In which part are Hermione and Ron kissing. Incredible Harry Potter Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

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If you are one of those who are still waiting for a letter from Hogwarts, then this post is for you.

Until it comes website invites you to digress and learn the secrets of the magical world.

1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley never officially graduated from Hogwarts

After Voldemort was killed and his minions surrendered, neither Ron nor Harry wanted to return to Hogwarts and graduate. Only Hermione (unexpectedly) wanted to pass all the exams and participate in the graduation. However, all this did not prevent the guys from getting a job at the Ministry of Magic. Harry and Ron became Aurors (fighters with dark magic), and Hermione received a post in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. If we take into account The Cursed Child (this is a play and a script book), then she also became the Minister of Magic.

2. How old were Dumbledore and Voldemort at the time of death?

Dumbledore was really old, at the time of his death he was 115 years old, a little short of 116. Voldemort, no matter how much he wanted to become immortal, died at only 71 years old.

3 Harry, Ron And Hermione Appeared On Chocolate Frog Cards

Moaning Myrtle - a ghost girl - was about a year old at the time of her death. Interestingly, she was entrusted to play the adult actress Shirley Henderson, who coped with her task remarkably, despite the fact that she was years old at the time of shooting Goblet of Fire.

6 Hagrid Didn't Have His Own Patronus

Due to the fact that this spell was very difficult for him, the giant could not defend himself against the Dementors. It's a good thing he never met them after Azkaban.

7 Rupert Grint Was Kicked Off Set While Filming Hermione And Harry Kiss

It is not known what made Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) laugh so much that he laughed so deafeningly when Daniel and Emma pretended to kiss Harry and Hermione, but he was even removed from the set to finish the scene calmly.

8. Hogwarts is a free school

When the Internet calculated the approximate cost of studying at a school of magic, Rowling categorically denied that Hogwarts takes money for education. According to her, it is the Ministry of Magic that pays all the school expenses. If only it were so in our world.

9. It took 40 people 7 months to build Hogwarts for the movie.

The decorators did a great job building the layout of the building in such a short time. Moreover, the work did not end throughout the filming, as the required angles changed from film to film. But their work did not disappear even after all the films were shot. This layout can be seen in the current theme park.

10. Until the age of 11, wizard children are homeschooled.

By virtue of the "Statute of Secrecy", wizards under the age of 11 must be brought up at home, since it is believed that before this age they cannot control their magical power and ordinary people can expose them

11. Glasses are Daniel Radcliffe's favorite prop.

Harry Potter's calling card is round glasses. No wonder they sunk into Daniel's heart so much. In total, during the filming, he "demolished" 160 pairs.

12. JK Rowling's favorite mythical character is the phoenix

13 Dumbledore's Biggest Dream Is His Family Reunion

The professor saw his family together in the mirror of Einalezh (a mirror showing the innermost desire of a person). His father, mother and sister are alive, and his brother again began to warmly communicate with him. This is what Dumbledore saw instead of the woolen socks he told Harry Potter about.

14. Dean Thomas always thought he was a Muggle because he was raised by his mother and foster father - common people

A classmate of Harry, Ron and Hermione, Dean Thomas, thought in vain that he was from a Muggle family. Indeed, his mother and stepfather were ordinary people, but Thomas' real father is a wizard. He never revealed to his wife who he was because he feared for her life. Killed by the Death Eaters due to his refusal to join them.

15. Ordinary people on the site of Hogwarts see the ruins

At this time, Harry and Ron burst into the common room, laughing merrily. After Quidditch practice, both were wet from the rain and sweaty. Seeing them, Hermione smiled happily. Harry ruffled his hair and smiled back at him with a playful smile, reminiscent of a mischievous child now, and not a seventeen-year-old boy who had matured too soon.

Ron set out to become the best goalkeeper and win the Quidditch Cup at all costs, and a friend, not paying attention to either the time of day or the weather, helped him train every free minute.

The redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, but frowned at his right hand and frowned. Hermione stood up quickly, cast a cleaning and drying spell on both of them, and taking Ron's hand gently, she began to move her wand over it. Gradually, the swelling disappeared, and after a minute, the redness also disappeared - the hand became its normal color. The moment the girl took hold of Weasley's hand, his ears flared up. An outside observer would have been surprised at his embarrassment - after all, everyone knows that Ron has known this girl for a long time, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione couldn't even imagine Ron Weasley any other way - his embarrassment was so charming and homely.

So you're really in love with him," Lavender announced contentedly. Fortunately for her, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, within five minutes, Miss Brown's premature death would have been discussed throughout Hogwarts.

Hermione snarled, like Crookshanks when she's chasing another victim. Harry, who had been pestered by everyone for the past few days about the same thing, grimaced in displeasure, and Ron looked like he was ready to fall through the ground at this very second.

Stop interfering in someone else's life, otherwise it will end badly for you, - the warning in Hermione's voice would not have been heard only by the deaf. True, due to the fact that Harry held her tightly, she could not rush at Brown. The poise of the smartest witch at Hogwarts has recently evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madam Pomfrey forbade her to overwork and sit at books for more than two hours a day, when her usual "norm" is six or seven hours. Harry had to follow the rules, as the only person who could handle Granger.

This isn't funny at all, Hermione! Lavender exclaimed, puffing up. And then she winked slyly. She looked puzzled at her classmate. - But, so be it - I'll leave you behind if you kiss Harry.

Ginny giggled merrily. It was already quite a clumsy attempt to get two best friends to open their hearts to each other. Otherwise, these two stubborn people will deny before themselves and the whole world at least some feelings other than “platonic friendship” until the end of time. Only one thing was surprising: how Brown decided on this and why Granger is not afraid of revenge.

Wait… I thought you were talking about Hermione and Ron.” Trying to figure out what kind of strange game Lavender was up to, Dean stared at her, puzzled.

Oh, everyone knows that this couple fights like they're brother and sister all the time. Haven't you ever noticed that their fights are very similar to Ron and Ginny's fights? I hope Ron is not interested in incest, - at the last phrase, Parvati turned to the Weasleys, mockingly raising an eyebrow.

Whoa, Parvati! - the answer was a friendly chorus of all those present. Ron looked like he'd been hit over the head with a Bludger and had managed to fall off his broom. It looked so funny that the Gryffindors laughed merrily.

I don't understand why, instead of getting ready for TOAD, you're doing a damn thing and wasting your time spying on us! Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest.

That's it! Stop playing comedy and wasting our time. Just kiss him! Lavender chuckled, cutting off her attempt to divert the conversation.

Harry sat on the couch next to Hermione. With one hand, he hugged the girl around the waist, while throwing his head back on the back of the sofa and completely relaxed. Hermione was like a spring, about to unwind. She crossed her arms and legs and glared at Lavender as if she was trying to get her to clean up the hell out of her.

Then explain why you think that Harry and Hermione are suitable for each other? Dean asked. And Granger felt a great urge to come over and kiss him. Lavender, on the contrary, was simply outraged by such blindness and narrow-mindedness.

Have you been sleeping soundly for the past few years, Thomas? asked Parvati, looking at Dean as if he had accidentally grown a second head.

No, - the guy answered barely audibly.

Oh, for Merlin's sake, stop it! Hermione began irritably, but trailed off as Harry patted her arm soothingly.

Ever since Potter's defeat of Voldemort, the entire wizarding world has been watching the hero's life with bated breath. The main thing that the public was now interested in was how long the most enviable bridegroom of magical Britain would be alone, and who was the beauty who would win his heart.

The rest of Granger's indignation simply did not notice.

Are you blind? Lavender asked, slowly and somewhat predatorily approaching her classmate. This time, Dean thought it best not to even answer, but simply shook his head.

Then you are stupid, - said Lavender and Parvati in one voice. And Hermione felt the urge to bang her head against the wall.

Harry and Hermione know everything about each other, understand each other from half a word, half a glance ...

They are constantly looking at each other...

Always together...

Finishing sentences for each other...

Often touching each other and hugging ... - at the last statement, Harry stopped stroking Hermione's hand and moved away from her a little. But Granger, who was busy inventing more and more new ways to kill this couple (if possible, so as not to thunder into Azkaban later), did not even notice this.

But that's because they've been best friends since they were eleven," Ron explained to them, as if they were retarded.

But you're also their best friend, and you act differently, don't you? Lavender asked, turning to the Weasleys. Dean also raised his eyes to the ceiling and thanked all the gods he knew for being on his side - Brown forgot about him, and the tornado passed by. This couple of well-known Hogwarts gossips was sometimes really scary. One had only to remember how cleverly they dealt with the Death Eaters, sending them curse after curse.

Yes, friend, Ginny confirmed.

But not like Harry and Hermione. I mean, they seem to exist on the same wavelength. I'm sorry Ron, but sometimes you just don't fit in there.

Instead of pouting and offending the whole world, Weasley looked at his best friends with different eyes and saw them in a new way. His gaze only increased Harry and Hermione's annoyance. Granger thought she saw gears spinning in the redhead's head, putting everything into order.

You must kiss, - in the end, announced Ron, answering with this phrase to all the words and thoughts of the conspirators. If Hermione hadn't been so angry, she would have laughed. Instead, she groaned in protest.

Oh, Merlin, Ron, you're still joining this nonsense. Just not you! Her face became very unhappy. She turned to Potter, as if hoping that he would be able to reason with their friend, who for some reason was not afraid of her anger.

Oh, I'm glad... - suddenly finding himself face to face with Hermione, Harry fell silent. He froze for a few seconds, then leaned over and kissed her gently. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how those around him widened their eyes in surprise, and a deathly silence instantly hung. And only the sound of breathing disturbed it. Then the young man broke the kiss and smiled at his friend.

Hermione thought she was deaf. There was a pounding in my ears, blood suddenly rushed to my head, and sunbeams danced in my eyes. The girl felt strange… she had never experienced anything like this before. All thoughts fled. Harry just kissed her. Kissed in front of all honest people. They pursued him, they put pressure on him, but he did not betray the feelings that overwhelmed him with a word or gesture, did not throw out irritation and indignation at the interference in his personal life. But he was angry - she knows him very well, and sees what the prying eyes will not notice. And then suddenly took - and kissed. There was no one else in the room for her now. What is there in the room - in the whole Universe there were only the two of them. For some reason, the thought flashed through my head that someday this was supposed to happen, and everything went exactly to this. Cursing, she pushed plans for revenge on the witnesses out of her mind.

Lavender took a step forward and opened her mouth, but Hermione got ahead of her: first she muttered something under her breath, and then gave out a phrase that shocked everyone:

And you call that a kiss? - mockingly hissed the girl, for the first time in her life spitting on logic and trusting her heart and her own feelings.

Before Harry could answer her, she moved closer to him and kissed him. Damn, if they really want to see a kiss - they will see it! This time everything was different - both were angry, and it seemed they wanted to prove something to someone. Although their personal life should not concern anyone at all. Still not fully succumbing to the feelings and desires of her body, Hermione clutched at the young man's shirt. With difficulty, though, as Harry kissed her back with just as much passion.

Under his slightly chapped lips, her lips were soft and supple. In an instant, her fingers were entangled in his jet black hair, her other hand still holding tight to the collar of his shirt. Now he's not going anywhere.

And he wasn't going to. One of his arms wrapped around her neck, sending waves of sweet shiver down her spine, while the other went around her waist, pulling her even closer until Hermione found herself sitting on Harry's lap. The kiss inflamed them more and more - they became hot, very hot, and they wanted more. Both had the feeling that this was far from their first kiss. And certainly not the last.

Even if the sensations were amazing, you still need to breathe. So she pulled herself away from Harry's lips, feeling the gaze of those around her back. The girl's face flushed. But the hand that held her quite tightly did not allow her to get up from the sofa and leave the room, which definitely did not help to drive the color from her cheeks.

You kissed,” said Ginny, looking at the couple with huge eyes, and her smile would do credit to any maniac. - You kissed! - she repeated, as if for the first time someone did not believe her.

Yeah, Jin, that's exactly what they did," Dean confirmed snidely. He felt a little out of his depth, but he could not miss the opportunity to pick on his girlfriend.

Now Harry's hair was more messy than usual, and Hermione's lipstick shone on his lips.

Now I believe that there is a chemistry between them that you spoke about.

The two conspirators who organized everything somehow nodded distantly.

The first clear thought was to run. Run as far as possible, but someone's hands still firmly held her waist. She looked at the man sitting in front of her. Until this moment, he was her best friend, and now he hugged her so tightly! And on his face settled the most charming expression that she had ever seen.

Even through all the clothes, the girl felt how fast his heart was beating. His face was frozen and his eyes glazed over. Here he leaned a little towards her, and his breath tickled her neck, causing a pleasant shiver:

Do you think we have chemistry?

Hermione felt the young man smile, and could argue with anyone that this grin is worthy of a true Slytherin.

No, she answered calmly.

After these words, everyone around froze again. It seemed as though they were just having a heated discussion about what they had witnessed. Parvati and Lavender wanted to literally pull Hermione out of Harry's arms and ask in detail how wonderful the kiss of the Hero of the wizarding world was. Once ... and dead silence fell. It even seemed to the girl that those around her were ready to strangle her.

I think I need more proof," she said in a flat voice. And this despite the frantically beating heart and trembling hands.

As long as you need." Harry winked at her and smiled in a way that made Hermione catch her breath and become unimaginably hot again.

It's been a good week for me and I've finally been able to get out to London to interview the cast on the set of Harry Potter. Today I want to tell you about Rupert Grinte, who played the red-haired, beloved Ron Weasley.

Is it true that you had to leave the set during the kiss between Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Hermione (Emma Watson) because you couldn't stop laughing?
Yep, it was the case. Emma and Dan kissed with silver body paint to make the scene surreal.

Was Dan also asked to come out when you were kissing Emma?

Was this film more physically demanding than the others? How did you manage filming?
Yes, the seventh part is physically more difficult than the previous ones. The heroes are no longer at Hogwarts, but in the real world full of dangers. Wherever they go, they risk their lives. There were a lot of running loads, which I'm not used to. Of course, in other films there were also chases, but in the seventh part they took on an aggressive character.

What was it like working away from Hogwarts?
I enjoyed filming scenes outside of school without all those annoying props. We slept right under the open sky, it was an amazing time.

In parallel, you starred in other films. How much free time did you have? After all, in the seventh part you are in almost every scene.
You are right, I worked almost every day, and there was almost no free time left. When I took a vacation for a few months, I immediately wanted to try myself in a new role. I'm glad that I managed to light up in other films besides Harry Potter. On top of all that, I was able to get some rest.

By taking time off and doing other projects, did you gain the experience to continue filming Harry Potter?
Certainly. The more people you work with, the more you learn. It's really curious to see how other films are made. Harry Potter gave me a unique shooting experience. I know I won't experience anything like this again, so it's interesting to watch other directors work.

Daniel and I talked about shooting the first and last films. Has anything changed since the arrival of David Yates? Did your character stay the same or did the director change as well?
Oh, David is a great director! He gave us more freedom and gave us the opportunity to play this or that scene at our discretion. During these 10 years, I was able to get used to my role, so I did not have any problems.

Soon the first Harry Potter films will be shown on television. Probably after watching you will say: "Oh my God, how have I changed?"
Yes, it is simply impossible not to notice the difference, especially in the first films. Everything happened before our eyes. All previous films are like home videos of my growing up. [Laughter] I can always go back to it and remember the old days.

Tom Felton told us that he learned a lot of interesting facts about Draco thanks to JK Rowling. How well do you know Ron?
I don't think I know everything about him. Joan didn't give me any advice or comment. I acted according to the book and most of all I was afraid to find out that in the end my hero would die.

Did you turn to books before you started filming?
Of course, I re-read the books before every movie to refresh my memory.

When did you find out Ron and Hermione were going to be together?
Already in the first part, notes of love were traced. This became especially noticeable after the scene of jealousy. It was clear that Ron and Hermione's kiss was indispensable in the final film. But most of all, I was surprised by the epilogue when I found out that we would have children together.

Do you take advice from the Harry Potter directors? In all these years, what advice have they given you?
Of course, I was lucky with the directors. I have learned something from each of them. All of them have their own approach to the film. But I think that only David Yates was consistent and kept close to history. It was very easy and interesting to work with him.

What is Yeats like at work?
David completely trusted the actors and gave complete freedom. Maybe because we justified his hopes. All in all, he is a great director.

Talking about filming an epilogue is hard for each of us. But it is in the epilogue that the most interesting events take place, which it is simply a sin not to ask about.
Yes it is. At the first meeting with the children in the film, we all remembered ourselves in childhood. They were so similar to us that I was even a little scared. [Laughter] I'm looking forward to Ron's daddy scene. [Laughs] I'm not a grown man, but I hope it didn't turn out so bad.

The scene with the medallion was really scary. How was it for you to work on the green screen and provoke strong emotions?
This is a great moment for Ron, where he can finally feel like a hero by destroying the Horcrux. The medallion began to manipulate him, talking about family and Hermione, but Ron stood up to the Horcrux. This was the best scene, despite the fact that it was given to me with difficulty.

What do you know about this episode?
I was informed that in this scene there will be a kiss between Daniel and Emma.

What do you value most about Ron?
Ron has always been my favorite character in the book. I felt a strong connection with him, and a little with Ginny. I just liked the laid-back nature of my character.

Did you reread the essay about your character that Alfonso Cuarón asked you to write?
I think Dan and Emma wrote something [Laughs] But I didn't write anything, I really don't remember why. Oh yes. I was taking my exams at the time.

Do you remember anything from the set of Harry Potter?
It's hard to say goodbye to a movie without taking anything with you. On the last day, I screwed up Ron's house number. And they gave me a deluminator, which I was incredibly happy about!

I know the Deathly Hallows will burn Hogwarts. What other surprises did you provide us with in the final part?
The second part is just terrible. It reminded me of a war movie. People are dying all over the world. The Gryffindor common room where I grew up is in pieces. This is the last movie. Everything, end. There will be no continuation. And this is very sad to realize.

After 10 years of filming, how long will you move away from being Ron?
I don't know how long it will take and don't want to go into details. Shooting took half of my life. I don't remember life before that.

School has come. Time for new knowledge. A time in which you can distract from your own problems, concentrating only on your studies. Hermione was now experiencing a strong need for the second, stubbornly taking on more and more tasks, reports, essays ... But, even after all this immense amount of work had been completed, her own thoughts fell on the girl, so tormenting her from the inside. And now, wearily throwing away the pen, she instantly grew gloomy, as soon as she thought about it. After waiting for a while, she entered a date on a long scroll: the first of October. "It's amazing how much I've changed this month," she sighed. Not afraid to meet anyone in the living room, the girl with her legs climbed onto the sofa, and comfortably settled down, indulged in her thoughts. And it all started quite normally. About a week after arriving at Hogwarts, one cold autumn evening, Ron took her to the school's broom closet just for one thing: her kisses. This is where Hermione's problem arose - she no longer liked Ron's caresses. Every time she showed up in that pantry, she wasn't thinking about Ron at all. Every time she remembered that same kiss on the platform, which it was impossible to forget, no matter how hard she tried to do it. Instead of forgetting what had happened, she thought more and more about the kiss itself, about how careful Harry's actions had been. It all led to a secret desire for another kiss with him. Just one kiss was enough for her, and she would have calmed down, she would have found the strength to restrain herself. But Harry didn't know that. He continued to communicate with her, as before, but the girl could no longer look into his eyes, afraid that she would not restrain herself, and would rush into his arms. They began to communicate less and less. Even if Harry himself initiated the dialogue, the girl almost immediately found excuses convincing him that they would talk later. Harry, on the other hand, was sincerely perplexed at what was happening to his girlfriend, and often, leaving him somewhere, she felt his puzzled look directed at her back. Relations with Ron also deteriorated, and one day, after another refusal of Hermione to go for a walk with him, he stated that she could forget about him as a boyfriend. During this month, she managed to get so entangled in herself that she no longer knew how to unravel this completely tangled tangle in her soul. Hermione withdrew into herself, and the Gryffindors practically stopped seeing the Gryffindor prefect smiling. Instead, she looked worse and worse, rarely getting enough sleep at night, preferring yet another essay on Transfiguration to sleep. On one of those 'beautiful nights', when Hermione had almost finished writing a lengthy essay on the history of magic, and was quite sure that nothing extraordinary would happen, the portrait door suddenly opened and Harry walked into the living room. Almost without looking around, he went to the first sofa that came across (it so happened that Hermione was already sitting on it) and impulsively sat down on it, staring into the fire with his eyes. The girl looked at him in surprise, not understanding what happened, and why Harry came into the living room so late. - Harry? - from her quiet voice, he shuddered, and quickly looking into her face, again returned to observing the fire. - Explain, - it seemed to her, or his voice sounded hoarse? - What? - the girl was taken aback, and almost screamed when he grabbed her by the hand, and for the first time in a long time looked her straight in the eyes. - Explain why you're avoiding me? - I avoid? - Hermione was completely confused, and then there were his eyes, his beautiful eyes, which seemed to see right through her, making it very difficult to think logically. Yes, you are avoiding it! I... I don't know what to think anymore! He let go of her hand and moved away from her. - Tell me where? Where is that cheerful and cheerful Hermione that I saw only a month ago? What is the reason for such drastic changes? Or maybe who... maybe... maybe it's me? – he tried to restrain himself, but still hid his face in his hands. The girl was trembling. She suddenly realized that if she didn’t explain everything now, then she would never have such a reason again. "No,… not quite in you, Harry," she said as softly as possible, herself in a state of panic fear. What about Mione? He removed his hands from his face and turned his head towards her. "Wh-what…" The sound of the name suddenly caught her breath, and Hermione took a deep breath, "God, why was everything so easy with Ron?" - flashed through her head - "Because it was he who proposed to meet, and he explained everything himself" - a harmful voice whispered in her head. - Remember that kiss, the first of September on the platform? - Calling all the gods known to her to help, she began to speak. - So, I tried to forget this moment, but no matter how I tried, I didn’t succeed, - the girl turned away from him, because she could no longer look into his face , and feel his gaze on yours - gradually, towards the middle of the month, the desire to kiss you turned into an obsession. I held back as best I could, because I didn’t know how you would react to this, - she sobbed, realizing that this was it, this was the finish line, then everything would depend only on him. - Gradually, my mania reached its climax, and has not left it for several weeks. That's why I stopped communicating with you, because one of your appearance persistently made me spit on all the norms of decency and kiss you in front of everyone, - Hermione began to cry, feeling her soul become easier. “What if he gets scared and leaves? Is it gone forever?" The girl froze, completely frightened by the thought. There was complete silence in the room. Just as she thought he was gone, suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her and pressed her so tightly, as if they were trying to create a barrier from all her misfortunes. The girl buried her face in his chest, crying quietly, still afraid that he was just mocking her, and now he would just leave like that. "I'm afraid I'll go mad if I hold myself back any longer," she whispered hotly, feeling the hug loosen a little, which she took as an escape. His fingers gently lift her head and force her to look into his face. A few nimble movements of the fingers - and there were no tears. “Come on, don’t hold back.” His eyes are shining. “I…I let you…” He speaks softly, but every word he says is like thunder to her. She takes off his glasses with trembling fingers. It didn't escape his attention. He carefully squeezes her hands in his hands. - Are you trembling, are you cold? The voice is unusually warm and soothing. - No, I'm just... I'm just afraid, - she freed one hand and, quietly taking her wand, casts all sorts of distracting, distracting spells on the room. Hoping he didn't notice her manipulation, she gently placed her hand on his arm. - Well, what are you afraid of? - he carefully releases his palm from his hands, and, touching her foreheads, he openly looks into her eyes. In them, he sees nothing but a strong fright: Don't be afraid, it's just me, just Harry... - Without warning, he kisses her. He kisses on purpose, slowly, at the same time showing the girl that there is nowhere to hurry and that he is not averse to teasing her. The kisses are getting deeper, they are pressed closer to each other, and now, after a few extremely fast minutes, she is in his strong arms, not going anywhere from them to leave. But, in addition to all this happy state, one single thought persistently beats in my head, depriving me of the right to happiness. "So what's next, Harry?" How do we explain everything to others? she asks hoarsely. - Farther? - in his voice slip chuckles, and he hugs the girl tighter. - And be what will be! The important thing is that we're together.” She hears Harry's smile in his voice, and smiles imperceptibly in return. “Really, come what may! The main thing is that as long as I'm with Harry, everything will be fine.