the fronts of the Great War. He continues to live in verses, songs, the name of the streets. His name, the employees of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory were called the Small Planet "Vladvysotsky".

Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the Military Family. Early childhood of the future poet passed in a close communal apartment. In 1941 - 1943, during the Great Patriotic War, Vladimir and Mother were in the Orenburg region in evacuation. Since 1947, Vysotsky lives at the Father in Germany. At the end of 1949 it returns to Moscow.

Training, first roles

In 1953, Vysotsky becomes a member of the drama, under the leadership of the artist MCATI V. Bogomolov. In the same year, the poet creates his first poem - "my oath".

In 1955, Vladimir Semenovich ends with school and enters the Engineering and Construction Institute in Moscow. Six months later, he throws the institute, deciding to enter theatrical.

In 1956, Vysotsky, whose biography changed dramatically, comes to the acting department of the MCAT Studio. In 1959, Vladimir Semenovich his debut in the theatrical production (Porphyry Petrovich in "Crime and Punishment") and the film (film "Gossings").

Actor and musician

After graduating, since 1960, Vladimir Semenovich works in the dramatic theater. Pushkin in Moscow. In 1961, Vysotsky writes his first song - "Tattoo".

A little worker in the theater Miniature, Vladimir Semenovich is arranged at the Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka. In 1968, the first record of the musician - "Songs from the movie" Vertical ".

In 1970, an important event was happening in the personal life of Vysotsky - the poet married the actress Marina Vlady, who became his third wife and the muse. In the fall of 1971, in the theater in Taganka, Vladimir Semenovich debuted with his most famous role - Prince Hamlet from the same name Shakespeare tragedy.

Last years

In February 1978, Vysotsky was assigned the highest category of the variety of soloist pop. Tours with the Taganka Taganka, Vladimir Semenovich visited Bulgaria, France, Germany, Yugoslavia, Canada, USA, Poland, Mexico, Hungary, to Tahiti.

In a brief Vysotsky biography, it is worth mentioning that in recent years of life, the actor addicted to drug-containing drugs, smoked a lot, drank. In 1979, during a speech in Bukhara, Clinical death had happened to Vladimir Semenovich.

On July 18, 1980, Vysotsky last played the role of Hamlet. A week later, on July 25, 1980, Vysotsky died of heart failure. Buried the poet at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.


At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War with Mother, Nina Maximovna, evacuated to the Orenburg region. In the summer of 1943, they return to Moscow.

On September 1, 1945, he went to the first class of the 273rd Moscow School. Two years later, in 1947 he went with his father and a stepmother to Germany - the city of Eberswald. Having stayed there for two years, in October 1949 returned to Moscow. Settled in Great Kareny, 15. He studied in the 186th men's school and graduated from 10 classes in 1955. In the same year he entered the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Kuibysheva, but after a few months, in early 1956 he left the institute.

In the summer of 1956 he entered the MCAT Studio School. Nemirovich-Danchenko on the acting department at the rate of B. I. Masalsky and A. M. Commissioner. In May 1958, he married a student of the Studio Studio Mkhat Isolde Zhukova. In June 1960 he graduated from the MCAT Studio School. Settled in the Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin, then to the theater miniature.

In 1961, the first song was written - "Tattoo".

In the autumn of 1961, in Leningrad, he met the film actress Lyudmila Abramova, the future second wife. In November 1962, Vysotsky and L. Abramova was born the first son - Arkady.

According to some sources, there is information that at this time Vladimir Vysotsky began to abuse alcoholic beverages, and in May 1964, he first goes to the hospital at the insistence of her parents, he was treated from alcoholism. In August 1964 he had a second son - Nikita.

Since September 1964, the creative life of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky is connected with the theater of drama and comedy on the Taganka, where he was enrolled in the state of actors. In 1965, the first solo concerts are held in Moscow. By that time, they are already written about hundreds of songs.

In June 1966, in the theater at the Taganka Premiere - "Life of Galilea". In the lead role - Vladimir Vysotsky.

In the summer of 1966, he starred in two films: "Vertical" and "Short Meetings". The light saw the first flexible plate with the songs of Vysotsky from the film "Vertical". In 1967, he starred in films: "Two comrades served" and "Interventions". (The last film during his life did not come out on the screens).

In July 1967, in Moscow, he met the French film actress de Praekoff Marina-Katrine, more famous for us, like Marina Vlad.

In March 1968, Vysotsky dismissed from the theater on the Tagank, then adopted with many reservations.

August 1968 - poems are written in Siberia for "Hunting for Wolves" and "Balca".

In July 1969, the first clinical death.

In the summer of 1973, for the first time goes to the West - to France. In the same year, the first two giant disks with the songs of Vysotsky took place in the USA

In the spring of 1975, Vysotsky and Vlad received a separate three-room apartment on the Small Georgian, 28.

On May 10, 1978 there was the first shooting day of the film "The meeting place is impossible". Shooting ended in February 1979.

1979 - starred in his last film - "Little tragedies".


From above - I'm lagging between ... "

Georgian, 28.

He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

They were played by more than 20 roles on the stage of the theater, 8 - in the radio

Removed in films:

- "Popper" (Petya)

- "Career Dima Gorina" (Sofron)

- "sinner" (correspondent)

- "713 asks landing" (American sailor)

- "Dismissal ashore" (Peter)

- "Live and Dead" (Merry Soldier)

- "Punchy" (Alexander Nikulin)

- "Our Home" (Mechanic)

- "Tomorrow's Street" (Peter Markin)

- "Strana" (Andrey Bee)

- "I come from childhood" (Volodya)

- "Vertical" (Volodya)

- "Short Meetings" (Maxim)

- "served two comrades" (Bruscans)

- "Taiga Master" ("Ryaby")

- "Dangerous tour" (Nikolai Kovalenko)

- "White Blast" (Politruk)

- "Echo of distant snow" ("gray")

- "Fourth" (he)

1973 - "Bad Good Man" (Background Corren)

- "The only way" (malt)

- "Mr. Mac-Kinley's flight" (Bill Segger)

- "The only one" (Boris Ilyich)

- "How the king Peter Arape married" (Ibrahim Hannibal)

The meeting place is impossible to change "(Gleb Zheglov)

- "Little tragedies"

The creative heritage of Vysotsky pays a lot of riddles. Serious studies began not so long ago, there are still many disputes, discoveries, various versions.

One of the first to assess his creativity as a poet gave critic N. Krymov. In January 1968, in the journal "Soviet stage and the circus" she wrote:

"... Vysotsky on the stage goes like a songwriter - poet and composer. As far as the theater on Taganka is not similar to BDT in Leningrad, so Vladimir Vysotsky is not like the Jurassic or receptor. The theater has formed this actor in his image and likeness, in this form he came out on the stage - chanson from Taganka. Special type of our, domestic chanson. You can be proud that he finally appeared. Appeared - and immediately fastened those performers of pop songs, which are submorted to their accompanies, someone else's text and someone else's music. The new living character did not even entered, and burst into the stage, bringing a song where everything was merged: text, music, interpretation; The song that is listening like a dramatic monologue. Vysotsky's songs are born in it, they live and largely lose their vitality outside his manner of performance, outside of his nervous pressure, outside his diction, and most importantly - infecting the energy of thought and feelings, outside of its character. "

If you try to determine the place of Vysotsky in the history of our culture in one word, then the most accurate, will be: the personnel conscience of the people.

Therefore, the loves of the people, therefore, the massive pilgrimage to his grave on Vagankovsky is already how many years old, therefore, and the neglected sea of \u200b\u200bflowers at its monument, therefore, there are any reminders of him - books, booklets, cassettes, records. During his lifetime, he did not become nor folk or deserved nor a laureate. Official awards and ranks were not awarded. But truly popular became. His talent, his work and there was the very powerful monument.

He reigned the defects of our demoralized society without moraling, without a patronage notion. He was alien to the prose. The sense was the struggle for the return of absolute: honor, conscience, dignity.

He knew how to hurt with a common grief, he knew how to grope and indicate the pain of society.

It is impossible to retell its configuration of his poems, although the best of them are peculiar little dramas. Followed by one after another, then funny, then sad, then genre pictures, then monologues, uttering from a pronounced personality, then reflections to the author himself about life and time, they, all together give a suddenly bright picture of this time and man in it with The unexpected philosophy of content - it gives a special effect.

The talent of Vysotsky is very Russian, the folk warehouse, but this, by itself the charming type obeys the intellect, the ability to think independently and disintegrate safely. Vysotsky is courageous not only by appearance, but also in the warehouse of thought and character. Fortunately, there are no self-confident intonations in his verses, he thinks more about life and is looking for solutions than anything that is confident. But he thinks, discarding all the possibility of compromise and mental quiet. Bestless, not embarrassed, he makes the result of his search, hoping that he would understand.

Vysotsky invests internal stress, high concentration of emotional energy in its heroes.

"Vysotsky did not exaggerate his meaning, his gift. Maybe even underestimated. However, the calling knew himself, referred to him seriously, honestly and was faithful to him to the end, and therefore his strength grew, surprisingly. " These are the words Yu. Karyakin from the article dedicated to the memory of Vysotsky.

Yuri Titin In the work "Poetic System of Vysotsky" wrote: "... Ever time we will fully decipher this idea ... The artistic thinking of Vysotsky wears a fundamentally biscuit character: a plan empirical, domestic - corresponds to a plan of philosophical and ideological about the development of thought, good and art .

Characters not only verbally embody the author's ideas, but also possess an independent world. Between the two worlds there is a hard limit, the intersection of it can be only organized by violence over the plot, withdrawing and the plot, and the hero in a new hyposta. There is no reincarnation here, but Ecstasisis in the exact meaning of the word. From us, viewers or listeners, recognition of several possible worlds, which are presented by various mododules of the artistic language. The transition to another is always overcoming the first ... ... Each poem is the finished text, and at the same time, whether it obeys a more complex whole, organized in the form of a performance or a poetic concert. But in itself, the lyrics or poems in itself are not just a fragment, but rather a cell reflecting the laws of the whole. The integrity of the plan, therefore, regardless of its further fate, is initially not mechanical, but an organic nature, the development of the whole goes on the internal plan and does not allow arbitrary gluing of individual parts

There is every reason to believe that any text of Vysotsky is built as organic integrity and reproduces these patterns. In the completed work, the design cannot be observed with a naked eye, it is hidden by a feature facility. An X-ray ray of analysis is required to see the skeleton for the flesh, holding it and ensures the possibility of movement.

You can love or not to love poetry V. S. Vysotsky - this is a matter of taste and belief to understand its grandiose contribution to the development of the Russian and world art of the word can be only one way - the study of the main properties of the artistic language, implemented in the structure of the poetic text.

The existence of Vysotsky's poetry in the minds of his contemporaries was too unlike anything we knew so far. Almost no one read the poems of the poet with his life, despite the fact that everyone heard songs. Such existence could not not give rise to a sustainable presentation of the bard, the song character of all the creativity of Vysotsky. Of course, this view is partly true: about two thirds of poems became songs, and the remaining third has not been accessible to the absolute majority of readers for a long time.

What did Vysotsky poetry so popular from different people, in different social and age groups? Most likely, the recognition of life situations in his poems. The same recognition led to the rejection of his poetry. Vysotsky covered his work a huge thematic and genre spectrum. Unlike most of the poets of his lyrics, an alien autobiographic experience of experiences, it is largely focused on the poetic presentation of situations.

The goal of most Vysotsky poems is to remove pink glasses from the reader, make it up its grace and dip in the world of the highest values \u200b\u200bof human existence. Vysotsky's poetry does not leave a chance for salvation in constant reality. Poem poems - artistic prophecy about powerful cataclysms, participants and witnesses we are now.

In his prophecies, V. S. Vysotsky relied on the historical and poetic experience, the inexhaustible reserves of which are laid in our culture and as if expecting new Columbus. "

Numerous poems expose the genre nature of lyrics throughout its diversity. Only, taking into account such a variety, you can understand how the genre is transformed in a separate work.

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote for 5

Days to death:

And the ice from below, and on top - I'm lagging between:

Is the top il to try to try the bottom?

Of course, to emerge and not lose hope!

And there - for business in the expectation of visas.

Ice I need me - we have a shift and crash!

I'm all in sweat, although I'm not from Sokhi.

Return to you like ships from the song,

Everything is remembered, even old poems.

I am less than half a century - forty-eyed, -

I am alive, you and the Lord store.

I have something to sing, appearing before the Most High,

I will be what answer to him.

Best, in my opinion, creativity V. S. Vysotsky characterized

Evgeny Yevtushenko:

You, like an ancient hero, was carrying a power on the shield,

Now it does not matter that sometimes it was unfair.

You scolded and loved, and gossip climbed on the ground,

But your recordings sounded in the gateway and in the Kremlin.

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. Volodya's parents diverged when he was five years old. Due to the constant grinding with stepfather, he left with his father and his new wife in 1947 to the city of Eberwald (Germany), from where he returned in 1949. At the same time, Volodya diagnosed noises in the heart.

In 1955, the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute enters, but after a few months he takes his documents from there. In 1956, he began training at the MCAT studio school and two years later a wedding was played with a student Isolde Zhukova.

1959 was marked by the first role in the movie. The year 1960 was marked by the end of the school and the beginning of work in the Moscow Dressetra Pushkin, where the actor was involved only in the crowd. In 1962 and 1964, Vladimir had two sons.

1964 - the transition to the Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka, where two years later, Volodya will play its first major role in the production of Galilee's life. In 1965, Vladimir gives the first solo concerts, the repertoire at that time had already more than a hundred songs, the first alchlags, actively starred in movies.

In 1967, a fateful meeting with the native of France Marina Vlady, with which he will get married in two years. In 1969, Vladimir Semenovich is experiencing his first clinical death, as a result, one kidney has completely refused and the liver is destroyed, which happened due to excessive addiction to alcohol. 1971 - Vladimir plays a major role in the play "Hamlet".

In 1973, it goes with the first tourists to France and produces two disks in the United States. 1978-1979 The sign role in the film "Place of Meeting cannot be changed." On July 25, 1979, the actor experiences his second clinical death in Bukhara, and only because of his doctor and friends who were nearby, Vladimir returns to life. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky died on July 25, 1980 in his apartment, buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.