Redesign: New Logo "Gazprom. Where the advertising billions of Gazprom leave

More than 1 billion rubles per year on television advertising, 7 billion rubles per repainting of retail sales points, half a billion rubles for sponsorship of one football team. All this is not the cost of a large retail network with hundreds of stores or a manufacturer of consumer goods, forced to fight the hearts of millions of housewives. These figures are marketing waste of the State Energy Company Gazprom, a monopoly gas supplier in Russia and a strong player in the Western markets (the share of reserves in the global market - 17%) with a revenue of 4.7 trillion rubles. For 10 years, Gazprom has already insistently investigating the amounts comparable to those who spend on the promotion of consumer goods manufacturers. As the Forbes has shown a study, the return on these investments is unlikely to ever be.

Branded "Lighter"

On the fourth floor of Gazprom's high rise, where the Corporation's Guide is located, a meeting was going: the designers of the Agency "T.G." (Brand - Typo Graphic Design) Washed sheets with projects of the logos of thousands of monopoly divisions. Everything was done without a common idea and style, tells one of the participants in the meeting of the Board. It was summer of 2002 - the second after the new team led by Alexei Miller after the arrival at Gazprom. The management ordered a new symbolism for Gazprom, communications with consumers and other components of what is called a brand. Prior to that, the entire branding of the company was reduced to the invention of the logo - Latin G with the tongue of the flame, invented and, according to the corporate legend, drawn by Rem Vyacure.

Enchantable Logo-"Lighter"

Art Director "T.G.D." Vasily Kopeiko finalized the logo "Lighter", and since then this company is developing a corporate style of Gazprom and units, looks at the corporate press and production of television advertising. Gazprom is not the only client of the agency, but the links are strong: the management of information "Gazprom" banned the executive director Alexander Nazaryan to communicate with Forbes.

Gazprom for the first time reported on the registration of its trademarks in 2004 in the annual report "Brand Promotion" section. The subsidiaries of the company began to bring under an umbrella brand, renaming so that the first name of the name was Gazprom, then the company's profile designation and geographical position. For example, Gazprom Mining Yamburg instead of the usual Yamburghadobycha. Developed the same type of trademarks and corporate identity. Before the trademarks were registered, brandbook and style were approved, the corporation began to place expensive television advertising. And that's what is interesting: in numerous rollers in Russia, the manufacturer of gas as a product was not mentioned. What did the company receive from moving his brand? Not so much.

One of the leading branding firms, the British Brand Finance (represented in Russia by BrandLab) includes the Gazprom brand in its annual worldwide rating. In 2012, she put it on the 150th place, racing at $ 6.4 billion. In the first place of this rating Apple C $ 70.6 billion. And experts from the world's largest brand-consulting agency Interbrand were not at all included Gazprom in Your rating. "We exclude brands that are not visible to the consumer," explains the Moscow office consultant Interbrand Alexander Ponomarev. - According to our technique, the brand must play a role in the decision to buy goods, about the start of using the services. And if the company is a monopolist, this principle is lost. "

Gazprom has consumer goods. This is gasoline and automotive oils that are sold at gas stations Gazprom Neft. AZS is the former property "Sibneft", which Gazprom bought from Roman Abramovich. After buying another number of small refueling networks, Gazprom turned out to be 754 stations under different signs. Gazprom Neft hired Mildberry branding agency and architectural minale for rebranding, which ended in 2011. The Gazprom Neft website specifies rebranding budget - 7 billion rubles for three years. Due to the rebranding, it was assumed to increase sales of each gas station by 15-20%. Difficult gas stations were repainted in white, blue and blue colors, all with the same stylized languages \u200b\u200bof the "gas" flame. On the entrance stele put the branded "lighter". Result? In 2010, compared with 2009, average daily sale across one gas station increased by 13.2%, and in 2011 - by 37.9% (by the end of 2011, the network included 1670 fasteners). It seems to be significantly, but it was during this period that the company integrated the Moscow network of the MTC, and in Moscow, the benzocolones sell a little more fuel than on average by country (more than 40 tons per day).

In 2004, right at the Government meeting, which discussed Gazprom's pricing policy, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu became persistently asking the deputy chairman of the monopoly, why on all channels there are their advertising. And advised: "Give me this money, I will buy two aircraft on them."

The corporation has hit the multimillion Russian teleadia by advertising even before the approval of the new logo. In 2002, Sergei Shanovich was invited to the Department of Information Policy Gazprom's information policy, the General Director of the NTV-Design Studio, later renamed Shandesign. The first treaty with Gazprom received the studio without a contest, "since the state companies did not have more responsibilities to carry out tender purchases," explains Shanovich. In 2009, the right to three-year service Gazprom Shandesign won in the competition. The amounts of contracts Shaanovich does not call, and on the site "Gazprom" conditions, as in many other procurement, are not disclosed.

It was with the participation of Shandesign that the first advertising slogan was born - "Gazprom. National treasure". He followed "Gazprom. Dreams will come true "," Gazprom. Dreams come true ", the Olympic series" Multipling the victory of Russia. Gazprom, "Gazprom - Children" ... The message was invested in the advertising series about which benefits of Gazprom creates for people, Shanovich says. "There is a philistine point of view that the telecommunication global companies do not need," he argues with an invisible opponent. "This is not: any energy company gives many reasons to talk about yourself, but if she has no identity [expressed in the semantic and emotional components of the brand], a single-sided impression can be formed about it."

Information management "Gazprom" so formulates the tasks of "media-meeting" on the first channel, Russia-1, NTV, TNT and Russia-24: "Competence of the status of a state-significant and socially responsible company, the promotion of major strategic messages." Thanks to the coverage of these channels, every Russian over 18 years old "should be guaranteed to see the advertising message at least three times a year," and 80% of the socially active adult population - at least 20 times. The budget "Contract with Broadcasters" in Gazprom does not disclose, but in 2011, on the site of the procurement of Gazprom in the request of proposals for three-year placement of commercials, the amount of 3.158 billion rubles was called.

The problem of Gazprom's advertising budgets is not only the fact that they are opaque: in the report of 2011, advertising costs are indicated as part of others, among geological exploration, gas storage services and heat transfer services. The corporation may make any measurements of the influence of your advertising for domestic consumption, but did not report forbes, how much is spent and why so much. The Sectoral Internet Edition of Adindex delivered Gazprom to the 47th place out of 50 in the ranking of the largest television advertisers of 2011 (budget evaluation - 675.21 million rubles). This is a little more than the "Sportmaster" (674.14 million rubles), but less than that of X5 Retail and cellular operators.

What is this effect? "If you ask residents of the country, what our main company we have, then Gazprom will be the first," Alexander Yeremenko is convinced, the manager of the BRANDLAB agency. - But what of this is the concern itself and its shareholders, the state, government, the inhabitants of the country? "

World Sponsor

Promotion within the country Gazprom is not limited. The external activity of the monopoly is inextricably linked with sports and sponsorship.

It all started in 2001, when the Olympic Committee of Russia (OCC) received the first check for $ 600,000 from Gazprom - to prepare the team to the Olympiad in Salt Lake City. Since then, infrastructure projects for Sochi-2014 have already been spent, according to the calculations of analysts BNP Paribas, more than 100 billion rubles. In the 2011 statement, Gazprom recognizes that it continues to support the OCR, but the budget does not call (in 2010, the newspaper "Vedomosti" wrote that it can be about donations in the amount of $ 110-130 million).

There is still football. 565.66 million rubles - this is the budget allocated by Gazprom Neft this year by Petersburg "Zenit" (this is not a mistake: belongs to "Zenit" by Gazprom himself, but finance it through sponsorship and promotional contracts Subsidiaries ). Zenit entered the Top-50 most expensive football brands of the world according to Brand Finance ($ 56 million, 41th).

In Europe, Gazprom sponsors several football clubs: since 2006 - German Schalke 04 ($ 20.9 million per year), from the 2010 Serbian team "Czrven Star" ($ 5.6 million), from the current - Chelsea Roman Abramovich (up to $ 25.3 million by Forbes) and UEFA Champions League (up to $ 55.7 million). "Participation in German and other local projects can treat the reputation of Gazprom, which is perceived in Europe as an universal evil," said Eremenko.

Nicholas Coro, the main curator RCB & B, calls sports sponsorship in Europe a competently designed political step. "For local authorities, the worst nightmare, if the National Football Club collapses," he believes. However, it urges not to overestimate the appearance of Europeans on the T-shirts of the Logo "Gazprom": in Serbia loyalty to Russia and so high, he says, but the attitude of the British is unlikely to change from the presence of "lighters" on the form of players of legendary Chelsea.

Apparently, the concern himself is not too hoping to support fans of his global interests. Since 2007, Gazprom's promotion in the world is engaged in the American PR Agency Ketchum, the most that has long been serves the interests of the Kremlin .

In November 2012, the New York portal of investigative journalism Propublica reported serious punclamps of the CNBC television company and Huffington Post online editions. It turned out that in their sections "Opinion" Ketchum placed the praising materials of Russia, written by her order "allegedly independent columnists" . According to Propublica estimates, over the past six years, Ketchum received $ 23 million from the Russian government, and from Gazprom - $ 17 million on the US law on Ketchum's foreign agents is reported to the US Ministry of Justice on activities in favor of foreign employers. From reports it follows that in some periods Gazprom paid more PR agency than the government. So, from August to December 2007, $ 1.97 million transferred $ 1.97 million through Gazprom affiliated companies, and Russia (so in the report) - $ 1.85 million from June to November 2011 from the concern, $ 2.68 million And from "Russia" - $ 1.82 million in Gazprom refused to comment on cooperation with American lobbyists.

How much is "Gazprom", he cares more about reputation than the promotion of the goods, which he is not very necessary. Nevertheless, his brand has a power that can be measured. This showed an unusual experiment conducted by the Higher International School of Brand Management (IHSBM). To find out the attitude of consumers to trademarks, the researchers held the "Battle of Brands" by placing them in unusual conditions. The subjects, ordinary Russian consumers, were offered to evaluate the "novelty" - the yoghurts "Gazprom" and "Beeline". 26% refused both, and 58% of the others liked the yoghurt Gazprom. It comes out, the Gazprom brand is more elastic than Bilain, and it can be used not only for related markets, it comes to the withdrawal of Eremenko from BrandLab.

But the yoghurts "Gazprom" has not yet traded.

Alexander Levinsky

In the heading "Redesign" we tell about how design thinking works. Every week on the task of Look At Me Designer Anton Schneider in two hours makes the company's logo redesign and explains the course of his thoughts. The main thing here is how the process of "brainstorming", the search for ideas and solving the problem. This week it became known that Gazprom headed the rating of companies with negative capitalization, and also settled gas transit issues with Ukraine. We take the Logo Gazprom.

Anton Schnider

He started in the studio of Artemia Lebedev to the lead designer and the "creative attack aircraft", but for three years now engaged in its own design bureau S-I-L-A along with three other professionals. Main specialization: logos, corporate identity and web design. In addition, Anton is developing its own Fingarilla project - an application for creating a generative music. Anton's wife - Ksenia Schneider, designer clothes.

It was


Gazprom is such an organization that can easily afford rebranding, not experiencing awareness. On the other hand, this is what it allows you to not worry about changing the style. They could generally live without a logo and style. Just write Gazprom any font.

I will introduce that they still have a need to update. Evolutionary type of rebranding. The essence remains, the style changes. We must try to improve what is. A few steps simplify graphics. It seems to be better. I caught myself thinking that the existing logotop began to seem normal to me. While he worked with him, the eye was closed. It can be assumed that Gazpromovsky is completely O-Kay, they see him every day. I stopped surprising.

One more step in the framework of the evolutionary path. I take the letter G of antique design and modify it to the state of Gazprom's brand sign. Well, yes, somehow it looks like, obviously, I acted, while I broke the letter. But in general, it seems to me, looks slimmer. It is possible to explain this by the fact that the sign is made of the perfectly honed time of the classic letter. At the same time, the idea came to make the top of Latin G like the Cyrillic G. It will turn out a mutant, of course, but if you look without the word Gazprom, then it looks like some kind of specialist, which existed before. And most importantly, now it is at the same time two letters.

I take another step to the side. The same idea, but new plastic. I find that if inside the square letter G, to continue the inner removal of a stick down, the letter P. appears in one sign G - G and P (Gas Prom). Not that I especially delighted this. Too snail. Too greek meander. No no no. Everything.

A spiral built on a golden section is similar to the letter G. This option can be loaded with meaning - spiral, drilling, gold. Well, it is clear, change the branded blue color on the golden. Gas is gold!

With evolution, I finished, there are options that I would show. Now I will try the revolution, I will change everything. Leave color. I have no questions for him.

An options appeared:

The word Gazprom in the framework, such as such a protocol stamp with a hole in the right side, which makes the frame letter G. Seriously. Without garbage.

In the "book about the letters from AA to Yaya", Yuri Gordon saw an ancient letter G, it is at the same time similar to G, and on P (gas prom). And on plastic - on nike. Nike! Think about (in fact, no).

From school lessons, geography recalled the sign of the designation of gas and oil. Pyramids. Rather, it is a gauge of oil and gas. Farm. Gas - white with black stroke, oil - black. In short, gas I take a thing. If the word Gazprom is broken into two parts, then the words are cool up in the pyramid with the gas sign on top.

An option using tricolor. Well, such. Hi, Perm. G + P. Magnet some. Beautiful.

I choose the options that I like most. Intemeing them to real objects to estimate how they will behave in life. All options are suitable, each in its own way. Here I will need someone for discussion, customer or someone from designers. Pot, do not cook!

Symbols, cute to the Masonic Spirit. Sign "G" and free bricklayers in the Logo Gazprom.

The symbol "G", as the Masonic snake of the Uroboros, biting himself by the tail. Symbolizes the cyclicality of understanding the great deed of Frankmads around the world. One of the main symbols of Frankmadov, along with the Nagolnik and Circle. The symbol of the great architect of the Universe and the snake of the typoros biting himself behind the tail.

This letter is up to that multifaceted and full of semantic content, that its value, its symbolism, everyone will see in different ways. The interpretation of everyone who wonders over this symbol will depend on what he wants to see. And probably erroneous opinions will not.
In the Masonic symbolism, the value "G" is the German transliteration of the Head of the Head Letter "Yod" and the Greek "Tau", the first letters of the name of Multivot in these languages. "G" - located in the center of the Flaming Star - Symbol, sign of the apprentice. In some cases, "G" was considered as the substitute for the Jewish letter IOD, the symbol of principle or unity - by virtue of the phonetic similarity between God and Iod. "G" In the English tradition, the reduction of "God" (GOD) besides this, English Masons also once identified three letters of the same word God with the initial letters of the three Jewish words Ctamel, Oz, Dabar (beauty, strength, wisdom). Since the name of "God" begins with this letter (in Syrian - Gad, Swedish - Hood, German - Gotht, in English - year, Persian - Gada, etc., etc. .), It has an occult basis, which will completely understand the esoteric philosophy and "secret doctrine". All these peoples inherited the name of the "God" from their respective traditions. Oral and "silent speech" (Scripture) are the "gift of the gods," they say all the folk legends, starting with the ancient Organic Sanskritic peoples, who claimed that their alphabet, Davanagari (literally, the dealer or gods) was given to them from heaven, The Jews telling about the alphabet - the ancestor of the one who remained now - as the heavenly and mystical symbolism representing the patriarchs of the angels. This letter, which in Jewish is called Gimel, is associated with the Third Sacred Divine name, Gadol or Magnus (Great). The numeric value of its four, tetragrammaton and the sacred tetractis is from here and its sacredity. In the French - Geometrie "Geometry" - a special science for Masons, in Greek - Gnosis (GNOSEOS) - Knowledge, the amount of knowledge. "Geometry" is the most ancient and most important science, which is the basis of architecture and construction, and Mason has the builder of the church of moral qualities . He is an architect of an elevated sacrament, brilliant and seeding the temple of his soul. "Geometry" is the logic, rationality, which should be present in all intellectual and moral surveys. In addition, the letter "G" has the following major importance:
"G" - geometer - a) sometimes the same as the architect; b) password in one of the degree of dedication of the DPSR; "G" - birth (from generation); "G" - genius (from Genie); "G" - Glory (from Gloire); "G" - Great in Abbreviation G.A. Grand Architecte (Great Architect); "G" - God Is Our Guide - "God directs us" - the motto of the Great National Lodge of France, first meets in 1492. Operational Masons of London.
First of all, it should be noted that in ancient catechism for an apprentice to the question: What Does That G Denote? (What does this letter g mean?) Followed the answer: Geometry or the fifth science (geometry or fifth science) (that is, the science that occupies the fifth in the traditional listing of "seven free arts", whose esoteric importance in medieval initiations is huge); But such an interpretation does not contradict the thesis that the same letter stands for God (meaning God), for God is referred to in this step by the "great geometer of the Universe." On the other hand, this is especially important, in the oldest of the most famous Masonic manuscripts of operational Freemasonry "Geometry" is constantly identified with Masonry himself; Therefore, in all this, something is concluded than not to neglect. In addition, should it also be mentioned that in response to the question of WHO Does That G Denote? (Who (Who), not What (what), as before, when it came about geometry), this catechism contains also the following phrase: The Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe, Or He That Was Taken Up to the Pinnacle of The Holy Temple, "you can see that the" Great Architect of the Universe "is identified here with Christ himself (therefore, with a logo), which himself relates to the symbolism of the" cornerstone ".
In the Egyptian mysteries, the Sunny Symbol of the Spiritual Sun served equivalent of "G". In the Great Temple of Greek Mysteries in Delphs, where, for seventeen centuries, Eleusinsky initiations were conducted, he was replaced by the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet E (Epsilon), since the number five is in the Pythagorean system by a numerological symbol of a person, according to its five feelings, five rays formed Two his hands, two legs and heads, as well as other considerations, more complex nature. From here there is a five-pointed star (or a pentagram), also symbolizing the person and the versatility of the truths available to him. Community Mason-practitioners was divided into groups of five people, and the lyrics of theoretics still consists of five brothers.
This sign, "G", being a symbol of the Divine Presence in each bed. He also evidenced by the Divine Presence in the Spiritual Center of each Mason.
It traces the ultimate goal of the entire dedication cycle - the compound of an individual soul with the divine principle. This is the highest goal of Masonry, and solve all other, less significant tasks is only an auxiliary action that facilitates the promotion to it.
The symbol "G" is always located in the center, and the lodge is not going straight under it, but as if around him. This means that the star of shining glory shines too brightly, so that someone, less clean and light, how she herself can withstand the directional flow of its downward rays; Therefore, the space in the center of the lodge always remains open and unoccupied, and the brothers are cleared along the walls, so that the straight rays did not reach them.

Look at the award to the first chapter of Gazprom V.S. Chernomyrdin. The same Masonic star on the red ribbon.

Constructions - Needles are put in those places where it is required to send energy from the bottom from people to the sky. Let me remind you that according to the Old Slavic Runic language, the sky, this is the place where there is no God in opposition to heaven (the place where there is no demon). Energy should be sent there by the plan of Masonic architects to go there, where it receives the one who leads all fraternities and legs. The principle of a single egregor of power.