Corvalol - instructions for use, potential harm. What medicines can be given to a child Is it possible to give Corvalol to children

Producer: Pharma Start, Farmak PAO (Ukraine), Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Tatkhimpharmpreparaty, Marbiopharm, Altayvitaminy, Tver pharmaceutical factory, Dalkhimpharm, Permpharmacy, Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory, ECOlab, Farmikon Pharmacy, Samaramedprom (Russia)

Description current as of: 26.10.17

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Corvalol is a sedative drug.

Active substance

Peppermint leaf oil (Menthae piperitae foliorum oleum) + Phenobarbital (Phenobarbital) + Ethylbromisovalerinate (Ethylbromisovalerinate).

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration.

Indications for use

As a sedative and vasodilator, Corvalol is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • disorders of the functions of the cardiovascular system (sinus tachycardia, cardialgia, various disorders of blood pressure);
  • in sleepless conditions, especially in violation of falling asleep;
  • neurotic states, irritability, hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • vegetative lability.

As an antispasmodic, Corvalol is indicated for spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, such as intestinal or biliary colic.


A contraindication to taking Corvalol is hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as impaired renal function or acute liver failure.

Instructions for use Corvalol (method and dosage)


It is taken orally before meals with a small amount of water. Adults are shown 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. With tachycardia, a single dose can be increased to 3 tablets. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The course of treatment is set individually.


Taken orally before meals. Adults are prescribed drops dissolved in water. A single dose for tachycardia can be increased to a drop. Children are prescribed 3-15 drops per day, depending on age and clinical picture. The course of treatment is set individually.

Side effects

In most cases, Corvalol in drops and tablets is well tolerated by patients. A small percentage of patients using the drug during the daytime noted side effects such as drowsiness, a state of mild dizziness. Sometimes there is a decrease in concentration, as well as the manifestation of allergic reactions.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the information that with long-term treatment with this drug, chronic bromine poisoning is possible, the manifestations of which are depressive disorders, a state of apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and various disorders of motor coordination are possible. Sometimes drug dependence develops.


Symptoms of an overdose of the drug include CNS depression, nystagmus, ataxia, lowering blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness, signs of chronic bromine intoxication (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).

Treatment is symptomatic. The drug is stopped, gastric lavage is prescribed, with CNS depression, caffeine, nikethamide are indicated.


Analogues according to the ATC code: Bromenval, Racemic Bromocamphor, Valemidin, Valocordin, Valocormid.

Do not make the decision to change the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Corvalol is a combination drug. Its sedative and antispasmodic effect is due to the medicinal properties of the constituent substances. The drug has an excellent sedative effect and promotes the onset of natural sleep, so Corvalol is indicated for nervous disorders and insomnia. These properties are given to it by the ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, which is a sedative (its effect is very similar to the sedative effect of valerian) and antispasmodic.

Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug has an active effect on reducing the excitation of the central nervous system and, like the previous component of the drug, contributes to the onset of natural sleep.

Peppermint oil also has a reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Due to the presence of these substances in the composition of the drug, you should strictly monitor the dose of the drug in order to avoid an overdose of Corvalol.

special instructions

There is no experience of use in children under 18 years of age.

During treatment, you should not drink alcohol.

You should refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require quick psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

In childhood

Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

In old age

For impaired renal function

Contraindicated in severe renal failure.

For impaired liver function

Contraindicated in severe liver failure.

drug interaction

The action of Corvalol is enhanced by drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Phenobarbital can reduce the effectiveness of drugs metabolized in the liver and increase the effect of local anesthetics, analgesics and hypnotics, as well as the toxicity of methotrexate.

Valproic acid enhances the action of Corvalol.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of +15…+25 °С. Shelf life - 2 years.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Corvalol for 1 pack starts from 14 rubles.

The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before using the drug, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Corvalol drops 25ml

Corvalol 25ml drops

Corvalol drops 25 ml

Corvalol drops 25 ml

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The information provided on our website should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment and cannot be a substitute for consulting a doctor. We warn about the presence of contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Cardiovascular diseases

Corvalol belongs to the group of sedative (sedative) drugs. In its composition, it contains phenobarbital, which is a psychotropic drug, isovaleric acid ester and oil from peppermint leaves. Due to the last component, not only the specific smell of Corvalol is provided, but also a reflex antispasmodic and vasodilating effect. A derivative obtained from valerian roots has a calming effect on the nervous system, and in large doses causes drowsiness. Thus, the action of Corvalol is due to its composition, which, in addition to the listed components, includes ethyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide and water.

Previously, there was only liquid Corvalol, drops of which had to be diluted with a certain volume of water. Currently, for the convenience of patients, Corvalol is produced in tablets for sublingual use.

Corvalol tablets are easy to use

Interestingly, this drug is distributed mainly on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula and in Russia. In other countries, they use a medicine that has a similar composition (valocordin). Phenobarbital, which is part of both drugs in some countries (USA, Lithuania) is equated to drugs and is prohibited for import.

Indications for use

The use of Corvalol is indicated for the following conditions:

  • changes in the function of the cardiovascular system associated with impaired neurohumoral regulation;
  • in the complex therapy of neuroses, as well as with increased excitability and irritability;
  • for taking Corvalol, indications include difficulty falling asleep due to increased anxiety;
  • tachycardia associated with the influence of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • early stages of hypertension and slight spasm of the coronary arteries;
  • increased tone of the autonomic nervous system, accompanied by excitation;
  • spasms and increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

How many drops of Corvalol to take in one case or another is determined by the doctor, but the average dosage is drops three times a day.


Contraindications for taking Corvalol are individual allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as severe somatic diseases accompanied by severe renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The calming effect of Corvalol has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system


If an acute overdose of Corvalol occurs, then intestinal motility slows down, and this leads to constipation.

With prolonged use of the drug, chronic bromine poisoning is possible, which is manifested by depression and apathy, as well as damage to the mucous membranes (rhinitis, conjunctivitis), blood vessels (hemorrhagic diathesis) and the central nervous system (impaired speech, memory, attention, unsteady gait). Libido often decreases and impotence develops.

Side effects

Side effects usually do not occur with the correct dosage of the drug. However, sometimes you may experience dizziness, as well as drowsiness during the day. In some cases, drug dependence develops, and when it is canceled, abstinence develops.

Corvalol and alcohol

Often this drug is used to eliminate symptoms that have arisen after drinking a large amount of alcohol (hangover). These include heart palpitations, increased pressure, increased excitability. Due to the fact that Corvalol and alcohol have a sedative effect, when they are used together, an overdose and various side effects may develop.

Corvalol during pregnancy

It is possible to use Corvalol during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, only according to strict indications. That is, if the expected benefit outweighs the harm likely to be inflicted on the child. This is due to the fact that phenobarbital, which is part of this medication, can negatively affect the condition and development of the baby's central nervous system, and also lead to intrauterine hypoxia.

Corvalol for children

Corvalol can be prescribed to children in special situations, while the dose should be reduced depending on age (one drop for one year of life). Interestingly, some doctors prescribe its use almost from birth, while others do not recommend taking it before 12 years. Since there is no consensus on this matter, it is worth listening to the opinion of your doctor, since only he has sufficient information about the child.

Corvalol is an indispensable drug in some situations when it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of a severe shock or dysfunction of the nervous system. It is also suitable as a temporary measure for tachycardia and hypertension. However, with prolonged use, Corvalol often causes addiction and the development of side effects. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to seek help from a specialist.

The use of corvalol in children

Corvalol is a well-known remedy used for pain in the heart. The drug belongs to sedative and hypnotic, combined barbiturates. Thanks to the components in its composition, Corvalol has an analgesic, sedative effect, improves sleep.

Usually the drug is taken by adults with pain in the heart, anxiety, insomnia. The remedy is mild and has few side effects. Therefore, parents often ask themselves: is it possible to give Corvalol to children?

Can Corvalol be used in children?

The drug works due to the presence of such components:

  • phenobarbital reduces the irritating effect on the brain and, depending on the dose and frequency of administration, causes hypnotic, sedative or tranquilizing effects;
  • ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid exhibits a sedative effect by influencing receptors mainly in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, as well as a local antispasmodic effect on vascular muscles;
  • mint oil reflexively dilates mainly the vessels in the heart and brain, causes a sedative and slight choleretic effect, eliminates flatulence, enhances bowel function.

Corvalol is generally well accepted and rarely has side effects that are easily managed with dose adjustments. Therefore, the drug can be used in pediatric practice. Corvalol for a child is prescribed for increased tone of the nervous system, tachycardia, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, anxiety and emotional overexcitation. It is also effectively used for vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is manifested by discomfort in the region of the heart, periodic pressure surges, and headaches.

Do not forget that the use of Corvalol can cope with the symptoms of these diseases, but does not eliminate the cause. Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment yourself, be sure to undergo examinations and consult a doctor.

In addition, you need to remember about situations when Corvalol is contraindicated for children:

  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions or intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
  • simultaneous use with other drugs that affect the nervous system.

The use of Corvalol in newborns and infants

Despite the relative harmlessness of the drug, Corvalol is prescribed to newborns quite rarely and with great care. Parents sometimes give medicine for the baby's anxiety, poor sleep, frequent painful colic. It is also used at elevated body temperature (for example, after vaccination), with intestinal spasm.

It must be remembered that Corvalol is used for children only in drops. This form of release of the drug contains ethyl alcohol, so frequent uncontrolled use in an infant is very dangerous for health: allergies, intoxication, and drug dependence may occur.

Pediatricians do not recommend taking Corvalol for children under 12 years of age, but in some cases they are prescribed from 3 years of age. For young children, there are other, safer drugs that can cope with the problem of anxiety, spasm, hyperthermia.

Applied doses

Corvalol has a release form in tablets and drops. Older children after 12 years of age can take it in tablets (it is recommended not to drink them with water, but to dissolve) one 3 times a day or, for example, only during an attack of pain in the heart or an increase in pressure. The tablet preparation is more convenient to use, you do not need to carry water with you and count the number of drops.

Corvalol drops are given to children, it is much more convenient, especially for babies. The dose is calculated by age - 1 drop per year of life. For example, if the child is 5 years old, then the dose will consist of 5 drops. The drug can be dripped onto a small piece of sugar or dissolved in milliliters of liquid, preferably with water. The substance is quickly absorbed into the oral mucosa and begins to act within 5-10 minutes. The duration of the effect lasts 3-6 hours.

The duration and frequency of taking Corvalol is decided only by the doctor. Self-medication, uncontrolled increase in the dose and duration of the drug can lead to an overdose. Its common features are:

  • hemorrhagic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • deterioration of intestinal motility and, as a result, constipation;
  • the composition includes bromine (in the form of a-bromoisovaleric acid), with its intoxication, drowsiness, apathy, depression appear;
  • damage to the mucous membranes: vasomotor rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • damage to the nervous system in the form of memory impairment, impaired speech, attention.


Corvalol is quite safe, has no side effects with the right dose, the drug. It is used in the complex treatment of problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as a symptomatic remedy for insomnia, pain.

The drug is used not only in adults, but also in adolescents and young children. Indications for use, the duration of therapy and the dose of Corvalol for children are determined by a pediatrician or cardiologist. If you experience side effects or symptoms of an overdose, allergic reactions, you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

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Any use of the materials of the site is allowed only with the consent of the editors of the portal and the installation of an active link to the source.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no case calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and taking drugs, it is imperative to consult a qualified doctor. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The editors of the portal are not responsible for its authenticity.


Combined drug, the action of which is due to the properties of its constituent substances.

It has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Facilitates the onset of natural sleep.

Ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid has a sedative (like the effect of valerian) and antispasmodic action.

Phenobarbital enhances the sedative effect of other components, helps to reduce the excitation of the central nervous system and facilitates the onset of sleep.

Peppermint oil has a reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic effect.

As a sedative and vasodilator in the following diseases:

Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (cardialgia, sinus tachycardia, increased blood pressure);

As an antispasmodic:

Spasm of the muscles of the digestive tract (intestinal and biliary colic).

Lactation period (breastfeeding).

Inside, before eating, drops, previously dissolved in a small amount (30-50 ml) of water, 2-3 times / day. A single dose, if necessary (for example, with tachycardia), can be increased to a drop.

Children - 3-15 drops / day (depending on age and clinical picture of the disease).

The duration of the drug is set by the doctor individually.

Drowsiness, dizziness, decreased ability to concentrate, allergic reactions.

With prolonged use - chronic bromine poisoning (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements); drug addiction.

If it is necessary to prescribe Corvalol during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be resolved.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Application is possible according to the dosing regimen.

Contraindicated in severe renal failure.

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Corvalol - instructions for use, potential harm

“Something pressed down in the chest”, “you need to calm down”, “something is hard to breathe” - this is how people motivate their decision to use a few drops of Corvalol. And many are accustomed to consider this drug to be quite safe - it will certainly be found in every medicine cabinet. But what is Corvalol really, who can take it, and to whom is it categorically contraindicated? These questions can only be answered by experts.

Corvalol - instructions for use

Before taking any drug, you need to carefully read the official annotation to it. But who reads these instructions? But even Corvalol, at first glance, an absolutely safe drug, has its own indications and contraindications, and can provoke the development of side effects.

Composition of Corvalol

The drug in question is produced in the form of drops and tablets, but Corvalol drops are especially popular. They include:

  • ethyl bromoisovalerianate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol.

The appearance of Corvalol drops is a clear liquid, without any tint impurities. It has a specific pleasant aroma.

How does Corvalol work?

The drug in question belongs to the group of combined ones, but all the components included in its composition are optimally combined with each other, correcting the action of each.

Ethylbromisovalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Phenobarbital, in turn, enhances the sedative effect of ethyl bromisovalerianate, actively helps to reduce the excitability and tension of the central nervous system, and makes calm sleep onset possible. And peppermint oil has a complex effect on the human body: antispasmodic, choleretic, vasodilating, antiseptic. Therefore, peppermint oil contributes to the expansion of the vessels of the heart and brain, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - this restores intestinal motility and helps to cope with increased gas formation.

Corvalol - indications for use

There is a clear designation of those conditions in which it is advisable to use Corvalol. These include:

  1. Neurosis-like states - increased irritability, unmotivated outbursts of anger, depressed mood, a feeling of anxiety.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system - Corvalol is especially often recommended for people with diagnosed angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  3. Intestinal spasms - for example, with intestinal dysbacteriosis, diarrhea against the background of food poisoning.
  4. Sleep disturbances - insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, problems with falling asleep, frequent awakening.

Corvalol - contraindications

The drug in question is not used in pediatric practice, at least for children under 3 years of age it cannot be clearly prescribed. In older children, the question of the advisability of prescribing and using Corvalol should be decided only by a doctor.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of Corvalol on the body of a pregnant woman, during breastfeeding and on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, it is forbidden for a woman to take the drug in question during these periods of her life.

It is strictly forbidden to use Corvalol in case of a traumatic brain injury, some diseases of the brain (the attending physician should warn about this), diagnosed alcoholism.

It is not recommended to use the drug in question in violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys of a severe nature of the course - for example, with renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver. But this issue is decided on a strictly individual basis.

How to take corvalol

The dosage that will have the expected effect and will not harm the general state of health should be determined only by a specialist and on an individual basis. But in the instructions for the use of Corvalol there are also general recommendations for its use:

  • adults can take 30 drops per dose, in case of diagnosing tachycardia and with the approval of a doctor, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops per dose. Corvalol can be consumed 2-3 times a day;
  • children over 3 years of age are prescribed 1 drop for each year of life once a day. In some cases, repeated administration of Corvalol is allowed, but the doctor must give permission for this.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor and it is strictly forbidden to independently prolong it (“to consolidate the effect”).

Side effects

Despite the seeming simplicity and safety, Corvalol can in some cases cause side effects. These include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • constant dizziness;
  • the level of concentration of attention decreases;
  • heart rate slows down.

Note: if corvalol is taken for a long time, then the so-called bromism phenomena may develop - addiction and drug dependence, the “withdrawal” syndrome.

If the above side effects (or at least one of them) appear, you should immediately stop taking Corvalol and seek medical advice. Most likely, a correction of the treatment regimen will be carried out or the dosage of the drug in question will be reduced.


Cases of overdose with Corvalol are extremely rare, but can occur. Therefore, everyone who uses the drug in question needs to know the first signs of an overdose. These include:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • nystagmus;
  • depression of the central nervous system - apathy, clouding of consciousness;
  • rhinitis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • ataxia;
  • movement coordination disorders.

If at least one sign of an overdose appears, the use of the agent in question should be stopped immediately and medical professionals should be consulted for help. Usually, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy for an overdose of Corvalol, and if signs of depression of the central nervous system are already observed, then caffeine and nikethamide.

Interaction of Corvalol with other drugs

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in question if any sedatives are already being taken - they enhance the effect of each other, which can lead to an overdose.

Please note: in Corvalol contains phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol - these are substances that can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, when taking the agent in question, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, to conduct labor activities associated with the need for a high concentration of attention.

Is corvalol harmful

The debate about how dangerous Corvalol is for human health has been relatively recent. Some time ago, many thought that Corvalol would be banned for sale in the Russian Federation - it contains both phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol. But it turned out to be just rumors - such combined drugs remain on the free market.

However, in most countries, Corvalol cannot be found in pharmacy chains - it was withdrawn from sale without prescriptions. For example, the USA, Great Britain, Norway, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Finland and Sweden have not only banned Corvalol for free sale, but also strictly control the transport of this drug across the border into their countries. Therefore, be extremely careful - if possible, then when visiting the listed countries, replace the drug, if this is not possible, the doctor prescribes it, then take care of having a document confirming this fact. Otherwise, punishment will follow under the laws of a particular country.

“So far, our population has a very strong habit of using this drug. Radical measures - a ban on the sale of Corvalol, its withdrawal from consumption - will cause a negative reaction from patients. At the same time, Corvalol will gradually be replaced by other, more modern drugs with proven effectiveness.

Why is Corvalol so dangerous?

Firstly, phenobarbital, which is part of the drug in question, has been included in the group of psychotropic drugs since 2013. In fairness, it needs to be clarified - in many countries of the world, such a classification of phenobarbital has been accepted for a very long time.

Secondly, it is phenobarbital that causes rapid and strong addiction - in some cases, 2-3 weeks of taking the drug is enough to develop drug dependence. Moreover, phenobarbital causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence.

Thirdly, after the abolition of Corvalol, people develop the so-called "withdrawal" syndrome - a depressed state, the patient complains of constant nausea, intense headaches.

Interesting fact: phenobarbital is used in some countries to bring the death penalty to execution.

But isn't there anything useful in the tool in question? Indeed, for a long time, Corvalol was recommended for use by millions of patients, and in most cases, the course of therapy with the agent in question did not cause any consequences. Corvalol has one indisputable advantage - it has the fastest and most powerful effect.

If taken in small doses and extremely moderately, then Corvalol can quickly, almost instantly, relieve anxiety. In general, the recommended doses of the drug are not dangerous, but the problem is that if you take it constantly, then there is a need to increase the dosage. The most dangerous thing is that these doses do not just increase each time, but lead to real pleasure: depression and dizziness are replaced by euphoria immediately after taking the right dose.

The popularity of Corvalol is due to the fact that it is a cheap drug that has been known to everyone for a long time and has a quick effect, but it should be used only when absolutely necessary or as directed by a specialist. If a person feels the manifestations of the side effects listed in this article, or others notice sudden mood swings in someone who periodically uses Corvalol, then you should urgently seek medical help. The fact is that drug dependence should be treated only in specific medical institutions.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Corvalol is a combined drug belonging to the group of sedative drugs, which is used in the treatment of various diseases. In addition to the sedative effect, Corvalol has analgesic and vasodilating effects, normalizes sleep and reduces the excitability of nerve endings. Many parents are concerned about the question of whether it is allowed to give Corvalol to children. There are no specific contraindications to the use of the drug, but its administration to young children is often unreasonable.

Corvalol drops are a mild sedative drug. The composition of 1 ml of the product contains the following substances:

  • 18.26 mg phenobarbital;
  • 7.5 mg ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid (main active ingredient);
  • 1.42 mg peppermint oil;
  • ethanol (96%);
  • distilled water.

Corvalol is a clear liquid with a strong characteristic odor.

The action of the drug is based on the properties of all the components included in the composition. Phenobarbital is a psychotropic substance that affects the central nervous system. The component eliminates the excitation of the nerve endings of the brain. The main active ingredient - ethyl bromisovalerianate, helps to eliminate spasms of the tissue of internal organs, has a calming effect on the nervous system. Peppermint oil - has antispasmodic and vasodilating properties. In addition, it contributes to the activation of choleretic and antiseptic mechanisms, the elimination of flatulence. Derivatives of valerian rhizomes have a sedative effect on the receptors of the central nervous system, and in an increased dosage it is used as a sleeping pill. For ease of use, Corvalol is also available in the form.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system caused by dysfunction of neurohumoral regulation;
  • neurosis, irritability, irritability (in complex therapy);
  • sleep disturbances, increased anxiety;
  • violations of the function of the sympathetic nervous system, provoking tachycardia;
  • slight spasm of the coronary vessels, arterial hypertension of the initial stage;
  • excitation caused by increased tone of the autonomic nervous system;
  • peristalsis and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can Corvalol be given to children? The drug is prescribed to a child in the following cases:

  • sleep disturbances, anxiety, irritability;
  • increased body temperature with colds, and with reactions to vaccinations;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, pain in the heart area;
  • intestinal colic, increased gas formation.

Corvalol is able to eliminate pain for a short time, but not cure the disease. Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, often causes psychological and drug dependence. Only the attending physician should prescribe Corvalol and its dosage to children, and only the attending physician should determine the duration of treatment.

Contraindications and overdose

Corvalol is contraindicated for children in the following cases:

  • in the presence of problems with the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • while taking drugs that depress the central nervous system;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Corvalol is prescribed only according to indications, because. its specific properties can harm the health of the child. Long-term and uncontrolled intake of corvalol in children is unacceptable.

With an overdose of the drug, the following complications may develop:

  • slowdown in intestinal motility, which leads to frequent constipation;
  • intoxication with bromine, which is part of Corvalol (apathy and depression appear, deterioration of well-being);
  • damage to the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis, chronic rhinitis);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • damage to the central nervous system (impaired memory, speech, attention).

Side effects

With the correct dosage of the drug, side effects are not observed. In some cases, dizziness, drowsiness, apathy may occur. With prolonged use, drug dependence is often manifested. With a sharp cancellation of Corvalol, an abstinence syndrome develops.

Instructions for use and dosage for children

It is advisable to take the remedy before meals, dissolving the drops in a small amount of water (40-50 ml). On average, for an adult, 20-40 drops are prescribed 3 times a day. The minimum allowable interval between repeated use of Corvalol should not be less than 4-6 hours. Corvalol tablets are taken 1 pc. 3-4 times a day also before meals. In severe cases (with attacks of tachycardia), it is allowed to drink 2-3 tablets at once. To increase the effectiveness and increase the absorption of the drug, it is recommended to leave the tablet under the tongue until completely dissolved. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician, depending on the degree of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

The required dosage for children is calculated depending on the age of the child. For every year of life, there is one drop of the drug. Corvalol is prescribed to children only once a day. Most pediatricians do not recommend Corvalol for children under 12 years of age. But in emergency situations, this drug is also prescribed for young children.

Especially for children, another form of Corvalol was developed - Corvalol Kid. The basis of this drug contains components only of plant origin. The product does not contain toxic chemicals, is completely safe for children of all ages, and has no side effects. Corvalol Kid has successfully passed all clinical and scientific tests, proving its effectiveness and safety.

Corvalol Kid is available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and is intended for children over three years old. The main difference from ordinary Corvalol is the absence of phenobarbital, which is dangerous for an immature organism. The course of treatment usually ranges from 14 to 30 days. Noticeable improvements in the child's condition appear after 10-14 days of regular intake.

Children aged 3 to 6 years are prescribed 20 drops of the drug. Children over 6 years old - no more than 40 drops per day. For effective treatment, it is recommended to follow the rules of nutrition: the child's diet should contain plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, lettuce, nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), dried fruits, oatmeal. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods containing food colors and artificial flavors.

In some situations, Corvalol is an indispensable drug. It is used both in the complex treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, and as a symptomatic remedy for pain relief. Corvalol is also effective for children and adolescents: with increased excitability, nervousness and sleep disorders. Corvalol Kid is a convenient and safe product designed specifically for children. Any prescription of medications should be done only by the attending physician.

INN (international non-proprietary name) means - Peppermint leaf oil + Phenobarbital + ethyl bromisovalerianate. It is this drug that has been proving its effectiveness for many years, helps to cope with various problems in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and is effective in stressful and other conditions. In the article, we will consider what forms of release of the drug are, which includes instructions for the use of Corvalol, methods of administration, special instructions and other nuances regarding the drug.

Composition and form of production

The composition of Corvalol includes synthetic and natural components. Each of them plays a specific role:

  • ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid - relieves spasm, helps to eliminate tension in the central nervous system. The substance has an irritating effect on the receptors of the oral cavity, due to which the effect of the drug comes on quickly enough;
  • phenobarbital - has hypnotic and sedative effects, as it can inhibit the process of transmitting impulses to the cerebral cortex;
  • peppermint oil - due to the content of menthol, it has a vasodilating effect, an antispasmodic effect. In addition, peppermint oil relieves bloating. Once in the oral cavity, it has an antiseptic effect.

The action of Corvalol comes quickly, this is possible due to its release form. The drug is produced in the form of drops for oral administration and tablets for sublingual administration. Another form of release means - capsules. Take them, like tablets, under the tongue.

pharmachologic effect

The drug in question is a combination drug. All active substances are optimally combined in it, complementing the therapeutic effect of each other. This helps to enhance the effect of Corvalol, making its action as fast as possible.

The tool has an antispasmodic, sedative, vasodilating, hypnotic effect. Corvalol is often used for pressure. Peppermint oil dilates blood vessels, which helps to normalize blood flow, restore normal heart rate.

Often the drug is used as a sleeping pill. Corvalol has a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieves excitability, promotes the onset of natural sleep.

The medicine helps to cope with stressful situations, relieves nervous tension, thereby preventing undesirable consequences in people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Indications for use

What helps Corvalol? The drug is indispensable for various conditions accompanied by nervous tension, strong excitation of the nervous system. The drug is successfully used to combat the manifestations of the following nature:

  • irritability;
  • instability of the nervous system;
  • insomnia;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • nervous disorders of a functional nature.

The drug relieves nervous excitement, promotes the onset of sleep

At high pressure, the drug is used as a vasodilator. In addition to hypertension, the use of Corvalol is indicated for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, sinus tachycardia, cardialgia.

With VVD (vegetovascular dystonia), the drug is taken as an antispasmodic drug.

Corvalol is included in the complex therapy of diseases that cause spasm of the stomach and intestines, excessive gas formation.

Indications for the use of Corvalol are extensive. The decision on the advisability of prescribing a remedy for a particular condition is made exclusively by the doctor. The drug can be prescribed both as an independent therapy, and as an auxiliary drug in the complex treatment of various diseases.


The use of Corvalol should be carried out according to the appointment of a specialist, because the remedy has its own contraindications. Among them:

  • severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • epilepsy;
  • frequent convulsions;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • traumatic brain injury and complications associated with them.

During the treatment of coronary heart disease, accompanied by severe attacks of angina pectoris, it is not advisable to take Corvalol.

Due to the relaxing effect of the drug, it is not recommended for patients with potentially hazardous activities.

It is strictly forbidden to combine the product with alcohol. This combination often provokes serious consequences for human life and health.

With the development of any side effects, you should immediately stop taking the drug, consult with your leading doctor.

Method of application and dosage

How to drink Corvalol in various forms of release? To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect, the dosage and duration of treatment with the drug should be determined exclusively by the doctor. With an incorrectly selected treatment regimen, the remedy can negatively affect all organs and systems of the body.

When using the drops, you should strictly follow the instructions.


The most popular form of drug release are drops. Usually the dosage of the drug for an adult is from 15 to 30 drops dissolved in a glass of water. Corvalol at elevated pressure drink 40-50 drops. The same amount of medicine is recommended for severe excitement associated with stress or other conditions.

How many drops of Corvalol should I drink to fight insomnia? The recommended dose for the onset of sleep is 15-20 drops of the drug. The maximum amount of the drug per day is no more than 150 drops of Corvalol. The medicine is recommended to be divided into 3-5 doses at regular intervals.

Tablets and capsules

Consider how to take medicine in capsules and tablets and how many times a day you can drink this type of drug. The instruction for using the remedy states that the patient can drink no more than 6 tablets per day. It is important for hypotensive patients to remember that Corvalol lowers blood pressure, so a large dose of the agent can provoke a strong decrease in the mercury column. Regarding the question of how often you can drink Corvalol in the form of tablets, it should be noted that during treatment with courses, the dosage is usually 3 tablets throughout the day. With a single dose, the dose can reach up to 2-3 tablets.

How long does Corvalol work? As already mentioned, the therapeutic effect comes fairly quickly. With sublingual administration of tablets and capsules, the effect of the drug is noted after 5-10 minutes. After using the drops, the onset of the therapeutic effect is 10-15 minutes.

Side effects, overdose

The drug Corvalol has mostly good reviews, but if it is used incorrectly, patients may develop side effects. The most common of them include memory impairment, decreased concentration, fatigue, muscle weakness. Another undesirable consequence is the habituation effect. Especially often this happens when Corvalol is used as a sleeping pill. Sometimes, against the background of prolonged use or with a strong excess of the dosage, the patient is diagnosed with a slowdown in heart rate, drowsiness, weakness. You can learn more about the side effects of the remedy from this article.

Among the side effects of Corvalol are weakness, depression, pressure drop.

An overdose happens very rarely, but when using too large a dose of the drug, it can happen. Its manifestations include:

  • pressure drop to levels below 110/60;
  • nystagmus;
  • clouding of consciousness, indifference to the world around;
  • allergic manifestations on the body;
  • difficulty speaking and breathing;
  • decreased clarity of coordination of movements.

Corvalol in pediatrics

Among newborns, the use of Corvalol is strictly contraindicated. The opinions of doctors about at what age and in what quantity the drug in question can be given to the child differ. Some experts argue that with a single use, Corvalol has a positive effect on the child's heart. Others are categorically against the use of the drug among children under 12 years of age.

Only a doctor can prescribe a drug to a child. In this case, careful monitoring of the baby's cardiac activity should be carried out. It is important to consider that the composition of the medicine includes ethyl alcohol, which adversely affects the children's body.

Use among pregnant women

The use of Corvalol in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy increases the risk of impaired intrauterine formation, since ethyl alcohol, which is part of the drug, can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby.

In the subsequent period of bearing a child, the use of the drug remains undesirable, but sometimes the remedy is prescribed if the expected benefit outweighs the risks to the health of the mother and baby.


How to replace Corvalol for patients who have contraindications to its use? The modern pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of drugs that have a similar effect. Many of them differ only in the form of release and auxiliary components. The RLS Drug Directory includes such analogues of Corvalol:

  • Valoserdin - has an antispasmodic, sedative, vasodilating effect. The medicine is available in the form of drops. Sometimes patients are interested in what is better - Corvalol or Valoserdin? The difference between them is that Valoserdin includes oregano oil. In addition, Corvalol costs half as much;
  • Pumpan is a combined herbal preparation that has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The tool has anti-ischemic, hypotensive, cardiotonic effect. Pumpan is used for ischemic heart disease, heart failure, vegetovascular dystonia and other conditions;
  • Corvalol-MFF - is used as a vasodilator and hypnotic drug among people suffering from chest pain, insomnia, sinus tachycardia and other disorders.

A popular analogue of Corvalol is Valoserdin

Despite the differences in composition and name, the above drugs have a similar therapeutic effect.

Price and terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Corvalol is dispensed from pharmacies without presenting a doctor's prescription. The approximate cost of the drug is as follows:

The price is approximate, the exact cost should be specified in the pharmacy.

Patient reviews

Tatiana, Cherepovets

“Corvalol is always in our first aid kit. The tool is simply irreplaceable, it always saves both me and my husband from worries and bad sleep. I know that the medicine can be addictive, so I try not to abuse it. The doctor prescribed this remedy for me when she complained of pressure surges and a strong heartbeat. Since then, I have not parted with Corvalol either at home or at work.

Mikhail, Voronezh

“It seems to me that there is no person who does not know the specific smell of Corvalol. I have known him since childhood, because my grandmother constantly took him. The medicine has already become truly popular, it is accepted by both old and small. I also have this drug in my first aid kit, because heart disease in our family is hereditary. Sometimes I take a remedy after a hard day's work to quickly fall asleep.

Natalia, Minsk

“I used to use Corvalol very often. With any stress and worries, a few drops of this remedy literally saved me. Everything was fine until I found out that the drug is addictive. Since then, I have become afraid of using it too often. Among the advantages - availability, low cost. The minuses would include the smell of the drug, which lasts quite a long time.

Corvalol for children

Corvalol is in demand in adults as a sedative medicine that helps with insomnia, neurosis or irritability. Elderly people often take it for heart pain, anxiety, and high blood pressure. But is it possible to give this medication to children, how does it affect the child's body and at what dose is it used in childhood?

Release form

The drug is produced by many domestic pharmaceutical companies. The most popular form of Corvalol are drops. Such a medicine is represented by bottles, inside of which there are 15, 25 or 50 ml of a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic aroma.

Corvalol is also available in tablets. One pack contains 10 to 50 of these white round tablets. In childhood, this form is used very rarely.


The Corvalol formula includes three active ingredients:

  • ethyl bromine isovalerianate (full name - ethyl ester a-bromo isovaleric acid);
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint oil.

In addition to them, the drops contain such auxiliary components as 95% ethyl alcohol, purified water and sodium hydroxide. Additional substances in the composition of the tablets are microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch and cyclodextrin, as well as lactose monohydrate and magnesium stearate.

Previously, in pharmacies there was a herbal preparation Corvalol Kid, intended for children. Its main difference from regular Corvalol was the absence of phenobarbital. However, it is no longer being sold because the Department of Health has labeled it and other herbal extract products from the same manufacturer as dietary supplements with unproven safety and efficacy.

Operating principle

The effect of Corvalol on the human body is due to its ingredients:

  1. Ethyl bromisovalerianate has a calming effect and the ability to relieve spasms in smooth muscles.
  2. Phenobarbital in the composition of the drops acts directly on the brain, like a sleeping pill. It enhances the action of other components and helps to fall asleep easier.
  3. Peppermint oil has a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Such an ingredient also activates the choleretic function, eliminates flatulence and has disinfecting properties.

What age is allowed?

The opinions of doctors about the acceptable age of using Corvalol differ. Some experts claim that the liquid form of such a medicine can be used for all children, choosing the dosage according to the number of years of a small patient. Other doctors believe that Corvalol should only be given to children over 12 years of age. They argue that earlier use is not advisable, despite the reduced dose of drops.

Should it be given to children?

According to doctors, Corvalol can be used in the treatment of children only occasionally and under the supervision of a specialist, and it is impossible to give such a drug to babies without consulting a pediatrician.

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, note that quite often Corvalol is given to children, counting on a therapeutic effect on the heart. Having heard from elderly relatives that such a drug helps well with heart palpitations or pain in the heart, mothers give it to their child with such symptoms.

However, they forget that the effect of the drops is primarily soothing. And if you do not establish the cause of rapid heart rate or chest pain, Corvalol will only briefly and partially eliminate these symptoms, but after a while the problem will reappear. In addition, such treatment can lead to the fact that the disease manifests itself in a more serious form.

According to pediatricians, uncontrolled and prolonged use of Corvalol harms children rather than benefits. For this reason, in childhood, such a medication is practically not prescribed.

Parents also give children drops for good sleep if the child is restless and has a hard time falling asleep or cannot fall asleep when coughing. The drug is also used at high temperatures (for example, after vaccination), with spasms of the biliary tract and intestinal colic, as well as with complaints about the work of the heart. The drug is indeed able to alleviate the condition of the child with such problems, but does not eliminate the cause of insomnia, restless behavior or pain in the chest.

In addition, the use of drops without the supervision of a doctor can lead to overdose, drug dependence or allergies.

We should not forget that the liquid form includes ethyl alcohol, so prolonged and uncontrolled use in children is dangerous to their health.

Indications and contraindications

Corvalol is in demand for sleep disorders, anxiety, irritability, irritability or neuroses. Such a remedy is also used for disorders of the nervous system that cause tachycardia, vasospasm of the heart, or spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the instructions attached to the drops, it is noted that this remedy is not given if any component of the drug is intolerant. The drug is also contraindicated in diseases of the liver or kidneys and with reduced blood pressure. It should not be given in situations where the child is already taking any medication with a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Corvalol is not prescribed for adults while breastfeeding.

Side effects

In some children, taking Corvalol leads to apathy, dizziness or drowsiness. Long-term use of the drug provokes the appearance of dependence. If you cancel the remedy in such a situation abruptly, an abstinence syndrome develops.

Instructions for use and dosage

Drops are recommended to be taken before meals, dissolving the right amount of such a liquid medicine in a ml of water. Usually the dose for a child is calculated according to his age - one drop for each year. For example, if a child is 3 years old, he is given 3 drops of Corvalol. The tool is used once a day, and the duration of use is determined by the doctor.

An excessive dose of Corvalol can cause hemorrhagic diathesis, constipation (the drug slows down intestinal motility), depression and apathy (due to the presence of bromine in the composition). In addition, an overdose leads to the occurrence of rhinitis or conjunctivitis, as well as negative symptoms from the central nervous system (impaired attention, speech or memory).

Terms of sale

Despite the presence of a psychotropic component in the composition, Corvalol can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The price of the medicine is low and amounts to approximately rubles per bottle of 25 ml.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To store Corvalol, you should find a dry place where sunlight will not fall. Storage is recommended at temperatures from +10 to +25 degrees. It is important that the tool is not freely available to young children. Shelf life drops - 3 years.


Instead of Corvalol, you can use drugs in drops with the same active ingredients, for example, Barboval and Corvaldin. However, if it is required to give the child a sedative medicine, herbal preparations are preferable.

For example, children older than a year can be given valerian tincture. For children over 3 years old, the doctor may prescribe motherwort tincture or Nott's drops, for a six-year-old child - Valerianahel drops, and from the age of 12 Passifit syrup or Novo-Passit solution is used.

Drotaverine, No-shpa, Duspatalin, Spazmol, Papaverine and other antispasmodics can replace Corvalol with spasms (biliary or intestinal colic).

Watch the program of Dr. Komarovsky, from which you will learn in which cases it is worth using sedatives to help the child.

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Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Corvalol is a drug that has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Release form and composition

  • Drops for oral administration, 15, 25, 30 or 50 ml in dark glass dropper bottles, in a cardboard box 1 bottle;
  • Tablets, 10 pcs. in blister packs, in a carton pack of 2 or 10 packs.

Active ingredients of the drug:

  • Ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid: in 1 ml of drops - 20 mg, in 1 tablet - 8.2 mg;
  • Phenobarbital: in 1 ml of drops - 18.26 mg, in 1 tablet - 7.5 mg;
  • Peppermint oil: in 1 ml of drops - 1.42 mg, in 1 tablet - 0.58 mg.
  • Drops: ethanol 95%, purified water and sodium hydroxide;
  • Tablets: beta-cyclodextrin, lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

Indications for use

As a vasodilator and sedative:

  • Insomnia;
  • Irritability;
  • Vegetative lability;
  • neurotic states;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome.
  • Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (increased blood pressure, cardialgia and sinus tachycardia).

As an antispasmodic:

  • Spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal and biliary colic).


For both dosage forms:

  • Severe hepatic/renal failure;
  • Lactation period (or stop breastfeeding);
  • Hypersensitivity to components.

Tablets are also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Age up to 18 years (there is no experience of using the drug in this dosage form in this age group);
  • Lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption (due to lactose content).

With extreme caution, Corvalol in the form of drops can be prescribed during pregnancy.

Method of application and dosage

The drug should be taken orally before meals: tablets - washed down with water, drops - dissolved in a small amount of water (30-50 ml).

Adults are prescribed a drop 2-3 times a day or 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. With tachycardia, a single dose can be increased to a drop or 3 tablets.

Children, depending on the clinical picture and age, are prescribed 3-15 drops per day.

The duration of treatment in each case, the doctor determines individually.

Side effects

Possible side effects of Corvalol: dizziness, drowsiness, decreased ability to concentrate, slow heart rate, allergic reactions. In some cases, there are violations of the gastrointestinal tract. The described phenomena disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued.

With prolonged use, there is a possibility of bromine accumulation in the body and the development of bromism phenomena (manifested by symptoms such as conjunctivitis, rhinitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, apathy, depression, impaired coordination of movements), addiction, drug dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

Overdose symptoms: decrease in blood pressure, ataxia, nystagmus, agitation, depression of the central nervous system (CNS), dizziness, weakness, bromine intoxication. In this case, Corvalol should be canceled, gastric lavage should be performed and symptomatic therapy should be carried out; with CNS depression, caffeine and nikethamide are indicated.

special instructions

During treatment with Corvalol:

  • You should not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • It is recommended to refrain from engaging in potentially hazardous activities, including driving vehicles.

drug interaction

Drugs that depress the central nervous system and valproic acid enhance the effect of Corvalol.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, enhances the effect of hypnotics, analgesics and local anesthetics, reduces the effectiveness of drugs metabolized in the liver, incl. griseofulvin, glucocorticosteroids, coumarin derivatives, oral contraceptives.

Corvalol enhances the toxicity of methotrexate.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children at a temperature: tablets -ºС, drops - up to 15 ºС.

The shelf life of tablets is 2 years, drops - 1.5 years.

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Corvalol - instructions for use, potential harm

“Something pressed down in the chest”, “you need to calm down”, “something is hard to breathe” - this is how people motivate their decision to use a few drops of Corvalol. And many are accustomed to consider this drug to be quite safe - it will certainly be found in every medicine cabinet. But what is Corvalol really, who can take it, and to whom is it categorically contraindicated? These questions can only be answered by experts.

Corvalol - instructions for use

Before taking any drug, you need to carefully read the official annotation to it. But who reads these instructions? But even Corvalol, at first glance, an absolutely safe drug, has its own indications and contraindications, and can provoke the development of side effects.

Composition of Corvalol

The drug in question is produced in the form of drops and tablets, but Corvalol drops are especially popular. They include:

  • ethyl bromoisovalerianate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol.

The appearance of Corvalol drops is a clear liquid, without any tint impurities. It has a specific pleasant aroma.

How does Corvalol work?

The drug in question belongs to the group of combined ones, but all the components included in its composition are optimally combined with each other, correcting the action of each.

Ethylbromisovalerianate has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Phenobarbital, in turn, enhances the sedative effect of ethyl bromisovalerianate, actively helps to reduce the excitability and tension of the central nervous system, and makes calm sleep onset possible. And peppermint oil has a complex effect on the human body: antispasmodic, choleretic, vasodilating, antiseptic. Therefore, peppermint oil contributes to the expansion of the vessels of the heart and brain, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - this restores intestinal motility and helps to cope with increased gas formation.

Corvalol - indications for use

There is a clear designation of those conditions in which it is advisable to use Corvalol. These include:

  1. Neurosis-like states - increased irritability, unmotivated outbursts of anger, depressed mood, a feeling of anxiety.
  2. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system - Corvalol is especially often recommended for people with diagnosed angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  3. Intestinal spasms - for example, with intestinal dysbacteriosis, diarrhea against the background of food poisoning.
  4. Sleep disturbances - insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, problems with falling asleep, frequent awakening.

Corvalol - contraindications

The drug in question is not used in pediatric practice, at least for children under 3 years of age it cannot be clearly prescribed. In older children, the question of the advisability of prescribing and using Corvalol should be decided only by a doctor.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of Corvalol on the body of a pregnant woman, during breastfeeding and on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, it is forbidden for a woman to take the drug in question during these periods of her life.

It is strictly forbidden to use Corvalol in case of a traumatic brain injury, some diseases of the brain (the attending physician should warn about this), diagnosed alcoholism.

It is not recommended to use the drug in question in violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys of a severe nature of the course - for example, with renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver. But this issue is decided on a strictly individual basis.

How to take corvalol

The dosage that will have the expected effect and will not harm the general state of health should be determined only by a specialist and on an individual basis. But in the instructions for the use of Corvalol there are also general recommendations for its use:

  • adults can take 30 drops per dose, in case of diagnosing tachycardia and with the approval of a doctor, the dosage can be increased to 40 drops per dose. Corvalol can be consumed 2-3 times a day;
  • children over 3 years of age are prescribed 1 drop for each year of life once a day. In some cases, repeated administration of Corvalol is allowed, but the doctor must give permission for this.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor and it is strictly forbidden to independently prolong it (“to consolidate the effect”).

Side effects

Despite the seeming simplicity and safety, Corvalol can in some cases cause side effects. These include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • constant dizziness;
  • the level of concentration of attention decreases;
  • heart rate slows down.

Note: if corvalol is taken for a long time, then the so-called bromism phenomena may develop - addiction and drug dependence, the “withdrawal” syndrome.

If the above side effects (or at least one of them) appear, you should immediately stop taking Corvalol and seek medical advice. Most likely, a correction of the treatment regimen will be carried out or the dosage of the drug in question will be reduced.


Cases of overdose with Corvalol are extremely rare, but can occur. Therefore, everyone who uses the drug in question needs to know the first signs of an overdose. These include:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • nystagmus;
  • depression of the central nervous system - apathy, clouding of consciousness;
  • rhinitis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • ataxia;
  • movement coordination disorders.

If at least one sign of an overdose appears, the use of the agent in question should be stopped immediately and medical professionals should be consulted for help. Usually, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy for an overdose of Corvalol, and if signs of depression of the central nervous system are already observed, then caffeine and nikethamide.

Interaction of Corvalol with other drugs

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in question if any sedatives are already being taken - they enhance the effect of each other, which can lead to an overdose.

Please note: in Corvalol contains phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol - these are substances that can affect the central nervous system. Therefore, when taking the agent in question, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, to conduct labor activities associated with the need for a high concentration of attention.

Is corvalol harmful

The debate about how dangerous Corvalol is for human health has been relatively recent. Some time ago, many thought that Corvalol would be banned for sale in the Russian Federation - it contains both phenobarbital and ethyl alcohol. But it turned out to be just rumors - such combined drugs remain on the free market.

However, in most countries, Corvalol cannot be found in pharmacy chains - it was withdrawn from sale without prescriptions. For example, the USA, Great Britain, Norway, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Finland and Sweden have not only banned Corvalol for free sale, but also strictly control the transport of this drug across the border into their countries. Therefore, be extremely careful - if possible, then when visiting the listed countries, replace the drug, if this is not possible, the doctor prescribes it, then take care of having a document confirming this fact. Otherwise, punishment will follow under the laws of a particular country.

“So far, our population has a very strong habit of using this drug. Radical measures - a ban on the sale of Corvalol, its withdrawal from consumption - will cause a negative reaction from patients. At the same time, Corvalol will gradually be replaced by other, more modern drugs with proven effectiveness.

Why is Corvalol so dangerous?

Firstly, phenobarbital, which is part of the drug in question, has been included in the group of psychotropic drugs since 2013. In fairness, it needs to be clarified - in many countries of the world, such a classification of phenobarbital has been accepted for a very long time.

Secondly, it is phenobarbital that causes rapid and strong addiction - in some cases, 2-3 weeks of taking the drug is enough to develop drug dependence. Moreover, phenobarbital causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence.

Thirdly, after the abolition of Corvalol, people develop the so-called "withdrawal" syndrome - a depressed state, the patient complains of constant nausea, intense headaches.

Interesting fact: phenobarbital is used in some countries to bring the death penalty to execution.

But isn't there anything useful in the tool in question? Indeed, for a long time, Corvalol was recommended for use by millions of patients, and in most cases, the course of therapy with the agent in question did not cause any consequences. Corvalol has one indisputable advantage - it has the fastest and most powerful effect.

If taken in small doses and extremely moderately, then Corvalol can quickly, almost instantly, relieve anxiety. In general, the recommended doses of the drug are not dangerous, but the problem is that if you take it constantly, then there is a need to increase the dosage. The most dangerous thing is that these doses do not just increase each time, but lead to real pleasure: depression and dizziness are replaced by euphoria immediately after taking the right dose.

The popularity of Corvalol is due to the fact that it is a cheap drug that has been known to everyone for a long time and has a quick effect, but it should be used only when absolutely necessary or as directed by a specialist. If a person feels the manifestations of the side effects listed in this article, or others notice sudden mood swings in someone who periodically uses Corvalol, then you should urgently seek medical help. The fact is that drug dependence should be treated only in specific medical institutions.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Most parents are wondering if Corvalol can be given to children at a high temperature? Let's analyze the drug and find out whether it is possible to give it to children at a high temperature.

The main components of Corvalol

The composition of Corvalol drops includes the following components:

  • phenobarbital in the amount of 18.26 mg;
  • ethyl ether - 7.5 mg;
  • peppermint oil - 1.42 mg;
  • ethanol;
  • distilled water.

The drug is presented in the form of a clear liquid, which has a characteristic smell of alcohol. Each component is responsible for its positive effect on the body. Phenobarbital is a psychotropic component that affects the nervous system. Ethyl ether has an eliminating effect on the development of spasms of internal organs. Peppermint oils have antispasmodic and vasodilating effects.

Indications for prescribing medication

The main indications for the use of Corvalol include:

  1. Problems of functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Excessive anxiety, as well as sleep disturbance.
  3. Excessive excitability.
  4. Light spasms of the coronary vessels.
  5. Peristalsis and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Corvalol, in fact, like many similar drugs, should be used exclusively as directed by a specialist. Corvalol can be given to a child if the following factors are detected:

  • If the child develops symptoms of irritability, sleep disturbances and restlessness.
  • If there are signs of a violation of the heart rhythm, as well as pain spasms in the region of the heart.
  • At a temperature that rises due to the occurrence of colds.
  • If there are signs of intestinal colic and excessive gas formation in the baby.

With the help of Corvalol, pain and pain syndromes can be eliminated. But this drug is not a drug that helps to cure ailments. The active use of Corvalol leads to the fact that psychological and drug addiction to phenobarbital occurs in the body.

It's important to know! It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage or use the drug for longer than prescribed by the doctor.

The aforementioned warning is especially relevant for children, since the children's body is very easily susceptible to the negative effects of many drugs, including Corvalol. How to properly use Corvalol for children, we will find out further.

Application of Corvalol

If the doctor has prescribed Corvalol for the child, then parents should know the main features of the use of this medication. It is advisable to give Corvalol to a baby before meals. In this case, the drops must be dissolved in water, the amount of which should be ml. How much Corvalol should be dripped for children? The dosage for an adult corresponds to drops of Corvalol, which should be taken in an amount 3 times a day. Moreover, it is important to maintain the interval between subsequent applications of the drug, which should not be less than 6 hours.

Adults in the event of complications are allowed to take Corvalol in the form of tablets, 2-3 pieces per dose. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, it is necessary to put the tablet under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. For children, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending doctor. Moreover, the dosage is calculated based on the age of the kids. For each year of a baby's life, one drop of Corvalol is required. The medicine is given only once a day.

It's important to know! Many pediatricians do not advise giving this remedy to children under 12 years of age. His help is used only in emergency situations.

Corvalol KID for children

For children, there is a special form of the drug called Corvalol Kid. The composition of this medication includes exclusively substances of plant origin. In its composition, toxic and chemical components are completely excluded, which can cause serious damage to the health of the crumbs.

Corvalol KID is a completely safe medicine that can be given to children of different ages. Its main advantage is the absence of side symptoms. Scientific studies have been carried out on the effect of the drug on the child's body. Based on clinical studies, it was found that the remedy is not only harmless and safe, but also effective.

Corvalol Kid can be bought at any pharmacy, as the drug is available without a prescription. You can use the medication for children over the age of 3 years, but only as directed or recommended by a specialist. If the baby's temperature is above 39 degrees, then the drug can be given to the child in the required amount. What amount to give preference to in the treatment of Corvalol, you should find out in the instructions or from your doctor.

It's important to know! Corvalol Kid can be given to children for 1 month, due to the absence of phenobarbital in its composition.

Dosage for children

Children in the age category from 3 to 6 years can be given medicine in the amount of 20 drops per day. At the age of over 6 years, you can give Corvalol KID in the amount of 40 drops. At the same time, it is important to take into account that fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts should be present in the diet of the baby. These foods help to reduce the negative impact of Corvalol on the children's body.

Corvalol is an indispensable drug that can save a person's life. Most often, its use is used for diseases of the heart and vascular system, as well as to eliminate pain. If parents have the opportunity to limit the baby from the use of Corvalol, then it is better to do this without hesitation. As a last resort, it is better to replace the usual Corvalol with a child one, which does not cause side symptoms, and has a high rate of positive effect on the body.

Cardiovascular diseases

Corvalol belongs to the group of sedative (sedative) drugs. In its composition, it contains phenobarbital, which is a psychotropic drug, isovaleric acid ester and oil from peppermint leaves. Due to the last component, not only the specific smell of Corvalol is provided, but also a reflex antispasmodic and vasodilating effect. A derivative obtained from valerian roots has a calming effect on the nervous system, and in large doses causes drowsiness. Thus, the action of Corvalol is due to its composition, which, in addition to the listed components, includes ethyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide and water.

Previously, there was only liquid Corvalol, drops of which had to be diluted with a certain volume of water. Currently, for the convenience of patients, Corvalol is produced in tablets for sublingual use.

Corvalol tablets are easy to use

Interestingly, this drug is distributed mainly on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula and in Russia. In other countries, they use a medicine that has a similar composition (valocordin). Phenobarbital, which is part of both drugs in some countries (USA, Lithuania) is equated to drugs and is prohibited for import.

Indications for use

The use of Corvalol is indicated for the following conditions:

  • changes in the function of the cardiovascular system associated with impaired neurohumoral regulation;
  • in the complex therapy of neuroses, as well as with increased excitability and irritability;
  • for taking Corvalol, indications include difficulty falling asleep due to increased anxiety;
  • tachycardia associated with the influence of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • early stages of hypertension and slight spasm of the coronary arteries;
  • increased tone of the autonomic nervous system, accompanied by excitation;
  • spasms and increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

How many drops of Corvalol to take in one case or another is determined by the doctor, but the average dosage is drops three times a day.


Contraindications for taking Corvalol are individual allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as severe somatic diseases accompanied by severe renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The calming effect of Corvalol has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system


If an acute overdose of Corvalol occurs, then intestinal motility slows down, and this leads to constipation.

With prolonged use of the drug, chronic bromine poisoning is possible, which is manifested by depression and apathy, as well as damage to the mucous membranes (rhinitis, conjunctivitis), blood vessels (hemorrhagic diathesis) and the central nervous system (impaired speech, memory, attention, unsteady gait). Libido often decreases and impotence develops.

Side effects

Side effects usually do not occur with the correct dosage of the drug. However, sometimes you may experience dizziness, as well as drowsiness during the day. In some cases, drug dependence develops, and when it is canceled, abstinence develops.

Corvalol and alcohol

Often this drug is used to eliminate symptoms that have arisen after drinking a large amount of alcohol (hangover). These include heart palpitations, increased pressure, increased excitability. Due to the fact that Corvalol and alcohol have a sedative effect, when they are used together, an overdose and various side effects may develop.

Corvalol during pregnancy

It is possible to use Corvalol during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, only according to strict indications. That is, if the expected benefit outweighs the harm likely to be inflicted on the child. This is due to the fact that phenobarbital, which is part of this medication, can negatively affect the condition and development of the baby's central nervous system, and also lead to intrauterine hypoxia.

Corvalol for children

Corvalol can be prescribed to children in special situations, while the dose should be reduced depending on age (one drop for one year of life). Interestingly, some doctors prescribe its use almost from birth, while others do not recommend taking it before 12 years. Since there is no consensus on this matter, it is worth listening to the opinion of your doctor, since only he has sufficient information about the child.

Corvalol is an indispensable drug in some situations when it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of a severe shock or dysfunction of the nervous system. It is also suitable as a temporary measure for tachycardia and hypertension. However, with prolonged use, Corvalol often causes addiction and the development of side effects. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Is it possible to give Corvalol to children and in what dosage

Should I give Corvalol to children? This question is asked by many mothers and fathers. And this is not surprising, because the drug has a whole range of useful properties. It soothes, relieves pain, dilates blood vessels and helps to cope with insomnia. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is practically harmless. But in some cases, drinking it is not recommended. Why? When can and when not to use Corvalol for children?

general information

So, Corvalol is a sedative drug.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • phenobarbital;
  • ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid;
  • mint oil (peppermint);
  • ethanol;
  • water (usually distilled).

The release form of the product is drops without color and with a specific odor or tablets.

The drug owes its effect on the body to the properties of each of the components:

  1. Phenobarbital has a powerful effect on the nervous system. It slows down the process of transmission of impulses of excitation to the brain. Helps to calm down and sleep.
  2. Ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid is the main component. It has an antispasmodic effect and effectively soothes.
  3. Peppermint oil, like ethyl ester, produces an antispasmodic effect, and also perfectly dilates blood vessels. Among other things, the substance improves bowel function, for example, helping in the fight against flatulence. It is noteworthy that the oil has a good effect on the condition of the oral cavity. It has a mild antiseptic effect and freshens the breath.

The effect of taking Corvalol appears approximately 15 minutes after consumption. This applies to all forms of its release.

When is it allowed and when is it forbidden to take Corvalol

When is the medicine given? It may be prescribed if:

  • malfunctions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neurosis;
  • excessive excitability;
  • sleep problems;
  • anxiety;
  • tachycardia;
  • vasospasm;
  • stage 1 hypertension;
  • high tone of the nervous system;
  • spasms of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

Corvalol is prescribed to children according to the following indications:

  • restlessness, frequent irritability;
  • atypical reaction of the child's body to the vaccine;
  • fever with a cold;
  • heartache;
  • colic;
  • bowel problems.

It is worth remembering that the medicine will help get rid of these unpleasant symptoms. However, it will not cure the cause of their appearance. Therefore, for a complete recovery, it is necessary to undergo an examination and, if necessary, a course of complex treatment.

There are cases when taking Corvalol for a child is strictly contraindicated:

  1. Malfunctions of the kidneys and liver.
  2. If other drugs that affect the nervous system are used in the treatment.
  3. Reduced blood pressure.
  4. Allergy or intolerance to one of the ingredients that make up the medication.

Instructions, side effects and overdose

Treatment with Corvalol is prescribed by a doctor. He also calculates the dose and duration of the drug.

Instructions for use for drops and tablets are different:

  1. Drops "Corvalol" is better to drink before meals 1 time per day, stirring them with water.
  2. The tablets should be taken three times a day. Single dose - 1 tablet. With complications, for example, with a rapid heartbeat, it can be increased. To make the effect of the tablets appear faster, it is recommended to put them under the tongue.

How does a doctor calculate a single dose? Usually for each year of the child is 1 drop of Corvalol. It should be taken once a day, not more often.

If you exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor, you may experience an overdose.

It is worth noting that Corvalol has practically no side effects. Sometimes there is drowsiness and dizziness. In addition, addiction can develop with prolonged treatment.


Instructions for use:

Latin name: Corvalol

ATX code: N05CB02

Active ingredient: Peppermint leaves oil (Menthae piperitae foliorum oleum) + Phenobarbital (Phenobarbital) + Ethylbromisovalerinate (Ethylbromisovalerinate)

Producer: Pharma Start, Farmak PAO (Ukraine), Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Tatkhimpharmpreparaty, Marbiopharm, Altayvitaminy, Tver pharmaceutical factory, Dalkhimpharm, Permpharmacy, Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory, ECOlab, Farmikon Pharmacy, Samaramedprom (Russia)

Description current as of: 26.10.17

Price in online pharmacies:

Corvalol is a sedative drug.

Active substance

Peppermint leaf oil (Menthae piperitae foliorum oleum) + Phenobarbital (Phenobarbital) + Ethylbromisovalerinate (Ethylbromisovalerinate).

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration.

Indications for use

As a sedative and vasodilator, Corvalol is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • disorders of the functions of the cardiovascular system (sinus tachycardia, cardialgia, various disorders of blood pressure);
  • in sleepless conditions, especially in violation of falling asleep;
  • neurotic states, irritability, hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • vegetative lability.

As an antispasmodic, Corvalol is indicated for spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, such as intestinal or biliary colic.


A contraindication to taking Corvalol is hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as impaired renal function or acute liver failure.

Instructions for use Corvalol (method and dosage)


It is taken orally before meals with a small amount of water. Adults are shown 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. With tachycardia, a single dose can be increased to 3 tablets. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The course of treatment is set individually.


Taken orally before meals. Adults are prescribed drops dissolved in water. A single dose for tachycardia can be increased to a drop. Children are prescribed 3-15 drops per day, depending on age and clinical picture. The course of treatment is set individually.

Side effects

In most cases, Corvalol in drops and tablets is well tolerated by patients. A small percentage of patients using the drug during the daytime noted side effects such as drowsiness, a state of mild dizziness. Sometimes there is a decrease in concentration, as well as the manifestation of allergic reactions.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the information that with long-term treatment with this drug, chronic bromine poisoning is possible, the manifestations of which are depressive disorders, a state of apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and various disorders of motor coordination are possible. Sometimes drug dependence develops.


Symptoms of an overdose of the drug include CNS depression, nystagmus, ataxia, lowering blood pressure, agitation, dizziness, weakness, signs of chronic bromine intoxication (depression, apathy, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, impaired coordination of movements).

Treatment is symptomatic. The drug is stopped, gastric lavage is prescribed, with CNS depression, caffeine, nikethamide are indicated.


Analogues according to the ATC code: Bromenval, Racemic Bromocamphor, Valemidin, Valocordin, Valocormid.

Do not make the decision to change the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Corvalol is a combination drug. Its sedative and antispasmodic effect is due to the medicinal properties of the constituent substances. The drug has an excellent sedative effect and promotes the onset of natural sleep, so Corvalol is indicated for nervous disorders and insomnia. These properties are given to it by the ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid, which is a sedative (its effect is very similar to the sedative effect of valerian) and antispasmodic.

Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug has an active effect on reducing the excitation of the central nervous system and, like the previous component of the drug, contributes to the onset of natural sleep.

Peppermint oil also has a reflex vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Due to the presence of these substances in the composition of the drug, you should strictly monitor the dose of the drug in order to avoid an overdose of Corvalol.

special instructions

There is no experience of use in children under 18 years of age.

During treatment, you should not drink alcohol.

You should refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require quick psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

In childhood

Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

In old age

For impaired renal function

Contraindicated in severe renal failure.

For impaired liver function

Contraindicated in severe liver failure.

drug interaction

The action of Corvalol is enhanced by drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Phenobarbital can reduce the effectiveness of drugs metabolized in the liver and increase the effect of local anesthetics, analgesics and hypnotics, as well as the toxicity of methotrexate.

Valproic acid enhances the action of Corvalol.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of +15…+25 °С. Shelf life - 2 years.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Corvalol for 1 pack starts from 14 rubles.

The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before using the drug, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Corvalol drops 25ml

Corvalol 25ml drops

Corvalol drops 25 ml

Corvalol drops 25 ml

When using materials from the site, the active reference is obligatory.

The information provided on our website should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment and cannot be a substitute for consulting a doctor. We warn about the presence of contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Corvalol for children

Corvalol is in demand in adults as a sedative medicine that helps with insomnia, neurosis or irritability. Elderly people often take it for heart pain, anxiety, and high blood pressure. But is it possible to give this medication to children, how does it affect the child's body and at what dose is it used in childhood?

Release form

The drug is produced by many domestic pharmaceutical companies. The most popular form of Corvalol are drops. Such a medicine is represented by bottles, inside of which there are 15, 25 or 50 ml of a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic aroma.

Corvalol is also available in tablets. One pack contains 10 to 50 of these white round tablets. In childhood, this form is used very rarely.


The Corvalol formula includes three active ingredients:

  • ethyl bromine isovalerianate (full name - ethyl ester a-bromo isovaleric acid);
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint oil.

In addition to them, the drops contain such auxiliary components as 95% ethyl alcohol, purified water and sodium hydroxide. Additional substances in the composition of the tablets are microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch and cyclodextrin, as well as lactose monohydrate and magnesium stearate.

Previously, in pharmacies there was a herbal preparation Corvalol Kid, intended for children. Its main difference from regular Corvalol was the absence of phenobarbital. However, it is no longer being sold because the Department of Health has labeled it and other herbal extract products from the same manufacturer as dietary supplements with unproven safety and efficacy.

Operating principle

The effect of Corvalol on the human body is due to its ingredients:

  1. Ethyl bromisovalerianate has a calming effect and the ability to relieve spasms in smooth muscles.
  2. Phenobarbital in the composition of the drops acts directly on the brain, like a sleeping pill. It enhances the action of other components and helps to fall asleep easier.
  3. Peppermint oil has a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Such an ingredient also activates the choleretic function, eliminates flatulence and has disinfecting properties.

What age is allowed?

The opinions of doctors about the acceptable age of using Corvalol differ. Some experts claim that the liquid form of such a medicine can be used for all children, choosing the dosage according to the number of years of a small patient. Other doctors believe that Corvalol should only be given to children over 12 years of age. They argue that earlier use is not advisable, despite the reduced dose of drops.

Should it be given to children?

According to doctors, Corvalol can be used in the treatment of children only occasionally and under the supervision of a specialist, and it is impossible to give such a drug to babies without consulting a pediatrician.

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, note that quite often Corvalol is given to children, counting on a therapeutic effect on the heart. Having heard from elderly relatives that such a drug helps well with heart palpitations or pain in the heart, mothers give it to their child with such symptoms.

However, they forget that the effect of the drops is primarily soothing. And if you do not establish the cause of rapid heart rate or chest pain, Corvalol will only briefly and partially eliminate these symptoms, but after a while the problem will reappear. In addition, such treatment can lead to the fact that the disease manifests itself in a more serious form.

According to pediatricians, uncontrolled and prolonged use of Corvalol harms children rather than benefits. For this reason, in childhood, such a medication is practically not prescribed.

Parents also give children drops for good sleep if the child is restless and has a hard time falling asleep or cannot fall asleep when coughing. The drug is also used at high temperatures (for example, after vaccination), with spasms of the biliary tract and intestinal colic, as well as with complaints about the work of the heart. The drug is indeed able to alleviate the condition of the child with such problems, but does not eliminate the cause of insomnia, restless behavior or pain in the chest.

In addition, the use of drops without the supervision of a doctor can lead to overdose, drug dependence or allergies.

We should not forget that the liquid form includes ethyl alcohol, so prolonged and uncontrolled use in children is dangerous to their health.

Indications and contraindications

Corvalol is in demand for sleep disorders, anxiety, irritability, irritability or neuroses. Such a remedy is also used for disorders of the nervous system that cause tachycardia, vasospasm of the heart, or spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the instructions attached to the drops, it is noted that this remedy is not given if any component of the drug is intolerant. The drug is also contraindicated in diseases of the liver or kidneys and with reduced blood pressure. It should not be given in situations where the child is already taking any medication with a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Corvalol is not prescribed for adults while breastfeeding.

Side effects

In some children, taking Corvalol leads to apathy, dizziness or drowsiness. Long-term use of the drug provokes the appearance of dependence. If you cancel the remedy in such a situation abruptly, an abstinence syndrome develops.

Instructions for use and dosage

Drops are recommended to be taken before meals, dissolving the right amount of such a liquid medicine in a ml of water. Usually the dose for a child is calculated according to his age - one drop for each year. For example, if a child is 3 years old, he is given 3 drops of Corvalol. The tool is used once a day, and the duration of use is determined by the doctor.

An excessive dose of Corvalol can cause hemorrhagic diathesis, constipation (the drug slows down intestinal motility), depression and apathy (due to the presence of bromine in the composition). In addition, an overdose leads to the occurrence of rhinitis or conjunctivitis, as well as negative symptoms from the central nervous system (impaired attention, speech or memory).

Terms of sale

Despite the presence of a psychotropic component in the composition, Corvalol can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The price of the medicine is low and amounts to approximately rubles per bottle of 25 ml.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To store Corvalol, you should find a dry place where sunlight will not fall. Storage is recommended at temperatures from +10 to +25 degrees. It is important that the tool is not freely available to young children. Shelf life drops - 3 years.


Instead of Corvalol, you can use drugs in drops with the same active ingredients, for example, Barboval and Corvaldin. However, if it is required to give the child a sedative medicine, herbal preparations are preferable.

For example, children older than a year can be given valerian tincture. For children over 3 years old, the doctor may prescribe motherwort tincture or Nott's drops, for a six-year-old child - Valerianahel drops, and from the age of 12 Passifit syrup or Novo-Passit solution is used.

Drotaverine, No-shpa, Duspatalin, Spazmol, Papaverine and other antispasmodics can replace Corvalol with spasms (biliary or intestinal colic).

Watch the program of Dr. Komarovsky, from which you will learn in which cases it is worth using sedatives to help the child.

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There are a lot of drugs that have been in pharmacies and home medicine cabinets for decades. We all know about them since childhood and are not at all afraid of them. They are quiet, familiar and always at hand, like your favorite slippers: I used them, and immediately it became easy and calm.

But no matter what we are dealing with, no matter how harmless and familiar it may seem to us, it is always worth handling objects with care. Even thanks to home slippers, no matter how cozy and warm they are, you can fall by slipping on the wet floor. And what about drugs! Moreover, they may not be such friendly inhabitants of our house.

For example, the widely known and dear to the heart "Corvalol", which can show its needles to those who treat it too carelessly.

Unclear diagnosis

I want to tell you one story. Once a young woman of 27 years old was admitted to the neurological department. According to her mother, she found her lying in the hallway of her apartment. The daughter's speech was incomprehensible and incoherent. The woman staggered and struggled to stand on her feet. The ambulance team that arrived did not determine the diagnosis and took the woman to the hospital, where she was hospitalized with a suspected rupture of a brain aneurysm.

Computed tomography (CT) showed no problems in the brain. And in the morning the girl became cheerful and cheerful. All her balance and speech problems disappeared. Relatives and doctors exhaled: "Well, thank God." We decided to wait another week, conduct additional research and discharge the lady. However, the very next day the patient was found lying in her room on the floor, in the same condition as she had been hospitalized. Again, fuss and research, again CT, and again after 2 days the woman is as fresh as a cucumber.

This went on several times. The doctors were perplexed, the relatives were angry ... until someone found a bag of empty Corvalol bottles in the patient's bedside table. The patient admitted that she took all this "Corvalol" orally during her stay in the hospital.

Why didn't anyone guess?

Yes, no one guessed right away, even despite the persistent smell of Corvalol in the ward. Why didn't the doctors figure it out? The epic with the abuse of "Corvalol" was just beginning then. This medicine was on the market a long time ago, but all the narcological subtleties were basically known to narcologists. And narcologists are people who also tell very few people about their professional secrets, because there are always people who will accept this information as a guide to action.

Previously, people in Russia had a rather rigid attitude that a medicine is a medicine, and it should be taken as it should be. And only in perestroika times, the opinion began to spread widely that "doctors do not know anything, you have to treat yourself."

And a large part of the cases of self-medication is expressed in the fact that patients change the doses of their drugs according to their own ideas about the safety and danger of the drug. "Corvalol" has always been considered "harmless". It seemed to many that if you drop it a little into a glass, then there will be no trouble. Who will be harmed by some 10-20 extra drops? And for this reason, cases of abuse of it began to appear more and more often.

drug vial

Is Corvalol so dangerous? The perception of "Corvalol" as a true friend, standing nearby in the face of life's vicissitudes, played a bad joke with this drug. Now they want to present it everywhere as 50 ml of evil in a dark bottle, but it is really good when used correctly.

Everyone knew that there is phenobarbital, which has long been a “registration drug” (that is, it is issued according to prescriptions and its consumption is strictly controlled in hospitals). But for people, it was a convenient drug to "calm the nerves" that helped. And the ban on free sale was perceived by them as the maliciousness of the government. After all, how much phenobarbital is in that Corvalol? The cat cried. As a result, Corvalol is still sold without a prescription in Russia, but the problem with the possibility of developing dependence on it still remains.

Let's see how it turns out that people become addicted to the drug. It's really low in phenobarbital. Only 7.5 mg in 20 drops. This is 6.7 times less than in one tablet of phenobarbital. Those. even if you drink Corvalol 3 times a day, 15–20 drops, as recommended, no trouble will happen. And many people can actually drink Corvalol at this dose for years without fear of physical dependence.

heart care

However, it should be noted that there may be a psychological dependence on the reception. "Corvalol" can become a symbol of the depth of mental suffering in some people prone to demonstrative behavior. If someone starts drinking "heart drops", it means that he is very upset and shows it to others. In other cases, especially in the elderly, Corvalol is simply part of the daily routine. A man got up in the morning, drank his morning pills and dripped a drop of “nerves” just in case. Naturally, if Corvalol suddenly disappears from the reach zone, this causes some panic, because in life something is starting to be missed.

Tenacious paws "Corvalol"

But the real dependence is characterized not so much by the regularity of the intake, but by the size of the dose and its gradual increase day by day. If you start taking Corvalol 1 bottle per day, then the dose will be more than 3 tablets of phenobarbital. Accordingly, if you drink a bottle 3 times a day, you will get a much larger dose. And in the case of an increase in the dose of phenobarbital by 3-4 times, dependence on the substance is formed in 75% of people.

In addition, in the case of Corvalol, it is still more difficult. 96% of the drug is ethyl alcohol. And alcohol and phenobarbital enhance each other's action, and therefore dependence develops much faster, without reaching high doses.

But addiction is one side of the Corvalol abuse coin. Both phenobarbital and alcohol cause damage to the nervous system. In this case, they unanimously strike at the brain, causing damage to it.

How can this happen

Why do people begin to abuse the drug? Basically, a person gets into the Corvalol network by accident. Those. he has no purposeful desire to induce himself into a state of intoxication. Such people have various mental and psychological problems, such as depression or chronic anxiety. In these cases, Corvalol does not provide any significant and lasting improvement in the condition. At first, it seems that the symptoms recede, and then everything starts anew. People begin to gradually add a dose, wanting to calm down, but peace does not come.

How not to get addicted?

1. Do not exceed recommended doses.
2. Do not mix Corvalol with alcohol and other sedatives.
3. If the recommended dose of Corvalol is no longer enough, you should consult a doctor to prescribe others.
4. If your daily dose exceeds the recommended dose, gradually reduce the dose.

After that, it is advisable to completely abandon Corvalol. It is unlikely that he will have an effect.

Natalia Stilson
