What is the normal cycle of menstruation. How many days does a normal menstrual cycle last? How to avoid them

Nature is conceived in such a way that every month the female body is ready for a possible pregnancy. What serves as a sign? A certain phase of menstruation, and to find out more precisely the period of ovulation, a woman helps to keep her own calendar, where she fixes the menstrual cycle. Between critical days, there are other changes associated with reproductive function, so every woman needs to know the cycle rate, listen to the signals so as not to miss the beginning of the development of the pathology and not deprive herself of the joy of motherhood.

What is the menstrual cycle

Approximately at regular intervals, physiological changes occur in the female genital organs. The beginning of one menstruation (the appearance of discharge) and the entire period until the beginning of the next - this is what the cycle of menstruation is in women. This phenomenon got its name thanks to the Latin language, in translation from which “mensis” means “month”. Spotting is a liquid, more precisely, a mixture of blood, desquamated epithelium of the uterine mucosa, transparent mucus, so the color can vary from bright red to brown.

Do I need to know the duration of the cycle

If health care is on the list of priorities of a beautiful representative of any age, then there is no doubt: you need to know the individual menstruation schedule. This is the only way to detect violations of the function of the ovaries, the uterine mucosa or the onset of pregnancy in time. The duration, together with the frequency, volume of blood discharge is included in the list of the main characteristics by which normal menstruation is determined.

When does it start

The period of puberty for each girl occurs individually, in most cases, menarche occurs at the age of 11-13 years. Further, when the menstruation schedule stabilizes, the onset of menstruation can be judged by spotting. From this moment, which occurs at any time of the day, you should fix the beginning of a new period and do not forget to mark the first day in the menstrual calendar.


Gynecology has revealed almost all the secrets of the functioning of the female reproductive system. The work of all the organs included in it is subject to a certain rhythm, which is conventionally divided into three phases. For the full period of menstruation in the body of a woman, the egg matures, then the phase begins when it is ready for fertilization. If conception did not occur, then a corpus luteum is formed, the level of the hormone progesterone drops, rejection of the epithelial layer of the uterus - the phase ends.


The beginning of this phase coincides with the onset of critical days, and the follicular phase lasts almost two weeks. During this time, follicles grow in the ovaries, they release estrogen hormones into the blood, the latter stimulate the growth of the endometrium (uterine lining). All actions of the reproductive system in this phase are aimed at the maturation of the egg and the creation of optimal conditions for its fertilization.


The shortest of all the selected phases of the cycle. With a duration of menstruation of 28 days, ovulation accounts for only 3. Under the influence of hormones, a mature egg is formed from a mature follicle. For a woman who wants to get pregnant, these few days are her only chance to conceive. The onset of the ovulatory phase makes itself felt with slight pain in the lower abdomen. If the egg is fertilized, then it attaches to the uterine mucosa. Otherwise, the work of the body is aimed at getting rid of the corpus luteum.


Ovulation occurs, but does not end with pregnancy - this means that the middle of the cycle or the third phase has come. The active production of the hormones progesterone, estrogen leads to the appearance of a complex of symptoms known as PMS (premenstrual syndrome). During the entire luteal phase, and this is from 11 to 16 days, a woman’s mammary glands can swell, her mood changes, her appetite increases, and the body sends a signal to the uterus that it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary endometrium. So one menstrual period ends, and another comes to replace the bloody discharge.

What cycle of menstruation is considered normal

Medical science does not give a definite answer. If we take into account the factor of the duration of the menstrual period, then the duration from 21 to 35 days fits into the concept of the norm. The average indicator of a normal cycle is 28 days. Menstruation (bleeding) lasts 2-6 days, while the amount of blood lost does not exceed 80 ml. Some regularity can be traced in the fact that women in the southern regions have a shorter cycle than those women who live in northern latitudes.

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation

To determine the time interval from the first day of menstruation to the last, you should start a calendar. For convenience, you can choose a paper version or online applications, then you do not have to keep all the data in your head and there is no danger of forgetting something. By marking the dates in the menstrual calendar, it will be possible to calculate the duration of the interval. The middle of the cycle can be determined using an ovulation test or by measuring basal body temperature (insert a thermometer into the rectum after waking up). For a reliable calculation, you need to take into account the data of 4 menstruations in a row.

Menstruation cycle calendar

To plan pregnancy, in taking care of their own health, the fair sex should regularly keep a calendar. A paper insert in a business diary, an online application is a choice based on convenience, but you should definitely mark the days of menstruation, make notes in the table, then determine the duration by calculating the interval: from the first day of the previous period to the first day of the next. The calendar helps to track the regularity, phases of the cycle in women, determine the period of ovulation or "dangerous days" if there is no desire to become pregnant.

Why does my period cycle change every month?

The regularity of the cycle indicates the good condition of the reproductive system, the general well-being of the woman. However, for a number of reasons, deviations can occur that lead to pathology. The physiological, emotional state, difficult situations - all this affects the appearance of irregular periods. The calendar system also leads to a failure in the calculations, when one month of the year is shorter than the other, therefore, with an average cycle duration, the start dates of menstruation in the calendar will be different.

When and why the cycle breaks

A normal menstrual cycle is more common among women who have given birth. Irregular menstrual periods are common in girls because it takes one to two years for a normal physiological process to develop. Before the onset of menopause or in case of hormonal imbalance, the menstrual schedule also fails, which changes. The first menstruation is characterized by a short cycle, with hormonal failure or menopause - a maximum or long break.

Types of violations

The regular menstrual schedule for each woman is different, so you should determine the female cycle yourself. With noticeable deviations, when there is a delay in menstruation or the discharge has a pungent odor, a more saturated shade, you should consult a doctor. Important symptoms that indicate violations are an uncharacteristic amount of discharge, the appearance of painful sensations not only in half of the menstrual period, but also at the stage of follicle maturation or in the second half of the cycle.

With an irregular cycle and associated symptoms, it is customary to talk about the following possible violations:

  • polymenorrhea (prolonged uterine bleeding, the cycle schedule is defined as an interval of less than 21 days);
  • hypermenorrhea (heavy menstrual bleeding);
  • hypomenorrhea (scanty spotting, reduced production of sex hormones);
  • oligomenorrhea (the length of menstruation does not exceed 2 days);
  • amenorrhea (absence of critical days for more than six months);
  • metrorrhagia (atypical bleeding, in which there is no rejection of the endometrial gland);
  • algomenorrhea (menstruation, which is accompanied by severe pain).

Treatment of menstrual irregularities

The first thing to take as a rule if you suspect a violation is that self-medication is categorically unacceptable! The danger to life, if the monthly cycle in women has failed, is very high, so you need to contact a gynecologist for help, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, neurologist, therapist, oncologist. A reasonable approach to treatment, when the cycle is restored, the pituitary hormones are produced correctly and the secretory phases are working, is a chance for happy motherhood or a way to resist the development of diseases of the reproductive system.

To determine the nature of the violations, choose an effective treatment regimen, a woman will have to undergo an examination, do an ultrasound scan, donate blood, and during a gynecological examination, the doctor will take a smear. When the influence of external factors is excluded, the specialist, based on the diagnosis, will offer the patient a treatment regimen, choosing one or more types of therapy:

  • Surgical treatment (ablation of the endometrium, curettage of the uterine cavity, removal of organs).
  • hormone therapy. It involves the use of combined oral contraceptives, in addition, GnRH agonists or gestagens are prescribed, which helps to establish a two-phase cycle in which ovulation is impossible.
  • hemostatic therapy. It is carried out with bleeding, helping to stabilize the functions of the reproductive system and the whole organism.
  • Non-hormonal therapy. Preparations based on plant complexes, minerals, useful acids are prescribed to bring the menstrual schedule back to normal. In addition, nutritional supplements are intended to support the functioning of the reproductive system during the corpus luteum phase, ovulation, fertilization and gradual rejection of the endometrium or support hormonal balance.
  • Phases and duration of the menstrual cycle according to the norm and with violations

The duration of the menstrual cycle in the active reproductive period of a woman is 28 days. In general, a cycle consisting of 21-35 days is considered normal. Since menstruation has its own characteristics that are characteristic of a particular woman, it is not considered a pathology if one woman has a cycle of 21 days, and another, for example, 29 days. The cycle is individual, but menstruation should come at regular intervals and last the same number of days. A discrepancy of 2-3 days up or down is allowed. These are normal fluctuations. The cycle on average should be established by the age of 16-18.

During puberty, as well as during menopause, menstruation becomes irregular. And this is also not a deviation from the norm. In addition, after childbirth, abortion and during breastfeeding, menstruation becomes irregular. When taking certain birth control pills or inserting an intrauterine device, amenorrhea can occur -.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of the menstrual cycle to the first day of the following. Normally, menstruation lasts 3-7 days. A change in the nature of bleeding, a decrease or increase in the number of "critical" days often indicates some kind of ailment in a woman's body. And if this continues for some time, then you should consult a gynecologist.

During menstruation, the blood loss of the female body is small - up to 60 ml. In this case, up to 16 mg of iron is lost.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, luteal. The first phase is actually menstruation, when the uterus rejects an unfertilized egg and endometrium. Then comes the follicular phase, when the body begins to prepare for the next cycle. During this period, follicles mature, one of which will be dominant and from which the egg will subsequently be released, ready for fertilization.

Then comes the ovulatory phase, when ovulation occurs - the peak of the cycle. The dominant follicle bursts and an egg is released from it. It enters the fallopian tubes, where fertilization can occur. Ovulatory - the shortest phase itself, its duration is up to 48 hours.

The next period - the luteal phase - is the longest. Depending on the cycle, it can be from 10 to 16 days. At this time, the follicle that released the egg is called the corpus luteum.

It holds many mysteries. And it is sometimes very difficult for an ordinary person to deal with all of them. Therefore, in this article I want to talk in detail about the cycle. The norm and deviations will also be described later.

Understanding concepts

First of all, I want to define the concepts themselves in order to fully understand what is at stake. So, the monthly (or more correctly - the menstrual) cycle is a special physiological process that is characteristic exclusively for the female body (sexually mature person). It has a regular nature, affects mainly the reproductive system. All these processes are controlled by hormones that produce the ovaries, as well as the brain.

When does a woman's menstrual cycle begin to form? The norm is the time of puberty for a girl. This happens on average at 11-14 years. The menstrual cycle disappears in women with the onset of menopause (most often it comes at the age of 45-55). This is a normal physiological process, as a result of which a woman already becomes unable to conceive and bear a baby. The external manifestation of the menstrual cycle is spotting, or menstruation.

How to count?

Not all women know how to correctly calculate their female cycle. So, first of all, it is worth saying that it is necessary to start counting from the first day of spotting, to finish - the last day before a new menstruation. Ideally, the monthly cycle is 28 days. But this is not the case for all women. The norm is also considered a deviation from this figure in one week. That is, if a lady's cycle lasts within 21-35 days, there is nothing to worry about. If not, you should definitely consult a doctor for qualified advice. It is also important to remember that the cycle should be regular. If one month it has 25 days, and the second - 32 - this is not normal. Variations are possible within 1-3 days. Otherwise, again, you need to contact a gynecologist for advice and search for reasons.


  1. Ovulation (translated from Latin as "egg"). This is one of the processes of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the follicle ruptures, and the egg comes out of it, completely ready for fertilization.
  2. Menstruation. Occurs approximately 12-15 days after ovulation. This is spotting, with which, as unnecessary (if pregnancy has not occurred), exfoliated endometrium comes out.


The phases of the menstrual cycle - that's what else needs to be said in this article. So, this issue can be approached in different ways. According to one version, there are only two phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Folliculin.
  2. Luteal (secretory, or phase of the corpus luteum).

Why is there such a division? It's all the fault of hormones, which in a certain period are dominant in the reproductive organs of the female body. You can often see information that there are two more phases of the monthly cycle:

  1. phase of menstruation.
  2. ovulation phase.

However, most scientists believe that it is not entirely correct to single them out in terms of hormonal levels. However, it is believed that they more clearly show the processes occurring in the ovaries and uterus. In addition, these phases are very important during pregnancy planning, so they cannot be completely excluded. All four phases will be discussed below.

First phase: menstruation

The normal cycle of menstruation begins with the first phase, which is calculated from the first day of spotting. These are the so-called menses. At this time, the previously rejected endometrium is released along with the blood. This process can also be called preparation for receiving a new egg. As for the duration, this phase has only 3 to 6 days. It ends even before the end of bleeding in women. What else is important to say when studying the cycle of menstruation? How much blood should a girl normally produce? No more than 80 ml for the entire period of menstruation. If a woman changes pads or tampons more than 10 times a day, this is a reason to see a doctor. You should also seek help if spotting has been going on for a week or more.

Possible problems

What problems can arise in this phase?

  1. Amenorrhea (the prefix "a" means no). This is the complete absence of bleeding. However, this diagnosis can only be made if a similar phenomenon has been observed for six months.
  2. Algodysmenorrhea (the prefix "algo" means pain). These are painful periods when a woman feels very ill. At this time, the work capacity of the lady is sharply reduced.
  3. Menorrhagia. It's too much bleeding. This diagnosis can be made if a woman's menstruation lasts more than 7 days or the amount of discharge is more than 80 ml.

Second phase: follicular

We study further the monthly cycle. The norm is when the second phase in a woman lasts about two weeks after the completion of spotting. At this time, the woman's brain begins to send certain impulses, under the influence of which the follicle-stimulating hormone is actively produced, and follicles grow in the ovaries. Gradually, a dominant follicle is formed, which will be a haven in the future. At the same time, a woman's body is actively producing a hormone such as estrogen. He's working on updating the lining of the uterus. Also, this hormone affects the cervical mucus so much that it becomes immune to sperm.


Violation of the cycle of menstruation in the second phase can cause various stresses and diseases. In this case, the third phase of the female cycle will come a little later than usual.

Phase three: ovulation

This is the middle of the monthly cycle. At this point, there is a restructuring of hormones in the female body. The level of FSH, i.e., decreases significantly, but immediately there is a release of LH, i.e. Time frame of the period: three days. What happens to the female body at this time?

  1. LH makes the cervix very receptive to sperm.
  2. The maturation of the egg is completed.
  3. The egg is released from the follicle, after which it enters the fallopian tubes and awaits conception (term - about two days).

Phase Four: Luteal

It can also be called the “yellow body phase”. After the follicle is released, it begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone, the main task of which is to prepare the uterine mucosa for implantation. At the same time, the cervical mucus dries up, and the production of LH stops. If a normal monthly cycle is traced in women, then this phase lasts no more than 16 days (for a maximum of 12 days, a fertilized egg must attach to the uterus).

  1. If fertilization has occurred: in this case, the egg enters the uterine cavity, is implanted, and the production of the so-called pregnancy hormone begins, which will be active throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.
  2. If fertilization does not occur: in this case, the egg also dies, the production of progesterone stops. This causes the destruction of the endometrium, which entails its rejection and the onset of the first phase of a new menstrual cycle - spotting.

Cycle and conception

Every lady should know her correct menstrual cycle. After all, this is very important in that situation, if you want to prepare for the conception of a baby, or, conversely, to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. After all, as everyone knows, there are favorable and dangerous days of the female cycle. About this in more detail:

  1. The maximum probability of conception is a couple of days before ovulation or at the time of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  2. It is worth remembering that male sperm live up to seven days in the female tract, so fertilization is possible even if unprotected intercourse occurred a week before ovulation.
  3. Favorable days for those who do not yet want to have children: a couple of days after ovulation. The egg has already died at this time, fertilization will not occur.

However, it should be said that it is very difficult to accurately predict ovulation. After all, the female body is not an ideal machine. If you don’t want to get pregnant, it’s best not to rely on your own calculations, but to additionally protect yourself with modern means, say, condoms.

Basal temperature

We study further the monthly cycle. The norm and deviations must be known to every woman. Here I also want to talk about how you can independently identify with the phases. To do this, it is enough to trace the graph of basal temperature (as you know, this is a measurement of temperature indicators in the lady's vagina or in the rectum). In the first days after bleeding, the temperature should be kept within 37 ° C. Further, it usually decreases slightly, and then "jumps" by 0.5 ° C and is normally more than 37 ° C. At this indicator, the temperature is kept almost all the time, but a few days before the onset of menstruation, it decreases again. If this did not happen, we can say that the girl became pregnant. If the temperature has not changed at all throughout the cycle, this means that the third phase - ovulation - has not occurred.

About crashes

Modern women very often suffer from such a problem as a violation of the cycle of menstruation. What symptoms can signal this:

  1. An increase in the interval between menstruation, its significant fluctuation.
  2. Change of days in the cycle (deviation of more than three days in any direction).
  3. Profuse or scanty bleeding.
  4. The complete absence of menstruation for at least two months (unless, of course, this is a sign of pregnancy).
  5. The appearance of bleeding in different phases of the menstrual cycle (not only in the first).
  6. The duration of spotting is more than a week or less than three days.

These are the main problems that should alert the lady. In this case, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and find out the causes of these phenomena.


If a woman has lost her monthly cycle, the reasons for this may be as follows:

  1. Weight change - obesity or its sharp loss. Starvation, as well as the consumption of foods harmful to the body and overeating, affects the entire body as a whole, and especially the reproductive function of a lady. Accordingly, for the menstrual cycle.
  2. Stress. In this state, the woman actively begins to produce the hormone prolactin, which is able to inhibit ovulation and cause a delay in menstruation.
  3. Physical exercise.
  4. Acclimatization. If a woman changes her stay belt - from heat to cold or vice versa, the body turns on defenses, which can affect the female cycle.
  5. If a lady has lost her monthly cycle, the reason for this may be a hormonal failure (a violation of the production of certain hormones).
  6. Women's diseases. The cycle can go astray if a lady has the following problems: inflammation of the uterus, pathologies of her cervix, cysts, polyps of the uterus, her appendages.
  7. Taking oral contraceptives. If a woman is just starting to take birth control pills, at first, while the body is adapting, there may be certain failures. However, after a maximum of three months, if the medications are chosen correctly, a clear and normal menstruation cycle will be established.
  8. Adolescence and menopause. During these periods, the female cycle may be irregular, which is not an indicator of special problems with the body. For a young girl, the first cycle of menstruation will never be an indicator that menstruation will continue in the same mode.
  9. A woman will completely stop menstruating if she becomes pregnant.
  10. Huge problems with the cycle will be in case of involuntary or planned abortions.


If a lady started her period in the middle of the cycle or had any other problem, she should definitely seek medical advice. After all, this can be the cause of quite serious problems with the body. By what indicators will the gynecologist diagnose?

  1. Questioning (obtaining complete information about the possible causes of violations).
  2. Gynecological examination of the patient.
  3. Taking all smears necessary for analysis.
  4. Blood and urine tests.

If these procedures did not give complete answers to the questions of interest to the doctor, the lady may be assigned additional studies:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs or abdominal cavity.
  2. Hormone tests.
  3. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging (determination of pathological changes in tissues, as well as the search for possible neoplasms).
  4. Hysteroscopy (examination of the walls of the patient's uterus with a special instrument).

Only a combination of these methods of studying the patient's condition can give a complete picture of the causes of her disease, which will lead to the correct diagnosis and the appointment of competent treatment.


Above, it was said a little about what problems can arise with the female menstrual cycle and what diseases develop against this background. However, this is far from a complete list.

  1. Hypomenorrhea. This is very scanty spotting.
  2. Opsomenorrhea. A significant shortening of the duration of spotting in a lady.
  3. Oligomenorrhea. This is an increase in the interval between the spotting of a lady.

All of these issues should cause concern. Every woman should remember that timely and treatment of the disease is very important.


If a woman has lost her cycle (between menstruation, for example, there are different periods of time) or there are other problems with women's health, you should immediately contact a doctor for qualified advice. After all, if the disease is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can lead to serious complications, which will be extremely difficult to cope with. It is worth remembering that later detection of pathologies that cause menstrual irregularities can lead not only to the inability to become pregnant, but even to the death of a young lady.

If a woman has minor menstrual irregularities, you can try to correct the situation without the intervention of doctors. To do this, it is enough to correctly adjust your daily routine and nutrition. That is, you need to exclude all harmful foods from food, pay more attention to the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. In sufficient quantities, the lady should also rest: at least seven hours of nightly sleep, work breaks, physical activity and exposure to fresh air - only these nuances can correct the female cycle with minor disruptions.

Doctor's treatment

If the girl still needs to seek medical help, treatment will be prescribed based on the reasons that led to the hormonal failure.

  1. If the cause is stress, the patient will be prescribed sedatives.
  2. If there are problems with spotting, a woman may be prescribed hemostatic drugs (to eliminate bleeding if menstruation occurs in the middle of the cycle).
  3. With heavy bleeding, a lady can be infused with donor blood, plasma.
  4. Surgery is possible (including hysterectomy, i.e. removal of the uterus).
  5. In some cases, the girl may be prescribed antibiotics (if the cause of the failure is infectious diseases).
  6. The most common methods of treatment - the appointment of hormonal drugs to regulate hormonal levels.

How many days should be between periods

How many days does a menstrual cycle last? How many days do periods last? What is the duration of the monthly norm, and how much is the reason for a visit to the doctor? Any girl entering puberty is trying to find answers to these questions.

How to count the menstrual cycle

The reproductive system of the female body is a clear and well-coordinated mechanism that, under the influence of hormones produced by the ovaries and the brain, works normally.

First - you need to carefully listen to your body, which will give you a signal about the approach of menstruation.

Secondly, the same number of days should pass between critical days, and you should be guided by this number.

Puberty begins in girls at 10-14 years old, the onset of menstruation at this time is the norm. Menstruation can be up to 45-55 years, until menopausal changes begin in the woman's body. The cessation of menstruation by the age of 55 is the norm, this suggests that conception and childbearing are no longer possible.

It should be noted that more and more often one hears that menopausal changes are already beginning in the body of 40-year-old women, accompanied by scant discharge, or their complete absence. But, having discovered the absence of menstruation, it is too nonchalant to assume that the reason for everything is age.

There are cases that women only aggravated the progression of a formidable disease with their inaction.

The number of days between the start of the discharge and the last day before the next period is called the menstrual cycle. The norm is 28, 30, and sometimes even 35 days. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The delay may be up to a week, but this is not a cause for concern.

If in one month 28 days have passed between periods, in another 30, and in the third - 35 days, before the start of menstruation you feel a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, you need to consult a gynecologist about your health.

PMS, its features

Before the onset of menstruation, in a few days, the state of health begins to deteriorate. Efficiency decreases, drowsiness, weakness, bloating, headaches and aches all over the body appear. There may be other symptoms of PMS: the girl becomes whiny, irritable, upset over trifles.

This condition can be not only during PMS, but also during menstruation.

Why torture yourself when PMS begins to appear, you need to take an analgesic that contains analgin, dolaren or diclofen, festal, which can eliminate bloating, askofen or citramon help well with headaches.

But this does not mean that all girls are familiar with the symptoms of PMS. For some of them, the general condition of the body before menstruation does not change, at least they do not feel it.

People who lead an active lifestyle endure PMS, like the critical days themselves, much easier than those who are too lazy to get up from the couch.

Of course, physical activity during this difficult period should be limited, but this does not mean that you should protect yourself from any work.

How many days should a period last? You must take into account age, health status, body characteristics, lifestyle and even the area in which you live. Most often it is three to four days, in some cases - a week.

We hope that you know that these days you should be especially demanding on the cleanliness of your linen, follow the rules of personal hygiene, adhere to a special diet, that is, exclude fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods from the diet, limit the consumption of chocolate, sweet pastries, alcohol.

Cycle failure, possible causes

You should be concerned if:

  • There are different times between periods.
  • Allocations are scarce, or vice versa, very plentiful, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, constant bloating.
  • Bloody discharge is visible only for the first two days, or lasts more than a week.

These signs should not cause fear and panic, but should be the reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

Why did it happen:

  • Before the start of your menstrual cycle, you suddenly lost or gained weight. Perhaps you were addicted to dietary supplements, unhealthy food, alcohol, led the wrong way of life.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, you experienced stress. An excess amount of prolactin begins to block the processes of ovulation, menstruation does not start.
  • Increased physical and psycho-emotional stress before the onset of menstruation can cause their delay.
  • Moving visas from one natural zone to another, most often from the southern regions to the northern ones.
  • Symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, delayed menstruation may indicate that there are health problems, diseases such as endometriosis, polyps of the uterus and its appendages, fibroids, inflammatory diseases.
  • Perhaps you recently had an abortion, or vice versa, you are pregnant.

Source: http://mesjachnie.com/glavnoe/promezhutok-mezhdu-mesyachnymi/

How many days are periods

The topic of menstruation is very relevant for every girl, since this process is the first indicator of women's health. Regular menstruation and a normal cycle indicate that there are no gynecological pathologies in the body, and therefore a girl can conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

At the same time, women often experience various cycle disorders. This can happen for various reasons, which can only be established by an experienced gynecologist. However, even before contacting a specialist, the girl herself can understand if she has any problems. To do this, you need to know what is the normal duration of menstruation.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is normal

Each organism has certain characteristics, therefore there is no clear standard for the duration of menstruation. However, there are certain limits to the norm. As a rule, menstruation lasts 3-7 days. It can cause a feeling of weakness and slight pain in the lower abdomen. This condition is considered normal and should not cause concern.

If the critical days last less than 3 days or more than a week, you should consult a gynecologist. Usually, such violations indicate an inflammatory process of the genital organs or problems with the balance of hormones in the body.

How long do girls usually have their first period

The first period, or menarche, usually occurs at age 12, but it can sometimes occur at other ages. A variant of the norm is considered if menstruation begins at 10-15 years. From the time of the first menstruation, it sometimes takes several months or a whole year until the cycle stabilizes.

In healthy girls, the cycle should be 28 days. An error of 2-4 days is considered the norm, subject to the regularity of menstruation. An excellent option is the situation when menstruation lasts for 3-5 days.

Adolescent girls usually have scanty periods. Moreover, brown discharge or a few drops of blood may be observed. This is absolutely normal and can be explained by hormonal fluctuations occurring in the body.

Around the age of 14-15, the cycle stabilizes, and menstruation usually lasts 3-4 days. At this age, every girl should control her menstruation. If it lasts less than two days or more than a week, you need to visit a gynecologist.

After childbirth or caesarean section

After the birth of a child, the first menstruation can be quite heavy and more like bleeding. This is quite normal, because everything superfluous should come out of the uterus. It is very important to monitor the color and smell of the discharge. If a woman has the slightest suspicion of the naturalness of the process, you should consult a doctor.

The second period should not be as heavy, but it is not at all necessary that they begin next month. This can happen sooner or later, and is also considered normal. After the recovery of the body is completed, the cycle stabilizes.

After a cesarean section, menstruation usually comes at the same time as after an ordinary birth. However, if complications occur after surgery, menstrual function may not recover for a long time. This is due to the long period of uterine involution due to the suture. If infectious complications occur, it will take some time to restore the work of the ovaries.

The duration of the cycle of menstruation - how to count?

Some girls mistakenly believe that the menstrual cycle is the number of days between periods. In fact, it is necessary to count the time from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. The first day must also be taken into account when making calculations.

Date of the beginning of the current menstruation - the date of the beginning of the previous menstruation + 1 day = duration of the cycle. For example, August 25 - July 28 + 1 day = 28 days. Thus, the duration of a normal cycle is 28 days.

The duration of the cycle is influenced by many individual characteristics of the body:

  • stressful situations;
  • acute and chronic diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • environmental factors;
  • changing climatic conditions.

Given these features, it is not surprising that the work of the body can change. That is why deviations from the normal cycle of 6-7 days are not a pathology. Doctors say that the duration of the cycle can be from 21 to 36 days.

To facilitate the counting process, you can use an ordinary calendar. It must be noted how long the menstruation lasts. Thanks to this, you can monitor the regularity of the cycle and report this information to the gynecologist.

What determines the duration of menstruation?

The length of this period is influenced by many factors:

  1. genetic predisposition. If your closest relatives in the female line have menstruation for 8 days, then with a high degree of probability you will have the same duration. This situation does not require medical attention, since it cannot be changed with the help of drugs.
  2. Features of the body. The duration of menstruation depends on the functioning of the blood coagulation system. Equally important is the length of the cervix and the structure of the reproductive system. It is from these indicators that the duration of critical days depends.
  3. Violation of the regime of the day and nutrition. Girls who constantly adhere to debilitating diets or spend too much time at the computer, sacrificing sleep at the same time, should understand that this will invariably affect the functioning of the genital organs. As a result, periods may become more scanty or last a whole week instead of the usual three days.
  4. High physical activity. Excessive exercise can negatively affect the cycle. Remember that any load must be increased gradually.
  5. Stressful situations and psychological stress. Such problems can cause serious disruptions in the menstrual cycle. As a result, the duration of menstruation may increase or decrease. In some cases, they disappear altogether.
  6. Taking oral contraceptives. Hormonal drugs lead to a reduction in the duration of menstruation. Sometimes it disappears altogether. After stopping the use of tablets, the cycle should be restored.
  7. The duration of menstruation is often influenced by various pathologies. Gynecological and endocrine diseases can lead to disruption of the cycle. To identify the cause of this condition, you should consult a doctor.
  8. The duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle is a direct indicator of women's health. Therefore, every girl should control the duration of menstruation. If the slightest deviations appear, it is very important to consult your doctor in a timely manner.

: normal menstrual cycle and how to calculate it

The duration of the menstrual cycle should be from 21 to 35 days, ideally this figure is 28 days. In this case, the duration of menstruation can vary from 2 to 7 days. The first menstruation should begin at the age of 10-12, and during the year the periods may be irregular, after which the cycle stabilizes.

Source: http://myadvices.ru/skolko-dlyatsya-mesyachnye/

Menstrual cycle

In the body of every woman of the childbearing period, cyclic processes occur every month, which are called the menstrual cycle. Through this process, created by nature, a woman has the opportunity to become a mother and continue the human race.

As a rule, in a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. To accurately know the onset of monthly bleeding, you need to mark these days in your menstrual calendar.

menstrual calendar

To regulate her menstrual cycle, it is advisable for every female representative to have a calendar in order to mark on which days menstruation begins and ends. This is especially important for teenage girls when their menstrual cycles are irregular.

Sometimes a menstrual calendar helps to understand whether medical attention is needed for irregular periods. For women of the childbearing period who are sexually active, the menstrual calendar will allow you to identify a delay in menstruation when pregnancy occurs, as well as calculate favorable days for conception or biological contraception.

The menstrual cycle is divided into periods during which the corresponding changes and processes occur in the woman's body. From a certain period depends on when pregnancy can occur.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

There are 4 phases in a woman's menstrual cycle.

1. Menstrual phase

Starts on the first day of menstruation. During this period, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) is torn away from the walls and, together with the blood, goes out through the vagina.

2. Follicular phase

This period lasts about 14 days after menstruation. At this time, the maturation of the follicles occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. Next, an egg is formed in the follicle. Even the second phase is characterized by the formation of a new endometrial mucosa of the uterus with the help of the hormone estrogen.

3. Ovulation

During this period, there is a decrease in the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone. To replace it, luteinizing hormone is produced, which contributes to the appearance of cervical mucus, susceptible to sperm.

In the same period, the formation of the egg ends. Ovulation lasts approximately 3 days. A mature egg moves through the tubes and “lives” there for 2 days, waiting for fertilization.

If pregnancy does not occur, then the next phase of the menstrual cycle begins.

4. Luteal phase

When the egg leaves the follicle, the preparation of the endometrium for the adoption (implantation) of the fetal egg begins.

If fertilization has occurred, then after 6-14 days the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to be produced, to which pregnancy tests respond.

For each woman, the duration of each phase is different and depends on the work of hormones, lifestyle, and the health of the woman.

Length of the menstrual cycle

A cycle is a period of time from monthly to monthly. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstruation of one month, the end of the cycle is the last day before the next menstruation. The normal period is 21-35 days. The minimum interval between periods should be at least 10 days. If for some time the menstrual cycle does not correspond to the norm, then the woman should consult a doctor.

Sometimes there are "failures" in the menstrual cycle, which should not frighten a woman. However, if the irregularity of the cycle is observed often, then the advice of a specialist will not hurt.

Menstrual irregularity

Violations can manifest themselves in different ways, for example:

Uterine bleeding without damage to the genitals; - bleeding between periods; - bleeding at different periods without any schedule;

No bleeding for a long period

Causes of menstrual irregularities

There are a lot of reasons why there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, and for each woman they are individual.

For example: 1. violation of the normal function of the ovaries.2. hormonal disorders.3. oncological diseases.4. gynecological diseases - chronic inflammation, polyps, cysts.5. abortions.6. operations on the ovaries.7. blood clotting disorder.

8. other surgical interventions.

A woman should remember that even in the absence of menstruation, if the menstrual cycle is disturbed, pregnancy is possible.

Sex during menstruation

Whether or not to have sex during menstruation is a moot point. Many experts believe that if a woman is healthy, and a man is not embarrassed by blood, then sex during menstruation is not prohibited. One of the important conditions is careful hygiene before and after having sex. And it is better if the partner uses a condom.

Since during this period the cervix is ​​​​open and everything that is in the vagina has access to the uterus. To avoid infection (since blood is an excellent environment for bacteria), precautions should be taken - a condom, thorough hygiene of the genitals.

But sexologists note the positive aspects of sex during menstruation for a woman. They believe that it is at this time that you can experience a brighter orgasm, since the vagina is sufficiently moistened. In addition, it helps to expel blood from the uterus and relax, respectively, reducing pain, if any, during menstruation.

However, sometimes you can get pregnant during your period. This rarely happens, but it still happens if two eggs are ripe for ovulation.

How to calculate the menstrual cycle

If the cycle is regular, then it is necessary to record when the first day of menstruation occurs. In the next month, mark the day of the beginning of the next menstruation and calculate how many days have passed from the beginning to the beginning. This will be the cycle. The calculation is usually based on an average of 28 days. There are several ways to calculate the menstrual cycle.

1. 18 days are subtracted from 28 - this is the first period of safe days, i.e. in which you can not be afraid to get pregnant. It turns out the first 10 days from the beginning of menstruation. If menstruation lasts 3 days, then the next 7 days will be safe. However, it is worth remembering that spermatozoa can live for 5 days. Therefore, in the last 2 safe days, sex can be a risk of pregnancy.

Next 9 days will be dangerous, i.e. ovulation will occur and pregnancy may occur. The remaining 9 days will be safe again. This method of contraception is called biological. It can also be used to calculate favorable days for conception.

Sometimes there is a decline first, then a sharp rise. When ovulation has passed, the temperature drops again.

This method can be used as a protection against pregnancy, and as a favorable period for conception.

Both methods are used provided that the woman is healthy and the cycle is fairly regular. If suddenly there are any deviations from the norm, you should consult a specialist, and the above methods should not be used as contraception.

How to restore the menstrual cycle

Before the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the cause of its violation is first identified. If these are diseases, then they should be treated. Sometimes stress can be the result of a disruption in the cycle.

In case of hormonal failure, you should take medications prescribed by a doctor, vitamins C, E, folic acid, herbal remedies.

If the cause of the violation of the cycle are tumors, then it is restored after surgery and a period of rehabilitation with the use of vitamin therapy.

The cause of the violation of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pathologies can be stress, fatigue of the woman. Sometimes a simple change of scenery, rest and taking vitamins help restore the menstrual cycle. While the cycle is being restored, some women may experience pain during menstruation.

menstrual pain

Many women at the gynecologist's appointment note that during menstruation, painful sensations are observed. Sometimes they are so strong that women resort to the help of drugs.

Some experts identify the main cause of menstrual pain - this is heredity. Often, pain during menstruation can be the result of past diseases, such as endometritis, fibroids, and infectious diseases of the genital organs. After childbirth, pain during menstruation becomes weaker or disappears.

Menstrual pain occurs due to an excess amount of prostaglandin hormones, which cause spasm of the muscle tissue of the uterus.

Taking drugs such as no-shpa, papaverine, ibuprofen reduces pain and reduces the amount of prostaglandins. From folk remedies, tea from yarrow, chamomile is suitable.

A hot heating pad or sea salt bath will help relieve spasm and alleviate a woman's condition on critical days.

The physiology of a woman is arranged in such a way that she is the successor of the family. All thanks to the menstrual cycle. And in order for it to be normal, it is important for every woman to take care of her health, avoid stress, and love herself. And then the joy of motherhood will give many unforgettable experiences.

Menstruation is a natural physiological process when young women and girls experience monthly vaginal bleeding. But not everyone knows what the menstrual cycle is, and this is a very important topic.

Let's check how much you know yourself and your body. Choose the correct answer: the duration of the cycle must be counted:

a) from the first day of menstruation;

b) from the last day of menstruation;

c) from the first day after the end of menstruation.

If you chose option a), then congratulations - you really have a good idea about women's health. And if you think that b) or c) is the correct option, then you need to clarify your knowledge about the female body and how to calculate the menstrual cycle a little.

What it is

The menstrual cycle is a repetitive natural process of the body focused on the conception of a child.

calendar method

This method is especially suitable for girls with regular menstruation. Its essence is this: every month you need to mark the beginning of "these days". Doctors recommend to mark when the first bleeding appeared.

As you can see, calculating your cycle is easy. We keep such a calendar for 3 to 6 months, and after that you can already begin to calculate dangerous or favorable days. Ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle. This means that the whole day must be divided into two, so we will find out the day of ovulation. That is, from 2-4 days before, and 2-4 days after ovulation, the probability of pregnancy is quite high.

Calculation example

Initially, you need to have data for at least 6 months. Then we look at the shortest and longest cycle.

Let's say we have the shortest day 26, and the longest 30. How to count: you always need to subtract 18 from the short one, and 11 from the long one:

  1. 30-11=19.
  2. 26-18=8.

In total, it turns out that the fertile period (the time interval of the cycle during which the highest probability of fertilization of the egg) is from 8 to 19 days.

The picture shows an example of calculating different cycle days according to the calendar:

Measurement of basal temperature

This is a fairly simple and convenient method for planning menstruation. Thanks to the measurement of basal temperature (BT), you can find out when the next menstruation will be, whether there is a pregnancy, and also detect some problems associated with the endocrine system. But measurements must be taken over several cycles in order to understand what temperature is considered normal for you.

There are average characteristics: within 37 degrees on the first day of menstruation, and 36.2-36.4 at the end of menstruation. It's best to make a schedule. According to it, you can see that before menstruation the temperature increased, and before ovulation, on the contrary, it decreased.

The fact is that in the first half of the cycle, estrogen takes over figurative dominance, which does not allow BT to rise above 37 degrees. During ovulation, when an overestimated amount of this hormone enters the blood at the beginning, there is a decrease in temperature by about 0.3 degrees. When the egg leaves the follicle and a corpus luteum forms in its place, which produces progesterone, the thermometer shows a mark of 37 degrees, and sometimes more. Interestingly, the basal thermometry graph can be compared to a bird with outstretched wings: its beak symbolizes the day of ovulation.

When the corpus luteum dies (in the absence of conception) and the amount of progesterone decreases, the temperature drops. During menstruation, it is about 37, then it decreases and the process repeats again.

You can measure BT with both an electric and a mercury thermometer. BBT data will become more correct if it is measured rectally.

Calculation example

To do this, you need to measure the temperature for at least 3 months and record the data. Then you can proceed to the calculations.

How to calculate favorable days: look at the day where the temperature crossed 37 and add 6 to this day, and then subtract 6 from these days. Let's say we have a cycle of 28 days. The temperature of 37 degrees fell just on the 14th day, so we consider: 14-6=8 and 14+6=20. Days from 8 to 20 inclusive are considered very favorable for conception. And they will be safe from 1 to 7 days, as well as from 21 to the end.

The nature of vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge can change significantly over the course of the menstrual cycle, but there are also those by which it is possible to determine the phase:

  1. "Dry period". Immediately after the monthly discharge, there is practically no.
  2. More liquid, sticky - the period before ovulation.
  3. White or transparent, similar to egg white - the period of ovulation.
  4. Before the onset of menstruation, the discharge becomes more watery.

Duration norm

For confidence in good women's health or timely detection of problems, it is important to know how many days of the menstrual cycle are the norm.

How long does the menstrual cycle last: from 28 to 35 days, and the duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days (the last day of menstruation is the one on which the last “portion of blood” came out, the next day the discharge is white without any shade).

This interval is considered normal. Any change in duration or intensity is a reason to see a doctor. For example, if the duration has been reduced to 21 days, this may indicate violations, but sometimes such a circumstance is the norm. It is better not to take risks and make sure that the body works correctly.

One of the most significant indicators for girls is the regularity of the cycle. The problem can be both very frequent and rare arrival of menstruation.

What is Average Duration

To calculate the average duration or cycle length, you need to take data for six months, or at least for several months, and write out the duration of each of them. Then sum these numbers and divide by the number of months. Such mathematics is no different from calculating the arithmetic mean.

Knowing the duration of your cycle, it is easy to find out when your next period will be.

Types of violations


ViolationWhat it is
AmenorrheaNo period for 3 or more months
DysmenorrheaIrregularity of menstruation
HypermenorrheaAbundant periods, but they last a normal number of days
PolymenorrheaFrequent periods (less than 20-25 days apart), or they last more than a week
metrorrhagiaUterine bleeding. May occur any day
AlgomenorrheaPainful critical days


There can be a huge number of reasons for changing the cycle, but the most common are:

  • fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • diseases that are sexually transmitted.

There is no need to panic ahead of time. The cycle can be disrupted due to a sharp decrease or weight gain, frequent stress, moving. With beriberi, various kinds of problems can also be observed. Taking medications, especially antibiotics and hormonal drugs, quite often affects women's health.

Violation of the interval between menstruation may be a sign of other diseases, as a result, you should not self-medicate.

Answers to common questions

Why does the cycle change every month

The irregular arrival of these days is not always a medical problem; very often it can be observed in the first two years after the start of the first critical days.

Another cycle may vary depending on the mode and lifestyle. For example, excessive physical activity, stress, smoking and drinking will not lead to anything good.

Constant diets and malnutrition also provoke an irregular cycle. This problem is familiar to ladies of different ages, it is called a long-term change in the cycle. But, for example, a sharp change in climate can serve as a short-term delay in “these days”, or cause them earlier. In this case, this is considered the norm, you should not worry.

Why is it shortened

A decrease in the menstrual cycle is sometimes manifested not only in a decrease in the interval between periods, but also in changes both in the abundance and in the nature of the discharge itself.

There are a number of reasons why the interval is shortened:

  • emergency contraception;
  • inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs, for example, oral contraceptives;
  • age: in the period from 20 to 40 years, the cycle sometimes changes, namely, it is shortened by 1-2 days a year - this can be explained by a decrease in the work of the ovaries.

If the period between periods has decreased, especially if it has become very short, for example, 14 days, you need to see a doctor.

What makes it lengthen

The delay of critical days is their delay by more than 2-3 days. For example, the cycle can become 40 days. A delay can happen once, then this is the norm, but if this is observed regularly, this condition should alert.

The first and most common cause of delay are gynecological diseases. For example, fibroids or can provoke long delays.

Hormonal imbalance also affects the duration. Quite often, taking oral contraceptives leads to delays or rather meager periods.

The increase in the monthly cycle can be associated with the same reasons that cause its reduction: weight problems, stress, climate change, physical activity, etc. The doctor can tell the exact causes of the problem and ways to solve it after a series of examinations. Usually this is an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood donation for hormones, a smear.

You need to know not only how to determine your cycle, but also how to behave during critical days, how to menstruate correctly.

On the first day of menstruation, the discharge of blood is especially abundant, so the pads get dirty quickly. During this period, it is better to use those that are characterized by maximum absorbency. But this does not mean that such gaskets can rarely be changed. This should be done at least once every 4 hours, and for infectious diseases of the genital organs every 2 hours. The gasket must not be allowed to overflow. As soon as it is filled by a third, you need to immediately replace it. You should also always change the pad after a bowel movement to prevent the introduction of fecal microflora into the vagina.

Regarding sexual relations in this period, the opinions of doctors differ. Some are categorically opposite, others say that there are practically no contraindications.

It is better to simplify physical exercises a little and reduce the intensity, although you should not completely abandon sports on critical days. If your period is painful, then it is better not to risk it and give yourself a little rest.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition. Since many women suffer from swelling during this period, it is worth giving up salty food. Also, do not drink alcohol, it is better to try to eat light and healthy food.